Kcet Dan Phy Monday
Kcet Dan Phy Monday
Kcet Dan Phy Monday
(1) OR
(2) NAND
(3) AND
(4) NOR
(1) μ 0ε 0
12) Diameter of the objective of a telescope is 200
cm. What is the resolving power of a telescope?
Take wavelength of light = 5000 Å. (2) με
(1) 6.56 × 10 6
μ 0ε 0
(2) 3.28 × 10 5
(3) 1
(3) 1 × 10 6 (4) Insufficient information
(4) 3.28 × 10 6
17) Electromagnetic radiation used to sterilise milk
(1) X-ray
(2) γ − ray
(3) UV rays
(4) Radiowaves
Typesetting math: 43%
18) The product of Young's modulus of the material 21) A metallic rod of length 'L' and cross-section 'A'
of the wire with its cross-sectional area is equal has Young's modulus 'Y' and coefficient of linear
to its length.Find the parameters representing x expansion ′ α ′ . If the rod is heated to a
and y-axes of the curve as shown: temperature T, the energy stored per unit volume
(1) 1
Yα 2T 2
(1) load and increase in length
(2) 1
(2) stress and strain
YAα 2T 2
(3) Young's modulus and stress 2
(2) L 2Dg / 2E
(3) L 2Dg / 4E 23) Energy needed in breaking a drop of radius R
into n drops of radii r is given by
(4) L
(1) 4πT(nr 2 − R 2)
(2) 4
π(r 3n − R 2)
(3) 4πT(R 2 − nr 2)
(4) 4πT(nr 2 + R 2)
(1) T (2) 24πR 2T
28) The equiconvex lens has focal length ‘f’. If it is
(3) T cut perpendicular to the principal axis passing
through optical centre, then focal length of each
half is
(4) πρg
(1) f/2
T (2) f
(3) 3f/2
25) In air, a charged soap bubble of radius ‘r’ is in
(4) 2f
equilibrium having outside and inside pressures
being equal. The charge on the drop is ( ∈ 0 =
29) The path length of oscillation of simple
permittivity of free space, T = surface tension of
pendulum of length 1 meter is 16 cm . Its
soap solution)
maximum velocity is g = π 2m / s 2 )
(1) 2T ∈ 0
4πr 2 (1) 2 πcm / s
(2) 4 πcm / s
(2) 4T ∈ 0 (3) 8 πcm / s
4πr 2
r (4) 16 πcm / s
(3) 6T ∈ 0
4πr 2 30) The angular velocity and the amplitude of a
r simple pendulum are ω and a respectively. At a
displacement X from the mean position, if its
(4) 8T ∈ 0
2 kinetic energy is T and potential energy is V, then
the ratio of T to V is
(1) X 2ω 2 / (a 2 − X 2ω 2)
26) A big water drop is formed by the combination of
(2) X 2 / (a 2 − X 2)
'n' small water drops of equal radii. The ratio of
the surface energy of 'n' drops to the surface (3) (a 2 − X 2ω 2) / X 2ω 2
energy of big drop is (4) (a 2 − X 2) / X 2
(1) n 2 : 1
(2) n : 1
(3) √n : 1
(4) 3
√n : 1
Kl 1 2l + l 1 ) Reason is the correct explanation of the
(2) 1
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but the
Kl 21
2 Reason is not the correct explanation of the
(3) Assertion.
K l + 2 2
l1 ) (3) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(4) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(4) 1
K l 21 − l 2 ) 35) Assertion: When height of a tube is less than
liquid rise in the capillary tube, the liquid does
32) In electromagnetic spectrum, the frequencies of not overflow.
γ-rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays are denoted by Reason: Product of radius of meniscus and height
n 1, n 2 and n 3 respectively. Then: of liquid in capillary tube always remains
(1) n 1 > n 2 > n 3
(1) Both the assertion and reason are true and
(2) n 1 < n 2 < n 3
reason explains the assertion.
(3) n 1 > n 2 < n 3
(2) Both the assertion and reason are true but
(4) n 1 < n 2 > n 3
reason does not explain the assertion.
(3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
33) A spherical ball is dropped in a long column of
(4) Assertion is false but reason is true.
viscous liquid. Which of the following graphs
represent the variation of:
36) A light is travelling from air into a medium.
(i) Gravitational force with time
Velocity of light in a medium is reduced to 0.75
(ii) Viscous force with time
times the velocity in air. Assume that angle of
(iii) Net force acting on the ball with time?
incidence ‘i’ is very small, the deviation of the ray
(1) i
(2) i
(1) Q,R,P
(2) R,Q,P (3) i
(3) P,Q,R 4
(2) Pα
(3) Pβ
(4) αβ
(3) Y 1Y 2
Y1 + Y2
(1) 0.5 mm
(2) 1 mm
(3) 1.5 mm
(4) 2 mm
(2) (
Mg L 1 − L )
(3) MgL
A L1 − L ) (3) There will be no effect on the level of water
in the capillary tube
43) At what speed will the velocity head of stream of (4) Air will emerge from end B in the form of
water be 40 cm bubbles.
(3) 4 π r 2T
(4) 2 π rT 2
2 (3) 22 × 10 − 6N
(r 2
+ r 22 ) 2
53) The dynamic lift of an aeroplane is based on
(3) r 1r 2
(1) Torricelli's theorem
r1 − r2
(2) Bernoulli's theorem
(4) r 1r 2 (3) Conservation of angular Momentum
r2 − r1 (4) Principle of continuity
49) The diagram shows venturi meter through which 54) When two capillary tubes A and B are immersed
water is flowing. The speed of water at X is 2cm / s in water, the heights of water columns are found
. Find the speed of water at Y in cm/s.(taking to be in the ratio 2 : 3. The ratio of the radii of
g = 1000cm / s 2). tubes A and B is
(1) 2 : 3
(2) 4 : 9
(3) 9 : 4
(1) 24 (4) 3 : 2
(2) 12
55) The vertical sections of a wing of a fan are
(3) 32
shown. Maximum upthrust is in
(4) 25
(2) 2π
(1) 10 5 N/m (3) 2π
(2) 2 × 10 5 N/m b
(3) Zero
(4) π
(4) Infinity 2