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Action Plan - Tle

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Project Title: Preparing and Producing Competent Students

Objective: To prepare and produce competent students in preparation for their career development. This project aims to train and produce competent
students that will reach their full potential and will contribute to the success and development of their selves, school and community.

Action Items Description Responsible Person Timeframe Resources Needed Status Notes

Plan with the

elected PTA officers
Schedule and
Conduct election of regarding any
conduct of election Students and TLE
TLE officers per August 2024 Classrooms Started activities or plans
for TLE officers per Teachers
classroom for their students
and school

Let the new sets of

officers to think of
Schedule and
Conduct mother TLE officers and TLE their own projects
conduct mother August 2024 Classrooms Started
club election Teachers and activities then
club election
further help them
develop the plans

Create income Schedule a TLE Club Every End of Classrooms Not Started Use the agreed
generating meeting for TLE Officers and the Month or as information in
project in club officers TLE Teachers needed implementing
coordination every end of the plans
with the mother the month for
club officers planning,
checking and
finalizing the
Conduct Schedule a Students and End of Second Tables, Not Started The income
culminating culminating Teachers and Third backdrops, and from the
activities activity twice a Quarter TLE Tools, culminating
year as this is Materials and activities will
needed for the Equipment proceed for the
awards and IGP income of
recognition for the TLE officers
grade 10 and and they have
grade 12 to fund it for
students their other
awards and
recognition will
be given during
the end of
school year
ceremony as
part of special
Conduct school Schedule the Teachers and 2nd week Tables, Not Started Winners will be
competitions school Students Second Quarter backdrops, and trains in
within school technolympics especially TLE Tools, preparation for
(School and have its Grade 10-12 Materials and the division
Technolympics) approval from students Equipment technolympics
the school
Train students Schedule Coach (TLE As needed Tables, Not Started Ask parental
for the division regular teacher) backdrops, and consent and
technolympics trainings for the Student TLE Tools, support for the
chosen Materials and training of the
students Equipment and student
Train students Schedule Coach (TLE As needed Tables, Not Started Ask parental
for NC II per regular teacher) backdrops, and consent and
discipline trainings for the Student TLE Tools, support for the
chosen Materials and training of the
students Equipment and student

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