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Commission TPE Pump(s)

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Method Statement

General Details
Scope of works commissioning of TPE
Date Produced 15/10/2024
Proposed Visit Date(s) 24/10/2024
Document Number H129991 REV 0
Review Date Not applicable as job specific

Lead Engineer(s) Steve Parry
Support Engineer(s) N/A
Plant / Equipment Hand Tools, Grundfos Go Controller

Site Details
Site Hillingdon Sport & Leisure Centre, Gatting Way, Uxbridge, UB8 1ES
Location Not provided
Site contact Mihal Musollari, 07428 061 916
Induction No induction.
Access / Egress In accordance with prevailing site rules
Emergency Procedures In accordance with prevailing site rules
Monitoring and The site contact and/or site supervisor are responsible for monitoring the
Compliance work practices to ensure compliance with this method statement.

GS engineer(s) will comply with this method statement.

Personal Protective Equipment


EN 4132
The exact sequence of these steps may be altered and some steps may be carried out concurrently as
long as this does not have any adverse impact on the safety of any individuals or any equipment.

Sequence of Works

Prior to starting work the Grundfos Service engineer will carry out a site specific risk
assessment, this RA will consider actual site conditions on the day, including site traffic,
deliveries, and other trade activities should additional control measures be required the service
engineer will ensure that these are put in place before starting work.

The client is responsible for arranging all permits to work where required.

Confirm with site contact that commissioning of the pump(s) will involve the running of the
pump(s) ‘on line’

The site contact should carry out the following pre-commissioning checks

a) any motor protection device is set in accordance with the full load current of the motor(s)
b) all pipework has been checked for security – no open ends etc
c) the maximum closed valve pressure of the pump is less than the maximum pressure rating of
the system – pipework etc

GS engineer to check that the unit installation is in line with Grundfos specification.

Vent air from pump(s).

Run pump(s) momentarily to confirm correct direction of rotation as indicated by arrow on motor
fan cover.

Input motor/inverter settings in accordance with customer requirements via Grundfos Go

Check pump for leaks.

Check pump(s) operation – within design parameters and correct closed valve reading

Check motor/inverter running current in line with dataplate

Complete Commissioning sheet(s).
Risk Assessment

Persons Affected
GS Engineers 1
Client Staff Unknown
3rd Parties Unknown
General Public Unknown
Total Persons at Risk 1
Person Supervising Work Steve Parry

In the table below the risk value is calculated as follows:

Risk = Likelihood x Severity

The values obtained are coloured and rated as follows:

Risk Assessment Matrix

1–6 Low priority Maintain existing controls
8 – 10 Medium priority Ok to proceed, give consideration to additional controls
12 – 25 High priority Additional controls required before proceeding

Certain Very Likely Likely Unlikely
Likelihood Happen

Severity 5 4 3 2 1

Death 5 25 20 15 10 5

Major Injury 4 20 16 12 8 4

Over 3 Day
3 15 12 9 6 3

Minor Injury (off

2 10 8 6 4 2
site treatment)

Minor Injury (on

1 5 4 3 2 1
site treatment)
Risk Assessment Details

Activity Hazard Control Measures S L Risk

Manual Handling Crushing/ GS Engineer(s) are trained in safe 4 1 4

amputation/musculo- manual handling techniques. Utilise
skeletal injuries as a mechanical lifting aids or a second
result of incorrect person where the load is assessed as
lifting techniques being unsafe for a single person to lift.
GS engineer to obtain site processes
during site induction.
Use of hand Cuts and abrasions GS engineers are trained in safe 2 1 2
tools from sharp edges working practices; GS engineers will
inspect any hand tools prior to use; GS
engineers will use the correct tool for a
particular task; PPE will be worn as
required. GS engineer to obtain site
processes during site induction.
Working with Electricity GS engineers are trained in working with 5 1 5
electricity electricity & correct isolation procedures;
GS engineers will prove dead before
disconnecting any power wiring, using
test equipment as detailed in GS38;
lock-off devices and/or waring signs also
will be posted as required.
General Slips, trips & falls GS engineer will maintain a clean and 4 1 4
housekeeping tidy working environment; any
equipment not required will be moved
away from vicinity of the working area as
soon as practicable to minimise any
tripping hazards. GS engineer to obtain
site processes during site induction
Cuts and Cuts and Abrasions GS engineers will take care with bladed 3 1 3
Abrasions tools; GS engineer will be wary of any
sharp edges on machinery etc. GS
engineers will wear suitable hand
protection. GS engineer to obtain site
processes during site induction.
Lone Working Working alone or Grundfos engineers are trained in the 4 1 4
where there is no procedures for lone working. They
direct or close should follow site prevailing rules when
supervision. on site, these should be provided at
induction to site. They should ensure
they have means of communication with
or without a Wi-Fi signal. They should
sign in and report to the site contact on
arrival at site and follow the same
procedure on completion of the job.
They should agree communication
timelines with their site contact. If lone
working is for a long period of time they
should also inform their line manager. If
outside of normal working hours, these
timelines should be agreed with the
Grundfos Out of Hours team. If an
emergency arises they can also use the
SOS button on the Follow Me app used
by Grundfos. All incidents must be
reported to site in addition to reporting
using Grundfos internal systems.

Signature of person Name of person Iris Stanton

compiling compiling the
assessment assessment
Method Statement Acceptance Sheet

Method Statement Title:

Method Statement No:

The following personnel have been inducted in the procedures required to carry out the operations
detailed in this method statement.

Name: Job Description: Signature: Employer:

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