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LE G4 English Q1 Wk1

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Lesson Exemplar Quarter


for English 1
Learning Activity Sheet for English Grade 4
Quarter 1: Week 1

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Published by the Department of Education
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Undersecretary: Gina O. Gonong

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Writer: Maricel C. Annague

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Management Team


CRISTITO A. ECO CESO IV, Assistant Regional Director
MICAH G. PACHECO, OIC Chief Education Program Supervisor
DENNIS M. MENDOZA, Regional LR Education Program Supervisor
ARNOLD C. GATUS, English Regional Education Program Supervisor
WILMA Q. DEL ROSARIO, LR Education Program Supervisor
MATATAG School Grade Level 4
K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher Learning Area English
Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1


A. Content The learners demonstrate their expanding vocabulary knowledge and grammatical awareness, comprehension of
Standards literary and informational texts, and composing and creating processes; and their receptive and productive skills in
order to produce age-appropriate and gender-responsive texts based on one’s purpose, context, and target audience.
B. Performance The learners apply comprehension of literary and informational texts and produce narrative and expository texts
Standards based on their purpose, context, and target audience using simple, compound, and complex sentences, and age-
appropriate and gender-sensitive language.
C. Learning EN4LR-1-1 Comprehend literary texts
D. Learning At the end of the lesson, At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the lesson, the
Objectives the learners should be lesson, the learners lesson, the learners learners should be able to:
able to: should be able to: should be able to:
a. draw conclusions based on the
a. give the distinguishing a. identify the sound a. make predictions text read; and
features of a narrative devices used in on events; and b. relate one’s experiences to the
text; statements and b. differentiate text.
b. identify the setting, stories and fantasy from reality.
characters, and plot of a b. arrange the
narrative text; and events of a narrative
c. relate one’s (at least 6 events).
experiences to the text.
E. Instructional Integrative Integrative Integrative
Design Connection Connection Connection
framework Collaboration Collaboration
feature (s)
F. 21st Century Critical thinking Critical thinking Information Literacy Critical thinking
Skills Teamwork Teamwork Critical thinking Communicating in Diverse
Collaboration Collaboration Teamwork Environments
Communicating in Communicating in Collaboration
Diverse Environments Diverse Environments Communicating in
Diverse Environments
II. CONTENT Narrative text Sound Devices Predictions Drawing Conclusions

Story Grammar Linear Plot Reality vs. Fantasy

Story: Maya’s Story: Maya’s Story: The Poor

Adventure Adventure Bunny’s Magic
By Pedro Pablo
A. References Teacher’s Guide pp. Reading Package 3 Teacher’s Guide pp. Reading Package 3
112-119 (Sequencing 357-360 (Inferring/Drawing Conclusions),
English Learner’s Events), Curriculum English Learner’s Curriculum Development Division,
Material Grade 4, pp. Development Material Grade 4 p. Bureau of Elementary Education
102-111 Division, Bureau of 181 2005 pp.
Elementary 31-35
Education 2005 pp. https://www.youtub e.com/watch?
32-33, 51-52 v=THO Vem7nRkA

B. Other Learning Worksheets, slide decks, Worksheets, slide Worksheets, slide Worksheets, slide decks, laptop
Resources laptop, printed copies of decks, laptop, printed decks, laptop
the story, real objects, copies of the story
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Activating Prior Review the two Review the Have you watched or Who among you lives or
Knowledge types of texts: elements of a heard about the movie experienced living near a river,
narrative and narrative/story “Harry Potter”? Can a lake or by the sea? Have you
informational. Then grammar. you describe Harry ever gone fishing?
present the following Potter? What are the
paragraphs. Have things he can do?
Do you think these Let learners share their
them identify which is
Recall the story, can happen in real experiences when fishing.
a narrative and “Maya’s Adventure.” life?
informational text. Identify the elements
present in the story.
A. “Here” shouted
Jill, “Catch the ball.”
She threw the ball
to Tim. “Now, throw
it back.” she said. “I
like to play ball. I
have something to
tell you. I am going
to be on the school

B. The housefly
carries many germs.
Some of the germs
are on the hairs of
its legs. Some are
on the housefly’s
feet. Most flies carry
far more than a
million germs. One
fly is known to carry
over six million

Ask the learners

about a story they
have read and what
makes it
interesting. Have
them share
their favorite part of
the story.

Lesson Explain that stories In this lesson, we In the story that we Today, we shall listen to a short
Purpose/Intention have a structure or shall work on the will read today, we story entitled,
framework called plot of the same will find out what the “Going Fishing” and we shall
story grammar, story we read wizard gave the draw conclusions based on the
which includes yesterday and bunny and how the details of the story.
different elements identify sound bunny used it.
that make up a devices used in
narrative. stories.

Write "Story
Grammar" on the
board. Explain that
you will be exploring
the different
elements of a story

Lesson Language Unlock the Match the Choose the Choose the meaning of the
Practice following words underlined words in meaning of the highlighted words from the
using context column A with their following words from options below. Write your
clues, picture clues meaning in the given choices. answers in your notebooks.
or through actions/ column B. Write Write your answer in
realia: your answers in the line provided 1. Dawn is the first appearance
nestled, your notebooks. below. of light in the morning followed
symphony, by sunrise.
venture, mystical, A B 1. Mr. Cruz is very 2. Father the two cars out of our
enchanting, 1. There a. annoyed garage.
are many repeated
damp, perched, mystical because his car 3. An artist is skillful
echoed, vibrant, stories stopped in the in the use of colors.
mesmerized, butterflies. middle of the
soothing, road. This a. good at
2. The b. flying
fluttering, birds are means that he something
stumbled. fluttering feels b. early morning
Example: _________ . c. place where vehicles are
1. He nestled a. angry
his head b. excited kept
3. The c. magical
against his flowers in c. happy
mother’s the garden d. sad
look vibrant.
shoulder. 1. The long
4. His voice d. fallen for summer season
(show a echoed, and
resulted in
video/picture he was heard.
drought and
showing this 5. The e. colorful hunger in the
prince was
action) mesmerize region. There was
2. symphony d by the no rainfall for a
beauty of the
(use a picture princess. long period and
or give a the plants dried.
synonym) Drought means .
3. damp (get water a. frequent flooding
and put a little of it on b. long dry season
a tissue or paper to c. seasonal rain
illustrate the meaning) d. strong typhoon

3. Houdini, the
wizard, performed
wonderful magical tricks
in front of the audience.
A wizard is a/an
a. actor
b. magician
c. pianist
d. singer

4. She placed a
bouquet of brightly
colored flowers on the
Bouquet as used in the
sentence means
a. a basket full of
b. a box full of
c. a truck full of
d. a small bunch of
arranged flowers

Reading the Key Reading of the Text Reread the text, Read the story Watch the Drawing
Idea/Stem “Maya’s aloud to the Conclusion Short Passage
Modeling reading: Adventure” orally learners. At by Kelley Randall on
Read the story with the learners. indicated points, https://www.youtube.com/watch?
aloud while Pause ask them what they v=Yj-lqA-Wal0
learners between think
listen. paragraphs and will happen next in
ask about Maya’s the story.
Pupil reading: adventure to direct
Choose some the learners on the (See pp. 359-360
learners to read sequence of of the Teacher’s
aloud using the events or plot of Guide for the copy
Popcorn Reading Note: Give reminders to the learners
the story. of the story) before viewing the material.
Technique. Write their
answers on the Let the learners Ask:
Note: Please access sequence ladder. answer the
the story and group motive question: 1. What is the video all about?
activities/tasks at Example: What did the 2. What did you learn from the
https://tinyurl.com/Grade 1. Maya decided to wizard give the video?
3. What is the meaning of
-4-Group-Tasks go on an bunny? Did the conclusion?
adventure into the bunny use it? 4. How do you draw conclusions?
(Make sure there are no forest. Answer
spaces in the URL comprehension
above to access the 2. She heard the questions about
materials.) birds on the the story (see p.
branches of the 361 of the
trees. Teacher’s Guide).

What we did in
3. She between the story
spotted a was make
group of predictions. How
colorful were you able to
butterflies. predict?

4. She came *Predicting is giving

across a small possible outcomes
stream. or events that could
happen in the story
based on the
5. She situations or ideas
stumbled presented. It is
upon a group important to listen to
of children or read the details
playing carefully. Look for
patintero. clues and use what
you know to predict
6. She heard the outcomes.
barking dogs
before the
evening came.

* Tell the learners

that what you did
together is called
sequencing or
identifying the
components of

the plot of the
story. It is
a strategy that will
help them better
understand a
narrative text.
Developing Teaching Ask: What Let us read the When we read narrative or
Understanding of the Modelling There sounds did Maya following informational texts, the author does
Key Idea/Stem are two types of hear as she went sentences. not tell the readers everything.
texts: narrative on an adventure Authors leave details out on
and informational. in the forest? 1. The wizard purpose. To guess what the
A narrative text is a Write the learner’s offered the characters in a story say or do or to
type of text that answers on the bunny a bag infer something, one must draw
tells a story or board. filled with little conclusions.
recounts a series  soft magical
of events. It "squish- bouquets of Drawing conclusions means
typically includes squish" combining the details in what we
elements such as sound on already know with the details found in
2. The bunny
characters, setting, the damp a text read. Using words, phrases, or
and plot. Narrative was dying of sentences in a text can help us
earth hunger.
texts can be found understand where the story is
 "tweet-tweet" 3. He remembered
in various forms. heading.
The purpose of a of birds how his parents
narrative text is to  loud had always
"buzzzzz" taught him to
entertain, engage,
coming from share everything.
or inform the
a nearby 4. At that
reader by
moment, with a
presenting a tree
sequence of events great rumble of
 soothing
in a logical and thunder, the
coherent manner. wizard appeared
A story grammar again.
sound of the
is a way to water 5. He pulled the
understand and bouquet out of
 "gulp-
analyze the the bag and
structure of a story. sound gave it to the
It helps us identify from her sheep.
the important throat
elements and how  "tap-tap" As soon
they fit together to sound from as he did this,
create a complete children’s the bunch shone
narrative. with a thousand
The elements of a colors. Magic
 "woof-
story grammar are was at work.
setting, character, woof" of
and plot. dogs
•Which among the
The setting talks sentences shows
about the place and The teacher says:
something that
the time when the The highlighted
happens in fantasy?
events in the story words are examples
Which shows
happened. of the literary device
The characters are called
•How did you know?
the people or animals onomatopoeia.
in the story. Teaching/
The plot is made up Onomatopoeia is
of the events that a fun and
Reality refers to
happened in the story. interesting literary
situations that
It consists of the device that helps
happen in real life.
beginning, the middle, make writing more
Example: Plants and
and the ending. engaging and
animals die because
•Beginning- It descriptive. It is a
of thirst and hunger.
narrates the problem/s word that imitates
faced by the main or suggests the
Fantasy refers to
character. sound it is
situations that are
•Middle – It presents describing.
magical or make-
the actions made by Onomatopoeia
believe and could
the characters to can be found in all
not happen in real
solve the problem. kinds of writing,
•Ending- It shows the including stories,
solution to the poems, comics,
Example: A fairy
and even in
problem. everyday appeared to Mina
conversations. It and told her to make
brings words to three wishes.
life by creating a
between the
sound and the

Examples: buzz,
crash, sizzle, and

Deepening Divide the class into Divide the class into Group the learners Read the passages with the
Understanding of the three groups for their three groups for their into three and let learners and have them draw
Key Idea/Stem group tasks. group tasks. them do the conclusions.

Making What is a narrative What do we do What do you do What two things do we need
Generalizations and text? What are the when we arrange when you make before we can draw conclusions?
Abstractions elements of a story the events in the predictions?
grammar? Give your plot of a story? How can you
own examples of How can this differentiate reality
stories. strategy help us? from fantasy?
What is
Give your own
examples of
and use them in
your own

Evaluating Learning A. Identify the A. Read the story Read the Read and draw conclusions
elements of the and number the following from the following short
story by choosing events (1-6) as situations and stories.
the correct they happened in choose what you
answer from the the story. think might 1. “When I grow up,” said Mila,
choices provided happen next. “I want to fly an airplane. It
below. Encircle It was Janet’s Write the letter of must be fun to fly over the
the letter of your birthday. She your answer in towns. It must be fun to see
answer. woke up early. your notebooks. people down there.” From the
She dressed up story you can tell that
1. It is the element and went to 1. Jaime is playing a. Mila wants to be a doctor.
of the story which church. When with his kite. The b. Mila doesn’t mind high
gives the place and she arrived kite is flying high places.
time when the home, she above a coconut c. Mila wants to go
story happened. helped Mother tree. Suddenly, the somewhere.
a. plot set the table. kite string snapped. d. Mila is afraid of heights.
b. setting She put plates,
c. characters spoons, and a. The kite will 2. “Look at your hands, Henry,
d. point of view cups on the fly higher. “said Mother. “I have never seen
table. She got a b. The kite will your hand look like that. Get
2. They are the flower vase and fall and hit them clean right now. How could
people or animals put the flowers the tree. you sit down to eat with those
in the story. in it. She put c. The kite will dirty hands.”
a. plot the cake on the be carried
b. setting table, too. She away by the From the story you can tell
c. characters put the chairs wind. that
d. point of view around the d. The kite will be
table. Soon her torn. a. Henry got a chair for
3. It refers to the
visitors arrived. Mother.
sequence of events
2. All the pupils are b. Mother likes to see dirty
in the story.
a. plot Sequence the inside the hands.
b. setting events (1-6) as classroom. Some c. Henry loves to have
c. characters they happened are playing and dirty hands.
d. point of view in the story. others are chatting. d. Henry’s hands are clean
Write the The teacher comes most of the time.

4. It is the part of numbers in.
the plot that relates beside each a. The pupils
the problem of the event. will sit
main character of quietly.
the story. She got a b. The teacher will
a. middle flower vase and go out of the
b. ending put the flowers in room.
c. resolution it. c. The pupils will
d. beginning She helped continue with
her mother set the what they are
5. It is the part of the table. doing.
plot that tells the ___ She woke d. The teacher
solution to the up early and will get mad at
problem of the main went to church. her pupils.
character. She put
a. middle the chairs 3. Mother is cooking
b. ending around the sinigang. She
c. resolution
table. accidentally used
d. beginning
She put the two tablespoons
plates, spoons, of sugar instead
B. Read the story
and cups on the of salt.
and answer the
table. a. The sinigang
questions that
Her will taste
follow. Encircle
visitors sweet.
the letter of the
arrived soon. b. The sinigang
best answer.
She put the will be very
cake on the table, salty.
There was a brave
too. c. The sinigang
and imaginative girl
will be more
named Sarah. One
B. Encircle the delicious.
sunny day, Sarah
onomatopoeia in d. The sinigang
decided to go on an
each sentence. will taste very
exciting adventure in
her neighborhood.
a.The audience
With a backpack
clapped at the Write reality or
filled with snacks
and a sense of end of the play. fantasy in the
curiosity, she set off space provided.
on her journey. She b.The
explored the nearby feather a. A superhero
woods, climbed fluttered to can stop a storm with
trees and the a snap of his finger.
discovered hidden ground. b. Prolonged
treasures like drought can lead to
colorful leaves and c. The delivery famine and hunger.
shiny rocks. Along man knocked
the way, she on our front
encountered door.
friendly animals like
squirrels and birds, d.10. The race
who seemed to car zoomed
guide her deeper past the other
into the forest. car.
Sarah's adventure
was filled with
laughter, wonder,
and the joy of
discovering the
beauty of nature
right in her own

1. Who is the
main character in
the story?
a. Sarah
b. Selina
c. Shela
d. Sofia
2. Where does
the story take
a. in school
b. in the garden
c. in the market
d. in the woods

3. How did the story

a. Sarah went on a
journey in the
b. Sarah brought her
backpack filled
with snacks.
c. Sarah met some
animals along the
d. Sarah’s adventure
was filled with
discovery, wonder,
and joy.

4. What is the ending of

the story?
a. Sarah went on a
journey in the
b. Sarah brought her
backpack filled
with snacks.
c. Sarah met some
animals along the
d. Sarah’s
b. adventure was
filled with
wonder, and

5. How would
you describe

a. adventurous
b. curious
c. friendly
d. lonely

Follow-up question:
What specific trait/s or
characteristics of Sarah
stand out to you?
Additional Activities Map Me Out! Pick Me! Believe It or Not! Guess It Right! Read the
for Application or Read the story, Read each Read the short passages and draw
Remediation (if then create a sentence and statements below conclusions from each. Write
applicable) story map based underline the then write "Reality" your answers in the space
on its key onomatopoeia (for events that can provided.
elements. Write used. happen in real life)
your answer on or "Fantasy" (for 1.It takes a turtle about ten hours
the worksheet. Example: The bird events from to travel one mile. A snake can
went chirp, chirp, someone’s travel two miles in one hour. A
At the School chirp. imagination) in the house cat can travel about thirty
Grounds Answer: The bird space provided. miles in an hour. A tarsier can
Jo and his friends went chirp, chirp, travel twenty-four miles in an
were playing chirp. hour.
baseball at the
Statement: Dogs
school grounds. 1. The duck went Tarsiers moves more slowly
can fly in the sky.
They were having quack, than .
Answer: Fantasy
so much fun. When quack in the
the ball was hit, it lake. 2. There are many rats in the
1. The sun rises
flew into the air, 2. I heard the world. No one knows just how
and Jo ran to catch cow mooo in the east and many rats there are. Many rats
it. Instead of at the sets in the west. live underground. Many live in
catching the ball, it owner. other places where they can’t be
hit his head. He fell 3. The sheep seen. Some people say that
to the ground. “My went 2. Unicorns exist there are about as many rats in
head really hurts,” baaaa, and can be found the world as there are people.
he told his teacher. baaaa. in the forest.
His teacher brought ___________________ You can tell that no one has
him to the school 4. The dog went _ __________.
nurse. She gave ruff, ruff at
him an ice pack for the intruder. 3. People can
his head. breathe underwater
Soon, his head 5. The snake like fishes.
began to feel better. hissed when
encountered 4. Dragons are
its prey. real creatures
that can breathe
Name: fire.

Title: _____________
5. Fairies have
magical powers and
Setting Characters can grant wishes.


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