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Work Method Statement For Brick

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Methods of statement for brick masonry

Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Scope /purpose
3. Code/specification
4. Material
5. Tools and equipments
6. Methods of statements
7. Protection and curing

1. introduction

Brick masonry is construction in which uniform units ("bricks"), small enough to be placed with
one hand, are laid in courses with mortar joints to form walls. Bricks are kiln baked from various
clay and shale mixtures. The chemical and physical characteristics of the ingredients vary
considerably. These characteristics and the kiln temperatures combine to produce brick in a
variety of colors and harnesses. In some regions, individual pits yield clay or shale which, when
ground and moistened, can be formed and baked into durable brick. In other regions, clay or
shale from several pits must be mixed.


Bricks will be sound ,hard ,well-burnt , uniform in size, shape & colour ,homogeneous in
texture, giving a metallic ringing sound, free from flaws, cracks, holes, lumps or grit and arises
should be square, straight and sharply defined. They will not break when struck against each
other and dropped fat from a height of 1m to the ground. They will conform with IS 1077 
The Scope includes the brickwork and the workmanship to be adopted at site. 

IS 1077, IS 1200 , IS 2212(part3) , IS 3495 , IS 5454 , IS 2250)
Maximum water absorption will not be more than 15 % of its dry weight on immersion in water
for 24 hours. Minimum Crushing strength will be 3.5 kg/sq cm. 
Cement used will be ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 12269. 
(c) Water 
Water used for masonry will be clean and free from injurious amounts of deleterious materials
and will confirm to specification given in concrete and mortar section 
(d) Fine aggregate: 
Sand will confirm to IS 2116 specification for masonry mortars. 
Mortars for masonry will be prepared in accordance with IS 2550-1981 code of practice for
preparation and use of masonry mortars. Mortar required is 1:5 for full brick or more thick wall
and 1:4 for half-bricks wall.
5. Tool and equipments
 Cord(bonded braided nylon line)
 Brush and scraper
 Trowels
 Hammer
 Chisels
 Wheelbarrow
 Brick cutter
 Wooden straight edge
 Masons sprit level
 Square
 Foot rule
 Plumb
 Lines and pins
 shovel

6. Methods of statement
 Bricks used for masonry in cement mortar will be soaked by immersion in water at least one
hour prior to start of actual laying. Bricks will be laid in English bond unless otherwise
specified. Bricks on edge must not be used unless specified. 
 Work will be true to horizontal lines and perfect plumb. Vertical joints will be truly vertical
and those in alternate courses will be in the same vertical line. Joints of each course will be
within the limit of 6 mm to 10 mm depending upon the size of the bricks. 
 Prior to start of work it must be noted and checked that bricks on top are full size bricks. To
achieve this, precautions should be taken from the start of the first layer. Thickness of joint
will be adjusted such a way that full bricks will be there on top. Also it must be noted that
all horizontal joints on every floor are at the same level, so as to allow proper bonding at
 Required datum levels must be established through out the floor before start of work. It is
imperative to raise the brickwork uniformly over complete work joined together. R.C. bands
for partition wall will be provided as per drawing. 
 Specified cement mortar must be placed within 30 minutes after addition of water. 
 Disallow vertical joint filling by spreading mortar. 
 For 230 mm thick wall, maintain one face in line. This face can be preplanned to take all
kinds of single coat plasters. For higher thickness walls both faces should be in line. 
 First mark up layer of brick work needs to be laid in direct supervision for door / window /
any other openings to be kept accurately as per the drawings or layout. 
 The buttress, counter-forts should be built simultaneously, maintaining proper bond with
main wall and not added after wards. 
 Frogs will be upward at all times. Joints will be racked back to a minimum 10 to 15 mm
while the mortar is wet. Surface of the brickwork will be cleaned with coil string, wire
brushes etc to keep the surface free for the need operation. All dropped and spoiled mortar,
brickbats etc. will be cleared from the floor before work is closed for the day. 
 Old or dry surface must be thoroughly cleaned and wetted. The joints should be raked
before starting new construction.
7. Protection and curing: 
 Wet works will be protected from rains by suitable covering. Masonry in cement will be kept
constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum period of ten days. The top of masonry will
be left flooded with water at close of the day. 
 For scaffolding purpose minimum number of holes should be provided in the horizontal
direction and holes will be provided by omitting header brick. 

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