I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
a. differentiate vertebrate and invertebrate animals, (S3LT-IIc-d-3)
b. volunteer in answering questions about the topic; and
c. value the importance of vertebrate and invertebrate animals in our environment
through observation.
II. Subject matter
Topic: Classification of Animals
Reference: K-12 Curriculum guide
Values integration: Voluntarism and Active participation
Material: Flat screen tv, Power point presentation, Cut-out pictures
III. Learning procedure
A. Preliminary activity
1. Review
Anyone from the class, what was our topic last meeting?
What did you learn from our discussion?
2. Motivation
Let’s play a guessing game.
“Guess the animals in the pictures”
V. Assignment
Write examples of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, two (2) examples each
subgroup. Write it in your notebook.
Sibayan, John