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Unit 5, BMC (Civil Polytechnic) K Scheme 2024-25

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1) Enlist any four types of floor finishes.

Four types of floor finishes:-
1) Shahabad flooring
2) Kota flooring
3) Marble flooring
4) Granite flooring
5) Kadappa
6) Mosaic tiles
7) Pavement blocks
8) Tiled flooring
9) Tremix floor
10) Vitrified tiles
11) IPS
12) Ceramic
2) Suggest the roofing material for various types of pitched roofs with justification.

Roof covering is an essential component of pitched roof to be placed over the framework

Types of roof covering

• Thatch covering: It is a very old roofing method and has been used in both tropical and temperate climates.
People, who desire a rustic look for their home, would like a more ecologically friendly roof.

• Wood shingle roofing: Used in hilly areas

• Tile roofing: Used for residential buildings and country houses

Asbestos cement sheet roofing: Used for industrial buildings, factories, sheds, cinema houses, auditorium,
residential buildings

• Galvanised corrugated iron sheet roofing: Not used for slopes flatter than 1 in 4

• Eternit or slate roofing: slate roof pitches as low as 15°.

• Light weight roofing: Used for wide span industrial structures


3) Explain the procedure of internal plastering a newly built brick wall.


The mix ratio of mortar in case of cement plastering depends upon the nature of the work to be plastered.
For rich plastering work at sensitive places (e.g. in side bathrooms, W.C. etc.), 1:3 cement plaster mix is
For general plastering of walls 1:4 to 1:8 cement mortar is used.
Preparing the surface
• Before applying the plaster, the surface of wall shall be cleaned, free from loose particles/dust and wet
in advance.
• The joints of masonry are properly raked to a depth of 10 to 15 mm to provide key and bonding between
wall and plaster.
• All the cavities and holes in the wall should be properly filled up in advance.
• When the surface is ready, plaster is applied.

Applying the plaster

• Cement plastering may be applied in one or two coats.
• In case plastering is to be done in two coats the first coat is applied as described below:
• The mortars screed or bands and patches (dots) of plaster of required thickness shall be made on the
surface vertically and horizontally at center to center distance of 2 M and evenness of plastered surface
shall be checked by plumb bob and plain wooden rule.
• The mortar is dashed against the prepared surface into a uniform thickness with the help of trowel.
• Surplus mortar is removed with the help of mason’s straight edge and then the mortar is pressed well
with a wooden float so that mortar may fill in the joints of the masonry.
• The thickness of this coat should not be more than 16 mm.
• Before applying the second coat, the first coat is allowed to set but it should not become dry and it is
also roughened with a scratching tool to provide key to the second coat.
• The second coat is then applied in a thin layer not exceeding 3 mm in thickness within48 hours.
• It is then well trowelled and rubbed perfectly smooth with the help of a steel float. It is then allowed to
set for 2 days and cured for more than 8 to 10 days.

4) State the necessities of painting.

Ans: Necessities of painting:-
• Necessity of painting it protects the surface from weathering effect of the atmosphere.


• It prevents decay of wood and corrosion in metal.
• It gives good appearance to the surface. Decorative effect maybe e created by painting and the surface
becomes hygienically good, clean, colorful and attractive.
• Due to painting the life of material increases.
• Due to painting cleaning of the surface becomes easy.
• Painting imparts sanitation and improved illumination.

5) Describe the procedure for carrying out the ‘Plastering’ in cement mortar in two coats.

• The mix ratio of mortar in case of cement plastering depends upon the nature of the work to be plastered.

• For rich plastering work at sensitive places (e.g. in side bathrooms, W.C. etc.), 1:3 cement plaster mix is used.

For general plastering of walls 1:5 to 1:8 cement plaster mixes are used. Preparing the surface •

Before applying the plaster, the surface should be prepared properly.

• The joint of masonry are properly raked to a depth of 20 mm to provide key to plaster.

• The surface is then thoroughly wetted with water, washed well and kept wet for six hours.

• When the surface is ready, plaster is applied. Applying the plaster • Cement plastering may be applied in one or
two coats.

• In case plastering is to be done in two coats the first coat is applied as described below.

• The mortar is dashed against the prepared surface into a uniform thickness with the help of trowel.

• Wooden screeds 7.5 cm wide and of required thickness of the plasters are generally fixed vertically 2.4 to 3 m
apart to act as gauges/ guides in order to keep the plaster to the required thickness. Careful plumb line should be
done in fixing of these screeds.

• Surplus mortar is removed with the help of mason’s straight edge and then the mortar is pressed well with a
wooden float so that mortar may fill in the joints of the masonry.

• The thickness of this coat should not be more than 16 mm.

• Before applying the second coat, the first coat is allowed to set but it should not become dry and it is also
roughened with a scratching tool to provide key to the second coat.

• The second coat is then applied in a thin layer not exceeding 3 mm in thickness within 48 hours. It is then well
trowelled and rubbed perfectly smooth with the help of a steel float. It is then allowed to set for 2 days and cured
for more than 7 days.


10) Explain the procedure of preparation of surface along with the method of application of color wash
paint on the wall.

The correct preparation of surface plays an important role in preserving the properties and life of the paint. For
these the procedure is as follows:

1. If the receiving surface is rough, it should be made smooth by rubbing with sand paper.

2. The surface should be perfectly dry before applying the paint.

3. In a case of newly plastered surface, the surface is damp then it should be allowed to dry for at least one

4. If the walls are old, then all dirt, dust and rust should be removed from the surface. by HCL.

5. If oily materials are available on surface it should be removed by HCL.

6. All the nail hole’s in the walles should be filled with morter so that the surface become smooth.

7. If the surface is having efflorescence patches they should be clean with dry cloth.

8. The surface should be thoroughly rubbed with sand paper, washed clean and allowed to dry before applying
the paint. Method of application of color washes paint on the wall.

1. By Brushing.

2. By Spraying.

3. by Rollers.

11) State any four precautions to be taken while plastering.

i. Before application of the plastering, the surface must be clean and free of dirt, oil, or other elements
which may interfere with bonding.
ii. Smooth or non-absorbent surfaces should be prepared.
iii. It is strongly recommended that the surfaces be dampened with clean water prior to applying the
plastering for improved performance in adhesion, durability, and reduced cracking.
iv. Sand used must be sieved and washed.
v. The material used in preparation of plastering mixes must be measured by volume using gauge-boxes
or by weight.
vi. Chicken mesh of 20 gauges as approved shall be used over junctions of concrete and masonry or two
dissimilar materials.


vii. Raking out of joints is expected to be carried out along with masonry but it should be checked
thoroughly so as to receive good key.
viii. The method of application is also important and hence it is recommended that the mix be thrown on the
surface rather than stuck with trowel. This increases the adhesion.
ix. Scaffolding should be rigid, allowing free and safe movement on the platform and it should be at
sufficient distance or height from the working areas. Scaffolding shall be with proper railings.
x. Corners, external or internal, shall be finished along with final coat. It is advisable to have rounded
xi. Finishing of plaster may be carried out with wooden float (randhas) or trowelled smooth with sheet
metal trowels as specified. Care shall be taken to avoid excessive trowelling and overworking of the
wooden float.
xii. Plaster shall be cut to correct horizontal or vertical line at the end of the day or if work requires to be
suspended for any reason.
12) Describe the procedure of laying a floor finish on a newly constructed slab.
1. Slab is cleared off from loose mortar deposited during plaster work and level the surface.
2. Chalk out the marking on wall @ 0.6 m above the slab surface in one level.
3. Construct mortar dots at four corners of wall to required thickness of bedding for tiles (15 X 15 cm or as
per tile size)
4. Place the tile at remote corner i.e. at highest position of tile required and check the vertical distance from
reference line as required for maintaining required level / slope towards door, by adjusting mortar bedding
thickness, check level of tile top with spirit level.
5. Place another tile at opposite corner and follow same procedure as per point no 4 and similarly for all
6. Check diagonal level of tying the by string from corner tile and central tile for reference is fixed.
7. Lay mortar bedding strip between two remote corner and lay the tile in line and level. 8. Repeat point no 7
procedure up to door corner



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