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(Reference of each question is given along with the question)

QUESTION 1 A carriage spring is to be 300 mm long and made of 6 mm thick steel plates and 45 mm broad. How many plates are required to carry a load of 3 kN, without the stress exceeding 200 MN/ . What would be the central deflection and the initial radius of curvature, if plates straighten under the load for plate? (E=200 GN/ ) (Reference: - R.K. RAJPUT, Example 14.23, Page752) SOLUTION: Span length (l) =300 mm=0.3 m, thickness of each plate (t) =6mm = 0.006 m Width of each plate (b) =45 mm= 0.045m, load (W) = 3 kN E = 200 GN/ , b = 200 MN/ Number of plates (N) Bending moment per plate (M) = Wl/4N But, M = b * Z (where Z= section modulus of one plate = b /6) Wl/4N= b * b /6 3* * 0.3 = 200 * * 0.045 * (0.006 4*N 6 N= 3* 4 * 200 * * 0.3 * 6 * 0.045 * (0.006 = 4.167(say 4)

Initial radius of Curvature (Rc) By using the relation b = E , we get: y Rc 200 * = 200* t/2 Rc Rc = 200 * * 0.006 / (200 * * 2) = 3 m Central deflection () Using the relation, = 3 W / (8 EN b ) = 3*3* * (0.3 = 3.91 mm 8* 200 * * 4 *0.045 *(0.006

QUESTION 2 A leaf spring of semi-elliptic has 10 plates each 12 cm wide and 2 cm thick. The length of spring is 1.6 m. the plates are made of steel having a proof stress (bending) of 750 MN/ . To what radius should the plates be bent initially? From what height can a load of 900 N fall on the centre of the spring, if maximum stress is to be one-half of the proof stress?(E= 200GN/ ) (Reference: - R.K. RAJPUT, Example 14.25, Page 753) SOLUTION: The bending equation is given by, M = b = E l b Rc Rc = E*y (where Rc = Radius of Curvature) b = E*t/2 = 200 * *(0.01) b 750 * Rc =2.667 m The stress in the second case is half the proof stress, i.e. 750/2 =375 MN/ Let W= equivalent static load which will produce this stress. Therefore,

= 3 Wl/ (2 N b

QUESTION 3 A composite spring has a two close-coiled helical springs connected in series. Each spring has twelve coils at a mean diameter of 25mm. Find the wire diameter in one if the other is 2.5mm and the stiffness of the composite spring is 700N/m. (G. H. Ryder, example 4, pg 227) SOLUTION: For springs in series the load is common to both, and the total extension is the sum of that for each load for each, i.e. X = X 1 + X2 W/k = W/k1 + W/k2 Where k is the equivalent stiffness of the composite spring, 1/k = 1/k1 + 1/k2

(1000/700) = {(8X253X12)/ (80000X2.54)} + {(8X253X12)/ (80000Xd4)} d4 = 2.1mm

QUESTION 4 A close-coiled helical spring of circular section extends 1cm when subjected to an axial load of W, and there is an angular rotation of 1 radian when a torque T is independently applied about the axis. If D is the mean coil diameter, show that T/W = D2 (1+v)/4.Determine poisons ratio if D=3cm, a load of 55 N extends the spring 5.4cm, and a torque of 300Nmm produces an angular rotation of 60 degrees. (G. H. Ryder, example 5, pg 228) SOLUTION: W= Gd4x/ 8D3n = Tl/EI = 64TDn/Ed4 x= =1 T/W = D2E/8G = D2 (1+v)/4 D = 3cm, T = 300X3/ Nmm/rad., W= 55/5.4 N/cm (90 X 5.4)/ ( X 55) = (3X3/4) (1+v) V= 216/55 1 V= .255

QUESTION 5 A railway wagon weighing 6.5kN and moving with a speed of 10km/hr is stopped by 4 buffer springs in which the maximum compression allowed is 20cm. calculate the number of turns in each spring in which diameter of spring wire is 2cm and that of the coils 20cm. G = 84GPa. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.3, pg 592) SOLUTION: Kinetic energy of the wagon = .5mv2 m = (10x1000)/9.81 = 1019.367 kg

v = (8x1000)/ (3600) = 2.22 m/s Therefore, Kinetic energy = .5X1019.367X2.22 = 2.517 kNm Energy absorbed by each spring = 2.517/4 = 0.6292 KNm Now, energy absorbed = work done on spring .6292 X 103 = .5 x W1 x , W1 = equivalent static load Putting values, W1 =6292.5 KN = (8W1D3n)/ (Gd4) Putting values, n =6.67

QUESTION 6 A close coiled helical spring is to have a stiffness of 1Kn/m of compression under a maximum load of 4.5N and a maximum shearing stress of 50MPa. The solid length of the spring is 4.5cm. Find the diameter of wire, the mean diameter of the coils required. G = 50GPa. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.5, pg593) SOLUTION: Stiffness = W/ = Gd4/ (8D3n) 1000 = (50x109xd4)/ (8D3n) Max. Shear stress = 8WD/d3 50x106 = (8x4.5xD)/ (d3) D = 1.4X106Xd3 Solid length = dn = 4.5X10-2 m n = -/d 1000 = (42x109xd4) (100xd)/ (8D3x4.5) D3 = 1.4X108XD5

(14X100000XD3)3 = 1.4X108Xd5 d = 31.51x10-3m D = 15.14x10-3m n = (4.5X1000) (3.06X100) = 29.8

QUESTION 7 A stiff bar of negligible weight transmits a load of P to a combination of three springs as shown. The three springs are made of same material and out of rods of equal diameters. They are of same length before loading. The number of coils in three springs are 10, 15, 20 respectively, while the mean radii of coils are in ratio 1:2:3 resp. find the distance x such that the stiff bar remains horizontal after applying load. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.6, pg 594) SOLUTION: If the stiff bar is to remain horizontal, then the compression of the three springs will be equal. 1 = 2 = 3 = G1 = G 2 = G 3 = G d1=d2=d3=d n1=10, n2=15, n3=20 D1: D2: D3:1:2:3 Let P1, P2 and P3 be the loads on the springs. 1 = 8P1D13n1/(Gd4) = 80P1D13/(Gd4) 2 = (8P2D23 n2 )/ (Gd4) = 96P2D2 /(Gd4) 3 = 120P3D33/ (Gd4) P1 = Gd4/(80D13) = C/(10D13) P2 = Gd4/(96D23) = C/(12D23) P3 = Gd4/(120D33) = C/(15D33) C = Gd4/8 Taking moments about P1x = P2 (L-x) + P3 (2L-x) xC/ (10D13) = (L-x) C/12D23 + (2L-x) C/15D33

D2/D1 = 2, D3/D1 = 3 Solving x = .109L

QUESTION 8 A close-coiled helical spring, made of 12mm diameter steel rod, has 12 complete turns over a mean dia. of 100mm. Determine (a) increase in number of turns , (b) bending stress induced, if subjected to an axial twist of 16 Nm. E = 2x105N/mm2. (Dr. B. C. Punmia, example 22.6, pg 787) SOLUTION: d=10mm, n = 10, D = 100mm, R = 50mm M = 20 Nm I = (d4X)/ (64) = 490.87 mm4 Z = i/.5d = 490.87/5 = 98.174 mm3 fb = M/Z = 203.72 N/mm2 = ML/ (EI) = (MX2XRsXn) = .64rad = 2 (n1-n) n1-n = /2 n1-n = /2 = 1.005 n1 = 10 + 1.005 = 11.005

QUESTION 9 A close-coiled helical spring whose free length when not compressed is 15cm, is required to absorb strain energy equal to 50N-m when fully compressed with coils in contact. The maximum shearing stress is limited to 140MPa. Assuming a mean coil diameter of 10cm, find the diameter of steel wire required and the number of coils. G = 80GPa. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.8, pg 595)

SOLUTION: Free length = 15 cm Solid length = nd Deflection, S = 0.15m - nd Strain energy absorbed, U = (2 / 4G) x volume U = 2/4G x d2/4 x Dn d2n = 33.084x10-4 =8WD/nd3 W=54.978X107Xd3 =8WD/Gnd3 0.15-nd = .054978n/d .15-(33.084x10-4/d) = (0.054978x33.084x10-4/d3) Soling for d, we get d = 24.2x10-3m n=5.649

QUESTION 10 A flat spiral spring is made of steel 15mm wide, 0.5mm thick and 3m long. Assuming that the spring is in an unstressed state, determine the maximum stress produced and the amount of spring energy stored in the spring by three complete rotations of the spindle. E = 210GPa (Sadhu Singh, example 13.20, pg 612) SOLUTION: b = 1.5cm d = 0.05cm l = 3m n=3

= (MI)/ (EI) 2x3 = (mX3X12)/ (210X1.5X0.053X109X10-8) M = .206 Nm M = (bXdXdXmax.)/12 Putting values, max. = 824 MPa U = .5XMX = 1.941 Nm

QUESTION 11 A close- coiled helical spring is to have stiffness of 400 lb./inch and to exert a force of the coil is to be 3.5 inch and the working stress 15 tons/ , find the number of coils and the diameter of steel rod from which the spring should be made. (G= 12 lb/ ) (Reference: Problems in Strength of Materials, Paradise & Church, page 223) SOLUTION: A close-coiled spring subjected to an axial load behaves approximately the same way as a straight rod, equal in length and diameter to the spring, and subjected to a torque equal to the product of the axial load and the mean coil radius. The normal torsion formula may therefore be employed. The strain energy due to torsion of the wire= external work done by the load. Therefore, T= w T= WR Therefore, R= (1) T/J= G/l Therefore, = TL/JG Therefore, from equation (1) =TRL/JG= Where, n=number of coils. Therefore, = -(2)

Also, Therefore, = qL/ Gr Therefore, = Therefore, q= -(3) = 64

Substituting the given values in equation (3) 15 2240= 16 500 1.75 / d= 0.51 inch. Substituting in equation (2) / (12 Therefore, n=5.92 )

QUESTION 12 A leaf spring of semi-elliptical type has 20 plates each 8mm wide and 10mm thick. The length of the spring is 120cm and the plates are of steel having a proof stress of bending of 630MPa. To what radius should the plates be initially bent? From what height can a load of 450N fall onto the centre of the spring if the maximum stress to be produced in spring is half of the proof stress? E = 210GPa. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.21, pg 617) SOLUTION: b=8cm d=1cm l=120cm = 630MPa R=Ye R= 1.67m We= equivalent static load which produces same maximum stress and deflection as the impact load.

Wel/4= nbd2/12=28kN = (3Wel3)/ (8nbd3E) =5.4X10-3m h= height through which weight is allowed to fall Strain energy stored in spring=.5We W (h+) =.5We h=78.6cm

QUESTION 13 A carriage spring 100 cm long has leaves of 10 cm width and 10 mm thickness. The maximum bending stress is 150 MPa and the spring must absorb 150 N-m of energy when straightened. Calculate the number of leaves and their initial radius of curvature. E = 200 GPa. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.23, pg 618) SOLUTION: Energy stored, U= (2XVolume) /6E N=16 Actual bending stress, 150= (2/ (6x200x109)) x (16x10x1x1x10-4/2) = 150 MPa R=Ey R=6.67 m

QUESTION 14 A quarter-elliptic leaf spring has a length of 50 cm and consists of plates each 5 cm wide a 6 mm thick. Find the least number of plates which can be used if the deflection under a gradually applied load of 2 kN is not to exceed 7 cm.If instead of being gradually applied the load of2 kN falls from a distance of 6 mm on to the undeflected spring; find the maximum deflection and stress produced. E = 200 GPa. (Sadhu Singh, example 13.24, pg 619)

SOLUTION: Deflection = = (6Wl3)/ (nEbd3) 0.07 = (6X2X103X503X10-6)/ (Nx200x109x5x.63x10-8) n 9.92 = 10

Let We be the equivalent gradually applied load which will produce same deflection as is caused by the impact load. 1 = (6Wel3)/ (nEbd3) Putting values, We = 28.8X103X1 Loss of potential energy = .5We1 = 2X103X (6X10-3 + 1) Strain energy absorbed by the spring = .5We1 Equating and solving for 1, we get 1 = 144.65mm We = 28.8X103X144.65 = 4.166 KN Maximum stress = (6Wel)/ (nbd2) Putting values, max. = 694.32 MPa

QUESTION 15 A composite spring has two close coiled springs in series. Each spring has the mean coil diameter equal to 8 times the dia of wire. One of the springs has 20 coils of wire dia 2.5mm. Find the dia of other if the spring has 15 coils and stiffness of composite spring is 1.3N/mm. Find the greatest axial load that can be applied and corresponding extension for a maximum shearing stress of 300N/mm2. N = .8X105 N/mm2. (Dr. B. C. Punmia, example 22.9., pg 794) SOLUTION: D = 8d, d1 = 2.5mm, n = 15, S = 1.3 S = (Nd4)/ (64nR3) i.e. 1/S1 = (64n1R13)/ (Nd14) = .4076

1/S2 = (64n2R23)/ (Nd24) = .768/d2 1/S1 = 1/S2 + 1/S3 Solving we get, d2 = 2.14mm fs = (16WR)/ d3 (1+d/4R) W = (fsXXd3)/ {(16R) (1+d/4R)} Maximum load carried by spring will be limited by the smaller diameter spring, d2 = 2.14 mm R2 = 4d2 = 8.56 mm Solving, W = 63.47 N Deflection by spring, = W/S = 63.47/1.3 = 48.82mm

QUESTION 16 A close-coiled helical spring whose free length when not compressed is 15cm, is required to absorb strain energy equal to 50N-m when fully compressed with the coils in contact .The maximum shearing stress is limited to 149MPa. Assuming a mean coil diameter of 10cm, find the diameter of the steel wire required and the no. of coils. G=80GPa. (Sadhu Singh, Example 13.8, page 595) SOLUTION: Free length Solid length Therefore, Deflection Strain energy absorbed , U = (*/4G) * Volume = 50 (*/4G) * (3.14/4) * d*d * 3.14*d*n , , = 15cm = n*d = 0.15m-n*d , , ,

= [(140*140) * (1000000000000) * (3.14 / 4) * d*d *3.14 * 0.1 * n ]/4 * 80 * ( 1000000000) ,

d* d*n n 140 * 1000000 W Deflection 0.15-n*d 0.15-n*d

= 33.084 /10000 = 33.084/d*d*10000 = 8WD/3.14*d*d*d* = (8W*0.1) /3.14*d*d*d = [3.14 * 140* 1000000 *d*d*d]/0.8 = [8WD*d*d*d*n]/G*d*d*d*d

, , , , , ,

= [8*54.978d*d *d*10000000*n]/80*10000000008d*d*d*d , = 0.054978*n/d , , , , n=5.649 ,

0.15-[33.084]/d*10000 =[0.054978*33.084]/d*d*d*10000 d*d*d-0.022056*d*d-0.0012159=0 Solving , we get d = 0.0242 m

n = (33.084*10000)/24.2 *2.42*10000 , Diameter of steel wire = 0.0242m No. of coils = 5.649

QUESTION 17 Close-coiled helical spring is built in at both ends. A load P is applied to it at an intermediate point. The number of coils above the point of application of the load is 9 and below this point is 6. Calculate the sharing of the load between the two parts if P = 1200 N. (Sadhu Singh, Miscellaneous solved problems) SOLUTION: Let P1 = Load in the upper part , ,

P2 = Load in the lower part Then, P1+P2 =P (1)

Extension of upper part = Compression of lower part

[8*P1*d*d*d*n1]/G*d*d*d*d=[8*P2*d*d*d*n2]/G*d*d*d P1*n1=P2*n2 . (2)

Solving equation (1) and (2) , we get P1 *(1+n1/n2) = P P1 = n2 * p/ (n1+n2) P1 = 6 * 1200/(9+6) = 480N P2 = (n1/n2) *P1 P2 = 9/6 *480 = 720N Load in upper limit =480N Load in lower limit =720N , , , , ,

QUESTION 18 A truck weighing 25KN and moving at 2.5m/s has to be brought to rest by a buffer. Find how many springs each of 25 coils will be required to store energy of motion during compression of 20 cm. G=80GPa. (Sadhu Singh, Miscellaneous problems) SOLUTION: Kinetic energy = (1*w*v*v)/2*g = (1*25*1000*2.5*2.5)/2*9.81 = 15927.6 N-m Deflection 20/100 W Work done = (8W*d*d*d*n)/G*D*D*D*D , , ,

= (8W*20*20*20*25)/80*25*25*25*25*1000 =31250 N =1*W*deflection/2

= (31250*20)/2*100 = 31C25 N-m

QUESTION 19 A close coiled helical spring is of 80 mm mean coil diameter. The spring extends by 37.75mm when loaded axially by a weight of 500 N. There is an angular rotation of 45 degree when this spacing is subjected to an axial couple of magnitude 20 N-m. Determine the Poissons ratio for the material of the spring. (Problems from competitive books on Civil service examinations and GATE) SOLUTION: Stiffness , k =w/deflection = 500/37.75 , = 13.245 N/mm K= (G*d*d*d*d)/8*D*D*D*N , G*d*d*d*d/n = 8*k*D*D*D , = 13.245*80*80*80/1000000 = 54.25152 Angle of twist () = (64 *D*n*Mo)/E*D*D*D*D E*D*D*D*D/n = 64*D*Mo/ , = 64*80*20*4/3.14*1000 = 130.3793 G/E G/E G/E 2(1+v) = 54.25152/130.3793 = 0.416 = *(1+v) = 2.4032 = 0.2016 , , , , , , ,

QUESTION 20 A truck weighing 25 KN and running at a speed of 2m/s gas to be brought to rest by a buffer comprising a number of springs of 15 coils each. Find the number of springs required to absorb the number of springs required to absorb the energy of motion during a compression of 250 mm mean diameter. Each spring is made of 25 mm diameter rod forming coils of 200 mm mean diameter. Assume modulus of rigidity of the spring material as 95 G Pa. (Problems from Civil service examinations and GATE) SOLUTION: Kinetic energy of truck = (1/2)*(W/g)*v*v = 1*25*1000/ (2*9.81) = 61728.4 N-m Spring stiffness , k = G*d*d*d*d/ (8*D*D*D*n) = 95*25*25*25*25*1000000/ (8*200*200*200*15) = 38655.6 N/m Energy stored by Spring = (1/2)*38655.6*0.25*0.25 = 1207.98 N-m Number of springs = 38655.6/1207.98 = 32 , , = (1/2)*k*(deflection)*deflection , , , , ,

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