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Abstract - In recent years the design of pillow plate heat exchangers (PPHE) is attracting more and more interest both in the
scientific community and in relevant industrial sectors. In this manuscript an experimental investigation has been carried out
to study the thermo-hydraulic behaviour of a very compact PPHE designed in collaboration with a manufacturing company.
This has allowed to design a PPHE with the smallest geometric parameters currently achievable with the present
manufacturing technologies. This device mounts two pillow plates 450 mm long and 80 mm wide with an internal inflation
of 3mm. In this preliminary analysis water is used as working fluid both for hot and cold channel of the PPHE which has
been installed on a purpose-built laboratory-scale setup. The design of the PPHE has been carried out by implementing the
efficiency-NTU number (ε-NTU) method specific to PPHE geometries. The inside h1 and outside h2 heat transfer
coefficients have been determined by correlations available in literature for normal types of PPHEs. The strength of the
adopted approach has been verified by evaluating the errors percentage for the outlet temperatures, the efficiency and the
Darcy factor referred to a wide experimental campaign. In terms of errors, the performance for predicted thermal power set
from -15% to 15%, for thermal efficiency from -13% to 10%, and between 15% and 30% underestimation for the Darcy
factor. The proposed procedure looks a promising engineering tool to be implemented for those applications involving small
scale PPHE.
1 Introduction
Heat exchangers (HEs) play a pivotal role in power and process industries, as well as in satellite, aviation, and micro-
electronics cooling applications. The increasing demand for HEs necessitates innovative and flexible design approaches
beyond traditional Shell and Tube (STHE) and Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) designs. Recent innovations in the HEs industry
can be classified into passive, active, and compound enhancements. Passive methods include special inserts into the channels
or modification of the flow duct with surface extensions, thus creating swirls and vortices that enhance heat transfer
coefficients. This study focuses on a specific class of passive HEs known as "Pillow Plate Heat Exchangers (PPHEs),"
composed of plates, welded and hydroformed in a "pillow" shape, assembled to form two heat transfer fluid (HTF) channels
within and between the inflated plates. PPHEs offer superior design flexibility, compactness, ease of installation, cost-
effective production, and improved thermal efficiency and hydrodynamic performance compared to conventional HEs [1],
[2]. These advantages make PPHEs attractive for applications in food industry, energy and process industries, HVAC and
refrigeration, gas coolers, and distillation process HEs. Despite these benefits, PPHEs have not yet achieved the technological
readiness found in conventional equipment. This is primarily because they have not been exhaustively investigated, and thus,
their design procedures are not yet supported by robust and validated design tools [3].
The study of heat transfer problems in PPHEs presents valuable opportunities. The flexibility in manufacturing pillow
plates allows for unlimited variations in their geometrical parameters, making PPHEs ideal for fundamental heat transfer
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studies and novel design approaches, for applications involving heat transfer in the context of intensification processes.
Therefore, a new PPHE configuration, designed with the smallest geometric parameters achievable using advanced
technologies, was investigated. The main novelties from this study can be summarised as:
- A dedicated procedure, based on the ε-NTU method, was implemented to design and test the
performance of a small-scale PPHE built for this investigation.
- Existing correlations for heat transfer coefficients and friction factors for normal PPHEs [4], [5] were
applied and critically assessed for this PPHE.
- Validation tests confirmed the reliability of the proposed design approach for compact PPHEs,
increasing their potential for becoming a reliable high performance heat transfer geometry.
2 Methodology
2.1 The ε-NTU model for a Small Scale PPHE
The Effectiveness (ε) – Number of Transfer Units (NTU) (ε-NTU method) is recognized as a simple and yet powerful
tool for analysing the thermal performance of heat exchangers. In this work this method has been implemented within a
dedicated procedure and tested as basic design tool to be applied to Small-Scale Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger (SSPPHE)
This is achieved by modelling the geometry of the pillow plate through the elaborations proposed in [3] that allows to
estimate, by providing as input only the macroscopic geometric parameters, the hydraulic diameters, the exchange area and
further geometric parameters specific of this type of heat exchanger. All these parameters, suitably elaborated by including
the inlet temperatures, the flow rates and the thermophysical properties values (in this work obtained with the Coolprop
open-source database [6]), allow to determine the dimensionless numbers of Reynolds (Re) and Prandtl (Pr) that, correlated
through empirical equations, provide the Nusselt (Nu) number from which the heat transfer coefficient is finally obtained.
The correlations for Nu, which are commonly used in the model to determine the heat transfer coefficients, were chosen by
the most advised by the extensive review on PPHE by Joybary et al. [7]. The correlation Nu=f(Re,Pr) for the pillow plate
inner channel (IC) consist of Eqs. 1, 2, 3 and 4 from [4]. The parameters a, b, and c are respectively the ratio of the
longitudinal pitch to the transversal pitch of the PP welding spots (a=2sl/st), the ratio of the welding spot diameter to the
transversal pitch (b=dsp/st) and the ratio of the plate internal inflation to the transversal pitch (c=hi/st). Eq.5, named OC2 in
[7] is chosen for the outer channel (OC). The validity ranges are stated as 1000<Re<8000, 1<Pr<150 for the IC correlation
in Eq1, 9500<Re<30000, 6<Pr<150 for the OC correlations in Eq. 2.
𝑵𝒖 = 𝒏𝟑𝑹𝒆𝒏𝟒 𝑷𝒓𝒏𝟓 (1)
𝑛5 = 0.4 (4)
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2.2 SSPPHE Design
To validate the E-NTU design method, a PPHE was designed to replicate a STHE geometry while minimizing production
parameters according to laser welding process constraints, with the objective of providing a characterisation of the smallest
pillow plate geometry possible. The model allowed to forecast the PPHE performance beforehand. To provide more insights
on the performance of Nu correlations for the OC, which are scarce in literature [7],it was decided to investigate lower Re
ranges. The PPHE features two plates, each measuring 450 mm in length (L) and 80 mm in width (W), with a thickness (dp)
of 1 mm. A rendering of the plate is shown in Fig. 1. The two-plate configuration is studied to create two ICs and three OCs.
The inflated plate thickness is 5 mm (hi + 2dp), with an internal inflation of 3 mm (hi). The PPHE has two internal and three
external channels, with a median surface distance of 8 mm. The longitudinal pitch is 18 mm (sl), and the transversal pitch is
21 mm (st). The welded edges, not inflated, are 3 mm (le) long, and the welding spot diameter is 5 mm (dsp). The compact
design ensures efficient heat transfer in a small footprint, with a heat transfer area over volume ratio β=340m2/m3.
Figure 1: Pillow Plate (left) and Pillow Plate repeating unit (right) with parameters defining of the geometry
2.3 Experimental Setup
The experimental setup was designed to simulate steady-state operating conditions for the PPHE, including water flow
systems, temperature control and measurement, pressure measurement, and flow meters. The system operates by circulating
hot and cold fluids through the heat exchanger. The hot fluid is heated using an electric resistance heater and then pumped
through the heat exchanger. Simultaneously, cold fluid from the reservoir circulates through the exchanger. Heat is rejected
through the water which is discharged and refilled trough the municipal water system, with the reservoirs providing thermal
stability to the set-up. This setup enables a first iteration analysis of the heat transfer and the evaluation of the hydraulic
resistance characteristics of the heat exchanger, providing valuable data for optimizing both the PPHE design and its target
working conditions beside providing possible improvements as discussed in the conclusions section.
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correlates the Darcy friction factor (ξ) and Re number, shown in Eq. 7. As seen in Eq. 8-9, both ξ and Re depend from the
hydraulic diameter (Dh) and the velocity of the flow (v), which is calculated by dividing the volumetric flow rate by the fluid
passage area (Acs). To determine Dh and Acs from the main geometrical features of the pillow plate, two different approaches
from literature were selected: one from Arsenyeva et al. [11] (also referred in this text as Arsenyeva’s method), a relevant
SSPPHE investigation work, and another from Piper et al. [3] (also referred in this text as Piper’s method), which is used in
the design ε-NTU model to determine the internal volume (V), heat transfer area, Dh, and other relevant geometrical
parameters. The mass flux rate (φ) was also computed to display pressure drop against different flow conditions and is
obtained from the volumetric flow rate (Q1), the density at mean temperature (ρ) and Acs. However, since this PPHE is even
smaller, a significant deviation from the available geometrical models was expected and had to be determined before
analysing data from the pressure drop analysis.
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Figure 2: Representation of a) pressure drop data against mass flux; b) Darcy friction against Reynolds number. Both
diagrams present different curves from the same data, analyzed with different values for hydraulic diameter and passage area of the
PPHE. Sets of points and curves, from top to bottom, blue to green, are respectively calculated with quantities from references
[3],[11] and experimental values from this work.
of 2.99 mm and 2.52 mm: the former value indicates a good agreement with the nominal hi value, but also local deviations
from it. The corresponding Dh values were 4.24 mm (Arsenyeva’s method), 4.06 mm (Piper’s method), and 3.32 mm
calculated from the destructive testing (later referred to as “experimental parameters”).
Using the pressure drop data and the determined cross-sectional areas and hydraulic diameters, the Reynolds number,
mass flux, and Darcy factor were computed. Figure 2a illustrates the relationship between the pressure drop in the IC and
mass flux, while Figure 2b presents the computed Darcy factor for the three different approaches. Based on the measured
points, three different fitting curves were computed using Eq. 7. The resulting curves are shown in Figure 3, with the
coefficients of Eq. 7 found to be: 𝑛1=4.778 (blue line – Arsenyeva’s method), n1=3.922 (orange line – Piper’s method), and
𝑛1=2.135 (green line – experimental parameters), while 𝑛2=−0.116 for all curves. These results are significantly influenced
by the computed areas and hydraulic diameter, underscoring the importance of accurate measurements. Figure 2a shows the
pressure drop in the IC plotted against mass flux, and Figure 2b shows the computed Darcy factor against Reynolds number.
These figures demonstrate the influence of the calculation method on the pressure drop and Darcy factor curves. Figure 2a
indicates higher mass flux numbers for the lower computed area at a given pressure drop value, while Figure 1b suggests
that the actual passage area and hydraulic diameter are significantly lower than those calculated by the geometrical
correlations. The curves in Figure 2b are, at a given Reynolds number, too high compared to all available pressure drop data
on PPHEs [7]. The experimental results were then compared by plotting the computed Darcy factor using Eq. 8 against the
analytical results derived from the method in [11]. Figure 3a shows four curves derived in [11] for significant PPHE
geometries in the literature, and an orange curve representing the correlation presented in [11] but calculated for the SSPPHE
in this study. This is the curve the measured data is expected to fit. The blue cross marks on the plot represent the experimental
Darcy values, derived from pressure measurements and the average area and hydraulic diameter obtained from experimental
destructive testing explained in section 2.5. Figure 3b provides a direct comparison between the experimental Darcy values
and those computed using the method from [11] with the pillow parameters from this study at the same Reynolds numbers.
This plot shows a deviation of up to 30% from equality, which can be attributed to the border effect not considered by current
geometrical models [3], [11], and the averaging technique used in this study, which does not account for the flow regime
near the narrowly inflated borders of the internal channel of the SSPPHE.
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Figure 3: Comparison of Darcy values from experimental data, determined with experimental hydraulic diameter and cross-
sectional areas from this study. In Fig. 2a) the Experimental data points are plotted against curves drawn with the SSPPHE correlation
for Darcy presented in [11] and the same correlation including the geometrical parameters of this study (ξ_Experimental). Fig. 2b)
Directly compares the experimental values for the Darcy friction factor and the ones determined with the approach proposed in [11]
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Table 1: Summary of key parameters of influence for performance evaluation: effectiveness (ε), global heat exchange coefficient
(U), Non-adiabaticity (NA), Reynolds (Re) and Prandtl (Pr) numbers calculated by the presented ε-NTU model, heat exchange
coefficients (h) calculated by the model, Power (P). The subscript “exp” is for values calculated from experimental data, “comp” is for
parameters computed by the model, while 1 and 2 indicate the inner (hot) and outer (cold) channel.
εexp εcomp Uexp NA h1 h2 Ucomp Pcomp
ID Re1 Re2 Pr1 Pr2
(%) (%) (W/m2K) (%) (W/m2K) (W/m2K) (W/m2K) (W)
1&1 36.78 33.81 919 4.25 2649 524 3.73 6.51 814 936 814 2727
1&2 28.13 25.41 1410 3.97 2657 1000 3.87 6.88 1218 1537 1218 4160
1&3 23.93 27.12 1132 5.31 2737 1121 3.82 7.42 1321 1703 1321 4736
1&4 26.86 30.09 1270 1.78 2705 1351 3.86 7.62 1471 1970 1471 5316
1&5 31.09 34.7 1492 2.57 2663 1807 3.93 7.8 1718 2460 1718 6180
2&1 50.83 56.04 1039 1.92 914 1269 4.26 8.09 4056 1909 1204 3759
2&2 35.34 37.61 1292 2.63 1904 1327 4.02 7.91 6794 1962 1399 4982
2&3 27.19 28.13 1440 3.82 2947 1354 3.91 7.8 9249 1984 1495 5605
2&4 27.19 28.02 1437 1.59 2945 1346 3.92 7.82 9252 1977 1491 5564
2&5 21.91 22.42 1515 3.8 4026 1368 3.83 7.73 11528 1995 1552 5991
2&6 23.24 23.31 1578 1.93 5071 1368 3.76 7.62 13552 1989 1581 6219
2&7 23.76 23.93 1602 6.04 6112 1368 3.74 7.64 15502 1990 1606 6395
2&8 25 24.49 1668 0.9 7150 1370 3.73 7.6 17354 1990 1624 6472
2&9 25.46 24.84 1701 3.8 8190 1380 3.71 7.57 19118 1999 1645 6614
Given that the highest thermal resistance is in the outer channel, it can be stated that the overall thermal resistance is
closer to its value. However, the model's predictions are reliable within a 15% deviation, allowing the outer channel
correlation to be used down to Re = 1000, thereby extending its applicability. This extension is significant for designing heat
exchangers operating under varied flow conditions, ensuring robust thermal performance predictions.
Figure 4: Comparison between a) the computed power and b) the computed temperature, against the respective measured value.
Positive deviation from equality corresponds to underestimation of the quantity by the model.
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4 Conclusions
This work investigates the accuracy of a design procedure based on the ε-NTU method to evaluate the hydro-thermal
performances of a compact PPHE. The predictions of the model align well with the experimental data within acceptable
errors ranges. Future works will be focus on extending the experimental activities and enhancing the methodology pertaining
to the calculation of the geometrical parameters. Considering the global performances referred to the actual state of the study,
the obtained model can be used for a preliminary evaluation of PPHH design.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to DavCoil srl for supporting this project with the construction of the
SSPPHE and the acquisition of new instrumentation for the experimental runs. Special thanks are also extended to Dr. Mauro
Hueller, Dr. Francesco Negrisolo and Dr. Raffaele De Biasi who provided invaluable assistance in the experimental work.
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