Hurdle Technology
Hurdle Technology
Hurdle Technology
★ Hurdle technology was developed as a new concept for the production of safe, stable, nutritious,
tasty, and economical foods.
★ Hurdle Technology is a technology that uses a combination of two or more preservation
parameters at an optimum level in order to get a maximum lethality against micro-organisms
without compromising with the nutritional and sensory qualities of food products.
Example of Hurdles
★ high temperature during processing
★ low temperature during storage
★ increasing the acidity
★ lowering the water activity or redox potential
★ presence of preservatives
Each hurdle aims to eliminate, inactivate or at least inhibit unwanted microorganisms. The most
important hurdles commonly used in food preservation are based on controlling temperature,
water activity, acidity, redox potential and the use of preservatives, modified atmosphere and
competitive microorganisms (e.g. lactic acid bacteria).
Need for Hurdle Technology
★ Consumers are demanding for fresh, natural and minimally processed food products.
★ Ongoing trend has been eat out and to consume ready to eat foods.
★ New ecology routes for microbial growth have emerged.
Principle of Hurdle Technology
i. Pasteurization
ii. Sterilization
Low temperature
i. Refrigeration
Increased Acidity
2. Metabolic Exhaustion
★ In this step, microorganisms try to repair their homeostasis, use up all their energy for this and
become metabolically exhausted.
★ This leads to an auto-sterilization of such foods.
★ The foods which are preserved with the concept of hurdle technology and are
microbiologically stable, become safer during storage at ambient temperature.
★ The microbes can respond better to the hurdles at ambient temperature than at refrigeration and
become metabolically exhausted.
3. Stress Reactions:
★ As a response of various hurdles e.g. heat, pH, aw , ethanol, oxidative compounds, etc. as
well starvation, a stress shock protein is generated by some bacteria.
★ These stress proteins may hamper food preservation and could turn out to be problematic for
the application of hurdle technology if only one hurdle has been applied.
★ If different stresses are received by the microorganism at the same time, the activation of
genes for the synthesis of stress shock proteins, which help organisms to cope with stress
situation, would be difficult.
★ Synthesis of many stress shock proteins due to simultaneous exposure to different stresses will
be very energy-consuming and would lead to metabolic exhaustion of the microorganism.
4. Multi-Target Preservation:
★ A combined effect could be achieved by hitting various targets within the microbial cell (e.g.,
cell membrane, DNA, enzyme systems, pH, aw, Eh) by using different hurdles simultaneously.
★ This disturbs the homeostasis of the microorganisms present in several respects.
★ In this case, the replenishment of homeostasis and activation of stress shock proteins becomes
more difficult.
★ Therefore, simultaneous application of different hurdles in a particular food would lead to
optimal microbial stability.
★ It is a suitable technology for blanching cauliflower to inactivate the catalase and peroxidase
★ It is used to preserve mango fruit with the application of Aloe Vera gel and Calcium chloride.
★ Classical preservation of meat is done by refrigeration combined with heating, acids, curing
salts or anaerobic packaging.
★ Combined treatment of HHP processing and addition of antimicrobials to milk substrate have
shown additive and synergistic effects against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
★ Tomatoes are preserved by acidification and in-pack heating (canned tomatoes) and osmotic
concentration (tomato paste) resulting from high temperature evaporation of water under
vacuum and hot filling or aseptic packaging.
★ Common salt or organic acids can be used as hurdles to control microbes in food. Many natural
antimicrobials such as nisin, natamycin and other bacteriocins, and essential oils derived from
rosemary or thyme, also work well.
★ Used to produce heat-processed, cured meat products (heating, addition of nitrite, water activity
modification and sometimes addition of lactate preservatives).
★ Fermented food products are made safe and stable for long periods through a sequence of
hurdles that arise at different stages of fermentation process.