MSS SP-72, "Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-welding Ends for General
was adopted on 18 February 1994, for use by the Department of Defense (DoD).
Proposed changes by DoD activities mustbe submitted to the DoD Adopting
Activity: Naval Construction Battalion Center, 1000 23rd Avenue, Code156, Port
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may purchase copies from Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the Valve and
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03:29:01 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
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MSS SP-72-1
Ball Valves
Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends
for General Service
Standard Practice
Developed and Approvedby the
of the
Manufacturers Standardization Society
Valve and Fittings Industry,Inc.
127 Park Street,N.E.
Vienna, Virginia 22180
COPYRIGHT 2003; Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Document provided by IHS Licensee=norsk hydro/9990392001, User=, 04/10/2003
03:29:01 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
An MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and
the general
public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of
products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a
code, specification, sales contract, or public laws, as applicable.
U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.
Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by thedate of issue
that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at thedate of issue of this MSS SP. ( S e e Annex A.)
Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read ‘extractedfromMSS SP-72,1999, with pennission
of the publishel; the Manufacturers Standardization Society.’ Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention
unless written permission is granted bythe Manufactures Standardization Society of the Valveand Fittings Industq
--`,```````,`````,```,,,`,,,```-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1
COPYRIGHT 2003; Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Document provided by IHS Licensee=norsk hydro/9990392001, User=, 04/10/2003
03:29:01 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
The 1999Edition of MSS SP-72 hasbeen updated from the 1992 Edition by revising material names in Section 1.4,
2.1.5.,2.1.6, and 4.1. Metric data (DN) and (PN) was added to Section 1.3,3.1.1,,7.1.3,7.1.4,7.2.2,7.2.3,
and Table 1. The formulas in paragraph 7.1.4 and 7.2.2 have been revised to agree with MSS LS. 9 format. The
reference to NPS was corrected in all applicable paragraphs. Annex A listing all referenced documents has been
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 111
1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. SERVICE PRESSURE RATINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 1
3. VALVEPORT SIZES .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
4. MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
5. DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6. MARKETING...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
7. TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
COPYRIGHT 2003; Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Document provided by IHS Licensee=norsk hydro/9990392001, User=, 04/10/2003
03:29:01 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
~~ ~
characteristics shall be considered standard prac- 2.1.5 Gray Iron ASME B16.1-1989
tice unless otherwise specified by agreement be-
tween manufacturer and purchaser. 2.1.6 CopperAlloy ASME B16.24-1991
be prepared to certify, based on documentation from port or top opening valves may benotavailable within
producer or recognized distributor of these alternate the short pattern lengths shown in ASME B 16.10.
materials, that the products are at least equally suit- These valves may have face-to-face dimensions as
able for the intended use. agreed upon by the purchaser and manufacturer.)
4.2 Other Parts- Parts suchas stems, glands, gland 5.3.2 End-to-enddimensionsofbutt-weldingend
bushings, balls, handwheels, gearing and motor ball valves shall conform to ASME B16.10, or such
drive, and seats or seals, shall be of materials suit- other dimensions as shall be agreed
upon by the pur-
able for the service. Non-metallic seats or seals, when chaser and manufacturer.
employed, shall be designed by the manufacturer
with suitable material selected for compatibility with 5.4 Auxilia?Connections
the temperature, pressure and line fluids for which
the valvesare recommended. 5.4.1 When connections are provided, they shall be
in accordance with ASMEB 16.34. The number and
5. DESIGN location shall be optional with the manufacturer or
5.1 The design of the valve shellbe such as to pro- by agreement between the manufacturer and the pur-
vide againstany detrimental distortion under hydro- chaser.
static test conditions, assembly stresses, closing
stresses, pipe reaction stresses or when rated pres- 5.5 Operation -Valves shall be furnished with a means
sure is applied acrossa closed valve. of operation, such as a leveror actuator, adequately
sized to actuate the valve with reasonable effort by
the operator under the rated working pressure.
5.2 End Connections and End Preuaration
5.6 PositionIndication - Stems,stemextensions,
5.2.1 End flange dimensions shall conform to those adapters and actuators shall be provided with positive
set forth in the applicable standards listed in Par. means for indicating port position.
2.1.1 to 2.1.6, or MSS SP-44.
5.2.2 Butt Weldin3Ends 6.1 Ball valves shall be marked in accordance with
MSS SP-25. Sizes N P S 6 CDN 150) and smaller of carbon
steel. Class150 through 900(PN 20 through 150) 7. TESTING
Unless otherwise specified, butt-welding ends shall 7.1 ShellTest
conform to ASME B 16.34 and valve ends shall be
bored to match Schedule 40 Pipe for Class 150 and 7.1.1 Ball valves shall be given a hydrostatic shell
300 (PN 20 and SO), and Schedule 80 Pipe for Class test at 1-112 times the rated cold working pressure
400 through 900 (PN 68 through 150). the valve.
7.1.4 For valves of Class 150 (PN 20) and Class 7.2.2Ballvalvesshallbegiven a hydrostaticseat
300 (PN 50), in sizes NPS 3 @N 80) and smaller,a test at the rated cold working pressure of the valve.
minimum of 80 psig (6 Bar) gas test with a mini- On valves NPS 12 (DN 300) and smaller,an 80psig (6
mum 15 second duration may be substituted. How- Bar) gas seat test may be substituted for the hydro-
ever, if this option is exercised, the manufacturer static seat test. However, if this option is exercised,
shall be able to certify that a production sample of the manufacture shallbe able to certifythat a produc-
the size valve so-tested was subjected to a hydro- tion sample of the size so tested was subjected to a
static shell testof F times cold working pressureof hydrostatic seat testof F times cold working pressure
valve of valve.
F = 2 [AYS4/MYS4]
F = 2 [AYS'/MYS'] or
or F = 2 [AYS'MYS']
F = 2 [AYS2/MYS2] or
or F = 2 [AYS6MYS6]
F = 2 [AYS3/MYS3]
whichever is larger, with no detrimental distortionof
whichever is larger, with no demmental distortion ball, stem, or trunnion
AYS' = Actual Yield Strengthof Body AYS4 = Actual Yield Strength of Ball
MYS4= Minimum Specified Yield
M Y S ' = Minimum SpecifiedYield
Strength of Bonnet Strength of Ball
AYS2 = Average Yield Strengthof Bonnet AYS5 = Average Yield Strength of Stem
MYS2= Minimum SpecifiedYield MYS5= Minimum Specified Yield
Strength of Bonnet Strength of Stem
AYS3 = Average Yield Strength of AYS6 = Average Yield Strength of Trunnion
MYS6= Minimum SpecifiedYield
Bonnet Bolting
Strength of Trunnion.
MYS3= Minimum SpecifiedYield
Strength of Bonnet Bolting. At the manufacturer's option, as an alternate method
for the 80 psig (6 Bar) gas test, the pressure may be
7.1.5Visually detectableleakagethroughpres- applied inside the body cavity with the ball closed and
sure boundarywalls is notacceptable.Leakage both sides open for inspection.
through the stem packingshell not be cause for re-
jection. The stem packing shall be capable of re- 7.2.3 The duration of the seat test shall not be less
to the rated cold work-
taining pressure at least equal than shown below.
ing pressure of the valve without visible leakage.
Test Time
7.2 SeatTests W S size DN Seconds
2andsmaller 50 and
7.2.1Ballvalvesshall be givenaseattest in a 2-112 - 8 65 - 200
manner which will test the tightnessof the seat in 10 - 18 250 - 450
the direction of flow as indicted on the valve, or in 20 - 36 500 - 900 120
both directions,when flow direction is not indicated
on valve. The method of seat leakage testing on Tíme durationis the periodof inspection after the valve
each seat shallbe such that no seat leakage can es- is fully prepared and under test pressure.
cape detection becauseof gradual pressurizationor
filling of cavity between two seats. Alsothe method 7.2.4 There shall be no visible leakage,as defined by
MSS SP-82, past the seatfor the duration of the test
of testing shall apply the pressure differential
on the
for valvewith resilient (polymeric or elastomeric)
tested seat in the same directionas pressure is ap-
plied on this seat in service.
COPYRIGHT 2003; Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings 3Document provided by IHS Licensee=norsk hydro/9990392001, User=, 04/10/2003
03:29:01 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STD-MSS SP-72-ENGL L999 5 7 7 0 b q U 0501150 391 =
7.2.5 Themaximumallowableleakagerate on
each seat or nonresilient seated, except metal-seated,
valves for the durationof the test shall be2/10 of a
standard cubic foot of gas per(6hour liters per hour)
per inchof nominal valve sizeor a maximum of1.22
cubic inches(20 ml per hour) of hydrostatic media
per hour per inch of nominal valve size, at the test
pressure specified in7.2.2.
7.2.6 Themaximumallowableleakagerateon
each seat of metal-seated valves for the duration of
the test shall be 4/10 of a standard cubic foot
of gas
per hour( 1 2 liters per hour) per inch of nominal valve
size, or a maximum 2.44 of cubic inches(40 ml per
hour) of hydrostatictest media per hour per inch of
nominal valve size at the test pressure specified in
FIGURE 1 -EXAMPLES OF BODY CONSTRUCTION These illustrations are not intended to limit
design, nor to indicate any preferred design.
named. These illustrationsare not intendedto limit designnor to indicateany preferred design.
This Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placedafter the maintext for convenience.
ASME Publications
ASMEB16.1 - 1998 Cat Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class25, 125,250, and 800
ASME B 16.5 - 1996 (A 1998) Pipe Flanges and FlangedFittings
ASME B16.10 - 1992 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves
ASME B16.24 - 1991 (R 1998) Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
ASME B16.34 - 1996 (A 1998) Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End
ASME B16.42 - 1998 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and FlangedFittings
MSS Publication
MSS SP - 25 - 1998 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions
MSS SP - 44 - 1996 Steel Pipeline Flanges
MSS SP - 82 - 1992 Valve Pressure Testing Methods
The American Society of Mechanical Engineer
T h r e e Park Avenue, New York,NY 10016-5990
SP-6-1996 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings
SP-9-1997 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron andSteel Flanges
SP-25-1998 Standard Marking System For Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions
SP-42-1999 (R 95) Class 150 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Glove, Angle and Checkvalves withFlanged and Butt Weld Ends
SP-43-1991 (R 96) Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-welding Fittings
SP-44-1996 Steel Pipeline Flanges
SP-45-1998 Bypass and Drain Connections
SP-51-1991 (R 95) Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged Fittings
SP-53-1995 -
Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings forValves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components Magnetic Particle Examination Method
SP-54-1995 -
Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components Radiographic Examination Method
SP-55-1996 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings andOther Piping Components -Visual Method for Eval. of Surface Irregularities
Pipe Hangers and Supports Materials, Design and Manufacture
Connecting Flange Joint BetweenTapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves
SP-61-1992 PressureTesting of Steel Valves
SP-65-1999 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets
SP-67-1995 Butterfly Valves
SP-68-1997 High Pressure ButterflyValves withOffset Design
SP-69-1996 -
Pipe Hangers and Supports Selection and Application
SP-70-1998 Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged andThreaded Ends
SP-71-1997 Gray Iron Swing CheckValves, Flanged andlhreaded Ends
SP-72-1999 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-welding Ends for General Service
SP-73-1991 (R 96) Brazing Joints forWrought and Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-75-1998 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings
SP-77-1995 Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual Relationships
SP-78-1998 (R 92) Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged andThreaded Ends
SP-79-1999 Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts
SP-80-1997 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves
SP-81-1995 Stainless S t e e l , Bonnetless, Flanged, Knife Gate Valves
SP-82-1992 Valve PressureTesting Methods
SP-83-1995 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding andThreaded
SP-85-1994 Cast Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends
SP-86-1997 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings andActuators
SP-87-1991 (R 96) Factory-Made Butt-Welding Fittings for Class 1 Nuclear Piping Applications
SP-88-1993 Diaphragm Type Valves
SP-89-1998 -
Pipe Hangers and Supports Fabrication and Installation Practices
SP-90-1986 (R 91) Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and Supports
SP-91-1992 (R 96) Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves
SP-92-1 987 (R 92) MSSValve User Guide
SP-93-1987 -
(R 92) Quality Standard for s t e e l Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components Liquid Penetrant Examinaiion Method
SP-94-1999 -
Quality Std for Ferritic andMartensitic S t e e l Castings forvalves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components Ultrasonic Examination Method
SP-95-1999 (R 91) Swage (d) Nipples and Bull Plugs
SP-96-1996 Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings
SP-97-1995 -
Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings Socket Welding,Threaded and Buttwelding Ends
SP-98-1996 Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings
SP-99-1994 Instrument Valves
SP-100-1997 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm Type Valves
SP-101-1989 Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics
SP-102-1969 -
Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics
SP-103-1995 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Insert Fittings for Polybutylene Systems
SP-104-1995 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-105-1996 Instrument Valves for Code Applications
SP-106-1990 (R 96) Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125,150 and 300
SP-107-1991 Transition Union Fittings for Joining Metal and Plastic Products
SP-106-1996 Resilient-Seated Cast Iron-Eccentric Plug Valves
SP-109-1996 Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
SP-110-1996 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding,Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends
SP-111-1996 Gray-lron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves
SP-112-1993 Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes -Visual andTadileMethod. This SP must be sold witha IO-surface,
three-dimensional Cast Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the Standard.
Additional Comparators may be sold separately at $19.00 each. Same quantity discounts apply on totalorder.
SP-113-1999 Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves
SP-114-1995 Corrosion Resistant Pipe FittingsThreaded andSocket Welding, Class 150 and 1000
SP-115-1999 Excess Flow Valves for Natural Gas Service
SP-116-1996 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems
SP-117-1996 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gatevalves
SP-118-1996 Compact Steel Globe & Checkvalves Flanged, Flangeless,Threaded 8 Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service)
SP-119-1996 Belled End Socket Welding Fittings, Stainless Steel and Copper Nickel
SP-120-1997 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements)
SP-121-1997 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for RisingStem Steel Valves
SP-122-1997 Plastic Industrial Ball Valves
SP-123-1998 Non-Ferrouslhreaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use With Copper WaterTube
(R-YEAR) Indicates year standard reaffirmed without substantivechanges
A large numberof former MSS Practices have been approvedby the ANSI or ANSI Standards,published by others. Inorder to maintain a single source of authorhatlve
information, the MSS withdraws its standard Practices in such cases.