Grade Level
Quarter THIRD Learning Area SCIENCE 8
February 20, 2023 February 21, 2023 February 22, 2023 February 23, 2023 February 24, 2023
aching Date and Time (40min./session) (40min./session) (40min./session) (40min./session) (40min./session)
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed
and if needed, additional lessons, exercise and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are
OBJECTIVES assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall derived from the curriculum guides.
The learners demonstrate understanding of the particle nature of matter as basis for explaining properties, physical changes, and
A. Content Standards
structure of substances and mixtures
B. Performances
The learners should be able to present how water behaves in its different states within the water cycle
Explain the properties of Explain the properties of Explain the properties of Explain the properties of Explain the properties of
solids, liquids, and gases solids, liquids, and gases solids, liquids, and gases solids, liquids, and gases solids, liquids, and gases
based on the particle based on the particle based on the particle based on the particle based on the particle
C. Learning
nature of matter nature of matter nature of matter nature of matter nature of matter
How does
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete
LEARNING RESOURCES and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands on learning promote concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page
2.Learner’s Materials pp. 1 pp. 2-3 pp. 4-6 pp. 7-9 pp.10
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials TV and Laptop TV and Laptop TV and Laptop TV and Laptop TV and Laptop
from learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
PROCEDURES practice their learning question their learning processes and draw conclusions about what they learned to relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
What are the properties of Review property of solid, Review what is solid property ask the learners a series of Review prarticle model of matter
liquid? liquid and Gas questions about the Matter,
A. Reviewing previous weight,volume,and
lesson and presenting density?
the new lesson
Present things with Gas Present table of Some Present the materials needed Present. Present the atomic theory
Characteristic of Gases, and objectives of the activity How
Liquids, and Solids and the does the particle model of
B. Establishing a purpose Microscopic Explanation for matter explain some
the observed properties and
of the lesson
Behavior changes in matter
Let the students share also Present again an example of Let the learners name some Let the students share also Present again an example of
things around hat solid, liquid and Gas materials needed things around that atomic theory of an atom
C. Presenting contained Gas contained solid,liquid,and ( indivisible) Cut out / worn out
examples/instances of the gas particles. papers into small objects until
new lesson indivisible phase
Do Activity 1. Are the Quiz about properties of Discuss the lesson How does Do Activity 3. Are the introducing the early history of
particles of matter soid, liquid and Gas the particle model of matter particles of matter in solid, the atomic theory
D. Discussing new moving? explain some observed liquid, and gas moving?
concepts and practicing properties and changes in
new skills #1 matter?
Do Activity 1. Liquid Particle illustrate the particles of Introducing the modern term of
E. Discussing new
concept and practicing
Move in sugar mixture matter atomic theory
new skill #2
The particles of air in A state of matter that has a The particles of solid, liquid, the behavior and properties of
the balloon are very far definite volume and takes the or gas differ in each an atom is introduced by John
from each other as it shape of its container is called external forces acting on Dewey. He is credited for the
scatters out as air fills the liquid. it..those tiny particles may first modern atomic theory
H. Making generalization balloon. Hence, the fit into another particles without him all this things
and abstractions about position of empty space such as liquid particles - (Atom) will not be observed and
the lesson between the gas particles solid particles realized.
I. Evaluating Learning Compare what you felt what is the taste of resulting Do the activity 6 ( Quiz for 10
when you pressed the solutions and anwer those items )
inflated balloon (with air) guuided questions from the
and the deflated balloon activity no. 1
(without air/less air).
Activity No. 2 ( food color in your Journal Notebook
J.Additional activities for poured into liquid container) answers the guided question
application or
activity no. 8
1. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the particle nature of matter as basis for explaining properties, physical changes, and structure of
substances and mixtures
B. Performances The learners should be able to present how water behaves in its different states within the water cycle
C. Learning
Competencies/Objective Explain the Physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules.
A. References
B. Other Learning
Resources These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
A. Reviewing previous What are the properties of Review property of solid, Review the molecular theory ask the learners a series of what are the classification
lesson and presenting liquid? liquid and Gas of matter questions about the of matter
the new lesson molecular and kinetic
theory of matter ?
B. Establishing a purpose Present Powerpoint Present a powerpoint Present a powerpoint Present a powerpoint Present a powerpoint
of the lesson presentation about atomic presentation about presentation about kinetic presentation about presentation about different
theory molecular theory of matter theory of matter different properties of phases / changes of matter
C. Presenting Let the students Present again an example of Let the learners name some present a video
examples/instances of the participate the discussion molecular theory of matter materials needed
new lesson by citing examples : Atom
composition or basic
principles of an atom
D. Discussing new Do Activity 1. Quiz about molecular theory give more examples so that Present a Video to do the activity no. 1 ( Liquid to
concepts and practicing of matter the students will be able to understand the basic solid)
new skills #1 understand the kinetic theory concept of different
of matter (Ex. Classroom properties of matter
E. Discussing new people behind the atomic Do the activity no. 4 Do Activity 1. Molecular Do the activity No. 2 ( Solid to
concept and practicing theory motion is greatest in gases,less liquid)
new skill #2 in liquids,and least in solids
H. Making generalization The particles of an element the attractive forces that holds matter have different the behavior and properties of
and abstractions about that has all the properties the particles together is called properties and this an atom is introduced by John
the lesson of the element. Hence, intermolecular forces properties greatly affect the Dewey. He is credited for the
matter is made up of tiny states or phases of matter first modern atomic theory
particles. without him all this things
(Atom) will not be observed and
I. Evaluating Learning Illustrate the single atom . do the activity no. 3 Quiz for 10 items activity no. 2 Quiz for 10 items Do the activity 6 ( Quiz for 10
And label its part. items )
J.Additional activities for Do the activity no. 9 for your journal notebook : Journal Notebook: in your Journal Notebook
application or what are the molecular What are the answers the guided question
remediation theory of a solid, liquid and classification of matter activity no. 8
1. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?