Course Description: (All Students Are Expected To Be Computer Literate!)
Course Description: (All Students Are Expected To Be Computer Literate!)
Course Description: (All Students Are Expected To Be Computer Literate!)
Course Description
Multimedia is the combined use of text, graphics, sound, animation, and video.
A primary objective of this workshop is to teach participants how to develop
multimedia programs. Another objective is to demonstrate how still images,
sound, and video can be digitized on the computer. Participants in this
workshop will create their own multimedia courses using HyperStudio on the
Macintosh platform. HyperStudio is an authoring tool that allows you to
develop an electronic stack of cards that contain buttons, graphics, and text.
Issues concerning multimedia design and its use in education will be the focus
of reading and class discussions throughout the course of the workshop.
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Course Objectives
Students will:
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Content Outline
1. Multimedia Overview
o Definition
o Applications and Design
o Authoring (HyperStudio)
2. Introduction to HyperStudio
o The Metaphor
o The Basics (Cards, Buttons, Text)
o HyperStudio Resources
3. Instructional Design
o Objectives
o Content (print, graphics, sounds, etc.)
o Interaction
o Assessment
o Closure
4. Screen Design
o Metaphors and Themes
o Colors and Backgrounds
o Text (size, color, placement)
o Navigation
o Consistency
o Transitions and Links
5. Use of Sound
o HyperStudio Sounds
o Recording Your Own
6. Internet Resources
o Graphics
o Integrating Web documents
7. HyperStudio Tips and Tricks
o Animation
o Launching other applications and documents
o Basic NBA's
8. Multimedia Portfolios
o Designing a template
o Adding elements
o Choosing materials (readings)
9. Advanced Button Features
o Hyperlinks
o Drag-n-Drop
o Advanced NBA's
o Using Actions with other Objects
10. Incorporating Digital Media
o QuickTime Movies
o Laserdisc and CD-ROM control
o Scanning
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Course Policies
You will need to purchase several (4-5) 3-1/2" High Density (HD) Macintosh
formatted diskettes by the second class meeting.
The hands-on nature of this course makes daily attendance a must for all
students. Students shall receive one point for attendance of each class. No
attendance credit if tardy (tardy is anytime after instructor starts class).
The purpose of this class is to provide you with the opportunity to MASTER
the material presented. You will therefore have the option of revising any or all
assignments until you are satisfied with the evaluation you receive. You will
retain the HIGHEST point total that you earn - not the average.
To revise an assignment:
Late assignments:
It's hard to imagine a day going by without people passing along large amounts of information.
Messages are everywhere, and the number of messages we receive seems to be increasing each
day. Whether via phone, email, mass media, or personal interaction, we are subjected to a constant
stream of information. With so much communication to contend with, it can be difficult to grab
people's attention. But, we are often called upon to do just that. So, how do you grab and maintain
an audience's focus when you're asked to present important information? By being clear, organized,
and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 can help you do.
Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today's
audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By
learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 2013, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact
visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint 2013 to begin creating
engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations.
Target Student
This course is designed for students who wish to gain the foundational understanding of Microsoft
Office PowerPoint 2013 that is necessary to create and develop engaging multimedia presentations.
To ensure success, students should be familiar with using personal computers, and should have
experience using a keyboard and mouse. Students should be comfortable in the Windows
environment, and be able to use Windows to manage information on their computers. Specific tasks
the students should be able to perform include: launching and closing applications, navigating basic
file structures, and managing files and folders.
Course Content
This Introduction to PowerPoint 2013 training class is designed for students who are
interested in learning the fundamentals needed to create and modify basic presentations
using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. Students will explore the PowerPoint environment
and create a presentation. Students will format text on slides to enhance clarity and add
graphical objects to a presentation and modify them. Students will also add tables and charts
to a presentation to present data in a structured form and then finalize a presentation.
Our instructor-led online classes are conducted in the 2016 version of the software. Your
instructor will point out the minor differences between versions where they exist. For our
custom instructor-led online and onsite classes, we use the version of the software you use
in your office.
. The Ribbon
A. Tabs
B. Groups
C. Commands
D. Exercise: Exploring the Ribbon
3. The Quick Access Toolbar
. Adding Common Commands
A. Adding More Commands with the Customize Dialog Box
B. Adding Ribbon Commands or Groups
C. Placement
D. Exercise: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
4. The Backstage View (The File Menu)
. Inserting a Table
A. Formatting Tables
B. Importing Tables from External Sources
C. Exercise: Working with a Table
D. Inserting a Chart
E. Formatting a Chart
. Modifying Chart Type
I. Adding Legends to Charts
II. Modifying Number of Rows and Columns
F. Importing Charts from External Sources
G. Exercise: Working with Charts
8. Finalizing Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations
. Checking Spelling
A. Accessing Different Views of a Presentation
. Changing the View to Grayscale
I. Changing Page Setup Options
B. Exercise: Viewing the Presentation
C. Organizing a Presentation in Sections
. Inserting Section Headers
D. Adding Transitions to Slides
. Adding Multiple Transitions
I. Modifying Transition Options
E. Adding Speaker Notes
. Printing Speaker Notes
F. Running a Slide Show
. Configuring Slideshow Resolution
G. Printing a Presentation
. Printing Selections
I. Printing in Grayscale
H. Exercise: Finalizing Your Presentation
9. Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 New Features
Each student in our Live Online and our Onsite classes receives a comprehensive set of
materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course you should be able to:
work with the basic features of PowerPoint
create a new presentation
work with presentations
insert text into a slide and apply basic formatting
work with the various slide layouts
create and work with SmartArt graphics
draw and format shapes
navigate a slide show in PowerPoint
use a range of printing techniques
the procedures for using various forms of Help
create brilliant presentations
Target Audience
This course is designed for users new to Microsoft PowerPoint specifically and PowerPoint processing in
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 - Level 1 assumes little or no knowledge of the software. However, it would
be beneficial to have a general understanding of personal computers and the Windows operating system
Scheduled classroom training (1 Day)
Getting To Know PowerPoint
Starting PowerPoint In Windows 8
Understanding The Start Screen
Creating A New Blank Presentation
The PowerPoint Screen
How Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Works
Using The Ribbon
Using Ribbon KeyTips
Showing And Collapsing The Ribbons
Understanding The Backstage View
Accessing The Backstage View
Using Shortcut Menus
Understanding Dialog Boxes
Launching Dialog Boxes
Understanding The Quick Access Toolbar
Adding Commands To The QAT
Understanding The Status Bar
Customising The Status Bar
Exiting Safely From PowerPoint
Slide Layouts
Understanding Slide Layouts
Inserting A Title Slide
Inserting A Title And Content Slide
Inserting A Section Header Slide
Inserting A Table
Inserting A Picture With Caption Slide
Inserting A Chart
Changing The Slide Layout
Understanding SmartArt
Inserting A SmartArt Graphic
Inserting Text Into SmartArt
Adding Shapes Below
Adding Shapes Above
Adding Shapes Before And After
Adding An Assistant
Promoting And Demoting Shapes
Switching SmartArt Right To Left
Resizing SmartArt
Changing The SmartArt Layout
Applying A Colour Scheme
Applying A SmartArt Style
Deleting SmartArt Shapes
Drawing Shapes
Resizing Shapes
Editing Shapes
Positioning Shapes
Arranging Shapes
Merging Shapes
Formatting Shapes
Using The Eyedropper
Copying Shapes
Aligning Shapes Using The Ribbon
Aligning Objects Using The Smart Guides
Inserting And Formatting Text
Connecting Shapes
Grouping Shapes
Rotating Shapes
Getting Help
Understanding How Help Works
Accessing The Help Window
Navigating The Help Window
Using The Office Website
Googling Help
Printing A Help Topic
Brilliant Presentations
Planning A Presentation
Make It Readable
The Four Pillars Of Great Design
Perfect Presentation Layouts
Presenting Polished Presentations
Presentation Methods And Hardware ?
Concluding Remarks