FM & SM Questions
FM & SM Questions
FM & SM Questions
Time Allowed – 3 Hours (Total time for 6A and 6B) Maximum Marks – 50
1. The question paper comprises two parts, Part I and Part II.
2. Part I comprises Case Scenario based Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
3. Part II comprises questions which require descriptive type answers.
4. Working note should form part of the answer. Wherever necessary, suitable
assumptions may be made by the candidates and disclosed by way of note.
However, in answers to Questions in Division A, working notes are not
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6. Total Assets & Current liabilities of the Vitrag Limited are 50 lakhs & 10 lakhs
respectively. ROCE is 15%, measure of business operating risk is at 3.5 &
P/V ratio is 70%. Calculate Sales.
(a) 21 lakhs
(b) 30 lakhs
(c) 37.50 lakhs
(d) 40 lakhs (2 Marks)
7. A company has issued bonds with a face value of ` 100,000 at an annual
coupon rate of 8%. The bonds are currently trading at 95% of their face value.
What is the approximate cost of debt for the company before taxes.
(a) 9.00%
(b) 7.65%
(c) 8.00%
(d) 8.42% (2 Marks)
8. A company is considering changing its capital structure by increasing its debt
ratio from 40% to 55%. What is the likely impact on the company’s cost of
equity, assuming all other factors remain constant?
(a) Cost of equity will be unaffected by debt ratio
(b) Cost of equity will remain unchanged
(c) Cost of equity will decrease
(d) Cost of equity will increase (1 Mark)
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4. (a) The agency problem is one of the key concepts in corporate governance
and financial management. On the light of this statement, EXPLAIN
agency problem, consequences of agency problem and how to
overcome the issue. (4 Marks)
(b) Operating leases and financial leases are traditionally the most important
types of leases in financial management. However, in recent years, other
types of leases have also gained significance due to their unique benefits
and applications. IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN at least four other types of
leases that have become increasingly important in modern business
practices. (4 Marks)
(c) EXPLAIN the Relationship between EBIT-EPS-MPS (2 Marks)
(c) EXPLAIN Financial Leverage as a ‘Double edged Sword’ (2 Marks)
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and smartphones, aiming to tap into new markets and broaden their
business horizons. What kind of external growth strategy is being
considered by TechNova and ElectroWave? (5 Marks)
(b) Vikram Patel owns a chain of ten bookstores across the Mumbai region.
Three of these stores were launched in the past two years. He has
always believed in strategic management and enjoyed robust sales of
books, magazines, and educational materials until about five years ago.
However, with the increasing preference for online shopping, the sales
at his physical stores have declined by approximately sixty percent over
the last five years. Analyze Vikram Patel's current position in light of the
limitations of strategic management. (5 Marks)
(c) Orion Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is renowned for its ability to launch
groundbreaking software products. Despite the relaxed and casual work
environment at Orion, there is a strong commitment to meeting
deadlines. Employees at Orion believe in the "work hard, play hard"
ethic. The company has shifted from a formal, hierarchical structure to a
more results-oriented approach. Employees are deeply committed to the
company’s strategies and work diligently to achieve them. They
safeguard innovations and maintain strict confidentiality and secrecy in
their operations. Their work culture is closely aligned with the
organization's values, practices, and norms. What aspects of an
organization are being discussed? Explain. (5 Marks)
2. (a) Analyze the role of Key Success Factors (KSFs) in determining
competitive success within an industry. (5 Marks)
(b) What are distribution channels, and why is analyzing them crucial for
business expansion? Describe the three main types of channels
explaining their roles in ensuring products reach customers efficiently
and with the necessary support. (5 Marks)
3. (a) What is a strategic vision, and what are the essential components that
make it an effective tool for guiding an organization's future? (5 Marks)
(b) Which strategy is implemented by redefining the business, by enlarging
its scope of business and substantially increasing investment in the
business? Explain the major reasons for adopting this strategy.(5 Marks)
4. (a) Describe the principal aspects of strategy-execution process, which are
included in most situations. (5 Marks)
(b) How does the PESTLE framework assist in analyzing the macro-
A manufacturing company is in direct competition with fifteen companies
at the national level. The head of marketing department of this company
wishes to study the market position of rival companies by grouping them
into like positions. Name the tool that may be used by him/her. Explain
the procedure that may be used to implement the techniques. (5 Marks)