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Science Fact File TG 1 15 Aug2023

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David Coppock
Unit Pages Title








7 56–65 MIXTURES

8 66–78 ENERGY


10 91–98 MAGNETISM

11 99–106 SOLAR SYSTEM


As science teachers in the 21st century, we stand on the shoulders of many hundreds,
if not thousands, of scientific giants who have gone before us. Never in human history
has so much been understood about the scientific world. Yet, there still remains a lot
that is unknown.
We should open up to students the many wonderful discoveries that have already been
made, and stir in them a desire to continue to investigate and explore those areas of
science that are still not fully understood.
When Newton, Faraday, or Pasteur, were looking at the world and seeking explanations,
they did not have a book that contained all the answers; they used the knowledge they
had to ask questions, to investigate, to try to discover what they did not know. They
were active and life-long learners.
Far too often we permit our students to be passive learners by providing them with
information and asking them to learn it. Education must be active! We must encourage
our students to be inquisitive and searching, particularly in the field of science education,
and empower them to be our partners in the process of acquiring knowledge.
Our hope is that this series of books and teaching guides will help in that endeavour.

Organization of the book

The Science Fact file series provides a well-balanced and organized course in science,
emphasizing the acquisition of knowledge to be used as a guide for intelligent behaviour
in daily life. It is not only a collection of facts about the world around us; the content is
focused on the acquisition and understanding of general concepts which are developed
using problem-solving methods.

About the Teaching Guide

Science Fact file Teaching Guides 1, 2, and 3 have been written to promote and support
effective science teaching. Suggestions for teaching procedures are provided for each
unit, and answers for questions and solutions for exercises and problems are supplied.

Background information
This section will prove very helpful as it explains the scientific knowledge necessary
to teach a particular unit.

Unit introduction
Below are some of the ways in which a unit can be introduced. Most of them can also
be used to tackle new problems within the unit.


1. Ask questions about the students’ experiences in relation to the unit.

At the start of a new unit, it is vital to find out what knowledge (and misconceptions!) students may already
have. This can give rise to questions which will be answered during the unit. Ask questions such as: Have
you ever seen…..? What did it look like? Have you ever made a …? Have you heard about…? Have you
ever watched someone …? The purpose of these questions is to obtain some facts from the students’
past experiences.
While questioning, the teacher should bear in mind that the purpose is not to obtain correct answers; it
is to find out what the students know and how they think. Another purpose is to get the students to ask
their own questions. As the discussion progresses, the main points of the answers can be recorded on the
board. Any questions that cannot be answered should be written on the board under the heading ‘Questions
we cannot answer’. The students can then read the text to check their responses and also find answers to
their questions.

2. Using pictures
Pictures make it possible for the students to learn indirectly from other people’s experiences. Students
should be encouraged to study the pictures on the opening pages of a unit. To provide help to develop the
concept, several thought-provoking questions should be asked about the pictures.

3. Reading and discussion

Reading is a necessary and desirable activity for learning science, but too often it is the only activity. This
is probably because reading is the method most familiar to teachers, who feel more at ease when using
Groups can be formed in different ways, but this will affect how an activity is planned. If each group has
a strong scientist, this person can take the lead and support the other group members. Alternatively,
differentiated assignments and scaffolding can help strong and weaker groups to get the most out of the
activity. Both approaches can and should be used, but both require the teacher to assign the groups. If
students choose their groups, the teacher will not know in advance what the groups will be like, so he/she
will not be able to design the activity accordingly.

4. Experiments and observations

Though science concepts are best developed through first-hand experiences, sometimes, it is impossible to
provide experiments that are simple enough for secondary level students, or they require laboratory facilities
far beyond the resources of the average school. It is equally impossible to organize actual observations of
all living things in their natural habitats. However with careful preparation, it should be possible to provide
students with some opportunities to carry out relevant and meaningful practical work.
These can be the experiments given in the book and/or those provided by the teacher. The purpose is to
explore phenomena that require explanation. There are various ways in which the teacher can use the
experiments and observations, depending on the time and materials available, and the size of the class.
Ideally each student should do his/her own work; but this is not possible in all schools. Satisfactory results
may be obtained by having different groups perform the experiments and make observations. However,
the teacher should make sure that each student has an opportunity to work within a group. If an activity
takes several days to prepare or carry out, the group should be selected in advance by the teacher.
Before any experiment or observation is performed, ask questions such as: What is the purpose of this
experiment? What are we trying to find out? Why? This is effective as the teacher can discover from the
answers whether the students understand what is going to be done.
When the results have been observed and recorded, ask what was done in the experiment and what
happened. Do the results answer the questions posed at the start of the experiment? How do they explain
what happened?

5. Field trips
Another means to provide opportunities for first-hand observation is through field studies. To decide what
to observe and what questions to ask, the teacher should first study the unit thoroughly, then find out
what first-hand information is available to help solve problems raised in the unit. Make a list of the things
that can be seen and the questions that can be asked. Then take the students on the trip and have them
make their observations. When they return to class, ask questions that bring out the observation, and call
for explanation of those observations.

How to use this Teaching guide

Please do not see this guide as the definitive or only way in which to present the material in the book. You, as
a teacher, know your students best, so use this guide to help you plan lessons that they will find interesting
and exciting.
Also remember that the text book contains only some of the information on a given topic. Do not be afraid to
extend your students’ learning experience by supplementing the work with other resources that you might
have access to.
Each chapter of the guide corresponds to a chapter in the textbook.
Lesson Plans – For each unit there is a series of suggested lesson plans based on a 45 minute lesson. These
can be used as a basis for planning your lessons based on the resources and time allocation in your school;
the timings mentioned are purely as a suggestion. Do take the time to make the plans according to your
Worksheets – Photocopiable masters are referred to in the lesson plans; use these to supplement and extend
the work presented in the textbook. Conduct experiments that can be carried out throughout the unit, there
are also suggestions for investigations that can be conducted. The idea of the investigations is not to ‘give’ the
students the experimental procedure but to encourage them to use their existing knowledge and understanding
to draw up a plan and then carry out and evaluate their own experimental procedure.
Answers – These provide, where possible, the expected results of any activity and answers to any questions
in the units, including the Test yourself section. They also contain answers to questions in the workbook.
Finally, a word about what we would like to achieve through this course. Our aim is to give students information
about themselves and the world they live in, upon which they can base opinions, derive judgments, and
determine courses of action in later life. We certainly do not see our suggestions as mandatory. We hope they will
supplement and support the teacher’s own professional practice. After all, no book can replace a good teacher!


Cellular life

Living things are made up of cells

Special cells perform special jobs

Cells, tissues, and organs

Organ systems of a human being

Living organisms perform different vital functions. They take in food and excrete waste
materials. They respire and move. Similarly, in plants, leaves make food while roots
absorb water. These all functions are carried out by different organs. These organs are
made up of specialized cells.
This chapter is about cellular life. Students will be able to sort most things into ’living’
and‘non-living’ quite easily, but it might be harder to work out what is at the basis of
their decisions. This could be an interesting discussion to start off the chapter.
There is no substitute for the hands-on work students do in the lab. They enjoy doing
experiments and it will increase their interest in science, which usually makes them
easier to teach. We teach the scientific method and this makes a lot more sense if
students actually carry out experiments. Some of you will teach in schools with limited
resources where you have no choice but to find alternatives to experiments, but many
of the experiments or activities in this book can be done in classrooms or outside with
very simple equipment.

Lesson 1
Pages 9

• to explain how organisms are constructed from cells, tissues, and organ systems
• to differentiate unicellular and multicellular organisms

After this lesson, students should be able to:
• Recognise cells as the basic unit of life that are organized into tissues, organs,
systems and organisms.

START (10 min) microscope and relate them to their functions
• Display a picture of a cell or refer to the (only include cell membrane, cytoplasm,
pictures on page 9 of the Student Book. nucleus, cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondria and
sap vacuole).
• Ask a student to write on the board: All living
things are made of cells. • Sketch animal and plant cells and label key
organelles in each.
• Ask another student to write on the board:
Cells are microscopic. • Compare and contrast an animal cell and plant
cell by preparing slides using onion peels and
MAIN (30 min) cheek cells.
• Read page 9. • Describe the similarities and differences
• Take the students to the laboratory and show between the structures of plant and animal
them a microscope and hand lens. Show them cells.
slides of different kinds of cells.
START (10 min)
• Explain about the term microscopic organisms
• Remind students that all living things are made
and show slides of amoeba and paramecium.
of cells.
• Help the students to practice and acquire skill
• Remind students that we need a microscope to
in using a microscope.
see cells.
• If microscopes are not available, use the internet
as an alternate option. Search for ‘animal cells MAIN (30 min)
under a microscope’ and show the students the
• Read page 10
differences between animal and plant cells.
• Take students to the Biology lab and show one
• Discuss about the term unicellular and
or two prepared slides of plant and animal cells
multicellular. Make two columns on the
under the microscope.
board and ask students to write
names of unicellular and multicellular • If microscopes are not available, use a chart
organisms. paper as an alternate option. Show pictures of
plant and animal cell and show the students the
PLENARY (5 min) differences between animal and plant cells.
Ask students what is used to make a wall. • Discuss the functions of each structure present
in the cell one by one.
• Ask them to draw what they see in their note
• Make a list of unicellular and multicellular books.
organisms on colour paper.
• Complete worksheet 1-1.
Student Book.
PLENARY (5 min)
• Draw unicellular and multicellular organisms in
Discuss the different structures found in plant and
note book.
animal cells and the functions of each structure. This
can be done in a plenary discussion or by asking
Lesson 2 students to answer questions on slips of paper/card.
Pages 10
OBJECTIVE • Write answers of questions test your self on
• To differentiate between plant and animal cell. page 11 in note books.


After this lesson, students should be able to: • Draw and colour a plant cell and an animal cell
in note book.
• Identify the structures present in an animal
cell and plant cell as seen under a simple

Chapter 1 | Cellular life

Lesson 3 • Now ask students to write and/or draw a part of

a living organism where the structure supports
Pages 10
the function. Examples could include the gills
of a fish (large surface for getting oxygen from
the water), the splayed feet of camels (large
• To explain how organisms are constructed from surface area so they do not sink into the sand
cells, tissues, and organ systems too far), the long snout and tongue of an ant
eater (which allows them to get ants from deep
inside their nests), etc.
After this lesson, students should be able to:
• Explain the term levels of organization.
• arrange and rank different levels of cellular
• Discuss how different organs work together in
organisations – cells to tissues, organs and
an organ system.
• If desired, connections between the systems
• relate the structures of some common cells
be considered. For example, the respiratory
(nerve, muscle, epithelilal and blood cells) to
system gets oxygen into the organism but
their functions.
the circulatory system takes it to where it is
START (10 min) needed, e.g. muscles.
• Complete worksheet 3-1.
Play the link below. PLENARY (10 min)
Check if students have understood the relationship
between structure and function by referring to their
Discuss the information that is given and relate it to writing/drawing. Ask students to explain where
what was learnt in the previous lesson. appropriate.


• Answer Test yourself questions on page 12 in
the note book.
• Read Student Book page 12 and 13.
• Answer exercise questions 5 and 6 in note
• Have a number of objects ready, for example,
a fork, a spoon, a knife, a cup, and a plate.
Ask students which item they would choose if Student Book.
they wished to drink tea. What about cutting a
• Complete tasks from Workbook pages 9 and
piece of bread? Obviously, students will drink
tea from a cup and slice bread with a knife.
Ask them why they made their choices. There
will be different answers, but they will have in
common a relationship between the structure
of the item and the function for which they
need it. Students are unlikely to actually say
this, so the teacher may have to provide some
• Then ask students to give other examples
where shape relates to function, and extend
it to include the structure of the material. For
example, we do not wear Styrofoam (a great
insulator) to keep warm because it is not
flexible. (It could be used to insulate houses but
it is dangerous in case of fire.)

Worksheet 1–1

All living things are made up of cells. We need a microscope to see cells.

1. Looking at cells. Plant and animal cells carry out similar tasks but each type of cell also has unique functions.
Therefore, some of the structures of plant and animal cells are the same, but others are different. Using
your microscope, look at the slides of some animal cells.

a. Describe what you see.

b. It is possible that your animal cells look something like the picture below. Draw what you see under your

Name of the slide:_________________

Now look at your plant cell. Does it look something like the micrograph below? Draw your plant cells.

Name of the slide:_________________

Chapter 1 | Cellular life

c. What colour are the little round structures you see in the plant cell? Use page 20 of your Student Book to
label the structures you drew in your animal and plant cells.

2. Comparing plant and animal cells. Looking at page 10 of your Student Book, which structures do you see in
the diagram of the animal cell and also in that of the plant cell?

a. ___________________________________

b. ___________________________________

c. ___________________________________

There are some structures which are found only in plant cells. Which are they?

a. ___________________________________

b. ___________________________________

c. ___________________________________

Complete the table below. Use the information from page 10 of your Student Book.

name of the structure what it looks like? what it does?

It is the control centre
Dense, round structure
of the cell
All cells fluid substance Everything floats in this.
It controls what enters
thin layer around the skin
and leaves the cell.
thicker layer around the It helps the plant cell
cell keep its shape.
green sphere, most This is where the plant
plant cells have many of uses light energy to
Plant cells them make its food.
Together with the cell
Very large structure in
wall, the vacuole helps
the middle, filled with
the plant cell to keep its

Worksheet 2–1

All living things are made of cells but organisms are not just a lot of cells sticking together. Organisms have
many different types of cells, doing different jobs, and they are highly organized.

1. Specialised cells If cells have a special function, they may need to have a special shape in order to do
their work well. This relationship between structure and function is a key concept in biology that you will
see often. Below are pictures of four types of cells: nerve cells, epithelial cells, pollen grains, and red
blood cells. Fill in the empty sections of the table.
picture name of cell function structural adaptations

reproductive cells

round with a dent in

the middle so that it
has a large surface
area which makes it
faster to absorb or
give off oxygen

Chapter 1 | Cellular life

packed close together

without any spaces
between the cells
so that everything
cover surfaces
entering or leaving
the body is controlled
by having to go
through the cells

1. Levels of organisation.

Fill in the empty sections in the table.

name of the structure description examples found in plants examples found in animal

basic unit of life root cell skin cell

Tissue vascular tissue
Organ leaf
Organ system branch
Organism palm tree

Worksheet 3–1

1. Different tissues combine together to make an organ. Lable the tissues which make up the stomach.

2. Write similarities and differences between plant and animal cell.

Chapter 1 | Cellular life


Reproduction in plants



Seeds and fruits


Cloning in plants

Micropropagation and tissue culture

Plants are the organisms which capture the Sun’s energy and use it to create large
organic molecules. In other words, they make their own food; but they are also food for
all herbivores, which, in turn, may be eaten by carnivores. So all organisms depend on
photosynthesis, directly or indirectly. Like all other organisms, plants die. This may be
after one season, a year, or several years, but the oldest tree we know is 5000 years
old. It is called Methuselah and found in California.
Although we are aware of a few other trees which are over 2000 years old, they are
the exceptions. And even these trees will die. Just like for any other organism, it is
important that plants reproduce so new individuals can take the place of those that
die. In this chapter, we will discuss pollination, fertilization, and seed dispersal. Please
ensure that your students are clear on the difference between pollination and seed
dispersal since these processes have some similarities which could confuse them.
A practical component of plant reproduction which is suitable for the lab or a classroom
is the germination of seeds. Any teacher should be able to do this as it requires no
equipment other than some seeds and wet tissue or cotton wool. If you place some
seeds, e.g. beans, in different conditions (dry, wet, dark, light) at the start of this unit,
then students can deduce what is needed for seeds to germinate.

Chapter 2 | Reproduction in plants

page 19-21 Answer test yourself questions page no. 20 in
• To extend knowledge about reproduction in Note book
plants. Answer exercise question 4 in note book.


The students should be able to:
• describe the different types of reproduction of
• compare and contrast types of reproduction
(sexual and asexual) in plants. • To explain the processes of fertilisation.

START (15 minutes)

Give students some pictures of flowering plants and
The students should be able to:
ask them to draw and label the plant. Make sure
the pictures include the following parts: roots, stem, • explain pollination and its types.
leaves, flower, fruit/seeds. • compare and contrast types of pollination.

MAIN (20 minutes)

• read page 19 START (10 minutes)
• Ask students to name the parts of a plant
• Discuss that there are two types of reproduction,
(revision). Then ask about the function of each
sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
part. Follow it by discussing the parts of the
• Explain that sexual reproduction involves the flower. Then consider the following: the only
fusion of male and female sex cells. function the flower has is reproduction. It uses
up a fair amount of the plant’s resources and does
• Discuss the importance of Sexual reproduction
not contribute anything to the plant’s survival (but
that enables genetic information from two
it is important for the species’ survival).
parents to mix together. The offspring produced
are genetically different from each other and from • Although it is a little sidetrack, you could spend a
their parents. few minutes considering reproductive strategies
among animal species. An example is a salmon
• Asexual reproduction does not involve sex cells
which returns from the sea to the river where it
or fertilisation. Only one parent is involved in this
was born to reproduce. But its body is no longer fit
type of reproduction, so there is no fusion of
for living in fresh water and it dies after depositing
gametes and no mixing of genetic information.
or fertilizing the eggs.
• Draw two columns on the board and ask students
• Some plants grow rapidly from seeds, produce
to write advantages and disadvantages of sexual
flowers and seeds, and die.
reproduction and asexual reproduction.
• Discuss and solve worksheet 1-2 MAIN (25 minutes)
• The purpose of flowers is reproduction. What is
PLENARY (10 minutes) needed for (sexual) reproduction is the fusion of
Divide the students into 5 groups. Give one complete male and female gametes. In the case of plants,
flower to each group. Ask them to study its various this means the pollen needs to be carried to the
parts. Open the flower, take out the ovary and stigma so that the male nucleus inside the pollen
ovules, and look at them under a magnifying glass can fuse with the female nucleus inside the ovary.
and microscope.

Go over insect pollination and wind pollination is that an insect which found tasty nectar in a
(pages 21 and 22 of the Student Book). certain flower will look for more of the same; i.e.
will continue to visit flowers of the same species.
• Discuss pollination is followed by fertilisation. The In this way, the pollen reaches other plants of the
nucleus of the male reproductive cell must join same species and fertilization occurs. If a bee
up with the nucleus of the female reproductive takes pollen from a daisy to a buttercup, it will
cell before a new plant can be formed. pollinate the buttercup but no fertilisation will
• Show the students a diagram of flowers’ pollen occur.
transferred from anther to stigma of the same • The transfer of pollen from anther to stigma is
and different plants. called pollination. After pollination, the pollen
• Hand out Worksheet 2-2 to students. tube elongates, carrying with it the male nucleus
which enters the ovum or egg cell and fuses with
PLENARY (10 minutes) its nucleus. This is called fertilisation. The ovary
Discuss in class: develops into fruit and the ovule develops into
• What are the different agents of pollination?
Hand out Worksheet 2-3 to students.
• What are the characteristics of plants pollinated
• Ask them to distinguish from the pictures the
by insects, wind, and animals?
difference between self pollination and cross-
HOMEWORK pollination. Which one is better and why?
Questions of test yourself page 22 in notebook. • Discuss the characteristics of wind-pollinated,
insect-pollinated and animal-pollinated plants.
Lesson 3 • Work sheet 3-2

Page 22 PLENARY (10 minutes)

Discuss the ‘Test yourself’ questions from page
19 of the Student Book. Ask the students to draw a
• To explain the processes of pollination. flowchart of the fertilisation process.
The students should be able to:
Questions of test yourself page 23 in notebook.
• describe the process of pollination.

• explain different types of pollination. Lesson 4

START (10 minutes) OBJECTIVE

Ask students to name some seeds that they eat. You • To explain the structure of seeds and their
could divide them into groups and ask each group functions.
to write their answers down. Share their answers
and see if they include rice, wheat (flour), sweet LEARNING OUTCOMES
corn, peanuts, beans, pine seeds, etc. What needs to The students should be able to:
happen for these seeds to be formed? (fertilisation)
• describe the structure of a seed.
MAIN (25 minutes) • explain the process of germination.
• Read page 22 with the students.
START (10 minutes)
• It might be useful to clarify that only pollen of the
same species is capable of fertilising the plant’s Ask the students if they have ever seen a bean
egg cell. Insect-pollinated plants have flowers seed soaked in water? (Show them the bean
with a certain shape, colour, and scent. The idea

Chapter 2 | Reproduction in plants

soaked in water for a day). Before starting the lesson discuss following
MAIN (20 minutes)
• What are the reproductive parts of the flower?
• Show the students the chart of germination.
What is this type of reproduction called?
• Explain the term germination and discuss if
• Some plants are reproduced by growing
seed is given the right conditions, it will start
some of the parts in soil. What is this type of
to germinate. Seeds need water, oxygen, and
reproduction called?
a suitable temperature before they will begin to
grow. A new plant begins to grow when suitable MAIN (25 minutes)
conditions are available.
• Explain about artificial asexual reproduction like,
• Discuss the steps of germination in detail. cloning,cuttings, budding, layering.
• Show a video of germination of bean seed and • Discuss Many plants are produced by growing
ask questions about different stages. some parts of the plant, e.g., from a stem-
• Investigations given on page 31 of Student Book cutting or leaf-cutting. When strawberry plants
can be conducted. grow, their stems touch the ground and grow
into new plants. These new plants are called
• Ask students to answer Question 6 from page 30 clones. Sometimes new plants are formed from
of the Student Book. very small pieces of a plant. This is called micro-
propagation. In tissue culture new plants are
PLENARY (15 minutes) grown from only a few cells instead of a bud.
Discuss the Test yourself questions from page 21 of
• Explain the term micro-propagation. Micro-
the Student Book by showing students seeds and
propagation means growing new plants from
their germination. microscopic pieces of a plant .
HOMEWORK • Some plants can be grown from a tiny piece of
Draw and colour the structure of seeds and their plant containing only one bud. Give example of
Hand out:
Lesson 5 worksheet 5-2 to students
PLENARY (10 minutes)
• To extend knowledge about different parts of a
Invite two students to speak, one on the advantages
plant and their functions.
of cloning and the other on the disadvantages of
• To explain the processes of pollination and cloning. Read about micro-propagation and tissue
fertilisation. culture on page 28 of the Student Book and discuss
the ‘Test yourself’ questions.
• To explain the structure of seeds and their
functions. HOMEWORK
Ask students to grow different plants by asexual
methods in different pots, for example, cut onion,
The students should be able to: garlic, and potato, and grow them in soil. Take care
• explain how cloning in plants takes place. of them daily and watch them growing.
• inquire how artificial propagation can lead to
Note book
better quality yield in agriculture.
Test Yourself questions page 26 in note book
START (10 minutes)

Worksheet 2–1

1. Your teacher gave you a picture of a plant. Use the space below to draw this plant and label the parts.

2. Either your teacher will give you some flowers or you can use the pictures of different flowers e.g., lily,
buttercup, fuchsia, tulip etc. Carefully study your flowers or their pictures. If you study real flowers, make
a quick sketch of each.

3. Label the following structures in the given flower:

petal , stamen , carpel ,sepal, nectary

4. What difference can you see between the flowers?

Note the shape of each of the structures and their
position relative to the rest of the flower.





5. Answer the following questions:

i. Why are the petals colourful and why does the flower smell nice?


ii. What is the male reproductive organ of the flower called?


Chapter 2 | Reproduction in plants

iii. What is the female reproductive organ of a flower called?


4. Complete the following table:

Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

Advantages Advantages

Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

Disadvantages Disadvantages

Worksheet 2–2

1. Two different male and female flowers that are colourful and scented are present on the same plant.

i. What method of pollination will take place in this plant?


ii. Is this an example of wind-pollinated or insect-pollinated flowers? Give two reasons.


2. State whether the following adaptations are for insect-, wind-, or animal-pollinated flowers.
I. Pollen grains inside anther are small and light
II. Petals are colourful
III. Short stamens and protected stigma
IV. Pollen grains have wings
V. Seeds are hard
VI. Petals have scent and nectar
VII. Seeds have hooks
VIII. Long filament with anther hangs out of flower
IX. Pollen grains are numerous
X. Pollen grains are sticky

Chapter 2 | Reproduction in plants
Worksheet 2–3

3. Label the parts of the flower numbered on the diagram below.

i. Explain the functions of sepals and petals in flowers.


ii. a) What is the male part of a flower called?


b) What is it made up of?


iii. a) What is the female part of a flower called?


b) What does it consist of?


iv. Define pollination.


4. Flowers are reproductive parts of a plant. In the diagram given below colour the female reproductive parts
pink and male reproductive parts blue.

1. Complete the table given below:

Name of reproductive parts Function


Chapter 2 | Reproduction in plants
Worksheet 2–4

Take some peanuts and answer the following questions:

You can see a peanut can be divided into two parts. Are they the same? Explain your answer.


Compare your peanut with the diagram on page 23 of your Student Book. Can you now further explain your
answer above?


Compare your peanut with a kernel of sweet corn. List the similarities and the differences.


Worksheet 2–5

1. Use your Student Book to find the following definitions. They can be found in the chapter and/or in the
glossary at the back of the book.

seed dispersal




Pollination happens when pollen grains are carried from an anther to a stigma.

Which two different types of pollination do you know? Briefly describe each of them.


What are the differences between the pollen used in each of the above methods?


2. Summarise all different types of plant reproduction in the table below. Use the words from the word bank

insect-pollination self-pollination
Asexual reproduction ( cloning)
Micro-propagation Sexual reproduction
cross-pollination Natural Tissue culture
cuttings Plant reproduction Wind pollination
Done by human Runner, tubers, bulbs


Balanced diet

Need of food

Types of food

Nutrition disorders

Keeping fit and healty

The food we eat contain different types of nutrients. The body needs these in the right
quantities in order to stay fit. Deficiency as well as excess of nutrients can lead to
problems. It is therefore important to eat a balanced diet.
Achieving the correct balance is not always easy. Many of us just leave it to chance and
eat what we like. However, we often eat far too much fat, sugar, and salt. In addition, we
often do not eat enough fibre. Fats and sugars are energy foods. If we do not use up the
available energy, the body stores the excess food as fat and one becomes overweight.
Most people get more than enough proteins, vitamins, and minerals in their normal diet.
The body cannot store proteins, so eating more will not make you stronger or healthier
than you already are. Strength and fitness will only come by carefully balancing healthy
eating with exercise.
Fibre or roughage is made up of the cell walls of plants which pass through the digestive
system without being digested or absorbed. It adds bulk to the food, giving the muscles
in the walls of the digestive system something to push on. Food containing a lot of
fibre helps prevent constipation and other disorders of the digestive tract. We should
eat around 30g of fibre each day.
Food additives should be listed and their function clearly explained on food packaging.

Lesson 3–1 HOMEWORK
Answer Test yourself questions on page 34 of the
OBJECTIVE student book.
• To extend knowledge about food and nutrition.
Lesson 3–2
The students should be able to: OBJECTIVE
• identify the constituents of a balanced diet • To extend knowledge about food and nutrition.
for humans as one which includes protein,
carbohydrates, fats and oils, water, minerals LEARNING OUTCOMES
(limited to calcium and iron) and vitamins (limited The students should be able to:
to a, c and d), and describe the functions of these
• identify essential nutrients, their chemical
composition, and their food sources.
• name the components of a balanced diet.
• give examples of foods in which these
• describe the roles of the main nutrients in the components are found.
START (10 min)
START (15 min) • Remind students of what they learned in the
• Give students four post-it notes or coloured paper last lesson about the elements of a balanced
sheets of two different colours (e.g 2 yellow and diet and the different food groups. Ask them
2 green). Ask them to write one favourite food on to write down what they had for breakfast and
each of the yellow pages and one of the foods discuss how far this is a balanced meal. Not
they don’t like much on each of the green notes. all meals need to be completely balanced, but
Display the notes on a sheet of poster paper. over a day all components of a balanced diet
should be met in reasonable proportions.
• Ask students to sort these foods into ‘healthy’
on one side and ‘unhealthy’ on the other. Label
MAIN (20 min)
the sides. Put the poster on the wall for future
reference. • Read page 34 of the student book.
• Ask students to create a menu for three days,
MAIN (15 min) including all meals and snacks. They can start
• Read page 32 and 33 of the student book. by putting in all the food they like, but then
they should ensure that the food eaten in a
• Give information on the food tests. Information
day is balanced. It is possible that their initial
on food rich in any one (or more) of the listed
menu is lacking, for example, fruit and/or
nutrients can be found on the internet and/or by
vegetables. These can be added, but it should
studying food labels.
be considered that pizza with a side dish of
• Write name of nutrient on the board and ask vegetables may not be realistic.
students to discuss about the importance of that
nutrient. PLENARY( 15 min)
• Write names of nutrient on the board and ask
PLENARY (15 min)
• Ask students to share their solutions. For example,
• Give a colour paper to every student and ask to
a student may need to add fruit to create balance
draw a menu they like to eat. Display drawings
but s/he does not like fruit. A smoothie, possibly
on the class soft board.
with low fat yoghurt, may solve this issue.
• Using the information from this lesson, go back Students can finish the menu at home using
to the poster and consider whether any of the these ideas from classmates.
foods should be moved.
Work sheet 2
Worksheet 1-3.

Chapter 3 | Balanced diet


Complete the menu. Bring in 2-5 empty food A person recovering from a serious illness might
containers or wrappers which contain a food label. need more vitamins and minerals. So we all need
These will be used in next lesson. the same nutrients but not in the same amounts. It
will depend on our age and activity level as well as
Lesson 3–3 our health.
Now go back to the poster with ‘healthy’ and
OBJECTIVE ‘unhealthy’ foods. Suppose you made this poster
• To extend knowledge about food and nutrition. for the elderly person, would it look the same as the
poster for the student or the recovering patient? So
LEARNING OUTCOMES are there really ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ foods? Most
The students should be able to: people consider oranges healthy, but would a diet of
only oranges be healthy?
• Recognise that a healthy diet contains a
balance of foodstuffs. Test yourself page 36 of the student book.

• Identify and describe deficiency disorders Overall conclusion

caused by lack of essential nutrients.
We need to eat a range of foods for a balanced diet,
START (15 min) which is different for different people. Variation and
moderation are key concepts in every diet.
Go over the menus which students developed. Let
students discuss their menus in groups of four where Home work
the focus is on the reasons for choosing specific
• Exercise question 5 page 40 of the student
dishes (‘I needed something with protein like fish.’).
MAIN (15 min)
• Read page 35, 36 of the student book. Lesson 3–4
• Ask each group to develop their three-day menu OBJECTIVE
and from there create a menu for the entire class.
• To know about the disorders caused by the
It could be published in a school newspaper,
deficiency of nutrients.
posted on a notice board, and/or given to the
cafeteria to see if they can provide some of these LEARNING OUTCOMES
dishes. Bring in some food for students to test
The students should be able to:
for glucose, starch, protein, and fat.
• identify and describe deficiency disorders caused
• If a demonstration is not possible, search the
by lack of essential nutrition.
internet for a video. Try searching using terms
such as ‘food test starch glucose fat protein’, and • correlate diet and fitness.
choosing the option ‘video’. Always preview the
videos to ensure they are suitable and provide the START (15 min)
information you want (enough but not too much). • write on the board and ask students to discuss;
• Ask students to consider if everyone needs the “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
same amount and the same type of food. If they
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
compared the balanced diet of an elderly person
wealthy, and wise.”
with limited physical activity with that of a young
student who plays basketball, what would the
differences be? (The elderly person would need
less food; the student would need a lot of energy
from carbohydrates and protein for building

MAIN (15 min)
• Read page 37 of the student book.
• Check the height and weight of the students and
discuss what should be the actual height and
weight of their age.
• Show a poster about the healthy and unhealthy
people. Ask from the students about the health
issues they see in the poster.
• Discuss that most people get more than enough
proteins in their normal diet. The body cannot
digest more proteins so eating more will not make
you stronger or healthier than you already are.
• Explain that deficiency as well as excess of any
nutrient can lead to fitness problem. It is therefore
important to take a balanced diet.
• Ask a student to deliver a speech about health is
wealth and collect views from the students.
• Discuss some ways to keep the body fit and
healthy and make a list on the board.
• Ask about bad habits which make us unhealthy,
for e.g. smoking.
PLENARY (15 min)
• Exercise question 3 page 39 of the student book.
• Ask students about the importance of exercise
for fitness. Discuss that strength and fitness will
only come by carefully balancing healthy eating
with exercise.
• Test yourself page 37 of the student book.

• Exercise question 6 page 40 of the student book.

Chapter 3 | Energy resources
Worksheet 3–1

1. A balanced diet you know that eating only one or two kinds of food is not healthy and that you need a
balanced diet. When you talk about ‘a diet’, most likely you mean a selection of foods or a programme, often
aimed at losing weight or related to a food intolerance (e.g., a gluten free diet). In science, ‘diet’ simply
means everything you actually eat—good or bad.
So, to eat a balanced diet means to obtain all the necessary nutrients from a range of different foods in the
right balance; i.e., a diet with all the food types. But what does a balanced diet contain?
Find the components of a balanced diet and complete the questions below.
i. What are the elements of a balanced diet?
ii. Which one of the above is not easily digested?
iii. What do we also need quite a lot of, although it has no nutritional value?
iv. Why do we need it?
2. The table below has all the information about a balanced diet but it is not complete. You may have to use
the internet to check which foods are particularly rich in a certain nutrient.

Nutrients Mainly used for Sources Test

glucose for energy
rice, wheat (bread,
pasta), corn, potatoes,
for energy for insulation ethanol test
for building muscles for beans, meat, cheese
vitamin C for growth and repair
vitamin D to absorb calcium
roughage/fibre whole wheat products,
bran, lentils, broccoli
water (important but has no
nutritional value)

Worksheet 3–2

1. Using the information from previous lessons, create a menu for three days where every day has all the food
types more than once. Please make sure your menu is both healthy and tasty and all meals are different.
Since we all like different foods, your menu should not be the same as those of the others in your class.
Please make notes of the reasons you chose your foods, so you can explain it in class.

Day 1
Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Day 2
Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Day 3
Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Chapter 3 | Energy resources
Worksheet 3–2

1. Food labels explain how to test foods for the different food types. This will help you determine if, for example,
orange juice contains proteins or bread contains glucose, but you need a lab and the right chemicals.
Most of us buy our foods in the supermarket and some of it is likely to be processed. We may bake our own
biscuits but buy breakfast cereal. In many countries, packaged foods must show what the food contains. This
information is often shown on food labels and/or on the list of ingredients, but does not always look the same
since the food may come from different countries.
Many countries have food labels which look like the one below

Use the information on the food label to answer the following questions.
a. If you were to eat the entire container of this product, how many servings would you have had?
b. How much sugar does one serving contain?
c. Suppose, one day, you only ate this product (and nothing else). How many containers would you have to
eat to get enough carbohydrates?
d. What percentage of the daily required amount of sodium (a mineral) would you have had?
e. Would you consider eating only this food to be a balanced diet? Explain your answer.

Human Digestive





Digestive disorders

The human Physical digestion is one of the complex and major organ systems in the
human body. It is where complex food is broken down, or digested, into very small
and simpler molecules which can be easily absorbed and passed into the bloodstream.
Physical digestion and chemical digestion are the two main steps of the Physical
digestion. Food is passed through the alimentary canal for digestion where enzymes
work at particular food type in favourable conditions. There are different disorders of
the digestive system. Some are common disorders while others are serious disorders.

Chapter 4 | Human Digestive system

Lesson 4–1 Before the lesson show the video available at:
https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrar y/
Page 43 and 46
OBJECTIVE • In class do the demonstration which you saw on
• To understand about the digestion in the human the video. For once this is not recommended as
body. a student activity as it may become a discipline
LEARNING OUTCOMES • Do not provide all the comments they do on the
The students should be able to: video; for example, do not say, that the plastic
• state the importance of digestion in the human bag represents the stomach. Instead, explain that
body and describe physical and chemical digestion. you will carry out a process which models the
entire process of digestion. Ask them to write
• sequence the main regions of the Alimentary down the steps.
Canal, its associated organs and describe the
functions of different parts of the Alimentary • Ask students to read page 43 and 46 of the
Canal. student book and use the information to discuss
which part of the demonstration mimics which
START (15 min) part of the digestive system.
• Ask students to consider the entire process of • Pay special attention to the reasons that the
digestion. Each student should think about their objects/processes were chosen to mimic certain
favourite food—in silence. parts of the digestive system.
• Ask students to think of the name of the food. PLENARY (15 min)
Ask them to visualize what it looks like, what it
smells like, how often they eat it, and what the Discuss where the model shown in the video of
best thing about this food is. digestion is a good representation of digestion and
where it is lacking. For example, the wall of the
• Encourage them to really think about this food— stomach absorbs some small molecules but the
maybe with closed eyes. Watch them closely and plastic bag does not. Ask students if it matters that
hopefully you will see some of them swallowing— the model is not perfect. (Not really, it can even be
thinking of this food made their mouths water. helpful to consider the aspects in which the model
• Now engage in a group discussion. does NOT resemble the original.) Make sure this
point is understood.
Qa. What does it mean when thinking of Work sheet 1-4
certain food ‘makes your mouth water?
Test yourself questions on page 43 of Student Book.
Qb. What does saliva do?
• You can give them a piece of white bread to chew HOMEWORK
for a few minutes. Ask them what it tastes like Draw and colour a labeled diagram of the human
after they have chewed it for a while. Someone digestive system.
will say it tastes sweet. Ask if it tasted sweet Test yourself questions on page 45 of the student
when they started chewing. If they say no, you Book.
can then draw their attention to the fact that
something changed to make the bread taste
sweet. Lesson 4–2
Pages 47
MAIN (25 min)
• Read page 43 and 46 of the student book. OBJECTIVE
• To understand the role of enzyme in digestive

The students should be able to:
• briefly describe the role of enzymes in digestion. • To extend knowledge about enzymes and
• describe the human digestive system. digestion.
• describe how large molecules are broken down
during digestion.
The students should be able to:
START (15 min) • explain how temperature and pH can affect the
Review the parts of the digestive system and go over way enzymes work.
homework questions.
START (15 min)
MAIN (15 min) Conduct following demonstration:
• Read page 47 of the student book. You will need to have ready:
• Ask student to play role of different organs of • an apple (or ¾ of an apple)
the elementary canal and explain the job of that
organ. • a cup of boiling water

• Discuss about the role of different enzymes on • lemon juice

different food components. • a fork
• Explain the concept of complex molecules and Take a fresh, intact apple and cut it into four quarters.
simple molecules. Immediately carry out the next steps. Three of these
quarters will receive different treatments.
PLENARY ( 15 min)
1. Put one quarter on a saucer on the desk.
Our digestive system (and that of most animals, even
insects) has different sections. Can you think of how 2. Put one quarter on the fork and dip it in boiling
this would be helpful? (It allows different enzymes to water for 30 seconds. Put it on its own saucer on
work in different conditions, which helps to complete the desk.
3. Put one quarter on a saucer and pour lemon juice
Work sheet 2-4 over it. Pour off the juice and put the saucer on
the desk
Leave the pieces of apple for 20–30 minutes.
Exercise question 3 page 51 of the student book.
MAIN (15 min)
• You can bring in a raw egg and a boiled egg if you
wish, so they can see the real objects.
• It would be great if you could bring some raw fish
and some fish marinated in lemon juice overnight.
We often associate raw fish with a somewhat
translucent appearance and cooked fish with a
white colour. Raw fish, especially when sliced
thinly and marinated in lemon juice, also goes
white because the proteins have been denatured
like they are during cooking.
• Explain that the enzymes in apple will turn the
apple brown as soon as they come into contact
with oxygen. The enzymes can be denatured by

Chapter 4 | Human Digestive system

exposing them to a high temperature or to acid. • Now connect the two points made above. When
When the enzymes no longer work, the apple we eat food, it enters our bodies (mouth) and
does not turn brown. passes through the digestive tract.
• Explain that how do these nutrients get from our
PLENARY (15 min)
gut to where they are needed.
Dishes should be washed in very hot water to
denature the proteins of the bacteria on the plates PLENARY (15 min)
and forks, which kills the bacteria. Some household
Ask students what they remember most about
cleaning products contain lemon juice. This smells
this section and the reasons for this. This can help
nice but also helps kill bacteria. Milk is often
you shape your next lessons so it will be easier for
pasteurised. This means it is brought to 70°C to kill
students to learn.
most of the bacteria. Boiling milk would be even
safer, but this changes the taste in a way that many HOMEWORK
people do not like.
Exercise question 4 page 51 of the student book.
Work sheet 3-4

Lesson 4–5
Test yourself page 47 of the student book. Pages 48

Lesson 4–4
To know about some major digestive disorders.
• To know the digested food is absorbed into the
The students should be able to:
• briefly describe some major digestive disorders.
The students should be able to: START (15 min)
• Show a poster of alimentary canal and begin
• conclude that blood transports the products
the lesson by reviewing the major organs of the
of digestion to other parts of the body and the
digestive system and function of each organ.
undigested products get egested /defecated.
• Ask students to name some of the problems of
• explain how digested food is absorbed into the
the digestive system.
MAIN (20 min)
START (15 min)
• Read page 48 of the student book.
• Show a poster of alimentary canal and ask about
the function of each organ. • Discuss about the common digestive disorders
such as diarrhoea, constipation, and indigestion.
• Discuss why we need to eat. (Food is needed for
Explain that the common digestive disorders are
energy, growth, and repair.)
usually the result of changes in diet, lifestyle, or
MAIN (15 min) stress. They usually last for only a short time and
can be treated quite easily.
• Ask for which parts of the body food is needed.
(For energy: muscles, e.g., legs, arms, etc. • Explain that healthy food and plenty of water can
save us from the common disorders.
A. For growth: anywhere, but obvious areas would
be bones and muscles. • Explain that the serious digestive problems such
as appendicitis and bowel cancer are more serious
B. For repair: anywhere). and require more medical treatment.

• Write names of digestive disorders such as
Diarrhoea, Indigestion, Constipation, Crohn’s
disease and Appendicitis on the board and discuss
in detail about the mentioned disorders in detail.

PLENARY (15 min)

Test yourself page 49 of the student book.

Research about any one digestive disorder.

Chapter 4 |Human Digestive system
Worksheet 4–1

1. Identify names of the organs of the alimentary canal canal.

2. Identify the following organs:

I. liver ____________
II. oesophagus ____________
III. small intestine ____________
IV. stomach ____________
V. large intestine ____________

Worksheet 4–2

1. Digestive enzymes All matter is made of particles. So our food is also made of particles and they are often
relatively big. Digestion is the process where large food particles are broken down into smaller particles
which can be absorbed into your blood. An example would be protein.

Enzymes help to break down the larger protein particles into smaller amino acid particles. Different enzymes
break down starch particles into smaller maltose particles. Of course, enzymes themselves are also particles.
Enzymes are specific. An enzyme for protein cannot break down starch. Enzymes turn substrates into products.
We often write it this way:
substrate product
Complete the table below

parts of the digestive juice substrate enzyme product

digestive system produced
Saliva Starch
no digestion; moves food through peristalsis
Amino acid amino acids
produced by liver; stored in gall bladder emulsifies fats
________ juice Amylase
And _______ Protein

juice Lipase
stores good bacteria
absorption of water storage and egestion of faeces

Chapter 4 |Human Digestive system
Worksheet 4–3

Denaturing enzymes
1. Answer the questions below.
a. Consider a raw egg and a boiled egg. What are the differences?
b. If you cool down the boiled egg, does it go back to being a raw egg? Explain your answer.
c. Eggs are rich in one nutrient or food type. Which one is it?
2 Your teacher has done a demonstration, putting parts of an apple under different conditions. Please observe
what happens to the different parts and record your observations below.
Apple parts in different conditions:

Part Condition After 25 minutes

1 on table
2 dipped in boiling water and then on the table
3 covered in lemon juice and then on the table

Enzymes in the apple will make the apple turn brown as soon as it is in contact with oxygen.
Enzymes are proteins.
a. What happened to the enzymes in the apple when exposed to high temperature?
b. What happened to the enzymes in the apple when covered in acidic lemon juice?
c. Enzymes are _______________ and they are changed by _______________ and __________________ so that
they no longer work.

Matter and particles


Matter can exist in more than one state: solid, liquid, or gas

The state of a substance depends on how the particles in it are arranged

Evidence for the existence and behaviour of particles

Change of state

Particle model

This chapter deals with the nature of all the materials we see around us every day.
They are so common and so much a part of our lives that we take them for granted.
Of course ice melts into water and boils into steam. Of course we do not build bridges
from orange juice (or other liquids). What we try to do in this chapter is to take the
‘of course’ knowledge and look at the reasons for it. Why is orange juice not the best
building material?
As before, some experiments have been included in this chapter. It would be great
if students could do them (hands-on) so that they learn the skills needed in the lab.
At least as important is the fact that most students prefer doing an experiment to
watching a demonstration or video. Our future generations need scientists, and it is
our responsibility to create the interest among our students.
Too often, students perceive what they learn at school as being separate from ‘real
life’, so this unit (as all others) aims to include as many examples from ‘everyday life’
as possible.

Chapter 5 | Matters and particles

Lesson 5–1 Lesson 5–2

pages 54 and 55
OBJECTIVE • To show how the particle model can be used to
explain the differences between solids, liquids,
• To show how the particle model can be used to and gases.
explain the differences between solids, liquids,

LEARNING OUTCOMES After this lesson, students should be able to:

After this lesson, students should be able to: • use particle model of matter to investigate the
movement and arrangement of particles in three
• explain the particle theory of matter. states.
• classify materials as solid, liquid, or gas. • explain why gases and liquids take the shape of
• describe materials as being made of particles. their containers but solids do not, in terms of the
particle theory of matter.
• describe the movement and arrangement of
particles in a solid, a liquid, and a gas. • discuss, using the particle theory of matter, why
liquids and gases can flow easily but solids cannot.
START (15 min)
• interpret the evidence for the existence of particles
Show students an ice cube, a glass of water, and in matter by observing daily life (examples include
a boiling kettle with steam coming out. Ask them adding air to expand a basketball, compressing
what the differences are between the ice cube, the air in a syringe, dissolving sugar in water and
water, and the steam. Students should recognize evaporating salt water).
that they are all water, but in different states (solid,
liquid, and gas). START (10 min)
Activity: Take a deflated basketball and weigh on a
MAIN (15 min)
weighing machine and note the initial mass of the
• Read pages 54 and 55 of the student book. ball. Now pump air in the ball and put it back on
• Worksheet 1-5 students. weighing machine. Note the weight of the ball and
see the difference.
• As mentioned in the worksheet give students a
stone, different size cups or beakers, a way to MAIN (15 min)
measure 100 ml of water, and a balloon. • Read pages 56 of the student book.
• Ensure each student records his/her answers. • Take a glass of water and one table spoon of
sugar. Stir it well and explain when you add sugar
PLENARY (15 min) to water and stir, the sugar dissolves in water.
Discuss the answers and the reasons for the answers This is because tiny particles of sugar move in to
given by the students. empty spaces between water particles.

HOMEWORK • Do the activity from Worksheet 2-5.

Complete the second half of the worksheet (fill in PLENARY (15 min)
the blanks).
• Why the ball will weigh less before air is pumped
Collect and paste pictures of solid, liquid and gas in into the ball? This is because air is made up of
note book. freely moving particles.
• Go over the questions in worksheet 2-5 and
relate the information to both the activity and
their drawings of the particles in different states
(gas, liquid, solid).

HOMEWORK the gas is cooled, it turns straight back into its
Perform investigation 2 page 61 solid state.

PLENARY (5 min)
Lesson 5–3
Hand out worksheet 4-5 and ask students to discuss
pages 57 and 58 and solve. Go over their answers.

• To show how the particle model can be used to Test yourself questions on page 59 of the student
explain the differences between solids, liquids, book.
and gases.

After this lesson, students should be able to:
• describe the movement and arrangement of
particles in a solid, a liquid, and a gas.
• apply the particle theory of matter to explain
• explain the changes in states of matter melting,
freezing, evaporation, condensation and
sublimation using the particle model of matter.

START (10 min)

Perform investigation 1 page 61

MAIN (25 min)

• Read pages 57 and 58 of the Student Book.
• Hand out worksheet 3-5. Carry out the experiment
mentioned in the worksheet. As always, it
is preferable if students do this experiment
• If this is not possible, the next best option is for
a few students to demonstrate it at the teacher’s
desk while the others watch. (But please do not
choose the same students every time you use
this approach).
• Perform investigation 2 page 61of the student
• Introduce the idea that change in temperature will
change the state of the matter. Like on heating ice
will change into water. This happens because, as
particles are heated, they get more energy, speed
up and move further apart. As particles cool, the
opposite happens.
• Explain the term sublimation is a process when
some solids turn directly into a gas when they
are heated without becoming a liquid first. When

Chapter 5 | Matters and particles
Worksheet 5–1

1. Experiment: The properties of different states of matter. Form groups with your class-fellows and perform the
following three experiments. Follow the directions and record what you observe. Discuss your conclusions
in your groups and then each of you record your conclusions below.
a. A stone

Action Observation Concluding statement

Try to press and squeeze the stone. Shape
What happens to its shape and
Put the stone in different-shaped Shape
containers. Does the shape or the Volume
volume of the stone change?

b. Water

Action Observation Concluding statement

Measure 100 ml of water into Shape
different shaped containers.
Observe what happens to the
volume and shape of the water
when you place the water in
different-shaped containers.

c. A balloon

Action Observation Concluding statement

Blow up the balloon. Does its shape Shape
and volume change?

d. A sponge

Action Observation Concluding statement

Squeeze the sponge. Does its Shape
shape and volume change?

2. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below, using words from the box. You may need to use some words more
than once.
Dense, fill, lower, squashed, density, fixed, properties, volume, easy, flow, rise
a. All solids have some things in common. These are called the ____________of solids.
b. Solids have a ____________volume.
c. They cannot be ____________.
d. They also have a ____________shape which cannot be changed, making them ideal materials to use to build
large structures such as bridges.
e. They do not ____________and so they cannot be poured.

f. Solids also have a high ____________, which means that their mass is higher than the same ____________
of other materials.
g. Like solids, liquids cannot be____________ .
h. They have a ____________which is fixed.
i. However, they are different from solids because they can ____________quite easily and have no ____________
This means that they always take the shape of their container.
j. Although liquids are ____________, they usually have a ____________density than solids.
k. Gases are quite ____________to squash and so they have no fixed ____________.
l. They also have no ____________shape.
m. They will spread out and ____________any shaped container.
n. Gases are less ____________than liquids (which is why bubbles____________ in a fizzy drink).

Chapter 5 | Matters and particles
Worksheet 5–2

1. Activity: Ten students should line up and close their eyes. It would be best to be away from windows, fans,
and/or air conditioners. The teacher will spray some perfume onto a tissue and place it at the end of the line.
Each student should raise her/his hand when she/he smells the perfume. Students not in the line should
record the time between spraying the perfume and each student raising her/his hand. Write down in the
table below how long it took for each student to smell the perfume. Write the time in seconds.

Student Time ( in seconds)

a. Which students smelled the perfume first?

b. Were they close to the tissue or far away?
c. How can all students smell the perfume after some time if they are not near the tissue?
2. Remember what you know about the particles in different states. Draw the arrangements of the particles
in a solid, a liquid, and a gas in the boxes below.

3. Answer the questions below.

Are there big spaces between the particles in a solid? yes/no

Are there big spaces between the particles in a liquid? yes/no
Are there big spaces between the particles in a gas? yes/no
When you compress a substance, do the particles get smaller? yes/no
When you compress a substance, do the spaces between the particles get yes/no

Worksheet 5–3

1. Experiment:
Diffusion of food colourant in hot and cold water.
i. Collect two glasses.
Fill one with hot water, and the other with cold water.
ii. Leave the water to stand for a minute or two so that it has stopped moving.
iii. CAREFULLY put one drop of food colourant in the water. Make sure you do NOT stir the water.
iv. Leave the glasses of water absolutely still.
v. Draw a diagram (A) of each glass to show what it was like just after you put the coloured substance in the
vi. Look at the glasses again after 5 minutes. How far has the colour spread through the water?
vii. Draw another set of diagrams (B) to show what has happened.
viii. Draw a third set of diagrams (C) to show what has happened after 15 minutes.

Considering your results/conclusions

Complete these sentences.
a. The longer you leave the water, the more the colour ___________.
b. The hotter the water, the ___________the colour spreads out.
c. This is because in hot water the particles are moving ___________than in cold water.
d. How long did it take before the last student smelled the scent? ___________
e. What was the distance between this student and the scented tissue? ___________
f. If you compare this with the distance the colour diffused in water in 5 or 15 minutes, what can you conclude
about the speed of diffusion in a gas compared to the speed of diffusion in a liquid?

Chapter 5 | Matters and particles
Worksheet 5–4

1. Demonstration - Gas pressure.

Your teacher will show you the following experiment. A large bowl of very cold water (containing ice cubes)
has been prepared and is placed on a table. Nearby, your teacher will put a small amount of water into an
empty can. The can is put on a hot plate until water vapour starts to come out. The teacher will take the can,
using tongs, and put it in the large bowl of cold water.

a. What did you see?

b. Some force was needed to make this happen. Which direction did this force come from?
c. What was in the space that provided this force?
d. What force was it?
e. Why did the can collapse after being put in cold water and not before?
When air pressure is the same on all sides, we do not notice it. But when the pressure is higher on one side
than on the other (for example, more air pressure outside the can than inside), we suddenly realize that air
pressure is a big force.

Elements and



Structure of atom

What are elements and atoms?

Uses of elements


This section looks at the building blocks of matter. As teachers, we know a fair bit about
the world around us, but we should not hesitate to share our wonder about some of
it with our students. We know (or can look up) the size of an electron but can still be
amazed by it. We know that all matter is made from protons, neutrons, and electrons,
but the diversity achieved from only three building blocks can still astonish us. Please
make sure by the end of the chapter that students understand the building blocks of an
atom. Atoms are the particles of an element. Alternatively, they can be combined into
molecules which can build a compound. Atoms and/or molecules can be put together
to make a mixture. The variation possible from all of this is really endless.
If you or your students do an internet search on ’new compounds made’ you may find
articles referring to a compound that could give you a ‘sun tan, a new lining for pans in
the kitchen, or an exceptionally hard compound containing carbon and/or something
completely different. Some ‘new’ compounds are discovered, some are created in the
lab for a specific purpose, and some are created and then found to have unexpected,
sometimes useful, properties.
The processes involved in creating compounds and mixtures are different, and students
should understand this. Once again, trying to connect to everyday life examples and
comparisons with food preparation seem appropriate here.

Chapter 6 | Elements and Compounds

Lesson 6–1 students struggle with. Introducing it at this time will

allow them to understand it gradually.
pages 62 and 63
Test yourself questions on page 63 of the Student
• To explain the structure of the atom.
LEARNING OUTCOMES Draw and colour the structure of an atom in the note
The students should be able to: book.

• describe the structure of matter in terms of

particles (i.e. atoms and molecules). Lesson 6–2
• describe molecules as a combination of atoms page 64 and 65
(e.g. H2, O2, and CO2).
START (15 min) • To distinguish between elements, mixtures,
and compounds.
Revise the key information a in Chapter 5 and ask
students to complete the first section of work sheet LEARNING OUTCOMES
The students should be able to:
MAIN (25 min) • recognise the names and symbols for some
• Read pages 62 and 63 of Student Book. common elements (first 10 elements of the
Periodic Table) and recognise their physical
• Explain that a molecule is made up of two or properties.
more atoms chemically joined together. A mol-
ecule of element is made up of two or more • differentiate that some elements are made of
atoms of the same type, while a molecule of atoms and some elements exist as molecules
element is made up of atoms of the same type. and have different properties compared to a
single atom of the element.
• Explain that all known matter on Earth and in
space is made from only about 118 different
chemical ‘building bricks’. We call these building START (15 min)
bricks elements. Go over the homework from last lesson to check for
• Discuss that about 90 elements have been
found in nature, these are some of the natural Ensure the following points are clear to all students:
elements. The others have been created by sci-
entists. Each name of the element is followed • All matter is made of particles.
by a chemical symbol.
• The state of a substance (solid, liquid, or gas) is
• Give examples of symbols and explain symbol decided by the speed of the particles, the type
is a kind of chemical shorthand recognised all of movement of the particles, and the distance
over the world. between the particles. The particles themselves
remain the same.
• Hand out worksheet 1-6 and support students
while they work through it. This task is best • Substances made of only one chemical which
done individually. cannot be broken down by chemical means are
PLENARY (5 min) • The smallest particle in an element is an atom.
Ask students what is in between the electrons in an
atom. It is likely that someone will suggest air, but • Atoms have a nucleus (with protons and neu-
this is not correct since air is also made of atoms. trons) surrounded by an electron cloud.
The answer is nothing, which is a concept that some
• Atoms of different elements have different

numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Lesson 6–3
• The number of protons in an atom is the same page 67-69
as the number of electrons.
• Neutrons have no charge and keep the nucleus • To distinguish between elements and Compounds.
• To show that a huge range of materials can be
made from a relatively small number of ele-
MAIN (20 min)
• Read page 64 and 65 to support students.
Show a periodic table and ask symbols of differ-
The students should be able to:
• Show pictures of uses of elements and dis-
cuss the uses of different elements in daily life. • explain that compounds are formed by different
This may be suitable for group work. It seems types of elements joining together chemically
unlikely, but the basic components of all matter and forming a new substance e.g. burning mag-
are very few: protons, electrons, and neutrons. nesium or steel wool in air/oxygen.

• illustrate the formation of a compound with the

PLENARY (10 min) help of a word equation.
The number of protons in an atom is the same as
• distinguish between elements and compounds.
the number of electrons and decides the properties
of the chemical. It may help to draw a comparison
with Lego blocks. Ask students to imagine what they START (10 min)
could build if they had an unlimited supply of only • Give some Lego blocks and ask students to
three different types of Lego blocks. make different arrangements from Lego blocks.

• Last lesson, you explained the structure of the

atom. Revise this briefly and go on to discuss
what can be made from these atoms.

MAIN (20 min)

• Read page 67-69

• It is important that we, as teachers, make it

obvious to our students that what they learn
at school is linked to their lives at home. Even
when we think we have shown how the work
in class links to everyday life, not all students
may have really understood this.

• Showing that science is part of ‘real life’ and

not just some abstract information to be
memorized for a test, will make students more
interested and will make it easier for them to
remember the information.

• They will also talk about it at home, which

will make the parents more supportive of the
school, which also has a positive influence on
the students’ academic success.

• Mixing flour, butter, milk, and eggs to make

Chapter 6 | Elements and Compounds

batter is a physical change (although one which START (15 min)

would, in reality, be hard to undo), but baking Ask students to compare a few household items,
the batter to make a cake is a chemical change. pans, doors, shoes, string etc. Suggest reasons for
For those of you who love French and Italian
the choice of materials.
dishes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and paprika
(bell peppers or capsicum) can be chopped and Investigate activity 1 page 73 of the student book.
mixed into a salad (physical change) or cooked
and pureed (blended) into a sauce for pasta MAIN (20 min)
(chemical change). • Read page 66 and discuss the names of metals
and non-metals. Discuss the uses of metals and
• Ask students to consider their usual meals and
non-metals. Discuss that carbon is used in print-
favourite dishes to identify what the ‘elements’
ing ink, pencils and batteries. It is also present in
would be, and if other dishes or meals can be
coal, oil and gas.
made with them. Where are the physical or
chemical changes involved? • Explain that mercury in the thermometer is liq-
uid at room temperature and expands evenly
PLENARY (15 min) when heated.
• One of the ways of linking students’ science
• Introduce the lesson and explain to the students
learning to real life can be by using models.
that metals are useful material.
Cooking is an area which relates closely to sci-
ence, as we saw when discussing the denatur- • Explain general properties of metals and make
ation of proteins, and most students have some students recognise brittle, flexible and.
awareness of what is involved in preparing
food. So this link with reality should be made • malleable materials by using easily obtained ma-
explicit whenever possible. terials, e.g. brittle – dried pasta, “squash abili-
ty”-Synthetic foam, malleability.
• Hand out worksheet 3-6 and support students
working through the questions. This may be • Demonstrate the difference between good and
suitable for group work. bad conductors of heat and electricity.

Home work • Discuss the main differences between metals

and non-metals.
Questions of Test yourself page 68 of the student
book. • Explain to the students that Non-metals are also
useful materials.
Lesson 6–4
• Explain general properties of non-metals.
Page 66
• Classify unfamiliar materials as metal or non-met-
OBJECTIVE al giving evidence to support each decision.
• To differentiate between metals and non-metals.
• Discuss examples from book and everyday life.

LEARNING OUTCOMES • Support students completing the worksheet 5-6.

The students should be able to:
PLENARY (10 min)
• identify metals and non-metals.
• Go back to the question about whether air is
• explore the common elements and compounds matter and see if this lesson answered it. (Yes, it
in our daily life-(carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, is matter; it is a mixture of gases). Ask students
aluminium, water, common salt, sugar). to check if what they wrote down about air at
the start of the lesson is correct—they should
• categorize elements into metals and non-met- work in pairs.
als (first 10 elements) based on their physical
properties. • Work sheet 6-6 discuss and answer

Investigate activity 2 page 73 of the student book.
Exercise questions 4 and 6 page 72 of the Student

Chapter 6 | Elements and Compounds
Worksheet 6–1

1. Look at the statements about gases, liquids, and solids below. Put a tick (√) where statement is
applicable or a cross (×) in the empty sections.

Statements Solid Liquid Gas

keeps it shape
takes shape of the container
cannot be compressed
volume becomes smaller under pressure
particles move close together
particles move far apart
particles vibrate but remain in position
particles move around a bit
particles move around freely

All matter is made of particles. Some substances are made of only one type of particle which only contains
one kind of chemical. These are called elements and their particles are atoms. The periodic table is a way of
organizing the elements. First, they are put into a line, based on increasing atomic mass. Then, this line is
cut into sections, called periods, and placed under each other so that elements with similar properties are in
vertical groups.
The chemical symbol is based on the (Latin) name of the element which may or may not be similar to what
we call the element today.
2. Use the periodic table to find the name of the following elements.

Symbols Elements

Consider the elements magnesium (number 12) and manganese (number 25). A logical symbol would be
Ma, but both elements could have this symbol. So they had to come up with two different symbols.
3. Find them in the periodic table and write them below.

Symbols Elements

Worksheet 6–2

Recommended activity: This will take at least one lesson. Either ask students to bring in a white T-shirt or cut
out T-shirt shaped chart papers as shown in diagram.

Each student should research one element (from the first 20) and put the information on the shirt. You will
need to agree the format with the students so there is some uniformity between the shirts. If resources are
available, shirts can be pre-printed so they will look somewhat similar.

Please use your imagination (and get students’ input) to come up with your school’s unique design. If desired,
dress shirts, aprons, waist coats, lab coats, etc could be used instead. The back could also be used for more

Chapter 6 | Elements and Compounds
Worksheet 6–3

An atom is the smallest part of an element. It cannot be seen, even with a very good microscope. Atoms of
different elements are not the same. Scientists discovered that atoms are made of even smaller particles.
1. This is a simple diagram of an atom. Label the two areas:

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is also called the atomic number and usually written above
the symbol of the element in the period table.
2 What are the names and the number of protons in an atom of each of the elements below?

symbol name number of protons


3. How many electrons does an atom of the following elements have?

symbol name number of electrons


Worksheet 6–4

1. Answer the questions below.

a. What particles are found in the nucleus of an atom? _______________________________________________

b. What is the name of the positively charged sub-atomic particle? ____________________________________

c. Where in the atom are electrons found? _________________________________________________________

d. Particles with the same charge repel each other. Particles with opposite charges attract each other.

What is the charge of a neutron? ______________________________________________________________________

e. Could you suggest a reason to have neutrons in the nucleus of an atom?


2. Complete the table.

Atoms are too small to see, even with a microscope. Sub-atomic particles are even smaller—it is difficult to
imagine how small they are. Their mass is too small to be conveniently expressed in grams so it can be expressed
in ‘atomic mass units (a.m.u.)’. Protons and electrons have a mass of around 1 a.m.u., and just under 2000
electrons together would also have a mass of 1 a.m.u.

name of the sub atomic particle charge of the particle mass (in a.m.u.)
proton (p)


3. The very small electrons whiz around the nucleus in an electron cloud. If their movement was just random,
they would collide from time to time and this does not happen. Instead, they spend most of their time
circling around the nucleus in their specified area called a ‘shell’.

Hydrogen and helium have one and two electrons respectively. The two electrons belonging to helium are in
the same shell, relatively close to the nucleus. But have a look at lithium.

a. How many electrons does lithium have? ____________________

b. Are they all in the same shell? ___________________________

4. It seems that the first shell, closest to the nucleus, has enough room for two electrons to buzz around. But
if an atom has more electrons, the others are found in the next shell, a little further away from the nucleus.
This second shell can hold eight electrons. Any electrons after that will have to occupy a third shell, again
further away from the nucleus.

Draw the electrons of the elements below according to the periodic table.

Chapter 6 | Elements and Compounds

Be Ne Na

Worksheet 6–5

1. Find the definitions of the following terms and write them below:

a. element


b. compound


c. atom


d. molecule


2. Each of the ten squares below represents matter, using the particle model. Answer the questions below.
Put a tick or a cross in each empty box in the table below.

Which of the squares contain atoms?
Which of the squares contain molecules?
Which of the squares represent an element?
Which of the squares represent a compound?

Chapter 6 | Elements and Compounds
Worksheet 6–6

Metals and non-metals

1. A few lessons ago, you learned about the periodic table. Use this information to answer the questions below.

a. How are the elements in the periodic table initially arranged?


b. How are elements with similar properties placed in the period table?


c. Each element has a chemical symbol. What do you know about the chemical symbol?


One of the first ways of organizing the elements was to divide them into metals and non-metals. This is still
important today and can often be seen in the periodic table. If you look carefully, you can see a zig-zag line
dividing all elements into two groups: metals and non-metals. One group is the 21 elements on the top-right,
the other group is everything else.

Read page 66 of your Student Book and take a good look at the two groups of elements. Read their names
and consider what you may know about some of these metals.

Which group are the metals and which the non-metals?

d. The 21 elements found at the top-right of the periodic table are


e. All the other elements are




Elements, compounds and mixtures

A mixture called air



Separating mixture

The mixtures comprises of two or more substances that are physically mixed together.
These substances can be separated from the mixture because chemical reactions do
not occurr when mixture is formed. Mixtures are not pure substances. Mixture can
be Homogeneous or Heterogeneous. A mixture of salt with water is an example of a
homogeneous mixture because it has uniform composition throughout. Salad is an
example of heterogeneous mixture because it does not have uniform composition
throughout. Mixture of metals is called alloys. Solder and brass are examples of alloys.
Solution is a type of mixture that is homogeneous in nature. Different techniques are
used to separate soluble and insoluble substances from a mixture.

Chapter 7 | Mixtures

Lesson 7–1 OBJECTIVE

Pages 74–75 To understand about the composition of different
types of mixtures.
• To distinguish between elements, mixtures, and LEARNING OUTCOMES
compounds. The students should be able to:
• demonstrate that mixtures are formed when two
or more substances mix with each other without
The students should be able to: the formation of a new substance.
• demonstrate that mixtures are formed when two • differentiate between pure substances and
or more substances mix with each other without mixtures on the basis of their formation and
the formation of a new substance. composition.
• identify different types of mixtures. • justify why air is considered as a mixture of gases.
• describe the difference between elements,
compounds, and mixtures. START (15 min)
In previous sections and chapters, we often talk
START (10 min) about matter. Is air matter? How do you decide if
Put a mixture of sand and iron on a paper. Use a something is matter? i.e. What is the criteria for
magnet to separate iron particles and notice the matter? Avoid commenting on students’ ideas, but
atoms are not joined chemically and so can be easily keep a record of them since you may want to refer
separated. back to them later. Work sheet 1-7 and ask students
to write down individually what they know about air.
MAIN (25 min) After a few minutes they can discuss their answers
• Read page 74 and 75 and explain in detail about in small groups and add to what they wrote down.
element, compound and mixtures. You may decide to open it up to a plenary session
and collect the answers.
• Give different examples of element, compound
and mixtures. MAIN (20 min)
• Like smoke is a mixture of sooty particles and • Read page 76 of the student book
air and blood also a mixture. It contains different • In the discussion on whether air is matter,
kinds of blood cells and lots of other things. students may have said something like, ‘Matter
• Salad is a mixture of different vegetables. has mass.’ In our everyday perception, air does
not have mass but our common sense ideas are
• Explain the illustrations on page 75 of the note
not always scientifically correct. In order to check
if air is matter, take an empty basketball. Weigh
it, record the mass, and pump up the basketball
PLENARY (15 min)
before weighing it again. Most air-filled basketballs
Activity page 75 of the student book are about 1% heavier than empty ones, so use
an accurate balance on a stable horizontal surface
and take your measurements with care.
Write examples of elements, compounds, and
mixtures in note book. • If you can get a canister of compressed air, you
could weigh it, empty it, and weigh it again. This
should produce a good result, but not everyone
Lesson 7–2 may be able to get a canister of compressed
Page 76 air. Compressed carbon dioxide (in a fire
extinguisher), or compressed oxygen (medical
use) would strictly speaking not be air and not give
the correct information. Although a filled balloon

will be heavier than an empty one, the difference Lesson 7–3
is likely to be too small to measure in your lab.
page 77 and 78
A demo that adds a bit of fun but can start a
discussion would be the following:
• Preparation before class: mix 2 tablespoons of • To know about different mixtures from daily life.
baking soda with 2 table spoons of vinegar in a
glass bottle. This will produce (invisible) carbon LEARNING OUTCOME
dioxide gas which is heavier than air. Cover the The students should be able to:
bottle with your hand to keep the carbon dioxide
in. • describe alloys as mixtures of metals and some
other elements.
• When the reaction is complete, ‘pour’ the CO2 gas
into an empty jar or bottle and close it. Prepare an START (15 min)
identical jar/bottle containing only air. Light two
Show pictures of objects made up of alloys on page
small candles and place each inside a transparent
78 of the student book.
glass. Pour the air from the bottle over one flame
and see that it makes no difference. Repeat with MAIN (15 min)
the bottle filled with CO2 and watch the flame go
• Read page 77 and 78 of the student book and
out. Please try this out beforehand to ensure it
explain the term alloy. Discuss that alloys are
goes smoothly. Reference can be made to the
usually made by melting metals together then
website https://www.thoughtco.com/candle-
allowing the molten mixture to cool and harden.
• Draw the structure of alloy on the board and
• Videos can be searched using the terms ‘pour
explain the larger atoms in the alloy prevent the
carbon dioxide candle flame’. Discuss with
smaller atoms sliding over each other.
students that both bottles seemed empty but had
a different effect on the flame. You could even put • Explain the importance of making alloys that,
a candle under a glass and watch it go out (due to many pure metals are too soft to be of any use.
lack of oxygen). They can speculate on what was By adding another element, a soft metal becomes
in each bottle and what caused the flame to go harder and more useful. This prevents the metal
out. It can lead to the concept that air is a mixture from changing shape and bending easily.
of gases and if the composition changes (such • Explain that mixing different metals together can
as replacing most of it with CO2) ‘normal’ things, produce alloys which have different properties to
like lighting a candle, are suddenly not possible. It the metals from which they were made.
shows again how much we take this vital mixture
of gases for granted. If you wish, you can discuss PLENARY (15 min)
how (and why) even a relatively small amount of
Work sheet 2-7
carbon monoxide (from incomplete combustion,
e.g., in a fire) can endanger human life. HOMEWORK
PLENARY (10 min) Test yourself questions page 79 of the student book.
Collect pictures of objects made up of different alloys
Go back to the question about whether air is matter
from magazines and newspapers and paste in note
and see if this lesson answered it. (Yes, it is matter; it
is a mixture of gases). Ask students to check if what
they wrote down about air at the start of the lesson
is correct—they should work in pairs.
Test yourself questions on page 75 of Student Book

Search on internet and draw a pie chart to show
composition of air in note book.

Chapter 7 | Mixtures

Lesson 7–4 Lesson 7–5

Page 79 Pages 80 and 84

To know about the examples of common mixtures To understand the ways of separating different
from daily life. mixtures.


The students should be able to: The students should be able to:
• identify and explain examples of common • demonstrate ways of separating different
mixtures from daily life. mixtures.
• demonstrate the process of solution formation
START (15 min)
(using water as a universal solvent).
Activity 2 ideas for Investigation page 87 of the
START (15 min) student book.
Dissolve salt in water and prepare a clear solution. Arrange different stations of separating different
Show that salt is mixed with water to make a salt mixtures in the lab and demonstrate different
solution. Put some sand in water and show small methods. Show videos of the ways of separating
sand particles stay suspended in water. different substances from mixtures.
Introduce the terms solute, solvent, soluble and
MAIN (15 min)
• Page 80 -84 (this lesson will take three classes).
MAIN (15 min)
• Explain that the insoluble solid can be removed
• Read page 79 of the student book from a mixture by filtration. When this mixture
• Activity 1: ideas for Investigation page 87 of the is passed through the filter paper the liquid is
student book. passed through the holes in the filter paper but
the solid is not passed.
• Write the terms solute, solvent, soluble and
insoluble on the board and explain in detail with • Explain the Separation of dissolved solids from a
the examples. liquid. An example of this method is obtaining salt
from sea water.
• Explain that the Salt is said to be soluble because
it dissolves in water while sand is insoluble • Demonstrate the procedure of obtaining pure
because that will not dissolve in water. water from ink. Explain that distillation involves
two processes, boiling and condensing.
• Open a fizzy drink/ can in front of the class and
explain Gases can also form solutions with liquids. • Demonstrate that the coloured substances can be
separated using a process called chromatography.
• Discuss that carbon dioxide is often mixed to
make fizzy drinks. • Help student to solve Work sheet 3-7

PLENARY (15 min) PLENARY (15 min)

Discuss some examples of soluble and insoluble Draw diagrams to show
substances. a. homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
Work sheet 3-7 b. pure substances and mixtures

HOMEWORK Test yourself page 81, 82, 84 of the student book

Test yourself page 80 of the student book.
Exercise question 3 page 86 of the student book.

Exercise question 4, 5, 6 page 86 and 87 of the
student book

Chapter 7 | Mixtures
Worksheet 7–1

Air: it is really there! Someone gives you a small box. You open it and look inside but cannot see anything. Your
friend asks: ‘What is in it?’ You may answer: ‘Nothing.’ Your answer shows how much we take air for granted.
Although we know we cannot survive without air for longer than a few minutes, and the news tells us about
the damage air pollution causes, we still seem to ignore the presence of air most of the time.

a. So let us take a look at this vital but often forgotten matter. Write down what you already know about air.


b. When you are somewhere in the mountains or a forest, you may enjoy the ‘pure air’. From a scientific
perspective, is this correct? Can air be a pure substance? Explain your answer.


Worksheet 7–2

1. State with a reason, whether each of the following is a type of homogeneous or heterogeneous mixtures.

Vegetable soup


Sugarcane juice






2. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

3. Show the composition of different metals in the following alloys.

Stain less steel

Chapter 7 | Mixtures

Worksheet 7–3

1. Complete the following table:

Mixture Solute Solvent

Sand+ water
Salt + water
Nail paint+ nail paint remover

2. Give two examples of each.

i. Solution of gases


ii. Solution of liquids


iii. Solution of solid and liquids


Chapter 7 | Mixtures
Worksheet 7–4

Fill in the blanks with the given terms:

filtration , compounds , mixture, condenses , sublimation, elements, chromatography, insoluble

I. Coloured mixtures can be separated using a process called ________.

II. An alloy is a _________of two or more elements where at least one is a metal.

III. Some solids turn directly into a gas when they are heated, without becoming a liquid first. This is

IV. The steam ___________ and is collected as pure water. The water is called the distillate.

V. The suspended solid can be removed by _________

VI. A substance that will not dissolve is called an ____________substance.

VII. A ____________is an impure substance.

VIII. ___________and ___________have particles which are all the same so they can be described as pure




Types of energy

What are energy resources?

How do fuels release energy

What are fossil fuels?

The harmful effects of burning fossil fuels

Conservation of energy

Energy from living things and how do living things use


Every day, we use a lot of energy in many different ways. This includes the energy we
use to walk up the stairs, energy used to move the car, and the energy needed to run
the refrigerator. Coal, oil, and gas are fossil fuels that we get from the soil and use to
produce electricity, drive cars, and cook our food. These fossil fuels were made over
millions of years ago under special conditions, and there are only limited amounts of
them left. They also pollute our environment. We need to find other sources of energy
to stop the pollution, but also before the fossil fuels run out. Food contains the energy
our bodies need to keep functioning. Some foods contain more energy than others.
How can you test the amount of energy in different foods?

Chapter 8 | Energy

Lesson 8–1 • Explain about the relationship between potential

energy and kinetic energy. These are forms of
page 88 and 89
energy that can be converted into each other.
Potential energy can be converted into kinetic
energy and vice versa.
To know about different forms of energy.
• Put a book on the table and demonstrate book
LEARNING OUTCOMES lying on the table has potential energy. The falling
The students should be able to: book has kinetic energy, the book fallen on the
floor has potential energy.
• recognise energy as a physical quantity.
• Explain that the energy can be converted from
• relate potential energy and kinetic energy. one form to another form. Discuss about the
• demonstrate an energy transfer such as a gravitational force pulls all objects towards the
bouncing ball by energy transfer diagram, e.g., centre of the Earth.
gravitational potential energy kinetic
elastic potential energy + thermal + sound PLENARY (15 min)
kinetic gravitational potential energy etc. Activity: page 90 of the student book. Find the energy
value in kilojoules (kJ) of a chocolate bar, baked
START (15 min) beans, tinned fruit in syrup, breakfast cereal and a
Ask students to list things that require energy. They packet of biscuits. Calculate which one has the most
can write them on post-it notes (one idea per post-it) energy per gram. Write down your results in order,
and put them on the board or on a large poster on starting with the food with the most energy.
the wall. Expected answers could include: driving a
car, playing soccer, and cooking food. The students HOMEWORK
could group similar ideas together, e.g., driving a Collect food packets and find the nutritional
car and flying an aeroplane could be put together, information on food packaging.
as could playing soccer and going upstairs. Groups
could include: transport, activities of living things,
appliances using electricity. Then, ask students for
the source of energy in each group.

MAIN (20 min)

• Read page 88 and 89 and discuss energy is the
ability to do work. You use energy whenever you
write, type, walk to school, lift your school bag or
go for swimming. We cannot see energy but we
see the effect of energy in the world around us.
• Write the SI unit of energy on the board that is
the joule (J). Explain that large amounts of energy
are measured in kilojoules (kJ). 1 kJ = 1000 J.
• Explain that there are several different types of
energy which can be used to do work. These can
be divided into two main groups – potential, or
stored energy and kinetic, or movement energy.
• Discuss about the main source of energy is
the Sun which is absorbed by plants during
photosynthesis and converted into chemical

Lesson 8–2 Lesson 8–3
pages 95 and 96
• To extend knowledge about energy resources for OBJECTIVE
living things. • To extend knowledge about energy resources for
living things.
After this lesson, students should be able to: LEARNING OUTCOMES
• name some common fuels. After this lesson, students should be able to:
• explain that fuels release energy when they burn. • describe how renewable energy sources can be
• describe how fossil fuels are formed. used to generate electricity and provide heating.

START (15 min) START (10 min)

Using the examples from above, this could include: • Reinforce the concept that ultimately, the energy
transport (using fossil fuel), activities of living things in fossil fuels comes from the Sun.
(muscle power with energy from food), electric power
• What about the energy of the other groups?
(cooking on electricity, running the air conditioning,
or an electric heater). You may wish to leave these The donkey pulling the cart, eats grass for energy.
ideas on display so that you can refer to them in The grass gets energy from the Sun. All energy in
later lessons. muscle power initially comes from the Sun.
• What about electricity?
MAIN (15 min)
• Ask students to create a visual, e.g. a flow chart, MAIN (20 min)
which shows the sequence of events in the • Read pages 95 and 96
formation of coal and oil/gas. Encourage them to
draw as well as write. • Electricity can be made in different ways. One
of them is to run generators on fossil fuel. Read
• Discuss the similarities between these processes: pages 95 and 96 and ask students to list the
They both started from living things. renewable ways to make electricity. Can they
point out similarities between some of these
The living things died. ways?
Then they were covered by layers of mud which • In principle, electricity can be made via movement:
became rock. wind or water (or burning fossil fuel) can drive/
There was a lot of pressure and a high temperature. rotate a generator, or the Sun’s energy is used in
solar panels (or heat collectors) and solar voltaic
The formation took a long time.
PLENARY (15 min) • Clearly, the energy in electricity from solar panels
Going back to the beginning of the process, you can or solar voltaic cells comes from the Sun. We
consider from where the living things (plants and already saw that the energy in fossil fuels also
animals) received their energy. Animals eat plants, comes from the Sun (although a long time ago).
and plants make their own food with the help of • Moreover, the other sources of renewable energy
sunlight. So, ultimately, the energy in fossil fuels also come (indirectly) from the Sun: When the
came from the Sun. Sun warms up the Earth, the air above the Earth
becomes lighter and rises. This creates an area
HOMEWORK of low pressure. If this is not happening some
Draw and colour sankey diagram in note book. distance away, the air there remains in place at
a higher pressure. Air from the area of higher
pressure will travel parallel to the surface of the

Chapter 8 | Energy

Earth to the area of lower pressure, and we call Lesson 8–4

this wind. So even wind energy comes from the
Page 93-94
Sun warming one place more than another.
• Since the Sun evaporates water which falls as rain OBJECTIVE
on the mountains and runs down in a river, even • To the law of conservation of energy.
the electric energy from a hydroelectricity plant
comes from the Sun. LEARNING OUTCOMES
• Due to the gravitational forces of the Moon, the After this lesson, students should be able to:
water in the seas and oceans is not always in the
• state the law of conservation of energy and
same place. This is called tidal movement and
explain how the law applies to different situations.
can be used to generate electricity. Details can
be found on: • compare the renewable energy sources (wind,
water, sun and plants) and non-renewable sources
of energy (coal, natural gas, crude oil).
Tidal power is mostly caused by the gravitational START (10 min)
field of the Moon. Establish a range of answers from the earliest to the
• Geothermal energy comes from the Earth. latest time the fuel is expected to run out. Let the
students calculate how old they will be if the fuel
• Ask students to read pages 95 and 96 to list runs out (soonest expected time), and how they will
sources of energy. Sources of energy include: manage without these fuels.
fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal), wind, hydroelectric
energy, solar energy, tidal and wave energy, MAIN (30 min)
geothermal energy, biomass.
Before the lesson
• Discuss the concept of renewable vs
• Read page 93-94 and explain If we have a finite
nonrenewable energy and classify the sources
amount of fossil fuel, what can we do to make
of energy in either group.
it last longer? Ask students to explore various
ways of saving energy.
PLENARY (10 min)
• ‘When will fossil fuels run out?’ Ask students • They should also consider other ideas,
to search the internet for this information for especially those relevant to their area. For
homework. example, insulating houses will keep the heat
inside in winter but outside in summer.
HOMEWORK • They could also consider planting trees (which
Test yourself questions on page 43 of Student Book. absorb carbon dioxide anyway) in such a way
that their house is in the shade. Ask students
what could they contribute? For example,
walk short distances, take public transport,
or car pool; switch off lights, heating, and air
conditioning; recycle paper; avoid wasting food,
etc. How and why do these things reduce
energy use?
• Students can create a communication to
parents which will list some of the ways in
which the students can help to save energy.
It could take many forms, however, a leaflet,
newspaper, or letter could be taken home and
parents may be requested to provide positive
feedback when their child saves energy.

PLENARY (5 min) PLENARY (15 min)
In order to conserve energy, we will have to change • Make sure students tidy up. Reflect on the results
our habits. This is not easy. Ask students to think and how well the experiment went. Students
about how they and their family could use less can discuss the following: If I repeated this
energy and write one action on a post-it. If they did experiment, I would do the following differently:
this, would it really make a difference? (If we all do They will, of course, have to give reasons for why
it, then yes, it will make a difference. Also, even a they would do something differently.
small difference is a difference.)
Do the Test yourself questions on page 95 of the
Student Book. Test yourself page 99 of the student book

HOMEWORK Lesson 8–6

Work sheet 3-8 Pages 95–96


Pages 98–99 • To consider the impact on the environment of
burning fossil fuels.
OBJECTIVES • To emphasize the importance of fuel conservation
• To consider the impact on the environment of and the need to develop new sources of energy.
burning fossil fuels.
• To emphasize the importance of fuel conservation LEARNING OUTCOME
and the need to develop new sources of energy. After this lesson, students should be able to:
• describe and explain global warming and list some
LEARNING OUTCOMES of its implications.
After this lesson, students should be able to:
START (10 min)
• describe and explain global warming and list some
of its implications. Revise issues raised last lesson about fossil fuels
running out and the need to conserve energy.
• identify the advantages of using renewable Then bring up the fact that, even with very good
energy resources. conservation, fossil fuels will run out some day and
we either change our lifestyle and do without a lot
START (10 min)
of things (like transport and refrigerators) or we need
Ask about renewable and non-renewable energy to find other ways of producing energy.
resources and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages about them. MAIN (30 min)
• Remind that burning fossil fuels will produce
MAIN (25 min)
carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide traps heat near the
• Read page 98 and 99 of the student book. edge of the atmosphere of the Earth, making it a
• Work sheet 1-8 comfortable temperature for us. Carbon dioxide
does this very effectively. Only 0.04 % of the
• Students should carry out the instructions. If you gases in the atmosphere are particles of carbon
wish, you can have the timer and call out each dioxide, but they cause the Earth to be about
time they need to take a reading. This will reduce 30 - 35°C warmer than it would be without any
the students’ independent inquiry, but increase carbon dioxide.
classroom control.
• If possible, play the video ‘Climate 101’ on.

Chapter 8 | Energy

http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/101- Q. What happens to the rotation of the fan if you

videos/%20climate-101-causes-and-effect and reverse the electrical connections?
discuss the information presented. Q. What is the temperature of the water as it:
• Hand out the worksheet for lesson 2-8 and a. enters your water heater?
support the students working individually or in
b. leaves the heater?
small groups.
How do these result change if you:
Lesson 8–7 a. speed up the flow of water through the heater?
Pages 103–107 b. slowdown the flow of water through the
• To extend knowledge about energy resources for HOMEWORK
living things. Do the Test yourself questions on page 98 and 99 of
the Student Book.
After this lesson, students should be able to:
• assemble and demonstrate a solar panel to
operate a small fan. (steam).
• design and make a solar water heater. (steam).

START (10 min)

Collect different materials required to make the
a solar panel to operate a small fan
What you need: 6V 150mA, solar panel, DC motor,
plastic propeller, small piece of wooden board, 2 x
wooden blocks, solder, soldering iron, glue gun.
a solar water heater
cardboard box (approx. 40 cm x 20 cm x 5cm),
aluminium kitchen foil, glue, scissors, approx. 2
metres of clear plastic tubing (8mm dia.), sticky
tape, clear plastic film (clingfilm), tubing connector,
container to collect water, thermometer, wooden
block to support the heater.

MAIN (20 min)

Perform activity 1 and 2 of Ideas for investigation
page 103 of the student book.

PLENARY(15 min)
Ask following questions from the students given at
the end of the investigation page 103, 104 and 105
Q. What happens if you move your model of solar
panel back into the shade?

Worksheet 8–1

Experiment What does a greenhouse do? Greenhouses come in all shapes and sizes, but why do people use
them? If you know someone who has a greenhouse, you can ask them, but you can also do an experiment.
Materials: You need the following:
• two thermometers
• a large glass jar (which can hold the thermometer)
• a stopwatch or timer
1. Find a place in the Sun where you can place the glass jar and a thermometer. You must be able to read
the thermometer easily.
2. Place thermometer A on the table in direct sunlight. Place thermometer B in the jar, close the jar, and
place it next to thermometer A. (Make sure it does not block the sunlight to thermometer A.)
3. Immediately read both thermometers, record your findings in the table, and start the stopwatch.
4. Every minute, read both thermometers and record your results in the table.

Time Thermometer A (degrees Celsius) on the table Thermometer B (degrees Celsius) in the jar
1 min
2 min
3 min
4 min
5 min
6 min
7 min
8 min
9 min
10 min

Use your results to draw a graph. The time (in minutes) goes on the X-axis and the temperature recorded
goes on the Y-axis. Use two different colours for the two thermometers (or pen and pencil).

Chapter 8 | Energy

i. Describe what happened to the temperature as measured by thermometer A.
ii. Describe what happened to the temperature as measured by thermometer B.
iii. Which changed faster?
iv. Describe how the glass jar affected the temperature change.

Kindly add following new pictures from the net

a. What was the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the year 1000?
b. What was the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the year 1900?
c. How much did the level of carbon dioxide change between 1000 and 1900?
d. What was the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the year 2000?
e. How much did the level of carbon dioxide change between 1900 and 2000?

Chapter 8 | Energy
Worksheet 8–2

The graph below gives the average temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.

g. Compare the changing pattern of the levels of carbon dioxide and the changing temperature between the
year 1000 and now. What do you notice?
h. Write one or two paragraphs about the relationship between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and
the temperature on Earth. Use information from previous lessons and/or the graphs to support your
Watch the experiment done on
In an experiment, variables are the factors which change, or can change. In science experiments, we
recognize three kinds of variables:
• independent variables
• dependent variables
• controlled variables
It is important to understand these variables very well because they will impact on your experiment.
Independent variables are factors which you decide to change. If you wanted to know how adding salt to
water changes its boiling point, you would boil water with different amounts of salt, so the amount of salt is
your independent variable.
Dependent variables are the factors you measure. They change, depending on your independent variable. So
in your experiment on the effect of salt on the boiling point of water, the measured boiling point would be
your dependent variable. If you change the independent variable (adding more or less salt), the dependent
variable (the boiling point) will change.
Controlled variables are important to keep constant. For example, you want to know how adding salt
changes the amount of time you need for your water to reach its boiling point. You can take 100 ml of water
with a little salt, heat it and measure how long it takes to boil. Then you take 200 ml of water, add a lot
of salt, heat it and measure the time until boiling. These times are likely to be different but what caused
the difference? Was it the amount of salt or the amount of water? So you are only allowed to change one

variable, you measure another variable, and everything else needs to remain the same. If you do this, you
are conducting a fair test.
a. In this experiment, what are you measuring?
b. In this experiment, what are you changing?
c. In this experiment, what must stay the same?
d. So in this experiment, you have identified the following variables:

independent variable
dependent variable
controlled variables

The principle of this experiment is that food is burnt, releasing energy as heat. This heat warms up the
water and if we know how much the temperature of the water has increased, we can calculate the energy
(heat) that was needed to cause this change. We then say that this energy was released by the food. When
companies determine the energy in their food, they use a device called a calorimeter. The temperature of
the water is recorded. A known mass of food is placed in the sample dish and ignited by running an electric
current through the ignition wires. The food burns, giving off heat which warms up the water. To ensure it is
warmed evenly, the water can be stirred. Once the food stops burning, the final temperature is recorded.

e. If you were to hold your hand near the burning food in the experiment as described on page 44, what
would you feel?
f. What would you expect to feel if you held your hand near the calorimeter?
g. Which method do you think would give a more accurate result?

Chapter 8 | Energy

h. If you wanted to do the experiment and had no calorimeter, how could you modify the set up as given on
page 44 to get more accurate results?
i. If you used 1 g of food and looked in the dish after the food stopped burning, you would see some of it
left. Not all the food had completely burned (into carbon dioxide and water). This means that the energy
you measured was given off by less than the 1 g of food that you started with. What could you do to get
a more accurate result?

Worksheet 8–3

1. Write two differences between the following:

Renewable energy Non-renewable energy

Kinetic energy Potential energy

2. Convert the following amounts of energy in joules.

1000 MJ
10.5 MJ
10 kJ
3. Identify the type of energy:
I. Heat from the hot rocks below the Earth’s surface can be used to heat water.
II. Waves of water could also be used to generate electricity.
III. Rotting plants releases heat and produces natural gas.
IV. In electric circuits, a current is the flow of negatively charged electrons..



Static electricity

Charge and current

Electrical components

Some materials allow electrons to pass through easily, some do not

Types of electrical circuits

Resistance, wires and fuses.

In Chapter 8, students were introduced to electricity as one of the many types of energy.
In our daily lives, electricity is very useful, mainly because it can easily be converted
into other types of energy. Electricity has its own characteristics and, also like the other
types of energy, it is potentially dangerous.
One of the most powerful examples of electricity is lightning which kills 20–40 people
in the USA every year. And although the electricity from the mains at home carries a
lot less energy than lightning, it is still dangerous if not used properly. In India, almost
10000 people died of electric shock in 2014. In the UK, on average, 4 people die per day
as a result of a fire which started due to a problem with electricity (e.g. a short circuit).
This chapter will cover the basics of electricity from a science perspective. If possible,
experiment building different types of circuits, including different numbers of light bulbs,
resistors and other components, and measure the voltage and current in the various
set-ups. Strongly recommended:
Please watch before starting to teach this unit. Many misconceptions students may have
about electricity are indicated in the video found at https://www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/
resource/30937. Some general principles of good science teaching are included. The
teacher, can simulate the way electricity moves using a rope (from minute 6 of the
video). Teachers may wish to watch this video with their students, but it might be more
suitable to teach the concepts in a similar manner.

Lesson 9–1 • Draw an atomic structure on the board and
explain that all substances are made of atoms
page 107 and 108
that consists of small particles called protons,
electron and neutrons.
• To extend knowledge about electrical circuits and • Discuss that protons carry a positive charge
use the concepts of electric current and energy (+ve). Electrons carry a negative charge (-ve), and
transfer to explain how electrical devices work. neutrons carry no charge.
• Introduce the term static electricity.
• Rub a balloon against your hair and show that
After this lesson, students should be able to:
negatively charged balloon attracts positively
• explain the phenomena of static electricity in charged hair.
everyday life.
• Explain that the balloon pulls electrons from the
• recognise electric current as a flow of charges. hair therefore, hair becomes positively charged
and the balloon becomes negatively charged. This
START (10 min) imbalance of electrical charges is called static
Demonstrate that the charged balloon attracts paper. electricity.
Ask students to perform this activity.
PLENARY (10 min)
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ask students to complete the following sentences:
We can run water and gas through pipes and Without electricity, I would have to ….
transport coal in bags. In order to find out how to
move electricity, we first need to know what it is. Without electricity, I would not be able to …
We established that electricity is a form of energy in Example answer: Without electricity, we would have
previous chapter. All matter is made of atoms, and to cook using a fire, and would not be able to keep
inside atoms are electrons. These tiny particles carry food fresh in the refrigerator or freezer. In winter,
a negative charge. Normally, they stay with their atom we would go to sleep early (without light and heat)
and move back and forth a little. However, if there is and in summer we would have to live without fans.
a positive charge somewhere, electrons may move
in that direction. This movement is flowing electricity. HOMEWORK
Although electrons are attracted to a positive charge Test yourself questions on page 108 of Student Book.
and will move in that direction, they maintain their
position relative to each other, rather than all rushing Lesson 9–2
to the positive charge.
Pages 109 and 110
If you were to model this with students, it will be like
a proper dinner queue. Students remain in line and OBJECTIVE
take a step towards the food (the positive charge).
• To extend knowledge about electrical circuits and
What it is NOT is a rush of students (electrons), use the concepts of electric current and energy
all trying to get to dessert (the positive charge)! transfer to explain how electrical devices work.
So in order to move electrons (and have a current
of electricity), we need a material which contains LEARNING OUTCOMES
electrons that can move. Some materials have this After this lesson, students should be able to:
and are called conductors; others do not, and are
• describe a simple circuit as a path for flow of
called insulators.
MAIN (25 min) • differentiate between open and closed circuits.
• Read page 107 and 108 • draw and interpret simple circuit diagrams (using

Chapter 9 | Electricity

START (10 min) So a bird with its feet far apart will experience
• Please try to have students build circuits as more electricity than a similar bird with its feet
shown in the experiment described in worksheet close together.
1-9. If this is really not possible, use the online
simulation available at http://coolsciencelab.com/ HOMEWORK
conductors_and_insulators.htm Draw and colour the circuit diagram page 110 of
Student Book.
• Worksheet 1-9: Students carry out the experiment
to classify materials as conductors or insulators.
If the necessary resources are not available, have Lesson 9–3
a look at this site to improvise: https://www. Pages 114 and 115
MAIN (20 min)
• To extend knowledge about electrical circuits and
• Read pages 109 and 110 and discuss the concept use the concepts of electric current and energy
of circuit diagrams. transfer to explain how electrical devices work.
• Show electrical components and explain how to
connect them in the circuit. LEARNING OUTCOMES
After this lesson, students should be able to:
• Give a concept of conductors and insulators.
• describe the characteristics of series and parallel
• Provide support to students to draw circuit
diagrams. If resources are available, the
students can also build the circuits. Students • draw and construct a series and parallel circuits.
can build simulated circuits on http://thefusebox. • identify the use of series and parallel electric
northernpowergrid.com/page/circuitbuilder.cfm. circuits in daily life.
This could be an extension activity to be done at
school or at home. START (10 min)

PLENARY (15 min) Use https://www.ck12.org/book/ck-12-

• Discuss high voltage cables transport electricity section/5.72/ to Watch a clip on different types of a
over long distances. The voltage involved can be circuit and share the explanation about series and
200 000 Volts or more. Birds sometimes sit on parallel circuits.
these cables and are not harmed. The reason is
in the amount of electricity which actually goes MAIN (25 min)
through the body. The birds sit on the wire, holding
• Read pages 114 and 115
the wire with their feet/claws. Their feet are close
together, so the moving electrons, which are the • Support students in building series and parallel
electricity, have a ‘choice’: they can travel through circuits, comparing the brightness of the bulbs.
a small length of highly conductive metal wire, or
• Work sheet 3-9
they can ‘choose’ to go all the way round through
the bird’s body (which is not as good a conductor PLENARY (10 min)
as the metal wire).
• It is great fun to have fairy lights for decoration
• As the resistance to go through the bird is much when you are celebrating something. These days,
higher, (almost) all the electricity will flow through fortunately, they are produced as parallel circuits,
the wire, and the bird is safe—as long as it does but many years ago, they were made as series
not touch another wire or the supporting pole. circuits.
If the bird puts its feet far apart, the resistance
• Ask students why it is much better to have the
through its body will not change, but the length
bulbs connected in parallel.
of wire (the alternative route for the electricity)
will be longer, and hence the resistance higher.

• When they are connected in series, none of the addition to the switch) such as a bulb or motor.
lights will work if one bulb is loose or broken. You Since the ammeter has very little resistance, a
cannot tell which one is the problem, so you have circuit without an additional component would
to check them all. essentially short circuit, which is both dangerous
(fire) and/or damages the ammeter.
• Work sheet 4-9
• Test yourself questions on page 117 of Student MAIN (20 min)
Book. • Read Pages 112 and 113 and discuss. Ask
questions to ensure students understand.
• Hand out worksheet 4-9. If possible, students
Exercise questions 4 and 5 on page 122, 123 of
should build the circuits and measure current and
Student Book.
voltage at various points and in various set ups.

Lesson 9–4 • If practical activity is not possible, complete

worksheet 4-9 as a theoretical exercise.
Pages 111 and 113
PLENARY (10 min)
OBJECTIVES Ask students to apply their learning to how they
• To demonstrate the use of an ammeter to measure understand appliances with batteries, e.g. a torch.
the current flowing in an electrical circuit.
Test yourself questions on page 113 of the Student
• To demonstrate the use of a voltmeter to measure Book.
voltage in an electrical circuit.
LEARNING OUTCOMES Exercise questions 6 on page 123 of the Student
After this lesson, students should be able to: Book.
• draw circuit diagrams to represent simple
electrical circuits, using appropriate symbols. Lesson 9–5
• measure the current and voltage in an electrical Page 114 and 115
START (10 min) • To know about the factors that affect the
• Reinforce the concept that an ammeter measures brightness of bulbs or speed of motors.
current (how many electrons run through it),
and a voltmeter measures voltage (how much LEARNING OUTCOMES
“push”, or energy, each electron has). The current The students should be able to:
is constant throughout the circuit (or you would
• investigate the factors that affect the brightness
have electrons collecting in one part of it) so it
of bulbs or speed of motors
does not matter where in the circuit the ammeter
is placed. The voltmeter is connected in parallel • number of batteries
to a component (e.g. light bulb, resistor, or cell)
• number of bulbs
and the voltage produced by the source (cell or
battery) must be the same as the sum of the • type of wire
voltages measured for each component. • length of wire
• As before, make sure every circuit has a switch (so • thickness of wire
it is not left ‘on’) and make sure that every circuit
with an ammeter also has another component (in

Chapter 9 | Electricity

START (15 min) • assemble and operate a trip wire security alarm
• Ask students to go through Page 114 and 115 and system using simple items. (steam)
note down the factors. • explain electrical resistance and describe how a
• Ask students to make a simple circuit and investigate resistance wire can be used as a fuse.
the factors that affect the brightness of bulbs or
speed of motors by changing different components START (10 min)
of the circuit. • Recall that in lesson 1, the bulb did not glow
equally brightly with all conductors and remember
• Activity page 120 of the student book.
that we mentioned ‘resistance’ when discussing
the birds on the high voltage cable.
MAIN (15 min)
• Read page 114 and 115 and explain the factors that • Similar information can also be found at
affect the brightness of bulbs or speed of motors. https://www.ck12.org/book/CK-12-Physical-
• Demonstrate that the larger the diameter of the
wire, the more paths will be available for electrons MAIN (25 min)
to flow.
• Read Pages 118 and 119
• Show that when more bulbs are added, brightness
• Explain that in homes resistance in wires can be
of the bulb in the circuit will become dimmer
put to good use in electrical circuits.
because it become difficult for current to flow.
• Show different fuses and their values.
• Demonstrate that a piece of thin wire has higher
resistance than a piece of thicker wire with the • If possible ask an electrician to show fuses are
same length. attached in circuits.
• Discuss the factor that adding more cells in a • Explain that an electrical device can be protected
series circuit will make the bulb in the circuit by a fuse in the plug.
brighter because more current will be pushed • Discuss about the role of fuse in a circuit.
around it.
• Explain that a long length of wire will have a high PLENARY (10 min)
resistance. • Ask students to consider the advantages that
electricity has brought us but also consider the
PLENARY (15 min) dangers and write main points on the board.
Test yourself questions on page 115 of the Student • Work sheet 5-9
Test yourself questions on page 120 of Student Book.
Write the factors that affect the brightness of bulbs.

Lesson 9–6
Pages 118 and 119

• To extend knowledge about electrical circuits and
use the concepts of electric current and energy
transfer to explain how electrical devices work.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

Worksheet 9–1

1. Which materials conduct electricity (conductors) and which do not (insulators)?
PLEASE NOTE – safety instructions
• Only use the equipment provided as directed by the teacher.
• When you have set up the equipment, ask the teacher to check it before starting the experiments.
• NEVER use power from the mains (unless you have a transformer provided by the teacher).
• Include a switch in every circuit so it is only completed when you push the switch.

1. Set up a circuit as shown on page 110 of your student book.
2. Ask the teacher to check your circuit.
3. Place the first of the materials provided between the crocodile clips.
4. Push the switch.
If the light goes on, electricity is flowing through your circuit, so the material you tested is a conductor. If not,
the material is an insulator.
Your materials could include some of the following:
a piece of aluminium foil, a plastic bottle cap, an eraser, a drinking straw, a fresh twig from a bush or tree, a
pencil lead, a metal bottle cap, a wooden cube, a paper clip (many others are also possible)
In the table below, record your findings

Material conductor insulator

a piece of aluminium foil
a plastic bottle cap
an eraser
a drinking straw
a fresh twig from a bush or tree
a pencil lead
a metal bottle cap
a wooden cube
a paper clip

Chapter 9 | Electricity
Worksheet 9–2

1. For each diagram given on the right side, put a red circle around every bulb which does not light and explain
the reason below.

Explain why the bulb(s) will not light.

2. Draw each of these electrical circuits as a circuit diagram.

3. Draw circuit diagrams of the following situations. Please use a ruler so you draw straight lines.

a battery connected to a bulb a battery connected to a motor and two batteries connected to a buzzer
a switch and a bell

Worksheet 9–3

1. Label the drawings with “series circuit” or “parallel circuit”.

2. Consider the following experiment:


Create a circuit with one cell or battery, a switch, and a lamp. Close the circuit and look at how bright the bulb
is. Using the same circuit, add one lamp in series. The lamp must be the same as the one already used. Close
the circuit.

a. Are the bulbs burning equally brightly?


b. Are they as bright as when there was only one bulb?


c. If you loosen one bulb, does the other still light up?


Slightly change your circuit so that the bulbs are now in parallel.

d. Are the bulbs burning equally brightly?


e. Are they as bright as when there was only one bulb?


f. If you loosen one bulb, does the other still light up?


3. Draw the following as circuit diagrams:

Chapter 9 | Electricity

Assuming all bulbs are the same, will they all light equally bright? Explain your answer.


Worksheet 9–4

1. A mnemonic is a way to remember something in an easy way. This can be done by using the first letters
and making a sentence (which is easier to remember).

You need to remember that Voltmeters are connected in Parallel, Ammeters are connected in Series. If this is
difficult, it may help to remember that “volt and ammeters are Very Particular About Some things”.

Complete the table below.

Ammeter Voltmeter
What does it measure?
Which units does it use?
How is it placed in the circuit?
Does it matter where it is placed?

2. In the previous worksheet, you saw that three bulbs in series do not burn as brightly as three similar bulbs
connected in parallel.

What happens to the current and the voltage in circuits with bulbs in series or in parallel?

Below you can see four circuit diagrams.

Write the correct answer by each circuit diagram:

How are the bulbs connected? Series / Parallel

What is being measured? Current / Voltage

3. Complete these sentences.

a. When the bulbs are connected in series, the current will be


b. When the bulbs are connected in series, the voltage will be


c. When the bulbs are connected in parallel, the current will be


d. When the bulbs are connected in parallel, the voltage will be


Chapter 9 | Electricity
Worksheet 9–5

1. During the experiment in the first lesson of this unit, you may have noticed that not all conductors allowed
the light bulb to light up equally brightly. This is because the division of conductors and insulators is not
black and white.

Many materials will conduct some electricity. How much they conduct depends on the amount of resistance
they have. The higher the resistance to electricity, the less electricity will flow through it—remember the
example of the birds on the high voltage wire. Even the best conductor has some resistance. This means that
it will heat up when a current goes through it. Depending on how much the resistance is and how much the
current is, this may or may not be a problem.

In a light bulb, the filament has quite a high resistance. A current running through this filament will make it so
hot that it will start to glow. A special gas in the light bulb will stop the filament from catching fire, but after
some time, the filament will be destroyed and we need a new light bulb. Name some household appliances
which also make use of the concept that high resistance causes a wire to become very hot.


However, if an old appliance breaks, it may ‘short circuit’. That means that the current will no longer go through
the appliance, with its resistance, but, instead take a short cut. Without resistance, a lot more current will go
through, and that could be dangerous. In order to prevent this large surge of current, we can use a fuse. A
fuse is a piece of wire with a specific resistance. When too much current runs through this wire, it will melt
and break the circuit. This means we have to replace the fuse but have avoided the large and dangerous surge
of current. In some countries, each plug of an appliance will have its own fuse.

Worksheet 9–6

1. The cables used in a house are made in such a way that they do not heat up much when a normal current
goes through them. However, an old appliance, for example, could break and cause a short circuit. The
electricity would not flow through the appliance (with a certain amount of resistance) but would take a
‘short-cut’ without any resistance. This short circuit would lead to a lot of current going through the cables
and could make them heat up so much they could start a fire. To prevent this type of situation, the cables in
your house are connected to the electricity supply via a fuse. As there are several separate circuits in your
house, each has its own fuse. All fuses are put together in the fuse box. A diagram of a possible design of
the electric circuits in a house is shown below.

You can see that different parts of the house have their own circuit.

1. Give examples of anything in your house which uses electricity? Do not include anything on batteries.


2. Consider that anything which heats up or cools down will take much more energy than e.g. lamps. Where
in your house would you use fuses that allow a lot of current before they melt and where could you put
fuses which do not allow so much electricity?


When a fuse ‘blows’, i.e. too much current has gone through it and the special cable has melted, it needs to
be replaced. As different areas have fuses allowing different amounts of current, this means that people have
to have a range of spare fuses. So now, many places have devices called ‘circuit breakers’. When too much
current flows through them, a switch flips itself and the circuit is cut. When the faulty device which caused the
overload is unplugged, the circuit breaker switch can simply be flipped back again.



What is attraction, repulsion?

What is the theory for magnetism?

What is magnetic induction?

The effect of electromagnetism

Uses of electromagnetism

Nearly everyone knows something about magnets. You have probably used a magnet
to pick up pins, tacks, and other things made of iron or steel. We do not know when
and how magnetism was discovered, but different stories are told about how a kind
of rock was discovered which would attract pieces of iron towards itself and hold on
to them.
For many years, people thought that magnetism was a quality unique to one kind
of rock. It was interesting, but it was not really useful. At last, someone discovered
that a piece of iron would act like a magnet if it was rubbed on the rock. This was
followed by an even greater discovery.
If a magnet made of iron was set on a piece of wood floating in water, the magnet
would turn until it pointed towards the north and south. This was the first compass.
The rock used to make the iron magnet in the compass was called lodestone.
Scientists have found that lodestone is made of a kind of iron ore called magnetite.
The compass is one of the most important inventions ever made, but for a long time
no other uses for magnets were discovered. Magnets were so weak that they could
move only small pieces of iron. Finally scientists discovered how to make much
stronger magnets by using electric current. They also learned how to use electric
current to make electromagnets, where the magnetic force could be turned on or
off. From then on, many new uses for magnets were found.
Telephone receivers, loudspeakers and speedometers, all have magnets in them. So
do electric bells and buzzers. Magnets are found in every electric motor or generator.
Doctors often use magnets to get tiny bits of iron out of a person’s eyes or throat. In
these and many other ways, magnets are used every day.

The objective of this chapter is to explain Lesson 10–1
the properties and function of magnets and
pages 126 and 127
electromagnets. They will be able to identify the
different ways they are used.
• To identify magnetic materials and magnetic field.

The students should be able to:
• recognise that electric current has a magnetic
field around it and that it can be verified using a
magnetic compass.
• recognise that a freely moving magnet comes to
rest pointing in a north-south direction.
• compare different types of magnets (permanent,
temporary and electromagnets).
• recognise earth’s magnetic field which attracts a
freely-pivoted magnet to line up with it

Iron filings should be stored carefully. Do not dip your
magnets in iron filings – it is difficult to get them clean
again. Ensure there is no class room management
issues, as inhalation of iron dust is unhygienic.

START (10 min)

Show students a magnet and elicit what they already
know about magnetism. As usual, do not provide
(much) feedback or response but let the students
react to each other’s comments so that you discover
their knowledge and/or possible misconceptions.

MAIN (20 min)

• Read pages 126 and 127 and distribute worksheet
• Hand out magnets and ask students to investigate
whether objects are attracted or repelled by a
magnet or if no force is evident. Students should
record their findings in worksheet 4-1.
• Ask students to suspend their magnets as shown
in the illustration. Place them around the room
away from other magnets. The magnets should
all orient themselves in the same direction – i.e.
the Earth’ magnetic field. Draw students’ attention
to this phenomenon.
It would be useful to know which side of the room
is north and which is south.

Chapter 10 | Magnetism

• Bring a magnet near to one of the suspended • recognise that electric current has a magnetic
magnets and observe how it changes its field around it and that it can be verified using a
orientation. Ask students to write down their magnetic compass.
observations in worksheet 1-10.
• recognise that a freely moving magnet comes to
rest pointing in a north-south direction.
PLENARY (15 min)
In this lesson, students saw that a magnet attracts • recognise that there is a space around a magnet
objects made of iron or steel but also attracts the where the effect of magnetic force can be
opposite pole of other magnets. So how could they observed.
prove if something is a magnet or if some material • draw the magnetic field of a bar magnet using
is attracted to a magnet? The proof of a magnet is iron filings.
in repulsion. If an object is attracted to the magnet,
it may be a magnet or an object with induced START (10 min)
magnetism. However, when the magnet is turned Forces cannot always be seen, but to understand
around to test the object with the other pole of the them we can draw them. To show how a magnetic
magnet—a real magnet would be repelled while an field works, we can use iron filings and a magnet.
induced magnet would still be attracted. So the test The small pieces of iron will be induced to behave
for magnetism is in repulsion. like small magnets as long as they are near the real
magnet. Discuss this concept with students.
‘Test yourself’ questions page 127 of the student Please remember to keep at least one sheet of
book. paper between the magnet and the iron filings.
Remind students that they also need to keep the
EXTENSION iron filings separated from the magnet by a sheet
of paper.
Visit https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/
eddycurrents. This experiment shows that a
MAIN (25 min)
magnet will fall through an aluminum, brass, or
copper tube more slowly than through a non- • read pages 128-129
metal pipe. Do not use an iron or steel pipe as the Support students doing task 1 from the worksheet
magnet simply attaches to the pipe and will not 4-2. Ensure that the iron filings do not come into
fall. direct contact with the magnet by keeping a sheet of
This can be done as a demonstration with the paper or a transparency between them at all times.
students timing the fall of the various objects • When investigating the strength of the magnetic
through different pipes. If you do this, do several field, students should consider that the iron filings
repeats of each combination (object and pipe) to represent the field lines and that a stronger field is
obtain some statistical relevance. indicated by the field lines being closer together.

Lesson 10–2 Test yourself page 129 of the student book

Pages 128-129 PLENARY (10 min)

Ask students the following questions:
• To identify magnetic materials. • Where are magnetic forces stronger?
• In which direction do magnetic lines of force
The students should be able to:
• Do they ever cross each other? Explain by
• identify the shape and direction, of the magnetic considering what happens if they do and if they
field around a bar magnet. do not cross.
• worksheet 2-10

HOMEWORK • How can you make a permanent magnet?
Exercise question 3 and 4 page 136 of the student
‘Test yourself’ questions, page 130 -131 of Student
Lesson 10–3
Pages 130–131
Lesson 10–4
OBJECTIVE Page 132 and 133
• To explain the concepts of a magnetic field of a
permanent magnet and an electromagnet. OBJECTIVE
• To show how magnets and electromagnets can
LEARNING OUTCOMES be used in a number of devices.
The students should be able to:
• understand how magnetism can be induced in a
piece of iron or steel. The students should be able to:

• describe how to magnetize a magnetic material. • demonstrate how an electromagnet is made.

• describe how to de-magnetize a magnetic • describe some uses of magnets and

material. electromagnets.

• construct an electromagnet and identify its START (10 min)

application in everyday life. Elicit responses from students on following
START (15 min)
• Review ‘Test yourself’ questions from previous • Have you seen an electromagnetic crane?
lessons. • Where is it used?
• Show a small piece of a broken magnet to the • Where else do we use electromagnets?
class and ask if it is a complete magnet? Test the
properties of this magnetic piece. MAIN (25 min)
• Read Page 132 and 133 and explain about the use
MAIN (15 min) of electromagnets.
• read page 130 -131
• The teacher should demonstrate making of an
• Explain the domain theory with arrows drawn in electromagnet and explain how to make it (as
the same direction on the board. written in the worksheet 3-10). Students should
• Discuss if a piece of iron is kept near a magnet. be divided into four groups. Each group should
What will happen to the domain? be given an iron nail, copper wire, and batteries.
They will be asked to make the electromagnet
• Ask students to magnetize a piece of iron by themselves.
stroking it repeatedly with a magnet. Bring an iron
nail near to the induced magnet. What happens? PLENARY (10 min)
Then bring a steel nail near to it. Perform investigation 2 on page 137 of the Student
Book and discuss responses of the student.
PLENARY (15 min)
Discuss the following in class: HOMEWORK
• How can you make a temporary magnet? What • Students can do research on where electromagnets
happens to the domains before and after making are used in modern technology.
a temporary magnet? • Project to construct a working model of an
• What is induced magnetism? electromagnet can be assigned to the students.

Chapter 10 | Magnetism

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ Exercise Question 7 and 8 page 136 and 137.
science/edexcel_pre_2011/electricit yworld/
This site allows students to set the circuit breaker
and then to set the current flowing through it. If the
actual current exceeds the maximum set, the circuit
breaker will cut the circuit.

Lesson 10–5
Page 134

• To show how magnets and electromagnets can
be used in a number of devices.

The students should be able to:
• describe some uses of magnets and

START (10 min)

• Ask students if they can identify the uses of

MAIN (25 min)

• Read page 134 and briefly explain the uses of
• Explain that a relay is an electronically controlled
switch. It uses a small current to turn on a
separate circuit, which may carry a large current.
• Discuss that in electronic circuits, small relays
are used. These have a very thin, flexible piece
of metal inside a glass tube. The metal acts like
a switch. When a magnet is nearby, the switch
becomes magnetized and the contacts touch.
• Demonstrate that the relay can be activated by
a small bar magnet or a small coil. Some reed
relays have their contacts together under normal
conditions. The switch then opens in a magnetic
• Work sheet 3-10

PLENARY (10 min)

Ask and discuss responses of ‘Test yourself’
questions given on page 134 of Student Book.

Worksheet 10–1

Task 1

a. Use the magnet your teacher has provided to test if objects are attracted. Record your findings in the table
below. You must record at least 5 objects.

Object What is it made of? Magnetic Non-magnetic

b. What conclusion can you draw from your findings?

Task 2

With your class, suspend your magnets from a piece of string so that they can move freely. Place them around
the room.

a. What do you notice about the orientation of the different magnets?


b. If you bring another magnet near to one of the free moving magnets, what happens?


c. Explain what happened in both of the above situations.


Make sure you have read pages 48 – 50 of your Student Book.

Chapter 10 | Magnetism
Worksheet 10–2

Task 1

a. Place a bar magnet flat on the table and place a thick sheet of paper on top of the magnet. If overhead
transparencies are available, these are great too.

b. Gently shake a small amount of iron filings onto the paper or sheet.

c. Give the paper a few very gentle taps to allow the iron filings to settle.

d. Draw the field lines (=patterns you see) below.

e. Repeat using different shaped magnets.

f. Take a good look at the density of the iron filings at various points. There are more filings in some places
than in others. You can also see this on page 48 of your Student Book. What could be the reason for this?


g. We indicate a stronger magnetic field by drawing the field lines closer together. Check if you did this in your
drawings and adjust them if necessary.


Check with your teacher if you are allowed to place two magnets under a sheet to study the interactions on the
position of the iron filings. Draw the field lines and compare them with those on page 50 of your Student Book.

Worksheet 10–3


1. Make an electromagnet. Take an iron nail. Wind 20 turns of copper wire around the iron nail.

a. Is it behaving like a magnet?


b. How many pins are attracted by this electromagnet?


c. Now connect the ends of the wire to two batteries. What do you observe?


d. How many pins can be attracted now? Record your observations.


2. Now take the same size of iron nail, but this time wind 40 turns of copper wire with one battery, and then
with two batteries. Record your observations.

No. of turns of wire No. of batteries No. of pins attracted by

20 1
20 2
40 1
40 2

a. Which variables have you changed in this experiment?


b. Which variable has been constant?


c. How can you make an electromagnet stronger? List two ways.



Solar System

How did the universe begin?

What is the solar system?

Planet facts


Information from space

The universe contains everything that exists. We do not know how big the universe is.
A galaxy is a star system. Our Earth is part of a galaxy called the Milky Way. There are
thousands and thousands of stars in the Milky Way. These stars give a milky appearance
to the sky, hence the name.
Galaxies are very far apart. The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is called Andromeda.
Andromeda is two million light years away. This means that the light we see from
Andromeda has taken two million years to reach us. We are seeing it as it was two
million years ago. Astronomers believe that there are many more galaxies further out
in space that cannot be seen.
There are several theories regarding the origin and formation of the universe.

The big bang theory:

This theory suggests that the universe began 10,000 million years ago with an enormous

The pulsating universe theory:

Scientists assume the universe to be continually contracting and expanding. When
the universe has expanded to a certain size it will begin to shrink. The galaxies will be
pushed closer and closer together. Eventually they will explode causing the universe
to expand again.

The expanding universe theory:

Scientists suggest that the universe will never collapse but keep on expanding. This
theory implies that there has only ever been one big bang.

Lesson 11–1 on his/her card, he/she calls out ‘Bingo’ and a group
member will check if they have crossed off the
pages 138-140
correct answers.
OBJECTIVE For example: a question could be ‘Which planet is
• To extend knowledge about the planets of our closest to the Sun?’
solar system. Student 1 will know the answer is Mercury and will
cross it off his/her card.
Student 2 also knows the answer but his/her card
Students should be able to:
does not have ‘Mercury’ as an answer so s/he cannot
• Differentiate between the characteristics of cross off anything.
different planets.
Student 3 thinks the answer is Venus and crosses
• Name the planets of the solar system and recall this off his/her card.
some information about them.
The next random question is then read out. If student
START (15 min) 3 is the first to cross off all his/her answers, s/he will
call out Bingo and a team member will check and see
This sections starts with some calculations for two that s/he crossed off an incorrect answer. She/he will
reasons. First, it is important that students have be disqualified and the game continues to the next
some idea of the size of Earth relative to our solar question. So winning the game depends on knowing
system. For this reason, they may hypothetically the correct answers, but also on luck as you may not
create a model of the solar system which is the size have each answer on your card.
of the classroom. After doing the calculations, they
will find that they cannot build this model to scale MAIN (10 min)
since Earth would be too small. The second reason
• Read pages 138-140
is that students should see the use of working with
numbers beyond what happens in mathematics. • Steer the discussion towards the size of the solar
Many students struggle with numbers, but even system and the relative sizes of the planets and
those who can do the sums in mathematics do not the distances between them. Then ask students
always see how their skills can be applied in other to use the exercise where they calculate whether
situations. Please make sure you understand fully they can make a scale model of the universe in
how the calculations work so you can help your the classroom.
students. The questions at the end of the worksheet
• Discuss what students know about the solar
system. Often one or a few students will have
been interested in this topic when younger and
Bingo game:
may remember some information. Invite (some
Another way of getting students to interact with this of) these students to take turns to share their
material would be for students to create a bingo knowledge with the class and encourage the
game. Groups of four students prepare, e.g., 25 class to question these ‘expert students’. Your role
questions where the answers could be the name is only to monitor that the information provided is
of a planet and/or facts about the solar system. It correct; try to avoid giving any answers.
is important that answers are very brief. The group
then prepares bingo cards with 15 correct answers. • Tell about the next nearest star, Alpha Centauri,
Each card should have correct answers to different is much bigger but looks tiny because it is so far
questions. The game is played by the group reading away.
out the questions in a random order. The other • Discuss about the nuclear fusion and explain
students in the class have each received a bingo about the reaction of gases.
card. When a question is asked by the group, the
other students will individually and in silence think PLENARY (10 min)
of the answer and if they find it on their card, cross Ensure students have understood the purpose of the
it off. When a student has crossed off all answers exercise: that Earth is very small in the solar system.

Chapter 11 | Solar System

If you wish, you can take the discussion to the level • Hoba meteorite in Namibia, the largest known
of the Milky Way, the galaxy of our solar system, meteorite on earth. It weighs about 60 tonnes
and eventually the size of the universe, but do not
• Discuss about the Halley’s Comet. This is a well-
be surprised if this becomes meaningless—most
known comet in our solar system. This comet is
adults find it hard to really understand.
named after the scientist Edmond Halley.
Test yourself page 140
PLENARY (15 min)
HOMEWORK Ask students about the differences between
Draw and colour the labeled diagram of the solar asteroids, meteorites and comets.
Exercise Question 3 page 150 of the student book

Lesson 11–2 HOMEWORK

Pages 141-145 Test yourself page 144

OBJECTIVE Lesson 11–3

• To understand about the characteristics of
Pages 146-149
asteroids, meteorites and comets.
To understand about the Global Positioning
The students should be able to:
System (GPS).
• describe the characteristics of asteroids,
meteorites and comets. LEARNING OUTCOMES
• differentiate between planets and dwarf The students should be able to:
planets. • describe the uses of various satellites in space
• inquire into the sighting of Halley’s comet; i.e., geostationary, weather, communication
describe what they would feel if they saw it. and Global Positioning System (GPS).
• investigate how artificial satellites have
START (10 min) improved our knowledge about space and are
Show table on page 141 of the student book. used for space research.

MAIN (15 min) START (15 min)

• Read page 142 and 143 of the student book and
MAIN (15 min)
explain the characteristics of asteroids, meteorites
and comets. • Read Pages 146-149

• Discuss about the five dwarf planets in our • Explain why a satellite stays up?
solar system. They are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, • Draw a diagram on the board and show the
Makemake, and Eris. following:
• Discuss about the facts about the Dwarf planet a. Show a path taken by a shell fired from the
and show table on page 143. gun.
• Explain that the Asteroids are pieces of rock that b. Show the path taken by the shell from the gun
orbit the Sun. They were left over when the solar at a greater speed. It travels further before
system was formed. hitting the Earth.
• Explain that the meteoroids are small pieces of c. Show the path of the shell fired from the gun
Asteroids. at even greater speed. This shell is travelling
so fast that the curve of its fall matches curve
of the Earth.

• Explain that a polar orbit satellite ‘sees’ a slightly
different part of the Earth because the planet is
always turning.
• Discuss that the satellite can therefore build up a
picture of the whole of the Earth’s surface.
• Explain about the geostationary satellites which
are very useful for communication.
• Discuss about the Global positioning system(GPS)
• Discuss that the Satellite navigation is made
possible by the global positioning system.

PLENARY (15 min)

Work sheet 3-11
Ask different questions:
Q. Name three types of artificial satellites.
Q. What is the Hubble space telescope?
Q. Explain the difference between a polar orbit and
a geostationary orbit.
Q. Why a satellite stays up in space?
Test yourself page 148 of the student book

Test yourself page 149 of the student book.
Assignment: students to make a traveller’s guide
booklet of solar system.

Chapter 11 | Solar System
Worksheet 11–1

1. As it may be difficult to imagine all the planets circling the Sun, you could build a model of the planets of the
solar system to scale in your classroom. Use the information on pages 134 and 135 to do your calculations.
Suppose your classroom is 20 m long. If you put the Sun on one side, Neptune will be on the other side.
a. What is the real distance between Neptune and the Sun? __________________________________________
b. What would this be in metres? ______________________________________________________________
c. So if you are going to build a model of the solar system in your classroom, you will put the Sun on one
side of the room and Neptune on the other. The scale of your model will be determined by the size of your
classroom. Let us assume your classroom is 20 m long. This 20 m will represent the distance between the
Sun and Neptune. Other distances and the sizes of the planets need to be calculated to the same scale. In
order to work out the scale, you will need to do the calculation below.

distance of Sun-Neptune (in m)

Length of classroom
The number in the grey box is your scale.

So 1 m in the classroom model = m in the scale system, or

m in the scale system is 1 m in the classroom

Now you need to use the number in the grey box to work out how big Earth would be in your model.
d. What is the real diameter of Earth? ______________________________________________________________
e. What would this be in metres? ______________________________________________________________
f. Now you need to divide the diameter of the Earth by the scale you calculated in the grey box to get the size
of Earth in your classroom model.

diameter of Earth (in m)

= m

g. This number in the grey box is in metres. What would be the size of the Earth in your classroom model in
mm? ______________________________________________________________
So it may not be realistic to make a model of the solar system to scale in your classroom, but you now have
an idea of the size of the solar system in relation to Earth. Just for comparison, the diameter of a pin (used
by tailors) is 0.5–1 mm. Earth in your classroom model would be less than one tenth of the diameter of a pin
when the distance of the Sun to Neptune is 20 m.
But what you can do is to model the distances between the Sun and the planets of the solar system inside
your classroom. String a rope from one end of the room to the other. If the length of the rope is not 20 m, you
will have to redo the previous calculations to find the scale for converting the distances in the solar system to
the scale model inside your classroom.

h. Once you have calculated the scale, you need to calculate the relative distance of each planet to the Sun
on the scale of your classroom.

distance to the Sun (in metres)

Scale factor

Please also include Neptune in your calculations. If the relative distance to the Sun on the scale of your classroom
is NOT the length of the string, you need to check your calculations. Use clothes pegs or paperclips to hang
a piece of paper with the name of the planet (or Sun) at the correct spot on the string. You can also add more
information about each planet and put the string up high so everyone can see it while going through this unit.

Chapter 11 | Solar System
Worksheet 11–2

In order to remember the planets of the solar system, you can make a mnemonic of the first letters of their
names. You can make a sentence using any words you like as long as their first letters are the same as the
names of the planets in the solar system (in order). M(ercury), V(enus), E(arth), M(ars), J(upiter), S(aturn),
U(ranus), N(eptune). Example: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nuggets
a. Now write your own mnemonic: ______________________________________________________________

b. Answer the following questions.

Which planet is closest to the Sun?

Which planet is the farthest from the Sun?
On which planet would night be the longest?
Which planet is the largest?
Which planet is the smallest?
On which planet would you have the most birthdays?
On which planet would you be unlikely to live even one year?
On which planet would you be able to wash?
On which planets would you be able to breathe oxygen?
Which planet is the warmest?
Which planet is the average temperature of your freezer at home?
Which planets have no moons?
Which planet has the most moons?

Worksheet 11–3

1. Write differences between the following:

Planet Dwarf planet facts

meteor meteorite

Asteroids Meteoroids

Technology in


everyday life


Fertilisers and plant growth

Beneficial microorganisms

Making solar oven

Assembling a circuit

Lesson 12–1 Page 152-154 Lesson 12–2
Pages 154-156
• To encourage students for plantation. OBJECTIVE
• To understand the process of fermentation.
The students should be able to: LEARNING OUTCOME
• grow seasonal plants and vegetables in earthen The students should be able to:
pots and demonstrate the effect of use of
• prepare yoghurt and cheese from milk to
fertilisers on the growth of plants.
demonstrate the beneficial microorganisms.
START (10 min)
START (15 min)
Materials required : 12 small earthenware plant pots,
Materials required:
labels, soil, liquid fertiliser, radish seeds, ruler.
Making yoghurt – method 1
MAIN (25 min)
Saucepan, 1 litre of fresh full fat milk, natural live
Read Page 152-154
yoghurt, thermometer, pH paper or pH meter,
Explain that the fertiliser contains three elements measuring cylinder or jug, stirrer, sterile glass jar
essential for plant growth. These are and lid.
a. nitrogen (N)
Making yoghurt – method 2
b. phosphorous (P)
UHT (ultrahigh temperature treated) sterilized
c. potassium (K) milk, natural live yoghurt, sterile boiling tubes,
sterile glass stirrer, boiling tube rack, plastic film,
Discuss that these elements are combined with
thermometer, water bath or oven, pH paper or pH
glucose made in photosynthesis to make amino
meter, measuring cylinder.
Explain that the Amino acids are the building blocks Safety notes:
of protein. 1. Wear safety goggles. 2. Take care while boiling milk
PLENARY (10 min) in the saucepan. 3. Do not taste this yoghurt without
permission from your teacher.
Ask the names and symbols of the elements required
for the plants’ growth.
MAIN (30 min)
HOMEWORK Read Pages 154-156
Assignment: collect biodegradable materials from Discuss about the beneficial microorganisms.
the household trash and make fertiliser. Use that Explain that many microorganisms are of great
fertiliser in the potted plants at home and school. benefit to us.
Discuss that the good bacteria in yoghurt are called
probiotics and are used to ferment milk.
PLENARY (15 min)
Ask students about different types of microorganisms.

The good bacteria in yoghurt are called probiotics
and are used to ferment milk.

Chapter 12 | Technology in everyday life

Lesson 12–3 START (15 min)

Pages 159-160 Materials required: door bell, push button switch, 3
x 1.5 V cells, connecting wires.
MAIN (15 min)
• To know about the design of solar oven.
• Pages 161-162
LEARNING OUTCOME • Explain that the working of an electric bell is
The students should be able to: a mechanical bell that works by means of an
• design a solar oven to convert solar energy into
heat energy. • If possible bring an electric bell and show the
internal structure.
START (15 min)
• Explain the concept of make or break circuit
Materials required: because when the circuit is ‘made’ (switched
Cardboard box, scissors, black card, polystyrene ON) the electromagnet attracts a lever with the
sheets (3 cm thick), sharp knife, ruler, glue gun, hammer.
sticky tape, aluminium foil, sheet of glass or clear PLENARY (15 min)
plastic sheet (large enough to cover the box), beaker,
thermometer. Repeat the experiment again but this time use three
cells and invite students to discuss the following
MAIN (15 min) questions:
• Read pages 159-160 a. What is the voltage of this circuit?
• Discuss that the Infrared waves from the Sun b. What difference does this make to the sound
carry heat (thermal) energy to the box where it of the bell?
is reflected in to the box by the lid.
c. What conclusion can you draw from your
• Record results in a table. results?
PLENARY (15 min)
Discuss about the use and importance of renewable Ask students to draw a circuit diagram in the note
energy. Invite students to participate in the discussion. book.

Collect information about solar energy and paste in
the note book.

Lesson 12–4
Pages 161-162

• To understand about the working of an electric

The students should be able to:
• assemble a circuit to demonstrate the working of
an electric bell.


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