Arts Day 2
Arts Day 2
Arts Day 2
Center Level
Learning MAPEH-
Teacher Mary Joy M. Villa
Areas ARTS
DAILY LESSON Teaching August 13,2024 1st
PLAN Date and 8:45-9:30am (VI-Villa), Quarter Week 2
Time 10:30-11:15am (VI-Hernandez), Day 3
1:45-2:30pm (VI-Araneta)
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the use of lines, shapes, colours,
textures and the principles of emphasis and contrast in drawing a logo and own
cartoon character using new technologies in drawing.
B. Performance The learner creates concepts through art processes, elements, and principles
Standard using new technologies (hardware and software) to create personal or class
C. Learning Creates personal or class logo as visual representation that can be used as a
Competencies product, brand, or trademark (A6PR – Id.1)
5. I did not produce good work, and I did it just to get by.
(Suggested format)
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