Plntphys00561 0015
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Plntphys00561 0015
CN- plus saliylbydroxamic acid are suggested to result from pbotooxi- Plants Gossypium hirsutum cv Acala 44 was grown in soil in
dation. growth chambers for 7 to 14 d with light of 90 to 120 w m-2 at
26°C/16 h day to 22°C/8 h night. Tobacco, oat, and garden
balsam plants were grown in vermiculite, irrigated with Hoagland
solution, illuminated with 90 w m 2, at 24°C/14 h day to 21°C/10
h night. Leaves of Nicotiana tabacum, cv KY/6, Burley, were used:
either the first leaf (size 5-8 mm = young) or the third leaf of 8-
to 10-leaf plants (mature). From Avena sativa cv Victory, the 10-
d-old first leaf was used. From Impatiens balsamina, 16-d-old
Cyanide is often used to differentiate between the energy-de- cotyledons were used at the beginning of the 4-leaf stage. Leaves
pendent and energy-independent components of the E.2 in plant of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perrier were used after
cells. In some aquatic plants like Nitella, E. in the dark is similar growth for 6 months in soil in a greenhouse.
to the EK+, and CN- has no effect on Em in the dark (26). In the The leaf sections (10 x 15 mm) were washed (aged) for 2 to 15
light, CN- depolarized the membrane to 11 mv more negative h in aerated experimental standard solution (lx): I mM KCI, I
mM Ca(NO3)2, 1 mm NaH2PO4, 0.25 mm MgSO4, pH 5.7 (11).
'Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and a National Lemna gibba L. GI (from the Lemna collection of Professor R.
Science Foundation Grant (PCM 77-25575). Kandeler, Vienna) was grown axenically under SD conditions
Abbreviations: Em, electrical transmembrane potential; Ed, diffusion (28°C/8 h day to 23°C/16 h night) at a light intensity of 25 w
potential; E+, Nernst potential of potassium; SHAM, salicylhydroxamic m 2, on a medium containing as macronutrients 3.96 mam KNO3,
acid. 5.47 mM CaCI2, 1.22 mM MgSO4, 1.47 mM KH2PO4, and 29 mM
8 ULLRICH-EBERIUS ET AL. Plant Physiol. Vol. 72, 1983
GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM into the plant cells with a Leitz micromanipulator. Em was re-
corded with a high impedance electrometer amplifier (WPI model
701, or Keithley 604) and a chart recorder. In light experiments,
-88 light illumination of 150 w m-2 was provided by a quartz halogen bulb
and conducted through glass fiber optics. Further details have
been described earlier (18-20).
A -1677
-9 1d ATP Determination. Cotyledon segments or Lemna plants (150
= -116 dark mg fresh weight) were preincubated for 1 h in light or dark by
+CN- -99
light floating on 10 ml lx solution in 50-ml glass beakers, covered with
B . / ---------- N2 / light Parafim, before CN- (pH 5.7) was injected. The beakers were
/ ~~~~~~~~aiirI gently shaken on a Plexiglas rack in a photo-Warburg apparatus.
The incubation was stopped by rapidly freezing the tissue with
liquid N2. After immediate homogenization with a microdismem-
C-1681 brator (Braun), ATP was extracted with cold 5% HC104 and
determined by the luciferin-luciferase assay as reported earlier
air/ dark 02 Measurements. These were done polarographically with a
Rank O2 electrode (Clark type) in 3 or 5 ml of lx solution with
/ - 98 dark 100 to 150 mg fresh weight tissue samples. The light source was
the same as during Em measurements. Some experiments were
/ ,ight
done manometrically in a photo-Warburg apparatus in which
light was supplied by Krypton lamps. In dark experiments, 250
-170 - CN- ;12 p1 I M KCN solution in the center vessel of the Warburg flasks
+CN- 4 maintained a constant CN- concentration and simultaneously
-162 absorbed evolving CO2. In the light experiments, different CO2
E1 concentrations in the gas phase were maintained by 0.1 mg
carbonic anhydrase (Serva) in a mixture of 3 M KHCO3/K2CO3
light in the center vessel of the Warburg flask (30). Because of their
large aerenchyma, duckweed plants assemble at the top of the 02
electrode chamber. Therefore the recorded rates, especially the
higher ones, are considerably lower than those obtained by man-
ometry. Manometric control rates are 20.3 ± 2.1 (10) .mol 02 g1
N2/1 ight
fresh weight h-1 at 0.03% CO2 and 178.1 ± 4.1 (14) beween I and
j8 2 2.5% CO2. In the presence of CN-, it was not possible to maintain
air/dark -183
I I 1 i a constant CO2 partial pressure in the Warburg vessels at pH 5.7,
0 5 10 15 20 25 since CN- inactivates the zinc-containing carbonic anhydrase
time (min) (Solomonson in 28).
FIG. 1. Effect of I mm CN- on Em in segments of cotton cotyledons, in K' Determination. After extraction of the leaf tissue with boiling
7-d (A-C) and 14-d-old (D-F) plants, in the light (A, E) and in the dark water for 1 h, the K+ content was determined by flame photometry.
(B, D). C and F, effect of N2 and Em recovery in air/dark or N2/light. All experiments (Em, ATP, and gas exchange) were performed
Numbers at the traces denote recorded mv. at 25°C and with a final CN- concentration of 1 mm.
sucrose (22). RESULTS
Duckweed may exist in two different energy states. Both plant
types were used in the present experiments. Plants of the standard Electrical Membrane Potential In 7-d cotton cotyledons (G.
culture are in a high-energy state with an ATP level of about 100 hirsutum), Em was reduced to a similar level by CN- in both light
nmol ATP g-' fresh weight in the dark, a high respiration rate of and dark (Fig. 1, A and B). To determine if CN- abolished the
8,umol 02 g-' fresh weight h-1, and a high Em of -220 mv in the total energy-dependent component of Em, cotyledon segments
dark (19). Upon transferring plants to a sucrose-free medium and were flushed with N2 in the dark. Anaerobiosis resulted in a
by additional acceleration of the metabolism by growth under LD similar effect on Em as CN- (Fig. IC). Thus, CN- completely
conditions for about 7 d, the plants get into a highly energy- inhibited the energy-dependent component of Em in dark and
deficient state after 6 h up to 3 d under dark conditions. The ATP light in 7-d-old cotyledons.
level decreases to about 22 nmol g-1 fresh weight, respiration to 2 In 14-d-old cotton cotyledons, in the dark CN- had a similar
,umol 02 g1 fresh weight h-1, and Em to -90 mv in the dark (19). effect as in 7-d cotyledons (Fig. ID). In the light, CN- had a
After keeping these plants in darkness for more than 4 d, they smaller effect on Em which transiently recovered even in the
recover with an ATP level of 65 nmol g-1 fresh weight, a respira- presence of CN- (Fig. IE). These Em values were reduced to ED
tion rate of 4 ,umol 02 g- fresh weight h-1, and again a high Em by additional application of SHAM (Table I). Inasmuch as in
of -220 mv. skunk cabbage the half-maximal inhibition of mitochondrial res-
Electrophyslological Measurements. For Em measurements, the piration was exerted by 0.26 mm SHAM (see ref. in Palmer in 28),
leaf sections of plants were mounted in a verticaL 4-ml Plexiglas we used 1 mm. Under anaerobiosis in the dark, the energy-
cuvette, perfused with lx solution at a flow rate of 10 ml mm dependent component decreased to the level measured under CN-
For CN- experiments in lx solution, the 1 mm KCI was substi- in the dark (Fig. IF).
tuted by 1 mm KCN (13), and the solution was adjusted to pH 5.7 In 14-d-old cotyledons, after depolarization by N2 in the dark,
with HCI. Glass micropipettes were pulled with a vertical puller Em recovered with similar velocity upon switching from N2 to air
(D. Kopf) from fiber-filled borosilicate capillaries (WPI and Hil- as from N2/dark to N2/light. In contrast, in 7-d-old cotyledons,
genberg). Micropipettes with a tip diameter below 1 jum and filled Em recovered much faster than in 14.d cotyledons in air/dark; but,
with 3 M KCI (Eo = -5 to -15 mv; R,p = 10 to 20 MO2) were under N2/light, it repolarized very slowly (Fig. 1, C and F). This
used as microsaltbridges to Ag/AgCl electrodes and were inserted suggests differences in energy production by young and older
Table I. Membrane Potential (E.) and Respiration in L. gibba and in Cotyledons of G. hirsutum
Effect of 1 mM CN-, CN- + 1 mM SHAM in 0.3% ethanol N2, or 10 Am DCMU in 1% ethanol. Duckweed grown in ± sucrose nutrient solution. All
measurements in lx solution at pH 5.7, containing 1 mim KCI. Em values from maximum depolarization between 5 and 15 min. For long-time treatment,
the plants were kept either in dark or in light for 15 h. D, dark; L, light; n.d., experiments not done. Values are means ± SE and numbers of experiments
Plants Control CN- 15 h CN- SHAM CN-
15 h CN
(mv) High-energy
L.gibba D-sucrose -216±8 -157±9 -146±6 -219±6 -91 ±3 -99±7 -116±2 -233±3
(10) (7) (3) (4) (8) (5) (4) (3)
D+sucrose -209±5 -131 ±7 -135±5 -212+3 -93±4 -93±7 -92±7 -233± 1
(9) (14) (6) (3) (9) (3) (2) (3)
L-sucrose -248±7 -214±9 -159± 10 -233+5 -121 ±4 -60±9 -219±4 -230±3
(8) (8) (5) (2) (8) (5) (3) (3)
L+sucrose -232±7 -131 ±6 -152±3 -239+6 -94±2 -48±2 -233±6 -241 +3
(4) (8) (3) (8) (3) (5) (7) (6)
L gibba D-sucrose -99 + 6 -96 ± 5 n.d. n.d. -96 + 5 n.d. -118 ± 2 -118 ± 5
(10) (6) (3) (4) (3)
L -sucrose -218 ± 5 -137 ± 4 n.d. n.d. -95 ± 4 n.d. -264 ± 5 -115 ± 7
(8) (3) (3) (8) (3)
(pmol 02
g fresh
wt.h) L. gibba D +sucrose -7.38 ± 0.3 -3.63 + 0.1 -2.5 ± 0.2 -7.6 ± 1.1 -0.17 ± 0.06 -0.1 + 0.1 0 (7) n.d.
(30) (43) (8) (8) (12) (6)
(mv) G. hirsutum D 7-d -180 ± 3 -96 ± 3 n.d. n.d. -89 ± 3 n.d. -96 ± 2 -171 ± 4
(21) (5) (4) (6) (9)
D 14-d -174±3 -95± 1 n.d. -174±2 -93+5 n.d. -97±2 -175+2
(17) (6) (2) (3) (25) (3)
L 7-d -172 3 -92 4 n.d. n.d. -98 + 5 n.d. -160 ± 8 -167 + 6
(11) (5) (6) (3) (5)
L14-d -169±1 -126±4 n.d. -162+1 -95+4 n.d. -183±5 -165±3
(25) (21) (2) (3) (5) (6)
tissue, ie. higher rates in oxidative phosphorylation than photo- depolarization remained about the same as found after short
phosphorylation in young cotyledons. exposure. The only exception was CN- + SHAM in 15 h contin-
In mature leaves of the terrestrial dicotyledons K. daigremon- uous light, where the values dropped far below ED (Table 1). This
tiana, N. tabacum, and I. balsamina or the monocotyledon A. potential difference, however, can no longer be regarded as Em.
sativa, after an initial inhibition of Em by CN-, qualitatively It is necessary to determine which energy sources contribute to
similar repolarization of Em in the presence of CN- was observed the maintenance of Em in Lemna in the light (ie. mitochondrial
in light in contrast to dark (Fig. 2, A-C, and Fig. 3, B-D). But phosphorylation, or noncyclic or cyclic photophosphorylation, or
again in young leaves of tobacco seedlings, Em did not repolarize all three reactions together) and to the partial CN- insensitivity of
after CN- application in the light (Fig. 3A). Em in the light. To discriminate between energy sources, low-
In contrast to the effect of N2 (Fig. 4D), the Em of unwounded energy and high-energy plants were used as described in "Mate-
L gibba in the dark was only partly depolarized by CN-, even rials and Methods." In high-energy plants, N2 depolarized Em in
after extended incubation (more than 9 h) (Fig. 4, A and C). The the dark to -96 mv (Fig. 4D). Upon switching from N2 to air in
remaining electrogenic portion was still depolarizable by H+/ the dark, Em recovered completely within 10 min. Low-energy
glucose cotransport (Fig. 4C, +glucose). Only the simultaneous plants sustained the high Em value only in the light (Fig. 4, E and
application of CN- with 1 mm SHAM, known to inhibit the CN-- F). In the dark, Em was similar as found in high-energy plants
insensitive alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria, depolarized under anaerobiosis, thus confirming the lack of energy in these
the membrane to a similar value as obtained under anaerobiosis plants. Hence, in low-energy plants in light, Em must be main-
(Table I). tained solely by photosynthesis. To determine which photophos-
As in all other plants tested, the Em in Lemna was much less phorylation, cyclic or noncyclic, provides the energy in the light,
affected by CN- in the light. Membranes repolarized in the light 10 AM DCMU was added to such energy-deficient plants. After
with CN- still present (Fig. 4, B and C). In sucrose-grown plants, switching light on in the presence of DCMU, Em hyperpolarized
the effect of CN- in the light was more pronounced than in only transiently (Fig. 4E). Removal of DCMU immediately re-
sucrose-starved plants (Table I). The simultaneous application of sulted in the usual light-dependent hyperpolarization. This indi-
CN- + SHAM reduced Em to a similar level in light and dark. cates energy supply from noncycic photophosphorylation. Addi-
After prolonged CN- and CN- + SHAM treatment (15 h), tion of CN- and CN- + SHAM in the light in this kind of plant
v~ (
10 ULLRICH-EBERIUS ET AL. Plant PhysioL Vol. 72, 1983
0 10 20 30 40 1min) 50
darkr light -232 Ar
/-178 -232
A23 ii2tlg
-CN -244
B *CN-
C -11.7
B light-176 9h in CN- -132
-186 dark f
c ~~ ~~
~ .glucose
li~ ~ ~ 1ght -131. -CN- -267
/-102 -104 -113
+CN- ,light air
C 201
10 30 40 50
time (min) in air
light1 ethanol .DCMU
FIG. 2. Membrane potential changes in leaf segments of K daigremon- dark -127
twna, affected by 1 mm CN-; A and B, in the light; C, in the dark. Mean E
values ± SE and numbers of experiments (n): A, -CN-, -207 ± 9 mv (17); -197 E1
B, +CN-, -145 ± 15 mv (11). C, -CN-, -210 ± 7 mv (12); +CN-, -98
± 8 mv (6).
E] E
light2 -DCMU
-CN- LIGHT -120 20 min
*CN\ -220
A 181 Nicotiana tabacum
-181 -CN (young) light dark
*CN- I4 dark
--I Nicotiana tabacumE -94
B CN- -194 (mtreE
mature) o ]t
C -201 15 patiens balsamina
CN- __,
' Jo | | l a~~~~~~~~~-
0 10 20 0 10 20 30 40
time (min)
FIG. 5. Effect of extracellular pH on the membrane potential (E.) in low-energy L gibba and response of Em to I mm CN- (five experiments). Trace
on the right: Em in the same experiment after 2 h continuous measurement at pH 8.
TI F I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Table II. K+ Content in 7- and 14-Day-Old Cotton Cotyledons
EK+ = calculated Nernst potential. lx solution contains 1 mm KV.
Values are means ± SE and numbers of experiments (n).
K+ Content
7-d cotyledons 14-d cotyledons
o-- -o light >7d
* *e dark
mol K+ g-l fresh wt
Whole cotyledons 43.83 ± 0.82 (11) 51.85 ± 1.3 (12)
--- l{ight > 14d
200[1 * * dark
Sections, 15 h in Ix 43.83 ± 0.80 (5) 44.70 ± 0.59 (11)
U- l ight, CN-
7 75
dark CN
< 50
' 25
.'- ---- light,
- ' liht.SHAM
() t
0 10 30 50 70 90 18 h
time (min)
FIG. 7. Time course of the effect of 1 mM CN- on the ATP level of L
gibba, in dark and light, and effect of I mm CN- plus 1 mm SHAM, in
0.3% ethanol. The arrow indicates the time (zero) of addition of the
inhibitors. Mean values of five experiments ± SE each.
Table IV. CNI-Induced Decay ofthe A TP Level and of Em in Cotton
Cotyledons and in Lemna
-/2 half-time of decay in seconds required to reach the first minimum.
For ATP: total level - 100% (at zero time). For Em: AEm = Em - ED =
100% (at zero time).
Age of
Conditions t1/2(ATP) tii2(Em)
d s 0 10 20 30
7 Dark 63.8 71.0
time (min)
FIG. 8. Respiration in G. hirsutum cotyledons. Effect of I mm CN- on
7 Light 176.5 72.5 7- and 14.d-old cotyledons in the dark. Polarographic measurements.
Cotton Trace A, 112 mg fresh weight; trace B, 200 fresh weight. Numbers at the
14 Dark 88.2 135.0 traces denote rates of 02 uptake in pmol 02 g-1 fresh weight h-' (20
14 Light 30.0 176.5 experiments).
Lemna Dark 139.5 253.5
Light 333.0 525.0 c 0
0 601
Photosynthetic 02 Evolution. COrdependent photosynthetic 02 c ._
evolution rates were similar in 7- and 14-d-old cotton cotyledons, 0
cotyledons, the rate was lower than the respiration rate, thus In
°1 /
resulting in a shift of the compensation point to a higher CO2
concentraton (from 0.01-0.04% C02; Fig. 10, A-C in comparson c
1 5 7 9
with trace E). In cotyledons of both ages, 02 evolution was rapidly 02 uptake rate
affected by CN-, at low (0.03%) and at high (1%) CO2 concentra- z 1-
20[ */ gF'
O29~FW-h- -11
tions (Fig. 10, C-E). After switching the light off, 02 uptake %-
11, A and B). Upon switching light on after application of SHAM FIG. 9. Respiration in L gibba Effect of 1 mm CN- on plants with
(trace A), the 02 evolution was not increased by the amount of high or low respiration rates in dark. Manometric measurements. Mean
dark 02 consumption prior to addition of SHAM. This means that values of 30 experiments.
either CN-in2sensitive2 uptake by the mitochondria is sup-
prssed by light, or SHAM has an additional inhibitory effect also the primary site of action of CN- must be the ATP production
on photosynthesis. and not directly the plasmalemma. The same conclusion was
drawn earlier for Neurospora (25).
DISCUSSION ATP Level and E,m. A comparison of the effect of CN on Em
and on the ATP level shows the general dependence of Em on the
The present results clearly show that in dark-incubated cotton ATP level, mainly from the similarity of their oscillations in light
cotyledons CN- is a useful tool to disciminate between the and dark. ATP changes were followed in time by very similar E.
energy-dependeat and energy-independent component of Em. Val- changes. However, the correlation between Em and ATP was not
ues obtained after application of anaerobiosis and those for the as strict as it was reported for Chara and red beet (14, 15, 17, 24).
K+ distribution are in ageement with the CN- experi*nts. It is This may become obvious from three amples. (a) While in the
also shown by comparison of the CN-induced slower decay of light, the ATP level was reduced by CN- to 10% in 14-d cotton
Em with the faster initial decline of the ATP level (Table IV) that cotyledons and to 30% of the control in Lemna, the energy-
- -
loonni ltr-