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MSE Department – Faculty of Engineering – MSA University

Spring 2024
Course ID: MSE 365
Course Name: Introduction to Mechatronics

Report No.2


Student Name: Eslam Wael Husien

ID: 223243

Supervisor: Dr. Amgad M. Bayoumy

Table of contents



Robotics field studies has advanced significantly over the past five years. It is now known as
an established interdisciplinary undertaking. Many computer science labs across multiple
universities study the phenomenon of robots that exhibit social behavior. As a result, in order
to comprehend human-robot interaction (HRI), many of relations must be taken into account.
These relations contain form, function, and context of robots. In this case, we are targeting on
the triadic relationship between form, function, and context when interacting with a robot.

Several definitions of social robots have been provided thus far, each with a different
assertion regarding their properties. We contend that attributions made by humans
automatically result in the perception of a social robot as a social creature. To regulate and
reinforce the intensity of social robots, we must comprehend their form, purpose, and context.
on the societal perceptions of robots.

The main definition of robots that is known nowadays is: A robot is a machine that is able to
be reprogrammable by a computer and also is capable to carry out a complex series of actions
automatically with any help of human. A robot can be guided by control device externally, or
the control may be embedded within it.

Classifications of robots
Rbots can be classified based into diffrant criteria such as: structure, control method,
mobility, autonomy as shown in figure 1.

1. Bassed on strucutre
- Manipulator Robots: It consist of arm and joints to do several tasks.
- Mobile Robots: Equiped with wheel or leg for mobility
- Hyprid Robots: It combine the features of manipulator and mobile robots.

2. Bassed on contorl method

- Pre-programable robots: Operate according to a predetermined sequance of
- Teleoperated robots: Controlled remotly by a human opreatre.
- Autonomous Robots: It operats without dirictions from human. It depends on sesnors
and algorithms to make decision.

3. Bassed on mobility
- Wheeled Robots: Move on wheels like ground robots.
- Legged robots: move on leges
- Aerial robots: Fly on air like drones, or flabing(Ornithopter) wings.
- Underwater robots: It operats under water such as ROV(Remoty opreated vehicle)
and AUV (Autonomas under water vehicle).

4. Bassed on size
- Indoor robots: Designed for operates within indoor applications like the robotic
vacum cleaner.
- Outerdoor robots: bulid to operates in outdoor environments. It offen faces more
challenges conditions.

These classifications are not mutually exclusive, and may fall into multiple catogries
depending on their design and intended use.

Robots have wide range of applications across different fields. Here are some common
applications of robots:

1. Industrial robot application

Industrial robot applications have a wide range in manufacturing system because they are
flexible and programmable themselves. The robot controllers have the ability to communicate
with other programmable controllers and can be easily integrated into the industrial system
environment. They are many benefits of robots in this application that is notices in
productivity, safety, and in saving time and money.

a. Productivity
- Robots produce more accurate and high-quality works.
- Robots are rarely making mistakes and more reliable than human.
- They can produce a greater quality in short time.
- They work continually without a break, so it increases the productivity.
b. Safety
- Robots can perform in dangerous tasks.
- They can work in dangerous conditions like toxic chemicals and tight space.
- They can lift heavy load without injury.
c. Saving
- They save time by being able to produce grater magnitude of products,
- They are able to reduce the amount of waste material.

2. Healthcare
- They are used widely on healthcare setting for tasks like surgery, rehabilitation,
medication dispensing, and patient care assistant.
- They can do the surgery with high precision and reducing the risk of human error,

3. Agriculture
- Robots are used in many tasks like planting, harvesting, weeding, and monitoring the
- They help in increasing the productivity and reduce the labor costs and minimizing
environmental impact.

4. Military and Defense
- Military robots are utilized for various purpose, including reconnaissance,
surveillance, and bomb disposal.
- Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), Unmanned ground vehicles (UGV), and
Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) are examples for military robots

5. Domestics and personal assistance

- Domestics robots are designed to help and assist household chores and tasks like
vacuuming (robotic vacuum cleaner), mopping, and pet care.
- Assistive robots are used to help individual with disabilities or the elderly in the daily
activities, such as mobility assistance and medication reminders.

At the end, the evaluation of robotics markets a transformative era in human history. Robots
are classified into too many section that are various due to there functions and applications.
Robots’ classification based on structure, control method, mobility, and size. Based on
structure, it contains manipulator robots. Based on control method, it based on if it can be re-
programmable. Based on mobility, it classified on wheeled, legged robot, aerial robot, and
underwater robot. Based on size according to where it will work indoor or outdoor.
Also, robots are classified according to their applications. It applications are industrial field,
healthcare, agriculture, military and defense, and domestics and personal assistance.



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Retrieved from https://www.telefonica.com/en/communication-room/blog/types-of-

 Schaefer, K. E., Sanders, T. L., Yordon, R. E., Billings, D. R., & Hancock, P. A.
(2012, September). Classification of robot form: Factors predicting perceived
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 Ben-Ari, M., Mondada, F., Ben-Ari, M., & Mondada, F. (2018). Robots and their
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 Singh, B., Sellappan, N., & Kumaradhas, P. (2013). Evolution of industrial robots and
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