Metal-Gate FinFET and Fully-Depleted SOI Devices Using Total Gate Silicidation
Metal-Gate FinFET and Fully-Depleted SOI Devices Using Total Gate Silicidation
Metal-Gate FinFET and Fully-Depleted SOI Devices Using Total Gate Silicidation
Jakub Kedzierski, Edward Nowak", Thomas Kanarsky', Ying Zhang, Diane Boyd', Roy Carmthers, Cyril Cabral, Rick Amos,
Christian Lavoie, Ronnen Roy, Joseph N y b u r y , Elizabeth Sullivan, lo? Benedict, Philip Saunders, Keith y n i , D. Canaperi,
M. Krishnan, K:L. Lee, Beth A. Rainey ,David Fried", Peter Cottrell ,H . 3 . Philip Wong, Meikei leong , Wilfried Haensch
Abstract Poly-Si gated(PG) FinFETs had the same structure, except the
Metal-gate FinFET and FDSOI devices were fabricated using gate was formed from degenerately doped poly-Si[2]. FinFETs
total gate silicidation. Devices satisfy the following metal-gate were fabricated down to IOOnm gate lengths, with To, of
technology requirements: ideal mobility, low gate leakage, 1.6nm, and a fin thickness of 25nm. Both the PG and MG
high transconductance, competitive Ion/lo~,and adjustable Vt. FinFETs were oriented in the < I IO> direction, and had high tilt
Six silicide gate materials are presented, as well as two silicide extension implants. Fig. 1 shows a fin cross section TEM of a
workfunction engineering methods. MG FinFET with a conformal Nisi gate.
Long channel FDSOI devices with To, of 2.3nm were also
Introduction fabricated with poly-Si and silicide gates. Fig. 6 shows a
Thin body double-gated FinFETs[l,Z], and fully depleted TEM of a MG FDSOI device. Neither the MG nor the PG
silicon on insulator(FDSO1) devices[3] have been devices in this study had body, well, or halo implants to control
demonstrated to have better scalability than traditional bulk Vt. Vt control was achieved through silicide @, engineering.
transistors. Correct threshold voltage(Vt) in thin body FETs
can be achieved by using doped poly-Si gates, and body Electrical results
doping[4]. An alternative method of controlling Vt, Fig. 2, 3, and 4, show the Id-Vg, Id-Vd, and G, plots for the
demonstrated in this work, is to use metal gates with the proper CMOS MG FinFETs using Nisi as the gate material. The
workfunctions(@,) and leave the body undoped[5]. The metal FinFET drain currents are normalized by W=ZxHfi.. 0, is
gate approach eliminates poly-Si depletion, and increases given relative to poly-Si conduction and valance bands, as
effective carrier mobility by significantly reducing the Qmc and @ ", respectively, by measuring the threshold voltage
transverse field at the same gate overdrive. Both factors shift between doped poly-Si and silicide gated devices. If a
enhance on-current. single @, is achieved for the MG nFETs and pFETs then
In this work, metal gated FinFETs were fabricated using total
@,c+@,,,v=l.leV, However, for this device design, a single
gate silicidation[6]. High performance and the correct Vt were
midgap @ ,,, would give device threshold voltages that are too
achieved by combining a metal gate of the proper a,,,, with a
high. Different @, values were obtained for the MG FinFETs
selective epitaxy raised sourceidrain. FinFETs with poly-Si
gates were fabricated as controls. FDSOI devices were also by appropriately doping the poly-Si prior to silicidation. An
effect of silicon substitutional doping in the poly-Si gate on
fabricated with metal gates and an undoped body, using: CoSi2,
Nisi @, has been recently reported in [7]. Fig. 4 shows the
COS, NiSi2, Nisi, PdSi, and C O ( I . ~ ) N ~ ( ~
) S ~ ~ . electron
10% G,,, gain achieved by the elimination of poly depletion.
and hole mobility was measured for silicide gates, gate leakage
was generally lower than poly-Si controls, and an improvement Fig. 5 shows the gate leakage current of the MG and PG
FinFETs. The MG nFET gate leakage is lower than the PG
in Ti,, and G, was verified. Silicide gate workfunction
engineering was achieved using both metal and silicon control even though it has a smaller Tinv Table I lists the
substitutional impurities. This, to our knowledge, is the first important FinFET device parameters.
time metal gates have been successfully integrated into double- Table 2 compares the MG FinFETs vs. published
gate devices. It is also the first time that metal gates have been manufacturing technologies[8-12], using Vdd of 1.25V. The
integrated into scaled CMOS devices with thin gate oxides, devices presented here at an early state of development are
universal channel mobilities, low gate leakage, appropriate very competitive with fully optimized technologies.
threshold voltages, and lon/Io~that is competitive with fully In a separate experiment FDSOI devices with various silicide
optimized manufacturing technologies. gates were fabricated. Fig. 7 shows the Id-Vg characteristics of
FDSOI devices with CoSi2 and Nisi gates formed on undoped
Device structure poly-Si. The reported drain currents are normalized by WIL,
Metal-gated(MG) FinFET devices were fabricated with an giving the drive per square of the channel area. As expected
undoped body, selective Si epitaxy raised source/drain(RSD), @mc+@mv for both silicides is equal to I.leV, the band gap of
CoSi2 on source/drain, and a fully silicided Nisi gate. A CMP poly-Si. Many silicides were tested as gate materials in the
step was used to separate the RSD and gate silicidations[6]. FDSOI structure. Table 3 summarizes some of their properties.
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0.01 3 - Dual4 Nisi Gate
and Arsenic doped
Nisi Ow= 0.41eV
Nisi 9_=0.26eV
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Fig. 3: Id-Vd ofNiSi gated <1 IO> directed Fig. 4: Linear transconductance of poly-Si Table 1: Comparison of Nisi gated
FinFETs. High performance is achieved with a and Nisi gated FinFETs. The elimination and doped polysilicon gated FinFET
Tox=l.6nm and Si epitaxy raised source-drain. of Poly depletion leads to higher characteristics. Lin values are give at
performance of the metal-gated devices. Vd=O.lV,satvaluesatVd=lSV.
# p . ,f
0.11. I ,
-0'' O'O
v- M-
Y -
, I , I
, I
Table 2: Benchmarks of the FinFET devices with undoped body and Nisi
gates vs. optimized manufacturing technologies. Vdd is reduced for
FinFET from 1.5V to 1.25V to facilitate technolow. cornoarison. K
I, 1
Fig. 5: FinFET gate leakage plot for poly-Si and Nisi FinFET device is hampered by the (0 I I ) oxide plane, devices fabricated on
T~~ is I,6nm in both cases, however ~i~~ and the (001) plane are expected to have higher performance. Ion and loff are
are not the same. normalized by W=2xH, where H is fin height.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute Of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi. Downloaded on October 07,2024 at 08:36:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
vm(v) va
Fig. 6 FDSOI device E M ,showing the Fig. 7: Id-Vg plots of Single-Om Nisi and CoSiZ gated FDSOI devices, and poly-Si
gated(PG) FDSOI controls. Body and gate is undoped in all cases. As expected the
coxNi~si2 gate, the "ndoped FDSol body, threshold shifts from poly-Si gated FDSOI controls add up to I.1V the band-gap ofpoly-
and the nitride spacer. Tox is 2 . 3 m . Si. Indicating that a single workfunction is achieved by both nFET and pFETdevices.
E, (MV/crn)
Table 3: Table of measured silicide work- Fig. 8: CV plot ofFDSOI devices with poly- Fig. 9: Mobility comparison for poly-Si
functions (Omc), threshold variation(aVt), and Si and CoSi2 gates. Significant reduction in and CoSi2 gates. Universal mobilities are
the silicide reaction temperature(Tr). and gate Tinv is observed with the CoSi2. obtained in both cases.
phosphorous doping level (Nd).
IEDM 249
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0.9, ,0.9 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
..... ..
0.8- - 0.8 -H"
M ~ ~ D I E ~ ~ j ...... .
e+ E-0.3
0 ' 4 i o . 5 5 S
0.50 2
m - 0.7
* - 0.6
, S l ~ I W l i+
0.5- P
- 0.5
lpMosl P
- 0.4
0.4- P 0.50
0 FinFET Nisi Gate
0.2'I.I.I.I.1.8.(., 0.6 0.40
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Gate Na(1E20 CmJ) Gate N, (1E20 cm") x for C O ~ , . ~Cosputter
Fig. 11: Correlation between apparent Nisi gate workfunction Fig. 12: Vt and Omc for a Co(l-x)Ni(x)Si2 alloy silicide gated
and the amount of Si substitutionalgate doping. FDSOI devices as a function of as Ni to COratio. X-Error bars
give intra die Vt variation. Y-error bars give uncertainty of EDS
Silicide worfunction engineering
The apparent silicide workfunction, Qm, can be engineered by however the range does not extend significantly above the
either modifying the bulk silicide workfunction or changing the silicon mid-gap energy. Therefore it is difficult to engineer an
electrical properties of the silicide gate-dielectric interface. undoped thin-body PMOS device with a low threshold voltage.
Two of the silicide Qm engineering methods investigated in It is likely the shift observed with this method is a change
this experiment yielded interesting results. In one, silicon in the actual bulk workfunction.
substitutional dopants such as arsenic, boron, and phosphorous,
were implanted into the poly-Si gate prior to silicidatinn. In the Conclusion
other, metal substitutional impurities were used to change the Total gate silicidation was found to be an excellent method for
chemical composition of the silicide. Specifically the integration of a metal gate into thin-body devices. The silicide
gate thin-body structures were found to have many of the
dependence of Om on x i n , the Co(l.,)Ni(,)Si2 gate was
necessary requirements for a successful technology including:
measured. The Ni-Co disilicide system was chosen because
high mobility, appropriate and tunable V,, low gate leakage,
Nisi2 and CoSi2 have identical crystal structures and are
high gate capacitance, and nearly ideal swing. At the current
completely miscible[l3].
technology node bulk device performance is already
Fig. 11 shows the measured Nisi DmCas a function of poly-Si significantly degraded by poly-Si depletion, non-ideal swing,
doping concentration prior to silicidation. Significant Qmc and low mobility caused by the high transverse field. The thin-
shift is observed over a range that is very useful for undoped body silicide-gate structures presented in this work offer a
thin-body threshold voltage control. Slightly different shift is solution to these problems.
observed in the FinFETs vs. the FDSOI devices. This is
probably due to the differences in anneals prior to silicide Acknowledgements
formation, or the presence of As in the FinFET gate. It seems The authors would like to thank the Advanced Semiconductor
unlikely that a small percentage concentration of Si Technology Center (ASTC), for fabrication support, and the
substitutional impurities significantly changes the bulk silicide Advanced Semiconductor Technology Lab (ASTL), for silicide
workfunction. It is more likely that the impurities segregate at formation support.
the silicide-dielectric interface and affect the surface
workfunction. The homogeneity of local-@, obtained through References:
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Some Qrnc control was observed in the resultant alloy silicide,
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute Of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi. Downloaded on October 07,2024 at 08:36:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.