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Solid State Transformer-TechnologyReview

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Solid State Transformers: A Review of Technology and Applications

Research · November 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1491.1443

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1 author:

Aumkar Borgaonkar
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


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Solid State Transformers: A Review of Technology and Applications
Aumkar Borgaonkar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Abstract— A transformer is an essential element of the power transmission is presented in [6]. The use of FACTS convert-
system. The promotion of deregulation policy in modern power ers [7] for maintaining power quality in distribution network
systems is introducing power quality issues which in turns is gaining popularity. On similar background, the possibility
causes design challenges for conventional transformers. The
purpose of this paper is to review Solid State Transformer of developing a solid state transformer (SST) for high power
(SST) technology for bidirectional power transfer between two applications is being considered for past decade.
different voltage levels. The solid state transformers results in
significant reduction in size and weight due to use of a high-
frequency transformer. With the controllable SST architecture
it is possible to provide additional functions such as grid
integration of DC microgrids and maintaining power quality
of distribution network.
Index Terms— Solid State Transformer, Distributed Genera-
tion, Distributed Energy Resources

A commercial power system has three main structural
components, namely generation, transmission and distribu-
tion. Each of these components is characterised by a specific Fig. 1. Size comparison between low-frequency and high-frequency
transformers. (Image Courtesy - [28])
voltage level based on its function in the power system.
Thus, it is necessary for the utility to transform the electrical In 2011, MIT technology review regarded SST as one of
power from one voltage level to another. Transformers are the top ten emerging technologies and presently, research in
employed to serve this purpose, making them an essential this field is being promoted by Future Renewable Electrical
structural element of power system. The research in trans- Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Systems Cen-
former technology is directed mainly towards development of ter at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Numerous
new magnetic, conducting and insulating materials in order attempts of developing laboratory prototype of SST are
to reduce losses and to match the required transformer rating documented in [10], [11], [12], [13]. The power electronic
[1]. converters in SST also enable it to perform additional
In the past few decades, deregulation of power generation functions such as regulation of voltage and current which
is being considered as a viable option to meet the increasing cannot be achieved by means of a conventional transformer.
power demands. The deregulation policy has resulted in Thus, with a specific topology of converters used in SST,
increased penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) it is possible to offer enhanced power quality by reducing
in the distribution system which is now causing power quality harmonics or by reactive power compensation[25]. Also it
issues [2], [3]. The harmonics introduced in power system could be noted that, presence of an intermediate DC link
by DERs are posing challenges for transformer design [4]. makes SST suitable for use in DC microgrids[27].
Integration of DER also causes problems of over-voltage In this paper, the development of a high voltage and high
or under-voltage [5]. Though use of tap-changers enables power SST and its applications to the future power system
the transformer to control the terminal voltage, there are are reviewed. The rest of the paper is organised into four
limitations on both - the voltage control margin and the sections. Section - II presents a discussion on the ongoing
frequency of operation of the tap changers. SST prototype developments. Section - III reviews proposed
In the past few decades, with the technological advance- SST topologies with remarks on their functionality. A brief
ments in solid state physics, power electronics has emerged description of various applications of SST to the future power
as a promising solution to deal with the problems of complex systems is presented in Section - IV.
power systems. The high power and controllable solid state
switches have triggered development of various power elec-
tronic converters which find application in both transmission A. State-of-the-Art
and distribution systems. A review of HVDC technology The motivation behind development of SST is to pro-
which finds application in long distance or sub-marine power vide a robust, light weight and controllable solution for
power transfer between two different AC voltage levels. III. C ONVERTER T OPOLOGIES FOR SST
Significant reduction in weight is achieved by replacing A number of topologies for the power electronic converters
conventional transformer with a high-frequency transformer of SST have been proposed which enable it to provide
isolated power electronic converters. In Fig. 1, a size com- additional functionalities as discussed in detail in Section IV.
parison between a conventional three-phase low-frequency A comparison between multiple SST topologies is presented
transformer and a single phase high frequency transformer in [16]. The present SST topologies can be widely classified
is presented. Currently, research is underway to develop into three categories - single-stage, two-stage and three-stage.
suitable topologies for SST converters and to optimize the A modular approach is adapted to operate SST with solid
high-frequency transformer design. state switches of available ratings. The scope of this section
The earliest attempt of conceptualising a power electronic is only to introduce three basic bidirectional topologies.
transformer may be recorded in early seventies by W. Mac-
Muray [8]. He proposed a thyristor based four quadrant A. Single-Stage Topology
single phase power converter model which has significant The single-stage SST topology shown in Fig 2 (a) uses
similarities with a DC-DC dual active bridge converter. A an AC-AC full bridge converter which converts the low-
SST model with AC-AC full bridge converter topology was frequency AC input to a high-frequency one which is then
proposed in [9] where a four-step switching strategy is stepped down using a high-frequency transformer. The output
adopted to ensure smooth transition of inductive load during of HF transformer is further converted to power frequency
switching. The FREEDM center developed a laboratory pro- using another converter. The major disadvantage of the
totype of a solid state transformer with 3.8kV to 400V with topology is the absence of a DC link which limits the
a power rating upto 7kVA and frequency of 3kHz which is functionality of the SST.
being used for testing of multiple proposed SST designs [10],
[11]. These proposed designs also analyse impact of core
and insulation materials for high frequency transformer. In
2011, the FREEDM center successfully developed laboratory
prototype of a 7.2kV to 120/400V and 20kVA SST with a
modular three-stage topology [12] using 6.5kV 25A silicon-
IGBT. Special emphasis on thermal management was given
in prototype design. In a collaborative effort for several
organisations, a 1MVA and 13.8kV to 270V four-stage solid-
state power station (SSPS) was developed [13]. In this
demonstration, a 10kV/120A silicon-carbide DMOSFET was
used as a switching device.

B. Commercial Development

In the accessible literature, two commercially developed

SST products have been documented.
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) proposed a Uni-
versal Intelligent Transformer (UIT) [14] model which was
expected to be commercialised by 2010. This product finds
application in power quality mitigation, DC distribution and
also to operate three phase loads with single phase supply.
A three-stage topology is used with a multi-level converter
on high voltage side for rectification. The UIT is rated at
20kVA with single phase input voltage of 8kV and is able
to achieve a THD of 3 percent at 100 percent load.
Fig. 2. (a) Single-stage SST topology (b) Two-stage topology with AC-DC
ABB, a global leader in power system has developed dual active bridge (c) Three-stage topology with DC-DC dual active bridge
a Power Electronic Traction Transformer [15] for electric
traction applications. This product aims at providing a light
weight and compact alternative for conventional traction B. Two - Stage Topology
transformers, thereby reducing the weight of locomotive. It The two-stage SST topology can be implemented with
uses a medium-frequency transformer with converter mod- two types of converters. The two-stage topology shown in
ules cascaded in series to match the supply voltage rating. Fig. 2 (b) uses an AC-DC dual active bridge [17] with
The total harmonic distortion is reduced by evenly offsetting a PWM inverter. It can be noted that the SST with two-
gate signals for each converter module. Currently, PETT is stage topology avails a LVDC link which can be used
being tested in association with Swiss Federal Railway. for integration of DERs. This topology results in higher
efficiency with zero voltage switching strategy. However, this common DC link. This UPQC structure involves a total of six
type of converter suffers from the problem of high ripple low frequency transformers, two in each phase, connected in
current and high sensitivity of active power flow on leakage series and parallel with the feeder. A significant reduction
inductance. Another two-stage topology replaces the AC-DC in the volume and weight of the device can be obtained
dual active bridge an AC-DC isolated boost converter [18]. by replacing the low-frequency transformers by a SST [25].
Fig. 3 shows the SST topology used in the proposed SST
C. Three - Stage Topology based UPQC. A high frequency transformer isolated DC-DC
The three-stage SST topology as shown in Fig. 2 (c) converter is used to couple cascaded multi-level converter in
comprises of a PWM rectifier, DC-DC dual active bridge and shunt and a two or three-level inverter in series with the
a PWM inverter. A control implementation of modular three- feeder.
stage topology for SST is proposed in [19]. This topology
B. SST Based Railway Traction
requires switching between two alternative control schemes
for power flow in either direction. Since, the three stage The main objective of SST is to replace the conventional
topology involves an HVDC interlink, the voltage rating large and bulky transformers with a device that offers the
constraints of available solid-state switching devices become advantage of reduced weight and size, specifically in ap-
significant and it is mandatory to use multilevel converters, plications such as traction systems where this attribute is
particularly for rectification. critical. According to a technology assessment on railway
electrification [26], in earlier days, DC supply of 750 V
IV. A PPLICATIONS OF SST to 3000 V was popularly used. Later, it was replaced by
A. SST Based UPQC AC supply systems with voltages ranging from 12.5 kV
to 50 kV. Some of these AC systems were of commercial
In the deregulated power market, it is essential for utilities
supply frequency (50 or 60 Hz) and some other systems
to provide reliable power to the consumers at a competitive
of non-commercial low supply frequency (16.67 or 25 Hz).
market rate under the acceptable power quality standards.
In modern times, AC supply with power frequency is used
Increased penetration of distributed generation (DG) has
globally and transformers are widely used to step down the
introduced issues of voltage imbalance and a higher con-
supply voltage catenary. This adds to the total weight of the
tent of harmonics to the power system. Conventionally, the
locomotive and thus posing challenge for train designers.
power quality problem was dealt by installing mechanically
switched or synchronous condensers at distribution end to
maintain the consumer side bus voltage. Advancements in
FACTS technology [20] has led to development of more con-
trollable compensation devices such as static compensator
(STATCOM), unified power quality controller (UPQC) [21],
unified power flow controller (UPFC) [22] which not only
help to improve power quality but also assist in enhancing
the stability of power system [23], [24].

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram for Railway Traction system with (a) Con-
ventional low-frequency transformers (b) Power Electronic Traction Trans-

A power-electronic traction transformer [15] is designed

and tested by ABB which will help to reduce the weight of
locomotives using electric traction. A schematic diagram of
conventional traction system and that of the proposed traction
system is shown in Fig. 4. It consists of a pair of three phase
back-to-back converters, one connected to the catenary with
Fig. 3. Per phase representation of (a) Conventional UPQC with low-
frequency transformers (b) SST based UPQC with high-frequency trans-
a high DC link voltage and the other connected to the three
formers phase traction motor with a low DC link voltage. A medium-
frequency transformer is used to step down high-frequency
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system to perform both series and shunt compensation in power rating of 1.2 MW and is currently being tested for
the power system. Fig. 3 represents a schematic diagram 15 kV / 16.67 Hz railway grid. The PETT is expected to
of a UPQC used with a three phase four wire distribution offer power density values as high as 0.5 to 0.75 kVA/kg
feeder. UPQC has two back-to-back connected single phase as compared to todays traction transformer with 0.2 - 0.35
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