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Chapter-1 General������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
1.0 Electrical Concept���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
2.0 Sources of Electric Locos���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
3.0 Mechanical Concepts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General����������������������������������������������������������������������� 63

30200 Shed Organisation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
30202 Duties of SSE/ PPO (Planning and Progress Office)���������������������������������������������������������������� 63
30203 Duties of Section Supervisors��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
30204 Distribution of Work Load in the Shed������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
30205 Technical Section���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
30206 Specification Updating Section������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
30207 Test and Trials��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
30208 Materials Management�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
30209 Demarcation of Responsibility between Sr. DEE (RS), DEE and ADEs��������������������������������� 69
30210 Job Cards����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
30211 Shed Facilities��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
30213 Records and Register to be Maintained in Loco/EMU Sheds�������������������������������������������������� 87
30214 Unusual Occurrence Reports���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
30215 Periodical Review Information������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
30216 Daily Loco/EMU Position�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91

Chapter-3 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General����������������������������������������������������������������������� 99

30300 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives������������������������������������������������������������ 99
30301 Alterations in Maintenance Schedules�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 99
30302 Scheduled Inspections������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
30303 Technical Instructions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
30304 Engine Fitness Certificate������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101
30305 Must Change Items����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101
30306 Fire Prevention Measures������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101
30307 Unit Exchange Spares������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101

Chapter-4 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of EMUs�������������������������������������������������������� 375

30400 General������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 375
30401 Scheduled Inspection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 375
30402 EMU Fitness Certificate���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 375
30403 Testing of Air Brakes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 375
30404 Maintenance of Vacuum Brakes (Deleted)����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 376

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 387
30500 Divisional Organization���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 387
30501 Duty of Chief Crew Controller (CCC)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 387
30502 Duties of Crew Controller - General Duties (CC)������������������������������������������������������������������ 392
30503 Loco Control Organization����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 394
30504 Duty of Assistant Traction Loco Controller (ATLC) & Traction Loco Controller (TLC)������ 394
30505 Duty of Chief Traction Loco Controller (CTLC)������������������������������������������������������������������� 397
30506 Duties of Chief Loco Inspector����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 397
30507 Duties of Chief Loco Inspector����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 397
30508 Duties of Senior Loco Inspector (SLI) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 398
30509 Vision Test Register���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 401
30510 Running Staff Passed Fit with Spectacles������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 401
30511 Rules Applicable to Running Staff������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 401
30512 Acknowledgment of Circulars etc.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 401
30513 Availability of Dry Sand��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 402
30514B ESMON�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 412
30514C RTIS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 413

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 415

30601 Trailing Loads Assigned to Various Locomotives.����������������������������������������������������������������� 415
30602 Time Tabling and Loco Link Diagrams���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 417
30603 Assessment of Operating Staff for Electric Locos.����������������������������������������������������������������� 418
30606 Checks by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot on Taking Over��������������������������������������������������� 481
30607 Cleanliness of Loco����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 481
30608 Unauthorized Persons in the Loco������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 481
30609 Interference with Equipment��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 481
30610 Check on the Run by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot������������������������������������������������������������ 481
30611 Change of Locomotive Crew at Stations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 481
30612 Service Troubles on Line�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 482
30613 Entering Equipment Compartment����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 482
30614 Loco Pilot’s Duty when Stabling a Loco�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 482
30615 Knowledge of Road (Learning Road)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 482
30616 Speed Restrictions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 484
30617 Loco Pilot’s Personal Equipment�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 485
30618 Personal Equipments to be Carried by Assistant Loco Pilot��������������������������������������������������� 485
30619 Tools and Equipment in Locos������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 485
30620 Loco Log book������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 486
30621 Loco Pilots competency and counseling book������������������������������������������������������������������������ 486
30622 Detailed Preparation of Locomotives������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 486
30623 Check of Vacuum before starting (deleted)���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 487
30624 Minimum Brake Power����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 487

30625 Operation of Air Braked Stock ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 487
30626 Master Controller�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 487
30627 Use of Pantographs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 488
30628 Regenerative and Rheostat Braking���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 488
30629 Starting of Train ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 488
30630 Starting on an Up-gradient ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 488
30631 Speed control by field weakening������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 489
30632 Operation of the Reverser for Braking������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 489
30633 Manual Control of the Tap Changer��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 489
30634 Slow down and Stopping ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 490
306035 Locos in Multiple Operation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 490
30636 Double Heading Operation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 490
30637 Banking����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 491
30637A Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS):���������������������������������������������������� 492
30638 Inability to Haul Goods Trains - Stalling�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 497
30639 Heavy Haul Trains������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 497
30640 Neutarl Section����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 497
30641 Lowering Pantographs Under Emergency Feed��������������������������������������������������������������������� 497
30642 Unwired Tracks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 497
30643 Coasting Down-gradients�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 497
30644 Loco Running Light (Light Engine movement)��������������������������������������������������������������������� 498
30645 Wheel Skidding����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 498
30646 Push Pull Train Operation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 505

Chapter-7 Operation of EMUs /MEMUs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513

30700 Duties of Motorman���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513
30701 Motorman’s Personal Equipment�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513
30702 Checks to be done by Motorman.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513
30703 Preliminary Checks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 514
30704 Checks Before Starting Trains������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 514
30705 Familiarity with automatic brake application������������������������������������������������������������������������� 514
30706 Dead Man’s Handle����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 514
30707 Auxiliary Warning System (AWS)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 515
30708 Joint Testing of Brakes Continuity by Guard and Motorman������������������������������������������������� 515
30709 Duties of Guards of EMU Trains�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 515
30710 Defects in EMU Trains����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 516
30711 Defects Noticed During Run with Special Reference to EMUs��������������������������������������������� 516
30712 Turn-round Time at Terminal Stations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 516
30713 Stabling of EMU Trains���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 516
30714 Coasting with Special Reference to EMU Operation������������������������������������������������������������� 517
30715 Operation with Traction Motor(s) Cut Out /Isolation������������������������������������������������������������� 517
30716 Working of Trains when Tracks are Flooded�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 517

30717 Push pull Operation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 518
30718 Long EMUs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 518

Chapter-8 Commissioning of New Electric Locomotives and EMUs������������������������������������������ 519

30800 Sanction of CRS���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 519
30801 Commissioning of New type of Rolling Stock����������������������������������������������������������������������� 519
30802 Trial Runs on Open line���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 520
30803 Commissioning of New Electric Rolling Stock���������������������������������������������������������������������� 521
30804 Electric Multiple Units������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 521
30805 Additional Precautions before Commencement of Commercial Operation��������������������������� 521

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management���������������������������������������������������������� 523

30900 General������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 523
30901 Knowledge of Rules���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 523
30902 Emergency Stores and Break Down Equipment��������������������������������������������������������������������� 523
30903 Use of Hydraulic Re-railing Equipment of Electrified Track (Deleted)��������������������������������� 523
30904 Break Down Gangs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 523
30905 Record of Staff Movements���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 523
30906 Summoning of Emergency Staff��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 524
30907 Expeditious Clearing of Track������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 524
30908 Emergency Telephone.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 524
30909 Flasher Lights�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 524
30910 Access to the Roof of Electric Locos and EMUs�������������������������������������������������������������������� 525
30911 Precautions to be Followed While Despatching Locomotives as Vehicle������������������������������ 525
30912 Hauling a Damaged Locomotive�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 525
30913 Haulage of a Disabled EMU Train������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 526
30914 Movement of Electric Trains under Conditions of Flooded Tracks���������������������������������������� 526
30915 Accidents involving Electric Rolling Stock���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 526
30916 Look out for OHE Defects������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 527
30917 Pantograph Entanglement������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 527
30918 Protection of Train in Case of Loco Failure and / or OHE Supply Failure���������������������������� 527
30919 Parting of Trains���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 528
30920 Fire fighting Appliances for Electric Rolling Stock���������������������������������������������������������������� 528
30922 Technical Investigation into Fires������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 530
30923 Fire Accidents������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 530
30924 Electrical Safety���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 531
30925 Rehabilitation of Fire/Accident Damaged Rolling Stock������������������������������������������������������� 531

Chapter-10 Rolling Stock Statistics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 545

31001 Annual Statements (Deleted)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 545
31002 Monthly Statements���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 545
31003 Daily Position������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 546
31004 Shed wise Performance (Deleted)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 546

310005 Combined Driver’s and Guard’s Report (Deleted)��������������������������������������������������������������� 546
31006 Nomination for Foreign Railway�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 546

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 549

31101 Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 549
31102 IR’s Initiatives������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 549
31103 Development of 180 KVA Static Inverter in place of ARNO Convertor:������������������������������� 549
31104 Vigilance Control Device�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 550
31105 Microprocessor based control & fault diagnostic system������������������������������������������������������� 550
31106 Real-time Train Information System (RTIS) on Electric Locos��������������������������������������������� 551
31107 End of Train Telemetry (EoTT)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 552
31108 Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS)��������������������������������������������������������� 554
31109 EP assisted Brake System������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 556
31110 Crew Voice & Video Recording System (CVVRS)���������������������������������������������������������������� 556
31111 Head on Generation - Hotel Load Converter�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 557
31112 Push -Pull operation of WAP5/WAP7 locomotives���������������������������������������������������������������� 558
31113 KAVACH��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 559
31114 Train Protection & Warning System (TPWS)������������������������������������������������������������������������� 561
31115 High Reach pantograph����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 562
31116 Open Control VCU������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 563
31117 Fog PILOT ASSISTANCE SYSTEM for SAFETY (FogPASS)�������������������������������������������� 565
31118 Software for Loco Asset Management (SLAM)��������������������������������������������������������������������� 565

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates���������������������������������������������������������������������� 567

31200 Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 567
31201 Planning of Training��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 567
31202 Categories to be trained���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 567
31204 Promotional Courses��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 568
31205 Refresher Courses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 568
31206 Facilities for Training�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 569
31207 Training in General and Subsidiary Rules������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 570
31208 Responsibility of Officer and Supervisors������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 570
31209 Examination at the end of Training����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 570
31210 Specialized Training���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 570
31211 Syllabi������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 570
31212 Authorized Person������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 572
31213 Competency Certificate����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 572
31214 Period of Training������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 572
31215 Drivers, Asstt. Drivers and Motormen������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 574
31216 Register of Certificates������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 574
31217 Service Record������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 574
31218 Inspections������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 574


30100 Evolution of Electric Rolling Stock

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1.0 Electrical Concept

1.1 The development of mercury arc rectifier for rolling stock application, wherein the dc motor could
be used for traction became a single major factor for large scale application of single phase 50 Hz
25 kV for mainline electrification. Hitherto the performance of ac traction motor in locomotive had
always been considered inferior to its dc counterpart and ac traction was only a compromise solution
to save on the cost of OHE. The use of rectifier on the locomotive on the other hand offered an
alternative of a superior locomotive to a dc locomotive. Initially water cooled mercury arc rectifiers
known as Ignitrons, (ignited internally through an igniting electrode) were used. Indian Railways
purchased two types of locomotives of this type (WAM-1 from Europe & WAM-2 from Japan).
But they gave way to neater and more reliable solution of externally fired air cooled rectifiers i.e.
excitrons. Excitrons had the additional advantage of reversibility i.e. converting dc back to ac and
could be utilized for regeneration to a limited extent. Indian Railways imported a few locomotive
of this design from Europe (WAG-1) and a sizable fleet was assembled and manufactured at CLW
as well. A few Japanese locomotives using silicon rectifiers were also imported (WAG-2).
1.2 With the development of High Power Silicon Diode Devices the entire technological development
of ac traction stock took a new turn and more powerful units of ac locomotives were conceived.
The silicon diode is simple to maintain and is extremely reliable. At present bulk of the fleet of
Indian Railways consists of such locomotives.
1.3 Both with mercury arc and silicon rectifiers, the voltage control is achieved by an electro-
pneumatically operated tap changer. In the locomotives the high tension tap changer has been

Chapter-1 General

utilized. Typical Power circuit diagrams of WAG-5 and WCAM-1 type locomotives are given in
Fig. 1.01 and Fig. 1.02. On some of the WAG-1 and WAM-2 locomotives, silicon rectifier with
tap changer control has been replaced by the phase angle controlled thyristor convertor. In three
phase locomotives, 3 Phase induction motors are operated on variable voltage variable frequency
achieved through GTO thyristors and microprocessor based control system.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1.4 EMU (Electrical Multiple Units) both on MG and BG employ Silicon rectifiers for conversion
and LT tap changers are used for voltage control. Salient features of EMU are given in Annexure
1.01/B. A typical power circuit diagram of EMU type WAU-4 is also given in Fig. 1.03. Phase
angle controlled thyristor convertor has also been deployed on a few 25kV ac MG EMUs in place
of silicon rectifier and LT tap changer on Southern Railway.
1.5 All the Tap changer locomotives were using DC traction motors. The speed/torque regulation is
achieved by using either tap changer on transformer or through resistance control on majority of
these locomotives. Conventional relay based protection schemes are used. In most of the cases, the
driver uses his discretion to diagnose and overcome the problem. Further in view of high failure
rate of Tap changer and its associated equipment, inherent problems of brush gear, commutator and
low power factor to weight ratio and expensive large diameter cables and large electro-pneumatic
reverser, contactors, switches etc., up-gradation is thought of.
1.6 During late 80’s, development took place in developed Railways towards three phase induction
motor based drives for traction due to the distinct advantages of less maintenance intensiveness in
comparison to dc drives. Induction motor drives are also known for extremely effective regeneration,
thereby reducing the energy cost.
1.7 IGBT based propulsion technology:
World over GTO technology is getting obsolete. IGBT based propulsion system is already in place
in a few countries. To tackle the obsolescence problem and keep abreast of the technology and
derive its inherent benefits, CLW has started manufacturing IGBT based propulsion technology.
This will be according to TCN open standard interface. In order to sustain 3-phase technology at
affordable cost, and to ensure component level standardisation and obsolescence handling, a parallel
development has been taken up with C-DAC (under ministry of IT) for indigenous development of
TCN based vehicle control system and IGBT based auxiliary converter.
Three phase AC drive technology has become very common and significant for modern rail
vehicles. These vehicles are equipped with induction motors as traction motors, power converters
with IGBT’s and microprocessor control systems. The advantages associated with this technology
are evident in technical as well as economic aspects. Three phase induction motors are robust, have
high power to weight ratio and better adhesion. The deployment of technically and economically
viable system could not be possible without high power IGBTs and microprocessor control system.
The use of microprocessor and instrumentation give benefits such as diagnostics, guidance to crew,
evolution of condition base monitoring and accurate vehicle control. The regeneration facility offers
alternate braking mechanism and energy saving. Unity PF offers great energy saving, possesses low
harmonics. Operating software is flexible and can be modified to solve typical traction problems
such as pantograph bounce, wheel slip etc

2.0 Sources of Electric Locos

2.1 Indian Railways imported 100 WAM-1 Bo-Bo locomotives from Europe/and 36 WAM-2 and 2
WAM-3 Bo-Bo locomotive from Japan. Subsequent to this, 42 B-B high adhesion (mono motor
bogies) locomotives designated as WAG-1 were imported from Europe and 45 designated as WAG-
2 from Japan. Ten WAG-3 locomotive of B-B design of higher rating were imported from Europe.
Manufacture of WAG-1 type of locomotive was taken up in Chittaranjan Locomotive Works
(CLW) and later on CLW switched over to the manufacture of WAG-4 type of locomotives. After
completion of 186 WAG-4 locomotives, Indian Railways switched over to 6-axle locomotive of
indigenous design and CLW have “manufactured a series of WAM-4 and WAG-5 locomotives.
With a view to improving the performance of the locomotive, WAG-5 locomotives with minor

Chapter-1 General

variations to suit specific application were also manufactured and designated as WAG-5 with
different suffixes.
2.2 Eighteen prototype 6000 HP thyristor control locomotives of 3 types designated as WAG- 6A,
B & C were imported, six from ASEA and twelve from Hitachi in 1988. A prototype locomotive
of 5000 HP capacity with high adhesion bogies, designated as WAG-7 has been designed and
manufactured by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. The Corporate Plan, 1985 for Indian Railways
envisaged running of heavy (4500 tonnes) freight trains at a maximum speed of 100 kmph to meet
the increasing traffic demands. A tractive power of around 6000 HP is needed for this purpose. In
addition improved adhesion characteristics of the locomotive is of a prime requirement. The three
phase traction drive in commercial service which can produce high starting torque required for
heavy freight operation and at the same time it is possible to operate at higher speeds required for
operation of mail/express trains. Taking all these consideration, Railway Board in 1993 placed an
order for import of 30 electric locomotives of 4500/4000 KW rating state of art 3 phase technology
from M/s ABB Transportation Systems Ltd along with transfer of Technology, Switzerland. Out
of these, 10 locomotives (WAP5 class having a speed potential of 160 kmph were for passenger
application) and balance 20 locomotives (WAG-9 class were for freight operation up to 100 kmph).
With transfer of Technology, CLW has now started manufacturing these locomotives.
2.3 To meet the specific requirements of higher speeds for passenger services, CLW manufactured
WAP type locomotive using Co-Co flexi-coil bogies to work upto a speed of 130 km/h designated
as WAP-1. This loco has been further upgraded for speed potential of 140 km/h by providing
improved version of indigenously designed bogies. This loco is designated as WAP-3. A few
WAM-2 locomotives were fitted with modified drive and designated as WAP-2 locomotive.
2.4 A chart exhibiting the salient features of ac electric locomotives is enclosed as Annexure 1.01/B
Sheet No. 1 & 2. Major dimensions of the various locos are shown in Annexure 1.02. Load tables
for various locomotives are available at Annexure 1.03. Starting tractive effort is limited to 30.0 t for
single loco in double headed operation due to limitation of bridges on Indian Railways. Brief write-
ups on 6000 HP microprocessor controlled thyristor locomotives are given in Annexure 1.04 and
1.05. Functional description of main circuit of thyristor EMU is given in Annexure 1.06. Functional
description of power ckt and Auxiliary ckt of three phase locos is given in Annexure 1.07.
2.5 On 23rd July 1993, through a landmark decision, Indian Railways signed a contract with ABB
Transportation (Switzerland) for importing freight and passenger class of locomotives together
with transfer of technology agreement for indigenous manufacture. The design was approved by
RDSO after many technical interactions, in which, CLW also associated. As ABB did not have
much experience in the broad gauge system, they had to customise many aspects of bogies, car
body, cab equipment, traction motor etc.
Both WAP5 and WAG9 class have GTO based traction converters and microprocessor based
control. This was the first time that CLW handled such high technology locomotives, and it needed
a paradigm shift in the management of this technology. The real challenge was posed when the
technology was to be absorbed and indigenous production to be done. 11 numbers of passenger
locomotives which arrived in 1995-96 were directly put into service after field trials. Rated at 5400
hp, it has a maximum test speed of 180 km/h. These have been tested successfully up to 180 km/h
and speed certificate issued for 160-km/h service speed.
6 freight locomotives of WAG9 class received in 1996 in fully assembled and tested condition were
also straightaway put on service after trials. This had a rating of 6000 hp with maximum service
speed of 100 km/h, capable of delivering 460kN starting tractive effort.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

During the year 2000, after mastering vehicle application software by CLW engineers, a new
variant WAP7 was built by adapting the original WAG9 design. WAP7 was intended for passenger
operation for service speeds up to 130 km/h, which is the maximum speed of Rajdhani and Shatabdi
trains today. WAP7 addresses the high-speed segment very well now. With an output of above 6000
hp, this is the most powerful and preferred locomotive for passenger operation today due to its
excellent acceleration, deceleration and energy saving features. WAP5 will, however, address the
speeds of 160 km/h and above in future, as IR is already working in this direction. CLW went on
to build these three classes of locomotives.
A variant WAG9H with an adhesive weight of 135 tonnes was also developed capable of delivering
52 tonnes starting tractive effort targeting 1 in 150 graded sections. Though this locomotive cleared
the oscillation trials, this fleet was not built due to other operational reasons-as a result the prototype
WAG-9H (#31030) was converted in to WAG-9 class. However, with increased axle loads now
being permitted, Railway Board has placed order for 4 locos of WAG-9H class with 22 tonnes axle
load. The first locomotive, viz., 31086 with 22 tonnes axle load was flagged off by Hon’ble MR on
29th July 2006 and has entered in to service.

3.0 Mechanical Concepts

3.1 Four axle locomotives had the following types of drives:
1. WAM1 : cordon shaft drive
2. WAM2 and WAM3 : WN coupling drive
3. WAG (1,3 and 4) : coupled gear drive through cordon shaft monomotor bogie European design
and also built at CLW.
4. WAG2 : Monomotor bogie with flexible rubber couplings (quill drive) arrangement (Japanese
3.2 The monomotor bogie locomotives had a starting tractive effort of just under 32 tonne with motor
power of 790 HP per axle. Except for a few WAG1, WAG2 and WAG3 class locomotives the bulk
of the series of WAG1 and WAG4 class were manufactured at Chittaranjan Locomotive Works
till early seventies. The performance of these locomotives was also not found to be adequate for
meeting increased operating requirements.
3.3 WAM-4 and WAG-5 locomotives which were indigenously manufactured used Co-Co, trimount
bogies of ALCO design with axle hung nose-suspended traction motors. Same design of bogie
was also used in dual voltage locomotives (WCAM-1). In WAG-6A & B locomotives, with a view
to have a high tractive effort and high speeds (beyond 160 km/h), 6-axle locomotive having Bo-
Bo-Bo arrangement was adopted. WAG-6A locomotive utilises ASEA hollow shaft drive system
whereas WAG-6B locomotive uses WN coupling. In WAG-6 locomotives high, adhesion Co-Co
bogies using unidirectional motor and secondary suspension arrangement was adopted. Indigenous
high adhesion unidirectional bogies similar to WAG6C have been used in WAG7 locos.
3.4 In WAP1 locomotives, flexicoil bogie modifying the existing WDM-1 (General Motor Design) has
been used. WAP4 loco utilises an improved version of this bogie.
3.5 Mechanical features of 3-phase AC loco (WAG-9/ WAP-7)
Flexi float bogie with two stage suspension is used for track friendly design. Fully sprung traction
motor is provided in passenger locomotive to reduce stress on track.
The three axle, three motor Co-Co bogie assembly, is one of the major parts of the WAG9 locomotive.
Two bogie assemblies support the entire weight of the locomotive and provide a means for transmission
of the tractive effort to the rails. General arrangement of the bogie is shown in below Fig.

Chapter-1 General

The bogies are designed to withstand the stresses and vibrations, resulting from normal rolling
stock application. An important function of the bogie is to absorb and isolate shocks caused by
vibration in the track bed. The suspension system minimizes the transmission of the shocks to the
locomotive underframe.

The traction motors are suspended in the bogie frame and on the individual axles. The motors
transmit their energy to the driving axles. The motor transmits their energy to the driving axles
through a gearbox mounted on the driving axles. The force from the driving axles is transmitted to
the contact point between the wheel tread and the rail. Traction force is, in turn transmitted through
the axle journal boxes and the guide rods to the bogie frame. The low traction bar, connected
between the bogie transom and the car underframe, transmits the tractive forces to the car body.

The WAG9 loco is equipped with the following pneumatic braking system: Automatic train brake,
direct loco brake, Parking brake and Anti spin brake. As with the tractive effort, braking effort is
transmitted to the bogie frame by the axle journal boxes and guide rods and from the bogie frame
to the locomotive by the traction rods.

Isolation and absorption of shock loads and vibration is performed by the primary and secondary
suspension. Movement between the car body and bogie is smoothly controlled by the primary
and secondary suspension. Although the springs permit pre-movement in any direction lateral
buffers and dampers limit the amount and rate of lateral movement. Rebound limit change and
vertical dampers limit the amount and rate of the vertical rebound of the locomotive car body.
Yaw (longitudinal) dampers control the car body pitch rate. Guide rods control the fore and aft
movement between the axles and the bogie frame while the link rod controls the fore and aft
movement between the bogies and the locomotive car body.

The primary suspension located between the axles and the bogie frame is provided by twin coil
springs on the axle journal box fore and aft of the axle line. Vertical hydraulic dampers are used to
dampen the rebound rate of the springs. This “Flexicoil” arrangement permits lateral movement
of the axle. Guide rods connected between the axle journal boxes and bogie frame provides
longitudinal control on the axle, and the transmission of tractive and braking effort to the bogie
frame. Spheribloc rubber bushes in the guide rods allow the axle lateral movement without undue

Secondary suspension is also provided by coil springs and vertical hydraulic dampers located
between the bogie frame and the locomotive underframe on each side of the bogie. The weight
of the locomotive car body is carried by the secondary suspension springs. The “Flexi Float”
arrangement of the secondary suspension allow the locomotive car body to move both laterally and
vertically within certain limits relative to the bogies.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


The WAP5 locomotive is equipped with 2-axle bolster less Bo-Bo bogies with fully suspended
traction motor to reduce unsprung mass. General arrangement of the bogie is shown in below Fig.
The bogie has two stages of suspension. The loco body rests on two pairs of secondary helical
springs located on bogie long beams. The bogie frame is supported on primary helical spring,
resting on the axle boxes. Transverse flexibility between car body and bogie is provided by the
flexi-coil action of the secondary helical springs.
Hydraulic dampers are provided in vertical and lateral modes at secondary stage between under
frame and bogie frame and in vertical mode in primary stage between axle box and bogie frame to
reduce vibrations of the locomotive body. Two dampers provided between loco body and bogie has
a special design to give constant damping force in longitudinal mode. One damper is provided on
each traction motor to cushion the lateral motion of the motor. Traction links are provided between
bogie frame and axle boxes for transfer of traction forces from axle to bogie frame. Traction and
breaking forces are transmitted from bogie to under frame through low traction bars. Connection
of the traction bars towards the middle of the under frame is aimed to improve the riding behaviour
in the cab.
The WAP5 loco is equipped with the following pneumatic breaking systems: Automatic train brake,
Direct loco brake, parking brake and Anti spin brake. As with the tractive effort, braking effort is
transmitted to the bogie frame by the axle journal boxes and guide rods and from the bogie frame
to the locomotive by the traction rods. The locomotive is provided with disc brakes for improved
braking performance required for high-speed operation. Fully suspended traction motors have been
provided to reduce unsprung mass and improve the riding at high speeds. The smaller wheelbase
of the 2-axle bogie and flexi-float suspension arrangement help improve curving behaviour and
permit the negotiation of curves at higher speeds.

Chapter-1 General

1. Bogie Clearance
a. 3-phase locomotives (WAG9/WAP-7) as per Technical circular No. ELRS/TC/0082 (Rev.01)
are given below:

SN. Clearances Service Limits (mm)
(Design) Limits (mm)
1 Vertical clearances between Axle box 30 to 35 27 to 35
& Bogie frame
2 Lateral clearances between Axle box 15 to 19 15 to 22
& Bogie frame
3 Vertical clearances between Bogie 35 to 60 32 to 60
frame & Under frame
4 Lateral clearances between Bogie 45 to 50 o 55
frame & Under frame

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

b. Conventional locomotives as per Motive Power Instruction Bulletin No. MP.IB.BD.02.16.01

(Rev. 01) dated 31.12.2009
Loco New Condition
Measurement Service Limit
Min. Max.
WAM-4 Lateral Clearances End Axle per 22.4 24.8 30.0
(with high Speed axle (C1 + C2 + C3 + C4)
Lateral Clearances Middle Axle per 4.0 6.6 12.0
axle (B1+B2 +B3+ B4)
with Conicalrubber
Longitudinal Clearances Middle 0.4 1.9 3.5
&End Axle per axle box (A1 + A2)
WAP-1 / WAP-4 Lateral Clearances End Axle per 15.4 18.2 24.0
axle (C1 + C2 + C3 + C4)
Lateral Clearances Middle Axle per 3.6 7.2 12.0
axle (B1+B2 +B3+ B4)
Longitudinal Clearances Middle 0.4 2.0 4.0
&End Axle per axle box (A1 + A2)
WAG-7 Lateral Clearances End Axle per 22.0 25.2 30.7
axle (C1 + C2 + C3 + C4)
Lateral Clearances Middle Axle per 2.4 6.0 11.5
axle (B1+B2 +B3+ B4)
Longitudinal Clearances Middle 2.0 4.0 6.0
&End Axle per axle box (A1 + A2)

3.7 Outline diagram of all Electric Locomotives (As per Data Book of Electric locomotive Publication
No. RDSO/EL/PUB/0001 Rev ‘0’)

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

File No. RDSO-EL/0/TPS(UPGR)/2/2020-O/o PED/SE/RDSO

Equipment Layout Drawing of Locomotive

Locomotive equipment Layout WAG-9HH

Chapter-1 General

Locomotive equipment Layout WAP-7HS

General Arrangement of twin WAGC3 /WAG-10 loco

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

General Layout of WAG-11 Locomotive

General Layout of WAG-11 Locomotive

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Annexure 1.01/A

Sheet 1


S Descriptions WAM4 WAP1 WAP4 WAP5 WAP7/ WCAM1 WCAM2 WCAM3
1 Type of Traction 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC
AC AC AC AC AC 1500V DC 1500V DC 1500V DC
2 Gauge (mm) 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676
3 Driving Wheel Dia 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092
(New) (mm)
4 Bogie Wheel Base 3810 3895 3895 2800 3700 3810 3810 3810
5 Total wheel Base 14432 14390 14390 13000 15700 14432 15698 15698
6 Length over coupler 19974 18794 18794 18162 20562 20950 20980 20980
7 Max. Width (mm) 3055 3179 3179 3144 3152 3055 3050 3050
8 Height with Panto 4162 4235 4235 4255 4255 4121 4230 4237.5
down (mm)
9 Axle Load Max(t) 18.8 18.8 19.0 19.5 20.5/ 18.8 18.8 20.2
10 Weight Total(t) 112.8 112.8 114 78 123/ 112.8 112.8 121
11 Bogie Arrangement Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Bo-Bo Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co
12 Traction Motor NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
13 Brake System Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air
Rheo. Reg Reg
14 Max. Tractive 33.84 22.4 30.8 26.3 32.9 AC-33.84 AC-33.4 AC-40.2
Effort(t) DC-28.20 DC-26.0 DC-26.8

15 Cont. T.E.(t) 17.6 13.8 19 22.4 23.2 AC-16.8 AC-23.8 AC-26.8

DC-87.8 DC-24.6 DC-26.8
16 Max Speed(Km/h) 120 130 140 160 130 105 120 105
17 Horse Power(HP) 3640 3800 5050 5442 6120 AC-3640 AC-4715 AC-5000
DC-2930 DC-2916 DC-4600
18 Voltage Control T.C. T.C. T.C V.V.V.F. V.V.V.F. AC-T.C. AC-T.C. AC-T.C.
Arrangement DC-Resis DC-Resis DC-Resis
19 Cont. Transformer 3460 3900 5400 7475 7775 3460 5400 5400
Rating (KVA)
20 Gear Ratio 4.13 2.76 23:58 3.91 3.6/ 3.43 4.13 3.56

F.S.—Fully Suspended, N S – Axle Hung Nose Suspended, T C – Tap Changer

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Annexure 1.01/A

Sheet 2


No. 9H/9
1 Type of Traction 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV
2 Gauge (mm) 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676
3 Driving Wheel Dia 1092 1092 1092 1140 1140 1092 1092 1092 1092
(New) (mm)
4 Bogie Wheel Base 3810 3810 2700 2800 4400 3800 3800 3700 3700
5 Total wheel Base 15984 15984 15100 16300 16300 11078 15700 15700
6 Length over coupler 19974 19974 20600 20928 20928 20394 20394 20562 2056
(mm) 2
7 Max. Width (mm) 3055 3055 3164 3000 3000 3055 3152 3152
8 Height with Panto 4162 4162 4170 4235 4235 4162 4155 4255 4255
down (mm)
9 Axle Load Max(t) 19.8 21 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 22±2 20.5 22±2
10 Weight Total(t) 118.8 126 123 123 123 123 132±1 123 132
11 Bogie Arrangement Co-Co Co-Co Bo-Bo- Bo-Bo- Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co
Bo Bo
12 Traction Motor NS NS FS FS NS NS NS NS NS
14 Brake System Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Reg. Air Reg.
Rheo Rheo Rheo Rheo Rheo Rheo Rheo
15 Adhesion in dry 33.5 33.5 37 36.5 36.5 35.7 34.1 38.1 38.1
16 Max. Tractive 33.5 38.7 46 45 45 44 45 46.89 52
17 Cont. T.E.(t) 20.6 20.6 32 32 32 30.8 30.8 33.129 46
18 Cont. Speed (Km/h) 50.5 50.5 53 51 51 50 44 50 50
19 Max Speed(Km/h) 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
20 Horse Power(HP) 3850 3850 6280 6040 6040 5000 5000 6120 6120
21 Voltage Control T.C. T.C. Thy Thy Thy T.C. T.C V. V. V. V. V.
Arrangement F. V. F.
22 Cont. Transformer 3900 3900 6398 6325 6325 5400 5400 6531 6531
Rating (KVA)
24 Voltage (V) 750 750 780 850 850 750 750 2180 2180
25 Current (A) 840 900 1090 960 960 900 900 270 270
26 Output (KW) 585 630 785 760 760 630 630 850 850
27 Auxiliaries 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase
28 Gear Ratio 3.61 3.61 3.75/4.53 3.94 3.94 3.61 10.65 5.133 5.4
F.S.—Fully Suspended, N S – Axle Hung Nose Suspended, T C – Tap Changer

Chapter-1 General

Annexure 1.01/B


S. No. Descriptions WAU1 WAU2 WAU3 WAU4 YAU1
2. Manufacturer of traction AEI SECHERON HITACHI BHEL NICHIMEN
3. Unit formation DT-MC-DT DT-MC-DT DT-MC-TC- DMC-TC- MC-TC-TC-
4. Train formation 3 Unit 2/3 Unit 2 Units+1 2 Units+1 2 Units
5. No. of Driving Cabs per unit 3 3 3 2 2
6. Type of Traction 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC
7. Wheel Arrangement Bo-Bo Bo-Bo Bo-Bo Bo-Bo Bo-Bo
8. Max. Axle load(DCL 20.3 17.5 18.92 19.24 13.76
9. Wheel Diameter (New)(mm) 952 952 952 952 788
10. Gear Ratio 19:61 21:65 18:64 20:91 15:53
11. Train performance per
Unit Rating Cont. 1 Hr Cont. 1 Hr Cont. 1 Hr Cont. 1 Hr Cont. 1 Hr
Horse Power 940 1032 848 1040 860 1072 896 1004 688 780
Tractive Effort (t) 4.6 6.2 4.4 5.9 4.2 5.6 4.8 5.8 2.5 3.08
Speed 49.75 48.25 50 46.6 55.5 50.5 49.5 46.3 70.7 67.3
12. Traction Motor
Volts(V) 1450 1450 1450 1450 570 570 535 535 540 540
Current(A) 117 145 115 145 305 380 340 380 260 295
Output(HP) 210 258 212 260 215 268 224 251 172 195
Type MV-252 TM-520 EFZO-H60 253BX TDX-5442A
Make Metro Wick Oerlikon Hitachi BHEL TDK
13. KVA Rating of Transformer 785 1016 990 950 760
excluding Aux. Load
14. No. of Pass/Unit
Normal 288 268 406 400 300
Crush 567 567 786 774 590
Dense Crush 844 844 1164 1148 880

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Annexure 1.02

Sheet 1/2


1 WAP 5 78 18162 13000 10200 2800 4255 1092 3090

Annexure 1.02

Sheet 2/2



1. WAM 4 112.8 19974 18680 12580 1702 2108 4162 1092 3055
2. WAG 5 118.8 19974 18680 12580 1702 2108 4162 1092 3055
3. WAG 6C 123 --- 19640 13300 1400 1400 4235 1092 3000
5. WAG 7 123 20394 19100 13000 1900 1900 4185 3055
6. WAG9 123 20582 19280 1850 1850 4255 3100
7. WAG9H 132 20582 19280 1850 1850 4255 3100
7. WAP 1/3 108.3 19974 17500 10700 1735 2160 4235 1092 -
8. WAP 4 112.8 18794 17500 1735 2160 4232 3055
9. WAP 7 123 20562 19280 1850 1850 4255 3100
10. WAP 7HS 108.48 20562 19280 1850 1850 4255 3100
10. WCAM 1 112.8 20950 19680 13380 1702 2108 4162(AC) 1092 3055
11. WCAM 2 112.8 20980 19680 13380 1702 2108 4230 3000
12. WCAM3 121 20980 19680 13380 1900 1900 4100 3000

Chapter-1 General

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Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

File No.RDSO-EL/0/TPS(UPGR)/2/2020-O/o PED/SE/RDSO

Haulage Capacity of WAG 9HH Locomotive
Axle Load … T, Normal Mode (6 Motors Working) & Dry Track Case: 0° Curve
Speed Level Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope
(kMPH) Track 1/500 1/200 1/150 1/100 1/50
Start 3485t 1975t
20 4615t 3240t 1620t
30 3190t 1610t
40 8310t 4540t 3145t 1595t
50 4435t 3100t 1577t
60 4335t 3050t 1560t
70 5285t 4215t 2900t 1535t
80 8000t 4500t 3605t 2560t 1315t
90 6700t 3840t 3100t 2210t 1125t
100 5650t 3320t 2680t 1935t 900t
Note: Hauling capacity at start is limited by starting tractive effort.
Haulage capacity Normal Mode, Dry & 00 Curved Track

File No.RDSO-EL/0/TPS(UPGR)/2/2020-O/o PED/SE/RDSO

Haulage Capacity of WAG 9HH Locomotive

Axle Load …. T, Degraded Mode (5 Motors Working) & Dry Track Case: 0° Curve
Speed Level Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope
(kMPH) Track 1/500 1/200 1/150 1/100 1/50
Start 2880t 1625t
20 3800t 2670t 1330t
30 2635t 1320t
40 6900t 3755t 2600t 1310t
50 10400t 3675t 2555t 1298t
60 3585t 2515t 1287t
70 4400t 3500t 2470t 1275t
80 6600t 3715t 2975t 2100t 1085t
90 5530t 3175t 2550t 1815t 940t
100 8600t 4685t 2730t 2215t 1580t 815t
Haulage capacity Degraded Mode, Dry & 00 Curved Track

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Haulage Capacity of WAG 12B Locomotive

Axle Load 22.5T, Normal Mode (8 Motors Working) & Dry Track Case: 0° Curve

Speed Level Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope

in kmph Track 1/500 1/200 1/150 1/100 1/75 1/50 1/40
START 7600 7318 6471 6000 4651 3764 2704 2221
10 7600 7318 6471 6000 4651 3764 2704 2221
15 7600 7318 6471 6000 4651 3764 2704 2221
20 6000 6000 6000 6000 4651 3764 2704 2221
30 6000 6000 6000 6000 4651 3764 2704 2221
40 6000 6000 6000 6000 4651 3764 2660 2131
50 6000 6000 6000 6000 4651 3647 2488 1994
60 6000 6000 6000 6000 4312 3348 2288 1835
70 6000 6000 6000 4991 3601 2800 1913 1531
80 6000 6000 5194 4229 3064 2386 1629 1302
90 6000 6000 4443 3633 2643 2061 1407 1122
100 6000 6000 3840 3153 2304 1800 1228 977
110 6000 5332 3350 2763 2027 1586 1082 859
120 5626 4593 2931 2427 1789 1402 955 757
Haulage capacity Normal Mode, Dry & 00 Curved Track

Axle Load 22.5 T, Degraded Mode (6 Motors Working) & Dry Track Case: 0° Curve
Speed Level Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope
in kmph Track 1/500 1/200 1/150 1/100 1/75 1/50 1/40
START 7600 7318 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
10 7600 7318 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
15 7600 7318 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
20 6000 6000 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
30 6000 6000 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
40 6000 6000 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
50 6000 6000 5282 4489 3439 2774 1981 1618
60 6000 6000 5282 4489 3439 2774 1979 1582
70 6000 6000 5282 4343 3127 2426 1650 1316
80 6000 6000 4518 3674 2656 2063 1402 1115
90 6000 6000 3859 3151 2287 1778 1207 958
100 6000 5401 3330 2731 1989 1549 1050 831
110 5728 4622 2896 2384 1743 1359 919 725
120 4882 3981 2533 2093 1537 1199 810 637
Haulage capacity Degraded Mode, Dry & 00 Curved Track

Chapter-1 General

Haulage capacity of three phase WAGC3 locomotive (20.5T Axle Load)

(Without acceleration reserve)
GR- 74:18 (4.11), Curve- 0o
Service Ton at kmph Start
Grade 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (Ton)

Level Up to 11800 Up to 11800

1/500 Up to 11800 11060 8260 6055 Up to 11800

1/200 9305 9160 7700 5870 4470 3335 9305

1/150 7810 7160 6045 4625 3535 2640 7810
1/100 5820 4955 4200 3220 2460 1835 5895
1/50 3165 2935 2495 2115 1610 1215 885 3335
1. *Train resistance has been computed as per RDSO report No. M-422 August, 1984 by using
2. R= 0.6438797+0.01047218V+0.00007323V2 Kg/ton, where V is speed in KMPH and Starting
train resistance has been taken as 4 kg/ton.
3. The load chart is based upon maximum load of 2 X 59 BOXN (100 t i.e. 25t axle load).
4. Actual permissible loads should be worked out based on load trial.

Haulage capacity of three phase WAGC3 locomotive (20.5T Axle Load)

(Without acceleration reserve)
GR- 74:18 (4.11), Curve- 1o
Service Ton at kmph Start
Grade 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (Ton)

Level Up to 11800 10350 Up to 11800

1/500 Up to 11800 9910 7440 5475 Up to 11800

1/200 8940 8590 7225 5515 4205 3140 8900

1/150 7550 6800 5745 4400 3360 2515 7520
1/100 5725 5605 4775 4045 3100 2370 1770 5725
1/50 3100 2875 2445 2070 1575 1190 865 3275
1. *Train resistance has been computed as per RDSO report No. M-422 August, 1984 by using
2. R= 0.6438797+0.01047218V+0.00007323V2 Kg/ton, where V is speed in KMPH and Starting
train resistance has been taken as 4 kg/ton.
3. The load chart is based upon maximum load of 2 X 59 BOXN (100 t i.e. 25t axle load).
4. Actual permissible loads should be worked out based on load trial.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Haulage capacity of three phase WAGC3 locomotive (20.5T Axle Load)

(Without acceleration reserve)
GR- 74:18 (4.11), Curve- 2o
Service Ton at kmph Start
Grade 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (Ton)

Level Up to 11800 8810 Up to 11800

1/500 Up to 11800 8975
6760 4995 Up to 11800

1/200 8565 8080 6810 5205

3970 2965 8525
1/150 7280 6475 5475 4190
3205 2395 7250
1/100 5560 5410 4605 3905 2995
2290 1705 5560
1/50 3040 2815 2395 2030 1540
1165 845 3220
1. *Train resistance has been computed as per RDSO report No.
M-422 August, 1984 by using
2. R= 0.6438797+0.01047218V+0.00007323V2 Kg/ton, where V is speed in KMPH and Starting
train resistance has been taken as 4 kg/ton.
3. The load chart is based upon maximum load of 2 X 59 BOXN (100 t i.e. 25t axle load).
4. Actual permissible loads should be worked out based on load trial.

Haulage capacity of three phase WAGC3 locomotive (20.5T Axle Load)

(Without acceleration reserve)
GR- 74:18 (4.11), Curve- 3o
Service Ton at kmph Start
Grade 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (Ton)

Level Up to 11800 10580 7660 Up to 11800

1/500 11745 10840 8195 6190 4590 11745

1/200 8220 7630 6435 4920 3760 2810 8180

1/150 7025 6175 5225 4005 3060 2290 6995
1/100 5435 5225 4450 3775 2890 2210 1645 5410
1/50 2980 2760 2350 1990 1510 1140 830 3165
1. *Train resistance has been computed as per RDSO report No. M-422 August, 1984 by using
2. R= 0.6438797+0.01047218V+0.00007323V2 Kg/ton, where V is speed in KMPH and Starting
train resistance has been taken as 4 kg/ton.
3. The load chart is based upon maximum load of 2 X 59 BOXN (100 t i.e. 25t axle load).
4. Actual permissible loads should be worked out based on load trial.

RDSO publication no. RDSO/2016/EL/PUB/0002 Rev.’0’ may be referred for haulage capacity of
locomotives. Technical circulars being issued from time to time may also be referred for haulage
capacity of electric locomotives.

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-1 General

Annexure 1.07: Functional description of main circuit of WAG9/ WAP7 loco

Power Circuit Description of Three phase locomotive

Schematic of WAP7 loco with Hotel load winding

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Transformer secondary has four Traction windings rated at 1449 kVA each, one Auxiliary Converter
winding rated at 334 kVA, one Filter winding rated at 400 kVA and a Hotel Load winding rated at
945 kVA. Apart from the above, the Transformer also holds Series resonant filter choke and Auxiliary
converter filter chokes. Transformer is oil cooled with the help of two Oil pumps and two blowers
which cool the radiator through which oil is circulated using the Oil pump.
For the 4-Q operation of 3-phase locomotives, the most important component is the Traction- Converter
assembly. It consists of broadly three main parts --- 1) the Line side Converter 2) the DC link Capacitor
and 3) the Drive Converter.
Traction converter converts single-phase 25 KV AC supply into 3 phase AC, with Variable Voltage
(max 2180 V) and variable frequency (from 0 to 65 hz. in constant troque mode, from 65 Hz to 132 Hz
in constant power mode).
As such there are two traction converters i.e. Traction converter-1 for TM 1-2-3 and Traction converter-2
for TM 4-5-6. In case of WAP-5, traction converter-1 for TM 1-2 and Traction converter-2 for TM-3-4.
During electrical braking, the traction motor works as a generator and feed generated 3-phase supply
to Traction converter. This converter now acts in reverse manner i.e. it converts 3 phase AC supply into
single phase AC supply and feed it to Transformer. Further main transformer steps up this supply and
feeds back to OHE. In this way 3 phase loco works as a small powerhouse, which generates supply and
share the load by feeding it back to OHE.
Each Traction Converter consists of two Line Converters, DC Link and three Motor Drive Converters.
The Line Converters interface with Transformer secondary Traction windings on one side and DC
Link on the other side. The Line Converter consists of single-phase full bridge rectifier with IGBTs as
active switching devices. The DC Link consists of 100 Hz Resonant filter,

Chapter-1 General

Earthing switch, Earth leakage detection circuit, DC Link capacitor bank and brake chopper (for over
voltage protection).
The Motor Drive Converter consists of a 3-phase full bridge inverter with IGBTs as active switching
devices. The Traction Converters have their own Traction Computers, which control and protect the
Converters as well as communicate with the Vehicle Control Electronics through CAN interface on
Optical Fiber Cables.
Two Vehicle Control Units (VCU) are provided in two cabinets (SB1 & SB2). The VCUs communicate
amongst themselves and with Traction Converters and Auxiliary converters through the CAN interface
on Optical Fiber Cables. Multiple Unit communication is also carried out via the WTB interface.
Driver display unit with interface to VCU provides all the vital information and fault status of various
equipment on the locomotive.
The Line Side Converter is primarily utilized in 4-Q operation. It is a PWM (pulse width modulated)
1. The line converter is a self-commutating 4-quadrant converter. The AC terminals of the two bridge
circuits (A11, A12) (refer to fig) see AC voltages formed by square-wave pulses of identical
2. These pulses are produced by pulse-width-modulating the DC-link voltage. The fundamentals of
these alternating voltages are at line frequency and form the counter-emf. to the two transformer
secondary voltages. Their aptitudes and their phase angle with respect to the transformer primary
voltage, can be changed independently of each other. This allows the regulation of the power factor
to unity in either driving or braking mode.

UNSR is the fundamental frequency voltage of NSR ac side as seen by the secondary winding (Stray
Inductance). When observed from DC link Side the NSR can be seen as inverting the DC link voltage
to its AC side. UT is the transformer voltage as stepped down from primary to secondary.
The UNSR and UT can be seen to form two equivalent AC machines connected across an inductance
(the stray inductance of transformer).
PWM is used for NSR to control the phase of UNSR with respect to UT. Thus not only the power factor
but also the direction of power flow can be controlled. This is the key to 4-Q operation.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

In forward motoring mode, the drive side converter ASR is used as VVVF drive to control the hauling
operation. The NSR is switched in a way that the UNSR lags the line voltage UT. The energy is
transferred from line to the DC link and through it to motors.

In Forward generating mode i.e. the quadrant 2 operation, the switching Pulses to ASR are blocked and
the ASR simply acts as the 3-phase diode bridge rectifier as seen from motor side to DC link capacitor
side. The capacitor voltage builds up. In this mode the NSR is switched in a way that the UNSR leads
the line voltage thus the energy is transferred to the line.

Chapter-1 General

Auxiliary Circuit Description: - Three phase locomotive has single phase as well as 3-phase auxiliary
machines. The circuits feeding single phase as well as 3-phase machines are separately but fed through
same auxiliary winding (1000V) of main transformer.

Single Phase Circuit: - The auxiliary winding voltage is stepped down by an auxiliary transformer to
give 415 V & 110 V AC output. The following loads are connected at 415 V AC circuit.
1. Machine Room Blowers.
2. Scavenge blowers for machine room blowers.
3. Cab heaters.

Loads connected with 110 V AC circuit are

1. Cab fans
2. Blowers for cab heaters.

The 415V AC, 110 V AC auxiliary circuit get energised as soon as VCB is closed.

Three Phase Circuit: - For running three phase auxiliary motors WAP5 & WAG9 locomotives are
equipped with 3-phase static auxiliary converters to supply the auxiliary machines of locomotive.
Auxiliary Converters are known as BURs. These are three BURs provided in one locomotive. The load
distribution among the BURs is such that required redundancy is achieved by automatically switching
load from one BUR to another.

BUR 1 & 2 feed VVVF supply to traction motor blowers and scavenge blower of bogie 1 & 2
respectively. BUR 3 feeds a fixed frequency supply to two compressor motors and two converters and
transformer oil pumps and also feeds the Battery Charger. If BUR 1 fails and get isolated, BUR 2 feeds
the auxiliaries for ventilation of both bogies up to a maximum frequency limited to 42 Hz. If BUR 2
fails & get isolated BUR 1 feeds the auxiliaries at 42 Hz. If BUR3 fails and isolated, BUR2 feeds the
compressor motors, oil pumps and battery charger at a fixed frequency of 50 Hz and BUR1 feeds the
auxiliaries for ventilation of both bogies up to a maximum frequency of 42 Hz. Detailed circuit are
shown in figure.

Hotel Load Winding: To cater for the Hotel Load of the train, power is taken from the OHE through
pantograph to traction transformer of the locomotive which is provided with a hotel load winding of
945 kVA, at nominal voltage of 750 V single-phase, which varies with the OHE voltage variations.
This 750 Volts single-phase supply is fed to Hotel Load Converter, which gives 750 Volts 3- phase 50
Hz supply as output, for feeding the hotel load of the train.

3-Phase Goods Locomotive:-

WAG9 class of locomotive with Co-Co bogies are imported locomotives from M’s ABB Switzerland
outline of locomotives is as per drawing no. SKEL 4357. The axle load of the locomotive is 20.5 ±
2% t . WAG9 loco permitted to run upto a maximum speed of 100kmph vide this office letter no.
SD.WAG9.11 dated 25.10.2005 on the basis of satisfactory test results contained in RDSO’s report
no. MT-81. In order to achieve starting tractive effort of 50.97 t, the axle load of the locomotive was
increased to 22.0±2%t and the locomotive had been named as WAG9H. WAG9H loco was permitted
to run upto a maximum speed of 100 kmph vide this office letter no. SD.WAG9.11 dated 03.07.2014
on the basis of satisfactory test results contained in RDSO’s report no. MT 1302/F dated 16.01.2014.
Railway Board approved the conventional brake rigging arrangement in WAG9H and Railway board
allotted separated transportation code WAG9HC vide letter no 201 ME (TRS)/440/2 dated 03.07.2017.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Further, Railway Board approved the conventional brake system (type IRAB) in WAG9HC and
Railway board allotted separated transportation code WAG9C vide letter 2017/Elect (TRS) 440/2
dated 14.01.2019.
Comparative statement of important aspects of WAG9H (With TBU/PBU Brake system) vis-a-
vis WAG9H (with conventional brake rigging) locomotive
SN Design parameter WAG9H with TBU/ WAG9H with conv. Brake Remarks
PBU rigging.
1 Overall dimensions 20562X3152X4255 as 20562X3152X4255as per No Change
of locomotive (in per RDSO drawing No. RDSO drawing No. SKEL-
mm) SKEL-4547 4547
2 Overall principal 6209X2962X1240 as per 6209X2962X1240 as per ABB No Change
dimension of bogie ABB manual manual
(in mm)
3 Bogie frame Fabricated as per CLW Fabricated as per CLW drawing No Change
drawing no. 1209- no. 1209-01.112-180
4 Brake system Air brake system to Air brake system to RDSO No Change
RDSO specification specification no. RDSO/EL/
no. RDSO/EL/ SPEC/2017/0126 Rev. ‘0’
SPEC/2017/0126 Rev.
5 Suspension Two stage suspension Two stage suspension (Primary No Change
(Primary & Secondary) & Secondary)
6 Axle load 22.0t ±2% Within limit of ±2% of No Change
WAG9H fitted with TBU/PBU
7 Gross weight 132t ±1% Within limit of ±1% of No Change
WAG9H fitted with TBU/PBU
8 Track loading 6.91t/m 6.91t/m No Change
density (TLD)
9 Centre of gravity 1357mm above rail level 1357mm above rail level No Change
10 Weight distribution Secondary suspension Secondary suspension spring No Change
spring (total eight (total eight springs) carries
springs) carries vertical vertical load of car body which
load of car body which get transmitting to bogie frame.
get transmitting to bogie

Chapter-1 General

Changes in WAG-9HC locomotive over WAG-9H locomotive for providing conventional brake
system in place TBU/PBU brake system (Ref: RDSO Modification Sheet No. RDSO/2009/EL/
MS/0381 Rev-0.)
SN Item/Equipment WAG9H with WAG9H with conv. Remarks
TBU/PBU Brake rigging.
1. TBU / PBU hanger Available Not Available Removed from bogie frame
2. Yaw damper brackets Available Available Relocated under frame
as per RDSO’s drawing
3. Pneumatic pipe lines, Available Available Mounted on bogie frame
brake cylinders as per RDSO drawing no.
SKVL-584 alt.1 & 585.
4. conventional hand Not Available Available Mounted at Cab-1 side,
brake arrangement inside the machine room
just behind the assistant
driver side as per the layout
shown in Sketch-1 of MS
no. 381
5. Foot Step Available Available Modified as per the layout
shown in sketch-2 of MS
no. 381
6. Pneumatic pipe lines Available Available Relocated as per the layout
and brackets shown in sketch-3 of MS
no. 381
7. Indication lamp for Available Not Available Removed
parking brake on the
driving desk(BPPB)
8. Conventional Not Available Available Suitable instruction for
Hand brake display availability displayed
arrangement in both the cabs of the
9. Box arrangement for Not Available Available Mounted in machine room
Hand brake assembly covered with enclosures
as per the layout shown in
sketch-4 of MS no. 381.

3-Phase Passenger Locomotive:-

WAP-5 Locomotive- The first 10 locomotives were imported from ABB in Switzerland in 1995.
They are supposed to be a variant of the Swiss Lok 2000 (Design concept) and German DB Class
120 (mechanical chassis).
One of the notable features of WAP-5 is regenerative braking. Other notable features of this loco
are the provision of taps from the main loco transformer for hotel load, pantry loads, flexible gear
coupling, wheel-mounted disc brakes, and a potential for speed enhancement to 200 km/h (120 mph).
Braking systems include 160 kN (36,000 lbf) regenerative brakes, loco disc brakes, automatic train air
brakes, and a charged spring parking brake

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Option for Capacity upgradation of WAP5 loco to 6000HP (WAP5H Locomotive)

Apart from term of references for upgradation of speed potential of WAP7 Locoomotive, it is noted
during study/discussions that the designed capacity of existing WAP5 loco is not fully utilised a same
may be upgraded to 6000HP4 SMW) with slight modification in software. The existing Traction
Motors & Gear coupling requires no modification in upgrading the WAPS loco to 6000HP. Studies
indicate that 45 MW WAP-5 locomotive gives comparable performance with respect to proposed
upgraded WAP-7. This is due to the lighter weight of WAP5 (75T) vis-a- vis modified WAP7 (1085 T).
Utilisation of WAR5 at 4.5 MW was earlier not considered due to reliability issues of Hurth Coupling
which discouraged increase in transmitted power. The studies indicate that this is an option which
merits examination now, as flexible coupling of WAP5 has stabilised. This is expected to be only a
software level change with potential of delivering similar run time performance of a WAP-7 derived
WAP-7 Locomotive:- WAP7 class of locomotive with Co-Co bogies have been manufactured by CLW
adopting the basic design of WAG9 class of locomotives imported from M/s Bombardier Transportation,
Switzerland (earlier Adtranz, Switzerland). The outline of the WAP7 locomotive is as per drawing
no. SKEL-4490 alt-2. The axle load of WAP7 locomotive is 20.5±2%t. This locomotive has already
been cleared to haul passenger trains up to a maximum speed of 140 km/h on track maintained as per
standard specified under para 607 of IRPWM, vide RDSO’s speed certificate no. EL 3.1.35/4 dated
13.10.2009 and followed by its amendment no. I dated 12.12.2013.
Railway Board vide letter no. 2017/Elect(TRS) /440/2 dated 11.10.2018. has allotted the unique
transportation code of WAP7 locomotive with enhanced speed from 140 to 160 kmph as WAP7HS.
Axle load of WAP7HS class of locomotive is 18.08±2%t and General arrangement of the locomotive
is as per drawing SK EL-5033.
Wheel flange Lubrication: When WAG-9 locomotives were received from Adtranz Switzerland these
were provided with wheel flange lubricators. Function details of that wheel flange system was as
The flange lubrication is pneumatically operated by control valves located on the Brake Frame,
which are controlled by the Memotel system. Lubricant is periodically released from the reservoir
tank through a pneumatically operated distribution valve and is sprayed onto the wheel flanges from
nozzles situated above each end wheel.
A pneumatic and hydraulic pipe is connected to each nozzle. The hydraulic piping connects the
distribution valve to the nozzles on the individual wheels. The pneumatic piping provides pressured
air to create a low pressure point at each nozzle. The low pressure point at the tip of the nozzle draws
oil through the hydraulic piping and sprays atomised oil onto the wheel flanges

Provision of Water closet in electric locomotives:

Many a time requirement of provision of water closet in locomotives was raised in many forums for
the Loco Pilots. For taking care of convenience and health of the loco crew, Railway Board asked
RDSO to create the specification for water closet for Electric Locomotives.
RDSO in consultation with zonal railways issued the specification no. RDSO/2016/EL/Spec/0121
(Rev-0) for water closet for electric locomotives. The system consists of a vacuum toilet system, fresh
water tank, an automatic door and an on-board sewage treatment system (Bio-Digester Tank).

Chapter-1 General

Flushing Sequence for Vacuum Toilet

Main Features of Water Closet as per spec:

1. Power Supply and power consumption: The system will operate at 110V DC.
2. Automatic Door: Water closet module is fitted with an automatic door controlled by Micro-
processor unit. The control unit open the door the integrated modesty lock when the locomotive is
not movi
3. Micro-processor bases control panel: The Micro-Controller monitors the vacuum toilet system
status and parameters of the water close
4. On-board sewage treatment tank: It is consist compartment for bacteria to decompose waste
along with a chlorinator chamber at the end compartment for clean water to be disposed via the
drain port and corban di-oxide gas through the tank vent.
5. Water consumption per flush: Not more than 250 ml.
6. Air consumption per flush: 40 litres.

Diesel to Electric converted Locomotives

1. WAGC3/WAG-10 Electric Locomotive (Converted from WDG3A locomotive)
Indian Railways has two modes of traction i.e. diesel traction & electric traction for hauling freight &
passenger trains .Both the traction have different designs, rated power , weight and haulage capacity.
With the rapid pace of electrification, Railway Board directed RDSO to convert some fleet of diesel
traction into electric traction to meet the rapid requirement of electric locomotives and cost cutting on
the diesel fuel required to operate diesel locomotives.
Railway Board vide letter No. 2017/M (L)/466/21, dated 12.12.2017 circulated the MoM wherein
Railway Board directed RDSO, DLW and CLW to jointly work on conversion of WDG3A diesel
electric locomotive to twin Co-Co electric locomotive.
In line with Railway Board directives as above, few WDG3A diesel locomotives have been converted to
electric locomotive jointly by DLW, RDSO & CLW. This converted locomotive has been designated as
WAGC3(2x5000hp=10000HP) as per Railway Board’s letter no. 2017/M(l)/466/21 dated 07.02.2018.
The basic architecture of the locomotive is built on the basis of the extended capability of 4907 Traction
Motor and adhesion obtained of WDG3A locomotive during its performance trials by RDSO

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The General Arrangement of twin WAGC3 loco is as per drawing no. SK.DL-4794. The axle load of
the locomotive is 20.5t and horse power of twin WAGC3 locomotive is 10000HP (2x5000HP). The
WAGC3 locomotive consists of two locomotives connected with the help of CBC coupling and each
loco will comprise of one cab. Each loco is having one pantograph & equipped with the feature of
dynamic braking (re-generative).As far as possible, standard equipment of WAG5/WAG7 & WAM5
has been used in WAGC3 locomotives.
The basic features of the twin Co-Co WAGC3 locomotive are as under:
a. Weight of twin WAGC3 loco =2x123t=246t
b. Axle load=20.5t
c. Adhesion=35%
d. Starting Tractive Effort(kg)=86000
e. Continuous tractive effort(kg)=52800
f. Maximum speed=80kmph
g. Horse Power=10000hp
h. Gear Ratio=18:74
i. No. of transformer=2
j. Type of traction motor=TM4907BZ(BHEL)
k. Rating of traction motor(continuous)= 750V,900A,600kW(800hp)
l. Haulage Capability= WAGC3 locomotive in twin mode can start & haul 1 in 100 up-gradient with
load of 58BOXN (CC+8+2t) i.e. 5294t with balancing speed of 34km/h.

Chapter-1 General

Comparison of WDG3A Diesel Loco & WAGC3 Electric Loco

(Converted from WDG3A Diesel Loco to Electric Loco)

Sl. Parameters WDG3A WAGC3

1. Car Body Design Non- Monocoque Monocoque
2. Bogie Arrangement Co-Co Co-Co
3. Under Frame Width 2950 mm 3055 mm
4. Interface of bogie under frame Pivot, Side bearer Pivot, Side Bearer
(Same as WDG3A)
5. Bogie High Adhesion with High adhesion with
Equaliser Beam Equaliser Beam (Same
as WDG3A)
6. Under Frame Weight 20300 kg 27840 kg
7. Weight of Component mounted on Under 45560 30517
8. Weigh of Super Structure excluding 5100 10100
9. Weight of Ballast Added 2040 4543
10. Bogie Assembly Weight 50000 50000
11. Axle Load 20.5 t 20.5 t
12. Total Weight of Loco 123 t 123 t
13. C.G. above rail level 1488 mm 1158 mm
14. Horse Power 3100hp 5000hp
15. Maximum Tractive Effort 40.5t 43t
16. Adhesion 33% 35%
17. Gear Ratio 18:74 18:74
18. Maximum Speed 100kmph 80kmph
19. Traction Motor BHEL 4907BZ BHEL 4907BZ

WAG-10 Locomotive

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

WAG-11 Locomotive:-
In line with Railway Board’s minutes of meeting held on 06.04.2018, few WDG4 Diesel locomotive
have been converted to Electric locomotive by DLW & CLW. This locomotive has been designated
as WAG11 (2 x 6000 hp 12000 hp). General arrangement of the locomotive is as per drawing no.
SK.DL-4796 and bogie general arrangement of the locomotive is as per GM drawing no. 40075079.
The axle load of the locomotive is 21.01 and horse power of twin WAG11 locomotive is 12000 hp The
WAG11 twin locomotive is a consist of two locomotives connected with the help of CBC coupling and
operating with. single pantograph.
Technical Data of WAG-11 Locomotives
1. Weight 2x126t = 252 t
2. Weight of Bogie 21.7 t
3. Starting Tractive Effort 106 t
4. Continuous Tractive Effort 66 t
5. Maximum Braking Effort 55 t
6. Max. Speed 95kmph
7. Cont. Rated Power 12000 HP
8. Nos. of Transformer 2
9. Type of Traction Motor ITB2525-0TA02 (Siemens)
A2916-8 (EMD)
10. Gear Ratio 17:90
11. Rating of TM (Continuous) 1520V/202A/485KW – Siemens
1550V/265A/435KW – EMD
12. Length of Bogie 6120 mm
13. Width of Bogie 3074 mm
14. Bogie Wheel Base 4216.4 mm
15. Lateral Spacing of primary spring 2251.1 mm
16. Lateral Spacing of secondary spring 2246.9 mm
17. Axle load 21.0 t mm
18. Wheel diameter New 1092 mm
19. Wheel diameter condemning 1016 mm
20. Wheel profile SK.DL-2561 (Alt.08)
21. Verticle clearance between bearing adopter and bogie 50.8 mm
22. Lateral clearance between bogie frame and under frame 44.5 mm

WAG-11 Locomotive

30200 Shed Organisation

1. The head of an electric loco(or EMU) shed will be Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling
Stock) whose duties will be generally as defined in para 10108. He will be assisted by one or more
officers in lower ranks depending upon the work load.
2. The organization pattern in a loco shed will be generally as shown below:

30202 Duties of SSE/ PPO (Planning and Progress Office)

1. To maintain liaison with the operating wing and ensure timely availability of locos from the shed.
2. To plan the scheduled and unscheduled repairs of locos to the shed as required, keeping in view the
shed capacity and proper utilization of inspection, lifting and heavy repair berths.
3. To issue job cards and to coordinate the working of the sections so as to ensure timely turn- out of
the locos after attention / repair.
4. To maintain necessary documents to enable scheduled attention to various locos and for revision of
maintenance practices and instructions.
5. To keep a watch on tests and trials and performance of modified equipment and maintenance of
requisite records in this connection.
6. To maintain the History Register, Equipment Cards, Modification Charts and other prescribed

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

7. To coordinate with the workshops regarding release of locos for POH and special shop repairs and
to arrange for dispatch of requisite information and records to shops.
8. To maintain statistics of engine-kilometres, failure records etc.
9. To keep a record of wheel wear and to programme for wheel turning.
10. Furnishing shed statistics to HQ office.
11. To coordinate with TLC regarding withdrawal of locos for shed attention, POH and nomination of
relief locos from shed.

30203 Duties of Section Supervisors

Each of the sections mentioned in 30200 will be under a supervisor of appropriate rank (SSE) who will
be directly responsible for the following:
1. He will scrutinize the job card for the loco received for inspection/unscheduled repairs, carefully
study the work to be carried out and based on his personal inspection, list out additional items of
work, if any, for approval as explained in para 30210.
2. He will allot the work to the staff under him with special instructions, if any.
3. He will ensure that the work is carried out within the time allotted and the loco released in time.
4. The supervisor will maintain a record of work done by staff including implementation of
modifications, Special maintenance instructions, Technical circulars issued by RDSO and provision
of new equipment/components with the purpose of taking corrective action in the event of reported
malfunctioning of the equipment immediately after overhaul/repair.
5. He is responsible for drawing, distributing and recording of all stores required by his section, as
well as any tools and testing instruments.
6. Before returning the job card in token of having completed the work, he will satisfy himself that all work
has been done satisfactorily. To ensure this, he will make frequent checks while the work is in progress.
7. He will ensure necessary co-ordination with other sections as well as with PPO.
8. To guide and instruct supervisors and men under him in the correct methods and schedules laid
down for maintenance and repairs.
9. To keep a close watch on maintenance so as to reduce the unscheduled withdrawal of locos to the
minimum and to watch the performance of equipment involved in frequent troubles.
10. To initiate appropriate steps for recommissioning locos out of service.
11. Execution of various approved modifications and to maintain locos and the loco shed in a clean
12. To keep a watch on the availability of stores for maintenance and modifications and to initiate
appropriate steps for timely recoupment.
13. To ensure efficient maintenance of the shed (section) plant and machinery and ancillary services.
14. To coordinate with PPO regarding withdrawal of locos for attention,
15. To plan and arrange Initial/ promotional/ Refresher training to all the staff working in his section. To
arrange training on new equipment by OEM and to coordinate with the Training School regarding
relief of staff for training and refresher courses.
16. He will be the stock holder of all equipments on locos, assemblies and sub assemblies and unit
exchange spares. To maintain the census such as make, Date of manufacture, commissions, warranty
period, serial numbers etc.,
17. To discuss the failures/maintenance lapses with all supervisors and staff and to frame the corrective
measures to overcome the failures.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

30204 Distribution of Work Load in the Shed

The classification of section in different Railways varies. It shall be ensured that the work load
distribution among the sections is done as per their maintenance convenience based on local conditions
and type of locos.
Even though the classification of section in different Railways varies, the work load arrangement is
typically as under:
E1: a. To carry out preventive maintenance schedule inspections and overhauling schedules on battery
charger, rectifier blocks.
b. Trouble shooting and investigations of Unusual Occurrence Reports (UOR) withdrawal and
failures of Electric Locos/EMUs.
c. To oversee checking and complete testing of Elect, locomotives nominated for VIP / Superfast
trains and special trains.
d. To oversee checking and complete testing of the nominated locos /EMUs by PPO.
E1 section shall have a Quality Assurance Group consisting of competent supervisors and artisan staff
who will carry out superchecking on nominated scheduled/unscheduled locos.
E2: a. Test before and test after of all schedule inspection.
b. Electrical inspection and repairs (minor) of parts noticed defective during inspections i.e. head
lights, flasher lights, electrical equipments in BA panels, TFP, RPS, SL, Programme switches,
MP. EMC, DBR. SMGR. CGR, tap changer, cables, cable sockets and cable connections.
E3: a. To carry out scheduled inspection, unscheduled repairs, modifications, overhauling of traction
b. Connection and disconnection of traction motors before lifting and after lowering.
c. To carry out scheduled inspection and unscheduled repairs, modifications and overhauling
schedule of auxiliary motors.
d. To disconnect and connect auxiliary motors while removing / refitting during overhauling
scheduled and unscheduled repairs.
E4: a. To carry out scheduled inspections, unscheduled repairs, modifications and overhauling
schedule oi i all delicate and precision electrical equipment like relays, speedometers, ammeters,
voltmeters and circuit breakers etc.
b. To disconnect and connect speedometer connections /DJ connections during unscheduled
E5: M
 ajor repairs and overhauling of EP and EM contactors, smoothing reactor. RPS. flasher light.
MP. TFP oil filtration, CGR, SMGR and tap changer (during IOH schedule/unscheduled visits)
and modifications.
E6: a. Removal and fitment of EMCs, EPCs, RPS. DBR during AOH schedule.
b. Removal and fitment of SL, SMGR, Tap-changer during IOH schedule.
c. Overhauling of BA panel, head light, TK panel, SB Panels, rotary switch board and switches
during AOH/IOH schedule.
d. Cleaning of cable junction boxes and cables during overhauling.
e. Overhauling of SMGR and GR during AOH schedule.
E7: Recabling work, partial or full. E8: Electronic labs and PCBs etc.
M1: a. Inspection and running repairs of mechanical parts, under frame, brake gear, wheels and axles,
buffing gear, body doors and windows, locks, side glasses, look out glasses etc.
b. Special checks.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

c. Carry out pre-summer, pre-winter and pre-monsoon checks.

M2: AOH/IOH schedule work on i.e. centre pivot, side bearers, roof, buffing gear, cattle guard, rail
guard, side glasses, look out glasses, doors, windows and locks.
M3: Inspection, repairs and overhauling of pantograph. M4: a) To supervise the work of machine shop.
M4: a. To supervise proper functioning of Tool Room and its upkeep.
b. To supervise and execute the re-profiling of wheel sets of electric locomotives on the pit wheel
lathe and its preventive maintenance.
M5: a. To carry out scheduled inspections and overhauling schedules on all pneumatic equipment
except compressors and exhausters.
b. Testing of all pneumatic equipments on test bench after overhauling.
c. To carry out scheduled inspections, unschedule repairs, modifications and overhauling of
compressors, exhausters and auxiliary compressors.
d. Removal and fitment of compressors, exhausters and auxiliary compressors during overhauling,
scheduled/ unscheduled visits.
M6: a. Mechanical disconnection and connection, lifting and lowering of locomotives.
b. Heavy repairs and overhauling of bogies and other mechanical components like wheel sets,
springs, axles boxes etc.
c. Traction motors assembly and dis-assembly.
M7: Remetalling of suspension bearings.
PPO: a. Receipt and dispatch of locomotives/ EMUs for their scheduled and unscheduled visits,
b. Planning of scheduled and unscheduled repairs of locomotives / EMUs.
c. Monitoring the performance of developmental equipment.
d. Maintenance of history books, history cards of equipment fitted.
e. Keeping liaison with RSO regarding calling of locomotives/EMUs for scheduled/unscheduled
f. To keep record of wheel wear and to programme re-profiling.
g. To scrutinize Electric Loco/EMUs log books on arrival of locomotives and issuing all job cards
to the section supervisor for proper attention to the defects and to ensure that the work is done
when the job cards are returned.
S1: All works pertaining to procurement of stores and liaison with HQ for timely procurement of stores
and upkeep of custody stores for non-stock items.
S2: Specification updating section. S3: Tests and Trial Sections.
G: a. Electric and mechanical millwright sections.
b. Maintenance of cranes and M&P items.
c. General upkeep of shed.
d. Road Transport.
Technical Section
All technical correspondence of the shed i.e. outside and within shed, updating and feeding of technical
data in computer etc

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

Physical and chemical testing of all items including ultrasonic testing of axles and shafts. Drawing
All drawing work, preparation of office estimates etc. Computer Section
Operation of computer - collection of data and processing.

30205 Technical Section

The chief responsibility will be:
1. Keeping track of every failure of components/ equipment. The failure should be analyzed in
detail on the basis of which should emerge the analysis of the causes of failure, suggestions for
improvements, modifications etc.
2. Documentation of all technical information.
3. Keeping a watch that the maintenance instructions issued to the shed staff are up-to-date and
ensuring that the instructions are explained to the concerned staff.

30206 Specification Updating Section

This section will be responsible with the drawing office, to update list of specifications and drawings
against which different items are to be ordered and for issuing stocking advices to Stores Department.
It should also keep records regarding consumable stores so as to pin-point any abnormal consumption
for effective investigation.

30207 Test and Trials

The observations regarding tests and trials should be carefully documented for the benefit of improving
specifications or modifications to inspection schedules. The necessary documents should be centralized
and kept in the PPO.

30208 Materials Management

1. This subject is dealt in detail in Volume I. A few relevant items are being mentioned here.
a. The various components - sub-assemblies and spare parts shall be purchased from the original/
approved supplier of equipment. Railway may however make out a compendium of approved
suppliers for each item/equipment, based on RDSO’s/production unit’s list. Any variation from the
same shall only be permitted personally by Chief Electrical Engineer.
b. For bringing in new suppliers in the compendium of approved suppliers, CEE may personally
authorise use of untried and untested equipment for field trials. Special care is needed while
approving any new make and type of brushes for traction motors.
c. Storage of Rubber Components
Most rubbers change in physical properties during storage and ultimately become unserviceable, due to
excessive hardening, softening, cracking, crazing or other surface degradation. These changes may be
the result of one particular factor or a combination of factors, such as the action of oxygen, ozone, light,
heat, humidity or oils and solvents. The deleterious effects of these factors may, however, be minimized
by careful choice of storage conditions. To optimize or reduce the deterioration to minimum possible
rate following storage conditions are recommended by CAMTECH vide Handbook on Up-keeping of
Rubber items of Pn. Valves of Electric locomotives – CAMTECH/E/13-14/Rubber item/1.0, Nov’13
i. The rubber components should be stored in a cool place and packed condition as far as
practicable, preferably below 25°C (preferably between 15°C to 25°C).

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

ii. Rubbers should be protected from light, in particular direct sunlight and strong artificial light
with a high ultra-violet content. It is advisable to cover windows of storage rooms with a red or
orange coating or screen.
iii. Humidity The relative humidity of the storage condition should not be more than 70% so that
condensation of moisture does not take place on the surface of the components. Very moist or
very dry conditions should be avoided. Where ventilation is necessary it should be kept to a
iv. Oxygen & Ozone Where possible, rubber should be protected from circulating air by wrapping,
storage in airtight containers or by other suitable means. In the vicinity of rubber components,
any loose electrical connections should be avoided, as the arcing due to loose connections
causes production of ozone.
v. Contact with metals They should be stored away from contact with certain metals and their
alloys containing copper and manganese or materials impregnated with their compounds (except
when bonded to them) which act as poisoning agents resulting in their faster degradation. They
shall be protected by wrapping or by separation with a layer of suitable material for example
paper or polyethylene.
vi. Deformation Under no circumstances rubber components should be stressed during storage.
The portions under stress undergo deformations with permanent set and leading to degradation.
Large O-rings and seals shall not be suspended on pegs as this will lead to severe deterioration.
vii. Contact with liquid or semi solid materials: Any contact with grease or oil should be avoided
as these cause swelling, softening and deterioration of rubbers. Even people handling rubber
should ensure that their hands are oil/grease free.
viii. C
 ontact with dusting powder A small amount of French chalk or soapstone or mica may be
applied on the surface of rubber components for the packaging in order to prevent blocking.
In such instances the minimum quantity of powder to prevent adhesion shall be used. Contact
between different rubber Contact between rubbers of different composition and colour shall
be avoided.
Article with rubber to metal bonds the metal parts of bonded metal items shall not come into
contact with the rubber of others articles. Rotation of stocks Great care is to be exercised so that
the material is used in the order of their receipt in the stores i.e. first-in-first-out basis (FIFO).
d. Storage of Lubricants/ Greases:
Lubricants/ grease are the most important products for reliable and safe operations of various types of
bearings used in rolling stocks. To achieve desired performance of these bearings, besides lubricating/
greasing them periodically, equal importance and care need to be taken right from manufacturing,
transportation, storage, handling and point of usage.
After detailed study and consultations with Oil Companies, manufacturing lubricants for Railways
applications, RDSO issued Technical circular no. RDSO/2010/EL/TC/0104 Rev ‘0’ dt. 22.07.2010.
i. All barrels must be stored, preferably indoors; away from extreme heat/cold, dust, acidic fumes
and moist atmospheric conditions.
ii. Lubricating oil barrels should be stored horizontally preferably on wooden rails dunnage to
avoid contact with ground. The barrel bungs should be in the clock position at 3 & 9.
iii. Grease barrels must be stored vertically preferably covered with tarpaulin, if not stored indoors.
iv. Technical circular No. RDSO/2010/EL/TC/0104 (Rev.0) should be followed for storage &
handling of lubricant/greases used for Electric Locomotives.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

e. Storage of Bearings
RDSO after conducting Technical Audis of various sheds (LGD, AQ, HWH, GZB, CLW & KPA shops
etc.,) recommended the following guidelines for proper storage of bearings vide Technical Audit
Report No. RDSO/2016/EL/TAR/001 Rev. ‘0’ dt. 01.03.16, 002, 003 & 004 dt.
29.03.16, 005 dt. 30.03.16 and 008 dt. 13.07.16.
i. Air-conditioned storage ward may be developed for storage of bearings, varnishes, rubber
components etc. Arrangements to be made for 24 hour working of air conditioners of AC Storage
ward. Fridge/Deep freezer of adequate capacity needs to be used for storage of varnishes which
are to be stored at less than 100C. Temperature and humidity indicators to be provided at the far
end of AC Storage ward.
ii. Bearings should be kept in clean room separate from other components.
iii. Keep the bearings little away from walls to avoid ingress of water/moisture in a stack of not
more than 5 bearings.
iv. Large size bearings should be stored in horizontal condition only.
v. Bearings should also not be stored directly on floor.
vi. First-In-First-Out (FIFO) system should be followed to avoid prolonged storage of bearings.

30209 Demarcation of Responsibility between Sr. DEE (RS), DEE and ADEs
The DEE / ADE will be responsible for day to day activities in the shed including unscheduled
attentions and scheduled inspections. He will be particularly responsible for induction of any new type
of equipment/ stock in the shed and ensure that the maintenance schedule for such equipment/ stock is
finalized in the shortest possible time.
He/She will do Periodical inspections, Technical audit of the sections under his control to ensure
that schedules, overhauling of various equipment are done as per the prescribed schedule charts. He
will ensure the implementation of RDSO modifications/special maintenance instructions, Technical
circulars, Fire preventive measures and Reliability Action Plan etc., He/She will monitor the progress
of initial, periodical refresher training to be imparted to supervisors/staff and plan the training on new
equipment/stock etc., He/She will ensure all the M& P, T& P items, jigs, fixtures, Test benches are
in working order and arrange periodical calibration to the Gauges, meters etc.,as per the supplier’s
The Sr. DEE will in addition concern himself with the broader aspects of work and forward planning
such as watch-out for organizational shortcomings, indenting and progressing the procurement of
forward delivery spares, maintaining a close watch on the functioning of the PPO and above all,
exercising vigilant technical control over unusual occurrences, recurring failures and unscheduled
booking of locos to the shed and shall be in close liaison with Sr DEE (OP).

30210 Job Cards

For each loco/EMU received in a shed for scheduled or unscheduled attention, the PPO will issue a job
card in proforma 2.01 to each section incorporating the following:
1. The nature of inspection (IA, IB etc.). Refer to chapters III and IV.
2. Additional items of work to be carried out on the loco/EMU by the section, based on booked
defects, pre-inspection of the loco or planned modification.
3. The time by which the loco/EMU is required to be released.
Based on his own inspection, if the Section supervisor (SSE/JE) finds that any items in addition to
those mentioned by PPO are required to be attended to, he will get such work approved by the Section

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Incharge and get the additional items also entered in the job card by PPO. The job card will thus
contain a complete record of all work done on a loco during its visit to the shed. When the work is
completed, the Section supervisor will sign the job card indicating the attention particulars, important
parameters, & observations, time of completion of the work and the names of the workers, who have
attended. The loco /EMU should be offered by the PPO for final inspection by El only after job cards
from all sections have been received back duly signed by the respective supervisor.

proforma 2.01

30211 Shed Facilities

Machinery and plant for Loco Sheds
The list of machinery and plant recommended for a loco shed to cater for inspection, maintenance,
overhaul and repairs including major schedule of locomotives as per RDSO Technical Circular No.
121 is indicated here under.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General


For 200 locos
A- Machine Shop
1 Lathe 250 mm swing x 1500 mm between centers 1
2 Lathe 150 mm swing x 1000 mm between centers 1
3 Radial drilling machine 1
4 Universal milling machine 900 mm x 300 mm table With indexing attachment 1

5 Shaping machine, 600 mm stroke 1

6 Power drill (40 mm hole in M.S.) 1
7 Power Hacksaw to cut 150 mm dia M.S. 1
8 Pipe Threading machine 1
9 Pipe Threading die sets 2
10 Pipe bending machine 2
11 Marking table 1
12 1.5 KVA portable generating sets 4
Shearing machine sheet cutting M/c table type/ Power press. 1
14 Heavy duty shaping machine 1
15 Winch machine 03 Ton. Cap. 5
16 Pipe Swaging machine for SS pipes 2
17 Sensitive drill (20 mm hole in M.S.) 2
18 Watchmaker`s lathe 2
19 Portable welding set 600 A dc 6
20 Portable transformer welding plant 350 A 6
21 Oxyacetylene welding and cutting set with 25 sets of cylinders for oxygen and 5
22 Eutectic weld deposit torch set 2
23 Inverter based multipoint welding m/c 4
24 Smith Hearth 1
25 Gauging facility for cutting and making grooves 3
26 Spray guns portable Compression unit and reservoir with 2 spray guns. 3

27 Portable electric tools (grinder, drills, wrenches) set 12

28 Torque wrenches (Pneumatic/electrically operated) 12
29 ½” Sq. Drive industrial socket set (Taparia) 60
30 ¾” Sq. Drive industrial socket set (Taparia) 60
31 Pneumatic impact wrenches ½’’ 10
32 Pneumatic impact wrenches ¾’’ 6

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

33 Pneumatic impact wrenches 1’’ 4

34 Air compressor-complete with air drier filter after cooler, reservoir, outlet 3
valves 250 cfm.-9 kg/cm sq.
35 Distributed compressor sets to be provided with pipelines at far away locations 6
for better energy efficiency
36 Portable vacuum plant 4
37 Filter cleaning plant 2
38 Pit dewatering portable electric pump 5
39 Booster pump for washing lines 3
40 Sand drying and sieving plant 2
41 Submersible pump fitted in each pit As per No. of
42 Battery charger 3
43 Portable battery charger 4
44 Loading resistor for battery 3
45 Distilled water plant (Electrical) 3
46 Oil centrifuging and filtering plant 3000 LPH capacity(VPI) 4
47 Pneumatic crimping tool for power cable 3
48 Hand crimping tool for control cables 10
49 Panto assembly fixture 2
50 Special crimping tool for sub ‘D’ connector 5
51 Special crimping bayonet connector 4
52 Anti static soldering & De-soldering plan 1
53 Anti static vacuum cleaner 2
54 Ionizing blowers 2
55 Set of anti static tools 2
56 Anti static storage transportation box facility 1 set
57 Contactless thermometer 10
58 Thermo vision camera 1
59 Q meter 2
60 Panto TF measuring fixture 1
61 Spring scale (cap. Above 30 kg) for measuring housing force of pantograph 4

62 AM12 Servometer overhauling fixture 3

63 AM92 Servometer (old version) overhauling fixture 2
64 Magnifying scale 2
65 Portable grease gun & lubricating equipment 3

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General


A- Bogie and Wheel Sets(Including Repairing, Rediscing & MSU repairing)
1. Bogie washing and jet cleaning plant 2
2. Pit type wheel lathe (with mechanical scrap removal and disposal) 2
3. Horizontal boring machine 1000 mm x 1000 mm table. 1
4. Hack’s burners 2
5. Bogie squaring Jig 1
6. Wheel profiling set (tool room) 2
7. Grease guns and lubricating equipment (One set for each type of oil or grease) 8
8. Lifting beam for locomotive body with stand 4
9. Lifting tackle for bogie 8
10. Spring testing equipment 2
11. Shock absorbers snubbers testing jig 2
12. Hydraulic Dampers testing and Calibration Machine 2
13. Motorized drop pit with wheel dropping arrangement for removing of axle 1
without lifting loco.
14. AJTB Machine 1
15. VTL Machine 1
16. Axle turning machine 1
17. Press machine 400 t 1
18. Bogie manipulator for welding of bogie frames 1
19. CNC Surface wheel lathe 1
20. Axle turning lathe, CNC(indigeneous) 1
21. Vertical turret lathe, CNC 1
22. Axle grinding machine, CNC 1
23. AJTB lathe 1
24. Wheel press, 500 Ton 1
25. EOT crane 15 t 1
26. Ultrasonic flaw detector 1
27. Induction heaters 3
28. Bearing extractor, motorized 2
29. Drilling & tapping machine 2
30. 5T fork lift 1
31. Welding for axle box (inverter based) 1
B- Traction Motor Shop
1 Pinion extractor 2
2 Pinion heating oil bath or induction heater 3
3 Autotransformer-rectifier unit 100 V x150 A dc 2
4 Commutator turning, Mica undercutting and chamfering and armature banding 2
5A Dynamic balancing machine for Armature (1 tonne) 1
5B Dynamic balancing machine for impellers (200 kg) 1
5C Portable balancer for balancing of rotors and impellers of auxiliary machine in 2
position (500-6000 r.p.m. range)
6 Vacuum impregnating plant 1
7 Baking oven 2000 C with trolley 3
8 Brazing tongs with transformer 2
9 Bearing extractor set 3
10 Hand 5operated shearing machine for insulation 2

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

11 Traction Motor assembly fixture set (shop made), One set for each type of 2
12 Electric motor Checker 5type EMC-22 (SMI/163) for checking rotor bar cracks 3
in the rotors of auxiliary machine & Arno
13 TM stator cleaning plant 1
14 Axle racer puller 2
15 Run test machine for TM 2
16 Run test machine for assembled wheel sets 2
A - Testing Panels
1. Test and calibration panel with meters for each type of relay 2
2. Test and calibration panel with meter for speedometer 2
3. Test panel with meters for auxiliary machines 2
4. Loading dynamometer with test bed for auxiliaries 2
5. Test panel with meters for contactors circuit breakers 2
6. Brake and pneumatic equipment test panel including air compressor 500 liters 2
per min 15 kg/cm sq
7. Air brake pneumatic testing rig 2
8. Test panel for testing of SMGR 1
9. Variable Auto Transformer Rectifier Unit Out Put 0-135V,100A. 2
10. 3 Phase 415V, 50Hz variable Auto transformer rectifier unit for high cap. DC 2
Motor testing.
11. Relay test bench for Air flow relay testing. 1
12. Test bench for Pressure switch relay testing. 1
13. Test bench for Electro Pneumatic valve. 2
14. Test bench for Reverser/ CTF. 2
15. Three tank portable work station for cleaning Sinter Bronze capsule of 2
Pneumatic circuit of AC Locomotive.
16. Angle Indicator test kit for Digital notch Indicator. 1
17. Set of Test Unit for SMGR/GR & CGR. 1
18. Constant current/ Constant voltage Battery Charge/ Discharge Panel. 2
19. Battery impedance test equipment bite 3, 230 V AC, 50 Hz, CE Marked including 1
Accessories & operating manual & printer battery operated 220 V AC.
20. LCD Multimedia projector. 1
21. Static converter (SIV) analyzer with printer & memory reader unit. 1
22. Hydraulic puller of capacity – 15 ton with spread – 280mm, reach – 229mm 2
stroke – 82mm.
23. TFP oil circulation pump MPH test Bench. 1
24. TFP oil circulation pump Radiator test Bench. 1
25. Testing panel for Air Dryers. 1
26. Testing panel for circuit breaker. 1
27. Testing panel for ARNO Converter. 1
28. 3 Phase testing panel with Amp. Meter for testing 3 CPs. 1
29. Air dryer test ring with stand & Dew-point meter 1
30. Thermal imaging equipment 2
31. Provision of testing facilities for testing of MPCS & SIVs of conventional As per
locomotive on the line of test jig of electronic cards developed by M/s MEL requirement
system Chennai.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

B- Testing and Measuring Instruments

1A Megger 2500 V 8
1B Megger 1000 V 10
2 Megger 500 V 8
3 Universal multimeter 10
4 Portable voltmeter dc 5
5 Portable voltmeter ac 5
6 Portable ammeter dc 5
7 Portable ammeter ac 5
8 Current transformer set 20 to 2000 A 3
9 Ammeter shunts 75 m V 2000 A 2
10 Millivoltmeter 0-75 mV 3
11 Storage type Oscilloscope with current & voltage probes 4
12 High voltage tester 0-15 kV 2
13 High voltage tester 0-75 kV 2
14 Oil tester 0-50 kV 3
15 Current injection set 2000 A 3 V dc 1
16 Silicon diode tester 3
17 Electro- plating thickness measuring equipment 2
18 Contact pyrometer (0 – 200 0C) 5
19A Ultrasonic crack detector for testing white metal bonding in suspension bearing 1
19B Ultrasonic crack detector for Axles and traction motor shafts 4
20 Zyglo ultraviolet light crack detector 2
21 Brinell hardness tester 2
22 Shore hardness tester 2
23 Spring balance (0-1 kg) 3
24 Spring balance (0-3 kg) 3
25 Spring balance (0-5 kg) 3
26 Spring tester 2
27 Recording ammeter 2
28 Recording voltmeter 2
29 Aneomometer 6
30 Manometer 2
31 Vibration meter 3
32 Capacitance and induction bridge 2
33 Clip on ammeter 0-5-10-25-50-100-250 A 8
34 Dial gauge, Cernier valiper, micrometer and feeler gauge (1 set each) 7
35 Revolution counters 5
36 KWHr meter with accessories for mounting on loco 3
37 Electric coil tester 2
38 Electric timer 2
39 Portable relay testing kit 1
40 Commutator profile recorder 2
41 Stop watch 3
42 Illumination meter 2
43 Wheat stone bridge 2
44 Distilled water tester 2
45 Stroboscope/8Tachometer 2
46 Gear teeth micrometer 2

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

47 Capacitance & Tan-delta measuring instrument 1

48 Ultrasonic hardness tester 2
49 Dissolved gas analysis apparatus 2
50 Universal tensile testing machine (40 tonne) 2
51 VCB overhauling & testing tool 2
52 Surge comparison tester 3
53 Shock pulse meter for bearing 4
54 Bearing room with ultrasonic cleaning facility 2
55 Induction heater for mounting/ dismounting of bearing 2
56 Micro ohm resistance meter for bar to test of armature. 2
57 Resistivity meter (Model-I.R.T.). 1
58 Microprocessor based Moisture tester (Vigio matic-III). 1
59 Surface & interfacial tension meter. 1
60 Pensky-Marten (closed) Flash point apparatus. 1
61 Electric & Battery operated single pan balance. 1
62 Reference block type – VI (IIW). 1
63 Flexible oven illuminated magnifier. 1
64 Welding resistance meter 2
65 Electrode heating oven 3500 C 6
66 Testing kit for Furan analysis 1
67 Transformer ratio tester 1
68 Vacuum drying plant 1
69 Dew point meter 1
70 Micro ohm meter for measuring of RF/RPS & RS resistance 1
71 Delay time for EMC 2
72 Air flow meter 4
73 Thermovision camera 1
74 High speed camera (for taking photo of equipment failures) 1
75 Ultrasonic air leakage detector 1
76 Wheel profile recorder 1
77 Lubricating grease metal particle analyzer 1
Note: 1. All electronic equipment maintenance sections, Relay maintenance, SMGR overhauling
section and bearing overhauling section to be air conditioned.
2. All electronic equipment maintenance sections should have anti-static flooring.


A - Lifting and Handling Equipment
1 65 tonne Electric overhead travelling crane with 10 ton Auxiliary hoist for 4
heavy lifting bay.
2 35 tonne crane for medium, TM & Aux lifting bay. 4
3 25 tonne EOT crane with 6 t auxiliary hoist 2
4 15 tonne EOT crane 4
5 Lifting tackles for transformer, traction motor, armature loco underframe, roof 4
sections, bogie, wheel set, loco body etc.
6 2 tonne chain pulley hoist 6
7 Capstan units 3 tonnes 6
8 Tirfors 3 tonnes 5
9 35 tonne screw jack electrically operated with traversing bases (4 numbers a set) 2
10 20 tonne high lift hydraulic jack (4 numbers a set) 4

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

11 Accommodation bogies for each type of loco (loco set) 4

B. Transport Facilities
1 2 tonne fork lift battery truck 4
1A 5 tonne fork lifter 4
2 1 tonne pallet battery truck 2
3 1 tonne material hand trolley platform type (rubber tyres) 5
4 1 tonne hand pallet trolley 5
4A 2.5 tonne hydraulic pallet trolley 6
5 7.5 tonne trolley on rail (for traction motors) 3
6 10 tonne truck 2
7 Jeep with trailer 2
8 Departmental wagon 1
9 Material handling van fitted with crane 2
10 Breakdown vehicle 2
10A Rail cum Road Vehicle 1
11 Battery driven trolley with rubberized wheel of 3 ton cap. 2
12 Fork lifter having multi stacking features. 3
C. Weighing Machine/Scales
1 Weighing machine 1 tonne (Stores Depot) 2
2 Weighing machine 50 kg (Stores Depot) 2
3 Weighing machine (Electronic 0-300kg) 2
1 Fax machine 2
2A Telecom facility (with electronic exchange of 100 lines) 1
2B Linkage of shed Computer network with Zonal head Quarter and Divisional As per
HQs requirement
2C V.H.F. sets (Walkie- Talkie) 40
3 Laptop & P.C.s with associated hard ware. Adequate nos
4 PC based computer system with tape drive printer etc and linked with stores 2
5 LAN connection with server unit having PC in each section/Sr. Supervisor 1
and 4 PCs in SrDEE’s Technical section with railnet/internet facility.
6 FOIS/COIS -terminal 2
7 Software Tools for maintenance magnet, failure analysis, inventory magnet As per
and establishment. requirement
8 Railnet & Intranet 10
9 CUG connections 100
1 Rain water leakage testing shed 1
2 Facility for mechanised washing of loco body for coaching locos 2
3 Floor scrubber 6
4 Portable compressed Air system for blowing out the pipelines in IOH/POH in 2
5 Industrial vacuum cleaner for cleaning inside the loco 8
6 500 KVA DG Set. 2
7 Water cooler with water purifier (R/O) 10
8 Deep freezer (675lt. capacity). 2
9 Multi split air conditioner for lab upto 3 ton. Capacity. 4
10 33/0.44 kV sub station TFP of 500 KVA. 2

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


1 Stores
1A Workmen’s tables, Battery charging Benches,
Armature Trestles
2 Bench vices
3 Individual fitters tools
4 Steel lockers for workmen
5 Steel almirahs and stores racks Adequate
6 Steel tables and chairs, cardex boards, filling cabinets, index cards cabinets, quantity to
Printers, PC for PPO`s office. be provided
7 Tables, chairs for officers and supervisors, almirahs, filing racks, cabinets, as per
Printers, duplicator, drawing office and ferro printing equipment. requirement
8 Time office equipment, Time clock, ticket filing racks, tables and chairs.
9 Optimiser/File keeping racks
10 Multi level stacking facility for storage of material on shop floor
11 Stool with 8” back support for micro-processor/ electronic equipments repair
for staff
LIST 8 – Training & staff welfare facilities
S.No Items
1 Basic Training school(BTC) with Hostel/rest room having 2 class rooms with 1
LCD projector, one small meeting room and one model room
2 Well furnished Library having all the facilities viz. adequate technical books, 1
PC with internet connection, printer, photo copier
3 Lunch / Tiffin room 1
4 Staff Canteen 1
5 Cycle/motor cycle stand 1
6 Digital Camera 2
7 Micro processor based training module for conventional / 3 phase loco 1
LIST 9 – Other facilities
S.No. Items
1 Water Harvesting arrangement 1
2 Fire fighting arrangement 1
3 General electrification with provision of all electrical fitting light & power 1
socket point.
4 Heavy Duty Digital copier machine 1
5 Audio conferencing system for meeting room. 1
6 Provision of CCTV As per
7 Borewell with pump As per
8 Provision of motorized points to expedite shunting and avoid the need for
points men
9 Provision of ESD free lab
10 Provision of effluent treatment plant
11 Provision of security chowkie at main gate

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

LIST 10–Testing Facilities to be made available at Chemical & Metallurgical Lab

1. Facilities available for Insulating oil Testing
a. Dissolved Gas Analyser/Chromatograph – 2 Nos.
b. Tan Delta and Specific Resistance tester – 1 No.
c. Moisture tester – 1 No.
d. Flash Point Apparatus – 1 No.
e. Visgauge for Viscosity Testing – 2 No.
f. Interfacial Tensiometer – 1 No.
g. Acidity test kit – 1 No.
h. Testing kit for testing carbonization of battery electrolyte in Ni-Cd batteries
2. Ultrasonic Flaw Detector to check internal crack of Loco Axle, Armature Shaft, Wheel disc,
Looseness of racer etc. – 02 Nos.
3. Universal Tensile Tester for Rubber, Cork etc. – 01 No.
4. Spectrometer to check metallurgical composition of various loco components – 01 No.
5. Rockwell cum Brinnell Hardness Tester to test metallic component hardness – 1 No.
6. Poldi Hardness tester to test metallic component hardness – 1 No.
7. Shore Hardness tester to test rubber, cork hardness – 01 No.
8. Grease Penetrometer to check consistency of grease – 1 No.
9. Magnetic crack detector AC/DC 230 V to check surface crack of Ferrous components - 1 No.
10. Permanent pole Magnet to check surface and sub surface crack of ferrous component - 1 No.
11. Other Mandatory Lab equipments
a. Magnetic stirrer cum heater – 02 Nos.
b. Mono Pan Balace – 01 No.
c. Muffle Furnace – 1 No.
d. Hot air oveb – 01 No.
e. Dial Thickness gauge – 1 No.
f. Integrated Portable Hardness tester – 1 No.
g. Conductivity meter of Battery water – 1 No.
h. Refrigerator – 1 No.
i. Gas cylinders for DGA – 02 each of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen
j. Distillation plant – 1 No.
k. Metallurgical Microscope – 01 No.
l. Voltage Stabilizer – 01 No.
m. Set of Laboratory Glass wares
n. Argon gas Cylinder – 2 Nos.
o. Set of Laboratory chemicals
p. DPT test kit
q. Magnetic powder for MPT
r. Contactless Thermometer
s. Gas generator for DGA

Other Facilities:
1. Fuming Gas Chamber
2. 02 Desktop computers with UPS and Laser Printer

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

LIST 11 - Computerized Network data base system of maintenance of locomotives and equipment
in electric loco sheds.
1. Computer Room 2 No.
2. Split AC 4 Nos.
3. Computer Table 50 Nos.
4. Computer Chairs 50 Nos.
5. PCs 50 Nos.
6. Server 05 Nos.
7. Printer 25 Nos.
8. All hardware & software required for LAN
9. Development of a uniform Shed management Software to monitor the position/status of
overhauling/repair/inspection/failure of equipment and locomotives, status of availability of
spares/equipment in stores, Status of implementation of modifications suggested by RDSO etc.
to be connected through LAN and used by all the officers and staff of shed.
10. Development of a comprehensive Loco Management Software like FOIS, through reputed
organisations like CRIS connecting sheds, Zonal Railways, Railway Board, RDSO, CLW and
other units for monitoring the position of locomotives and carrying out failure analysis for the

List 12 – Advanced automated maintenance & condition monitoring system for on line health
monitoring of electric locomotive and Real-time preventive maintenance support
system for Electric rolling stock:
Automatic maintenance system plays an important role as a solution to the problem of handling down
maintenance techniques to younger generations, due to the ageing society and reduction of man power,
because the system always yields stable measurement/maintenance results without depending on
personal skills. Industries have developed many automatically measuring & maintenance equipments
which can provide maintenance solutions in conditions where dangerous, hard and dirty tasks are
inevitable and for reducing the work load of maintenance operators. The following is an indicative &
in-exhaustive list where automated system could be considered for use by sheds:
SN Description Remarks
1. Pantograph The thickness or abnormal wear of pantograph contacts are measured by
contact the ultrasonic method and image processing method.
2. Monitoring Still picture of the pantographs and AC devices and the moving images of
system for loco the entire roof top condition are recorded.
roof tops
3. Wheel profile Dimensions of different sections of a wheel are measured by laser and
measuring camera.
4. Brake wear Dimensions of the brake shoe and brake lining are measured by a camera
measurement and their replacement periods are estimated.
5. Wheel flat Flats on the wheel treads are detected by acoustic sensors and camera
detection device images.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

6. Axle flaw auto Flaws in axles are automatically detected by ultrasonic echo analysis
7. Paint peeler Higher pressure water jet shall be used to peel off the paint , instead of
solvent which has higher environmental impact
8. Loco body dirt The degree of dirt accumulated on the surface of loco body and inside loco
auto detector is judged by image processing technique for improved efficiency of the
following chemical cleaning process
9. Blower for under Air blowing of under frame devices is automatically performed.
frame equipment
10. Simulator for Procedures for counter measures taken by Railway man in the event of
malfunction problems during train operation are outlined on a PC.
recovery training
11. Infrared An inexpensive way to embark on condition monitoring is through the
Thermograph use of infrared imaging. The temperature of conductors, bus, switches,
transformer tanks, motors and bushings are a direct function of the level of
loading of the components, infrared techniques provide value by reviewing
temperature differences. The magnitude of difference in temperatures can
assist in determining whether the repair should occur immediately or if the
problem can be addressed during scheduled routine maintenance.
12. Ultrasonic Ultrasonic detection techniques are based upon analysis of sounds that
and Vibration the ear can’t normally detect. Electrical arcing and corona discharge and
Detector pressure or vacuum leaks can be pin-pointed with the aid of detecting
devices. Electrical discharges are heard as a frying or buzzing sound
whereas a pressure or vacuum leak is heard as a rushing sound or noted on
a ballistic meter. The device can be used to test switchgear, transformers,
circuit breakers, relays, junction boxes, insulators, bushings, arresters and
other electrical gear.
13. Oil Analysis Beside gas chromatography; which requires drawing of oil routinely to
equipments assess & 17nalyse the levels of various gases.
The on-line system designs will improve upon the semi-annual or yearly
DGA sampling cycle. The system detects four key gases through tiny
semiconductor sensors immersed directly in the transformer oil at the end
of a sensor probe. Hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethylene and acetylene
concentrations are continuously monitored for detection of corona
or partial discharge, cellulose overheating, pyrolysis, oil overheating
and arcing, respectively. Fault gas readings are displayed on-site via a
microprocessor unit or are accessed via a computer, on-site or remotely.
Transformer maintenance can be better managed based on information
obtained through the monitoring system. One such system, developed by
Micromonitors, Inc., Bend, Oregon, U.S .
14. On-line On-line monitoring system that can be retrofit to existing transformers
monitoring or supplied with new transformers. The system is based on a condition
system for monitoring package that performs gas-in-oil and partial discharge analysis.
transformers It also uses an acoustic method to monitor vibrations of transformers with
load tap changers. Load current and oil temperature are also monitored.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

15. Breaker On line Breaker condition monitoring system captures information on the
Maintenance & condition of the breaker every time it operates. Trip and close coil currents,
Diagnostics tools open and close of contacts, fault current values and station battery voltage
dips. The device provides output alarms for operate times, coil currents
and contact duty. The system can also accept inputs from various types of
16. Automatic Required for fast and automatic cleaning and washing of locomotive body
Washing Plant
17. CNC M/Cs For Machine shop activities
18. TPWS/ACD/T Required to check the functionality of each equipment.
Test stand of
19. E-70/CCB Required to check the functionality of brake system on 3 phase
Brake equipment locomotives
(full simulation)
test and
20. Automated Provides easy storage and retrieval of equipment/components with
Vertical Storage multilevel stacking facility within available space
and Retrieval
Note: The above list is indicative & in-exhaustive and the same can be expanded depending on the
development and availability of more automated tools to assist maintenance of locomotives and
its equipment.

B. Real-time preventive maintenance support system for Electric rolling stock:

1. Introduction
With hundreds of components onboard, it is not possible to know the extent of utilization of each
component within a rolling stock by any off line methods or analysis. However, by providing suitable
onboard monitoring systems, the utilization of many vital components can be precisely monitored
and reported to base station on a real time basis. At the base station, a large repository of such data
for all the assets can be created, which will provide timely alerts when an asset is due for a preventive
check. Such a repository can be connected to all the custodians of assets simultaneously using internet
technology. Using this method, centralized expert advice can also be sought.
Upon receiving such alerts of an expected failure or component replacement request from the system,
the depot can mobilize a quick response team to the site with necessary materials which would avoid
a line failure and major catastrophe. This is the trend now in developed Railway Systems and comes
under the umbrella of Remote Diagnostics & Remote Monitoring.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

2. Infrastructure Requirement

2.1 Onboard Hardware

To start with, this system can be targeted in 3-phase locomotives and tap changer locomotives. Three
phase locomotive has already microprocessor based system and hence the status of almost all items
are available in real time on board. This only has to be suitably brought to a base station repository.
In tap-changer locomotives provided with microprocessor based systems, some level of augmentation
can provide additional hardware and sensors to capture the required details.

2.2 Base Station

The base station will contain one or more large data servers, loaded with various application programs
to analyse the raw data received from various rolling all over India. It will have access to registered
users. The system itself will make alerts to the custodians about the failure trend, expected time for
preventive check, replacement of a components etc.

2.3 Data Network

The most important aspect for success of this scheme is to have a seamless coverage of a wireless data
network in the entire Indian Railways electrified section. Even though private operators like Reliance
& Airtel as well as state owned BSNL provide wireless coverage in many parts of the country, these
are mainly for voice applications and for public use. These networks will not provide facility for huge
data transfer, and even if it is available in future with 3G spectrum, such operators would not be able
to guarantee uninterrupted data transfer and foot print across the electrified track. Hence, as part of this
project, it would be needed to set up a pan India (covering electrified tracks to begin with) broad band
wireless network. Alternatively, some network operators who would be getting the 3G spectrum and in
future can be asked to provide this facility with an exclusive arrangement.

100 locos 200 locos
1 Diagnostic Tool (Mark-BT) 8 16
2 Valve set Trolley Drg. No. TRS/GMO/WAG9/003 & TRS/ 6 12
3 Test loops boxes (sets) 3 6
4 Converter lifting tackle (sets) 3 4
5 LCR Meter (Make: Philips fluke) 3 6
6 GTO Fire Box (Make: BT) 2 3
7 Oscilloscope with probe (Model: DL 1740) (Make: Gould / 2 3
8 Gate Unit Transmitter and Receiver 2 3
9 Fibre optic test equipment (Make: BT) 4 8
10 MIG Welding Plant (Aluminium Welding Plant) 3 6
11 Converter Oil Filtration Unit 2 2
12 Oil filling plant with flow control for transformer 2 4
13 Oil filling plant with flow control for Power converter 3 6
14 Hydraulic Lifting Platform / trolley for TFP 2 2

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


100 locos 200 locos
15 High pressure steam cleaners including cleaning grill 3 6
16 Traction rod bush assly. Fixture (RRH3010 mof Enerpac 2 2
17 Rubber bush extracting plant for spheriblock (Make: Enerpac) 2 2
18 Hydraulic Press with Accessories 2 2
19 Test Rigs for E70 brake equipment 2 2
20 Pinion extraction tool (Hipress) 3 4
21 Gantry Crane (SWIL-3T) 3 4
22 PCB Handling facility As per As per
Requirement Requirement
23 Battery Charger (250 A, 150V) 3 4
24 Universal Programmer 2 2
25 Inverter 3 4
26 UPS 4 8
27 Hurth Coupling removal pump (Make: Enerpac) 2 2
28 Towing Equipment as per RDSO Drawing No. SKVL-215, 1 set
216, 217 & 218 for WAG9 locomotive. 2 sets
29 Supply of SAB WABCO make special tool kit for BFC/F TBU 1
of WAG9. 2
30 Variable voltage, Variable frequency converter power system 3 1
phase, 380 volts, 45 kw alongwith suitable control panel. 1
31 EPROM Programme Kit & 03 set card handling boxes. 1 1
32 Light load run test facilities for traction motor of WAG9 loco 1
as per specification attached. 1
33 Testing unit for Angle Transmitter (Master controller) for 1
WAG9 loco as details given below:-
Supply: 230V AC,50 Hz
Input:- a. Analog resistance input signal from angle transmitter
b. Digital contact. 1
34 Electronic card handling/storage room. 1 1
35 Mounting & Dis-mounting arrangement for axle box bearing 1 2
36 Traction rod bush assly. fixture (RRH 3010 of Enerpac) 2 4
37 Knorr make special tool kit for BFC/F TBU 1 2
38 Pinion extraction hydraulic machine 1 1
39 LEM System Unit 1 2
40 Transient recorder 1 1
41 Power Quality analyser -- 1
42 Integrated charge discharge regenerative type unit -- 1

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

S. No. Description Shed Holding
100 locos 200 locos
1 Vertical balancing machine 1 1
2* Industrial vacuum cleaner 6 8
3* ½” Sq. Drive industrial socket set (Taparia) 30 60
4* ¾” Sq. Drive industrial socket set (Taparia) 30 60
5* Torque wrench (72-340 NM) (Make: Trip Torque) 6 12
6* Torque wrench (475-1015 NM) (Make: Trip Torque) 6 12
7* Torque wrench (1015-1900 NM) (Make: Trip Torque) 6 12
8* Hydraulic Pellet Trolley (2.5T) 3 6
9 Pinion pushing jack Enerpack (20T) with oil pump 3 6
10 Hydraulic jack (2.5T) 3 6
11 Disc Micrometer (75-100mm, 0.01mm) 2 4
Disc Micrometer (250-275mm, 0.01mm) Make: Mitotoyo / Japan 2
12* Digital clamp meter Metra clip - 5110 4 8
13 VARIAC (0-220 V, 50 Hz) 2 3
14* Milliohm Meter 6 12
15* Multi Meter 4 8
16 Contactless (Infrared) Thermometer 2 4
17 Sensor checking unit 2 4
18 Pressure Calibrator 2 2
19 10.5 V 10 amp. Ac source with voltage and current indicator 2 4
20 Grease gun with air dryer 3 6
21 Centre pivot housing pushing and pulling double acting jack cap.- 2 4
30t and pump 700 bar with all accessories
22 LCR meter (range-1 MH/F/ohm to 100 MH/F/ohm) 1 1
23 SR rack power supply load test jig 1 1
24 BUR rack power supply load test jig 1 1
25 Reed relay test jig for UFB 5 1 2 D 1 5 & URB 1 7 7 DIS card 1 1
26 DB loss test jig for UFB660 A01 and AFB 635 B08 LWL card 1 1
27 WRE gate drive card test jig 1 1
28 SR gate unit test jig 1 1
29 GG module pulse transformer test jig 1 1
30 SAP card test jig 1 1
31 FDU testing jig 1 1
32 Card testing jig for testing of PCBs at compo. level 1 1
33 GTO stacking arrangement 1 1
34 Continuous pulse testing of gate unit 1 1
35 Multi channel oscillograph (portable) 1 1
36 Function generator 1 1
37 Tools for Knorr compressor 1 set 1 set
38 Current signature analyzer for TM & Aux. motors 1 1
39 Surge comparison tester for condition monitoring of TM & Aux. motor 1 1
40 Damper testing machine 1 1
Note: *marked items are common to conventional and 3 phase electric locomotives. Therefore, their
actual requirement in a shed should be worked out depending on the types and numbers of
locomotives available in the shed.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

LIST 3- R equirement for testing, maintenance and repair facilities of electronic cards/modules
used in 3-phase locomotives
A. Requirement for Electronic Testing Lab (As per CLW specification No. ES/3/534):
1. Functional Tests of the cards to determine Whether the card is faulty and identification of
suspect component list
2. In circuit diagnostic test of the PCB cards up to Component level
3. Through Hole and Surface Mounted Device (SMD)PCB Remote stations
4. Conformal coating Removal Equipment
5. Video Microscope Based PCB Remote Inspection System
6. ESD Work Tables
7. Software Requirement for 1 and 2 above -
8. Power Supply Requirement 230 V, 1 phase, with Max count of 64A
9. ESD Flooring
B. Test set ups for testing of locos with GTO based convertors
1. RDSO’s SMI 252 Testing of speed sensors
2. RDSO’s SMI 256 Testing of WRE gate units
3. RDSO’s SMI 260 Testing set up for signal conditioning cards and sensors
4. RDSO’s SMI 261 Repairing of WRE Gate unit
5. RDSO’s SMI 265 Repairing of Valve set
C. Other Requirements
1. Reed Relay test jig for URB 512 D15 & URB 177D15 card
2. GG Module pulse transformer jig
3. FDU Testing jig
4. Multi channel oscillograph (Portable)
5. Function Generator
D. Training facilities required in shed
1. 02 Class rooms equipped with Benches for 40 trainees
2. Working Model for WAG-7/WAG-9 & WAP-4/P7/P5 locomotive in Hall
3. Cut models of Compressor, Pneumatic valves of conventional/three phase locomotive.
4. Details of various bearings used in Locomotives
5. Trouble shooting Circuit model for conventional/three phase locomotive
6. Working model of Bogie of conventional/three phase locomotive.
7. Model for various equipments of conventional/three phase locomotive
8. Digital still camera – 01 No.
9. Audio Video set for display of various educational films on maintenance, safety, fire etc.
10. Overhead Projector – 01 No.
11. Video camera – 01 No.

Maintenance of Electric locomotives in Diesel sheds (TC-138)

To cater the growing demand of traffic & freight on Indian Railways Electric and diesel Traction have
been streamlined. Presently, electric locomotives are being maintained in Electric Loco Sheds/ Diesel
locomotives at satellite Diesel Loco Shed/ Diesel Loco Sheds.
With a view for optimal utilization of resources available at electric loco sheds & Diesel loco sheds and
facilitate seamless operation. RDSO issued a Technical Circular No.
RDSO/2017/EL/TC/0138(Rev’0’) Dated: 22.09.2017 covering
1. Infrastructural and layout requirement of Diesel loco sheds for maintaining Electric Locos and
vice versa.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

2. Up-gradation and additional M&P required for maintenance of electric locos in Diesel sheds
and vice versa.

30212 Modification of Designs for Rolling Stock

Railways should not adopt any new design or modify the existing approved designs except for trials,
without the prior approval of RDSO.
Procedure for Initiating and Progressing Modifications
1. One shed which has the bulk of the holdings of a particular class of loco/EMU will be nominated
by the RDSO, in consultation with the Railway, as the parent shed for that class of loco/EMU.
2. Each Railway will continue to tackle operating and maintenance problems as hitherto, but will
also furnish complete particulars of all problems and failures on each class of loco/EMU to the
corresponding parent shed and RDSO together with the modifications evolved by it and further
suggestions, if any.
3. The nominated parent shed will then collate all the information in regard to each type of failure, study
the merits of the different improvements suggested from all angles and submit recommendations
to the PCEE of the Railways, giving, full particulars of the most satisfactory improvements /
modifications after they have been actually tried out in service and found feasible. When any defect
is found to be intractable and expert investigation is necessary, a comprehensive note on the subject
should be prepared and submitted by the parent shed to the Headquarters Office. PCEE will arrange
to forward the considered recommendations to RDSO.
4. The recommendations received from the parent Railway will be subjected to a further scrutiny
and analysis by the different wings of the RDSO after which final instructions regarding the
standard approved method of modification / improvement will be issued to all concerned, giving
an identification serial number to each with full details and drawings required for carrying it out.
5. On receipt of the instructions from RDSO, each user Railway will arrange to carry out the
modifications on priority on locomotives / EMUs until the work is completed in all locomotives/
EMUs. Progress of implementation of the modifications will be regularly sent to PCEE’s office by
each shed and PCEE’s office in turn will send a quarterly report of progress to RDSO.

30213 Records and Register to be Maintained in Loco/EMU Sheds

Particulars of some of the basic records to be maintained by sheds are given below:
1. History Book - For each electric locomotive/motor coach, a History Book should be maintained
in the loco/EMU shed by the Planning and Progress Office, (PPO). The History Book should have
separate pages allotted for recording the items listed below in the proforma shown against each
a. Pre-commissioning details.
i. Contract or order number against which received.
ii. Date of despatch/shipment & name of the supplier.
iii. Date of receipt by the Railway.
iv. Date put into service.
v. Particulars of tests and trials carried out and reference to reports on these
vi. Particulars and serial number of major equipment initially provided
vii. Particulars of any major defects rectified or modifications carried out prior to commissioning.
viii. Particulars of Guarantee clause / period.
b. Defects and failures during the Guarantee period:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

c. Centre for Railways Information system (CRIS), New Delhi is developing Software for Loco
Asset Management System (SLAM). After development, data is to be maintained accordingly.

d. Changes in Main Equipments:

PPO should record particulars of replacement of complete units of main equipment such as
Traction Motors, Transformer, Rectifier, Pantograph, Traction Converter, Auxiliary Converter,
Vehicle control unit etc., together with serial numbers of the original and substituted items and
reasons for replacement.

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

e. Record of mechanical clearances with bearing on safety.

This History Book or extracts of history book should be sent along with the loco/EMU to the
workshop when the loco/EMU is booked for POH for heavy repairs and should be received
back with the loco/EMU. The workshop should enter details of work done and modifications, if
any carried out.
2. Equipment Cards: In the case of major items such as traction motors, transformers, rectifiers, circuit
breakers, pantographs, tap-changers, auxiliary machines, bogies, wheels, Traction converters,
Auxiliary converters, Vehicle control unit etc. ‘Equipment Card’ should be maintained in the shed
by the PPO so as to have for ready reference the history of the equipment. Individual Cards should
be maintained for each unit of major equipment and the individual cards may be stored grouping
them either equipment wise or loco-wise as convenient. The Equipment Cards should contain
details as shown below:

30214 Unusual Occurrence Reports

A report indicating failure, withdrawal and any other technical abnormality in locomotive/EMU
observed on line is called Unusual Occurrence Report (UOR). This should be made after carrying out
thorough investigation in each case recording in full detail as to what has actually happened and
what steps should be taken in future to avoid recurrence.
While suitable proforma may be laid down by each Railway to suit local requirements, the UORs
should basically contain the following details:
1. Report of Driver detailing all his observations, together with remarks of TLC/CCC and Officers
incharge of operation.
2. Observations made by Maintenance Organization i.e. Technical Investigation Section, concerned
section Incharges and ADEE/DEE (RS). A sample proforma is appended (Proforma 2.02).

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

UORs should be serially numbered for each calendar year to identify the homing shed, class of loco
and serial number of the occurrence for the class of loco /EMU during the year e.g. TATA/WAG4/3/90.
A copy of all UORs duly signed by Sr.DEE should be forwarded to PCEE’s office periodically.

30215 Periodical Review Information

Each homing shed should maintain requisite records and compile the following statistical information
for each month. While the report on availability and reliability of the locomotive should be submitted
to PCEE every month, the report on the cost of repairs and maintenance should be submitted quarterly.

I Availability and Reliability Locomotives

1. Average authorized stock (on allotment basis)
2. Average total number on line (on allotment basis)
3. Average number under or awaiting repairs (on allotment basis)
4. Average number effective (fit for use) (on allotment basis)
5. Actual number in good repair stored (on allotmentbasis)
5a. 5a.Average number available for use (on allotmen basis)
6. Average number in use
7. Average number of engines on the line for operation
8. Percentage of total engine hours spent
9. Engine km per day per engine in use on individual services
10. Engine km per day per engine on line on individual services
11. Engine km per day per engine in use on all services
12. Engine km per day per engine in use on line (on allotment basis)
13. Engine failure

1. Average authorized stock (on allotment basis)
2. Average total number on line (on allotment basis)
3. Average number under or awaiting repairs (on allotment basis)
4. Average number effective (fit for use) (on allotment basis)
5. Actual number in good repair stored (on allotment basis)
5a. Average number available for use (on allotment basis)
6. Average number in use
7. Train km, passenger
8. Hours
9. Vehicle km (in units)
10. Train Usage
11. Vehicle used
12. Motor coach failures
13. Gross tonne km
14. Power used

II Cost of Repairs and Maintenance

1. Engine km
2. Cost of repairs and maintenance per Engine km)
3. Cost of repairs and maintenance per EMU stock (in units)

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

30216 Daily Loco/EMU Position

1. The Daily Loco/EMU position at 00.00 Hr, will be put up to PCEE next morning. Over the years
various Railways have evolved their own proforma depending upon the local operating conditions.
2. The proforma as used on SC Railway indicating the Daily Loco position is enclosed (2.03).
3. The proforma as used by Eastern Railway indicating the EMU position is also enclosed (2 04).
4. Railway may evolve their own proforma based on these proformae

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

UOR NO............

A. Driver’s Report
1. Loco No./ Type / Homing Shed.
2. Train No. and Date/Time
3. Place of occurrence(Section / Division / Railway)
4. Train Load
5. Catenary Voltage
6. Speed of train
7. Gradient at the place of occurrence
8. Weather conditions
9. Loco pilot/ Base / Grade
10. Nominated Loco Inspector Name
11. Movement (Dead/ Light Engine/Working Train)
12. Detention (Minutes)
13. Brief Description of occurrence
B. Observations of Operating Section
C. Observations of Maintenance Staff / Technical Investigation Section.
D. History of Locomotive
1. Last minor inspection/ date:
2. Commissioning / TOH /IOH/POH date:
3. Any special repair carried out on this loco:
4. No. of days / Kilometres earned after last major schedule:
5. Last Trip Inspection done at/ Date
6. Equipment Name/ Make/ Sl. No./DOC/LOH
7. Name of the failed component / Sub-assembly
E. Remarks of Sr DEE / DEE (RS)
1. Findings regarding causes of failure or damage:
2. Responsibility (of staff/Shop /Manufacturer /Design):
3. Recommendations for modifications or improvement to equipment or maintenance schedule or
operating instructions or required training to staff:
4. Status of implementation of Modification / Special maintenance Instruction / Technical Circular
/ reliability Action Plan already issued by RDSO/ OEM/ Railway, if any.
5. Action taken for rectification:


Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General


Statistics of Freight locos such as outage, KMs earned, utilization etc., can be taken from Freight
Operation Information System (FOIS).
WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.fois.indianrail.gov.in
Statistics of Coaching locos such as Outage Territorial & Ownership, GOP etc., can be taken from
Coaching Operation Information System (COIS).
WEBSITE ADDRESS: www. icmstrng.indianrail.gov.in

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Format For AC Loco Holding Daily Position at Zonal Head Quarters

Chapter-2 Maintenance of Rolling Stock - General

Format for Electric Loco Incidences & Punctuality Loss

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Format for Electric Loco Outage and Utilization


30300 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways have gained considerable experience with the maintenance of electric locomotives
since 1960. Based upon the safety requirements, various checks have been introduced and already
standardized. Also, based upon investigations into failures instructions (Special Maintenance
Instructions, Technical Circulars, Compendium of Instructions, Technical Audit Reports etc.,) are
issued by RDSO. Even, for new type of locomotives, standard equipment like pantographs, circuit
breakers etc., continue to be used and established maintenance practices for such equipment, are
therefore applicable.
The scope of maintenance work to be followed in each maintenance schedule is arrived at based upon
the following:-
1. Maintenance Instructions supplied by locomotive manufacturer for a new type of rolling stock.
Copies of these manuals will be made available for reference of maintenance staff.
2. Maintenance Instructions that are evolved on Zonal Railways for various equipment.
3. Specific instructions already laid down regarding safety / fire prevention requirements etc. of the
rolling stock.
4. Experience on the system taking into account environmental conditions in which electric
locomotives are expected to perform satisfactorily like temperature, humidity, dust, etc.
On the above lines, maintenance schedules for electric rolling stock of different classes and types
already in service have reached an optimum level. However, there may be necessity for marginal
changes as dictated by further service experience.
As far as new types of electric locomotives and their sub-assemblies that may be introduced from time
to time, the principles enumerated above are to be followed for arriving at optimum scope of work
consistent with periodicity of prescribed schedules

30301 Alterations in Maintenance Schedules

Presently individual Railways might have made some alterations in the schedules based upon their
own experience. Today electric locomotives of one Railway are running in other Railways (seamless
operation). Thus alterations in schedules based upon local experience would have to give way to
standardization of schedules so that the locomotives of one Railway would perform satisfactorily when
operate in other Railways.
In the light of experience and improvements based upon trials of modifications, it may become
advantageous either to reduce the scope of maintenance work or the periodicity already prescribed and
standardized. The following procedure -should be adopted for effecting such changes.
1. Those which are connected with safety requirements, a comprehensive proposal indicating the
actual experience of the Railways, the benefits that are likely to accrue due to proposed changes
and the particular reasons for suggesting the change will be sent to RDSO with the approval of the
Principal Chief Electrical Engineer. Such modifications to the maintenance requirements shall only
be implemented after RDSO’s approval.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. Proposals other than item (i) above .- A similar procedure must be adopted excepting that the
Principal Chief Electrical Engineer may authorise provisionally the introduction of the change
subject to post-facto approval from RDSO. In case RDSO convey an opinion to the contrary, the
original schedule shall be brought back. The Railways can however continue to pursue the matter
with RDSO and if the latter agrees finally, adopt the change to the extent agreed upon.

30302 Scheduled Inspections

The maintenance and overhaul schedules to be followed for AC electric locos are as under.-
Nature of Inspection/overhaul Place where to be carried out
1. Trip Inspection, IT Trip Shed
2. IA Electric Loco Shed
3. IB Electric Loco Shed
4. IC Electric Loco Shed
5. Term overhaul( TOH) Electric Loco shed
6. Intermediate overhaul(IOH) Electric Loco Shed
7. Periodical overhaul POH) Workshop
Detailed instructions for IT, IA, IB IC AOH/MOH/TOH IOH and POH are issued by PCEE for each
type and each series of locomotives keeping in view inspection schedules issued by RDSO.The scope
of work is broadly covered in
Annexure- 3.01 Inspection of Electric locos.
Annexure- 3.01 A: for Conventional locos
Annexure- 3.01 B: for 3 phase locomotives.
Inspections as detailed above may need revision based on experience accrued on new types of

30303 Technical Instructions

A set of the technical instructions relevant to the work of each section should be made available so that
they may carry out their work correctly. These can be classified under the following heads :-
1. Inspection Books
2. Inspection Charts
3. Trouble shooting Charts
4. Technical Charts
1. Inspection Books: These give the scope of work of the various scheduled inspections viz. IT, 1A,
IB. IC etc. itemizing the works and the order in which they are to be carried out, arranged section-
wise. The responsibility of each section supervisor is defined.
2. Inspection Charts: These charts are prepared for each component individually. These cover a
comprehensive list of all the points to be checked, the observations to be made, clearances to be
ensured, specifying the conditions under which such verification should be made and the measuring
equipment to be used for the purpose.
3. Trouble shooting Charts: Clear instructions should be issued in the form of trouble-shooting
charts for major defect, related with fire, safety and type defects which detail the checks to be
made and the order in which they are to be made. Before the locomotive is given back to service, a
competent supervisor should satisfy himself regarding the correctness of the investigations and the

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

rectifications made. In trouble shooting, the investigating team quite often discovers a pattern of
failure on the basis of which modifications and improvements to designs may have to be initiated.
4. Technical Charts: These cover full details of all repairs, major adjustments and refitting of
equipment which are to be carried out. Where such repairs are not possible, the item will have to be
replaced by a new component. In the technical charts the detailed description of the material, the
tools to be used and the procedure to be followed and the defects to be checked after completion of
work are detailed.
5. The PCEE’s office is responsible for ensuring that (a) the instructions received from RDSO
are forwarded to the Loco sheds and (b) the superseded instructions are cancelled, withdrawn,
preserving one copy only for future reference. Instructions received from RDSO require constant
review and a system of generating feedback information on the implementation of these instructions
will be followed. Any modifications required in RDSO’s instructions should be carried out only
after approval from RDSO.
These instructions require constant review in the light of experience. If any modifications become
necessary, Sr. DEE(RS) may introduce changes provisionally with the approval of PCEE. Such
changes should, however, be advised to RDSO for scrutiny and final incorporation in the documents
(see para 30301).

30304 Engine Fitness Certificate

Whenever a loco for passenger service is issued from a loco shed or outstation depot after scheduled
inspection or unscheduled repairs, an “Engine Fitness Certificate” should be issued, a sample form for
which is appended for Conventional and 3 Phase locos separately (proforma 3.01 Part A and 3.01 Part B).

30305 Must Change Items

Certain critical components which are subjected to wear & tear etc., need periodical replacement,
otherwise such components fail at different time frames, cause loco failures and unscheduled
withdrawals and adversely affect the outage. This also has the implication that for replacement of
many items, loco needs to be lifted again and again. To improve the reliability, availability and to
avoid unscheduled withdrawal of locomotives, it is necessary to break this vicious circle by replacing
such items with new ones during major schedules. RDSO circulated the list of must change items to
be replaced during various schedules for conventional and three phase locomotives. These lists are
enclosed as Annexure 3.06.

30306 Fire Prevention Measures

The Fire in Electric Locomotives, even at a very small scale is a very serious incident. The fire or smoke
emission cases generally lead to disruption of traffic and make the troubleshooting of locomotive more
cumbersome as there is a panic among the crew, invariably. In some of the cases, the fire leads to
complete damage to the electric locomotive. Therefore, there is a need for completely eliminating the
origin. All the loopholes and potential fire hazards need to be taken care of and proper attention should
be given.
Fire prevention measures for conventional and 3-phase Electric Locomotives circulated by RDSO are
appended as Annexure. 3.03A & 3.03B.

30307 Unit Exchange Spares

For major equipment like Traction Motor, Bogies, Tap changer etc., shed require healthy spares for
immediate replacement at the time of un-schedule failures of locomotives.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The availability of Healthy Unit Exchange Spares in a shed not only reduce the down time for AOH/
IOH/POH and running repairs but will also improve reliability and availability of locomotives.
Unit Exchange Spares of Electric locomotive prescribed by RDSO vide Lr. No. 2008/Elect.(TRS)/441/5
Dt: 13.05.2014 is appended as Annexure No. 3.04.

Proforma 3.01 Part A


Date of checking Loco No date of insp.

1. BA.voltage (diff. a. Voltage with HBA on ‘1’

should not be position.
more than 3.0V) b. Voltage with MCPA ‘ON’
2. Function of a. Keep ZCPA from ‘O’ to Yes / No
MCPA ‘1’position
3. Function of Aux. a. Are the CPs working. Yes / No
b. Are the CPs building up & Yes / No
maintaining thepessure. Yes / No
c. Is there any abnormal sound in
the Aux.
4. Pantograph a. Working of PT-1 from Cab-1 &2 Yes / No
b. Working of PT-2 from Cab-1 &2

5. Brake test in a. Are the both bogie isolation Yes / No

loco from both cocks in normal position. Yes / No
A9&SA9 b. Are the loco brakes applied with
SA9& A9.
6. Brake power a. WAG5 &7 should not move at Yes / No
TM current of 600A Yes / No
b. WAP4 should not move at TM
current of 800 amps.
7. Brake released a. Ensure minimum of 10mm gap Yes / No
condition. between wheel and brake block.

8. Application of a. Application time (15 to 25 sec) Yes / No

brakes through A9 b. Release time. (25 to 40 sec) Yes / No
for freight locos

9. Application of a. Application time (7 to 10 sec) Yes / No

brakes through A9 b. Release time (10 to 15 sec) Yes / No
for pass.
10. Function of a. SMGR wrkg with MP&EEC Wrk/N. wrk
SMGR. from both cabs. Wrk/N.wrk
b. SMGR working manually.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

11. DBR a. DBR working. Wrk/ N. wrk

12. Oil levels a. Compressors oil level. Above/below/min level
b. TFP oil level. Above/below min level
c. GR oil level. Above/ below min level
13. Safety items in a. Horns in both cabs. Working /N. working
both cabs. b. Head light in both cabs. Working /N. working
c. Flasher light in both cabs. Working /N. working
d. Marker lights in both cabs. Working /N. working
e. SPMs in both cabs. Working /N. working
f. AFL/ACP unit both cabs. Working /N. working
g. SPMs chart / Floppy. Working /N. working
h. Sanders working both sides. Working /N. working
i. Cattle guard is both cabs. Intact / Damaged Intact
j. Rail guard in both cabs. / Damaged Intact /
k. CBC in both cabs. Damaged Intact /
l. Screw coupling in both cabs. Damaged Available/ N.A
m. F  ire Extinguishers in both cabs
due dates.
1. 2.
3. 4.
14. Safety Items J-1 a. J-1 brackets keeper pins and split Intact / Damaged
brackets keeper pin, space bolts, nose pins. Deficient.
pins and split pins b. Brake hanger pins and brake
rigging. Intact / Damaged
c. Availability of wooden wedges 2 Available / N. A
nos / 4nos.
d. Axle box strap bolts and split Intact / deficient Intact /
pins. deficient
e. Are equalizer snubber, suspension
springs healthy? Intact / deficient YES/NO
f. Gear case bolts. Intact/loose YES/NO
g. Bogie No.1 crack. Working / N. working.
h. TM covers. Working / N. working.
i. Bogie No.2 crack. Working / N. working
j. Sanders 08/04 Nos.
k. Hand brake.
l. Air dryer
15. BP,FP leakage BP/FP leakage checked with Leaking /No leaking.

Signature of the loco pilot. Signature of the supervisor

Name Name
Desgn / Hqrts: Home shed
Date / time Date / Time

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Proforma 3.01 Part B


Date of checking Loco No Type of insp.


1. Battery:-
Record the battery voltage with the switch 112.1 in machine room. 105volt. (in panel "A)
(VCB in tripped condition) Function of CPA (ZCPA ON) Wkg./N Wkg
2. Function of Auxiliaries
a. Are the main compressor wkg. Yes/No
b. Can the main compressor build up & maintain air pressure in the
locomotive. Yes/No
c. Is there is any abnormal sound in the Aux. Yes/No Yes/No
d. If the answer to 2C is Yes indicate the defective Aux.
3. Pantograph By PT selector switch.
a. PT-1 raising from cab1 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/
b. PT-2 raising from cab1 No
c. PT-1 raising from cab2 Yes/No
d. PT-2 raising from cab2
4. Brake test on loco:-
a. Are the bogies isolating cock in normal position Yes/No Yes/No Yes/
b. Are the brake applied normally with independent brake No
c. Is the Asst. Dr. emergency brake wkg.
5. Conjunction working: a) Apply A-9 to full service, apply PVEF the Yes/No
loco brakes should be released(BC pressure should be 2.5kg/cm2)
6. Parking brake. Is the parking brake working (use of BPPB) Yes/No
7. Safety items: a. Whistle of either cab. W/N.WKG
b. Head light of either cab. (both leading and rear) W/N.WKG
c. Marker light / cab light and machine room light OK/N.OK
d. Cattle guard OK/N.OK
e. Screw coupling Cab-1 end OK/N.OK
f. Screw coupling Cab-2 end OK/N.OK
g. Cab-1 end CBC coupler OK/N.OK
h. Cab-2 end CBC coupler OK/N.OK
i. Fire extinguisher cab-1 OK/N.OK
j. Fire extinguisher cab-2 OK/N.OK
k. Machine room Dr.1 OK/N.OK
l. Machine room Dr2 OK/N.OK
m. Brake sleeve rod/guide rod. OK/N.OK
n. TM gear case bolt OK/N.OK
o. Check the proper wkg and visibility of flasher light OK/N.OK
p. Check the frequency of flashing OK/N.OK
q. Check the Auto flasher light wkg. OK/N.OK
r. Check the flasher light glass is cleaned OK/N.OK
s. Check the additional BP and FP isolating cocks. OK/N.OK
t. Check for wkg. Of sanders OK/N.OK
u. Check for working of VCD 1. Cab-1 2. Cab-2 OK/N.OK

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

8. Oil levels: a. Check the oil level of CP-1 Above/below min

b. Check the oil level of CP2 Above/below min
c. Check the oil level of TFP (in two place) Above/below min
d. Check the oil level of cooling unit (in 2 place)SR-1& SR-2 Above/below min
e. Check the oil level of gear case (in 6 place) Above/below min
f. Oil level of CPA Above/below min
9. Working of equipment / circuit
a. Check the wkg of SPM-1 W/NW
b. Check the wkg of SPM-2 W/NW
c. Check the wkg of wiper in cab-1 W/NW
d. Check the wkg of wiper in cab-2 W/NW
e. Check the wkg of AFL W/NW
f. Check the wkg of regenerative brake W/NW
10. Ensuring availability and positioning of followings
a. Spare screw coupling A/NA
b. Spare BP hose pipe A/NA
c. 04 nos.of wooden wedges A/NA
d. All the rotating switches are normal position. In SB-1 OK/N OK
Switch No. 152-0, 154-NORM. 160-1, 237.1-1 (In sealed position).
In SB-2 OCR relay target in OK condition switch No.110-ON
11. Under gear inspection ensuring the following
a. All TM axle cap bolts are in sealed condition OK/N OK
b. All TM cables are secured properly OK/N OK
c. All air ducts are properly sealed and no air leakage is existing OK/N OK
d. No bogie crack is existing OK/N OK
e. All TM nose spheri block with link OK N OK
f. Traction link. OK N OK
g. Wheel set guide OK N OK
12. Ensure the cleanness of following
a. Inside the locomotives and cab are properly cleaned OK/N OK
b. All the doors & shutters are in working order OK/N OK
c. All the look out glasses, head light, flasher light,marker light glasses
are properly cleaned OK/N OK
13. All sub system to be checked by in panel “C” OK/ N OK
14. Special remarks if any Avl/Not Avl
a. MCB 100 provided in HB2 panel
b. PT fuse provided in SB1 panel
c. Speed sensor selector switch provided above SR1&2.
(If speed not coming more than 1KMPH, then change one by one switch)

Signature of the loco pilot. Signature of the supervisor

Name Name
Desgn / Hqrts: /Home shed
Date / time Date / Time

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Annexure - 3.01


Maintenance Schedules and Periodicity of Electric Locomotives

Conventional Locos
Coaching locos - WAM-4/WCAM-1, 2/WCG-2
Maintenance Periodicity Duration
Trip inspection After 3000 kms or one trip whichever is later. 2 hrs
IA 40 + 3 days 4 hrs
IB 80 + 3 days 6 hrs
IC 120 + 3 days 8 hrs
TOH 12 months + 15 days 6 working days
IOH 36 months + 1 month or 4 lakh kms (6 lakh for WAP-1 9 working days
loco) whichever is earlier.
POH 6 years + 3 months or 8 lakh kms (12 lakh for WAP-1 24 working
loco) whichever is earlier. days

Coaching locos - WCAM-2P & 3 fitted with Roller bearing MSU

Maintenance Periodicity
Trip inspection (TI) After 3000 kms or one trip whichever is later.
IA 45 + 3 days
IB 90 + 3 days
IC 135 + 3 days
TOH 18 months + 15 days
IOH 48 months + 1 month or 4 lakh kms whichever is earlier.
POH 8 years + 3 months or 8 lakh kms whichever is earlier.

Coaching locos - WAP-4, WAP-1 & WAG-5 TAOChi Passenger

Maintenance Periodicity Duration
Trip inspection (TI) After 3000 kms or one trip whichever is later. 2 hrs
IA 60 days 4 hrs
IC 120 days 8 hrs
TOH 18 months + 15 days (WAP-4 & WAG-5 TAOchi)* 12 6 working
months + 15 days (WAP-1) days
IOH 36 months + 1 month or 6 lakh for whichever is earlier. 9 working
POH 6 years + 3 months or 15 lakh kms whichever is earlier. 24
*On trial basis for 2 years

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Freight locos - WAG-5 locos (Fitted with TAO TMs)

Maintenance Periodicity Duration
Trip inspection (TI) 15 days 2 hrs
IA 45 + 3 days 4 hrs
IB 90 + 3 days 6 hrs
IC 135 + 3 days 8 hrs
TOH 18 months + 15 days 6 working
IOH 54 months + 1 month or 6 lakh kms whichever is 9 working
earlier. days
POH 9 years + 3 months or 12 lakh kms whichever is 28 working
earlier. days

Freight locos - WAG-5 TAOchi, WAG-5H, WAG-7, WCAG-1 & WCM-6 locos
Maintenance Periodicity Duration
Trip inspection (TI) 20 days 2 hrs
IA 60 + 3 days * 4 hrs
IB 120 + 3 days * 6 hrs
IC 180 + 3 days * 8 hrs
TOH** 24 months + 15 days * 6 working days
IOH 72 months + 1 month or 6 lakh kms whichever 9 working days
is earlier.
POH 10 years + 3 months or 12 lakh kms whichever 28 working days
is earlier.
**AOH is re-designated as TOH (Term overhaul)
*On trial basis for 2 years

3-Phase locomotives
Coaching Locos - WAP5/WAP7 locos
Maintenance Periodicity Duration
Trip inspection (TI) 3000 kms or one trip, whichever is later 2 hrs
IA 90 days 4 hrs
IB 180 days 6 hrs
IC 270 days 8 hrs
TOH** 24 months 6 working days

IOH 4 years + 6 months or 12 lakh kms. whichever is

WAP-7 - 11
earlier working days
WAP-5 - 20
working days
POH 9 years + 6 months or 24 lakh kms. whichever is 28 working
earlier. days
**MOH is re-designated as TOH (Term overhaul) Freight Locos - WAG9/WAG9H locos

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Maintenance Periodicity Duration

Trip inspection (TI) 45 days 4 hrs
IA 90 days 4 hrs
IB 180 days 6 hrs
IC 270 days 8 hrs
TOH** 24 months 6 working days / 8
working days for 2nd
IOH 6 years + 6 months or 12 lakh kms. 11 working days
whichever is earlier.
POH 12 years + 6 months or 24 lakh kms. 28 working days
whichever is earlier.
**MOH is re-designated as TOH (Term overhaul)

A. Trip Inspection (TI)

The trip inspection is mainly required for topping of oils, distilled water and attention of various
minor defects which have been recorded in the log book by Loco pilot. In addition, certain checks are
necessary mainly due to hot, humid and dusty working conditions. .
1. Periodicity of trip inspection shall be as given in Annexure 3.01.
2. During trip Inspection the Engine Examiner will -
a. Carryout detailed checks in regard to any unusual occurrence reported by the drivers in the loco
log book.
b. Visually inspect the auxiliaries for satisfactory starting and operation.
c. Feel by hand the temperature of axle roller bearings.
d. Visually inspect mechanical components like springs, equaliser pin, dampers etc. and the brake
rigging to detect any abnormality.
e. Check the controls and indication and alarm circuits for correct functioning.
3. Specific items to be attended in TI are-
a. General roof inspection : Check the roof generally for any foreign materials such as wire pieces;
clean the Insulators and check visually for cracks or chips; Check for abnormalities such as
b. Pantographs : Check for copper deposition, grooving of strips and proper lubrication; visually
check springs and articulation and also test raising and lowering;
c. Air Blast Circuit Breakers/Vacuum Circuit Breaker: Check for satisfactory operation.
d. Return Current Shunt: Check the shunt connections between the body/ bogie frame/axle boxes,
traction motor/axle are intact, tighten if necessary.
e. Bogies: Remove foreign matter and dirt picked up on run. Visually inspect for loose, defective
or missing parts.
f. Battery: Check and record battery voltage; top up cells as required.
g. Auxiliaries : Check all auxiliaries for correct operation;
h. Oil level: Check and top up oil in suspension bearing, exhausters, compressors, auxiliary
compressors and gear cases and record in the log book.
i. Air Reservoirs: Drain all accumulated water from all reservoirs.
j. Cab and Floor: Clean the cab and dust the flooring; and remove oily deposits.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

k. Controls and Indications: Visually check and test for proper operation of the master controller,
the tap changer, all EP contactors, wipers, whistles, brakes, auxiliary equipment and indication
and alarm circuits.
l. Transformer oil level: Check oil level; ascertain the cause if it is low/high.
m. Clean look out glasses.
n. Adjust the brake block, if the locomotive moves on the second notch (with N32 tap changer)/
fourth notch with N40 tap changer) with full application of locomotive brakes.
o. Check the following safety items.
i. Speed recorder / speed indicator for any abnormality
ii. KAVACH, TPWS, VCD for any abnormality
iii. Flasher lights, head lights, marker lights etc.
iv. Wipers
v. Sanding gear for any abnormality. Fill sand boxes with sand of specified quality.
vi. Wheel and axle for visual defects such as shelling cracks, flat spots etc.
vii. Brake gear for (i) loose fasteners (ii) brake shoe wear, (iii) brake shoe release, (iv) operation
of all the brake cylinder pistons and (v) leakage in the bogie hose pipe.
viii. CBC & draft gear
ix. Safety sling of brake shoe holder Brake pull rod safety brackets Safety brackets
x. Cattle guard Rail guard
xi. RSI & RS2 emergency brakes
xii. Gear case for any missing parts and loose fasteners.
xiii. Hand brakes
xiv. VEF
xv. HQOP position
xvi. Isolation of any component
xvii. BP and FP pressure and leakage
4. Wherever time and facilities are available, the passenger locomotives should immediately be
5. Test the locomotive on HT and LT and record observations on the test proforma.

B. IA, IB, IC, TOH Inspections.

The following tests should be carried out before and after inspection of a locomotive:
1. Preliminary tests with 25 kV supply on -
a. Measure and record battery (BA) voltage.
b. Measure and record Generator (GE) or battery charger voltage.
c. Check time taken to build up compressed air pressure from 1 kg to 8-9 kg/ cm2
d. Check cut in and cut out pressure of compressor Regulator (RGCP).
e. Check blowing out of safety valves.
f. Note pressure gauge reading when brakes are applied.
g. Check working of braking electro-valve VEF.
h. Check working of blowers under “direct’ and ‘automatic’ starting conditions,
i. Note and record air leakages for one minute in main reservoirs and brake cylinders,
j. Test headlights,
k. Test working of cab heaters and fans.
2. Preliminary tests with 25 kV supply off --
a. Measure and record time required for raising and lowering both the pantographs.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

b. Measure and record time taken for various time-delay relays.

c. Test functioning of Auxiliary circuits Earth Relay (QOA) by creating an earth fault.
d. Test functioning of Power circuit Earth Relay (QOP) by creating an earth fault.
e. Check functioning of all lights.
f. Check wind-screen wipers and horns.
3. Test under High Tension before and after inspection successively from cab 2 and cab 1.
a. Raising of pantographs.
b. Working of Auxiliary Compressor motor (MCPA), Arno and particularly observing behaviour
during starting and for abnormal noise.
c. Working of main compressor, charging time of main reservoir from 0 to 10 kg/cm2 and from
8.5 to 10 kg/cm2 with one compressor working. Record rate of leakage in reservoir and brake
pipe and brake and feed pipe pressure.
d. Check up proper functioning of auto drain, HS4, HB5, RS, D1 emergency valve and air flow
e. Check up all brake cylinders for leakage from exhaust port and record brake cylinder pressure.
f. Working of blowers particularly watching for abnormal noise.
g. Observation of contactors for abnormal sound and sparking.
h. Observe deviation of main ammeters taking two traction notches in forward and reverse
i. Test differential (QD), progression and regression relays.
j. Test electro-valve VEF.
k. Measure and record depression in loco with all blowers functioning.
4. Low tension test before and after inspection-
a. Testing of master controller for notch by notch progression and regression and total time for
b. Test working of sanders.

2.4 Clean the cable trenches. Examine for any damage to cable, lugs and repair it. Provide proper cable
sheathing and cleats. Measure and record insulation resistance of all HT and LT cables. Tighten all
the terminal connections.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

2.5 Dismantle bogie, brake riggings and clean the bogie in washing tank. Check up for any crack and
weld it as per the instructions laid down by RDSO. Overhaul these equipment and replace all worn
out components. Ensure squareness of bogie frame. Overhaul axle box bearings and all wheels
should be re-profiled.
2.6 Overhaul all traction gears and check up their P and K values and record them.
2.7 All approved modifications which can be executed in the shed should be carried out.
3. On compaction of IOH, the loco should be subjected to detailed HT and LT testing and should also
be given a short trial run before it is declared fit for traffic.

D. Periodical Overhaul (POH)

1. The nominated POH workshop should issue a programme for POH of locos at least six months in
advance giving the individual numbers of locos to be called in, each month. The homing shed will
then send to the workshop a list of the important points to be specially attended to during POH and
the list of modification to be carried out. This will enable the Workshop to plan the POH work and
arrange for the procurement/ shop manufacture of components required.
2. The loco should be sent on its own power from the homing shed to the workshop under escort and
along with its History Book. A complete list of all deficiencies in the loco should be handed over to
the workshop representative who should jointly check the loco along with the shed representative.
3. All electrical, mechanical and pneumatic equipment should be taken out of the locomotive and
overhauled during POH. All worn out rubber components and bearings should be replaced.
4. All panels should be removed from the locomotive and cleaned/overhauled. They should be tested
for their proper functioning.
5. All the dimensions of the under frame should be recorded. The deformation, if any, should be set
6. Super structure and underframe should be thoroughly cleaned. Corroded and damaged portion
should be rehabilitated. All body joint gaskets should be replaced.
7. All axle and axle boxes should be overhauled and rediscing/retyring should be done. All wheels
should be re-profiled.
8. All reservoirs should be cleaned and tested for their safe working.
9. All approved modifications should invariably be carried out during POH. Deferment of any item
may be done only with the personal approval of PCEE controlling the POH shops in concurrence
with the PCEE controlling the homing shed and under advice to the homing shed. In addition to
all the items indicated against IOH renewal of liners, bushes, etc. should be done so as to ensure
clearances and tolerances mentioned in Para ‘F’ below with adequate margin for wear in service till
the next POH.
10. In addition to complete LT and HT testing of the locos on completion of POH, individual items
should also be subjected to detailed tests after overhaul and repair. Detailed test schedules should
be laid down for each item, for mechanical as well as electrical tests, and standard proforma should
be available for recording the test results for each equipment. A typical list of tests to be carried out
on equipment is given below.
a. Rotating Machines: Insulation resistance by megger, no load tests, full load tests (except for
traction motors) drop test of armatures, resistance measurement of field coils, temperature rise
b. Transformers: For small transformers in control circuits, ratio test and insulation resistance

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

For main transformer, testing of oil for BDV and acidity, insulation resistance measurement,
ratio test of regulating windings and auxiliary windings, induced high voltage tests if any repairs
have been carried out.
c. Relays: Measurement of resistance and insulation values for operating coils, pick-up and drop-
off values of voltage/current/temperature, time delay where applicable, opening and closing of
d. Contactors: Measurement of pick up and drop-off values for operating coils, check for
simultaneous closing of all phases where applicable, leakages from valves and cylinder in the
case of electro-pneumatic contactors.
e. Cables: Insulation and continuity test, high voltage tests for rewired panels.
f. Resistors, condensers and reactors: Measurement of insulation resistance and ohmic values
of resistance / reactance.
g. No-fuse breakers: (MCBs) Tests for tripping at rated instantaneous trip value.
h. Tap-changer: Insulation resistance. BDV and acidity testing of oil, correct functioning with
minimum air pressure, correct progression and regression sequence.
i. Silicon Rectifiers: Forward voltage drop, inverse resistance, HV test for complete assembly,
voltage sharing between diodes, testing of cell-check device.
j. Compressors: Volumetric efficiency and leakage tests.
k. Speedometers: Calibration by comparison with a standard meter,
l. Meters and Gauges: Calibration with sub-standard instruments.
11. On completion of POH, the loco should be taken over by a representative of the homing shed after
a joint inspection at the workshop. Details of work done and modifications carried out should be
entered in the History Book which should be returned along with the loco.
12. On completion of POH, the loco should be subjected to detailed HT and LT testing and should be
given a short trial run. Loco will be returned working on its own power, and if possible working as
a train, after POH to the Homing Railway.

E. Rebuilding and Recabling of Locomotive

1. During every alternate POH, depending upon the cable/pneumatic pipe condition, which will
be advised by Sr. DEE of the Shed, the locomotive will be recabled and repiped. Recabling and
replacement of pneumatic pipes during the third POH will be an essential item if it could not be
replaced during 2nd POH. The workshop should therefore plan these works well in time.
2. During every 4th POH, mechanical components and traction gear may need rehabilitation. Some
of the major components will also need replacement. POH shops should plan for such works.
Opportunity should be taken to upgrade the parts and use the state of art equipment during- such
extensive repairs.

F. Mechanical Inspection of Locos

1. Locos provided with solid wheel disc will conform to Specifications IRS M2-65 and IS 1030- 1962.
2. All springs should be checked up for any crack and damage. Free height and loaded height should
be recorded. Only matched tested springs should be provided in the locomotive bogies.
3. An important part of the maintenance of the locos is the checking, at prescribed intervals, of important
mechanical clearances and dimensions which have a bearing on safe and efficient operation, to ensure
that they are within the prescribed limits. Such measurements should be recorded suitably either in
registers or on printed cards and preserved so as to be readily available for reference in the PPO at all
times. The items and interval at which they are to be checked up are indicated. Limits will be specified
for each type of locomotives by the PCEE based on the manufacturers’/RDSO recommendations.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Mechanical Clearances for Electric locomotives (As per Instruction Bulletin No. MP.IB.
BD.02.16.01(Rev.01) Dt: 31.12.2009)

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

4. Wheels: Check the following.

S. No. Items to be inspected Periodicity Permissible clearance
1 Tyre profile to be Root wear IA, IB, IC 6 mm for freight 4mm for
Y checked Flange wear X passenger loco
with condemning gauge
2 Flats on the running surface All 50 mm for locos having speed
inspection less than 100 km/h.40 mm
for locos having speed of 100
km/h more.
3 'A' proud metal at the edge do less than 6mm
4 'B' block thickness of the Condemning=40mm
Standard “thick” and “wear adapted” profiles are shown in the Fig. 3.01 and Fig 3.02

Fig. 3.01

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Fig. 3.02

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

G. Bogies
1. Squaring of bogies.
Due to heavy mechanical stress and impacts suffered by bogies in service, some of them get out
of shape and distorted. During IOH and POH, it is essential to restore the bogies to their correct
shape and alignment. To check this, at every major shed and POH shop, a test rig with a substantial
foundation should be provided over which the bogie can be placed and the amount of distortion which
has taken place accurately measured. By application of adequate pressure at appropriate points either
hydraulically or by other means, frame distortions should be corrected as required, so as to ensure
proper mechanical alignment of all parts assembled over the bogie.
2. Cracks on Co-Co bogies.
The bogie shall be thoroughly cleaned as per RDSO’s recommendations. The extent of cracks shall
be located by visual inspection as well as with magnetic particle/dye-penetrant method. After marking
out the full extent of the cracks, arrest-holes of suitable size of minimum dia. 10mm shall be drilled
at least 25 mm away from the vicinity of the cracks. The entire cracks shall be eliminated by opening
the affected section right upto the bottom. The removal of defective area shall be done by grinding/arc
gouging/chipping. The section thus opened out shall extend into the arrest holes and shall be checked
up with the help of dye-penetrant or magnetic particle technique to ensure freedom from any other
cracks. The welding shall be carried out as per the procedure laid down by RDSO with the help of
specified electrodes. It shall be also ensured that all modifications recommended by RDSO are carried
out during POH on the bogies.

H. Axle Roller Bearing

These bearings are used on electric locomotives using trimount Co-Co bogies. The assembly consists
of two cylindrical axle roller bearings capable of taking radial as well as axial thrust loads. The bearing
is composed of inner and outer race along with rollers and cages. The cages while carrying no load
keep the rolling elements axially apart and also prevent the latter from falling out while handling.
The outer ring is slide fit in the axle box housing while the inner ring is an interference fit on the axle
journal forming part of the axle when in place. The rollers are plain, straight, solid cylinders and are
flat on both ends. These bearings should be maintained as per RDSO Maintenance Instructions No.
MPMT-98/81, March 1981.
The riding properties of these locomotive fitted with Co-Co bogie have been further improved upon by
using axial resilient thrust unit on axle 1, 3, 4 and 6. Axle 2 and 5 are provided with float bearings so
as to permit negotiability over sharp curves and turn-outs. This arrangement involves changes in bogie
frames and axle boxes. Axle box roller bearings fitted with resilient thrust units should be maintained
as per RDSO’s Maintenance Instructions No. MT. 04.004.
Proper service tools should be used for servicing and maintenance of axle roller bearing which are also
indicated in the Maintenance Instructions. Whenever bearings are removed for overhaul, inspection,
repairs replacement or lubrication, proper precautions should be taken to avoid ingress of dust, metal
contents, etc. Grease specified by RDSO should only be used.

I. Suspension roller bearing

In WAG-5 with Hitachi motor, axle suspension roller bearing have been used. In this arrangement, taper
roller bearings are used on either end of the suspension tube. The maintenance of these bearings should
be done as per approved Instructions. While overhauling, various defects due to stains, discolouration,
spalling smearing, indentation, brinelling and electrical burns etc., should be examined. Proper
precaution should be taken to ensure that bearings are overhauled in dust-free environment and all
clearances should be maintained as given in the Maintenance Instructions.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Annexure – 3.01 A


A. Conventional Electric Locomotives:
I Maintenance Group -E1
1. Loco roof and body
Blowing of loco before inspection x x √ √ √
Cleaning of loco roof & body √ √ √ √ √
Trouble shooting √ √ √ √ √
Tightness of all bolts on roof x x x √ √
Condition of look-out glass, gasket, sun √ √ √ √ √
Check condition of door hinges, shutters √ √ √ √ √
Replace Hinges of all doors x x x x x √
Lighting Arrester – Measure Insulation &
3 rd Harmonic resistive leakage current as
per RDSO TC No. x x x √ √ √
(Rev’0’) dated 08.08.2016
Schedule activities of Roof insulator
Dt. 29.03.12)
Clean all the roofline and pantograph
insulators externally with a wet cloth and √ √ √ √ √ √
finally rub them dry.
Check the general condition of the
insulators and look for visible cracks,
unglazed surface/dry bands and flash √ √ √ √ √ √
marks, replace the insulator, if any defect
is noticed.
One thin coat of silicone oil to be applied
to all the insulators before the onset of √ √ √ √ √ √
winter i.e, before November
Repeat application of silicon oil during √ √ √ √ √ √
every inspection.
Replace HL reflector & cover gasket. x x x √ √ x
Twin beam Headlight Reflector with x x x x x √
holder, gaskets & bulbs
2. Silicon rectifier and Supervisory control equipment
Checking of tightness of cells with torque √ √
Dusting and cleaning √ √
Checking the clearances to earth √ √
Visual check of connections and cleaning √ √
Diode checking with cell tester √ √
Check string fuses √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


Check potential dividing resistance √ √
Check RC network (with instrument) √
Check functioning of Sperkog units √ √ √ √
Check the condition of telltale fuses and x x √ √ √
for its proper fixation.
Check the micro switches and the lever
assembly for its operation and clean them. x x √ √ √
Check the HVSI-1&2 for its operation.
Check the connections. Clean the I/Ls x x √ √ √
and then check the continuity.
Check the power diodes for any physical
damage overheating marks and clean x x √ √ √
them with soft brush.
Ensure tightness of all power & control
cable connections.
Check for intactness of main fuses. x x √ √ √
Check DC damping units & ensure the
connections tightness at capacitors and
Secure the rectifier block cover with all x x √ √ √
fixing bolts.
Ensure tightness of supporting clamps x x √ √ √
Blowing of dust with dry compressed air
after removing both side covers x x x √ √
Tightness of diode connection x x x √ √
Visual checking of resistors & capacitors
for crack, leakage & overheating x x x √ √
Checking of signal fuses for crack x x x √ √
Checking of power fuses for crack & x x x √ √
Tightness of thimbling x x x √ √
Condition of support insulator connection x x x √ √
Condition of power cable connections x x x √ √
Tightness of foundation bolts x x x √ √
Open covers& clean the diodes bus bar &
all connections remove all dust & dirt x x x √ √
Check all connections visually x x x √ √
Check tightness of cell with torque
wrench, check string fuses (SMI 70) x x x √ √
Check thimbles & tightness of x x x √ √
Check MVSI’s cables from RSI & SB, RSI
to MVSI (SMI 230(REV 0) - 2.5 sq mm x x x √ √
Check for proper securing of cable bunch
and use neoprene rubber sheet x x x √ √
Replace RSI Block PTFE Cable x x x x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives


Replace RC network x x x x x √
II E-2 Section
Batteries as per CAMTECH publication
1 CAMTECH/2005/E/loco-BA/1.0,
Remove all covers of battery boxes. √ √ √ x x x
Remove antitheft rod, supporting bar,
wooden packings and inter connections x x √ x x x
and check their conditions.
Clean the battery surface. √ √ x x x x
Clean battery box. √ √ x x x x
Check condition of battery box. √ √ √ x x x
Take out all batteries from the battery x x √ x x x
Check condition of battery terminals,
connecting leads and lugs. x x √ x x x
Clean battery boxes and batteries with
non-metallic brush. x x √ √ x x
Apply black acid resistant paint inside the x x √ x x x
battery boxes.
Wash batteries with water using non- x x √ x x x
metallic brush.
Check fixing arrangement of battery box. √ √ √ x x x
Check battery containers for any leakage,
cracks, buckling and swelling etc. √ √ √ √ x x
Remove all vent plugs of the battery. √ √ √ x x x
Check the electrolyte level and top up
each cell with demineralised water, if √ √ √ x x x
Check specific gravity of electrolyte of
each cell and record. It should be within √ √ √ x x x
1.240 – 1.250. Carry out charging if
Check voltage of each cell with √ √ √ x x x
High Rate Discharge Cell Tester. Replace
the particular battery if any of its cell
voltage is less than 1.7 V.
Tighten all interconnections and other √ √ √ x x x
Check condition of all conduit pipes and √ √ √ √ x x
Tighten all vent plugs and place batteries √ √ √ x x x
in battery box.
Apply petroleum jelly on all bare √ √ √ x x x
Ensure provision and fitment of antitheft √ √ x x x x

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


Check condition of sleeve on antitheft √ √ x x x x
Place wooden packing between and
around batteries properly so that batteries √ √ √ √ x x
should neither loose nor too tight.
Check intactness of supporting bar. √ √ √ x x x
Check leakage current on main positive
and main negative. It should be zero. √ √ √ √ x x
Provide battery box covers properly. √ √ √ √ x x
Connect supporting bar. x x √ √ x x
Connect antitheft rod. x x √ √ x x
Fit battery box covers properly. x x √ √ x x
Remove the batteries from battery box
on arrival of the locomotive in shed and x x x √ x x
bring them to battery section for attention.
Check fixing arrangement of battery box. x x x √ x x
Check the battery container for any x x x √ x x
Remove the vent plugs/ float plugs and
clean with wet cloth to remove the dust x x x √ x x
Record the individual cell voltage and x x x √ x x
specific gravity.
Keep battery set on charging bed. x x x √ x x
Top up cells wherever necessary with
demineralised water to the correct level. x x x √ x x
Charge the battery set as follows: x x x √ x x
Leave battery set idle for 12 hours after
toping up of de- mineralised water to cool x x x √ x x
down the cell temperature to ambient
Record individual cell voltage before x x x √ x x
Connect the positive and negative leads
of the source to the positive and negative x x x √ x x
of the battery set respectively as marked
on the terminals.
Charge the batteries at the normal
charging rate of 7.5 amps. at room x x x √ x x

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives


Continue charging until the voltage and
specific gravity of the electrolyte in each
cell have reached a maximum and show
no further rise over three successive
hourly readings. Ensure all cells are
gassing freely. The fully charged battery x x x √ x x
should attain specific gravity from 1.240
– 1.250. Allow the cells of battery set to
cool down for a period about 12 hours.
i. U
 nder charging is indicated by the
specific gravity being frequently x x x √ x x
below1.220 or by the specific gravity
gradually falling over a period.
ii. Overcharging is indicated by the
specific gravity being generally beyond x x x √ x x
1.250. It may be due to loss of water.
Now to observe the healthy condition of
cells, discharge the battery set as follows: x x x √ x x
i. C
 onnect the battery set to a rheostatic
load and adjust the load so that constant
current of 15 amps. flows. Keep the
load current constant throughout the x x x √ x x
complete discharge process of 5 hours.
ii. Measure and record the hourly
readings of each cell voltage and
specific gravity until the voltage of cell
have reached a minimum value of 1.7
V. If the battery set shows capacity less x x x √ x x
than 80% due to any defective cell/
battery unit, it should be replaced with
healthy battery unit.
Re-charge the battery set for service at
normal rate of 7.5 amps. until cell voltage
remain constant over 3 successive hourly x x x √ x x
readings and adjust specific gravity to
1.240 - 1.250.
Replace defective float guides and vent
plugs, if any. Tighten all vent plugs. x x x √ x x
Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on
all intercell connectors and terminals to x x x √ x x
protect them from corrosion.
Clean battery boxes and repaint using a
good quality acid resistant paint. x x x √ x x
Check condition of battery box covers,
anti theft rods, supporting bar, wooden x x x √ x x
packing and interconnections. Replace
defective item if any.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


Place the batteries in battery box. x x x √ x x
Provide interconnections after cleaning
and tighten them properly. x x x √ x x
Replace Battery lead acid with battery box. x x x x √ x
2 Battery charger
Clean dust and dirt
Check the connections √ √
Cleaning preferably done by compressed
Adjust the CHBA voltage 110 + 1.0 V
with nominal trickle charge 3 to 5 A √ √ √ √
3 Auxiliary contacts
Visual inspection cleaning √ √ √ √
4 Transformer
4a. Code of Practice For Maintenance of
Transformer Oil In Service as given
RDSO/ELRS/SMI/158 Dt.19.01.95
S. N. Tests Test methods Permissibl e Reqmt of new Periodicity
limits filtered oil

1. Visual inspection -- -- IC/AOH/ IOH/

2. Dissolved Gas SMI-138 As per SMI -- IC/AOH/ IOH/
Analysis 138 POH
3. Electrical strength IS:6792-72 30KV(rms) 60KV(rms) IC/AOH/ IOH/
(Break down (Min) POH
4. Water IS:335-1983 35 PPM(max) 25 PPM IC/AOH/ IOH/
content(PPM) (max) POH
5. Specific IS:6103-71 0.1x10 ohm 35x10 ohm IC/AOH/ IOH/
resistance at 90 cm(min) cm(min) POH
degree C (ohm-
6. Dielectric IS:6262-71 1.0 (max) 0.002 (max) IOH/AOH/ POH
dissipation factor
(Tan delta) at 90
degree C
7. Total acidity IS: 1448-67 0.5mg KOH/ .03mg KOH/ IC/AOH/ IOH/
gm (max) gm POH
8. Sediments and IS:1866-83 0.05 bv wt. No sediment IOH/AOH/ POH
perceptible sludge Appendix-A or perceptible
sludge shall
be detected.
9. Flash point IS: 1448-1970 125 deg. C 140 deg.C IOH/POH
(Min) (Min)

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

10 Interfacial tension IS: 6104-71 0.018 N/m 0.04 N/m (Min) IOH/POH
at 27 deg. C (Min)
11 Oxidation IS: 335-1983 0.3% by mass 0.3% by mass AOH/IOH/ POH
inhibitor Appendix `D` Max (max)

4b Schedule activities of Transformer Schedule activities as per para No. 3.1 & 3.2
CAMTECH publication No. CAMTECH/E/2006/
TPT/ 1.0, (Jan,2006)
Check the condition of power
bushings (a3, a4, a5, a6 & a0) √ √ √ √ √
visually for any flash mark or oil
leakage and tightness.
Any oil leakage from bushings.
If leakage is there, it should be x √ √ √ √
Check oil level (Min. 15 deg. Mark) √ √ √ √ √

Check A34 and A0 bushings. √ x x x x

Check condition of Silicagel. √ √ √ √ √
(Change, if decolourised)
Check oil leakage from PHGR joints. √ √ √ √ √

Check tightness and cleaning of all √ x √ √ √

TFVT connections.
Clean all bushing. x √ √ √ √
Visual checking of RC network
across a0, a1 bushings. x √ √ √ √
Check condition of main transformer
& Aux. x x √ √ √
Transformer bushing for any flash
mark or heating marks on cable socket.
Check condition of Surge Arrestor & x x √ √ √
Clean Transformer bottom. x √ √ √ √
Disconnect the A33, bushing
for removing auxiliaries from x x x √ √
transformer block.
Check power cable of junction x x x √ √
box on under frame.
Transformer oil to be drain out for
removing Radiator, x x x √ √
MPH etc. for O/H.
Check the tap changer and remove if x x x √ √
Do transformer modification work if x x x √ √
Replace transformer gasket if x x x √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Carry out centrifuging of transformer x x x √ √

After fitting the auxiliaries, fit the x x x √ √
removed bushings.
Do dissolved gas analysis (DGA) x x √ √ √

Following common tests to be

carried out in the transformer
either in case of failure or during
i. Insulation resistance test.
ii. Continuity test x x x √ √
iii. Winding resistance test
iv. Ratio test
Check the insulation resistance of
windings. It should be minimum 100
M ohms.
Primary to earth by 2.5 kV megger.
Secondary to earth by 1000V
megger. x x x √ √
Primary to secondary by 1000 V
Primary to Aux. by 1000V megger.
Aux. to earth by 1000V megger.
Secondary to Aux. by 1000 V
Continuity Test
Check the continuity of the following
windings with the multimeter:
Primary winding across A0 – A33 x x x √ √
Secondary windings across a3 – a4,
a5 – a6
Auxiliary winding across a0 – a1
Winding Resistance Test x x x √ √
HETT 3900   HETT 5400 AC
1. A0 – A33 0.843 – 1.243 0.698 – 1.116
2. A0 – A34 0.430 – 0.598 0.241 – 0.320
S. No.
3. a3 – a4 0.0015- 0.0025 0.0015- 0.0025
4. a5 – a6 0.0015- 0.0025 0.0015- 0.0025
5. a0 – a1 0.0025- 0.004 0.0025- 0.004
Ratio Test x x x √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

5. Maintenance schedule activities

of Tap Changer, SMGR, CGR,
Circuit Breaker, PHGR & RGR as
per CAMTECH publication No.
March, 2002
5a. SMGR
Carry out general inspection and √ √ √ √ √
Check tightness of connections √ √ √ √ √
Overhaul SMGR x x x √ √
Examine all auxiliary contacts for
cracks, carbonisation, tightness of all x x √ √ √
connections. If required, replace by
nylon auxiliary switch.
Clean all auxiliary contacts. x x √ √ √
Check and lubricate all the gears and x x √ √ √
other parts.
Check all drive parts visually for any x x √ x x
Overhaul control block. x x √ √ √
Check proper clamping and x x √ √ √
strengthening of ZSMGR panel.
Check smooth operation of ZSMS x x √ √ √
Ensure locking of SMGR foundation
bolts by plate or lock nut. x x √ √ √
Check notching spring, selector
lever bolt. SMGR foundation for any x x √ x x
Check connection tightness of SB x x √ x x
and foundation bolts.
Die penetrant test on crankshaft, x x x √ √
Ensure 100% replacement of change x x x √ √
Leakage testing of SMGR. x x x √ √
Load testing of SMGR along with x x x √ √
GR and CGR on test panel.
Paralleling of SMGR auxiliary cam x x √ √ √
switches with spare one.
Check SMGR crank shaft alignment
during overhauling as per Adtranz x x x √ √
Jigs and Fixture.
Modification to connection lever of
SMGR for tap changer to avoid air x x x √ √
Modification to control lever of x x x √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

SMGR for tap changer -

Application of loctite between the
mating surface of cams shafts and x x x √ √
grub screw and tap holes of tap
Ensure provision of ceramic filter. x x x √ √

5b. Tap Changer

Check condition of RGR and RPGR √ √ √ √ √

Check oil level if less, add up to 40o √ √ √ √ √

Check colour of silica gel and
replace/ recondition if necessary. √ √ √ √ √
Check connection of double pole √ √ √ √ √
bushing to CGR1 and 3.
RGR (Other than Lacchman make)
IR valve to be checked (with 1000 V √ √ √ √ √
valve to be checked (with 1000 V
Check BDV of oil as per IS: 6772 x x √ √ √

Check condition of selector (In 2nd x x √ √ √

Check tangential play in moving x x √ √ √
contact (2nd IC)
Check DGA, if acetylene contents
are more than 3 PPM then open the x x √ √ √
GR cover and check.
GR oil flushing to be done if due. x x √ √ √

Check for any oil leakage. √ √ √ √ √

Drain the oil and remove the cover.
Clean with jet and nylon brush. x x x √ √
Check angle setting and contact x x x √ √
Check RPGR value and condition. x x x √ √

Replace all gaskets x x x √ √

Check safety valves and manual
drive for proper functioning. x x x √ √
Overhaul safety valve.
Replace top and bottom oil seal. x x x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Maintenance of Tap changer by set

of jigs and fixtures and x x x √ √
special tools of M/s. Adtranz only.
Fastening RGR and CGR support
plates on Tap changer assembly x x x √ √
RDSO/WAM4/ 52.
Modified flexible connection √ √ √ √ √
between RGR & GR - RDSO/
Provision of canopy on safety valves
of Tap changer RDSO/WAM4/187. √ √ √ √ √
Permanent connection of 16th Tap in
place of spring loaded connection. x x x √ √
Replacement of insulating oil & x x x √ √
Silica gel of Air drier of GR.
100%Replacement of "Must Change x x x √ √
Check working of safety valves
whenever GR cover open/ canopy √ √ √ √ √
Overhaul x x x √ √
5c. CGR
Check Arc Chute for flash mark,
crackness and ensure intactness of √ √ √ x x
Measure contact pieces dimensions. √ √ √ √ x

Lubricate mechanical joints/ pins of x x √ √ √

CGR assembly.
Check CGR sequence through x √ √ √ √
Check CGR to RGR and CGR1 to
A34 connection. it shall not be close √ √ √ √ √
to foundation.
Check tightness of contact screw and √ √ √ √ √
foundation screw.
Check play of camshaft of CGR
assembly and replace if required. x x x √ √
Check arc horn. x x √ √ x
Overhaul. x x x √ √
Use of high temperature grease type x x √ √ √
MECKBR-300 for GR.
Check sequence pressure of CGRs as x x x √ √
per SMI 50.
Testing of contact pressure of CGRs x x x √ √
as per SMI 50.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Modification to fixing arrangement

for blow out coil of CGR to ensure x x x √ √
locking of Tap changer. RDSO/
14 Provision of latch assembly of √ √ √ √ √
CGR arc chute.
Replacement of contact tips should √ √ √ √ √
not be done ON position.
5d. Circuit Breaker
Dismantle switching elements (load x x x √ √
Inspect cams of S 2220.1 ... S 2220.3
for wear and tear/ functional check. x x x √ √
Clean/inspect arcing chamber S x x x √ √
27 & arcing horn S 2531.
Inspect/replace CGR contacts S 2529
and S 2530. Tighten Allen bolts with x x x √ √
2.5 Kg meter torque.
Clean switching elements and carry
out functional checks with the use of x x x √ √
special tools.
Lubricate contact pivot (S2528) with x x x √ √
high temperature grease.
Tighten Allen key bolts M6, M8 & x x x √ √
M12 with torque wrench.
5e. PHGR
Check the working of PHGR √ √ √ √ √
Check visually for any leakage. √ √ √ x x
Tightness of pipe line clamp as per √ √ √ √ √
Overhaul PHGR and replace rubber x x x √ √
Filter cleaning to be done. x x √ x x
Attend the booking if any. √ √ √ x x
Provision of modified PHGR. √ √ √ √ √
Ensure support for oil flow indicator
as per RDSO/MODI/162. √ √ √ √ √
5f. RGR
Inspect elements for overheating/ x x √ √ √
Inspect insulators for cracks. x x x √ √
Carry out meggar test and measure x x x √ √
resistance value.
After overhauling, carry out tests as x x x √ √
described and record.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

6 Schedule activities of Electro -

Pneumatic contactors L1-L6, C145
and shunting contactors as per para
no. 3.4 of CAMTECH publication
July, 2000
Check the condition of arc chute and √ √ √ x x
fixing of pole plate.
Check condition of movable and √ √ √ x x
fixed contactors
Check tightness of movable and √ √ √ x x
fixed contactors
Ensure proper lubrication of √ √ √ x x
Ensure no air leakage during testing √ √ √ x x
from Electro valve etc.
Open line contactors for overhauling. x √ √ x x

Check condition of electro valve.

Attend, if found defective. x √ √ x x
Check condition of pole plate and x √ √ x x
Check connections of all bus bars x x √ x x
and cables.
Check connections of SBBA 1 and x x √ x x
Check tightness of nuts and bolts. x x √ x x

Check shunting resistances for over

heating marks cracks and flashes. x x √ x x
Check all connections of bus bars x x √ x x
and power cables.
Check for no missing of negative x x √ x x
link stickers.
Check proper working of contactors. x x √ x x

Examine the contactor removed from

locomotive for any abnormality x x x √ √
Remove insulating sleeves and x x x √ √
distance pieces.
Remove the movable assembly and x x x √ √
blow out coil.
Check condition of blow out coil, arc x x x √ √
chutes and contactors.
Clean the contactors. Check
insulating parts connections of cables x x x √ √
and foundation.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check rubber bucket of servomotor

and clean servomotor. x x x √ √
If the support plate is found cracked
or damaged, then it should be
changed. Carbon should be removed x x x √ √
in case of minor carbonization by
rubbing with polish paper. Clean
support plate with clothes.
Lubricate articulations. x x x √ √
Replace Servomotor Piston Bucket,
Gasket Piston Bucket, Felt Ring, x x x x √ √
Fixed & Mobile Contacts
Replace Complete shunt Assembly
and Aux Switch with Cam. x x x x x √
Replace all EPC, C-145, Shunting x x x x x √
7. Schedule activities of Electro-
magnetic contactors as CAMTECH
publication No. CAMTECH/2000/E/
EMC/1.0, July, 2000
7a. Main Contacts
Clean main contact tips with dry √ √ √ √ √
clean rag.
Remove the flash marks. √ √ √ √ √
Verify proper bedding. x √ √ √ √

Measure contact wear. x x √ √ √

Check the crushing. x x √ √ √
Wash with petrol and replace, if x x x x √
7b. Auxiliary Contacts
Check for proper fixation and √ √ √ √ √
Clean contact tips. x x √ √ √
Check for proper alignment. x x √ √ √
Wash the contacts with petrol. x x x x √
7c. Copper Shunts
Check for damage or loose √ √ √ √ √
Check for flexibility. x √ √ √ √
Renew, if cut or worn out. x √ √ √ √
Change, if shunt is discoloured. x x √ √ √
7d. Bearing
Clean the journal bearing with petrol. x x x √ √

7e. Arc Chute

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check for tightness. √ √ √ √ √

Clean the carbon and copper x x √ √ √
Dismantle into two halves and clean.
Replace, if more than half thickness x x x √ √
effected with crater.
7f. Blow out coil
Tighten connection. x √ √ √ √
Check for overheating marks and x √ √ √ √
Check for cracks on insulating x x √ √ √
Dismantle & clean with petrol. x x x √ √
7g. Operating mechanism
Check the play of insulated shaft. x √ √ √ √

Check free motion of armature. x √ √ √ √

Verify armature not fouling with x x √ √ √
Rotate the core. x x √ √ √
Renew armature, if deformed. x x x x √
7h. Magnetic Circuit
Clean the coil with petrol. x x x x √
Paint with air drying varnish, if x x x x √
insulation is deteriorating.
Economy resistance
Clean and check for cracks. x √ √ √ √
7i Cronometric relay
Overhaul and lubricate x x √ √ √
7j Bolts, nuts and screw
Tighten the nuts and fixing screws. x √ √ √ √

7k. Dusting
Clean the dust with compressed air x √ √ √ √
from all parts of the coil.
7l. Lubrication
Lubricate shaft bearing x x x √ √
Replace all Electro-magnetic x x x x x √
8. ZPT
Dusting and cleaning and check for
free movement, proper contact and √ √
finger pressure
9. CTF and J √
Check for any air leakage √ √ √ √
Check the shunt condition and √ √ √
Tighten all nuts and bolts of switch √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check the condition of rubber

buckets and replace, if necessary √ √
Check the contact gap and pressure
of main and auxiliary contacts and √ √
contact bedding
Lubricate servomotors and cams √ √

Overhaul √
a. Fork & all Dowel Pins
b. Finger & Drum Contacts with x x x x x √
brass ball.
c. Aux Switches
d. Notching Lever Complete
Replace Servomotor Piston Bucket,
Gasket Piston Bucket & Felt Ring x x x x √ √
10. Schedule activities of Damping
panel as per RDSO
(REV-0) Dt. 02.04.2004
Visual inspection
Flash over of terminals
Terminal crack/breakage √ √ √ √ √ √
Leakage of electrolyte
Measurement of capacitance x x x √ √ √
Identification of failed capacitor x x x √ √ √
Replacement of failed capacitor x x x √ √ √
Replace VCB Damping panel x x x x x √
Replace TFP damping panel x x x x x √
Replace Capacitors of RC network x x x x x √

Replace Other Damping panels x x x x x √

11. Master controller
Check the operation & connections √ √ x
Clean the Auxiliary interlocks-1 & 2
(MPCS), 1, 2, 3 for (Non MPCS) √ √ √
Ensure availability and proper
tightness of MP-1&2 couplers with 2 √ √ √
safety clamps at top and bottom
Ensure tightness and condition of
MP operating wheel locking pin. √ √ √
Check the mechanical interlocking
device, clean dust, tighten the MP x x √
fixing bolts.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Lubricate the shaft and interlocking x x √

Check the condition of auxiliary
contacts and replace if necessary. x x √
Check up the proper sequence of
operation of MP, MPJ, MPS.
Remove MP from loco and blow out x x x √ √
the dust.
Check the operation before x x x √ √
Check the springs for proper tension. x x x √ √

Check the condition of rollers. x x x √ √

Check the levers for any deformity x x x √ √
and arrest, if any.
Check the condition of switches. If
any nylon roller is damaged replace x x x √ √ √
the switch during AOH/IOH and
replace the switch compulsory in
Clean the contact area and ensure
proper contact by continuity checker. x x x √ √
Check the contact gap x x x √ √
Clean all the parts and lubricate. x x x √ √

Check the condition of the x x x √ √

positioning cams.
Check the continuity of cables from x x x √ √
conk to switches.
Check the condition of RC panel. x x x √ √

Change the nameplates if necessary. x x x √ √

Ensure proper seating of retaining

ring of conk male pin assembly. x x x √ √
Check condition of MP conk x x x √ √
Check the contact pressure x x x √ √
Check the Driving wheel. Replace, if x x x √ √ √
Replace locking pin of the driving x x x x √ √
12. SL, SJ and ATFEX
Check the tightness of connections √ √

Blow through side cover √ √

Clean Teflon piece, remove bottom √ √
cover and blow
Check for the overheating marks √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Measures to improve reliability of x x x √ √ √

SL as per SMI-240
Maintenance/ Testing of
Smoothing Reactor (SL- 42/30) as
per SMI No.
RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/0304 (Rev.0)
dt. 22.03.17 (TAN
Delta test not required as per
Amendment 1)
Check complete SL visually for any x x x x x √
insulation damage.
Pre- Heating of SL in an oven for 2 x x x x x √
hrs. 100o C.
Baking of complete assembly in an
oven for 12 hrs at 140o C. This shall x x x x x √
be done after varnishing.
Check the coil resistance at 20oC . x x x x x √

Check the impedance (Z) at 50 Hz, x x x x x √

Check the Inductance at 50Hz x x x x x √
Check the secondary insulation
sleeve between core supporting rods x x x x x √
and bracket.
Tinning of terminal x x x x x √
Check the insulation resistance with 1
kv megger between terminal & earth. x x x x x √
HV testing by giving 2.5kv AC for one
minute between terminal & body. x x x x x √
Tap all the thread holes and ensure
good condition of threads. x x x x x √
Check the SL cover for any crack x x x x x √
and damage.
Check the frame holes for ovality. x x x x x √

Clean the iron particles available in

the air gaps and core and in between x x x x x √
coils at final stage by magnetic rod.
Apply 2.5kv for one minute between
winding/ coils and frame/ cores. The
reactor shall successfully withstand x x x x x √
the applied voltage as above &
record the leakage current.
Replace SL covers x x x x x √
13 MU couplers - Dusting & cleaning √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replace MU coupler jumper pins x x x x x √

14 Driver's switch desk/ CAB &

General Equipments
Check the condition of BL/Switches √ √ √

Check the condition of pilot lamp

holders and connections check RSI-2 √ √ √ √
Lubricate the rollers and actuating √ √
Check limit switches, switches of BL
Box and replace worn out contacts √
and clean
Check the condition of Cab fans & √ √ √ x x x
clean the fans.
Overhaul the cab fans x x x √ √ √

Replace BL Box complete with x x x x x √

Replace Rubber mat x x x x x √
Replace All relay covers x x x x x √
Replace Bakelite separators of TK x x x x x √
Replace A9 valve x x x x x √
Replace BL box of driving desk x x x x x √
Replace Cab fans x x x x x √
Replace Cab heaters x x x x x √
Replace Cab window assembly x x x x x √
Replace All gauges, meters, x x x x x √
indication panel & light fittings
Replace Wiper servo motor assembly
complete with arms/blades/control x x x x x √
Replace All Push buttons x x x x x √
Replace All PC8 Relay Contacts & x x x x x √
Replace RU of all voltmeters x x x x x √
Replace Analog NR x x x x x √
Replace Indication panel x x x x x √
Replace Driver and Asstt. Driver seat x x x x x √

Replace Front look out glass and x x x x x √

corridor glasses

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replace all perishable items like

rubber gaskets, rubber grommets, x x x x x √
felts, rubber pipes, hoses rubberized
cork sheets, oil seals etc.
Replace all Brake block, carbon
brushes, silica gel, grease nipple, x x x x x √
metalized carbon strip for
pantograph etc.
All oil and greases to be replace x x x x x √
Replacement of filters, pipelines,
ceramic filters in DJ & SMGR x x x x x √
Replace all type of washers, spring x x x x x √
washers etc.
Various ball type isolating cocks,
check valve, pressure cut out switch x x x x x √
etc. to be replaced.
All O rings, bushes, gasket & x x x √ √ √
Diaphragm to be replaced.
All flexible shunts x x x x x √
Auxiliary Switches (SMGR, MP, x x x x x √
CTF, J, C-118
A9 & SA9 pipe line (To be replaced
with stainless steel pipe line) x x x x x √
15 Twin Beam Headlight, DC- DC
Converter & Flasher light
15a. Maintenance activities of DC-
DC converter as per SMI 253 dt.
28.04.08 &
CAMTECH Publication No.
, Feb.2007
Check tightness of foundation bolts. √ √ √ x x

Clean and check tightness of all √ √ √ x x

Confirm that the input (i.e. left hand
side) terminals are powered from
loco battery and the output (i.e. right √ √ √ x x
hand side) terminals are used for
headlight connection.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check fuses and condensers during

IC. If found defective, replace
following and wire them as per
wiring diagram: √ √ √ x x
a. Power card
b. Control card
c. MOSFET card
Change the position of change over
switch, so that converter 1 and 2 are
in operation alternatively. This is √ √ √ x x X
essential to utilize both the converter
units during the service life of DC-
DC converter.
Open DC-DC converter box for
removal of dust & dirt. Clean the x x x √ √ √
heat sink with petrol or Iso-propyl
Check the tightness of input and x x x √ √ √
output connection.
Visually check the condition of input
filter electrolytic capacitor. Replace x x x √ √ √
the same, if it is found leaking.

Check the IR value as shown x x x √ √ √

Megger the electronics circuit with respect to earth and check the insulation level with 500V megger.
The time of the meggering shall not be less than 60 sec.
110 V circuit and earth : 20 M ohms.
Control and Electronics to earth : 10 M ohms.
Screen to earth : 10 M ohms.
Input/ Output to earth : 10 M ohms. If IR values are less than the
specified values take the following actions:
i. Replace mica insulation between MOSFET and heat sink and use one layer of Kapton tape of 2 mm
thick in addition to the mica insulation.
ii. Check wiring and connections.
Measure the output voltage keeping
constant output current at 15.8 amp x x x √ √ √
as given below:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Output voltage
Input current Set Output Switch ON/ Switch
Input current at 15.8 OFF from I/P ON/OFF from
voltage A by varying side 5 times & side 25 times the load measure O/P & measure voltage O/P
voltage. 70V 6.2-6.6A 15.8 Amp 25.5 V 1% 25.5 V 1%
110 V 4.0-4.5A 15.8 Amp -Do- -Do-

140 V 3.2-3.5A 15.8 Amp -Do- -Do-

If the output voltage is not within the range the same should be obtained by adjusting the voltage pot
given on PCB before final fitment. If the rated output is not obtained then MOSFET, capacitors, choke
coils should be checked and replaced,
if found defective.
Verify the reverse polarity protection
at 140 V for one minute by making
the connection to reverse polarity x x x √ √ √
and unit shall function normal after
restoring the connection to correct
Replace the electrolytic capacitor x x x x √ √
(input filter) irrespective of its
condition. Purchase the capacitor of
required value for different OEMs
(1000 mfd 200 V for Signotron make
and 470 mfd 200 V/1200 mfd 200
V for Matsushi make) from reputed
make like Nippon/ Nichicon/ Micon
available commercially in
the market.
Do conformal coating on condition
basis and replace rubber gasket. x x x x √ √
Replace DC-DC converter if it has
served for 9 years i.e replace during
POH of freight locomotives and on
time basis in passenger locomotives. x x x x x √
However, replace the main capacitor
irrespective of its condition.

Maintenance activities of Twin

Beam Headlight as per SMI 253
dt. 28.04.08 &
CAMTECH Publication No.
Visually check and ensure that bulbs
filaments are in good condition and √ √ √ x x
fitment of bulb in beam.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Clean the twin beam headlight glass.

If replacement is required, mount √ √ √ x x
the front glass with gasket and bird
Keep the nuts & bolts properly √ √ √ x x
tightened of headlight.
Clean the reflector and ensure that
it is in good condition. Replace if √ √ √ x x
required. Ensure headlight focusing.
Check the bulb holders/connector for
tight grip. √ √ √ x x
Replace if required.
Check SB connections. √ √ √ x x
Replace connector for halogen lamp
and bulbs irrespective of condition of √ √ √ x x
bulb during major schedule.
One independent fuse of 10A is to
be provided in output of DC- DC √ √ √ x x X
converter main PCB circuit.
Clean the headlight by taking out
the bulb from inside and outside x x x √ √ √
manually and replace the bulb.
Check the condition of reflectors and
replace if there are black spots or x x x √ √ √
otherwise physically in bad shape.
Check the illumination level at 8mtr
as per clause no. 6,3,7,2,1 of RDSO
specification no. ELRS/SPEC/
PR/0024 Rev ‘1’ x x x √ √ √
which should be ideally 4800
lux. Change the sealed reflectors if
the illumination
level is less than 4000 lux.
Check the condition of connectors
before fitment of bulb in locomotive. x x x √ √ √
Replace the mounting gasket. x x x √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

All lamp units to be brought to the

shop floor and replace the following
components during IOH.
i. Sealed Halogen reflector with 4
mm toughened glass.
ii. Front cover toughened glass 6 mm x x x x
thick. √ √
iii. Spring loaded lamp holder.
iv. ‘U’ type neoprene gasket 6 mm
v. Strip type sponge gasket.
vi. Connector for halogen lamp with
PTFE wire & sleeves.
Maintenance activity for Flasher
light as per para No.
2.1.3 of CAMTECH Publication
No. CAMTECH/E/2007/HLFL/1.0,
Clean and check the lamp front √ √ √ x x
glass. Replace if required.
Tighten all nuts & bolts of the lamp √ √ √ x x
unit properly.
Check flasher light hood for proper
fitment. Also check condition of √ √ √ x x
Check tightness of foundation of √ √ √ x x
control unit
Check for loose connection of flash
unit and control unit in SB and at √ √ √ x x
Physically check switch fuse and
control unit for any abnormality. If
found defective, replace following
and wire them as per wiring diagram: √ √ √ x x
a. Buzzer
b. Control Card
c. Fuse
Check and ensure correct rating of √ √ √ x x
spare fuses provided.
Replace lamp unit if partial LEDs √ √ √ x x
are not glowing.
Confirm that the input (i.e. Left hand
side) terminals are powered from
loco battery and the output (i.e. right √ √ √ x x
hand side) terminals are used for
lamp unit.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check the nylon cap of the switch. If

missing put new cap. It saves switch √ √ √ x x
from dust & moisture & help to
prolonged operation from it.
Replace flasher light unit & Lamp
box and Marker light. x x x x x √
16 Switch Board
Dusting and cleaning, check
the condition of switches and √ √
connections, check the condition of
fuses and fuse boards
Lubricate the rollers and actuating √
parts or pin
17 Terminal board
Checking, cleaning and tightness √ √

18 All resistances
Checking the condition, connections √ √ √
and cleaning
Measure the resistance value, if
found out of the limits, then replace x x x √ √ √
Auxiliary programme switches
Check the contacts for flash
mark and proper contacts and clean √ √ √ √
the contacts
Replace all programme switches
including HOM switch, x x x x x √
selector switch, SPDP toggle switch
& D type fuses.
20 Body side filter
Remove, clean and re-fit √ √ √ √
Change supporting gaskets √ √ √
Replace Body Filters x x x x x √
21 Dynamic Brake Resistor
Examine insulators and
supports. Wipe insulators with a √ √ √ √
clean dry cloth
Check tightness of nuts, bolts and √ √
Blow out resistor bank with dry √ √
compressed air
Inspect resistor for damage, overhaul √
and record resistance
Replace DBR Grids x x x x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

22 Check connection tightness of √ √

23 Corridor
Replace all Pressure switches and
air flow relays-micro switch and x x x x x √
Replace all NR valves, NC4, NC7 x x x x x √
Replace SMGR-PR valve x x x x x √
Replace all gauges x x x x x √
Replace all Micro switch of relays x x x x x √

Replace all Time delay relay timer x x x x x √

Replace all Shunt for QF relay & x x x x x √

traction ammeter
Replace all TM cable cleats x x x x x √
Replace all gauges and meters x x x x x √
Auxiliary contactors for EP
contactors with power contact x x x x x √
tips, all insulators and hardware’s
including square
head bolt.
Tri-plate panel All valves rubber
components, all valves base gasket, x x x x x √
O ring between plates, NC-4 & NC-7
valves and
pressure switches.
III E3 Section
1 Hitachi Traction Motor as per
CAMTECH Publication No.
CAMTECH/E/2005/TM/H/ 1.0,
Clean inspection covers before
removing them and check their √ √ √ x x x
Examine the commutator thoroughly
with the help of torchlight or hand
lamp for a uniformly coloured, √ √ √ x x x
well polished surface, free from bar
marked, groove and high mica.
Remove copper beads from the
commutator surface with fine cloth. √ √ x x x x
Check commutator riser for solder √ √ x x x x
run out.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check the following through

inspection window up to possible √ √ x x x x
Check the condition of arcing horns
and clearance (11.5-13.5 mm) √ √ √ x x x
Check brush holder and positive/ √ √ √ x x x
negative lead insulators for proper
glaze and clean them.
Check the carbon brushes for
chipping, mechanical damages and √ √ √ x x x
breakage of pig tails.
Check the size of carbon brushes
and if required, change the brushes
which are likely to wear beyond the
permissible limit before the next √ √ √ x x x
maintenance schedule. (Exchange
limit 30mm) (New 64mm condemn
- 25mm)
Check the flexible leads are finally
secured to the brush holders. √ √ √ x x x
Check the tightness of rocker lock
pin and rocker holding bolt. √ √ √ x x x
Check the condition of T.M. bellows
and if required, got them replaced. √ √ √ √ x x
Replace the Bellow x x x x √ √
Rotate rocker if found necessary. √ √ x x x x

Examine the motor for signs of

flashover, overheating, loose √ √ √ x x x
connections and damaged insulation.
Check the cables of all traction
motors visually for any rubbings or √ √ √ x x x
Check the MP & IP bolts and if
required, apply the ‘M’ seal/RTV √ √ √ x x x
Check visually from PE end shield √ √ x x x x
net for any abnormality.
Check visually earthing brush
connection, terminal covers, cables √ √ x x x x
cleats, both ends end shields
and overall appearance for any
Blow out the interiors of the motor. x x √ x x x

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Clean commutator with fluff – free

cloth, moistened with a suitable x x √ x x x
solvent (such spirit)
Remove copper beads from the
commutator surface with fine cloth x x √ x x x
and inspect visually commutator end
banding and risers for abnormality.
Check interpole lead for any crack. x x √ x x x

Clean hands with suitable solvents & x x √ x x x

By Rotating the rocker ring , check x x √ x x x
the following.
Measure spring tension of each
spring and check their condition and x x √ x x x
record in format ‘A’ (2.82
kg. to 3.44 kg. per brush)
Check up spring pins by hand. x x √ x x x
Check each brush is free in its
pocket. If it is sticking, wipe
the brush with a fluff-free cloth x x √ x x x
moistened with a suitable solvent
and also clean the brush pocket.
Measure the gap (clearance) between
brush holder bottom and commutator x x √ x x x
and record in format ‘A’. (2 – 4 mm)
Check the bellow net, there should
be no foreign material or oil. x x √ x x x
Lubricate inspection covers latches. x x √ x x x

Check connections of earth return x x √ x x x

Check visually from PE end shield x x √ x x x
net for any abnormality.
Ensure availability and proper
tightness of PE/CE end shields and x x √ x x x
bearing covers bolts
Check bearing covers of PE & CE
side endshields for any looseness or x x √ x x x
hitting marks.
Replace the gaskets of inspection
cover/ terminal covers if required. x x √ x x x
Check visually top & bottom lug,
PE/ CE end shields, cable cleats and x x √ x x x
overall general appearance for any

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Clean terminal box covers, remove

them and check tightness of terminal x x √ x x x
box connections.
Check grease leakage from armature
bearings, clean and got attended if x x √ x x x
Grease both end armature bearings
with pneumatic grease pump. x x √ x x x
Hitachi TM suspension tube bolt x x x x x √
PE end bearing x x x x x √
CE end bearing x x x x x √
Brush holder assembly of TM x x x x x √
All carbon brushes liners, gaskets,
needle roller bearings of TM x x x x x √
Teflon ring of armature x x x x x √
Insulating rod, 5565/675 & 5565/740 x x x x x √
Sandwich mounting assembly for x x x √ √ √
passenger fit locos
Sandwich mounting assembly for x x x x √ √
goods locos
Overhauling activities as per Chapter x x x √ √ √
No. 3
Schedule activities of TAO As per CAMTECH Publication No.
Traction Motor. CAMTECH/97/E/TM/3.0, Jan.2005
TM on general
a. Appearance √ √ √ √
b. Inspection cover. √ √ √ √
c. Loosening of bolts. √ √ √ √
d. Ingress of dust & water √ √ √ √
e.Condition of lead wire , cleat & √ √ √ √
contact of terminals.
f. Grease adding to armature bearing. x x √ √

a. Glass band. x x x √
b. Commutator x x x √
i. Diameter-new 380mm x x x √
ii. Eccentricity x x x √
iii. Inequality in diameter x x x √
iv. High bar or low bar. x x x √
v. Under cutting depth. x x x √
vi. Chamfering. x x x √
vii. Width of riser. x x x √
viii. D
 ifference of voltage drop √
between bars x x x
x. Di-electric test. x x x √
Armature coil
a. Cleaning. x x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

b. Insulation test x x x √
Shaft, bearing & pinion
a. Diameter of shaft bearing on √
pinion end. x x x
b. Diameter of shaft bear ing on √
commutator end x x x
c. Taking off, cleaning ins pection & √
oiling of Brg. x x x
d. Radial clearance of roller bearing √
on PE. x x x
e. Radial clearance of roller bearing √
on CE. x x x
f. Ultrasonic testing of armature √
shaft. x x x
g. Replace pinion x x x x x √
a. Dimensions of mounting parts. x x x √
b. Dent of pole retaining bolt shall be x x x √
filled with compound.
c. Stator coil,lead wire and √
connector. x x x
Brush holder & carbon brush
a. Cleaning & checking. x √ √ √
b. Spring pressure. x √ √ √
c. Dimension of brush holder pocket.
i. Thickness x x √ √
ii. Width x x √ √
d. Clearance from comm. x x √ √
e. Length of carbon brush x √ √ √
f. Chipping of carbon brush. x √ √ √
g. Breakage of pigtail x √ √ √
Assembly & testing
a. Bedding of carbon brush. x x √ √
b. Insulation resistance test. x x √ √
c. No load test Examine abnormal x x x √
vibration & noise.
d. Load test. x x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

3 Preventive measures to be taken As per RDSO SMI No.

for crack detection of traction RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/0308 (Rev ‘0’)
motor nose stray & lifting lugs dt. 26.08.17
S Activities Reference
a) During all major overhauling and repair of RDSO's Lr.No.EL/3.2.172
traction motors, proper DPT of welded joints of dt.1309.2011 and Railway
nose stay and lifting lugs shall be carried out to Board's Lr.No. 2007/
1 eliminate weld Elect(TRS)/441/8pt
failures and any cracks. dt.03.02.2014.
b) For carrying out DPT, grinder shall not be
used for cleaning of weld area.
Cleaning shall be done by cleaning agents and
wire brush etc.
Checking of condition of nose stay along with
sandwich pins etc. shall be the focus of under
frame examination at out pits. Gap between TM Railway Board's Lr.No.2007/
2 nose stay and bogie transom bracket should be Elect(TRS)/4 41/8 pt
checked visually and any excessive gap should dt.03.02.2014.
be reported with attention to loco at
nearest/ home shed depending upon the

S Instruction No. Details

Special maintenance instruction No. Instructions for bonded rubber sandwich
1 ELRS/SMI/186 mounting for nose suspension of traction
dt.15.05.1997 along with its motors.
amendment No.2 dt.01.04.2014.
Technical circular No. RDSO/2014/ Instructions to maintain gap between
2 EL/TC/0126, Rev '0' dt.25.03.2014. traction motor bottom nose and bonded
rubber sandwich mounting unit.

Modification in traction motor nose

Modification sheet No. RDSO/2011/ suspension system for provision of
3 ELRS/MS/0392, Rev '0' dt.11.02.2011. additional L clamps and split pins to
prevent falling of vertical nose pin of
traction motor type HS 15250A/TAO 659.
Specification No. RDSO/2014/EL/ Specification for bonded rubber
4 SPEC/0115 Rev '0' dt.22.08.2014. sandwich mounting for nose suspension
of traction motor for electric
Technical circular No. RDSO/2013/EL/ Instructions for replacement of sandwich
5 TC/0123, Rev '0' mounting assembly in POH.
dt.16.05.2013 along with its
amendment No.2 dt.16.05.2016.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Technical circular No. ELRS/TC/0029 Instructions for replacement of sandwich

6 Rev.1 dt.15.07.2002. mounting assembly in IOH.
Technical circular No. ELRS/TC/0029 Instructions for replacement of
7 Rev.1 sandwich mounting assembly of WAP4
dt.15.07.2002 aolong with its locomotives in every TOH schedule.
amendment Ni.1 dt.28.06.2017.
4 Auxiliary machines
Check looseness of cooling fan blade √ √ √ √ √ √

Check the alignment and realign the

driving and driven shaft √ √ √ √
Check the duct for cracks and fixing √ √ √ √ √ √
Check visually the availability of
bed, and duct bolts and tighten them. √ √ √ √ √ √
Check impeller, duct stand for any
cracks / damages.
All Aux. Motors must be provided
with proper terminal covers with √ √ √ √ √ √
proper fastening and sealing with
Adjustment, alignment and
lubrication. Replace on age- basis. √ √
Check foundation bolts and terminal √ √ √ √
Grease the bearings √ √
Overhaul all Auxiliary motors √ √ √
4a. MVRH
Check the terminals for over heating
marks and tighten them. Check the x x √
terminal block
for any cracks, damage or burnt
replace it.
Check up for any impeller play on
the shaft and also shaft play. x x √
Check the terminal connections for
any overheating marks and tight them. x x √
4c. MPH & MCP
Check the terminals for any
overheating marks and tighten them. x x √
Put back the terminal cover and
ensure that cover is not touching to x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Clean the machine outside. x x √

Check the MPH joints for any
leakage. Tighten the joints and arrest x x √
the oil leakage.
Overhauling of all Auxiliary motors x x x √ √ √

Replace all Auxiliary motor bearings x x x x √ √

Gask Gask
Replace MPH x x x ets ets √
to be to be
replac repla
e ce
Replace MVRH impeller x x x x x √
Replace DC & AC MVRF x x x x x √
Replace MVSI, MVSL& MVRF x x x x x √
All end shields of auxiliary motors x x x x x 2nd
All auxiliary motors Rewinding after
12 years. x x x x x 2nd
Replacement of Aux motors after 18 POH
4d. Traction Motor Cooling blower
and it’s motor as per CAMTECH
Publication No.
Check for abnormal noise, √ √ √ x x x
vibration, burning smell.
Check for looseness and crack of √ √ √ x x x
motor cooling fan blade.
Check and tighten the foundation √ √ √ x x x
Check and tighten the terminal √ √ √ x x x
Check the condition of terminal lugs. √ √ √ x x x

Check the impeller blades, dome and

jallie for cracks, looseness etc. √ √ √ x x x
Check the earthing connections of √ √ √ x x x
the motor body.
Ensure working of program switches
and contactors QTD 105 & 106. √ √ √ x x x
Blow out dust with compressed air. x x √ x x x

Ensure intactness of duct x x √ x x x


Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

jointing felt, tightness of

foundation bolts.
Check the insulation resistance. It
should not be less than 1 mega ohm x x √ x x x
by 500-volt megger
when machine is cold.
Check the alignment. x x √ x x x
Check the bearing condition using x x √ x x x
Where bearings are found to be
giving abnormal vibrations and
noise by SPM, the clearance of x x √ x x x
the bearings to be measured and
balancing of impellers to be
Check grease nipples for cracks. x x √ x x x

Lubricate motor bearing by approved x x √ x x x

RDPT/ Magnaflux to be done to
check any cracks in impeller, dome x x √ x x x
and foundations.
Check for abnormal noise, vibration, √ √ √ x x x
burning smell.
Replace MVMT Impeller with x x x x x √
4e. Major Schedule activities as
per Para No. 2.3 of CAMTECH x x x √ √ √
Publication No.
5 Arno converter
Check up tightness of terminal
connections and foundation bolts √ √ √ √ √ √
Check visually for top circulating
ring of rotor and its top position of x x √ √ √ √
rotor bars for cracks
Check the terminals for any
overheating marks or insulator
breakage, clean them tighten the x x √ √ √ √
connections duly ensuring that max.
gap should be available with respect
to the cable lugs and other terminals.
Ensure the terminal cover not x x √ √ √ √
touching the terminals.
Grease bearings x x √ √ √ √
Overhaul x x x √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Blower motor for DBR & Aux

6 Compressor
Measure the brushes and replace, if √ √ √ √
Measure spring tension of brush √ √ √ √
holder and record.
Check the looseness and cracks
of cooling fan blade and lubricate √ √
6a. Schedule activities as per para no.
2.1 of CAMTECH publication No.
CAMTECH/99/E/CP/1.0, Sep,1999

Clean the compressor thoroughly. √ √ √ x x x

Check oil level in crankcase. If

required replenish with correct grade √ √ √ x x x
of oil upto the maximum level.
Clean oil collecting tray √ √ √ x x x
Drain inter cooler and after cooler. √ √ √ x x x

Check operational noise vibration. √ √ √ x x x

Check tightness of mounting bolts √ √ √ x x x

and fasteners.
Check air leakage at pipelines and √ √ √ x x x
safety valve.
Clean suction filers thoroughly and √ √ √ x x x
refill oil to the correct level.
Replenish coupling spring with
correct grade of graphite grease on √ √ √ x x x
condition basis.
Check suction, discharge operations
and the general performance of the √ √ √ x x x
Dismantle breather valve. Clean it
and check for perfect seating of the x √ √ x x x
Check the safety valve setting. x √ √ x x x
Open up coupling cover to check
shaft alignment and ensure that x √ √ x x x
springs are lubricated.
Coupling grease seal to be checked. x √ √ x x x

Remove all the disc valves by

removing the cylinder heads, x x √ x x x
detailed below,
i. Dismantle the valves. x x √ x x x

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

ii. Check the springs, top plates

and bottom plates for any scratches x x √ x x x
or damage in the seating of valve
plates, lap if
iii. Replace damaged springs. x x √ x x x
iv. De-carbonise and thoroughly x x √ x x x
clean all parts in kerosene.
v. Reassemble the valve and
assemble it to the cylinder with x x √ x x x
new packing.
All the pipelines to be checked for x x √ x x x
leaks at joints and packing renew as
Replenish the coupling spring with
correct grade of graphite grease. x x √ x x x
Overhauling & Repair of
compressor as per para no. 2.2 & x x x
2.3 of CAMTECH publication No. √ √ √
IV E4 Section
1 Vacuum Circuit Breaker single
bottle (22 CB) as per CAMTECH
publication No.
CAMTECH/E/2007/SVCB/1. 0,
1a. Insulators
Check visually for cracks, chips,
flash marks. If minor damage (chips,
small cracks & scratches) found, it √ √ √ x x x
can be repaired with epoxy resin. If
the damage is more severe, replace
the VCB.
Clean with soft, clean and dry
cloth. If necessary, first use a cloth √ √ √ x x x
moistened with white spirit, then
finish off with dry lint-free cloth.
Incoming and outgoing
connections of VCB on the roof of
1b. the locomotive.
Check visually for any overheating,
flash marks and also check the √ √ √ x x x
intactness of connections by hand.
1c. Air inlet pipe

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check air inlet pipe connections for

tightness and proper support. √ √ √ x x x
1d. Air dryer
Remove both air connections from
the air dryer. Remove the mounting x x √ x x x
bolts and release air dryer assembly
from locomotive.
Check the weight of air dryer; if it
is more than 0.8 kg from the new x x √ x x x
weight, change/ regenerate molecular
Remount air-dryer assembly inside
locomotive and reconnect the x x √ x x x
pneumatic supply connections.
1e. Vacuum interrupter
Check the contact travel, New
interrupter contacts = 5.8 – 6.4 mm x x x √ √ √
With eroded contacts = 8.8 – 9.4 mm

Check the mechanism over travel.

This should be between 4.0 mm to x x x √ √ √
4.9 mm, after contacts close.
Check the soundness of interrupter
by applying 60 kV, 50Hz for one x x x √ √ √
minute across incoming & outgoing
terminals, in breaker open condition.
Check the distance of datum line on
the moving contact stem from the
edge of interrupter body. For new
contacts, this gap = 3 mm and for x x x x √ √
fully worn contact = 0- 1mm, when
VCB is closed.
Change top insulator & vacuum
interrupter assembly with fully worn
out contacts.
1f. Insulators
Check for cracks, chips, flash marks. x x x √ √ √

Clean with soft, clean and dry cloth. x x x √ √ √

1g. Pressure regulator

Check the setting of regulator using
a calibrated pressure gauge. This x x x √ √ √
should be set at 5.0-5.2 kg/cm2.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Dismantle, wipe clean the parts using

lintfree cloth moistened with white
spirit and blow out the body with x x x √ √ √
clean compressed air. Re-assemble
the parts.
Change all components provided in
replacement kit. x x x x √ √
1h. Pressure switch
Check the setting of pressure switch
using a calibrated pressure gauge
fitted to pressure regulator. Ensure x x x √ √ √
that the switch: Closes between 4.6-
4.75 kg/cm2 & opens between 3.85 –
4.0 kg/cm2.
1i. Auxiliary switch
Clean the contacts. x x x √ √ √
Check the tightness of all fixing
bolts, nuts x x x √ √ √
and connections.
Check proper operation of contacts. x x x √ √ √

Check the contact pressure x x x √ √ √

Replace complete switch with x x x x x √
new one
1j. Magnet valve
Check tightness of all x x x √ √ √
connections and fixing screws.
Check air leakage by operating x x x √ √ √
Replace all O-rings & 2 nos. valves x x x √ √ √
1k. Air filter
Drain off condensate from filter. x x x √ √ √
Wash porous filter element with x x x √ √ √
denatured alcohol or kerosene.
Blow-out body with clean x x x √ √ √
compressed air.
Wash the bowl with household soap. x x x √ √ √

Change all components provided in

replacement kit. x x x √ √ √
Surge suppressor (Magnet Valve)
Check its healthiness by applying
110V AC, 50Hz across it. Current x x x √ √ √
shall be between 14.0 to 19.4mA.
Replace if not in range.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replace old unit with new one. x x x x √ √

1m. Relay valve
Replace all O-rings & PTFE x x x √ √ √
valve discs.
Overhaul and lubricate the relay x x x √ √ √
Replace old piston seal ring with x x x x √ √
new one. -
Replace old poppet valve with x x x x x √
new one.
1n. Cylinder piston assembly
Overhaul and lubricate the piston
and cylinder bore. x x x √ √ √
Replace one no. damper x x x x √ √
Replace old piston seal ring with x x x x √ √
new one.
1o. Air piping
Check for air leakage at all joints. x x x √ √ √

1p. Electrical connections

Check for proper tightness of all
electrical connections at terminal x x x √ √ √
strips, magnet valve,
pressure switch & auxiliary switch.
1q. Lubrication
Lubricate the relay valve assembly, x x x √ √ √
assembly and all piston seal rings/
Orings including those of
magnet valve assembly, with silicon
grease (Molykote 55M).
1r. Rubber/ PVC iatems
Change all rubber/PVC/SRBC items
supplied in the replacement kits. x x x x x √
1s. Springs
Change all compressions spring x x x √ √ √
supplied in replacement kit.
1t. Complete VCB assembly
Check the closing speed/ timings
with the help of contact travel x x x √ √ √
Measure contact resistance of main x x x √ √ √
1u. Air dryer
Weigh the air dryer. If increase in weight
is more than 0.8 kg from the new weight, x x x √ √ √
regenerate by heating in oven.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replace old molecular sieves. x x x x √ √

1v. R-C network
Measure current value across
individual R-C network at 415 V AC x x x √ √ √
(50Hz). Value should be between
2.75A to 3.75A.
replace if not in range.
2 Vacuum Circuit (VCB) TYPE 20 Schedules as per RDSO SMI NO.
CB OF M/S. ALSTOM RDSO/ELRS/SMI/ 0208-99(REV-0) Dt. 22.03.99
2a. Vacuum Interrupter
i. Check the distance between
cylinder & each of the moving
contact assembly connectors with
breakers open. The gaps are to be x x x √ √ √
balanced and are of the order of 2
mm each, if the interrupter is sound.
If the gap is unequal, HV test as per
item (v) is to be conducted.
ii. Check the distance of datum line
on the moving contact stem from the
edge of interrupter body.
For new contact this gap
= 3mm and fully worn contact x x x √ √ √
= 0-1 mm
when VCB is closed. Change
vacuum interrupter with fully
worn-out contacts.
iii. Check the contact travel. New
interrupter contacts x x x √ √ √
= 8-9mm
With eroded contacts
= 11-12mm
iv. Check the piston overtravel.
This should be 3mm after contacts x x x √ √ √
v. Check the soundness of interrupter
by earthing the VCB base and x x x √ √ √
applying 40kv, 50Hz
for 1 minute across each interrupter,
in turn.
vi. Check the soundness of insulation
of air pipes and auxiliary contact
operating x x x √ √ √
rod inside the vertical porcelain, by
applying 40kv, 50Hz for 1 minute
between the cradle and

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Vii. Replace piston washer, damper

washer, insulation tube & insulation x x x x x √
2b. Insulator
i. Check for cracks, chips, flash √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. Clean with soft, clean and dry √ √ √ √ √ √
2c. Cradle, Cover and End cap
i. Check that the 4 drain holes are
clear (2 Nos. on cradle and √ √ √ √ √ √
2 nos.on end cap).
ii. Replace sealing strip on cradle & x x x √ √ √
iii. Seal the cradle cover using
silicone elasto-mer compound as per x x x √ √ √
SMI-161 (Rev-1)
2d. Pressure Switch
i. Check that it Closes at 4.65 Kg/ x x √ √ √ √
Cm2 Opens at 4.00 kg/cm2
2e. Pressure Regulator
i. Check the setting of regulator
using a Master pressure gauge. √ √ √ √ √ √
This should be set At 5.0 kg/cm2 (70
ii. Dismantle, clean the parts with
denatured Alcohol and blow out the x x x √ √ √
body with clean Compressed air. Re-
assemble the parts.
iii. Replace diaphragm provided in x x x x x x
AOH kit.
iv. Replace all components provided x x x √ √ √
in replacement kit.
2f. Auxiliary Switch
i. Clean the contacts. x x √ √ √ √
ii Check the tightness of all fixing
bolts, nuts and connections. x x √ √ √ √
iii. Check the proper operation of x x √ √ √ √
iv. Replace worn out contacts. x x x √ √ x
v. Replace complete auxiliary switch x x x x x √
2g. Air Filter
i. Porous filter element to be washed x x x x √ √
with denatured alcohol.
ii. Blow-out with clean compressed x x x x √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

iii. Wash out with clean compressed x x x x √ √

iv. change all components provided x x x x √ √
in replacement kit.
2h. Magnet Valve
i. Check the tightness of all x x x x √ √
components and fixing screws.
ii. Check the air leakage when x x x √ √ √
operated manually.
2i. Relay Valve
i. Replace 2 nos. PTFE valve discs. x x x x √ √

ii. Overhaul and lubricate the

relay valve as per SMI-162 Rev-1. x x x x √ √
iii. Replace poppet valve provided in x x x x x √
POH kit.
2j. Air Reservoir
i. Check the condition of dessicant.
If color x x x √ √ √
Changed from blue to pink, replace
the Silicagel. Also weigh
the air dryer.
2k. Air Dryer
i. Weigh the air dryer. If increase in
weight is more than 0.8kg from new x x √ √ √ √
weight, replace molecular sieve or
regenerate by heating as per SMI-137.
ii. Replace molecular sieves with x x x x x √
fresh ones.
2l. Electrical Connections.
i. Check for proper tightness. x x √ √ √ √
ii. Check the condition and tightness
of end connection of the flexible x x x √ √ √
connector (shunt provided between
two interrupters).
iii. Check the condition of fixed
contact end connectors. Fit new x x x √ √ √
ones, if necessary.
2m. Air Connections
After opening cradle cover and base
plate Cover, x x x √ √ √
i. Check for proper air piping.
ii. Check for air leakage from the
exhaust port of air control valve and x x x √ √ √
from manifold port, by operating
magnet valve manually.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

iii. Check for air leakage, at all x x x √ √ √

iv. Measure air leakage at 6.5 kg/cm2
for 10 minutes in open and close
position of breaker. Pressure should x x x √ √ √
not decrease by more than 10% of
the net value.
v. Replace Control & Main Air Pipes x x x x √ √
in IOH kit.
vi. Replace all nylon air pipes in x x x x x √
POH kit.
2n. Surge Suppressor (Magnet Valve)

i. Check its healthiness by applying

110v AC, 50Hz across it. Current x x x √ √ √
shall be Between 14.0 to 19.4 mA.
Replace if not In range.
ii. Replace the surge suppressor unit. x x x x x x

2o. Operating Rod Assembly

i. Check that collar, pin and
operating lever bonded at ends x x x √ √ √
of rod is not loose.
ii. Replace operating rod assembly. x x x x x √
2p. R-C Network
i. Measure current value across
individual R-C network at 380V x x x √ √ √
AC(50Hz). Value should be
between 2.5A to 3.5A. Replace if not
in range.
2q. Lubrication
i. lubricate air cylinder by injecting
grease through its small hole, when x x x √ √ √
relay valve is removed, as per SMI-
162 Rev-1.
2r. Rubber Components
i. Replace all rubber kit items. x x x √ √ √
ii. Replace other rubber items not x x x x x √
covered in rubber kit.
2s. Complete V.C.B Assembly
i. Check the closing speed with
the help of contact travel recorder as x x x √ √ √
per SMI-136.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. Schedule activities of M/s. AAL & M/s. BTIL make VCB (As per OEM manual)
SN Work to be carried out IA IB IC TOH IOH POH

3.a Insulators
Check for cracks & flash marks. √ √ √ √ √
Clean any parts that are dirty with soft, clean & dry
cloth (Do not use cleaning products based on fluorated √ √ √ √ √
or chlorated compounds or sodium
3.b Connection for Earthing Isolator
Check for damage to connection of the earthing √ √ √ √ √
Cleaning & greasing, if necessary. √ √ √ √ √
3.c H.V Connection
Check the tightening torque 70Nm x √ √ √ √
3.d VCB fixing screw
Check the torque of fixing screw tightening torque x √ √ √ √
3.e Earthing connection
Check the earthing connection tightening torque x √ √ √ √
3.f Pressure Regulator
Drain the pressure regulator √ √ √ √ √
Check and set value of the regulator (for AAL make) x x x √ √
Check and set value of the regulator (for BTIL make) x x x √ x

Change the filter cartridge with O-ring x x x √ √

Change the complete pressure regulator (for BTIL x x x x √
3.g Air tank (Reservoir)
Drain the air tank x √ √ √ √
Check for any air leakage in VCB x √ √ √ √
Carry out sealing test for Air tank assembly x x x √ √
3.h Pneumatic Circuit
Check the sealing of connectors, flexible pipe, x √ √ √ √
regulator, air tank etc.
3.i Auxiliary Switch ( only for AAL make)
Check screw for breakage or other damage x x x √ √
Check the moving contact for its continuity x x x √ √
Check the cables and lugs for broken cables, lugs x x x √ √
Securing of auxiliary switch and support plate x x x √ √
(Tightening torque-10Nm)
Check the working order of each auxiliary contacts x x x √ √
3.j Auxiliary Switch ( only for BTIL make)
Change both the Auxiliary switches x x x x √
3.k Vacuum Switch tube (VST)
Check the healthiness of VST (Di-electric test 40kV x x x √ √
for 10sec)

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check closing & opening speed (First after 3 years on x x x √ √

new breaker & then every major schedule)
Inspections of main contacts wear in vacuum switch
tube. First after 3 years on new breaker & then every x x x √ √
major schedule.
3.l Shocks Absorber (for BTIL make)
Check the tightness of shock absorbers. If found loose x x √ √ √
tighten with proper torque (10Nm)
Change the shock absorber. x x x x √
3.m Cabling & Connector

Check for any damages, cut & tightness of the

connectors, connection, pins etc including pressure x x √ √ √
switch, EP valve solenoid coil and connector
Air Flow Rod & Shoulder Head Screw (for BTIL
3.n make)
Check for movement of rod x x √ √ √
Check for healthiness of shoulder srew x x √ √ √
Chane the driving plate with shoulder screw x x x x √
3.o Toggle Mechanism (for BTIL make)
Check proper fixing/ sticking of Thrust pur and shock
absorber plate provided below toggle mechanism. x x x √ x
Change the Trust Pur and shock absorber plate. x x x x √
3.p Cylinder Mounting Plate (for AAL make)
Check proper fixing/ sticking of shock absorber plate x x x √ x

Change the shock absorber plate x x x x √

3.q Piston Assy (for AAL make)
Check air leakage x x x √ x
Replace piston seal x x x x √
Check compression springs x x x x √
3.r Side cover/ lateral cover
Change the kit of O-ring of side cover (First time after x x x √ √
3 years and then every major schedule)
3.s EP valve solenoid coil (for AAL make)
Check the healthiness of EP valve coil resistance x x x √ √
1510Ω±8% at 35°C
3.t Magnetic coils (for BTIL make)
Check the resistance of holding coil 66.2Ω±8% at x x x √ √
Check the healthiness of EV coil for open or short x x x √ √
3.u Pressure Switch
Check the setting of pressure switch x x x √ x
Check the tightness of pneumatic connection x x √ √ √
Replace pressure switch x x x x √
3.v Electronic Control unit (for BTIL make)
Check closing time, opening time, EV on time & x x x √ √
counter operation

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3.w Contact Spring

Check contact spring √ √ √ √ √

Replace contact spring x x x x √
3.x Lubrication (forAAL make)
Lubricate driving plate assy x x x √ √
Lubricate shafting head bearing guides, vertical
spring, flexible braids, piston seal, piston rod and EP x x x √ √
3.y Lubrication (for BTIL make)
Lubricate toggle mechanism, airflow regulator rod x x x √ √
Lubricate shafting head bearing guides, vertical
spring, flexible braids, First after 3 years of new x x x √ √
breaker & then every
3.z Torque Tightening
Check rear flange- 19.3Nm x x x √ √
Check shafting head- 67Nm x x x √ √
Check vertical insulator- 67Nm x x x √ √
Check tightness of nuts of base plate- 15Nm x x x x √
Check bolts of cover for holding cylinder- 39.4Nm x x x √ √
(AAL) & 15Nm (BTIL)
Check air tank mounting nuts- 15Nm x x x √ √
3.a a Air Dryer

Weigh the air dryer. If increase in weight is more than

0.8kg from new weight, regenerate molecular x x √ √ x
sieves by heating and replace if required.
Replace molecular sieves x x x x √
3.a b RC Network

Measure individual resistance and capacitance value

4.7Ω±10% and 25µF±10%. Replace abnormal x x x √ √
3.a c Testing

High voltage test for HT section & LT section x x x √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Major Schedule Replacement kit of Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Replacement kit for Single bottle VCB Of M/s AAL Type BVAC 25.10
SN Description Part No. Unit Qty/ TOH IOH POH
1. PRESSURE REGULATOR SG-300140-R 0001 1 √ √ √
1.1 Filter Element (40µm) 4300014000 Nos. 1 √ √ √
1.2 ‘O’ Ring 69.211.215 Nos. 1 √ √ √
2.0 KIT OF O-RING FOR SG300141R 0001 1 x √ √
2.1 O-Ring HSBA432579P0001 Nos. 2 x √ √
2.2 Anti Breaking screw SG300120 P0001 Nos. 8 x √ √
2.3 Elastic washer (ø 6.1) 9AVA 330-11 Nos. 8 x √ √
3.0 PRESSURE SWITCH KIT SG-300146 R0001 1 x √ √
3.1 Pressure Switch HSBA432553 P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √

3.2 Union Bend 90º SG-300067 P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √

4.0 MOLECULAR SIEVES IN 4320010700 Kgs. 4 x √ √
5.0 O-RING HSBA432095 P0025 Nos. 1 x √ √

6.0 O-RING HSBA432095 P0028 Nos. 1 x √ √

7.0 O-RING HSBA432095 P0027 Nos. 1 x √ √

8.0 O-RING HSBA432095 P0026 Nos. 1 x √ √

9.0 Flat Gasket HSBA432551P0002 Nos. 1 x √ √

10.0 ELASTIC WASHER (ø 8.2) 9AVA 330-4 Nos. 4 x √ √

11.0 ELASTIC WASHER (ø 8.2) 9AVA 330-12 Nos. 4 x √ √

12.0 Elastic washer (ø 4.1) 9AVA 330-100 Nos. 8 x √ √

13.0 RING TYPE JOINT HSBA432577 P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √

14.0 Thrust Pur SG300157P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √

15.0 Shock Absorber Plate HSBA432426P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √
16.0 Tension Spring HSBA433308 P0001 Nos. 2 x √ √

17.0 Driving plate for toggle HSBA331410P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √

18.0 Shouldered Screw HSBA432548P0001 Nos. 1 x √ √

2.0 Valve Cone 1 x x √

3.0 Diaphragm assembly 1 x x √
4.0 AUXILIARY SWITCH SG-300138R0001 Nos. 1 x x √
5.0 AUXILIARY SWITCH SG300139 R0001 Nos. 1 x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

6.0 O-RING HSBA432095P002 7 Nos. 1 x x √

7.0 Auxiliary Drive Screw HSBA433491 P0001 Nos. 2 x x √

8.0 O-RING (sealing) HSBA432580 P0002 Nos. 1 x x √

9.0 ELASTIC WASHER ø 12.4 9AVA330-6 Nos. 14 x x √

10.0 ELASTIC WASHER ø 8.2 9AVA330-4 Nos. 4 x x √

11.0 ELASTIC WASHER ø 8.2 9AVA330-12 Nos. 22 x x √

12.0 Spring washer ø 8.2 NB335805 P0511 Nos. 2 x x √

13.0 Lock Nut M4 9ADA 299-2 Nos. 4 x x √
14.0 Elastic Washer ø 4.1 9AVA 330-100 Nos. 7 x x √
15.0 Flange Screw M5 X 12 HSBA433531 P0002 Nos. 2 x x √

16.0 RING BS SG300073 P0002 Nos. 1 x x √

17.0 O-RING HSBA432095 P0020 Nos. 2 x x √

18.0 O-RING HSBA432095 P0026 Nos. 1 x x √

19.0 O-RING HSBA432580 P0001 Nos. 1 x x √

20.0 O-RING HSBA432579 P0002 Nos. 1 x x √

21.0 Lock Nut M6 9ADA 299-4 Nos. 4 x x √

22.0 Cap Male HSBA432531P000 1 Nos. 3 x x √

23.0 TANK FLAT GASKET HSBA432550 P0001 Nos. 2 x x √

24.0 RING BS SG300073 P0003 Nos. 1 x x √

25.0 O-ring for solenoid valve Nos. 1 x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replacement Kit for Single Bottle VCB of M/s BT Type BVAC 25.10
SN Description Drawing no. Part No. Qty/ TOH IOH POH
1. PRESSURE SG-300140-R1 1 √ √ √
1.1 Filter Element 3EYC-400147-P1 80.16.1 1 √ √ √
1.2 ‘O’ Ring 3EYC-400148-P1 80.16.2 1 √ √ √
2.0 Pressure switch kit SG-300146-R1 1 x √ √

2.1 Pressure Switch HSBA-432553-P1 80.9 1 x √ √

2.2 Taper Stud with SG-300067-R1 80.8 1 x √ √
3.0 Kit of ‘O’ ring for 40.4 x √ √
lateral cover
3.1 O-ring HSBA-432579-P1 290 2 x √ √
3.2 Anti breaking screw SG-300120-P1 1300 8 x √ √

3.3 Elastic washer (6.1) 9AVA 330-11 310.13 8 x √ √

4.0 Flat gasket HSBA-432551-P2 141 1 x √ √

5.0 RUBBER STOP SG-300157-P1 40.15 1 x √ √
6.0 SHOCK HSBA-432426-P1 40.13 1 x √ √
7.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P27 110 1 x √ √

8.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P25 131 1 x √ √

9.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P28 132 1 x √ √

10.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P26 90 1 x √ √

11.0 ELASTIC WASHER 9AVA 330-12 1085 4 x √ √

12.0 ELASTIC WASHER 9AVA 330-4 1084 4 x √ √
13.0 RING TYPE JOINT HSBA-432577-P1 10.3 1 x √ √
14.0 ELASTIC WASHER 9AVA 330-100 1211 8 x √ √
15.0 MOLECULAR 3EC-400100-P18 4001.3.1 4 x √ √
16.0 Tension spring HSBA-433308-P1 205 2 x √ √
17.0 Drive plate HSBA-331410-P1 40.4 1 x √ √
18.0 Shouldered screw HSBA-432548-P1 40.11 1 x √ √
2.0 AUXILIARY SG-300138-R1
2.1 Auxiliary Contact SG-300016-R1 210 1 x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2.2 Pusher HSBA-433315-P1 203 1 x x √

2.3 Elastic Washer Dia 9AVA 330-100 1211 2 x x √
2.4 Hex Screw M 4x30 3EYC-400126-P9 1210 2 x x √

2.5 Lock Nut M4 9ADA 299-2 1201 2 x x √

3.0 AUXILIARY SG-300139-R1
3.1 Auxiliary Contact SG-300016-R2 211 1 x x √
BA24 (5NC)
3.2 Pusher HSBA-433315-P1 203 1 x x √
3.3 Elastic Washer Dia 4.1 9AVA-330-100 1211 4 x x √

3.4 Hex Screw M 4x30 3EYC-400126-P9 1210 2 x x √

3.5 Lock Nut M4 9ADA 299-2 1201 2 x x √

VALVE (SET OF 1 x x √
5.0 Diaphragm assembly 80.16.3
for pressure regulator 1 x x √

6.0 Valve cone for 80.16.4

pressure regulator 1 x x √
7.0 Drive Screw HSBA-433491-P1 202 2 x x √
8.0 NYLOC NUT M6 9ADA-299-4 40.101 4 x x √
9.0 Lock nut M4 9ADA-299-2 40.102,120 6 x x √
10.0 CAP G 3/8 HSBA-432531-P1 80.24,320 3 x x √
11.0 ELASTIC WASHER 9AVA-330-6 1011/160.1
DIA 12.4 9/
260.12/101 14 x x √
12.0 ELASTIC WASHER 9AVA-330-12 260.16/108 18 x x √
DIA 8.2 5
13.0 ELASTIC WASHER 9AVA-330-11 40.103 8 x x √
DIA 6.1
14.0 Elastic Washer M4 9AVA 330-100 1211 8 x x √

15.0 Spring washer NB-335805-P511 260.14,112 4 x x √

16.0 Flange screw M5X12 HSBA-433531-P2 1230 2 x x √

17.0 TANK S FLAT HSBA-432550-P1 80.22 2 x x √

18.0 PACKING RING SG-300073-P3 80.26 1 x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

19.0 PACKING RING SG-300073-P2 80.15, 3 x x √

20.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P20 80.19 2 x x √

21.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P27 PIPE SIDE 1 x x √

22.0 O-RING HSBA-432095- P26 110 1 x x √

23.0 O-RING HSBA-432579-P2 260.9 1 x x √

24.0 O-RING HSBA-432580-P1 260.6 1 x x √
25.0 O-RING HSBA-432580-P2 261 1 x x √

Replacement Kit For Single Bottle VCB Of M/s ALSTOM Type 22CB
Sl. No Title / Description Drawing Part Qty./ TO IO PO
Number Number VCB H H H
1. AOH replacement kit -- 5510740
consisting of :
a- ‘O’ Ring for magnet valve LSC : 58/5 5260700 3 √ √ √
b- ‘O’ Ring for magnet valve LSC : 58/6 5260800 2 √ √ √
c- Valve (fluted) for magnet LSC : 127 5260600 2 √ √ √
d- ‘O’ Ring for Relay valve LSC : 612 / 4 5570080 2 √ √ √
e- ‘O’ Ring for relay valve LSC : 612 / 2 5570090 1 √ √ √
f- ‘O’ Ring for relay valve LSC : 612 / 1 5570100 1 √ √ √
g- ‘O’ Ring for relay valve LSC : 612 / 5 5570110 1 √ √ √
h- PTFE valve discs for relay LSC : 99 5150020 2 √ √ √
i- Special washer for main LSC : 554 5540060 1 √ √ √
j- Special washer for bottom LSC : 612 / 6 5510163 8 √ √ √
k- Retaining Ring for bottom LSC : 678 5510164 8 √ √ √
l- Diaphragm Assembly for - 3410-55 1 √ √ √
Pressure Regulator
m- Repair kit for air filter - 5110600
consisting of one O-ring, two 1 kit √ √ √
Gaskets and one Stud.
2. IOH replacement kit -- 5510750 x √ √
consisting of :
a- AOH replacement kit - 5510740 1 kit x √ √
b- Grommet for base plate LSD:238 5380650 1 x √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

c- O ring (between flanges) LSC: 612/3 5510390 1 x √ √

d- Selon washer (for plug of - 5510450 1 x √ √
e- Gasket for base plate LSC:702 5510810 1 x √ √
f- Sealing strip for bottom - 5510162 2.3 x √ √
cover mt.
g- Damper assembly for LSC:549 5540030 1 x √ √
h- Piston seal ring for relay LSC: 612/7 5570050 1 x √ √
valve piston
i- Piston seal ring for main LSC: 612/8 5540023 1 x √ √
j- Repair kit for pressure - 5110422
regulator consisting of one
no. each, slip ring, valve, 1kit x √ √
valve seat, gasket seat & valve
k- Molecular sieves for Air - 5390090 4 Kg x √ √
L- Surge suppressor for LSC: 169 5350100 1 x √ √
magnet valve assembly*
a- IOH replacement kit - 5510750 1 kit x x √
b- Belleville washer M6 - 5520200 6 x x √
c- Auxiliary contact unit (8- LSC: 286/A 5203400 1 x x √
d- Compression springs for LSD: 128 5260900 2 x x √
Magnet valve assembly.
e- Surge suppressor for magnet LSC: 169 5350100 1 x x √
valve assembly
f- Poppet valve for relay valve LSC: 101 5150010 1 x x √
g- Compression spring for LSC: 186 5150090 1 x x √
relay valve assembly
h- Compression spring LSC: 525 5520130 6 x x √
interrupter mechanism
i- Compressor spring LSC: 528 5520180 6 x x √
interrupter mechanism

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replacement Kit For Single Bottle VCB Of M/s ALSTOM Type 22CB
S. N Title/ Description Drg.No Part.No Qty/ AO IO PO
1 AOH Replacement kit (Code. -- -- -- √ √ √
No. 5110610)
a. Sealing strip for cradle and cover -- 5380750 3mts √ √ √

b. O-ring Air valve Assembly LSC:58/4 5150070 1 √ √ √

c. O-ring AZir valve Assembly LSC:58/3 5150080 3 √ √ √
d. PTFE Valve Discs for Air valve LSC:99 5150020 2 √ √ √
e. O-ring for magnet valve & LSC:58/5 5260700 5 √ √ √
f. O-ring for Magnet Valve Assembly LSC:58/6 5260800 2 √ √ √

g. Valve (fluted) for Magnet Valve LSC:127 5260600 2 √ √ √

h. O-ring for Reservoir Assembly LSC:58/2 5142040 1 √ √ √

i. Molygraf-44 Grease -- 86700233 1 √ √ √

j. Diaphragm Assly for pressure -- 3410-55 1 √ √ √
k. Replacement kit for air filter
consisting of one O-ring, two -- 5110600 1Set √ √ √
gaskets & one stud.
1 IOH Replacement kit (Code.
No.5110620) consisting of : -- -- -- √ √ √
a. AOH Replacement kit -- 5110610 1 kit x √ √
b. Control air pipe with grommet, LSB:89/1 5110110 1 x √ √
ferrule & nut
c. Main air pipe with grommet, LSB:89/2 5110100 1 x √ √
ferrule & nut
d. Repair kit for pressure regulator
consisting of one number each, slip -- 5110442 1 kit x √ √
ring, valve, valve seat, gasket seat
& valve spring.
e. Molecular sieves for air dryer -- 5390090 4 kg x √ √
1 POH Replacement kit (Code.No.
5110630) consisting of: -- -- -- x x √
a. IOH replacement kit -- 5110620 1 kit x x √
b. Piston washer (ring) LSC:76 5120100 2 x x √
c. Damping washer LSC:81/1 5120030 2 x x √
d. Insulation tube LSC:74 5120050 6 x x √
e. Insulation washer LSC:81/2 5120040 12 x x √
f. Air pipe (Filter to regulator) LSC:88/4 5110210 1 x x √
g. Air pipe (Regulator to reservoir) LSC:88/3 5110060 1 x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

h. Air pipe (Reservoir to unequal- LSB:93/5 5110050 1 x x √

i. Air pipe (Pressure switch) LSC:88/2 5110080 1 x x √
j. Air pipe (Manifold to unequal-cross) LSC:88/1 5110070 1 x x √

k. Poppet valve for air valve assembly LSC:101 5150010 1 x x √

l. Operating rod assembly LSC:62 5160000 1 x x √

m. Auxiliary switch assembly (6- way) LSC:255 5203200 1 x x √

n. Surge suppressor for magnet valve LSC:169 5350100 1 x x √

o. Sealing strip for bottom cover LSC:104 5290020 2.5Mts x x √

p. O-ring for Reservoir assembly LSC:58/1 5140020 2 x x √


4 General purpose relay: Schedule activities as per
para no. 2.0 of CAMTECH publication No.
4a. Auxiliary contacts:
Check contact, contact pressure and wipe √ √ √ √
Visually examine and clean contacts, terminals
and contact support, bus bar connectors √ √ √ √
Check and tighten all wiring terminals √ √ √
Check hardware for tightness √ √ √
Check proper alignment and bedding of contacts √ √
4b. Coil:
Check coil for Electrical or Mechanical damage. √ √ √
Dusting - all relay parts √ √ √ √
4c. Bolts, nuts, screws and wiring terminals
Tighten the nuts and fixing screws √ √ √ √
4d. Time delay relay
Check the time setting and operation √ √ √ √
Overhaul all relays and test √
5. Earth Fault Relays as per CAMTECH
publication No. CAMTECH/E/2006/TP-
EFR/1.0, March,2006
Following tests should be carried out before and
after inspection of a locomotives during L.T.
testing (with 25 kV supply off).
Test functioning of Auxiliary circuit earth relay
(QOA) by creating an earth fault. √ √ √ √ x x
Test functioning of power
circuit earth relay QOP1 & 2 by creating an earth

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check all relays (QOP 1 & 2, QOA) for proper

fitment and seal. If seal is found in broken √ √ √ √ x x
condition, relay to be checked and calibrated and
to be sealed.
Check resistances (RQOP1&2, RPQOP1&2,
RQOA, RPQOA) for any crack and overheated √ √ √ √ x x
Tighten the nuts and fixing screws of wiring
terminals from back side (In IC schedule only). √ √ √ √ x x
Check and clean resistances (RQOP1&2, RPQOP
1&2, RQOA, RPQOA) for any abnormality. x x x √ x x
Check connection tightness of all resistance
terminals and their lug crimping for any x x x √ x x
Overhauling of Relays. Guidelines for
overhauling to be followed as per CAMTECH
Publication no. x x x x √ √
Check operation x √ √ √ √
Clean and lubricate x √ √ √ √
Replace HOM Air valve x x x x x √

V M3 Section
1 Pantograph AM12, AM-92 & IR-03H (High
Replace Bow assembly with plunger x x x x x √
Periodic Maintenance/Checks For Pantograph As per RDSO Technical Audit Report No.
AM12, AM-92 & IR-03H (High Speed) RDSO/2016/EL/TAR/0006, Rev ‘0’ Dt.
Overhaul throttle valve VEPT, VESA & VEF √
Check for any air leak in the pipe line √ √ √ √
3 A9/SA9
Overhaul and check the free operation √ √
4 Drain/ Isolating cocks
Check for free movements, replace if necessary. √ √ √
5 Non-return valves, reducing valves and check
Clean and check the function √ √ √
Overhaul and replace gaskets √
6 Wiper and servomotor
Check operation √ √ √ √
Overhaul servomotor √ √
7 CP and CPA
Check foundation bolts, fan and its blade and
clean the equipment and tray √ √ √ √ √
Check coupling and lubricate √ √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check intercooler, after cooler √ √ √

Check drain pipe of trays and suction pipe √ √ √ √ √
Lubricate bearings √ √ √
Overhaul √ √
8 DJ non-return valve
Overhaul √ √
9 DJ pneumatic connections
Check for leakage √ √ √ √
10 Safety valves
Overhaul and adjust setting √ √
11 Sanding valves
Overhaul √ √
12 F1, , MU-2B
Distributor valve √ √ √ √
Checks function √
Overhaul √ √ √ √
13 Overhaul all valves and replace gaskets, match
seating √
14 Horns and Horn valves
Check diaphragm 'O' ring and rubber seat √ √
Overhaul and replace rubber components √
Replace Diaphragm for horns with horn valve x x x x x √
15 Gauges
Check all gauges √ √ √ √
Overhaul and calibrate √
16 Pneumatic Valves
Overhauling checks and Tests As per CAMTECH publication No.
CAMTECH/E/2007/SVCB/1.0, Feb,2007
VI Section M1
Maintenance of Flexicoil Bogie (WAP1/WAP4) Schedule activities as per para no. 2.2 of
CAMTECH publication No.
CAMTECH/2002/E/Bogie/1.0, May,2002
1. Bogie and Bolster
Cleaning of bogie frame x x √ √ √
Thorough cleaning of bogie frame in washing x x x x √
Cleaning and painting x x x √ √
Examine for defective and missing parts and
cracks √ √ √ √ √
Bolster - I and II
Bogie frame I and II
Check bolster liner. Provide if deficient. √ √ √ √ √
Overhaul Bogie frame and bolster x x x √ √
Check bogie squareness x x x x √
1a. Bogie Pivot
Check centre pivot housing for cracks. x x √ √ √
Check proper sizes and clearances x x x √ √
1b. TM Nose Suspension
Check condition of nose suspension bolts etc. √ √ √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Provide overhauled nose pad x x x √ √

Check for wear on bogie lug wear plate √ √ √ √ √
Ensure intactness of pins of nose suspension √ √ √ √ √
Check clearance between nose pad and TM lug. x x x √ √
1c. Adaptors and Liner bolts
Check, all adaptors and adaptor liners. Replace if √ √ √ √ √
worn out.
Provide modified adaptors. x x x √ √
1d. Brake Gear
Overhaul x x x √ √
Check the brake shoe and change if required. √ √ √ √ √
Check brake assembly for loose, missing and
worn-out parts. √ √ √ √ √
Check trunion assembly. Replace if worn-out. √ √ √ √ √
Check connection strap of both outside and √ √ √ √ √
inside for wear etc.
Change if worn out more than
1.5 mm.
Check proper fitment of backside long bolt. √ √ √ √ √
Check lock hinge after brake block changing √ √ √ √ √
Ensure 10-mm gap between wheel and brake √ √ √ √ √
Check the fitment of bolts for brake cylinders. √ √ √ √ √
Check inside hanger. Replace if worn out √ √ √ √ √
Ensure double 'J' bracket over connection strap. √ √ √ √ √
Ensure safety sling on flange and connection √ √ √ √ √
1e. Hand Brake
Clean the hand brake parts and check for √ √ √ √ √
tightness of bolts.
Check and ensure its working. √ √ √ √ √
Lubricate and adjust as necessary. √ √ √ √ √
1f. Outer Hangers
Overhaul x x x √ √
Check condition of outer hanger √ √ √ √ √
Uncouple the hanger pins.
Check for groove, worn out and refitted properly. x x √ √ √
Check hanger bush before fitting. Repair the pin
hole if found oval. x x √ √ √
Provide safety bracket. x x √ √ √
1g. Suspension Spring
Check all primary and secondary springs for
breakage if any. √ √ √ √ √
Clean with brush don't scrape. x x x √ √
Dimensional check and pairing by colour coding x x x √ √
and record
1h. Safety plates
Check tightness of all safety plate bolts. Attend if
found loose √ √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1i. Buffer Height

Check and record buffer height of the locomotive
at both ends. Adjust if Required. √ √ √ √ √
1j. Axle Boxes
Check grease condition. x x √ √ √
Check the fixation screw of bearing end plate. x x √ √ √
Remove old grease. Replace with fresh. x x √ √ √
Check lateral and longitudinal clearances
between axle boxes and pedestal horn liner. x x √ √ √
Check the condition of liners for welding and √ √ √ √ √
replace, if necessary.
Check and ensure proper fixation of front covers. √ √ √ √ √
Check proper tightness of stay plate. √ √ √ √ √
Overhaul axle boxes. x x x x √
1k. Wheel and Axle
Check wheel for crack, other defects and √ √ √ √ √
overheating signs
Measure and record flange wear, root wear, tread
wear, wheel diameter. Re-profile, if necessary. x x √ √ √
Ultrasonic testing of axle to be done. x x √ √ √
Measure wheel gauge. x x √ √ √
Check and record all dimensions of axle. x x x √ √
1l. Gear Case
Check for any damage to felt seal, crackness etc. √ √ √ √ √
Ensure provision of strengthening plate over gear
case boss. √ √ √ √ √
Checks for leakage of oil SC- 170. √ √ √ √ √
Check and ensure proper tightness and locking of
gear case bolts.
Torque values for √ √ √ √ √
M20 25 kg-m
M30 55 kg-m.
Check oil level in gear case.
Top up, if necessary and provide cap. √ √ √ √ √
Overhaul – Passenger locos x x x √ x x
Replace - Passenger locos x x x x √ √
Overhaul – Goods locos x x x √ √ x
Replace - Goods locos x x x x x √
2. Inspection schedule of Maintenance for
1 locos provided with Co-Co trimount Bogies
as per SMI No. 194 Dt. 14.01.1998
2a. Equaliser Tie Pin
Check for breakage/cracks of pin head √ √ √ √ √ √
Check for cotter pin condition √ √ √ √ √ √
Remove the tie pin Check for visual cracks and
get it Zyglo tested for invisible surface cracks x x x √ √ √
2b. Equaliser Spring Seat

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Visually check for cracks/ breakage of spring seat √ √ √ √ √ √

Check for the gap between spring seat face and √ √ √ √ √ √
equaliser beam (1.19mm min. 3.75mm max.)
If the gap is less than minimum check for Bush
wear of the yoke pin.
Wear of yoke pin itself Breakage/cracks of yoke pin.
Red Dye penetration test/Ultrasonic testing of
spring seat specially on the yoke pin and spring
seat face positions. If crack/breakage is found x x x √ √ √
replace the same by new one.
Check the wear of yoke pin bush. allowed dia is
63.19 mm to 65.19 mm) x x x √ √ √
Check wear of yoke pin dia (63+0.0) -0.4 x x x √ √ √
2c. Safety bracket
Visually check the condition of safety bracket
especially for cracks/breakage at the end
projections. If so, it means spreading of equaliser
beams has started and the spring seat assembly/ √ √ √ √ √ √
equaliser tie pin needs urgent attention.
Holding screws of safety bracket (size M 16) to
be sealed with sealing wire. √ √ √ √ √ √
Check the clearance between safety bracket and
equaliser (3.18 mm min 6.35 mm max) √ √ √ √ √ √
3 TM axle suspension bearing
Oil samples to be tested for presence of moisture x x √ √
and dirt
Check TM axle cap bolts for tightness √ √ √ √
Replace Suspension bearing (Replacement/ x x x x √ √
Remetalling) Rem
4 Felt wick:
Remove complete wick assembly and clean
wicks by soaking them in specified lubricants √ √ √ x x x
After soaking, remove the foreign material from
lubricating surface with soft bristle brush, do not √ √ √ x x x
use wire bristle.
Replace Lubricating pad assly. x x x √ √ √
5 Oil pump (TAO Motors)
Dismantle and overhaul x x √ √ √ √
Replace Oil pump both gears as per TC No. 123 x x x x x √
6 Traction motor nose suspension
Check the condition of nose suspension bolts etc √ √ √ √
and inspect for water on nose suspension wear
7 Bogie pivot casting and side mounting pads

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check visually for any cracks as far as

practicable, if necessary, by magnetic particle/ √ √ √ √
dye-penetrant method
Check centre pivot side housing for cracks, check
side bearer cover for proper seating √ √
8 Buffers as per MP MI NO. 116/82 (REVISION
02) NOVEMBER, 2000
Lubricate √ √ √ √ √ x
Check wear plate under buffer for wear and √ √ √ x
tightness of bolt
The general condition of buffer assembly
including permanent set (Max. permissible 20
mm), visible cracks, damage, looseness, missing
components, holding nuts etc. of buffer assembly x
shall be thoroughly checked after proper √ √ √ √ √
Replace Side buffer assembly along with fixing x x x x x √
9 Equaliser
Check for free runs of equaliser pin and condition √ √ √ √
of wear liners
Check equaliser for cracks √ √
Ultrasonic testing procedure for Compensating
beams, Equalizer beam and Link for
WAG-7, WCAM3 & WCAG1 x x x √ √ √
locomotive as per RDSO SMI
No. RDSO/SMI/ 0233/2005 REV.0 dt. 17.03.05
10 Suspension springs
Visually inspect springs for any cracks or √ √ √ √
Replace Springs, Springs seat & equalizer of x x x x x √
trimount bogie.
11 Friction snubbers
Check the snubber assembly for broken springs
by inserting a stiff wire from bottom seat √ √ √ √
Snubbers & Shock Absorber x x x x √ √
Replace all Vertical and Horizontal dampers x x x x x √
12 CBC coupler and transition screw coupling
Check CBC coupler for proper working and
presence of locking pin √ √ √ √
Check transition screw coupling for crack √ √ √ √
Check the wear plate under CBC coupler and
replace, if worn out √
Replace complete CBC assembly x x x x x √
Knuckle for HT Transition CB coupler x x x x √ x
Clevis for HT Transition CB coupler x x x x √ x
Knuckle pivot pin with washer for HT Transition x x x x √ x
CB coupler

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Maintenance procedure and schedule to be

followed for CBC and draft gear assembly as per
RDSO SMI No. √ √ √ √ √ √
RDSO/EL/SMI/0213 (Rev 0) Dt. 12.07.99
13 Wheel and axles
Check wheel for crack and other defect √ √ √ √
Measure and record wheel flange root wear,
wheel dia and re-profile, if necessary √ √ √ √
Measure wheel gauge √
Ultrasonic testing of axle as per RDSO TC. No. Loco Type/ Speed Periodicity
47 (Rev.02) Goods & passenger < 120   12 months
Passenger ≥ 120   6 months
14 Axle boxes and MSU roller bearings
Check grease condition for metal content √ √
Check the fixation screw of bearing end plate √ √
Remove old grease- replace with fresh √ √
Check the lateral and longitudinal clearances
between axle boxes and pedestal horn liners of all √ √
Check the condition of liners and replace, if √
Grease suspension roller bearings √
Wheel items: Axle box bearing, MSU & its
bearings, (DE& NDE side) MSU bolts, Axle box x x x x x √
As per para No. 3.4 of CAMTECH
Schedule activities publication No. CAMTECH /99/E/RB/1.0,
15 Brake Gear
Give a general check on the brake rigging for
loose nuts, pins, cylinder piston working √ √ √ √ √
Clean brake cylinder and check for proper √ √ √ √ √
Check for wear on brake shoes and replace the
shoes. Check the piston strokes after fitting new √ √ √ √ √
brake shoe
Observe for any leak in the bogie hose pipe
connection and rectify √ √ √ √ √
Check the fixing bolts of brake cylinder √ √ √ √ √
Overhauling of brake cylinder & Replace the x x x √ √ √
Replace complete brake rigging along with pins,
bushes and fasteners. x x x x x √
16 Gear case
Check gear case for any damage to felt seal and
oil leakage √ √ √ √ √
Check gear case bolts for tightness. Check oil
leakage, if so, rectify √ √ √ √ √
Check oil level top up if necessary √ √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Overhaul Gear case x x x √ √

17 Earthing Brush
Check condition of earthing shunts and ensure
proper tightness √ √ √ √
Check the condition of earthing brush mounted
near the traction motor oil pump, replace brush, if √ √
18 Slack adjuster
Lubricate slack adjuster √ √ √ √
19 Hand brake
Clean the hand brake parts and check visually for √ √ √ √
any looseness
Apply the hand brake and ensure that the brake
shoes are binding on the wheels √ √ √ √
Lubricate hand brake parts, brake gear pins and
bushes with oil √ √
20 Sanding
Check and fill the specified grade of sand in all √ √ √ √ √ √
the boxes
Replace Sander pipe arrangement including
rubber hose for sanders. x x x x x √
21 Rail Guard and Cattle Guard
Check cattle guard for proper fixing √ √ √ √
Check rail guard for proper fixing and its proper
height, adjust √ √ √ √
Replace Cattle guard with rail guard x x x x x √
22 Bogie General
All Cotter pins and Split pins to be replaced. x x x √ √ x
Replacement of equalizer & compensating beam,
pin, bushes, modified centre block, side bearer,
D-shackle (high adhesion bogie), tie rod for x x x x x √
equalizer, snubbers, split cotters
All spring seats, wearing plate, all synthetic
liners/pads, oil seal felts, pins, bushes, high x x x x x √
tensile fasteners, safety clamps of bogie & axle
box etc.
Foot step assembly x x x x x √
Maintenance kits of brake cylinder x x x x x √
WAP-4 bogies items: outer & inner straps,
Conical thrust pad, Hanger pin, bush, Brake head x x x x x √
spring, brake hanger, happy pad
Wheel items: Axle box bearing, MSU & its
bearings, (DE& NDE side)MSU bolts, Axle box x x x x x √
Horizontal and vertical polymide bush in center
pivot of WAP1/WAP4 locos x x x √ √ √
O' ring and rubber pad/ bushes in axle box x x x x √ √
All liners including Horn-check liners x x x x √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replacement os side bearers (High adhesion x x x x √ √

All pins & bushes (Except Mn - pin/bush) of
Bogie / Brake rigging x x x x √ √
Replace EMU type inter and after cooler x x x x x √

VII. 180 KVA Static Inverter (SIV) (Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0291(Rev’0’))
Sl. Description of work IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
1 Data to be down loaded, stored from Static
Inverters during schedules & Temporary repair. √ √ √ √ √ √
Transient failures are also to be attended.
2 Check the tightness of all mounting / fixation √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Check the earth connections of SIV. √ √ √ √ √ √
4 Check the battery charger load current, battery √ √ √ √ √ √
charger voltage.
5 Overall cleaning of converter and Battery √ √ √ √ √ √
6 Cleaning of heat sink duck by Vacuum cleaner / x x x √ √ √
Dry air
7 Checking the mounting and connection tightness x x x √ √ √
of chokes and capacitors
8 Proper functioning of QSVM relay √ √ √ √ √ √
9 Checking the status of tightness of cables bus
bars capacitors, MOVs, PTs, CTs and connectors x x √ √ √ √
of cards
10 Checking the sealing of cable entry and front x x x √ √ √
cover and battery charger
11 Checking of functioning of churning fan by
pressing the push button switch provided at √ √ √ √ √ √
power panel side.
12 ALL OFC coupler connections to be checked. x x √ √ √ √
13 Visual checking of DC link capacitors for its x x √ √ √ √
healthiness to be carried out.
14 Check the earth fault protection √ √ √ √ √ √
15 Check loads 'turn on and off' for its sequence and
timing. Check functioning of relays in control √ √ √ √ √ √
16 Checking of functioning of cooling fan & √ √ √ √ √ √
churning fan.
17 Check all the system parameters on the display of √ √ √ √ √ √
SI unit.
18 Check the condition of out-put choke, DC filter x x x √ √ √
19 Clean the dust accumulated on all the internal
parts including heat sink cooling fan impeller etc. x x √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

20 Clean the dust accumulated on all the internal

parts including heat sink cooling fan impeller
etc. and check the cable connections of all x x x √ √ √
components including capacitors, chokes,
sensors, PTs, CTs.
21 Protection & fault simulation test for various x x x √ √ √
22 Checking of protection settings and reload the x x x x √ √
software if required.
23 Replacement/Repair of cooling & churning
fan:The rotational movement of Churning fan
& the bearing of cooling fan are to be verified
during TOH, IOH schedule. But the replacement x x √ √ √ √
of the bearing of cooling fan is to be replaced
as per schedule submitted by firm or as & when
24 Battery Charger: Monitoring of battery charger
condition by taking following reading:
Item Normal Values
Actual Values √ √ √ √ √ √
CHBA load - 8 Amp (Max) current (Amp)
CHBA Voltage - 107 - 114 V Battery
Voltage - 100 - 110 V
25 QSVMRelay: -
i. Proper functioning of QSVMrelay to be checked
(Only functional test for shutdown of SIVfor 02 Sec
after BLVMT switched ON and then re-start). x x √ √ √ √
ii. Visual checking the condition and connection of
C1-C2 damping panel near auxiliary winding of x x √ √ √ √
transformer and values to be measured.
26 Earth fault & its by-pass mode checking. x x x √ √ √
27 Total SIV blowing in major schedule. x x x √ √ √
28 Visual checking, tightness of fixing bolts and
couplers, intactness of earthing shunt and
availability of gasket on door and cable entry √ √ √ √ √ √
point/hole is being checked in every schedule .
29 Tightness of cooling fan mounting bolts is being √ √ √ √ √ √
ensured in every schedule
30 Checking of capacitor bulging in all SIV's √ √ √ √ √ √
31 Measurement of capacitance of AC output filter x x x x √ √
and checking its healthiness.
32 Measurement of output current, capacitor of x x x x √ √
battery Charger for its healthiness.
33 Replacement of Gasket:
The replacement of gasket on door and cable
entry point/hole is being checked in every √ √ √ √ √ √
schedule and replacement on conditional basis.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

34 Measurement/ checking of resistances of input /

output CTs and ZCTs for its healthiness. x x x √ √ √
35 Condition of QCON timer card. Replacement of
QCON timer card on conditional basis wherever x x x √ √ √


(Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0288(Rev’0’))
1. Fault Data
Download fault log data through laptop/ Pen
drive and check for any abnormal messages.
Necessary corrective/ preventive action to be √ √ √ √ √ √
taken on the abnormal messages. Record of loco
wise fault data should be kept.
Verification of driver log Book: verify drivers
log book and record bookings related to MPCS √ √ √ √ √ √
Verification of Remote Monitoring Data from
website for MPCS version-3 for proper working √ √ √ √ √ √
of remote monitoring module.
2. Visual inspection
Clean the dust with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner
on all subassemblies of MPCS like control unit, √ √ √ √ √ √
display units, PT, SCU and ISCUs etc.
Check all cards/ cables/units/ connectors/
couplers/bolts etc. for proper tightness / securing/ √ √ √ √ √ √
Check proper earthing of all subassemblies
like main unit, SCU, ISCU, display unit etc. to √ √ √ √ √ √
locomotive body.
3. Functionality check
Control card (CPU card) Redundancy check:
Observe the control card change over with √ √ √ √ √ √
DJ operung by observing blinking of LED on
working CPU card.
Digital input check: Observe simultaneous
glowing of LEDs 110V (Green) and 5V (Yellow) √ √ √ √ √ √
on Fascia of all digital input cards.
Digital output check: Observe simultaneous
glowing of LEDs IIOV (Green) and 5V (Yellow) √ √ √ √ √ √
Fascia of all digital output cards.
Power supply card test: check all LEDs on
Fascia of the both power supply module glowing. √ √ √ √ √ √
Communication Check: Check the health status
of all subassemblies in test mode on display. √ √ √ √ √ √
Check functionality of VCD in MPCS version-3
including foot switch, bypass switch etc. √ √ √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check functionality of Remote monitoring

module (including antenna) in MPCSversion-3. √ √ √ √ √ √
Check the Date, time and loco no. for proper √ √ √ √ √ √
Check both the display units and buzzer for √ √ √ √ √ √
proper functioning.
Check healthiness of spare and redundant input √ √ √ √ √ √
& output cards of MPCS
Digital input/ output Redundancy checks:
Check the input/output status of mam input/
output cards and redundant input/output cards
on display unit at power on and after closing x x x √ √ √
DJ on HT testing mode. Ensure both main and
redundant card input/output status are same.
Display unit Check:
LCD Check: Display units In both cabs and its
operation, through menu driven keys. x x x √ √ √
Notch Indicator Check: In MPCS version- 2,
check the working of seven segment display of x x x √ √ √
notch indicator
Buzzer Check: Verify buzzer is working or not by x x x √ √ √
simulating any fault.
SCU Unit Check:
Check the voltage of auxiliary supply and
redundant auxiliary supply, Arno/ Static Inverter x x x √ √ √
voltage are available when loco
is in energized condition.
Observe the Battery Charger (CHBA) voltage on
display unit in LT and HT testing mode. x x x √ √ √
Observe the TM voltage on display unit by
increasing the Notches in LT and HTtesting x x x √ √ √
ISCU Unit Check:
Working of QD-1 and QD-2 functionality. x x x √ √ √
Observe the TM currents on display unit. x x x √ √ √
All rubber gaskets and grommets to be replaced. x x x √ √ √
Check the condition of Real Time Clock (RTC)
battery and replace if required. RTC battery x x x √ √ √
should be replaced before completion of its codal
life as prescribed by respective OEM.
MotherBoard Check: Check the control unit
mother board for formation of dust and also
observe the tracks on mother board for any x x x √ √ √
abnormality. Abnormalities of mother board
tracks to be attended or mother board to be
changed if necessary.
Check calibration of all analog parameters like
voltage, current and pressure etc. x x x √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check buzzer functionality for three different

frequency used in MPCS version-3 x x x √ √ √
Checking proper working of notch encoder
for notch indicator fitted with SMGR in x x x √ √ √
Check for proper setting of all eliminated relays
like Q20, Q30, QF, QD etc. x x x √ √ √
Checking Uniformity of configuration parameters x x x √ √ √
in both CPU cards.
Check the condition of lock in front door
of main control panel and replace if required. x x x √ √ √
Checking of all types of sensors used in MPCS x x x √ √ √
like hall effect, pressure etc.
Replacement of VCD foot switch in MPCS V3. x x x √ √ √
Check for proper functionality of VCD Bypass x x x √ √ √
Note: In addition to above, modifications/reliability improvement measures/instructions related to
MPCS issued by Railway Board/ RDSO/ Manufacturers from time to time shall be considered
as part of Schedule activity.

IX. Microprocessor based Electronic Speed cum Energy Monitoring System (ESMON)
(Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0289(Rev’0’))
Sl. Description of Work IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
1 Physical Checking of the cables and cleaning of
the unit with soft cloth. Inspect the cable for any
damage. Cable should be properly clamped and it √ √ √ √ √ √
should not brush with bogie.
2 Checking for any grease ingress into the PG
& removing of dust inside the PG unit. Check
the free movement of the shaft with the hand to √ √ √ √ √ √
ascertain the proper functioning of bearings.
3 Inspection of driving fork for any damage. Length
of driving pin shall be such that even with axial √ √ √ √ √ √
play, it engages the driving fork fully.
4 Cleaning of speed sensors. √ √ √ √ √ √
5 Check the availability of protection guard on
the axle cover to protect PG for cattle run over/ √ √ √ √ √ √
foreign object hitting.
6 Checking the proper fitment and tightness
of all Screws, bolts and connectors used for √ √ √ √ √ √
interconnection and mounting of different
7 Checking of installation of PG as per OEMs √ √ √ √ √ √
installation manual.
8 Verify the correctness of setting of the various √ √ √ √ √ √
parameters made earlier.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

9 Data downloading and checking of Error Log √ √ √ √ √ √

Memory for problems recorded.
10 Maintaining of CF card and data downloading & √ √ √ √ √ √
evaluation software.
11 Enter the new value of Wheel Diameter; if √ √ √ √ √ √
required & do the calibration.
12 Keep Record of maintenance work. √ √ √ √ √ √
13 Checking of components used in PCB and
replacement of the components if required. x x x √ √ √
14 Change the AOH/IOH/POH kit as recommended x x x √ √ √
by OEMs.
15 Functional test after maintenance work as per x x x √ √ √
governing specifications.
16 Keep Record of maintenance work. x x x √ √ √
17 Time setting as per SMI No.
RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0302 (Rev’0’) Dt: √ √ √ √ √ √
Note: In addition to above, modifications/reliability improvement measures/instructions related to
ESMON issued by Railway Board/RDSO/Manufacturers from time to time shall be considered
as part of scope of AMC


Fault Data
Download fault log data through laptop/ Pen
drive and check for any abnormal messages and √ √ √ √ √ √
corrective action for VCD.
Verification of driver log Book: Verify drivers
log book and record bookings related to VCD √ √ √ √ √ √
Visual inspection
Clean the dust with a dry cloth on all sub-
assemblies of control unit, CABUNITS,EMvalve √ √ √ √ √ √
and pressure switches.
Check tightness of connections at digital input
and digital output of control unit cables and cab √ √ √ √ √ √
unit cables at Terminal board.
Check tightness of PB valve connections on the
valve & VCD pressure switch connections at √ √ √ x x x
pressure switch.
Check proper earthing of all assemblies like
main unit, cab units etc. to locomotive body. √ √ √ x x x
Check the proper tightness of MS connections at
Main unit, cab units of control cables. √ √ √ √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check Shielding continuity from earth stud to

Body of the Locomotive of Control Unit and x x x √ √ √
Cab units.
Checking of proper shielding of VCD cables. x x x √ √ √
Check tightness of Screws for control unit and x x x √ √ √
Cab Unit of Back cover.
Secure the all the cables properly by putting
rubber sheets, where ever you find the possibility x x x √ √ √
of cable rubbing.
Checking of soldering work properly. x x x √ √ √
Functionality check
Control card check:
On LCD display 60 seconds to 1 second
count down indication should show. Observe √ √ √ √ √ √
on the cab unit working lamp should glow
Digital input check:
Any input of locomotive e.g. Master controller
or sander operated, on the LCD display 60 √ √ √ √ √ √
seconds to 1 second count down time should be
Digital output check: After completion of
vigilance cycle Penalty brake valve should be
de-energized and locomotive brakes should be √ √ √ √ √ √
applied and BP should drop.
Power supply card test:
Check on Fascia of the control unit LCD display √ √ √ √ √ √
any massage should show.
Health status of the system is LCD display
should show any message and "Working Lamp" √ √ √ √ √ √
should glow continuously on Cab unit.
Cab Unit Check: ( for both the cabs)
i. Lamp Indication: working lamp should glow
ii. Warn lamp should glow after 60 seconds of
vigilance cycle period. √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. B ypass lamp should glow by putting the
bypass switch in '0' position.
iv. Hooter check: By allowing warning cycle
period after 60+8 sees
v. Functionality check of VCD bypass switch x x x √ √ √
Functionality of foot switch operation to be
checked for its healthiness. √ √ √ x x x
Check the condition of Real Time Clock (RTC)
battery and replace if required. x x x √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check following items to be Replaced if they are

damaged: Back door Gaskets, cabinets of Main x x x √ √ √
unit/ cab unit etc.
Replacement of foot switch to be carried out. x x x √ √ √

XI. Roof Mounted Air Conditioning System for CABs of Electric Locomotives (Ref- RDSO SMI
NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0293(Rev’0’))
Check the loco logbook and attend the defects √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Run the AC unit in (Off, Auto, Manual cooling)
all modes. Attend to any abnormalities observed. √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Clean dust from control panel by compressed
air or vacuum cleaner and tighten the cable x √ √ √ √ √ √
Remove return air filters by opening the grill.
Clean these filters with water/vacuum cleaner or x √ √ √ √ √ √
compressed air.
Check for damaqed/ jointed cable x √ √ √ √ √ √
Ensure top cover of AC unit proper locking and
gasket. Replace gasket if damaged. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Run the AC unit for half an hour and record the
current drawn by various equipments with the
help of clamp tester.
Equipment Nominal Current
AC unit in cooling mode 4.5 - 6.0
AC unit in heating mode 2.0 - 3.0 x √ √ √ √ √ √
Compressor Motor 2.0 - 4.0
Condenser Motor 0.6 - 0.8
Blower Motor 0.4 - 0.6
Switch 'ON' the AC unit (Blower motor ON,
Condenser motor ON, Compressor ON) and
rotary switch set the manual cooling mode then x √ √ √ √ √ √
check the time delay relay for its operation.
Compressor must start within 180+15 Sec.
Run the AC unit in auto mode and check the cut-
in and cut-out of thermostat. If thermostat is not
working properly check the following:
i. Clean the cooling sensor probe and heater x √ √ √ √ √ √
sensor probe.
ii. Ensure Thermostat connector is properly

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Ensure that there is no leakage of condensate

water from trough to driver cab. Rectify any x √ √ √ √ √ √
Remove return air filters by opening the grill.
Clean these filters with water/vacuum cleaner or x x x x √ Replace
compressed air.
Ensure proper locking of top cover of AC unit
and provision of gasket. x x x x √ Replace
Replace gasket if damaged.
Control Panel
Check intactness of control panel connectors. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Check working of rotary switch by rotating
forward and backward. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Replace, if found loose, damaged and jammed.
Check the working of all LED's indications for
proper function:
i. Rotate the rotary switch in manual cooling
mode position and check the status of LED
ON). x √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. Rotate the rotary switch in Auto mode
position and check the status of LED (Main-
summer) and (Main - ON, BLR-ON, HTR-
ON in winter).
In case LEDs do not light up, check 110 V AC
control supply. Rectify any abnormalities.
Check and clean step-down transformer (Control
Transformer) 415V/110V and its connections. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Condenser motor and blower motor
Clean the body of condenser motor and blower x √ √ √ √ √ √
motor by compressed air.
Check condenser motor visually for crack on x √ √ √ √ √ √
blade or body.
Check and ensure mounting fasteners are x √ √ √ √ √ √
properly tightened.
Check connection at terminal boxes of motor
for proper tightens & cables are terminated with x √ √ √ √ √ √
Check insulation resistance of motors by 500 V
DC megger from the control panel. Attend the x √ √ √ √ √ √
motors if insulation resistance is less than 2 M
Check motors for any abnormal sound while x √ √ √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Overhauling of blower and condenser fan motor:

i. Measure Insulation Resistance (IR) between
motor terminals and frame before and after
overhauling. The value should not be less than
10 M Ohms when the measured with 500 V
ii. Check terminal block and connecting lead for
any physical damage or any flash mark.
iii. P erform HV (Di-electric) test on stator by
applying 1.5 kV AC apply for one minute.
The leakage current which should not exceed x x x x √ √ √
1.0 mA.
iv. SCT (Surge comparison test) of stator at 1 kV.
v. M easure starting current of motors on no load.
It should not exceed 14A. No load current of
motors should not exceed 1.4 A.
vi. Measure winding resistance of motors
between UV, VW and WU phases. Ensure
that they are balanced ± 10%.
vii. Spray water over running motor by jet
having 10 mm dia from all side. After spray
check IR value. It should not be less than
10M Ohms.
Check and ensure mounting fasteners are x √ √ √ √ √ √
properly tightened.
Check electrical terminal box is properly
tightened and cables are terminated with lugs. x √ √ √ √ √ √
In case of abnormal sound: -
i. Check the sequence of electric connection.
ii. Ensure that the winding resistances of x √ √ √ √ √ √
compressor motor between UV, VW and WU
phases are balanced ± 3%.
Ensure proper mounting of heater without x √ √ √ √ √ √
touching side bodies.
Ensure proper clamping of electric wires to x √ √ √ √ √ √
Remove dust accumulation on heating element x √ √ √ √ √ √
gently by soft brush/dry air.
Clean thermostat temperature probe (OHP). x √ √ √ √ √ √
Replace if cracked or broken.
Check heater at the beginning of winter season
by checking current drawn at control panel by x √ √ √ √ √ √
clamp tester. (Nominal 2.0 - 3.0 Amp.)

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Make sure condensate/rain water drains

properly. This can be checked by opening the
evaporator top and condenser top of the system
by pouring water into the trough and clean the x √ √ √ √ √ √
trough pipe by adequate size of round brush. It
should be assured that there is no blockage in
drain pipes.
Ensure that there is no leakage of water to cab. x √ √ √ √ √ √
OHP (Over heat protection), HP (High
pressure), LP (Low pressure)
Check the mounting fasteners are properly x √ √ √ √ √ √
Ensure that control wires to HP/LP/OHP cut-out
are properly clamped. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Time Delay Relay (TOR)
Clean the complete assembly by compressed dry x √ √ √ √ √ √
air jet.
Check the condition of the TDR for physical x √ √ √ √ √ √
Tighten terminal & mounting screws. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Replace damage thimbles/lugs. x √ √ √ √ √ √
MCBs (Miniature circuit breaker) & MPCB
(Motor protection circuit breaker)
Clean the MCSs and MPCS with dry x √ √ √ √ √ √
compressed air.
Check the condition of MCBs and MPCB for x √ √ √ √ √ √
physical damage.
Ensure that end locks are provided. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Tighten electric cable connections and DIN rail x √ √ √ √ √ √
Clean the contactors with dry compressed air x √ √ √ √ √ √
Check continuity between the incoming and x √ √ √ √ √ √
outgoing terminals.
Ensure tightness of connection. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Open the connectors and check for flash marks/ x √ √ √ √ √ √
damage to pins.
Ensure that they are tightened properly. x √ √ √ √ √ √
Remove moisture by blowing air through hot air x √ √ √ √ √ √
Refrigerant pipe line /Thermostatic
expansion valve
Check visually for proper clamping/ support x x x x √ √ √
Ensure that thermostatic expansion valve of
distributors to evaporator coil does not have any x x x x √ √ √
sharp bend or kinks.
Evaporator/Condenser Fins

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check that the mounting fasteners are properly x x x x √ √ √

Ensure that there is no damage to fins x x x x √ √ √
Clean the evaporator and condenser fins with
pressurised water and blow dry with moisture x x x x √ √ √
free air at 10-15 psi.
OHP (Over heat protection), HP (High
pressure), LP (Low pressure) Cut-outs:
Disconnect blower motor through MPCB to
cause compressor tripping on low pressure (LP)
30±5 psi. x x x x √ √ √
Disconnect condenser fan motor through MPCB to
cause compressor tripping in (HP) 450±15 psi.
Check the tripping of heater through OHP by
switching off the blower. The probe of digital
thermometer should be placed near the OHP x x x x √ √ √
sensor and the heater should trip at 65°C.
Time Delay Relay (TOR)
Check the time setting on test bench. (180±15 sec.) x x x x √ √ √

XII. 1 750 LPM capacity lubricated reciprocating Compressors for Electric Locomotive
(Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0296(Rev’0’))
SN Scheduled inspection chart for IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
Check the abnormal sound and abnormal √ √ √ x x x
working during operation.
Clean the compressor thoroughly. √ √ √ x x x
Drain the condensate from the intercooler, after √ √ √ x x x
cooler and the air receiver.
Check the tightness of mounting bolts and other √ √ √ x x x
Breather should be dismantled and cleaned. √ √ √ x x x
Remove the oil filter assembly from crank case √ √ √ x x x
and clean the oil filter strainer.
Check the oil levels in crank case and
contamination levels, change if found
contaminated or otherwise replenish with √ √ √ x x x
correct grade of oil as recommended by OEM.
Open the crankcase side cover and check all the x √ √ x x x
connecting rod nuts and the split pins.
All the pipe lines should be checked for leaks at x √ √ x x x
the joints.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check for the pressure building time as per

RDSO Technical Circular No.
RDSO/2012/EL/TC/0113, Rev.’0’ dated
29.03.12 and if CP is taking more time to
build up pressure, remove the valves from x √ √ x x x
the cylinder head, dismantle and clean them
thoroughly. Examine all the parts. Service and
check all the valves according to procedure
prescribed by the OEM and de- carbonize the
inter-cooler and after-cooler.
Check the condition and setting of safety valve,
if found disturbed or blown off, test & set them
for correct operation and attend, service the x √ √ x x x
safety valves. Test and set them for correct
Replace the oil filter and air filter element on x √ √ x x x
condition basis during minor schedules.
Drain the oil from the crankcase. x x √ x x x
Run the compressor for 2-3 minutes and drain
the oil while the compressor is in hot condition. x x √ x x x
Remove the oil pump and the oil filter from
the crankcase and remove fan and coupling
and check for defects if any and replace the
defective parts. Oil pump in case of compressor x x √ x x x
model 2A 320D of M/s. FTRTIL. The kit to be
changed on condition basis.
The pump kit is must change in IOH schedule.
The compressor should be completely
dismantled. All parts should be thoroughly x x x √ √ √
cleaned by kerosene/ petrol, examined and
attended in a clean surrounding.
Replace all the packings and rubber items. x x x √ √ √
Remove the valves from the cylinder head,
dismantle and clean by kerosene/ petrol them
thoroughly. Examine all the parts. x x x √ √ √
Service and check all the valves according to
procedure prescribed by the OEM.
De-carbonize the inter-cooler and after- cooler. x x x √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Remove the motor portion from the compressor.

Remove the rotor and the fan from the motor
shaft. Drain the oil from the crankcase.
Remove the oil pump and the oil filter from the
crankcase. Remove the crankcase vent and the x x x √ √ √
dipstick from the crankcase. Remove the pipe
connectors at the suction and delivery ports of
the cylinder heads. Now remove the shroud.
(Only in case of Compressor Model 2A 320D of
Inspect suction and delivery valves for pitting,
wear and distortion. Spring plates should be
checked for any sign of fatigue. Ensure that the
locating pin is not worn out or bent or loose
in valve seat. It is recommended to replace x x x √ √ √
the valve plates and spring plates to avoid
fracture due to fatigue. It is not recommended
to recondition the valves, disc valve and
concentric valves should be replaced.
De-carbonize and thoroughly clean the cylinder
heads. Use new gasket and new spring washers x x x √ √ √
below the nuts.
Remove the nuts fixing the cylinders to the
crankcase. Examine the cylinder bores for any
damage. Measure the bore diameter at the top, x x x √ √ √
middle and bottom at two places 90 deg. apart,
as recommended by OEM. If the cylinder or
piston is damaged replace the same.
Check the dimensions of the HP cylinders and
pistons. If it is damaged or worn out beyond x x x √ √ √
limits as recommended by OEM replace the
same by a new one.
Check connecting rods and mark the bearings
for their condition and ensure that the oil holes x x x √ √ √
are properly located and fully opened. Change
the bearings if required.
Check for the play (shake) of piston on the
connecting rod. If there is a small play, the
small end bearing bush has to be replaced. x x x √ √ √
Examine the gudgeon pin for damages or play,
replace the same if required.
Measure the side clearance and gap. If the limits
as recommended by OEM are reached the rings x x x √ √ √
should be replaced.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check the bore size of the bearings and if it is

worn out or exceeds the condemning limit as x x x √ √ √
recommended by OEM, change the bearing.
Check the oil pump for all worn out parts. All
worn out or damaged parts should be replaced. x x x √ √ √

XIII. Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS) (Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/
S.No Description of work IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
1 Clean the Antenna mounted on the roof top and verify √ √ √ √ √ √
the antenna Connectors.
2 Check the tightness of all Connectors on CCU, DIU,
BIU Units and on BD panel. √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Check all the pneumatic connections for leakges &
conditions of pressure sensors. √ √ √ √ √ √
4 Check the tightness of Notch Encoder fitted on
the SMGR Manual drive inside the machine room √ √ √ √ √ √
(Applicable to conventional loco only).
5 Check the touch functionality of the DIU and calibrate if
6 Observe the synchronization of lead and remote
locomotives with notch/TE/BE/Speed reference (if √ √ √ √ √ √
available in shed).
7 Check all the functions of DPWCS for its normal working.
√ √ √ √ √ √
8 Check the status of GPS receiver in the status screen of
DIU (During GPS verification the antenna mounted on
roof top of the locomotive should be visible to sky). √ √ √ √ √ √
9 Check the speedometer input by moving the
locomotives after grouping.
10 Verify the NSN switch functionality by pressing the
NSN button for 02 seconds and verify the NSN progress
message or crossed 500 meter Board message on DIU.
Press the NSN cancel button in DIU for cancelling the √ √ √ √ √ √
NSN function. Verify this operation from both DIU.
11 Verify the Emergency switch functionality from both DIU. √ √ √ √ √ √
12 Update the wheel diameter of loco in software of
DPWCS. √ √ √ √ √ √
13 Downloading of logged data & clearing of memory.
√ √ √ √ √ √
14 Check the grouping and various working models of
lead/ remote loco (if available in shed) √ √ √ √ √ √
16 Visual inspection of PCBs for its healthiness and suitable
cleaning with brushed and do conformal coating. x x x √ √ √
17 Check the battery of CPU cards/ radio and replace if
required. x x x √ √ √
18 Cleaning of air filters of BIU, heat sinks of all modules.
x x x √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

19 Replacement of panel gaskets in IOH schedule. x x x √ √ √

20 Replace all the churning fans of DPWCS during IOH. x x x √ √ √
21 Check continuity and IR values for all the Data/ x x x √ √ √
Electrical cables.
22 Do calibration test of Electronic Pneumatic valve of BIU. x x x √ √ √
23 Do calibration of sensors. x x x √ √ √

XIV. Maintenance activities during major/ minor schedules of CHT (Loco) (Ref: RDSO SMI No.
RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/0317 Dt: 18.10.2017)
1 Check the tightness of nuts & bolts at both the √ √ √ √ √ √
termination, do tight if required.
2 Check the tightness of earthing shunt, do tight if √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Clean grey modules with wet cotton cloth. Let the √ √ √ √ √ √
modules dry.
4 Check ET2 air gap and earth connection, do tight if √ √ √ √ √ √
5 Check for the condition of rubber bush sealing point at
the roof plate, re-seal/ replace if required. √ √ √ √ √ √
6 Check for tightness of nuts & bolts of roof top plate, SS
cable support device, do tight if required √ √ √ √ √ √
7 Check the tightness of earthing lead, do tight if required. √ √ √ √ √ √
8 Check for the tightness of nuts & bolts of cable support, √ √ √ √ √ √
do tight if required.
9 Check tightness of A1, flange, do tight if required. √ √ √ √ √ √
10 Check tightness of transformer lead, do tight if required. x x x √ √ √
11 Check the transformer lead support device fitment, tight x x x √ √ √
it if required.
12 Ensure the turret is full of oil for this, lose the vet to and
let the oil come out, release the air trapped in turret oil √ √ √ √ √ √
whenever the turret filled with oil. Tight the vent and
remove the oil by cloth.
13 Clean complete cable head termination system with dry √ √ √ √ √ √
cloth inside LOCO.
14 Avoid to open CHT from bushing fitted with turret top √ √ √ √ √ √
15 While opening roof please make sure that no sharp edge √ √ √ √ √ √
towards CHT.
16 Opened CHT (if not avoidable) must be kept in dust free √ √ √ √ √ √
17 Must make sure the use of silicon grease recommended
by respective OEMs at stress cone area of separable x x x √ √ √
connector at the time of re- fixing of CHT.
18 Check for tightness of nuts & bolts at both ends of √ √ √ √ √ √
copper plate point.
19 Check for proper earthing of roof top termination. x x √ √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

20 Check the wear & tear of self bonding tape and silicon x x x √ √ √
tape at earthing terminals and outdoor crimp connector.
21 Check for the earthing of vertical receptacle point. x x √ √ √ √
22 Wipe out the old silicon grease of vertical receptacle
inside and bushing converter with dry cloth and apply x x x √ √ √
new grease.
23 Check cleaning of cable adaptor with dry cloth and x x x √ √ √
apply silicon grease.
24 Check tightness of SS clamp on vertical receptacle x x √ √ √ √
bushing end.
25 Clean complete CHT with dry cotton cloth. √ √ √ √ √ √

Apart from above, the Reliability action Plan No. RDSO/2017/EL/TC/0142(Rev. ‘0’),
Dated 09.01.2018 should be followed.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Annexure – 3.01 B

B. 3 Phase Electric Locomotives:

Minor & Major schedule activities of three phase electric locomotives to be followed as per ref: RDSO
Letter No. EL/3.1.35/16, Dated: 07.02.2012 is enclosed as annexure.


SN Equipment IT IA/IB IC
i. Check the body structure for damage. Repair any damage found. √ √ √
ii. Check the body structure for evidence of corrosion. Repair defects X √ √
requiring attention.
iii. Check for leaks around roof hatches, doors and windows.
Rectify any faults found. X X √
i. Wash the exterior of the locomotive. Remove all dirt & debris. (For √ √ √
coaching locos - once in 10 days)
ii. Wash the exterior of the locomotive. Remove all dirt & debris. (For X √ √
Freight locomotive)
iii. Check the various louvre panels to ensure they are clean & free from
debris. To remove dirt, wash vents with detergent/water solution and X √ √
thoroughly cleaned with a stiff, non- metallic brush.
iv. Inspect the locomotive and bogie for chips, scratches or other damage to
the paint. Repair the paint as necessary. X X √
v. Check and adjust, if necessary, the rail guard height. √ √ √
vi. Check cattle guard fasteners for breakage & tightness. Special attention be √ √ √
given to cattle guard base.
i. Liberally apply general-purpose grease to the face of the centre buffer √ √ √
coupler at the end of the Locomotive.
ii. Check the intactness of the CBC bottom support plate bolts. √ √ √
iii. Check the knuckles against crack by DPT. X X √
iv. Check knuckle for wear. X √ √
v. Check intactness and functioning of CBC operating handle. √ √ √
vi. Check visually the striker casting of CBC assembly. √ √ √
vii Check for working of CBC , Lock and unlock it ,locking arrangement , √ √ √
working of TC.
i. Check buffers for any crack visually of the flange and intactness of
foundation bolts, check nuts and split pins (4nos. each), √ √ √
ii. Liberally apply general purpose grease to the face of the buffers at the
ends of the Locomotive. Also smear grease on the buffer head plunger. √ √ √
iii. Conduct RDPT of Buffers to detect crack / flaws. X X √
iv Check and measure the buffer height and buffer length. X √ √
i. Check external door locks for correct operation and for damage. √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

ii. Lubricate external door hinges with general-purpose oil. Wipe away
excess oil from around hinges. Apply a small amount of general-purpose √ √ √
grease to the lock.
iii. Examine the door seals for damage. Replace as required. X √ √
iv. Remove the tread plate and clean the drainage channels. Check and adjust,
if necessary, the door-operating rod. X X √
i. Clean any built up dirt and debris from the channel below the cab-sliding
window. Clear the sliding window channel drains hole in the door opening. √ √ √
ii. Clean look out glass with detergent/water solution. √ √ √
iii. Examine windscreens and side windows for cracks and scratches. Renew √ √ √
if damaged.
iv. Examine all wind screens and side windows for leaks. Remove wind X √ √
screen/ window and re-seal, if leaks appear.
v. Check the condition of the windscreen guard grills. Rectify any faults
found. Tighten the windscreen guard grill retaining bolts. X √ √
vi. Check the condition of the sliding window lip seal. Replace, if required. X √ √
vii. Ensure proper functioning of blind installations. √ √ √
i. Check the operation of windscreen wipers using the manual handles. √ √ √
Rectify any fault found.
ii. Check the condition of windscreen wiper blades. Replace if required. √ √ √
iii. Check the wiper and parallel arm assembly for wear and damage. Replace
the arm or any part if there is excessive wear or damage. X X √
iv. Check the water level in the reservoir at No.1 and No.-2 end. Top up if √ √ √
required. Check wipers for proper operation
v. Clean the washer nozzle jet. X X √
vi. Check for damage of air and water pipes X √ √
vii. Examine all components for wear, looseness scoring and cracks, renew √ √ √
any defective components.
viii Check seat-mounting points for integrity and ensure fixing or fully X √ √
i. Refill sand in all sand boxes. √ √ √
ii. Visually check the condition and alignment of sanding pipes. √ √ √
iii. Check sanding gear for correct operation for both direction of travel. √ √ √
iv. Check exhaust nozzle for wears or damage. Replace if necessary. √ √ √
v. Inspect the sand box lid seals for wear or damage. Replace if required. √ √ √
vi. Check the foundation bolt of the sander nozzle √ √ √
i. Visually inspect the battery box for any external hits and damages. If √ √ √
ii. Visually check the hanging supports of battery box intactness of bolts,
nuts,welding workouts and any other damage to L- plate of hanging √ √ √
iii. Ensure proper provisioning of inter battery packing spacers. X √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

iv. Check the condition of the door seal, door lock and replace if any damaged
or faulty. Test the operation and security of the locking handles and rectify X √ √
if faults found. Apply a small amount of a suitable lubricant to the locking
handle pivots.
v. Apply grease to the battery box sliding mechanism and check freeness of X X √
vi. Boost charging for 4-5 hours at 150V and with maximum current setting
of 40A (SMI No. RDSO/PE/SMI/TL/0046-2012 Rev '1' dt. 15.07.13) X X √
i. Examine the primary and secondary springs for signs of damage, cracks
and broken end visually with torch light and tapping by a hammer & √ √ √
replace, if necessary.
ii. Examine different types of dampers for oil leakage and intactness of √ √ √
fasteners and end fittings.
iii. Proper torque of all fasteners related to suspension arrangement and X X √
mounting of equipments in underframe.
iv Check the condition of various Spheriblock in the primary and secondary
suspension arrangement and of various equipments mounted in the
underframe like axle guide link, traction motor and its support arm, gear √ √ √
case support arm for their healthiness and replace, if necessary.
i. Check and maintain Traction bar as per RDSO Special Maintenance
Instruction No. RDSO/2009/EL/0259 Rev ‘0’ Dated 09/12/2009 √ √ √
ii. Check the well being and presence of the safety sling. √ √ √
iii. Check the push /pull rod pivot heads for damage. √ √ √
iv. Examine the traction link assembly for signs of damage. Any defective √ √ √
item should be renewed.
v. Check the fastener at the traction ends and those retaining the traction rod
for security. If a fastener is loose, it must be renewed and tightened to the √ √ √
specified torque. Ensure intactness of the locking plate.
vi. RDPT of traction bar at end (flange) portion & V-Ring housing flange. X √ √
vii. Examine limit chain and links for wear, corrosion or damage √ √ √
viii. Inspect the safety slings, pins and R clips for wear and damage. √ √ √
ix. Check Aclathan / Vulkollon ring against any crack or shifting. √ √ √
i. Maintenance practices, replacements of items, other related repairing of
bogie frames components and modifications in the PBU/TBU should be
done as per RDSO’s SMI No. √ √ √
RDSO/2007/EL/SMI/0251 (Rev. ‘0’)
dated:01/01/2008 which has been issued vide letter no. EL/3.1.35/2 dated
ii. Check the brake rigging for loose, damaged or worn out parts. Rectify as √ √ √
iii. Examine the bogie frame, transom beam & yaw damper base for signs of √ √ √
iv. Examine all bogies mounted equipments (Including earthing straps) for
signs of damage and security of fastening. X √ √
v. Inspect the rubber bumps for damage deterioration. Replace if required. X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

vi. Inspect the brake rigging rotation points and component contact surfaces. X √ √
Rectify any faults found.
vii Check the brake cylinder piston stroke. X √ √
viii Check the TBU/PBU for air leakage. √ √ √
ix. Test Loco Brake Power. Refer RDSO’s Maintenance Instruction No. √ √ √
RDSO/ELRS/MI/0003 Rev.(‘0’)
x. Inspect the bogie body safety pin eyehole at the bogie frame for wear or X X √
xi. Check the pneumatic pipeline systems for leakage. √ √ √
xii. Maintain the vertical & lateral clearances (Primary & secondary). Refer
RDSO’s technical circular no. ELRS/TC/0082 (Rev.’0’). X √ √
xiii. Check the earthing shunts provided on bogie and body. √ √ √
xiv. Check intactness or axle box cover bolts. √ √ √
xv. Inspect brake gear for any worn out loose, damaged, hanging or dragging √ √ √
parts. Confirm intactness.
xvi. Test for correct operation of the brake cylinder actuator unit. √ √ √
xvii. Check the proper tightness of parking brake & service brake pneumatic √ √ √
xviii. Check the external hitting marks & physical damage on the brake cylinder √ √ √
actuator unit.
xix. Check the condition of parking brake cylinder bellows. If damaged, X √ √
replace them.
xx. On parking brake cylinder pulling spindle & ring should be intact. √ √ √
xxi. Check proper functioning of parking brake & service brake cylinder. √ √ √
xxii. Check the operation (manual releasing) of the parking brakes √ √ √
xxiii Check the bogie isolating cock, should be in proper position. √ √ √
xxiv Check the wear of scrubber blocks, replace if required. (WAP5 only) √ √ √
Xxv Maintenance of Traction Motor support plate and bogie nose to Prevent
crack/breakage of Traction Motor support plate (Holder for Traction motor X X √
suspension) should be done as per RDSO’s SMI no. RDSO/2011/EL/
SMI/0269 (Rev.’0’) dtd.
To be done as
xxvi Maintenance of conventional type brake rigging on WAP7 locos. RDSO/2009/EL/
S/0381 dated
7-9-09 and
RDSO letter
phase) dated 20-
a) Examine all the wheels visually for following defects.
i. Cracks: if any, requires replacement. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

ii. Flats: Length 40mm or more requires re-profiling. √ √ √

iii. Cavities: Isolated cavities of length 15mm or more or multiple cavities
of length 10mm or more and less than 50mm apart require re-profile/ √ √ √
iv. Metal builds up Height 1mm. or above and length 50mm or more requires
re-profiling. For length less than 50mm., remove the build up with hand √ √ √
v. Scoring and Grooving: Circumferentially around the wheel tread due to
action of brake blocks require re- profile/replacement. √ √ √
c). Measure and record the wheel diameters and tread profile.
Take any corrective action if required. Refer RDSO’s Tech. Circular no. X √ √
ELRS/TC/0083 (Rev.”0”).
d) Disconnect the electrical cable from the earth return unit. Remove the
earth return unit from the axle. Examine the bearings and rear sealing X X √
position for signs of grease leakage or deterioration.
e) Check the axle for any cracks with the help of ultrasonic flaw detector. At X X √
the same time visual inspection should be done.
f) Check the temperature of axle boxes. The axle boxes which are running
warm or reported to have higher temperature in comparison with others
shall be attended on priority by physically opening of axle box cover and
outer angle ring. The suitable maintenance shall be done either in-situ √ √ √
or by dismantling the axle box. WAP7 locomotives should be monitored
g) Check the earth brushes length and replaces it if required. √ X √
h) Check the intactness of axle box cover bolt & ensure the availability of
earth return shunt on axle box to body, bogie to body. √ √ X
i) Greasing to be done in suspension tube at NDE side. (WAP7&WAG9) X X √
j) It is reiterated that the existing maintenance practices for axle boxes in vogue e.g. dust free
environment, proper use of cleaning agent and avoiding intermixing of components between
different OEMs shall be ensured.
i. Check the alignment of transmission coupling X √ √
ii. Check for any sign of oil leakage from the membrane & replace, if √ √ √
iii. Check for intactness of fasteners of various sub parts of transmission √ √ √
i. Externally clean the gear case X √ √
ii. Inspect the gear box for any external hitting. √ √ √
iii. Inspect the gear case for any sign of oil leakage from pinion, intermediate
gear and main gear labyrinth and gear case joints and body. √ √ √
iv. Check the level of oil in the gear case and fill to the requirement. √ √ √
v. Check the intactness and tightness of the oil filling cap in the top and √ √ √
bottom half of gear case.
vi. Check the gear case sight glass for clear visibility of oil. √ √ √
vii. Check for the presence of protection cross, over gear case sight glass to √ √ √
avoid damage due to external hitting.
viii. Visually check the gear case support bracket for gear case support arm √ √ √
mounting for development of any crack

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

ix. Visually check intactness of all fastners of gear case √ √ √

x. Ensure proper torquing at prescribed torque of all fastners of gear case X √ √
xi. Ensure proper sealing of magnetic drain plug with main gear labyrinth bolt
with proper sealing wire. Check for any oil leakage from magnetic drain √ √ √
xii. Visually check the gear case oil colour and replace the dirty/badly X √ √
discoloured oil in gear cases, if required.
xiii Hurth coupling 1&2 (For WAP 5 locos only): Check for any abnormality
for any damage in star point, leakage of oil or damage to membrane. √ √ √
Check closely the intactness and proper condition of bolts and nuts.
i. Externally clean the gear case & its gauge glass. Inspect for any signs of
oil leakage and any external hits/damage. √ √ √
Verify integrity of gauge glass protective cover.
ii. Check the oil level in the gauge glass and top up if required. Ensure
intactness of the drain plug along with its sealing. √ √ √
Check its tightness.
iii. Check for any breakage of bolt and replace. √ √ √
iv Check for intactness of all fastners of gear case √ √ √
v Tighten all gear case fastners at prescribed torque X √ √
vi Check the oil level in the gear case and fill to the requirement √ √ √
i. Visually examine the entire head structure of the pantograph including
horn, wear stripes & support assemblies for crack. Replace any defective √ √ √
ii. Non-destructive testing like DPT of critical pantograph sub- equipments X X √
like support assembly be done
iii. Check for any bent or bowed pans, leakage in operating cylinder & proper √ √ √
functioning of dampers & pan springs.
iv. Check that the pan head locking pins springs are in place and secure.
Check that the head moves freely on its mounting pins attached to the apex
frame. If movement is not free, check that the head is not twisted, the side √ √ √
beam are not bent/twisted & mounting pins are not loose or bent.
v. Check tightness of the shunt connecting screws. When a loose screw is
found the shunt should be disconnected from the head &/or the pantograph
frame, the mating surface cleaned & the shunt reconnected with new √ √ √
screws.Check all shunts for frayed strands and renew any shunt in which
25% or more of the strands are frayed.
vi. Examine for any cracks on the body & the bow assembly. √ √ √
vii. Check for proper operation – raising & lowering & adjust the raising & √ √ √
lowering time if required.
viii. Check and adjust the contact force with the help of 9 kg mass. X X √
ix. Lubricate all grease points using grease gun. X X √
x. Clean foot mounting insulators & check for any cracks, chipping off etc.
Apply specified grease and polish with a soft lint free cloth. √ √ √
xi. Check the dampers of pantograph for any oil leakage. X √ √
xii. Check the pneumatic pipeline on roof for any air leakage with soap solution. X √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

i. Examine the insulators (VCB insulator, pantograph insulator, high voltage

bushing insulator, surge arrester ,primary voltage transformer insulator √ √ √
etc.) for cracks, burning and damage. Renew defective item.
ii. Clean the porcelain insulators, voltage transformer insulator, surge arrestor
insulator, Apply specified grease and polish with a soft lint free cloth. √ √ √
iii. Examine the roofline conductors for defects/looseness at joints. X √ √
iv. Examine the roof isolation switch for signs of defect/ proper connection. X √ √
v. Check the roof for any foreign material such as wire / cloth pieces. √ √ √
vi. Check the tightness of roof bolts and roof joint support clamp. X √ √
vii. Potential transformer secondary connection to be checked after opening cap. X X √
17 VCB
a. Remove the bottom cover and check that the control air and electrical
connection are tight. Ensure that there is no leakage from pressure X X √
b. Insulator
i. Clean the insulator with soft, clean & dry cloth (Do not use cleaning products
based on fluorated or chlorated compounds or sodium metasilicate) √ √ √
ii. Check insulator for cracks, chips, flash marks etc. If damaged in service, √ √ √
the insulator must be renewed.
iii. Smear the insulators with the specified grease and Polish with soft lint free X X √
c. Connection for Earthing Isolator.
i. Check for damage to connection of the earthing isolator X √ √
ii. Cleaning & greasing, if necessary. X X √
d. H.V Connection.
i. Check the tightening torque 70Nm. X √ √
e. VCB fixing Screw.
i. Check the torque of fixing screw tightening torque 70Nm. X X √
f. Earthing Switch
i. Check that when operating the arm of VCB earthling Switch, the contacts X √ √
make proper contact on both sides
ii. Check that copper braid is undamaged and properly Connected. X √ √
g. Earthing Connection.
i. Check the earthing connection tightening torque 70Nm. X √ √
ii. Maintenance of earthing system in 3-phase locomotives type WAP5,
WAP7 & WAG9 (As per RDSO/2007/EL/SMI/248 Rev.’0’ dtd. √ √ √
h. Pneumatic Circuit.
i. Check the sealing of connectors, flexible pipe, regulator, air tank etc. X √ √
i. Auxiliary Switch.
i. Check drive screw for breakage or other damage. X X √
ii. Check the parts of control rod and stay bolt for any deformation. X X √
iii. Check the cables and lugs for broken cables, lugs looseness. X X √
iv. Securing of auxiliary blocks and support (Tightening torque-1.2Nm) X X √
v. Check the working order of each auxiliary contacts. X X √
j. Pressure Switch.
i. Check the tightness of pneumatic connection. X X √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

i. Examine the roof-mounted resistor for any signs of damage or overheating

or presence of foreign materials and clean debris away from the resistor. √ √ √
ii. Check electrical connections are secure. X √ √
iii. Clean the filter resistor and its insulators. X X √
iv. Visually inspect the contact tips of contactors for signs of arcing damage. X √ √
Repair / replace the defective parts.
v. Visually inspect the capacitor elements inside the cubicle, checking for X √ √
signs of damage.
vi. Perform functional checks ensuring the main and Aux. Contacts operate X X √
i. Read off the oil level on the gauge situated on the conservator. Top up the
oil as necessary and check for any signs of leakage. Clean the gauge with √ √ √
dry cloth.
ii. Inspect the colour of the silica gel. If it is pink, reactivate silica gel by
heating in a shallow open pan with bottom of wire/mesh at a temperature √ √ √
of 1000C approximately for two to three hours when the crystals should
have regained original blue tint.
iii. Examine the H.V. bushing for signs of damage, burning etc. Replace if X √ √
iv. Examine the flanges of the pipe couplings and flexible hose that link the √ √ √
transformer and conservator.
v. Check the availability of hosepipe over the oil pipe compensators. X √ √
vi. Check the main TFP and its protection cover for any damage, crack & oil
leakage. Also refer instructions contained in RDSO’s letter no. EL/3.2.1/3- √ √ √
Ph dated 30.07.09 for arresting oil leakages cases.”
vii. Check the oil leakage from TFP bushing. X √ √
viii. Check the deformity of TFP drain cock protection cover guard if deformed √ √ √
replace it
ix. Perform the sample test on transformer oil. Check specific value of BDV,
moisture and acidity and condition monitoring of loco transformer by Dissolve X X √
Gas Analysis. (RDSO/SMI/138 & OEM Doc. Dt. 27th Nov. 1995).
x. Check visually the transformer foundation bolt and Nylock Nut for proper X √ √
xi. Check the earthing cable. √ √ √
xii. Clean and visually inspect the insulator and connection of transformer and X √ √
converter for crack & flashed mark.
xiii. Visually inspect the condition of oil cooling metallic pipes, check for X √ √
leakage / damage & check all fixing clamps.
i. Check the oil level indicator situated on the conservator (Expansion Tank).
If the oil is below the minimum mark-top up with the specified oil. Check √ √ √
for any signs of leakage.
ii. Visually examine Oil pipe joints for leaks, loose or missing screws and √ √ √
correct as necessary.
iii. Examine the two flange joints for leaks, loose or missing screws. Check
gaskets/oil seals, if dismantling is required. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

iv. Examine all electrical equipment of traction converter for signs of dirt,
corrosion, damage etc. Remove all dust/dirt deposits from the connection X √ √
v. Check the cable connection of Sichem connectors of differential amplifier X √ √
provided below SR oil pump.
vi. Clean the isolating blade and spring contact of earthing switch. Lightly X X √
lubricate with the specified grease.
vii. Clean DC link capacitors by blowing after opening side cover. Check that X X √
there is no sign of leakage from the capacitors.
viii. Clean resonance circuit capacitor. X X √
ix. Cleaning by Vacuum cleaner. X X √
x. Check the tightness of SR electronics PCB. X X √
xi. Ensure sealing of incoming cable gland of control card rack to avoid dust X X √
xii. Check the condition of silica gel. If pink replace with dried silica gel. √ √ √
xiii. BDV and DGA test of converter oil to be done. √ √ √
xiv. Check the ventilation fans of traction converters X X √
i. Examine all traction motors for signs of damage, dents or other defects
caused by ballast. Check air outlets are not obstructed in any way. √ √ √
ii. Check traction power cables, speed sensor and temperature sensor cables
and ensure that they are not chamfered or damaged in any way. √ √ √
iii. Lubricate the both end bearings using a grease gun with specified grease. X X √
iv Tightness of both end cover bolts of Traction Motor. X √ √
v. Check the intactness of the junction box cover and bolt X √ √
vi. Check the condition of bearing by seeing the grease, which comes out
from grease inlet. Check the condition of grease too. X X √
vii. The locking plate arrangement of support plate, if not available please √ √ √
viii. Check the condition of traction motor spheriblocks and torque arms,
fastners for their intactness. Replace if required. √ √ √
ix. Check the condition of speed pulse generator unit on TM (NDE) for any X X √
grease ingress.
x. Check the suspension tube bearing grease (NDE end) & do the greasing. X X √
xi. Open TM junction box at body side and check the tightness of connections. X √ √
xii. Check the condition of bellows and replace if required X √ √
xiii Checking of grease metal content during schedules, whenever grease X X √
xiv Replacement of WAP7 gear case Oil with 460 RR of IOC in the earliest √ √ √
schedule available.
i. Clean the dust by vacuum cleaner. X X √
ii. Check the working of ventilation fans of auxiliary converters. X √ √
iii. Check the tightness of connections of control cards. X X √
i. Check electrolyte and top up when necessary to prevent level dropping X √ √
below specified level.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

ii. Remove any dirt deposits or electrolyte spilling from around batteries. X √ √
iii. Check specific gravity of electrolyte & Individual cell voltage X √ √
iv. Clean & check tightness of electrical connections and apply white X √ √
petroleum jelly.
v Ensure proper packing of inter batteries. X √ √
vi Check the healthiness and tightness of control wire giving feedback of X √ √
battery voltage to the electronics.
i. Check lighting units for physical damage, tightness of fixings and
connections, particularly look for signs of overheating or burning. Replace X √ √
bulbs/tubes, which have failed.
ii. Clean all internal light unit diffusers, bulbs or tubes and reflectors. X √ √
iii Clean the glasses of the headlight lamp and marker light. √ √ √
iv Ensure that there is no entry of water through head light lamps. X √ √
v Check for crack or breakage of the aluminium casing of headlight beams. X √ √
vi Check the proper operation of flasher light ,marker light (red & white), √ √ √
headlight, cab lights, disc light, m/c. room light.
i. Remove all dust, dirt and debris from the radiator chamber via the machine
room access cover. (By using vacuum cleaner). X √ √
ii. Clean radiator with hot water jet. X √ √
iii. Measure air delivery before and after cleaning of radiator. X √ √
iv. Measure vibrations of oil cooling casing using vibration analyser and take X √ √
appropriate action
v. Visually check the casing and support arrangement for oil pumps on the √ √ √
casing for any sign of crack of the damage
vi. Check that all the foundation bolts of the casing mounted on to the radiator X √ √
are intact.
vii. Tighten the front foundation bolts of casing mounted on to the radiator X X √
viii. Visually check the conservator tank along with its gauge glass for any sign √ √ √
of crack / damage / oil leakage.
ix. Visually check the oil cooler radiator for any oil leakage/external damage. √ √ √
i. Visually examine all the four oil pumps for any oil leakage / any abnormal √ √ √
sound and take needful action.
ii. Check the electrical connections of all four oil pumps X X √
iii. Check the mechanical support fasteners of all four oil pumps √ √
iv. Measure the current of all four oil pumps. X X √
27 All Auxiliary Blowers and Motors
i. Check all the auxiliary motors for any abnormal sound and proper X √ √
ii. Measure the current of all auxiliary motors X X √
iii. Visual examination / RDPT of impeller of OCB. X √ √
iv. Check tightness of foundation bolts of all auxiliary motors. X √ √
v. Check the electrical connections of all auxiliary motors. X X √
vi. Check the condition of all flexible hoses connected with various auxiliary X √ √
blowers and replace, if required.
vii. Check tightness of SB and cable connections at terminal box. X √ X
viii. Greasing of all motors with recommended grease X X √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

ix. Ensure that the terminal covers of various auxiliary motors are intact and
water tight. Special attention needs to be given to main compressor motor X √ √
cable layout and water tightness of its entry point into the motor terminal.
i. Thoroughly clean all roof and side body filters with water jet. X √ √
i. Check that all connections are secure and there is no physical damage. X X √
ii. Clean all dirt and dust deposit by means of blowing out, brushing with a
non-metallic brush or by rubbing with a cloth. X X √
30 SB1 & 2, HB1 & 2 AND FB PANEL / CUBICLE
i. Clean the various equipments fitted inside the SB, HB & FB cubicle. X X √
ii. Ensure tightness of various electrical connections in SB, HB & FB X √ √
iii. Ensure tightness of various MCBs in SB & HB cubicle. X √ √
iv. Visual examination of various EPCs & EMCs fitted inside FB cubicle and
ensure that there is no leakage and they are functioning properly. X X √
v. Check the tightness of various PCB cards in central electronics. X X √
vi. Check the RC input filter circuit for any abnormality and measure the X X √
resistance value.
vii. Ensure that the various support plates of SB, HB & FB cubicle are healthy √ √ √
and intact.
viii. Ensure that various foundation bolts SB, HB & FB cubicle are intact and X √ √
ix. Ensure the healthiness/proper functioning of rotating switch 152, 154 and X √ √
237.1 on its various locations.
x. Ensure proper functioning of thermostat of central electronics X X √
xi Check visually for any abnormality in SB, HB & FB cubicle √ √ √
31 Fire Detection Unit
i. Clean the pipeline air inlet holes with soft non-metallic brush and vacuum X √ √
ii. Calibrate the FDU and set voltage at test point zero 0 + 50 mV. X √ √
i Check the pressure build up timing of each compressor independently in
pre-inspection and take needful action during inspection. X √ √
ii. Feel the vibrations of the compressor in pre-inspection and taken needful √ √ √
action during inspection.
iii. Check for any external damage / abnormal sound / proper functioning of √ √ √
the compressor.
iv. Check the complete compressor support brackets for their healthiness. √ √ √
v. Visually examine the compressor mounting resilient blocks and take X √ √
needful action.
vi Visually examine the various interconnecting pipelines and its support
clamps of the compressors for their healthiness / air leakage. √ √ √
vii. Cleaning of input air filter. X √ √
viii Clean the primary oil filter. X √ √
ix Clean the breather assembly X √ √
x. Cleaning of inter cooler / after cooler assembly. X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

xi. Drain the inter cooler / after cooler assembly and also observe its X √ √
discharge and take needful action.
xii Greasing of main compressor motor bearing. X X √
xiii. Ensure healthiness / intactness of various protection guards of compressor. √ √ √
xiv. Check the condition of the coupling between compressor & motor X √ √
xv. Visually check the compressor fan blade for their healthiness √ √ √
xvi. Check the oil level in the compressor and top up as per requirement. X √ √
xvii. Carry out the inspection of each type of compressor in line with X √ √
recommendation of respective manufacturer.
xviii NRV and unloader valves fail due to ingress of Carbon which extracted
from CP. So, One cycle dismantling, checking and cleaning of NRV and X √ √
unloader to be ensured in all type of 3- phase locomotives.
B. Aux. Compressor (CPA)
i. Clean the CPA externally. X √ √
ii. Clean Suction Air filter. X √ √
iii. Check oil level and condition of oil and top up if required with the oil √ √ √
specified (Servo Press 150).
iv. Clean commutator of CPA motor. Check carbon brush and its holding
assembly and replace worn out / defective carbon brushes and associated X √ √
v. Check connection tightness. √ √ √
vi. Check tightness of all nut bolts, foundation bolts. √ √ √
vii. Measure and record time & pressure of the auxiliary compressor X √ √
i. Inspect the air dryer for any damage and its mounting for any damage,
crack in mounting plate, intactness of fastners. Check for any hit mark on √ √ √
main reservoir and drain cock.
Check for any air leakage in the air dryer-CP pneumatic pipeline.
ii. Check the integrity of the welding of the hanging support. √ √ √
iii. Check humidity indicators for blue colour. White indications means the air
dryer is not operating effectively. X √ √
Desiccant shall be changed, if needed.
iv. Replace desiccant if found to be contaminated with either water or oil. X √ √
v. Testing of air dryer for proper functioning to be done as per Technical Circular
no. RDSO/2011/EL/TC/0108, Rev.’0’ dtd. 7.3.11 for testing of air dryers and
its efficacy on electric locomotives in Electric Loco Sheds/Workshops has √ √ √
been issued to Railways vode letter no. EL/3.2.19/1 dated 7.3.11.
vi. Check the correct operation of purge valve. √ √ √
vii. Check for proper position of the air dryer angle cocks. √ √ √
a. Auto Drain Valve
i. Check for proper functioning of the valve. X √ √
ii. Check for any damage due to any external hitting. √ √ √
i. Check the functioning of driver’s direct air brake & automatic train brake. √ √ √
ii. Check the free movement of the brake controller. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

iii. Perform repeated application and release of brakes with both auto and
direct brake controller from both cabs and ensure that BP & BC pressure
build-up & drop is proper on the gauge. Ensure by physically going to √ √ √
individual main and parking brake cylinder that their operation is smooth
and without air leakage.
i. Visually inspect the pneumatic panel noting any sign of air leakages and √ √ √
rectify accordingly.
ii. Clean the pneumatic panel externally. X √ √
iii. Check for correct position of the cut out/isolating cock. √ √ √
iv. Check all the cable connections for looseness or deficiency of cleats. If X X √
any inspection section is to be informed
v. Ensure provisioning and proper functioning of RS gauge on pneumatic panel. X √ √
i. Check for correct operations of BP & FP angle cocks. Check the condition
of BP/FP pipe, cock & isolating handle for any hit mark or crack. √ √ √
i Examine the brake hoses at the ends of the locomotive to make sure
that they are not chafed or damaged. Check coupling cocks for correct √ √ √
i. Test for correct operation. √ √ √
i. Blow down and drain the reservoir until exhaust of complete water and oil. √ √ √
Check all drain cocks are closed on completion.
ii. Check for any hit mark on main reservoir & drain cock √ √ √
Ensure intactness / tightness of main reservoir foundation bolts. √ √ √
iii. Measure and record the MR leakage and ensure it to be within prescribed X √ √
iv. Check the rubber gasket at the inspection cover of air reservoir for any X √ √
i. Check the pressure regulator operates correctly X √ √
i. Overhaul the throttle valve and change the rubber parts. X X √
i. Remove the filter element and clean thoroughly. X X √
i. Check condition of horn handle for any damage. Check for proper √ √ √
operation of horn.
ii. Check the condition of horn boots and replace if required X √ √
iii. Remove the horn & horn switch and Overhaul. Replace the diaphragm of X X √
i. Check all angle cocks for proper operation √ √ √
ii. Ensure proper functioning of BP & FP angle cocks of both cabs in open
and close position with the help of dummy having calibrated BP/FP gauge. √ √ √
Check the angle cock and flexible holes of BP & FP for any air leakage
iii. Measure and record BP & FP leakage. X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

iv. Ensure proper colour code of all the angle cocks. √ √ √

i. Check the tightness of the brake electronics control cards holding screws. X √ √
i. Check all the pipes for leakage of damage. Check all the clamps for any X √ √
damage and looseness.
i. Inspect the brake blocks for wear. If it is below the minimum limit, replace √ √ √
the complete locomotive set brake block.
ii. Check the brake block key security. √ √ √
iii. Check for the wear of the brake pads and replace if required (for WAP5 only) √ √ √
iv. Check and adjust the clearance of brake pads/blocks from the wheel disc √ √ √
(for WAP5 only)
v. Check the condition of brake caliper, its pin and bushes and availability of
locking split pin. Check the condition of brake pad and security of brake √ √ √
pad/block keys, replace if required (for WAP5 only).
vi. Check the condition of brake disc. for any decolourisation or chipping off √ √ √
or any other external damage. (for WAP5 only)
vii. Check the intactness of brake disc bolts.(for WAP5 only) √ √ √
i. Lubricate machine room door hinges with a general purpose oil. Wipe X √ √
away excess oil from around hinge.
i. Check door latches / locks for correct operation and damage. X √ √
i. Check all security locks are effective clean Kaba locks using specified X √ √
i. Check the condition of the door seals and replace if torn or damaged. X X √
i. Clean the cab floor with a suitable cleaning agent. √ √ √
i. Clean the blind material. √ √ √
ii. Check for roller mechanism fitted to the blinds for correct operation. X X √
42 Driver’s seat
i Examine all components for wear, looseness scoring and cracks, renew √ √ √
any defective components.
ii Check seat-mounting points for integrity and ensure fixing for fully X √ √
a. Master Controller
i. Calibrate the angle transmitter X X √
ii. Grease Camshafts, seats under control handles and other moving parts if X X √
stiff to operate or dry of lubricant.
iii. Check that the contacts are operating correctly by the camshaft and adjust
if necessary. X X √
iv. Check that the rollers are free to rotate and all wiring is sound and secure.
Operate handles and ensure interlock functions correctly. X X √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

v. Ensure that caps have been provided to cover the auxiliary contacts. X X √
vi. Check the absolute value of transmitter. X X √
vii. Check the tightness of the fasteners & cable connection. X X √
b. Driver’s Desk
i. Clean the surfaces of the driver’s desk with a soap solution and cloth,
taking care not to allow water to enter electrical cubicles. X √ √
ii. Clean the dust filter on the buzzer using a soft brush without using the √ √ √
pressure / compressed air.
iii. Ensure that transparent rubber caps provided over the push buttons of √ √ √
driver desk.
iv. Check the switches, lamps and gauges on driver’s desk, their tightness and √ √ √
v. Check correctness of reading of BP, FP, MR, BC & AFI gauges. √ √ √
vi. Clean the battery, OHE and TE/BE meters in both cabs and check for zero X √ √
vii. Check Battery voltage with normal, on load and note charging voltage and √ √ √
current charge battery if low.
viii. Check the working of the Emergency Push Button Switch for correct √ √ √
ix. Check the proper functioning of all the gauges of the driver desk
BP: (i) Normal (ii) with 7.5 mm hole FP: (i) Normal (ii) with 7.5 mm hole
MR: (i) Mainline MR leakage without application of SA-9 √ √ √
(ii) Mainline MR leakage with application of SA-9
c. Cab Heater and Crew Fan
i. Check the cables & examine the cab heater on position. X √ √
ii. Check the working of cab heater/blower and crew fan. √ √ √
d. Speedometer
i. Check & adjust wheel dia. accordingly to actual wheel dia. X X √
ii. Check for proper display of date, time, km. earned. Adjust the clock time √ √ √
if necessary.
iii. Check for any damage to the memotel & pulse generator, protection guard √ √ √
of PG, cable and couplers
iv. Open the PG from axle box cover & check intactness of the fork bolt with X X √
the fork
v. Read the data from memory card for proper working X √ √
44 Key interlocking
i. Check all keys are present & the complete system is operational. √ √ √
45 Fire Extinguisher
i. Ensure availability of fire extinguishers and ensure that it is not expired. √ √ √
ii. Check the condition of CO2 gas cylinder, its regulator and pressure gauge
in both cabs. Check the CO2 gas pressures. X √ √
Refill if necessary
iii. Clean pipeline by compressed air and check that there should not be any √ √ √
i. Visually inspect the machine room for any signs oil leakage from traction
converter, transformer, D.C. Link, and series resonant circuit capacitors √ √ √
and other electrical equipment and carefully clean the same.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

ii. Clean the complete machine room with the air pressurized supply and
vacuum cleaner to remove all the dust particles. X √ √
iii. Clean fire detection pipeline air intake holes with soft non- metallic brush X √ √
& vacuum cleaner.
iv. Ensure the intactness / firmness of cable connection of Sichem couplers of
differential amplifiers provided below SR oil pump. X X √
i. Ensure that schematic numbers of various equipments are intact. To be X √ √
provided in case of deficiency.
i. Carryout detail checks on any unusual occurrences reported by drivers in
the loco log book and the same should be relayed to the shed through TLC. √ √ √
ii. The DDS of the loco to be thoroughly examined and needful action be taken. √ √ √
iii. Ensure proper functioning of vigilance control device √ √ √
iv. Ensure proper functioning of auto flasher light, marker light and head light √ √ √
v. Air delivery measurement in 3-phase locomotive to ascertain proper
cooling and pressurization of Machine Room. (As per RDSO/2009/EL/ X √ √
SMI/0255 Rev.’0’, dtd.08.05.2009 )
vi Working of ACP √ √ √
vii Working of VEF √ √ √



SN Activity Ref. MOH IOH POH

1 Roof bow fasteners: Remove the converter and pantograph
roof hatches, then check the security of the roof bow fasteners. M+R,
Tighten the fasteners if necessary. Vol. D1 √ √ √
Check the tightness of roof bolts and roof joint support clamps. √ X X
2 Roof hatch gaskets: Replace the gaskets around the M+R,
pantograph and converter roof hatch. Vol. D1 X √ √
3 Roof hatch rubber seals: Replace the rubber seals around
the pantograph and converter roof hatches, and the roof beam. M+R,
Visually check the cab roof GRP caps for any damage/crack Vol. D1 X √ √
and condition of its fixing rivets
4 Body Structure
Check the body structure for damage. Repair any damage found. √ √ √
Repaint the loco body with PU paint (complete exterior &
interior) as per RDSO letter no. EL/0.2.1(paint) dated 22-4- X √ √
2010 and replace decals (stickers)
Dismantle all the equipment/gauge from the driver’s desk
panel A, B, C and D. Repaint the cab interior with PU paint. √ √ √
Check the condition of fiber body above buffer and CBC
coupler and change if required. √ √ X
Replacement of fiber body above buffer and CBC coupler. X X √
Check for leaks around roof hatches, door & window. Rectify √ √ √
fault found.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5 Exterior Finish M+R,

Vol. D1
Wash the exterior of the locomotive to remove all dirt and
debris (For coaching locos - once in 10 days) √ √ √
Wash the exterior of the locomotive to remove all dirt and
debris (For Freight locos) √ √ √
Check the body structure for chips, scratches, evidence of
corrosion or other damages to paint. Repair the paint as √ √ X
Remove the SS wire mesh, louvers and inertial filter of M/c
rooms and traction motor blower. Thoroughly clean with
pressurised hot water jet. Replace SS wire mesh if torn or √ √ √
Replacement of seals involved in fitment of side body and roof
Check the various louver panels to ensure they are clean and
free from debris. To remove dirt, Wash vents with detergent/
water solution and thoroughly clean with a stiff non-metallic √ √ √
Check the condition of sanding pipe & proper alignment of
sand pipe, adjust if required. √ √ √
6 Flexible hoses and couplings: M+R,
Vol. D1
Examine the brake hoses at the end of the locomotive to make
sure that they are not chafed or damaged. √ √ √
Replace all pneumatic hoses. X √ √
Replace the hoses between – a) the bogie frame connection
and the brake cylinders and b) the locomotive under frame and X √ √
Check coupling cocks for correct operation √ √ √
7 Draft gear & couplers: M+R,
Vol. D1
Replace complete CBC assembly including draft gear. X X √
Dismantle, inspect for any damage or excessive wear. √ √ X
Clean and check transition coupling by RDPT for any flaw/crack √ √ X
Check condition of Draft gear, Overhaul as prescribed or X √ X
replace if necessary.
Remove and replace the striker block wear plate. X √ X
Check the knuckle by RDPT for cracks. √ X X
Replace knuckle, clevis, clevis pin and yoke pin. X √ X
Check the intactness of CBC bottom support plate and liners √ √ √
Liberally apply general-purpose grease to the face of the CBC
at the end of locomotives. √ √ √
Check for proper operation.
8 Buffers: M+R,
Vol. D1
Thoroughly clean. Check for sign of excessive stroke √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check for cracks on the foundation through RDPT. √ √ X

Replace the buffers along with fasteners with new one. X X √
Replace all rubber rings of the buffers. X √ √
Check if buffers are spinning and repair as necessary. √ √ X
Check buffer height and adjust buffer length as required. √ √ √
Liberally apply general purpose grease .to the face of the
buffers at the ends of the locomotive, threads, and buffer shaft. √ √ √
Also smear grease on the buffer head plunger.
9 Cattle guard: M+R,
Vol. D1
Check for any damage/bend/breakage. Change, if required √ √ X
Replace cattle guard along with fasteners with new one X X √
Check and adjust clearances of rail guard from rail level. √ √ √
Check cattle guard fasteners for breakage. √ √ √
Check cattle guard base and repair/change as required. √ √ √
10 Doors & Steps:
Inspect cab door latch, lock, hinges and catch assembly for
correct operation and damage. Repair any fault found. √ √ √
Lubricate hinges, latch and locks with general- purpose oil.
Wipe away excess oil from around hinge. √ √ √
Check the condition of the door seals and replace if torn or √ X X
Replace door seals and any other worn out part. X √ √
Check the condition & intactness of foot step. Replace if √ √ √
11 Washer and Wipers: M+R,
Vol. D1
& SD
Overhaul the wind screen wiper/washer system including
overhauling of wiper motor and washer pump. √ √ √
Check the water level in the reservoir at No.1 and No. 2 end of
locomotive and top up, if required √ √ √
Clean the washer tank and washer jet nozzle, √ √ √
Check for proper functioning of wiper/washer system. Rectify √ √ √
fault founds
Check Wiper motor driver shaft seal, wiper arm, pneumatic
and water hoses and wiper blade and other components for
wear, looseness, scoring and cracks, renew if any defects. √ X X
Adjust the position of wiper arm. √ √ √
Replace wiper motor driver shaft seal, wiper arm, pneumatic
and water hoses, wiper blade and idler shaft assembly. X √ √
Check seat mounting points for integrity and ensure fixing or √ X X
fully tightened
12 Wind screen and windows: SD

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Clean with detergent/water solution & Check for any cracks

etc on the windscreen and window glasses and if required √ √ √
replace the glasses.
Replace all Front Lookout Glass and Side Glass with new one. X X √
Check and rectify the windscreen guard grills.
Tighten the windscreen guard grill retaining bolts. √ √ √
Clean dirt and debris from the channel below the cab-sliding
window. Clear the sliding window channel drain hold in the √ √ √
door opening.
Examine all windscreens and side windows for leaks. Remove
wind screen/window and re-seal if leaks appear. √ √ √
Check the condition of seals of cab window, sliding window,
Splash shield, windscreen shield and rubber flap on the cab
side window drainage channel outlet. Replace if required. √ √ X
Replace the seals of cab window, sliding window, Splash
shield, windscreen shield and rubber flap on the cab side X X √
window drainage channel outlet.
13 Pivot Post:
Check Pivot post for any crack RDPT (WAP5). √ √ √
Check the of pivot post after complete disassembly for any X X √
crack by RDPT.
B1 Under frame:
14 Sanding equipments: M+R,
Vol. D1&
Empty the sandbox, steam clean and inspect for any corrosion.
Repair any corrosion found and then repaint. √ √ √
Fill the sand in all sand boxes √ √ √
Overhaul the sand trap & injector valves and clean sander √ √ √
Replace sander hosepipe and seal in the sand box lids. √ √ √
Check exhaust nozzles for wear or damages. Replace if √ √ √
Check sanding gear for correct operation for both direction of √ √ √
Check the security of the sand box fasteners. Tighten the
fasteners if necessary. √ √ √
Check the security of the support beam and
hose fasteners. Tighten the fasteners if necessary. √ √ √
Check/tighten/replace all fasteners. √ √ √
Visually check the condition and alignment of sanding pipes. √ √ √
Measure the rate of sand flow at each wheel. Adjust the
sanding valve if the flow is not within √ √ √
15 Battery Box: M+R,
vol. D2,
SD Vol.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Visually Inspect the battery box for any external hits and
damages. If required repair the battery box. √ √ √
Overhauling of the battery box. √ √ √
Check the integrity of the welding hanging support for any
cracks/damage through RDPT. Repair if required √ √ √
Open the battery box cover and pull out the battery tray. Apply
grease to the battery box sliding mechanism and check its free
movement on the slide way. If required – Repair. √ √ √
Clean the battery acid from the battery box and tray √ √ √
Ensure proper locking of the battery tray in the battery box. √ √ √
Replace all fasteners of battery boxes with new one X X √
Check the condition of the door seal, door lock and replace
if any damaged or faulty. Test the operation and security of
the locking handles and rectify if faults found. Apply a small √ √ √
amount of a suitable lubricant to the locking handle pivots.
Ensure intactness of the protection guards. √ √ √
Remove all oil, grease and other residue from the side way and √ √ √
screw mechanism.
Replace the battery box ventilation hose. X X X
One cycle of discharge / charge till first IOH. Discharge by
current setting rate (40A) for 5 hours or upto 0.8V/cell and
charging with its maximum level i.e. With 150V constant √ (till
voltage charging for 10 hours with 40A current limit (SMI No. first X X
RDSO/PE/SMI/TL/0046-2012 Rev '1' dt. 15.07.13) IOH)
Two cycles discharge/ charge to assess the capacity of Battery
to be done in IOH and every MOH thereafter as per para No.
40.0 of (SMI No. RDSO/PE/SMI/TL/0046-2012 Rev '1' dt. X √ X
B2 Bogie and running gear:
16 Suspension M+R,
Vol. D1
& SD
Vol. F1
Examine the primary and secondary springs for sign of √ √ X
damage, cracks etc.
Measure primary and secondary springs characteristic/ X √ X
Replace primary and secondary springs with new ones. X X √
Ensure pairing of springs. X √ √
Check the secondary spring seat for crack X √ √
Examine different type of dampers for oil leakage and damage
to the end fittings like spheriblocks etc. Overhaul/replace on √ √ X
condition basis.
Replace the dampers with new one X X √
Check compensating plate and replace insulating bases of
secondary suspension (WAP5). X X √
Maintain the vertical & lateral clearances (Primary & secondary). T2,D1,
Drg.1,2 √ √ √
& 3.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

17 Spheriblocks
Replace the spheriblocks of axle guide rod, gear case support
arm, traction motor and traction motor support arm (WAP5). X √ √
Replace the spheriblocks of axle guide rod, and traction motor
support arm (WAP7/ WAG9/WAG9H). X √ √
Check condition of Spheriblock of all types of dampers. √ √ X
Replace if required.
Critically check the spheriblock base plate for any crack. √ √ √
Testing of spheri blocks of gear case support arm of WAP5 and
traction motor support arm in WAP5/WAP7/WAG9/WAG9H √ X X
loco in accordance with maintenance and repair manual
Visual checking of other spheriblocs (WAP5/WAP7/WAG9/
√ X X
18 Traction link M+R,
Vol. D1
Check the intactness/security of the safety cables √ √ √
Check the push / pull rod pivot head for damage any sign of √ √ X
crack with RDPT.
Clean and examine the traction link assembly for any sign of
damage/crack/defect etc defective items should be renewed. √ √ X
DPT of housing should be done in every inspection for √ √ √
detection of cracks.
Replace the traction link assembly along with housing with X X √
new one
Check the intactness of fasteners between traction rod and
pivot head at bogie and body end for security. If fasteners are
loose it must be renewed and tightened to the specified torque. √ √ √
Check intactness of locking plate
Inspect the safety sling, pins and R- clip for wear or damaged. √ X X
Provision of additional safety sling on brake lever of WAP7
Locos as per SMI No. RDSO/2006/EL/SMI/244 (Rev. ‘0’)
dated: 02/04/2007. Besides the above, the continuous and
close monitoring of brake hangers having the gap less than 13
mm with bogie frame shall be done. The other maintenance √ √ √
practices, checking and testing of TBU/PBU should be done
as per the OEMs maintenance manual and instructions.
Replace the safety sling, pins and R- clips. X √ √
Check the condition of link rod locating spigots on the pivot
head. Replace the pivot head if the spigot worn or damaged √ √ √
(WAP5 only).
Examine limit chain and links for wear, corrosion or damage √ X X
Check all connections of fasteners and cables carefully and
lowering and connections of loco body. √ X X

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replace all FS all steel Lock Nuts opened for lifting of locos at
mentioned locations.
a. Secondary Dampers (Yaw, Vertical, horizontal) √ √ √
b. Primary Dampers top side.
c. Traction link
d. Gear Case Support arm
Check intactness/security of inner and outer retaining ring,
bolt, plate and ensure it tightness at required torque 80Nm for
outer ring, 60Nmfor inner ring bolt. √ √ √
Measure the Inner dia of pivot head .If it is more then 251.50n X √ √
mm replace it.
Check Aclathan/vulkaollan ring against any crack or shifting. √ X X
Replace the Aclathan/ volkollan rings, tab washers. Alter
nat e √ √
Replace all fasteners of volkollan ring retaining plate X X √
RDPT of gear case support arm, traction motor support arm
and axle guide link to be done and replace if found defective. √ √ √
The replacement of elastic ring, use of fasteners and their
tightening, replacement of 10.9 property class bolt with 8.8 class
etc shall be done as per latest RDSO’s SMI No. RDSO/2009/
EL/SMI/0259 (Rev ‘0’) of oct, 2009. √ √ √
19 Bogie Frame and brake Gear: M+R,
Vol. D1
Maintenance practices, replacements of items, other related
repairing of bogie frames components and modifications in the
PBU/TBU should be done as per RDSO’s SMI No. √ √ √
RDSO/2007/EL/SMI/0251 (Rev. ‘0’)
dated: 01/01/2008 Which has been issued vide letter no.
EL/3.1.35/2 dated 4.01.08.
Check the pneumatic pipeline system for leaks. √ √ √
Clean the bogie assy. Remove all build up dirt and debris. √ √ √
Examine the bogie frame for sign of damage. √ √ √
Measure the alignment of bogie frame. Correct any X X √
Remove all components from bogie frame. Thoroughly
clean with water jet. And visually inspect the bogie frame,
particularly brackets, webbing and bump stop for sign of wear/ X X √
damage/ cracks. Rectify any fault found.
Overhaul the bogie frame. Remove all items from the bogie
frame and clean the frame in an alkaline tank.
-Make a thorough visual inspection of the bogie frame for
cracks, damage or evidence of fatigue.
-Use a non-destructive technique to check the frame.
-Measure the bogie-frame. Check for squareness and levelling. X √ √
Repair the bogie frame as required.
-Remove all traces of debris and rust. Repair any damage.
Then repaint the bogie frame to specification.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Examine all bogies mounted equipments (including earthing

straps) for sign of damage √ √ √
and security of fastening
Check the earthing shunts provided on bogie and body. √ X X

Inspect the lateral bump stops (in secondary suspension)for

damage or deterioration. √ √ X
Replace if required.
Replace all lateral bump stops (in secondary suspension) with X X √
Inspects the safety pin eyehole at the bogie frame for wear or
cracks. Ring weld the hole, then ream to the correct diameter if √ √ √
Measure the suspension ride height. Replace the spring or
compensating plate as required. X √ √
Check the brake rigging for loose, damaged or worn parts. √ √ √
Rectify as required
Replace all pins, bushes and pads of brake rigging with new √ √ √
Inspect the brake rigging rotation points and
components contact surface. Rectify any fault found. √ √ √
Overhaul the brake caliper (for WAP5 only) X √ √
Check the brake cylinder piston stroke. √ √ √
Remove and overhaul the brake cylinders. X √ √
Check the brake cylinder for leakage and adjust the brake shoe. √ √ √

Inspect the condition of various links (spheriblocks) and its

rubber parts. Replace if required. √ X X
Check against crack on TM holding plate bracket by RDPT. √ √ √

Maintenance of Traction Motor support plate and bogie nose

to Prevent crack/breakage of Traction Motor support plate
(Holder for Traction motor suspension) should be done as per √ √ √
RDSO’s SMI no. RDSO/2011/EL/SMI/0269 (Rev.”0”) dtd.
Replace all rubber components, hoses , pins, bushes and X √ √
fasteners on the bogie.
Replace safety sling of brake hanger of WAG9/WAP7 locos √ √ √

Maintenance of conventional type brake rigging on WAP7 To be done as stipulated in

locos. RDSO Modification sheet
1 dated 7-9-09 and RDSO
letter EL/3.1.35/2(3 phase)
dated 20-10-11
20 Wheel set:

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Examine all the wheels for cracks, flats,

cavities, scoring or grooving. Reprofile/ replace if required. √ √ √
Measure and record wheel diameter, root wear, flange wear
and total tread wear, road gauge. Take corrective action T3 √ √ √
Reprofile/replace if required.
Check the earth brush length and replace it, if required. √ √ √

Check the condition of lubricating grease, inner racers,

rollers and cages. Sample the lubricants and analyze for
contamination/ metal content. Replace the bearing along with X X √
its accessories if worn or damaged. Re lubricate serviceable
bearings using new grease then replace the seal.

Dismount the axle boxes X √ √

Replace roller bearing unit CRU 150/SKF, BC2- 0067A along Co
with its accessories (WAP7/ WAG9/WAG9H). X nd √
Replace roller bearing unit SKF 16394578A along with its X nd √
accessories (WAP5). bas
Check the condition of brake disc for discoloration, chipping
or any other damages (WAP5 only) √ √ √
Overhaul the brake disk. Measure its wear to
verify it is within limits. Check tightness of the bolts (WAP5 √ √ √
Replace fasteners of brake discs with new one X X √

Greasing to be done in axle tube at NDE side. T1 √ X X

MSU overhauling (as per SMI 300 dt. 02.11.16) x √ √

21 Axle: M+R,

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check the axle for bend. Measure the diameters, and examine
the condition of the journals, seats, fillets and transitions on the
axle. Rectify any defects or replace the axle if damaged bent or X √ √
out of specification
Disconnect the electrical cable from the earth return unit
remove the earth return unit from the axle. Examine the
bearings and rear sealing position for signs of grease leakage √ √ √
or discoloration.
Test the axle for surface and sub-surface defects using a non-
destructive technique (USFD). Replace the axle if cracked, √ √ √
defective or damaged
Check all journals on the axle are concentric to the wheel
bearing journals. Replace the axle if not within specification X √ √
Check the axle end caps for wear on the wheel bearing seal
surface and other defects. Replace the end caps if worn or √ √ √
Measure the diameters and profile of the axle labyrinth rings.
Replace the end caps if worn or damaged X √ √
Greasing of Axle Box Bearings for WAP7 and WAG9
locomotives.(As per
RDSO/2007/EL/SMI/0246 Rev.”0”dtd. 17.01.08)
As mentioned in the above SMI, the procurement of bearings √ X X
with axle boxes and other components from OEMs must be
22 Axle box (except bearing): M+R,
It is reiterated that the existing maintenance practices for
axle boxes in vogue e.g. dust free environment, proper use
of cleaning agent and avoiding intermixing of components √ √ √
between different OEMs shall be ensured.
Measure the wear of carbon brush and see it does not go below √ √ √
the grooved line
Clean the axle box and adjacent part. √ √ √
Check the intactness of the earth return path on each wheel set √ √ √

Visually inspect the axle boxes for wear of damage. Pay

particular attention to the guide rod mounts and limit stops. √ √ √
Replace the axle box if defective
Test the axle box for surface and sub-surface defects using
a non-destructive technique. Pay particular attention to the
spring seats and guide rod mounting points. Replace the axle X √ √
box if cracked or defective
Check intactness of axle box cover bolts √ X X
Replace the axle box O ring and cover bolts √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

The axle boxes which are running warm or reported to have

higher temperature in comparison with others shall be attended
on priority by physically opening of axle box cover and outer
angle ring. The suitable maintenance shall be done either in- √ √ √
situ or by dismantling the axle box. WAP7 locomotives should
be monitored especially.

23 Gear case/ Transmission M+R,

Vol. D1
& SD Vol.
Inspect the gear case for any oil leakage. Inspect for any
external hits/damage. Rectify if required. √ √ √
Overhaul the gear case. X √ √
Examine the gear cases for defect on the body, mating surfaces,
bearings seat and holes/ threads for various fasteners. Repair / X √ √
replace, if required.
Replace gear case oil with new one T1 √ √ √
Replace gear case oil with new one (460RR of IOC) in case of √ √ √
Replace gear case bearing along with associate components
with new one (for WAP5 only). X X √
Externally clean the gearbox gauge sight glass. √ √ √
Verify integrity of gauge glass protection cover. √ √ √
Check tightness of all Allen bolts, drain plug (with its sealing). √ √ √
Replace the gearbox oil seal / „O” rings. X √ √
Check gear case fasteners for tightness at prescribed torque and √ √ √
for any brakeage.
Check gear case TM fixing bolts (M 16C200). Torque with 205
Nm (for 8.8 grade)/300 Nm (10.9 grade) (WAP7 & /WAG9H). √ √ X
Replace all gear case fasteners and TM fixing bolts with new one. X X √
Replace drain plug washer and oil filling plug washer. √ √ √
Measure the PE-end bearing backlash. Check the condition of
the bearings and replace, if required (WAP5). √ √ √
RDPT of axle guide rod, TM support arm and axle guide link √ √ √
RDPT of gear case leg portion. √ √ √
Check the tightness with torque wrench of oil filling cap. √ √ √
Tightened to 120 Nm.
Replace the gauge glass oil seal . √ √ √
Ensure proper alignment of transmission coupling (for WAP5 √ √ √
Measure axial play of transmission coupling mounted on the
pinion shaft of gear case (for WAP5 only). √ √ √
Replace Membrane of transmission coupling and its oil. Ensure M+R,
proper tightness of various fasteners involved in various sub- vol. D1&
parts of transmission couplings (for WAP5 only). SD Vol. F2 √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replace TM support arm, Gear case support arm (for WAP5 X X √

only) & Axle guide rod.
Check TM support arm, Gear case support arm (WAP5) &
Axle guide rod by RDPT for crack. √ √ X
24 Gear - pinion: SD
Visually examine the main gear for any crack/defect. Replace, X √ √
if required.
Complete dimensional check of pinion and intermediate gear X √ √
(for WAP5 only).
Measure Base Tangent distance of Gear & Pinion and record. L1 X √ √

Replace Bull Gear (WAG9/WAG9H & WAP7) X X √

Replace TM pinion (WAG9/WAG9H) Con
d. √ √
basi s
Replace TM pinion (WAP7) X √ √
C Power supply
25 Pantograph SD
Thoroughly clean the insulators and remove any previous
protective coating. Replace insulator if cracked/chipped etc. √ √ √

Apply specified grease and polish with a soap lint free cloth. T1 √ √ √

Examine the entire head structure of the pantograph including

horn, wear strips and support assembly for cracks. Renew any √ √ √
defective items.
Check that the pan head locking pins are in place and that the
springs are secure. Check that the head moves freely on its √ √ √
mounting pins attached to the apex frame.
Replace Panto strips. √ √ √
Overhaul the pantograph and throttle valve. Replace rubber
parts and split pin. Apply prescribed lubrication on all grease T1 √ √ √
Overhaul the pantograph servomotor, Check condition of
electrical shunts and replace if strands are frayed 25% or more. √ √ √
Check tightness of the shunt connecting screws.
Replace the pantograph pneumatic hoses on the locomotive √ √ √
roof and in the machine room.
Check the pantograph travel time. Adjust the travel time if
necessary. Check and adjust contact force to 7 Kg. √ √ √

Check the damper of the pantograph for any oil leakage. √ √ √

Replace the damper X X √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

26 Primary voltage Transformer: SD

Thoroughly clean the porcelain insulators. Replace if cracked/
chipped/burning etc. And apply specified grease and polish T1 √ √ √
with a soft lint free cloth.
Examine the roofline conductor for defects / looseness. √ √ √

Replace the rubber cable conduit between

transducer and terminal box and the roof cable duct. X √ √
Check the connections for tightness after opening cap. √ X X

27. Roof Insulators: M+R,

Vol. D1
Thoroughly clean and remove any previous protective coating.
Examine for any cracks/chipping and replace as necessary. √ √ √
Recoat with the specified coating.
28. Primary current transformer resistor: M+R,
Vol. D1
Visually inspect the primary current transformer resistor for √ √ √
evidence of overheating.
Measure the impedance of the primary current transformer
resistor. Replace the resistor if damaged or defective or not X √ √
within specification.
29. High voltage bushing insulator: M+R,
Vol. D1
Thoroughly clean and remove any previous protective coating.
Examine for any cracks/chipping and replace as necessary. √ √ √
Examine for creepage /carbonisation. Recoat with the specified X √ √
Replace seal on the high voltage bushing. X √ √
Tan delta test, one cycle in MOH also then onward in IOH. * √ √

30. Surge Arrester: M+R,

Vol. D1
Thoroughly clean and remove any previous protective coating.
Examine for any cracks / chipping and replace as necessary. √ √ √
Recoat the insulators with the specified coating.
Clean the surge arrestor; examine the damage, cracks etc. √ √ √
Renew if damaged
31. Roof line conductors: M+R,
Vol. D1
Check for the intactness of the roofline conductors along with √ √ √
their connections.
Examine the roof isolation switches for any signs of defect. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

32. Main circuit breaker (VCB): SD, vol. F3

& M2
Overhaul the VCB as per OEM’s Instructions & replace
the items as per RDSO’s SMI No ELRS/SMI/0236 and
OEM’s instructions. Travel characteristics of VCB . As per √ √ √
maintenance manual of respective manufacturer.
Check the healthiness of Vacuum Switch Tube (VST). √ √ √
(Di-electric test 40kv for 10 sec),
Check the closing & opening speed of VST. First after 3 years
on new breaker & then every year. √ √ √
Measurement of main contact wear of Vacuum Switch Tube
(VST) as per respective maintenance manual, first after three √ √ √
years on new breaker and then every year. Change the VST
assembly with fully worn out contacts.
Check the setting of pressure switch. √ X X
Check closing time, opening time, EV On time & counter
operation Electronic Control Unit. √ X X
Maintenance of Air drier. (ELRS/SMI/137 dt.01.02.91). √ √ √

Lubricate toggle mechanism & airflow regulator rod. √ X X

Ensure proper VCB base gasket on roof to avoid entry of rain

water. As per maintenance manual of respective manufacturer. √ √ √

“Ensure settings of Pressure Switch & Pressure Regulator

Valve fitted in BTIL make VCBs as per RDSO’s letter no. √ √ √
EL/3.2.61/BT dtd. 23.05.11.”
33. Main circuit Breaker Earthing switch: SD
Check the earth shunt and its tightness. √ √ √

Overhaul the earthing switch. √ √ √

Check that when overheating the arm of VCB earthing switch,
the contacts make proper contacts on both sides, check that
copper braided is undamaged and properly connected. √ √ √

34. Harmonic Filter resistor: M+R, Vol.

SD Vol. F3

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Remove the protection grid and clean the filter resistor, roof
mounted resistor, Insulators and ceramic components and
check for any signs of damage. Remove all dirt and debris, √ √ √
then rise the filter resistor thoroughly in warm water.
Check tightness of electrical connectors.

Replace the cable glands and seal of the filter resistor junction
box on the converter roof hatch. X √ √
Replace the seal of the filter resistor X √ √
35. Main transformer connection M+R
Vol. D1
Visually inspect the high voltage cable at the main transformer
connection for damage or oil contamination. Replace the cable √ √ √
if damaged or if contaminated with oil.
36. Main transformer: SD
Visually inspect the electrical connections, earthing cable,
bushing and insulators on the main transformer for cracks,
chips and evidence of impact damage. Renew if defective. √ √ √
Clean the connectors and replace any damaged chipped or
cracked insulators.
Test oil sample for BDV, DGA, acidity and other lab tests.
DGA to be done as per RDSO SMI (RDSO/SMI/138 & OEM √ √ X
Doc. Dt. 27th Nov. 1995).
Conduct centrifuging of the oil (Use separate plant, the shell
DIALA-DX oil should not be mixed with any other type of X √ X
transformer Oil).
Replace the oil. X X √
Check the oil level on the gauge situated on the conservator.
Top up if required and any sign of leakage. √ √ X
Replace all sealing gaskets including tank cover gasket. X X √
Replace all rubberised cork sheet. X √ √
Replace all TFP bushings rubber seals X √ √
Carry out Insulation Resistance test and Tan delta test. X X √
Check Transformer foundation bolts and bushing nuts tightness X √ X
with proper torque.
Replace Transformer foundation bolts and bushing nuts. X X √
Tighten with proper torque.
Prismatic level gauge –Clean the gauge with dry cloth to check √ √ √
for leaks.
Replace the silica gel , in breather assembly. √ √ √
Examine the flanges of the pipe couplings and flexible hose
that link the transformer and conservator. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Maintenance of assembly of electrical terminal of traction

winding bushing 2U1-2V1, 2U2-2V2, 2U3-2V3 & 2U4-2V4 in
indigenously manufactured transformers type LOT 6500/7500
used in 3-phase drive locomotives type WAG9/WAP5.( RDSO/ X X √
ELRS/SMI/0228 dt. 13.08.02)
Visually inspect the condition of oil cooling metallic pipes,
check for leakage / damage & check all fixing clamps. Ensure
instructions contained in RDSO’s letter no. EL/3.2.1/3-Ph √ √ √
dated 30.07.09 for arresting oil leakages cases.”
Replacement of bushing gaskets during IOH inspection.
(ELRS/TC/0076 dt. 17.09.2002). X √ √
Ensuring tightness of stuchi coupling, base plate and
conservator tank foundation bolt during overhauling as per
OEM guidelines & present practices followed by shed. √ √ √
Maintenance of transformer oil in service. (RDSO/ELRS/
SMI/158 dtd. 19.01.95). √ √ √
37. Primary Earthing cable and bracket: M+R
Vol. D1
Disassemble the locomotive Primary Earthing System. Inspect
and repair, if required, the earthing cable and bracket, earth
contact plate, earth brushes, earth brush springs, earth cable √ √ √
glands etc. at the axle box, as prescribed.
Check the security of the primary earth fasteners. Tighten the
fasteners if necessary. √ √ √
Maintenance of earthing system in 3-phase locomotives type
WAP5, WAP7 & WAG9 (As per RDSO/2007/EL/SMI/248
Rev.”0” dtd. 22.11.2007) √ √ √
D. Propulsion System
38. Traction Converter: SD
Remove the converter cubicles. Clean the dust and dirt X √ √
Conduct a voltage test and measure the insulation resistance.
This inspection tests the converter and the valve sets. Isolate X √ √
fault if not within specification.
Visually inspect the MUB resistor for evidence of overheating,
bending of resistor tapes, discoloration of the resistors or
its case, or burn marks. Measure the impedance of the fault X √ √
detection and MUB resistors. Replace the MUB resistor
assembly if damaged or defective or not within specification.
Visually inspect the traction converter earthing resistors for √ √ √
signs of overheating.
Replace any resistor that is damaged or defective. √ √ √
Clean the series resonant and DC link capacitors& Inspect
for any signs of oil leakage, bulging etc. Measure the values. X √ √
Replace if not within permissible range.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check the security of the DC link and series resonant circuit

capacitor bank electrical connections. Tighten the fasteners if X √ √
Test the voltage indication and current transducer. Replace, if X √ √
Overhaul the pre-charging and main contactors. Replace the ** √ √
rubber parts.
Replace Contact tips of Electro-pneumatic and Electro-
magnetic contactors. X X √
Check and clean the isolation slack /blade and spring contacts
of earthing switch and lubricate. Check its connections for √ √ √
tightness and intactness.
Check the cable connection of Sicem connectors of differential
amplifier provided below SR oil pump. √ √ √
Ensure sealing of incoming cable gland of control card rack to √ √ √
avoid dust entry.
Drain the oil and conduct centrifuging the oil. X √ X

Test oil sample for BDV, DGA and other lab tests. √ √ X

Check the oil level indicator situated on the conservator

(Expansion Tank). If the oil is below the minimum mark-top √ √ X
up with the specified oil. Check for any signs of leakage.
Replace the oil T1 X X √
Replace the silica gel in breather assembly. √ √ √
Examine all pipe/flange joints for any leaks, looseness or
missing screws. Correct if necessary. √ √ √
Examine all electrical equipment of traction converter for signs
of dirt, corrosion, damage etc. Remove all dust/dirt deposits √ √ √
from the connection insulators.
Replace the air-cooling hoses, seals on the traction converter
doors (WAG9/WAG9H). 2nd √ √
Replace the air cooling hoses, seals on the traction converter X √ √
doors (WAP5/WAP7)
Check condition of gaskets/oil seals, if dismantling is required. √ √ X

Clean the area by lightly blowing any dirt deposit X X √

Check the capacitors for oil leakage or any abnormality √ √ √

Overhauling of Earthing switch X X √

Visual inspection of bush √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Failure improvement of Valve set in Power Converter of

electric locomotives.(As per RDSO/2007/EL/SMI/0247 X √ √
Rev.”0” dtd.21.11.2007 )
39. Traction Motor: M+R Vol.
D1, SD
Check that the air outlets are not obstructed and no debris or
foreign material is left inside the frame Examine all traction √ √ √
motor for sign of damage caused by ballast.
Check the intactness of the junction box cover and bolts. √ √ √

Remove the junction box cover and check that no water has
enter the junction box and that the connections are tight with √ √ √
no flash over
Check the tightness of the fasteners for the TM spheriblocks. √ √ √

Check the condition of the end shields bolts & tighten if √ √ √

Every 200000 Km lubricate the DE/NDE TM
bearings using a grease gum with specified grease and T1 √ X X
specified quantity.
Remove the traction motor from the locomotive and overhaul. X √ √

Dismantle the TM, Examine for hit marks

/damages, Clean the stator and rotor with wet process as per
technical instruction HTAT 620409. Check condition of rotor X √ √
stamping for any deformation, crack, looseness, overheating,
mark etc.

Replace TM bearings (DE+NDE) along with Outer/inner

labyrinth pins and accessories after X √ √
1,000,000 Km and re lubricate.
Replace traction motor end plate 0-rings and the gaskets on the X √ √
terminal box.
Replace the traction motor bellows. X √ √
Replace the helical inserts of junction box. X X √
After reassembly, check TM Jn. box TM cables, speed sensor
and temperature sensor cables for their condition and replace,
if necessary. Make sure there can not be water leakage through
Jn. box. Ensure correct tightness of all bolts. Check sensor X √ √
cable earthing at 42 locations as identified by CLW.

Test the traction motor support arm using a

non-destructive technique. Replace the arm if damaged or X X √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Checking of terminal connection of Traction motor by opening √ √ √

terminal box.
Checking of TM temperature sensor &speed sensor wiring √ √ √
crimping for any abnormality
Check the condition of Speed Pulse generator unit on TM √ √ √
(NDE) for any grease
Check condition of TM cables from TM Jn. Box on the
locomotives under frame for any damage to strands √ √ √
Replace Suspension tube bearing. X X √
Replace the gasket of temperature sensor X √ √
Modification in fixing arrangement of temperature sensor fitted
on Traction Motor type 6FRA6068. (AS per RDSO/2007/EL/ X √ √
MS/0350 Rev.”0”, dtd.01.11.07)
Testing of “Weigand” speed sensor fitted with Traction Motor
in WAG9, WAG9H, WAP7 and WAP5 locomotives. (As per X √ √
RDSO/2008/EL/SMI/0252 dtd. 01.05.2008)
Modification of Bellows and its mounting arrangement of
existing traction motors. (As per RDSO/2009/ELRS/MS/0373 √ √ √
Rev.”0”, dtd. 06.03.2009)

DPT/MPT test to be conducted for direction of cracks on

holder plate of TM type 6FRA 6068.
Visual checking for cracks/damage to be done √ √ √

Checking of grease metal content during schedules, whenever

grease available. √ √ √
Replacement of WAP7 gear case Oil with 460 RR of IOC √ √ √

40. VCU bus station and Electronics of Power Converter & SD Vol. F4,
Auxiliary Converter: F8, F16,
Visually check physical damage and insulation defects √ √ √

Check for loose fixing of any connection √ √ √

Check the tightness of all parts and cards √ √ √
Check the tightness of couplers. √ √ √
Replace the back-up batteries in the vehicle control unit bus
station diagnostic and communication computers, DIA, DDA1 X √ √
Replace the seals in the UIC socket. X X √
Reload the software to the vehicle control unit bus station X X √
computer EPROMs.
Examine the UIC Socket at both ends of the locomotive to
make sure the covers operate freely. Inspect electrical contacts √ X X
and if necessary blow clean with an air line.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replacement of the instrument cooling fan. X √ √

Ensure working of instrument cooling fan. √ √ √
Check setting of temperature sensor in VCU. X √ √
Visually check all the cards for any capacitor leakage. Blow
the cards and remove any dirt. T4 X √ √
Check the power supply for any hot spot or puncture
electrolyte capacitor on electronic rack. Replace if leakage √ √ √
Measure dB loss of Fiber-optic cable of SR. Clean, if required. X √ X

Blow the Gate Units of SR to remove any dirt. √ √ √

Replace all Fiber-optic cable of SR, including spares. Confirm X X √

loss within limits.
Clean Heat Exchangers at the back of the electronic rack. SR
X only √
Rehabilitation of following cards: Rehabilitation of following
cards are required to be undertaken as per RDSO guidelines
No EL/G/2008/01 Rev.1 with latest amendment.
SR Electronics:
NS/AS controller (PPA988B02)
GTO Optical pulse card (AFB635B08)
Single board computer (PPB622B01)
Digital I/O board (URB177D15)
Power supply(KUA915B01) IOH POH
Gate unit GVA587A01 X or 6 or
Gate unit power supply (KYA924D01) yea 12
Single conditioning card (UAB630A36) rs year
Single conditioning card(UAB630A91) whi s
Single conditioning card(UAB630A93) che v whic
BUR Electronics: er is he
Power supply aux. con. (KUC153A01) late r ver
VCU Electronics: is
Display computer board(PPB908A01) later
Digital I/O board (URB512D15)
Power supply VCU (KUB921A01)
Diagnostic computer (PPB624A01)
Single board computer (PPB622B01)
Improvement in reliability of LWL cards (AFB635 A01)
and bus coupler cards (UFB660 A01 & UFB701 A01) of
three phase locomotives by testing QFBR-1478C & 2478C √ √ √
transmitter & receivers. (As per
RDSO/2009/EL/SMI/0255 Rev.”0”,
dtd.08.05.2009 )
Handling and cleaning of PCB as per RDSO guideline.(ELRS/
TC/0091 dated 13.02.06) √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

E. Auxiliary System
41. Auxiliary converter: SD Vol. F8,
Check the working of air deflectors/fans √ √ √
Inspect the cubicle with respect to mechanical and electrical
integrity. Check all fixings for security and tightness and all
wiring are secured and insulations are not damaged, burnt or √ √ √
eroded. Visually inspect all components for physical damage.
Check the security of bolted terminals and mechanical
mounting of large components of Aux. rectifier (GG module)
and Aux. inverter (WRE module). Remove dust and dirt from √ √ √
insulating and heat convection surface.
Check the condition of gasket of DC link capacitor bank. √ X X
Replace if damaged.
Replace gasket of DC link capacitor bank. X √ √
Replace contact tips of EMC. X X √
Check the condition of gaskets of WRE, GG and battery
charger module. Replace if damaged. √ √ X
Replace gasket of WRE, GG and battery charger module. X X √

Knife contactor (female) position on its base plate in WRE

module (1, 2, 3&4) and (3, 4, 5&6) in GG. modules to be √ √ √
Check the value of DC link capacitance bank, it should be 18
mF. Remove dust deposits on the terminal insulators of the
capacitors by blowing brushing with a metallic brush or by √ √ √
rubbing with a cloth.
Check the tightness & proper fitment of 3 phase couplers of √ √ √
Aux. Converter
Remove auxiliary converter cubicle, clean inside the auxiliary
converter cabinets using a vacuum cleaner. Remove all traces
of dust, dirt and debris from the components, cubicle walls and X X √
Check all modules foundation gaskets. Replace, if required. √ X X

Overhaul the contactors in the auxiliary converters 1,2 & 3 and X √ √

replace the contact tips
Clean the reactors and transformers in the auxiliary converter
cabinets using compressed air. Remove all traces of dirt, dust √ √ √
and debris.
Clean all dirt and dust deposit from the terminal side of the
phase reference transformer and Auxiliary surge arrester √ √ √
insulator. Cleaning is by means of blowing out bushing off
with a cloth.
Visually inspect the insulators in the auxiliary converters
(BUR) 1,2 & 3 for damage. Replace any damaged insulator. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replace the seals on the auxiliary converter cabinets and X √ √

equipment modules.
All EP contactors, re-grouping contactors, MOV to be checked
and replace, if found defective √ √ √
Check that all connections are secure and there is no physical √ √ √
Clean all dirt and dust deposit by means of blowing out
brushing with a non-metallic brush or by rubbing with a cloth. √ √ √
43. Battery: M+R,
vol. D2,
Clean all the dust and dirt deposits or electrolyte spillage from
around the batteries and their connections √ √ X
Overhaul the battery as per OEM’s instructions. X √ X

Apply petroleum jelly to terminals after checking tightness. √ √ X

Check the electrolyte level and top up if required √ X X

Check the capacity of battery. If more than 80%, replace

electrolyte. If less than 80%, replace battery set. X √ X
Replace battery set. X X √
Check the condition of the door seal, door lock and replace
if any damaged or faulty. Test the operation and security of
the locking handles and rectify if faults found. Apply a small √ √ √
amount of a suitable lubricant to the locking handle pivots.
Measure & record the following:
-Specific gravity of the electrolyte √ √ √
-Individual cell voltages
44. Lights M+R,
Vol. D3
Check lighting units for physical damage, tightness of fixing
& connections, particularly look for signs of overheating or
burning. √ √ √
Replace bulbs/tubes which have failed.
Inspect the condition of, check for proper operation of and
clear cab illumination light assembly, desk illumination light
assembly, Machine room illumination light assembly and their √ √ √
covers. Replace, if necessary
Inspect the condition of and check for proper operation of head
light assembly, Marker light assembly, Flasher light assembly √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Clean the headlight, Marker light, glasses and flasher light √ √ √

Replace headlight lamp √ √ √
Replace the head light gasket, head light seals between head
light retaining ring and head light housing, Marker light rubber
gasket and its 'O" rings and the flasher light gasket, between X √ √
flasher light and loco roof.
Clean all internal light unit diffusers, bulbs or tubes and √ √ √
Apply silicon sealant if required to ensure their is no water
leakage from possible entry points of head light, Flasher light √ √ √
and Marker light.
45 Oil cooling piping: M+R,
Vol. D1
Replace the 'O' rings in the main transformer and main X √ √
converter oil pipes.
Check all pipe joints and flange for oil leakage/Sweating, loose
& missing screws and correct as necessary. √ √ √
46 Oil cooler radiators: SD, Vol.
Examine flange joint for sign of cracks, oil leakage and loose/ √ √ √
missing screws.
Vacuum clean the radiator chamber via the machine room
access cover and then clean the radiator by high pressure hot √ √ √
water jet. Check that the radiator is not blocked.
47 Oil cooling pumps: SD
Overhaul the transformer and traction converter oil cooling X √ √
Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X
condition basis
Replace the bearings and O rings. 2nd √ √
Checking of oil flow √ √ √
48. Oil cooler blower: M+R, Vol.
D2, SD
Remove and clean the oil cooler blower filter duct. Remove all
traces of dirt, duct and debris. √ √ √
Clean the oil cooler blower fan impeller. Remove all traces of √ √ X
dirt, dust and debris.
Remove the air cone from the oil cooler blower filter panel.
Remove all dirt, debris and obstructions. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check for abnormal noise and measure vibration level on OCB

before and after inspection. √ √ √
Air velocity measurement of OCB to be taken before and after √ √ √
Conduct RDPT of Impeller and check for unbalancing √ √ X

Replace the Impeller of oil cooler blower X X √

Check the condition of Rubber bellows of OCB duct to TM
Scavenger Blower. If damaged, replace it. √ √ √
Check the condition of roof filter & OCB duct gasket if √ √ √
damaged - replaced
Check the condition of rubber hosepipe and clamps. Replace if
damaged. Check the tightness of clamps. √ √ √
Check the condition of the filter screen, inspect for cracks or
damage. Rectify any faults found. √ √ √
Check the security of the bolts around the duct flanges. Check
all flanges on the ducting for cracks around the hoses. Rectify √ √ √
any fault found.
Remove any build up of dirt and foreign material from around √ √ √
the filter screen.
49. Oil cooler blower motor SD Vol.F10

Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X

condition basis
Overhaul the oil cooler blower motor. Replace the bearings T1 2nd
along with associate components & grease. MOH √ √

Remove all dust and dirt from motor body using a vacuum √ √ √
cleaner and soft non- metallic brush.
Conduct RDPT of motor foundation brackets. √ √ √

Securing of motors cables. √ √ √

Check Current & Voltage of OCB Motor √ √ √
50. Oil cooler blower seals: M+R,
vol. D2,
Vol. F10
Replace the seals between the oil cooler blower & the filter
duct, between the oil cooler blower filter & the pantograph
roof hatch on the oil cooler blower unit, between the oil cooler
blower & machine room floor, on the oil cooler blower filter & X √ √
ducting and on the oil cooler blower inspection door (WAP5/

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replace the seals between the oil cooler blower & the filter
duct, between the oil cooler blower filter & the pantograph
roof hatch on the oil cooler blower unit, between the oil cooler 2nd
blower & machine room floor, on the oil cooler blower filter & MOH √ √
ducting and on the oil cooler blower inspection door (WAG9/
Check the seal between the filter screen and pantograph roof
hatch. If necessary conduct a water test. Replace the seal if any √ X X
leakage occurs.
51 Machine room blower:
Remove the fan impeller from the machine room blower and
clean. Remove all traces of dirt, dust and debris. Check the √ √ √
impeller by RDPT
Remove and clean the machine room blower filter duct.
Remove all traces of dirt, dust and √ √ √
Check the condition of hoses and clamps. Replace if required. √ √ X

Check for abnormal noise. √ √ √

Remove the fly screen and louvers and clean them. Rectify any √ √ √
fault found
Remove any build up of dirt and foreign material from around
the louvred and filter panel. Also remove any obstruction from √ √ √
the louvered panel
Check the security of the bolts around the duct flanges and √ √ √
tighten, if required.
Check all flanges on the ducting for cracks around the bolt √ √ √
hoses. Rectify any faults found.
Check the condition of the bleed pipe between the scavenge
duct and filter duct. Tighten the clamps, if necessary and √ √ √
replace the hose if deterioration is evident.
Air delivery measurement in 3-phase locomotive to ascertain
proper cooling and pressurization of Machine Room. (As per
RDSO/2009/EL/SMI/0255 Rev.”0”, dtd.08.05.2009 ) √ √ √

52. Machine room blower seal: M+R,

Replace the seals of machine room blower filter, plenum & √ X X
duct, if found any leakage.
Check the conditions of the transition duct seal, the louver, the
plenum box and the flexible duct. Repair/Replace if any faults √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replace the seals of machine room blower filter, plenum &

duct, inspection door, blower filter & ducting and between the
machine room blower and machine room floor, between the X √ √
machine room blower filter and filter duct and the machine
room blower filter duct seal and wear plate (WAP5/WAP7).

Replace the seals of machine room blower filter, plenum &

duct, inspection door, blower filter & ducting and between the
machine room blower and machine room floor, between the 2nd √ √
machine room blower filter and filter duct and the machine MOH
room blower filter duct seal and wear plate (WAG9/ WAG9H).

53. Machine room blower motor: SD Vol.F10

Securing of motors cables. √ √ √

Remove all dust and dirt from motor body using a vacuum
cleaner and soft non- metallic brush. √ √ √
Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X
condition basis
Overhaul the machine room blower motor. Test the machine
room blower motor start-up capacitors. Replace the capacitor
if not within specification. Replace the drive and non-drive end T1 2nd √ √
bearings along with associate components & grease. MOH
Measure and record motor current. √ √ √
Conduct RDPT of motor foundation brackets. √ √ √

54. Traction motor blower motor: SD Vol.F10

Securing of motors cables. √ √ √

Remove all dust and dirt from motor body using a vacuum
cleaner and soft non- metallic brush. √ √ √

Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X

condition basis
Overhaul the traction motor blower motor. Replace the drive
and non derive end bearings along with associated components T1 2nd √ √
& grease. MOH
Measure and record motor current. √ √ √
Conduct RDPT of motor foundation brackets. √ √ √

55 Traction motor blower:

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Remove the fan impeller from the traction motor blower and
steam clean. Remove all traces of dirt, dust and debris. Check √ √ √
the impeller by RDPT
Remove and steam clean the traction motor blower filter duct.
Remove all traces of dirt, dust and debris. √ √ √
Clean the duct from the traction motor blower to the bellows in
the machine room floor. X √ √
Check for abnormal noise. √ √ √
Remove any build up of dirt and foreign material from around
the louver and filter panel. Also remove any obstruction from √ √ √
the louver panel drain holes.
Check the conditions of the seal plate, flexible duct and plenum
box and the louver. √ √ √
Repair/Replace as required
Check the condition of the bleed pipes between the scavenge
duct and filter duct. Tighten the clamps or replaced the hose if √ √ √
Check the security of the bolts around the duct flanges and √ √ √
tighten as required.
Check the flanges on the ducting for cracks around the bolt
holes. Rectify any faults found. √ √ √
Vibration and air velocity measurement of TM blower to be
taken before and after inspection √ √ √
56. Traction motor blower seals: M+R,
Check the traction motor blower filter, plenum, wear plate. √ X X

Check the seals on the traction motor blower filter and ducting,
between the traction motor blower and machine room floor,
on the traction motor blower inspection covers, between the √ X X
plenum box and body side panel. Replace the seal if any
leakage occurs.
Replace the traction motor blower filter, plenum, wear plate
and duct seals (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
Replace the traction motor blower filter, plenum, wear plate nd 2
and duct seals (WAG9/ WAG9H) MOH √ √
Replace the seals on the TM blower filter & ducting (WAP5/ X √ √
Replace the seals on the TM blower filter & ducting (WAG9/ nd 2
WAG9H) MOH √ √
Replace the seals between the TM blower & machine room
floor and between the plenum box and body side panel(WAP5/ X √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Replace the seals between the TM blower & machine room

floor and between the plenum box and body side panel 2nd √ √
Replace the seals on the TM blower inspection cover (WAP5/ X √ √
Replace the seals on the TM blower inspection cover (WAG9/ nd 2
WAG9H) MOH √ √
57. Traction motor & oil cooler blower scavenger motor: SD Vol.F10

Securing of motors cables. √ √ √

Remove all dust and dirt from motor body using a vacuum
cleaner and soft non- metallic brush √ √ √
Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X
condition basis
Overhaul the traction motor and oil cooler blower scavenger nd 2
motor. Replace the drive and non-drive end bearings along T1 MOH √ √
with associate components & grease.
Measure and record motor current. √ √ √
Conduct RDPT of motor foundation brackets. √ √ √

58. Machine room blower scavenger motor: SD Vol.F10

Securing of motors cables. √ √ √
Remove all dust and dirt from motor body using a vacuum
cleaner and soft non- metallic brush √ √ √
Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X
condition basis
Overhaul the machine room blower scavenger motor. Test the
machine room blower motor start up capacitor Replace it if
not within specification. Replace the drive and non drive end T1 nd 2 √ √
bearings along with associate components & grease. MOH
Measure and record motor current. √ √ √
Conduct RDPT of motor foundation brackets. √ √ √

59. Machine room blower scavenger: M+R,

Remove the machine room blower scavenger fan impeller,
inlet cone and housing. Steam clean the parts, removing all
dirt, dust and debris. Visually inspect for erosion, corrosion, 2nd √ √
damage or cracks. Check the impeller by RDPT MOH
Replace the flexible duct between the machine room blower 2nd
scavenger motor and filter. MOH √ √
Clean the ducts and scavenge system ducting. √ √ √
Replace the equaliser hoses between the machine room blower
scavenger motor and the filter (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
Replace the equaliser hoses between the machine room blower 2nd
scavenger motor and the filter (WAG9/ WAG9H) MOH √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check the condition of equaliser hoses between the machine

room blower scavenger motor and √ X X
the filter
Check the condition of rubber hoses and replace, if required. √ X X

Replace the rubber hoses X √ √

Measure air velocity of scavenge blower. √ √ √
Check tightness of foundation bolts. √ √ √
Replace the seals and gaskets on the machine room blower
scavenger ducting (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
Replace the seals and gaskets on the machine room blower nd 2
scavenger ducting (WAG9/ MOH √ √
Check the condition of seals and gaskets on the machine room
blower scavenger ducting √ X X
60. Traction motor and oil cooler blower scavenger duct: M+R,
Clean the traction motor and oil cooler blower scavenger
ducting. Remove all dirt and dust from inside the duct. X √ √
Adjust the slip joint between the TM Scavenge and oil cooler √ √ √
blower duct.
Check tightness of foundation bolts √ √ √
61. Traction motor and oil cooler blower scavenger: M+R, Vol.
D2, SD
Remove the traction motor and oil cooler blower scavenger
fan impeller, inlet cone and housing. Steam cleans the parts,
removing all dirt, dust and debris. Visually inspect the impeller √ √ √
for erosion, corrosion, damage or cracks. Check the impeller
by RDPT.
Clean the ducts and scavenge system ducting. √ √ √
Replace the hoses at the oil cooler blower filter scavenger X √ √
boxes (WAP5/WAP7)
Replace the hoses at the oil cooler blower filter scavenger 2nd √ √
boxes (WAG9/ WAG9H) MOH
Check the condition of hoses at the oil cooler blower filter
scavenger boxes (WAG9/ WAG9H) √ X X
Replace the equaliser hoses between the TM & oil cooler
blower scavenger & the filter (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
Replace the equaliser hoses between the TM & nd 2
oil cooler blower scavenger & the filter (WAG9/ WAG9H) MOH √ √
Check the condition of equaliser hoses between the TM & oil
cooler blower scavenger & the filter √ X X

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check the condition of rubber hoses and replace, if required. √ X X

Replace the rubber hoses X √ √

Measure air velocity of scavenge blower. √ √ √
Replace the seal at the oil cooler blower scavenger duct slip X √ √
joint (WAP5/WAP7)
Replace the seal at the oil cooler blower scavenger duct slip nd 2
joint (WAG9/ WAG9H) MOH √ √
Check the condition of the seal at the oil cooler blower
scavenger duct slip joint and replace, if required. (WAG9/ √ X X
Replace the seals and gaskets on the TM and oil cooler blower
scavenger ducting (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
Replace the seals and gaskets on the TM and oil 2nd
cooler blower scavenger ducting (WAG9/ WAG9H) MOH √ √
Check the condition of seals and gaskets on the TM and oil
cooler blower scavenger ducting (WAG9/ WAG9H) √ X X

Check tightness of foundation bolts √ √ √

62. Main compressor motor: SD Vol.F13

Overhaul the main compressor drive motor. X √ √

Check for abnormal noise. √ √ √
Megger the motor in assembled condition √ √ √
Checking of bearing condition by SPM/Noise and changing on √ X X
condition basis
Replace the main compressor drive motor bearing along with 2nd
associate components and grease. MOH √ √
Remove all dust and dirt from motor body using a vacuum √ √ √
cleaner and soft non- metallic brush
Conduct RDPT of motor foundation brackets. √ √ √

62. In addition to above following RAPs to be followed for maintenance of Auxiliary

A machines as and when applicable.
/ SMI/16
Fits and limits on bearings of auxiliary motors issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
used on Electric locomotives. EL/2.2.48/J2 MOH
dated 3.5.1978

/ SMI/23
Procedure for measuring the bearing clearances issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
of a “free bearing” that is a bearing off the EL/2.2.48/J2 MOH
machine. dated 7.5.1978).

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

/ SMI/23
Conditioning monitoring of bearings. issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
EL/8.11.12/ MOH
D B3, dated 20.07.1979).

/ SMI/78issu ed vide letter
Fitment of outer race of bearing in the bearing no. 2nd
housing. EL/2.2.48 MOH √ √
dated2.5.19 81

/ SMI/79
Testing/checking of new bearings for Auxiliary issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
motors. EL/2.2.48 MOH
dated 11.6.1981).

/ SMI/86 (Rev.1)
Procedure for impregnation of stator auxiliary issued vide letter no. 2nd
motors. EL/3.2.70 MOH √ √
dated 29.11.2000).

/ SMI/152
General guidelines to follow for balancing of issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
rotor and blower impellers. EL/3.2.70/J3 MOH
dated 15.12.1992

/ SMI/163
Detection of rotor bar and end ring cracks issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
on Arno converter and auxiliary motors by EL/3.2.11 MOH
“Search coil and motor tester”. dated Nov.94).

/ SMI/199
General guidelines to follow for balancing of issued vide letter no. 2nd √ √
rotors and cooling blower impellers in position. EL/3.2.70 MOH
( Ref.. dated 01.04.1998)

63 Cab heater/Blower motor and crew fan M+R,

motor: Vol.D3

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check the movement of blower motor √ √ √

Replace the bearing of cab heater Blower
motor and crew fan motor along with associate X √ √
components& grease.
Overhaul the cab heater/blower motor and crew X √ √
fan motor.
Clean the heater blower switch. √ √ √
64. Cubicles: SD, Vol. F3, F16

Visually inspect for physically damage and

insulation defects. Check for loose fixings and
connections, rectify if necessary. √ √ √
Visually inspect for damage, renew if
Check tightness of connections of cable,
3-phase choke power contactor and knife √ √ √
contact connections (female).
Clean all relays in SB1/2 & check for physical
damage and tightness of all relays √ √ √
Check the circuit breakers for damage, loose
fixing and connections. Rectify/renew if √ √ √
Clean the capacitor bank and tighten the √ √ √
capacitor-mounting nut.
Check for any looseness in connectors and
ensure cap over the spare fibber optic cable in √ √ √
all the electronic racks
Remove all dust particles using a soft brush
or vacuum cleaner. Clean the surface of the √ √ √
control magnet using a cloth wet with alcohol.
Check no excessive tension of terminals of √ √ √
capacitor or breakage of terminal.
Check no cracks on body of voltage equalizing
register and connections are intact. (Replace in √ √ √
case of crack found)
Visually inspect the capacitor elements in the
Harmonic Filter Cubicle for sign of damage. √ √ √
Check capacitance value is within permissible
Remove dirt particles from heat transfer faces,
electrical connections and insulations material √ √ √
of Battery Charger.
Overhauling of maximum current relay √ √ √
Overhauling of the minimum voltage relay X X √
Overhaul relay 89.2 in HB2 & 89.5 in HB 1 X X √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Overhaul of the relay 126.5, 136.3, 136.4,

126.7/1, 218, 126, 89.7 and 78 in SB1 X X √
Overhaul of the relay 126.7, 126.6, 211,
130.1, 48.2, 300.3/1&300.3/2 in SB2 X X √
Clean, inspect & check all relays. √ √ X
Remove HB1, HB2, SB1, SB2 and filter
cubicles and control electronics cubicles and X X √
blow out dirt and dust. Examine the cubicle
frame for any signs of crack.
All cubicle should be painted X X √
Overhaul the EM and EP contactors in different
cubicles. Replace the rubber parts Check for
any air leakage in EP contactor. ** √ √
Attend/Repair the contact tips of the main and
auxiliary contacts.
Replace contact tips of EP Contactors. X X √
Check tightness of couplers and other parts. √ √ √

Check the DI relay for wear on the contact

tips. Replace the contact blocks if the tips are √ √ √
not within specification.
Visually inspect the CEL unit. √ √ √
Overhaul the fire detection unit. Change the
filter and check calibration. Calibrate the FDU √ √ √
and set voltage at test point zero 0+100mv.
Clean Fire detection pipeline by compressed
air and check that there should not be any √ √ √
Visually inspect the contact tips for signs of
arcing damage. Repair/ Replace the defective √ √ √
Perform functional checks ensuring the main X √ √
and Aux. contacts operate correctly.
Remove the main and aux. Contactors and
check the junction box connections for √ X X
tightness of harmonic filter cable.
Overhaul the CP contactor √ X X
Replace the CP contactor X √ √
Check all the contactors in HB1, HB2, SB1, √ √ √
SB2 and BUR2, MOV and Transorb.
65 Cable Trench:
Clean the cable trench inside the machine room X √ √
and on the side wall channels.
F Air supply and pneumatic system:
66. Main compressors: SD Vol.F13

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Clean externally with compressed air. √ √ √

Replace the oil. T1 √ √ √
Check for signs of oil leakages √ √ √
Check for any abnormal sound. √ √ √
Clean the air intake filter and cooling air flow √ √ √
Check intactness of air intake filter support √ √ √
Overhaul the main compressor of M/s. Knorr &
Elgi make & replace items as per overhauling √ √ √
Overhaul the main compressor of M/S.
SWIL/ D&M make & replace items as per X √ √
overhauling kit. (WAP5/WAP7)
Overhaul the main compressor of M/S. SWIL/ 2nd
D&M make & replace items as per MOH √ √
overhauling kit. (WAG9/WAG9H)
Replace suction air filter element √ √ √
Check tightness of Nut bolts of all Guards of √ √ √
CP. Check Fan.
Clean the primary oil filter, change the
secondary oil filter, clean the concentric valves √ √ √
and fit with new gaskets.
Replace the main compressor mountings pads. X √ √
Replace CP delivery pipe √ √ √
Replace copper Interconnecting pipes between
intercooler and after cooler (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
Replace copper Interconnecting pipes between 2nd
intercooler and after cooler MOH √ √
Overhaul the Inter cooler after cooler assembly
& replace items as per overhauling kit. X √ X
Replace the Inter cooler after cooler assembly X X √

Replace HP & LP cylinder and HP & LP X X √

concentric valves all make.
Replace concentric valve kit. X √ X
Clean the after cooler from the rear door √ √ √
Check the impeller housing for any external √ √ √
hits and breakages
Check the oil pressure √ √ X
Overhaul oil pump. X X √
Clean and check the crank case breather √ √ √
Dismantle and overhaul the main compressor.
Examine and inspect all components for wear/ √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Replace the main element and the safety

element of the air intake filter and other parts X √ √
as prescribed in manual.
Reassemble, fill with new compressor oil and X √ √
Provision of rubber kits in all EP valves of
Pneumatic panel. √ √ √
67. Main compressor mounting and delivery M+R, Vol.D3
Inspect the compressor mounting points on the
locomotive under frame for cracks, damage or √ √ √
other defects using RDPT. Rectify any faults
Replace the main compressor resilient X √ √
Inspect the CP mounting plate for any crack
and check condition of CP security chain. √ √ √
Replace the delivery hose from the main √ √ √
68. Auxiliary compressor: M+R, Vol. D3, SD Vol.F12
Clean the CPA externally and check tightness √ √ √
of connections.
Replace the oil T1 √ √ √
Attend the valves, clean/replace air intake filter √ √ √

Check for tightness of Assembly and air √ √ √

leakage from pipe connection.
Check for its proper build up of pressure in √ √ √
given time.
Check settings of auxiliary compressor √ √ √
Check the spring tension and size of carbon
brushes of the MCPA. Adjust/replace as √ √ √
Clean commutator. Check carbon brush pig √ √ √
tails Holder and spring.
Replace the delivery hose between the √ √ √
auxiliary compressor and brake frame.
Overhaul the compressor. √ √ √
69. Pneumatic Valves, Cocks and Filters: SD vol. F11
F12, F13, F14

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Overhaul and test for correct operation of

emergency exhaust valve, auto drain valve,
check valve, D2 relay valve, brake protection
valve, EBC/5 blending valve, throttle valve,
anti spin valve, duplex check valve, feed valve,
venturi check valve, flow measuring relay As per
valve, anti compound check valve, double OEM’s sched ule √ √ √
check valve, latch solenoid valves (parking
brake), MR & CP safety valve. Change the
defective parts.
NRV and unloader valves fail due to ingress of
Carbon which extracted from CP. So, Checking
and cleaning of NRV and unloader to be
ensured in all type of 3- phase locomotives.
Overhaul Emergency brake cock, Horn As per
isolating cock, other isolating and drain OEM’s X √ √
cocks, air and oil filters etc. as per suppliers schedule
As per
Overhaul all angle cocks. OEM’s √ √ √
Check valves, D2 relay valve, auto drain
valve: The unit must be thoroughly cleaned.
Compressor part should be checked and any √ X X
defective part renewed.
Check the setting and operation of valves.
Test the brake isolating cocks for correct
operation. Check the condition of BP/FP pipe, √ √ √
cock & isolating handle for any hit mark or
Replace filter elements as prescribed
/required. Check and adjust as required. √ √ √
Replace all rubber components (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √

Replace all rubber components (WAG9/ 3rd X √

70. Horn: M+R Vol.D1
Check the proper function of horn on LT & HT √ √ √

Check the condition of the horn handle for any √ √ √

Check the condition of horn boots. Replace if √ √ √
Overhaul horn, horn switch and its valves. √ √ √
Replace horn gasket, other rubber parts and any √ √ √
other part as required
Check for proper functioning. √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives


SN Activity Ref. MO H IO H PO H

Vol. D3,
71. Brake Pneumatics: SD Vol.
F12, 13,
Clean & Test the all pressure switches as part
of the brake unit, check settings. Replace any faulty or √ √ √
defective switches. Check intactness
of mounting bases.
Overhaul all pressure switches √ √ √
S. Name of Pressure Schemat √ √ √
N. Switch No.
1 Pantograph 130.4/2, √ √ √
2 Emergency brake 269.1 √ √ √
3 Auxiliary compressor 172.4 √ √ √
4 Parking brake 269.3 √ √ √
5 Brake F.P. 269.42 √ √ √
6 Vigilance control 269.5 √ √ √
7 Flow indicator 269.41 √ √ √
8 B.C. bogie pr. Switch 269.6, 26 √ √ √
9 Main compressor 172.2 √ √ √
10 Main compressor 172.3 √ √ √
11 Low MR pressure. 169.4 √ √ √
12 Direct brake pres. switch 269.2 √ √ √
Check the tightness of the brake electronics control
cards holding screws. √ √ √
Overhaul the pressure regulator and check for
correct operation. Change all rubber parts as √ √ √
per OEM’s kit.
Overhaul KABA switch replace all rubber items X √ √
as per OEM’s kit.
Overhaul TBU & PBU and replace parts as per X √ √
overhauling kit (WAP7)
Overhaul TBU & PBU and replace parts as per 2nd √ √
overhauling kit (WAG9/WAG9H) MOH
Overhaul brake equipment module, including
various other sub-modules. Replace rubber
items as per OEM’s kit. Test and adjust as per X √ √
the test procedure. Ensure that there is not air
leakage after removal of Kaba key lock.
Overhaul the E-70 manifold assembly/CCB brake As per OEM’s
system and replace parts as per overhauling kit. instructions

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Remove the filter element of inline filter and clean √ √ √

Overhaul driver's brake controller and automatic brake As per OEM’s
controller. Replace parts as per overhauling kit. Test for instructions
correct operation
Clean the brake frame/pneumatic panel and check for √ √ √
any signs of air leakage.
Check all the pipes for leakage or damage.
Check all the clamps for any damage and looseness. √ √ √
Check all the cable connections of pneumatic √ √ √
panel for looseness or deficiency of cleats.
Check the operation of the parking brakes. √ √ √
Replace brake activating mechanism (main X √ √
cylinder & parking brake cylinder)
Remove and thoroughly clean the Brake cylinder
actuator unit. Test for correct √ √ √
DISTRIBUTOR: The unit must be thoroughly cleaned.
Compressor parts should be checked X √ √
and any defective parts renewed.
Overhaul the distributor and change all rubber part. √ √ √

72. Air dryer SD Vol.F12

Check for the proper position of the air dryer angle √ √ √

Check for the correct operation as far as purging and √ √ √
timings are concerned. Refer
Remove and overhaul the complete unit. Replace parts √ √ √
as per overhauling kit.
Overhaul the twin tower air drier. Check for correct X √ √
Overhaul purge valve. √ √ √
Technical Circular no. RDSO/2011/EL/TC/0108,
Rev.’0’ dtd. 7.3.11 for testing of air dryers and its
efficacy on electric locomotives in Electric Loco Sheds/ √ √ √
Workshops has been issued to Railways vide letter no.
EL/3.2.19/1 dated. 7.3.11.
73. Air Reservoirs: SD
Ensure proper alignment of reservoir base. Check the
condition of safety chain and its supports. √ √ √
Carry out external examination and tests. X X √
Blow down and drain the reservoir until clean of water
and oil. Check all drain cocks are closed on completion. √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

74. Brake system: M+R, Vol.

D3, SD Vol.
Check the condition of brake caliper, its pin & bushes
& availability of locking split pin check the condition √ X X
of brake pad & security of brake pad/blocks keys,
replace if required (WAP5 only).
Overhaul brake caliper as prescribed. Replace X √ √
brake pads, pins & bushes. Check and adjust
clearances. Re-lubricate as prescribed.
Check for the wear of the brake pads and replace if √ √ √
required (WAP5 only)
Check & adjust the clearance of brake pads/blocks √ √ √
from the wheel disc (WAP5 only)
Check the condition of brake disc for any
discoloration or chipping off or any other external √ √ √
damage (WAP5 only)
Inspect the brake blocks for wear. If it is below
the minimum limit, replace the complete locomotive set √ √ √
brake block.
Check the brake block key security. √ √ √
Overhaul Tread cleaning device as prescribed. Replace
the scrubber block (if worn out) and X √ √
any other worn out component (WAP5 only).
Overhaul the service brake cylinder adjuster units and
parking brake cylinder adjuster units. Check for correct √ √ √
operation and tightness of pipes.
Rehabilitation of tri plate panel of E-70 brake system
of 3-phase locomotives. (As per letter no. 230-Elect/ X X √
TRS/92/2/6-Pt-1 dtd. 05.01.2009)
Replacement of safety sling of break hanger √ √ √
G Interior
75. Cab door and Machine Room door: SD Vol.F1
Inspect cab door latch, lock, hinges and catch assembly
for correct operation and damage. Repair any fault √ √ √
Lubricate hinges, latch and locks with general- purpose
oil. Wipe away excess oil from around hinge. √ √ √
Replace the door seals. Door window seal and any X √ √
other worn out part.
Check the condition of the door seals and replace if √ X X
torn or damaged.
Check cubical door security locks are effective, clean √ √ √
KABA locks using specified cleaner.
Check integrity of door window, replace if required. √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

76. Cab interior: M+R,

Clean the cab with vacuum cleaner and soap solution. √ √ √

Clean the surfaces of the driver’s desk with a soap

solution and cloth. Taking care not to allow water to √ √ √
enter electrical cubicles.
Clean the cab floor with a suitable cleaning agent. √ √ √

Clean & Inspect the blinds and repair if required. √ √ √

Check for roller mechanism fitted to the blinds for √ √ √

correct operation.
Replace the Antiskid flooring. √ √ √
Repaint the cab from inside with PU paint √ √ √
77. Drivers seat: SD
Check for proper functioning, looseness, scoring, and √ √ √
cracks and replace any
broken/damaged parts as required.
Lubricate pedestal shaft. √ √ √
Replace the seat cover and cushion √ √ X
Rehabilitation of driver seat X √ X
Replace the driver seat X X √
Check seat-mounting points for integrity and ensure √ √ √
fixings are fully tightened.
78. Cab. Equipment: M+R,
Check the accuracy of the pressure gauges and meters
against a test gauge. Calibrate if possible otherwise √ √ √
replace if out of acceptabletolerance.
Clean the battery, OHE and TE/BE meters in √ √ √
both cabs and check for zero error
Check the operation of emergency push button. Operate
push button and observe that the pantograph is lowered, √ √ √
and the emergency
brake applied.
Check the switches, lamps and gauges on √ √ √
driver’s desk, their tightness and clean.
Replace Vigilance, Sanders, PVEF pedal switches X √ √


Replace cab activation switch. X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Overhaul the foot pedal switch. √ X X

Verify that all appropriate lamp illuminate and
indicators display correct readings. Renew bulbs / √ √ √
indicators if necessary
Remove panels A, B, C and D and Cab SBs and clean √ √ √
Check the condition of CO2 gas cylinder and its
regulator and pressure gauge provided in both cabs, √ √ √
Refill CO2 cylinders if empty.
Overhaul the fire Extinguisher. √ √ √
Clean pipeline of fire extinguisher by compressed air √ √ √
and check for air leakage.
Internal Clock Time Setting √ √ √
Checking of Red LED status of FBV/FLG Card √ √ √
Analysis of DDS of locos √ √ √
Clean the heater ventilator; Replace the cab heater 2nd
flexible duct. Examine the cab heater on position. MOH √ √
Overhaul the crew fan, ventilation fan and cab heater. √ √ √
Replace any damaged parts.
Clean the heater switch and polish contacts. X √ √
Ensure that schematic numbers of various equipments
are intact. To be provided in case of deficiency. √ √ √
Check all keys are present and the complete system is X X √
80. Buzzer: SD Vol.F16

Clean the dust filter on the buzzer using a soft √ √ √

brush. Remove all traces of dust and dirt. Do
not apply pressure to the filter or use compressed air.
81. Master controller: SD
Overhaul the master controller. Grease cam- shaft,
seats under control handles and other moving parts of √ √ √
Master controller and check for proper operation and
Check the absolute value of transmitter. √ √ √
Check the tightness of the fasteners & cable √ √ √
Check that the contact is operating correctly by the √ √ √
camshaft and adjust if necessary.
Check that the rollers are free to rotate and all wiring is
sound and secure. Operate handles and ensure interlock √ √ √
functions correctly.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Overhaul the reverser switch √ √ √

Calibration the angle transmitter. √ √ √
Ensure that caps have been provided to cover the √ √ √
auxiliary contacts.
82. Speedometer SD Vol.F16

Overhaul and recalibrate the MEMOTEL speedometer. √ √ √

Overhaul the master, slave & PG unit and calibrate √ √ √

Open the PG from axle box cover & check intactness of √ √ √

the fork bolt with the fork.
Inspect Memotel and Pulse Generator and their
couplers for any damage and proper fitment. √ √ √
Set the date, time and wheel diameter correctly.
Check & adjust wheel dia. according to actual wheel √ √ √
83 Machine room
Visually inspect the machine room for any signs of
oil leakage from traction converter, transformer, DC √ √ √
link and series resonant circuit capacitors and other
electrical equipment and carefully clean the same
Clean the complete machine room with the air
pressurized supply and vacuum cleaner to remove all √ √ √
dust particles.
84 Cyclonic filter
Air cleaning of MR blower filter. √ √ √
Water cleaning of MR blower filter. √ √ √
Air cleaning of TM blower filter √ √ √
Water cleaning of TM blower filter √ √ √
Air cleaning of OC blower filter. √ √ √
Water cleaning of OC blower filter. √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Apart from the following RDSO letter for maintenance activities, the following maintenance
schedules of Traction converter(SR), Auxiliary Converter(BUR), Vehicle control unit(VCU) and
Pneumatic System of M/s. KBIL & FTRTIL to be followed.
Maintenance Schedule of Traction Converter (SR) (Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/
S.No Equipment Maintenance schedule
Check the oil level indicator situated
on the conservator (Expansion Tank).
If the oil is below the minimum mark,
1 top up with the specified oil. Check √ √ √ √ √ √
for any sign of leakage and attend the
same. The oil shall be made available
by Railways free.
Visually examine oil pipe joints for
2 leaks, loose or missing screws and √ √ √ √ √ √
correct as necessary.
Examine the flange joints for leaks,
loose or missing screws. Check
3 gaskets/ oil seals, and replace if √ √ √ √ √ √
required. Check the condition of
stucchi coupling and manifold joints
for sign of oil leakage and attend the
same as per the need.
Examine all electrical equipment of
traction converter for signs of dirt,
4 corrosion, damage etc. Remove all √ √ √ √ √ √
dust/ dirt deposits from the connection
Check the cable connection of Sichem
connectors of differential Amplifier
5 provided below SR oil pump. √ √ √ √ √ √
Attention to Sichem connectors shall
be done by Railways.
Clean the isolating blade and spring
6 contact of earthing switch. Lightly X X √ √ √ √
lubricate it with the specified grease.
7 Clean the heat sink by vacuum cleaner. X X √ √ √ √
8 Check the tightness of SR electronics √ √ √ √ √ √
Ensure sealing of incoming cable
9 gland of control card rack to avoid X X √ √ √ √
entry of dust/ dirt.
10 Check the condition of silica gel. If √ √ √ √ √ √
pink replace with dry silica gel.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

BDV and DGA test of converter oil to

11 be done and maintain the record for √ √ √ √ √ √
analysis purpose. Filter/ change the oil
if required.
Check the ventilation fans of
12 traction converters electronics for its √ √ √ √ √ √
satisfactory working. The fans shall be
replaced if found defective.
Replacement of ventilation fans of
13 traction converters electronics for its X X X X X √
satisfactory working.
Remove the converter cubicles. Clean
14 the dust and dirt thoroughly including X X X X √ √
electronic cards by blowing/ vacuum
Visually inspect the MUB resistor
for evidence of overheating; bending
of resistor tapes, discoloration of the
15 resistors or its case, or burn marks. X X √ √ √ √
Replace the MUB resistor assembly
if damaged or defective or not within
specified limit.
Measure the impedance of MUB
16 resistors and attend/ replace X X X X √ √
Visually inspect the traction converter
17 earthing resistors for signs of √ √ √ √ √ √
overheating. Replace any resistor that
is damaged or defective.
Clean the Series Resonant and DC link
capacitors and inspect for any sign of
oil leakage, bulging etc.
18 Measure the values and replaced if not X X X √ √ √
within permissible range.
Replace the capacitors if damaged/
defective or not within specified limit.
Check the DC link and series resonant
19 circuit capacitor bank electrical X X X X √ √
connections. Tighten the fasteners if
necessary. Change if
found defective.
Test the voltage indicators and
20 current transducer. Replace, if X X X X √ √
Overhaul the pre-charging and main
21 contactors. Replace the rubber parts X X X X √ √
and other item as per requirement as
recommended by OEM.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Visual inspection of contact tips of

22 Electro-pneumatic and Electro- X X X √ √ √
magnetic contactors and replace if
Check and clean the blade and spring
contacts of earthing switch and
23 lubricate. Check its connections for X X X √ √ √
tightness and intactness. Attend it if
Testing the BDV of the converter oil
24 and if BDV value is not normal then X X X √ √ √
oil to be centrifuged on condition
25 Drain the oil from SR and conduct X X X X √ √
centrifuging of the oil.
26 Replace the converter cooling oil. X X X X X √
Replace the air-cooling hoses, seals on
27 the traction converter doors. X X X X √ √
28 Over hauling of Earthing switch. X X X X X √
Measure dB loss of Fiber-optic cable
of SR. Clean, if required. In case the
29 dB value is not within the specified X X X X √ √
limit then the fiber optic cable shall be
30 Blow the Gate units of SR to remove X X X √ √ √
any dirt.
Visual inspection of bushing of
transformer. Contractor shall only
31 inspect and intimate Railways. Any X X X X √ √
attention to bushing shall be done by
Testing of gate unit on test bench
32 as per TC/135. Replace if found X X X X √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Table 2: Maintenance Schedule of Auxiliary Converter (BUR)

Maintenance schedule
S.No Equipment I A I B I C MOH IOH POH
Check the working of ventilation fans of
1 auxiliary convertrs and attend/ replace the same √ √ √ √ √ √
as per need.
2 Replacement of ventilation fans of auxiliary X X X X X √
3 Clean the dust by vacuum cleaner without √ √ √ √ √ √
opening modules.
Check the tightness of connections of control
4 cards and attend the same as per requirement. √ √ √ √ √ √
Clean the reactors and transformers in the
17 auxiliary converter cabinets using compressed X X X X √ √
air. Remove all traces of dirt, dust and debris.
Clean all dirt and dust deposit from the terminal
side of the phase reference transformer and
18 auxiliary surge arrester insulator. Cleaning is by X X X X √ √
means of blowing out and brushing off with a
Visually inspect the isnulators in the auxiliary
19 converter (BUR) 1,2 & 3 for damage. Replace X X X √ √ √
damaged insulators if found during check.
All re-grouping contactors, MOV to be checked
20 and replace the same, if found defective. X X X √ √ √
Table 3: Maintenance Schedule of VCU
Maintenance schedule
S.No Equipment
1 Visually check physical damage and insulation X X X √ √ √
2 Check the tightness of all PCB cards and √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Check the tightness of Fiber Optic Coupler. X X X √ √ √
Replace the back-up batteries in the vehicle
4 control unit bus station diagnostic DIA. X X X X √ √
5 Replace the seals in the UIC socket. X X X X X √
Reload the software to the vehicle control unit
6 bus station computer EPROMs. X X X X X √
Examine the UIC socket at both end of the
locomotive to make sure the covers operate freely.
Inspect electrical contacts and if necessary blow
7 clean with compressed air. X X X √ √ √
Ensure working of instrument cooling fan and
8 replace if required. √ √ √ √ √ √
9 Replacement of instrument cooling fan. X X X X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check setting of thermostat in VCU and attend

10 the same if required. X X X X √ √
Visually check all the cards for any capacitor
11 leakage. Blow the cards and remove any dirt. X X X X √ √
Measure dB loss of Fiber-optic cables interfacing
with traction and auxiliary converters. Clean, if
12 required. In case the dB value is not within the X X X X √ √
specified limit then the fiber optic cable shall be
13 Clean Heat Exchangers at the back of the X X X √ √ √
electronic rack.

IGBT Hotel Load Converter of WAP7 locomotive (Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/
S.No Equipment Maintenance schedule
1 Fault log data download before schedules. √ √ √ √ √ √
Check door gaskets for damages. If found
2 damaged, change the same. X X √ √ √ √
3 Replace all the gaskets of HLC covers. X X X X √ √
Check the dust ingress into the HLC. Use a
4 vacuum cleaner to clean. X X X √ √ √
Check the HLC main air entry for IGBT modules
5 & magnetic components and clean the filter. X X X √ √ √
Check the cable tie wraps of the power cables.
6 Check for sign of overheating. X X X X √ √
Check functioning of the blowers and fans and
7 replace in case of any abnormality √ √ √ √ √ √
Measure the overall capacitance of each DC link
8 and replace if needed. (12mF in case of M/s. X X X √ √ √
Siemens make & 10.08 mF in case of M/s. Medha
make HLC)
Change the bearings of main blower fan (for
9 Siemens make HLC) X X X X √ √
Check tightness of connection at input, output
10 and control cables. X X √ √ √ √
Check the power connection for color changes/
11 overheating and exchange the cables and sockets. X X X √ √ √
12 Check tightness of power cables. X X √ √ √ √
Check the contacts of the pre- charging contactors.
13 Check the arc quenching chamber of the contactor. X X √ √ √ √
Check the contacts of the main contactors. Check
14 the arc quenching chamber of the contactor X X √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check the contacts of the auxiliary contactors.

15 Check the arc quenching chamber of the contactor. X X √ √ √ √
16 Filter cleaning. X X X √ √ √
17 After schedule of inspection, erase FDP memory. √ √ √ √ √ √
18 Check parameters of HLC in working conditions.
Output voltage - 750V+/- 5, L-E voltage peak -
less than 800V.
√ √ √ √ √ √
19 Replace the back-up battery of text display unit of
HLC (for M/s. Siemens make only). X X X X √ √
20 Chack the sealing of the cable entry into the panel
(to stop the sust entry). √ √ √ √ √ √
21 Check the earth connections of the panel. √ √ √ √ √ √
22 Check the tightness of mounting/ fixation bolts
with the loco body. X X X √ √ √
23 Check the connectors of the panel. √ √ √ √ √ √
24 Check the door locks of the panel. √ √ √ √ √ √
25 Check the healthiness of IV coupler & UIC
couplers of the loco. Specially the IP protection √ √ √ √ √ √
and welding of UIC boxes.
26 Check the healthiness of UIC coupler wire of the
loco. √ √ √ √ √ √

Maintenance activities during major/ minor schedules of High Voltage with plug (Ref: RDSO
SMI No. RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/0317 Dt: 18.10.2017)
S. No Activities IA IB IC AOH IOH POH
1 Check for tightness of insulating plug by opening of cap
tight the same if required and re-fix the cap both side of the √ √ √ √ √ √
2 Check the tightness of earthing lead, do tight if required. √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Clean the high voltage cable and T-connector housing with √ √ √ √ √ √
dry cotton cloth.
4 Remove the oil around the T-connector housing, this place √ √ √ √ √ √
must be clean and dry
5 Avoid to open CHT from bushing checking of tightness
is sufficient subject to there is no visual defect on √ √ √ √ √ √
6 Ensure that open high voltage cable with plug must be kept x x x √ √ √
in dust free environment.
7 In any case of re-fixing of T-connector, please make sure
that all parts of high vooltage cable with plug must be dust x x x √ √ √
free, clean the stress cone area, T-connector housing and
re-grease both of them before fixing.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

8 Ensure, when re-fixing the high voltage cable, at first the

alloy stud should be tight by hand, then align the cable
thimble through T housing with the stud hand fitted in
bushing after then insert the insulating plug and push it x x x √ √ √
with revolving with hand pal (Hatheli), tight the same and
fix the cap (semiconductor part of the T-connector)
9 Check the tightness of BIP with HV bushing placed on roof √ √ √ √ √ √
10 Check the tightness of BIP with transformer bushing √ √ √ √ √ √
11 Check the tightness of electro beam earthing lead at roof x x √ √ √ √
side and transofrmer side
12 Check the cleaning and greasing of Elbow x x x √ √ √
13 Check the cleaning and greasing of transformer bushing x x x √ √ √
14 Check the cleaning and greasing of HV bushing x x x √ √ √

Maintenance activities for Crown Gear coupling in WAP-5 Eletric locomotive

(Ref- RDSO SMI No. RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/0310, Rev. ‘0’)
S. Maintenance activity IT IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
1 Cleaning of gear box side & TM side protruding sleeve x √ √ √ √ x x
and star portion of coupling.
2 Checking of tightness of hex head bolt of sleeve and x √ √ √ √ x x
nylock nut of star portions of both side.
3 Visual inspection for any abnormality and oil leakage √ √ √ √ x x x
from the coupling.
4 Free movement of star on either side to be checked. If
not free top up oil suitably to achieve free movement. √ √ √ √ x x x
(axial movement upto + 35mm)
5 Check crack in complete spline portion of stars visually x √ √ √ x x x
by taking loco movement.
6 DPT to be done on complete spline portion of stars by x x x √ √ √ √
taking loco movement to check for crack.
7 Membrane to be checked and if damage occurs due to x √ √ √
oil leakage, membrane should be replaced.
8 Membrane to be chaged with new one and press fitted x x x x √ √ √
with cover.
9 Check the alignment of gear side and TM side coupling x √ √ √ x x x
using steel ruler.
10 Damaged thread of sleeve and star bolts to be changed x x x x √ x x
with new one.
11 DPT to be done on complete spline portion of stars after x x x x √ √ √
removing it from coupling.
12 Open star bolt to discouple GB & TM side coupling and
remove both the stars (GB & TM side) to x x x x √ x x
change the membrane.
13 O' ring to be changed with new one of both side of star. x x x x √ √ √

14 Old oil to be flushed out and new fresh oil to be filled. x x x x √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

15 Cleaning of opened sleeve in position and removed star

and checking for any crack/ damage by DPT. Refitment x x x x √ x x
of star in coupling and joining of both GB/ TM side
16 Removal of complete coupling from loco and
reassembly as per Vol-F-2 Section-6 of maintenance x x x x x √ √
manual of WAP-5 locomotive.
17 Dimensions of TM & GB shaft should be checked, if
any damage found in dimension & bending it should be x x x x x √ √
18 Sleeve bore of TM & GB side should be checked, if any x x x x x √ √
variation found it should be replaced.
19 Sleeve & star should be checked properly, if any damage x x x x x √ √
found it should be replaced immediately.
20 Check the alignment of gear side and TM side coupling
as per RDSO instruction No. RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/309 x x x x √ √ √

Maintenance of Radiators of Oil Cooling Unit of 3- Phase Electric Locomotives.

(Ref- RDSO SMI No. RDSO/2017/EL/SMI/0287, Rev. ‘0’)
S.N Maintenance activity IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
A. Cleaning of Radiator Assembly of Oil Cooling Unit:
(Note: The cleaning of radiator shall be carried out
only after cleaning of filters of Oil Cooling Blower.)
1 Remove the cover of the service port of radiator. √ √ √ √ √ x
2 Impurities adhering to the top of the cooler
(flowerbuds, leaves etc.) should be removed with
vacuum cleaner/compressed air. Cleaning of cooling √ √ √ √ √ x
air ducts (space in-between the fins of radiator) with
compressed air (5 to 6 kg/cm2) should be done from
the top of radiator downward. Whereas with industrial
vacuum cleaner, cleaning may be done from top/
bottom both side.
3 The cooler should be sprayed with a recommended
(e.g. Auco-Alu B made by Messrs. Auco,
Gerwigstrasse 24-26, D-78234 Engen) OR NULON √ √ √ √ √ x
R40 OR Also clean AD-20 OR equivalent cold
cleaning agent and left for 20 minutes. For spraying
the cleaning agent, a chemical spray tank (Approx. 12
litre) should be used.
4 Rinse through the cooling air ducts (Space in- between
the fins of radiator) as specified below with the aid √ √ √ √ √ x
of a high-pressure hot water jet cleaner (water temp.
i. Use a pencil shaped nozzle water jet. Alternatively,
fan shaped water jet with adequate support plates to √ √ √ √ √ x
reduce the pressure to 3 to 4 kg/cm2 may also be used.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

ii. The operating pressure of the high-pressure cleaner √ √ √ √ √ x

should be approx. 3 to 4 kg/cm2.
iii. Slowly & systematically clean with water jet (temp.
650C -700C) applied perpendicularly to the cooling √ √ √ √ √ x
fins (from top of the radiator) till dust/dirt/debris from
the fins are removed.
iv. Then blow compressed air (5 to 6 kg/cm2) vertically
through cooling air ducts for drying the radiators. √ √ √ √ √ x
5 Refix the cover on the service port. √ √ √ √ √ x
6 Remove the radiator from locomotive. x x x x x √
7 Using Compressed air at pressure of 5 to 6 kg/cm2,
clean each external air fin passage to remove all loose x x x x x √
dust and dirt particles. This will help in cleaning the air
passages and will increase the cooling performance of
the radiator.
8 Prepare a solution in cleaning tank in concentration
(about 5%) with cleaning agent as specified in SMI. x x x x x √
Capacity of tank should be adequate so that whole
radiator can be immersed.
9 Dip whole oil cooler radiator in tank & keep inside the x x x x x √
tank for at least one hour duration.
10 Take out the radiator from Radiator cleaning tank.
Clean the surface of the radiator fins with a water jet
to remove all the collected dust and dirt. Ensure the x x x x x √
water jet is at a pressure of 3 to 4 kg/cm2 to create the
cleaning effect. Clean with water jet for 20 to 30 min
depending on the condition of the radiator & till all the
chemical is washed out.
11 After cleaning the radiator with water jet, drain the
water from each passage of the radiator by using an
air blower or fan. Ensure the blower covers the entire x x x x x √
surface area and capable to drain out all the residues
of water. If blower / fan is not available then use air
pressure of about 5 to 6 kg/cm2 for this purpose.
12 The radiator shall be tested for leakage as mentioned in x x x x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Maintenance of filters of Oil Cooling Blower (OCB), Machine Room Blower (MRB) and Traction
Motor Blower (TMB) for 3- phase Electric Locomotives. (Ref- RDSO SMI No. RDSO/2017/EL/
SMI/0286, Rev. ‘0’)
SN Maintenance Activity IA IB IC TOH IOH POH
1 Cleaning of screens filter panel of OCB, TMB & MRB
with a soft brush to remove foreign materials, duct dirt
Use compressed air (Pressure 3 to 4 kg/cm2) to clean √ √ √ √ √ √
filter panels.
Clean the filter panel with hot water jet with suitable
soap/solvent (Temp 650C to 700C).
The cleaning of the filter of OCB shall be done after removing roof OCB while keeping
the OCB fitted on the roof during major schedule (TOH/MOH,IOH & POH) while in- situ
cleaning shall be done in minor schedule (IA,IB & IC) taking due precautions to avoid
accumulation of dust, dirt & moisture on radiator as well as OCB motor.
Filter panel of TMB and MRB shall be removed from side wall for cleaning purpose.
Compressed air cleaning should be started from the reverse side of normal air flow. Thereafter
the filter shall be cleaned in normal direction of air flow.
If air flow on radiator is not increasing more than 8 m/sec after in-situ cleaning, in that case
OCB filter shall be cleaned after removing roof OCB while keeping the OCB fitted on the
roof during minor schedule also.
2 Cleaning of filter louvers of MRB and TMB with hot √ √ √ √ √ √
water jet (Temp 650C to 700C).
3 Filter duct wear plate of MRB and TMB should be √ √ √ √ √ √
checked and adjusted, if required.
4 Filter seal between filter and filter duct of OCB, MRB and
TMB should be visually inspected for wear or damage. √ √ √ √ √ √
Replace if wear or damage found.
5 Seals of blower of OCB, MRB and TMB should be
checked and replaced if damaged or deteriorated. √ √ √ √ √ √
6 Checking the condition of half inch hose pipe provided
at MRB & TMB filters for cracks/deterioration & replace √ √ √ √ √ √
if necessary.
7 Replacement of half inch hose pipe provided at MRB & x x x √ √ √
TMB filters
8 Fasteners of blower fan and filter panel of OCB, MRB
and TMB should be checked and tightened, if required. x x √ √ √ √
9 Cleaning of Blower casing and impeller of OCB, MRB x x x √ √ √
and TMB.
10 Filter panel flanges of OCB, MRB and TMB should be
visually inspected for wear or damage. Replaced if wear x x x √ √ √
or damage found.
11 Filter seal between filter panel and pantograph roof hatch
of OCB should be checked for damage or deterioration. x x √ √ √ √
Replaced if damaged or deterioration found.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

12 Filter panel of OCB is subjected to water leakage test. x x x √ √ √

Rectify if leakage found.
13 Cleaning of filter duct along with scavenge duct of OCB/
TMB/MRB with hot water jet (Temp 650C to 700C). x x x x √ √
14 Cleaning of blower fan impeller of OCB, MRB and TMB
with hot water (Temp 650C to 700C). x x x x √ √
15 Cleaning of Blower air cone of OCB with hot water x x x x √ √
(Temp 650C to 700C).
16 Cleaning of filter panel of OCB/TMB/MRB with hot x x x x √ √
water jet (Temp 650C to 700C).
17 Following seals are to be replaced:
Between blower and filter duct of OCB, MRB and TMB
Between blower filter and pantograph roof hatch of OCB
On blower unit of OCB x x x x √ √
Blower filter, plenum, wear plate and duct of MRB and
18 Following seals are to be replaced:
Between blower and Machine Room floor of OCB,MRB
and TMB
Between blower filter and ducting of OCB, MRB and x x x x √ √
Blower inspection door/cover of OCB, MRB and TMB
Between Blower filter and duct of OCB, MRB and TMB
19 Replace filter media assembly consisting of Vortex tubes x x x x x √

Apart from above, the Reliability action Plan No. RDSO/2017/EL/TC/0142(Rev. ‘0’),
Dated 09.01.2018 should be followed.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Annexure. 3.02


(Ref : CAMTECH/E/10-11/Trg-PN VALVES/1.0, January’2011)

Various pneumatic brake systems are working on electric locomotives for brake application in
locomotive and air braked trains as well as standard vacuum braked trains. The main brake systems
on Indian Railways are IRAVB-2, IRAB-2, IRAB-9 and IRAB-10. For this purpose different types
of pneumatic valves are used to perform various functions and controls in pneumatic circuits. These
valves are arranged in various ways such as segregated pneumatic valves arrangement, mounted on
Bi-plate/ Tri-plate panel/ CLW made pneumatic panel. This training package includes brief description
of various pneumatic valves, their overhauling checks & testing procedures, maintenance tips, special
features on rubber components etc.


The important features of air brake system are as under:
1. Locomotives brakes may be applied with any desired pressure between the minimum and maximum,
and this pressure will be automatically maintained in the locomotive brake cylinders against normal
leakage from them and regardless of variation in piston travel, until released by the driver’s brake
2. The locomotive brakes can be graduated on and off with either the automatic brake valve (A9) or
the independent brake valve (SA9).
3. It is always possible to release the locomotive brakes with the train brakes remained applied even
when automatically applied to avoid skidding of wheel. The locomotive brakes, can, however, be
called back again with the same level should the operating condition demand.
4. Maximum brake force in emergency, ensuring shortest possible stop distance.
5. Emergency brake application available at all automatic brake valves.
6. Multiple unit operation.
7. Break-in two features with traction power cut-off during both air braked and vacuum braked train
Besides the brake system pneumatic circuits are also designed for operation of the following ancillaries:
1. Loco controls including operation of pantographs.
2. Electro-pneumatic sanding.
3. Pneumatic horn.
4. Pneumatic wipers.


The working principle of Air Brake System in brief is described as below:
At all times, the compressor supplies compressed air through the main reservoir to A-9 Auto Brake
Valves, SA-9 Independent Brake Valves, MU-2B Valve, C2W Relay Valve and additional C2W Relay

1.3.1 BP Charging
In release position of the A-9 Automatic Brake Valve, which is used for controlling locomotive and
train brakes, the main reservoir air flows to its regulating portion which is reduced to a pre-determined
pressure of 5.0 kg/cm2. The regulated air pressure flow through the A-9 brake valve, MU-2B valve and

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

then to the control port of the additional C2W relay valve. The air brake pipe (BP) is charged rapidly
through the additional C2W relay valve to 5.0 kg/cm2. The brake cylinder pressure exhausts through
the C2W relay valve and thus releases the locomotive brake via the C2W relay valve.

1.3.2 Automatic Air Brake (By A-9) Brake application

When it is desired to simultaneously apply the locomotive and train brakes, the Automatic Brake
Valve A-9 is moved into the service brake zone permitting the control air pressure to drop at a service
rate at the automatic brake valve exhaust port. This operates the additional C2W relay valve to reduce
the brake pipe air at faster rate. The C3W distributor valve applies the train brakes through the C2W
relay valve. The brakes are applied due to reduction of brake pipe pressure. After the desired brake
pipe reduction has been made, the automatic brake valve and the additional C2W relay valve will lap.
In lap position of the valves the brakes are held applied throughout the train until a further brake pipe
reduction or charging is made and the A-9 brake valve and the additional C2W relay valve exhaust
ports to the atmosphere are closed thereby stopping further reduction in the brake pipe pressure. At the
C2W relay valve, the control pipe pressure will open the supply valve and permit the main reservoir
air to flow to the brake cylinders until equalization is achieved across the diaphragm of the C2W relay
valve. When equalization is achieved, the supply valve will be closed, cutting of the main reservoir
supply air to the brake cylinder. In the event of a leakage in the brake cylinder, the diaphragm piston
of the C2W relay valve will again move to allow the main reservoir supply air to recharge the brake
cylinder to maintain the pressure at the desired level. Brake Release and Recharge

To release the brakes after automatic brake application, the A-9 automatic brake valve is moved to
release position thereby opening the inlet valve of the regulating portion of the A- 9 brake valve to
supply air to the control pipe of the additional C2W relay valve, which in turn will operate and supply
air at a faster rate to the brake pipe as described before. The increase in the brake pipe pressure operates
the C3W Distributor valve, which connects the C2W relay valve to open the exhaust port. Thus the
brake cylinder pressure will flow to the exhaust from the C2W relay valve exhaust port. Emergency brake application

When it is desired to make the shortest possible stop, the automatic brake valve is moved to the
emergency position, opening the air brake pipe directly to the atmosphere at the brake pipe vent valve.
The rapid reduction in the brake pipe pressure operates the C3W distributor valve to quickly connect
the regulated air pressure to the locomotive brake cylinders through the 24A double check valve and
the C2W relay valve and also applies the brakes on the air-braked train. Release after emergency takes
place in the same way as described under ‘Brake Release and Recharge’.

1.3.3 Air Brake (By SA-9)

The locomotives brakes may be operated independent of the train brakes at any time by proper movement
of the SA-9 Independent brake valve handle. The SA-9 independent brake valve is connected through
a double check valve to the C2W relay valve that controls the brake cylinder pressure build up. Brake Application

If it is desired to apply the locomotive brakes only, the SA-9 independent brake handle is moved to
the application zone. This allows the main reservoir supply air to flow through the double check valve,
separating the two SA-9 independent brake valves, the independent application and release pipe and

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

through the double check valve to actuate the C2W relay valve which will supply air pressure to the
brake cylinders in proportion to the brake valve handle movement. Brake Release

To release the locomotive brakes, the SA-9 independent brake valve is moved towards the release
position, venting the air in the brake cylinder control pipe to the C2W relay valve, at the independent
brake valve, in proportion to the brake handle movements, thus allowing the C2W relay valve to
connect the brake cylinder air pressure to exhaust at the C2W relay valve. Thus the locomotive brakes
may be gradually applied or released with SA-9 independent brake valve without affecting the train

1.3.4 Air Flow Indicator

The air flow indicator adaptor has been provided at the main reservoir at inlet port 1 of additional C2W
relay valve to indicate the brake pipe airflow conditions of the train. The flow indicator is pneumatically
connected with air flow indicator adapter and provides an indication to the driver in case of train
parting, alarm pulling and heavy leakage in the brake pipe or rear end brake application.

1.4 Operation of brakes on trailing stock equipped with air brake equipment
1.4.1 In ‘release’ position of A-9 automatic brake valve, main reservoir air flows to the regulating
portion of automatic brake valve at a pre-determined pressure, normally 5kg/cm2. The additional
regulated air pressure flows through MU-2B valve to the C-2 relay valve. This control pressure
actuates C-2 relay valve which in turn connects main reservoir to brake pipe and charges the
brake pipe and the connected system to the same pressure level through out the train. Any leakage
in the train system is automatically compensated by this relay valve.
1.4.2 When the brake valve handle is moved to minimum reduction position, reduction of pressure in
brake pipe by 0.2 to 0.5 kg/cm2 (3 to 8 PSI) is achieved and proportional application of brakes
on loco and trains takes place. In full service position of the automatic brake valve handle, the
BP pressure is reduced to 3.5 kg/cm2.
1.4.3 The A-9 automatic brake valve handle when placed in emergency position, vents brake pipe
pressure-at a very fast rate to atmosphere to initiate an emergency brake application. Regression
of power also takes place due to the actuation of RGEB pressure switch. Reduction in pressure in
the brake pipe actuates the distributor valve on the loco and trailing stock to apply brakes.
1.4.4 The C-3-W distributor valve provided in the brake circuit, is connected to the brake pipe and
responds to the variations of pressure in the brake pipe. It applies proportionate brake application
on locomotive when train brakes are applied either through Automatic or Emergency brake valve.
The C-3-W distributor has a built in Goods/Passenger changeover cock to regulate brake cylinder
pressure depending on whether it is hauling Passenger or freight train.
1.4.5 32 mm feed pipe through-out the train is charged from the first two main reservoirs, through
duplex check valve and feed valve set at 6.0 0.1 kg/cm2 and is used for filling auxiliary reservoirs
of the trailing stock initially as well as after the air from these reservoirs has been consumed
during braking. The main advantage of this additional pipe is to reduce the release and recharging
time of the train after brake application.
1.4.6 When the driver feels that it is not necessary to apply brake on a loco, during automatic application
the brake release pedal switch is pressed to release the loco brakes. The D-1 pilot air valve is
energised to cut off automatic air brakes on the loco while train brakes remain applied on the
trailing stock.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

1.5 The operation of emergency brake

Valve D-1 provided in each cab, near the assistant driver’s seat, directly connects the and air brake
pipe to atmosphere thereby applying brakes on loco and trailing stock at the quickest possible rate.
The circuit for auto regression of the loco power due to the actuation of H-5 relay air valve is also
automatically made. This relay valve also regresses power if the BP pressure drops due to any reason.

1.6 Dynamic brakes

1.6.1 D-1 pilot air valve cuts off loco brakes.

1.6.2 While controlling train with dynamic brakes, if the dynamic brakes fails, brakes on the loco and
train will be applied automatically.

1.7 Air flow indicator

1.7.1 Air flow indicator, a relay valve, one pressure switch and two flow indicator gauges (one in each
cab) have been provided to give an indication of the air flow rate in the brake pipe of the train.
Any abnormal increase in air flow in the brake pipe because of train parting, loco parting, alarm
chain pulling, heavy leakage in brake pipe, guard van valve application or bursting of air brake
pipe hose would give visual indication to the driver by air flow gauge needle and by glowing of a
bulb in the cab. On getting the indication driver should apply brakes through A-9 automatic brake
valve/D-1 air/ emergency valve depending upon the condition of the train and the emergency.

1.8 Multiple unit operation

1.8.1 When two or more locos are to be coupled together in multiple unit operation, the brake pipe, the
feed pipe, , the main reservoir equalising pipe and brake cylinder equalising pipe hoses must be
coupled between the locos, and the respective angle cocks shall be opened.
1.8.2 The compressors of the trailing locos would also be working during multiple operation. The
automatic and independent brake valve handles in the trailing loco and on the unused cab of the
leading loco shall be kept in ‘Release’ position and the isolating cocks provided near both brake
valves should be closed.
1.8.3 MU-2-B valve provided to supply MR air F-1 selector valve should be kept in ‘lead’ in the
leading loco and in ‘Trail’ position in the trailing locos. Isolating cock in the brake pipe charging
line should be kept in lead position (open) in leading loco and trail position (close) in the trailing

1.9 Gauges
There are five gauges in each driving cab. These gauges indicate BC, MR, FP, , Air Flow, BP pressures
to the driver. Apart from these, one single pressure gauge is provided. near the panto reservoir.

1.10 General
1.10.1 The first two main reservoirs are provided with auto drain valve and the condensate is
automatically drained off during the “cut out” and “cut-in” cycle of the compressor governor.
All the other three main reservoirs are provided with manual drain cocks to drain off periodically
the condensate collected in the reservoirs.
1.10.2 The main reservoir also supplies compressed air to auxiliaries such as wipers horns and sanders.
The MR equalising pipe is charged from the main reservoirs through a duplex check valve set
at 5.0-0.1 kg/crn2.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1.10.3 The main reservoir also supplies compressed air to electrical auxiliaries such as pantographs,
tap changers, Board of gaduator etc At the time of initial energisation of loco or when there is
insufficient pressure in pantograph reservoir to raise the pantograph, battery driven auxiliary
compressor is operated to build up pressure in the pantograph reservoir and auxiliary circuit to
energise the loco. The pantograph reservoir is protected against pressure leakage by a ball type
isolation cock. One safety valve to cut out at 8.5 t 0.1 kg/cm2has been provided to safeguard the
baby compressor from excessive pressure.

Overhauling Checks and Tests as per CAMTECH/E/10-11/Trg-PN VALVES/1.0,

1.11 Pneumatic test instructions of Electric locomotives as per RDSO report No: RDSO/2013/
EL/IR/0159, Rev ‘0’ Dated: January’2013.


Sl. No Operational Failure Probable Cause of Failure
2.1 BP pressure – not charging C3W DV or A-9 Brake Valve at fault.
2.2 BP Graduation in both and A-9 Brake Valve at fault
‘Release’ and ‘Application’
Not possible
2.3 BP Pressure regulation – A-9 Brake Valve at fault.
Not Possible
2.4 Graduation in both BC A-9 Brake Valve / C2W Relay
‘Application’ & ‘Release’ –
Not Possible
2.5.i) No Brake application by SA-9 No Main Res. supply to SA-9 MU-2B in Trail
C2W Relay Valve (BC) - Faulty.
2.5.ii) No full / partial brake application taking BP Hose kinking prior to the panel
place through A-9 B V.
2.6.i) Independent brake not releasing C2W Relay Valve (BC) or SA-9 Brake Valve at
2.6.ii) Automatic Brake Valve not releasing BP Hose Kinking prior to entry to the panel.
2.7 Independent pressure Regulation not SA-9 Brake Valve at fault.
2.8 No traction power cut – off during Power cut-off Pressure Switch needs adjustment
Emergency Brake Valve. or defective.
2.9 In MU2B – ‘Trail’ condition- BC Port No.53 of F-1 Selector Valve not getting
equalizing – not charging in Trail Loco. connected- cleaning required.
2.10 BC Overcharge – continuous leakage in C2W Valve faulty Mounting Gasket / ‘O’ Rings
additional C2W Relay Valve (BC) to be checked
2 .11 Feed Pipe – Not charging. D24B Feed Valve at fault.
2 .12 Abrupt / slow overcharging of Feed Pipe D24B Feed Valve at fault.
2.13 BC Pressure shoots up above setting N-1 Reducing Valve needs to be adjusted
pressure 3.5 kg./cm2 or at fault
2.14 Over riding of Brake Valves- not Double Check Valve type 24A at fault of
possible by initiating brakes from A-9/ sticking in between
SA-9 – not possible.
2.15 Dynamic Brake interlock is not working Dynamic Brake Interlock Magnet Valve at fault.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives


IRAB-9 Brake System is consisting of control equipment, valve and accessories only. While operating
equipment is all mounted on the Driver’s Cab to make it accessible to the Driver for subsequent brake
operation. The equipment responsible for brake application and release are also kept in their respective
position for subsequent use.


A-9 Automatic Brake Valve and SA-9 Independent Brake Valve should be absolutely in leak- proof
condition. No exhaust leakage is permissible.
All the Valves and equipment should be maintained with correct operating features and no leakage is
permissible through mounting surfaces with Panel otherwise test results may have to suffer causing
other implications in the Brake System.
4.1 Testing arrangement of Panel of IRAB-9 Circuit / perform the following tests on Test Rack.
Otherwise following tests may be carried out on Locomotive Brake Circuit. All the Pressure
Gauges are to be calibrated after duration of use for 6 months interval. Tests are to be carried out
with Calibrated Gauges only.
4.2 The test criteria to be followed in order to check the performance of IRAB-9 Brake System on
Test Rig or on Locomotive Brake Circuit, should comply with the systematic tests as per Test
Programme as per Annexure 1

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


1.0 Leakage Test
1.1 MR Leakage
1.1.1 SA9 application, Note Pressure drop in ≤0.3kg/ cm² in 4
gauge minutes
1.1.2 SA9 release & A9 to emergency Note ≤0.3kg/cm² in 4 minutes
pressure drop in gauge
1.2 BP Leakage
A9 in release position Partial brake ≤0.7kg/ cm² in 5
application by Reducing BP by 0.6 kg/ minutes
cm² MU2B in trail position, note BP drop
1.3 FP leakage
Note FP drop in gauge ≤0.7kg/ cm² in 5
2.0 Limiting valve (N1) setting 2.5 0.1kg/ cm²
3.0 A-9 Auto Brake Valve
3.1 Full service application
BP stabilizing pressure 3.2 to 3.4 kg/cm²
Time for BC pressure to build up to
95%(2.4kg/ cm²) of max.
- For passenger position 6 to 9 seconds
- For Goods position 20 to 25 seconds
c) Max. BC pressure 2.5 kg/ cm²
3.2 Release from full service
BP charging time to 5 kg/ cm² 2 to 4 seconds
BC drop from max. to 0.4 kg/ cm²
-For passenger position 10 to 15 seconds
- For Goods position 25 to 30 seconds
3.3 Emergency application
a) Time BP dropped to zero 1 to 3 seconds
b) Time for BC built up to 95% (2.4kg/
cm² of max.)
-For passenger position 6 to 9 seconds
- For Goods position 20 to 25 seconds
c) Max. BC pressure 2.5 kg/ cm²
3.4 Release after emergency application
a) BP Charging time 3 to 6 seconds
b) BC dropped to 0.4 kg/ cm²
-For Passenger position 10 to 15 seconds
-For Goods position 25 to 30 seconds

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

3.5 Minimum Reduction

a) BP Pressure 4.5 - 4.7kg/ cm²
b) BC Pressure 0.5 – 1.1kg/ cm²
4.0 Control Reservoir Leakage No leakage in 10mts.
5.0 Propagation of BC pressure
a) BP Pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
4.5 kg/ cm²
4.0 kg/ cm²
3.5 kg/ cm²
b) BP Pressure 3.5 kg/ cm²
4.0 kg/ cm² Corresponding of BC
4.5 kg/ cm² Pressure
5.0 kg/ cm²
6.0 Double Check Valve Test
6.1 SA-9 in partial application BC 2.0 0.1 kg/cm²
A-9 in application BC 2.5 0.1 kg/cm²
A-9 to release position BC 2.0 0.1 kg/cm²
SA-9 to release position BC 0.0 0.1 kg/cm²
6.2 A-9 to partial position BC 2.0 0.1 kg/cm²
SA-9 to full application BC 4.0 0.1 kg/ cm²
SA-9 to release position BC 2.0 0.1 kg/cm²
A-9 to release position BC 0.0 0.1 kg/cm²
7.0 SA-9 Independent Brake Valve
7.1 Application Position
a) Time for BC pressure to Build to 95% 4 to 6 seconds
(3.8 kg/ cm² of max. Pressure
b) Max. BC pressure 4.0 0.1 kg/cm²
7.2 Release from application
Time for BC pressure drop
From 4.0 kg/ cm² to 0.4kg. cm²
Note BC pressure on gauge 8 to 12 seconds
8.0 Loco Brake Release Switch
A-9 to emergency position
Energize Magnet Valve 0.0 kg/ cm²
Note BC pressure drop
De-energize the Magnet Valve 2.5 kg/ cm²
9.0 Emergency Brake valve Test
A-9 to release position
Open cock BP (E3 cut off cock)
BP pressure drop to 2.5 kg/ cm² 2 – 4 seconds
Time for BC pressure to build
up to 95% (2.4 kg/ cm²)of max. Pressure
-For passenger position 7 – 10 seconds
-For Goods position 12 –24 seconds
10.0 Capacity test
Release Run Magnet Valve
a) BP pressure against 7.5mm diameter Not below 4.4 kg/ cm²
b) De-energize release run magnet valve 2.5 to 3.5 kg/ cm²

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

11.0 Air Flow Measuring Valve

11.1 a) AFMV calibration test
b) Releasing on gauge
11.2 AFMV Performance Test
a) Reading on Gauge 5 kg/ cm²
11.3 Setting of pressure switch Cut in 4.0kg/ cm² Cut out
RGAF 3.5kg/ cm²
Lamp comes ‘ON’ OK
Lamp comes ‘OFF’ OK
12.0 Brake Pipe Cut Off Cock
a) A-9 to emergency position
b) Close BP cut off cock on panel and BP 0.0 kg/ cm²
move A9 to release position, note pressure BC 2.5 kg/ cm²
Open BP cut off cock on panel and note BP 5.0 kg/ cm² BC 0.0 kg/
pressure cm²
13.0 Multiple Unit Operation
13.1 MU2B to Lead Position
A-9 to emergency position
a) BP pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 2.5 kg/ cm²
MU2B to Trail Position
a) BP pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 2.5 kg/ cm²
A-9 to release position
a) BP pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 2.5 kg/ cm²
13.2 MU2B to Lead Position
A-9 to Release position
a) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
MU2B to Trail Position
A-9 to full service application In steps
a) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
A-9 to Emergency Position
a) BP pressure Starts dropping
b) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
A-9 to release Position
a) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
SA-9 to release Position
a) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
SA-9 to full application
a) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
b) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
SA-9 to release position

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

14.0 Setting of RGEB

a) Cut ‘IN’ 3.0 0.1 kg/ cm²
b) Cut ‘OFF’ 4.2 0.1 kg/ cm²
15 Parting Between Locos
15.1 Leading Loco (MU2B Lead) Brake
Application by A9
a) BP Pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC Pressure 2.5 kg/ cm²
15.2 Leading Loco (MU2B)
Leading Loco (MU2B Lead) Brake
Application by SA9
a) BP Pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC Pressure 4.0 kg/ cm²
c) SA-9 to full application
15.3 Trailing Loco (MU2B Trail)
a) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure 0.0 kg/ cm²
16.0 E3 Emergency Test
a) BP pressure 5.0 kg/ cm²
b) BC pressure raises to 2.3kg/cm
c) Leakage at Exhaust port of E3
17.0 Setting of Pressure Switch P1
Cut ‘IN’ 4.8 0.1 kg/ cm²
Cut ‘OUT’ 4.5 0.1 kg/ cm²
18.0 Setting of Pressure Switch P2
Cut ‘IN’ 4.7 0.1 kg/ cm²
Cut ‘OUT’ 4.4 0.1 kg/ cm²
19.0 Testing of VEAD Magnet Valve
Energize Magnet Valve Blast of air will come
out from the port no. 24
De-energize Magnet Valve No pr. at port 24
20.0 Testing of RGCP Pr. Switch
Cut ‘IN’ 8.0 0.1 kg/ cm²
Cut ‘OUT’ 9.5 0.1 kg/ cm²
21.0 Testing of SWC Pr. Switch
Cut ‘IN’ 0.2 0.1 kg/ cm²
Cut ‘OUT’ 1.0 0.1 kg/ cm²

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Brake System of three phase Locomotives: Following types of brakes are provided in three phase
Engine Brake through SA-9: Only brakes in engine are applied in this case. There are two modes of
1. Release
2. Operation
When SA-9 is in release mode brakes are not applied in engine. When brake handle is moved brakes
are applied. Maximum brake cylinder pressure is 5.5 kg/cm2.
Auto Train Brake through A9: In this mode of operation, the brakes are applied in engine as well as
in Train.
Emergency Brake: Emergency brakes are provided on Panel A. When emergency brakes are applied
it leads to braking in engine as well as in Train in following conditions.
1. When A-9 handle is kept in emergency condition.
2. Asstt. Loco Pilot opens emergency brake cock.
3. Loco Pilot presses emergency brake push button.
4. Emergency brakes through VCD.
5. Emergency brake through memotel.
6. Fault in Electronic brake system
Parking Brake: In order to avoid undesired engine rolling while engine is standing on down gradients,
parking brakes are provided. Parking brakes can only be applied when engine speed is less than 5
Regenerative Braking: The locomotives are provided with regenerative braking. The electrical
energy generated is fed back to OHE through transformer primary winding. If OHE supply fails when
regenerative braking is applied engine brakes are automatically applied.
Anti Spin Brakes: Anti spin brakes are provided in three phase locomotive to avoid wheel slipping.
The Anti Spin brakes are applied when speed of locomotive is above 60 kmph in WAG-9 loco and 80
kmph in WAP-5 locomotive.


The brake frame groups together in one single assembly, all valves, pressure switches, control relays
etc., which are not allocated special places on the locomotive. All equipment is easily accessible for

The brake frame comprises a tri-plate manifold to which components and subassemblies are attached.
The components are positioned in convenient and compact groups and pneumatic interconnections are
formed by passages within the tri-plate manifolds.
The tri-plate manifolds are constructed from high grade aluminium alloy which is anodized after
machining. The connecting passages formed in the front and rear tri-plates are of compact design.
The tri-plate manifold comprises three parts, a front and rear plate in which connecting passages
are formed, and a track separation plate. The track separation plate allows interconnection between
the front and rear plates where required. A separate groove, formed around the outer edge of each

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

passage, allows O-rings to be fitted to form air tight seals when the three plates are bolted together.
All pneumatic assemblies are constructed from corrosion resistant aluminium alloy and with internal
components, e.g. valve stems, springs, circlips etc., of stainless steel. Valve faces are of hard synthetic
rubber with ground faces. The valves are operated by means of patent self-sealing moulded synthetic
rubber diaphragms, which are fully supported over their working surfaces.
Components are mounted to the outer face of a tri-plate manifold using O-ring joints to seal the
interface connections. A conventional type manifold block, mounted at the base of the brake frame,
forms an interface connection with the locomotive pneumatic system, e.g. main reservoir air supply,
brake pipe, etc.
Electrical services to the brake frame are brought to multi-pin connection plugs.
The brake frame includes all necessary air filters, isolating cocks, pressure gauges and where required,
test points.
All brake frame mounted components have identifying labels and all isolating /change over cocks have
open / closed labels indicating handle positions. Pressure regulating components are provided with
sealing facilities where appropriate.

The complete brake frame comprising the pre-assembled pneumatic system, pre-wired and tested is
conveniently installed and located in the locomotive body via a roof hatch. It is bolted to a floor mounted
manifold to which the locomotive pneumatic services are connected. The manifold is a permanent part
of the locomotive and air connections to the counter manifold, which forms part of the brake frame,
are made using O-ring joints.


This document covers the equipment fitted to the Indian Railways WAG9 Co-Co Freight Locomotive.


There are two electrically driven air compressor, which feed out through flexible hoses and through
two compressor check valves into the main reservoir system. There is a safety valve in each of the
compressor legs to protect the system in the event of a check valve blockage and there is an unloader
valve also in each leg. The unloader is operated from an electro-pneumatic valve mounted on the
brake frame. Once through the compressor check valves the compressors feed through a single water
separator, which is fitted with an auto drain valve. This auto drain valve is operated from the same
signal line that operates the unloader valves. Having passed through the water separator the air passes
into the main reservoir, fitted with a manual drain cock and an auto drain valve. The auto drain valve
is also operated from the signal that operates the unloader.
Having passed through the main reservoir which allow further condensate to be extracted from the air,
the air flow is via a vented isolating cock into the twin tower air dryer which gives a significant dew
point depression to the air passing into the locomotive, through the final filter which removes any of
the dust which can be created from the air dryer desiccant and then the air passes through an isolating
cock. There is another isolating cock which is intended to be wired closed and only used to bypass the
air dryer if there is any significant problem with that unit. This portion of the main reservoir circuit
has the main reservoir system safety valve and the two compressor governors being for operation of
a single compressor in alternating mode between 10 bar and 8 bar and being for operation of both
compressors between 7.5 bar and 10 bar.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

The low main reservoir governor is also in this part of the circuit and is used to interlock with traction
in the event of the main reservoir pressure falling below its set point.
The main reservoir supply splits at this point one leg passing through check valve into another 450
litre main reservoir fitted with a manual drain cock only. This leg continues through an isolating cock
and into the brake frame via port U where it passes through an in line filter before splitting and feeding
the pilot supply for the direct brake isolating valves, the pilot supply for the brake cylinder cut out
valve, the main reservoir supply for the direct brake relay valve and the main reservoir supply for the
blending valve. There is a test point 40 in the section of the main reservoir supply where the two legs
split. The other leg is the main reservoir feed to the brake frame through port W. This feed passes
through an in line filter before splitting to various locations within the brake frame. One of these splits
passes through the duplex check valve into the main reservoir equalizing pipe portion of the circuit.
The main reservoir equalizing pipe is the through pipe which connects the main reservoir from one
locomotive to another via hose and coupling and end cock. The connection between the main reservoir
equalizing through pipe and the brake frame is via port X and this then passes through an in-line sieve
into the passage work fed by the duplex check valve. The duplex check valve allows the main reservoir
equalizing pipe to feed via simple check valve into the locomotive main reservoir supply within the
brake frame and to the second main reservoir through check valve. This direction of flow through the
duplex check valve has virtually no restriction and allows one locomotive to feed the main reservoir
system with another in the event of a failure of the compressor system on that locomotive. It also
enables air to be fed from the slave locomotives in a multiple consist to the lead locomotive if there is a
heavy demand for air rather than the lead locomotive having to cope solely with that air demand. From
the main reservoir to the main reservoir equalizing pipe however, the duplex check valve is set up at
5 kg/cm² such that the main reservoir pressure has to be at or above the set pressure before the valve
will feed any air. This is to ensure that the locomotive retains air in the main reservoir system in the
event of a burst main reservoir equalizing pipe hose or other problem in that portion of the system. The
main reservoir equalizing pipe within the brake frame feeds three independent parts of the circuit. The
first is a ‘break-in-two’ protection valve which is open connecting the direct brake valve on the lead
locomotive to the direct brake pipe or connecting the direct brake pipe on the slave loco to the direct
brake relay valve when main reservoir equalizing pipe pressure is present but shuts off this connection
in the event of a ‘break in- two’ to ensure that it is possible to make a direct brake application on the
locomotive once the ‘break-in-two’ has occurred. The second is the brake feed pipe regulator and relay
valve. The regulator is used to set the pressure to the control port of the relay valve at 6 kg/cm² and the
relay valve feeds out the large volume of air required at 6 kg/cm² level via isolating cock, port B of the
brake frame to the brake feed pipe which is a through locomotive pipe and feeds the brake feed pipe
on any two pipe trailing stock. The connection to other locomotives or trailing stock is made via hose
and coupling and end cock. Within the brake frame downstream of the brake feed pipe isolating cock
there is a test point and a pressure switch. The third area that the main reservoir equalizing pipe feeds
within the brake frame is the sanding equipment. There is a direct feed taken to the pilot supply of the
four sanding EP valves and the choke supply via choke through to reservoir and then via two legs each
with an isolating cock to two of the four sanding valves per leg.
The sanding EP valves feed out via ports C and D to the number 1 end leading no. 1 bogie and the
number 1 end leading the no. 2 bogie respectively. The other leg sanding EP valves feed out via ports E
and F to the number 2 end leading no. 1 bogie and the number 2 end leading to no. 2 bogie respectively.
The arrangement of choke and reservoir is there to ensure that when the sanding valves are operated
there is a rush of air to start the sand moving in the sand ejectors, the rush of air coming from the air
stored in the reservoir and subsequent sanding is carried out by the steady flow of air passing through
choke. In this way the equipment ensures that the sand sitting in the nozzle of the ejector is moved so
that flow can commence and a steady sand application made in a controllable fashion.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

External to the brake frame the main reservoir equalizing pipe is used to provide the feed to the anti
slip valves. The anti slip valves are utilized when an axle set(s) slips and the slip is not able to be
corrected by the traction control equipment. The anti slip valve is energized and rapidly puts air into
the brake cylinders feeding into the brake cylinder circuit via a double check valve. The anti-slip valve
is designed to give a rapid build up of brakes cylinder pressure, typically in the order of one second and
have a long release time typically 20 to 30 seconds in order that the power can be reapplied with some
degree of brake application still present. The main reservoir equalizing pipe is also taken into each cab
via an in-line strainer to provide the air supply to the wind screen wipers via vented isolating cock and
the air supply to the horns. The horn supply is taken a two way horn valve, one on the driver’s and one
on the assistant driver’s desk, each valve feeding the two horns 1 and 2, one operated in the forward
direction and the other in the rearward direction of handle movement.


The main reservoir supply from port W is utilized by the flow meter to supply air to the direct brake
valves in each cab via port H on the brake frame and to the E70 brake unit. Whenever there is a demand
of air from either the direct brake or more importantly the E70 unit there is a pressure differential set
up across the flow meter, which results in a reduction in pressure in the signal line from the flow meter
to the flow meter valve.
The flow meter valve is in effect a pneumatic amplifier having a high gain so that with a small pressure
change from the Venturi there is a large pressure change in the output pipe from valve to port M on the
brake frame and hence to the flow meter gauges. Also on the output line from valve is a pressure switch
which senses when there is a high flow demand. The flow meter valve also utilizes main reservoir air
from port W.
The brake pipe output from the E70 unit is taken via isolating cock which has auxiliary switch contacts.
These switch contacts are made when the isolating cock is closed to indicate if the cock is closed
inadvertently during operation or as an indication that the brake pipe will not charge when taking
control of a locomotive. The brake pipe passes out of the brake frame via port AA to connect to the
through automatic air brake pipe.
This is taken to other locomotives and to trailing coaches (or wagons) via hose coupling and end cock.
There are test points in the automatic air brake pipe. There is a connection taken from the automatic
air brake through pipe into each cab which connects to the assistant driver’s emergency cock and to a
large bore exhaust valve which is pilot fed from the automatic brake controller. This gives two direct
means of applying emergency brake from the cab either by the automatic brake controller or from the
assistant driver’s cock.
Within the brake frame the air brake pipe is taken to a port on the distributor and also to the brake pipe
governor (pressure switch) and via emergency (vigilance) cock to the emergency (vigilance) exhaust
valve. The brake pipe governor is used to signal to the traction equipment that an emergency brake
application has been made. The emergency (vigilance) exhaust valve is controlled by the EP valve in
turn being controlled by the vigilance device, emergency push buttons in the cab or over-speed switch.
If the EP valve de- energises, an emergency brake application is made via the exhaust valve exhausting
the air brake pipe through exhaust port Z. The EP valve takes its air supply from the main reservoir port
W within the brake frame. The emergency (vigilance) cock also has auxiliary switch contacts so that
an alarm is raised if this isolating cock is closed. The distributor responds to the variations in pressure
in the brake pipe by comparing them with the control reservoir within the unit. A distributor supplies
a signal proportional to the fall in the brake pipe, via the dynamic brake cut out EP valve to a volume
reservoir, via double check valve to the relay valve. The relay valve is an amplifier taking the signal
from the distributor and increasing it in the ratio of approximately 1.44 to 1 and passing this signal out

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

via port A on brake frame to the brake cylinders. There is a pressure switch which is used for vigilance
suppression together with the output from the relay valve. The dynamic brake cut out EP valve is
utilized when there is a dynamic brake present of greater than 10 Kilo Newtons, being energised to
prevent the output of the distributor passing to the relay valve. This prevents any duplication of braking
effort of both dynamic and automatic air brakes on the locomotive. Additionally, on the distributor
there is an EP valve and limiter which allows the driver to operate a push button in the cab and remove
the automatic air brake application on the locomotive. This allows the driver to make a train brake
application via the automatic air brake pipe but remove the locomotive’s proportion of this, allowing
the train to brake the locomotive. This is inoperative when an emergency brake application is made,
thus ensuring that a locomotive brake application will occur if an emergency brake application is made
following a full service application where this feature has been used to remove the locomotive brake
The air supply for the distributor and the automatic brake relay valve is taken from the auxiliary
reservoir, fitted with a manual drain valve, which is external to the brake frame and connected via port
J. The auxiliary reservoir is charged from the main reservoir connection at port W via check valve.
When the locomotive is being hauled dead, as part of the train, and not connected to another locomotive
via the main reservoir equalizing pipe the auxiliary reservoir can be charged from the brake pipe which
enters the brake frame at port K. The dead engine cock has to be turned from its normal closed position
to be open and allow the brake pipe pressure to feed via check valve into the auxiliary reservoir.


The release air for the spring applied parking brake is taken from the auxiliary reservoir via reducing
valve, latched solenoid valve and via choke through port N via the bogie hoses, to the spring brake
port on the disc brake actuators. The reducing valve limits the maximum pressure that the spring brake
release cylinder will have supplied to it. The latched solenoid valve enables the driver to apply and
release the parking brake on both the lead and the slave locos in a multiple consists from the drivers
cab. There are also manual push buttons on the latched solenoid valve so that in addition to being able
to be controlled electrically from the cab, it can be manually operated to apply and release the parking
brake provided there is air pressure on the locomotive. The choke ensures that in the event of a burst
hose in the parking brake feed, that the loss of air from the auxiliary reservoir is restricted. The parking
brake is supplied with its release air from the auxiliary reservoir so that when the locomotive is being
hauled as a dead loco the brake pipe feed into the auxiliary reservoir can thus be used to ensure that the
parking brake is also released. There is a pressure switch which indicates whether the parking brake is
applied or released.


The locomotive has the facility to blend the dynamic and air brakes. This facility will be used, in
practice to apply the air brakes to the same level as the dynamic brakes in the event of a dynamic
brake failure. The EBC/5 blending valve responds to the signal from the dynamic brake equipment
which indicates the level of air brake required and feeds out via check valve to the relay valve, which
supplies the air for the brake cylinders. There is a test point which can be used to check the output of
the blending valve.


The direct brake valves take their air supply from port H on the brake frame. The direct brake isolate
valves on the brake frame are energised to close. On the lead loco the direct brake isolate valve is de-
energised for the particular cab which is switched on and the direct brake valve input via either port

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Y or port O is taken into the frame, passed by the de-energised isolate valve to the direct brake relay
valve. There is a test point provided in the feed to the brake frame in order to test the output pressure
from the brake valve. In addition to feeding the relay valve
the direct brake valves also feed out via a ‘break-in-two’ protection valve through port L on the brake
frame to the direct pipe which is a through pipe on the locomotive passing out to adjacent locomotives
working in multiple via hose and coupling and end cock. On the trailing locomotive, feed in from
the direct air brake pipe is taken in through port L on the brake frame passed via the ‘break-in-two’
protection valve to the direct brake relay valve. The direct brake isolate valves are both energised on
the trailing loco and prevent any air being passed out to the direct brake valves in the cabs and hence
allow the direct brake on the trailing locomotive to be applied.


The direct brake cylinder pressure is taken from the brake frame at port V having come from the direct
brake relay valve, with test point in that portion of the circuit, and feeds down to each bogie via a
bogie hose protection choke through a double check valve, which interfaces with the anti-slip valve
and another double check valve, which interfaces with the automatic air brake application. The air then
passes via vented bogie isolating cock through the bogie hose and then to the service brake portion of
the 2 service/parking brake actuators 1 and to the 2 service actuators.
The automatic air brake application is supplied from port A on the brake frame and comes from the
automatic air brake relay valve and out to each bogie via bogie hose protection choke and then through
the double check valve 66 to go into the main bogie air supply pipe that is common with the direct
brake and anti-slip brake feeds. Down stream of bogie isolating cock there is a connection taken off for
the brake cylinder pressure switch and the connection to the cab gauge.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


In electric locomotives, pantograph acts as mobile current carrying equipment which is mounted on
the roof. It collects power from the overhead equipment under both static and dynamic conditions and
transfers it to locomotive.
On electric locomotives WAM-4, WCAM-1/AC, WCAM-2/AC, WCAM-3/AC, WAG-5, WAG-7,
WAG-9 Faiveley type AM-12 (make of M/s Stone India Ltd.) and similar design pantographs (IR 01 of
M/s Contransys & PAN 01 of M/s General stores and engineering) are being used. The whole assembly
of pantograph is mounted on the four foot insulators on locomotive roof. It is operated for its raising/
lowering positions with compressed air through servomotor.
Pantograph is an essential fitting of electric locomotives. There are two pantographs mounted on the
roof of an electric locomotive. At a time one pantograph is raised and connects the locomotive with
the OHE contact wire. Normally the pantograph rear to cab used for driving is raised i.e. rear to the
direction of movement of the locomotive (if rear is defective or damaged, front can be used to work).


This type of pantograph is made of the assembly comprising base frame, lower & upper arms, pan
head/bow assembly and raising & lowering mechanism, mounted on porcelain base insulator.

Functional Description:
Air pressure is admitted through the Throttle Valve up to the cylinder of servo motor allowing the
piston to compress the holding down spring causing displacement of the slotted link thus permitting
rotation of the horizontal spindle under the action of working springs. The pantograph rises until the
bow assembly fitted with collector strips touches the catenary system at the end of the piston strokes.
The piston of the servo motor becomes static and remains static during normal operation while the
motor doesn’t play any further part while the pin of the horizontal spindle is permitted to move freely
in the slot of the control link, thus permitting the pantograph to operate purely on the up springs.
While the servo motor trapped air is released through the throttle valve to the atmosphere the piston
returns under the force of the holding down spring causing at the slotted link to press on the pin on the
horizontal spindle thereby lowering the articulated system. The spindle is adjusted in such a manner to
allow the pantograph to lower without hovering even at the highest speed. The pantograph at the end
is held against the rubber moulded buffers.
In general the compressor air acts as agent for raising the pantograph and the main springs lower
the pantograph. The lowering effort of the pantograph is cancelled by the compressed air fed into
the cylinder of the servo motor. During working of the pantograph in contact with OHE a constant
air pressure is maintained in control cylinder, thereby keeping the piston in static condition when
the entire articulation system is free and kept raised by the up springs arrangement which already
demonstrate that the pantograph follows freely all the oscillations of the contact wire.
In case of the air pressure drops the piston of the servo motor retracts thereby activating the extension
springs lowering pantograph.
The whole pantograph including the servo motor and the throttle valve, acts as a live conductor making
the current collecting on the base separated from the roof top by four number of frame insulators.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives


1. Check that the pantograph wearing strips are properly fastened with the panto pan and there are no
loose fasteners or bent strips or deep grooves on the strips. Pantograph strip joints must be smooth
so as not to hinder smooth riding of the contact wire on the pan.
2. Check the bow plunger for free sliding while pressing. Check that the split pins are intact.
3. Check the horizontality of the pan and its free vertical movement. Check the transverse flexibility
of the pan by pulling transversely at the middle cross member with a force of 30kg at maximum
operating height. The displacement of the pan at the middle cross member should be 30 mm.
Check that the positioning link is not bent/ cracked or dislocated from the fixing pivots. Check the
intactness of split pins.
4. Check the pantograph frame for signs of bending or cracks. Check the springs for any cracks.
5. If possible, take the measurement of the pan as per drawing.
6. Check the broken or cracked fitting of the pantograph and see whether the cracks are old or fresh.


S.N. Description As per RDSO SIL AM12 Contransys GS&EC PAN-
Specification IR-01 01
1. Mounting 4 point 4 point 4 point 4 point
2. Distance between 807 mm x 1160 807 mm x 807 mm x 807 mm x 1160
mounting mm 1160 mm 1160 mm mm
3. Rated current 400 Amps. 400 Amps. 400 Amps. 400 Amps.
4. Operating Voltage Nominal 25 kV, 25 kV AC 25 kV AC 25 kV AC
50Hz. Max(con)
5. Static up thrust 7 + 0.4 kgf 7 kg + 0.4 kg 7kgf, 7kgf
6. Max. Weight (without 235 kg. Approx. 215 kg 215 kg 215kg
7. Maximum Extension 2.460 Mtrs. 2460mm 2460mm 2460+0/-20mm
from locked
down Height
8. Working Range 0.25 Mtrs. to 250mm- 250mm- 250mm to
2.0 Mtrs. 2246mm 2246mm 2360mm
9. Aerodynamic effort 3 to 5 kgs. 3 to 5 kgs. 3 to 5 kgs. 3 to 5 kgs.
at maximum speed
10. Maximum folded 295+5 mm 295mm 295mm 293+ 5mm
height with
metallised carbon
11. Collector strips Met.Carbon Metallised Metallised Metallised
Grade MY7D, Carbon Carbon Carbon
P5696 &
12. Maximum Speed 140 kmph 140 kmph 140 kmph Max 140 kmph Max
(100 kmph) (100 kmph)
Optimum Optimum

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

13. Compressed air Vary between Between Between Between

supply 5.5 kg/cm2 to 5.5 kg/cm2 to 5.5 kg/cm2 to 5.5 kg/cm2 to
11kg/cm2 11kg/cm2 11kg/cm2 11kg/cm2
14. Minimum pressure 4.5kg/cm2 4.5kg/cm2 4.5kg/cm2 4.5kg/cm2
to raise
15. Raising time upto 2m 6 to 10 sec. 6 to 10 sec. 6 to 10 sec. < 10 sec.
16. Lowering time from < or = 10 sec. Less than Less than < 10 sec.
2m height. 10sec 10sec
17. Resistance between 2 mΩ 2 mΩ 2 mΩ 2 mΩ
collector and power
take off.
18. Pan width 1800+ 5 mm 1800 + 5 1800 mm 1800 + 5mm
19. Total length including 3082+ 5mm 3082+ 5mm 3082+ 5mm 3085+ 2mm
Servo motor
20. Transverse rigidity 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm
Max. deflection at
300N force


The Single Arm Pantograph WBL 85 serves the Current Collection of electrically operated locomotive.
Design of the Pantograph is light weight, easy to maintain Pantograph and optimum in catenary contact

Technical Data
1. Standard IEC 60494-1
2. Minimum height with insulators 630 ± 10 mm
3. Insulating distance 275.5 mm
4. Minimum working height over resting position 100 mm
5. Maximum working height over resting position 1950 mm
6. Maimum Extension 2000± 50 mm
7. Width of pan head 1800 ± 10 mm
8. Total length in resting position 2530 ± 10 mm
9. Total weight without Insulators approx. 130 kg
10. Current collector strips - Length 1048 mm
11. Current collector strips - spacing 390 ± 10 mm
12. Current collector strip – material Metalised Carbon.
13. Frame Insulators (4) 25 kV
14. Height 363 mm
15. Weight 4 x 7 kg
16. Nominal voltage 25 kV
17. Nominal current 600A / max 800A
18. Lateral deflection at max. working height & lateral force of 300 N Max.30mm

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

19. Static reduced mass at apex tube in medium working height approx.39.5 kg
20. Static upward force of pantograph 70 N ± 5 N
21. Pan head Individual suspension
of carbon/steel strip,
parallel mounted
22. Spring rate 7480N/m (± 10%)
23. Maximum speed under good overhead wire conditions max.250 km/h
24. Ambient temperature -10 to +50°C
25. Air pressure for continious operation min 4 bar
26. Raising time to maximum working height max. 10 s
27. Lowering time from maximum working height max. 10 s

Description of Pantograph Components

Main features of the Single Arm Pantograph WBL85 are:

1. Low weight
2. Simple construction
3. Minimum maintenance
4. Excellent contact behaviour, even under basic catenary conditions
5. Maximum operating safety

Structural Components

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Base Frame
The base is a welded structure of closed rectangular hollow steel profiles. The following component
parts are located on the base frame:
1. Basic bearings for the lower frame
2. Resting buffer for upper and lower frame
Mounting fixtures for:
1. Air bellow
2. Coupling rod
3. Hydraulic damper
4. Insulators
5. High voltage hook-up
6. Pneumatic hook-up
7. Support spring
8. Shunts

Lower Frame
The lower frame is a welded structure. Its seating is located on the base frame. The following component
parts are mounted to the lower frame:
1. Cam disks with suspension fixture for the bellow-drive cables
2. Parallel guide bar
3. Hydraulic oscillation damper
4. Shunts

Upper Frame
The upper frame is a welded structure made of seamless tubes. Necessary lateral stability is achieved
through a cross wire-rope construction.
Attached to the upper frame are the following component parts:
1. Pan head
2. Coupling rod
3. Lower frame
4. Bearing blocks for the knuckle joint bearings
5. Shunts

Coupling Rod
The coupling rod consists of two individually welded round-tubes. Both tubes are then connected
through a control element. Through this control element the geometry of the pantograph will be
adjusted and fine tuned.

Pan Head
The pan head is located at the crest of the upper frame and uses leaf springs for the suspension of the
carbon / steel strips. They are affixed in the rocker box, and carry at each end bearing supported mounts
to which the carbon strips are then attached. Parallel guiding links assure that the copper strips operate
parallel to the catenary

Parallel Guide Bar

The parallel guide bar prevents the pan head from distorting, while the pantograph is raised or lowered.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Air Bellow
The pneumatic bellow drive allows the pantograph to rise. It is mounted between the base frame and
the lower frame. A pneumatic line connects the bellow drive with the pneumatic control, and then
continues via the solenoid valve on to the compressor. The contact pressure is adjusted through the
pneumatic control system.

Pantograph Damping
The pantograph damping is attained through the oscillating damper between base frame and lower
frame. This guarantees a good contact between the copper strips and the overhead wire. The dampers
are suitable for temperatures ranging from -40 to +80 degrees Celsius (approx. -40 to +176 degrees

Electrical Equipment
All bearing locations are by-passed by shunt connectors. These prevent the current from flowing
through the bearings. The shunts are consisting of flexible copper cables with clamped end pieces. The
current connectors are greased with copper grease to achieve good conducting properties between the
shunts and the frame parts.

Base- and Upper frame bearing

The bearings of the pantograph are maintenance free and greased for life. At each bearing two, in a
certain distance on an axle arranged, ball bearings are used. To avoid condensation the gap between
the ball bearings is filled with grease. The outside of the bearings is protected with cover plates against
mechanical damage.

Pneumatic Control
The pneumatic control consists mainly of one part:
1. Pneumatic control panel For the connection to the pneumatic system are one connections available:
2. one for the pressure supply of the air bellow

Pneumatic control
The pneumatic control is fixed at the base frame and consists mainly of a filter, throttle valve, one
safety valve and a pressure regulator. The main part of the valve unit is the pressure regulator; it
is responsible for a constant pressure for the air bellow during all service conditions. The pressure
regulator has a high sensitivity and is adjustable in a range of 1 to 8 bar.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


S.N. Description As per RDSO,s AM 92 IR-03H WBL-85
Specification M/s SIL M/s Contransys M/s Schunk
1. Mounting 4 point 4 point 4 point 4 point
2. Distance between 807 mm x 1160 807 mm x 807 mm x 1160 807 mm x
mounting mm 1160 mm mm 1160 mm
3. Rated current 400 Amps. 400Amps. 400 Amps 600 Amps.
4. Operating Voltage 25 kV, 50Hz. 25 kV AC 25 kV AC 25 kV AC
5. Static up thrust 7 + 0.4 kgf 7 kg + 0.4 kg 7.0 kg+ 0.4 kg 70 N +5N
6. Max. Weight 235 kg. Approx. 227 kg 226kg 130kg.
(without Insulator)
7. Maximum Extension 2.460 Mtrs. from 2600mm 2000 mm Max. 2000 mm Max.
locked down - 40mm
8. Working Range 0.1 Mtrs. to 2.0 100mm to 250mm– (2000 100mm-
Mtrs. 2400mm +20/-0)mm 2000+10mm
9. Aerodynamic effort at 3 to 5 kgs. 3 to 5 kgs. 3 to 5 kgs. 3 to 5 kgs.
maximum speed
10. Maximum folded 635mm 623mm with 635mm 630mm(min)
height with out with insulator insulator with insulator with insulator
Metallised Carbon
11. Collector strips Metallised Metallised Metallised Carbon Metallised
Carbon Strips Carbon Carbon
MY7D, P5696
BH424 C1
12. Maximum Speed 160 kmph 160 kmph 160 kmph 250 kmph
13. Compressed air supply Vary between 4.5 kg/cm2 4.5 kg/cm2 to 4.5 kg/cm2 to
5.5 kg/cm2 to to 11kg/cm2 11kg/cm2 11kg/cm2
14. Minimum pressure to 4.5kg/cm2 4.5kg/cm2 4.5kg/cm2 4bar
15. Raising time for 2m 6 to 10 sec. 6-10sec. 6-10sec. 6-10sec.
16. Lowering time from 2m </=10 sec. <10sec. <10sec. <10sec.
17. Resistance between 2 mΩ </=2 mΩ </=2 mΩ </=2 mΩ
collector and power
take off.
18. Pan width 1800 mm 1800+5mm 1800+0/-7 mm 1800+ 10mm
19. Total length 2530+ 10mm 2530mm 2430mm 2530+ 10mm
20. Transverse rigidity 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm
Max. deflection at
300N force.
The design of pantograph and its electromechanical interaction with OHE contact wire is very
significant. To improve the reliability of the pantograph, life of the OHE contact wire and to reduce the
cases of panto entanglements with OHE, RDSO has carried out continuous study and issued various
modification sheets, special maintenance instructions and technical circulars etc. time to time, some of
them are as under :
a. RDSO Modification Sheet no. 0265, Rev. 1 dtd. May, 2000 & Technical Circular No. 071 dtd. July

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

2001 for adoption of metalized carbon strips.

b. RDSO Modification Sheet no. 0333, dtd. Dec., 2004 for Standardisation of Panto Pan assembly of
AM 12 or similar design.
c. RDSO Technical Circular no. 0094 dtd. June 2007 for Components to be changed during AOH/
IOH and POH.
d. RDSO Investigation report No. 0147 Rev.0 dtd. July 2011 for Pantograph for Electric Locomotives.

Inspection schedule of Maintenance of Pantograph AM-12 & Similar design

1 Bow assembly
Check that there is no foreign material on √ x x x x
Check upper articulation assembly for any x √ √ √ √
Check tightness of fixing screw of bow x √ √ √ √
Check for any groove, chipping on the surface
or breakage. Check the tightness of fixing nut x √ √ √ √
& bolts.
Check Panto pan horns for any cracks. x √ √ √ √
Clean and check for wear, grooves or any other
abnormality. Measure thickness of metalized
carbon strip. Replace the strip, if required - √ √ √ √ √
Condemn limit is 3.5 mm above sheath.
Check visually the horizontally of bow √ x x x x
Check free swiveling on both sides and proper
functioning of the pantograph - Swivel angle √ √ √ √ √
2 Plungers
Check the free movement of plunger/support
rod cylinder in both plunger boxes. √ x x x x
Check the bow plunger for free sliding while
pressing on both sides. In case of jamming,
loosen the sleeves fixing the spring boxes, turn x √ √ √ √
them round to their vertical axis until jamming
is removed, if required oil the plunger boxes.
Check the deflection of R.H.S. and
L.H.S. plunger with 10 kg weight - Shall be x √ √ √ √
less than 25 mm.
Check the side play of plunger piston. x √ √ √ √
3 Copper shunts
Check for damage or loose connection. Replace √ √ √ √ √
if necessary.
Check availability of all shunts and their
tightness (total 10 no. shunts per Panto). x √ √ √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

While replacing a shunt, care should be

taken that in the bimetallic plate, aluminium
touches the aluminium alloy part and copper
side touches the shunt. Contact surface of x √ √ √ √
alluminium alloy must be rubbed with metallic
brush and then covered with conducting grease.
4 Main springs
Check visually for cracks or breakage etc. √ √ √ √ √
Check the L1, L2 gap of main springs - Shall x √ √ √ √
be more than 18mm
Check main spring catchers and additional
spring catchers for intactness x √ √ √ √
5 Insulators
Check all insulators for cracks and flash marks √ √ √ √ √
and clean.
Clean the foot insulators and operating rod
insulator with spirit and wipe by dry cloth. x √ √ √ √
6 Roof bars
Check for breakage, flash marks, loose
connection etc. Special care must be taken with x √ √ √ √
aluminium bars.
Clean the roof bar clamps and provide graphite x √ √ √ √
7 Lubrication
Check the different moving parts such as
YOKE assembly, plunger, I-let rod etc. and if
found dry clean it and apply lubricant as per x √ √ √ √
lubrication chart (SMI 198).
8 Split pins
Check all split pins are available and intact.
(Total 19 nos. per pantograph) √ √ √ √ √
9 Rubber Stopper
Check rubberized thrust block for condition x √ √ √ √
and intactness.
10 Raising and lowering times
Check the raising and lowering of the √ √ √ √ √
It should gradually rise and slow down before
touching the contact wire and should not √ √ √ √ √
rebound - Raising time 6 to 10 seconds for rise
of 1.5 m.
While lowering, it should be fast in the
beginning and slow down as it reaches the rest √ √ √ √ √
position - Lowering time less than 10 seconds.
11 Nut and Bolts
Check the tightness of all nuts and bolts of the x √ √ √ √
12 Load on rubberized stops

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Check the load on the rubberized stops by

lifting off the stops. If the required load is not
available, adjustment of control rod shall be
done and if still not achieved, remove the air x √ √ √ √
motor and check for air leakage as described
earlier - The force required shall be 15 kg min.
13 Mechanical parts
Verify the operation; check visually the frame
for distortion or any other damage. √ √ √ √ √
14 Transverse Rigidity
Experience by pulling panto upper articulation
assembly by hand in both transverse directions. √ √ √ √ √
Throttle valve
Check the working, clean and lubricate as per x x x √ √
SMI 198.
Overhaul the throttle valve and replace items as
mentioned in AOH/IOH/POH kit and lubricate x x x x √ √ √
as per SMI 198
Check for air leakage from cylinder. x x x √ √
If servomotor is giving abnormal sound during
operation, drain the cylinder by unscrewing the x x x √ √
cap of drain plug and replace the same.
Overhaul the servo motor and replace the items
as mentioned in AOH/IOH/POH kit (TC 0094) x x x x √ √ √
Measure the internal diameter of the cylinder.
The maximum diameter allowed is 202.290 x x x x √
Lubricate all articulations pin bearings and
plungers with recommended oil as per SMI x x x √ √
Static Balancing of Panto Pan
To check the thrust exerted upwards by
pantograph on the contact wire, balancing
of panto pan must be checked, by hanging a
weight of 7 kg. on the head at extensions of
0.5,1 .0, x x x √ √
1.5 and 2.0 m. (SMI 192) The thrust must be
uniform. If the pressure exerted is above or
below the limit, it can be adjusted as given in
SMI 64.
Horizontally of bow assembly.
Check and correct the horizontally of panto pan
at an extension of 1.5 m by using spirit level. x x x √ √
(SMI 192-1997, Spec.066-2008)
Transverse rigidity

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Experience by pulling panto upper articulation

assembly by hand in both transverse directions
- The displacement of the bow should not be x x x √ √
more than 36 mm on each side.
Isolating cocks
Operate all isolating cocks by hand and put x x x x √
back to the previous position.
Frame and other components
Carry out the checks for bent,
distortion, and cracks on frame and other x x x x √
Items mentioned in IOH and POH kit to be x x x x √ √ √
replaced accordingly (TC 0094)

Pantograph AM92/IR03H
(Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0292(Rev’0’))
S.N Description of work IA IB IC AOH IOH POH
A. Pantograph Insulators
i. Thorough cleaning and checking of flash marks/ √ √ √ √ √ √
chipping/crack etc.
ii. Check Foundation bolt tightness √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. Record Make/Year of insulator √ √ √ √ √ √
B. Servomotor
i. Condition of pneumatic pipe (crack etc.) √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. Foundation bolt tightness √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. Air leakage test √ √ √ √ √ √
C. Throttle valve
Throttle valve - thorough inspection of body for
i. dent or crack. x x √ √ √ √
ii. Over haul throttle valve x x √ √ √ √
iii. Cleaning of moving parts with kerosene oil and x x √ √ √ √
lubricate with Vaseline
iv. Change all rubber component (Joint for valve, x x x √ √ √
piston ring, joint ring & Gasket)
D. Panto pan
i. Check condition of Plunger, its lubrication and free √ √ √ √ √ √
Inspection of cylinder support rod spring by
ii. pressing panto pan for proper working of support √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. Strip size should not be less than 3.5mm above √ √ √ √ √ √
metal surface
iv. Clean carbon strip properly and record its make √ √ √ √ √ √
v. Check for groove mark on carbon strip, note and √ √ √ √ √ √
change if required
vi. Panto Horn paint condition and paint if necessary √ √ √ √ √ √
E. RDPT test of the followings for crack detection
i. Top mounting x x √ √ √ √
ii. Cylinder support bracket x x √ √ √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

iii. Steady link x x √ √ √ √

iv. Centre pivot block of horn x x √ √ √ √
v. Push rod x x √ √ √ √
vi. Middle articulation assembly x x √ √ √ √
vii. Yoke assembly x x √ √ √ √
viii. Upper arm x x √ √ √ √
ix. Base frame x x √ √ √ √
x. Pedestal assembly x x √ √ √ √
F. Check Pantograph parts/Assemblies for (Crack, Tightness of bolts and Bending of
i. Frame √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. Main spring √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. Lower articulation arm √ √ √ √ √ √
iv. Eyelet/inlet rod insulator arm √ √ √ √ √ √
v. Spring catcher, Rubber stopper √ √ √ √ √ √
vi. Yoke assembly √ √ √ √ √ √
vii. Check the Condition of Spring Catcher √ √ √ √ √ √
viii. Steady link assembly √ √ √ √ √ √
ix. Plunger Box assembly √ √ √ √ √ √
x. Upper arm assembly √ √ √ √ √ √
G. Check shunt for the following (Wear, Flashing Tightness etc.)
i. Panto pan Assembly to Top Mounting √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. Middle Articulation Assembly to Lower Articulation √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. Lower Articulation Assembly To Base Frame √ √ √ √ √ √
H. Contact force of pantograph with 7kg weight
i. Check contact force with 7.0 kg weight √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. 0.5m, 1.0m, 1.5m, 1.75m and 2.0m height (Adjust
screw clockwise if Panto raises and vice versa in IR- x x x √ √ √
03H pantograph only)
I. Raising and lowering time of pantograph
i. Panto raising time should be 6 to 10 sec. √ √ √ √ √ √
ii. Panto lowering time should be up to 10 sec. √ √ √ √ √ √
iii. Deflection of plunger support rod. √ √ √ √ √ √
iv. Transverse Flexibility. √ √ √ √ √ √
* *
v. Panto Pan swivel angle. √ √ √ √ √ √
* By feel test method

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1.14 Heatless Regenerative Twin Tower type compressed AIR DRYER for Elcetric Locomotives
(As per RDSO SMI No. RDSo/2017/EL/SMI/0305 Rev ‘0’ Dated. 17.04.2017)

Maintenance Schedule of Air Dryer of M/s FTRTIL

Maintenance schedule
Schedul Schedule
Sl Type Activities e 'A' after 'B' after POH
No 18/24 36/48
months months
1 Humidity 1) )Visually Inspect
Indicator Humidity Indicators (ref. √ √ √ X X X
trouble shooting guide)
2) Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by OEM
and Replace Humidity
Indicator Kit X X X √ √ √
2 Purge Valve 1) Visually examine for
loose fastenings, leaks or
other damages/ Operate
and / or Check part √ √ √ X X X
performance i.e. proper
2) Cleaning of Purge Valve
and Replace parts if any X X √ X X X
3) Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by OEM
and Replace Purge Valve
Kit X X X √ √ √
3 Drain Valve 1) Visually examine for
loose fastenings, leaks or
other damages/ Operate and
/ or Check part performance √ √ √ X X X
i.e. Check for Automatic
Draining through double
seated valve.
2)0verhaul the equipment as
recommended by OEM and X X X √ √ √
Replace Drain Valve Kit
4 Pressure switch 1) Visually examine
for loose fastenings or
damages/ Operate and/ or
Check part performance
i.e. Functioning of pressure
switch. Replace if found
√ √ √ √ √ √
damage / non functioning

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

5 Renew 1) Visually examine

Regenerating forloose fastenings, leaks √ √ √ X X X
Orifice kit or other damages.
2) Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by OEM
and Replace Regenerating
Orifice Kit. X X X √ √ √
6 Renew Pre- 1) Visually examine for
coalescing loose fastenings, leaks or
Element other damages. Check part
performance. √ √ √ X X X
2) Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by
OEM and Replace Pre-
coalescing Kit FTRTIL X X X √ √ √
Part no. 790029165
7 Renew Final 1) Visually examine for
Filter Element loose fastenings, leaks or
other damages. Operate
and check performance. √ √ √ X X X
2)Replace Final Filter kit
Part no. 790029125 X X √ X X X
3) Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by OEM
and replace kit for final
fllter. FTIL Kit Part no. X X X √ √ √
8 Mufflers l. Visually examine for
loose fastenings and √ √ √ √ √ X
damages and check
2. Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by
OEM and replace Muffler
if found damage. X X X √ √ √
9 Timer Circuit 1. Visually examine for
Board loose fastenings, leaks
or other damages/
Operate and / or Check
part performance
(Cycling time of each
√ √ √ √ √ √
Tower). Replace if
found damage / non

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

10 Desiccant 1. Visually examine for

Canister loose fastenings, leaks
or other damages/
Operate and I or Check √ √ √ √ √ X
part performance.
2. C heck the condition of
Desiccant (replace if X X √ X X X
3. O verhaul the equipment
as recommended
by OEM. Replace
Desiccant Canister Kit X X X √ √ √
11 Inlet Check valve 1. Visually examine for
loose fastenings, leaks
or other damages/
Operate and / or Check √ √ √ X X X
part performance.
2. Overhaul the equipment
as recommended by
OEM. Replace Inlet
check valve Kit X X X X √ √
12 Outlet Check 1. Visually examine for
valve loose fastenings, leaks
or other damages/
Operate and / or Check √ √ √ X X X
part performance.
2. O verhaul the equipment
as recommended
by OEM. Replace
outlet check valve Kit X X X X √ √
and Solenoid Valve
assembly kit
13 Compactor 1. Visually examine for
Assembly loose fastenings, leaks
or other damages/
Operate and / or Check √ √ √ X X X
part performance.
2. Overhaul the equipment
as recommended
by OEM. Replace
Compactor Assembly Kit. X X X X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

14 Completely 1. Complete Dismantling

overhaul the Air and Overhaul the Air
Dryer (ref. Dryer as recommended
by OEM X X X X √ √
2. Replace all Rubberparts
Manual and
as recommended as per X X X X √ √
the major parts
change details as

Maintenance Schedule of Air Dryer Model LTZ015.2 of M/s KBIL

Maintenance schedule
Schedule 'A'
Sl 'B' after
Type Activities I I I after 18/24 PO
No 36/48
A B C months H
1 Check When compressor is ON,
Functioning of Dryer should work. Verify √ √ √ √ √ √
Dryer Dryer's purge & tower
2 Check Humidity Check the color of humidity
status indicator installed at the
outlet port of air dryer. Blue √ √ √ √ √ √
is OK
3 Check Tower Check lifting of indicator
changeover pin of respective tower.
During the operation,
alternatively INDICATOR √ √ √ √ √ √
PIN of respective tower
should be up
4 Measure Cycle By using Stop watch, record
Time the time interval between
two consecutive air releases
from the drainage port of
piston valve. √ √ √ √ √ √
# Time interval should be
within 120+ I- 5 seconds.
5 Verify Pressure Start from Zero pressure
setting and note the pressure when
changeover of towers
occurs. Though air flows
through dryer from starting √ √ √ √ √ √
but dryer does not change
cycle unless pressure has
reached - 4. 7 kg/ cm2
6 Drain moisture Drain moisture collected (if
from Final/ After any) at the bottom of Final/ √ √ √ √ √ √
filter After Filter

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

7 Replace Final/ Dismantle Filter housing

After Filter and replace the Element X X X √ √ √
Element with new part.
8 Overhaul Air Dismantle Air Dryer
Dryer Unit alongwith Piston
Valve andreplace all
Consumablesparts, Rubber
parts and Desiccant X X X X √ √
according to recommended
IOH/POH kit. Follow
catalogue UMA20.26- EN

Maintenance Schedule of Air Dryer of M/s SIL make.

Maintenance schedule
Schedule Schedule
Sl 'A' after 'B' after
Type Activities I I I PO
No 18/24 36/48
months months
1 Check the i. Blue color OK.
color of Dryer is √ √ √ X X X
humidity performed
indicator ii. Lavender- Verify dryer is
Dryer is cycling. √ √ √
iii. White - Possible
a. verify
dryer is not dryer is
regenera ting.cycling.b) √ √ √
Bag to be
2 Check Red wire for Electrical
electrical positive. Black power
connection of wire for negative. available when
Air dryer and White wire for compressor √ √ √ X X X
their tightness intermittent is loaded
positive condition
3 Check cyclic Cycling time for 1 (one)
operation of purging from minute drying
Air Dryer regenerating 1 (one) √ √ √ X X X
tower minute

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

4 Check When compressor

memory gets unloaded
feature purging of air
should stop and
when compressor √ √ √ X X X
again gets loaded
purging should
5 Check the With the Dryer Each cycle
drain valve operating, the
on coalescing Drain Valve must √ √ √ X X X
filter expel a short burst
of Air once a
6 Replace Parts to be List of item as
the filter renewed per overhaulin X X X √ √ √
Coalescing g Kit 'A'
7 Overhaul Parts to be List of item as
the complete renewed per overhaulin
air Dryer g Kit 'B' X X X √ √ √
and Change

Maintenance Schedule of Air Dryer of M/s Prag polymers.

Maintenance schedule
Schedule Schedule
Sl 'A' after 'B' after
Type Activities I I I PO
No 18/24 36/48
months months
1 Check electrical connections
and their tightness √ √ √ √ √ √
2 Operational check of the Attend/replace
dryer with compressor the component (s)
loaded and unloaded behaving erratic
a. Purge va lves must expel
air every minute.
b. Drain valve must expel √ √ √ √ √ √
collected impurities every
c. Cyclic operation of the
unit must be OK

3 Check Auto d rain of MR-1 It should function √ √ √ √ √ √

& MR-2 properly
4 Shut off cock of After/Fina Open to drain
l filler moisture collected in √ √ √ √ √ √
the bowl

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5 Check color of humidity If found 'Pink',

indicator, which in dicates: run the unit to see
Blue- Dryer performing whether after some
satisfactorily Pink/ time the colour
Lavender- Dryer is suspect should change to
White- Dryer not performing blue.
Verify if dryer is √ √ √ √ √ √
cycling. If cycling
operation is ok,
check condition
of Coalescer
filter element. If
contaminated with
oil, replace element
and also replace
6 Charge the system from Cut In- 7 Kgjsq.cm
'0' pressure and check the Cut out- 6 Kg/sq.cm X X √ √ √ √
pressure setting
7 Air dryer assembly Clean dirt and dust √ √ √ √ √ √
8 Mufflers of Purge valves and Remove and clean X X X √ √ √
Drain valve Mufflers
9 Pipe connections Check pipe
connections for their X X X √ √ √
10 Drain and purge valves Dismantle, Clean and X X X √ √ √
11 Coalescer filter and After I Replace element with X X X √ √ √
Final Elements gasket.
12 Overhaul the complete Dryer Replace all parts as
unit. mentioned in kit A X X X X √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Maintenance Schedule of Air Dryer of M/s Trident

Maintenance schedule
Schedule 'A' Schedule 'B'
Maintenance Activity I I I after 18/24 after 36/48
A B C months months
1 Open drain cock of final filter to drain off
any accumulated water content √ √ √ √ √ X
2 Check the colour of humidity indicator √ √ √ √ √ X
3 Check auto drain of main reservoir No.1 √ √ √ √ √ X
& main reservoir No.2
4 Check electrical connection of air dryer √ √ √ √ √ X
and their tightness.
5 Check cyclic operation of air dryer. √ √ √ √ √ √
6 Check Memory Feature √ √ √ √ √ √
7 Examine the drain valve on the sump of √ √ √ √ √ √
pre coalescer
8 Charge the system from zero pressure
and check the dryer does not cycle X X √ √ √ √
immediately. Note the pressure when the
dryer starts cycling.
9 Replace consumables as per respective
manufacturer's recommended replacement X X X √ √ √
10 Clean external muffler connected with X X X √ √ √
purge valves.
11 Check condition of each pipe assembly X X X √ √ √
and their tightness.
12 Overhaul the complete air dryer and X X X X √ √
change desiccant.
13 Test each air dryer before putting it back
in to service. Schematic diagram of test
bench is given in Annexure-I List of X X X X √ √
tests to be conducted and record to be
maintained is given in Annexure-II
14 Replace consumables as per respective
manufacturer's recommended replacement X X X X √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Schedule of works for CCB of M/s KBIL

(Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0298(Rev’0’))
S. Maintenance schedule
Equipment Activities
Electrical items
1 Electrical junctionCheck tightness of connectors to √ √ √ √ √ √
box with cables ensure proper locking.
Function test with complete
2 Relay Control system and repair/replace if any
Portion (RCP) problem found in any individual
3 Multi-Purpose Input/ unit.
output Node (MPIO)
4 Power Supply
Junction Box (PSJB)
5 Electronic Vigilance
Computer (EVC)
Auxiliary manifold assembly
6 Isolating Cocks 1. Check for correct orientation of √ √ √ √ √ √
(TC1, TC2, Isolating Cocks handles
FC, UL, CB, 2 Overhaul of Isolating cocks & x x x x √ √
PAN1,PAN2,SAN Functional / leakage test as per
D1, SAND2,Feed OEM guidelines
Pipe cock, SIFA
cock, Kaba Key)
7 Pressure Reducing 1 Ensure that PRV seals are not √ √ √ √ √ √
Valve tempered
2 Overhaul of valve & functional x x x x √ √
test as per OEM guidelines
8 Magnet Valves (UL, 1 Ensure that connectors of Magnet √ √ √ √ √ √
21, PAN1, PAN2, valve are fixed properly.
SAND1 & SAND2) 2 Overhaul of Magnet valves x x x x √ √
& functional test as per OEM
9 Feed Valve 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
of valve. Repair/Replace, if any
problem found.
2. Overhaul of valve & functional x x x x √ √
test as per OEM guidelines
10 Over flow Valve 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
of valve. Repair/Replace, if any
problem found.
2. Overhaul of valve & functional x x x x √ √
test as per OEM guidelines
11 Check Valve 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
of valve. Repair/Replace, if any
problem found.
2. Overhaul of valve & functional x x x x √ √
test as per OEM guidelines

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

12 Impulse magnet 1. Check connector for proper √ √ √ √ √ √

valve Parking Brake tightness And functional test
2. Overhaul of valve x x x x √ √
3. functional test as per OEM
13 Pressure Governors 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
of Governors. Calibrate/Replace,
if any problem found.
2. Functional test and calibration x x x x √ √
14 Pressure Governors 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
of Governors. Calibrate/Replace,
if any problem found.
2. functional test as per OEM x x x x √ √
15 Safety Valves (AR- 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
SV and AC- SV) of gauge. Calibrate/Replace, if
any problem found
2. Functional test as per OEM x x x x √ √
16 Filter (AC-F and 1. Check the condition of filters √ √ √ √ √ √
MREP-F) 2. Replacement of filter elements x x x √ √ √
and rubber parts
17 Unloader Valve & 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
Auto Drain Valve of valve. Repair/Replace, if any
problem found.
2. Overhaul of valve & functional x x x √ √ √
test as per OEM guidelines
EPCU functions Items
18 Control Portion (16- 1. Ensure that connectors of LRU's √ √ √ √ √ √
CP, 20-CP, ER-CP, are fixed properly.
BP- 2. Overhaul of Valves & functional / x x x x √ √
CP,BC-CP) leakage test
19 Distributive Valve 1. Ensure DV/C3W Isolation handle √ √ √ √ √ √
in working position.
2. Functional / leakage test as per x x x x √ √
OEM guidelines
3. Overhaul of Valves
20 Pneumatic 1. Check the functioning of valve √ √ √ √ √ √
Equalizing Reservoir 2. Overhaul of valve & Functional / x x x x √ √
Actuator (PER COS) leakage test
3. Ensure that connector of Magnet √ √ √ √ √ √
valve are fixed properly.
21 MR Filter Assembly 1. Drain the CCB main Reservoir √ √ √ √ √ √
Filter assembly by opening
manual drain valve located at the
bottom of MR filter housing.
2. Replacement of all Filter Elements x x x √ √ √
& rubber parts of filters.
3. Check leakage after replacement

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

22 Filter Element Aux 1. Replacement of all Filter x x x √ √ √

R, DBP, BP) Elements & rubber of filters.
2. Check leakage after replacement
Accessories Items
23 Brake Controller 1. Check connector to ensure proper √ √ √ √ √ √
Cab1 and Cab2 tightness at both ends (cab side &
panel side)
2. Overhaul of controllers & x x x x √ √
Functional test.
24 Emergency Valve 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
NB11, PTDC, of valve. Repair/ Replace, if any
PRV, check valves, problem found.
unloader valve, oil 2. Overhaul of Valves & functional x x x x √ √
separator, Auto drain test
valves, Microphone
horns, horn
operating valves,
sanding valve
25 Safety Valves (MR- Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
SV and CP- SV) of valve. Replace, if any problem
26 Check Valve (CP- 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
NRV) of valve. Repair/Replace, if any
problem found.
2. Overhaul of valve & functional x x x x √ √
test as per OEM guidelines
27 Pressure Governors 1. Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
of governors. Calibrate/Replace,
if any problem found.
2. Functional test and calibration x x x x √ √
28 Isolating cock 1 1/4" Check for correct orientation of √ √ √ √ √ √
vented (Air dryers, Cocks handle, leakage, functioning.
MR,BP,FP) Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit.
29 Isolating cock w/ Check for correct orientation of √ √ √ √ √ √
vent 3/4" (for MREP Cocks handle, leakage, functioning.
& DBP and BC) Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit.
30 Drain Cocks Check for functioning, leakage. √ √ √ √ √ √
Reservoirs 1/2" Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit.
31 Isolating cock 3/8" Check for correct orientation of √ √ √ √ √ √
horns & wipers Cocks handle, leakage, functioning
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

32 Angle cocks Check for correct orientation of √ √ √ √ √ √

Cocks handle, leakage, functioning.
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit.
33 Hose coupling Check the working and condition of √ √ √ √ √ √
1"(MREP, DBP) , coupling. Replace if found damaged
BP, FP1 1/4"), during inspection/shed visit.
34 Flexible hose Check the working and condition √ √ √ √ √ √
sanding, parking, of hose. Replace if found damaged
Brake cylinders during inspection/shed visit.
35 Pressure gauges Functional test Replace, if any √ √ √ √ √ √
problem found.
36 Reservoir Visually examine fastenings, leaks or √ √ √ √ √ √
other damages/ Replace if required.

Schedule of works for Brake System of E-70 of M/s FTRTIL

(Ref- RDSO SMI NO: RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0298(Rev’0’))
S. Maintenance schedule
Equipment Activities
1 Tri-Plate & 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Equipment Manifold fastenings, leaks or other
2. Visually examine for loose x x x x √ x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
part performance with the brake
equipment module
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM
2 Unloader Exhaust 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of exhaust valve x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
3 Drip cup With Auto 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Drain Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of drain valve x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4 Driver Brake 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Controller fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x √ √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
5 Driver Brake Driver's 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Direct Air Brake fastenings, leaks or other
Valve damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of brake valve x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
6 E70 Brake Piping 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Interface Main fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of piping interface main x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
7 Auto Drain Valve 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of drain valve x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
8 Pressure Switch 1.Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of pressure switch x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
4. Overhaul/ Renew material/ x x x x x √
Replace as recommended by

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

9 Pneuphonic Horn 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

- Low Tone fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Overhaul the equipment as x x x √ √ √
recommended by OEM
10 Pneuphonic Horn 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ x x x √
- High Tone fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Overhaul the equipment as x x √ √ √ x
recommended by OEM
11 Two Way Horn Valve 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ x x x x
Assembly Type 15 fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Clean x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
12 Isolating Cock 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM.
4. Replace as recommended by OEM. x x x x x √
5. Replace if found damaged during √ √ √ √ √ √
inspection/shed visit
13 Isolating Cock & 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Regulator Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Cleaning of cock and assembly x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
4. Renew material/Replace as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM
5. Replace if found damaged during √ √ √ √ √ √
inspection/shed visit

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

14 Isolating Cock Olp 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √

1-1/4" fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
4. Replace if found damaged during √ √ √ √ √ √
inspection/shed visit
15 Isolating Cock Clp1- 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
1/4" fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Clean x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x √ √ x
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
4. Replace if found damaged during √ √ √ √ √ √
inspection/shed visit
16 Isolating Cock 3/8" 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Vented fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Clean x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
17 Isolating Cock 1-1/4" 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Vented fastenings, leaks or other
2. Clean x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
18 1/2" Isolating Cock 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
W/O Vent (Olp) fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
19 Latched Isolating 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Cock 1-1/4" W/O V fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
20 Latched Isolating 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Cock With Vented fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

21 Latched Isolating 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x

Cock With Vented fastenings, leaks or other damages/
Operate and / or Check performance
with the brake equipment module
2. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM/
Renew material/Replace as
recommended by OEM
22 End Cock Lh 1.Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM/
Renew material/Replace as
recommended by OEM
23 Cut-Out Cock- 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
3/4"With Drain fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM and
replace if required
24 1.25 “Latched 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Isolating Cock fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2. Cleaning of cock x x x √ x x
3. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
25 1-1/4"Cutoff Angle 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
cock Bp W/V101 fastenings, leaks or other damages
2. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
26 1-1/4"Cutoff Angle 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
cock Fp W/V fastenings, leaks or other damages
2. Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

27 1"Uic Hose M R E P 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x

fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Check performance with the x x x x √ x
brake equipment module/
Renew material/Replace as
recommended by OEM
3. Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
4. Replace if found damaged during √ √ √ √ √ √
inspection/shed visit
28 1"Uic Hose 905mm 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
Long fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Check performance with the x x x x √ x
brake equipment module/Replace
as recommended by OEM
3. Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
4. Replace if found damaged during √ √ √ √ √ √
inspection/shed visit
29 Air Brake Hose Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Coupling-BP fastenings, leaks or other damages.
Replace if any problem found.
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit.
30 Air Brake Hose Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Coupling-FP fastenings, leaks or other damages.
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit
31 Flexible Hose 3/4" Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
fastenings, leaks or other damages.
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit
32 Flexible Hose 1/2" Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
fastenings, leaks or other damages.
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit
33 Flexible Hose 3/8" Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
fastenings, leaks or other damages.
Replace if found damaged during
inspection/shed visit

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

34 Panto Gauge 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x

fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Check performance/ Replace x x x √ √ x
Part as recommended by OEM
3. Replace Part as recommended by x x x x x √
35 Pressure Gauge(FP- 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
MR) fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
part performance with the brake
equipment module.
2. Check part performance/ Replace x x x x √ x
Part as recommended by OEM
3. Replace Part as recommended by x x x x x √
36 Duplex Pressure 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
Gauge fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Check performance/ Replace as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
3 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
37 Pressure Gauge BP 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Check performance/ Replace as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
3. Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
38 Spring Parking Brake 1. Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x
Pressure fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2. Check performance/ Replace as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
3. Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

39 Air Flow Measuring 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ x x

Gauge W/Led fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Check performance/ Replace as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
40 Duplex Check Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
1 1/4" fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM
41 Venturi Check Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of check valve x x x √ x √
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
42 1" Spring Loaded 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Check Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
43 Emergency Exhaust 1 Visually examine for loose √ x x x x x
Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Visually examine for loose x √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other damages/
Operate and / or Check performance
3 Clean x x x √ x x
4 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

44 1/2" Double Check 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
45 1/2" Strainer- Check 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
46 Safety Valve 1/4"Bsp 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other damages/
Operate and / or Check performance
with the brake equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
4 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
47 Check Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other damages/
Operate and / or Check performance
with the brake equipment module
2 Cleaning of Check Valve Assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
4 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
48 Compressor Check 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve/Pu Type Check fastenings, leaks or other damages/
Valve Operate and / or Check performance
with the brake equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
49 Safety Valve 3/4" 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Bsp - Type 9 fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of safety Valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √

recommended by OEM/ Replace
as recommended by OEM
50 Safety Valve 1/4" 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Bsp - Type 9 fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of safety Valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
4 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace
as recommended by OEM
51 Safety Valve 1/4" 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Bsp - Type 9 fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of safety Valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ x
recommended by OEM
4 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace
as recommended by OEM
52 Sander Nozzle 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Imported fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
53 Air Line Sieve 3/8” 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2 Visually examine for loose x x x x √ x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages./ Replace as
recommended by OEM
3 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
54 C3 W DV 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x √ x x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

55 Double Check Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
56 Emergency Exhaust 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
57 Double Check 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve-3/8" fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
58 Solenoid Valve 110v 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Dc Nc fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
59 Solenoid Valve 110v 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Pressure Switch fastenings, leaks or other
Manifold Assembly damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

60 Solenoid Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
61 Latched Solenoid 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve assembly x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
62 Transducer Assembly 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ x x
3 Operate and / or Check performance x x x x √ x
4 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
63 D2 Relay Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
64 EP Relay Valve 110v 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Dc fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
65 Limiting Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly (6kg/8kg) fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

66 Limiting Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Assembly (Auto fastenings, leaks or other
Brake ) damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
67 Limiting Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly (EBC/5 fastenings, leaks or other
Blending) damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of limiting valve assembly x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
68 Solenoid Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
69 Pilot Valve 110 V Dc 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
70 Venturi Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

71 Brake In Two 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Protection Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
4 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
72 Pressure Control 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of control valve x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
4 Renew material/Replace as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM
73 Transmission Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
4 Renew material/Replace as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM
74 D2 Relay Valve 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
75 Pressure Regulating 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Valve Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of valve assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
4 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

76 Electronic Rack/ 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Mother Board fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Refurbish the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace,
if required.
77 PSU CARD 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Refurbish the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace,
if required.
78 LPO CARD 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Refurbish the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace,
if required.
79 Control Card 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Refurbish the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace,
if required.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

80 Blender Card 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Refurbish the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace,
if required.
81 Vigilance Control 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Unit fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Refurbish the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ Replace,
if required.
82 Conduit Assembly 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2 Clean/ Replace as recommended x x x x √ x
by OEM
3 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
83 EBC/5 Blending Unit 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
(3.5 Bar) fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of unit x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
84 SUPPRESSION 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
BOX UNIT fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean/ Operate and / or Check x x x √ √ x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/ l/Replace
as recommended by OEM

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

85 Pantograph Pipe 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Bracket Manifold fastenings, leaks or other damages
2 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
86 Pantograph Interface 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Manifold fastenings, leaks or other damages
2 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
87 DV Equipment 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Manifold(Freight fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of manifold x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
88 Isolator Assembly 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of Isolator Assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
89 Pantograph Equip 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Manifold Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of manifold x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
90 Manifold Mounting 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Regulator/High fastenings, leaks or other
Flow Limiting Valve damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of unit x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
4 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x x √
recommended by OEM/Replace
as recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

91 Direct Brake Equ 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Manifold Assy fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
92 Sanding Equip 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Manifold Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
93 Venturi / EP 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Manifold Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
94 SPB Equip Manifold 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assemblyy fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
95 ¾” Manifold 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of unit x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
96 TRACTION 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
CONTROL fastenings, leaks or other
Assembly damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of unit x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

97 E-70 Brake Control 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x

Unit Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Clean x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
98 Centrifugal Air 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
Strainer Assembly fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of unit x x x √ x x
3 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
99 Coil Assembly 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ x x x
fastenings, leaks or other
damages/ Operate and / or Check
performance with the brake
equipment module
2 Cleaning of assembly x x x √ x x
3 Operate and / or Check performance x x x x √ x
4 Replace as recommended by OEM x x x x x √
100 Main/Aux 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Reservoirs fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2 Hydrostatic test x x x x √ √
101 RESERVIOR 5 L 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM
102 E70 Control 1 Visually examine for loose √ √ √ √ √ √
Reservoir 1lt fastenings, leaks or other damages.
2 Overhaul the equipment as x x x x √ √
recommended by OEM

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Pneumatic Testing of Three phase Electric Locomotives fitted with E-70 brake system

(As per RDSO TC No. RDSO/2012/EL/TC/0113 rev’0’, Dated. 29.03.2012)

S.N Parameters Value Reference
1 Auxiliary Air supply system (Pantograph & VCB)
1.1 Ensure, air is completely vented from Pantograph Reservoir (Ensure Panto Pressure Gauge
reading is Zero)
1.2 Turn ON BL key. Now MCPA starte. 60sec. (max)
Record Pressure build up time (8.5 Kg/cm²)
1.3 Auxiliary compressor safety valve 23F 8.5±0.25Kg/cm² Faiveley Doc.
setting No.DMTS- 014-1 &
CLW's check sheet no.
F60.821 Version 2.
1.4 Check VCB Pressure switch setting Opens 4.5±0.15Kg/cm² CLW's check sheet no.
Closes 5.5±0.15Kg/cm² F60.812
Version 2.
1.5 Set Pantograph selector switch is in Auto, open Pan - 1&2 Isolating cocks & KABA cock
by key (KABA Key)
1.6 Set Cab-1 Pan UP in Panel A Observed Pan-2 rises
1.7 Close Pan-2 Isolating cock, Open Pan- Panto-2 Fall down
2 Isolating cock Panto-2 rises
1.8 Record Pantograph rise time 06 to 10 seconds
1.9 Record Pantograph Lowering time 06 to 10 seconds
1.1 Panto line air leakage 0.70 kg/cm² in 5 minutes
2 Main Air supply system
2.1 Ensure air is completely vented from Theoretical calculation
locomotive. Drain out all reservoirs by and test performed by
opening the drain cocks and then close Railways.
cocks. MR air pressure build up time by
each compressor from 0 to 10 kg/cm² 7 Mts.Max
1. With 1750 LPM Compressor
2. With 1450 LPM compressor 8.5 Mts.Max
2.2 Drain air below MR 8 Kg/cm² to start Check starting of both
both the compressors compressors
2.3 Drain air from main Reservoir up to 30 Sec (Max)
7 Kg/cm². Start compressors, check
presure build time of individual
compressor from 8 Kg/cm² to 9 Kg/cm²
2.4 Check low MR pressure switch setting Closes at 6.40±0.15kg/ D&M test Spec.
(37) cm²Op ens at MM3882 & MM3946
2.5 Check compressor pressure switch Opens at 10±0.20kg/cm² D&M test spec.
RGCP setting (35) Close at 8.0±0.20kg/cm² MM3882 & MM3946
2.6 Run both the compressors record 3.5 Minutes Max Trial results
pressure build up time
2.7 Check unloadervalve operation time Approx 12sec
2.8 Check Auto Driain valve functioning Operates when
(124 & 87) compressor starts

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

2.9 Check CP-1 delivery safety valve 11.50±0.35kg/cm² D & M test spec.
setting (10/1). Run CP direct by BLCP MM3882 & MM3946
2.1 Check CP-2 deliveries safety valve 11.50±0.35kg/cm² D & M test spec.
setting. (10/2) run CP. MM3882 & MM3946
Direct by BLCP.
2.11 Switch 'OFF' the compressors and D & M test spec.
ensure that the safety valve to reset at MM3882 & MM3946
pressure 1.2 kg/cm² less than opening
2.12 BP pressure: Switch 'OFF' compressor, 5.0±0.10kg/cm² CLW's check sheet no.
Drain MR pressure by drain cock of F60.812 Version 2.
1st Main Reservoir. Start compressor,
check setting pressure of Duplex check
valve 92F
2.13 FP pressure: Fit test gauge in test point 6.0±0.20kg/cm² CLW's check sheet no.
107F FPTP. Open Isolate cock 136F. F60.812 Version 2.
Check pressure in Gauge
3 Air Dryer Operation
3.1 Open drain cock 90 of 2nd MR to start Tower to change i) Every
compressor, leave open for test. Check minute (FTIL & SIL) ii)
Air dryer towers to change Every two minute (KBIL)
3.2 Check purge air stops from Air dryer at
compressor stops
3.3 Check condition of humidity indicator Blue
4 Main Reservoir Leakage test
4.1 Put Auto brake (A-9) in full service. Should be less than 1 kg/ D & M test spec.
Check MR pressure air leakage from cm² in 15 minutes MM3882 & MM3946
both cabs
4.2 Check BP Air leakage (Isolate BP 0.15kg/cm² in 5 minutes D & M test spec.
charging cock-70) MM3882 & MM3946
5 Brake Test (Automatic Brake Operation)
5.1 Record Brake pipe & Brake cylinder pressure at each step
Check Proportionality of Auto Brake system CLW’s check sheet
Auto BP Pressure BC (WAG9 BC (WAP5) no F60.812
Controller kg/cm2 & WAP7) kg/cm2 Version 2.
position kg/cm2
Run 5.0 ± 0.1 0.00 0.00
Initial 4.60 ± 0.1 0.40 ± 0.1 0.75 ± 0.15
Full Service 3.35 ± 0.2 2.50 ± 0.1 5.15 ± 0.30
Emergency Less than 0.3 2.50 ± 0.1 5.15 ± 0.30
5.2 Record time to BP pressure drop to 8±2 sec D & M test spec.
3.5 kg/cm². Ensure automatic brake MM3882 & MM3946
controller handle is full service from run.
5.3 Operate Asst. Driver Emergency cock BP pressure falls rapidly D & M test spec.
to below 2.5 kg/cm² MM3882 & MM3946
5.4 Check Brake pipe pressure switch 69F Closes at BP 4.05- CLW's check sheet no.
operates 4.35 kg/cm² Opens at BP F60.812
2.85-3.15 kg/cm² Version 2.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5.5 Move Auto brake controller handle 4±1 sec D & M test spec.
from "Running to Emergency" BC 7.5±1.5 sec MM3882 & MM3946
filling time from 0.4kg/cm² i.e 95% 21±3 sec
of Max. BC developed. WAP5
BC 5.15±0.3kg/cm²apply time.
WAP7 BC 2.50±0.1kg/cm².
WAG9 BC 2.50±0.1kg/cm²
5.6 Move Auto brake controller handle 17.5±2.5 sec D & M test spec
to Full service and allow BP pressure 52.5±7.5 sec MM3882 & MM3946
3.5 kg/cm². Move Brake controller
to Running position BC release time
to fall BC pressure up to 0.4 kg/cm²
i.e 95% of Max, BC developed. BC
release time
5.7 Move Auto brake controller handle to 60 to 80 sec CLW's check sheet no.
release, check BP pressure steady at F60.812
5.50 ±0.2 kg/cm² time. Version 2.
5.8 Auto brake capacity test: The capacity BP pressure should not RDSO Motive Power
of the A9 valve in released condition fall below 4.0 kg/cm² Directorate report No.
must conform to certain limit in order within 60sec 11 July 1999 Rev.1
to ensure compensation for air leakage
in the train without interfering with the
automatic functioning of brake.
. Allow the MR pressure to build up to
maximum stipulated limit.
. Close brake pipe angle cock and
charge brake pipe to 5 kg/cm² by A9
(Automatic brake controlling) at run
. Couple 7.5 dia leak hole to the brake
hose pipe of locomotive. Open the
angle cock for brake pipe.
The test shall be carried out with all the
compressors in working condition.
5.9 Keep Auto brake controller (A-9) in BC comes '0'
full service. Press Driver End Paddle
switch (PVEF)
6 Direct Brake (SA-9)
6.1 Apply direct brake in full check BC 3.50±0.20kg/cm² CLW's check sheet no.
pressure 5.15±0.3kg/cm² F60.812
WAP7, WAG9 WAP5 Version 2.
6.2 Apply direct brake, Record brake 8 sec Max D & M test spec.
cylinder charging time. MM3882 & MM3946
6.3 Check direct brake pressure switch 0.2±0.1kg/cm² D & M test spec.
setting 59 (F) MM3882 & MM3946
6.4 Release direct brake & BC release time 10-15 sec
to fall BC pressure up to 0.4 kg/cm²

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

7 Dynamic Brake (Brake blending)

7.1 This test is to be done by forcing signal WAP7 &WAP9 2.5 kg/cm² D & M test spec.
by laptop 06H Actual BE E1=100% WAP5 5.15 kg/cm² MM3882 & MM3946
7.2 This test is to be done by forcing signal WAP7 &WAP9 1.25 kg/cm² D & M test spec.
by laptop 06H Actual BE E1= 50% WAP5 2.55 kg/cm² MM3882 & MM3946
8 Parking Brake
8.1 Press BPPB to release parking brake PB released Lamp Off in D & M test spec.
panel pressure in parking MM3882 & MM3946
brake gauge 6.0kg/cm²
8.2 Pressure BPPB to apply parking brake PB applied, Lamp ON in
panel pressure in parking
brake gauge 0.0kg/cm²
8.3 Manually release and apply parking Verify release and
brake by pressing soleod valve 30F application of parking
8.4 Check pressure in PB gauge 6.0±15kg/cm²
8.5 Check Brake block clearance 10mm in TBU 3 mm in D & M test spec.
Disc brake (WAP5) MM3882 7 MM3946
9 Sanding Equipment
9.1 Check Isolating cock-134f is in open Sand on roll
position. Press sander paddle switch
(To confirm EP valves operated.
10 Test vigilance equipment: As per D &
M test specification.

Pneumatic Testing of Three phase Electric Locomotives fitted with Computer Controlled Brake
(CCB) system are appended below. (As per OEM Maintenance manual of M/s. Knorr-Bremse)
S. Tests to be conducted Standard Result
No Cab Cab
1 2
1 Auxiliary Compressor (PANTOGRAPH & VCB)
1.1 Ensure Air is completely vented from locomotive
Reservoir (Panto Pressure Gauge reading must be zero Open 8±0.15 kg/
before commencing the test). cm2 closes 6±0.15
Turn ON BL key. Now MCPA starts. Record Pressure kg/cm2
Build up time
Check Panto Pressure switch
Un-earth VCB HOM switch. Open Blue Key (KABA
Key) and Fit in Panto isolating Cock (KABA cock) in
Pneumatic panel.
1.2 Check Panto Safety Valve operate between 8.3- 8.5±0.20
8.7 Kg/cm2 Pressure should not exceed 9.5±0.2 Kg/cm2 kg/cm2 9.5±0.20
Above opening pressure kg/cm2
1.3 Set Pantograph selection switch is in Auto open Pan -1&2
isolating cocks & KABA Cock by Blue
Key (KABA key)

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1.4 Set Cab-1 Pan UP in Panel A see Pan-2 Rises. Close VCB Open/ Close
then open. 4.5±0.15
Check signal config file05A MPrSWPan-2 P/S- 09/2 kg/cm2 5.5±0.15
(Repeat this test from Cab-2 & Also check Signal) kg/cm2
1.5 Close Pan-2 isolating cock, Panto 2 fall down/Open
Pan-2 isolating cock, Panto 2 rises & close KABA cock,
Panto-2 down
1.6 Set Panto selection switch on Pan-1, Cab Pan ON in
Panel A. Open/close
See Panto-1 Rises/close VCB/Open VCB. Check Signal 4.5±0.15
config file:05A MPrSWPan-1 P/S- 09/1 kg/cm2 5.5±0.15
Close Pan-1 isolating cock, Panto 1 fall down/open Pan-1 kg/cm2
isolating cock, Panto 1 Rises, close KABA cock Panto 1
1.7 Set Panto Selection Switch in Pan-2, Cab Pan ON
in Panel A. See Panto-2 Rises/Close VCB/Open VCB
1.8 Record Pantograph Rise time 6 to 10 seconds
1.9 Record Pantograph lowering time 6 to 10 seconds
1.10 Pantograph drops if TP-Panto is less than 0.7 kg/cm2 in 0.70/01 Mts
one (01) Mts
2.1 Compressor system
2.2 Fit test gauge at test point 40 in the machine room
2.3 Isolate compressor No.2 Run comp No.1 record Pr. Build 12 minute Max.
up time
Check Low MR pressure switch 37 Close at 6.40±0.15 6.25-6.55
kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Check signal Config File:06E-MPr Sw Low MR Check
compressor pressure switch 35 9.80-10.20
Close at 10±0.2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Check signal Config file :06E-MPr Sw8 bar
2.4 Check compressor pressure switch 35 Close at 8±0.2 kg/
cm2 7.8-8.2 kg/cm2
Check signal config file:06E-MPr Sw8 bar Check low 5.45-5.75
MR pressure switch 37. Open at 5.60±0.15 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Check Signal Config File:06E-MPr Sw Low MR
2.5 Isolate compressor No.1 Run comp No.2 record Pr. Build 12 minute Max.
up time 6.25-6.55
Check Compressor pressure switch 36 Close at 10±0.2 kg/cm2 9.80-10.20
kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Check signal Config File:06E-MPr Sw7.5 bar
2.6 Check compressor pressure switch 36 Close at 8±0.2 kg/
cm2 7.8-8.2 kg/cm2
Check signal config file:06E-MPr Sw7.5bar
2.7 Run both compressors record Pr. Build up time 06 Min Max

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

2.8 At the time Comp Start up for CP-1. Unloader 1 operates

for 3 sec. min. 03 Sec Min
Check signal config file :06D-BEPCPUnlode
2.9 At the time Comp Start up for CP-2. Unloader 2 operates
for 3 sec. min. 03 Sec Min
Check signal config file :06D-BEPCPUnlode
2.10 Check both auto drain valve operates when compressor Little drain
2.11 Drain MR air below 8 kg/cm2 to start both compressors Check start up of
Check signal config. File:06E-BcontComp-1&2 both comp.
2.12 Check operation of compressor-1 safety valve 10, Range 11.50±0.35
11 15-11.85 Kg/cm2 kg/cm2
2.13 Pr. Does not exceed 1.2kg/cm2 above safety valve Approx.
opening pressure 12.30±0.35
2.14 Safety valve 10 resets by 1.2 Kg/Cm2 below safety valve Approx. 10.3±0.35
opening pressure kg/cm2
2.15 Check operation of compressor-2 safety valve 10, Range 11.50±0.35
11 15-11.85 Kg/cm2 kg/cm2
2.16 Pr. Does not exceed 1.2kg/cm2 above above safety valve Approx.
opening pressure 12.30±0.35
2.17 Safety valve 10 resets by 1.2 Kg/Cm2 below safety valve Approx. 10.3±0.35
opening pressure kg/cm2
2.18 Run compressor direct through BLCP switch in Panel A Comp starts
2.19 Check operation of safety valve 39, 10.35 to 10.7±0.35
11.05 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
2.20 Safety valve 39 resets by 1.1 Kg/Cm2 below safety valve Approx. 9.6±0.35
opening pressure kg/cm2
3.1 Isolate Compressor, Drain MR Pr. Below 3 Kg/cm², by
MREQ End cock
3.2 Start Compressor, Check setting of overflow valve 4.80 5.0±0.20
to 5.20 Kg/cm² Kg/cm²
3.3 Fit test Gauge in FP-TP
3.4 Open Isolating Cock FP, FP Pr. 5.90 to 6.10 Kg/cm² 6.0±0.10Kg/cm
3.5 Fit end hose in dummy holder
3.6 Open end Cock FP, Ensure both compresssor starts in 29 Max. 29sec
3.7 Open Pr, Switch FP, Open/ Close at 5.00/5.60Kg/cm² Open/Close
Check Signal Config File: 06E- MPr Sw BkFP 5.0±0.10Kg/cm
² 5.6±0.15Kg/cm
4 AIR DRYER OPERATION (Record make & Sr.No. of Make: Sr.No
Air Dryer)

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4.1 Open Drain Cock of MR2 to start Compressor

4.2 Air Dryer towers to change in every 2 110 sec to 130 sec
Min±10Sec. Min 4 changes of CP-1. Check Signal
Config File: 06D B Air Dryer
4.3 Air Dryer towers to change in every 2 110 sec to 130 sec
Min±10Sec. Min 4 changes of CP-2. Check Signal
Config File: 06D B Air Dryer
4.4 Check Purge Air stops from Air Dryer at just
Compressor stops CCP-2. Check signal config File: 06D
Bair Dryer
4.5 Close Isolating Cock of Air Dryer & Open Bypass cock
to position NO. Pr. Builds up when MCP starts. Close &
Seal Air Dryer Isolating Cock (at position NC)
5.1 Set up Loco in normal from any Cab for Activation in
Driving mode, Charge BP at
5.0Kg/cm² and
5.2 Pr. Drop at MR-TP is 0.35Kg/cm² in 5 Mts. 2 Min 0.35/5 Mts
settling time to be given
5.3 Put Auto Brake in FS Direct in ON in 5 Mts, 2 min 0.35/5 Mts
settling time. Given Cab1
5.4 Put Auto Brake in FS Direct in ON in 5 Mts, 2 min 0.35/5 Mts
settling time. Given Cab2
5.5 BP Drop in 5 Mts. At BP-TP, 2 Min settling time to be given 0.30/5 Mts
5.6 Close MR Isolating cock, Open drain cock MR2, Fit
gauge at Aux. MR Drain cock & Check Pr. Drop 01.15/5 Mts
6 BRAKE TEST- Automatic Brake Operation
6.1 Take Auto brake controller handle to release, BP Pr BP 5.4 to
steady at 5.50±0.1Kg/cm² in 60 sec to 60 sec 5.6Kg/cm²
6.2 When BP comes to 5.10 Kg/cm² make initial application.
Check BP Pr. Falls to 4.7±0.05Kg/cm² , Return controller
to RUN, BP Pr. Goes to 5.10±0.05Kg/cm² . Before bleed
down starts.
6.3 Record BP reduction time is 180±20 sec from
5.50±0.1Kg/cm² to normal brake pipe pressure
of 5.0±0.1Kg/cm²
6.4 5Kg/cm²=%
6.5 Record time to BP Pr fall to 3.50Kg/cm² in 06 to 10 sec
and BC Pr 2.50±0.15Kg/cm² (WAP5- 5.15±0.30Kg/ 8±2 sec
cm²) (Ensure Automatic brake controller handle moved
directly to FS from run)
6.6 Operate Asst.Driver cock, BP Pr drops below 2.50Kg/cm² Close BP 4.05-
Check BP-RS operates, close Asstt.Driver cock, BP-RS 4.35Kg/cm² Open
resets (Close/open 4.2±0.15Kg/cm² / 3.0±0.15 Kg/cm²). BP 2.85-
Check signal config file: 06A MPr Sw EmgBk 3.15Kg/cm²

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

6.7 BC apply time: Passenger- 4±1 sec, BC 2.50/5.15±0.1Kg/ 03-05 sec

cm². 18-24 sec
Freight- 21±3 sec, BC: 2.50/5.15±0.1Kg/cm²
6.8 BC release time: Passenger- 17.5±2.5sec, BC: 15-20 sec
0.4Kg/cm² Freight- 52.5±7.5sec, BC: 0.4Kg/cm² 45-60 sec
6.9 Close BP isolating cock (keep brake controller mode
switch in test position) Check signal
config: 06A L cock Bk Con & also in DDS.
6.10 Close SIFA cock Check signal config file: 06A LemgBkut
& also in DDS.
6.11 Press driver end 'Foot Switch PVEF', Drop BP, BC
should not develop.
6.12 Lift bail off ring at Brake controller, drop BP, BC should
not develop.
6.13 Fit 7 mm leak hole dummy coupling at non- operative BP
end in BP end hose. The open end cock BP Pr 4.0Kg/cm²
6.14 Move Auto handle to relese, BP Pr 4.25Kg/cm² BP
Pr 4.25Kg/cm²
6.15 Isolate BC isolating cock CoC-BC1, Gauge for BC2 Close 0.50-
show. Pressure in both Cab BC gauge Check Pr.Sw, 64/1 0.80Kg/cm² Open
(0.20±0.15/0.65±0.15Kg/cm²) 0.05- 0.35Kg/cm²
Check signal config file: 06A Mpr Sw BkCyl-1
6.16 Isolate BC isolating cock CoC-BC2. Gauge for BC1 Close 0.50-0.08
show pressure in both Cab BC gauge Check Pr.Sw 64/1 Kg/cm² Open 0.05-
(0.20±0.15/0.65±0.15Kg/cm²) 0.35 kg/cm²
Check signal config file: 06A Mpr Sw BkCyl-2
7 DYNAMIC BRAKE- (Blending Brake)
7.1 This test to be done by forcing signal by Laptop 06H 100%=2.5/5.1
actual BE E1 5± 0.15Kg/cm²
7.2 This test to be done by forcing signal by Laptop 06H 50%=1.25/2.6
actual BE E1 2± 0.15Kg/cm²
8.1 From Cab-1 direct (Independent) brake handle Apply 3.45-
direct brake in full 3.55Kg/cm² 5.00-
BC Pr is 3.50±0.05Kg/cm² (WAG9/WAP7) BC Pr. is 5.30kg/cm² 3.3-
3.50±0.05Kg/cm² (WAP5) 3.7Kg/cm² Close
Check DBP (Yellow End Hose) is 3.50±0.2Kg/cm² Check 0.55- 0.75kg/ cm²
P/S 59F, close at 0.65±0.1Kg/cm², Open at 0.2±0.1Kg/
Check signal config file: 06A MPrSwLocoBk.
8.2 Release DB, BCP 0Kg/cm². P/S 59F operates at 1.10-
0.2±0.1Kg/cm². Check signal config file: 06A 0.30Kg/cm²
8.3 Apply DB full. Record BC filling time Max 8 sec
8.4 Repeat test- 8.1, 8.2 & 8.3 from Cab-2, Ignore DBP

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

8.5 Close CP & isolate cocks 13, 14 & 70F, drain MREP by BC
AC Below 1 Kg/cm², Apply full DB & check Full 3.5/5.15Kg/cm
BC comes in ² DBP
Cab gauges 0.0Kg/cm²
In DBP (Yellow End hose) No pressure
8.6 Close 13, 14, 70F. Check in 601 mode, apply 3.5 Kg/cm² BC
External pressure in DBP, BCP comes 3.5/5.15Kg/cm² 3.5/5.15Kg/cm
9.1 PB applied, auto & DB release, drain MR below 4.5Kg/ Open isolating
cm², Charge Aux Reservoir thorough Main compressor cock 47F
9.2 Press BP-PB,PB release in each axle,Lamp Off in Panel PB pressure in PB
A, Check signal config file: 06B BEPRelPBk gauge 6Kg/cm²
9.3 Press BP-PB, PB applied in each axle, Lamp glow in PB pressure in PB
Panel A, Check signal config file: 06B BEPApply PBk gauge 0 Kg/cm²
9.4 Manually press parking brake impulse magnet valve PB pressure in PB
release plunger, PB released in each axle, Lamp Off in gauge 6 Kg/cm²
Panel A, Check pressure switch on
PB module, close 5.00±0.1Kg/cm²
9.5 Manually press parking brake impulse magnet valve PB pressure in PB
apply plunger, PB applied in each axle, Lamp clow in gauge 0 Kg/cm²
Panel A, Check pressure switch on
PB module, Open 4.00±0.1Kg/cm²
9.6 Pull manual release lever of eaach parking brake cylinder PB releases
provided on wheels 2,6,7 & 11, PB releases
9.7 Reset manually parking brake impulse magnet valve in
release condition, wait for 30 sec, again apply PB by
parking brake impulse magnet valve apply plunger, PB
applied in each axle, Lamp glw in Panel A Check signal
config file: 06B BEPApplyPBk
9.8 Fit test gauge in Aux reservoir, close 47F, remove Hose Gauges in D/C 90
104 from Body side
9.9 Release PB, Pr in Aux reservoir test gauge is more than Pressure in Aux
6.00 Kg/cm² ( maintained by MR prevention choke) reservoir is
Ensure parking brake is indicated as applied (Lamp in ˃6.00Kg/cm²
Panel A glow)
9.10 Apply PB, connect bogie hose 104, Open isolating cock
9.11 Check lock of impulse magnet valve locking
9.12 Check pressure in PB gauge with R 10Kg/cm², 5.85-
6±0.15Kg/cm² 6.15Kg/cm²
10.1 Force signal by Laptop: 06B ASV Bogie-1 0.6Kg/cm² in
0.8Kg/cm² in pass

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

10.2 Force signal by Laptop: 06B ASV Bogie-2 0.6Kg/cm² in

Freight 0.8Kg/cm²
in pass
11.1 Check brake block clearance is 5+5=10mm in freight 1.0-
1.5mm each side i.e 3mm in
Passenger (WAP5)
12 Trailing Locomotive Operation (Set Brake Controller
Mode Switch in Trail Mode)
12.1 Connect ext. supply in BP line, wait 2 min to fill MR, No
leakage observed in Brake panel
12.2 Drop BP tp 4 Kg/cm², BC comes 1.00 Kg/cm² (2.00Kg/ BC
cm² WAP5) 1.00/2.00Kg/c m²
12.3 Drop BP to 0Kg/cm², BC comes 2.5Kg/cm² (5- 5.15Kg/ BC 2.50/5.15Kg.c
cm² WAP5) m²
12.4 Increase BP to 4 Kg/cm², BC comes 2.00Kg/cm² (Less BC 1.00/2.00Kg/c
than 4.00Kg/cm² WAP5) m²
12.5 Increase BP to 0Kg/cm², BC comes zero 00Kg/cm²
13.1 Drain MR & Aux res Air 2Kg/cm², close 74F, 136F, open
47F, switch OFF Pneumatic MCB in SB2 Panel.
13.2 Connect ext supply in BP line, wait 2 min to fill Aux Res
to 5Kg/cm²
13.3 Drop BP to 4 Kg/cm², BC comes 1.00Kg/cm² (2.00Kg/ BC
cm² WAP5) 1.00/2.00Kg/c m²
13.4 Drop BP to 0Kg/cm², BC comes 2.5Kg/cm² (5- 5.15Kg/ BC 2.50/5.15Kg.c
cm² WAP5) m²
13.5 Increase BP to 4Kg/cm², BC comes to 2.00Kg/cm² (less BC
than 4.00Kg/cm² WAP5) 1.00/2.00Kg/c m²
13.6 Increase BP to 0Kg/cm², BC comes zero 00 Kg/cm²
13.7 Re-install loco in correst postion,close 47F
14.1 Check sand-1 isolating cock in open position, press Sand on Rail front
sander foot switch with reverser in forward direction.
Check signal config file: BEPS and -1&3 (To confirm
operation of EP valves)
14.2 Check sand-2 isolating cock in open position, press
sander foot switch with reverser in reverse direction. Sand on Rail rear
Check signal config file: BEPS and -2&4 (To confirm
operation of EP valves)
15 CAB EQUIPMENTS (Cab Gauge Check)
15.1 Check Cab gauge with test gauge against the volume shown
15.2 MR gauge in both Cabs (Permitted error ±0.15Kg/cm²)
15.3 FP gauge in both Cabs (Permitted error ±0.15Kg/cm²)
15.4 BP gauge in both Cabs (Permitted error±0.15Kg/cm²)

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

15.5 BC gauge in both Cabs (Permitted error

±0.15Kg/cm²), BC1 & BC2
15.6 PB gauge in both Cabs (Permitted error ±0.15Kg/cm²)
15.7 Panto gauge at Pn Panel (Permitted error ±0.15Kg/cm²)
16.1 Open horn isolating cock 120/1&2, operate Dr. & Asst HT Horn sounds
Dr. horn valve in front direction
16.2 Open horn isolating cock 120/1&2, operate Dr. & Asst LT Horn sounds
Dr. horn valve in back direction
*** Wiper/ Washer (Wiper make:
16.3 Adjust wiper blade vertical in all 4 glasses in both Cabs Vertical 90°
as per Drg.
16.4 Turn on wiper operating valve, check wiper's stroke/min 35 to 55 min
16.5 Check Manual operating handle is as per requirement Check tightness
16.6 Carry on washer test Water spray
17.1 Check Vigilance control unit by test & monitor unit EU- VCU-ok/Not ok
148 of D&M
IN Vigilance unit green LED is On. Active Loco in Set up for check
simulation position in "Driving Mode" from any cab. loco normal
Check No air leakage from Exhaust valve -
17.2 Turn Off Vig Elect supply BP Pr fall through valve 71, No supply in 14
turn switch 237.1 to (0-pos) Vigilance isolate. BP now re- Nos Vig in service
charge (Vig by passed)
17.3 Turn Off Vig Iso switch 237.1 Chk indication in Cab in See DDS NO
Pixy/ Memotel ABB give false speed exceeding 10Kmph message normal
Chk indication after 60.6sec in Pixy normal Vig Iso Sw
237.1 to normal see indication in DDS (ABB Memotel)
vigilance is in
17.4 Close Iso cock 74F chk indication in Pixy 74 isolated
17.5 Speed above 10Kmph after 60± sec alarm sound after
6 to 10 sec penalty Bk applied BP falls to 2.5/WAP5-
5.15Kg/cm reset possible after 115sec.
17.6 Speed above 10Kmph after 30sec hold depressed paddle
Sw Vig after 60 sec alarm sound after 6 to 10 sec penalty
BK applied BP falls 2.5Kg/cm reset possible after
160sec. Return power control OFF, Press BPVR, operate
foot Sw Vig ensure Vig reset.
17.7 Speed above 10Kmph after 20" press/Rel sander Vig reset
for 60" further 50" move throttle cont one notch vig reset
for 60"

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

17.8 Speed above 10Kmph after 20"/Rel sander Vig reset for
60" further 50" move throttle cont one notch but in OFF
vig reset for 60/ press BPVG ASSL or ON Panel-1
17.9 Speed above 10Kmph after wait alarm come press Dr.Vig
paddle Vig reset next on alarm press/ Rel BPVG Asst Dr
Vig reset next On alarm press/ Rel sander Vig does not
reset than penalty
Bk applied reset possible after 125 sec.
17.10 Throttle count is in off speed above 10Kmph after wait
alarm come press Dr. Vig Paddle apply Auto Bk above
2.2Kg. After 90 sec Vig no alarm come when BC Pr come
less than 1.3Kg speed to
1 Kmph No vig warning.
17.11 Throttle count is in of speed above 10Kmph after wait
alarm come press Dr. Vig Paddle apply Auto Bk above
.2Kg. After 90 sec Vig no alarm come when BC Pr come
less than 1.3Kg speed to 1
Kmph No vig warning.
18.1 Check Alarm chan pull system works properly in
passenger locomotives
19.1 (Do not carry out the following tests unless you are sure
that the mechanical brakes are fully operational) Set up
the loco in cooling mode and try to drive. It should not be
19.2 Test emergency stop push button and functionally of
mechanical brake. This test must be carried out on both cabs.
Set up loco in driving mode raise pantograph and close VCB.
19.3 Brake loco by means of the auto air brake in initial. BCP
must increase (Check gauge in panel B).
19.4 Set reverser 140 in forward position, set throttle 150 and
move loco with a low speed (5km/hr). Push emergency
stop in operating Cab VCB must open. Pantograph must
lower emergency brake should apply & loco must stop.
19.5 Set up loco in driving mode, raise pantograph and close
VCB move loco with low speed (5km/hr). Brake loco by
using the direct brake and loco must stop.
19.6 Move the loco with low speed (max 5km/hr). Brake loco
by using the Auto Brake in full service. Loco must brake
and stop.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

19.7 Test emergency brake.

In this test the following cab controls, which activate the
emergency brake must be tested fo their functionality on
both cabs.
Cock Assistant Driver's Emergency brake. Driver's brake
controller emergency position.
19.8 Test equivalent pneumatic loco brake.
Set up loco in driving mode. Move loco with a speed
around 20kmph, start a slightly regenerative braking by
setting a braking effort demand through throttle 150 more
than 10KN. Apply brake by drivers auto brake controller
to full service. Brake pipe pressure drops to 3.35
but brake cylinder pressure does not develop (Auto BC
Bail Off Function)
20 Test Vigilance Equipment
20.1 Loco is in stand still- No vigileance warning
20.1 Loco moves less than 1.5km/hr- No vigilance warning
20.3 Loco moves more than 2km/hr-After 60 sec vigilance
warning another 8 sec vigilance penalty reset possible
after 120 sec
20.4 Loco drives more than 2 km/hr- Movement of TE/BE
20.5 No vigilance warning if press of sanding paddle switch
vigilance drivers foot paddle switch
20.6 Press of assistant Drivers push button in Panel D
20.7 BY pass Vigilance system by Rotary switch 237.1 pos-0
20.8 Loco moves than 10km/hr after 60sec No vigilance
warning move vigilance switch in pos-I, loco moves
more than 10km/hr- After 60 sec vigilance warning come.
21 Vigilance System OK
Remove all test gauge's plug which fitted for test.
Ensure Electrical items of Pn Panel & Terminal are tight
and cover's secured.
Wire/ seal electronic enclosure of pneumatic panel is
closed position.
Ensure all isolating cocks and other items of equipment
are in normal & safe working position.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Annexure. 3.06


Conventional Electric Locomotives:

(Ref: For AOH as per TC No. 31, for IOH as per TC No. 29 & POH as per TC No. 123)
S.N. Item and its sub- assemblies Replacement Replacement Replacement
during first during first during
1 Traction Motor
i Gear case- passenger loco - goods All felt rubber To be replaced √
loco items of for passenger
Gearcase locos
ii Suspension bearing (plain sleeve) x Remetalling Remetalling/
along with lubricating pad assly. only Replacement
iii Pinion of Oil pump for suspension x √ √
iv Lubricating pad assembly-TAO 659 √ √ √
v Traction Motor bellow x √ √
vi Traction Motor pinion x x √
vii Sandwich mounting assembly for √ √ √
passenger fit locos
Sandwich mounting assembly for x √ √
goods locos
viii Gear in two halves for suspension x x √
bearing oil pump
ix Hitachi TM suspension tube bolt x x √
x PE end bearing x x √
xi CE end bearing x x √
xii Brush holder assembly of TM x x √
xiii All carbon brushes liners, gaskets, x x √
needle roller bearings of TM
xiv Teflon ring of armature x x √
xv Insulating rod, 5565/675 & 5565/740 x x √
2 Auxiliary Machines
i Auxiliary motor bearing x √ √
ii Auxiliary Compressor x x
iii MVMT Impeller with duct x x √
iv HP & LP valves, crank shaft of x HP & LP vales √
compressor only to be
v MPH Only Set of Only Set of √
gaskets for gaskets for
MPH to be MPH to be
replaced replaced
vi MVMT & MVRH impeller x x √
vii Main compressor x x
viii Axial fan for SIV Motor x x √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

ix DC & AC MVRF x x √
x MVSI, MVSL& MVRF x x √
xi All churning fans of SIV x x √
xii All door and panel rubber gaskets of x x √
xiii Rubber kits & Oil seals of √ √ x
xiv All end shields of auxiliary motors x x To be replaced in
2nd POH
xv All auxiliary motors x x *Rewinding after
12 years
*Replacement of
Aux motors after
18 years
xvi Piston ring for compressor √ x x
3 Pantograph
i Bow assembly with plunger x x √
ii Other items To be replaced as per TC-94 for freight locos and as
per OEMs manuals for passenger locos
4 All Damping panels
i VCB Damping panel x x √
ii TFP damping panel x x √
iii Capacitors of RC network x x √
iv Other Damping panels x x √
5 Roof
i Twin beam Headlight Reflector with HL reflector & HL reflector & √
holder, gaskets & bulbs Cover gasket to Cover gasket to
be replaced be replaced
ii 25 KV condenser bushing x x To be replaced
with vertical take
off CHT assembly
i Air dryer sieve x x √
ii Other items/components To be replaced as per RDSO’s latest version of SMI
No. ELRS/SMI/0223 & 236 for kits of single and
double bottle VCBs
iii DJ x x To be replaced
with single bottle
7 Transformer
i Transformer oil x x √
ii Tap changer N-32 (including SMGR) RDSO’s TC No.0102 to be followed
8 Cab
i BL Box complete with switches x x √
ii Rubber mat x x √
iii All relay covers x x √
iv Bakelite separators of TK panel x x √
v A9 valve x x √
vi BL box of driving desk x x √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

vii Cab fans x x √

viii Cab heaters x x √
ix Cab window assembly complete x x √
x All gauges, meters, indication panel x x √
& light fittings
xi Wiper servo motor assembly x x √
complete with arms/blades/control
xii Master Controller (Cam switches) & x x √
xiii DC-DC Converter x x √
xiv Flasher light unit & Lamp box. x x √
xv Marker Light x x √
xvi All Push buttons x x √
xvii All PC8 Relay Contacts & springs x x √
xviii RU of all voltmeters x x √
xix Analog NR x x To be replaced
with digital NR
xx Indication panel x x √
xxi FDCS x x All PCB Cards to
be rehabilitated
xxii VCD x x Foot switch and
push button to be
xxiii Driver and Asstt. Driver seat x x √
xxiv Front look out glass and corridors x x √
9 Corridor
i Pressure switches and air flow x x √
relays-micro switch and diaphragm
ii All NR valves, NC4, NC7 valves x x √
iii Body filters x √ √
iv SMGR-PR valve x x √
v All gauges x x √
vi Electro-magnetic contactor x x √
vii Micro switch of relays x x √
viii Time delay relay timer x x √
ix Shunt for QF relay & traction ammeter x x √
x RC network x x √
xi TM cable cleats x x √
xii All programme switches including x x √
HOM switch, selector switch, SPDP
toggle switch & D type fuses
xiii All gauges and meters x x √
xiv Auxiliary contactors for EP
contactors with power contact x x √
tips, all insulators and hardware’s
including square head bolt.
xv Rehabilitation of Safety relays by OEM x x

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

xvi Tri-plate panel All valves rubber x x √

components, all valves base gasket,
O ring between plates, NC-4&NC-7
valves and pressure switches
xvii EPC, C-145,shunting contactors x x √
xvii Servomotor Piston Bucket, Gasket Sl.No. a & b to Sl.No. a & b to √
Piston Bucket & Felt Ring Fixed & be replaced be replaced
Mobile Contacts Complete shunt
Assembly Aux Switch with Cam.
xviii CTF/ Reverser
a. Fork & all Dowel Pins
b. Servomotor Piston Bucket, Gasket
Piston Bucket & Felt Ring Sl.No. b to be Sl.No. b to be √
c. F
 inger & Drum Contacts with replaced replaced
brass ball.
d. Aux Switches
e. Notching Lever Complete
xix HOM AIR Valve x x √
xx RSI Block PTFE Cable x x √
xxi Hinges of all doors x x √
10 Under frame
i Battery lead acid with battery box x √ √
ii Replacement of Vertical/horizontal x x √
iii Side buffer assembly along with x x √
fixing bolts.
iv Complete CBC assembly x x √
v EMU type inter and after cooler x x √
vi Set of cover for SL x x √
vii Cattle guard with rail guard x x √
viii Air Dryer x x Overhauling Kit
to be replaced
in POH as per
instructions of
11 Bogie
i Springs x x √
ii Spring seat & equalizer of trimount x x √
iii Replacement of equalizer & All Cotter pins All Cotter pins √
compensating beam, pin, bushes, and Split pins and Split pins
modified centre block, side bearer, to be replaced. to be replaced.
D-shackle (high adhesion bogie), tie rod
for equalizer, snubbers, split cotters
iv Complete brake rigging along with x x √
pins, bushes & fasteners

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

v All spring seats, wearing plate, all x x √

synthetic liners/pads, oil seal felts,
pins, bushes, high tensile fasteners,
safety clamps of bogie & axle box etc.
vi Foot step assembly x x √
vii Maintenance kits of brake cylinder x x √
viii Sander pipe arrangement including x x √
rubber hose for sanders
ix WAP-4 bogies items: outer & inner x x √
straps, Conical thrust pad, Hanger
pin, bush, Brake head spring, brake
hanger, happy pad
x Wheel items: Axle box bearing, x x √
MSU & its bearings, (DE& NDE
side)MSU bolts, Axle box complete
xi Snubbers & Shock Absorber x √ √
xii Horizontal and vertical polymide √ √ √
bush in center pivot of WAP1/WAP4
xiii O' ring and rubber pad/ bushes in x √ √
axle box
xiv All liners including Horn-check x √ √
xv Brake cylinder bucket √ √ √
xvi Replacement os side bearers (High x √ √
adhesion bogie)
xvii All pins & bushes (Except Mn - pin/ x √ √
bush) of Bogie / Brake rigging
xvii Knuckle for HT Transition CB x √ √
xviii Clevis for HT Transition CB coupler x √ √
xix Knuckle pivot pin with washer for x √ √
HT Transition CB coupler
12 General
i All perishable items like rubber x x √
gaskets, rubber grommets, felts,
rubber pipes, hoses rubberized cork
sheets, oil seals etc.
ii Brake block, carbon brushes, silica x x √
gel, grease nipple, metalized carbon
strip for pantograph etc.
iii All oil and greases x x √
iv Replacement of filters, pipelines, x x √
ceramic filters in DJ & SMGR
v MU coupler jumper pins x x √
vi All type of washers, spring washers etc. x x √
vii Various ball type isolating cocks, check x x √
valve, pressure cut out switch etc.
viii All O rings, bushes, gasket & Diaphragm √ √

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

ix Diaphragm for horns with horn valve x x √

x All flexible shunts x x √
xi Auxiliary Switches (SMGR, MP, x x √
CTF, J, C-118
xii A9 & SA9 pipe line x x To be replaced
with stainless steel
pipe line
13 Electrical items
i DBR grids x x √
ii Shunts SHA/SHF x x √
iii C-118 with R-118 x x To be replaced on
condition basis
iv All capacitors other than in damping x x To be replaced
panels (including Oil type
to be replaced with
dry type)
14 Loco Body
i PU painting of locomotive x x To be incorporated
as per standard
procedure already
advised vide
Report No. ELRS/
IR/0115 (Rev’0’)
of Sept’06.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives


(Ref RDSO Letter No. EL/3.1.35/16 dt: 07.02.2012)

1 PU painting of locomotive. X √ √
2 Roof Hatch Gaskets:
The pantograph and converter roof hatch gaskets. X √ √
3 Roof hatch rubber seals:
The rubber seals around the pantograph and converter roof X √ √
hatches and the roof beam.
4 Body Structure
Fibre body above buffer and CBC coupler (WAP5 only). X X √
Decals (stickers). X √ √
5 Exterior
Seals involved in fitment of side body and roof filters. X X √
6 Draft gear & couplers:
Complete CBC assembly including Draft gear. X X √
Transition coupling. X X √
Knuckle, clevis, clevis pin and yoke pin. X √ √
Striker block wear plate. X √ √
7 Buffers:
Buffers along with fasteners. X X √
All rubber rings. X √ √
8 Cattle guard:
Cattle guard along with its hardware. X X √
9 Doors and steps
Door seals. X √ √
10 Washer and Wipers:
Wiper motor driver shaft seal, wiper arm, pneumatic end water X √ √
hoses, wiper blade and idler shaft assembly.
11 Wind screen and windows:
Front lookout glass and side glass. X X √
Seals of cab windows, sliding window, splashed shield, X X √
windscreen shield and rubber flap on the cab side window
drainage channel outlet.
B1 Underframe:
1 Sanding equipments:
Sand in all sand boxes. √ √ √
Sander hosepipe and seal in the sand box lids. √ √ √
2 Battery Box:
All fasteners of battery boxes. X X √
Battery box ventilation hose. X X √
B2 Bogie and Running Gear:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1 Secondary Suspension
All Secondary Suspension springs. X X √
Dampers. X X √
The lateral bump stops. X X √
Insulating bases of secondary suspension (WAP5 only). X X √
2 Primary Suspension
All Primary Suspension springs. X X √
Dampers. X X √
3 Traction link
Traction link assembly with housing. X X √
Safety sling, pins and R- clips. X √ √
Aclathan / Vulkollan Rings and tab washers. Fitment Procedure Alterna √ √
as per SMI 316 dt. 09.10.17 te
All fasteners of Aclathan / volkollan ring retaining plate. X √ √
All Nylock Nuts opened for lifting of locos at: √ √ √
Secondary Dampers (Yaw, Vertical, horizontal)
Primary Dampers top side.
Traction link
Gear Case Support arm.
4 Bogie Frame and brake Gear:
All pins, bushes and pads of brake rigging. √ √ √
All rubber components, hoses and fasteners on the bogie. X √ √
The hoses between – a) the bogie frame connection and the X √ √
brake cylinders and b) the locomotive under frame and bogie.
Overhauling kit of brake caliper. X X √
Replacement of Brake hanger of WAP7/WAG9 X √ √
Replacement of safety sling of brake hanger of WAP7/WAG9 √ √ √
5 Wheel set:
Taper Roller bearing unit (CRU 150/SKF, BC2-0067A) for X X √
Taper Roller bearing Unit (SKF 1639457A) for WAP5. X √ √
Fasteners of brake discs. X X √
6 Axle box (except bearing):
Axle box “O ring and cover bolts. √ √ √
7 Gear case/ Transmission
Gear case oil. √ √ √
Gear case bearing along with associate components (for WAP5 X X √
Gearbox oil seal / “O rings. X √ √
All gear case fasteners and TM fixing bolts. X X √
Drain plug washer and oil filling plug washer. √ √ √
Gauge glass oil seal. √ √ √
TM support arm, Gear case support arm (for WAP5 only) & X X √
Axle guide rod.
8 Crown Gear Coupling (WAP5)

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

The membrane and the oil of Crown Gear coupling. √ √ √

9 Spheriblock (RDSO Lr. No. EL/3.1.35/16 dt: 12.02.2020)
The Spheriblocks of the axle guide rod, gear case support arm, X √ √
TM & TM support arm (WAP5).
The Spheriblocks of the axle guide rod and TM support arm X √ √
The Spheriblocks of the axle guide rod and TM support arm Alternate major √
(WAG9/WAG9H). overhaul
(At the interval
of 4 years)
Spheriblocks of all types of dampers X √ √
C Power supply System
1 Pantograph
1.1 Pantograph type AM12, IR01 & PAN01 for freight
As per TC No. RDSO/2007/EL/TC/0094 (Rev”0”) √ √ √
1.2 Pantograph for M/E locomotives
As per OEM’s maintenance manual √ √ √
2 Primary voltage Transformer:
The rubber cable conduit between transducer & terminal box X √ √
and the roof cable duct.
3 High voltage bushing insulator:
The seal on the high voltage bushing. X √ √
4 Main circuit breaker (VCB):
All items specified in RDSO’s Special maintenance instruction √ √ √
no. ELRS/SMI/0236
5 Harmonic Filter Resistor:
The cable glands & seal of the filter resistor junction box on the X √ √
converter roof hatch.
Replacement of the seal of the filter resistor. X √ √
6 Main transformer:
The silica gel in breather assembly. √ √ √
All sealing gaskets including tank cover gasket of TFP. X X √
All rubberised cork sheets. X √ √
All TFP bushings rubber seals. X √ √
All transformer foundation bolts & bushing lock nuts X X √
Transformer Oil. X X √
D. Propulsion System
1 Traction Converter:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The rubber parts of servo motor of pre-charging & main contactor. * √ √

The rubber parts of main cylinder of pre-charging & main contactor. X √ √
The air cooling hoses, seals on the traction converter doors 2nd
(WAG9/WAG9H). MOH √ √
The air cooling hoses, seals on the traction converter doors
(WAP5/WAP7). X √ √
Silica gel in breather assembly. √ √ √
Converter Oil. X X √
Contact tips of Electro-pneumatic and Electro- magnetic X X √
2 Traction Motor:
Traction motor bearing (DE + NDE) along with Outer/inner X √ √
labyrinth pins and accessories.
Suspension tube bearing. X X √
Bull gear (WAG9/WAG9H/WAP7) X X √
TM pinion (WAG9/WAG9H) 2nd √ √
TM pinion (WAP7). X √ √
End plate “O”Rings & the gaskets on the terminal box X √ √
of TM.
TM bellows. X √ √
Gasket of temperature sensor cover. √ √ √
The helical inserts of Junction box of TM. X X √
3 VCU bus station and Electronics of Power Converter &
Auxiliary Converter:
Back up batteries in VCU bus station diagnostic & X √ √
communication computers, DIA, DDA1 & 2.
The seals in the UIC socket. XX √
All Fibre-optic cable of Power Converter, including spares. XX √
Rehabilitation of cards as per RDSO guidelines No. X
EL/G/2008/01 Rev.1 with latest amendment. or six or 12
years years
which which
e ver is ev er
later is later
Instrument cooling fans. X √ √
E. Auxiliary System Ensure replacement of all must change items during MOH, IOH
POH as per guidelines.( Ref. EL/3.1.35/16 dated 30/03/2007).
1 Auxiliary converter:
Gasket of DC link capacitor bank. X √ √
Gasket of WRE, GG and battery charger modules. X X √
Bearing of internal cooling fan. X √ √
Seals on the Aux. Converter cabinets & equipment modules. X √ √
Contact tips of EMC. X X √
Contact tips of contactors in the BUR 1, 2 & 3. X √ √
2 Battery Set X X √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

3 Lights
The head light gasket, head light seals (between headlight
retaining ring & head light housing), X √ √
Marker Light rubber gasket and its “O” rings and the flasher
light gasket (between flasher & loco roof).
Head light lamp. √ √ √
4 Oil Cooling Piping:
The “O” rings in the main transformer & main converter oil X √ √
cooling piping joints.
5 Oil Cooling Pumps:
The bearings & “O” rings. 2nd √ √
6 Oil Cooler Blower / Motor:
The bearings of oil cooler blower motor and associate 2nd √ √
component. MOH
Impeller of oil cooler blower. X X √
7 Oil Cooler Blower Seals:
The seals between the oil cooler blower & the filter duct, X √ √
between the oil cooler blower filter & the pantograph roof hatch
on the oil cooler blower unit, between the oil cooler blower &
machine room floor, on the oil cooler blower filter & ducting
and on the oil cooler blower inspection door (WAP5/WAP7).
The seals between the oil cooler blower & the filter duct, 2nd √ √
between the oil cooler blower filter & the pantograph roof hatch MOH
on the oil cooler blower unit, between the oil cooler blower &
machine room floor, on the oil cooler blower filter & ducting
and on the oil blower inspection door (WAG9/ WAG9H).
8 Machine Room Blower Motor:
The drive & non drive end bearings along with associated 2nd √ √
components. MOH
9 Machine Room Blower Seals:
The seals of machine room blower filter plenum & duct, X √ √
inspection door, blower filter & ducting and between the
machine room blower and machine room floor, between the
machine room blower filter and filter duct and the machine room
blower filter duct seal and wear plate (WAP5/WAP7)
The seals of machine room blower filter plenum & duct, 2nd √ √
inspection door, blower filter & ducting and between the MOH
machine room blower and machine room floor, between the
machine room blower filter and filter duct and the machine room
blower filter duct seal and wear plate (WAG9/ WAG9H).
10 Traction Motor Blower Seals:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The traction motor blower filter, plenum, wear plate and duct X √ √
seals (WAP5/WAP7).
The traction motor blower filter, plenum, wear plate and duct 2nd √ √
seals (WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH
The seals on the TM blower filter & ducting (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
The seals on the TM blower filter & ducting (WAG9/ WAG9H). 2nd √ √
The seals between the TM blower & machine room floor and
between the plenum box and body side panel (WAP5/WAP7). X √ √
The seals between the TM blower & machine room floor and
between the plenum box and body side panel 2nd √ √
The seals on the TM blower inspection cover (WAP5/WAP7) X √ √
The seals on the TM blower inspection cover (WAG9/ WAG9H). 2nd √ √
11 Traction Motor Blower Motor:
The drive & non drive end bearings along with associated √ √ √
12 TM & Oil cooler Blower Scavenger:
The hoses at the oil cooler blower filter scavenger boxes
(WAP5/WAP7). X √ √
The hoses at the oil cooler blower filter scavenger boxes 2nd
(WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH √ √
The equaliser hoses between the TM & oil cooler blower X √ √
scavenger & the filter (WAP5/WAP7).
The equaliser hoses between the TM & oil cooler blower 2nd √ √
scavenger & the filter (WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH
The seal at the oil cooler blower scavenger duct slip joint
(WAP5/WAP7). X √ √
The seal at the oil cooler blower scavenger duct slip joint 2nd
(WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH √ √
The seals and gaskets on the TM and oil cooler blower X √ √
scavenger ducting (WAP5/WAP7).
The seals and gaskets on the TM and oil cooler blower 2nd √ √
scavenger ducting (WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH
Rubber hoses. X √ √
13 TM & Oil cooler Blower Scavenger Motor:
The driving & non-driving end bearings along with associated √ √ √
14 Machine Room Blower Scavenger Motor:
The driving & non-driving end bearings along with associated √ √ √
15 Machine Room Blower Scavenger:

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

The flexible duct between the machine room blower scavenger 2nd √ √
motor and filter. MOH
Rubber hoses. X √ √
The equaliser hoses between the machine room blower X √ √
scavenger motor and the filter (WAP5/WAP7).
The equaliser hoses between the machine room blower 2nd
scavenger motor and the filter (WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH √ √
The seals and gaskets on the machine room blower scavenger X √ √
ducting (WAP5/WAP7).
The seals and gaskets on the machine room blower scavenger 2nd √ √
ducting (WAG9/ WAG9H). MOH
16 Main Compressor Motor:
The main compressor drive motor bearings along with √ √ √
associated components.
17 Cab heater/Blower motor and crew fan motor:
Bearing of cab heater Blower motor and crew fan motor. X √ √
18 Cubicles:
The rubber parts of servo motor of EP Contactors in cubicles. * √ √
The rubber parts of main cylinder of EP Contactors in cubicles. X √ √
Contact tips of EP contactors. X X √
Filter of fire detection unit. √ √ √
F Air Supply and Pneumatic System:
1 Main Compressor:
The main element & the safety element of the air intake filter & X √ √
other parts as prescribed in manual.
Suction air filter element. √ √ √
Compressor oil. √ √ √
Secondary oil filter. √ √ √
Gaskets of concentric valves. √ √ √
The main compressor resilient mountings & mounting pads. X √ √
CP delivery pipe. √ √ √
HP & LP cylinder, HP & LP concentric valves all make. X √ √
Concentric valve kit. X √ X
The delivery hose from the main compressor. √ √ √
Inter cooler after cooler assembly X X √
Copper Interconnecting pipes between intercooler and after X √ √
cooler (WAP5/WAP7).
Copper Interconnecting pipes between intercooler and after 2nd √ √
cooler (WAG9/WAG9H). MOH
Overhaul kit of Inter cooler after cooler assembly. X X √
Overhaul kit of Main Compressor (Elgi / Knorr Bremse). √ √ √
Overhaul kit of Main Compressor (D&M / X √ √
Overhaul kit of Main Compressor (D&M / SWIL) (WAG9/ 2nd √ √
2 Auxiliary Compressor:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The delivery hose between the auxiliary compressor and brake √ √ √

Compressor oil. √ √ √
3 Pneumatic Valves, Cocks and Filters:
All rubber components (WAP5/WAP7). X √ √
All rubber components (WAG9/ WAG9H). 3 rd X √
4 Horn:
Horn gasket and other rubber parts of Horn. √ √ √
5 Brake Pneumatics:
Overhauling kit of Complete E-70 / CCB brake system. As per OEM’s
Overhauling kit of driver brake controller and instructions automatic brake controller.
TBU and PBU kit (WAP7). X √ √
TBU and PBU kit (WAG9/ WAG9H). 2nd √ √
Brake activating mechanism (main cylinder & parking brake X √ √
6 Air dryer
Overhauling kit of air dryer. √ √ √
G Interior
1 Cab Door and Machine Room Door:
The door seals, door window seals. X √ √
2 Drivers Seat:
The seat cover and cushion of driver seat. √ √ X
Driver seat. X X √
3 Cab Interior
Antiskid flooring in cab. √ √ √
4 Cab. Equipment:
Vigilance, Sanders, PVEF pedal switches. X √ √
Cab activation switch. X √ √
Cab heater flexible duct. 2nd √ √

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Annexure. 3.03 A


RAILWAY BOARD LR.NO.2008/ELECT(TRS)/113/5 PT. DATED 08.12.2016

Sl. Equipment & Item to be checked Periodicity
Extracts of RDSO's letter no. EL/022 dated 08.09.06 (Report no. ELRS/PR/0113
1.0 Transformer:
DGA of transformer oil should be carried out as per RDSO SMI No. 138. IC schedule
Break down value of the transformer oil should be checked as per IC schedule
The centrifuging of transformer oil should be done during every AOH AOH/IOH+ Chg
besides during changing of transformer. of TFP
The cold centrifuging for minimum 4 hours must be done before Before oil filling
switching on the heaters of the centrifuging plant.
Oil fill up through filtration plant only. During oil filling
Thorough checking of transformer in case of loco tripping through During
QLM only. investigation
Maintain the oil level in winter and summer season as stipulated. All schedules &
Checking of transformer safety valve should be done whenever During O/H &
transformer is taken out for maintenance. repairs.
2.0 PHGR:
The working of PHGR should be ensured during every inspection, trip All Schedules
inspection or testing of locomotive.
If the locomotive is to be attended after PHGR has stopped working Special Repairs
for some time or PHGR is not found working, in this case the oil
accumulated in the pipe line of PHGR should be flushed and cleaned
with new oil.
3.0 GR:
Materials are procured from RDSO approved sources only.
Replacement of material should strictly be in terms of AOH/IOH kits AOH/IOH
by sheds. Schedules
GR should be opened for thorough checking, flushing with oil after IC Schedule
every 6 months.
Oil discharge duct on tap changer should be removed and canopy arrangement
should be adopted and ensured as per RDSO’s odification sheet no.
Checking of GR safety valves should be done whenever GR cover is IC Schedule
opened for maintenance.
The filling up and topping up of the oil in GR should invariable be done Every oil filling
from directly centrifuging plant (not manually by carrying in container).
DGA of GR oil should be carried out as per RDSO SMI No. 138. IC Schedule
Break down value of the GR oil should be checked as per IS:6792/1992. IC Schedule
The centrifuging of GR oil should be done during every AOH besides AOH + Chg. of
during changing of GR. GR

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The cold centrifuging for minimum 4 hours must be done before Before oil filling
switching on the heaters of the centrifuging plant.
Thorough checking of GR in case of loco tripping through QLM only. During
Oil fill up through filtration plant only. During oil filling
Maintain the oil level in winter and summer season as stipulated. All schedules &
4.0 CGR/RGR:
Gap between CGR contacts should be maintained as specified and CGR Minor & Major
contact tips should always be replaced whenever, it is necessary. This is Schedules
essential to minimize the arching in CGR.
The condition of CGR arc chutes should be thoroughly checked during AOH/IOH
AOH/IOH and should be replaced, if required.
5.0 Cables:
Use of neoprene base rubber insulated sheets should be extensively AOH/IOH &
used for protection of cables against mechanical damage at bends or special repairs
at the critical locations where there are chances of cables coming into
contact with sharp edges of locomotive metallic part.
All the cable cleats should be of SRBGF (IS: 10192 UP1 grade) and AOH/IOH
procured from CLW approved sources only.
All the cable lugs and ferrules must be of the sizes, which is suitable AOH/IOH
for a particular size of cable only.
PVC cable bunching ties should be used as wrapping straps for AOH/IOH
securing the control and auxiliary cables.
During the major schedules i.e. AOH/IOH/POH, all the holes through which AOH/IOH
the cables passes, should be checked for sharp edges, burrs and availability of
proper size of grommets should be ensured in proper condition.
The ferrule of traction motor connection cables should be checked AOH/IOH &
during every disconnection of traction motor in locomotive i.e. during during lifting
every lifting. The replacement of ferrules should be strictly as per the
size of cables.
The traction motor cable ferrules size is also to match with the size AOH/IOH &
of cable connectors (PG clamps) so as to avoid any looseness of the during lifting
connection in junction box or flash over. Also, to avoid cables coming
out of the clamp.
Always use proper crimping tools and ensure their calibration for Annually
proper crimping force annually.
Proper use of heat shrinkable sleeve and fire retardant tapes at edges of AOH/IOH &
the cable where conductor is exposed. special repair
6.0 Smoothing Reactor:
Repair and maintenance of the smoothing reactors should be carried AOH/IOH
out as per RDSO Modification Sheet No. WAG5/15. Gaps between
core and inner coil and gap between outer coil and inner coil should be
maintained as per RDSO's SMI no. 0240 dated 06.10.06, besides the
other routine maintenance practices.
Use of the materials specially SRBGF wedges, sheets, stainless steel IOH
cross channels and pressing bolts should be used. This is as per TC No.
42 issued by ROSO.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

SL cover should be opened and blowing of SL should be done for IC Schedule

removal of dust and dirt. AOH
During IOH/POH of locomotive SL should be taken out for cleaning, IOH
baking and varnishing and check the condition of insulation specially at
the corners.
All the SL30 should be checked for gaps between inner coil and core AOH/IOH
and outer coil and inner coil as per Modification Sheet No. WAG5/15.
If gaps are not within the permissible limit specially between core and
inner coil, the SL should be taken out for repairs. This is very much
essential for proper cooling of SL.
7.0 Relays & Circuits:
All the QLM relays having mechanical locking arrangement should All Schedules
only be used.
QLM relays should be taken out for testing and setting on test bench. AOH/IOH
During setting, following cares should be taken Relay should be set
only after 20 to 25 pickup and drop out operation.
After setting, the dial should be checked which may show the different
current setting from the actual. The same should be written on the relay.
The sealing of QLM relay has to be ensured during every inspection All Schedules
trip checking of locomotive. The breakage of seal is to be reported by
the drivers.
Thorough investigation of locomotive should be done for the cases During
having QLM dropped without any apparent reason. No locomotive Investigation
should be allowed without proper trouble shooting and fact finding.
Besides the QLM's appropriate setting, the operation of other protective AOH/IOH
relays should be ensured. RDSO SMI No. 0238 dated 20.03.2006
should be followed.
The CT ratio of TFILM should be checked on proper test bench during IOH + One
IOH of locomotive. However, sheds are advised to have a drive for one cyclic check
round of this checking and keep the record of the same immediately.
CT's with more than 5% of the ratio error should be discarded.
The condition of air flow relays must be ensured during every inspection Trip + All
including the trip inspection. No locomotive should be allowed in Schedules
service with air flow relay isolated except for a very short run and with a
continuous watch by the crew on the associated machine.
Use of flap type air flow relays should be discontinued as per RDSO All Schedules
instructions and approved sources for air flow relays should be used.
Transformer earthing connection (A0) with the locomotive body must be All Schedules
ensured whenever transformer is lifted and fitted back. Even sheds may
ensure this connection during every inspection of locomotive visually.
Q44 and Q118 relays should be checked for their timings in test bench All Schedules
during every inspection of locomotive. With the adoption of relays with (Checking)
electronic timer, complete replacement of timer unit should be done in lieu
of going into the patch repairing work. The timer should be replaced by
100% during POH of locomotive irrespective of its condition.
Use proper gauges, tools for measurement and adjustment of contact gaps,
contact pressure & dial setting and Relay room should be dust free.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

8.0 Operational system:

During multiple unit (MU) operation LSOL circuit should be maintained in All Schedules
proper functional order. In all the locomotives it should be commissioned.
9.0 BA/TK panel(EPM contactors, CTF & Reversers):
The traction motor line contactors tips should be replaced during AOH/ AOH/IOH
IOH/POH of the locomotive by sheds and workshops.
The condition of reverser drum, fixed and mobile contacts pressure All Schedules
and matching of contacts must be ensured during every inspection of
locomotive. All low capacity reversers to be upgraded to 1500 Amp.
Proper fixation of healthy arc chutes should be ensured. All Schedules
Contactors should be checked for flash over. All Schedules
Use-proper size of shunts in good condition. All Schedules
Maintain proper contacts with respect to its condition contact pressure All Schedules
and good conditions.
10.0 General (Locomotive body)
Locomotive body:
Cleaning of side body filter with pressurized water jet and air blowing All Schedules
must be done.
All the drain pipes meant for draining out of excess compressor oil, All Schedules
transformer oil should be maintained in proper condition and checked
during every inspection of locomotives.
Water leakage:
All roof gaskets must be changed during IOH of the locomotives. IOH Schedule
Condition must be checked during AOH of the locomotive also and Condition based
same should be replaced, if found necessary.
The rubber gasket for central hood should be checked thoroughly with Condition based
respect to its condition as well as proper placement during removal of
central hood along with DJ/VCB.
All apertures and opening from doors, sky light glasses should be All Schedules
blocked by proper fitment of rubber gasket and sealing compound by
the sheds and workshops.
Proper securing of footplates in corridors and HT compartment area All Schedules
must be ensured with all fasteners intact, lest there would be physical
damage to control or other cables coming into contact with the loose
metallic footplates.
11.0 Rectifier:
The condition of capacitors, especially at the terminals should be closely IC/AOH/IOH
checked during every inspection of locomotive against any symptom of
loose connection or terminal is loose. The capacitors should be replaced
immediately, if it develops sign of bulging, flashing etc
Proper indicating fuses of rectifiers should be used. In no case shorting IC/AOH/IOH
by wires in lieu of fuse should be allowed.
The failed device of the rectifiers must be immediately changed.
12.0 Auxiliary motors:
The rotation of MPH, MVSL, MVRH & MVSI should be carefully All Schedules
checked and ensured whenever the auxiliary machines are changed or
Even a slight oil leakage from MPH should not be permitted for long in All Schedules

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Extra care should be given for cleaning of MPH area during all the All Schedules
inspection of locomotive and whenever, MPH is changed.
13.0 Compressors:
The replacement of spares during overhauling or otherwise should be AOH/IOH
in the form of kit, especially for HP & LP valves to avoid throwing of
excess oil and leakage.
Use of oil and heat resistant hoses for compressor delivery pipes should All Schedules
be used as per RDSO's Modification Sheet no. WAM4/137 and 130A.
The filling up/topping up of the oil should be done with the help of All Schedules
proper funnel by the shed and outstation staff too.
14.0 Traction Motors:
V-cone cleaning of the armature should be done strictly in every IC schedule. IC Schedule
The condition of arching studs/horns should be closely monitored for All Schedules
their gaps and proper shape.
The replacement of arching studs to be done during overhauling, if Overhauling
there is a sign of flashing or deterioration in its shape.
As per practice in vogue, the use of anti-tracking varnish, cleaning of All Schedules
BHRR, proper spring tension of carbon brushes, proper use of carbon
brushes etc should not only be continued but needs close monitoring
and keep proper records.
During overhauling of traction motor, ovality checking during Overhauling
commutator turning, proper mica under cutting and proper
champheuring of commutator should be done.
15.0 Under-frame and other equipment’s:
The under frame brake rigging items should be kept in cleaned All Schedules
condition, specially, in the vicinity of brake
blocks and wheels. There should not be accumulation of polythene
items, paper and animal dung to avoid smoke emission due to likely
sparks from brake blocks or otherwise.
Traction motor body, junction boxes also should be kept in cleaned All Schedules
condition in every inspection.
The removal of muck and foreign materials from the cable carrying AOH/IOH &
ducts, junction box in the under frame of loco motive should be ensured lifting of loco
during AOH, IOH and during Lifting of loco motive.
Cleaning of panto foot insulators, roof line insulators, insulators All Schedules
of DJ/VCB, lightening arrestor, bushing portion on the roof of the
locomotive should be kept in cleaned condition during every inspection
of locomotive. The accumulation or presence of any form of foreign
material should be immediately attended.
Extracts of RDSO's letter no. EL/0.2.2 dated 27.07.10
16.0 Condenser Bushing:
These condenser bushings should be replaced with vertical take-off One time activity
type Cable Head Termination Assembly as per RDSO specification No.
Tan delta measurement of A-33 bushing of transformer can also be During TFP
measured as and when the transformer core is lifted for repair/POH. repair
17.0 Transformer & GR:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Transformer gaskets should be replaced during IOH & POH schedules. IOH & During
However, if transformer is opened for attending any break down any repairs
maintenance/failure, the gaskets should also be replaced as the used
gaskets get compressed/damaged at the locations of excessive pressure
which may cause oil leakage.
When the breather is first installed, the crystals have a blue tint and after All Schedules
a period of operation, the colour of the tinted crystals gradually changes
to pink. This is an indication that the silica gel is becoming saturated and
losing its absorbent properties. When there is a preponderance of pink
crystals, the gel should be changed or reactivated.
Check the condition of wire mesh provided on bottom of breather of All Schedules
transformer and cleaning of same should normally be done in every IC.
However, the condition of wire mesh choking should also be inspected
in IA & IB schedules and based on its condition, its cleaning should
be undertaken. Ensure use of brass wire mesh only. Replace this wire
mesh in every AOH, IOH and POH schedules.
Working of PHGR should be ensured in every inspection of All Schedules
18.0 Cables:
Ensure use of 10 sq. mm cables from HBA to HOBA cables in place of
3 sq. mm cables.
19.0 Smoothing Reactor:
SL cover should be opened during every IC and blowing of SL should IC/AOH/IOH
be done for removal of dust and dirt.
All the cable connections of SL should be thoroughly checked and IC/AOH/IOH
proper tightening ensured during IC inspection and during AOH of
locomotive by sheds.
Continuity of QLM circuits from TFILM to QLM should be checked IC/AOH/IOH
during every IA, IB, IC inspection or whenever center hood of
locomotive is removed for maintenance purposes.
Ensure that rating of CCPT fuse has been reduced to 10 amps from 16 IC/AOH/IOH
amps. (CCPT fuse rating standardized as 16 amps for MPCS and relay
based conventional 25KV AC tap Changer locomotive vide RDSO
technical circular no. RDSO/2010/EL/TC/0118, Rev’0’ dt. 22.10.12)
Ensure implementation of Modification Sheet No RDSO / 2OO9/ AOH/IOH
EUMS/O383( Rev'0')- Oct, 2009 on provision of LED indication near
Q-50 relay for indicating status of C- 145 contactor.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Annexure. 3.03 B

Extracts of RDSO’s letter no. EL/3.1.35/2(Elect.) dated 29.01.13

1.0 Fire Preventive Measures in 3-Phase Locomotives

Mechanical inter locking arrangement to be provided for primary over One Cycle all
current relay (Modification sheet No. 420, dt.23/01/2013). Schedules
The working of Primary Over Current Relay should be checked in every All Schedules
minor &major schedule.
Calibration of Primary Over Current Relay should be done in every major MOH/TOH/IOH
Primary Over Current Relay in 3-phase electric locomotives is just like All Schedules
QLM relay in conventional electric locomotives and its operation should
attract attention in the same manner as for QLM relay.
Check the signs of oil leakages from pipe lines, conservator and bushings All Schedules
of transformer as well as traction converter in every minor schedule and the
same attended. Check the signs of any oil spillage/ accumulation at the top
of transformer plate during every schedule by opening the front inspection
covers of the converter and clean / attend the same.
DC link capacitors & Resonant circuit capacitors of power converter should All Schedules
be visually examined for any signs of oil leakage/abnormality in all minor/
major schedules.
The capacitance values of DC link capacitors & Resonant circuit capacitor MOH/TOH/IOH
of power converter should be measured in every major schedule.
Filter Cubicle capacitors should be visually examined for any signs of oil All Schedules
leakages in every Minor/Major schedule.
The capacitance values of Filter Cubicle capacitors should be measured in MOH/TOH/IOH
every major schedule.
DC link capacitors of Auxiliary converters should be visually examined for All Schedules
any signs of oil leakages in every minor schedule.
The capacitance value of DC link capacitors of Auxiliary converters should MOH/TOH/IOH
be measured in every Major schedule.
The capacitance of individual DC link as well as resonant capacitor should 2nd MOH i.e.
be recorded in every second MOH. In case of deterioration of capacitance, alternate major
necessary action for their replacement should be taken. schedule
Working of FDU to be ensured in all locos in every schedule. All Schedules
FDU pipelines to be blown with air pressure during major schedules. MOH/TOH/IOH
Care should be taken during replacement/attention of valve sets that During Valve set
any leakage of oil from hoses/valve set tank is avoided as all such oil changing/ attention
accumulates on the top of transformer plate and is a potential fire hazard.
The HV (Micafil) bushing provided on the roof of 3 phase electric
locomotives should be maintained as per guidelines issued by RDSO vide
their letter No. EL/3.2.21/1,dt. 12/10/12.
A cyclic check of Tan delta measurement of Micafil bushing has been One Cycle + MOH/
started, the same has to be completed. Further, this will be continued during TOH/IOH
MOH after completion of one cycle in all locos.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

In addition to the above, CO2 fire extinguishers should be checked for All Schedules
availability of gas before the dispatch of the locomotives. In 22.5 Kg
cylinders pressure of the gas should be recorded and in 5 Kg cylinders,
weight of the gas should be recorded.
In any case of fire/smoke message from Fire Detection Unit (FDU) All Schedules
appearing on display screen with/without tripping of VCB, on arrival of loco
to shed, maintenance staff should inspect the machine room thoroughly and
look for any signs of smoke/fire/overheating/spark from equipment/joints
and take further action accordingly.
Maintenance staff should be given training for swift and correct operation of
fire extinguishers.

Chapter-3 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Locomotives

Annexure. 3.04

Recommended Unit Exchange Spares

In order to reduce the downtime of locomotive Electric loco shed should maintain specified number
of spares of important loco equipment termed as Unit Exchange Spares. Railway Board vide Letter
No. 2008/Elect.(TRS)/441/5 Dt: 13.05.14 recommended the percentage of UES to be maintained by
shed as appended below.
Sl.No Equipment Norms %
Conventional Loco:
1. TM Armature
TAO-659 5%
HS15250 4%
2. TM Stator
TAO-659 5%
HS15250 4%
3. Transformer
3900 KVA 1.5%
5400 KVA 2%
4. Tap Changer 1.5%
5. RSI block set 1%
6. VCB 3%
7. Bogie Frame
Tri-mount 5%
Flexi Coil 6%
Fabricated 4%
Sl.No Equipment Norms %
3-Phase Loco:
1. TM Rotor
6FXA7059 10%
6FRA6068 7%
2. TM stator
6FXA7059 10%
6FRA6068 7%
3. Transformer
WAP5 2%
WAP7 2%
WAG9 2%
4. Traction Converter 1%
5. Aux. Converter loco set 2%
6. Control Electronics set 2%
7. OCB complete 15%
8. Main CP with motor set 3%
9. E-70 brake panels 2%
10. Bogie frame:
Bo-Bo (WAP5) 3%
Co-Co (WAP7, WAG9) 3%



30400 General
Para 30300, 30301 and 30303 will be applicable to EMU mutatis-mutandis as well.

30401 Scheduled Inspection

The motorman, after overnight stabling of EMUs, while taking over shall ensure draining off of the air
reservoirs to expel accumulated water.
1. The Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules to be followed for AC EMUs will generally be as under-
a. Daily Inspection
b. Trip Inspection (IT)
c. Monthly Inspection (IA)
d. Quarterly Inspection (IB)
e. Half Yearly Inspection (IC)
f. Intermediate Overhaul (IOH)
g. POH
2. The Daily Inspection is essentially an inspection to be carried out by the ‘Running Section. It may
also be carried out in a shed if convenient or at an outstation when the unit is stabled overnight
away from the shed. IT, IA, IB, IC and IOH should be carried out in the homing shed for each EMU
whereas POH should be carried out at the workshop nominated for this purpose for each Railway.
3. The details of work to be done during each schedule require periodical review in the light of local
conditions and operating experience with each type of EMU. The details given in Annexure 4.01
are for guidance only.

30402 EMU Fitness Certificate

Instructions contained in Chapter III (Para 30304) for locos will apply mutatis-mutandis for EMU as
well. (Proforma 4.01).

30403 Testing of Air Brakes

A brief description of Electro-pneumatic brakes is given in the Annexure 4.02, Test procedure for the
air brakes is however given below:
1. Before an EMU train is issued for traffic from a shed after scheduled inspections, POH or
unscheduled repairs, a supervisor of the M5 section should test the air brakes of the complete train
formation. The brakes should be tested from the driving cabs at both ends of the train formation.
A list of items to be checked in the case of Westinghouse brakes of ICF EMUs is given below for
guidance. Detailed check lists on similar lines should be prepared for different types on EMUs and
units fitted with Knorr brakes. These should be in the form of printed forms. The completed forms
duly signed by the supervisor of M5 should be preserved in the PPO for a period of six months.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Check :
a. that all inter-car hose connections are made and all coupling, isolating the drain cocks are in the
normal position.
b. that MR pressure is maintained between 5.8 and 7 kg/cm2 and the compressors start and stop
respectively at these values of pressure.
c. that when the Driver’s control switch, EP brake switch and isolating valve switch are put on, the
green indicator light in the driving cab glows.
d. that the brake pipe pressure builds upto 4.57 kg/cm2 in approx, 90 seconds.
e. that when the brake controller handle is moved from position 1 to position II step by step ( a
minimum of 6 steps should be used), the brake cylinder pressure builds up to the value proportional
to the handle position and is maintained at this value by the self-lapping mechanism. In position
II the pressure should be 3.5 kg/cm2 for cast iron brake blocks and 1.5 kg/cm2 and 2.0 kg/cm2 for
motor and trailer coaches respectively provided with composite brake blocks. When brakes are
applied the orange lamp should light-up to prove the application of brakes in all the bogies.
f. that when the handle is moved back from position II to position I step-by-step ( a minimum of
6 steps should be used) the brake cylinder pressure is reduced to the value corresponding to the
handle position and is maintained at this value by the self-lapping mechanism.
g. that when the handle is quickly moved from position I to position II, the brake cylinder pressure
will rise to the maximum set value.
h. that on moving the controller handle from position II to position I, the brake cylinder pressure
drops to zero.
i. that during EP application and release the brake pipe pressure is not affected.
j. that when controller handle is moved from position I to position III and then to IV, the brake
pipe pressure drops gradually with sound of escaping air, and brake cylinder pressure rises
correspondingly. When the controller handle is moved back to III, the drop in brake pipe pressure
and the rise in brake cylinder pressure should be arrested.
k. that when controller handle is moved from position I (after allowing full BP pressure to build
up) quickly to ‘Emergency’ position V, brake pipe pressure is reduced rapidly and brake cylinder
pressure rises to slightly more than 3.9 kg/cm2 within 2.5 seconds.
l. that with the brake controller in the driving cab in position II the brake cylinders on each bogie are
functioning and there is no leakage. Check also that the manual release valves have wires attached
to them to facilitate operation from the sides of the train.

30404 Maintenance of Vacuum Brakes (Deleted)

Chapter-4 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Emus

Annexure 4.01

1. Daily Inspection
During this inspection, the Engine Examiner should- ,
a. carry out detailed checks in regard to any unusual occurrence reported by Motormen in the log
b. visually inspect the auxiliaries for satisfactory starting and operation.
c. feel by hand that the temperature of axle bearings is normal.
d. visually inspect mechanical components like traction bars, pendular suspension, springs, dampers
etc. and the brake rigging to detect any abnormality; and
e. check the controls and indication and alarm circuits for correct functioning. Every unit should be
checked under the supervision of a Train Examiner (Traction), generally during night stabling.
Similar inspection (in addition to attention to the unscheduled repairs) should also be carried out in
a unit called to the shed for unscheduled attention, before it is declared fit for traffic.
The important items to be checked are:
a. Tap all wheels to detect for loose wheel s and wheel cracks. Visually inspect all wheels for defects
such as cracked wheel s, flats etc. and also bogies and running gear for any abnormalities.
b. Feel all axle boxes by hand immediately after stabling. Check axle box covers,
c. Check axle guide helical springs for breakage.
d. Check brake blocks. Renew badly worn or cracked blocks. Adjust slack adjusters, if required,
to obtain clearance of 12 mm between brake blocks and wheels. Look. for broken parts of brake
rigging. Check the application of the brakes.
e. Check bolster helical springs visually.
f. Check look-out glasses and head code glasses. Clean look-out glasses,
g. Cushions to be checked and badly damaged cushions to be replaced,
h. Test check passenger alarm chain for operation from at least 2 coaches in a train,
i. Visually check the pantographs for any defect.
j. Check oil-level of air compressors and suspension bearings, top up if required,
k. Check operation of automatic drain valve of main reservoirs. Drain all other reservoirs,
l. Test the horns at both ends.
m. Check for noticeable air leakages in compressed air system.
n. Check inter-unit air hose couplings.
o. Test wind screen wipers (in rainy season).
p. Test brake controller at each driving position for correct operation. Particularly observe the brake-
pipe pressure.
q. Test deadman’s device in each driving cab
r. Test pantograph raising and lowering push buttons in each driving cab.
s. Check Master Controller in each driving cab.
t. Test auxiliary compressor.
u. Check battery voltage and trickle charge current.
v. Test signal bells.
x. Clean the compartments and cushions. Clean driving cabs.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

y. Test headlights, flasher lights and tail lights including emergency lights.
z. Check that all the safety straps are in position.

2. Trip Inspection
1. The chief object of this inspection is to renew the worn-out brake blocks if necessary usually
at Intervals varying from 5 to 8 days particular attenation being paid to differential rate of wear
between motor coaches and trailer coaches.
2. The periodicity of this inspection will depend upon a number of factors such as daily Kilometrege,
proportion of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ trains, quality of brake blocks etc. The periodicity should be decided
by each Zonal Railway depending upon its actual operating requirements. It is essential to ensure
renewal of brake blocks before they reach condemning thickness.
3. In addition to replacing brake blocks and the items listed against Daily inspection, carry out the
following checks:
4. Visually inspect the bogie frame for cracks or other damages,
5. Check helical springs of axle guide for breakage,
6. Check axle guide for excessive oil leakage,
7. Check tightness of axle guide oil filling cap.
8. Check axle guide safety strap.
9. Inspect axle suspension bearings of traction motors and check oil levels, particularly check pressure
and tightness of drain plug and filler cap. Tighten bolts.
10. Check gear-box for lubricant level and tighten bolts,
11. Adjust brake pull rod, rigging and slack adjusters.
12. Inspect brake rigging components thoroughly particularly bushes, pins, split-pins and cotters,
13. Check centre pivot.
14. Inspect ‘Schaku’ couplers for cracks, deformation and damage.
15. Inspect buffers and lubricate buffer plungers.
16. Lubricate screw couplers.
17. Check all doors and windows, door handles, foot-steps, window safety bars and hand rails.
18. Check that protective screen for look-out glasses, where provided, is properly secured.
19. Clean driving cab window panes and swab clean cushions.
20. Inspect pantographs for flash-marks, wear of strips and cleanliness of insulators. Lubricate
articulation joints, bearing joints and pans.
21. Check compressor crank case breather pipe.
22. Check oil level of auxiliary compressor and top up, if required.
23. Check operation of EP contactors and reverses by manual operation of the control magnet valves.
24. Check transformer oil level and top-up if required. Check transformer for oil leakages.
25. Check colour of silica gel and replace if required.
26. Open inspection covers and make a quick inspection of traction motors for flash-marks, broken
brushes, damaged pig-tails or other damages.
27. Check that the auxiliary machines are running without any unusual noise.
28. Make a quick examination of all electro-magnetic contactors and relays.
29. Make a quick visual examination of air-blast circuit breaker and test its operation.

Chapter-4 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Emus

30 .Battery: Clean vent holes of filler caps, check intercell and main connection, record specific gravity
and voltage of pilot cells, top up with distilled water if required and smear cell connections and
terminals lightly with petroleum jelly after cleaning.
31. Check and attend to all defects of lights and fans.
32. Clean underframe equipment particularly at locations where fire is possible due to accumulation of
oily matter; also clean filters, as required.
33. Check the correct operation of RGCP.
34. Check self lap feature of the EP brakes.

3. Monthly Inspection (IA)

In addition to the items listed against Daily and Trip inspections, the main items to be attended to
during Monthly Inspections are - .
1. Measure wheel (root wear and flange wear) and record. (Refer to Annexure 3.01 item F) and
reprofile if required and ensure that variation of diameters are within permissible limits.
2. Check axle boxes for leakage of grease, specially from back dust-guard and for any cracks or other
3. Inspect reversible gear-box of speedometer.
4. Check suspension bearing housing fixing bolts for tightness.
5. Check gear-case securing bolts for- tightness.
6. Check motor coach friction damper liners and pads.
7. Check shock-absorbers for oil leakages.
8. Check centre-pivot bottom cover with its fixing bolts and nuts.
9. Inspect side-bearers for excessive oil leakage.
10. Inspect buffers for cracks and damages and tightness of fixing bolts.
11. Check cattle guard for security of fastening, deformation and clearance from rail level.
12. Check all seats, luggage carriers, strap hangers and door locks.
13. Check for leakages from roof (particularly prior to and during rainy season).
14. Check that hand-brakes are functioning effectively.
15. Gauge and change if necessary, pantograph strips and clean all roof insulators.
16. Inspect and clean suction strainer and centrifugal dirt collectors.
17. Overhaul and. test reducing valves and check that correct brake pipe pressure of 4.57 kg /cm2 is
built up.
18. Check complete compressed air system for leakage.
19. Test EP, Auto and Emergency application from each driving position and brake cylinder pressure
in each coach. Check Guard’s Emergency valves in driving cabs.
20. Remove the arc chutes and inspect all EP contactors for flash-marks, contact wear, contact wipe
etc. Check for air leakage at control valves. Lubricate cylinders.
21. Check pressure in control air reservoir,
22. Check operation of all pneumatic governors.
23. Check reversers for operation, finger pressure, wear of contacts, functioning of auxiliary contacts
and for air leakage at magnet valves.
24. Inspect silicon rectifier cubicles and clean cubicles with dry compressed air.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

25. Check cell-check device.

26. Check traction motors for condition of commutators, arcing homs, brush holders, wear of carbon
brushes and condition of earth-return brushes. Renew brushes, if required.
27. Examine all other DC motors also as above.
28. Lubricate the bearings of auxiliary motors.
29. Clean air intake filters for traction motors and compressors.
30. Check tightness of all main cable connections.
31. Check the contacts and auxiliary contacts of circuit breakers.
32. Check for functioning of all indication circuits and lamps.
33. Check voltage stabilizer.
34. Check all lights and fans individually and test emergency lights.
35. Check the speedometers.
36. Wash coaches internally and externally by hand scrubbing.
37. Check head light focussing.
Train formation should finally be checked by El and Ml sections before release for traffic.

4. Quarterly Inspection (IB)

Items given below are required to be attended to in addition to the items listed against Daily, Trip and
Monthly Inspections -
1. Check all axles with ultrasonic flaw detector.
2. Check distance between wheel faces using prescribed gauge.
3. Check axle guide oil level.
4. Check condition of axle guide spring lower rubber pads.
5. Check condition of speedometer reversible gear box. v
6. Traction motor suspension bearing lubrication pads to be checked.
7. Measure and record radial and lateral clearances of suspension bearings.
8. Inspect traction motor nose suspension bolts.
9. Inspect bogie frames, swing links and bolsters carefully, particularly welded, rivetted and bolted
10. Check friction damper spring assembly.
11. Check compressed height of swing bolster springs.
12. Inspect draw-gear rubber pads.
13.Uncouple ‘Schaku’ couplers and inspect the assembly. Lubricate the couplers as prescribed.
14. Measure and record buffer heights.
15. Body panels to be checked for rust, corrosion and damage.
16. Check passenger alarm device in each coach.
17. Clean the suction strainers of auxiliary air compressor.
18. Inspect all brake cylinders; tighten foundation nuts.
19. For all EP contactors check air gap between main contacts, auxiliary contacts and spring pressure
of auxiliary contacts. Clean all insulating surfaces. Check magnet valve stem with condemning
20. Check reverser and changeover switch “WCO

Chapter-4 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Emus

21. In silicon rectifier cubicles, slide out each rectifier tray and clean the cooling fins. Clean all air
ducts, check power connections, check capacitor for oil leakage and inspect HRC fuses, particularly
terminal connections.
22. Open and inspect Master Controllers. Wipe dry all insulating surfaces and check contacts,
23. Clean supporting insulators and check tightness of connections of transition resistances.
24. Clean traction motor brush-holder insulator and check earth-return brush-gear. Check junction box
connections for tightness.
25. Check main compressor foundation bolts for tightness.
26. In all electro-magnetic contactors check the air gap between contacts, conditions of flexible shunts,
knuckle spring pressure and hinge pins.
27. Inspect all push button switch contacts and terminal connections.
28. Check all knife switches.
29. Check current limit relay LT supply continuity.
30. Inspect voltage stabilizer transformer.
31. Clean headlight reflector.
32. Inspect commutator and carbon brushes of all fans. Renew carbon brushes if required.
33. Examine axle boxes. If required change the grease. (This item is normally required to be done
during every third IB).

5. Half Yearly Inspection (IC)

In addition to the items listed against the earlier inspections, the important items to be attend to are
1. Check pantographs for upward pressure.
2. Renew oil in compressor crank-case and change the oil filter element assembly. Check oil pressure,
3. Decarbonize the valve assembly.
4. Renew crank-case oil of auxiliary compressor.
5. Safety valves in compressed air system including brake cylinder safety valves to be tested.
6. Check the suspension arrangement of all under-slung equipment.
7. In the brake controller, check self-lapping mechanism for correct functioning, regrease fulcrum
pins and rollers and examine moving and fixed contacts.
8. Clean and regrease pilot valve in Master Controller.
9. Test and adjust operating pressure of all pneumatic governors.
10. Check the condition of cones and rollers of all EP contactors, measure knuckling springs tension,
renew Gaco washers and inspect flexible shunts. Check tightness of power connections.
11. Attend to reverser and changeover contactor WCO as above.
12. Test oil Sample from conservator, reactor tank and transformer tank of main transformer for
dielectric strength and filter the oil If BDV is below 40 kV for one minute.
13. Disconnect all inter-vehicular couplers and examine male and female pins.
14. In the main rectifier cubicle clean all insulators and examine for cracks. Check individual diodes
for tightness with a torque wrench.
15. Examine Master Controller, lubricate interlocking mechanism and notching cam roller, check
contact gap, contact pressure and cam to roller gaps.
16. Check traction motor brush spring pressures. Lubricate armature bearings. xvii)In MG set check
bearings for grease leakage and lubricate bearings.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

17. Overhaul and test all EP brake valves replacing all rubber component on a complete unit basis.

6. Intermediate Overhaul (IOH)

The following items should be attended to in addition to the items listed against earlier inspections -
1. Reversing gear-box for speedometer to be overhauled and speedometer to be tested on test bench.
2. Check ‘Schaku’ couplers for wear and damage and lubricate.
3. Overhaul servomotor of pantograph and check all adjustments.
4. Overhaul and test pantograph EP valves.
5. Remove main and auxiliary compressors and overhaul on bench. Test volumetric efficiency.
6. Overhaul and test brake cylinder.
7. Overhaul the motors of all AC and DC auxiliaries.
8. Remove air blast circuit breaker, overhaul and test on bench.
9. Check the setting of all relays and test their operation manually.
10. Overhaul all coach fans.
11. Remove battery set to battery room, examine carefully and subject the set to two cycles of charge
and discharge. Take capacity test at normal rate of discharge.
12. Doors, windows and seats to be checked individually and all defects attended to. Upper class
cushions to be repaired and badly damaged cushions to be replaced.

7. Periodical Overhaul (POH)

The POH of EMUs should be carried out in the nominated workshop. The work content and procedure
to be followed should be on the same lines as for locos (Item D of Annexure-3.01 of Chapter 3).

8. Mechanical Safety Checks

The Train Examiner of EMU coaches will generally follow the manual and guides of TXR as modified
from time to time for application to EMU coaches. The principal clearances as mentioned in (Item F
of Annexure-3.01 of Chapter 3) should be checked.

9. Rebuilding and Recabling of EMUs

Activities as mentioned in (Item E(l) of Annexure-3.01 of Chapter 3) above may be carried out on
EMUs during every 4th POH and activities mentioned in (Item E(2) of Annexure-3.01 of Chapter 3)
may be carried out during every 8th POH.

Chapter-4 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Emus

Annexure 4.02

1. All BG EMU stock have been provided with ‘self-lapping electro-pneumatic combined with
automatic’ compressed air brakes. Two makes of equipment are in use viz. Westinghouse and
Knorr-Bremese. Though the details of equipment differ appreciably, both systems are quite similar
in principle. The description given below pertains mainly to the Westinghouse equipment provided
in ICF-built EMUs.
2. Electro-pneumatic braking is normally employed for service stops. The ‘automatic brakes’ are used
under the following circumstances-.-
a. For automatic application of brakes on both halves of a train in the event of a parting.
b. For application by the Guard in an emergency.
c. For automatic application due to operation of the dead-man’s device.
d. For service stops by the Driver in the event of failure of control supply for EP brakes.
3. When Driver makes an emergency application both EP and Auto brakes apply.
4. The main components of the equipment are as under-
a. A main reservoir system consisting of a compressor in each motor coach feeding into main
reservoirs on motor coaches and supplementary reservoirs on trailer coaches interconnected
from end to end of the train by a main reservoir pipe with flexible couplings at ends of coaches.
The main reservoir is maintained at a pressure of 5.8 to 7.00 kg/cm2 by means of pressure
governors controlling each compressor. All the compressors in a train are synchronized to start
and stop together.
b. A ‘brake pipe’ from end to end of the train with-flexible inter-connections between coaches.
The pressure in this pipe is maintained at 4.57 kg/cm2 to keep the automatic brakes released.
c. A ‘brake unit’ in each coach consisting of the control valves for control of EP and auto brakes.
d. The brake cylinders on each bogie with automatic slack-adjusters and associated brake rigging.
Usually the number of brake cylinders is four per bogie on motor coaches and two per bogie on
trailer coaches.
e. A brake controller in each driving cab. The controller in the driving cab in use being made
operative by means of an ‘isolating valve switch’ operated by the Driver’s key.
f. A brake application relay in each driving cab, the one in the operative cab responding to the
operation of the brake controller to control the supply to the brake control train wires carried
along with the other control wires in the inter-vehicular couplers.
g. Five train wires, viz. EP supply wire, brake application wire, brake holding wire, brake indication
wire and EP return wire.
h. A warning system to indicate to the Driver if EP brakes have applied and to warn him if a failure
takes place.
i. A pilot valve and emergency valve to operate the brakes if the deadman’s device is released,
j. Isolating cocks, pressure gauges and control switches.
k. Release valves for manual release of brakes in individual bogies.
5. Each coach has an ‘EP brake unit’ which houses the control valves for both EP and auto- brakes.
The “pipe-bracket’ arrangement is used whereby the valves are bolted on to a casting which has the
requisite inter connections between valves by means of cored passages in the casting itself, the only
external pipe connections being from the main reservoir and brake pipes and to the brake cylinder
and atmosphere.
6. The brake controller handle has five positions as under-
a. I Release and Running.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

b. II Full service EP.

c. III Lap(for auto application)
d. IV Service automatic.
e. V Emergency.
Lower brake cylinder pressures with self-lapping feature as explained later are obtainable for
intermediate positions of the handle between positions 1 and II, the actual brake cylinder pressure
being dependent upon the degree of handle movement away from position I.
7. Fig 4.01 is a block diagram explaining the functioning of the EP brakes. When an EP application
is to be made, the controller handle is moved from position I towards position II. First the holding
train wire is energized which energizes the holding magnet valves throughout the train, thus closing
the exhaust from the brake cylinders. The application valves are then energized via the application
train wire. This causes compressed air to flow to the brake cylinders from the main reservoir pipe,
the rate of flow being controlled by a choke (not shown in the figure). If the application valve
remains energized, the pressure in the brake cylinder 2 builds up to 3.5 kg/cm2, any rise of pressure
beyond this value being prevented by the “limiting valve.
8. Between positions I and II the self-lapping mechanism controls the brake cylinder pressure. Fig
4.02 shows the self-lapping mechanism schematically. Movement of the controller handle towards
II compresses a spring in a small control cylinder, the amount of compression depending upon the
degree of handle movement. This spring acts on a piston at the back of which air pressure form the
brake cylinders of the leading bogie is applied. When the brake cylinder pressure exceeds the value
corresponding to the controller handle position, the mechanism de-energizes the application train-
wire, thus limiting the brake cylinder pressure to the value corresponding to the handle position.
If the brake-cylinder pressure dropson account of leakage etc. the application wire is re-energized.
If the handle is moved backwards, the holding wire is de-energized till the brake cylinder pressure
drops to the required value. The self-lapping mechanism thus automatically controls the brake
cylinder pressure at a definite value corresponding to the handle position and enables graduated
application and release, in position II and V the application and holding circuits are energized by
‘positive acting’ contacts bypassing the self-lapping mechanism, the pressure then being limited by
the limiting valve as explained earlier.
9. Two indication lamps are provided on the Driver’s desk-a green lamp to indicate that EP brake
control supply is available and an orange lamp which lights up when brake application is made if
pressure has built up in all the bogies, which is detected by a pressure switch, the pressure switches
in all the coaches being connected in series. The extinguishing of the green lamp indicates total
failures of EP brakes necessitating use of the automatic brakes to control the train. Failure of the
orange lamps to light up when brakes are applied indicates partial failure of the EP brakes. The
Driver has then to be very vigilant and should be prepared to control the train, if required, by using
auto brakes.
10. Fig 4.03 is a block diagram explaining the function of the automatic brakes. When the brake
controller in the driving cab is in position I and the controller is put into operation by putting on the
‘isolating valve switch’, compressed air is fed to the brake pipe from the MR pipe via a reducing
valve in the brake controller which ensures that the pressure in the brake pipe is built up and
remains steady at 4.57 kg/cm2.
The vital component in the automatic brake system is the ‘triple valve’ which forms a part of the
EP brake unit in each coach. Its functions are -
a. When pressure in the brake pipe is 4.57 kg/cm2, it opens the brake cylinder to atmosphere thus
releasing the brakes and at the same time connects the brake pipe to an Auxiliary Reservoir in
each coach storing compressed air at a pressure of 4.57 kg/cm2 in the Auxiliary reservoir.

Chapter-4 Maintenance and Overhaul Schedules of Emus

b. When pressure in the brake pipe is reduced either voluntarily by the Driver or the Guard or due
to parting of train or operation of the deadman’s device etc., it closes the exhaust from the brake
cylinder and connects the auxiliary reservoir to the brake cylinders, allowing the stored air in
the reservoir to flow into the brake cylinders. The volume of the auxiliary reservoir is so chosen
that the maximum pressure in the brake cylinders is limited to 3.5 kg/cm2. The triple valve also
has a lap’ position whereby it is possible to control the brake cylinder pressure to values below
3.5 kg/cm2 by holding the brake pipe pressure at intermediate values making use of position III
on the brake controller.
c. When the brake pipe is recharged by moving the controller to position I. the triple valve returns
to the position indicated in (a), thus releasing the brakes and storing air in the auxiliary reservoir
in readiness for the next application.
Not shown in Fig 4.03 is a ‘triple valve stabilizing valve’ which ensures that the triple valve does not
react to small pressure pulsations.
11. In position V (i.e., ‘emergency’) of the brake controller, both EP and auto brakes apply together.
Rapid application of the automatic brakes is obtained by quick venting of the brake pipe to
atmosphere. A safety valve in the brake unit on each coach prevents excessive pressure in the brake
cylinders. This valve is normally set at 3.9 kg/cm2.
12. Release of the deadman’s device by the Driver results in quick venting of the brake pipe to
atmosphere via an ‘emergency valve1 resulting in full auto application.
13. A valve is provided in each driving cab to enable the Guard to vent the brake pipe to atmosphere
and thus cause brake application. A gauge is provided close to this valve to indicate the brake pipe
pressure to the Guard.
14. A pressure switch usually called the control governor’ connected to the brake pipe prevents
application of power to the traction motors till the brakes are kept ready. This control governor
opens and cuts off traction control supply if the brake pipe pressure is reduced.
15. A ‘duplex’ pressure gauge is provided in the driving cab to indicate to the Driver the pressure in
the main reservoir and brake pipes. Another duplex gauge indicate to him the pressure in the brake
cylinders of the two leading bogies.
16. Isolating cocks are provided to isolate a defective brake unit form the MR and brake pipes and also
to isolate brake cylinders in individual bogies.
17. The brake cylinders are equipped with automatic slack-adjusters to take up the slack in the brake
rigging with wear of brake blocks, thus ensuring fairly constant piston stroke and obviating the
need for manual adjustment of the brake-rigging between visits of the units to the shed. This is an
essential feature of brake equipment for suburban services, when the brake block wear is quite high
on account of frequent application of brakes.
18. The Knorr system is quite similar to the equipment described above. In this system, however,
the automatic brakes become operative automatically on failure of the EP system. With this
arrangement the brake controller has only three positions viz., release”, ‘full service application’
and “emergency”.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


30500 Divisional Organization

Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer /Divisional Electrical Engineer (Operations) shall be assisted
by junior officer / officers and shall be responsible for operation of Electric locomotives and Multiple
Units in a division.

30501 Duty of Chief Crew Controller (CCC)

In addition to overseeing work of the Crew Controllers, Chief Crew Controller shall
1. Exercise overall day-to-day control over staff in charge of loco operation
2. Ensure day to day availability of running staff for train services and exercise control over the
booking of such running staff:
3. Arrange supply of uniforms, rule books consumable stores and tools to the running staff;
4. Arrange periodical vision tests of running staff as prescribed and maintain records for the same;
5. Maintain ‘Road Knowledge Register’ for running staff and ensure that no person is booked to
work a train until He/She has thoroughly learnt the road and has signed a certificate that He/She is
fully acquainted with the road;
6. Maintain the records of alcoholic loco pilots.
7. Arrange relief of running staff as required for refresher courses and other training schemes;
8. Ensure upkeep of running rooms so as to ensure that staff get adequate rest in the running rooms
and are satisfied with the same. This may involve liaison with other departments;
9. Co-ordinate with supervisors of other departments which are in need.
10. Exercise control and maintain liaison with operating department over terminal detention in the
11. Cross check the CMS reports daily regarding abnormality observed on Run and ensure data is
properly updated.
12. Ensure that the Combined Loco Pilot’s and Guard’s Report are collected daily filled after return of
the crew to HQ.;
13. Scrutinize forms submitted by driving staff to the Statistical Branch;
14. Arrange adequate representation in minor joint inquiries in regard to accidents, detentions etc.;
15. Arrange supervisor for relief trains in case of accidents involving electric rolling stock and supervise
relief operations at site;
16. Implement orders and tasks as directed by Sr. DEE/DEE(OP)

Types of Rest:
The hours of various types of rests are displayed by the system as per the rule configured by the Lobby.
While the crew sign OFF at KIOSK they shall demand the rest and supervisor shall sanction it or
modify it. This rule has been incorporated in the CMS system.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Crew is entitled for the rest at their HQ according to the place and hour of duty. The results can be best
described in a tabular form as below.

Duty hours and rest at HQ

>= 8 Hrs 16 Hrs
Standard rests (particularly the outstation rest) have to be configured in the configuration manager to
take effect. Refer configure a lobby for types of rest section for more information on the rests. In all the
data entry forms standard rest that can be entered shall be 16, 22, 30, 44 and 60 only.

Long Rest
Crew shall select his long rest (22 hrs/30 hrs) at the time of sign Off. This will be approved by the
supervisor, he can also change the rest hrs given by the crew while conveying approval of SIGN OFF.
Once approved the crew shall avail his nominated rest.

Non Run Rest

The rest to be given to the crew coming from non-running duties are detailed in Non Run options
available in the non-run activity option. There are to dates which have to be enter by the TNC.
1. Non run return date and time
2. Crew available time
The difference in time between the Non run return and crew available time is treated as rest period.

Normal Rest modification

A normal rest granted to crew to a long rest. The Supervisor can do so by going to the Modify rest link
available in freight. All such rest which have been granted to the staff as normal rests can be converted
to long rests of 22 or 30 Hrs duration. The form is for utilizing the opportunity of slack train movement
and for converting crew normal rest to periodic rest for such train movements. The facility is not
sanctioning Long rests. Long rests are sanctioned by the supervisor while giving Sign OFF approvals.
All such modifications of the long rest are communicated to the crew through an SMS confirming that
his long rest has been modified by <Name of Supervisor> to value < 22 / 30> Hrs now.
Types of PR’s: A). 22 Hrs PR B). 30/32 Hrs PR C). 44 Hrs PR D). 60 Hrs PR
PR (Periodical Rest): PR is considered only when full night in bed is ensured. Around 120 Hrs PR
hours in a month to be granted to running staff. PR (i.e: 30 Hrs 4 PR’s or 22 Hrs 5 PR’s in a calendar
month) be marked in CMS at the earliest so that information PR is given to the staff from CMS through
SMS. CC to be proactive in granting of PR so that there will be no PR dues, regulation in working
hours and reduction in over time. 30/32 Hrs PR is the suitable PR for running staff.

Out Station Rest:

Working Hours. Sanctioned Rest
<=5 Hours. Hours + 1 Hrs
>5 Hrs to <8 Hrs. 6 Hours
>8Hrs 8Hr

Crew Management System

All crew lobbies should have CMS terminals and every crew should be booked in CMS system only.
Every activity of crew booking and its reports can be viewed in online reports of CMS. It increases

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

transparency in crew booking system and can be monitored at different levels. Data of muster, mileage,
OT and other allowances can be directly transferred from CMS to personnel branch/accounts office
through IPAS for the payment of Running Staff.
Booking of crew in CMS:
1. TA should be created for booking a crew.
2. Crew should be booked in that TA in “Fetch As Per Rule” option so that it will check the following
mandatory requirements.
a. Periodical Medical Examining
b. Refresher Training at Zonel Training Center REFT (ZTC)
c. Refresher Training in Electric (REFE) or Refresher Training in Diesel (REFD ) (LOCO
d. Rest Completion
e. Learning Road (LR) details
f. Loco Competency
g. Safety Competency
3. Then crew will Sign on in KIOSK duly reading SOBs and duly conducting BA test in integrated
4. Supervisor has to approve the SIGN ON.
5. After completion of trip crew will make Sign off on KIOSK duly entering Loco number, Train
number, EMR, Regenerative, Crew taken over, Crew handed over, Train Dep, Train Arr and
Abnormality details if any and also conducting BA test through KIOSK.
6. Then supervisor will make SIGN OFF approval and crew status will come to Rest position for
further train working. If crew has to work as Spare, Shunting etc, then all such data should be fed
in CMS manually.

In early 2020 CRIS developed Chalak dal application (app) under CMS , wherein Loco Inspector
can enter crew counselling & monitoring particulars in CMS using this app in an efficient manner..
Different CMS reports can be viewed in different tabs which are as follows.
1. CREW: We can check the reports like mandatory requirement dues, periodical courses dues, bio-
data particulars, retirement date particulars, LI nominations etc.
2. MANAGE: We can see crew PR count, PR due particulars, booked as rule/WO rule particulars,
crew turnaround particulars etc.
3. RUN: We can see crew muster particulars, crew not return to HQ report, crew availability report
4. NON-RUN: We can take the report of leave, sick, absent particulars of crew.
5. MISC: We can see breath analyzer report, abnormality report, CRIS communications, energy
consumption report and VCD report.
6. LR: We can check the LR particulars of the crew.
7. MILEAGE: We can take the reports of over time particulars, mileage particulars and we can check
IPAS-CMS mileage summary.
8. SMS: All types of SMS from/to can be given
9. SUBURBAN: Suburban reports can be viewed.
10. CRIS: CMS commissioned reports and working system of CMS, CMS help is available.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Duty of CCC/CC while booking of crew:-

1. Ensure the proper creation of TA i.e. Proper direction, traction and service.
2. Ensure to book the proper crew as per TA creation with in time.
3. Ensure to Acknowledge the crew before 30 Min. of crew Sign ON time.
4. Ensure crew to Sign ON in KIOSK with BA, BIO, and camera provided.
5. Approval of sign on/Off after ensuring of BA value.
6. After train departure train arrival and train departure should be feed in PAD/PDD option.
7. Check the abnormality report regularly for proper updation.
8. Swap the Crew /TA if required.
9. Ensure the CTR movements fed in CMS without any delay.

Sanction of leave/ PR:

1. CCC should know the staff working under him. CCC should be unbiased in sanctioning leave / PR.
It will be helpful in efficient crew management at the time of major festivals.
2. While sanctioning of leave /PR, CCC should know Progressive hours, leaves / PR, staff has availed.
3. Sanctioning of PR / Leave should be twice in a day i.e In the First session and last session for
getting clear forecast.

Medical check up for running staff:-

It is mandatory to qualify in A-1 Medical test for all Running Staff
Reference: Railway Board Letter No.88/H/5/12 , dt. 03.07.1989 & 29.01.1993
1. Normal PME from DOA to 45 years of age is every 4 years and at the age of 45 years (medical
test at the age of 45 years is dispensed off when the last medical attended is below two years of
attaining 45 years)
2. Normal PME from 45 years to 55 years: - Every two years and at the age of 55 years (medical test
at the age of 55 years is dispensed off when the last medical attended is below one year of attaining
55 years).
3. Normal PME from 55 years to 60 years: - Every one year
4. Medical checks on promotions
5. Medical checks for crew working high speed trains
6. Medical checks for crew reporting after becoming Absent /involved in accidents/ or underwent

Procedure for reporting Abnormality observed on run

(As per Lr No. E.223/CMS/Vol-V Date: 23.03.2017)
The facility of reporting of abnormality in CMS by Loco Pilot is made available now. crew when
signing off in depots under their jurisdiction will feed abnormality of signal/track in CMS. Divisional
CTLC & CC of the depot where the LP has fed the abnormality has to do the following:-
1. Divisional CTLC CUG number should be fed in S&T slot as well as Engineering slot available in
2. Divisional CTLC of the depot where LP has fed abnormality has to pass on the message to the
divisional CTLC of that section where abnormality was noticed. The same to be passed on to signal
test room or Engineering control as per the abnormality.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

3. After rectification of problem, Engineering/S&T will give feedback to the divisional CTLC, who
should further pass on the feedback message received from Engineering/S&T to the divisional
CTLC from whom the concerned abnormality was received.
4. After receiving the feedback, CTLC should send by SMS the feedback report to CMS in the format
ABNR (Abnormality ID) feedback. Feedback will appear in CMS supervisor console abnormality
column for the depot where LP has fed the abnormality.
5. CC of the depot after observing the feedback received from Engineering/S&T in action taken
column shall change the status column from PN to YS in supervisor console, then submit.
6. After that, SMS will be sent to the LP who has entered the abnormality through CMS. 7. Pictorial
diagram is enclosed for more clarity.
Same Division

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Know about CMS

30502 Duties of Crew Controller - General Duties (CC)

In bigger lobbies, two CCs are allotted in one shift and duties are bifurcated as indoor and
outdoor CC. In smaller lobbies, one CC will take care of indoor and outdoor duties. CC will
1. Ensure that the staff reporting for duty are sober and not under the influence of alcoholic drinks. All
incoming staff will be subjected to breath-analysis before being allowed to perform the duty.
2. Ensure that all running staff possess valid competency certificates.
3. Display of temporary speed restrictions in a prominent manner at the booking offices.
4. Ensure display of names of Loco Pilot with spectacles in the lobby.
5. Arrange relief for running staff whenever asked for by the Traction Loco Controller (TLC)

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

6. To avoid running staff performing more than the prescribed hours of duty at a stretch.
7. Ensure filling of sand in sand-boxes of locos and availability of dry and clean sand..
8. In case of any problem faced by CC, He must report it to CCC
9. Ensure availability of portable BA test machine in working condition as per RDSO so that LI can
carry them in case of accidents.
10. Prepare position of issue and return of Combined Loco Pilot’s and Guard’s report in the proforma
as per Annexure 5.01
11. Ensure that the staff are availing adequate rest at headquarters and outstations.
12. Ensure crew are signing ON and signing OFF in CMS in time, duly filling up all the required data.
13. Book crew as per actual train arrival to avoid detention to crew.


1. Upkeep BA equipment with valid calibration date. Daily testing & keeping of test records.
2. To ascertain that the called crew is as per turn fulfilling all the mandatory requirement viz. LRS in
the direction of train ordering and training in the kind of loco ordered.
3. To ascertain the arrival of called crew i.e. LP, ALP and Guard in time.
4. To witness for breath analyser test and ensure sobriety of crew. If any crew found positive, requisite
follow up action is taken, relaying incidence to control and concerned officials.
5. To ensure that the crew is updated with latest safety and technical literature under acknowledgment.
6. To ensure crew are signed ON/OFF in CMS as per the correct time and give approval to that effect
for CMS updating.
7. To ensure crew utilizes waiting time to enhance their working knowledge through Gyan Kasauti
software application provided.
8. To distribute walkie-talkies to the outgoing crew and collect them back from crew signing OFF and
keep proper accountal. Ensure charging of used walkie-talkie for subsequent issues.
9. To ensure crew possess all the required tools along with correct competency certificates while
going ON duty.
10. Computation of PAD & PDD along with train/loco detention and relaying the same to control office.
11. To ensure that the crew record S&T defects, loco defects, unusual occurrences observed on run,
shut down hours, mobile phone usage on duty etc and they are relayed to the concerned control.
12. To monitor PR/leave position, 10 hours implementation by arranging relief crew in coordination
13. Supervision over outsourced booking staff for correct booking, CTR feeding and creation of TA in
14. Supervision of crew vehicle movements in coordination with PCOR/TLC/SCOR and arranging
transportation of crew in time at appropriate locations.
15. To ensure updation of caution order board, housekeeping of lobby, crew lounge and general
cleanliness in the premises.
16. Issue of subsidized meals tokens to out station crew and arrangement of their accommodation in
the running room.
17. To exchange messages with on duty PCOR/TLC/Guard control regarding day to day operational
activities and act accordingly.
18. To ensure effective asset management viz working of CMS/CCTV systems, water RO plant with
cooler, AC units in lobby & lounge and other electrical/electronic appliances.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

19. To analyses to cases the crew who have not turned out from out station more than 36hrs, record it
in the register and inform PCOR to plan and bring back to hqrs within 60 hrs. 20. To sound siren
and arrange Loco and crew in time at the time of accidents/derailments and also ensure in time
departure of ART/MRV.


1. In charge of the shunters in the yard and allotted duty to them based on the demand and requirement
by operating.
2. On receiving OTL (train ordering) to relay it to the outsourced BET for alerting appropriate crew
as per the availability list.
3. To follow up with Dy.SS and control for correct expected arrival of the train and accordingly
prompt the BET to give a definite call to crew to appear for on duty.
4. To ensure that the line boxes of the concerned crew are identified well in advance and are moved
in time by the Box boys.
5. To mobilize the crew to collect appropriate caution order/BPC and keep them ready informing the
line on to which the train is being admitted keeping close liason with Dy.SS on duty and indoor
crew controller.
6. To ensure fuelling and sanding requirement in the locos and alert the concerned staff to act
7. To coordinate with trip sheds (AC & DSL traction) staff to get petty online repairs, reported by
incoming crew, if any attended to in time.
8. To coordinate with Dy.SS for shunting operations/Securing of idle locos and appropriate entries in
9. Monitoring the movements of crew being moved spare by various trains and by road. Crew vehicles
in coordination with the indoor crew controller.
10. Assist the crew in relaying information to control regarding any shortfall in loco or trailing stock
so that necessary arrangements can be made enroute or addressed to here itself.
11. To coordinate with the Dy.SS, PCOR/TLC/SCOR and indoor crew controller and ensure smooth
movements in train operations.
12. To insure timely availability of crew for the movement of ART/MRV
13. To attend any un-usual regarding crew or train working in station premises.

30503 Loco Control Organization

Personnel manning the TLC Organization should be adequately trained. In addition they should be sent
for refresher courses to the Training Schools and Sheds periodically as specified to keep themselves
familiar with the current problems on locos so as to be able to guide loco crew effectively.

30504 Duty of Assistant Traction Loco Controller (ATLC) & Traction Loco
Controller (TLC)
1. To maintain a list of passenger fit locos and watch the running of passenger trains, report after
necessary investigation all cases of time lost on loco account as well as time made up by Loco
2. To plan in consultation with the PPO of the shed and move the locos to the shed for scheduled
inspections and unscheduled repairs and obtain forecast of locos likely to be made fit by the sheds
and plan the movement of such locos for clearing traffic, in coordination with the Traffic Controller;

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

3. To keep watch on the detention to electric locos as well as. electrical running staff in yards and
sections and take remedial action in coordination with the Traffic Controller;
4. To maintain liaison with contiguous divisions in respect of “balancing” of crews;
5. To keep watch on train operation in order to avoid excessive waiting duty for running staff and take
remedial action as required in coordination with the Traffic Controller;
6. To guid staff in trouble shooting if they are stuck up on line;
7. To send back to the homing shed of foreign Railway loco due to scheduled inspection;
8. To study cases of running staff performing more than prescribed hours of duty at a stretch and take
necessary remedial action to avoid recurrence;


1. To keep a close watch and coordination with operating department to meet the day to day train
2. To advise the loco pilots in time to run at maximum permissible speed to gain time whenever the
coaching trains are running late.
3. To ensure the proper movement of ODS and dead locos to their respective sheds by close monitoring.
4. To ensure availability of locomotive for train as per the load table of working Time Table (WTT).
5. To keep a close watch of the schedule of each loco both home Railway/foreign Railway and plan
to move the locos due for schedule, to their base sheds or to trip sheds in co- ordination with Dy.
chief Controller ON duty.
6. To counsel the LPs in trouble shooting in en route in case of engine troubles.
7. To ensure prompt providing relief engines in case of engine failures on mail/ Express/ Passenger
and goods services.
8. To collect information from loco pilots for all coaching trains and should note the time gained/lost
by the loco pilots, it will help the PRC/TLC to defend any loss of punctuality if not actually lost of
loco account.
9. To monitor the performance of shunting engine in yards, ballast train, etc.
10. To monitor the VIP specials if any, precautions to be taken to avoid unnecessary detention.
11. Should possess thorough knowledge of the outages of each shed, power plan, engine links, crew
links and WTT etc.
12. To give feedback to official and head quarters in time regarding unusual occurrences if any so as to
enable them to take immediate corrective steps.
13. To maintain various records regarding engine failures, loss of trains on loco account, outage, and
utilization, ODS locos, trains ran without B.V/ without guard, double head working, LE kms, one
hour detention, LSD etc.
14. To keep a close watch on the locos TO and FROM shops.
15. To keep watch on overdue schedule locos of Home and Foreign Railway.
16. To keep watch on outage as well as ineffective locos and calculate it as per statistical manual
17. To ensure rear loco shutting down/De-energizing in case of light loads/LE movements.
18. To ensure availability of locos/turn over at interchange points.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


1. Updating the Shed outage by taking shed IN and OUT from main sheds & T/Sheds every four
hours in a day.
2. Updating Divisional holding by taking interchange from control boards from time to time.
3. FOIS operation-Locos shed IN and shed OUT; changing of service, domain; loco position & loco
holding tallying.
4. COIS operation-Daily attaching and detaching of locos for all coaching trains as per nomination,
special trains (which are running with goods domain locos).
5. Loco wise outage and utilization calculation and daily reports to officers.
6. ODS locos location update, engineering locos. Dead loco movement, loco troll position, special
7. Feeding and printing of daily reports and unusual.
8. Record maintenance of Signal and track defect, loco defect, loco inspectors movement, staff
9. PDD & PAD particulars, 10 hrs compliance by taking from all lobbies.
10. Daily HSD oil consumption and decanting particulars from all RCDs. Maintain the records of the
HSD oil stock position, average issues per day and number of tank wagonswaiting for decanting.
Monitor the movement of HSD oil tank; ensure to keep sufficient stock of HSD oil in various
fuelling installations.
11. Fuel oil/ Energy consumption details to analyze crew performance for all trains through CUG
12. To assist on duty TLC/PCOR in failure management on line
13. Punctuality, failure analysis if required to be put up for reclassification for failure/punctuality loss.
14. Liaison with operating, S&T, Engineering departments in day to day work.
15. To prepare daily positions for.
16. To collect Data of running room, lobby and RCDs.
17. To put up the unusual occurances reported by crew to Sr.DME/Sr.DEE.
18. To keep a close watch on the locos to and from shops.
19. To dispatch of break down cranes within the stipulated time as and when ordered.
20. ART: Position and movement of all relief trains inclusive of cranes, MFD, LUCAS, HRDs etc.


1. To keep a close watch and coordination with operating department to meet the day today train
2. To maintaining the liaison with diesel sheds, crew booking points for providing crews for various
service and timely dispatch of loads.
3. To monitor the punctuality of train services by ensuring the prompt attendance of crew, crew
changing, fuelling etc. are done within allowed time.
4. To advise the loco pilots in time to run at maximum permissible speed to gain time whenever the
coaching trains are running late.
5. To ensure proper maintenance of engine links and crew links. Keep a close watch of late running
of trains and set the links without dislocating the link.
6. To watch and monitor the VIP specials if any, precautions to be taken to avoid unnecessary detention.
7. To keep updated about crew link and working time table.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

8. To give feedback to official and head quarters in time regarding unusual occurrences if any so as to
enable them to take immediate corrective steps.
9. To ensure ensure that the crews are not allowed to work longer hours on duty by avoiding pre-
departure detention and also see that the running staff does not get OT by allowing all the staff in
each depot to work equally.
10. To plan of crew requirement for various services as per train ordering.
11. To ensure proper in booking of crews to avoid over time by allowing all the running staff in the
depot equally.
12. To maintain discipline of his staff.
13. To ensure the sufficient rest is given as per HOER before booking out the crews.
14. To maintain liaison with adjacent divisions in respect of “balancing” of crews.
15. To keep watch on train operation in order to avoid excessive waiting duty for running staff and take
remedial action as required in coordination with operating control.
16. To study the cases of running staff performing more than prescribed hours of duty at a stretch and
take remedial action to avoid reoccurrence.

30505 Duty of Chief Traction Loco Controller (CTLC)

In addition to overseeing the work of ATLC/TLC, Chief Traction Loco Controller shall
1. Check of loco link charts, booking records and control charts and report all cases of avoidable
detentions to electric locomotives in yards and sections;
2. Organize suitable relief loco in consultation with Section Controller in case of loco disablement;
3. Scrutinize daily loco operating statistics;
4. Organize trials of electric locomotives;
5. Arrange escorting staff for trains carrying VIPs and other important trains as per procedures
specified by the Railway.

30506 Duties of Chief Loco Inspector

The Chief Loco Inspector will report to CCC and their main duties will be as given in subsequent

30507 Duties of Chief Loco Inspector

Duties of chief Loco Inspector shall as under
1. To plan out in advance that train Loco Pilots and other running, staff put under their charge ‘learn
the road’ and become fully familiar with all the signals and layout of the track, en route and in
yards; test the running staff for their knowledge of road as detailed in para 30615 and arrange for
issue of Competency Certificate to them;
2. To train running staff in the correct methods of trouble-shooting, correct manner of operation of
electric locomotives, inspection of locomotives in accordance with the prescribed rules;
3. To maintain records in respect of running staff allotted to his charge indicating the training
imparted, refresher and promotional courses gone through, knowledge of safety rules, knowledge
of troubleshooting procedures etc.; watch running staff of poor calibre with a view to improve them
and in exceptional cases when a person fails to make the grade, submit report to TFR;
4. To make himself fully aware of the competence of each of the crew under his control. He should also
be familiar with their habits, like drinking etc., traits, state of health and other personal problems. It

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

is the responsibility of the driving inspector to ensure that he has counselled all the crew under his
control at least once a month. For this purpose he will maintain a proper calendar /diary;
5. To keep high morale of the driving crews and keep on reporting about the same to superiors;
6. To conduct enquiries into accidents, detention cases, disciplinary cases, etc., as directed by his
7. To carry out any other duties assigned by Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE(OP).

30508 Duties of Senior Loco Inspector (SLI)

In addition to the duties assigned by Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE(OP), Senior Loco Inspector (SLI) will
1. carry out trials and checks on speed, signal visibility, riding quality of locomotives; test staff of
other departments as prescribed for their knowledge of rules applicable to operation of Electric
Locomotives and report to SR. DEE/DEE/AEE (OP), if any irregularities are noticed;
2. Inspect locomotives particularly in regard to safety items and take necessary action to get the
defects attended by the home or outstation shed.
A nominated Loco Inspector designated as Senior Loco Inspector (TELOC) will collect and scrutinize
the speedometer charts regularly- 100% for passenger locos and 25% for goods locos and bring
irregularities to the notice of Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE/(OP) for appropriate corrective action.
The assigned SLI shall keep a watch on duty hours of the Running Staff and report the matter to Sr.
DEE/ DEE/AEE (OP) for taking suitable corrective measures.
I. Counseling
II. Inspection
III. General.
IV. Diary

1. Train the running staff in the correct methods of trouble shooting, correct manner of operation of
electric locomotives, inspection of locomotives in accordance with the prescribed instructions and
observance of safe working rules. Train the running staff about new modifications carried out in
electric locos and practical demonstration of various items.
2. Train the new loco pilots regarding how to apply air brake application on loco and on train.
3. To improve driving skills of loco pilots by adopting latest methods of energy conservation.
4. To arrange issue of competency certificate to running staff for working in automatic signalling
sections after giving them one day intensive training and after testing their knowledge.
5. To advice Loco Pilot to reach Maximum Permissible Speed, as early as possible.
6. To ensure Loco Pilot has conducted Brake continuity test, brake feel test and brake power test as
per procedure
7. To ensure Road learning of Tower Wagon Driver and track machine operator.

1. Foot plate inspection during day and night to check abnormalities on line and rectification of the
same through concerned departments.
2. Inspect locomotives particularly in regard to safety items including proper functioning of
flasher lights etc. and take necessary action to get the defects attended to by the home or outstation
shed as per convenient.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

3. Check out load, speed checks, intersectional running time, braking distance and signal visibility
checks (joint inspection with S & T department), riding quality checks of locomotives, test staff
of other departments as prescribed for their knowledge of rules applicable. If any irregularities are
noticed with loco/ crew to be reported to Sr.DEE/TRSO & ADEE/ RSO.
4. To impart intensive training to Loco Pilots who are weak in various aspects of driving technique
and when a person fails to make the grade, submit reports to Sr. DEE/ TRSO.
5. Foot plating by mail/express trains to make up lost time (to maximum permissible limits) lost due
to loco defects or any other account.
6. To conduct punctuality drives to ensure punctual running of mail/ express and slow passenger
trains and counsel loco pilots to make up time without exceeding maximum permissible speed.
7. To escort VIP and other important/ special trains.
8. To test and check the accurate working of the speedometers on run and arrange for attention to
defective speedometer by shed staff as required.
9. The importance of punctual running of said train may be informed to the crew well in advance
informing that loco inspector is coming in the Loco, other officials in the coach/ Saloon, if any.
10. To ensure that Loco Pilot came to on duty in time as per the Divisional Instructions.
11. To prevent unanchored travel in loco cab.
12. Loco Inspector should ensure that Loco Pilot and Asst. Loco Pilot checked loco thoroughly. LI may
also check the loco, to ensure the loco is fit to work the existing formation and required amount of
BP Pressure in Engine. (Also to ensure BP continuity test be conducted).
13. To ensure safety items of loco are in good working order such as Horns, wipers, Flasher Light,
Head Light, etc.
14. To ensure all necessary documents were received and correct Authority to Proceed is given and
starting signal from guard.
15. To conduct trails for energy conservations, modifications, and heavy hauled trains.

1. Inspection of allotted running room allotted to him, regarding facilities available for running staff
and also conduct ambush checks to see whether LP/ALPs are taking proper rest at running room.
2. To conduct ambush checks in automatic signalling territory to see whether the loco pilots are
following relevant rules as laid down in General & Subsidiary rules.
3. To carry out surprise inspection of out pits, crew booking offices including breath analyzer
equipment, CMS for proper functioning, proper usage and to check that proper procedure is
4. To conduct ambush checks with speed guns to ensure LPs observing caution order, loop line speed
5. Joint checking of emergency telephone sets used on electric locos with supervisors of S & T
6. Periodical checking of loco pilot’s personal equipment and stores.
7. To plan out in advance and train loco pilots and other running staff to ‘learn the road’ and become
fully familiar with all the signals especially automatic signaling sections, signal located on right
side and layout of the track, en-route and in yards, test the running staff for their knowledge of road
and arrange for issue of competency certificate to them.
8. To scrutinize speedometers down load data removed from locomotives and report to superiors, if
any over speeding or other irregularities are noticed. 100% scrutiny of charts from mail/ express

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

and passenger trains and 25% of charts from goods trains should be carried out.
9. To carry out special drives and trails as directed by head quarters/ division.
10. To maintain records in respect of running staff allotted to his control indicating the training imparted,
refresher and promotional courses gone through knowledge of safety rules, knowledge of trouble
shooting procedures etc.
11. To review of troubleshooting carried out by each loco pilot and impart necessary guidance if any
incorrect procedure or irregularity is brought to notice.
12. Associate with training school and ensure the troubleshooting aspects that are taught in the classes
are relevant to the existing problems, education of running staff regarding engineman- ship - loco
failures and breakdowns.
13. To conduct of DAR enquiries and attending any other enquiries ordered by Officers
14. Ensure Headquarters/Railway Board’s statements pertaining to engine performance, stalling cases
are put up to concerned Officers in time
15. To keep watch on over implementation of 10-Hour Rule to running staff
16. Updating, monitoring and gradation of Loco Pilots in CMS.
17. To ensure LP/ALPs are signing on CMS, feeding of energy consumption, quick score program and
VCD particulars in CMS.
18. To check call data of CUG phones of on duty LP/ALPs.
19. To attend meetings viz. Mechanical, Statistical, Safety, etc.
20. To conduct safety seminars at crew lobbies, interacting with family members of LP/ALP and
counselling them on importance of taking rest by LP/ALP at home.
21. To perform any other duties that may be given from time to time by Officers of Diesel/Electric
sheds and other officers of the administration.
22. To ensure Loco Pilot has gone through all necessary registers in crew lobby and signed wherever
23. To ensure Loco Pilot has collected all necessary documents, keys, if any, from in charge of crew

IV. Diary
All LIs should updated their diaries with the information as under
1. Personal bio-data of li
2. Instructions from officers
3. Loco Inspector diary inspection by officers
4. Instructions / Circulars issued during year
5. Safety drives
6. SOBs for the year
7. Counseling of sobs
8. Counseling of circulars lp/alp
9. List of nominated crew
10. Bio-data of nominated loco pilot /loco pilot (shunting)
11. Monitoring history of loco pilots / loco pilot (shunting)
12. Monthly overdue figure of nominated loco pilots
13. Monitoring details of nominated loco pilot

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

14. Quarterly checking of personal tools / equipment of nominated loco pilot

15. Surprise checks / ambush checks / mock drill
16. Alcoholism report, good / bad work / awards by nominated loco pilots
17. DAR enquiry details
18. Daily movement report
19. Performance assessment parameters for grading of drivers into ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ category xx.
20. Summary of grading in different parameters of nominated loco pilots
21. Major irregularities of crew lobby
22. Training or safety seminars given/attended
23. Gradation done and due details
24. Items to be demonstrated practically to lp/alps
25. Foot plate inspection details

30509 Vision Test Register

All running staff should undergo PME test. Different occasions where running staff has to undergo
PME is given below.
In ‘’FETCH AS PER RULE’’ option, CMS will take care of all the mandatory requirement for crew
booking such as rest availed by crew, PME, Road learning, refresher courses and competency of loco

30510 Running Staff Passed Fit with Spectacles

1. A list of Loco Pilots, Assistant Loco Pilots, Shunters and Motormen who have been declared fit
for A-l category with glasses should be prepared with the names of staff of each category arranged
separately and in alphabetical order. This list should be exhibited prominently in the booking office
for each category of staff, who are likely to be booked from his station. The CCC should ensure that
this list is complete and updated in all respects
2. Each member of the running staff who is declared fit for A-l category with glasses must constantly
use glasses on duty and in addition should carry a spare pair of spectacles with them always when
on duty. During inspections, check should be exercised by officers and supervisors to ensure
3. Running staff passed fit with spectacles are also required to feed details of spare spectacles while
signing on in CMS.

30511 Rules Applicable to Running Staff

The General Rules and the Subsidiary Rules issued by the Zonal Railways prescribe the duties of train
crew. Running staff will also be abided by all the rules given in Operating Manual of Zonal Railways
about their call, booking and liability for duty, etc.

30512 Acknowledgment of Circulars etc.

In addition to thorough familiarity with the General and Subsidiary Rules, Manual of AC Traction,
Accident Manual, Working Time Table (in particular the permanent speed restrictions), Operating
Manual for various types of electric locomotives and departmental circulars issued from time to time,
every member of the running staff shall, when signing on duty, study circulars, notices, instructions,
copies of the Gazette etc. displayed on the notice board or in the CMS. They shall particularly acquaint
themselves with details of temporary speed restrictions imposed in the section in which they have to

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

work, details or Caution orders and advice of defective signals. If any person has not understood any
of the instructions, He/She may seek clarification from the CC on duty.

30513 Availability of Dry Sand

All electric locos are fitted with sanding equipments to improve adhesion and prevent wheel- slipping
when starting under difficult conditions e.g. up-gradients or when rails are wet. Sanding is effected
by means of electro-pneumatic valves to sand the front axles of each bogie in the direction of motion,
the control being achieved by a pedal switch in each cab. Means are provided to adjust the height of
the sanding nozzles. In modem locos automatic sanding takes place on the onset of incipient slipping.
The sand to be used should not cake in the sand box and should be dry, free from clay, loam, mica
and other foreign materials. A detailed specification for the sand has been issued by RDSO. Facilities
should be available in all loco sheds and such outstation depots as considered necessary for ensuring
art adequate supply of screened and dry sand. Special care is also required during inspections to ensure
the water-tightness of sand box covers.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

Annexure 5.01


The only basis of the operating statistics which give the vital performance index of a particular type
of locomotive or the shed emanates from Combined Guard’s and Driver’s Report Part -1 and Part - II
(attached). This report in addition to being an instrument of payment of wages, running and overtime
allowances to the crew, also becomes the basis of operating statistics. This goes to the statistical
office and gets coded in the coded sheet for operating statistics. It is therefore important that the Crew
Controller should check very particularly all the details given in the joint report so that the operating
indices of the shed are not vitiated.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30514 Seasonal Precautions

(Railway Board Lr. No. 2005/Elect(TRS)/440/23 Dt: 24.02.2016, 11.05.2017 & 22.09.2017 and from
Camtech Booklet No. CAMTECH/12-13/S&M-Precaution/1.0, August, 2012)
A few essential precautions required to be taken prior to the commencement of the monsoon, pre-
summer season and pre-winter season are listed below. Local instructions may be issued to supplement
these lists as required.


1. Temperature checking of axle box, MSU and TM bearing through contact less digital temperature
meter of each locomotive during shed/out pit visit. Proper record should be maintained for timely
detection of any abnormality and to arrest failure of bearings on line.
2. All TMs to be checked for proper fitment of inspection covers. A cyclic check to be conducted on
all locomotives for ensuring proper pressure in commutator chamber of all TMs.
3. A cyclic check should be done on all locomotives for ensuring proper cleaning of side body filters.
Monitor depression inside loco by a manometer and it should not be more than 6 – 7 mm.
4. Transformer oil cooling radiator of all locomotives should be cleaned by blowing air, checked for
proper cleaning and air suction through MVRH one cycle.
5. One cyclic check of SL coils cleaning and blowing to be ensured and intactness of SL covers both
top and bottom properly must be ensured.
6. All relays must be provided with covers along with proper gasket to ensure dust free environment

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

for relay operation – one cyclic check.

7. A cyclic check to be taken in all locomotives to ensure modified oil dipstick/ cap on suspension
bearing oil pump of all TMs.
8. All Trip sheds must be strictly instructed to top up suspension bearing oil up to maximum mark and
for this purpose availability of oil in Trip sheds must be ensured at the level of Sr.DEE/TRS.
9. Nil oil leakage through suspension bearing must be ensured. One cyclic check to be completed by
10. All blowers must be checked for delivery of rated air output. In case of malfunctioning of blower
relay, case should be properly investigated and working of blower properly shall be ensured.
11. Proper working of all blower relays in the locomotive must be ensured one cycle check by March.
12. RSI block Elmex and SBs at different locations must be checked for dust freeness to avoid any
chances of tracking – cycle check.
13. WAG7 locos fitted with compact RSI blocks with 3 bridge design should preferably be utilized in
MU formation. Similarly WAG5 locos for freight operation should work only in MU configuration.
14. SIV fan bearing should be replaced as per specified schedules. Ensure implementation of Reliability
Action Plans for different manufactures of SIV.
15. Working of cab fans must be ensured in all locomotives - cycle check
16. All locos fitted with Cab-air conditioning should be in working condition.
17. All types of rubber hoses must be closely examined for their physical condition and should be
changed on condition basis – cycle check.
18. SB oil pump to be opened, sump to be cleaned on all locos – cycle check.
19. Re-greasing of MVMT bearing during IC to be ensured.
20. Loco interior to be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated oil and dust - one cycle check.
21. Drivers must be alerted to feel the axle boxes as often as possible
22. There should be no leakage of grease from Axle box front cover and rear dust guard. Axle boxes
should be thoroughly examined.
23. Earthing shunts should be intact.
24. Gear case half ring and half ring felt should be properly fitted - cyclic check do be done.
25. Sunvisors in both cabs should be secured. One cycle check.
26. Roof insulators should be cleaned thoroughly. One cycle.
27. Clean oil bath filters of CP & ensure proper fittings. Cyclic check.
28. Fuses with covers should be secured. Cyclic check.
29. Apply petroleum jelly on reverser contacts.
30. Cab heaters to be disconnected by providing insulating plate in fuse box.
31. Inspection covers, terminal covers and bellows of traction motors should be checked for proper
fitting and tightened by providing necessary gasket.
32. Secure and properly clean Traction Motor expanded metal protective screens.
33. Transformer sealing gasket should be checked and replace if need be to avoid dust ingress.
34. No leakage of transformer oil from transformer GRMPH circuit and other accessories and proper
cleaning in its vicinity. - Cyclic check.
35. Ensure transformer oil in gauge glass and oil level in tap changer not more than 20 deg.C.
36. Battery boxes should be cleaned. - One cycle.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

37. Top up batteries with distilled water.

38. Petroleum jelly to be applied on battery connections.
39. There should be no leakage of compound from gear case & half ring.
40. There should be no oil leakage in the loco from CP.
41. Ensure cyclic check of cables, dressing, bunching, provision of gromets by March.
42. Check battery charger and adjust voltage / current.
43. RSI blocks should be checked & there should be no dust accumulation.
44. Secure dust proof transparent covering of Aux. Interlock assembly, RS assembly.
45. Ensure proper greasing of all TMs in IC schedule.
46. TM leads should be checked for proper cleating.
47. Proper greasing of bearings of all Aux. Motors to be done during inspection schedules.
48. Ensure that all the Aux. Terminal covers are intact.
49. Ensure no over-aged battery in service. A cyclic check to be completed.
50. Ensure availability of fire extinguisher in locos.


1. Blowing of all filters during every schedule from 15th March to end of July.
2. Washing and blowing of radiators during every schedule from 15th March to end of July.
3. Reverse blowing of radiator in working condition of OCB1 and 2 in one cycle.
4. Checking and washing of MRB-1 and 2 filters by removing in every schedule from 15th March to
end of July.
5. Ensure working of churning fan in CEL-1 & 2, SR-1 & 2 and BUR electronics. (Loco wise record
shall be maintained).
6. There should not be any air leakage from duct joints of blowers.
7. Checking of overheating of 35 sq.mm cables and 70 sq.mm cables in HB-1 & 2 panels.
8. Checking of oil leakage in capacitors of DC link of SR- 1 & 2, BUR-1, 2 & 3 and FB panels.
9. Washing of OCB-1 & 2 filter by pressurized water until clean water delivering from filters from
15th March.
10. Check BA cables male and female contacts for any sign of flashing/overheating.
11. Ensure availability of 100% ceramic filters in batteries.
12. Clean vent plugs of Batteries. All vent plug holes should be clear.
13. Check oil leakage at following points:
a. All flange joints of pipe, radiator, pumps, and conservators.
b. Near SR-1 + 2 pumps
i. At isolating cocks
ii. At sensor joint
iii. At bellow of pipes
iv. At conservators
c. All gate valves and pipes at under-frame.
d. All pressure sensors/temperature sensors fitting points, gauge glass of SR-1 & 2, conservator 1 & 2.
14. Carry out a cyclic check on all locomotives for ensuring proper cleaning of TM blower filters.
15. Ensure Gear Case oil to ½ mark.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

16. Check all blowers for delivery of rated air output.

17. Closely examine all types of rubber hoses for their physical condition and should be changed on
condition basis - cycle check.
18. Thoroughly clean loco interior for accumulated dust - one cycle check.
19. Ensure securing of sun-visors in both cabs.
20. Clean filters of compressors (CP) and ensure proper fittings.
21. Check terminal covers and bellows of traction motors for proper fitting and also check bellow
plates and bolts.
22. Ensure no leakage of transformer oil from transformer, converter, MPH circuit and other accessories
and also ensure proper cleaning in its vicinity.
23. Ensure no oil leakage from gear case. A cyclic check shall be completed.
24. Ensure no over-aged battery in service. A cyclic check shall be completed.
25. Ensure sealing gasket of doors, windows, filters etc to avoid entry of dust inside Machine room. A
cyclic check shall be completed.
26. Ensure transformer oil and SR oil in gauge glass between minimum and maximum level.
27. Check working of fire detection unit. In FDU one cycle check of potentiometer output value shall
be done. Check RR section during pre testing and get it corrected from Relay section if required.
28. Ensure intactness of earthing wire connection with Traction Motor.
29. Carry out blowing of Harmonic Filter Resistance on roof.
30. Ensure proper cleaning of inter/after coolers of main compressors by compressed air.
31. Ensure cleaning of battery boxes.
32. Top up batteries with distilled water in all schedule inspections.
33. Ensure instructions contained in RDSO’s letter no.EL/3.2.1/3-ph dated 30.07.09 for arresting oil
leakage cases from transformers i.e.
a. Oil leakage from Bushings and Bushing plates.
b. Oil leakage from the Stuchi coupling & rubber hose pipe of conservator tanks. RDSO Technical
circular No. ELRS/ TC/ 0076 dtd. 17.09.2002 on “Oil leakage from the transformer bushings
and cover in three phase locomotives” may be referred.
34. Ensure provision of modified cooling radiators for better cooling of traction converter control
electronics. (Ref: RDSO letter no. EL/11.5.5/5 dated 15.02.10).
Refer RDSO purchase specification No. RDSO/ 2009/ EL/ SPEC/ 0100 Rev. (0) dtd Nov, 2009 for
procurement of modified cooling radiator.
35. Ensure removal of interlocks of control circuit contactors No.126 from MCPA circuit (Ref: RDSO/
2011/ EL/ MS/ 399 Rev. 0. dated 08.08.11)
36. Ensure partial blocking of opening duct of back side of auxiliary converter of three phase electric
locomotives as shown in figure 1.
Ref : RDSO MS no. RDSO/2009/ EL/ MS/ 0385 (Rev.0), Dated 15.12.2009)
37. Ensure implementation of modification sheet for shifting of the termination of 4GKW,1.8 KV, 70
mm2 cable and 2 x 2.5 mm2 cables housed in lower portion of HB-2 panel and provision of Synthetic
resin bonded glass fiber (SRBGF) sheet for three phase locomotives as per MS RDSO/2011/EL/
MS/0400 Rev.’0’ dated. 10.08.11.
38. Ensure implementation of modification sheet for relaying of cables in HB-2 panel of three phase
locomotives to avoid fire hazards as per MS of RDSO/2011/EL/MS/0401, Rev.’0’ dated 10.08.11.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

39. Ensure implementation of modification sheet for auto switching of machine room/ corridor lights
to avoid draining of batteries in three phase electric locomotives as per MS of RDSO/2011/EL/
MS/0403,Rev.’0’ dated. 30.11.11.
40. Carryout measurement of cable continuity for all four earthing brushes.
41. Ensure completion of modification for closure of two central ventilators in WAP-7 and WAG-9
locomotive in order to avoid ingress of dust, as per RDSO modification sheet No. RDSO/2009/EL/
MS/0380(Rev0) dated 06.07.2009.
42. Modification in Auxiliary circuit of locomotives for isolation Air conditioner circuit, in case of
earth fault in the air conditioning unit to avoid SIV tripping as per RDSO modification sheet No.
RDSO/2011/EL/MS/0394 Rev’0’ Dated: 09.02.2011.
43. Ensure cleaning of Oil Cooling Radiators in 3 phase electric locos, as a pre-summer activity
prescribed by RDSO vide letter No. EL/3.1.35/16, dated 05.06.13.


1. Ensure completion of rainwater protection and pre-monsoon precaution works well before onset of
2. Test the water-tightness of loco body including roof by means of a high pressure water jet and
seal all leakage points. Water jet test facility should be as per RDSO SMI No. RDSO/2017/EL/
SMI/0315 Rev ‘0’ dt: 03.10.17. (It must be ensured that the loco is well away from live OHE to
prevent the water jet coming into contact with live wires)
3. Special attention should be given to the following points and gasket for ensuring no water leakage:
a. Loco body joints and hood joints.
b. Joints of the mounting bases of roof equipment.
c. Head light gaskets.
d. Joints of look out glasses and corridor side glasses.
e. Door gaskets.
f. Sand box gasket and covers.
g. Joints of marker light.
h. Cover of multiple operation / coupler sockets.
i. VCB cover joints.
j. Side body filter joints with super structure.
k. Glass shutters.
l. Roof gasket.
Note: After the first rain the loco should be inspected thoroughly to detect and attend to leakage
points. Special attention should be paid to the above water leakage points.
4. Cleanliness of roof gutters and drain pipes and accumulation of water on the roof.
5. Roof bus bars clamps should be greased to prevent accumulation of water.
6. Check the Cab floor above sand boxes for any water leakage into the sand boxes.
7. Roof joints with super-structure-roof gasket should be in good fettle (condition).
8. Proper functioning of all eight sanders by providing sand of size between 2 microns to 20 microns
should be ensured.
9. Ensure arrangements for filling good quality of sand on all crew changing points.
10. Ensure availability of register where acknowledgement of drivers is taken after filling up sand.
11. Ensure entry in log book regarding functioning of sanders and availability of sand.
12. Ensure working of sand drying plant and build up adequate stock of dry screened sand at sanding

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

13. One cyclic overhauling of additional C-2 relay valve.
14. Proper working of wipers should be ensured.
15. Provision of head light dome and protection cap over horns and sand boxes.
16. Overhauling and Reconditioning of air drier in VCB locomotive on the basis of silica gel colour of
17. Paraffin/ petroleum jelly should be applied to the terminals of lead acid battery.
18. Check TM inspection covers and terminal blocks cover gasket and replace them, if necessary.
Apply leaguare varnish to TM terminal.
19. Check the bottom covers of the smoothing reactor for any damage, replace, if any cracking are
20. Ensure proper functioning of water separation anddrain cock of the pneumatic pipe system. During
monsoon, the pneumatic system should be drained more often to discharge the accumulated water.
21. Provision of RTV compound on MCP terminal box at cable entry point to restrict water entry.
Ensure gasket on Terminal box cover or provide RTV.
22. Provision of RTV compound on axle box to restrict water entry in axle box. Ensure gasket on
Terminal box cover or provide RTV.
23. Provision of RTV compound on SPM pulse generator (PG) to restrict water entry.
24. High flood marks 9” should be painted on the cattle guard to give the indications to the drivers of
water levels over the rails.
25. The transformer oil and tap changer oil should be tested for dielectric strength in a cycle before the
outset of monsoon, and filtered if BDV is less than 40 kV.
26. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) of transformer oil.
27. Ensure adequacy of transformer/ GR oil levels and also ensure healthy condition of silica gel,
replace if required.
28. Drain cock and sampling cock covers of transformers are to be sealed properly to avoid moisture
29. Drain the compressed air pipe line manually where the automatic drain valves are removed and
cocks are provided.
30. Apply a coat of anti-corrosive paint on the roof bolts while the loco comes to shed.
31. Ensure opening / closing of side window shutters.
32. Insulation resistance of vital equipment like TM, SL lying on shop floor to be improved by baking
in oven, varnishing and proper covering.
33. All air dryers to be ensured in proper working order.
34. All EMU type After-Cooler to be regularly drained by drivers as well as at out pits.
35. One cycle calibration of QD relay setting for proper pickup and dropout current.
36. Ensure availability of fire extinguishers in locos.


1. Check water leakage from machine room filter and TM blower filter joints during water tightness test.
2. Replacement of Silica gel of Converter.
3. The transformer and converter oil should be tested for dielectric strength in a cycle before the onset
of monsoon, and filtered if BDV is less than 40 kV.

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4. Dissolved gas analysis of transformer and converter oil.

5. Insulation resistance of vital equipment like TM, Auxiliary blowers lying on shop floor to be
improved by baking in oven, varnishing and proper covering.
6. Ensure implementation of modification sheet no. RDSO/ELRS/MS/0328 (Rev.0) dtd. 29.10.2003
for provision of water discharge outlet in TM & oil Scavenge blowers.
7. Checking of Megger value of Harmonic filter Resistance and cleaning if found less.
8. Battery box covers to be made water tight.
9. Side body air filters to be cleaned and maintain dust free environment.
10. Provision of drain pipe in SCTM bottom half to drain out accumulated water.
11. Fire prevention measure issued by RDSO vide letter No. EL/3.1.35/2 (Elect), dated. 29.01.2013 for
three phase locos should be implemented.


1. During all trip inspections or roof inspections whenever carried out, proper cleaning of roof-line &
pantograph insulators with a wet & dry cloth for maintaining shining surface finish to be ensured.
Further, application of Silicon oil to increase the hydrophobicity of insulator porcelain surface after
cleaning and rounding off work on sharp edges of roof bar connections & fittings as per instructions
laid down in RDSO SMI No. RDSO/2012/EL/SMI/0274, Rev’0’, dated 29.03.2012 to be ensured
by homing sheds before November.
2. Ensure joint checking of loco roof equipment (including pantographs, cleaning of roof insulators
and roof bars etc.) with TRD staff at sheds & trip shed as a preventive measure.
3. Also, check flashover of roof insulators and roof line fittings as per RDSO’s SMI no. RDSO/2012/
EL/SMI/0274 Rev ‘0’ dated 23.03.2012.
4. Regreasing of the servomotor of pantographs.
5. Ensure that all the four cab heaters/blowers are in working order.
6. Terminal connections of cab heater cum blower assembly are to be modified as per RDSO
modification no. RDSO/2011/EL/MS/0408 Rev’0’, dt. 30.05.12
7. The window shutter sealing gaskets to be checked and made air tight.
8. Ensure Cab doors and corridor doors locking handles are in working order. The door sealing gaskets
should be held tight in the position.
9. Cab ventilator cover sealing should be perfect.
10. Main power transformer, Traction converter and tap changer breather silica-gel condition to be
checked and replaced, if necessary. Proper Oil levels in TFP, GR & Traction converter to be checked
and oil tested for dielectric strength.
11. Compressor oil baths to be checked and oil replaced, if necessary. Ensure unloaders are in working
12. SMGR sealing gaskets to be checked to ensure that there is no air leakage.
13. SMGR servomotor cylinders to be cleaned and regreased with recommended grease.
14. Ensure that Air dryer is in working order and isolation should not be permitted.
15. Draining of moisture from all MR and free movement of drain cocks to be ensured.
16. Ensure proper function of auto drain valves and air dryers.
17. Servomotors of CTFs & reversers to be lubricated afresh.
18. TM inspection cover sealing gaskets be checked to ensure that there is no air leakage.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

19. Brake cylinder adjustment to be carried out and regreasing done. Free movement of brake cylinders
to be ensured. If found sluggish, then overhauling should be done.
20. Terminals of battery to be checked for sulphation, cleaned and petroleum jelly applied on the
21. Sand boxes to be checked, wet sand to be removed and dry sand to be filled. All eight sanders are
to be kept in working condition. Provision of gaskets to be ensured for air tightness.

The pre-winter precautions- provision of fogpass /fogsafe devices:

Fog Safe device: Check its availability and ensure it is in working order. (Use of Fog safe device
during foggy and inclement weather as per Railway Board letter no.98/safety (A&R)/19/16 Dt.
a. Instructions on train operation during foggy weather have been issued by Railway Board vide their
letter referred above.
b. Fog Safe devices are in use in many zonal Railways such as NCR, NR, NER, ECR, etc and being
deployed similar to walkie-talkie (VHF sets) where crew collects and deploy Device during
commencement of duty and return in home lobby after completion of duty. Device being mapped
to specific route, above procedure is appropriate. Same procedure to be adopted in Central Railway
c. Fog safe device is to be used in every winter season (usually spanning between November to
February) and instruction have already been issued to ensure that running staff is properly trained
& counselled in use of fog safe devices during foggy weather.
d. Fog safe device deployment should be similar to walkie-talkie (VHF Sets). Portable fog safe
devices to be kept charged in lobbies and to be carried with by crew during train operation in foggy
e. In this context, it is advised to ensure that adequate nos. of fog safe devices are available and in
working condition for providing same to crew along with necessary arrangement for their charging,
upkeep and operation.
f. Fog safe device is not failsafe device therefore it should be used as an assisting equipment only.
Crew should work as per G&SR and instructions issued time to time.
g. LIs should monitor functioning of fog safe devices. If any correction is required for mapping it
should be done on priority.


When a Loco Pilot observes cattle on his track and according to opinion of Loco pilot the train’s
increased speed can result in cattle run over then Loco pilot shall control the speed of train by applying
A 9 brake valve accordingly. Even after this cattle run over happens then Loco Pilot should stop the
train and take the following actions to avoid the possible damages:
1. On the Flasher Light
2. Stop the train immediately
3. In case of any hindrance on the tracks remove it with the help of Railway Official and volunteers
4. Loco Pilot must inspect the Safety fittings of the engine and some side coaches for any damages or
abnormalities caused due to run over.
5. In case of any damages or abnormalities seen, Loco Pilot must Report it to TLC and also mention
the same in Loco Log Book.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30514B ESMON
Energy & Speed Monitoring (ESMON) System
In addition to energy & speed monitoring, ESMON also indicates and records distance. Hence, we can
say that it is a Speed - Time - Distance - Energy Monitoring System.
It is a microprocessor based device. It records speed, time, distance and energy consumed data along
with GR coasting and dynamic braking of locomotives. It also provides a graphical view of the data.
It has digital display to show all the various parameters like OHE voltage, speed limit for over speed
alarm, current data and time. Total distance traveled, energy consumed during halt, energy consumed
by present driver. Distance traveled by present driver, duration of brake application, Dynamic brake
distance by present driver, distance coasted by present driver, duration of coasting, OHE current, wheel
diameter, driver ID train no, train load, loco no and power factor.
All the data are recorded in compact flash card (C.F. Card) i.e. memory card provided in the Speedometer
and data can be downloaded by card reader unit, which is very useful for analysis
Type of Speedometer (ESMON) -

Types of memory in SPM (ESMON)

1. Internal memory 2. External memory
Internal memory: internal memory is used in the event when memory card is not inserted in the slot
or memory card not properly inserted or fault in the memory card. Data in the internal memory can
be down loaded through the serial port connector or RS 232 port provided for the purpose by directly
plugging into serial port of any PC /Laptop.
External Memory: it is in the form of a flash card which is inserted to record and down load the data.

Chapter-5 Operation of Rolling Stock

Procedure to enter the PARAMETERS in SPM (ESMON)

a. Open the memory compartment, push the push button switch for configuration mode.
b. Press display button and set Speed limit, Time, Data setting, Wheel Dia. Setting - Type of loco
setting - Loco no - Shed name - Equipment No. Setting. Set the parameters and press the enter key.
Note: Parameters to be entered by Shed staff / Authorized person. Parameters to be entered by Driver.
1. Train no. (Maximum 06 characters)
2. Driver ID (Maximum 16 character)
3. Train load (Maximum 06 character)

30514C RTIS
Real Time Information System (RTIS) System & Onboard RTIS devices in Electric Locomotives:
Railway Board vide Rly Bd Letter No.2016/Elect (TRS)/225/Misc dated15.03.2019 &. RDSO letter
NO. EL/3.1.28 dated 01.11.2018 are providing for provision of Real Time Information System (RTIS).
CRIS is centralised for provision of RTIS devices in electric locomotive on Indian Railways.
On provision of RTIS device in locos, key information train/loco running information such as loco
particulars (Loco No, Loco type, Base shed), Traction type, Train service, Loco locations/ Train
Location, Train speed, etc on real time basis will be available in COIS / FOIS module. The real time
monitoring is being enabled through ISRO Satellite.

Objectives of RTIS:
1. Automatic acquisition of train movement data & feed to COA for automatic control chart plotting
and improved train control functions
2. Emergency messaging from loco pilot to control room
3. Accurate information to passengers regarding train movement delivered as a by-product since COA
is already integrated with National Train Enquiry System (NTES)

Onboard RTIS has following components-

1. Outdoor Unit: Rail MSS Terminal (RMT) comprises of Mobile satellite service (MSS) transceiver
module, secondary GPS receiver & antennae for all modules) provided on cab – 1 ALP side.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. Indoor Unit: Indian Rail Navigator (IRN) comprises of following components Display processing
Engine (DPE), Integrated Communication Module (ICM) & Power Management Unit (PMU)
provided on driver desk Panel on ALP side near D panel.
3. 2A MCB for 110VDC supply in SB1 panel.

Crew Interfaces of RTIS:

1. Crew to confirm availability of power supply to onboard RTIS devices.
2. Crew to confirm healthiness & functioning of RTIS devices.
3. Enter train particulars using Virtual keypad of Display processing Engine (DPE) provided on driver
desk Panel on ALP side near D panel.



30601 Trailing Loads Assigned to Various Locomotives.

1. Trailing Loads Assigned to Various Locomotives will be governed by the load charts issued by
2. TC-27 RDSO letter No. EL/3.1.39 / 1, dt 27/31.07.1998
Sub: Tractive Effort requirement calculation for starting and hauling BOXN loads. The method
for calculation of tractive effort required for starting and hauling loads at particular speed, gradient
and degree of curvature and also horse power, OHE current calculation is given in the following
paragraphs. The methodology and the various types of formula of Tractive calculation for different
loads on various types of gradients adopted are given below.

I. Formula to be used as below :

1. Tractive effort (TE) required for hauling a load “ T ” tonnes on one in “ G ” grade and “S” degree
curve is given by
TE (kg) = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4
Where T1 is Train resistance in kg/t. T2 is locomotive resistance in kg/t.
T3 is Grade Resistance for train and loco in kg/t.
T4 is curvature resistance for train and loco in kg/t.
2. Train resistance (T1) in Kg/t as applicable to loaded BOXN wagons is given by
T1= 0.6438797 + 0.01047218 V + 0.00007323 V 2
(For details please refer para II below).
3. Locomotive Resistance (T2) in kg/t is given by
T2 = 0.647+ ( 13.17 / W ) + 0.00933 V + ( 0.057 / WN ) V2
where N is number of Axles.
W is axle load of the locomotive in tonnes.
V is speed in Kmph.
4. Grade Resistance (T3) in kg/t is given by
T3 = ( 1 / G ) X 1000 X (Train load in tonnes +loco wt. in tonnes).
5. Curvature Resistance (T4) in kg/t is given by
T4 = 0.4 X S Degree of curvature X (Train load tonnes+loco wt.in tonnes)
6. Starting Resistance of BOX `N’ and BOX wagon is taken as 4.0 kg/t and 5.0 kg/t respectively
including Acceleration Reserve.
7. Starting Resistance of the locomotive is taken as 6 Kg/t including Acceleration reserve.
8. Rail Horse Power ` H ’ is given by
H = (T.E. (kg) X V (Kmph) / 270 ) hp

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

9. Current ‘I ’ drawn from OHE is given by

I = { ( Hx735.5 ) / ( OHE Voltage X P.F. X n ) } Amps.
Where n is the efficiency of the locomotive
P.F. is the power factor of the locomotive.
For conventional locomotive n is taken as 0.80 and P.F. is taken as 0.84
Note- It is the practice in Railways to take into consideration “Compensated Gradient”, while deciding
the ruling gradient, in such a case T4 is to be excluded.

II. The rolling resistance of BOXN/BOX wagons in kg/t is represented by the formulae:
i. R= 1.333973+0.021983V+0.000242 V 2
for empty BOX`N` wagons train.
ii. R= 0.6438797 + 0.01047218V + 0.00007323 V2
for loaded BOX `N` wagon train.
iii. R= 1.517+0.01074 V+0.000495 V2
for empty BOX wagons train.
iv. R= 0.870 + 0.0103 V + 0.000056 V2
for loaded BOX wagons train.
Where V= Speed of the train in Kmph.
R= Rolling resistance in kg/t
From the above rolling resistance has been calculated and summarised below for ready reference.


Speed kmph BOX N Wagon BOX Wagon
Empty Loaded Empty Loaded
10 1.5780 0.7559 1.674 0.978
20 1.8696 0.8826 1.930 1.098
30 2.2113 1.0239 2.285 1.229
40 2.6005 1.1799 2.738 1.372
50 3.0381 1.3505 3.292 1.525
60 3.5241 1.5360 3.947 1.690
70 4.0586 1.7360 4.700 1.865
80 4.6414 1.950 5.560 2.052


Load - 4700 t (BOX`N`)
Grade - 1/200 (Uncompensated)
Curvature - 2 degree
Speed - 50 Kmph
Locomotive - WAG7 of 123 t weight

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

1. TE required to start the load:-

TE = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4
T1 = Train load in tonnes x starting resistance of BOX`N` wagon Including acceleration
= 4700 X 4 = 18,800 kg.
T2 = Locomotive starting resistance including acceleration reserve x locomotive wt. in tonnes.
= 6x 123=738 kg.
T3 = Grade resistance
= 1/200 X 1000 (Train in tonnes load + loco wt. in tonnes).
= ( 1 / 200 ) X 1000 X (4700 + 123 )
= 24115 kg
T4 = Curvature resistance = 0.4 X Curvature X (Train load in tonnes + locomotives in tonnes)
= 0 .4 X 2 X 4823
= 3858.4 kg
TE = 18800 + 738 + 24115 + 3858.4
= 47511.4 kg = 47.51 t
Note: 1: 200 gradient on 2 deg. curve is compensated to gradient of 1 : 172.4
     { ( 1 / G ) X 1000 + ( 0.4 X S ) } = 1000/X
    where G is grade
S is Degree of curvature
X is compensated grade

2. RDSO haulage chart issued on June’2016 (vide RDSO’s publication no. RDSO/2016/EL/PUB/0002
REV 0)
3. To check Emergency Braking Distance (EBD), it can be obtained for different types of locomotives
for Goods trains, Passenger trains, LE, EMU & DMU in e-locos by selecting RDSO tab –EBD

30602 Time Tabling and Loco Link Diagrams

To achieve maximum utilization of locomotives, loco link diagrams should be prepared in such a
manner that the locomotives are kept on the run for the maximum number of hours each day with the
minimum detentions at terminal stations. This work has to be done by close co-ordination between Sr
1. Loco links are prepared by HQ.’s office and circulated to the divisions. The objective of Loco Link
is to ensure optimum utilization of locomotives.
2. Train timings should be as given in working time table.
3. Low-Link should be normally prepared before publication of next working time table.
4. Efforts should be made to send the loco to home shed for mandatory schedule maintenance within
the stipulated schedule time

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5. Minimum possible out station halt should be provided.

6. Ensure loco is permitted to run on the sections at the max. permissible speed of the train.

30603 Assessment of Operating Staff for Electric Locos.

Loco pilot/Crew links for Mail/Exp. trains are to be prepared by CCCOR/CTLC/CLIObjective of
crew links is to ensure optimum utilization of crews.
2. Train timings to be checked from the latest working timetable.
3. Links to be prepared before Publication of new working time table.
4. Max. duty hours in anyone trip should not exceed 9 hours.
5. Max. duty hours in a fortnight should not exceed 104 hours.
6. Min. no. of rests in a month should be 5 of 22 hrs. or 4 of 30 hours including night in bed from 22
hrs. to 6 hrs. from sign off to sign on.
7. Efforts should be made to include all the sections in the crew links to avoid crew becoming overdue
for learning road and needing frequent road learning as per rule.
8. Min. out of station rest in case less than 8 hrs. duty in the previous trip should be 6 hrs from sign
off to sign on. In case duty is 8 hrs or more than 8 hrs, then 8 hrs. rest to be given. In case of short
trips of less than or equal to 5 hours then duty performed plus 1 hrs. will be sufficient.
9. Min. home station rest (HQ rest) should be
a. If duty performed in the last trip is less than 8 hrs., then 12 hrs.
b. If duty is 8 hrs. or more. then 16 hrs.
c. If staff is not given mandatory rest then breach of rest allowance shall be payable to running
10. Crew Links having the maximum earning kilometerage should be worked by senior most loco
pilots and so on.
11. Separate crew links should be prepared for superfast trains such as Rajdhani/Shatabdi Exp. Chronic
late running trains should be kept in view to avoid crew links failures.

Half Yearly Review of Running Staff

1. The requirement of Loco Pilots (LPs) and Assistant Loco Pilots (ALPs) shall be calculated based on
the average duty hours per fortnight for the corresponding period of last six months i.e 12 fortnights of
preceding year. It shall be ensured that their duty hours are at least 90 hours in a fortnight from signing
on to signing off as contemplated in Railway Board’s letter No. E(MPP) 006/1/89 dt.4-10-06.
1.1 Information required to be furnished to Finance:
a. Power Plan and actual workload.
b. Certificate of the controlling officer that the calculations are as per the procedure and for the
efficient working.
c. Existing Sanctioned Strength of Loco Pilot (Goods)as certified by Personnel branch.
d. Action taken by Personnel branch to fill up the vacancies.
1.2 Method of calculation of LP/ALP posts:
a. Each Crew Booking Point shall maintain a Register for accounting the details of trains worked

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

and duty hours performed by crew for each trip section-wise. The working duty hours shall be
reckoned from “Signing On” to “Signing Off. At the end of each month, the total duty hours
performed by each crew, section-wise, shall be consolidated.
b. The bare requirement of LP/ALPs for working freight trains shall be calculated based on average
duty hours per fortnight reckoned from “Signing On” to “Signing Off77 for the corresponding
period of six months i.e. 12 fortnights of preceding year and divided by 104.
c. Percentage to be applied on bare requirement for Leave Reserve (LR), Trainee Reserve (TR),
Allowance in lieu of Rest/Time Loss (ALTL) and Traffic Fluctuation (TF) is as under:
LP/Goods ALP/Goods
a. Leave Reserve (LR) 30% 30%
b. Trainee Reserve (TR) 10% 10%
c. Traffic Fluctuation(TF) 10% 10%
d. Allowance in lieu of Time 10% 10%
loss (ALTL)
The bare requirement of ALPs shall be equal to the bare requirement of LPs. However care should be
taken that no ALP shall be provided for LPs of DHMU/DEMU/ EMU/ MEMU trains
Method of providing LR, TF, AL:T&»arid TR on bare requirement is as follows:
LP/Goods ALP/Goods
i. Bare Requirement R S
ii. LR on (i) Rx30% Sx30%
iii. Traffic Fluctuation on (i) Rx10% Sx10%
iv. ALTL on (i) Rx10% Sx10%
v. Total (i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv) (i)+(ii)+(iii)+(iv)
vi. Trainee Reserve on (v) 10% 10%
vii. Total Requirement (v)+(vi) (v)+(vi)
Section-2 LP/Shunting (SHUNTERS) and CHIEF LOCO INSPECTORS (CLIs) common for coaching
and freight trains
2.1 Requirement of Shunters
a. The bare requirement of Shunters should be worked out based on the activity wise workload in
eight hours shift.
b. 30% Leave Reserve only should be provided on bare requirement of Shunters. %
c. Detailed justification together with activity-wise, shift-wise calculations should form part of the
2.2 Requirement of CHIEF Loco Inspectors (CLIs)
a. The requirement of CHIEF Loco Inspectors should be worked out as per the norms mentioned
i. 01 Loco Inspector for every 25 Loco Pilots,
ii. 01 Loco Inspector for every 50 Shunters.
12.5% Leave Reserve on CHIEF Loco Inspectors (CLIs) to be added..
Loco Pilot/Shunter to check the locomotive in fettle condition and sign in Engine Fitness Certificate
(proforma in ACTM Vol-III, Chapter-III)

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30604 /30605 : Duties of Loco Pilot/Asst. Loco Pilot:

(Note Para 30606, 30610, 30622 , 30629, 30630, 30634 & 30635 are covered under above paras
i.e 30604/30605)

Conventional locomotives:
I. For driving the locomotive ensure the following:
1. Before starting a train the following air pressure setting of brake system is to be checked
A. Air brake train:
On Locomotive On BV/SLR
SNO Parameter
(Kg/cm2 ) (Kg/cm2)
1 Main reservoir pressure 8 - 9.5
2 Brake pipe pressure
Passenger 5.0 4.8 - 5.0
Goods 5.0 4.8 - 5.0
4.7 - 5.0 (above
56 vehicles)
3 Feed pipe pressure
Passenger 6.0 5.8-6.0
Goods 6.0 5.8-6.0
4 Max.BC Pressure 3.5 All Elect locos &
i. Brakes are applied 5.5 WAP5
Passenger coaches 3.5 All Elect locos &
Goods wagons 5.5 WAP5 0
ii. Brakes are
5 Air flow indicator White and red
needle should
a. Observe the position of movable needle of air flow indication gauge.
b. Coincide red needle with white needle.
c. Audio visual indication system provided in locomotive should be in working order.

2. Working conditions for air brake train:

1. Check proper coupling of brake pipe and feed pipe of locomotive with trailing stock. For
identification of air pipes, brake pipe angle cock and palm coupling are painted in green colour
and feed pipe angle cock and palm coupling are painted in white colour. FP & BP are written on
palm coupling of feed pipe and brake pipe respectively. Also both the couplings are in opposite
2. All angle cocks of brake pipe and feed pipe of the locomotive and trailing stock should be open.
While hauling single pipe braked stock the feed pipe angle cock should be in closed condition.
3. A9 & SA9 cut out cocks should be opened in working cab and should be closed in non working
4. RGEB2 cut out cock should be opened.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

5. Ensure that emergency brake valve/alarm chain pulling, airflow measuring device, light indication
and buzzer sound indication are in working order.
6. Perform the BP continuity test on the train from leading locomotive to the last vehicle.
7. Check that the brakes are applying on the entire train.
8. Release the brakes and check that the brakes are releasing on all the stock.
9. Check the operating cylinder percentage. It should be 100% on passenger trains and 90% on freight
10. Check that brake pipe and feed pipe angle cock of the last vehicle are closed and their respective
hose couplings are kept on support carrier.
11. Ensure the proportional brake of locomotive is in working order
3 Phase Locomotives - (preparation and general check up)

Checking of underframe —

In front of cab —
1. Ensure that loco is standing on the rail and under the OHE
2. Ensure both side MR Eq., BC Eq., BP properly and their angle cocks are as per requirement. Also
ensure that hoses are not hanging.
3. Ensure that rail guard, cattle guard has not any cracks and foundation bolts are properly fitted.
4. Ensure that CBC has no any abnormalities and locking pin is available and provided with operating
5. Ensure that UIC connector (Jumper) socket are covered.
6. Ensure that flasher light, marker lights, head lights are glowing properly and their glasses are
7. Ensure both end look out glasses are clean and no cracks on it.
Below Machine Room-1 (From Cab-1 to Cab-2)
1. Ensure that additional cocks of MR eq. & BC eq. are open.
2. Ensure that Air Dryer unit is in service. (D-IN & D-OUT open and D-OFF closed).
3. Ensure that there is no crack on any mechanical fittings.
4. Ensure that release plunger hook is provided on parking brake cylinder.
5. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened.
6. Ensure oil level in CP-1 is above minimum mark and their foundation bolts are intact.
7. Bogie-1 isolating cock is in open condition.
8. Battery cover is locked & unloader isolating cocks are open.
9. BP and FP additional cocks are in open condition.
Below Machine Room-2 (From Cab-2 to Cab-1)
1. Ensure that additional cocks of MR Eq. & BC Eq. are open.
2. Ensure that there is no crack on any mechanical fittings.
3. Ensure that release plunger hook is provided on parking brake cylinder.
4. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened.
5. Ensure oil level in CP-2 is above minimum mark and their foundation bolts are intact.
6. Bogie-2 isolating cock is in open condition.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

7. Battery cover is locked & unloader cocks are open.

8. BP and FP additional cocks are in open condition.
In Cab —
1. Cab and look out glasses are clean.
2. All switches are normal, ZBAN-OFF, BLCP-AUTO.
3. Water is filled in windshield washer unit.
4. Spare hoses, wooden wedges are provided inside locker.
5. Fixed and handy both fire extinguisher are in good condition and filled with gas.
6. ALP side RS flap valve is closed.
7. Ensure that emergency push button is released.
In Machine Room —
1. All circuit breakers provided in SB-1, SB-2, HB-1 & HB-2 are in normal position.
2. Switches provided in SB-1 are at normal position.
3. Oil level of converter 1-2 and transformer 1-2 are above minimum mark.
4. Outer cover of any power equipment is not opened.
Pneumatic Panel —
1. Panto selector switch is at ‘AUTO’ position.
2. Cock No. 70, 74, 136 are in open condition and cock no. 47 is in closed position.
3. PAN-1, PAN-2, VCB and sanders isolating cocks are in open condition.
4. Distributor valve is in service.
5. IG 38 key is inserted and kept ‘ON’ (Horizontal).
6. CPA drain cock is in closed condition. (Parallel to pipe)
7. Parking brake apply/release plungers are not in locked condition.
Energisation of Loco –
1. Switch on 112.1 of battery.
2. Put battery circuit breaker 112.1 and CHBA circuit breaker 110 to ‘ON’ position provided on SB-2 panel.
3. Insert A 9 handle at ‘Neutral’ position and keep it in ‘RUN’ position by lifting lock in driving cab.
4. Insert BL key in ‘OFF’ position and turn it to ‘D’ position on ‘A’ panel.
a. Screen provided on ‘C’ panel & Speedometer screen will get ‘ON’.
b. If pressure is less, then MCPA will start.
c. UBA will deviate to 110 volts.
d. LSDJ will illuminate.
e. All above indications indicates that control electronics is ‘ON’.
5. The message ‘Configuration running please wait’ will appear on screen and self-testing is done for
20 seconds.
6. During self-testing all pilot lamps will illuminate and extinguish, Bogie-1 & 2 meter will deviate
both in TE/BE mode and will come to ‘0’ and flasher light will illuminate & extinguish.
7. After testing FLG 504 node will be displayed on the screen. Now press ZPT switch downwards
in ‘UP’ position & release for raising of pantograph. If pressure is less, then MCPA will start
automatically. After creating pressure rear panto will go up and also U meter will deviate & indicate
the value of OHE voltage.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

8. FLG 550 node will be displayed on the screen. Now press BLDJ downwards & release to close DJ.
01 will close and lamp LS01 will extinguish and all auxiliary will get start automatically.
9. FLG 570 will be displayed on the screen.
10. Ensure that BLCP is at ‘AUTO’ position.
11. After creating MR pressure up to 6.4 kg/cm’, operate reverser to FOR or REV as per requirement.
FLG 590 node will be displayed on screen. If the reverser is set without confirming the MR pressure
is above 6.4 kg/cm’ then priority-1 message ‘Low pressure Main reservoir’ will come on screen
12. Apply loco brakes via SA 9 and confirm in gauge it registers 3.5 kg/cm,.
13. Release parking brakes by pressing BPPB switch, red indication in BPPB switch will extinguish
and parking brake gauge will register 6.0 kg/cm pressure. If parking brakes are not released and
throttle is operated then priority-1 message ‘Traction with Parking Brake not allowed’ will come
on screen.
14. Ensure BP pressure is 5.0 kg/cm’.
15. Now operate throttle to TE direction, FLG 596 node will come on screen and then TE/BE meter
will deviate towards TE side.
16. Check the loco brake power.

3. General instructions:
1. Place MPJ on position F and observe that the lamp LSB is extinguished.
2. Ensure sufficient BP pressure is created, conduct BP continuity as per instructions.
3. Ensure other normal conditions according to G & SR are fulfilled for starting the train..
4. Release SA9 and also release the hand brake and ensure all the brake cylinders are released.
5. Move MP from ‘0’ to position N and then move MP to ‘+’ position.
6. LSGR will extinguish, ammeter needles will deviate, notch repeater needle will move to 1 and the
loco will tend to move.
7. Progress traction notches one by one and observe the maximum current rating limit.
8. If necessary, press BPQWC and operate PSA for sanding.
9. With in the yard, after speed picking up 15kmph, conduct brake feel test.
10. If the train does not move within 5 to 10 seconds after application of normal current rating, bring
back MP to ‘0’ and try to find out the cause (brake binding or excess load).

1. BPQWC to be pressed before taking 2nd notch.
2. After picking up 50 kmph speed, conduct brake power test.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4. Normal Current Ratings:

Short time current rating
Continuo us
Loco Type of (Amp)
Type of TM Current
Motive Transformer 10 60
2 Min (Amps)
Min Min
WAP1 HETT3900 TAO659 1100* 1000 840 750*
WAP4 HETT5400 HS15250 1250 1150 960 900
WAM4 (6P) HETT3900 TAO659 1100* 1000 840 750
WAG5 ABC HETT3900 TAO659 1100* 1000 840 750*
* *
WAG5 H HETT3900 HS15250 1200* 1100 840 750*
WAG7 HETT5400 HS15250 1300 1100 960 900
WAG9 LOT 6500 6FRA606 -- -- 290 270
WAG9H LOT 6500 6FRA606 -- -- 290 270
WAP7 LOT 7500/7775 6FRA606 -- -- 290 270
WAP5 LOT 7500/7775 6FXA705 -- -- 396 370
WCAM3 5400 AC/DC HS 15250A -- -- 960 900
WCAM2 5400 AC/DC TAO 659 A1 -- -- 870 840
WCM 6 --- HS 15250A -- -- 960 960
*Limited by transformer capacity
**Limited by reliability condition.

1. In case of TAOCHI motor, TAO motor Current ratings to be fallowed.
2. Voltage is 750 V for TAO 659 & HS15250 TMs.

During Rheostatic Braking:

Maximum current rating -for vertical DBR 600 Amps and for roof mounted DBR 850 Amps up to 15

5. For handling of train observe the following:

A. Quick acceleration:
1. After the train has started, progress the notches gradually without exceeding the current limits.
2. Use sanders when required.
3. After applying the maximum voltage 750 V, if the acceleration of the train is still required, use
shunting contactors if provided.

B. Speed increasing by field weakening :

1. MPS can be used at 20 notches and above (after giving maximum voltage) when the speed and

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

current rating have not reached the maximum.

2. Take one field weakening notch and observe ammeters and speedometer. Ammeter needle will
shoot up and gradually come down and speed will increase.
3. If the speed is to be increased further, progress the shunting notches duly observing the ammeters
for stabilising and watching speedometer.
4. While releasing MPS, first regress 2 or 3 traction notches by holding MPS and then release field
weakening notches to ‘0’ step by step.

C. Balancing speed:
After the train has reached the required speed, MP and MPS (if provided) should be adjusted to maintain
the speed constant.

D. Observation on run:
In addition to road (track) and signals, the Loco Pilot should observe the following while on run -
1. Observe MR gauge, and BC gauge, BP gauge, FP gauge, and airflow indicator, speedometer,
ammeter and voltmeter needles.
2. Test the brake power of the train/LE at the first available opportunity/ within the block section
where ever the load composition / crew is changed.
3. For attacking an up gradient, loco pilot shall attain adequaltely (by observing speed restriction if
any) high speed at the foot of the gradient so as to enable to negotiate the full length of the gradient.
4. Apply brakes judicially with A9 for controlling of train.
5. Just before stopping when the train speed is 5 kmph, release PVEF, so that the loco brake can be
applied partially.

In air brake train: For applying the formation brake, Loco Pilot operates A9 valve handle to application
position in the loco and reduces the BP pressure in four graduated steps as given below.
a. Minimum reduction. In this position 0.5 kg/cm2 B.P pressure is reduced.
b. In full service application 1.5 kg/cm2 BP pressure is reduced.
c. In over reduction position the BP pressure is reduced to 2.5 kg/cm2.
d. For emergency application brake pipe pressure is reduced to zero so that the train will stop within
minimum possible distance.
e. The maximum pressure that can be built up in the brake cylinder is 3.5/4.5/5.5 kg/cm2 to obtain
Max. braking force in wagons or in coaches.

E. Stopping of the train:

On level track:
1. When the train (passenger/freight) is to be brought to a stop on level track, first apply brakes with a
small reduction of brake pipe pressure in the train pipe by auto brake valve (A -9). This will allow
the rear portion to run smoothly.
2. A heavier reduction of brake pipe pressure may then be made in order to make the final stop very
smooth, the brake application should be gradually reduced by increasing the brake pipe pressure as
the train is about to come to stop.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Heavy reduction of BP directly may leads to train run in.

On down gradient:
1. Drop brake pipe pressure partially on trains (passenger/freight) by automatic brake valve except in
case of emergency stop.
2. The application of air brake being increased till the speed comes down.
3. When speed comes down, if proportional brakes are in operation, the train shall be brought to stop
with train and loco brakes on.
4. Heavy brake application should be avoided as the rear portion is liable to run in violently and
damage to rolling stock may occur.
5. Similarly quick release will cause front portion to run out resulting in service jolts.

On up gradient:
1. Control the train with minimum application of BP pressure.
2. Apply sand to few meters before stopping the train.
3. When the train (Passenger/Goods) is brought to stop, the brake should be kept applied by the A9,
till the train actually stops.
4. After stopping of train keep brakes on locomotive and train applied by SA9 and A9 brake valve.
It will prevent rolling back of train on gradients. Do not leave the train with only SA9 in applied

F. Action to be taken after stopping a train:

1. The blowers for traction motors and transformer should continue to run for 15 minutes especially
after long runs with heavy trains to cool the motors.
2. The place and duration of stop permitting; the Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot shall check the
a. Axle box, traction motor and gear box bearing temperature (by feeling). In case the running
staff observes abnormal temperature, he will report the matter to TLC for suitable action. TLC
will arrange its checking through maintenance staff at the appropriate point.
b. Working of all blowers.
c. Oil level of main transformer and tap changer whenever possible.
d. The air reservoirs shall also be drained off to expel accumulated water.

G. Rheostatic brake:
An additional electrical braking called Rheostatic brake is provided, to control the goods trains on long
failing gradients with heavy loads and to reduce speed in coaching trains also.
Whenever RSI-1 or RSI-2 or any one of the traction motor is isolated, Rheostatic braking should not
be used.
Instructions for working during rheostatic braking:
When MP is brought to P, LSB will glow and extinguish and the following sequence of operations are
ensured. To allow for electrical current delay and to prevent a surge of dynamic braking, follow these
dynamic braking rules.
1. Pause for few seconds before changing from power to dynamic braking.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

2. Drop BP pressure slightly, for bunching of formation.

3. Ensure LSDBR extinguishes on or before 5/10th notch. If LSDBR does not extinguish on 5/10 th
notch do not use RB.
a. When operating over a diamond crossover Reduce the dynamic braking level before the train
reaches the crossing.
b. Wait until the entire locomotive passes over the crossing before increasing the dynamic braking
c. To stop while operating at speeds below 15 Kmph, apply the conjunction brakes as necessary
to prevent slack run out.

1. For WAP4 and WAG7, RB equipments are provided in RSI-2 circuit
2. The maximum current for rheostatic braking for Vertical DBR is 600 Amps.
3. In case of Roof mounted RB The max current is 850 Amps up to 15 notches.

Starting of train after stopping:

1. Move the brake valve handle (A9) to release position.
2. Ensure BP pressure is recreated, press BPQWC, press sander pedal (PSA) and take two to three
traction notches and release SA9.
3. Progress the traction notches without exceeding the starting current rating and apply sand to avoid
4. After starting the train, accelerate the train beyond stalling speed.
5. If the train is not moved even after applying full starting current within 10 to 15 seconds, apply
SA9, bring MP to ‘0,’recreate full BP pressure and check for any brake binding. If everything is
normal, try to restart the train in the above said manner.
6. If the train cannot be started, contact TLC and follow GR 6.03.


This examination is to be conducted by Assistant Loco pilot every one hour and make entry in the
logbook. Assistant Loco pilot shall not carry out this examination when the train is approaching gate
or station or any stop signal in absolute block system and while approaching manual or semi automatic
stop signals in case of automatic block system.
1. Check the working of VMT-1, VMT-2, VRH, VSI-1, VSI-2, VSL-1, VSL-2, CP1, CP2, CP3, (if
working), and ARNO.
2. Check the temperature of Arno, MVMT-1, MVMT-2, MCP-1, MCP2, MCP3.
3. Check the transformer and GR oil levels.
4. Check for any abnormality in Arno, motor chests and HT compartments.
5. Check the working of PHGR, drain out moisture from RDJ.
6. Check the working of CHBA and Ammeter charging rate.
7. Give signal through BPT to the Loco pilot and note the readings in ammeters, voltmeter, notch
repeater, speedometer, BP and MR gauges.
8. Look for any abnormality in the rear cab.
9. Check UBA reading.
10. Compare the rear cab readings with leading cab and make necessary remarks in the log book as per

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

standard instructions.
11. In case any abnormality is noticed and if it requires attention at crew changing points/trip shed
enroute, inform at the first opportunity to the TLC/LPC.
ALP has to check for any wheel skidding sound in rear truck before

III. Duties of Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot at neutral section (With single loco) :
1. While approaching a neutral section, ensure MR pressure, if it is less put BLCPD “ON” and build
up to 9.5 Kg/cm2.
2. Accelerate the train speed if necessary without exceeding the speed limit.
3. On reaching 500 Metres board check the air pressure, BP gauge and speed.
4. On reaching 250 Mts. board bring MP to ‘0’ and be prepared to open DJ.
5. On reaching DJ OPEN BOARD, open BLDJ and observe LSDJ. If LSDJ does not glow, immediately
lower panto by placing ZPT on ‘0’.
6. After opening DJ, open BLCP and BLVMT. (Not required to open in case of SIV fitted Locos)
7. Ensure contactors C105, C106 and C107 are opened fully.
8. On reaching DJ CLOSE BOARD close DJ, by closing BLDJ and pressing BLRDJ.
9. After closing DJ, close BLVMT. After starting of blowers, close BLCP.
10. Progress the traction notches observing ammeters and voltmeters.

While working with MU:

At 500 Mts. warning board: Do same as on single.
At 250 Mts. warning board: Keep MP ON ‘0’. After LSGR is glowing, place BLSN switch DOWN
position and if possible ensure rear loco panto is lowered. LSDJ, LSB and LSCHBA along LSOL will
glow in the working cab and UA needle will not drop to ‘0’.
At DJ open board : At DJ open board open BLDJ, UA meter comes to “0”.
After passing one mast of DJ close board: normalise BLSN(upwards), close DJ in both locos at a time.
By assistant loco pilot:
1. While approaching neutral section, Assistant Loco Pilot should ensure 8 kg/cm2 air pressure in RS.
2. At the time of opening DJ, Assistant Loco Pilot should remain in Cab-2 and check that contactors C105,
C106 and C107 are opened fully after DJ is opened and give signal through BPT to the Loco Pilot.
3. Check the battery voltage and safety relays after DJ is opened.
4. After DJ is closed check the contactors C105, C106 and C107 are closed fully.
5. Check all the items (1 to 11 - Ref: 11.5) mentioned for loco examination on run.

Assistant loco pilot should not leave the leading cab for the above purpose, when the train is approaching
gates or station or any stop signal in absolute block system and while approaching manual or semi
automatic stop signals in case of automatic block system.

IV. Examination during short stoppages enroute:

1. Stop the train and apply SA9 and keep the blowers working.
2. Drain out moisture from main reservoirs, centrifugal dirt collector, DJ oil separator control reservoir,
EP and Graduator Control board.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

3. Check the temperature of axle boxes.

4. Check the condition of helical springs, equalisers, tie-rods, stay plates, sand pipes, brake riggings,
speedometer gear case fittings, resillent block pads, vertical / horizontal bolts for each TM.
For WAG-7 loco examine, W-BRACKET, LINKS, BULBs and its cotters pins, equalising beams,
helical springs (inner and outer), dampers (horizontal , vertical), ‘D’ shackle , side stoppers, side
bearers to be checked additionally.
For WAP-4 loco examine H-TYPE BOLSTER, helical springs (inner and outer), friction dampers,
to be checked additionally.
5. Check for any oil or cardium compound leakage and also check the condition of traction motor
inspection covers.
6. Check the air flow from SL blowers and for any oil leakage from transformer oil tank and drain
7. Check the condition of air bellows for any leakage.
8. Check the condition of battery boxes and SL covers.
9. Check the cattle guards, rail guards & buffers for any abnormality.
10. Ensure front coupling is secured in the hook and rear coupling is tight and safety pin is intact.
11. In case of Exp./Pass trains ensure U clamp is intact.

V. Checking of CBC coupling in loco shed/trip sheds

1. Proper closing and opening of CBC.
2. Free operation of screw coupling.
3. After closing of CBC by complete dropping of lock lift indicated by proper insertion of lock pin.
4. Availability of split pins for clevis-pin and knuckle pin.
5. Availability of operating handle without bend.
6. After locking of CBC by proper insertion of locking pin, ensure inability of operating handle to
open the CBC.

VI. Examination during crew changing by loco pilot:

A. By incoming loco pilot:
1. Incoming loco pilot after stopping the train, apply SA9.
2. Operate PSA with MPJ in ‘F’ or ‘R’.
3. Keep the blowers working and build up 9.5 kg/cm2 pressure.
4. Switch ON head light and flasher light.
5. Mention all the important repairs and abnormality observed on run, in the log book and also inform
the outgoing loco pilot.
6. In case of abnormal detentions in enroute, it should be informed to TLC on duty.

B. Check :
1. Go through loco log book for any abnormality.
2. Outgoing loco pilot should check the working of head light, flasher light, air flow indicator and
temperature of axle boxes. ‘Switch OFF’ head light and flasher light after testing.
3. Check for any abnormality in the helical springs, equalisers, tie-rods, stay plates, brake riggings,
speedometer gear boxes and bogie frame, in case of WAG-7 and WAP-4 check as per 11.7.4 .
4. Check for any oil leakage from suspension bearings, transformer oil tank and drain plug and
cardium compound leakage from gear cases.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5. Check the condition of air bellows, battery boxes and SL covers.

6. Check for any air leakage from traction motor inspection covers and air bellows.
7. Check the air flow from SL blowers.
8. Check the cattle guard, rail guard, buffers and CBC fittings for any abnormality.
9. Ensure that front coupling is secured properly and locking bolt is properly fixed.
10. Check the adequate fall of sand on rail under every sand pipe.
11. Check the loco log book and enquire the particulars regarding any defective apparatus or unusual
occurrence from incoming Loco Pilot.
12. Check the BP level and compare it with BPC.
13. Conduct AFL test , battery on load test
14. Conduct BP continuity test if required.

C. By assistant loco pilot :

1. Check CP1, CP2 and CP3 oil level after opening of BLCP (switch ON BLCP after checking the oil
2. Check the transformer and GR oil level.
3. Check the working and temperatures of auxiliaries, Arno, SIV, Traction Convertor 1&2) , Auxiliary
convertore (BUR 1, BUR2, BUR3), CHBA and RTPR/DC-DC Converter.
4. Check the air flow from VSI-1, VSI-2, VRH, VMT-1 and VMT-2.
5. Check for any abnormality in high tension compartment (arc-chutes, CGR, RGR, C118).
6. Drain out the moisture from RDJ and centrifugal dirt accumulator and in RS.
7. Check the position of cut out cocks in leading cab, rear cab, cab-1 center locker, side locker, back
panel and HT compartment.
8. Check the position of rotating switches, tightness of fuses in sockets, condition of spare fuses and
relay seals.
9. Check the working of flasher light in rear cab.
10. Check the fire extinguishers tool box (if provided)& PT box if provided are intact.
11. Check logbook for any missing fittings, repairs and unusual occurrences.
12. Drain out the moisture from main reservoirs, centrifugal dirt collector, DJ oil separator, panto
pipeline, control reservoir, EP and GR board.
13. Enter the particulars in speedometer.

VII. Change of power at loco inter change point :

1. Before detaching the locomotive, close BP and FP angle cocks of locomotive and first vehicle after
placing A9 to emergency.
2. Disconnect hose couplings between locomotive and first vehicle.
3. Open screw coupling/CBC and electrical coupler and detach the locomotive.
4. Keep locomotive hose coupling on support carrier.
5. Move the outgoing locomotive for attaching on to formation.
6. Couple screw coupling/CBC, brake pipe, feed pipe, and electrical coupler (in case of passenger
train) of locomotive with first vehicle.
7. Ensure correct coupling of the locomotive hose pipe with the trailing stock.
8. Open feed pipe and brake pipe angle cocks of first vehicle and attached locomotive.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

9. Check the continuity of brake pipe and feed pipe of the train.
10. Ensure that locomotive and stock couplings are not loose.
11. Ensure that locomotive proportionate brakes are in working order.
12. Ensure that audio visual indication device and indicating light and buzzer are in working order.
13. Ensure that air flow indicator reading is normal and its needle is coinciding with white needle.

Note :
On arrival at terminal station, if shunter is available the incoming Loco pilot should hand over charge
to shunter after ensuring his identity.

VIII. Incoming examination in shed:

This examination is to be carried out after the loco arrived in shed on examination pit.
1. Conduct loco side, under gearing, cab, corridor and roof examination.
2. Enter the repairs and deficiency in the loco logbook and performance register.
3. Build up 8 kg/cm2 air pressure in RS and close RAL cock.
4. Apply SA9 and hand brake. Destroy BP to ‘0’.
5. Open DJ and lower pantograph. Remove MPJ, ZPT and BL keys.
6. Close all the shutters, corridor and cab doors.
7. Hand over the loco keys, log book to CC or Shunter on duty.
8. Any important repair or deficiency to be informed to TLC or JE concerned for immediate action.

IX. Stabling of the loco in station yard / Stabling line /Running line:
1. Berth the loco at a convenient place (ensure OHE while moving towards sidings).
2. Build up air pressure up to 8 kg/cm2 in RS and close RAL cock.
3. Apply SA9 and hand brake. Place wooden wedges. Release SA9 and ensure loco not moving with
only hand brake applied and wooden wedges placed. Then destroy BP to ‘0’.
4. Ensure MP is on ‘0’ and open BLDJ, check the glowing of LSDJ.
5. Lower the panto and ensure it is fully lowered.
6. Remove ZPT, MPJ and BL keys from the sockets.
7. Check the battery voltage and make necessary remarks in loco logbook.
8. Close window shutters, cab and corridor doors.
9. Switch OFF all the light and fans and open HBA.
10. Drain out moisture and air pressure duly securing the loco with skids in non-platform side.
11. Hand over all keys to the on duty CC or SM or any authorised person.
12. Ensure providing of LV board/lamps.

On arrival at terminal station, if shunter is available the incoming Loco Pilot to hand over charge
to shunter after ensuring his identity.

X. Making the loco dead for moving as dead with formation:

1. Build up pressure up to 8 kg/cm2 in RS and close RAL cock.
2. Place MP on ‘0’, MPJ neutral, A9 on release position and open DJ and then all auxiliaries BL

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. Lower panto, remove ZPT, ground the loco, enter in HT1 and HT3 compartments and place the
reversers J1 and J2 in neutral position and lock them with the help of locking bolt.
4. Lock the HT compartments, replace the fitchet keys and remove the ZPT key.
5. Close all shutters, cab and corridor doors.
6. In both cabs keep SA9 on release position and check that loco brakes are released. Then close SA9
supply and apply cut out cocks on both cabs.
7. Release air pressure from brake cylinders of loco with the help of C3W distributor valve releasing
handle, if loco brakes are not released, close bogie COCs and after releasing open the same.
8. Open the drain cocks and release the air pressure.
9. Switch OFF all the lights and HBA to be kept on ‘0’.
10. Keep the loco keys and log books in safe custody.
11. Close IP COC.
12. If C2N type feed valve is provided, close inlet and out let COCs for C2N.
13. Isolate DV as per instructions

XI. Movement of dead locomotive:

Points to be ensured by the loco pilot:

Fit to run certificate should issued by Section Engineer/CLI/TLC/Loco Pilot of failed loco.
1. A dead Loco may be attached to a Goods/Pass/Mail/Express trains except Rajadhani or shatabdi
2. Maximum permissible speed of the dead locomotive as certified by the above persons is not less
than the MPS of the train to which it is attached.
3. In case the Maximum permissible speed of the dead locomotive is less than the maximum permissible
speed of the train, suitable speed restriction shall be imposed on the train while attaching dead loco.
4. As a result of attachment of dead loco, maximum permissible length and Load of the train should
not be exceeded. On the dead locomotive all the operating keys i.e. ZPT, BL, MPJ, etc are
removed after de energising the loco motive and HBA is kept in zero.
5. Supply and Apply cut out cocks for A9 and SA9 in dead locomotive is kept in closed condition.
6. A-8 (L&T) cock & IP coc is kept in closed condition and MU2B in lead Position (MU2B kept in
trail when MR & BC equalizing pipe is connected).
7. J1 & J2 reversers are placed in neutral and locked.
8. BP & FP pipes should be connected between the locomotives and the respective angle cocks should
be kept open.
9. If the dead locomotive/locomotives are attached next to the working locomotive, the MR equalising
and BC equalising pipe of the locomotives on the inter connection side should be connected with
the respective angle cocks open, except when otherwise mentioned below.
10. In case brakes are not functioning on the dead locomotive it shall be hauled as a piped vehicle duly
ensuring the brake power the train. Only one dead loco is permitted by train.
11. When the piped dead locomotive is attached as the rear most vehicle of the goods train, the competent
person not less than Asst. Loco Pilot provided with suitable equipment including walkie-talkie set,
flags, detonators etc. accompanying the dead locomotive.
12. It will be the duty and responsibility of the competent person to switch on flasher lights (after
switching on HBA) and apply hand brakes judiciously in case of a runaway occurring.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

XII. Train parting/hose pipe disconnection:

Tractive force is exceeding the tensile strength of the coupling material or coupling open on run or
worked out coupling or large buffer height or difference in rail level.
1. Switch on FLASHER LIGHT or ensure Flasher light is functioning if Auto flasher light system is
provided on loco.
2. After stopping of both portions apply, A9 to emergency to avoid MR dropping.
3. Bring MP to 0 and ensure GR is on 0.
4. Ensure that guard has protected the rear portion of the train.
5. Ensure that train brakes in applied condition to avoid roll back of the train.
6. Check the train to identify defective coach/wagon.
7. After ensuring there is no abnormality on formation switch off FL.
8. Heavy sound of air leakage will indicate the affected hosepipe.
9. Close the angle cocks of adjacent ends of two coaches where hose pipe disconnection have taken
10. Inspect the hosepipe, which has got disconnected.
11. In case the hose pipe is damaged replace them. In case there is no damage, reconnect the existing
12. In case train parting has taken place, reconnect the parted portion of the train as per prescribed
13. Now open the closed angle cocks, no leakage should take place from the reconnected hosepipe.
14. Ensure the continuity of the brake system and train.
15. In case the brake hose is damaged or cannot be replaced the pipe of the last wagon of the front
portion should be put on dummy and the angle cock closed. The brakes of the portion in rear should
be manually released and the train brought to the next station at restricted speed.
16. Ensure that screw coupling of affected coaches is not loose.
17. Observe the position of movable needle of airflow indication gauge; it should coincide with the fixed
red needle. Audiovisual indication system provided in locomotive should stop giving indication.

XIII. Precautions to avoid train parting:

1. Crew should have proper Learning Road of the section where he is required to work the train.
2. Ensure BP is charged fully and AFI needle comes to preset value before starting.
3. Ensure no brake binding, before starting a train.
4. Start the train without Jerks, smoothly.
5. Progress notch by notch gradually.
6. Maintain uniform speed, notches, where the formation negotiates over Ups and Downs (undulating
7. Avoid unnecessary, frequent progression/regression.
8. After brake application do not put into traction mode suddenly, sufficient time should be given.
9. Always avoid sudden start, sudden brake application and sudden stopping of train.
10. While restarting train from level crossing etc., push back the train formation 2 to 3 meters, to
ensure proper locking of CBC in case of goods train. (To ensure tampering if any).
11. Synchronize working if banker is provided.
12. Control your train in case of wheel slip, by reducing the notches.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

13. Avoid loco independent brakes to stop the train.

14. Ensure engine coupling is properly tightened/locked before starting a train.
15. Apply brakes by moving automatic brake valve handle to stop the train.

XIV. Duties of loco pilot in case of accident:

1. In case of accident or abnormality in the train, on double line section, Loco Pilot should immediately
switch ON the flasher light and after stopping, depute Assistant Loco pilot to protect the adjacent
line as per G & SR 6.03. Give four short whistle and exhibit red hand signal towards the guard.
2. Break the memory freeze glass on SPM and switch on memory freeze switch.
3. Note the time and place of accident in the journal book.
4. Consult the guard and quickly assess the cause and other particulars of accident.
5. Try to secure the gathered information and convey the nature of assistance required by quickest
means. Use emergency telephone or other means like train engine, adjacent line train, PWI trolley,
Gate Phone, Assistant Loco pilot or Guard to convey the information to the section controller/all
6. The following information to be conveyed to controller, TPC or nearest Station Manager .
a. Train No.
b. Date.
c. Loco No.
d. Load of train.
e. Site of accident.
f. Time of accident.
g. Nature of accident.
h. Cause of accident.
i. No. of persons killed.
j. No. of persons injured.
k. No. of wagons bogies derailed, capsized, telescoped.
l. Damage of track and OHE.
m. Types of assistance required.
n. Loco pilot and guard’s name.
o. Whether the Engine is fitted with headlight and cattle guard.
p. Time of dispatching the message.
7. After conveying or despatching the message Loco pilot should render first aid to the injured if any.
8. Loco Pilot should try to preserve the evidences at accident site.
9. Give information to the nearby village and take the assistance of the Doctors, Government officials
and Police in safe guarding the Railway and public property and rendering Medical aid.
10. Gather the Railway staff present at the site and distribute some relief work.
11. Inform particulars of accident to the first officials visiting the site of accident and assist them.
12. Should not leave accident spot until relieved.


A. General:
1. Loco pilot should ensure that the fire extinguishers (4 Nos. , ) are provided on the loco with its
locking clip, nozzle and spring valve and seal are intact before leaving shed.
2. Ensure that the hole on the nozzle is clear.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

3. Check that the fire extinguisher is not due for re-filling.

4. DCP or CO2 fire extinguisher should be used for putting out electrical fire.
5. LP and ALP should aware the instructions for using fire extinguishers

B. While using:
1. Whenever any smoke or fire is noticed on any equipment on loco, Loco pilot should take the
following actions.
2. Open DJ, lower panto, switch OFF HBA, switch On flasher light and stop the train.
3. Remove the fire extinguishers from the bracket, take it nearer to the equipment on fire and cover
your nose with a wet cloth.
4. Break the seal and remove the locking clip.
5. Stand opposite side to the smoke, press the spring valve and face the nozzle towards the base of
6. Strike the knob by hand.
7. Direct the jet towards the base of fire with a sweeping action.
8. Use other fire extinguishers as per need in same way.
9. If the fire is uncontrollable, inform the section controller or station master to arrange fire engine and
observe G & SR 6.03 & 6.10.
10. After putting out fire, discharge the remaining pressure from fire extinguishers, in case of DCP fire
11. Isolate the affected equipment, inform TLC and work onwards if possible.
12. Make a remark in the logbook regarding fire extinguisher and affected equipment.

Precautions to prevent the fire on AC loco:

The following precautions to be taken by engine crew to prevent the fire on AC loco.
1. Ensure arc chutes are properly secured for EM contactors, EP (Line and shunting) contactors and
CGR1, 2 & 3.
2. Ensure no oil leakage from compressors and pipe lines in HT2 compartment.
3. Loco pilot has to use rheostatic and regenerative braking if provided in the loco on graded section.
(Preventing the heavy mechanical braking which may cause the sparks from brake shoes).
4. Do not leave any cotton waste/paper in HT2 compartment.
5. Do not put HQOP in OFF position without proper trouble shooting.
6. When HQOP is in OFF position, carefully watch the power circuit equipments and SLs and Traction
motors on stoppages.
7. Do not put HQOA on ‘0’ position without proper trouble shooting.
8. When HQOA is placed on ‘0’ carefully watch the auxiliaries.
9. When HBA is kept in Off position for any reason, check traction power circuit equipment and
auxiliary power circuit equipment frequently.

XV. First aid in case of electrical shock:

1. Whenever a person comes in contact with live wire, switch OFF the source of supply if known.
2. If the source of supply is not known, attempt should be made to remove the person from contact of
live wire by using non-conducting materials i.e. dry wooden stick, dry blanket, rubber rod or paper
whichever is readily available on the spot.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. Never touch the body with bare hand when the person is in touch with the live wire.
4. After the removal of affected person from the contact of live wire, send for the doctor at once and in
mean time give him artificial respiration, ‘Silver burd method’ and ‘Shepherds method’ whichever
is convenient.
5. Before giving artificial respiration ensure that no bones are broken, there are no fracture near the
6. Avoid violent operation during artificial respiration since it may cause injury to the internal organs.
7. Also special care should be taken if there is a burnt injury.
8. Serious burns should be treated with proper oil dressing and avoid exposing the patient to the cool

XVI. Safety rules concerning 25 kV AC traction:

1. Do not approach 25 kV limits directly or indirectly within 2 meters radius.
2. On line before going on the roof of the locomotive, ensure power block taken or not with TRD staff
who are available at spot, ensure earthing cables provided on either side of loco. Ground the loco
then only go on the roof of loco.
3. To carry out roof inspection in the shed, always check and confirm that the correct isolating switch
corresponding to the line, where the loco is standing is opened by electric Shunter. Ensure isolation
switch is properly opened and blade of the earthing heal is properly engaged in the clip for earthing
the OHE.
4. Ensure loco isolating switch handle is locked with personal pad lock and retain the key in the
personal custody.
5. Do not direct any part of the body above roof level of loco while changing the head light bulb.
6. Do not walk in between track under OHE.
7. Do not direct any jet of water or foam towards OHE.
8. Do not touch any conductor lying close to electrified line.
9. Do not stretch hand or any conductor on the OHE from a over bridge.
10. Do not enter into HT compartment until such time, the loco is brought to a stand and grounded.

XVII. Emergency telephone:

The emergency telephone taps with sockets are provided at every one km in the section. The location
of the nearest telephone tap is indicated on the OHE mast by an arrow.
How to use emergency telephone:
1. Open the emergency telephone tap by the key provided for the purpose.
2. Insert the plug of the portable telephone in the emergency telephone tap socket.
3. Press the switch provided on the portable handle and also press the button on the side of portable
telephone box. Then call out TPC in the following manner a number of times ‘Hello Emergency’
and after TPC’s response, give your message.

XVIII. How to take emergency power block:

1. In case of damage to panto or OHE, lower the panto immediately and stop the train if possible near
the emergency telephone tap, put on FL.
2. Protect the train as per G & SR 6.03.
3. Contact TPC through emergency telephone.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

4. Inform TPC about the particulars of defect or damages with km No. between stations, Loco No.,
Train No., up or down line, time etc.
5. Ask for OHE staff to take emergency power block.
6. After emergency power block is taken and OHE contact wire is earthed on either side of the loco
by OHE staff, ground the loco and do the roof work duly fixing the ladder.
7. After completion of roof work, keep concern HPT in earthing heel, remove all the materials from
the roof and remove the ladder.
8. After earthing poles are removed from contact wire and power block is cancelled by OHE staff,
unground the loco.
9. Close PT COC of defective panto.
10. After power is restored, raise the good panto, close DJ and resume traction.

XIX. Loco log book and failure report:

A. How to write the loco log book:

Give the following particulars in the loco log book.
1. Date.
2. Loco No.
3. Train No.
4. Brake Power %
5. Load details
6. Journey started from …………. For destination station …………..
7. Loco Pilot’s Name.
8. Assistant Loco Pilot’s name.
9. Speedometer km starting & ending.
10. Energy consumption Reading Starting and ending
11. Energy regeneration Reading Starting and ending
12. Do not write ‘refer previous booking’ in the loco logbook.
13. The Loco pilot must write all the repairs or failure particulars in the loco logbook.
14. Any previous repairs unattended for the last 48 hrs to be informed to TLC/LPC
15. While working MU / double head locos, mention the same in the loco logbook. Also mention as to
which loco is leading and which is trailing. In case of single loco, mention which cab is leading.

B. How to write the defects / failures in the loco log book:

In case of a failure or defect of the loco on line the Loco pilot should enter the following particulars in
the loco logbook and report the same to TLC on duty.
1. Tripping at km No.
2. Between stations.
3. Date.
4. Time.
5. Loco pilot’s cab.
6. Speed.
7. Notch No.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

8. UA reading.
9. Voltmeter reading.
10. Ammeter reading.
11. Position of MPS.
12. MPJ position.
13. Mention abnormal sign.
14. Name of the relay which is showing red indication (if target dropped).
15. Name of operation in which tripping took place.
16. Apparatus handled or isolated.
17. Time resumed traction.
18. Informed TLC/LPC at station :
19. Private No.
20. Total time lost.

Note :
While informing TLC/LPC, furnish loco No. train No. load of the train, Loco pilot’s and Assistant

Traction Failure:
1. Nature of defect (Total loss or partial loss of tractive effort or slipped pinion or locked axle or
smoke emission or unusual noise from traction motors).
2. Place of occurrence.
3. Km No.
4. Time.
5. Driving cab.
6. Traction motor.
7. Apparatus handled or isolated.
8. Traction resumed observing standard instruction.
9. Observed any smoke emission or unusual sound.
10. Informed TLC/LPC from station.
11. Total time loss.

If relief is asked, give details of relief loco arrival and the time when the block section is cleared.

Miscellaneous failures:
1. Nature of defect.
2. Between stations and km No.
3. Time.
4. Notch No.
5. Cab No.
6. Speed.
7. MPJ position.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

8. Apparatus handled.
9. Informed TLC from station.
10. Total time lost.
11. Private No.

Preferably give the breakup of the total time occupied in the block section or at station as following.
1. Time taken for trouble shooting.
2. Time taken to inform TLC/LPC at a station or in block section. Extra time occupied on run if any,
due to isolation of equipment on the loco (RSI, traction motors, MPH, Traction convertor etc).

XX. How to make use of the flasher light:

Flasher light should be used in case of emergency to attract the attention of the Loco pilot of a train
coming in the opposite direction. Working condition of the flasher light should be ascertained while
taking over charge of the loco at crew changing point/shed.
To put on flasher light, ZFL switch should be closed at the working cab. Switch OFF the headlight
when the flasher light is put ON for better viewing of flasher light.


Instruction for loco pilots

Before attaching locomotives to trains, the engine should be thoroughly tested to ensure that it is free from
leakage and MR/BP pressure is properly maintained to the order of 8 to 9.5 kg/cm2 and 5 ± 0.1 kg/cm2

2.1 Brake continuity test:

The Loco Pilot and Guard must carry out this brake continuity test as soon as possible after the
locomotive is attached on train and BP pressure is created to 5 ± 0.1 kg/ cm2.

Occasions for conducting BP continuity test:

1. Before going to sign fresh BPC.
2. While clearing any stabled load from way side station.
3. After completing of power interception.
4. After completing of shunting.
5. After reversing the loco.
6. After attaching/detaching dead loco.
7. During GLP check.
8. If train parted, after recouping the formation.
9. Locomotive or additional locomotive attached to the rear or fully fitted train.
10. After attending BP related problems on formation.

Need not carried out

1. When locomotive other than train locomotive is detached from extreme front of the train.
2. When locomotive is used for complete brake test of the whole train and is not thereafter detached
before starting.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. When locomotive or vehicle is detached from the extreme rear of the train.

Procedure for goods trains:

1. This test to be conducted with the cooperation of Guard.
2. Create 9.5 kg/cm2 of MR pressure and 5.0 kg/cm2 of BP in the locomotive.
3. Ensure 4.8 / 4.7 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the BV.
4. Apply A9 automatic brake valve and reduce BP pressure by 1 kg/cm2 without pause( gauge reading
5. Confirm from the guard for corresponding reduction of 1.kg/cm2 in the BV.
6. LP has to ensure at least 10vehicles brakes applied.
7. Loco pilot has to close A8 Cock (70 COC/ MODE switch in test in KNORR brake loco In case of
3 phase locos).
8. Guard shall open the BV emergency valve and the loco-pilot shall observe the drop of BP pressure
to zero.
9. If the BV is not the last vehicle, Guard shall open the BP angle cock in the rear side of last vehicle.
10. LP to ensure dropping of BP pressure completely to “0”.
11. Guard has to close the BV emergency valve.
12. LP has to ensure BP is no raised and open A8 Cock /70 COC, release A-9.
13. Ensure recreation of 5.0 kg/cm2 of BP in the locomotive and4.8 / 4.7 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the BV.
14. For originating trains after turn around examination (where SSE/SE-C&W is posted) continuity
test will be done by the loco-pilot and guard in the presence of SSE/SE-C&W who shall make
endorsement on the reverse of the original BPC.
15. Where SSE/SE-C&W is not posted/ ALP emergency brake valve, loco-pilot and guard will check
the continuity and make endorsement on the reverse of original BPC.
16. If banker loco available, the test to ensure by guard from banker loco by applying banker loco A9
handle. (banker loco A8/70 must be close position, or mode switch in help).

If any problem is noticed regarding B.P Pressure drop by loco pilot or by guard, should inform to
concern for further attention.

Procedure for coaching trains:

1. The Loco Pilot must charge the BP to 5 Kg/Cm2 and must confirm from the Guard that minimum
4.8 Kg/Cm2 in SLR .
2. The LP must move the A9 automatic brake valve to reduce BP pressure to 4.0 Kg/Cm2(gauge
reading) and must confirm from the Guard that BP pressure in SLR is reduced in the range of 3.6
to 4.0 Kg/Cm2. (If BP pressure in SLR does not show reduction in BP pressure in the range of 3.6
to 4.0 Kg/Cm2, it indicates discontinuity in brake pipe, which must be looked into by TXR staff.)
3. The LP has to ensure, train brakes are applied.
4. After that, the LP must move A9 automatic brake valve to ‘running’ position and check that 5 Kg/
Cm2 BP pressure is registered in BP gauge in loco and must confirm from the Guard that minimum
4.8 Kg/Cm2 in SLR..
5. After the BP pressure has stabilized in the locomotive, air supply for the BP should be cut off by
closing A-8 COC or E-70 COC (Ignore the message appeared in 3-φ locos).

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

6. In case of KNORR brake locos place mode switch in test.

7. Then the Guard shall immediately open the Emergency brake valve to vent out the BP by 1.0 Kg/
Cm2 and LP should observe that the pressure in the BP gauge in the locomotive is within in the
range of 3.6 to 4.0 Kg/Cm2, otherwise it indicates discontinuity in brake pipe, which must be
looked into by TXR staff for rectification.
8. After confirmation of continuity, open the A-8 COC/E-70 COC / mode switch in lead and restore
the BP pressure in the loco/SLR.

2.2 Before starting a train:

1. A train should not be started until brakes of the entire train including hand brakes are fully released.
Conduct BP continuity test if required.(Ensure authority to proceed has been received to start trains
before starting)
2. At the originating point of train, C&W staff should ensure this. At wayside stations, for the clearing
of stabled loads it should be ensured by Loco Pilot, Guard and Station Staff.
3. If the train is started with the brakes released partially, wheel skidding or breakage of coupling may
take place.
4. Empty/load handle should be set in the correct position (i.e.) when the wagon is empty. The handle
should be set in ‘empty’ position and for loaded wagons in ‘load position’.
In BMBC wagons in place of load/empty handle operation, APM (Auto pressure maintainer) is provided
5. If the empty / load handle is not set in the correct position, a serious accident can take place as in
the loaded condition the train will have inadequate brake power. On the other hand when it is empty
severe application of brake will skid the wheels and cause irreparable damage.
6. The train examiner will be responsible for the correct setting of the empty/load handle at all
originated stations and way side stations where the trains are examined by TXR staff. At way side
station where TXR staff is not available, any shunting is done or when a stabled train is picked up,
it should be ensured by the Guard and LP that the above handle is set in correct position in all the
wagons and also ensure DVs are in service.
7. The Loco Pilot will personally check the position of all angle cocks of all air hoses of the leading,
trailing locomotives and wagons of the load.
8. MR pressure should not be allowed to fall below 8 kg/cm2 to achieve optimum advantage of
charging brake pipe. In case MR pressure drops below 7 kg/cm2, stop the train and investigate the
cause and rectify the fault.
9. In case a heavy leakage or mal-functioning of the distributor valve or any brake binding is noticed,
the release of the wagon brake should be ensured by pulling the quick release valve of the distributor
valve. In case the brake binding problem repeated or brakes not released at the first instant, the
distributor valve of the concerned wagon should be isolated by changing the position of isolation
cock handle to horizontal, operate QRV till the brakes are fully released.
10. In case of disconnection of air hose in enroute, apply A9 emergency or close the lead/trail (A8)
cock for maintaining MR pressure in loco. Then the attention should be given by closing the angle
cocks of the defective wagon and if necessary replacement of damaged hoses with spare hose pipe,
if spare hose is not available may be done by removing the air hose either at the front of loco or rear
of the brake van, if unsuccessful, request for TXR assistance.
11. Loco Pilot should report all problems and unusual events noticed by him on run in respect of
functioning of air brakes and wagon movement etc., immediately to CHC/CTLC/CLPC. The
procedure to be adopted in such cases shall be reported through a ‘Memo’ jointly signed by both
Loco Pilot and Guard.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

while replacing BP hose pipes, shell etc. LP should ensure no obstruction, plastic caps in palm end side
and shell side and should conduct BP continuity test after attending any BP related problems.
12. Under no circumstance the angle cocks of the wagon should be closed expect for the attention
period and after the attention the concerned angle cocks must be opened before any movement is

After closing angle cocks of the loco/wagons, an interval of about 30sec should be given, so as to
allow the trapped air in the air hose to leak out through the exhaust and then only the air hoses should
be uncoupled.
13. The Loco Pilot should see that the brake pipe and feed pipe connection are not mixed up either
between the locomotive and the first wagon of the load.
14. The Loco Pilot shall ensure that BP gauge is showing 5 ± 0.1 kg/cm2 and FP gauge is showing 6
kg/cm2.Then after ensuring the continuity of the air pressure, through the Guard of the train and in
his absence, through the attending TXR, Loco pilot shall sign the break power certificate presented
by the TXR. The brake van or last vehicle pressure should not be less than 4.8 kg/cm2 for a load up
to 56 BOX-N/BCN and 4.7kg/cm2 for the load of beyond 56 BOX - N/BCN wagons.
15. At wayside stations while picking up stabled load, it should be ensured by both Loco Pilot and
Guard of the train.
16. Isolating cock on distributor valve and angle cocks of BP and FP of all wagons should be in open
position which should be ensured by C & W staff at the originating point and at wayside stations
while picking up a stabled load, by Loco Pilot and Guard of the train.

2.3 While on run:

1. As far as possible, the train should be controlled by service application of brakes up to 0.5 kg/
cm2 and in exceptional cases where the train brake power is inadequate; the BP pressure may be
reduced up to 1.6 kg/cm2.
2. Over reduction of BP pressure to 2.5kg/cm2or emergency brakes should be used only in emergency
situation. Because heavy breaking force will result in skidding, excessive wear of wheels and train
3. Faulty braking can cause skidding of wagon wheels. To avoid skidding, the braking and starting
should be smooth. If the train is running hard, the LP should stop immediately and attend the same.
Working in the same condition may cause the skidding of wagon wheels or other damages like
breakage of CBC parts etc.
4. CBC of loco and BOX-N/BCN can break due to high coupler force, which can arise either while
starting or stopping or accelerating to avoid breakage of couplers, the instructions laid down below
should be rigidly followed after application of brakes.

2.4 While stopping a train:

1. Stopping of a train should be smooth (without jerks) which is to be done by releasing the brakes
just before final stop.
2. It should be ensured that handle of A9 is put to released position, when the speed is about 3 to
5kmph prior to stopping.
3. When stopping at a station on the falling gradient, the rheostatic brake is to be kept in ‘ON’ position
and should only be cut off after an application of A-9.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

4. In case of stopping a train on a rising gradient, the GR should be maintained on at least 2 notches
and only after application of loco brakes, the GR should be brought to ‘0’.
5. Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot should release the moisture from main reservoirs by opening
the drain cocks as frequently possible to prevent moisture entering in the loco pneumatic system as
well as in the air brake system of BOX-N/BCN wagons.
6. Before uncoupling the locomotive from the rake make an emergency application and wait till BP
pressure reduced to ‘0’.There after close the angle cock of the brake pipe on the loco and 1st wagon
and after a short pause of about half minute, uncouple the BP air hose.

2.5 Specification of brake power for goods train:

1. At originating station not less than 90% of total number of cylinder must be operative for goods
2. On ghat sections, 100% of the brake cylinders must be operative for goods trains.
3. Piston strokes in the empty and loaded condition shall be as follows.

BOX-N 85±10m 130±10m
m m
BCN 85±10m 130±10m
m m

4. There should be at least 4 fully air braked vehicles including brake van with operative cylinder at
the rear end of the train.
5. While checking brake power of the train en route at a wayside station, it should be first ensured that
the BP pressure on the loco and brake van/last vehicle is 5 kg/cm2 and 4.8 kg/cm2 respectively. If
the BP pressure in the brake van/last vehicle is inadequate, the position of angle cocks in between
in the entire train should be checked and ensured that they are open. If any is found closed, open it.

Before uncoupling the locomotive from the rake make an emergency application and wait till BP
pressure reduced to ’0’ thereafter close the angle cock of the brake pipe on the loco and 1st wagon and
after a short pause of about half minute ,uncouple the BP air hose
Pneumatic test instructions of electric locomotives.


A. General:
Whenever more than one loco are coupled together and locos are worked by a single crew, then it is
known as MU Operation. (Maximum 4 LOCOS)
1. The front driving loco is known as “Leading Loco” and rear loco is known as “Trailing Loco”.
2. In MU operation, 3 electrical jumpers (B C D) are connected between locos to operate control
circuits of trailing loco in synchronizing with leading loco.
3. During MU operation control circuits of trailing locos are operated from leading loco except Q-
118, Q-44 and Q-100. For closing DJ, HBA should be on “1” in both the locos.
4. BLSN switch is provided on the BL box, which controls the feed to VEPT and MTDJ of trailing
loco from leading loco. Its normal position is “UP”, on switching it “DOWN” the supply to MTDJ

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

and VEPT gets cut off and thus DJ of trailing loco gets tripped and panto also lowers.
5. Closing of DJ can be done for all the locos in multiple operation (MU) together or leading loco
only. Similarly opening of DJ can be done for all the locos in MU the locos or of the rear loco only.
6. Trailing loco DJ can be closed from the trailing loco by pressing BP2DJ, but cannot be opened by
BP1DJ. In case of emergency, DJ of the trailing loco can be opened by removing its CCPT fuse.
7. Opening of DJ for leading loco alone is not possible.
8. For disconnecting B, C, D jumpers, de-energise both locos and switch off both locos HBA.
9. During coasting/ braking always keep MP on “0”.

B. Definitions LSGRPT:
The RED lamp provided on the ceiling of both driving cabs, this lamp indicates the existence of a
defect on the loco in which it glows. LSGRPT glows along with defective indication (LSDJ, LSCHBA,

1. When MPJ is brought to “0”, LSGRPT will glow.
2. When troubleshooting in MU locos do not bring MPJ to “0”.
3. LSGRPT glows in defective loco only.

The orange lamp provided on the driving desk of both cabs, the lamp will glow on the loco indicating
the defect is in other loco. LSOL glows along with defective indication. (LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSB &

Note: LSOL glows in good loco only.

Relay for recapitulation lamp. When there is any abnormality in leading /trailing loco, this relay will
pick up and make the lamp LSOL to glow in the good loco.

This relay is called as synchronizing device relay, which synchronizes the tap changer operation in
both leading and trailing locos during running and braking of MU operation.

1. After taking first notch only Q-49 will come into service.
2. During progression/regression with MP, progression with EEC only Q-49 will be active.
3. Q-49 will ensure progression/regression at a time in both locos. It will not ensure difference of
notches if any due to auto regression.

BLSN 1/2 - Neutral Section Switch:

This BLSN switch enables to loco pilot to open DJ and lower pantograph of the trailing loco from
leading loco.
While passing through neutral section, first put BLSN “DOWN” to open DJ, lower panto of trailing
loco and observe the glowing of lamp LSDJ, then switch off BLDJ to open DJ of leading loco.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

1. Normal position of BLSN during MU operation is upwards. At neutral sections BLSN to be put
downward position to trip DJ and to lower panto in trailing loco.
Use 2 or 3 compressors on leading loco and one on each trailing loco with normal Working instructions
for Loco Pilot during MU operation.
1. Do not wedge any EM contactor or relay (Except Q 100 and QRS) in trailing loco. If necessary
make the trailing loco dead.
2. If HOBA of one loco is to be kept on OFF position due to fuse melting then HOBA of the other loco
should also kept on OFF position otherwise fuse will continue to melt.
3. In modified ZSMS locos, keep ZSMS of both locos in EEC position. MP will work irrespective of
MP position.
4. Whenever HQCVAR is kept on ‘0’ in leading loco then never close DJ separately. Close DJ of both
the locos together.
5. During coasting keep MP on ‘0’.
6. If DJ trips, in defective loco LSGRPT glows and in good loco LSOL glows.
7. While working with leading loco only, RB should not be used. For using RB, rear loco IP(M) COC
is to be closed.
8. While attending trouble shooting, keep ZLS in ‘OFF’ in good loco, ensure ZLS in ‘on’ position in
defective loco and pick up abnormal sign from defective loco.
9. GR struck up on notches, keep MP on ‘0’, auto regression takes place in good loco and DJ trips in
defective loco.
10. If leading loco is failed electrically, close PT1&2 COCs of leading loco. Energise trailing loco
from leading loco. Clear section with precautions and contact TLC (CHBA of leading lo co will not
11. In CCMUBA provided locos, in rear loco, even VCB in tripped condition, rear loco batteries are
charged from leading loco CHBA, provided rear loco HBA is ‘on’.
12. If CCPT of leading loco melts, VCB will trip, Pantos will lower in both locos.
13. If CCPT of trailing loco melts, VCB trips in trailing loco only. Panto will not lower.
14. If CCDJ of leading loco melts, VCB will trip in both locos.
15. If CCDJ of trailing loco melts, no indication will be there. After changing cab, we experience ICDJ
in both locos.
16. If CCA of leading loco melts, auxiliaries will not work in both locos.
17. If CCA of trailing loco melts, auxiliaries will not work in trailing loco only.
18. If MU locos with SIV and Arno combination, while closing VCB at a time in both locos, release
BLRDJ after 4 seconds of extinguishing of LSCHBA. Q-45 is provided with time delay for late
closing of VCB in SIV loco.

In modified ZSMS locos no need to change ZSMS for EEC operation in MU locos

C. Important items to be ensured while taking over charge of WAG-5 & WAG-7 MU locos.
1. Both locos are coupled properly.
2. All air hose pipe are connected with their respective pipes and their angle cocks are opened.
3. All electrical jumpers (B C D) are connected between the locos and secured on the ends.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4. SA-9, A-9 cut out cocks are open only in driving cab and closed in other cabs.
5. BP charging cock (A-8) is opened in leading loco only and closed in trailing loco.
6. MU2B valve is on ‘LEAD’ position on leading loco and on ‘TRAIL’ position on trailing loco.
7. RGEB-2 cut out cock is open in both the locos.
8. Ensure HBA on ‘1’ on both locos.

D. Condition of apparatus on leading loco:

1. Keep A-9 handle on release position and keep A-9 inlet and outlet COC s ‘OPEN’ in working cab
and ‘CLOSED’ in non-working cab.
2. Keep SA-9 handle on release position and SA-9 apply and supply COCs ‘OPEN’ in working cab
and ‘CLOSED’ in non-working cab.
3. A-8 COC to be kept ‘OPEN’.
4. MU2B should be on ‘LEAD’ position.

E. Condition of apparatus on trailing loco:

1. A-9 handle on release position and keep A-9 inlet and outlet COC to be closed in both cabs.
2. SA-9 handle on application position and keep both supply and apply COCs closed in both cabs.
3. A-8 COC to be kept closed.
4. MU2B should be on ‘TRAIL’ position.

F. Conditions for coupling of locos:

a. In the front end of leading loco:
1. Ensure the following self locking angle COCs are closed.
a. MR equalizing pipe.
b. BC equalizing pipe.
c. Brake Pipe (BP).
d. Feed Pipe (FP).
e. Ensure Add. BP COC is ‘OPEN’.

2. In between locos:
Ensure the following are coupled properly and their self locking angles COCs are opened.
a. MR equalizing pipe.
b. BC equalizing pipe.
c. Brake Pipe (BP).
d. Feed Pipe (FP).
e. Add BP COC.
f. Ensure both locos are coupled properly.
g. Ensure BCD jumpers are connected properly.

3. In the rear end of trailing loco.

a. Close MR equalising pipe and straight air brake pipe self locking angle COC.
b. Close BC equalising pipe self locking angle COC.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

G. Energiation of MU locos:
1. Do the preparations of both the locos separately and also ensure that everything is normal as per the
requirement for MU locos.
2. Start CPA of both the locos and build up 8 kg/cm2 pressure in RS of both the locos.
3. In the working cab, unlock BL, insert ZPT in the socket and place it on ‘1’, check the proper raising
of rear pantograph of the both locos.
4. Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. Check that LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter deviates and LSCHBA
extinguishes. After LSCHBA extinguishes, release BLRDJ.
5. Close BLCP, MR gauge needle will deviate. Wait for MR pressure to build up. In case MR pressure
does not build up more than 2 kg/cm2, check IP valves of both the locos. If any one of IP valve is
leaking, close the cut out cock.
6. When MR pressure builds up to 9.5 kg/cm2 ensure that the unloading or auto-draining takes place
in both the locos.
7. Close BLVMT and check the working of all auxiliaries in both the locos.

If CPA of one loco is defective then first energize the MU locos from the loco in which CPA working
by taking the following precautions.
1. Open RAL cock of both the locos.
2. Start CPA and keep it working even after building up 8 kg/cm2, pressure in RS.
3. Unlock BL of loco in which CPA is working and put BLSN down.
4. Put ZPT on’1’ and check the proper raising of pantograph.
5. Close DJ (LSDJ will remain glowing but UA meter will deviate), release BLRDJ after 4 sec onds,
close BLCP and build up MR pressure to 9.5 kg/cm2. Through MR equalising pipe, in defective
loco also MR pressure will be charged
6. Put ZCPA on ‘0’ to stop CPA.
7. Keep BLSN “UPWARDS” and check the proper raising of pantograph of the other loco.
8. Press BLRDJ once again and release BLRDJ after LSDJ and LSCHBA extinguished.
9. Change over to leading loco if required (adopt proper procedure).

H. Cab changing procedure in MU locos:

Driving Cab (of the loco which is to be working as trailing loco):
1. Build up MR pressure to 9.5 kg/cm2.
2. Keep A-9 on release position and SA-9 on application position.
3. Check that BC pressure gauge indicates 3.5 kg/cm2 .
4. Apply hand brake/ wooden wedges towards falling gradient.
5. Do not change pneumatic COC position.
6. Open DJ, switch off all auxiliary switches, lower pantograph, put MPJ to ‘0’, lock BL and remove
all the keys.
7. Proceed to other loco.

In the other loco (which is to be working as leading loco):

1. Apply loco brake through SA-9 and keep A-9 in release position. Then open A-9 and SA-9 supply
and apply COCs. Ensure BC gauge is showing 3.5 kg/cm2.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. Put MU2B on ‘LEAD’ position and open BP charging COC A-8.

3. Unlock BL, raise pantos, close DJ, start auxiliaries.
4. Proceed to rear loco. Change MU2B to ‘TRAIL’ position and close A-8 cock, A-9 and SA-9 supply
and apply COCs.
5. Close the cab doors and windows.
6. Then return to leading loco. Check the working of A-9 and SA-9.
7. Release hand brake/ remove wooden wedges of trailing loco.
8. Before moving loco, conduct loco brake power test.

I. Passing neutral section with MU locos:

The procedure of passing neutral section is same as single loco but the following extra operations have
to be done.
1. At 250 mts board, put BLSN ‘DOWN’ and ensure DJ trips and panto lowers in rear loco.
2. One mast before DJ open board, open BLDJ watching UA meter. If UA meter does show ‘0’, lower
3. After passing neutral section, at DJ close board, open BLSN, after ensuring rear loco panto is
raised, close VCB in both locos as a single loco.

J. Making one loco dead:

1. Whichever loco is to be made dead, open DJ of that loco and keep HBA switch on ‘0’ ( if CCMUBA
is not available).
2. In dead loco put ZLS on ‘0’ and close IP COC.
3. If trouble persists, remove the electrical jumpers between the locos and secure them on clamps.
4. If unsuccessful make lead loco as trail loco and change trailing loco as working loco.
5. If trailing loco failed, don’t change position of any COC in LEAD loco and work onwards if road
and load permits.
6. If leading loco failed clear the block section with trailing loco and contact TLC (Close panto COCs
of LEAD loco). In this condition, in leading loco CHBA, Ammeters will not work.

K. Working the train from trailing loco when leading loco fails:
1. In case leading loco (other than CCPT) fuse melting, do not change any COC position and work
from leading loco (Close panto COCs and observe BA voltage is above 90 v) carefully to clear
2. If not possible, make the leading loco dead and work from the trailing loco.
3. Resume traction from trailing loco and clear section without exceeding the speed limit of 15 KMPH
and contact TLC.
4. If the load and road permits, request TLC for remarshalling of the loco (changing trailing loco as
leading loco) and work onwards with single loco.
5. If load and road does not permit, contact TLC.

L. Working the train from leading loco when trailing loco fails:
1. Put BLSN ‘DOWN’ to de-energize the rear loco and work with the leading loco. If trouble persists
remove the electrical jumpers between the locos and secure them on clamps. Keep HBA on ‘0’,
close IP COC of rear loco and work the train from leading loco.
2. Put ZLS on ‘0’ in trailing loco and ensure GR on ‘0’.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

3. Don’t change any COC position.

4. Clear section and contact TLC.
5. If the load and road permits, work onwards with single loco. Otherwise contact TLC for advice.

M. Low Tension Test (LT TEST)

I. Preparation :
1. Stop the train. Build up 9.5 kg/cm2 of air pressure in MR and RS by working MCP.
2. Check the BA voltage. It should be above 90V.
3. Open DJ and lower pantograph and ensure both pantos in lowered condition.
4. Ground the loco as per procedure.
5. Close DJ and release BLRDJ after LSDJ extinguishing (UA needle does not deviate, no auxiliary
sound and LSCHBA does not extinguish).
6. Ensure all rotating switches on ‘1’ position.

II. Testing :
1. Close BLCPD. Watch the closing of compressor contactors according to HCP position.
2. Close BLVMT; watch the closing of contactors C-107, C-105 and C- 106 one after another with a
time delay of 8 seconds each.
3. Move MPJ to F or R position. Watch the Reversers J1 and J2 are thrown to proper direction.
4. Cab-1 forward - J1 & J2 UP direction, Cab-1 reverse - J1 & J2 DOWN direction.
5. Cab-2 forward - J1 & J2 DOWN direction, Cab-2 reverse - J1 & J2 UP direction.
6. Check working of CTFs i.e keep MP traction, CTF 1,2,3 up, MP braking, CTF 1,2&3 down.
7. Place MP on ‘N’ position and watch for the closing/opening of line contactors according to HMCS
position as given below :
a. HMCS-1 in ‘2’, Watch for L1 to open and L2 & L3 to close.
b. HMCS-1 in ‘3’, Watch for L2 to open and L1 & L3 to close.
c. HMCS-1 in ‘4’, Watch for L3 to open and L1 & L2 to close.
d. Normalise HMCS-1, Watch for L1, L2 & L3 to close.
e. HMCS-2 in ‘2’, Watch for L4 to open and L5 & L6 to close.
f. HMCS-2 in ‘3’, Watch for L5 to open and L4 & L6 to close.
g. HMCS-2 in ‘4’, Watch for L6 to open and L4 & L5 to close.
h. Normalise HMCS-2, Watch for L4, L5 & L6 to close.
8. Bring MP from N to + Watch for one traction notch progression and LSGR to extinguish.
9. Take two traction notches and Watch for CGR-1, 2 & 3 to close according to GR notches.
10. Watch the working of PHGR after taking 6 traction notches. If MPS is in service, take 20 traction
notches and operate MPS to ‘1’,’2’,’3’, and ‘4’ positions, Watch the closing of shunting contactors
step by step. Bring back MPS to ‘0’.
11. For testing QWC, press BPQWC before taking 2nd notch, one shunting contactor will close in
leading pair of traction motors circuit. Take 11 traction notches and watch the opening of shunting
12. Take few traction notches and place A9 on emergency position. GR should return to ‘0’.
13. Place MP on ‘N’ and ZSMS on ‘0’ and test EEC working also.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1. In Microprocessor locos no need to change ZSMS switch position. In conventional Locos change
ZSMS switch to EEC working position.
2. Check for any air leakages in HT compartments during LT test.

1. Whenever any trouble is experienced on loco, try to clear the section either by coasting or with
minimum notches.
2. If it is not possible to clear the block section, stop the train clear of bridges, cuttings, curves and
preferably near a manned level crossing gate or at a flag station where communication facility is
3. In case of DJ tripping, do the general checking given in the TSD, before reclosing DJ.
4. In case of error or doubt while troubleshooting, start the trouble shooting from the beginning to the
stage concerned.
5. Make an entry of the trouble experienced, defect noticed and action taken in the logbook.
6. If any smoke or fire is noticed on any equipment open DJ, switch on FL, stop the train, switch off
HBA and put out the fire with approved type (DCP) of fire extinguisher available in the loco.
7. Whenever any auxiliary motor is isolated ensure that its EM contactor (if provided) is opened
8. Inform the unusual occurrence to TLC through the available source of communication.
9. When stopped in en-route by LP of train in opposite direction either for issuing any message or for
seeking advice for trouble shooting, occupy minimum time, give necessary instructions and should
start train within 5 minutes.
10. Whenever the train is detained or likely to be detained in section for more than 5 minutes, give
information to TPC/TLC through CUG Phone / emergency telephone tap, or from a flag station or
through the adjacent line train Driver and also arrange to protect the train as per GR 6.03.
11. Before removing the fuse trip DJ, keep IP coc close, put HBA in ‘OFF’ position and before replacing
a fuse it should be checked that it is in good condition.
12. In case of manual operation of a relay, operate the relay gently with the help of wooden stick.
On run if BP pressure drops suddenly or if any lurch/jerk is experienced or DJ tripping with drop in
BP pressure, suspect some abnormality on the train. Immediately “switch on” the flasher light, stop
the train, check the formation and appraise the Guard by giving two short and one long whistle and
protect the train if necessary.

4.1 Do’s for Loco pilots :

1. Do check the loco properly while taking over charge. Ensure availability of safety equipments in
their nominated / respective places.
2. Do ensure that you go through logbook while taking charge of a locomotive.
3. Do keep the C3W distributor valve (isolating handle towards valve side) in service.
4. Do release the brakes and start the blowers before starting a train.
5. Do keep a watch on BP gauge, pressure gauge, airflow indicator speedometer, ammeters and
6. Do keep a watch on Pilot lamps.
7. Do keep a watch on OHE and track ahead.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

8. Do check battery voltage while taking over charge and every hour thereafter.
9. Do check the condition of all the spare fuses provided before starting the train.
10. Do ensure that the line is wired while entering a turn out.
11. Do take the advantage of fall-in gradient by coasting.
12. Do check the MR pressure and BP/vacuum before approaching 500 m warning board.
13. Do create full BP before notching up after passing neutral section.
14. Do keep the blowers running for 15 minutes even after stopping the train after heavy-duty operation
to ensure that you start with cool traction motors.
15. Do drain out moisture from reservoirs and check the temperature of suspension bearings and axle
boxes at halt stations if stopping time permits.
16. Do keep a full record of indication of OHE voltage, speed, notch, current, kilometre etc, in case of
a trouble in loco.
17. Do lock BL only after opening all BL switches.
18. Do book the current repairs to enable the shed staff to attend the same.
19. Do ensure MP and NR on ‘O’ before applying brakes.
20. Do take out MPJ (reverser handle) handle every time while leaving the cab.
21. Do ensure personally the pantograph is lowered before operating HOM.
22. Do ensure the availability of arc chutes.

4.2 Don’ts for Loco pilots:

1. Do not exceed the current rating limit of traction motors.
2. Do not allow to blow the MR safety valve, when RGCP is not in service.
3. Do not exceed the maximum permissible speed of the loco under any circumstances.
4. Do not operate the reverser handle (MPJ) when the loco is running.
5. Do not operate battery main switch (HBA) when the loco is in energised condition, in normal
6. Do not stop the blowers, if the halt is for less than 15 minutes.
7. Do not enter into HT compartment unless the loco is grounded.
8. Do not lock the loco on road side stations unless asked to do so.
9. Do not open the corridor doors without closing the cab windows, when the blowers are working.
10.Do not climb on to the loco roof without obtaining Power Block and without grounding loco.
11.Do not adopt short cut methods as it may lead to serious consequences.
12. Do not perform shunting without coupling BP hoses.
13. Do not operate rotating switches when the DJ is in closed condition. 14.Do not leave the loco in
un-manned condition.
15. Do not switch on CUG phone while on duty. In case of emergency stop the train and then switch
on CUG phone.

4.3 Train stranded due to stall, loco failure or any other such reason and the train cannot proceed
I. When loco is alive:
1. Apply A9 to Full Service and ensure train brakes are applied.
2. Apply SA9 and ensure BC gauge is showing 3.5 Kg/cm2 and loco brakes are applied.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. Apply parking brakes if available.

4. Apply SA9 to maximum in Trailing loco/ banker loco if provided.
5. Do not desert the locomotive.

II. When loco is not alive :

1. Apply A9 to Emergency and ensure train brakes are applied.
2. Contacting T Apply SA9 and ensure BC gauge is showing 3.5 Kg/cm2 and loco brakes are applied.
3. Apply parking brakes if available.
4. Apply hand brake also.
5. Apply SA9 to maximum in Trailing loco/ banker loco if provided.
6. Apply hand brake in Trailing loco/ banker loco if provided.
7. Keep the wooden wedges at wheels of loco against the falling gradient.
8. Do not leave the loco un-manned.
In addition to above instructions pertaining to protection and securing of trains as per GR 6.03 and 6.04
should also be followed by crew. These instructions should follow for coaching trains also.

Sensitivity of the brake system (Distributor valve) demands a minimum brake pipe pressure reduction
of 0.6 kg/cm2 in 6 seconds for brakes to apply. If a train is stalled or comes to a halt for any reason with
coach brake pipe fully charged, no brakes will apply even if brake pipe pressure reduces to ‘0’ due to
normal leakage in the system. Loco Pilot must therefore ensure that brakes are applied by a positive
act of placing A9 at full service / emergency, so as to avoid rolling down of the train on its own on

4.4 Contacting TLC for advice :

1. Stop the train at a station or near a telephone tap or at a flag station or at a manned level crossing
gate where telephone is available.
2. Find out the cause of failure or trouble and give information to TLC within 5 minutes. After asking
for relief or if train is detained for more than 15 minutes in mid section, protect the train as per GR
3. Act as per the instructions given by TLC.
4. Enter in the loco logbook, the location and time at which TLC is contacted.
Summer & Monsoon preparedness and general instructions to loco pilots on three phase electric locos
i. Feel the axle boxes temperature during stops.
ii. Check availability of fire extinguishers in locos.
iii. Check for any leakage of transformer oil from transformer, traction converter, MPH circuit and
other accessories.
iv. Check transformer oil and traction converter oil in guage glass between minimum and maximum
v. If one auxiliary converter is isolated, then as per TSD, switching OFF & ON electronics is
advised once for normalizing the working of auxiliary converter. Since the isolation of auxiliary
converter reduces the ventilation level, it is prudent that, in summers, switching OFF & ON of
electronics should be tried again later on during stops, to normalize the working of auxiliary

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

Besides above, following instructions are also to be followed by Loco Pilots while working on three
phase electric locos to curb the loco failures on line.
i. DJ should be immediately closed once again if it trips on run after reading and acknowledging the
fault/disturbance message on DDS.
a Should the DJ trip again on converter disturbance and no automatic bogie isolation is observed,
manual isolation of the culprit bogie be done in running condition without switching OFF/ON
electronics and loss of time.
ii. Slow creation of pressure could be because of leakage from Air drier. In such a scenario, the air
drier be isolated immediately.
iii. Pressure drop may also occur due to VCD getting activated due to being defective. Isolate the VCD
and look for reasons for malfunctioning at the next stop station to avoid further detention in the
block section. VCD isolation can be done using switch 237.1.
iv. In case Angle transmitter goes defective, immediately switch over to manual mode using switch
152 in running condition. There is no need to stop.
v. MCB 127.7 in SB2 needs to be checked first during Brake Electronics failure.
vi. Application/release of parking brakes can be through pneumatic panel, BPPB, release spindle at
the time of starting or engine on train.
vii. Regulated use of sander (PSA) instead of continuous use is recommended. Continuous use of
sander is not only ineffective but could also lead to MR drop.
viii. Timely attention to P2 battery message so that loco does not shut down with P1 message later on.
Tripping of battery charger MCB 100 invariably leads to P2 battery messages. Switching ON MCB
100 has to be done with DJ in OFF condition.
ix. Any fault message in DDS should not be acknowledged without reading and follow up as suggested.
Once acknowledged, the message gets lost.
x. Any such messages requiring train to stop, efforts should be made to clear the block section in
coasting and then attention to the message can be given.
xi. 3-phase MCB in HB-1/HB-2 in tripped condition can be put in ON once to restore an equipment.
Two different mechanisms to put ON tripped MCB are available for ABB and MG make MCB’s
which should be clearly understood. Restoring the MCB does not require switching OFF/ON of the
electronics system.
xii. P1 message have to be immediately acted upon & course of action is also available in DDS. P2
message need not be acted immediately except for battery voltage low/MCB 100 tripped. P1
message come with a red flashing of LSFI in addition to BPFA.
xiii. Configuration switch 160 restricts loco speed to 15 kmph & can be corrected without switching
electronics OFF/ON in much lesser time. However, the loco has to be dead stopped before operating
switch 160.

Fire prevention measures

1. Whenever the VCB trips while hauling a train with 3-phase electric locomotives, the LP & ALP
should immediately check/read the DDS message carefully on the display screen of computer in the
cab for the associated fault. In case the VCB has tripped through Primary Over Current Relay with
Priority 1 fault message, the Loco Pilot/Assistant Loco Pilot (LP/ALP) should immediately inspect
the Machine room carefully looking for any signs of fire/smoke, spread/spillage of oil especially
near converter/transformer area and extinguish the same by using portable fire extinguisher. Primary
Over Current Relay in 3-phase electric locomotives is just like QLM relay in conventional electric
locomotives and its operation should attract attention of the running staff in the same manner as for

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

QLM relay. In case of larger fire specially over traction converter and transformer area, the cocks
of 22.5 kg CO2 cylinder provided in the locker on ALP side should be operated in both the cabs,
keeping the Machine room door in closed condition.
2. If no signs of fire/smoke are observed, LP should close the VCB only once more. If the same trips
again with Over Current Relay, the control electronics will be automatically switched off and panto
lowered by software. The LP/ALP should not try to switch ÓN’ the control electronics or close
VCB again and they should immediately ask for assistance from TLC.
3. Any case of fire/smoke message from Fire Detention Unit (FDU) appearing on display screen
with/without tripping of VCB should not be ignored and crew should inspect the machine room
thoroughly and look for any signs of smoke/fire/overheating/spark from equipment/joints and take
further action accordingly.
4. It should be ensured that the LP & ALP running 3-phase electric locomotives are fully conversant
with the display message of fault available in the display screen of the computer. Refreshers
courses should be arranged for new LP/ALPs at shorter intervals initially and later on based on
this experience, this amy be increased. The importance of priority 1 and priority 2 faults and their
consequences should be explained to them.

Duties of Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots in 3-Phase locomotives:

1. Loco Preparation and Inspection

Before commissioning Journey, perform an inspection check of the locomotive and through the
machine room. In particular, check the following items:

In front Of Cab:
1. Ensure that loco is standing on the rail and under the OHE.
2. Ensure that both side MRE, BCE, BP, FP hoses are connected properly and their angle and additional
COCs are as per requirement. Also ensure that hoses are not hanging.
3. Ensure no damages to rail guard and cattle guard.
4. Ensure that CBC having no abnormalities and locking pin is available and provided with operating
5. Ensure that UIC connector sockets are covered.
6. Ensure that flasher light, marker lights, headlights are glowing properly and their glasses are clean.
7. Ensure that both look out glasses are clean and wipers are wiping properly.

Below Machine Room No. 1(Cab 1 To Cab 2)

1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand, sanders are working properly and sand pipes
are aligned correctly.
2. Ensure that additional angle COCs of MRE & BCE is opened.
3. Ensure that Air dryer unit is in service that (D-in open, D- out open & D-off closed).
4. Ensure that all suspension dampers; helical springs having no abnormalities like, crack etc.
5. Wheel set Guide rods are fitted properly and its bolts are tightened.
6. All brake rigging; brake block, brake shoe, sleeve rod, assembly hanger arrangement are OK.
7. Wheels are not skidded.
8. Return current bushes are connected properly.
9. Parking brakes cylinders are provided with manual releaser hook.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

10. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened and its safety slings are intact.
11. Oil level in MCP-1 is above min mark; also ensure that CP foundation bolts are tightened and
safety sling is slack.
12. Bogie brake -1 COC is in open condition.
13. Battery box cover is fixed properly.
14. Safety slings, bolts, fixing link, gear case assembly are intact for all Traction motors.
15. BP and FP additional COCs are in open condition.

Below Machine Room No. 2

1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand, sanders are working properly and sand pipes
are aligned correctly.
2. Ensure that additional angle COCs of MRE & BCE is opened.
3. Ensure the all suspension dampers, helical springs having no abnormalities like, crack etc.
4. wheel set Guide rods are fitted properly and its bolts are tightened.
5. All brake rigging; brake block, brake shoe, sleeve rod, assembly hanger arrangement are OK.
6. Wheels are no skidded.
7. Return current bush are connected properly.
8. Parking brakes cylinders are provided with manual releaser hook.
9. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened and its safety slings are intact.
10. Oil level in MCP-2 is above min mark; also ensure that CP foundation bolts are tightened and
safety sling is slack.
11. Bogie brake -2 COC is in open condition.
12. Battery box cover is fixed properly.
13. Safety slings, bolts, fixing link, gear case assembly are intact for all Traction motors.
14. BP and FP additional COC are in open condition.

In Cab
1. Cab and look out glasses are clean.
2. All switches are normal, ZBAN-OFF, ZTEL-OFF and BLCP-AUTO position.
3. Emergency exhaust Cocks are normal.
4. Water is filled up in windshield washer unit.
5. Spare hoses, wooden wedges are provided in side locker.
6. Fixed and handy both fire extinguisher are in good condition and filled with gas.
7. Ensure that emergency push button is released.

In Machine Room
1. Control and power Circuit breakers in cubicle SB-1 / SB-2, HB-1 / HB-2 are normal in (up) position.
2. Switches provided in SB-1 are in normal (vertical) position.
3. Oil level of Conv-1/2 , transformer-1/2 and MCPA are above min mark.
4. All fittings and connections are normal.
5. Outer cover of any power equipment is not opened.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Pneumatic Panel
1. Panto selector switch is in “auto” position.
2. COCs 70, 74,136 are in open condition and COC 47 is in close position.
3. COCs of panto 1, panto 2, VCB and sanders are in open condition.
4. Distributor valve is in service.
5. IG 38 Key is inserted and kept ‘ON’.
6. CPA drain Cock is in closed position if available.
7. Parking brake apply/release plungers are not in locked condition.

2. Energising of Loco:
1. Check the machine room and cubicle HB1/2,SB1/2 and pneumatic panel and ensure that all Circuit
breakers, rotating switches and cut out cock at Pneumatic Panel are at Normal position and ensure
that key ‘IG-38’ is inserted and kept ‘on’ in pneumatic panel. Also ensure that panto selector switch
is at auto position.
2. Switch ON compartment light, it ensures closing of main circuit breaker 112 of battery.
3. Put battery additional circuit breaker No.112.1 to ‘ON’ position in cubicle SB-2. Also ensure that
CHBA circuit breaker No. 110 (SB-2) is at ON position.
1. Go in operating cab.
2. Insert A-9 handles at ‘Neutral’ position and keep it in ’RUN’ position by lifting lock.
3. Insert ‘BL’ key at ‘OFF’ position and turn it to ‘D’ position
a. Light of screen (panel-C) and Memotel will get ON.
b. MCPA will start (if pressure is less).
c. UBA will indicate (it should be above 92v).
d. LSDJ will glow.
e. Cab will activate.
All above indications indicates that Control Electronics are ‘ON’.
4. The message “Loco is in configuration, please wait” will appear on the screen and self testing is
done for 10 seconds.
5. During testing, all pilot lamps will glow and extinguish, Bogies-1 & 2 meter needle will deviate
both in TE/BE mode and come to -0.
6. After completion of testing, Node No. FLG 504 will be displayed on the screen. Now press ‘ZPT’
in ‘UP’ mode for raising of pantograph and confirm the touching of panto with contact wire by
seeing physically and also U-meter will deviate and indicate the OHE voltage.
7. Node No. FLG 550 will display on the screen, now press BLDJ for closing VCB and check ‘LSDJ’
is extinguished.
8. Now DJ will close, loco will energise and all the auxiliary motors will start automatically.
9. Ensure that BLCP is at AUTO position.
10. Node No. FLG 570 will appear on the screen.
11. After building of MR pressure to 6.4 kg/cm2, set Reverser to F/R as per requirement. (FLG 590
will show on the screen.)

If the reverser is set without confirming the MR pressure above 6.4 kg/cm2, P 1 message will be there
on screen- indicating wrong operation.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

12. Conduct loco brake power test before moving.

Release the parking brakes, remove any woodges if any under the wheel Ensure BP pressure is 5 kg/

Ensure AFI is at Zero.

Set the screen in ‘Simulation Mode’.
1. Now operate throttle in TE direction.
2. TE /BE meter will deviate in TE side indicating that traction is available. No. “596” will appear on
the screen.
3. Check the loco brake power (should not move upto 150KN for WAG-9 and WAP-7 /100 KN for
4. Now Loco is ready to work.

Priority -1 message will appear on the screen if: -
1. If Reverser is put on position F or R when MR pressure is below 6.4 kg/cm2
2. If throttle is operated without releasing parking brakes.
3. If throttle is operated without recharging BP to 5 kg/cm2. Information message will appear on the
5. If throttle is operated

3.Operation Of BL Key
BL key is operated in the following modes:
Switching OFF control electronics : D - Off - C - Off
COOLING MODE : D - Off - C - Off - C

Driving Mode:
This mode is used to drive the loco. To achieve this mode Loco pilot has to:
1. Insert BL key in ‘OFF’ position.
2. Turn it clockwise from ‘OFF’ to ‘D’
3. By doing so, following indications will confirm the driving mode:
a. LSDJ will glow
b. UBA will show battery voltage.
c. Display screen will activate.
d. Memotel screen will activate.
e. Control electronics will ON.
f. Cab will activate.
g. MCPA start if less pressure.

Self Hold Mode:

1. Open DJ , lower the pantograph
2. Rotate ‘BL-key’ from ’D’ to ‘OFF’: Now control electronics will remain ‘ON’ for 10 minutes and

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

then CE will become ‘OFF’ automatically. This mode is used while changing the cab.
a. Screen will display with information message as “Self hold mode active. After 10mins MCE will
switch OFF”.

Switching Off - Control Electronics:

Loco pilot has to switch off control electronics in many cases like;
b. Making the loco dead.
c. During troubleshooting.
d. To bring back the isolated sub system into service.
e. Before resetting circuit breakers in SB-1/2 panel( except 310.1/1 head light ,310.7/1 marker lights
and 127.92 SPM)
f. Before operating 237.1 rotating switch in SB-1 panel.
g. Before going to cooling mode.

To switch off the control electronics do the following:

1. Stop the train and secure the formation.
2. Open the VCB and lower the pantograph.
3. Operate BL-key from ‘D’ to ‘Off’ (wait for 2 sec.)
4. Operate BL-key from ‘Off’ to ‘C’ and wait until display screen, Memotel SPM LEDs, LSDJ, and
UBA goes off.
5. It indicates that CE is ’OFF’ and now rotate BL key from ‘C’ to ‘OFF’.

Note :
1. CE gets automatically ‘off’ after 10 minutes if BL-key is rotated from ’D’ to‘OFF’ (as explained in
self hold mode)
2. C.E. will get ‘off’ automatically after 10 minutes in driving mode also, if panto is remained in
lowered position for more than 10 minutes.
3. If the key switch is moved from “D” to “Off” without opening VCB and lowering panto graph,
results in automatic shutdown of the loco ( VCB TRIP and PT lowers).

Cooling Mode:
Whenever temperature of control electronics is increases above 700C then lamp LSCE glows on Panel
‘A’ and throttle will not respond.
1. Ensure MACHINE ROOM MCBs are not in tripped condition.
2. Try to coast in to station or stop the train at suitable place and secure the formation.
3. Inform TLC/SCOR regarding cooling.
4. Open VCB and lower the pantograph.
5. Switch off CE as per procedure.
6. Again move ‘BL key’ from ‘Off’ to ‘C’ and ensure that UBA shows battery voltage and LSDJ
glows, Screen is Off - no node information and Memotel SPM LEDs will not glow (Note: CE is
7. Now raise the panto, close the VCB- LSDJ will extinguish and loco will energise in cooling mode.
8. Machine room blowers & their scavenging blowers will start automatically to cool the machine

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

9. Ensure working of machine room blowers.

10. When the machine room temperature goes below 70OC then LSCE will extinguish.
11. Now Open the VCB, lower the pantograph.
12. Put BL from ‘C’ to ‘Off’ and ‘off’ to ‘D’ and energise loco & resume traction.

1. If LSCE lamp does not extinguish after 15/20 mins, keep BL key in Driving Mode and try. If TE/
BE handle responds, ignore LSCE and work further.
2. During Cooling Mode observe UBA meter frequently. If battery voltage drops to 92V, stop cooling
mode and energise the loco in driving mode to charge the batteries (CHBA will not work in cooling
3. During cooling mode ,if VCB trips ensure no OCR action.
4. Operation Of Reverser :
Reverser has following 3 positions.
Position ‘F’ : Forward
Position ‘O’ : Neutral
Position ‘R’ : Reverse
Throttle and reverser are interlocked mechanically.

1. After creating MR pressure above 6.4 kg/cm2 and ensure node No. 570.
2. Move the reverser into desired position.
3. Release the parking brake if applied.
4. Put A9 to ‘RUN’ position & ensure BP 5 kg/cm2
5. Check AFI is not deviating.
6. Set the TE/BE throttle to desired position.
7. Put SA9 handle to ‘Release’ position.
8. In order to increase adhesion and to avoid wheel slipping use sanders.
9. Bogies 1 & 2 meters will show in TE side and loco starts moving.

1. Set the TE/BE throttle to - ‘0’ or move towards braking side as per requirement.
2. Move A9 from ‘RUN’ to ‘Initial Application’. If more brake force is required move the A9 handle
to desire position between ‘Initial Application’ and ‘Full Service’ & vice versa gradually.
3. Regenerative Braking is possible up to ‘0’ KMPH.
4. When train stops, apply SA9.
5. Maximum brake force is 260 KN in WAG-9/WAP-7 & 160 KN in WAP-5.

Train brakes can be applied with Regenerating brakes but Loco brake cannot be applied simultaneously
with Regenerating brakes.
5. Operation Of Throttle:
TE/BE Throttle

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

The TE/BE throttle controls traction and the electric braking effort of the locomotive with an angle
transmitter and auxiliary contacts.

The TE/BE throttle has the following three positions:

For Traction
Position 1/3 : 33% Tractive effort
Position 2/3 : 66% Tractive effort
Position TE max : 100% Tractive effort
Position “0” : no tractive / no braking effort

For Regenerative Braking effort

Position 1/3 : 33% braking effort
Position 2/3 : 66% braking effort
Position TE max : 100% braking effort

1. If TE doesn’t increase beyond 300 KN in WAG 9, then check ZTEL (Panel ‘A’), which should be
in ‘OFF’ position.
2. The % of tractive/braking effort is indicated in the two TE/BE meters on the panel A.

Failure Mode Operation

This mode allows the locomotive to operate even if the angle transmitter of the throttle is failed. In this
mode, driving and electrical braking are controlled by the auxiliary contacts on the throttle.

Driving in failure mode:

Driving in failure mode becomes necessary if the difference between auxiliary contacts and the
absolute value of the angle transmitter is greater than 25% of the full range because of a defective
master controller.

following steps are initiated with a time delay of 2 sec:

1. Traction is set to 0 by the MCE.
2. A priority 1-fault message (F1703P1/F1803P1) is displayed.
3. The Loco pilot must keep the TE/BE throttle into position “0”.
4. The Loco pilot must now move the rotary switch “152-Failure Mode Operation” in the (SB1) into
position ‘1’.
This deactivates the angle transmitter.
Position ‘0’ : Fine control throughout the range by angle transmitter.
Position ‘1’: Fine control in steps through auxiliary contacts.
5. The Loco pilot must acknowledge the fault message.
6. Now the TE/BE handle will respond in three position only ie., 33%, 66% and 100%.

6. Loco Brake Testing:

1. Apply loco brakes by SA-9.
2. Ensure that brake cylinders showing 3.5 kg / cm2.
3. Physically ensure the brake blocks are touching to the wheels and no person/loco is in front.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

4. Set the screen in simulation mode.

5. Release parking brakes, release A-9 and remove wooden wedges if any.
6. Ensure no person, points, signals in front of loco.
7. Whistle freely.
8. Operate reverser to forward.
9. Keep throttle in TE side and loco should not move up to 150 KN in WAG-9 & WAP-7 locos and
100 KN in WAP- 5 locos.
10. After conducting loco brake power test ensure TE/BE handle in neutral position.

7. Procedure of Cab Changing:

Single Unit
1. Stop the train/loco.
2. Apply direct brake and ensure loco BC gauge is showing 3.5kgs/cm2.
3. Build up maximum MR pressure (BLCP in ‘MAN’ position).
4. Open ‘VCB’ and ensure LSDJ is glowing.
5. Lower the pantograph. Physically ensure it and ‘U’ meter should show ‘0’.
6. Move automatic brake (A-9) handle to Emergency and ensure BP dropped.
7. Move automatic brake (A-9) handle to ‘Neutral’ position.
8. Remove the automatic brake (A-9) handle form ‘Neutral’ position.
9. Operate BL key from ‘D’ to ‘OFF’ and remove it.
a. CE will remain ON for 10mins.
b. Parking brakes will apply.
10. Release the direct brake handle.
11. Close the doors and window shutters.
12. Go to the other cab.
13. Apply direct brake.
14. Insert the automatic brake (A-9) handle and keep in ‘Run’ position.
15. Operate BL key from ‘OFF’ to ‘D’.
16. Raise pantograph and close VCB as per procedure.
17. Conduct loco brake power test.

After moving the key switch ‘BL’ to position ‘OFF’, the MCE remains active for 10 minutes. The cab
changing should be done during this time.

8. Banking Mode
When it is required to use loco as a banker i.e use of TE / BE without charging BP, at that time loco
should be operate in banking mode.

1. Build up MR pressure up to 10.0 Kg/cm2 and BP up to 5.0Kg/cm2.
2. Couple the banking loco to the formation (CBC).
3. Couple the BP Hose Pipes (Do not open BP Angle Cocks).

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4. Open the DJ of the loco being coupled as Banker.

5. Put Switch “ZBAN” to ON position.
6. Observe and ensure BP pressure drops to ZERO and message “LOCO IN BANKING OPERATION”
appears on DDS screen.
7. Put 70 Cock handle to vertical (close) position.
8. Now open BP angle cocks between banking loco and formation. Ensure BP builds up to 5.0Kg/cm2
in Banking Loco.
9. Close DJ in the Banking Loco and ensure that no message appears on the DDS screen.
10. With loco brakes applied check in simulation screen that TE demand is coming. Now the loco is fit
for Banking Operation.
9. Constant Speed Controller:
This system enables the train to maintain a constant speed automatically and can be activated at any
speed above
5 KMPH by pressing illuminated push button ‘BPCS’.
The control electronics and GTO controls the constant speed by giving tractive or braking effort to
the TM as per requirement irrespective of position of throttle (ATDC-Angle transmission Loco pilot
Controller) i.e. TE/BE .

CSC is activated only when

1. Speed is more than 5 KMPH.
2. Throttle in either TE or BE side ie. not in ‘0’ position.
3. Train Brake and loco Brake are not applied.
4. BPCS is pressed once, green lamp will glow.

The actions of CSC are cancelled in following conditions.

1. Pressing ‘BPCS’ while CSC is active, lamp will extinguish.
2. Moving of throttle by 3%.
3. Drop in ‘BP’ by 0.25 kg/cm2 and above.
4. BC pressure more that 0.6 kg/cm2.

Precautions For Using of CSC:

1. To minimize oscillation, the CSC should be set during a slow acceleration phase.
2. CSC will maintain the speed only up to max TE / BE. Speed may vary if required TE / BE is more
than loco capacity. The speed may vary +/- 10 kmph to preset value, depends up on the gradient.
3. If CSC is used in very frequent up / down graded region, the loco will trigger for TE to BE and
BE to TE very frequently with heavy amplitude, which is not good as far as driving technique is
4. In undulating area BPCS should not use.
5. Also in some areas where special driving technique is required, CSC may stall the train. So, in
such areas, instead of using CSC, Loco pilot should use his best driving technique by operation of
6. While nullifying CSC ensure that needle position of TE/BE meter and throttle are not just opposite.
If so, first bring the throttle as per needle.
7. While using CSC in yards, loop lines observe TE/BE meters for any abnormal fluctuations.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

10. Emergency Stop Push Button

One red coloured push button is provided on panel ‘A’ in such a place that Loco pilot as well as Asst.
Loco pilot can operate it. In normal condition it remains projected out. In case of an emergency if Loco
pilots/Asst. Loco pilot presses this button, button will go inside and remain pressed and following
actions initiated.
1. VCB will open.
2. TE/BE comes to ‘0’.
3. Pantograph will lower.
4. BP drops to 0 and Train/Loco brakes applied.
5. LSFI & BPFA glow with message (F1008P1).
6. “Emergency shutdown on the loco” appears on screen and train will stop with emergency brakes.

1. Bring TE/BE throttle to ‘0’.
2. Press “emergency stop push button” slightly and rotate it clockwise as per arrow indication on it,
the button will comes out from pressed condition.
3. Press BPFA and acknowledge the fault and node information will appear.
4. Energise the loco and work the train as per procedure.

11. Automatic Vigilance Control System:

VCD is meant for keeping the Loco crew alert. It is a safety device. A foot switch of VCD is provided
below Loco pilot’s desk in each cab and also push button ‘BPVG’ is provided on Loco pilots’ desk
panel ‘D’.
Loco pilot/Asst. Loco pilot is expected to activate VCD within every 60 seconds interval by anyone
of the following ways.
1. Press VCD “ Foot switch”.
2. Press BPVG.
3. Operate throttle in TE/BE with difference of more than 3%.
4. Operate ‘Sanders’.
If anyone of the above exercises is done, the Loco crew is considered alert and the 60 seconds cycle
get reset.
If none of the above activities are done once within 60 seconds, then buzzer will sound and ‘LSVW’
will glow for next 8 seconds ie., from 61 to 68 secs.
Within these 8 seconds VCD should be acknowledged. If not acknowledged, VCD will apply penalty
brakes ie., TE/BE will come to ‘0’ & BP pressure drops 2.5 to 3.0 kg/cm2 and P1 Message F1003P1
will be displayed on the screen.

VCD comes into service when the speed of train is more than 1.5 KMPH.

Dead Mans Mode:

If VCD ‘Foot switch’ or BPVG lies remain pressed for more than 60 seconds, then the system will go
automatically in “Dead Mans” mode, buzzer will sound & LSVW will glow. If not released within next
8 second, VCD penalty brakes will be applied.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Resetting Of VCD Penalty Brakes:

1. Bring throttle to ‘0’.
2. Apply auto brakes to Full Service to avoid MR pressure dropping and after stopping the train Apply
Direct brake
3. Wait for 160 seconds in WAG-9/WAP-7 and 120 seconds in WAP 5 loco.
4. Press “BPVR” to reset VCD, LSVW will extinguish and buzzer will stop.
5. Press and release VCD “Foot switch”.
6. Press ‘BPFA’ for acknowledging fault message.
7. Release auto brakes.
8. MR/BP pressure would come back to normal.
9. Resume normal traction.
10. Inform to TLC and write remarks in loco log book.

Isolation Of VCD:

If Loco pilot is acknowledging VCD correctly as per procedure, but till VCD penalty is applying,
it is assumed that VC is malfunctioning. In such cases stop the train, take safety measures. VCD
can be bypassed by keeping switch No
237.1 (SB 1) on ‘0’ position. Remark should be given in log book, TLC is to be informed & proceed

12. PASSING NEUTRAL SECTION (SU) Before approaching neutral section:

1. Ensure that MR pressure is between 8.0 to 10 kg/cm2.
2. Bring TE / BE throttle to ‘0” gradually before 250M board.
3. At DJ open board, open DJ by BLDJ, LSDJ will glow, Aux. sound will stop, but U meter will show
OHE supply.
4. At actual neutral section location, OHE meter will comes down to “0” and will shoot up when
neutral sectio over.
5. In PTFE type neutral section, at higher speed, needle will just fluctuate.
6. At DJ close board close VCB (DJ), and resume normal traction.

In case MU operation
1. The command from the master locomotive to switch the main circuit breaker “ON”, “OFF” also
controls the mai circuit breaker on the slave loco.
2. The VCB of the slave loco is switched on after a delay of 0.5 seconds following the switch on of
the master loco When switching off, there is no delay.
3. While passing neutral section follow the procedure mentioned for SU, but DJ should be closed after
passing on mast after DJ close board.


Loco should be grounded only while climbing loco roof to attend any trouble on loco body like removin
foreign body, securing damaged pantograph etc.

1. Stop the train at convenient place and secure the train.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

2. Open VCB and lower pantograph.

3. Rotate IG-38 in anti-clockwise direction and extract key.
4. Insert the key in empty socket of HOM box and rotate in clock wise direction.
5. Operate HOM handle by 180 degrees by taking it out from latch.
6. Rotate yellow KABA key in clock wise direction and extract the key and keep in personal custody.
7. Now attend the trouble.

14. Resetting of MCB:

Sometimes MCB trips momentarily without any equipment failure. Loco pilots should try to reset MCB
once. While resetting ABB make MCB, resetting screw below the respective circuit breaker turns to
horizontal position from initial vertical position. This screw should be turned to vertical position first
and then, MCB should be reset by lifting it’s handle.
For resetting MG make MCB, handle should be pulled first downward towards offside and then in
upward direction towards on to reset the MCB, otherwise the MCB will not hold.
For resetting Schneider red and green knobs MCBs, if MCB trips green knob will project out, for
resetting press green knob, then red knob will project out, indicated MCB reset.
If it is needed to trip any MCB, trip it with proper procedure i.e. by rotating screw or by pressing
tripper knob provided on MCB. Don’t trip any MCB directly and in VCB closed condition.

To reset MCBs in HB-1/HB-2 panel, VCB has to be tripped and in SB-1/SB-2 Panel (except 310.1/1
head light, 310.7/1 marker lights and 127.92 SPM), CE has to be switched OFF.

15. Pantograph:
Two pantographs are provided on either end of loco. Design of pantograph is same as other AC locos.
For raising and lowering of pantograph one switch ‘ZPT’ is provided on panel ‘A’ having 2 positions,
UP and DOWN.
When we press switch down ward (i.e position UP) and release - panto will raise. When we press
switch upward (i.e position DOWN) and release - panto will lower. Note: The rear panto will rise

Selection Of Panto:-
Panto selector switch is provided on Pneumatic Panel in machine Room-1

Auto : Normal position (only rear panto will raise)
I : Panto of Cab 1 will raise (2 will isolate electrically)
II : Panto of Cab 2 will raise (1 will isolate electrically)
For isolation of both pantos pneumatically, two COCS are provided on Pneumatic Panel PAN-1 &
PAN-2. Normally these COC should be opened (Horizontal). For isolating particular panto keep that
COC on closed position ( i.e Vertical)
One circuit breaker (127.12 Circuit breaker Pantograph, VCB Control) is provided for panto circuit in
SB-1 cubicle. Key IG-38 is provided on pneumatic panel to control the air pressure to Pantographs. For
air passage to pantographs this key should be kept ON.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

16. Auxiliary Compressor (MCPA) :

The auxiliary compressor is used to raise the pantograph. While the control circuit is switched ‘ON,
the auxiliary compressor controlled by Pn switch start automatically (independent of MCE) till the
pressure reaches to 6 kg/cm2 (MCPA will work in DRIVING and COOLING mode. (works between
5.2 kg/cm2 to 6 kg/cm2)
Auxiliary compressor has one drain COC on pneumatic panel. Normally this COC should be horizontal
to pipe line (i.e. closed).

17. Main Reservoir:

For storage of compressed air pressure MRs are provided on this loco. In WAP-7 & WAG-9 loco, two
MRs and one AR is provided in machine Room in vertical manner. Capacity of MR is 450 liters. Drain
COC is provided below each MR, which can be operated from machine room. In WAP-5 MRs are
located in under truck and each MR having capacity of 240 liters.
In dead loco AR is charged by BP pressure of Live loco provided that COC 47 should be in open
condition. This AR pressure is utilized for conjunction loco braking and Parking brakes.

18. Sanding:
Sanding is done automatically on leading wheels when
1. PSA is pressed.
2. Anti spin device activated.
Note: Don’t press PSA continuously, but press and release it. Continuous sanding is not possible, If
PSA is pressed continuously for 1 minute, then dead man’s penalty brakes will apply. 10-12 sec pause
is required between two operations of PSA.

19. Active functions with deactivated Loco pilot’s cab:

While the cab deactivated, the following functions remain operative.
1. MEMOTEL functions
2. Emergency brake Cock on assistant Loco pilot’s side
3. Cab and desk lighting
4. Windshield wipers
5. Fault display screen
6. Marker lights switches
7. Cab venting and heating
8. Crew fans
9. Hand lamp socket.
10. U- meter.
11. Gauges.

For making engine on train, INCHING MODE feature is newly provided in the three phase loco. By
this, loco will move at a speed of 0.5 to 1.5 kmph.
edure for using inching mode:
1. Keep Throttle in ‘0’

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

2. Keep Automatic train brake, parking brake in release and Direct brake in applied position.
3. Press menu, opt for “3. Process information”
4. Opt for “3. Motor temp. / Software / Inching”
5. Opt for “Inching mode” The following message will appear on the screen
6. Now use curser up and curser down keys to modify the set speed. (Min: 0.5 kmph & Max: 1.5
7. Now release Direct brake, keep MPJ forward and close ZTEL. Loco will start moving with set
8. To stop the train open ZTEL and apply direct brake.

i. Throttle need not be operated for inching mode.
ii. After attaching the loco if ZTEL is not opened, train will work only with 1.5 kmph.
iii. While moving the loco with 1.5 kmph, if ZTEL is opened due to any reason, set speed will come
back to preset ie., 0.8 kmph.
iv. VCD need not acknowledge during inching mode.


Protective measures by control electronics:
Initiation of protective measure in dangerous situation are controlled by Control Electronics. MCE
monitors a range of values such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure and other signals.
Catenary voltage out of range:
When catenary voltage drops down below 17.5 KV and raise above 30.5 KV ,VCB will open
Temperature protection: When temp of Transformer exceeds beyond 840 C, for more than 10 sec, VCB
will trip.

22. Primary Over Current Protection (QLM): Reason for over current.
1. Disturbance in measurement of primary current.
2. Fault in converter.
3. Short circuit in transformer winding
4. Insufficient cooling of transformer oil due to pump/blower failed.
If OCR-78 relay is acted, before resetting the target, inspect the machine room for any oil spillage.
Check the oil level in both the expansion tanks of transformer in machine room located near Oil
Cooling Unit and the expansion tanks of both the converters. It should be in between the Max. &
Min. marks. If there is any abnormality like splashing of oil inside the machine room or from the
transformer/converter, sign of overheating/sparking of connection, don’t reset the relay target and ask
for relief loco. If there is no any abnormality, then the target can be reset once.
If OCR-78 relay is acted for second time, with or without any abnormality, don’t reset the target and
ask for relief loco. ( In modified locos CE off automatically).

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

If VCB trips during ‘C’ mode then check oil level of transformer and converter and check relay-78. If
anything is abnormal, fail the loco.

23. Train Parting:

Airflow measuring valve is provided in loco. Whenever train gets parted, or air flow increases and
AFMV gets activated, resulting in glowing of LSAF and sounding of buzzer. Also message of ALARM
CHAIN PULLING will appear on screen.
As due to uncoupling / parting, the BP pressure start expelling at very fast rate, resulting in sudden
drop in MR pressure which leads to Priority -1 message on screen “Low Pressure Main reservoir”
So, after parting/uncoupling, the Loco pilot will get message of low MR pressure.
So, whenever AFI shoot up with sudden drop in BP pressure, your first duty is to act as in case load
parting / accident (like switching ON of flasher light, protection of adjacent track, Securing of load /
loco, etc.), After asserting that trailing load is OK, then think about the loco / message.

24. Fire Alarm:

In loco fire detention unit is provided in SB2. There are two smoke detectors provided to detect the
smoke in FDU.

When one detector detects the smoke –

1. Buzzer will sound
2. Priority-2 message will appear on screen.

When both detectors detect the smoke –

1. Priority-1 message will appear on the screen - Inspect Machine room
2. Throttle T/E, B/E becomes ‘0’
3. Buzzer will sound.
Do the necessary arrangement to extinguish the fire by using suitable fire extinguisher provided in
Cab1/2 and Machine Room 1/2 (Total 4 Nos.)

Action to be taken by Loco pilot

1. Trip DJ, lower Panto, stop and secure the train, switch off battery, Inspect the Machine room and
take necessary action. In case of fire on loco, use big fire extinguisher provided in the rack behind
asst. Loco pilot in cab. To operate this fire extinguisher, open the cut out COC after releasing lock
and release the gas by rotating adjusting knob, gas will expel and extinguish the fire at appropriate
places in machine room behind it. In addition to this two numbers of portable fire extinguishers are
provided on the loco which should be used accordingly as per requirement.
2. To reset the FDU, press the white knob provided on it. To acknowledge the fault press BPFA.
Resume normal traction.

In case of defect in FDU, P-2 fault message will appear on the screen. After inspecting the machine
room, reset the white knob on the FDU. Acknowledge the fault and keep watch on machine room.

25. Alarm Chain Pulling:

When airflow increases without initiation of Loco pilot or CE i.e. in case of ACP/Guards brake applied/
leakage in train etc. Following indications appear.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

1. Air Flow Indicator needle will deviate.

2. LSAF will glow.
3. Buzzer will sound.
4. BPFA will illuminate with P-2 message.
5. Auto flasher will start.

26. ACP Indication:

1. Reset the ACP or arrest the leakage.
2. Buzzer will sound continuously until the leakage/ACP is arrested. To stop sounding, press BPFA.
If ACP/leakage is not arrested buzzer will start again.
3. When ACP leakages are reset, all indications will disappear, but for BPFA indication press it once.
27. Multiple Unit Operation Pantograph
In multiple operation, both the most distant pantographs are raised if “pantograph selector switch” in
both the locomotives are in position “AUTO”. The train bus connections define the free end of each
locomotive. The command from the master locomotive to raise/lower the pantographs also controls the
pantographs on the slave locomotive.

If it is required to work with rear pantos of both the locos (as conventional locos), panto selector switch
of the master loco to be changed as per cab leading.

Main circuit breaker

The command from the master locomotive to switch the main circuit breaker “ON/OFF” also control
the main circuit breaker on the slave locomotive. The VCB on the slave locomotives is switched on
after a delay of 0.5 seconds following the switch on of the VCB on the master locomotive. When
switching off, there is no delay.

Note :
If the VCB on the slave locomotive cannot be closed due to a fault, an appropriate fault message
appears on the master loco screen.

Constant Speed Control (CSC)

During multiple operation, the constant speed control of the slave locomotive is inactive. The train bus
transmits the selected tractive/braking effort from the master locomotive to the slave locomotive. The
master loco performs speed controlling function, demanding TE/BE on master and slave loco.

Compressor control
The compressors are able to operate in three different operating modes.
These modes can be selected with the spring-loaded switch “BLCP”, (Panel A).

Emergency Brake:
An emergency brake on the slave locomotive can only be initiated in the following manner:
1. By actuating the brake handle of the automatic train brake to “Emergency” position.
2. By actuating the emergency brake Cock on the assistant Loco pilot’s side. If the pressure switch
269.1 on the master or slave locomotive registers actuation of the emergency brake, the ensuing
command for emergency braking applies to both locomotives.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. The master for all other emergency braking commands is the master for all other emergency braking
commands is the master locomotive in the double (multiple unit) Other Brake functions

1. Both locomotive must be deactivated. The BL key switch must be in position “0”.
2. Couple both locomotives mechanically, pneumatically and connect the UIC cable.
3. Close the isolating Cock on the brake supply line of the slave locomotive.
4. Move the key switch on the slave locomotive into position “D” and, as soon as the light test starts,
turn back to position “0”. The MCE on the slave locomotive is now in self-hold mode.
5. During the self-hold mode of the slave locomotive, move key switch into Pos. “D” on the master

The control electronics starts to configure the train bus.

6. After the configuration procedure, screen on the display shows the serial numbers of the master and
slave locomotives.

Example :
Train configuration Loco 31001
Loco 31002

Note :
1. If configuration proves impossible, (or if no locomotive is available) locomotive number 00000

Starting position:
Master and slave locomotives are available and both are ready.
1. Shut down both locomotives in accordance with regulations (VCB switched off, pantograph
2. Remove the UIC cable and disconnect the locomotives pneumatically and mechanically.
3. Both the locomotives are now ready for setting up as a single locomotive.

If for any reason the train bus link is interrupted, or if both locomotives are set up or in motion, the
system protection initiates a monitored shut down of the slave locomotive.

The pantograph of the slave locomotive is lowered and a corresponding fault message appears on the
screen of the master locomotive.

Sanding on both locos can be initiated by the Loco pilot by pressing the sanding foot switch on the
master loco.

Fire alarm:
A fire detection on the slave locomotive initiates an audio signal on the master locomotive.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

In addition, the VCB on the slave locomotive is switched off and a priority 1 fault message appears on
the displays of both locomotives.

Trailing mode
Trailing mode means that on the master locomotive in a multiple unit no tractive effort is available, if
both bogies are electrically isolated. The Loco pilot’s cab of the master locomotive still controls the
slave locomotive.

The status of the master locomotive is as follows :

1. VCB switched off.
2. Pantograph is lowered.
3. Train bus is working correctly.
4. Pneumatic brake system is working correctly.
5. Brakes are controlled from the master locomotive.
6. The TE/BE meters show the values for the slave locomotive.
7. Battery charger of master loco will not work.
Note: All equipment’s on the master locomotive are supplied by the battery and are functional for a
maximum of 5 hours, if battery is fully charged.

COC’s Position in Pneumatic panel

COC 74 70 136 47
LIVE -SU Open Horizontal Open Horizontal Open Close Horizontal
DEAD (Towed) Close Vertical Close Vertical Close Open Vertical
As Banker Open Horizontal Close Vertical Close Close Horizontal
MU leading loco Open Horizontal Open Horizontal Open Close Horizontal
MU trailing loco Open Horizontal Open Horizontal Close Close Horizontal
MU trail dead Close Horizontal Close Horizontal Close Close Horizontal

28. Computerized control brake (CCB) system (Knorr make) in 3-phase locomotive
In some WAG 9 locos KNORR type brake system is provided which is different from conventional
brake system of wag 9 locos. In conventional loco, loco get failed in case of brake electronics failure.
But in this loco, block section can be cleared by 10 kmph in case of failure of brake electronics.

Changes in Auto brakes & Direct Brakes:

In case of conventional system, automatic train brake and direct brake handles has to be operated from
left to right, but in this system handle has to be operated forward and backward like throttle. both
valves are provided on left side of loco pilot on control stand.

A. Direct Brake:
It has two positions: Apply and Release. One spring loaded clip called “bail ring” is provided below the
handle. If this ring is pressed and released, synchronized brakes get released very fast whereas brakes
get released gradually if PVEF is pressed.

B. Auto brake:
Automatic train brake handle can be locked or unlocked in FS (full service) position by a key provided
in each cab. Non driving cab auto train brake handle to be is kept on FS locked condition where as in

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

working cab to be kept in RUN position. While clearing loco as dead both cab handles are to be kept
on FS locked condition. This handle has following 5 positions.
1. REL (Release):
In this position BP pressure is over charged to 5.5 kg/cm2 and drop down automatically after some
time with restricted flow to 5.0 kg/cm2. This position is used for quick charging of BP.
2. RUN:
This is the normal position on which BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2. At the time of recharging, BP is
overcharged by 0.2 kg/cm2 at this position for short time.
3. Minimum Reduction: BP pressure remains 4.5 kg/cm2.
4. FS (Full Service): BP pressure drops to 3.0 kg/cm2. The handle can be locked or unlocked in this
5. Emergency: BP drops to 0 kg/cm2 on this position.

C. Mode switch:
One rotating switch called mode switch is provided in each cab below direct brake valve. This spring
loaded switch can be operated by pressing downward. This switch has following 4 positions.
1. HLPR(HELP): While using loco as banker, this switch should be kept at HLPR position on this
mode in addition to ZBAN at ON.
2. TRL (TRAIL): In non working cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on TRL position.
3. LEAD: In working cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on LEAD position and then BP will
be charged 5.0 kg/cm2.
4. TEST: In this position BP leakage test is done. When this switch is kept on TEST position, Loco
brakes get applied. This switch should be kept on lead position immediately after testing.

D. PTDC (Pneumatic Time Dependent Control):

In this loco automatic train brake and direct brakes are governed by Brake Electronics. In case of
failure of brake electronics train can be worked by maximum of 10 kmph by PTDC. This is provided
in each cab near brake handles and has 2 positions: release and apply. PTDC is having one coc, which
should be in open condition always.


BC 1 & BC 2 COCs are not provided in under truck. These COCs are black in color and provided at
the bottom of brake manifold in machine room. Normally these COC should be vertical (open).

Changes in pneumatic panel:

Pneumatic panel is divided into two parts.
a. Air Brake Manifold.
b. Auxiliary manifold.

1. Parts in Air Brake Manifold:

a. PB-BUS (Parking Brake Back Up Switch): This is a black colored switch. Normally this switch
should be in horizontal condition. But in case of PTDC mode or clearing loco as dead, this switch
should be kept closed (Vertical) to release the parking brakes.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

b. PER-COS (Pneumatic Equalizing Reservoir Cut Off Switch): This is a black colored switch.
Normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. But in case of PTDC mode, this switch
should be kept vertical.
c. PBR-COS (Parking Brake Reservoir Cut Off Switch): This is a black colored switch. Normally this
switch should be in horizontal condition. Maintenance staff uses this switch.
d. PB-PDS (Parking Brake Pneumatic Disable switch): This is a black colored switch. Normally this
switch should be in horizontal condition. In case of parking brakes malfunctioning maintenance
staff uses this switch and to be kept vertical along with PBR-COS.
e. SIFA-74 (Vigilance exhaust COC): This is yellow colored COC. Normally this COC should be
kept down ward but while clearing loco as dead this COC should be kept upward.
f. BC- & BC-2 COCs: These are bogie isolating COCs.
g. DV: Distributor valve

2. Auxiliary Manifold:
Following COCs are provided on this manifold.
a. WFL: Pressure switch for wheel flange lubrication.
b. TC1&TC2: Pressure switch for traction converter 1&2
c. KABA KEY: Loco grounding key.
d. FC: Harmonic filter contactor pressure switch.
e. PAN 1 & 2: Pressure switch for Panto 1 & Panto 2.
f. VCB: Pressure switch for VCB.
g. VESA 1 & 2: Pressure switches for sanders (Vertical).
h. 136: Pressure COC for Feed Pipe.
i. 47: Cock for dead loco (Normally closed- parallel to the pipe)
j. Panto selector switch: for selection of Panto


1. Keep Automatic train brake handle in FS and lock it and remove the key out side,.
2. Keep the Direct brake handle in release.
3. Keep MODE switch in trail position.
4. Open the VCB, lower the panto and move BL key from ‘D’ to ‘OFF’. Remove the BL key and go
in other cab.
5. In other cab, Unlock Automatic train brake handle and keep it on RUN position. Operate Mode
switch from TRAIL to LEAD.
6. Energise the loco as per the procedure.
7. To charge BP, release parking brake and ensure charging of BP pressure.

Loco should be energized as conventional 3 phase loco, but ensure following:
1. Automatic train brake handle of working cab should be at RUN and non-working cab should be at
FS in locked condition.
2. Mode switch should be kept at LEAD in working cab and at TRAIL in non-working cab.
3. Energise the loco as per normal position.
4. For charging BP move Automatic train brake handle to FS for 10 seconds and then keep it to RUN
position. BP will be charged by 3.0 kg/cm2.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5. Ensure that parking brakes are released.

6. Keep Automatic train brake handle from RUN to FS. Wait for 10 seconds, then again keep it to
RUN and ensure that BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2 and BC is ‘0’ kg/cm2.
7. Every time after recharging, BP will overcharge to 5.5 kg/cm2 at RUN position and then after some
time become normal to 5.0 kg/cm2.
8. For overcharging BP to 5.4 kg/cm2, keep Automatic train brake handle to REL position, if necessary.
9. For releasing synchronised loco brakes use Ball Ring for quick release or use PVEF for normal

Whenever parking brakes are applied by CE or manually, every time penalty auto brakes will be
applied along with parking brakes in which BP will drop to 3 kg/cm2 and loco brakes up to 2.5 kg/cm2
with Priority -1 message on screen.
For recharging BP pressure, first release parking brakes and keep Automatic train brake handle to FS
position for 10 seconds, again keep it in RUN position and ensure that BP is recharged to 5.0 kg/cm2.
Acknowledge the fault and work further.
For applying parking brake manually, rotate switch PB-BUS from horizontal to vertical and for
releasing vertical to horizontal.


In this loco BP pressure is dropped by 3.0 kg/cm2 (in gauge 2.0 kg/cm2) on application of vigilance
parking brakes. Do the following for resetting vigilance penalty brakes:
1. Keep throttle in ‘0’
2. Wait for at least 2-3 minutes.
3. Keep Automatic train brake handle to FS, press BPVR for acknowledging fault message.
4. Keep Automatic train brake handle at RUN and ensure that BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2 and loco
brakes are released.
5. Acknowledge the fault by BPFA and proceed further after ensuring pressure.


Emergency penalty brakes applied when, emergency push button is pressed or due to over speeding
or due to emergency application by / ALP Emergency valve, in which BP pressure drops to ‘0’. For
releasing this penalty brake, keep Automatic train brake to Emergency (EMER) for 10 seconds and
again keep to RUN position, BP will charge to 5.0 kg/cm2 then acknowledge the fault message and
work further.


Service penalty brakes apply automatically in following condition in which, BP is dropped to 3.0 kg/cm2.
1. If BC 1 & BC 2 are isolated in locos ‘LEAD’ mode.
2. If any one COC of PB-PDS, PB-BUS, PB-R-COS is isolated and BPPB is pressed then also penalty
brakes will apply.
3. To release service penalty brakes, normalize the above switches, keep Automatic train brake handle
to FS for 10 seconds then again keep to RUN position and ensure BP to charge at 5.0 kg/cm2.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives


1. Bring throttle to ‘0’
2. Open the DJ, Lower the panto and switch OFF CE.
3. Trip the MCB 127.7 (SB 2) and ensure that MCB 127.15 (SB 2) is in ON position.
4. On Pneumatic panel, Close PB-BUS COC & PER-COS from horizontal to vertical position.
5. Keep automatic train brake handle of working cab on RUN.
6. Switch ON CE, raise Panto and close VCB as per procedure
7. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA
8. Keep PTDC on release position and ensure that BP is 5.0 kg/cm2 and BC is ‘0’ kg/cm2.
9. If BC pressure does not come to ‘0’ then release by distributor valve.
10. To apply / release auto brakes keep PTDC handle to apply or release as per requirement and clear
the block section by 10 KMPH.


1. Keep the throttle at ‘0’, Open VCB, lower the panto, and remove BL key by switching OFF of CE.
2. Keep the Automatic train brake handle of both cab in FS and remove the key after locking it.
3. Keep both Direct brake handle at release and keep MODE switch at TRAIL.
4. Open 47 COC (perpendicular to the pipe) and close 136 COC (FP) provided on auxiliary manifold.
5. Keep PAN 1 & 2 COCs (Auxiliary manifold) on vertical position.
6. Close 74 SIFA COC (Vigilance) provided on pneumatic manifold by keeping upward.
7. Switch OFF MCB 112.1 (in SB 2). Drain out MR & AR.
8. Couple the energised loco with dead loco and couple BP/FP pipes and open their angle Cocks.
9. BC pressure should be ‘0’ and if not then release the distributor valve.
10. For application and releasing of parking brakes in dead locomotive rotate PB-BUS (air brake
manifold) from horizontal to vertical. Ensure 5 kg/cm2 pressure in parking brake gauge.

No. 70 COC of BP and Solenoid valve No. 30 are not provided in this loco.
Before clearing loco as dead ensure that parking brakes are released fully and parking brake gauge is
showing 5 kg/cm2. Also ensure the same on run.


In 3-phase Locos, some of locos 31393 onwards provided with KNORR CCB-2 brake system, with
minor modifications in equipment and working system with existing KNORR brake system.
1. Auto brake (A-9): Automatic train brake handle can be locked or unlocked in FS (full service)
position by a locking spindle provided in both cabs and coupled with a chain. Non driving cab auto
train brake handle is to be kept in FS and locked condition where as in working cab to be kept in run
position. While clearing loco as dead both cab handles are to be kept on FS and locked condition.
This handle has following 5 positions.
2. REL (Release):In this position BP pressure is over charged to 5.5 kg/cm2 for pre-set time, for quick
charging of BP.
3. RUN: This is the normal position on which BP is charged to 5.0 kg/cm2. In this position BP is
overcharged by 0.2 kg/cm2 for pre-set time.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

4. Minimum Reduction: BP pressure drops to 4.5 kg/cm2.

5. FS (Full Service): BP pressure drops to 3.0 kg/cm2. The handle can be locked or unlocked in this
6. Emergency: BP drops to 0 kg/cm2 on this position.


It has two positions, Apply and Release. One spring loaded clip called “bail ring” is provided below
the handle for quick release of proportional brake in loco, either can be performed by lifting bail-ring
provided on direct brake/SA9 handle or by pressing PVEF foot pedal switch.
Mode switch: One rotating switch called Mode switch is provided in each cab below direct brake
valve. This spring loaded switch can be operated by pressing downward. This switch has following 4
1. HLPR: While using loco as banker, this switch should be kept at Help position on this mode in
addition to ZBAN at ON.
2. TRL (TRAIL): In non-working cab (SU/MU), this switch should be kept on TRL position.
3. LEAD: In working cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on LEAD position then only BP will
4. TEST: In this position BP leakage / brake continuity tests to be conducted. When this switch is kept
on TEST position, Loco brakes also get applied.
LCD DISPLAY : It will show messages like
1. “Okay to Run” : Auto handle to RUN from FS position, BP will charge to 5 kg/cm2 and BC will
reduce to zero.
2. “Safety Penalty – Keep Handle in FS” :To recover this penalty brake, move Auto/A9 handle to FS
and then back to run.
3. “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER” :To recover Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle
should be moved to Emergency and then back to FS and then to RUN.

PTDC Switch :
It is having 3 positions (STABLED POSITIONS) Used when train clearing in PTDC mode, when
brake electrons failed.
1. Apply
2. Neutral
3. Release


1. Solenoid for parking brake: with application spindle (left side) and Release spindle (right side) in
red colour for application & releasing of parking brakes.
2. COC NO 74: working position open (vertical) , while moving dead loco Close (horizontal).
3. C3W/DV handle: Normal position vertical, Isolation Position horizontal.
4. GOODS/PASSEGER MODE switch: As per the train working (goods/chg) in addition the
passenger/ goods handle position.
5. Panto selector switch: with 3 positions AUTO, I, II positions. Auto : Rear panto will raise.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

I position : Pant I will raise. II position : Panto II will raise.

6. COC-136 (Feed pipe cock): Normal position open (horizontal), while moving dead loco close
7. COC- 47 : Normal position close, in dead loco open.
8. PER-COC: Normal position horizontal, while moving loco in PTDC mode vertical.
9. 20TP & 16 TP POINTS: If loco brakes not release, remove the safety caps, press and release test
10. SANDER 1&2 COCs: Normal position working (vertical), sanders to be isolated keep in horizontal
11. UNLOADER-COC: Normal position open ( horizontal ) , in case of air leaking from auto drain
valve or un-loader valves, we can close this COC (to vertical).
12. VCB COC: Normal position open (horizontal) for closing of VCB , for VCB isolation close (
13. IG-38 key: Normal position open (vertical) for raising of pantos, for grounding keep it in horizontal.
14. PAN-1 COC: Normal position open (horizontal), in case of panto-1 isolation close this cock
15. PAN-2 COC: Normal position open (horizontal), in case of panto-2 isolation close this cock
16. SR-1, SR-2 COCs: Normal position open, for closing electro pneumatic contactor of SR-1 & SR-2
(in GTO locos). For IGBT locos close (for IGBT locos electromagnetic contactors are used for
SR-1 & SR-2).
17. Harmonic filter contact cock: Normal position open, for closing electro pneumatic contactor of
harmonic filter.

UTO/A9 Operation:
To charge the BP, energize the Loco as normal 3 phase loco, Keep Auto/A9 handle in FS, wait to see
the massage on LCD display of Controller as “Okay to Run”. Move the Auto handle to RUN from FS
position, BP will charge to 5 kg/cm2 and BC will reduce to zero.
To overcharge the BP to 5.50 Kg/cm2, Keep Auto/A9 handle in REL (Release) position for 3 seconds.
Once BP starts overcharging, leave Auto/A9 handle. BP will charge to 5.50 +/- 0.1 Kg/cm2.
Quick release of proportional brake in loco either can be performed by lifting Bail-ring provided on
Direct Brake/SA9 handle or by pressing PVEF Foot Switch.


In currently operating cab: Apply SA-9, Put A9 Handle in Full Service position & Lock it using Locking
Pin ( fixed), Change the position of Mode selection switch from LEAD to TRAIL & Switch the BL
Key to Self-Hold Mode as usually done with E-70 Brake system , release SA-9 handle.
Go to another cab: Apply SA-9, Change the position of Mode selection switch from TRAIL to LEAD,
Switch ON Loco Electronics &Un-lock the A9 Handle, Bring A9 Handle from FULL Service position to
RUN position after LCD display OK- TO RUN, Résumé traction after conducting loco brake power test.

Recovery of penalty service brake:

Penalty service brake would result into dropping of BP to 3 Kg/cm2& crew message will appear as
“Safety Penalty

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

– Keep Handle in FS”. To recover this penalty brake, move Auto/A9 handle to FS and then back to
RUN (Follow message on LCD of Brake Controller). BP would charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.

Recovery of penalty emergency brake:

Emergency penalty brake can also get applied by over speed relay or Emergency stop button and
also at the time of connection of Load with Locomotive & crew message will appear as “Train-line
Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER”. To recover Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be
moved to EMER and then back to FS and then to RUN. (Follow crew message on Display of Brake
Controller).Then BP will charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.

Recovery of vigilance penalty brake:

Vigilance penalty would result into dropping BP to ‘0’ kg/cm2 and application of full BC pressure &
crew massage will appear as “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER”.
To recover vigilance penalty, bring throttle handle (TE/BE) to ‘0’, wait for 32 seconds. After that,
move Auto/A9 handle to EMER and press BPVR on driver’s desk. To charge “BP” move Auto/A9
handle to RUN. BP will charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA. Resume
normal operation.

Parking brakes :
1. Parking brakes can apply in three ways by BPPB, solenoid valve left spindle (red colour) and by
moving BL key D to OFF.
2. Parking brakes can release in three ways by BPPB, solenoid valve right spindle (red colour) and by
manual releasing.

PTDC (Pneumatic Time Dependent Controller) set up &operation :

This feature has been provided in case of brake electrons failure (CCB System), by keeping brake
system in this mode, locomotive / train can move at a restricted speed of Max. 10 Kmph to clear the
block section.

Procedure of clearing block section by using PTDC:

1. Bring throttle to ‘0’
2. Open the VCB, Lower the panto and switch off CE.
3. Trip the MCB 127.7 (SB 2) and ensure that MCB 127.15 (SB 2) is in ON position.
4. On Pneumatic panel, keep PER-COS (Pneumatic Equalizing Reservoir Cut out Switch) in active
position from horizontal to vertical position.
5. Keep automatic train brake handle of working cab on RUN, non-working cab FS and locked with
6. Switch ON CE, raise Panto and close VCB as per procedure Acknowledge the fault by pressing
BPFA (the message of “Brake electronics failed” will not come).
7. Keep PTDC on release position and ensure that BP is 5.0 kg/cm2 and BC is ‘0’ kg/cm2.
8. If BC is not reducing to zero then give brief pulls to quick release lever provided at bottom of
distributor valve. Ensure BC reduces to zero. (Note: If Loco Brake remains applied, press 20TP/16TP
(Test Point nipple) of 20CP & 16CP on Pneumatic Panel to Release BC to Zero.
9. Release parking brake BPPB, take traction.
10. To apply / release auto brakes keep PTDC handle to apply or release as per requirement for sufficient
time by observing the BP pressure gauge and clear the block section by 10 KMPH.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

While working in PTDC mode ensure rear cab PTDC handle is in neutral position for proper BP

Dead locomotive operation:

1. Keep the throttle at ‘0’, Open VCB, lower the panto, and remove BL key by switching OFF of CE.
2. Keep the Automatic train brake handle of both cabs in FS, Insert Pin to lock the A-9 Handles.
3. Keep both Direct brakes handle at release and keep both cabs MODE switches in TRAIL.
4. Close 74(SIFA cock) on Auxiliary panel (keep in horizontal to close).
5. Keep 47 COC in Dead loco position by rotating in anti-clock wise and close 136 COC (FP) to
vertical position.
6. Keep PAN 1 & 2 COCs on vertical position.
7. Switch OFF MCBs 112.1, 110 & 310.4 (in SB 2).
8. Couple the energised loco with dead loco and couple BP/FP pipes and open their angle Cocks, after
charging of BP pressure to normal level, ensure Brakes are fully released and BC pressure is zero
in the gauge. If BC is not reducing to zero then give brief pulls to quick release lever at bottom of
distributor valve. Ensure BC reduces to zero. (Note: If loco Brake remains applied, press 20 TP
(Test point) of 20 CP on Pneumatic Panel to Release BC to Zero.
9. Ensure parking brake released condition, (apply parking brake by application spindle, it will
latch automatically and Release Parking Brake by Pulling Manual Release Pins of Parking Brake
10. After moving, stop the train at a distance of 500 mtrs, ensure no brake binding.
11. At stopping, ensure there is no brake binding.
12. At destination, before detaching dead loco, apply parking brakes and put wooden wedges.

Trouble shooting for BP not charging in loco:

1. Ensure MR pressure 8 to 10 kg/cm2.
2. Ensure both side angle COCs in closed position.
3. Ensure both side additional BP COCs open.
4. Ensure lead cab A-9 in run position, rear cab A-9 in FS and locked by pin.
5. Ensure both side RS COCs closed position.
6. Ensure MODE switch in leading cab LEAD position, in trailing cab in TRAIL position.
7. Ensure Z-BAN switches in off position in both cabs.
8. Ensure both side PTDC handles in neutral position.
9. Initially To charge the BP, energize the Loco as normal 3 phase loco, Keep Auto/A9 handle in FS,
wait to see the massage on LCD display of Controller as “Okay to Run”. Move the Auto handle to
RUN from FS position, BP would charge to 5 kg/cm2 and BC would reduce to zero.
10. Ensure there is VCD action.
11. If message will appear as “Safety Penalty – Keep Handle in FS” and BP not charging more than 3
kg/cm2, To recover this penalty brake, move Auto/A9 handle to FS and then back to RUN (Follow
massage on LCD of Brake Controller), BP would charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.
12. If message will appear as “Train-line Emergency – Keep Handle in EMER. To recover
Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be moved to EMER & then back to FS and then to
RUN (Follow crew message on Display of Brake Controller). BP would charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.
13. If still BP is not charging switch of CE and switch on CE and try.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

14. Still BP is not changing contact TLC.

At the time of connection of Load with Locomotive, crew message will appear as “Train-line Emergency
– Keep Handle in EMER”. To recover Emergency penalty, Auto/A9 handle should be moved to EMER
& then back to FS and then to RUN (Follow crew message on Display of Brake Controller). BP would
charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2.

29. Trouble shooting of different make 2x500KVA, IGBT based Hotel Load Converter of WAP-
7 locomotive- Ref: Technical Circular No. RDSO/2017/EL/TC/0141 (Rev’0’) dt: 30.10.2017

30. DO’s and DON’Ts for Loco Pilots in 3 phase locos DO’s
1. Acknowledge VCD always within every 60 sec.
2. Do maximum use of regenerative braking, it not only control the train but participate in generating
the power.
3. In case of any trouble, as a last step, switch OFF the CE and switch ON.
4. In case of heavy airflow, instead of attending the screen, do the protection of train and adjacent
5. In case of emergency use emergency stop push button.
6. While de-activating the CSC, check the position of throttle, it should not be opposite to the force.
7. Use throttle gradually.
8. Before regenerative braking, bunch the load.
9. While working dead loco, ensure conjunction working of brakes in dead loco.
10. While working dead loco ensure releasing of parking brakes and pneumatic brakes in dead loco.
11.First note down the fault message and then acknowledge the fault.
12. During failure mode operation, use throttle carefully. 13.Keep the SA-9 handle of rear cab at
release. 14.Apply parking brakes when stationary.
15.Instead of continuous operation of sanders, use frequently.

1. Don’t operate BL when loco is in motion.
2. Don’t believe on U-meter, ensure the panto physically.
3. Don’t press PSA continuously.
4. Don’t allow any unauthorized person in rear cab, as some functions are remains active in rear cab.
5. Don’t declare the loco FAIL, without switching OFF and ON the control electronics.
6. Don’t lower the panto for more than 10 minutes otherwise CE will switch off.
7. Don’t forget to acknowledge the fault message.
8. Don’t use CSC in undulating area.
9. Don’t isolate VCD unnecessarily.
10. Don’t switch off CE in running train.
11. Don’t smoke in the loco.
12. Don’t use quick release position of A-9 frequently and unnecessarily.
13. Don’t operate MPJ, If MR pressure is less than 6.4 kg/cm2.
14. Don’t open rear cab corridor door.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

30606 Checks by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot on Taking Over

For Checks by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot on Taking Over guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605
to this chapter.

30607 Cleanliness of Loco

Responsibility for the cleanliness of the driving desk, cab, look-out glasses and glass windows during
preparation before departure by the maintenance staff The maintenance staff who also carry out the
scheduled inspections are responsible for the cleanliness of HT room, cubicles and corridors. The
washing gang at the home shed is responsible for the cleanliness of the roof and body sides during
every washing schedule. In particular care should be taken to keep the interior of the loco quite clean.
Oil drippings should be cleaned out and leaky valves attended to at the earliest possible opportunity
to eliminate fire hazards. Where no maintenance staff available Assistant Loco Pilot is responsible for
the cleanliness of the driving desk, cab look-out glasses and glass windows during preparation before
departure, changing of crew.

30608 Unauthorized Persons in the Loco

No person shall be permitted to enter any locomotive or to handle any apparatus contained therein
unless he has been authorized to do so by the Sr. DEE/DEE/(OP).
Only Loco Pilorts certified for electric locos must be allowed to drive the locomotives. The Loco Pilot
must not allow anyone to enter any of the driving compartments, other than those who are authorized
to do so under the rules or hold a permit issued by Sr DEE/DEE/(OP).
Normally not more than three persons other than running staff will be permitted to travel in the cab.
A Loco Pilot / Asstt. Loco Pilot who is off duty is not permitted to enter or travel in any of the driving
compartment unless authorized by TLC / LPC / Jr CC and that too for travel towards headquarters after
being relieved en-route. This will be permitted only in the non driving cab/cabs.

30609 Interference with Equipment

Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots will not tamper with the measuring instruments, speed recorder
and protective relays.
Relays or other sealed equipment should not be opened or wedged except as authorized in the trouble
shooting manual. If a Loco Pilot opens a relay or breaks the seal of any equipment, full particulars
should be noted in the loco log book. Particular care is also necessary while putting back metallic
covers of relays to avoid inadvertent shorting of live terminals.

30610 Check on the Run by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot

For Check on the Run by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605 to this

30611 Change of Locomotive Crew at Stations

Crew to check log book for any defects, interact with incoming crew, if train is waiting for line clear then
the crew to check under frame, drain the main reservoir and feel by hand axle boxes and motor bearings to
make sure they are not hot. The relieving crew shall note and initial the entries in the log book.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30612 Service Troubles on Line

Loco Pilot is expected to be fully trained on every locomotive to deal with troubles which may be
experienced while a locomotive is on the run. Drivers should keep themselves fully conversant with
fault finding procedures so that they are able to identify the fault, isolate it, give first aid attention to
the equipment to keep the locomotive functioning, until it arrives at the next station. The Driver may
refer the Operating Manual for the type of loco where necessary to refresh his memory.
Loco Pilot before locomotive to fail completely on being unable to start it on his own, should seek the
help and guidance of the TLC/LPC by CUG phone or plugging the portable telephone set to the nearest
emergency telephone socket within 20 minutes.

30613 Entering Equipment Compartment

If the Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot has to enter the equipment compartment of a loco, He/She
should take care to see that the cab doors and drop windows on both sides are closed before opening
the corridor door, to prevent dusty air being drawn into the equipment compartment.

30614 Loco Pilot’s Duty when Stabling a Loco

Stabling of locomotive
1. Apply SA-9/Independent/direct brakes and ensure 3.5/5.0 kg/cm2 brake cylinder (BCP) pressure is
built up in loco and physically confirm that loco brakes are applied.
2. Apply parking brakes, if available.
3. Apply hand brakes of loco and check the brake cylinder piston is in applied condition and also
physically ensure that the tight contact of brake block with wheel tread.
4. Apply SA-9 to maximum in double headed trailing loco/banker loco also, if any.
5. Apply hand brakes of double headed trailing loco/banker loco also, if any.
6. Keep Iron skids/Wooden wedges at wheels of locomotive against falling gradient.
7. Entry should be made in loco log book about the placement of wedges and application o hand brake
and also mention the same in the stabling register available with Dy.SS office as per G&SR 5.23.1.
8. Loco Pilot while on duty should not leave the loco unmanned. In case, he is required to leave the
locomotive unmanned, he should do so only after receiving written authority from the Station
Master/Yard Master and ensuring the above aspects.

30615 Knowledge of Road (Learning Road)

1. Every Loco Pilot (as well as Assistant Loco Pilot, and Loco Pilot Shunter) shall have a good
knowledge of the section before he is allowed to work a train in the section. He shall be fully
conversant with the maximum permissible speeds, gradients and land marks on the section, the
block and non-block stations on the section, type and location of each individual signal and the line
referred to by each signal, the speed restrictions to be observed and neutral sections. For learning
road as mentioned above, he should be allowed a period of training at the end of which he shall be
orally tested by the Chief Loco Inspector. He should also sign a declaration stating that he is fully
conversant with the road. The declaration should be witnessed and countersigned by the Chief Loco
Inspector and scrutinized by the officer concerned before issue of the Certificate of Competence.
2. When a Loco Pilot, Assistant Loco Pilot or Loco Pilot Shunter has been absent from duty for a
continuous period of six months, he shall not be permitted to work a train until he has again learnt
the road and his Certificate of Competency revalidated after oral examination by the Chief Loco
Inspector and a fresh declaration. The period of six months prescribed above may be reduced,

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

if necessary, by local instructions issued by Sr DEE(OP) /DEE(OP). These instructions shall be

equally valid if the driver did not have the opportunity to work on the section whatsoever be the
reason. However, in extreme emergency such a Loco Pilo can be permitted to work the train with
a Loco pilot who is conversant with the road.
3. Road Knowledge Registers shall be maintained for all sections on which running staff headquartered
at a particular shed are required to work trains. Separate registers should be opened for each
individual section and each category of staff. The register should be in the following proforma:


(Section ... to )
Sl. No. Name of Signature Date of Signature Signat
Driver/ of token of signature of the
Asstt. possessing Chief Loco
Driver (or necessary Inspector
Motorman) road
on section
1 2 3 4 5

Procedure to be followed while giving Learning Road (LR) to Crew

a. LP/ALP taking LR should sign ‘ON/OFF’ in CMS only at originating/destination station.
b. LP/ALP should undertake two LR trips during day time & one trip during night time.
c. New Loco Pilots should undertake two trips during day time & two trips during night time.
d. LP/ALP should record the details of signals in the LR book properly i.e. signal name with station
name, km no., location of signal etc.
e. LP/ALP shall make themselves conversant about signals at Right hand side, signals which may get
confused with other signals, Calling out signals, Automatic/Semi automatic, Repeater signals, Trap
indicators, Shunting signals, Gate signals, IB signals, Routing signals etc.
f. LP/ALP shall make themselves conversant with Catch sidings, Slip sidings, Gradients & curves,
Station yard layouts, Loop lengths, Fouling marks, LC gates locations, Coasting and Warning
boards, Engine stop boards etc.
g. LP/ALP at night time shall make themselves caution enough to locate correct signals in bright back
ground of lightings of platform/ other lights, in back ground of coach indicators etc. He/She shall
be in position to correctly identify the signals.
h. LP/ALP shall make themselves aware of signals of other Branch/Main lines/siding lines joining/
taking out the main lines, signals to go for Branch/Main line/Siding lines etc.
i. LP/ALP should go in all sidings and make themselves conversant about working in the section. The
sidings also may be taken as part of main line.
j. Self declaration by LP/ALP should be given to CCC that he has taken requisite trips of LR and is
conversant with the signals and topography of the section.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

CCC/Lobby incharge:
a. Should specify LR should be taken by Freight or Coaching trains as per the category.
b. Should ensure that LP/ALP is signing ‘ON/OFF’ in CMS.
c. LP/ALP has under taken requisite number of trips.
d. Should ensure that while booking LP for first trip after LR, one LI is deputed to monitor him for
one round trip.

Chief Loco Inspectors:

a. Whether LP/ALP has physically undertaken the journey.
b. Whether the LP/ALP has noted down the signal location properly i.e. signal name with station
name, km no. etc.
c. Whether the LP/ALP has noted down the special character of signals like Gantry type, located on
right side of the track, etc.
d. Knowledge of LP/ALP of the section to be tested by conducting viva-voce and same should be
certified in LR form.
e. Should monitor his nominated LP for one round trip after completion of LR.

Power Officer:
a. Concerned Power Officer incharge of crew shall issue LR template in the sections. LP/ALP may
be booked as per template such that, he/she covers requisite trips prescribed without missing any
b. Concerned Power Officer incharge of crew shall interview LP/ALP about above aspects and if it is
ascertained that LP/ALP has not learned LR properly then repeat LR may be ordered.

As per G&SR:
2.1. Every Loco Pilot should be given three trips including one night trip from 20.00 hours to 06.00
hours road learning for familiarizing himself with the section(s) on which he is rostered for duty.
2.2. If a Loco Pilot has not operated on a section for over 3 months, he should be given road learning
trips as per the schedule given below.
Duration of absence Number of trips
3 to 6 months 1
6 months to 2 years 2
Over 2 years 3 (as for new entrants)
Any additional trip/s considered necessary should be provided with the approval of the controlling
branch officers of the Division.
2.3. The scale of trips provided at para 2.1 above would apply to all systems of working.
2.4. On Hill and Ghat sections, the Loco Pilot shall operate minimum of 6 (six) trips including two
night trips from 20.00 hours to 06.00 hours for learning road purposes.
2.5. Additional trips for road learning may be prescribed for special conditions of working like
Automatic block territory, important junctions/stations etc., by DRM if considered necessary.

30616 Speed Restrictions

1. Loco Pilo and Assistant Loco Pilo must be fully conversant with permanent as well as temporary
speed restrictions. Permanent speed restrictions are indicated in the working time table.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

2. Temporary speed restrictions will be made known to the running staff at their booking office as
a. Every Loco Pilo should study “Temporary Speed Restrictions” bulletin issued by the Division
and sign the prescribed register in acknowledgment of having read and understood the same.
b. Temporary speed restrictions imposed by the Engineering, Signal and Electrical Departments
are communicated to the running office through messages and are displayed’ on the notice
boards at the booking points.
c. Caution orders as prescribed in the General and Subsidiary Rules will be issued for all temporary
speed restrictions.

30617 Loco Pilot’s Personal Equipment

While working a loco every Driver must have with him the following personal equipment -
1. Loco Pilot’s personal log book.
2. Trouble Shooting Directory
3. General and Subsidiary Rules Book
4. Working Time Table.
5. Watch in good working order
6. Screw driver 150 mm one
7. Adjustable wrench 150 mm one
8. Torch with Red and Green slide or Torch with Red, Green & White color facility
9. Red and green flags*
10. Detonators* 12 Nos.
11. Washers - 5 Nos.
12. MU Washers - 2 Nos.
13. Teflon tape -2 m.
14. Any other items prescribed under local instructions.
15. Portable Emergency telephone
16. Chisel
17. Hammer

30618 Personal Equipments to be Carried by Assistant Loco Pilot

While working a loco, the Assistant Loco Pilo shall carry the following personal tools and equipment :-
1. Red and Green flag - one each
2. A rough journal book
3. A watch in good working order
4. Working Time Table
5. A duster -
6. A torch with Red and Green slide or Torch with Red, Green & White color facility
7. Asstt Loco Pilot’s log book

30619 Tools and Equipment in Locos

1. Tools

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Each electric loco when on line shall carry the following tools in a locked tool box or tool locker to be
issued to the Driver -

i) Wooden blocks 4
ii) Air hose pipe 1
iii) Screw Coupling 1
iv) Spare fuses of different size 2 nos. of each size
v) DCP fire extinguisher 2 of 4 kg each or 4 of
1.25 kg each.
2. Equipment

30620 Loco Log book

1. A separate log book is required to be maintained for each individual loco.
2. For each trip the Loco Pilot should enter the following particulars in the log book available in the
loco cab-
i. Date
ii. Train Number
iii. From ... To...
iv. Load of train (in terms of vehicles)
v. Loco Pilot and Asstt. Loco Pilot ‘s name
vi. Brief description of unusual occurrence and failures, if any.
vii. Kilometre reading at the end of trip.
viii. Energy meter reading to be recorded if meters are provided. (Start journey & Comlete journey)
ix. Regeneration reading (Start journey & Comlete journey)
3. The details of repair carried out should be entered to by the PPIO of the shed before the loco leaves
the shed.
4. Running and Shed supervisors will also enter in the log book particulars of any item to be specially
watched by the Loco Pilot.
5. Every time a loco is taken for the scheduled inspection, the type of inspection and the date on
which it is done should be entered in the log book by the PPO. PPO will similarly enter details of
unscheduled withdrawals of the loco for repairs, as well as particulars of modifications carried out.
6. Completed loco log books should be serially numbered for each loco and preserved in the Planning
and Progress Office for a period of one year.
7. Officers and supervisors of the Rolling Stock section, during their cab inspections, will also record
their observations regarding performance of the loco in the log book.

30621 Loco Pilots competency and counseling book

Every Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot shall be provided with competency and counseling book
to be carried by him while on duty to enable Inspectors and Officers to record their observations
regarding his working as noticed by them during their cab inspections. This book should have machine
numbered pages. All entries should be in ink. Erasers or alteration of the entries made or tearing off of
pages will be viewed as serious misconduct by the crew.

30622 Detailed Preparation of Locomotives

For Detailed Preparation of Locomotives by Loco pilot/Assistant Loco pilot guidelines apper in Para
30604/30605 to this chapter.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

30623 Check of Vacuum before starting (deleted)

30624 Minimum Brake Power

The running staff shall abide by all rules regarding the minimum brake power on the goods and
passenger trains, issued by the Railways. For the purpose of working out the percentage of brake
power, the “piped” vehicle should be deemed to have inoperative cylinder/cylinders. An operative
cylinder is one in which the / destroyed by control from the engine and which moreover satisfy the
stipulation that its piston should remain up for not less than 20 minutes after the / pressure is destroyed.
Procedure for Brake Feel Test & Brake Power Test by LPs

A. Brake Feel Test

1. To be done immediately after start at the station where the crew have taken over charge.
2. On attaining the speed of about 15 kmph, LP shall drop the BP pressure by 0.5kg/cm2 through A-9
and release.
3. LP should feel the application of brake & speed should drop to about 10 kmph.

B. Brake Power Test

1. To be done in the first Block section (or first opportunity)
2. Speed of the train should reach 60 to 70 kmph in case of coaching train & 40 to 50 kmph in case of
Goods train.
3. LP shall drop BP pressure by 1kg/cm2 in Coaching train and loaded Goods train and 0.5kg/cm2 in
case of Empty Goods train through A-9 and release after a small pause.
4. The speed of the train should drop 30 to 35 kmph in coaching train & 20 to 25 kmph in Goods train
by the time BP pressure comes back to 5.0kg/cm2.
5. The LP shall observe the effectiveness of Brake & Brake power of the train.
6. As the AFI needle comes to ‘0’ or previous reading, normal traction shall be resumed.

C. Duty of ALP during Brake feel & Brake power test:

1. ALP shall keep a watch & ensure that both the tests are done by LP and will remind him for the
same, if required.
2. He will equally participate (carefully watch) in Brake Feel Test & Brake Power Test to assess the
effectiveness of the braking system of the train, and confirm the same to LP.

1. Crew shall obey the signal aspects while performing the brake feel & Brake Power Tests.
2. In case of up gradient in the first block section, suitable guidelines will be issued by the division as
per site condition to avoid stalling.

30625 Operation of Air Braked Stock

For operation of air braked stock guidelines apper in Annexure 6.01 to this chapter.

30626 Master Controller

1. The progression or regression from one traction notch to another (and similar progression or
regression during braking In the case of locos with regenerative or rheostatic braking) is controlled
by the Master Controller from each driving cab. The Master Controller has two ‘stable’ and two
‘unstable’ positions for traction notches as under:

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

O(zero) .............. Stable position -

-(minus) ............... Unstable position
N (neutral) ................. Stable position
+ (Plus) ................ Unstable position
First release the mechanical locking of the Master Controller by moving the Reverser Controller to
Forward or Reverse position. Then move the Master Controller to Neutral position. By moving the
controller momentarily to (+) and back to N, the tap changer would be notched by one step. Notch-
by-notch progression is effected by repeating this operation. In a similar manner notch-by- notch
regression is possible by moving the Master Controller to (-) and back to N.
2. A blue Indicating lamp or the corresponding LED glows in the driving cab when the tap changer is at
“0”. The position of the tap changer at any instant is indicated to the Driver by a Notch Indicator. It
takes a few seconds (the exact time interval varying for different types of locos) for the tap changer
to return from full ‘on’ to full ‘off position when the Master Controller is switched off. The blue
lamp re-lights when the tap changer has returned to ‘0’.

30627 Use of Pantographs

1. The rear pantograph of the loco (in the direction of motion) should normally be used by the Loco
Pilot The leading pantograph may be used only if the rear pantograph is defective or damaged or
specially instructed.
2. Loco should not be worked with both the pantographs raised.
3. For normal lowering of pantographs the Master Controller should be switched off and the circuit
breaker tripped before the panto-selector is moved to position “0. In an emergency when the
locomotive is in motion, the pantograph may be lowered by using the panto-selector switch, even
without tripping the circuit breaker but after bringing Master controller to ‘0’ position.

30628 Regenerative and Rheostat Braking

1. The regenerative / rheostat braking is also controlled by the Master Controller. For braking, the
Master Controller Is moved in the opposite direction. The Master Controller positions corresponding
to such dynamic braking are -
a. Stable positions
0 Common for traction and braking
P Preparation for braking.
N Neutral
b. Unstable positions
+ (Plus) Notch-by-notch progression during braking.
- (Minus) Notch-by-notch regression during braking.
Notch-by-notch or continuous progression and regression are effected during braking, in the same
manner as during traction, but using the above mentioned positions of the Master Controller.

30629 Starting of Train

For Starting of Train guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605 to this chapter.

30630 Starting on an Up-gradient

For Starting on an Up-gradient guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605 to this chapter.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

30631 Speed control by field weakening

After the maximum voltage has been reached, speed control can also be effected by using the field
shunting controller.
Field Weakening Switch, after the maximum voltage for the motor has been attained, field weakening
may be effected if it is necessary to raise the speed further. This is done by operating the ‘Shunting
Lever’. Care must be taken to see that sufficient time is allowed for train to accelerate before going
to the next step. The current ratings prescribed for each type of loco should not be exceeded. Too
fast a rate of field weakening could cause a flashover of traction motors and should not, therefore, be
attempted. It should be avoided on steep up gradients.

30632 Operation of the Reverser for Braking

Operation of the reverser to stop a train when the loco is in motion is strictly forbidden

30633 Manual Control of the Tap Changer

1. Provision exists in all the locomotives for manual operation of the tap changer, in case of failure of
operation by Master Controller. In some locomotives, manual control is possible from the driving
cab itself. In some others manual operation has to be done by the Assistant Loco Pilot in the
corridor in response to signals from the Loco Pilot. In some types of locos, in addition to manual
control through the Master Controller, separate electrical push-button control is also provided.
2. The manual control located in the corridor should be used only to clear the block section and if
directed by TLC/LPC, the driver can go to the nearest loco changing point. The loco should be
withdrawn from service at the earliest opportunity.

In addition, as per TSD

1. Manual operation of GR should be done, when MP and EEC failed in both cabs.
1. Place MP on position N for closing of line contactors.
2. Turn ZSMGR handle anti-clockwise from 6O clock to 3O clock position and remove the handle.
3. Ensure SMGR drum is on ‘0’, Ensure pacco switch in pressed condition.
4. Insert ZSMGR handle on GR shaft at 6O clock position, rotate ZSMGR handle in clock wise
direction within 0.6 seconds from 6O clock to 6O clock position for one notch Progression.
5. Turn ZSMGR handle in anti-clockwise direction within 0.6 seconds from 6O clock to 6O’ clock
position for one notch regression.
6. Watch RGR for any overheating during progression and regression.
7. Progress and regress by exchanging signals (normally use corridor lights for indication) or any
8. Speed of the train shall not exceed 30 kmph.
9. In case of emergency, Loco Pilot shall open DJ and apply brakes.
10. Whenever DJ is tripped GR should be brought to ‘0’ manually and MP should be placed on ‘0’ for
closing DJ.
11. While regressing, ensure that GR is not over travelled beyond ‘0’ by observing notch indicator
of SMGR drum and lamp LSGR.
12. Assistant Loco pilot is responsible for manual operation of GR. 13.After clearing the block section,
contact TLC for advice.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Working the train by energising the loco from rear cab:

Follow the instructions given for the method of driving the loco from rear cab:

I. LP in leading cab, ALP in trailing cab:

A. In rear cab:
1. Place ZPT on position ‘2’ and raise the panto.
2. Close DJ, switch on BLCP and BLVMT. Keep A9 in release position and do not change I/L and O/L
COCs position.
3. SA9 supply and apply cut out cocks should be in closed position.

B. In leading cab:
1. Keep A9 handle in running position and do not change supply and apply cut out cocks (open
2. Do not change SA9 supply and apply cut out cocks to apply loco brakes when required (open
3. The loco shall be operated by the Assistant Loco Pilot from rear cab as per GR 21. The Loco Pilot
will remain in leading cab control the train as and when required.
4. If necessary, the Loco Pilot can operate A9 to emergency position to regress GR to ‘0’.
5. The loco shall be operated by exchange of signals between the Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot.
6. At neutral section, the Assistant Loco Pilot shall open DJ and lower panto if necessary.
7. The speed of the train shall not exceed 40 kmph if the Loco Pilot is in leading cab.

II. LP in trailing cab, ALP in leading cab :

1. If the Loco Pilot is in trailing cab and Assistant Loco Pilot is in leading cab, the speed is restricted
to 15 kmph.
2. LP will energise, drive and control the train from trailing cab.
3. ALP will exchange signals with LP, proper using of horns, in case of emergency operating of ALP
emergency brake valve to stop the train.
4. Inform TLC/LPC, Enter in the loco logbook stating the place from where TLC has been informed.

30634 Slow down and Stopping

For Slow down and Stopping guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605 to this chapter.

306035 Locos in Multiple Operation

For Locos in Multiple Operation guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605 to this chapter.

30636 Double Heading Operation

1. Operation of a train with two locos in front, both coupled together and to the train, but operated
independently by separate crew is known as double-heading. The two locos can be of different
2. Subject to compliance with all speed restrictions, the maximum speed of a double headed train
shall not exceed the lower of the maximum speeds of the two locos individually.
3. Each loco must be manned by a Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot who are qualified to work
the type of loco and have learned the road over which the train is working. The Loco Pilot of the

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

leading loco, known as the “Train Loco Pilot “ must be qualified to work the class of train and will
be responsible for working the train in accordance with rule
4. While starting, tractive efforts may be applied by both locos as per requirement. The leading Loco
Pilot who is in charge of the train will notch up until the train moves. The rear Loco Pilot will assist
as required.
5. While running, tractive effort may be applied as often as necessary but gradually by the rear Loco
6. The rear Loco Pilot may switch off as per operational requirement. The rear Loco Pilot must
frequently observe the application of train brake applied by leading Loco Pilot and be prepared to
switch off power.
7. It is the duty of the train Loco Pilot to ascertain that the second Loco Pilot is acquainted with the
contents of all caution orders and special instructions etc. which he may receive while working the
8. Instructions issued by local Railways regarding coordination amongst the two crews should be
9. All rules in regard to switching off power at neutral section, lowering of pantograph in the event of
emergency feeding etc. shall be observed. The Loco Pilot of the rear locomotive will be signalled
by the Loco Pilot in the leading locomotive to carry out these operations, as required, by means of
code whistles. The code to be used for such occasions shall be laid down under local instructions.

30637 Banking
1. On a gradient sections, sometimes banking locos are used in the rear of the train to assist the leading
loco/ locos to negotiate the gradient. The banking locomotive, must be coupled to the train.
The air brake pipes of the banking loco should be coupled to the last vehicle, but on no account should
the banking loco be charge BP of the train. In the event of banking air braked trains, MU28 valve of
banking loco shall be kept in trail position. The Loco Pilot of the banking loco will keep a watch on the
BP pressure gauge and take necessary action to assist the leading Loco Pilot when brakes are applied.
2. All rules in regard to switching off power at neutral section, lowering of pantograph in the event of
emergency feeding etc. shall be observed. The Loco Pilot of the rear locomotive will be signalled
by the Loco Pilot in the leading locomotive to carry out these operations, as required, by means of
code whistles. The code to be used for such occasions shall be laid down under local instructions.
3. When working a train up a gradient with the assistance of an electric banking loco, the following
procedure should be followed.
a. When the signal is lowered the leading Loco Pilot will give the prescribed code whistle. The
banking Loco Pilot will acknowledge the whistle and notch up quickly so as to obtain the
maximum permissible starting current, simultaneously releasing the loco brakes. The sanders
should be used to avoid wheel slipping.
b. The leading Loco Pilot should take 2 to 3 notches, releasing the loco brakes simultaneously and
using the sanders as required.
c.) The leading and banking Loco Pilot should keep a watch on their respective ammeters and
maintain the current at the continuous rating.
d. If a “Stop” signal is encountered in the gradient section by the leading Loco Pilot, he should
switch off the Master Controller and bring the train to a stop applying the brakes to the extent
required. He will also use code whistle for the banking Loco Pilot. This will increase current in
the banking loco. The banking Loco Pilot should regress the Master Controller so as to maintain

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

the current at the continuous rated value till the train stops. On stopping, both the leading and
banking Loco Pilot should apply independent air brakes to avoid rolling down. Apart from this
Ghat operating manual of the division if any to be followed
e. When re-starting after a stop signal, the same procedure as in (a), (b) and (c) should be followed.
f. At the point where the rising gradient ends, the Banking Loco Pilot should switch ‘off the
Master Controller and stop pushing. A board is provided to indicate this point.

30637A Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS):

Grouping Process
The Grouping screen is as shown below: In this screen, pilot has to press “Initiate Grouping”, then the
lead loco starts grouping sequence.
In this grouping sequence, the lead loco checks for BP continuity with remote loco. For this purpose
the pilot has to do a small exercise.
When pilot presses the “Initiate Grouping” button the display shows as “Release Brake for BP
Continuity Check” if the brake pipe pressure in lead and remote loco is less than 4.5 kg/cm2. Then
pilot has to release the formation brake to build the BP level to 4.5 kg/cm2.
When the BP in Lead and remote loco is greater than 4.5kg/cm2 the system will display as “Apply
Brake for Full Service for BP Continuity Check” message to the pilot to apply the formation brake to
reduce the BP to less than 3.2 kg/cm2.
Now the pilot has to apply the formation brake to reduce the BP in lead and remote locos to less than
3.2 kg/cm2.When the BP pressure in the lead and remote loco is less than 3.2 kg/cm2, the system will
show as “Release Brake for BP Continuity Check”. Now the pilot has to release the formation brake to
build the BP.to 4.5 kg/cm2. The following figure shows the Release Brake Screen.
When the BP in lead and remote locos are greater than 4.5 kg/cm2 then the system will display as “BP
Continuity Ok and Grouping Successful” and the system will display the operational screen.

Operational Screen
In the Operational screen the pilot can see the parameters of both self and remote loco like BP, BC,
MR, FP, Battery voltage, Loco number, Notch Position, DB position, Sanding and Lamp Signals etc..
Normally the lead and remote tabs are changing for every five seconds. If the pilot does not want this
tab changing the pilot can press this “Auto off” button and stop this auto changing. He can press the
Self tab to see the information of self loco and he can press the Locol tab to see the information of the
remote loco.

Ungrouping Process
If Pilot wants to ungroup the locomotives, he has to open the Lead locomotive DJ, Drop the BLSN
switch and then press the ungroup button in the Loco 1 tab on the Driver Interface Unit. When the
Pilot presses this “Ungroup” button then it will ask for confirmation. The pilot has to press OK button
fro Ungroup.
After giving the confirmation it will ask to enter the password. If pilot enters wrong password it will
show the display as wrong password. Then pilot has to press “Cancel Entry” button and re-enter the
correct password and press “OK”. Then the display shows as “Ungrouping in Progress”. Lead sends
an ungrouping command to the remote loco to ungroup.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

After ungrouping is completed the DIU displays the login screen in, both lead and remote locos. Now
the pilot is allowed to do fresh configuration and grouping.

Diagnostic Screen
When the pilot presses the diagnostic button, the following screen will be displayed. Otherwise, in
case any failure is found in self loco or in lead loco the system will give the . audio visual warning and
the diagnostic screen will come up automatically and show the error in orange colour. The buzzer will
switch when’ the loco pilot press the acknowledgement button or after one minute
In this screen pilot is able to see the status of BCD coupler inputs and the status of the system hardware
like CPU1, CPU2, Power supply-1, Power supply-2, Speedometer input, GPS receiver, Battery voltage
and Radio modem of the self and remote loco. If any error occurs the color of the input will become
orange color otherwise it will be in green color.

Configuration of Remote Loco

Login Process
The login process in remote loco is same as the process in lead Ioco.

Configuration Process
There are three steps to configure the remote loco. They are
1. Selecting Remote button
2. Selecting the operating Cab
3. Enter the Lead Loco Number
If the pilot enters any invalid data and presses confirm button, then a pop up window will come up and
display as “Error in Data Entry”.
After entering the entire parameters pilot has to press “Confirm” button. Then the configuration screen
disappears and grouping screen will display

Grouping Process
After completing this configuration process the system will show the grouping screen. In this the pilot
has to press “Initiate Grouping” button to start grouping.
After pressing Initiate grouping button the display shows Congregating formation and the system waits
for the lead commands.
When the lead gives the registration successful command then the display shows Grouping Successful
and the operational screen will appear.

Operational Screen
In the Operational screen the parameters like BP, BC, MR, FP, Battery voltage, Notch Position, DB
position, Sanding and Lamp Signals etc. will be displayed.

Automatic Neutral Section Negotiation

The automatic neutral section negotiation is one of the excellent features of the Wireless MU coupler
System. For this automatic neutral section negotiation the pilot has to press a push button switch when
the lead locomotive approaches the 500 meter warning board. Apart from this pressing of switch the
lead locomotive pilot has to do his normal neutral section exercise. In the remote locomotive, the

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

neutral section negotiation will be done by the system automatically.

In the Neutral sections the Looc pilot has to press the Neutral Section push button switch placed on
the Driver Interface Unit, when lead loco approaches the 500 meter warning board. After pressing this
push button switch the system will display as Neutral section Negotiation in Progress”.
When the remote locos enters into Neutral section 500 meters warning zone the system will display the
message in the DIU as “Crossed 500 mark”.
The remote loco will automatically open his DJ whenever it approaches the DJ open board. The system
will display the message in DIU as “DJ Opened”.
The remote loco DJ will be closed when the locomotive crosses the DJ closed board. The system will
display the message in DIU as “DJ Closed and Neutral Section Negotiation Successful”.
After pressing the Neutral Section push button switch, If Pilot wants to cancel the automatic neutral
section negotiation, Cancel button is provided on the Screen. By pressing this cancel button the
Automatic neutral section negotiation which was initiated by the pilot will be cancelled.
If Both Speed inputs (GPS and Speedometer) fail in the remote locomotive, the automatic neutral
section negotiation is not possible. The system will display the message in the DIU as “Speed inputs
failed. Automate Neutral Section Negotiation Off”. Then the pilot has to take care of Neutral section
negotiation of remote locomotive.

Manual traction Control

Manual traction control is one of the finest features of the Wireless MU system. By using this manual
traction control the lead loco pilot can control the remote locomotives individually. The manual traction
button is available only in the remote loco tab in the operational screen.
In the manual traction control the following commands can be given to operate the remote loco from
1. Notch Up/Down
2. Dynamic brake,Up/Down
3. DJ Open/Close
4. Pantograph Raise/lower
5. Energies the Locomotive
6. Shutdown the Locomotive
a. Notch up/Down
Pilot can give the Notch up/down command by clicking on Traction up/down buttons displayed on
the manual traction screen. Then the remote locomotive will execute the notch up/down command
irrespective of the lead notch position. Once the loco pilot comes out of this manual traction the remote
locomotive notch position will synchronize with the lead locomotive notch position automatically. The
notch up and notch down button will be displayed only when the pantograph in raised and DJ is in
closed condition.
b. Dynamic Brake Up/Down
Pilot can give the Dynamic Brake up/down command by clicking on up/down buttons displayed on
the manual traction screen. Then the remote loco will execute the Dynamic Brake up/down command
irrespective of the lead Dynamic Brake position. Once the loco pilot comes out of this manual traction
the remote locomotive Dynamic Brake position will synchronize with the lead locomotive Dynamic
Brake position automatically.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

c. DJ Open/Close
Pilot can give the command to open the BLDJ by clicking on the “Open BLDJ” button/ then in the
remote locomotive execute the command and send the acknowledgement to the lead. If the command
is, executed successfully then the display will show as the Open BLDJ Figure and the Button shows
as “Close BLDJ”.

Same way the closing of BLDJ will be executed.

d. Pantograph Raise/Lower
If the pilot gives the command to lower the pantograph by clicking on the “Lower Panto” button, remote
locomotive will lower its pantograph and send the acknowledgement to the lead. If the command is
executed successfully, then the display will show as the Open Panto Figure and the Button shows as
“Raise Panto”.
If the Pilot presses the Raise Panto button, one pop up window will come up and ask the pilot to select
the Pantol or Panto2. According to the selection of pantograph the remote locomotive execute the
e. Shutdown Sequence
Pilot can shutdown the remote loco by giving the command through the Driver Interface Unit. When
pilot presses the “Shutdown Sequence” button then a pop up window will come up and asks for
confirmation. If the pilot clicks on “OK” button then, the lead locomotive transmits a command to the
remote for initiating shutdown sequence.
In the shutdown sequence the remote locomotive brings down the notches to zero, open the DJ and
lower its pantograph.
f. Energising Sequence
Pilot can energize the remote loco by giving the command through the Driver
Interface Unit. When pilot presses the “Energising Sequence” button then a pop up window will come
up and asks for confirmation. If the pilot clicks on “OK” button then the lead transmits a command to
the remote for initiating energising sequence
If pantograph of the remote loco is not raised or the BLDJ is not closed the system gives a warning to
the loco pilot to raise the pantograph and close the BLDJ before initiating the Energising Sequence. In
the display a pop up window will come up and display the warning as “Raise the Pantograph and close
the DJ Before Energising”.
g. Remote Loco Isolation
If Pilot founds that the system in the remote locomotive was malfunctioning or found any problem
in the remote locomotive itself the pilot can isolate the system by switching on the Isolation switch
placed on the Driver Interface Unit. When the pilot operates this switch, the remote locomotive DJ will
be opened and pantograph will be lowered. The Emergency indication will be displayed in the Driver
Interface Unit as “Emergency Activated”.

If Loco Pilot finds any problem using, the WMUCS please follow these instructions to rectify the same.
1. RF Failure
If Pilot finds there is no communication from the Lead to remote please follow the instructions given
below to diagnose the problem.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

1. Check the RSSI value available on the Right most corner on the Driver Interface Unit. It should be
less than -115dbm.
2. Check the RF cable connections to the RF connectors on the side panel of the CCU.
3. Check the RF cable connection to the Antenna.
After following the above steps, if the problem persists please contact support.

GPS Failure
If Loco Pilot observes the GPS failure in the diagnostic screen of the Driver Interface unit, please
follow the instructions to diagnose the problem.
4. Check the cable connection at GPS connector on the side panel of the Control and Communication
5. Check the cable connection to the Antenna.
After following the above steps, if the problem persists please contact support.

Speedometer Failure
If Pilot observes the speedometer failure in the diagnostic screen of Driver Interface unit, follow the
steps to diagnose the problem.
6. Check if locomotive Speedometer is in operation or not.
7. Check the cable connections at junction box of Speedometer.
8. Check the cable connections at allied connector on the Side panel of the Control and Communication
System may show speedometer failure if notches are more than 2 and Train/Loco is not in Movement
due to any reason After following the above steps, if the problem persists please contact support.
9. DIU Offline or Unable to Login
If Pilot found that the loco parameters like BP, BC, MR, FP, Notch Position etc, are not updating in
the Driver Interface Unit and Displaying DIU Offline or unable to login, then follow the instructions
to diagnose the problem.
a. Check the Ethernet Cable connection on the side panel of the Driver Interface Unit.
b. Check the Ethernet Cable connection on the side panel of the Control and Communication Unit.
After following the above steps, if the problem persists please contact support.
10. I/O Failure
If Pilot observed that I/O status is not updating in the diagnostic screen, please follow the steps to
diagnose the problem.
1. Check the cable between the BD board and the corresponding connector on CCU.
2. Remove the corresponding connector and check the voltage at particular pin with respect to ground.
After following the above steps, if the problem persists please contact support.
11. Power Failure
If Pilot observed that system is not switching ON, please follow the instructions to diagnose the
1. Check the Power led on the side panel of the CCU is on or not.
2. Switch off the MCB and check the voltage at the input of the MCB is greater than 75 or not.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

After following the above steps, if the problem persists, don’t switch on the MCB further and please
contact support.

30638 Inability to Haul Goods Trains - Stalling

The most common causes for inability of electric locos to haul goods trains are as under :-
1. Inclement weather can result in poor adhesion. Some sections on Indian Railways during autumn
season In forest areas are subject to track being covered by semi-dry leaves which turn into a wet
paste by movement of wheels and is a serious cause for failure of adhesion.
2. Passage of salt laden trains with leaking wagons can also affect the adhesion.
3. The total trailing load exceeds the permissible load for the type of loco, either due to increased
number of wagons or due to the cumulative effect of excess loading of a number of individual
4. The drag caused by brake-binding on rakes equipped with vacuum brakes

30639 Heavy Haul Trains

Such are the trains which cannot be accommodated in the existing loops of the section. Railways
operating such trains will issue special Instructions and the driving crews should be made familiar
with various problems anticipated to be countered with such operation. Some of these trains may
have locomotive/locomotives sandwiched in between. Their operation too will call for special set of

30640 Neutarl Section

For Neutral Section guidelines apper in Para 30604/30605 to this chapter.

30641 Lowering Pantographs Under Emergency Feed

When power supply from one substation is interrupted and feed is extended from the adjacent
substations, it will be necessary for the Loco Pilot to lower the pantograph at least 2 or 3 spans before
arriving at the overlap span opposite the substation which is out of operation. Such an eventuality may
also arise when some portion of OHE is defective. When any of such contingencies arise the Loco Pilot
are advised by a “Caution Order” either at the starting point or through Station Masters enroute. Where
this restriction is to be observed emergency “lower pantograph” and “raise pantograph” boards may
be provided (Chapter II - Vol. I).

30642 Unwired Tracks

1. In station and goods yards only certain tracks are equipped with OHE. Special sign-boards are
exhibited at points where unwired tracks take off from wired tracks. Loco Pilot /Motormen should
keep a careful lookout for unwired tracks when entering or running through stations and goods
yards.- Should per chance an electric train be signaled erroneously to enter an unwired track, the
Loco Pilot should stop short of the turn-out and draw the attention of the cabin. Loco Pilot should
also report such cases with details to the TLC /LPC immediately.
2. If in case a Loco Pilot notices that he is going on an unwired track and cannot stop, he should lower
the pantographs immediately. This will minimize damage to the pantographs.

30643 Coasting Down-gradients

1. Loco Pilot are expected to be well conversant with the road and to make the best use of down-
gradients to effect maximum possible saving in energy consumption.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. In level sections and particularly in suburban sections, coasting should be resorted to as much as
possible and brakes applied only when essential to control the speed or to stop the train. To help
Loco Pilot “coasting boards” are fixed in some sections.
3. In undulating country, speed may be allowed to drop down when going up a short up- gradient.
After passing over the crest, the train will automatically pick up speed with power off on the other
side when going down-hill, so that it attains maximum permissible speed, on the section when it
arrives at the foot of the next-up-gradient. This feature should receive special emphasis during
learning the road period.
4. When going down a long, steep gradient, brake shoes are liable to get very hot and in these
circumstances, brake power will be reduced. With the reduction of brake power, speed may rise to
dangerous levels. To prevent this possibility, Loco Pilot are required to maintain the speed within
the limits prescribed and sometimes even to halt a train at certain points to prevent the possibility
of a run away speed and consequent serious accidents. Loco Pilot are required to adhere strictly to
standing instructions issued by local authorities in this regard.

30644 Loco Running Light (Light Engine movement)

Before starting a light loco .the Loco Pilot should personally verify that the loco brake isolating valves
are closed in rear and open in the driving cab. When a loco is run light; the free ends of the hose
pipe shall be secured firmly to the dummy.. The Loco Pilot should, however, satisfy himself that the
airbrakes on the loco are effective. He should normally stop the loco during light run by independent
air-brake valve, but the Assistant Loco Pilot may apply the brakes by operating emergency brake
valve, if the situation warrants.

30645 Wheel Skidding

Wheel skidding in locomotive takes place whenever braking force exceeds the limit of adhesion. The
braking force could be higher due to incorrect setting of automatic brake valve, independent brake
valve and pressure limiting valve or due to malfunctioning of proportionate valve, distributor valve
and C2 relay valve. This can also however happen if the pressure gauges are not calibrated properly.
Wheel skidding is also noticed under adverse adhesion conditions caused by oil and grease on rail
table, wet rails and falling of tree leaves and salt on the tracks. Poor brake power of the train can also
result in wheel skidding of the locomotive, in certain condition.
To avoid wheel skidding, it is necessary to maintain the brake equipment in perfect working order
and ensure setting of equipment’s at designed value. Locomotive brake should be applied judiciously.
In case the poor broke power of the train is observed, the loco pilot should advise control for joint
checking and corrective action as laid down in Operating Manual and ensure pressing of PVEF switch
while applying train brakes

General Guidelines ON “ FLAT TYRE

There have been several instances where Flat-tyre has caused extensive damage to track by causing
rail fractures and weld failures resulting into serious accidents. In order to prevent recurring of such
incidences, following guidelines are to be followed:

1. The TXR staff in Depots / Sicklines must check the flatness of wheel tread with the help of tyre-
defect gauge during examination when the train is stationary. The permissible flat on wheel
tread is limited to 60mm for Goods Stock and 50mm for Coaching Stock / Locomotive. All train

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

examination staff shall adhere to the provisions of Rule 2.8.4, 3.2.2 and ‘S’ 4.21.1 “Tyre Defects”
of Part IV IRCA Conference Rules for Coaching Stock and Para 4.18.1 of Part 111 of IRC A
Conference Rules for Freight Stock.
2. The train crew and Shunting staff should release brakes whenever DV Isolating Cock is operated
by them.
3. The empty / load device should be kept in the relevant position to avoid skidding of wheels, resulting
into flatness of tyre during run by the GLP at the time of clearing empties from the Sidings.


1. The Loco-Pilot and Guard should be vigilant in detection of unusual / hammering sound in the
3. TXR staff during ‘rolling-in’ examination at all major train examination points to detect flat face on
wheel tyre in train while in motion. Such a wagon in a motion train can be located by them as per
procedure given below;
4. Station Operating Staff while exchanging ‘all-right’ signals shall be vigilant and attentive to hear
any unusual / hammering sound in the running train and make efforts to stop and examine the train.
If they hear such sound, they should start counting the location of such a wagon (counting it as
one) till the BV. It will demarcate location of such a wagon in moving train and communicate it to
control and next station.
5. Traffic & Engineering Gatemen shall also be vigilant in detecting any unusual / hammering sound
on a running train and they should be in readiness to exhibit STOP hand signal and stop the train;
or intimate the SM if they failed to stop train. Such a wagon in moving train can be located by them
as per procedure given above;
6. Engineering Staff and Supervisors while at worksites or while doing trolley inspection or footplate
inspection should also be advised to be vigilant towards detection of flat- tyre on the passing train/s
and take suitable action for stopping the train or informing the train Crew / SM by the quickest
means of communication available. Such a wagon in moving train can be located by them as per
procedure given above;
7. On-board staff like TTEs, Coach Attendants, AC Mechanics and other Supervisor / Officers
travelling by the train can also detect any unusual/hammering sound in the coach/train.


1.0 Loco Pilot & Guard of the train:

i. On detecting / getting information about the hammering sound on the formation in the block
section, the train crew shall observe a speed restriction of 30 KMPH for clearing the section up to
next station. After clearing the block section, the LP and Guard of the train shall ask for the TXR
staff for examining the concerned coach / wagon.
ii. If no TXR staff is posted to work at that station, and it is likely to take more time for TXR staff
to come, the LP, Guard and ASM shall decide in consultation with the SCOR to detach the coach
/ wagon at the same station. If the coach / wagon are detached at that station, the detached coach
/ wagon shall be moved by another train / loco as planned by the SCOR up to the next TXR
examination point with a restricted speed of 30 KMPH.
iii. If TXR staff is available at that station or they can come quickly from other station, the flat tyre
shall be examined by them and they will certify whether the flatness is within the permissible
limits or beyond. If the flatness is within the permissible limit, they can certify for running the train
further at normal speed and if flatness is beyond the permissible limit, the wagon has to be detached
at the same station.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2.0 Mechanical (C&W) Staff:

Mechanical staff /TXR staff working at the station shall inspect the wagon / coach which were reported
with flat tyre and take action as per the above mentioned guidelines in Para 1.0 above.

3.0 Operating Staff:

Once report about hammering sound is reported in the train from the SM in rear or by any Gateman
from the rear block section, the SM shall definitely stop the train.
Arrange to issue a memo to the TXR staff if available; to measure the length of flatness and allow the
train further only if the measured flat is within the permissible limits. If no TXR staff is posted to work
at that station, the SM shall take action to detach the coach/wagon in consultation with Control and
allow the remaining train to proceed with normal speed. Under no circumstances, ASM shall allow the
train to run with a suspected flat tyre, once the information is received.

4.0 Functions of Control Office:

The SCOR after getting information from the SM, shall top the train at the next immediate station duly
taking the advice seriously as reported by stations and advice Deputy Controller and Chief Controller.
He shall take action as stated in Para 1.0 & Para 3.0 in consultations with LP, Guard & ASM. Deputy
Controller shall co-ordinate with Engineering Control and depute the SSE (P. Way) / JE/P. Way / P.
Way Supervisor of Engineering Department to inspect the rear block section either by travelling in a
light engine / Tower Car with a restricted speed of 30 KMPH or by proceeding on a motor / push trolley
if Loco/Tower car is not readily available or arranging the same is likely to take more time.

5.0 Engineering Staff:

On getting the advice from the Control (Engineering or Traffic) they shall be in readiness to proceed
for inspection and certification of track in the rear affected block section duly taking protective action
for any failure noticed during such inspection.

6.0 Engineering Control:

Engineering control shall co-ordinate with Traffic Control in alerting SSE/JE/P.Way Supervisor of
Engineering department and getting the section inspected by Engineering official as laid down in Para
4.0 and 5.0 above. Thereafter, Engineering control in consultation with SSE/JE-P.Way Supervisor
who has inspected the section shall impose SR of 50 KMPH for Passenger trains as well as for empty
Goods trains in the affected section till USFD in the affected section (point of detection of unusual
sound to next station) is completed and protective action thereafter is taken. No loaded goods train
shall be allowed to run unless USFD testing is completed. Adequate number of Ultrasonic teams for
checking the affected section shall be arranged, if required by pooling them from other Divisions so
as to complete testing within the earliest possible time. On completion of USFD testing, speed of
passenger trains and that of empty goods trains shall be raised to 75 KMPH and after observing for 24
hours, normal sectional speed shall be restored for these trains. Loaded goods shall be permitted at 50
KMPH on completion of USFD and after observing for 24 hours, normal speed shall be restored for
such trains.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

Annexure 6.01


Air- Brake Trouble shooting

I. BP pressure is not building up on air brake train:

1. Close the BP angle cock of the loco between the loco and first vehicle of the train. Ensure BP
pressure is 5.0 kg/cm2 in case if the BP pressure is less in the loco. If BP is not charged, attend as
per instructions given in 6.3.
2. If the loco is in good condition, check the train for any leakage of the pipe lines and at the angle
cocks and arrest the same if necessary.
3. Check for any BP air hose washers are missing. If missing, replace the same.
4. Ensure in front of the loco BP angle cock is closed and there is no air leakage. Similarly ensure BP
angle cock in rear of the brake van/SLR is closed and there is no air leakage.
5. In case of air leakage is noticed on any distributor valve try to arrest the leakage. If not possible to
arrest the leakage, isolate that particular distributor valve and release the brakes of that vehicle.
6. Ensure all auxiliary reservoirs drain cocks are closed.
7. Check for any leakages in BP iron pipe, attend if any, if not possible detach the defective wagon.
8. Ensure emergency valve in BV/SLR in closed position.
9. If loco air flow indicator pointer is shooting up above the previous level maintained, arrest the
leakage till it drops to the previous level.

II. Brake pipe pressure dropping on run:

1. Ensure A9 and RS are in proper position in both cabs.
2. Check and ensure that all the angle cocks of the train are opened fully and there is no leakage at the
angle cocks and palm ends (missing rubber washers).
3. Ensure BP angle cock in front of the loco and rear of the brake van or last vehicle is closed properly.
4. Check and rectify the leakage of BP pipes if any.
5. In case of coaching train, check for any Alarm chain pull is operated. If so, reset the same.
6. Ensure that there is no leakage at Guard’s brake valve.
7. In case of any leakage noticed at the distributor valve and if it could not be arrested, close the
isolation cock of the distributor valve and release the brakes of that vehicle

III. FP pressure dropping on run:

1. Ensure that the FP feed valve COC is opened fully on the loco.
2. Ensure that FP angle cock in front of the loco and in the rear of the brake van or last vehicle of the
train is closed.
3. Check and ensure all the FP angle cocks on the train are opened fully
4. Check and rectify the leakage on the FP pipe line if any.
5. If the leakage on FP pipe line could not be arrested or could not be traced or any FP hose is
damaged, work onwards with single pipe system duly closing FP angle cocks of the loco and first
vehicle of the formation.

1. In case of DURANTO rake, if FP isolated, Maximum speed of the train is restricted to 60kmph.
2. If loco with C2N type valve feed valve is moved as dead , concern inlet and out let cocs to
be closed for C2N.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

IV. Brakes binding:

For goods trains with conventional bogie:

Ensure BP pressure 5 kg/cm2, ensure no leakage in pipelines, DV, palm ends and ensure load /empty
handle in proper position.
A. Piston showing outside:
1. Ensure Hand brake is released.
2. Operate QRV of DV, if not successful
3. Isolate DV and operate QRV.
4. If still not release slacken the vent plug of brake cylinder carefully.

B. Piston showing inside:

1. Slacken the SAB and try.
2. Disconnect the brake pull rod pin of brake rigging.
3. Ensure no part is hanging. If required secure the hanging part with rope/wire.

1. For goods train with BMBC (Basic Mounted Brake Cylinder) bogies:
1. Identify the wagon on which brake binding occurred.
2. Release QRV by pulling if not successful.
3. Isolate the DV by lifting the DV handle to horizontal Position, Pull the manual release valve of DV.
4. Ensure that piston stroke indicator has fully gone in side of cylinder and brake blocks are
5. If still not success, Isolate the isolating cocks provided between APM and both the brake cylinders
and work the train.

If mechanically brakes not releasing (piston stroke indicator inside) shake the brake rigging assembly
slightly to get release of mechanical


Ensure BP pressure 5 kg/cm2, ensure no leakage at Pipelines, DV, palm ends etc.
1. Release QRV by pulling, if not success.
2. Isolate FP, BP branch pipe lines and drain out AR isolate DV handle, again pull QRV.
3. In case of crimped flexible pipe, straighten the flexible pipe to allow brake cylinder pressure to
exhaust. If still not success,
4. Close the bogie isolation cocks and work further.
5. If still not success (Mechanical brake binding), pull the latch of BC of effected wheel and rotate
resetting plate in clockwise direction to release brakes. Ensure brakes are released by shaking brake
6. If still not successful, remove the truss bar pin, secure truss bar and work further.


In case of brake binding/brake applied condition the brake indicator of each bogie brake cylinders will
show red colour.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

1. Pull quick release handle of distributor valve. If not released…

2. Turn isolation cock/cocks of effected in anti clock Wise direction from horizontal position to
vertical position (900), which is provided on brake panel. But in KNORR panel normal position of
cocks are vertical). If released, red indicators of each Bogie brake cylinder will change from red
colour to green. Ensure brake release by shaking brake caliper.
3. If not released, open flexible pipe of effected trolley having brake binding and ensure brakes are
4. If not released, loosen the hexagonal nut brake calliper with suitable spanner 27x30. Check brake
release by Shaking brake caliper.

V. Isolation of LHB bogie: (In case DV is defective or malfunctioning, both bogie COCs closed)
1. Isolate distributor valve by lifting handle up wards.
2. Isolate FP connection to AR, by isolating cock fitted on brake module panel by rotating 900 in anti
clockwise direction.
3. Drain out AR fully.
4. Pull QRV of DV.
5. Physically ensure the release of brake pads of all wheels by shaking and brake indicator on green

VI. BP iron pipe is broken of a vehicle ( in goods train):

1. Since MR pressure gets discharged through BP pipe line, Keep A9 handle in ‘emergency position’
2. Check the train and close the rear BP angle cock of the Vehicle before the defective vehicle.
3. Release the brakes of the remaining vehicle up to the brake van or last vehicle including the
defective vehicle.
4. Inform the Guard and exchange signals with the Guard frequently and clear the section with
necessary precautions, if the section is favorable.
5. After clearing the section inform CHC/CTLC and detach the defective vehicle.
6. If the section is not favorable to work with partial brake system clear the block section in two
portions duly taking the precautions.

In Coaching Train:
1. Collect BP-FP BYPASS Coupling kept in Pantry Car/AC II tier/SLR.
2. Close the FP-BP cut off angle cock of adjacent to affected coach at locomotive end.
3. Wait till both air hose pressure releases from rear-end.
4. Uncouple BP-FP air hoses.
5. Couple BP-FP BYPASS coupling as shown.
6. Similarly uncouple BP-FP air hoses of rear end Of affected coach and couple FP-BP BY PASS
7. Close FP angle cock of adjacent to affected coach at rear end.
8. Put spare hanging air hoses on hooks.
9. Open BP angle cock of adjacent to affected Coach at locomotive end
10. Manually release and Isolate the affected coach.
11. Close rear FP angle cock of locomotive to work the train with single pipe.
12. Conduct air pressure Continuity test and work further.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Breakage of main pipe line of BP in Duronto rakes:

1. Bring the flexible coupling pipe of coach length, kept in guard compartment.
2. Lay across the flexible coupling pipe from one end to other end through vestibule of the affected
3. Couple palm ends of flexible pipe to the BP air hose of adjacent to affected coach.
4. Manually release and isolate the affected coach.
5. Conduct air pressure continuity test and work the train with prescribed speed.

VII. BP air hose is damaged:

1. Keep A9 in ‘emergency’ position.
2. Close the BP angle cock before the air hose damaged.
3. Renew the air hose, if spare hose is available or with the hose in the rear of the last vehicle or with
the Hose in front of the loco and resume traction duly Opening the closed angle cock.
4. If no spare hose is available or could not be replaced, Close the BP angle cock of the vehicle before
defective air hose and act as per the procedure.

LHB coach BP or F P pipe / angle cock failure:

1. Angle cocks of one BP/FP air hose are kept in working Position and spare BP/FP hoses are in
closed position.
2. In case of BP or FP air hose failure, close the angle cockof affected air hose and also close the
angle cock opposite to the affected hose coupled to it.
3. Open the angle cocks of spare air hose.
4. Conduct air pressure continuity test, work the train.

VIII. BP angle cock towards loco end in between the vehicles is closed by unknown person when
train is stopped due to any reason:
The BP pressure of the loco will not drop and air flow indicator white needle will go below red needle.
1. When a Loco Pilot tries to start a train he will experience hard pulling due to train brakes being
applied in rear of the vehicle where the angle cock is closed.
2. Check the train and open the angle cock, which is closed and ensure continuity of BP pressure and
last vehicle before starting the train.
3. Attend brake binding if any.

IX. ACP pulled on the air brake train:

(Air flow indicator shoots up suddenly. If ACP/AFL circuit is available and is in service, buzzer sounds
with LSPAR/LSAF lamp glowing in the cab)
Whenever ACP is pulled, the train brakes also get applied. Isolate the Buzzer & FL by pressing BIS
/SW switch on the loco. Stop the train, Apply SA9 and depute the Assistant Loco Pilot to check the
Simultaneously Guard of the train also should come from the SLR. If phone facility is available on the
train, Loco Pilot should inform the Guard and the train Superintendent to check the ACP along with the
C & W staff if available on the train for this purpose. After identifying the ACP pulled bogie, reason
to be ascertained by the Guard or train Superintendent for pulling of ACP. Later ACP clappet valve to
be reset with the help of pulling ACP resetting rope/ ACP resetting key which is available with C & W
staff or Guard of the train.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

Once ACP is reset, the air flow indicator while needle drops back to the red needle level and lamp
LSPAR gets extinguished. The train should be restarted as per the rules.

Whenever Clappet valve could not be reset or clappet valve leaking or any leakage on ACP pipe line,
close the ACP COC duly informing the Guard. Message should be given to arrange C & W staff to
attend at the next TXR point.


DEVICE (PEASD): (in LHB coaches /Double Decker)

1. There is no mechanical linkage like chain.
2. To stop the train, the PEASD handle is pulled and this directly operates the PEASD.
3. Valve for venting the brake pipe pressure through 19mm choke.
4. During ACP, the red light provided outside at the end of the coach and a red light provided near
PEASD inside the cabin will glow.
5. For re-setting the PEASD, the resetting key is to be inserted on the projection available near the
PEASD and the key is to be rotated in the clock wise direction.
6. If the air leakage does not stop, then isolate the PEASD isolation cock provided under the coach

X. Air spring failure in hybrid coaches

1. In case of punctured / defect, air bellows levelling valve lever will be in inclined position.
2. Close isolation cock of air supply pipe of air spring provided for each bogie air spring.
3. In case of air pipe on main reservoir broken/air leaking, close main isolation cock provided for it.
4. Work the train with restricted speed of 60 kmph up to destination/attention.
Note: In case of DOUBLE DECKEER rakes air bellows puncture will be indicated through FIBA
system, close concern COC for air suspension, FIBA BP COC, reset FIBA indicator, build up
pressure work with 60kmph.

30646 Push Pull Train Operation

Railway Board vide letter No. 2007/Elect (TRS)/440/15 Pt dt 11/11/2019, 9/5/2019, 19/02/2019 and
Pull Push train operation scheme given in RDSO Generic Pull-Push Speed certificate MC/LHB/Coach/
Pull-Push-Gen dt 12/07/2019 provides for Pull Push train operation.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Pull Push train operation in widely prevalent globally in prestigious trains such as TGV (France),
Talgo (Spain), ICE1 (Germany), Eurostar, Diesel Push Pull (in Sri Lanka), China, etc.

Key advantages of Pull Push Train

A. Improved safety
1. Safer mode of operation vis-à-vis hazardous NON-SYCHRONISED banking operation in Ghat
section, all over Indian Railways.
2. Pull-Push mode offers same safety level as Train-Set.

B. Most economic option for higher speed train operation

1. Existing rolling stock & locomotives can be used.
2. Cost of modification of coaches/locomotive is negligible:
Cost of modification is much less compared to train-set.

C. Operational advantages
1. Faster operation of dense traffic at longer distance
2. No need of engine reversal where train direction reverses such as in NGP, DD, etc
3. Hub & spoke train operation – Slip coaches can be moved promptly with rear loco. (Eg Chalisgaon
-Dhule coaches of train 11057)
4. Stoppage time can be significantly reduced
5. Suitable for platform return trains-quicker return (especially in dead end terminu station)
6. Higher acceleration & faster braking leads to increased sectional capacity.
7. Higher and flexible transport capability to cater for the higher traffic volume
8. Flexibility to vary train-length due to seasonal variations in traffic volume.
9. No chance of section blocking
10. Higher reliability due to the use of proven and mature technologies

The ‘push & pull’ technique involves placing of two locomotives, one in front of the train and one at
the back, essentially providing more stability to the train.
Generally, there are two power cars in a train set, which take care of the hotel load requirement. The
two locomotives attached to a train will take care of the hotel load requirement, doing away with the
need of power cars. We will replace the power cars with coaches increasing capacity and revenue
For enhancing the average speed of coaching trains, The first Pull-Push passenger train over Indian
Railway i.e CSMT-NZM Rajdhani express run successfully on 13.2.2019 between CSMT and NZM.
With this Push Pull arrangement operation, need for attaching /detaching of banker locomotive on
Ghat section has been eliminated. With Push Pull operation, journey time has been reduced by 95
minutes between CSMT-NZM.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

Operation of WAP-7 locomotive in Push Pull mode.

Vide letter no. EL/3.1.35/4 dated 11.12.2018, RDSO has issued scheme for modification to be carried
out in WAP-7 locos for operation in Push Pull mode. The scheme is implemented in 5 WAP-7 loco
pairs of ELS/Ajni. Locomotive details are as below.
1. In Push Pull mode one loco is in front of rake (called Master loco) and another loco is in rear of
rake (called slave loco).
The modification for push pull operation involves provision of additional BL switch, additional BPFA
and additional LSDJ on ‘D’ panel in each cab of both master and slave loco.

‘D’ Panel

2. ZTEL switch provided on ‘A’ panel is renamed as ZNN switch and is used for negotiating of neutral

‘A’ Panel

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. The WAP-7 locos are provided with four couplers on each cab side.
a. IVC coupler- 2 Nos. for power connection of Hotel load. ON command pins of hotel load converter
are provided in IVC coupler only.
i. LP side for Hotel load converter-2.
ii. ALP side for Hotel load converter-1.

b. UIC couplers – 2 Nos.

i. LP side for Push Pull operation & (additional coupler on ALP side for MU provided in 30579
& 30580)
ii. ALP side for Hotel load converter

4. UIC couplers, provided on locomotive cab for hotel load converter and Push Pull operation, are
female sockets and IVC couplers, provided on locomotive cab for hotel load converter power
connections, are male coupler.
5. On rake side each power car is having male sockets at both sides (LH & RH) for Push Pull operation.
Both these sockets are connected in parallel. For Push Pull operation one flexible jumper having
male& female couplers at either end is required. One end of flexible jumper (male) is inserted in LP
side female socket on loco cab and another end of jumper (female) is inserted in either of the two
male sockets provided on power car for push pull operation.

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

Dedicated IEC 61375 Compliant Communication Train Line using Modular Connectors for
Pull-Push Mode Train Operation

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

6. Similar jumper is to be provided between rear power car and slave loco. Here it is pointed out that
both jumpers (one used between master loco and front power car and another used between slave
loco and rear power car) appears to be similar. Even though both jumpers are 18 pin, internal wire
connection is different. One jumper is called straight jumper and another jumper is called crossed
jumper. In push pull operation one straight and one cross jumper is must. Location wise if straight
jumper is provided between master loco and front power car then cross jumper has to be provided
between slave loco and rear power car and vice versa.
7. (One additional straight and one cross coupler is required for 30579 & 30580. Further this
modification will be extended in all locos)
Once master and slave locos are attached with the rake and flexible jumpers for push pull operation
are connected then procedure for energisation of loco is as below.

1. Cock and switch position of master and slave loco is as below.

S.N. Name of cock/ Switch Master loco Slave loco
1 Panto selector switch 85 Auto mode* Auto mode
2 Feed pipe charging cock 136 Open Close
3 BP charging cock 70 Open Open
4 Emergency exhaust cock 74 Open Open
5 Dead movement cock 47 Close Close
6 Kaba key IG 38 Open Open
* In Master loco panto selector switch 85 to be manually selected so that rear panto is raised.

2. Connect BP and FP pipe of both locos with BP & FP pipe with train rake and open angle cocks.

3. In slave loco ensure:

a. Keep SA-9 in released position in both cabs and observe ‘0’ pressure in BC gauge.
b. Move A-9 /DBC to emergency position and brakes will be applied in loco and rake.
c. Move A-9 / DBC to neutral position and take out the handle.

4. In master loco:
a. Insert BL key in additional BL switch provided on ‘D’ panel and move it from OFF to D mode. This
will result in glowing of additional LSDJ. (This amounts to activating slave loco)

Chapter-6 Operation of Locomotives

b. After around 35-40 seconds slave loco will be on 504 node and additional BPFA provided on D
panel in master loco will glow. (This amounts to VCU boot up in slave loco)

c. Move additional BL key from D to OFF and take it out. This will display 612 node for slave loco
in DDU of slave loco. (This amounts to slave loco in “self hold mode active”.
d. Insert BL key in ‘A’ panel and move from OFF to D and wait for 35-40 seconds. DDU will display
504 node for both master and slave loco in Node information screen.
e. Now energise the locomotive pair of push pull combination from master loco as is done normally for
single WAP-7 loco. Push pull combination of locos can be checked from train configuration screen.

f. If ZNN switch is on OFF position, then VCBs of both master and slave loco will open or close
simultaneously by BLDJ switch.
g. Node information displayed on DDU of master loco is for both Master and Slave loco. The status
of slave loco is known from the node information displayed on DDU of master loco in column of
slave loco.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

5. Instructions for neutral section:

a. At 500 m board by following signal aspects and section speed restrictions, attain maximum speed.
b. At 250 m board bring throttle to Zero and switch ON ZNN.
c. At DJ open board, switch OFF BLDJ and ensure LSDJ is glowing.
d. At DJ close board, switch on BLDJ and ensure extinguishing of LSDJ.
e. Additional BLDJ provided on ‘D’ panel of master loco will remain in extinguished condition
f. The logic used for negotiating of neutral section in push pull operation is as
i. After DJ OFF of master loco, DJ of slave loco opens after 330 meters. (Considering minimum
rake length)
ii. After DJ ON of master loco DJ of slave loco closes after 750 meters. (Considering maximum
rake length)
• Opening and closing of VCB in slave loco can be checked from Node information screen in
Master loco.
• In Push Pull operation no fault messages will be pop up on DDU of slave loco. However,
fault messages will be recorded in slave loco and can be seen in DDS. (Diagnostic Data Set)
• In Push Pull operation fault messages will be pop up on DDU of master loco with LSFI
glowing but along with loco No. From loco no. LP has to understand whether fault is in
master loco or slave loco and take corrective action as per TSD.

• In case of communication failure between master and slave loco message of

“COMMUNICATION DISTURBANCE” is displayed in DDU of master loco and following
action take place automatically.
iii. VCB tripping in master loco
iv. VCB tripping and lowering of Panto in slave loco.


30700 Duties of Motorman

1. Rules 30604, 30606, 30608 to 30616 and 30620 for Drivers in connection with operation of locos
will be equally applicable to Motormen. (Revised rule no. 30605,30606,30607,30609,30610,3061
2. Motorman will also be responsible for cleanliness of the EMU cabs.

30701 Motorman’s Personal Equipment

Motormen of suburban trains should carry the following equipment while working trains:
1. Special keys for operation 1 set of the Master Controller, reverser, control
switch etc.
2. LED based flashing tri-colour hand signal 1
3. 2 red and 1 green flags mounted on sticks 1 set
4. Working Time Table (WTT), Detail book & Drivers memo Book    1 Set
5. A watch in good working order 1
6. Detonators (10 in a box) 10
7. General and Subsidiary Rules (Updated) 1 copy each each, AC Traction Manual and
Operating (Updated )
Manual for the type of EMU, and Pocket trouble shooting book for EMU rakes
8. A pair of spectacles (if prescribed by Doctor)
9. Motorman Competency certificate & Health card.
10. Any other items in accordance with local instructions.

30702 Checks to be done by Motorman.

1. While taking the charge –off a EMV train (as per (a)&b below)shall carry out check as detailed in
para 30703 and 30704 in addition to the checks as detailed by concerned Zonal Railways -
a. a train is taken over from an EMU shed or stabling line after maintenance or inspection;
b. a train is taken over for its first trip of the day or after stabling at a station siding for more than
one hour
2. The duties prescribed in the paras 30703 and 30704 above for the Motorman will devolve on the
Shunters or Engine Turners when the train is worked by a Shunter or Engine Turner from the shed
or stabling line to the station platform and the Motorman takes over the train on the platform. The
Brake continuity test (BCT) prescribed in para 30708 shall, however, be carried out only by the
Motorman who works the first trip.
3. Instructions given in this section are of a general nature applicable to all types of EMUs and should
be treated as complementary / supplementary to detailed instructions issued by respective Railways
for each class of EMUs.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30703 Preliminary Checks

The Motorman shall - .
a. Check that the entire train is on a wired track so that by inadvertent raising of the pantograph on an
unwired track, is eliminated.
b. Ensure possession possession of the correct set of keys for operation of the reverser, control switch,
pantograph selector switch and doors and
c. Go through the defects register to acquaint himself with the defects noted earlier and the action
taken by the maintenance staff to set right such defects.

30704 Checks Before Starting Trains

1. In the entire train the Motorman shall check the following:-
a. Correct position of the pneumatic pipes and electrical couplers in the dummy sockets and
dummy hooks respectively;
b. Working of the headlights, auxiliary headlight, flasher light, blinker light, tail lights, head-
codes and tail boards.
c. Hand-brakes/parking brakes are released;
d. Availability of fire extinguishers and alarm resetting rods.
2. In the leading driving cab i.e. the driving cab to be used for the first
a. all fuses are in position and fuse free breakers are “ON”;
b. the dead man’s device is functioning normally;
c. wiper, hooter, headlight (including emergency headlight), head code light and taillight (including
emergency tail light) are functioning correctly;
d. the main reservoir and brake pipe pressures are normal;
e. AWS must be in working condition & all indicating instruments are normal.
3. In addition, motorman will conduct checks for each type of EMU as required in the respective
Operating Manuals.

30705 Familiarity with automatic brake application

In EMUs provided with electro-pneumatic and automatic brakes, normally the braking system made
use of by the Motorman for service stops is the electro-pneumatic system. Though primarily meant for
use in emergency and for automatic application in the event of train parting, the automatic air brakes
are capable of graduated application for service stopping of EMU trains. This graduated application
of automatic brakes, however, requires some practice on the part of motormen. Once during every trip
they should, therefore, control the Train and bring it to a stop making use of the automatic brakes. In
the event of failures of electro-pneumatic brakes it will be quite safe to keep the units in service using
the automatic brake system till the train can be conveniently withdrawn from service.(Stopping with
auto brake is allowed in AC Retro unit, in Siemens & Bombardier rake auto brake application is only
for testing.

30706 Dead Man’s Handle

1. Since an Electrical Multiple Unit train is operated by a motorman alone, it is necessary to provide
means of applying the brakes and bringing the train to a stop in the event of the motorman setting
incapacitated in any manner. This is arranged by means of a dead man’s device associated with
the master controller. With the reversing key in the ‘forward’ or ‘reverse’ position, the handle of
the master controller has to be kept continuously depressed by the motorman. If the pressure on

Chapter-7 Operation Of Emus /Memus

the handle is released on account of the motorman fainting or getting incapacitated in any manner,
power for the traction motors is cut off and the brakes are automatically applied.
2. Dead man’s device should be tested before commencement of every trip. An EMU- train should
not be considered fit for service if the dead man’s device in any of the end driving cabs of a train
formation is inoperative. In the event of the dead man’s device becoming defective when a rake
is in service, it should be either promptly withdrawn from service or a Guard, Train Examiner or
some other person conversant with the operation of the brakes in an emergency should travel with
the motorman.
3. The dead man’s device will be operative when the train is in motion only if the reversing key is in
‘forward’ or ‘reverse’ position. If the reversing key is returned to the off position when the train
is in motion, the dead man’s device is rendered inoperative with consequent serious danger of
accident in the event of the Driver fainting or getting incapacitated in any other manner Motormen
are, therefore, forbidden from moving the reversing key to the off position when the train is in
4. It is essential to impress upon Motormen (during their initial training and whenever they attend
refresher course), the importance of this rule. Frequent checks are also essential to ensure that
the rule is being strictly observed by motormen during their working. This is one of the primary
responsibilities of the Chief Loco Inspectors. Officers and other senior supervisory staff should
also, during their cab, inspections, specially check on the Motormen’s observance of the rule. Any
disregard of the rule should be dealt with severely and promptly.

30707 Auxiliary Warning System (AWS)

This system ensures extra vigilance on part of the motorman and in case of motorman becomes
momentarily Inattentive it gives a warning bell and then applies the emergency brakes automatically.
Power is cut out and brake operation also take place, in case motorman crosses a stop signal at danger.
The driving crew operating with the system should be made fully conversant with the same before
being put on loco /EMU, while working trains operating on sections fitted with such system.

30708 Joint Testing of Brakes Continuity by Guard and Motorman

1. Before an EMU train is brought on to a running line after inspection or maintenance in an EMU
shed or stabling line, the brakes of the train shall be jointly tested by the Motorman and the Guard
to ensure that the electro-pneumatic, automatic brakes are functioning normally and the brake pipe
is continuous throughout the train.
2. This joint brake continuity test shall be conducted in accordance with detailed local instructions
laid down for the purpose in the Operating Manual for the particular type of EMU.
3. As far as possible this joint test should be carried out before the EMU train leaves the shed or
stabling line. However, if specially authorized jointly by CEE and COM, the brake test may be
taken on the platform before commencement of the first trip from stabling sidings, platform stabling
& carsheds.

30709 Duties of Guards of EMU Trains

In addition to the normal duties prescribed for them in General and Subsidiary Rules and other
instructions, Guards of EMU trains shall be responsible for the following :
1. Joint brake continuity test with the Motorman as detailed in Para 30708.
2. Switching on the lights, fans & ventilation in train for passengers when required and making a general
check at the commencement of the trip that lights and fans are in good working order in the train.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. Conveying information to the TLC, maintenance staff regarding failures and defects of lights and
fans in the compartments.

30710 Defects in EMU Trains

1. Motormen are expected to be fully trained to rectify minor defects and in the method of isolation
of faulty equipment. Detailed instructions on the method of trouble-shooting and rectification of
minor defects are contained in the Operating Manual of the respective type of EMU. Motormen are
expected to keep themselves fully acquainted with details of these instructions and to rectify such
defects themselves.
2. Defects such as failure of fans or lights, leakages in air pipes etc. will be attended to on arrival of
the units in the Car shed or Stabling Depots.

30711 Defects Noticed During Run with Special Reference to EMUs

1. In the event of defects which affect the punctual and safe running of trains and require early attention
by the maintenance staff, the Motorman will convey a message indicating the exact nature of defect
to the Traction Loco Controller through the Station Master of the nearest station and will abide
by the instructions given by the TLC. Depending upon the nature of defects, the TLC will decide
whether the units are fit to be retained on line or should be withdrawn from service.
2. In the event of isolation of faulty traction motors, failure of auxiliaries etc., the maximum speed and
other restrictions subject to which the train may be worked are detailed in the Operating Manual for
each type of EMU.
3. Brake power percentage of EMU rake ex carshed should be 100%, Ex Sidings brake power
percentage not allowed less than 90%, If brake power is less than 90% due to isolation speed
restriction is 75 kmph .
The Motorman should abide by these instructions strictly.

30712 Turn-round Time at Terminal Stations

At terminal stations a minimum turn-round time of 9 minutes for 12 car rake & 15 minutes 15 car
rake should normally be allowed. This is necessary since normally the brake pipe pressure should
be reduced to zero at the end of the trip and normal pressure built up again when the train starts in
the opposite direction. In exceptional circumstances, justified by local requirements, the PCEE and
PCOM jointly may permit a shorter turn-round time in which case it will only be possible for a partial
reduction in brake pipe pressure to be effected at the end of the trip.

30713 Stabling of EMU Trains

1. When stabling an EMU train in the Car Shed or on a stabling line, the Motorman or Engine Turner
who has taken over the rake will carry out the following essential operations:
a. ensure fouling mark is clear in rear or both side the line on which rake is planned for stabling.
b. Switch off the lights and fans of his driving cab,
c. Destroy the brake pipe pressure to zero isolate the brake controller and return brake controller
to the “release” position. Check BP gauge is showing zero pressure & brake cylinder gauge is
showing 1.2 kg/cm2.
d. apply the hand brakes/parking brakes fully in the driving cabs at both the ends.
e. if any defects noticed it should be noted in defect log book with out fail.
f. apply wooden wedges on wheels against falling gradients.
g. shutter of driving cab should be close .
h. Lock the equipment compartments and driving cabs.-

Chapter-7 Operation Of Emus /Memus

i. Any other operations prescribed under local instructions.

2. When a rake is to be stabled, the Motorman should invariably be at the leading driving cab. Backing
an EMU rake to a siding with the motorman at the rear cab is strictly forbidden,
3. After stabling an EMU train or handing over to the Engine Turner, the Motorman before going off
duty should convey to the supervisor-in-charge of the Car Shed or stabling line (or to the TLQ any
defects or abnormalities noticed during the previous trips inquiring immediate attention. -

30714 Coasting with Special Reference to EMU Operation

In order to keep down the energy consumption for operation of EMU trains, it is necessary to resort to
coasting to the maximum extent feasible. The running time between stations given in the Time Table is
after allowing for sufficient coasting. For guidance of Motorman, Coasting Board indicating the point
at which power may be cut off normally are fixed on the OHE masts facing the direction of the train
movement. When the distance between a pair of stations is long, sometimes power may have to be
applied in two spells. In such cases additional boards indicating at what point power has to be switched
on a second time and the point at which power may be switched off again are also provided.
It is an important duty of a Motorman to observe the Coasting Boards to the maximum extent feasible
when the train is running on time. To make up time when a train is running late, the Coasting Board
may be disregarded and power kept on for a longer time, taking care not to exceed the permissible
speed of the section.
It must be remembered that if the “switch-off” Coasting Board is not observed when the train is
running to schedule, apart from waste of electrical energy, there will be greater wear and tear of brake
block. The location of the Coasting Board on each line should be decided by Sr. DEE / DEE (RS) after
taking actual trials. A register should be maintained in the Office of Sr. DEE / DEE (RS) as well as TFR
showing the locations of the Coasting Boards provided. These locations should also be advised to the
ATFO (OHE) of the section who should ensure that the Coasting Boards are not shifted for any reason
by OHE staff. A periodic check that the boards are located correctly in accordance with the register
should also be carried out by the Driving Inspectors.

30715 Operation with Traction Motor(s) Cut Out /Isolation

1. Normally an EMU should be operated with all the traction motors in position.
2. In case it is important to operate an EMU with motor(s) cutout/Isolation as a long term measure,
the EMU should be operated at a restricted speed and coasting restricted and a revised time table
should be issued, if necessary.
3. For temporary cut out/Isolation operation, motorman should inform the TLC and operate the train
as directed i.e. to clear the section or to haul to destination or to complete the link till the EMU
touches the maintenance shed. No EMU should normally leave the shed with any motor cut out/

30716 Working of Trains when Tracks are Flooded

1. The speed at which an EMU train may be worked with various heights of water from rail level shall
be laid down for each type of EMUs under local instructions and incorporated in the respective
Operating Manual.
2. It must also be ensured that in areas liable to flooding, special gauges (as laid down in Para 716 of
Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual) are provided to indicate when different types of EMU
stock and electric locos have to be stopped.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30717 Push pull Operation

Some of the suburban trains are equipped with a locomotive in the centre not at each end. The operation
of such train is similar to EMU operation and the maintenance of the locomotive should be carried out
in a loco shed and the various schedules as laid down should be followed.

30718 Long EMUs

1. At times it may be necessary to haul long EMU train say two or more of 9 coach or 12/15 coach
trains as one unit. In such an event Railways will Issue local instructions in the matter.
2. It will be necessary to ensure that controls on each 12/15 coach trains are fed from the battery of
the leading motor coach of the same train.
3. CRS sanction may be required for such an operation.



30800 Sanction of CRS

Sanction is required from the CRS in respect of -
1. Introduction of electric traction on any Railway or section of a Railway(as per policy circular no.6
issued by Rly Board vide letter no. 2018/CEDO/SR/PC-6/0 dated, 31/10/2018.).
2. Bringing into use any new type of electric locomotive or EMU or to operate any in service at
speeds higher than those already sanctioned. The term “New Type” include (Ref.: 6-Rs 945(E)
issued by Railway Board on 1/102018. Gazette of India Part II, Section 3, Sub Station (i):
a. Any alteration made in the existing rolling stock which will have an effect on the riding
characteristics of the rolling stock, generally, the points to be considered are Speed control
method, axle load, unsprung mass, primary and secondary suspension systems and load transfer
arrangements between body and bogies and bogies and wheel sets.
b. Any alteration in the traction electrical system, which is likely to interfere with signalling

30801 Commissioning of New type of Rolling Stock

When any new prototype Locomotive/EMU are received for the first time from a manufacturer, the
following are required to be ensured for inducting the rolling stock into services safely: -

First Stage: One time movement of the Rolling Stock

The new prototype needs to be certified fit for movement, based on an application made to the PCOM
of the Railway over which the loco is to be moved. The application is supported by -
1. Certificate from RDSO regarding its overall dimensions, axle loads, curve radius etc. for fitness to
move on IR tracks.
2. Certificate from manufacturer of the locomotive from site of unloading/ interface with the zonal
Railway that the vehicle is fit to be moved.
3. A note on origin, destination, route and special conditions of speed, escort, etc under which the loco
is to be moved.
The COM of the zonal Railway issues a movement order authorizing the movement of the locomotive,
based on the application, and any other conditions which he may find essential to stipulate.

Second Stage: Provisional running

1. RDSO at the first instance shall furnish Provisional Speed Certificate for the particular type of loco.
In this certificate RDSO will indicate the maximum provisional speed of the rolling stock permitted
to run on a particular type of track, nature of curvature, type of bridges, axle load, length of the
rolling stock, ODC dimensions if any and type of traction installations. RDSO will also furnish
the infringements for which the loco is over dimensional and Board’s condonation for the same is
required to be obtained.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. On receipt of the Provisional Speed Certificate, an application is made by the Chief Engineer
of the concerned Railway to the concerned CRS for obtaining sanction. This is accompanied
by Safety Certificate by PCEE, PCE, PCSTE,PCME and PCOM. This certificate will contain
detailed restriction imposed and precautions to be observed for the movement of the locomotive.
CRS, in turn will then forward the same to the Secretary (Works), Railway Board along with
his recommendations. Engineering Directorate at the Railway Board will finally communicate the
sanction based on the safety certificate issued by PCEE, PCE, PCSTE, PCME and PCOM and
comments of the concerned CRS for the provisional running of the rolling stock.

Third Stage: Instrumented trials

RDSO will furnish the details of test and trials to be carried out on the rolling stock, generally, consisting
of the following:
1. Oscillation trials: The trials are carried out for assessing the speed potential, the riding quality and
stability at different speeds on straight and curved tracks of concerned sections. The parameters
which are generally measured on the oscillograph car are lateral forces, lateral and vertical
accelerations, dynamic augment, bogie rotation and other parameters are derived. These trials are
repeated for leading and trailing bogies with new and worn out wheel diameters.
2. Braking Distance Trials: RDSO will conduct the braking distance trials with the locomotive hauling
prescribed loads at different speeds.
3. Tests regarding Interference with Signalling Circuits: The tests also will include measurements to
determine the interference to signal and telecommunication circuits.
4. Performance trials: RDSO will conduct the trials to assess the performance ratings of the locomotives
as per the extant instructions laid down.
5. Bridge fitness with Axle load.

Fourth Stage
Based upon the results of trials RDSO will issue a Final Speed Certificate indicating the maximum
speed for which the new stock is considered fit, mentioning therein special precautions to be observed
if any. Based upon this certificate, the user Railway will issue a speed certificate signed by PCE, PCEE,
PCME, PCOM and PCSTE and send the same to concerned Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS).

Final Stage:
Sanction of the Railway Board for commercial exploitation of the rolling stock is accorded.

30802 Trial Runs on Open line

Subject to the condition that operation of the particular new type of locomotive has already received the
sanction of the CRS, trial runs on the open line may be undertaken with all the usual precautions. The
Driver should be a senior and experienced person who has acquired the “feel” of the type of locomotive in
question, as he would be in a better position to give his reactions as to the performance of the locomotive.
Initially the locomotive should be run for short lengths at low speeds subject to various equipment
continuing to operate satisfactorily, the length of run and the speed may be progressively raised over a
period of time. Test in particular, how the brakes function under the normal and emergency conditions. At
the conclusion of each trip, a detailed examination should be made of the equipment, particular attention
being paid to the temperature rise, lubrication, protective devices etc. Every new rolling stock after initial
run for a period of 15 to 20 days will be called back to the home shed and will be given a thorough
inspection of all under-gear equipment with special attention to loosening of bolts. These bolts will be
re-tightened and secured before the rolling stock is put back into the system.

Chapter-8 Commissioning of New Electric Locomotives and EMUs

30803 Commissioning of New Electric Rolling Stock

1. Locomotives and EMUs do undergo detailed tests and trials at manufacturing units before
dispatch, detailed tests and trials at manufacturing units which include tests prescribed by RDSO.
Nevertheless, it is necessary for officers and staff of open line to check up the equipment thoroughly
before they are put into commercial operation.
Hence, an inspection programme (IC0) broadly based on IC schedule is generally carried out at
home shed during commissioning of rolling stock. During the schedule(IC0), Sr. DEE/ DEE(RS)
and the staff should make a detailed inspection of all parts of the rolling stock, one equipment after
another, keeping a full record of defects observed during its run from manufacturing/production
unit and necessary action will be taken to rectify them. Homing shed should also ensure during
commissioning of rolling stock whether all the modifications recommended by RDSO is being
carried out by production unit. If not, the same will be carried out during commissioning at home
shed. In any case, a report should be forwarded for every loco/or EMU tested to manufacturing unit
and RDSO for improvement in design. if required, revise the testing procedure and tighten up final
inspection. Such checks should also be normally carried out before commissioning a loco / EMU
after an IOH/ POH by the shed / workshops.
2. Test certificates bound in book/Digital form issued by the Manufacturers / Production Units should
be available in duplicate. These should contain details of purchase order, name & address of
supplier/OEM, data of supply received at CLW/other production units, Warranty/Guarantee clause
etc. of each major equipment, results of actual tests and measurements carried out on the different
components and duly countersigned by the Inspecting Officers. One copy should be kept preserved
for reference in the loco shed and one copy in PCEE’s office.
3. The manufacturer is also required to submit guarantee / warranty of the loco components / sub-
assemblies wherever applicable. Whenever a new type of equipment / sub-assembly is inducted into
the locomotive, its operation and maintenance instructions shall be furnished by the manufacturer
in advance, before dispatch of the locomotive.

30804 Electric Multiple Units

The contents of paras 30801 to 30803 apply equally to every electric multiple unit, except that, in
addition to the electrical equipment of the driving unit, the interconnecting pneumatic pipe connections
and the brake equipment in each coach should be subjected to detailed examination for detection
of leakage and proper operation. Similarly the control cable connections between coaches should
be checked for proper sealing at the ends to make them weather-proof. The running gear and brake
equipment in all motor and trailer coaches should also be tested.
Insulation resistance of the through wiring in the coaches, and internal wiring for lights and fans within
the coaches should also be checked and recorded. Verify that the different circuits are provided with
individual fuses and the fuses are of the correct rating. All tests and trials should be conducted with
the EMU without any passengers, except for the officials in-charge for testing and loading of the train
may be done by sand box, etc.

30805 Additional Precautions before Commencement of Commercial Operation

1. During trial runs, very close watch should be kept on the performance of new loco or EMU before
putting into normal service. For the first few runs, the Driving Inspector, together with a few key
personnel, should accompany the loco or EMU, and examine the equipment at frequent intervals
and arrange for rectification any defects that may show up. A separate History Sheet should be
maintained for every electric locomotive or EMU.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. The “trouble-shooting directory” should be got ready well in advance of introduction of a new
type of loco/ EMU and the running staff adequately trained in the trouble- shooting methods and
operation of the type of loco/ EMU.



30900 General
The safety precautions to be taken have been dealt with great length in various parts of the Manual
particularly from chapter 2 to 7 dealing with Operation and Maintenance of Rolling Stock. The
compliance of these rules should be ensured.
Various instructions given in this Chapter are in addition and over and above to the ones already
mentioned elsewhere in this manual and other relevant manuals issued by the Railway.
Loco Pilots / Motormen should be fully trained to protect not only their train but also the trains running
on other tracks in case of any infringement suspected as laid down in General and Subsidiary rules.

30901 Knowledge of Rules

All officers and supervisors of the Rolling-Stock section should be fully conversant with the “Rules
for Reporting Accidents” as given in the Accident Manual and other instructions in force for dealing
with accidents and breakdowns. The instructions given in the following paragraphs are to be treated
as supplementary instructions. They should not be taken as nullifying or contradicting the instructions
contained in other official manuals.

30902 Emergency Stores and Break Down Equipment

At electric loco sheds and EMU sheds and at selected stations in the electrical sections, tools and
equipment such as special lifting jacks, traversing jacks, etc. for dealing with accidents to electric
rolling stock shall be maintained. ‘Sr. DEE / DEE in charge of sheds will be responsible for proper
upkeep of such equipment. They should inspect the same periodically and ensure that the same are kept
in working order and maintained properly. The list of tools and equipment to be maintained specially
for dealing with breakdowns of electric rolling stock in use on the Railways will be issued by PCEE.

30903 Use of Hydraulic Re-railing Equipment of Electrified Track (Deleted)

30904 Break Down Gangs

It is essential that adequate number of selected, experienced staff of all categories should be housed in
Railway quarters closed to loco sheds / EMU sheds, outstation depots and EMU stabling lines etc. so
that their services can be utilized for dealing with breakdowns and accidents whenever required.

30905 Record of Staff Movements

Senior Supervisors of the Rolling Stock section should keep Traction Loco Controller advised of their
movements to enable him to contact them in the event of an emergency due to breakdown involving
electric rolling stock.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

30906 Summoning of Emergency Staff

Addresses and telephone numbers of officers and staff of the Rolling Stock Section should be available
with TLC. Station Masters should also keep the residential addresses of staff residing nearby especially
those who have no residential telephones, so that they can be summoned when required. Where special
sirens are installed in Railway colonies to summon emergency staff in the event of breakdowns or
accidents, a special code signal may be employed for such summoning. The adequacy and proper
observance of these instructions should be checked at least once in every six months by sounding the
alarm and recording the time taken for the key staff to turn up.

30907 Expeditious Clearing of Track

In the event of a failure of locomotive or EMU, the primary objective should be to clear the line as
quickly as possible so that the repercussions on traffic are minimal. The Loco Pilot should follow the
detailed instructions given in the respective trouble-shooting manuals. He should seek guidance from
TLC wherever necessary.
In such cases it may be necessary to disconnect / disengage and even cut out the drive due to wheel
sets getting jammed. For expeditious clearing of the track, the locomotive may have to be driven at a
reduced speed to be decided in consultation with the engineering staff.
If the Loco Pilot is unable to move the locomotive or EMU on its own power, he should ask for a relief
engine or assisting train as the case may be.

30908 Emergency Telephone.

The Loco Pilot of every locomotive shall carry a portable emergency telephone set, so that in the
event of a serious breakdown enroute in mid-section, He/She could contact the TPC/TLC from the
nearest emergency telephone circuit. To help the Loco Pilot arrow marks are painted on the faces of
OHE masts indicating the direction in which the nearest emergency telephone socket lies. Every Loco
Pilot shall be fully conversant with the method of plugging the portable telephone to its socket and
establishing communication with TPC/TLC.
In case telephone is not working the Loco Pilot will arrange to communicate the incident to the
nearest Railway station either himself or through Guard or Asstt Loco Pilot. In busy suburban sections,
motormen of disabled EMU trains can send messages to the nearest station through the Motorman or
Guard of trains on adjacent track, which may be stopped by him for this purpose by showing hand
signals. In case telephone is not working the Loco Pilot will arrange to communicate the incident to
the nearest Railway Station either himself or through Guard or Asstt. Loco Pilot

30909 Flasher Lights

These lights are provided on all locomotives and EMUs. As soon as BP pressure drops due to any
reason not initiated by the crew Auto flasher light will glow, the Loco Pilot should assume that
some portion of his train has derailed and should put on the flasher light manually also to warn the
driving crews of the oncoming trains on the opposite track. The operation of the flasher lights may be
suspended only after the crew have verified physically that the neighbouring track is not infringing.
Similarly the crew observing the flasher light should take immediate action to stop the train even with
emergency application. of brakes if necessary and should only restart after the physical verification of
the infringement.

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

30910 Access to the Roof of Electric Locos and EMUs

On Line
1. Access to the roof of electric locos and EMUs is authorized only under the conditions that the OHE
has been made dead and earthed on both sides of the loco /EMU by the OHE staff in accordance
with procedure laid down. The power block will be’ taken by the OHE staff.
2. On locomotives a ladder is provided for gaining access to the roof. The ladder is normally kept
locked. To remove the ladder from its locked position the Loco Pilot should operate the main
isolating switch and take out the key for unlocking the ladder. When the operations on the roof of
the locomotive are over the Loco Pilot should put back the ladder in its proper place. After locking
the ladder he can release the key for operating the main isolating switch.
3. When required, for climbing from rail level, portable ladders are provided in each EMU. These
ladders are fixed at a height at the ends of motor coaches. Though no special interlocking is provided
to prevent the ladders being used, the Motorman must ensure that the condition of para (a) above
is satisfied before going on to the roof.
4. After the Loco Pilot /Motorman has completed his work, he shall ensure that everything is in order
and advise the OHE staff to energize the line.
In Sheds
The supervisor in charge of maintenance gang shall ensure that OHE supply is switched OFF and
earthed before any staff is authorized to go on the roof of a locomotive/EMU. For this purpose, the
OHE shall be made dead and earthed by opening the controlling isolator(s) fitted with earthing heels.
He will ensure physical contacts of earthing wheel and provision of padlock in this condition. Where
the isolators are not provided with earthing heel, the line shall be earthed an both the ends of the
locomotive with the help of discharge rod. Having ensured this, he will allow the staff access to the
roof who in turn will follow the following procedure :
1. Each of the staff will collect padlock(s) with key(s) and will sign in a register maintained for this
2. Handle(s) of the controlling isolator(s) already opened by the supervisor in charge will be further
secured by providing individual lock(s) by the staff. Keys of the locks will be retained by the staff
till such time the work is completed.
3. After completion of the work and when the last staff has removed his padlock(s) from the isolator(s)
and signed the register again; the concerned supervisor, after satisfying himself that all staff, tools
etc. and the earths provided have been removed, may re-energize the OHE.

30911 Precautions to be Followed While Despatching Locomotives as Vehicle

Electric locomotives should not be worked as dead vehicles unless an authorised Railway employees
has taken all the measures detailed in the respective Operating Manuals. Essentially these measures are
lowering and isolating the pantographs, making all electrical equipment of the loco dead, releasing the
brakes of the loco and closing the corridor and cab doors. In such cases, the loco must be attached as
the first vehicle of the train next to the engine. Para 30912 may also be referred in this regard.

30912 Hauling a Damaged Locomotive

1. If a damaged electric locomotive which is stabled on the open line or at a station is to be hauled
as a dead vehicle, it must be certified by the Loco Pilot or EXR and must be accompanied by
competent staff. In case of damage to the traction motor or transmission gear, the locomotive must
be examined by an engine examiner and certified as fit for movement. The speed at which the

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

damaged locomotive may be hauled in such cases should be as specified by the engine examiner.
2. On dead locomotive all the circuit breakers and battery knife switch shall be off and such other
steps to ensure that the dead locomotive cannot be started inadvertently.
3. Care shall be taken to ensure that traction motor reversers are physically placed and locked in
the neutral position. For long distance movement of dead electric locomotives, the traction motor
brushes shall be lifted and secured before the loco is dispatched.
4. The locomotive brakes shall be fully released. The brake pipe and main reservoir pressure shall
be fully discharged or the vacuum fully destroyed. The MU2B valve, if fitted, shall be lifted and
properly secured.
5. The dead locomotive shall be accompanied by a competent person not lower than an Asstt Loco
Pilot when attached to a passenger train and also when attached to the rear of a goods train. When
attached to the rear of a goods train, it will be the duty and responsibility of this person to apply the
hand brakes judiciously in case of run-away occurring on a graded section.
6. The train Loco Pilot shall be informed that he should work the train carefully as the dead locomotive
will have no brake power at any time. If the dead loco is to be hauled by a light engine, the speed
may be required to be limited on account of limited brake power available on the light loco. This
will be laid down by the PCEE of the Railway.
7. The Assistant Loco Pilot of a train to which a dead electric locomotive has been coupled should keep
frequently looking back to watch for any signal from the staff accompanying the dead locomotive.

30913 Haulage of a Disabled EMU Train

1. Instructions contained in Para 30912 for haulage of damaged loco shall apply mutatis-mutandis for
movement of a disabled EMU as well.
2. An EMU train which cannot move on its own power but is otherwise fit to be moved, may be
hauled by another EMU train or a steam, electric or a diesel locomotive till it can be conveniently
side-tracked into a siding. Special adopters are provided to enable such emergency haulage of
EMU trains fitted with automatic couplers by means of locomotives. Loco Pilots must be familiar
with the procedure for fitting such adopters. The speed at which a disabled EMU train may be
hauled under such conditions will be as laid down in local instructions.
3. The relevant General and Subsidiary Rules for moving disabled EMU trains should be rigidly

30914 Movement of Electric Trains under Conditions of Flooded Tracks

When the tracks are flooded, the restrictions regarding movement of electric locomotive and EMU
trains shall be in accordance with local instructions (see also para 30716).The traction motor and
associated parts including gear case, etc., are designed to permit propulsion of rolling stock at 10 km/h
through water upto a level of 200mm above rail level. Further, the traction motors are made completely
water-proof to a standing water depth of 760mm above rail level.

30915 Accidents involving Electric Rolling Stock

The Traction Loco Controller should immediately inform the Officer-in-charge of operation of Electric
Rolling Stock in the event of any accidents involving Electric Rolling Stock. An Officer or Senior Supervisor
of the Electric Rolling Stock section should be invariably associated with restoration work when derailment
or other accidents to Electric hauled trains are involved. Before restoration commences the shed supervisor
shall make measurements/ checks jointly with the engineering staff to help investigation into the cause of
accident later. For this purpose proforma prescribed in the Accident Manual or issued under the local orders

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

of the Railway should be used. Action shall be taken to preserve the evidence as far as possible. The
restoration work of locomotive and train shall only be started after the TrD gives clearance.
The checks to be carried out are detailed in the Annexure 9.01.

30916 Look out for OHE Defects

The engine crew of all trains shall keep a sharp look out and report any defects in OHE noticed by
them to the TPC from the nearest station. Such defects need not be confined to the line on which train
is moving but in the entire vicinity. They should give as detailed information as possible on the nature
of the breakdown, its location whether the masts have been uprooted, whether both lines in a double
track section have been affected etc. The OHE defects as observed by the Loco Pilot may be of any one
of the following classification:
1. Uprooting of or damage to OHE masts on account of cyclone, derailments etc.
2. Entanglement of pantographs with the OHE.
3. Snapping of OHE conductors.
4. Flash-over or other damage to insulators.
5. Faults on account of stray wires etc.
6. Theft of OHE conductors,
7. Foreign material on OHE

30917 Pantograph Entanglement

The officer or supervisor of the Electrical Department arriving first at site of a breakdown, particularly
those involving entanglement of pantographs with the OHE, should make a very careful note of all
relevant details pertaining to the break-down and also prepare a sketch indicating the particulars. He
will also arrange for preservation of such evidence as may be useful subsequently for investigating the
cause of the breakdown.
Items to be checked on the pantograph and OHE are indicated in the Annexures 9.02 and 9.03.
Maintenance Staff, after ensuring that OHE is dead, and earthed in association with OHE staff will
climb on the roof of the locomotive. They will remove the HPT links of the damaged pantograph and
earth it pantograph will be secured with wire rope from the base frame of the pantograph in such a
manner that it does not come in contact with OHE during the run.

30918 Protection of Train in Case of Loco Failure and / or OHE Supply Failure
1. When overhead supply fails, the Loco Pilot shall use the momentum of the train and see whether
he can reach the next station otherwise he will stop the locomotive close to a emergency socket.
To help the Loco Pilot, arrow marks are painted on the faces of OHE masts indicating the direction
in which the nearest emergency socket lies. If power supply is not restored within 5 minute after
stopping the train, he should make use of his portable telephone to ascertain from the TPC through
the emergency telephone socket the time when the supply is expected to be restored. If it is likely
to be more than 15 minutes then the Loco Pilot should apply air and hand-brakes on the loco Hand
brakes to be applied as per G&SR No.
If the Loco Pilot is unable to stop the train close to the emergency telephone socket, and is likely
to take more than 15 minute to ascertain the time of restoration of the overhead power supply from
TPC he must first protect the train against rolling as indicated above and then contact the TPC.
The same instructions shall be observed in case of electric loco failure when it becomes necessary
to make the loco dead and call for assistance.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

2. In addition, the precautions prescribed in General and Subsidiary Rules for protection of trains
when stopping out of course should be observed.
3. If after power, is restored, the Loco Pilot experiences tripping again, he shall not energize the
locomotive until he has personally satisfied himself that there is no abnormality on his locomotive.
4. The locomotive will not be left unmanned in such an eventuality.

30919 Parting of Trains

1. Failure of inter-vehicle couplers can cause train partings. This can be due to sudden acceleration
or braking causing jerky motion of vehicles. Such jerks cause waves of alternate compression and
tension in inter-vehicle couplers passing down the train length and the weakest coupler is liable to
2. Loco Pilot shall observe following precautions to avoid parting of trains:
a. When starting a train, tractive effort shall be applied gradually to ensure that all the couplings
are fully tight.
b. Pick up speed notch by notch and start train smoothly.
c. Do not use loco independent air brakes to stop trains (except Light Engines)
d. Ensure engine coupling is properly tightened / locked before starting a train.
3. When a parting occurs the Loco Pilot (in the front portion) should not endeavour to stop the front
portion of the train, but should allow the portion to move forward to the extent possible to prevent
the possibility of the rear portion colliding with the front portion. The automatic brakes applied on
parting may not be effective equally on both the halves of the parted train.

30920 Fire fighting Appliances for Electric Rolling Stock

1. Every electric locomotive should be provided with 4 number of 5kg capacity DCP or CO2 two
in each cab. The fire extinguishers shall be fixed on brackets at approved points in the cabs and
corridors. The SSE/PPO on duty will be responsible for ensuring that the locos leave with the full
complement of fire extinguishers. Sufficient number of spare fire extinguishers should be available
with the SSE/PPO to replace defective and damaged fire extinguishers.
In exceptional circumstances PCEE may authorize change in complement and / or type of the fire
2. On EMU, 2 number of 2.5 kg. capacity Halon type fire extinguisher should be provided in each of
the cabins occupied by motorman and Guard and also one number of Halon type extinguisher of the
same capacity should be provided in each motor-coach of EMU. As in the case of other passenger
trains, the Operating Department will be responsible for custody of the fire extinguishers and their
issue to the Guard at the originating station of each EMU rake.
3. All the staff of electrical department connected with the running and operation of trains should be
duly trained for fire fighting and use of fire extinguishers within the locos and EMUs.
4. The staff should be trained in taking necessary precautions as enumerated in para 30921.

3-Phase locomotives:
Fire Detection unit is provided in SB2. There are two smoke detectors provided to detect the smoke
in FDU.
When one detector detects the smoke –
1. Buzzer will sound
2. Priority-2 message will appear on screen.

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

When both detectors detect the smoke –

1. Priority-1 message will appear on the screen - Inspect Machine room
2. Throttle T/E, B/E becomes ‘0’
3. Buzzer will sound.

Action to be taken by Loco pilot

1. Trip DJ, lower panto, stop and secure, switch off battery, Inspect the Machine room and take
necessary action.
2. In case of fire on loco, use big fire extinguisher provided in the rack behind asst. Loco pilot in cab.
To operate this fire extinguisher, open the cut out COC after releasing lock and release the gas by
rotating adjusting knob, gas will expel and extinguish the fire at appropriate places in machine
room behind it. In addition to this two numbers of portable fire extinguishers are provided on the
loco which should be used accordingly as per requirement.
3. To reset the FDU, press the white knob provided on it. To acknowledge the fault press BPFA.
Resume normal traction. In case of defect in FDU, P-2 fault message will appear on the screen.
After inspecting the machine room, reset the white knob on the FDU. Acknowledge the fault and
keep watch on machine room.

30921 Fires in Electric Rolling Stock

Preventive Maintenance and Inspection
1. The presence of a large quantity of oil in the transformers and tap-changers of electric locos and
EMUs makes it possible for even minor fires to spread and assume serious proportion. Leakage
of oil from compressors results in accumulation of oil on the loco flooring causing spread of fires.
An essential step in prevention of fires in locos is, therefore, to control the leakage of oil from
exhausters, compressors and pipe lines and to arrange periodic cleaning of the locos to remove
accumulated oil. Always use funnel of proper shape for tapping of oil to prevent spillage.
2. The arcing horns should be properly attended to during inspections. The arc-chute should be
properly secured and the securing arrangement periodically checked. The arc-chute should also be
cleaned during inspections.
3. In addition to periodic cleaning of the bogies and underframe to remove oily dust, it is also important
that rheostatic and regenerative braking, where provided, is kept in working order and Loco Pilot
trained to make use of these on graded sections, obviating the need for heavy mechanical braking
as far as possible thus preventing sparks from brake blocks.
4. Rating of the fuses particularly of low voltage dc circuits are to be checked periodically to eliminate
the possibility of fires due to short circuits / overloads etc. Always ensure that the proper sizes and
types of fuses are used for replacement. Check calibration of MCBs during POH. Use MCBs and
fuses of only approved suppliers as laid down by RDSO.
5. Ensure that all the protective relays are in good working order and are properly calibrated. Do not
bypass any protection on the rolling stock.
6. A loose connection is a potential source of fire. Proper tightness of all the connections is, therefore,
to be ensured and this point is to be given particular attention during inspections. Coaches
commissioned after POH or new coaches after commissioning should be thoroughly checked up
for loose connection as during the first few days, loose connections will show up. Ensure that all
the connections secured with a nut and bolt are provided with a set of plain and spring washers.
7. Insulation failures may result from surface flash overs due to presence of dirt and dust. It is, therefore,
essential that proper cleaning of terminal connections, bus bars, insulators and equipment is done
during schedules as laid down to remove oil and dust.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

8. Fires in control equipment cubicles are a problem and usually lead to considerable damage. Fire
detection always remains a challenge and normally it is noticed when its intensity becomes more.
Ensure that proper maintenance of the equipment inside the cubicles is done and the equipment are
carefully looked at during inspection for any developing faults.
9. Batteries may lead to fire or explosion when they are being given a heavy charge. Heavy charging
can be either due to malfunction of the charging equipment or carelessness when charging from the
shop floor rectifier. It is therefore important to check that the ventilation provided in the battery box
is not choked. The staff should, therefore, be made aware of the danger of overcharging.
10. Use only approved quality of cables and furnishing material for repairs. Proper care should be
taken while laying down the new cables so that no damage to the insulation is caused.
11. In order to monitor healthy condition of insulation of wiring and equipment, insulation resistance
should be measured periodically in sheds and during POH in shops, and records kept.
12. In the event of fire it is essential that the main circuit breaker is tripped and the battery fuses of
locomotives and EMUs are immediately removed to eliminate the continued feeding of the fault by
the battery.

30922 Technical Investigation into Fires

Every case of fire minor or major fire incidences at all locations, Irrespective of the location, whether
In power, auxiliary or control circuits, should be investigated very carefully, even though an inquiry in
accordance with the Accident Rules may not be called for. The causes as established by the investigation
should be analyzed by the Sr DEE / DEE personally to identify areas requiring further investigation
and to tighten up preventive measures. A report on each case of fire should also be furnished to PCEE.
The general guidelines to check up the items in locomotive in the event of fire, is given Annexure 9.04.

30923 Fire Accidents

1. Fires in trains, whether carrying passengers or not, resulting in loss of human life or injury to any
person or loss of or damage to Railway property to the extent of or more than the value prescribed
are required to be treated as “accidents” and have to be inquired into in accordance with the “Rules
for Reporting and inquiring into Accidents”. Fires in other Railway premises resulting in damage to
Railway property of the prescribed value or over are also to be treated as “accidents”. Fire accidents
involving loss of human life or injury to persons or damage to Railway property estimated to cost
equal to or over a prescribed value have also to be reported as soon as possible on telephone to the
Railway Board by the General Manager through Operating (Safety) Branch. Procedure laid down
in the Finance Manual should be followed.
2. When electrical installations or electric rolling stock are involved or when there is possibility
that the fire was caused by electrical short circuit or due to defect or malfunctioning of electrical
equipment, a representative of the Electrical Department should invariably be a member of the
inquiry committee. Rules also require that a representative of the Security Department should
be associated with all inquiries into fire accidents. On arrival at the site of fire they will collect
necessary evidence and make out a joint report in consultation with the representative of the
security department.
3. The composition of the inquiry committees and the method of disposal of the report of the inquiry
committee will be as laid down in the “Rules for Reporting and Inquiring into Accidents” issued by
the Zonal Railways.

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

30924 Electrical Safety

Procedure for reporting of electrical accidents and action to be taken have also been laid down in Vol. I
of this manual. The various authorities to be informed in case of injury / death due to accidental contact
with live installations have also been indicated.
Following guidelines are specifically meant for Electrical Rolling Stock. These are to be observed and
in no way nullify or counter any of the instructions laid down elsewhere by the PCEE in his capacity
as Electrical Inspector to the Government of India.
1. All Loco / EMUs sheds shall ensure that the various interlocks provided on the high tension
compartments are effective and it is not possible to open HT compartment until the pantograph is
in lowered position and is fully earthed.
2. Loco Pilots / Motormen shall not not enter the HT compartment unless the pantograph has been
lowered and fully earthed.
3. Loco Pilot / Motormen should be fully trained in operations necessary to ensure electrical safety.

30925 Rehabilitation of Fire/Accident Damaged Rolling Stock

The items need to be checked up before the electric rolling stock is taken for rehabilitation for its
suitability is given is Annexure 9.05.

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Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

Annexure 9.02


1. Check the fastening of wear strip with pantograph pan or bent strips or deep grooves on the strips.
Pantograph strip joints must be smooth so as not to hinder smooth riding of the contact wire on the pan.
2. Check that the grease plate is properly fastened.
3. Check the bow plunger for free sliding while pressing. Check that the split pins are intact.
4. Check the horizontality of the panto pan and its free vertical movement. Check the transverse
flexibility of the pan by pulling transversely at the middle cross member with a force of 50 kg. The
displacement of the pan at the middle cross member should 36 + 5mm. Check that the positioning
link is not bent/cracked or dislocated from the fixing pivots. Check the intactness of split pins.
5. Check the pantograph frame for any signs of bending or cracks. Check the springs for any cracks.
6. If possible, take the measurement of the pan as per the Fig. 9.01.
7. Check the broken or cracked fittings of the pantograph and see whether the cracks are old or fresh.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III



1. Location
2. Height of contact wire above main line.
3. Height of contact wire of turnout/cross-over-above R.L.
4. Stagger of contact wire of main line.
5. Stagger of contact wire of turn-out/cross-over.
6. Length of steady arm holding main line contact wire.
7. Length of steady arm holding turn-out/crossover contact wire.
8. Position of Registration tube and register arm dropper clip.
9. Track separation at obligatory point.
10. Position at which horn of pantograph Jumped above contact wire.
11. Vertical height of steady arm clamp from register arm.
12. Hitting marks on the steady/Registration arm tube, P.G. Clamps droppers contact wire, dropper dip,
splices, Jumpers, if any.
13. Condition of cracked or broken OHE fittings such as damps, catenary suspension bracket, splices
and clips etc. Check whether the cracks are fresh or old.
14. Check free vertical movement of the steady arm.
Above observations will be made on every mast within at least 500 m in the rear of the location of

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

Annexure 9.04


1. Position of master controller, SMGR drum and tap position of tap changer.
2. Condition of VCB, whether locked or in open condition?
3. Whether relays, particularly QLM, QRSI, QOP, QOA, are in tripped condition or normal?
4. Condition of HOBA, HQOP and HQOA knife switches.
5. Condition of fuses.
6. Condition of CGR1, CGR2, CGR3 and RGR.
7. Arc-chute of CGRs, line and shunting contactors, auxiliary circuit contactors.
8. Condition of contactors - whether found in wedged or welded condition.
9. Possibility of loose connections at the terminal points.
10. Possibility of overheating due to poor thimbling.
11. Identify the location of the cable where globules are found formed.
12. Identify the area / zone where the damage to the locomotive is extensive due to fire.
13. Condition of 25 kV bushings of the transformer- whether burnt after bursting or simply burnt or not
14. Possibility of transformer oil splashing with special attention to any sign of oil in conservator.
15. Condition of tap changer with particular attention to splashing of oil and flash-over of the taps.
16. Condition of other electrical equipment like rectifier block, inductive shunt, auxiliary machines and
traction motors for any abnormality entailing fire in the locomotive.
17. Polarity of the smoothing reactor, if not damaged fully.
18. Condition of brake blocks, wheel disc for over-heating and melting of brake blocks. Search out
molten pieces of brake blocks, if any on SL.
19. Whether the fire took place when dynamic brake was in applied condition. If so, whether” thermal
relay of DBR was in working order. Examine the condition of DBR resistances.
20. Presence of any inflamable material like jute, rubber etc.
21. Abnormality, if any already indicated in the log- book by the Loco Pilot which could lead to fire.
22. Take this statement of crew and other personnel traveling on the locomotive about how the fire
23. Whether specified fire extinguishers were available in the locomotive and used by the Loco Pilot
and how many of them were found effective?

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Annexure 9.04 B


1. Position of master controller, Configuration switch 154.
2. Condition of VCB, whether locked or in open condition?
3. Check DDS for any fire alarm or Fire Detection Unit malfunction message?
4. Condition of contactors in SR and FB panel: whether found in wedged or welded condition
5. Condition of MCBs
6. Condition of Capacitors and resistors in SR, BUR, FB, HBB panels.
7. Possibility of loose connections at the terminal points.
8. Possibility of overheating due to poor crimping.
9. Identify the location of the cable where globules are found formed.
10. Identify the area / zone where the damage to the locomotive is extensive due to fire.
11. Condition of 25 kV bushings of the transformer- whether burnt after bursting or simply burnt or not
12. Possibility of transformer oil splashing with special attention to any sign of oil in conservator.
13. Condition of SR with particular attention to splashing of oil and flash-over of the taps.
14. Condition of other electrical equipment like Filter resistor, LA, auxiliary machines and traction
motors for any abnormality entailing fire in the locomotive.
15. Condition of brake blocks, wheel disc for over-heating and melting of brake blocks. Search out
molten pieces of brake blocks, if any.
16. Presence of any inflammable material like jute, rubber etc.
17. Abnormality, if any already indicated in the log- book by the Loco Pilot which could lead to fire.
18. Take this statement of crew and other personnel traveling on the locomotive about how the fire
19. Whether specified fire extinguishers were available in the locomotive and used by the Loco Pilot
and how many of them were found effective?

Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management

Annexure 9.05


All the items given below need attention for a locomotive involved in a major accident, affecting the
under-frame. However, checking up of only under-frame and item 3 is necessary in case a major fire
damaged locomotive is taken for rehabilitation.
1. Electrical equipment
1.1 Oil levels of power equipment.
1.2 Fixing/foundation bolt of all equipment.
1.3 Visual inspection for any damage

2. Mechanical equipment
2.1 Under-frame
a. Visually inspect the under frame main sills for crack/local deformation/squareness.
b. Measure height of couplers/buffers
c. Measure important dimensions of the under frame and examine for any bend/twist. (The typical
dimensions which are required to be recorded for WAG-5 class of locomotive are given in Fig.
9.02 (Sheet 1, 2) as an example.)
d. Measure camber by running a piano cord from end to end of the locomotive. If there is a
negative camber, the under-frame is likely to have under-gone a permanent set. It is normally
not possible to set right such deformation except when it is localised or is on a non-stress
bearing member.
e. Any separation between under frame and shell.
f. Coupler, coupler pin, draft lugs (inside the coupler pocket) for crack/deformation, (g) Holding
arrangement of each equipment and shear checks, etc.

2.2 Bogie and Brake rigging

a. Visually examine the bogie frame and brake rigging for any damage with special attention to
b. Measure all dimensions of bogie frame and examine for its deformation/squareness.
c. Condition of the interfaces of the bogie frame with underframe.
d. Condition of axle box roller bearing and horn liners/spheriblocs.
e. Bending of axle and traction motor shaft.
f. Cracks/deformation of equaliser beam, spring and spring seats.

3. Miscellaneous :
Visual inspection of all equipment of locomotive for any damage and deficiency.

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Chapter-9 Safety, Breakdowns and Disaster Management



31001 Annual Statements (Deleted)

Statements prepared and sent to HQ and Railway Board:-

31002 Monthly Statements

1. 4A (outages) & Inter Railway Financial Adjustments (IRFA) statements for statistical department
2. Holding & Target for Railway Board (Month ………….. Year …………..)
S. Description ELS1 ELS2 ELS3 Total Cum. upto Month
No Current Yr Last Yr
1 Holding
(a) Average loco holding
(b) Average accidental loco
(c) Avg. under conversion/GRS
(d) Avg. Effective holding a-(b+c)
2 Availability (Outage)
(a) Goods (Target)
(b) Passenger (target)
3 Ineffective
(a) Minor Repair
(b) Statistical Ineffective
Statistical Numbers
Statistical percentage
(c) Ineffective Hourly
Hourly Numbers
Hourly Percentage
4(i) Loco Failure (Territorial Basis)
Statistical Failure
(a) Goods (OR+FR)
(b) Passenger (OR+FR)
4(ii) Non-statistical Failure
(a) Goods ( OR+FR)
(b) Passenger (OR+FR)
5 EKM/day/engine in use(TB)
(a) Goods
(b) Passenger
6 Engine KMs (TB)
(a) Goods
(b) Passenger

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

7 EKM/St. engine failure (TB)

(a) Goods (6a/4a)
(b) Passenger (6b/4b)
8 Major Inspection done during the Month
(a) AOH
(b) MOH
(c) IOH
(d) POH
9 Major Insp O/due at the end of Month
(a) AOH
(b) MOH
(c) IOH
(d) POH
10 Un-schedule Visit/lifting (Nos)
(a) Visit
Own Railway
Foreign Railway
(b) Lifting
Own Railway
Foreign Railway

31003 Daily Position

1. PCEE Position:
a. Asset failures & Punctuality incidents incidences (Ownership & Territorial)
b. Factors affecting train operations (FATO)
c. Ownership & Territorial outages.
d. Dead loco position.
e. MU position (territorial & ownership)/Driving units.
f. Schedules carried out.
g. Any other unusual occurrences.
h. Locos in shed position.
i. Overdue schedule loco position.
2. Shed position & Holding and feedback of drives & unusual occurrences
3. Crew position fed in FOIS in RB format.

31004 Shed wise Performance (Deleted)

310005 Combined Driver’s and Guard’s Report (Deleted)

31006 Nomination for Foreign Railway

In additions to above, the locomotive nominated for foreign Railway shall be issued with Trip Card.
The trip card is also sent to the statistical office after the loco touches the homing shed. This also
helps to keep correct record of the performance the locomotive.

Chapter-10 Rolling Stock Statistics

Reports relevant to operations are available in FOIS, which are as under.

1. Ineffective
2. Outage
3. Utilization
4. Kilometres
5. In shed
6. Speed
7. Light Engine (LE) movement
8. Average
9. Loco holding
10. Shed loco details
11. Shed wise loco holding in foreign Railway
12. Loco in shed before due dates
13. Overdue locos
On further development of FOIS, all reports pertaining to train operation can be obtained through FOIS.



31101 Introduction
Electric locomotive were introduced with D.C. traction motors. However D.C. Drive have inherent
limitations.. In the 1990’s IR took momentous decision to induct state-of-the-art three phase drives
locomotives, incorporating elements like squirrel cage induction motors, GTO based converters and
microprocessor based control. Regenerative braking available with 3-phase technology, provides
energy efficiency during braking reducing the net energy consumption.

31102 IR’s Initiatives

Keeping in view the emerging technological changes taking place in traction area, Indian Railways
have taken up some projects, which are outlined below:
1. IGBT based Propulsion System: In view of the imminent obsolescence of GTO’s and complexities
in its drives and snubber circuits, IGBT based propulsion system has been developed, suitable for
the existing 3-phase electric locomotives. The propulsion system comprises of Traction Converter,
Auxiliary Converter, Traction Motor and Transmission system. The existing transformer is retained.
Starting tractive effort of the locomotive is increased but the power shall remain the same. The
propulsion system is suitable for working on IEC-61375 open controlled standards (TCN).
2. 12000 HP have been developed and manufactured by IR with the assistance of M/S Alstom
3. Dry type Capacitors for existing Power Converters: Development of dry type capacitors, in
lieu of existing oil filled capacitors is being done to reduce fire hazard. These capacitors are having
added advantage of self-healing feature.

31103 Development of 180 KVA Static Inverter in place of ARNO Convertor:

Conventional Electric locomotives on Indian Railway typically use a rotary Arno (single phase to three
phase) converter feeding three phase and auxiliary loads. The system suffers with inherent drawbacks of
low efficiency, poor power factor and unbalance in three phase output voltage, wide variation in output
voltage & frequency, higher level of harmonics causing overheating & counter torque production,
switching surges due to DOL switching of loads etc, which necessitates use of larger size motors.
To overcome these issues Static Converter has been developed which converts single phase power
supply of 760 V / 830 V from the transformer winding to 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz out put suitable for
feeding 3 phase induction motor used as auxiliary machine on 25 KV AC locomotives .


All the motors are turned ON along with the Static converter. The starting of the motors is with current
limit starting resulting into less stress on the motors. The entire operation will be completed within 10
to 15 secs. All the motors along with Battery Charger are turned on along with the Static converter.
Sequencing of the loads is control circuitry of the locomotive.

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The hardware and firmware design take into account the worst conditions e.g. big variation of input
voltage, output loads and severe environmental conditions. Static converter has a half-controlled single
phase bridge rectifier at the input and a DC link filter and a three phase IGBT based PWM inverter. All
functions are controlled by Digital Signal Processor together with a digital gates and analog amplifier.
The single-phase half-controlled bridge rectifier ensures soft start feature during initial charging and
regulates DC output for the DC link. Inductors are provided at the output to reduce the ripple and
harmonics in the DC link voltage.
A communication port (RS 232 interface) is provided on the front panel for down loading the fault data.
A VFD is provided on the front panel for selection of operation mode and text display of monitoring
status. The converter is designed for forced air cooling. The heat generated by the power devices is
transmitted to the heat sink having adequate cooling surface.
The rectifier circuit is has thyristors whereas the inverter consists of IGBTs. The DC link voltage is
converter in to PWM sinusoidal waves by switching IGBTs at a high frequency. The width of the
individual pulses in the PWM wave determines the amplitude of the output voltage and the width of
the pulse block determines the output frequency. As the system consists constant voltage and frequency
the output frequency is maintained at 50 HZ and controller output voltage is kept constant by Space
Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM).

31104 Vigilance Control Device

A vigilance control device to monitor the alertness of the driver existed in three- phase drive locomotives.
Similarly, VCD was designed and installed on conventional electrical locomotives as well. The VCD
is for monitoring alertness of the engine crew through a multi-resetting system which gets reset by
specified normal operational activities of the crew, in addition to acknowledgement of vigilance check
by pressing a push button or pedal switch provided for this purpose. Absence of the normal driving
functions and the acknowledgement at specified intervals shall activate vigilance control system to
flash an indication which, if still not acknowledged, shall cause audio-visual warning. If audio-visual
warning is also not acknowledged, it results in emergency brake application. Cab display panel (LCD
display) is provided to show the current status of VCD i.e. VCD isolated, VCD in service. Internal fault
and other events are recorded as an event in the memory of VCD.

31105 Microprocessor based control & fault diagnostic system

1. Conventional electric locomotives are provided with control based on electro- mechanical and
Electro-pneumatic relays/contactors. Such controls involve large number of interlocks, contacts,
inter-connections and cabling, which are not only maintenance intensive but are unreliable too.
Microprocessor-based control is provided to replace some of the existing conventional relays,
reduce cabling and provide additional fault diagnostic information with improved overall reliability.
2. The primary objectives of this system are
a. To reduce the number of electromagnetic relays and interlocks by providing software based
control logic using microprocessor.
b. To provide the fault information in text form, status of various interlocks and input command
switches displayed on the driver’s desk in each cab and
c. Traction/braking notch position to display through seven segment indication on the driver’s
desk in each cab.
d. Analog inputs measurement.
3. The functions of QF1,QF2,QD1,QD2, Q20, Q30, QCVAR, QE, QV61, Q118, Q44, Q45, Q100,
QTD105, QTD106, Q51, Q52, QV60, QV62, QV63, QV64, Q46, Q48, Q49, Q50, Q120, QVLSOL,

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

QRS, QWC relays of traction as well as dynamic braking circuit and at the same time minimise the
requirement of total no. of N/O and N/C interlocks. The outputs for EFDJ, MTDJ, C118, VE1, VE2,
C105, C106, C107, C101, C102, C103, J1FOR, J1REV, J2FOR, J2REV,CTF1 RUN, CTF2RUN,
VESA2, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR, LSB, LSP AND LSRSI are controlled
through the microprocessor. The notch display is performed through two seven- segment displays
of 1 inch size instead of Selsyn notch indicator.

31106 Real-time Train Information System (RTIS) on Electric Locos

Real-time Train Information System (RTIS) is provided on Electric Locos for automatic acquisition
of train operation data to improve operational efficiency and quality of passenger information. RTIS
monitors and sends continuous information of geographical location of locomotive to a central
server through GSAT-6 satellite. Provision of RTIS will enable Control Office Application (COA) in
automatic charting and passengers will get accurate & real-time information. RTIS will assist in better
utilization of resources and communication between Loco driver and control office in emergency
condition. Interfacing of RTIS and control unit of locomotive is feasible, by which health of the
locomotives shall be available in real-time enabling homing sheds to plan maintenance activities.

Working System of RTIS

Main Equipment of RTIS

Mobile Satellite Service Hub (MSS Hub) & Central Location Server (CLS)
Mobile Satellite Service hub communicates with GSAT-6 and located at Data Centre of CRIS along
with Central Location Server.

Communication bands:
L-Band (1 to 2 GHz): Communication between locomotive & GPS/GGN/IRNSS
S-Band (2 to 4 GHz): Communication between locomotive & GSAT-6
C-Band (4 to 8 GHz): Communication among locomotive, GSAT-6 and MSS hub

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RTIS Device consists of two parts: Indian Rail Navigator (IRN), which comprises display, integrated
communication model & power management unit, installed at locomotive cab and Rail Mobile
Satellite System (RMT) installed outdoor on roof of the locomotive.

IRN Unit installed at Locomotive Cab

RMT Unit installed at Locomotive roof

Benefits of RTIS
1. Automatic capture of train running Information & automatic plotting of Control Charts in
2. Stress free work conditions for train controllers
3. Optimum utilization of resources
4. Accurate train running information to passengers
5. Improved Customer Services
6. Richer Management Information System(MIS) for management
7. Improvement in operational efficiency

31107 End of Train Telemetry (EoTT)

End to Train Telemetry (EoTT) is a device which provides information regarding end of train as an
alternative of running trains with guard. It consists of two units:

End of Train (EoT) Unit:

EoT unit is installed on the Last Vehicle of train. It consists of Sense and Brake Unit (SBU), Radio
transmitter & receiver, battery, Air turbine for battery charging, GPS device etc. It communicates with
HoT device fitted in the locomotive.

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

End of Train (EoT)

Head of Train (HoT) Unit:

HoT unit is fitted in the cab of locomotive. One display unit will be provided in each cab of the

Head of Train (HoT)

EoT senses the brake pipe pressure of Last Vehicle and transmit to HoT unit where it can be seen
on display unit of HoT. In case of a train parting, the system is designed to indicate to the driver the
parting of the train and to apply brakes to the rear unit, thus averting the collision of the rear portion
with the front portion of the train.

End of Train Telemetry (EoTT) system

Some of the main features of EoTT system are as under:

1. EoTT system is based on AAR-S-9152 & TFR international standards.
2. Two way Telemetry system has been adopted in this specification.
3. EoT senses the brake pipe pressure of Last Vehicle and transmit to HoT unit where it can be seen
on display unit of HoT by the Loco Pilot.
4. The system is designed to indicate to the driver the parting of the train and to apply brakes to the
rear unit.

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5. There is a provision of High Visibility Marker Light (HVML) and Disable Train Warning Light
(DTWL) in the Last Vehicle of the train.

31108 Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS)

R have been considering to increase through put per train to meet increased traffic demands as well
as to reduce the cost of operation. This is being achieved by improving in design and wagon having
better pay to tare weight ratio, increasing number of wagons per train, increase in axle load etc. One
important operational method is running Long Haul trains which require multiple locomotives. Electric
locomotives are provided with electrical wire coupler at both ends to facilitate working in multiple
units (MU). However, due to limitation of coupler capacity and other operational factors, the number
of locomotives that can be attached in front of the train is limited.
The concept of the distributed power was developed to operate the long haul trains as per operational
requirements.. Distributed Power refers to the physical distribution of locomotives at intermediate
points throughout the length of a train. Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS) provides
coupling between locos through RF communication. Using Distributed Power Wireless Control
System total 4 Remote Locomotives can be connected any where in the train consists. All the remote
locomotive will always be synchronized with the lead locomotives. System reduces coupler forces
when remote locomotive work either in the middle or rear of the train and therefore incidences of train
parting are reduced. It also reduces the number of drivers and ensures efficient running of trains as all
the engines will operate simultaneously during operation.

Conventional Train
With Conventional Train the Tractive Force is applied from the front due to lack of synchronizing
possibility between the Locomotive.

DPWCS Enabled Train

With DPWCS Enabled Train, the locomotives can be anywhere in the train consist as all the
locomotives are synchronized over the radio link.

Benefits of DPWCS
1. Reduced draft forces along a train will reduce the lateral force between wheel and rail on curves,
thus reducing energy consumption and wear & tear on various running components.
2. Another benefit is quicker application of standard air brakes. With all braking control at the front
on a conventional train, it can take several seconds for brake-pipe pressure changes initiated by the
Loco pilot to propagate to the rear. Under radio-controlled distributed power operation, the brakes
are set at remote locomotives simultaneously with the command initiated on the lead locomotive,

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

providing a more uniform air brake response throughout the train.

3. Higher throughput due to Quick turnaround time.
4. Reduce manpower Cost
5. Reducing the high input associated with forming and splitting up trains

System Description
The DPWCS is conceived to provide coupling between locos through wireless communicationThe
remote locomotive will always synchronize with the lead Locomotives. The parameters of the remote
locomotive like notch/TE position, dynamic Break position/BE, BP, BC, MR, FP, Airflow and Sanding
etc. will be displayed in the Driver Interface Unit of the lead loco. Lead loco pilot can control the
remote locomotive individually through touch screen options (Isolate Mode Idle Mode, Brake Mode,
Synchronous Control Mode, Independent Control Mode, Brake Valve out Mode) of display unit.

System Architecture

The following are the main components in the system.

1. Control& Communication Unit
2. Display Unit
3. Brake Interface Unit
4. Radio Antenna
5. Notch Encoder(for tap changer locos only)
6. Pressure Transducers.
There are six operating modes available in the system to be used by Loco pilot as per requirement.
Synchronize Mode: In this mode, the Remote Locomotive will be synchronized with lead Locomotive
by replicating the lead Loco pilot commands in Remote through DPWCS system. This mode will be
selected for Synchronized operation of Remote Locomotives with Lead Locomotive.
Idle Mode: In this mode, the system will remain grouped condition but electrical signals like Traction
and DB of Remote locomotive will not synchronized with lead locomotive. The Remote Loco will
participate in only Pneumatic Braking. This mode may be used during the hauling of empty Rake or
in down gradients where Loco Pilot wants the remote locomotive to participate only in Pneumatic
braking mode.

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BV Out Mode: In this mode, the system cuts out the charging or application of Brakes in Remote
Locomotive. Remote locomotive will not participate in application/release of braking. Only the
electrical operation of the Remote Locomotive remain synchronized with lead locomotive. This mode
will be selected, whenever the loco pilot want the complete control of pneumatic braking only from
the lead locomotive.
Isolate Mode: In this mode, the Remote Locomotive will be in grouped condition but it will not
synchronize with the lead locomotive. This mode will also open the VCB and lower the pantograph.
During the hauling of empty rakes; if the pilot does not require banker operation, this mode will be
Independent Control Mode: In this mode, the electrical traction and dynamic braking functions
of the remote locomotives can be independently control through options available on Driver Display
unit. Loco Pilot can increase or decrease the traction and braking through DDU options. He can also
raise or lower the pantograph and can close or open the VCB of remote locomotives. This mode will
be used in camel humps terrain where the loco pilot required different traction in lead and banking
locomotives or required traction in lead locomotive and dynamic braking in remote locomotive or
vice versa. This mode can be used during the placement of locomotive in the loading points where the
electrification is not available at the Lead/Remote position. This mode can also be used in the condition
when lead locomotive fails to generate the traction to clear the section, by using this mode traction can
be generated in the banking locomotives.
Brake Mode: In this mode, the remote locomotive will only participate in braking (Pneumatic and
regenerative). The traction in remote will not be synchronize with lead locomotive. This mode will be
utilized in heavy down gradients where the loco pilot wants the banker to be assist in only pneumatic
and regenerative braking.

31109 EP assisted Brake System

In the present brake system the Brake Pressure (BP) is depleted in the locomotive to apply brake in the
train. The brake is applied in the engine as well as in the train. To release brake, the Brake Pressure
(BP) is charged in the train through engine resulting in release of brake in the complete train.Application
and release of brake from engine is not simultaneous in complete rake, rather it reaches to last coach
with some time delay. EP assisted brake system is required to apply/release brake in the complete
rake simultaneously. RDSO has developed specification No. RDSO/EL/SPEC/2018/038, Rev’0’ to
implement EP assisted brake system in the existing brake system (E-70/CCB) on Indian Railways.
In EP assisted brake system each coach is provided with Brake application & Release solenoid valve
operated with electric supply.

Advantages of EP assisted brake system

1. EP assisted brake system may be fitted with existing brake system on IR.
2. In case of failure of EP assisted brake system, train operation is continued with existing air brake
3. Brake application & its release are simultaneous in the whole train, Therefore, no jerk during
application of brake/release which improves the passenger comfort.
4. Braking distance is reduced by approx. 15% with the use of EP assisted brake system.
5. Reduction in journey time by use of EP assisted brake system.

31110 Crew Voice & Video Recording System (CVVRS)

‘Crew Voice & Video Recording System’ (CVVRS) is provided in Electric locomotives/ EMUs to

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

ensure effective and tamperproof video and voice recording of locomotive cab/EMUs driver’s cab,
loco/EMU roof and track view for post event analysis.

Brief description of the equipment

1. IP based Digital cameras (2 Nos. inside each cab and 2 nos. outside cameras at each end. One of the
outside cameras will face the track & other one will be installed on roof facing towards pantograph
(Total 08 cameras).The tentative location of cameras are as under:

2. Network Video Recorder (NVR) with processing system and data storage capable of receiving
standard Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) stream from connected IP cameras. 8 channel NVR
shall be provided in each cab of electric Locomotive.
3. DC-DC Converter to feed the system from loco/EMU control voltage, if required.

31111 Head on Generation - Hotel Load Converter

Presently, a power Car equipped with diesel generator capable of generating adequate power of 3
phase 50Hz 415 V/ 750 V AC is provided at either end of the train rake to supply power to coaches and
Pantry Car (also referred to as Hotel Load). This system is not only highly inefficient but also creates
noise and smoke pollution to passengers.
Traction transformers of WAP5 and WAP7 is provided with a hotel load winding to cater for the power
supply to coaches (also referred to as Hotel Load). With the introduction of LHB type of coaches,
adoption of “Head on Generation” (HOG) scheme in place of existing End-on Generation(EOG) was
facilitated as the rake integrity with these coaches is expected to be maintained due to the specific
design of their inter vehicle mechanical coupling. In order to provide environment friendly and noise
free power supply to coaches and pantry car (also referred to as Hotel Load) from locomotive itself,
RDSO/CLW have successfully developed hotel load converter for WAP 7 locos.
CLW had turned out first HOG based electric loco No. 30277 (WAP7) in the month of July 2010 having
M/s Siemens make 2X500 KVA Hotel Load Converter installed in the locomotive. This locomotive
is in regular train service in 12005/06 NDLS-KLK Shatabdi Express since 21.02.2011 over Northern
Railway. The Hotel Load Converter fitted in WAP-7 locomotive is of the rating of 2x500 kVA at power
factor of 0.8.
After getting satisfactory performance in Shatabdi Express trains, the trial was taken in Rajdhani
Express on HOG. One rake of Mumbai Rajdhani Express was modified to suit HOG operation.
HOG operation in New Delhi – Mumbai Rajdhani Express (train No. 1951/52) with WAP-7
locomotive having 2x500 kVA hotel load converter along with modified loco transformer having two
independent hotel load winding (7775 kVA) was flagged off on dtd. 30.12.15. This 2x500 kVA hotel

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load converter is capable to supply power for operation of 24 coach Rajdhani Express trains.
Special Maintenance Instruction (SMI) No. RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0296 (Rev. ‘0’) has been issued by
RDSO to standardize Operational, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting practices of 2x500 kVA, IGBT
based Hotel Load Converter of WAP7 locomotives.

31112 Push -Pull operation of WAP5/WAP7 locomotives

In a normal Multiple Unit (MU) operation, the wired communication is established between the front
and the rear loco through UIC control cables. The operational data are communicated between the
front and rear locomotives based on the established communication protocol. However, in the concept
of Push-Pull operation, the front and rear locomotives are operated in Multiple Unit (MU) formation
separated by the coaches in between. Thus, the principle of working of Push-Pull is same as that exists
in MU operation but with rear loco at a distance and without connection of MR & BC equalizing
pipes. To achieve Push-Pull operation, software logic and MU hardware installed in the locomotive
have been optimized.
Indian Railways has started the operation of Train No. 22221/22222 Special
Rajdhani Express from CSTM to NZM on synchronized Push-Pull concept. In synchronized Push-
Pull concept, the locomotives are connected on the both ends of the rake and are operated such that
the tractive and electrical braking efforts are always synchronized. The data transfer between the two
locomotives is based on ABB proprietary train network protocol. The similar scheme as in WAG9
MU adopted for operation of WAP5/WAP7 in MU formation. The WAP5/WAP7 shall be connected
on each end of the train and control signals will be communicated by running control cable in the rake

Scheme of Push-Pull
The operation of WAP5/WAP7 in Push-Pull shall be done by formation of MU of two WAP5/WAP7 locomotives
with rake between the locomotives. Scheme has been shown in Fig 4.1 below. Therefore, WAP5/WAP7 shall
be connected on each end of the train and control signals will be communicated by running control cable in
the rake end-to-end. To facilitate the MU operation in Push-Pull mode the control signal communication needs
to be established between the two locomotives with train rake in-between. For this purpose 22 core cables are
run throughout the rake. Spare 22 core cables throughout the rake are laid for redundancy purposed. At present
only 18 cores are used. 4 cores are kept as spare for future extension. For 22 coach formation, the cable length
from end to end shall be about 600 meters.
The cable layout is as follows:


Schematic Diagram for Push-Pull with WAP7/WAP5

22 Pin Circular UIC connector

Suitable connector
RDSO has issued modification sheet No. RDSO/2019/EL/MS/0477 (Rev.0) dtd. 18.06.2019 to facilitate

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

operation of WAP5/WAP7 locos in Push-Pull mode which lists modifications to be done as under:-
1. Modification in loco software
2. Modification in loco wiring
3. Modification for duplication of BL key, BLDJ & BPFA of slave locomotive in master locomotive.
4. Modification in operation of compressors
5. Modification in the cabling scheme
RDSO has also issued Modification Sheet jointly by PS&EMU & Carriage Directorate for provision of
cabling scheme for wired train bus for new coaches and also for retro- fitment in the existing coaches
and specification of required material vide Modification Sheet No. RDSO/PE/MS/AC/0080 – 2019
(Rev. ‘0’) dated 30.08.2019.
RDSO has issued a compendium on Push-Pull operations of WAP5/WAP7 locomotives over Indian
Railways vide Report No. RDSO/2019/EL/RM/0188, Rev. ‘0’-September 2019.

31113 KAVACH
KAVACH is meant to provide protection by preventing trains to pass Signal at Danger (RED), excessive
speed over turnouts / Speed restrictions and to avoid the situation in which more than one trains are on
the same track to prevent collision, in case manual operations are not able to control. It also provides
assistance to Loco Pilots by means of real-time display of signal aspects in Loco Pilot’s cab. It is based
on the determination of location of trains through distance traversed from RFID tags installed on track
and transmission of signalling related information from Stationary Unit such as Station Interlocking
information through use of UHF Radio/LTE. The IRATP system is compliant to SIL-4 in accordance
with EN50126, EN-50128 and EN-50159 standard. RDSO has issued Specification No. RDSO/
SPN/196/2012 Version 3.2 for KAVACH.

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The concept diagram is shown in following figure:

The KAVACH is meant to provide protection by

1. Preventing trains to pass signal at Danger (Red),
2. Preventing trains to pass at excessive speed over turnouts / Speed restrictions
3. To avoid the situation in which more than one trains are on the same track to cause collision, in case
operations are not able to control so.

Driver Machine Interface (DMI) of KAVACH

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

31114 Train Protection & Warning System (TPWS)

Train Protection & Warning System (TPWS) is a continuous supervision system based on ETCS
(European Train Control System) Level -1 that –
1. Provides safety in train operations by dynamically monitoring the speed of the train against specified
2. Eliminates risks arising due to cases of Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD). The speed limits are
specified dynamically based on signal aspect, route to be followed, sectional speed limits, permanent
speed restrictions etc.
3. Internationally proven system, with multi-vendor operability.

TPWS work on the principle of target distance and target speed. RDSO has issued Specification No as
RDSO/SPN/183/2016, Version 3.0 for TPWS. The TPWS equipments consist of following:

1. Track side system comprising of

a. Balises:
i. Switchable balises – This balises are interfaced to signal aspect through LEU. The telegrams/
data transmitted by these balises depend on the aspect of the signal. These are provided at
a location near the signal. The Permanent Speed Restriction & track topography related
information is also transmitted by these balises within the telegram/data related with signal
ii. Infill balises – These balises are also interfaced to signal through LEU. The telegrams/
data transmitted by these balises depend on the aspect of the signal. These are provided in
advance of the signal to update the movement authority in advance. These balises cannot
effect change of mode of On board system.
iii. Fixed balises – These balises are provided wherever required. These balises transmit fixed
telegrams/ data only. These can be used for enforcing Temporary speed restriction etc.
iv. Repositioning data balises – These balises are provided wherever required to correct the
previously given information.
v. Line side electronic unit (LEU), its power supply & interfacing system with signalling
vi. Communication link (data cable) between the LEU & the balise.

b. On board system comprising of

i. On Board Computer (OBC).
ii. Juridical Recorder Unit (JRU) for data logging for diagnostics & investigation.
iii. Drivers’ indication-cum-control panel (SDMI or DMI), indications & and audio alarms.
iv. Balise Transmission Module (BTM)
v. Balise antenna fixed to the under frame
vi. Speed and distance measurement unit
vii. Train Interface Unit (TIU)
viii. Interface to existing brake control system which in turn controls application of service/
emergency brakes or interface to existing brake system directly.
ix. Power supply arrangement
x. System Isolating Unit (Both Electrical & Mechanical)

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31115 High Reach pantograph

High reach pantographs are suitable for working on High Rise OHE of DFC and IR as well as under
the existing OHE of IR and provide satisfactory current collection at varying heights from 4.58m and
up to 7.57 meter of contact wire. Width of panto pan of High Reach pantograph is 2030mm as opposed
to 1800mm in Conventional pantographs. These pantograph use state-of-the art technology (air springs
in lieu of mechanical coil spring) for its raising and lowering, thereby ensuring improved dynamic
behaviour during current collection.
High Reach Pantograph consists of Base Frame, Air Bellow with Cam & Rope Assembly, Lower Arm,
Control Rod, Parallel Rod, Upper Arm and Panto pan Assembly and Pneumatic Control. Pneumatic
Control consists of Air filter, Pressure Regulator with Gauge, Lowering and Raising speed regulation
valves. It is equipped with Auto Dropping Device (ADD) and Over Reach Detection (ORD) system.
The basic purpose of Auto Dropping Device is to initiate the immediate lowering of the pantograph in
the event of collector head failure to avoid further damage to pantograph and OHE due to entanglement.
Over Reach Detection (ORD) Device operates when the working height goes beyond limits:-
1. Due to snapping of contact wire in mainline: In such case locomotive may be worked with another
pantograph and pantograph may be re-setted after clearing the trip.
2. In unwired section of yards: In this case it will require re-setting after taking Power Block. The
Over Reach Detection Device performs a very important function in this case.
Mechanism assembly insulator is not used in High Reach Pantograph thereby reducing the failures and
improving the reliability.

Salient Features of High Reach Pantograph specification’s various revisions:

Parameters Rev. ‘0’ Rev. ‘1’ Rev. ‘2’
Auto Dropping Device No Yes Yes
Over Reach Detection No Yes. ORD activation height Yes, should get
System is not specified. activated at 3.7meter
Working range 0.10m to 3.3m 0.15m to 3.3m 0.15m to 3.4m

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

Maximum Extension from 3.5m 3.5m 3.6m

the locked down
Overall length (including Not specified. 2100mm (Max.) 2100mm (Max.).
shunt: in folded condition)
from rear panto mounting
foot insulator
Maximum Folded height 275 mm. (so 295 ± 5 mm. above 295 + 5 mm. above
as to be within mounting insulator (so as mounting insulator (so
existing MMD to be within existing MMD as to be within existing
of Electric of Electric Loco) MMD of Electric Loco)
Speed potential 110kmph 140kmph for normal OHE 200kmph for both OHE
110kmph for high rise
Width of pan 1800mm 1800mm 2030mm
No. of High Reach Nil. 156 supplied by Schunk, Around 1400 in service
pantograph in service which were modified for comprising M/s Schunk
working height as per spec and M/s Faiveley make.
Rev.’2’ i.e. 3400mm.

31116 Open Control VCU

The three-phase locomotives currently in service on Indian Railways, viz. WAG9, WAG-9H, WAP-7
(Co-Co) and WAP-5 (Bo-Bo) employ a distributed architecture for control and data communication
using MICAS-S2 (Micro Computer Automation System – Series 2) which is proprietary protocol. The
vehicle control system consists of the following bus stations to manage the functions of the vehicle:-
1. Vehicle Control Unit (1 & 2)
2. Converter Control Electronics (1 & 2)
3. Auxiliary Converter Electronics (1, 2 & 3)

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MICAS-S2 Architecture

Several drawbacks of the system were faced as full information about communication protocol was
not available, being based on MICAS-S2 proprietary of M/s ABB. As a result difficulties were faced
during Modification/upgradation on account of specific compatibility of available hardware with
software. Hardware architecture is based on old slow processors and components resulting in more
number of processor cards. As a result the benefits of advancements in the field of microelectronics
could not be exploited.
In order to sustain the control system in a rolling stock during its lifetime and take advantage of
advances in microelectronics, it becomes necessary to update the technology continuously and tackle
the obsolescence. Also, to ensure interchangeability of control electronics from various sources,
need was felt to standardize the control hardware and software. In this context, Indian Railways in
association with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Thiruvananthapuram
developed indigenously, using state-of-the-art hardware and software, an open architecture technology
for functional equivalent Vehicle Control Unit.

The salient features of Open Control VCU are:-

1. Communication Protocol based in IEC-61375 also called TCN (Train Communication
2. Application Software coding is based of PLC languages as per IEC-61131
3. Real Time OS : Micrium μC/OS-II RTOS
4. Handles external communication on multiple protocols (MVB, CAN, Ethernet, HDLC, RS232).
5. Development of application program using a standard package like ISaGRAF.

The advantages of Open Control VCU are:

1. Use of high speed processors
a. enables compact system
b. less numbers of PCB cards

Chapter-11 Technological Advancements

c. faster signal processing

d. better control characteristics for locomotive.
2. Use of Remote I/O Modules (RIOMs).
3. No special tool required for downloading and troubleshooting.
4. Compatible state-of-the-art DDU driver interface and troubleshooting.
5. The electronics components are compliant to work on elevated temperatures.
6. Improved reliability


FogPASS is a non-vital and non-signal system. Aim of this system is to assist the Loco pilot by giving
pre-warning about the approaching Landmarks such as Signal, LC gate, PSR etc. where the Loco
Pilot’s attention is required. Route survey for collecting the GPS/GNSS co-ordinates of landmarks to
be carried out separately & programmed into FogPASS.
Landmark is the fixed location such as Signal, level crossing gates, Permanent speed restrictions,
neutral section or any other location as identified by the user as landmark. Pre-warning distance is the
distance from a landmark from where the warning shall be given while approaching that landmark. Short
Description of Landmark is the text to be displayed on LCD panel to indicate about the approaching
landmark. This may consist of Station code/ LC gate No., its description in short, location etc. FogPASS
is suitable for train speeds up to 160 KMPH. FogPASS is suitable for all types of electric and diesel
locomotives, EMUs/MEMUs/ DEMUs and any other self propelled vehicle treated as train. FogPASS
is capable of working in all types of electrified as well as non electrified territories. FogPASS have
built-in re-chargeable battery back-up for 18 hrs. Duration when fully charged.

31118 Software for Loco Asset Management (SLAM)

A computer application ‘Software for Loco Asset Management (SLAM)’ has been developed for
electric loco maintenance in sheds and trip sheds. The System for Locomotive Asset Management
(SLAM) project is for management of Electric Locomotive for Loco Maintenance, Operation,
Schedules Planning, Execution and Monitoring. This software system envisages development of
software for interlinking sheds (including out pits), divisional/Zonal headquarter, workshops, CLW,
RDSO and Railway Board (Ministry of Railways). Besides management at loco sheds it aims to provide
a portal based Custom built application module for providing specified functionalities. The System for
Locomotive Asset Management (SLAM) software has been developed using web technology and is
deployed on web based central server.

1. Setting up SLAM Pilot Phase (Stage-1) aimed.
2. Achieve online information of electrical locomotives & equipments
3. Accelerate the loco/trip shed maintenance & support activities.
4. Automate shed maintenance processes, Shop floor management.
5. Material management, document management, messaging.
6. Failure analysis, Cyclic Checks, condition monitoring.
7. Operational & analytical reports and dashboards.
8. Build information for Decision support system.




31200 Introduction
Electric traction are a specialized field. Efficient operation and maintenance of the traction installations
and equipment is only possible if the staff concerned have acquired adequate knowledge maintenance
and operation of the equipment. A thorough knowledge of the special rules and procedures on the part
of the staff is also essential to ensure safety of equipment and personnel. These requirements call for a
specialized training for all categories of staff before they can be safely entrusted with the responsibility
for maintenance or operation.

31201 Planning of Training

Before electric traction is commissioned on any section, adequate strength of well- trained operating,
maintenance and running staff should be kept ready for operating the services. Planning the
recruitment and training of such staff well in advance is one of the most important tasks of the open
line administration. This applies in particular to steam/diesel running staff who would become surplus
to requirements on introduction of electric traction and hence have to be absorbed as running staff
to operate electric rolling-stock. Timely release of such staff for training should be pre-planned and
ensured by the Electrical Department in co-ordination with the Mechanical Department. It is also
necessary to establish suitable training facilities for imparting the training in advance.

31202 Categories to be trained

Categories of staff for whom special training is required to be organized are generally as under—
1. Degree and Diploma holders recruited directly as Supervisors.
2. Apprentice Mechanics to be absorbed as Supervisors.
3. Trade Apprentices to be absorbed as skilled artisans.
4. Diesel Loco Pilots to be trained as Loco Pilots of electric locos and EMUs.
5. Artisans and supervisory staff to undergo Refresher Courses.
6. Running staff to be posted as TLCs etc.

31203 Initial Training

1. Categories of staff mentioned below should be imparted initial training in a training establishment
before they are posted to working posts—
a. Directly recruited supervisors.
b. All categories of running staff, whether directly recruited or absorbed from steam/diesel
c. Skilled and semi-skilled artisan staff for maintenance.
d. Any other category to be approved by PCEE.
2. The period of initial training for typical categories is given IN PARA 31214, which may be modified
by PCEE in accordance with local requirements.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

3. In addition to theoretical training, the trainees should receive thorough practical training on the
work they will have to perform on completion of training. In all cases they should have a period
as under-study to senior and experienced staff in Actual execution of the type of work they have to
perform on completion of training.
4. For artisan staff the practical training should be oriented to enable them to understand and be able
to carry out independently skilled work of the type covered by ‘inspection books’, ‘inspection
charts’, ‘trouble-shooting charts’ and “technical charts’.

31204 Promotional Courses

1. No employee can be promoted unless he passes the trade test or other prescribed departmental test.
The purpose of the semi-skilled category is to enable a man to study under the skilled man and take
the trade test in due course.
2. When an employees is promoted, he should, as a rule, receive a of training to enable him to
discharge his responsibilities in the higher post e.g., a semi-skilled fitter on promotion as a skilled
fitter. Such training should precede the departmental tests to determine suitability for promotion.
The training should be generally on the same lines as initial training, but the period in most cases
can be curtailed since the employee would already have a certain amount of background knowledge
on account of his experience.
3. Particular attention should be paid to the older candidate, who although very proficient in the
practical aspects of their work, are unable to pass the prescribed trade tests etc. in regard to the
theoretical aspects because of their poor educational background. It often happens in consequence
that they are blocked for promotion although they are fit for promotion in every other respect. By
paying individual attention to such men and teaching them elementary theory, they could be made
sufficiently proficient to pass the trade tests in full. This not only ends their frustration, but boosts
up staff morale as a whole.

31205 Refresher Courses

1. In accordance with instructions current on the subject, refresher courses should be arranged. This
is obligatory for those categories of staff dealing with “safety of train operation or having daily
contacts with the public”. The following is an illustrative list of staff coming within the scope of
these instructions:-
Loco Pilots, Asst. Loco Pilots, Motormen, Shunters, Engine Turners,
Supervisors and Artisans responsible for examination and certification of fitness of running gear of
locos and EMUs.
TLCs and Driving Inspectors

2. Similar refresher courses are also desirable for other categories of maintenance staff. The categories
of staff for whom refresher courses are to be arranged can be decided by the General Manager in
accordance with para 117(a) of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual.
3. The object of the refresher courses is to reinforce the knowledge of the staff and bring them
up-to-date in regard to the latest rules and procedures and instructions regarding operation and
maintenance in the light of operating experience. The duration of the refresher course for each
category may be decided by PCEE to suit local conditions. The duration for typical categories is
given below for guidance—
a. Supervisors 2 weeks
b. Loco Pilot, Asst. Loco Pilot 3 weeks
c. Artisan Staff 2 weeks

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

4. For categories of staff liable for inter-divisional transfers, programming of refresher courses should
be arranged by the headquarters office. For staff confined to a particular division, the programming
should be done at the divisional level.
5. Apart from rules and regulations, the refresher courses for running staff should lay emphasis on
troubleshooting procedures for various types of locos and EMUs. Loco Pilots have to deal with
some types of failures only rarely and hence they tend to forget the details. Though such details
are given in the Trouble-Shooting Manuals, actual drilling during the refresher course will be of
great benefit. This involves repetition of the same exercise several times so as to make a lasting
impression and not to be forgotten easily.
6. During the refresher courses, it will be very useful to arrange group discussions amongst the trainees
on specific problems encountered during the course of work. Such group discussions will be of
great assistance in view of the opportunity for exchange of information based on actual experience
in working.

31206 Facilities for Training

1. Facilities have been provided on an All India basis for the intensive specialized training of officers
and staff of the Electrical Department. In addition the facilities available with the different Zonal
Railways have to be utilized to best advantage.
2. Training schools for Loco Pilots are attached to major electric loco sheds. These schools should
be used to a limited extent for training of artisan staff and supervisors. Apart from cut-models,
charts, circuit diagrams etc. the training schools should contain “simulators’ to demonstrate the
functioning of locos, the circuit combinations resulting from operation of the master controller
etc. These simulators should be used to drill the trainees in the correct method of operation and
systematic trouble-shooting.
3. The ‘simulator’ provided consists of the HT and LT control apparatus as provided in the locos and
working models of items such as pantograph, tap-changer etc. A driving cab similar to the cab in
a loco is available, complete with master controller, brake controller, control switches, gauges,
indicator lamps etc. From this driving position the equipment in the simulator can be operated
to demonstrate the functioning of the various components. By actually handling the controls, the
trainees can learn the correct sequence of operation and get a ‘feel’ of the equipment as actually
The Instructor can reproduce faults similar to those occurring in actual practice e.g., tripping of
circuit breaker due to overload, earth faults, traction motor faults etc. The trainees can get familiar
with the correct method of trouble-shooting as detailed in the trouble-shooting directory and by
repeated practice become fully acquainted with the correct procedure.
4. In any traction training establishment, the essential equipment to be provided for instructional
purposes should include the following:-
a. Special tools and instruments used in electric traction.
b. Cut-models to show constructional details of equipment.
c. Circuit diagrams, sectionalising diagrams, etc., preferably illuminated and arranged to show the
sequence of operations.
d. Samples of damaged equipment with tablets explaining the nature of failures and preventive
e. Publicity boards with slogans and illustrations emphasizing safe methods of working.
f. Boards illustrating ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’.
g. Preferably full working models.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

31207 Training in General and Subsidiary Rules

Electric running staff as well as supervisors, when required, should receive initial training as well
as refresher courses in General and Subsidiary Rules normally in the Zonal Transportation Schools,
which usually have excellent model rooms to facilitate the proper understanding of the rules and
systems of working. In exceptional cases when such training cannot be arranged conveniently in the
Zonal Schools, PCEE may authorize the training in GRs & SRs to be included in the syllabus for
training in Loco Training Schools. Separate Instructors well-versed in the subject should, however, be
provided invariably.

31208 Responsibility of Officer and Supervisors

Apart from those in-charge of training establishments, other of officers and supervisors in- charge of
operation and maintenance should also take a keen personal interest in the training of all grades of
staff attached to them. They should deem it as part of their duty to guide the trainees and watch their
progress. Training is a continuous process which helps the officers as much as the trainees not only
in developing contacts on a personal level, but also in understanding the finer points of operation and
maintenance. A record of progress achieved, the period of training given etc. should be maintained for
every trainee.

31209 Examination at the end of Training

All trainees should pass prescribed examination on completion of training. The scope of examination
and the level of officers and supervisor responsible for examining will be laid down by PCEE. The
examination should have a practical bias. The examination of Loco Pilots, for instance, should include
practical tests in trouble shooting as well as correct driving and techniques.

31210 Specialized Training

1. Selected supervisors and officers from the user Railways should be deputed to CLW and ICF to be
associated with the production of each batch of electric loco and EMU stock. Such association of
the maintenance staff at the production stage will be of great help in giving them an insight into
constructional details of the equipment.
2. Similarly when large contracts are entered into for supply of electric traction equipment
incorporating new designs and technology, it is usual practice to include in the contract a clause
which permits some staff of the consignee Railways to be deputed to the manufacturer’s works
during the production stage for practical training on the equipment, so that they may get thoroughly
acquainted with the operation and maintenance of the equipment, taking advantage of the training
facilities available with the contracting firms.

31211 Syllabi
Guidelines for syllabus of two categories of staff are given below. Syllabus on the same lines shall be
prepared for all training courses.
1. Loco Pilots Grade ‘C (Conversion from Steam/Diesel) Duration: 20 weeks.
A. Theoretical:
a. Basic principles of electricity - clear understanding about voltage, current, power, resistance
etc. - use of electrical measuring instruments for measuring voltage, current and insulation
resistance - clear concept of ac and dc simple electrical circuits.
b. Principles of ac and dc generators, transformers, rectifying devices - tap-changers, lead acid
and alkaline cells, relays, magnetic and pneumatic contactors.

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

c. Study of power and control circuits of different types of locos used in hauling freight trains
-familiarization with the names, symbols and physical location of all equipment.
d. Essential details of mechanical equipment of different types of locos used in freight trains.
e. Details of pneumatic and brake equipment.
f. Procedure for preparation of locos for service - principles of driving, acceleration, speed control,
use of gradient marks, procedure to be followed at neutral sections, correct use of electrical and
mechanical brakes.
g. Study of rules especially applicable to electric traction.
h. Safety precautions, prevention of wheel-slip and parting.
i. Procedure for obtaining emergency power block for roof inspection.
j. Rules regarding firefighting in electrical installations and practice use of common types of fire
k. Study of standing instructions.

B. Practical:
a. Work with the maintenance staff to get familiar with equipment.
b. Detailed study of trouble-shooting directory for each type of loco and actual practice of each
c. Practice inspection of outgoing and incoming locos in shed.
d. Driving under the supervision of a senior and experienced Driver after learning road.

2. Supervisor (Electric Loco) - Direct Recruits - Degree or Diploma Holders Duration: 18 months.
A. Theoretical:
a. General principles of 25 kV traction installations and rolling stock.
b. Detailed study of mechanical and electrical details of all types of locos in the Railway including
bogies and suspension, power transmission, braking system, hauling capacity, power and control
circuits and details of all traction and auxiliary equipment. Become thoroughly familiar with
circuit diagrams, symbols and physical location of all equipment.
c. Maintenance organization of electric loco shed - section-wise distribution of work with particular
reference to responsibility of each supervisor in the shed, functioning of PPO, Maintenance
schedules, inspection books, inspection chart, technical charts etc.
d. Work done during POH of loco.
e. Rolling-stock operation-outstation maintenance, loco links, control over running staff, Traction
Loco Control.
f. Procedure for indenting and accountal of stores T & P Register.
g. Rules and regulations - Factories Act, HOER, Payment of Wages Act, Workmen’s Compensation
Act, Leave and Pass Rules, Rules for Overtime Working etc.

B. Practical
a. In the shed some time should be spent in each section to study details of maintenance carried
out by designated workmen and some time to understudy the section supervisor. When attached
to E1 and M1 sections, the trainee should undertake trouble-shooting independently.
b. In the POH shop, in a similar manner as above in each section.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III


31212 Authorized Person

An “authorized person” is one who is duly authorized to perform specific duties pertaining to his
employment, the authorization being made by an official of the Railway Administration empowered
for that purpose.

31213 Competency Certificate

Each authorized person will be given a “Competency Certificate”, defining the works which he is
authorized to carry out after he has been trained, examined and found fit.
The following categories of rolling stock staff shall be issued with the certificates by the official
indicated against each category after written/oral test as shown:
1. Asstt. Loco Pilots. TR-10 DEE(RS)/DEE(OP) after (Elec.
2. Loco Pilots (Elec. Loco) TR-11 Loco) written, oral and practical
tests as prescribed.
3. Motorman (EMU train) TR-12
4. Shunter/Engine Turner TR-13

Psycho test: Psycho test is mandatory for

1. Initial recruitment
2. For working high speed trains, RB Letter No. 2007/Safety-I/2/8/3, dt. 2.1.2008.
3. Crew involved in SPAD as per Railway Board letter No. E (MPP)2016/19/2, dt. 9.11.2016 (RBE
No. 130/2016)

Aptitude Test : Aptitude test is mandatory for single man working trains (motorman) as per Railway
Board letter No. 2014/M(L)/467/3,dt. 15.10.2014

31214 Period of Training

The period of training mentioned in the following paragraphs may be modified, if considered essential
by PCEE, taking local circumstances into account.

Running Staff
S. Training No. of days Divisional Periodicity
No at ZRTI Handling
1. Initial training for ALPs (Elec/Dsl) Single traction 103 20 --
2. Initial training for ALPs (Elec+Dsl) 151 20 --
3. Promotional course from ALP to LP(Shunting)/ 60 18 --
4. Promotional course from LP(Goods) to LP(Pass) 42 06 --
5. Refresher course for ALPs(including 3-phase) 22 3 years
6. Refresher course for all LPs (including 3-phase) 22 3 years
7 Initial Course for LI @ 18
8 Refresher Course for LI 6 3 years
9 Initial DR App. Motor Man 52 weeks
10 Initial course Motorman from LP Electrical 13 weeks

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

S. Training No. of days Divisional Periodicity

No at ZRTI Handling
11 Initial course Motorman from LP Diesel 20 weeks
12 Refresher Course for Motorman 12 18 Months
13 Pre-promotional Course For CLI from Motor man 18
14 Orientation course new technology EMU Rakes -

Electrical Supervisors(SSE/JEs) & Staff

S. COURSE No. of Days Periodicity
1 Initial Training of Directly Recruited JE & SSE’s 52 Weeks
(Through RRB, Compensation Ground & LDCE )
including Drawing Cadre #
2 Initial Training of Promotee JE (From MCM) * 13 weeks
3 Refresher Course of Electrical Supervisors 2 Weeks 3 years
4 Refresher Course of Drg. Cadre Supervisors 2 Weeks 5 years
# Railway Board letter No. E (MPP)2012/3/1,dt. 15.12.2014 (RBE No. 143/2014)
* Railway Board letter No. E (MPP)2017/3/6 dt. 20.12.2017 (RBE No. 200/2017)

Group C & D Staff ( Other than JE & SSE )

S. Description Duration
No (in Wks)
1 Initial Course for Group ‘D’ all trades 02
2 Disaster Management 01
3 Promotional Course from Unskilled to Skilled Artisans (Technician OHE) 03
4 Promotional Course from Unskilled to Skilled Artisans (Technician PSI & 03
5 lnitial Course for Apprentice Technician OHE PSI & RC (ITI) 26
6 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician OHE PSI & RC (NON-ITI) 78
7 Refresher Course for Technician OHE (Once in 5 years) 02
8 Refresher Course for Technician PSI & RC (Once in 5years) 02
9 Promotional course from Technician to Supervisors(TRD) 03
10 Refresher Course Tower Wagon Operation & Maintenance 01
11 Promotional Course from Unskilled to Skilled Artisans & Technician Plant 03
(Technician Electrical)
12 Promotional Course from Unskilled to Skilled Artisans (Technician TL/AC) 03
13 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician (Elect) & Plant (ITI) 26
14 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician (Elect) & Plant (NON-ITI) 78
15 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician TL/AC (ITI)
16 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician TL/AC (NON- ITI) 78
17 Refresher Course for Technician (Elect) & Technician Plant (Once in 5 Years) 02
18 Refresher Course for Technician TL/AC (Once in 5years) 02
19 Promotional course from Technician to Supervisors(Elect) 03

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

S. Description Duration
No (in Wks)
20 Promotional course from Technician to Supervisors(TL/AC) 03
21 Promotional Course from Unskilled to Skilled Artisans (Technician Elect Loco) 03
22 Initial Course too Apprentice 1echnician Elect Loco (ITI) 26
23 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician Elect Loco (NON-ITI) 78
24 Refresher Course for Technician Elect Loco (Once in 5years) 02
25 Promotional course from Technician to Supervisors(Elect Loco) 03
26 Promotional Course from Unskilled to Skilled Artisans (Technician EMU) 03
27 Initial Course for Apprentice 1echnicianEMU/MEMU (ITI) 26
28 Initial Course for Apprentice Technician EMU/MEMU (NON-ITI) 78
29 Refresher Course for Technician EMU(Once in 5years) 02
30 Promotional course from Technician to Supervisors(EMU) 03

31215 Drivers, Asstt. Drivers and Motormen

Loco Pilots, Asst. Loco Pilots and Motormen should undergo courses of training and tests indicated
below before they are issued with the Competency Certificates:—
1. A prescribed course of training in General and Subsidiary Rules in the Zonal Training School or
other approved training establishment followed by a written, oral and practical test.
2. A course of training as indicted in paras 31203 and 31211 in the Electric Loco School in the
operation of the particular types of Locos/EMUs trainees are expected to work, including trouble-
shooting procedures to be followed by written, oral and practical tests.
3. Training for a period of one month to “learn the road” in the specified section, at the end of which
trainees should sign a declaration for being fully conversant with the road.
4. Practical training for a period of 2 months in the actual driving of the particular type of Loco/EMU
under the supervision of a qualified Loco Pilots or Driving Instructor followed by a driving test by
5. Prescribed medical examination.
Fresh training to the extent authorized by PCEE and tests as per items (2) and (4) above will be
required before the employee is allowed to operate any other type of Loco/EMU.

31216 Register of Certificates

A register of Competency Certificates shall be maintained in the office of every supervisory official,
as per proforma given in Annexure 12.01, showing all staff working under him who have been issued
with the Certificates:

31217 Service Record

An entry should be made in the service sheet of every employee who has been issued with a Competency

31218 Inspections
During inspections Officers and Supervisors should make it a point to check the certificates in the
possession of the various staff and also test-check their knowledge of the rules pertaining to their work.

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates




(For Asst. Loco Pilots of Elec. Locos)

……………… (Name)……...... Is authorized to work as an Asst. Loco Pilots in the Section between
and......................on the following types of Electric Locomotives:—

His /Her written declaration* dated …….............………… that he is fully familiar with the signals in
the above section has been noted in issuing this certificate. He/She is NOT authorized to operate a
locomotive independently. Dated………………
..................................... DEE(RS)/DEE(OP)
* This declaration must be countersigned by Driving Inspector and personally scrutinized by the officer
before issuing this certificate. Before countersigning the declaration, the Driving Inspector shall orally
examine the employee for his knowledge of road.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III




(For Loco Pilots of Elec. Locos)

……………… (Name) ………......……. Is authorized to work as a Loco Pilots of Elec. Locomotives

of the following types........................................

in the section between...........................and ……………… on Goods/ Passenger/Mail and Express


His/Her written declaration* dated ……………..............… that he is fully familiar with the signals in
the above section has been noted in issuing this certificate. Date.................
............................ DEE(RS)/DEE(OP)
* This declaration must be countersigned by Driving Inspector and personally scrutinized by the
Officer before issuing this certificate. Before countersigning the declaration, the Driving Inspector
should orally examine the employee for his knowledge of road.

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates




(For Motormen of EMU trains)

……………………… (Name) ……………………. Is authorized to work as a Motorman in the Section

between .......................................and……………… on the following types of EMU trains:—

His/Her written declaration* dated that he is fully familiar with the signals
in the Section has been noted in issuing this certificate. Dated................
............................ DEE(RS)/DEE(OP)
* This declaration must be countersigned by Driving Inspector and personally scrutinized by the
Officer before issuing this certificate. Before countersigning the declaration, the Driving Inspector
should orally examine the employee for his knowledge of road.

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III




(For Shunters/Engine Turners of Elec. Locos and EMUs)

……………………… (Name) ……….......……. Is authorized to work as a Shunter/Engine Turner of

Electric Locos/EMU trains in the electrified yards and sidings of the section between...........................

His/Her written declaration* dated ………..……………… that he is fully familiar with the signals in
the above yards and sidings has been noted in issuing this certificate.

He/She is NOT authorized to operate Electric Locos/EMUs outside the limits of the above yards and


................................... DEE(RS)/DEE(OP)
* This declaration must be countersigned by Driving Inspector and personally scrutinized by the Officer
before issuing this certificate. Before countersigning the declaration, the Driving Inspector shall orally
examine the employee for his knowledge of road.

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Annexure 12.01

Proforma of Competency Certificates

Name Designation Certificate Date of Name of the Station Date of Remarks

No. test and official who where the periodic
issue conducted the employee is check
test posted

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III

Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Appendix II


S.No. Abbreviation Details
ALG Drive Control Unit
SLG Converter Control Unit
ASC Drive Inverter Control
NSC Line Converter Control
ASR Drive Inverter
SR Traction Converter
BUR Auxiliary Converter
CEL Central Electronics
CSC Constant Speed Control
DDA Display Data Control
DIA Diagnostic Data Control
DDS Diagnostic Data Set
FBV Vehicle Bus Administrator
FLG Vehicle Control Unit
HB Cubicle Auxiliary Circuit
MCE MICAS-S2 Control Electronics
MR Machine Room
MUB Over Voltage Protection Unit
Pan Pantograph
PP Pneumatic Panel
SB Cubicle Control Circuits
STB Low Voltage Cubicle Control
TE/BE Tractive/Braking effort
VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker
ZBV Train Bus Administrator
MVB MICAS Vehicle Bus
GTO Gate Turn Off Thyristors
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

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Chapter-12 Training and Competency Certificates

Indian Railways - AC Traction Manual - Volume-III



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