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English Sandeep

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Singular Plural Singular Plural

Child Children Man Men

Woman Women Ox Oxen
Goose Geese Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet Alumnus Alumni
Fungus Fungi Bacterium Bacteria
Radius Radii Focus Foci
Thesis Theses Crisis Crises
Analysis Analyses Diagnosis Diagnoses
Phenomenon Phenomena Criterion Criteria
Mouse Mice Sheep Sheep
Furniture Furniture News News
Deer Deer Fish Fish
Scissors Scissors Police Police
Sister-in-law Sisters-in-law Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
Mother-in-law Mothers-in-law Father-in-law Fathers-in-law
Daughter-in-law Daughters-in-law Son-in-law Sons-in-law

List of Irregular Singular and Plural Noun

List of Singular and Plural Words

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Dog Dogs Cat Cat
Bird Birds Animal Animals
Ant Ants Dove Doves
Elephant Elephants Weasel Weasels
Shark Sharks Crocodile Crocodiles
Crow Crows Axe Axes
Bat Bats Frog Frogs
Lake Lakes River Rivers
Sea Seas Ocean Oceans
Cow Cows Parrot Parrots
Peacock Peacocks Dolphin Dolphins
Owl Owls Quail Quails
Boy Boys Girl Girls
Doctor Doctors Teacher Teachers
Painter Painters Artist Artists
Judge Judges Pilot Pilots
Actor Actors Singer Singers
Head Heads Hand Hands
Finger Fingers Toe Toes
Shawl Shawls Pen Pens
Pencil Pencils Ruler Rulers
Paper Papers Eraser Erasers
Tablet Tablets Computer Computers
Son Sons Daughter Daughters
Brother Brothers Sister Sisters
Uncle Uncles Aunt Aunts
Grandmother Grandmothers Grandfather Grandfathers
Grandson Grandsons Granddaughter Granddaughters
Clip Clips Comb Combs
Eye Eyes Ear Ears
Chair Chairs Table Tables
Bed Beds Fan Fans
Light Lights Pan Pans
Van Vans Train Trains
Key Keys Way Ways
Box Boxes Tax Taxes
Fox Foxes Wolf Wolves
Match Matches Watch Watches
Potato Potatoes Tomato Tomatoes
Chilly Chilies Baby Babies
Rally Rallies Poppy Poppies
Daisy Daisies Fairy Fairies
Calf Calves Half Halves
Loaf Loaves Knife Knives
Leaf Leaves Wife Wives

Changing a Singular Noun to a Plural Noun

A common noun can be made plural by adding an ‘s’, ‘es’, ‘ies’, ‘ves’; by
changing ‘us’ to ‘i’, ‘is’ to ‘es’, ‘on’ to ‘a’ and so on. There are some common
nouns that remain the same in the singular and plural forms. A few others
do not fall under any other category of plural nouns. They are termed
irregular nouns. These common nouns can be made plural by a change in
the spelling or by the addition of a suffix to the root word.

Check out the following examples of plural nouns for a better



 Adding ‘s’

 Dog – dogs
 Pen – pens
 Chair – chairs

 Adding ‘es’

 Box – boxes
 Tax – taxes
 Bus – buses

 Adding ‘ves’ for nouns ending with an ‘f’ or ‘fe’

 Wolf – wolves
 Calf – calves
 Knife – knives
 Wife – wives

 Adding ‘es’ to nouns ending with an ‘o’

 Mango – mangoes
 Potato – potatoes
 Tomato – tomatoes
 Mosquito – mosquitoes
 Volcano – volcanoes

 Adding ‘ies’ to words ending with a ‘y’ preceded by a


 City – cities
 Strawberry – strawberries
 Puppy – puppies

 Adding ‘s’ to words ending with a ‘y’ preceded by a


 Ray – rays
 Toy – toys
 Boy – boys

 Changing ‘us’ to ‘i’

 Alumnus – alumni
 Syllabus – syllabi
 Cactus – cacti
 Fungus – fungi
 Nucleus – nuclei

 Changing ‘is’ to ‘es’

 Crisis – crises
 Analysis – analyses
 Diagnosis – diagnoses
 Thesis – theses

 Changing ‘on’ to ‘a’

 Criterion – criteria
 Phenomenon – phenomena

 Nouns with a common singular and plural form

 News – news
 Scissors – scissors
 Furniture – furniture
 Deer – deer
 Fish – fish
 Police – police
 Sheep – sheep

 Irregular nouns

 Man – men
 Woman – women
 Ox – oxen
 Goose – geese
 Child – children
 Tooth – teeth
 Foot – feet
 Mouse – mice

 Plural form for hyphenated nouns and relationships

 Mother-in-law – Mothers-in-law
 Father-in-law – Fathers-in-law
 Brother-in-law – Brothers-in-law
 Daughter-in-law – Daughters-in-law
 Son-in-law – Sons-in-law
 Grandmother – grandmothers
 Grandfather – grandfathers
 Grandson – grandsons
 Granddaughter – granddaughters
 Cousin – cousins
 Brother – brothers
 Sister – sisters
 Uncle – uncles
 Aunty – Aunties
 Aunt – Aunts

Plural Noun Examples

 Plural noun of child – children
 Plural noun of fox – foxes
 Plural noun of loaf – loaves
 Plural noun of ship – ships
 Plural noun of school – schools
 Plural noun of door – doors
 Plural noun of sister-in-law – sisters-in-law
 Plural form of baby – babie

Correct spelling of words


1. absence absense, absentse, abcense, absance


acceptable acceptible


accidentally/accidently accidentaly

accommodate accomodate, acommodate

5. achieve acheive

6. acknowledge acknowlege, aknowledge

7. acquaintance acquaintence, aquaintance

8. acquire aquire, adquire

9. acquit aquit


acreage acrage, acerage


address adress


adultery adultary

13. advisable adviseable, advizable

affect effect


15. aggression agression

16. aggressive agressive

allegiance allegaince, allegience, alegiance


18. almost allmost

19. amateur amatuer, amature

annually anually, annualy


21. apparent apparant, aparent, apparrent, aparrent

argument arguement


atheist athiest, athist


awful awfull, aweful


becoming becomeing


26. beginning begining

believe beleive

buoyant bouyant


29. business buisness

30. camouflage camoflage, camoflague

31. cemetery cemetary, cematery

32. changeable changable

33. chief cheif


colleague collaegue, collegue

column Column, colum


committed commited, comitted


comparison comparsion


concede conceed


congratulate congradulate

conscientious consciencious


conscious concious, consious


42. consensus concensus

43. controversy contraversy

44. coolly cooly

45. daiquiri dacquiri, daquiri

46. deceive decieve

47. definite definate, definit

48. definitely definitly, definately, defiantly

49. desperate desparate

50. difference diffrence

51. dilemma dilema

52. disappoint dissapoint

53. disastrous disasterous

54. drunkenness drunkeness

55. dumbbell dumbell

56. embarrass embarass

57. equipment equipmnt

58. exceed excede

59. exhilarate exilerate

60. existence existance

61. experience experiance

62. extreme extreem

63. fascinating facinating

64. fiery feiry

65. fluorescent flourescent

66. foreign foriegn

67. friend freind

68. fulfil Fulfil, fulfill

69. gauge Gaug, guage

70. grateful gratefull, greatful

71. guarantee garantee, garentee, garanty

72. guidance Guidance

73. harass harrass

74. height heighth, heigth

75. hierarchy heirarchy

76. humorous humerous

77. hygiene hygene, hygine, hiygeine, higeine, hygeine

78. ignorance ignorence

79. imitate immitate

80. immediately imediately

81. indict indite

82. independent independant

83. indispensable indispensible

84. inoculate innoculate

85. intelligence inteligence, intelligance

86. leisure liesure

87. liaison liason

89. library libary, liberry

90. license lisence

91. lightning lightening

92. maintenance maintainance, maintnance

93. marshmallow Marshmellow

medieval medeval, medevil, mideval


millennium millenium, millennium


miniature miniture


Minuscule miniscule


mischievous mischievious, mischevous, mischevious


misspell mispell, misspel


100. necessary neccessary, necessery

101. niece neice

102. noticeable noticable

103. occasion occassion

104. occasionally occasionaly, occassionally

105. occurrence occurrance, occurence

106. omission ommision, omision

107. outrageous outragous

108. parliament parliment

109. pastime passtime, pasttime

110. perceive percieve

111. perseverance perseverence

112. Personnel personell, personel

113. Plagiarize plagerize

114. playwright playright, playwrite

115. ossession posession, possession

116. precede preceed

117. presence Presence

118. privilege privelege, priviledge

119. professor professer

120. protester protestor

121. promise promiss

122. pronunciation pronounciation

123. proof prufe

124. publicly publically

125. quarantine quarentine

126. questionnaire questionaire, questionnair

127. readable readible

128. receive recieve

129. recommend recomend, reccommend

130. referred refered

131. Reference referance, refrence

132. Relevant relevent, revelant

133. Religious religous, religius

134. Repetition repitition

135. Restaurant restarant, restaraunt

136. rhythm rythm, rythem

137. secretary secratary, secretery

138. seize sieze

139. separate seperate

140. sergeant sargent

141. similar similer

142. Skilful skilfull

143. speech speach, speech

144. successful succesful, successfull, sucessful

145. supersede supercede

146. surprise suprise, surprize

147. than Then, thane, thene

148. tomatoes tomatos

149. tomorrow tommorow, tommorrow

150. twelfth twelth

151. tyranny tyrany

152. underrate underate

153. until untill

154. upholstery upholstry

155. usable/useable usible

156. vacuum vaccuum, vaccum, vacume

157. vehicle vehical

158. vicious visious

159. weather wether, whether

160. Weird wierd

161. welfare wellfare, welfair

162. whether Wether

163. wilful Wilfull

164. withhold withold

165. writing writting, writeing

166. which Wich, witch

These rules cover various aspects of English grammar and spelling.

Rule 1:Adding “s” after “y” preceded by a vowel

 Examples: Boy – boys, Stay – stays, Delay – delays, Play – plays

Rule 2: Changing “y” to “i” and adding “es” or “ed” after a consonant
 Examples: Party – parties, Library – libraries, Sky – skies, Theory – theories

Rule 3: “q” is always followed by “u”

 Example: Quiz

Rule 4: “ie” generally used, but after “c,” use “ei”

 Examples: Belief, believe, brief, chief, field, hygiene, niece, priest, relieved, thief,
 Exceptions: Ceiling, conceive, deceive, receipt, receive, conceited.
 The main vowel sounds like AY, use ‘ei’: Freight, neighbor, sleigh, weigh, weight,

Rule 5: Dropping the last “l” when adding “full” to a noun

 Examples: Cupful, Cheerful, Joyful

Rule 6: Prefixes “il-,” “im-,” “ir-” when the first letter is l, m, p, or r

 Examples: illegible, illiterate, illogical, immoral, immature, impossible, irrelevant,

irresponsible, Irreplaceable

Rule 7: Plurals and -s forms with ‘ch’ /tʃ/ or ‘s’ /s/ ending add -es /ɪz/

 Noun Plurals: Bus — Buses, Church — Churches, Kiss — Kisses

 Verb-s Forms: Cross — Crosses, Fetch — Fetches, Guess — Guesses

Rule 8: Doubling consonants when adding suffix beginning with a vowel

 Examples: Hop + -ed = Hopped, Silm + -ing = Slimming, Red + -ish = Reddish,
Thin + -er = Thinner, Rub + -ed = rubbed, Travel + -er = Traveller, Sit + -ing =
sitting, Wet + -er = Wetter

Rule 9: Doubling consonants when adding a suffix to a stressed syllable

 Examples: Admit + -ing = admitting, Prefer + -ed = preferred, Forget + -ing =

forgetting, Transmit + -ed = transmitted, Occur + -ence = Occurrence, Upset + -
ing = upsetting
 Exceptions: Don’t double final consonant before a suffix if the word ends in two
written consonants or two written vowels together.

Practice Questions on Spelling Verbal Ability

1. Choose the correct spelling:

a. Acheive

b. Achieve

c. Acheeve
d. Achive

Answer: b. Achieve

 2. Identify the correct spelling:

 a. Bureaucracy
 b. Buraucracy
 c. Bureucracy
 d. Bureaucrasy
 Answer: a. Bureaucracy
 3. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Disappointement
 b. Disapointment
 c. Disappointment
 d. Dissapointment
 Answer: c. Disappointment
 4. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Receive
 b. Recieve
 c. Receeve
 d. Recive
 Answer: a. Receive
 5. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Exaggerate
 b. Exagerate
 c. Exageratte
 d. Exagerrate
 Answer: a. Exaggerate
 6. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Occassion
 b. Occasion
 c. Occassion
 d. Occasian
 Answer: b. Occasion
 7. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Embarrass
 b. Embarras
 c. Embarass
 d. Embaras
 Answer: a. Embarrass
 8. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Conscientious
 b. Consciencious
 c. Concientious
 d. Conscienctious
 Answer: a. Conscientious
 9. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Restaurant
 b. Resturant
 c. Restaraunt
 d. Restuarant
 Answer: a. Restaurant
 10. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Privilege
 b. Priviledge
 c. Previlege
 d. Previlage
 Answer: a. Privilege
 11. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Harassment
 b. Harrasment
 c. Harasment
 d. Harrassment
 Answer: a. Harassment
 12. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Fascinate
 b. Fasinate
 c. Facinate
 d. Fassinate
 Answer: a. Fascinate
 13. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Millennium
 b. Millenium
 c. Millenium
 d. Mellenium
 Answer: a. Millennium
 14. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Necessity
 b. Necesity
 c. Necissity
 d. Necessaty
 Answer: a. Necessity
 15. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Entrepreneur
 b. Entrepreuner
 c. Enterprenuer
 d. Entreprenuer
 Answer: a. Entrepreneur
 16. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Separate
 b. Separete
 c. Seperate
 d. Seperrate
 Answer: a. Separate
 17. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Mischievous
 b. Mischevious
 c. Mischivous
 d. Mischievious
 Answer: a. Mischievous
 18. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Accommodate
 b. Acommodate
 c. Acomodate
 d. Accomodate
 Answer: a. Accommodate
 19. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Manoeuvre
 b. Maneuver
 c. Manuever
 d. Manoever
 Answer: b. Maneuver
 20. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Rhythm
 b. Rhythem
 c. Rhythym
 d. Rithm
 Answer: a. Rhythm
 21. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Guarantee
 b. Guarentee
 c. Guarenty
 d. Gurantee
 Answer: a. Guarantee
 22. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Occurrence
 b. Ocurrance
 c. Occurance
 d. Occurrance
 Answer: a. Occurrence
 23. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Definitely
 b. Definately
 c. Definatly
 d. Definately
 Answer: a. Definitely
 24. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Committee
 b. Commitee
 c. Comittee
 d. Comitte
 Answer: a. Committee
 25. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Argument
 b. Arguement
 c. Arguament
 d. Argumentt
 Answer: a. Argument
 26. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Miscellaneous
 b. Miscellanous
 c. Miscelleneous
 d. Miscelanous
 Answer: a. Miscellaneous
 27. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Convenience
 b. Convinience
 c. Conveneance
 d. Convinence
 Answer: a. Convenience
 28. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Diligent
 b. Dilligent
 c. Dilligant
 d. Dilegent
 Answer: a. Diligent
 29. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Liaison
 b. Liason
 c. Liasonne
 d. Liasion
 Answer: a. Liaison
 30. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Irresistible
 b. Irresistable
 c. Irresistible
 d. Irresistble
 Answer: a. Irresistible
 31. Choose the correct spelling:
 a. Conscience
 b. Conciense
 c. Consience
 d. Consceince
 Answer: a. Conscience
 32. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Credible
 b. Credable
 c. Crediblee
 d. Credibl
 Answer: a. Credible
 33. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Perseverance
 b. Perseverence
 c. Perserverance
 d. Perseveranse
 Answer: a. Perseverance
 34. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Unnecessary
 b. Unnesessary
 c. Unneccessary
 d. Unnecesary
 Answer: a. Unnecessary
 35. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Hygiene
 b. Hygine
 c. Higene
 d. Hygeine
 Answer: a. Hygiene
 36. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Camouflage
 b. Camoflauge
 c. Camoflage
 d. Camoflag
 Answer: a. Camouflage
 37. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Hindrance
 b. Hindrence
 c. Hendrance
 d. Hendrence
 Answer: a. Hindrance
 38. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Alliteration
 b. Aliteration
 c. Allitiration
 d. Alitiration
 Answer: a. Alliteration
 39. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Eccentric
 b. Ecentric
 c. Exentric
 d. Excentric
 Answer: a. Eccentric
 40. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Belligerent
 b. Beligerent
 c. Belligerant
 d. Beligarent
 Answer: a. Belligerent
 41. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Inoculate
 b. Innoculate
 c. Inocullate
 d. Inocculate
 Answer: a. Inoculate
 42. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Handkerchief
 b. Hankerchief
 c. Handkercheif
 d. Hankercheif
 Answer: a. Handkerchief
 43. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Synthesize
 b. Sinthesize
 c. Synthesise
 d. Sinthesise
 Answer: a. Synthesize
 44. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Cacophony
 b. Cakophony
 c. Cacophoney
 d. Cakophoney
 Answer: a. Cacophony
 45. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Zucchini
 b. Zuccini
 c. Zuchini
 d. Zukini
 Answer: a. Zucchini
 46. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Sherbet
 b. Sherbert
 c. Sherbat
 d. Sherbett
 Answer: a. Sherbet
 47. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Maintenance
 b. Maintanence
 c. Maintenence
 d. Maintinance
 Answer: a. Maintenance
 48. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Endeavour
 b. Endevor
 c. Endeavor
 d. Endevour
 Answer: a. Endeavour
 49. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Grandeur
 b. Grandure
 c. Grandure
 d. Grander
 Answer: a. Grandeur
 50. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Anecdote
 b. Anecdotee
 c. Anekdote
 d. Anecdoat
 Answer: a. Anecdote
 51. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Indispensable
 b. Indispensible
 c. Indispensable
 d. Indispendable
 Answer: a. Indispensable
 52. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Embellish
 b. Embelish
 c. Embeliss
 d. Emblish
 Answer: a. Embellish
 53. Identify the correct spelling:
 a. Nauseous
 b. Nausious
 c. Nauseus
 d. Nauseouss
 Answer: a. Nauseous
 54. Choose the correctly spelled word:
 a. Epiphany
 b. Epifany
 c. Epyphany
 d. Epiphanie
 Answer: a. Epiphany
 55. Select the correctly spelled word:
 a. Mediterranean
 b. Mediteranean
 c. Medditeranean
 d. Meditarranean
 Answer: a. Mediterranean

correct spelling notes misspelling

absence -s-, -nce absense, abscence

accommodate, -cc-, -mm- accomodate,

accommodation accomodation

achieve i before e acheive

correct spelling notes misspelling

across one c accross

aggressive -gg- agressive

apparently -ent- apparantly

appearance -ance appearence

argument no e after u arguement

assassination -ss-, -ss- assasination

basically -ally basicly

beginning -nn- begining

believe i before e beleive, belive

business busi- buisness

calendar -ar calender

Caribbean -r-, -bb- Carribean

category e in middle catagory

cemetery -ery cemetary

correct spelling notes misspelling

colleague -ea- collegue

coming one m comming

committee -mm-, -tt-, -ee- commitee

completely -ely completly

conscience -sc- concience

conscious -sc- concious

copyright -right copywrite

curiosity -os- curiousity

definitely -ite- not -ate- definately

disappear -s-, -pp- dissapear

disappoint -s-, -pp- dissapoint

ecstasy -sy ecstacy

embarrass -rr-, -ss embarass

correct spelling notes misspelling

environment -nm- enviroment

existence -ence existance

familiar -iar familar

finally -ll- finaly

fluorescent fluor- florescent

foreign e before i foriegn

forty for- fourty

forward for- foward

friend i before e freind

further fur- futher

glamorous -mor- glamourous

government -nm- goverment

grammar -ar grammer

gauge -au- guage

correct spelling notes misspelling

grateful grat- greatful

guard gua- gaurd

happened -ened happend

harass, harassment -r-, -ss harrass, harrassment

honorary -nor- honourary

humorous -mor- humourous

immediately -ely immediatly

incidentally -ally incidently

independent -ent independant

interrupt -rr- interupt

irresistible -ible irresistable

knowledge -edge knowlege

lightning no e lightening
correct spelling notes misspelling

medicine medi- like medica medecine


millennium, millennia -ll-, -nn- millenium, millenia

misspell -ss- mispell

necessary -c-, -ss- neccessary

noticeable -e- noticable

occasion -cc-, -s- ocassion, occassion

occurred, occurring -cc-, -rr- occured, occuring

occurrence -cc-, -rr-, -ence occurance, occurence

parallel -r-, -ll- paralel, parralel

persistent -ent persistant

Philippines -l-, -pp- Phillipines

piece i before e peice

politician -cian politican

correct spelling notes misspelling

possession -ss-, -ss- posession

preferred, preferring -rr- prefered, prefering

privilege no d priviledge

pronunciation -nun- pronounciation

publicly -cly publically

really -ll- realy

receive e before i recieve

referred, referring -rr- refered, refering

religious -gious religous

remember -mem- rember, remeber

resistance -ance resistence

sense -se sence

separate -par- seperate

successful -cc-, -ss- succesful

correct spelling notes misspelling

surprise sur- suprise

tendency -ency tendancy

therefore -fore therefor

threshold one h in middle threshhold

tomorrow -m-, -rr- tommorow, tommorrow

tongue ton-, -gue tounge

truly no e truely

unforeseen -re- unforseen

unfortunately -ely unfortunatly

until -l untill

vicious no s in middle viscious

weird e before i wierd

wherever one e in middle whereever

correct spelling notes misspelling

weather -ea- wether, waether

whether wh- wether

which wh- wich

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