Week 4 and 5 Notes QUARTER 1
Week 4 and 5 Notes QUARTER 1
Week 4 and 5 Notes QUARTER 1
Cereal comes from any grains are very valuable and can d. serve attractively.
contribute a great deal to our health. Cereal processed foods It should be cooked “al dente” an Italian term which means
that can be included in our daily food servings are: cooked not too soft but firm to the bite.
Guidelines on Proper and Safe Handling of Food
A. WHOLE GRAIN cereal which contains natural proportions of 1. Undergo training on food safety and obtain medical
bran, germ and endosperm; certificates from the local/provincial/city/municipal health
B. ENRICHED CEREALS that are excellent sources of thiamine, office.
niacin, riboflavin, and iron; 2. Observe proper hand washing technique.
C. RESTORED CEREAL that is made from either the entire grain 3. Wear complete cooking outfit and use disposable gloves for
or portions of one or more grains to which there have been direct food contact.
added sufficient amounts of thiamine, niacin, and iron to attain 4. Observe personal hygiene at all times.
the accepted whole grain levels of these three nutrients found 5. Avoid handling food if you are sick.
in the original grain from which the cereal is prepared. 6. Use separate equipment and utensils for handling raw foods
7. Sanitize all surfaces and equipment used for food
NOODLES AND PASTA which is basically starchy food has its preparation.
physiological function that depends on its starch and other 8. Clean thoroughly the cutting-boards and work areas after
constituents. each use.
9. Protect the kitchen areas and food from insects, pests and
other animals.
10. Maintain the highest standards of sanitation in the kitchen
at all times.