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C 20 CE 3 4 Sem-Min

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and line of action- Principle of 1.Determine
transmissibility of forces, Forces in
moment of a force, Resolution & members of a
composition of forces. truss at the
given joint.
2. Resultant force, Law of
moments, Resultant of 2.Determination
Concurrent and non-concurrent of resultant of
force system. forces acting on
Equilibrium conditions. retaining wall
and trapezoidal
3.Simple Problems on
dam section.
determination of resultant of
con current & non concurrent
force systems.

1. Hardness test to evaluate a

1.Rigid body, plastic body hardness of given material
Mechanical properties of metal- Example: Mild Steel, Stainless
Rigidity, Elasticity, Plasticity. steel, Wood, Copper, Bronze,
Brass, Aluminium, Glass.
1. Compare the
2.Compressibility, Hardness, properties of
2 1 Toughness, Stiffness, Hard, soft,
Brittleness, Ductility brittle and 2. Impact test to evaluate
Ductile material. toughness of a given material
3. Malleability, Creep, Fatigue,
tenacity, durability. Example: Mild Steel, Stainless
Testing procedures and steel, Wood, Copper, Bronze,
importance of each property of Brass, Aluminium, Glass.

1.Conduct tensile test on

following materials and plot
1. Stress, strain, Hooke’s law
Stress-strain curve
a)Mild steel
Types of stresses - Normal
b)HYSD bar
stress and Shear stress
Determine yield stress/ proof
Types of normal stress - Tensile
stress, Ultimate stress, breaking
stress and Compressive stress
stress and percentage of
elongation, Young's Modulus
1. Plot
2.Types of strains- Normal Stress/strain 2.Conduct tensile test on
1, strain and Shear strain following materials and plot
3 1 graph for
2 Stress-strain curve
Types of normal strain - structural steel
Longitudinal strain, Lateral a) Plastic
strain and volumetric strain b) Bamboo
c) Fibres
Types of Lateral strain - Tensile
strain and Compressive strain Determine yield stress/ proof
stress, Ultimate stress, breaking
stress and percentage of
3.Problems elongation, Young's Modulus

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Strength of Materials Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE31P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in
each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

1 Ramamurtham. S., “Strength of Materials”, 14th Edition, DhanpatRai Publications

2 SS Bhavikatti, Strength of Materials

3 Fundamentals of strength of materials by P N Chandramouli” PHI New delhi

4 Relevant IS Codes

8. a. CIE Skill Test 1- Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and 10


2 One Question on forces and its validation with ANSYS software 10

3 One Experimental Question to Conduct hardness test/tensile test/Impact test for a 40

given specimen.

Writing Observations and Tabular column, Equation with all notation-10

Conduction of Experiment-10

Calculation and result with graph-20

4 Manual Calculation of Centroid and Moment of Inertia of given section and validate 30
using CADD

5 Viva- voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2 - Scheme of Evaluation
SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and 10


2 Manual Calculation of Shear force and Bending moment - 10 marks 30

Draw SFD & BMD for Simply supported beam / cantilever beam / overhanging
beam with point load and UDL - 10 marks

Validation with ANSYS software- 10 marks

3 One Experimental Question on UTM to Conduct a flexural test for a given specimen 30

Writing Observations and Tabular column, Equation with all notation-10 marks

Conduction of Experiment-10 marks

Calculation and result -10 marks

4 One question on column deflection/bending and its validation with ANSYS software 20

5 Viva- voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. c. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 One Experimental Question to Conduct hardness test/tensile test/Impact test/ 30

flexural test for a given specimen.

Writing Observations and Tabular column, Equation with all notation-10 marks

Conduction of Experiment-10 marks

Calculation and result with graph-10 marks

2 Manual Calculation of Shear force and Bending moment - 10 marks 30

Draw SFD & BMD for Simply supported beam / cantilever beam / overhanging
beam with point load and UDL - 10 marks

Validation with ANSYS software- 10 marks

– Rockwell: 10, 60, 100 and 150

Model 50
Maximum Capacity
Units- J 500
Maximum Scale Graduation
Units- J 0.1
Overall Size without Protection
Impact test apparatus-charpy's apparatus Guard (Approx.) L x W x H 4
Units- m 1.1 x 0.45 x 1.65
Overall Size with Protection Guard
(Approx.) L x W x H
Units- m 2.2 x 1.2 x 2.1
Net Weight of Machine (Approx.)
Units- kg 500

Force range: 10kN, 20kN, 30kN,

5 50kN, and 100kN. ...
Crosshead speed: 0.05 to 500
Speed accuracy: < 0.5%
Load cell accuracy: ± 0.5% of
Software: software for tensile,
compression + bending incl.
Electrical supply: 220-230Vac,
50Hz, 1kVA, single phase 3 wires.
Accessories: ...

Clamping Force (N): 600 N

Overall Height (mm): 220 mm
6 Dial Gauge With magnetic stand Applicable for: For Dial Test 4
Size (mm): 10 mm

7 Guage Length 0.3mm to 60mm

Electric Strain gauge. Guage Resistance Within ±0.3% of 4
the nominal resistance

8 8 GB RAM, 512GB HARD DRIVE, i5

Desktop Computers / Laptops 20
and above 2.5 GHz PROCESSOR,

9 Computer Aided Drafting Software-

LICENSED, Ver. 2020 and above 1 / computer

10 ANSYS LICENSED, Ver. 2020 and above 1 / computer

2. Methods of plotting contours. Factors of different 40 m x 40 m to draw its
affecting contour interval. topography. contour plan at a
suitable contour
3. Method of preparing contour map 2 Study the interval.
from the given RLs of grid points with Uses of
examples. Contours in 2. Find out the area
civil enclosed by the
engineering contours using
field AutoCAD.

3 Measure the
volume of
Reservoir from
contour maps.

1. Component parts of transit theodolite

and their functions. 1. Measure horizontal
angle between the
1. List the
2. Reading the vernier, Salient features given points.
1,2, Applications of
2 1 and relationship between the
4,7 different types
fundamental axes of transit theodolite. 2. Measure vertical
of theodolites.
angle between the
3. Technical terms used. Temporary given points.

1. Study the
1. Theodolite traversing. Open and
independent 1.Measure horizontal
Closed Traverse.
coordinates. angle by repetition and
reiteration method.
2. Theodolite traversing by included
2. Balance the
angle method and deflection angle
1,2, traverse using 2. Carry out survey
3 1 method.
4,7 spreadsheet by project for closed
Bowditch rule traverse for minimum 5
3. Checks for open and closed traverse,
or Transit rule. sides by locating details
Calculation of bearing from angles.
using theodolite.
Traverse computation-Latitude,

1. Trigonometrical Survey and its

applications. 1. How do we
2. Elevations and Distances of accessible measure
1. Measure height of an
heights of
points whose base is accessible-Single object whose base is
1,2, plane method-Simple problems. accessible.
4 2 2.Measure
4,7 2. Measure height of an
height of
object whose base is
3. Elevations and Distances of inaccessible
inaccessible points whose base is high-rise
inaccessible-Single plane method- towers.
Simple problems.

1. Tachometer: Principle of tachometry
and component parts. Analytic lens 1. Determine
1. List the Tachometric constants.
applications of
2. Tachometric formula for horizontal
distance with telescope horizontal and
1,2, survey.
5 2 staff vertical. 2. Calculate the reduced
2. List the levels and horizontal
3. Method of determining Horizontal limitations of distances of given
and vertical distances with tachometer tachometry. points using
by fixed hair method and staff held tachometer.

1. List the
1. Total Station: Introduction, Integral
Applications of 1. Component parts and
parts, Applications. different types General commands
of Total used.
1,2, 2. Working principle, Advantages, Stations.
6 3
4,7 Disadvantages. 2. Instrument
2.Differentiate preparation and setting
between up.
3. Use of function keys. Precautions to
theodolite and
be taken while using a Total Station.
Total station.

1. Setting up a back sight. Azimuth mark,

control point. 1. Find out the
Change point - procedure to shift change Horizontal angle,
point and precautions to be taken. 1. Calculate Vertical angle of given
General settings. Height using points.
7 3 survey and 2. Find out the distance,
4,7 2. Automatic Target Recognition, Field compare gradient and difference
Book recording, Radial Shoot. results with in height between two
total station. inaccessible points
3. Survey Station Description (codes). using Total Station.
Occupied point (Instrument Station)

1. 3D coordinates: By Resection.
Coordinate calculation. 1. Stake out using Total
Offset: Single distance offset. Station- Find a specific
1. Compare and
prepare report point and its
2. Date Retrieval, Field Generated on accuracy of coordinates in the field.
8 3 Graphics. Data Gathering Components, results 2. Find out the height of
Data Processing Components of the between a remote point like tip
system. Theodolite and of a transmission tower
Total Station. or chimney using Total
3. Data plotting, Field computers, Station.
Modem for data transfer.

1. Compare and 1& 2: Prepare a

1. Interfacing the Data Collector with a
1,2, prepare a topographic sketch of a
9 3 Computer, Digital Data.
4,7 report on time given area using Total
requirements station and plot the

3. Applications of remote sensing in of GPS
mining, land use/land cover, mapping, surveying
disaster management and environment.
3. Prepare a
Report on Field

1. GIS: Overview, components

1. What is the
Applications and Limitations. need of GIS for
civil engineers?
1,2, 2. Drone Surveying: Overview, Virtual Media and Field
13 4
4,7 Applications and Limitations. 2. Prepare a Visit
Report on Field
3. Lidar: Overview, Applications and
Advantages. Hyper spectral Imagery.

Total in hours 39 13 52

NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits.
NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Surveying Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE32P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

1 Duggal, S. K., Surveying Vol. I & II, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi

2 Subramanian, R., Surveying & Levelling, Oxford University Press, New Delhi

3 Punamia, B.C., Surveying Vol. I, II & III, Laxmi Publications

4 Kanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.V., Surveying and Levelling Vol. I & II, Pune Vidyarthi Gruh

5 Arora, K.R., Surveying Vol. I, II & III, Standard Book House. New Delhi

6 Basak, N.N., Surveying and Levelling, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi

7 A. Bannister, S. Raymond, R. Baker, “Surveying”, Pearson, 7th ed., NewDelhi

8 Agor, R., Surveying and Levelling, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

9 Agor, R. Advanced Surveying, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

10 Roy, S.K., Fundamentals of Surveying, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi

11 Remote Sensing and GIS by B Bhatia, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

12 Remote sensing and Image interpretation by T.M Lillesand, R.W Kiefer and J.W Chipman,
5th edition, John Wiley and Sons India

13 Lo, C.P. & Yeung A.K.W., Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002

14 Anji Reddy, M., Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, B.S.Publications,
Hyderabad, 2001

8. a. CIE Skill Test 1- Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

1 10

Experiment on theodolite

a. Measurement of horizontal angle (Repetition or Reiteration method)/

measurement of Vertical angle using theodolite.


b. Carry out closed traverse for minimum 5 sides including locating details using
2 50

(i) Writing Field Procedure, formula and tabular column -10 marks

(ii) Setting and conduction - 20 marks

(iii) Observations, Recordings and calculations-15 marks

(iv) Interpretation of result and Plotting- 05 marks

a. Measure height of an object whose base is accessible / inaccessible by

Trigonometrical survey.


b. Determine Tachometric constants / Calculate the reduced levels and horizontal

3 30
distances of given points by tachometric survey

(i) Writing Field Procedure, formula and tabular column -05 marks

(ii) Setting and conduction - 10 marks

(iii) Observations, Recordings and calculations-10 marks

(iv) Interpretation of result and Plotting- 05 marks

4 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 2a and 2b shall be done by the examiner.
2. The choice between the questions 3a and 3b shall be done by the examiner.

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2 - Scheme of evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

1 10

Experiment on total station.

a. Find out the Horizontal angle/ Vertical angle/ distance/gradient/difference in

height of given points using total station.


b. Find a specific point and its coordinates in the field/ height of a remote point using
2 40
Total Station.

(i) Writing Field Procedure, formula and tabular column -10 marks

(ii) Setting and operation - 10 marks

(iii) Observations, Recordings and calculations-10 marks

(iv) Interpretation of result and Plotting- 10 marks

Experiment on total station.

a. Prepare a contour plan of a given area using Total station and plot it using CADD.


b. Form a closed traverse using Total Station, Plot the area map using CADD and find
3 40
the area of closed traverse

(i) Writing Field Procedure, formula and tabular column -10 marks

(ii) Setting and operation - 10 marks

(iii) Observations, Recordings and calculations-10 marks

(iv) Interpretation of result and Plotting- 10 marks

4 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 2a and 2b shall be done by the examiner.
2. The choice between the questions 3a and 3b shall be done by the examiner.

8. c. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

a. Experiment on theodolite

(i) Writing Field Procedure, formula and tabular column -10 marks
1 40
(ii) Setting and conduction - 15 marks

(iii) Observations, Recordings and calculations-10 marks

(iv)Interpretation of result and Plotting- 05 marks

Experiment on total station

(i) Writing Field Procedure, formula and tabular column -10 marks
2 40
(ii) Setting and operation - 15 marks

(iii) Observations, Recordings and calculations-10 marks

(iv)Interpretation of result and Plotting- 05 marks

3 Viva-Voce 20

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

Magnification 24x, Field of View
9 1–30-inch, Minimum Focusing
Total Station Distance1.5 Meter, Singles Prism 2
Distance Measurement 4.0 Km,
Accuracy 3mm +2ppm

Aluminium Prismatic Compass,

10 Packaging Type: Carton Box,
Prismatic compass with stand 4
Size/Diameter: 4 Inch, Weight 539

Angle Measurement Accuracy 20 secs,

11 Display Panel Single Side,
Twenty Second Transit Theodolite
Magnification 30x, Measuring Time 4
with accessories.
30 Sec, Field of View 2.6 m at
100 meters

Digital Theodolite - Geomax ZIPP 02,

12 For Survey, (hz, V), Model
Electronic Digital Theodolite with Name/Number ZIPP 02, Brand Geo max
accessories. zipp 02, Angle Measurement Accuracy
(Hz, V), Colour yellow, Battery
Operation charger

Screen Size 3.5 Inch, Type

13 Handheld GPS navigator Wireless, Usage Land 4
Survey, Width 69 mm, Depth 30 mm

Finish Rustic, Colour Brown, Length

14 Wooden Pegs 6
2-5 Feet

Dell Optiplex 19 inch, All in One

15 Desktop Set: Intel i5 3470, 8GB, 500GB
HDD, 19 inches HD Monitor, Keyboard,
Computers 10
Mouse, HD Webcam, Mic, Speakers, Wi-
Fi, Display Port, Windows 10 Pro, MS

16 CADD software AutoCAD LT 1

and Plate load on visualization
2. Classification of soils and their test. and validate the
suitability for the construction of type of soil by
different structures. Bearing capacity of 2. Study and conducting sieve
soil, Safe bearing capacity of soil. prepare a report analysis test -
on local rainfall Particle size
3. Determination of Bearing capacity by data and type of distribution
Standard penetration test (SPT), Method soil strata using semi-log
of improving the safe bearing capacity available. graph.

2.Test on soil:
a) Liquid limit
b) Plastic limit
c) Shrinkage

1. Site clearance, Process of general &

deep excavation, Necessity of shoring,
Soil nailing and strutting in foundation, 1 Tests on
excavation and process of dewatering, 1.List the tools Moisture content
purpose of anti-termite treatment, type and equipments of soil (Oven
of chemical used & laying method. used for site drying method
clearance and
and Field density
2. Foundation: Purpose and classification excavation work
of soil by core
2 2 2,4,7 of foundation.
cutter and rapid
Shallow foundation: Isolated footing
Spread footing, combined footing, Strap 2.Study and moisture meter.
footing and Raft foundation. prepare a report
on advanced 2. Conduct
3. Deep foundation: Pile foundation and techniques in Standard Proctor
its types and Caisson foundation. laying foundation. test on soil
Selection of foundation for different compaction.
types of structures.

1. Foundation in Black Cotton Soil. Causes 1. Free swell

for failure of foundation and preventive 1.Study the Index of Black
measures. construction cotton soil.
methodology of
2. Plinth beam or Plinth slab / grade basement and 2. Water
beams. Superstructure-Column, Beams Retaining wall.
1,2,4 Absorption test &
3 2 and their suitability for different other field test
structures. 2.Study & prepare on brick.
a report on
3. Load bearing walls, non-load bearing Advanced 3. Compression
walls & framed structure. Main attributes techniques in test on bricks,
of masonry work, Technique used in masonry work. Dimensionality
masonry work. tolerance test.

1.Study & prepare 1. Construction

1 & 2. Types of masonry work a report on of English bond &
and their suitability. various Precast Flemish bond,
4 3 2,4,7 Stone masonry, Brick masonry, Concrete concrete partition
also prepare a
Block masonry and their types. walls.
2.Prepare a report masonry
on Autoclave checklist for

2. Prepare
checklist &
process manual
for Gypsum/ POP

1. Definition and causes of dampness. 1. Prepare

Effects of dampness and prevention of 1.Study on checklist &
dampness. Materials used for the damp advanced process manual
proof course. waterproofing for
techniques and Waterproofing
grouting and laying
2. Method of Terrace waterproofing,
Water tank waterproofing procedure for
11 3 Methods & types of expansion joint different areas of
,7 2.Study and
treatment. Roof slab leakages or Collect working building.
dampness and arresting it. procedure for
pressure grouting 2.Types & laying
3. Waterproofing technique for application for procedure of
swimming pools, sump, podium, roof slab leakage grouts.
bathroom sunken slabs, water closets, or dampness
retaining wall.

1.Types of floors, Suitability of flooring 1. Collect samples

material, Process of laying Cement and prepare a 1.Prepare
concrete floorings. report on the checklist &
grouting process process manual
2. Process of laying Oxide flooring. for flooring works. for different
Ceramic tile flooring, Vitrified flooring, types of flooring.
1,2,5 granite flooring, Marble flooring. 2. Study on
12 3
,7 advanced
techniques in
3. Wooden flooring, Vinyl flooring, checklist &
Vacuum dewatered flooring, IPF flooring, process manual
epoxy flooring, False flooring. for different
3.Collect &
Cladding Work and its types, Importance types of cladding
present different
and suitability of cladding work work.
types of flooring

1. Methods of painting, Types of paints 1. Visit a

distempering & varnishing on different 1.Study & present
advanced construction site
surfaces. VOC paints & its importance. during Painting
technique in
painting. activity, Prepare
2. Introduction, Cause of deterioration of check list &
2,3,5 concrete structures, Diagnostic methods 2.Prepare a report
13 4 process manual
,7 & analysis, preliminary investigations, on method of for painting on
experimental investigations using NDT. application of different surfaces
external texture (Any one
3.Techniques for Repair:(Corrosion) Rust painting works. method)
eliminators and polymer coating for
rebar during repair, foamed concrete,
mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete, 2. Site visit,
Gunite and Shotcrete, Epoxy injection, investigate the
Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and problem using
underpinning. NDT, analyse,
adopt suitable
method of repair
& prepare check
list & process
manual for repair

Total in hours 39 13 52

NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits.
NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Construction Techniques Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE33P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitiv Course Marks

e Levels Outcome

I 1


II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

1 Koenigsberger, O.H. et al, "Manual of Tropical Housing and Building Part-I Climatic
Design", Orient Longman. 1973

2 Hvorslev MJ, “Subsurface Exploration and Sampling of Soils for Civil Engg. Purposes”
Elsevier Pub. Co,

3 Manfredd RH, “Engineering Principles of Ground Modification”, McGraw Hill

4 Purushotham Raj, “Ground Improvement Techniques”.

5 Bureau of Indian Standards, “HandBook of Functional Requirements of Buildings, (Sp-41

&Sp- 32)", BIS 1987 and 1989.

6 B C Punmia, “Building Construction”, Laxmi Publications

7 www.nptel.ac.in

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and
1 10

2 Scaffolding: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after)

Prepare process manual for form work.
Draw 3D elevation of scaffolding using BIM software like AutoCAD / Revit / Sketch
up/ 3D max

3 Formwork: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after) 10

Prepare process manual for form work.

4 a. Roof construction: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after) 10

Prepare process manual for roof construction.
b. Truss Installation: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after)
Prepare process manual for Truss Installation.

5 a. Cement plastering: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after) 10

Prepare process manual for Cement plastering.
b. Gypsum/ POP plastering: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after)
Prepare process manual for Gypsum/ POP plastering.

6 Waterproofing and joint filler: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after) 10
Prepare process manual for Waterproofing and joint filler work (grouting).

7 Flooring: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after) 10

Prepare process manual for Floor construction.

8 Wall cladding: Prepare a checklist (before, during and after)

Prepare process manual for Wall cladding. 10

Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 4a and 4b shall be done by the examiner.
2. The choice between the questions 5a and 5b shall be done by the examiner.

8. c. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

a. Conduct sieve analysis test and determine type of soil by Particle size distribution
using semi-log graph / Determination of Atterberg Limits a) Liquid limit / b) Plastic
limit / c) Shrinkage limit/Field density of soil by core cutter / Standard Proctor
Compaction Test on soil.
i. Procedure with tabular columns - 10 marks
ii. Conduction of experiment - 15 marks
iii. Result and Conclusion - 10 marks
1 OR 35
b. Compression test on bricks and Dimensionality tolerance test / Free swell Index of
Black cotton soil / Construction of English bond masonry /Flemish bond
masonry/Construct block masonry wall using suitable infills
i. Procedure with tabular columns and check lists if any - 10 marks
ii. Conduction of experiment - 15 marks
iii. Result and Conclusion - 10 marks

a. Draw 3D elevation of scaffolding using BIM software like AutoCAD / Revit / Sketch
up/ 3D max.
2 Prepare a checklist (before, after and during) and process manual for repair work. 25
b. Investigate the problem using NDT, analyse and adopt a suitable method of repair.
Prepare a checklist & process manual for repair work.

Prepare process manual and checklists for any TWO of the following construction
a. Earthwork Excavation
b. Foundation / Footing and column
c. SSM
3 d. BBM 20
e. Formwork
f. Roof construction
g. Truss Installation
h. Cement plastering
i. Gypsum/ POP plastering
j. Waterproofing and joint filler
k. Flooring
l. Wall cladding

Viva-Voce 20

Total Marks 100

Note for the External Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 1a and 1b shall be done by the external examiner.
2. The choice between the questions 2a and 2b shall be done by the external examiner.

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. Particulars Specification Quantity


considering on the field using centre
building bye line marking method.

1.Create 3-D
model of 1.Execute the building
residential drawing (Plan, Elevation
buildings and section) using CADD
Draw the following views for Residential using software for residential
buildings software’s building
1,4, 1. Plan
5 2 like
7 2. Elevation ARCHICAD, 2.Preparation of Footing
3. Section REVIT layout and Centre line/
ARCHITECT grid line marking of
URE, residential building on
SKETCH UP, the field

1.Create 3-D
1.Execute the building
model of
drawing (Plan, Elevation
and section) using CADD
Draw the following views for Commercial software for commercial
Buildings building.
1,4, 1. Plan
6 2 like
7 2. Elevation 2.Preparation of Footing
3. Section layout and Centre line/
grid line marking of
commercial building on
the field.

1.Create 3-D
model of 1. Execute the building
industrial drawing (Plan, Elevation
buildings and section) using CADD
Draw the following views for Industrial using software for industrial
Building having pitched roof. software’s building
1,4, 1. Plan
7 2 like
7 2. Elevation ARCHICAD, 2.Preparation of Footing
3. Section REVIT layout and Centre line/
ARCHITECT grid line of industrial
URE, building on the field

1. Introduction to plumbing: 1.Conduct

Pipe Materials used in building construction 1. Signs, Symbols and
works for water supply work - Plastic Pipes, conventions of Water
analysis on
High Density Polyethylene Pipes, Densified cast supply fittings and
iron pipes, GI pipes, Stoneware pipes, Asbestos fixtures used for
1,4, supply
8 3 Cement pipes, and Concrete pipes, Hot water building service
7 fittings,
pipes with insulation. fixtures,
2. Demonstrate the
2.Water supply fittings, their description and tools and
water supply fittings,
uses, water main, service pipes, supply pipe, equipment
distribution pipe, domestic storage tank, stop and prepare fixtures, accessories,
cock, ferrule, gooseneck, water tap, aerators, report. tools and equipment.
water meter.

3. Merits and Demerits. Connections from water

main to buildings. Factors affecting the
suitability of plumbing material and accessories
for Water supply work, Water pressure test for
leakage during installation of pipes.

1. Importance of Sanitary work for building.

Different types of Sanitary pipes and pipe
1.Signs, symbols and
materials used in building construction works 1.Conduct
conventions of Sanitary
for drainage and waste disposal. Market
fittings and fixtures in
analysis on
building service
2. Sanitary Fittings- Water Closets, Flushing Sanitary
Cisterns, Urinals, Inspection Chambers, Traps, fittings,
9 3 Anti-syphonage. Connections from building to fixtures,
sewer main. accessories,
tools and
2.Demonstrate the
3. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of equipment
Sanitary fittings,
sanitary line in building. Factors affecting the and present
fixtures, accessories,
suitability of sanitary material and accessories a report.
tools and equipment.
for Sanitary work.

1.Wiring accessories: SP (single pole switch),

DP (double pole switch), ICDP (Iron Clad 1.Conduct
Double Pole main switch), ICTP (Iron Clad Market
Triple Pole switch), change over switch, analysis on
modular switches, 2 pin socket ,3 pin socket, 2 Electrical
pin plug top, 3 pin plug top, ceiling rose, round wiring,
block, switch boards, switch plates, modular fittings, 1. Signs, symbols and
fixtures, conventions of Electrical
switch enclosures, blank insert gang box,
accessories, wiring, fittings and
junction box, fan box. tools and fixtures in building
equipment service drawing.
1 1,4, 2. Safety devices: Types of fuse units and
3,4 and present
0 7 Materials for fuse wire, Glass cartridge fuse, a report. 2.Conduct field visit to
types of HRC fuse, Kit kat fuse. Types of MCB, study plumbing and
MCCB, RCCB, ELCB Types of Earthing- Pipe 2.Study on electrical installations in
earthing, Plate earthing, Lightning arrestors. energy ongoing building
saving using constructions.
3.Types of wiring systems and their Solar Panel
applications: Surface conduit, concealed installations
conduit, PVC casing capping. Types of wires, with
cables used for different current and voltage accessories
rating, Connection from Electric source to in buildings.
building based on electricity load.

Building Basic Services 1.Prepare 1&2.

1. Preparation of water supply Layout for basic Prepare basic service
1 1,4,
3,4 residential building. service layouts like Water
1 7
2. Preparation of Sanitary Layout for layouts like supply, Sanitary,
residential building. Water Electrical layouts for
3. Preparation of Electrical Layout for supply, residential building
residential building. Sanitary, using AUTOCAD with
Electrical layers.
layout for
your college
using any

1 Fire classifications, Importance of providing 1.Conduct

Fire fighting system and fire safety Field visit
requirements in Commercial and Industrial and study 1&2
Building. the Prepare basic service
firefighting layouts like Water
2.Components of the fire fighting system and system supply, Sanitary,
1 1,4,
3,4 its applications in Commercial and Industrial installations Electrical and Fire
2 7
Building. , fire safety fighting system layouts
measures for Multi-storeyed
3. Location of fire fighting system, installations and building using
and Code of Practice for fire safety in different demonstrat AUTOCAD using layers.
typologies of Buildings. Fire ratings. e.

1. Importance of conservation of rain water by 1.Prepare

Rain water harvesting unit in buildings. Rain water
Components of the rainwater harvesting harvesting 1. Prepare rainwater
system. unit layout harvesting unit layout
for your for residential building
2.Methods of Rainwater harvesting, Benefits of college drawings in CADD
1 1,4,
3,4 rainwater harvesting unit in buildings building 2. Execute septic tank
3 7
using any with soak pit and
3. Purpose of using Soak pit with Septic tank Application manhole drawings for
and Manhole and its sizing based on the software building drawings in
requirement for different typologies of and CADD
building. demonstrat

Total in
39 13 52
NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits.
NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test


Course Code 20CE34P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students

No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description

1 Building Planning and Drawing- S.S. Bhavikatti, M.V. Chitawadagi, I. K International Publishing
House Pvt.Ltd

2 Civil Engineering Drawing and design – D.N. Ghose (CBS Publishers)

3 A textbook of Draughtsman Civil (Theory and Practical) – R.S. Mallik and G.S. Meo(Asian
publishers, New Delhi)

4 CAD in Civil Engineering a Laboratory Referral- Dr M.A. Jayaram, D.S.Rajendra Prasad, Sapna
Book House

5 Making a simple floor plan using AUTOCAD


8. a. CIE Skill Test 1 - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

1 10

2 Skill of using CADD commands


3 Preparation of 2D Building drawings (Residential/ commercial/industrial) using CADD

Plan - 20 marks
Elevation - 10 marks 50
Section - 20 marks

4 Dimensioning and Detailing of the given drawing


5 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2 - SEE Scheme of Evaluation
SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

1 10

2 Skill of using CADD commands


3 a) Preparation of service layout for the 2D building PLAN - 20 marks

b) (i) Water supply layout - 15 marks

(ii) Sanitary layout - 15 marks
c) (i) Electrical layout - 15 marks
(ii)Fire fighting layout - 15 marks

4 Dimensioning and Detailing of the drawing -10 20

Tabulation of Symbols and sign conventions-10

5 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 3b and 3c shall be done by the examiner.

8. c. SEE - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks


1 Preparation of 2D Building drawings (Residential/ commercial/industrial) using CADD

and Dimensioning and Detailing of the given drawing (Single line diagram).
Plan - 20 marks
Elevation - 10 marks
Section - 20 marks

2 a) Preparation of service layout for the 2D building PLAN drawn in SI.NO. 1

b) (i) Water supply layout - 15 marks

(ii) Sanitary layout - 15 marks

c) (i) Electrical layout - 15 marks



Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Civil Engineering Semester Fourth Semester

Course Code 20CE41P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Concrete Technology Contact Hours
104 hours/semester

L: T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6

CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: Diploma holders in Civil Engineering are supposed to supervise concreting operations
involving proportioning, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting, finishing and curing of concrete. To
perform above functions, it is essential to impart knowledge and skills regarding ingredients of concrete and
their properties; properties of concrete in fresh and hardened stage, water cement ratio and workability;
proportioning for ordinary concrete; concreting operations and joints in concrete.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: At the end of this course students will be able to
CO-01 Identify the ingredients of concrete, test the properties and study the behaviour of concrete
ingredients to ensure it can be used for the given construction activity

CO-02 Design concrete mix proportions for required compressive strength and perform appropriate
concrete operation procedures under a given exposure condition.

CO-03 Identify the types of admixtures based on its properties, behaviour and determine the type of
admixtures to be used in concrete for a given construction activity.

CO-04 Differentiate between special concrete and conventional concrete with regards to composition,
its applications and sustainability along with advantages and disadvantages of both.

3. Course Content

CO PO Practice
k Lecture Tutorial (Activity (Performance
(Knowledge Criteria) Criteria) Criteria)


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in
a week)

1. a. Fineness test on
Cement- sieve
Cement – Chemical composition,
analysis by Blaine’s
grades of cement, Tests on cement-
1 air permeability test.
fineness, normal consistency, specific
1.b. Normal
gravity on cement. 1.Conduct field test Consistency test on
on cement. cement.

1 1 1,4 Setting time, Soundness and 2. Conduct market

compressive strength of cement cube. analysis on price,
grades and brand of
Storing Cement: - (a) Storing of cement. 2. a. Initial setting
cement in the warehouse. (b) Storing time & final setting
of cement at site. (c) Effect of storage time test.
on strength of cement. 2.b. Specific gravity
Water -Quality of mixing water, test on cement.
Limits on the impurities as per ISI.

Fine aggregate – specific gravity, 1. Test on

1 1.Conduct water
density, moisture content. Compressive strength
absorption test on
of cement cube
2 1
Bulking, sieve analysis, grading of fine properties of
aggregate, deleterious materials. Manufactured sand
with Natural River
Emerging trends in fine aggregate Sand 2. Fineness modulus,
1, 3 manufactured sand, P-sand, Filtered Specific gravity of fine
4 sand aggregate

Coarse aggregate - Importance of size, 1. Bulking of Fine

1 shape and texture, grading of coarse Aggregate-River sand,
aggregates. M-Sand, P-Sand.

Sieve analysis, specific gravity,

1. Study on
3 1 2 flakiness and elongation index of
Recycled coarse
coarse aggregate.
aggregate and
Moisture test, Impact test and prepare a report. 2. Fineness modulus,
3 abrasion test of coarse aggregate Specific gravity of
4 Storing of coarse aggregate at site. coarse aggregate.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.Study the
Concrete, Behaviour of concrete- advantages and
1 Hydration of cement, Bogue’s uses of concrete in 1. Flakiness Index,
compounds. comparison to Elongation Index of
other building coarse aggregate.
Gel/space ratio, Water requirement
4 2 2
for hydration, Water Cement Ratio. 2.Video
demonstration on 2. Absorption test
Hydration of and surface moisture
Effect of various W/C ratios on the cement and test on fine aggregate
3 physical structure of hydrated hydration process, and coarse
cement. Physical structure aggregates.
1 of hydrated cement

1. Slump Test on
Internal moisture, temperature, age,
1 concrete for the
and size of specimen, cube strength.
nominal mix.

1. Prepare
Workability – Factors affecting
Comparison report
workability, measurement of
5 2 2 on different grades
workability, Segregation and
of concrete based
bleeding. 2. Compaction factor
on workability.
Strength-a) Characteristic strength, test for the nominal
(b) Durability, (c) Permeability mix.
3 Factors affecting strength, w/c ratio,
maturity, effect of aggregate
1,4 properties.

Compressive strength, split tensile

1 strength, bond strength, modulus of 1. Compressive
rupture. strength test on
Modulus of elasticity, Poisson ratio, concrete - cube
the relationship between these strength.
2 1. Study and
parameters. Aggregate-cement bond
demonstrate Pull
6 2 strength.
out test on
concrete. 2. Non-destructive
Shrinkage – plastic shrinkage and test on concrete.
drying shrinkage, factors affecting a) Ultrasonic Pulse
shrinkage. Velocity test.
1, b) Rebound Hammer
4 test.

1, Creep –Factors affecting creep, effects 1. Site

7 2 1
4 due to the creep of concrete, Visit/Demonstration-


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

measurement of creep, Permeability Evaluation of
in concrete. Compressive strength
by core cutter test.

Factors contributing to cracks in

2 concrete – Settlement cracks, Thermal
expansion, and structural design 1. List the remedies
deficiencies. for cracks in
Concrete in Aggressive Environment:
Alkali – Aggregate Reaction, Sulphate 2. Demonstration-
Attack, Chloride Attack, Acid Attack, Permeability test on
3 Effect of Sea Water, Carbonation, concrete.
special coating for Waterproofing,
Freezing and thawing.

(a) Batching of cement
(b) Batching of aggregate: Batching by
1 volume, using gauge box, selection of
proper gauge box, Batching by weight-
spring balances and by batching 1. Concrete Mix
machines. 1.IS Codal Design as per IS
(c) Measurement of water. provisions for mix Codes.
design of concrete.
8 2 (a) Hand mixing
(b)Machine mixing-types of mixers,
2 capacities of mixers, choosing 2. Importance of
appropriate size of mixers, operation bulking of sand in
of mixers, mixing of water. Volume batching
(c)Maintenance and care of machines.

Transportation with the use of the 2. Preparation of
following- pans, wheelbarrows, gauge box
transit mixers, chutes, belt conveyors, Demonstration on
pumps, tower cranes. Hand mixing and
1,4 machine mixing.

Ready Mix concrete

Manufacturing of ready-mix concrete,
Quality inspection of Ready-Mix 1. Visit the 1. Demonstration on
9 2 1
Concrete in site. construction site volume batching in
1, Precautions and care before, during and study the site and Weigh
4 and after concreting Using RMC concrete operations batching in


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

like batching, RMC(semi-automated
Compaction: mixing, and fully automated)
(a) Hand compaction transportation,
(b) Machine compaction-types of compaction,
vibrators-internal and external finishing and curing
2 of concrete and
Method of handling machine vibrators prepare a report.
and its suitability for various

2. Prepare the trail

Finishing-screeding, floating, and mix for the mix design
towelling and conduct test in
Curing: - Object of curing, Method of fresh state (slump
curing - conventional and advanced and compaction
methods. factor test) and
Recommended duration for curing hardened state
(Succeeding week)

Mineral admixture- Fly Ash, its 1. Prepare mix design

1 Composition, properties, uses and and Conduct Slump
advantages test and compaction
factor test on fresh
GGBS-its Composition, properties, 1. Study on Natural concrete with mineral
1 uses and advantages fibres and artificial admixtures
0 fibres and prepare
a report 2. Compressive
strength test on
Silica fume- its Composition,
3 hardened concrete
properties, uses and advantages
1, with mineral
4,5 admixture

Chemical Admixture-Plasticizers,
1 Super plasticizers- its Composition,
properties, uses and advantages.
1. Conduct market
Accelerators and Retarders- its
analysis on 1 & 2 Site visit to
1 2 Composition, properties, uses and
3 chemical study the
1 advantages.
admixtures and methodology of
Air Entraining and Integral compare. concrete Pumping to
Waterproofing compounds- its upper floors in
1,4 Composition, properties, uses and construction site.
,5 advantages.

High strength concrete, High 1 & 2: Prepare mix

1. Compare the
1 performance Concrete-Ingredients design and conduct
3,4 1 special concrete
2 1,4 and preparation, advantages and Slump flow test, V
with conventional
,5 application. Funnel Test, L Box


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

concrete and Test, U Box Test to
prepare report determine
workability of Self
Pervious concrete, high density Compacted concrete.
concrete. -Ingredients and
2 preparation, advantages and

Self-compacting concrete-Ingredients
and preparation, advantages and

Fibre reinforced concrete. -

Ingredients and preparation,
advantages and application

Geopolymer concrete - Ingredients Study on Reactive

1 and preparation, advantages and powder Concrete,
3,4 2
3 application Roller Concrete,
Epoxy concrete

Lightweight concrete-Ingredients and

preparation, advantages and 1 & 2 Compressive
4, application strength test on
5 special concrete

Total in
hours 39 13 52

NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits
NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Concrete Technology Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE41P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitiv Course Marks

e Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional
questions in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students

No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:

Sl. Description

1 Concrete technology- MS Shetty , Chand S and Co.

2 Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

3 Concrete Technology - Theory & Practice - R.S. Varshney

4 Relevant BIS codes

8. a. CIE Skill Test 1 - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

1 10

2 a. Fineness test on Cement- sieve analysis by Blaine’s air permeability test / 40

Normal Consistency test / Initial setting time test on cement


b. Fineness modulus / Specific gravity/ Bulking of Fine aggregate (River sand / M-

Sand / P-Sand)/ Absorption test and surface moisture test on fine aggregates


c. Fineness modulus / Specific gravity/ Flakiness Index, Elongation Index test/

Absorption test and surface moisture test on coarse aggregate

Procedure-10 marks
Tabular column/observation-10 marks
Conduction of Experiment-10 marks
calculation and Results-10 marks

3 a. Slump test on conventional concrete for nominal mix



Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

b. Compaction factor test on conventional concrete for nominal mix 40

Procedure-10 marks
Tabular column/observation-10 marks
Conduction of Experiment-10 marks
calculation and Results-10 marks

4 Viva 10

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:

1. The choice among the questions 2a,2b and 2c shall be done by the examiner.
2. The choice between the questions 3a and 3b shall be done by the examiner.

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2 - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

1 10

2 Concrete Mix Design as per IS Codes for the given data 30

3 a. Slump test / Compaction factor test on concrete with mineral admixtures for trail 50


b. Prepare Concrete Mix design for self-compacting concrete as per IS Codes for the
given data

Conduct test to determine workability of Self Compacting concrete: Slump test/ V

Funnel Test / L Box Test / U Box Test for trail mix

Procedure-10 marks
Tabular column/observation-10 marks
Conduction of Experiment-20 marks
calculation and Results-10 marks

4 Viva- voce 10

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1. The choice between the questions 3a and 3b shall be done by the examiner.

8. c. SEE - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 a. Fineness test on Cement- sieve analysis by Blaine’s air permeability test / 40

Normal Consistency test / Initial setting time test on cement


b. Fineness modulus / Specific gravity/ Bulking of Fine aggregate (River sand / M-

Sand / P-Sand)/ Absorption test and surface moisture test on fine aggregates


c. Fineness modulus / Specific gravity/ Flakiness Index, Elongation Index test/

Absorption test and surface moisture test on coarse aggregate

Procedure-10 marks
Tabular column/observation-10 marks
Conduction of Experiment-10 marks
Calculation and Results-10 marks

2 a. Prepare Concrete Mix design and conduct Slump test / Compaction factor test on 40
concrete with mineral admixtures for trail mix


b. Prepare Concrete Mix design for self-compacting concrete as per IS Codes for the
given data

Conduct test to determine workability of Self Compacting concrete: Slump test/ V

Funnel Test / L Box Test / U Box Test for trail mix

Mix design -20 marks

Conduction of Experiment-10 marks

Calculation and Results-10 marks

5 Viva- voce 20

Total Marks 100

Note for the External Examiner:

1. The choice among the questions 1a,1b and 1c shall be done by the external examiner.
1. The choice between the questions 2a and 2b shall be done by the external examiner.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Blaine’s air permeability test apparatus 10

2 Sieve analysis apparatus for Cement 10

3 Vicat Apparatus 10

4 Pycnometer 10

5 Density bottle 10

6 UTM 1

7 CTM 1

8 Slump test apparatus 5

9 Flakiness index apparatus 10

10 Elongation index apparatus 10

11 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 10

12 Sieve analysis for Coarse aggregate 10

13 UPV apparatus 1

14 Digital Rebound Hammer 2

15 Core cutter apparatus 1

16 Compaction factor test apparatus 4


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Civil Engineering Semester Fourth Semester

Course Code 20CE42P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Building Estimation & Valuation Contact Hours
104 hours/semester

L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6

CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: The procedure of calculating the measures as per the working drawings and cost of various
construction items is called an Estimate. Before initiating the construction works, the contractor/ owner
should have thorough knowledge of the amount of work which is to be done and it’s costing. For this purpose,
it is very essential to have an estimated quantity of work and the total amount it is going to cost. Estimation
helps us in knowing the quantity of work, labour, materials and funds that will be required for the entire
project thus enabling us to be prepared beforehand. Valuation is the technique of estimation or determining
the fair price or value of property such as land, a building, a factory, other engineering structures of various
types, etc. Valuation of building or property is the method of calculating the present marketable cost of a
building. Valuation of a building depends on the sort of building, its structure, durability, location, size, shape,
and the width of roads, frontage, types and quality of building materials used and the cost of these materials.
It is expected the students should know the basics of the same to apply it in the field. Through this course
students will develop the desired skills and competencies which are expected from them for Estimation and
valuation related works.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: At the end of the semester student will be able to:

Study the importance of estimation and detailed specifications for the various items required
for construction of different types of structures.

CO-02 Analyse the rates and study factors affecting the rates for all works by applying standard rates
for a given construction project.

CO-03 Prepare Bill of materials, Bill of Quantities and valuation report for a given construction project.

CO-04 Prepare contract documents for a given construction project with Negotiation and project
financing skills


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
W (Activity
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
e Criteria)
4 hours/week(2 hours/batch
k 3 hours/week 1 hour/week
twice in a week)

Types of estimates. Roles and
detailed report Earthwork in excavation
responsibility of estimator, Different
on for foundation, Cement
items of works, unit of measurement and
Specifications concrete in foundation,
units of payment of different items of
of different Brick masonry, R.C.C Work,
work, Bill of Quantities
items of work Plastering in Cement
and study the mortar, pointing with
importance of cement mortar, Cement
importance and Procedure for rate
1,2 specification in concrete flooring, Granite /
analysis, rates of different construction
1 1,2 ,4, Bill of Vitrified / Marble flooring
materials, Categories of labours and their
7 Quantities
skills, number of labours and daily wages
2. Centering and shuttering
for different items of work,
2. Analyse the works, Distempering,
rates for Exterior painting (Cement),
3.Load carrying capacity of different
reusable Woodwork for windows
types of vehicles, transportation of
materials in and doors, Painting
materials and their hiring charges., GST
different woodwork and steel,
charges, lead, lift, overhead charges,
construction Glazing works for building,
water charges and contractor’s profit.
activities waterproofing systems
factors affecting rate analysis

Method of Analysis of rates for the 1. Conduct

following items of works market
1. a) Earthwork excavation and filling analysis on the
b) Cement concrete bed in foundation present rate of
c) Size stone masonry in Cement materials, Daily
mortar for substructure wages of
2. a) Brick masonry in C.M for number of
1,2 1 &2. Collect the present
superstructure labours,
2 2 ,4, detailed Schedule of Rates
b) Hollow concrete block masonry in transportation
7 and execute rate analysis in
Cement Mortar charges, hire
spreadsheet (For the
c) Solid concrete blocks masonry in charges for
lecture content for week 2)
Cement mortar for superstructure tools and
3. a) Pointing with cement mortar for different
b) Plastering with cement mortar items of work
c) Waterproofing - Terrace, and Compare
bathrooms and toilets. with the


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Schedule of

Method of Analysis of rates for the

following items of works
1. a) CC Flooring, Granite / Vitrified / 1.Prepare the
Marble flooring rate analysis
b) Painting of wall surface for different 1 &2. Collect the present
c) Painting of old and new wood work items of work detailed Schedule of Rates
by changing and execute rate analysis in
3 ,4,
2. a) Painting of Steel work cost of spreadsheet (For the
b) Panelled and glazed doors materials and lecture content for week 3)
3.a) Panelled and glazed windows percentage and
b) R.C.C roof slab compare
c) Corrugated galvanized iron sheet

1. Execute the detailed and

1.Introduction to methods of estimation:
1. Extract abstract estimate using
long wall short wall method and centre
measurements long wall short wall
line method of estimation, Standard
from existing method using spreadsheet
Format for measurement sheet, Rules for
AUTOCAD for One room building-
deduction of doors, windows and
drawing file Ground floor with flat RCC
opening in Masonry work, Plastering and
1,2 2.Compare roof (Long wall short wall
Painting work
4 3 ,4, between long method)
7 2. One room building- Ground floor with wall short wall 2. Execute the detailed and
flat RCC roof (Long wall short wall method and abstract estimate using
method) centre line long wall short wall
method of method using spreadsheet
3. Two room building- Ground floor with estimation for Two room building-
pitched roof (Centre line method) Ground floor with pitched
roof (Centre line method)

Explain the methodology of Quantity 1. Execute the detailed and

1. Prepare the
estimation of the following. abstract estimate using
BOQ for the
1. Detailed and abstract estimate of long wall short wall
buildings using long wall short wall method using spreadsheet
Method - 1BHK Residential building - for 1 BHK Residential
drawing from
Ground floor with Pitched roof with load building - Ground floor
real time
1,2 bearing wall. with Pitched roof with load
5 3 ,4, bearing wall.
7 2. Detailed and abstract estimate of
construction 2. Execute the detailed and
buildings using long wall short wall
projects) using abstract estimate using
Method -2BHK Residential building -
Spreadsheet long wall short wall
Ground floor with flat RCC roof having
2. Extract method using spreadsheet
semi-circular/ Hexagonal room walls
measurements for 2BHK Residential
(load bearing walls).
from existing building - Ground floor


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Detailed and abstract estimate of AUTOCAD with flat RCC roof for with
buildings using long wall short wall drawing file. portico / canopy having
Method -2BHK Residential building - semi-circular/ Hexagonal
Ground floor with flat RCC roof with room walls
portico / canopy.

1.Prepare the
BOQ for the 1. Execute the detailed and
Explain the methodology of Quantity Commercial abstract estimate using
estimation of the following. building long wall short wall
1.Detailed and abstract estimate of drawing from method in using
buildings using long wall short wall real time spreadsheet for School
Method for Commercial building – projects building – Ground floor
Ground floor with flat RCC roof involving (ongoing with flat RCC roof
Aluminium Composite panels for facing construction
6 3 ,4, 2. Execute the detailed and
projects) using
7 abstract estimate using
2 & 3: Detailed and abstract estimate of Spreadsheet
long wall short wall
buildings using long wall short wall method using spreadsheet
Method 2. Extract
for Industrial building –
Industrial building – (Ground floor +1) measurements
(Ground floor +1) with flat
with flat RCC roof and framed structure from existing
RCC roof and framed
drawing file

Explain the methodology of Quantity 1. Prepare the

estimation of the following. BOQ for the 1. Execute the detailed and
1. Detailed and abstract estimate of Industrial abstract estimate using the
buildings using Centre Line Method - building Centre Line method using
1BHK Residential building - Ground floor drawing from spreadsheet for 1 BHK
with Pitched roof with load bearing wall. real time Residential building -
projects Ground floor with Pitched
2.Detailed and abstract estimate of (ongoing roof with load bearing wall.
1,2 buildings using Centre Line Method - construction
7 3 ,4, 2BHK Residential building - Ground floor projects) using 2. Execute the detailed and
7 with flat RCC roof having semi-circular/ Spreadsheet abstract estimate using
Hexagonal room walls (load bearing Centre Line Method in
walls) 2. Extract using spreadsheet for
measurements 2BHK Residential building -
3. Detailed and abstract estimate of from existing Ground floor with flat RCC
buildings using Centre Line Method - AUTOCAD roof with portico / canopy
2BHK Residential building - Ground floor drawing file having semi-circular/
with flat RCC roof with portico / canopy Hexagonal room walls

1.Prepare 1. Execute the detailed and

Explain the methodology of Quantity comparison abstract estimate using
8 3 ,4,
estimation of the following. statement with centre line method using
BOQ of spreadsheet for School


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.DETAILED AND ABSTRACT ESTIMATE residential, building – Ground floor
OF BUILDINGS USING Centre line commercial with flat RCC roof
Method and industrial
Commercial building – Ground floor with buildings 2. Execute the detailed and
flat RCC roof involving structural glazing abstract estimate using
for facing 2. Study on centre line method using
application of spreadsheet for Industrial
2 & 3: DETAILED AND ABSTRACT various building – (Ground floor
ESTIMATE OF BUILDINGS USING Centre softwares used +1) with flat RCC roof and
Line Method for estimation framed structure
Industrial building – (Ground floor +1) and
with flat RCC roof and framed structure demonstrate

analysis and 1. Execute the detailed and
prepare the abstract estimate using
rate analysis spreadsheet for Plumbing
Prepare the Bill of materials for the for plumbing, layout (Water supply and
following in residential building electrical and sanitary fittings ) for
1. Water supply fittings and fixtures firefighting residential building
9 3 ,4,
2. Sanitary Fittings and fixtures fixtures and
7 2. Execute the detailed and
3. Electrical Fittings and fixtures fittings work
and fire fighting system abstract estimate using
2.Extract spreadsheet for Electrical
measurements and fire fighting fittings
from existing for residential building
drawing file

Prepare the Bill

of materials,
detailed and
abstract 1. Execute the detailed and
estimate for abstract estimate using
the following in spreadsheet for Plumbing
Industrial layout (Water supply and
Prepare the Bill of materials for the
building sanitary fittings) for
following in Commercial building
1,2 1. Water commercial building
1 1. Water supply fittings and fixtures
3 ,4, supply fittings
0 2. Sanitary Fittings and fixtures
7 and fixtures 2. Execute the detailed and
3. Electrical Fittings and fixtures
2. Sanitar abstract estimate using
and fire fighting system
y Fittings and spreadsheet for Electrical
fixtures and firefighting fittings for
3. Electric commercial building
al Fittings and
fixtures and
fire fighting


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1. Execute the detailed and
abstract estimate using
1.Prepare Bill spreadsheet for) for septic
of materials, tank with soak pit and
Prepare the Bill of materials for the detailed and manhole
1,2 following for a residential building abstract
1 1. Septic tank with soak pit
3 ,4, estimate for
1 2. Manhole 2. Execute the detailed and
7 rainwater
3. Rain water harvesting unit harvesting unit abstract estimate using
in college spreadsheet for Rain water
campus harvesting unit for a
residential building

1. Quotation preparation, Importance of

Specification, rate analysis and quantity
estimation in preparation of quotation,
Negotiation with stakeholder in terms of
estimation, Factors affecting negotiation
1. Conduct a
Detailed study 1. Preparation of complete
2. Project Financing: Factors affecting
about report having survey
project financing, different types of loans
1,2 Negotiation drawings, working
1 for project , Loan agreement and
4 ,4, and Project drawings, BOQ, detailed
2 Agreement with the stakeholder,
7 financing for an and abstract estimate,
Documents to be produced to
ongoing project payment schedule and
stakeholder and loan approval,
and prepare a work order for project
Repayment of loan
3.Work order, Payment Schedule:
Advance payment, payment according to
area of work, payment according to floor
wise work, Retention details

1.Necessity of valuation, Important
1.Execute the calculations
terms used in valuation, Scrap value,
of sinking fund and
Salvage value, Market value, Book value 1. Study factors
valuation of building using
and sinking fund. for real time
1,2 depreciation method using
1 valuation of
5 ,4, spreadsheet
3 2. Depreciation, Classification of building / land
buildings based on the life of a building and prepare
2. Execute the calculation
and depreciation. report
of rent fixation using
3. Methods of valuation & Fixation of

Total in hours 39 13 52

NOTE 1: NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Estimation & Valuation Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE42P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students

No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:

Sl. No. Description

1 Dutta B N, “Estimation and costing in civil engineering theory and practice”, 27 edition, UBS
Publishers Distributors (P) Ltd New Delhi.
Chakra borty M, “Estimating, costing and specifications in Civil Engineering”-2006.

2 D.D.Kohli Ar.R.C.Kohli, “Estimating and Costing(CIVIL)”2013 edition, S.CHAND Publications

3 IS: 1200 Part 1 to 28, Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works.

4 Rangwala S C,“Valuation of Real properties”Charotar Publishing House -2008.

5 Full building estimation in spreadsheet


8. a. CIE Skill Test 1- Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

report) 10

2 Prepare rate analysis using present rates in spreadsheet for the given item of work 20


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3 Prepare the Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given Residential building 30
drawing – For any FIVE given items of works using long wall short wall method.

4 Prepare the Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given Commercial / Industrial 30
building drawing – For any FIVE given items of works using long wall short wall

5 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2- Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

report) 10

2 Prepare the Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given Residential/ Commercial / 20
Industrial building drawing – For any FIVE given items of works using Centre line

3 Prepare the Bill of materials and Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given 30
Residential/ Commercial service layout drawing – (Water supply / Sanitary
Electrical / Firefighting layout)

Bill of materials - 10 marks

Bill of Quantities - 20 marks

4 Prepare the Bill of materials and Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given 30
drawing – (Septic tank with soak pit / Manhole / Rain water harvesting unit)

Bill of materials - 10 marks

Bill of Quantities - 20 marks

5 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

8. c. SEE Scheme of Evaluation
SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Prepare rate analysis using present rates in spreadsheet for the given item of work 10

2 Prepare the Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given Residential/ Commercial / 30
Industrial building drawing – For any FIVE given items of works using Centre line /
Long wall short wall method.

3 Prepare the Bill of materials and Bill of Quantities in spreadsheet for the given 30
Residential/ Commercial service layout drawing –

a. Water supply / Sanitary Electrical / Firefighting layout


b. Septic tank with soak pit / Manhole / Rain water harvesting unit

Bill of materials - 10 marks

Bill of Quantities - 20 marks

4 Execute the valuation of building / valuation of land / rent fixation in spreadsheet 10

for the given data.

5 Viva-Voce 20

Total Marks 100

Note for the External Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 3a and 3b shall be done by the external examiner.

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computers with Latest Configuration 8 GB RAM, 512GB HARD 1/STUDENT

DRIVE, i5 and above 2.5

2 licensed MS OFFICE Latest version 1/COMPUTER

3 Power Backup BATTERY + INVERTER 1


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Civil Engineering Semester Fourth Semester

Course Code 20CE43P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Site Management Contact Hours
104 hours/semester

L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6

CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: Site management is a key element of the integrated project team. Site management is beneficial
to society as the effective and efficient management of construction projects which will avoid escalation of
costs, time overrun, wastage of resources, unlawful exploitation of labour and pollution of environment and
safety precautions. Site management makes sure that the various tasks are conducted smoothly. Without site
management, workers might not be authorized to work on their appointed tasks on time, equipment might
not be distributed etc. It is expected that the students should know the basics of the same to apply it in the
field. Through this course students will develop the desired skills and competencies which are expected from
them for site management related works

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: At the end of the semester, students will be able to

CO-01 Prepare a construction site plan on a project-specific basis to include phasing, temporary utilities
and facilities, vertical and lateral transportation, storage facilities, security, safety, lighting, and
environmental requirements.

CO-02 Manage staffing requirements including hiring, replacement and clearly articulate the roles of
each individual recruited to operate while managing specific activities of construction at a given
project site.

CO-03 Collect data and perform calculations periodically to enable an estimator to propose alternative
construction methods, the right labour mix, equipment utilization and quality of construction for
a given construction project.

CO-04 Implement an effective communication system, rigorous record keeping, safe keeping on site of
product samples, project submittals, drawings etc and ensure compliance with safety norms as
per OHSAS standards.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Course Content
Lecture Tutorial (Activity
(Knowledge Criteria) Criteria)
We Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a


1. Concept of Key Plan & Job plan. Plan, Job Layout using
Mobilization of construction sites. BIM tool like
1.Study and
prepare a report
2. Role of the owner, contractor & up/AutoCAD.
on Mobilization
1 01 1,6 designer. Organization chart for private
work and job
& government bodies. 2. Presentation on work
layout for different
breakdown structure &
types of buildings.
3.Work Breakdown Structure, Turnkey organization structure.

1. Collect local body by

1. Preparation of a layout plan for a law & prepare a layout
residential area showing LIG, MIG and plan for LIG, MIG & HIG
HIG houses and other amenities. of small residential area
using AutoCAD/Sketch
2. Preparation of a layout plan for an 1. Collect a case up/Revit
01, 1,3,
2 industrial area. study on bidding
02 6
and prepare a 2. Collect local bodies
3. Concept of Bidding, Bid report. by law & prepare a
Terminologies, Bid Template, Bid form. layout plan for
industrial areas using

1.CONTRACT & TENDERING: -Types of 1. Procedure for

contracts, contract agreement, 1. Study on Project uploading a tender in e-
Tender- Pre tender & Post tender Feasibility. BOT, procurement.
planning. BOOT, PPP. and
1,2, prepare a report
3 02 2. Prepare & present
2. Procedure for inviting tender- Tender process of tender/E-
Notice & Tender documents, E-tendering tender.
process, E-procurement system.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Acceptance of contract documents and
issue of work orders, duties and
liabilities, completion certificate, right of
contractor, refund of deposit.

1. Prepare comparative
statements of tender
and checklist for
applying & selecting
1. EMD, Security deposit & Guaranties, Tender.
Scrutiny of Tenders
2. Tender forms, comparative 1. Prepare & 2. Prepare
4 02 statements, administrative approval, present tender administrative approval
technical sanction documents & Technical approval
3.Conditions for failure of contract and report of any
its extension, Termination of contract public/resident/industr
ial building.

1. Nominal muster roll, measurement 1. Collect & study

book, method of recording bills. measurement books of
any residential building,
2. Pre-Measurements, check industrial building &
1. Site visit & data
measurements, preparation of bills public building.
1,2, (Concept of RA bill- submission, scrutiny 2. Collect & study Cash
5 03 2. Prepare &
6,7 and payment.) Book, RA bill & Ledger
present procedure
of DPR.
3.Ledger accounts, Imprest Account,
Cashbook, Suspense classification, Term
DPR (daily productivity report),
importance of DPR

1.snagging checklist
1. STORES-Classification of Stores.
(Snagging1-upto door &
Issues, Indents & Bin cards -
window clearance
maintenance inspection, inventories.
1. Site visit & data Snagging2-upto paint
collection. clearance
03, 2. Work procedures adopted in P.W.D,
6 1,6 2.Prepare drawing Snagging3-Joint/grout
04 KUWSSB, Irrigation, ZP, CMC and
register, site filling clearances
order, bin card Snagging4-handover
3. Site Order book, Hindrance Register,
2. Prepare working
Drawing Register.
procedure of


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Project clearance procedure: Term government
Snagging, stages of snagging. Tools used organization &
for snagging. responsibilities of

1.Prepare schedule for

1. Introduction to Building Information any building from
1. Conduct a Case
Model (BIM), Introduction to project mobilization to Lintel
study on Project
management tools like ERP, SAP, work using MS
Management tools
PRIMAVERA, MSP, Project Kick start, project/PRIMAVERA
2,4, like ERP, R
7 04 Smarta etc.
2. Sequence of construction activity. 2.Prepare schedule for
3. PLANNING AND SCHEDULING: Project any building(continue)
Organization from Lintel to Slab
casting using MS

1.Prepare schedule for

1. Bar Charts. Gantt chart any building
2. Networking techniques (continuous) slab
8 04 3. Development of a network using CPM 1.Site visit casting to door &
with simple problems. window fixing using MS

1.Site visit & data 1.Prepare schedule for

collection any
1. Line of Balance Scheduling
2.Simple problem on PERT
2,4, 2. Prepare door & window fixing to
9 3. Time-Cost Trade-off, Cost Control in
6,7 Working tracking hand over using MS
Construction. Importance of
report using project/PRIMAVERA
Management Information System.

1. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Resource 1 Site visit & prepare

Planning, allocation and levelling. Lead time chart for A, B
& C class materials &
2. Introduction to Material Management, link with scheduling.
02, 3,6, Purchase management and inventory
10 1. Site visit.
04 7 control. 2. Calculate man hours
for construction activity
3. Importance of PR (Purchase request), & link with scheduling.
PO (Purchase order), WO (work order),
GRN (goods received note).


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND 1 & 2. Site visit &
1. Case study on
SAFETY(EHS): Prepare safety checklist
hazards in
ACCIDENTS-definition of accident for construction activity.
terms: (Partial & total disablement,
Injury frequency rate, injury severity
2. Demonstrate on
5,6, Safety measures in
11 05
7 construction site
2. Accident- Causes, Precaution &
Prevention in each construction activity.
protective kit, Tool
Hazards on Construction Sites
kits according to
3. SAFETY- Importance of safety. Safety
procedures and checklist for each
construction activities as per OHSAS

1. Safety meetings, Safety measures for 1.Field visit and

storage, handling of building material demonstration
and execution.
2.Prepare Third- party
Study the certification, Concept of
advanced ISO, Features of
Total Quality Management (TQM)-
03, 5,6, techniques used to ISO9000 series, Benefit
12 Introduction, Importance & Functions of
04 7 improve the of ISO9000(ISO
total quality management in the
quality of Certification, NABL
construction industry.
construction. certification)
3. Tools for quality control, Elements
and requirements of quality

1. Aims and ways of TQM. BIS 1 & 2: Case study on

certification of quality system. preparation of
technology manual for
Site visit & data
2.Claims, compensation and disputes, each activity
03, 2,5, collection
13 Dispute resolution techniques,
04 6,7
Introduction to Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996 – case studies

3.Acts & Labour Laws

Total in hours 39 13 52

NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Site Management Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE43P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)
Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:

Sl. No. Description

1 Town Planning by Rangwala

2 Collier, Kieth, “Managing Construction Contracts”

3 Gajaria GT, “Law Relating to Building & Civil Engg. Contracts in India”

Frank Harris and Roland McCaffer, “Modern Construction Management”- 4th Ed. Blackwell Science
Ltd. 2009

Chitkara K K, “Construction Project Management, Planning, Scheduling and Controlling,

McGraw Hill Education, 3rd Ed., 2014

6 Srinath L.S, “PERT and CPM”, East West Press Pvt Ltd New Delhi

7 Peurifoy. R L, “Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods”- McGraw Hill.

8. www.eprocure.gov.in

9. www.OHSAS.co.in

10. ISM codes (International safety management)

8 a. CIE Skill Test 1 - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and
report) 10

2 Preparing Key Plan, Job Layout using Revit/Sketch up/CAD. 20

3 Prepare work breakdown structure of construction work & organization structure 20

(private or government) using cadd or ms word

4 Write an e procurement procedure & prepare a checklist before, during & after 20
applying e tender.

5 Prepare check list of snagging1 / snagging2 / snagging3 and 4 using MS office 20

6 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2 - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria ( Observations and

report ) 10

2 a. Prepare schedule for any building from mobilization to Lintel work using MS 20

b. Prepare schedule for any building(continue) from Lintel to Slab casting using MS

3 a. Prepare schedule for any building(continue)slab casting to door & window fixing 20
using MS project/PRIMAVERA



Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

b. Prepare schedule for any building(continue)from door & window fixing to hand
over using MS project/PRIMAVERA

4 Prepare a safety checklist for excavation, SSM, BBM or scaffolding, centering, form 20

5 20
Prepare a safety checklist for plastering, roofing, flooring, painting works & Prepare
Third- party certificate using ms office.

6 Viva-Voce 20

Total Marks 100

Note for the Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 2a and 2b shall be done by the examiner.
2. The choice between the questions 3a and 3b shall be done by the examiner.

8. c. SEE Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 a. Preparing Key Plan, Job Layout using Revit/Sketch up/CAD 20

b. Prepare work breakdown structure of construction work & organization structure
(private or government) using AutoCAD or MS office.

2 Prepare a checklist of snagging1 / snagging2 / snagging3&4 using MS office. 10

3 Prepare schedule for any construction building work using MS project/PRIMAVERA 30

4 20
Prepare a safety checklist for any THREE of the following activities.

a. Excavation
b. Foundation
c. SSM
d. BBM/Block Masonry
e. Scaffolding
f. Formwork
g. Roofing


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

h. Flooring, painting works.

Prepare Third- party certificate using ms office.

5 Viva-Voce 20

Total Marks 100

Note for the External Examiner:

1. The choice between the questions 1a and 1b shall be done by the external examiner.

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Ver.2010 & above/PRIMAVERA

MS project/PRIMAVERA 1 licensed/Institute
P7 & above

2 AUTOCAD Ver.2020 1 licensed/Institute

3 Sketch up/3D MAX Ver.2018 & above 1 licensed/Institute

4 I5, SSD512 MB, 2GB graphic

Computer/Laptop 20computer/batch

5 Printer LaserJet printer 1no/batch


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Civil Engineering Semester Fourth Semester

Course Code 20CE44P Type of Course Programme Core

8 hours/week
Course Name Design and Detailing RCC Structures Contact Hours
104 hours/semester

L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6

CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale: This course is an applied engineering subject. Diploma holders in Civil Engineering will be
required to supervise RCC Construction and fabrication. Students may also be required to design simple
structural elements, make changes in design depending upon availability of materials This subject thus deals
with elementary design principles as per IS: 456.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: At the end of the semester student will be able to,

Identify the various structural RCC elements of a building for a given construction project.
CO-01 Explain the concept of Limit state design of Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC).

CO-02 Explain the difference between the structural behaviour of different reinforced concrete
structural elements through demonstration experiments and data analysis.

CO-03 Design, draft and detail different elements of reinforced concrete structural systems subjected to
gravity, dead and live loads as per IS codes.

CO-04 Prepare bar bending schedules for different structural elements of buildings as per structural
detailed drawing.

CO-05 Fabricate reinforcement for structural elements as per detailed drawing and Barbending

NOTE: Detailing and drafting shall be done in AUTOCAD.

Barbending Schedule and Material calculation shall be done in a spreadsheet.
Prototypes shall be created at the end of each week by each student
Tools used during fabrication of steel shall be taught and safety protocol shall be followed in site/field.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Course Content

Tutorial (Activity
Lecture Practice
We (Performance Criteria)
4 hours/week (2
3 hours/week 1 hour/week hours/batch twice in a

Introduction: Concept of reinforced

cement concrete structures,
1 Different grades of concrete and
steel used in RCC. Load and loading
standards as per IS: 875.
1 & 2 Demonstrate
Design Based on Limit State Method:
concept of density, Load
1 1 1 2 -Fundamentals of Limit State
1. Study different and Loading standards
Method, types of limit state.
codal provisions for materials
Introduction to stress block
parameters, Assumptions in the
3 theory of simple bending for RCC
beams, Neutral Axis, Moment of

Critical neutral axis, actual neutral

axis. Concept of under reinforced,
1 1. Study the Codal
balanced and over-reinforced
sections. provisions for
1 & 2: Demonstrate
Concept of balanced, under Length of bars,
Failure modes of RCC
2 1 1 2 reinforced and over-reinforced Side face
structural elements
sections. reinforcement,
with Videos and Photos.
Nominal Cover to
Partial safety factors, Flexural reinforcement.
strength, Shear Strength, Concept of
Deflection and cracking, Design

Beams: Design Concept of Simply 1 & 2: Detailing and

supported and cantilever singly 1. Prepare
1 Drafting of Singly
reinforced Beams as per IS 456- Barbending
2, Reinforced simply
3 2,3 2000. schedule for
3,4 supported beam as per
singly reinforced
codal provisions.
simply supported


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

beam using
2 Analysis and design of Singly spreadsheet.
& reinforced simply supported beam.

1 Continuation 1. Prepare Bar

bending schedule 1 & 2: Detailing and
2, for singly Drafting of Singly
4 2,3 2
3,4 Analysis and design of singly reinforced Reinforced cantilever
& cantilever beam beam as per codal
reinforced cantilever beam
3 using spreadsheet provisions

1. Detailing and
Beams: Design Concept of Doubly 1.Prepare Bar Drafting Doubly
1 reinforced Simply supported and bending schedule Reinforced simply
cantilever Beams as per IS 456-2000 for Doubly supported beam as per
Reinforced simply codal provisions.
supported beam
5 2,3 2. Detailing and
3,4 Analysis & Design of Doubly 2.Prepare Bar
2 Drafting of Doubly
reinforced simply supported beam bending schedule
for Doubly Reinforced cantilever
Reinforced beam, as per codal
Analysis & Design of Doubly cantilever beam provisions.
reinforced cantilever beam

Design Concept of RCC One way 1.Prepare Bar

slab. bending schedule
for one way slab 1 & 2: Detailing and
2 Analysis of one-way slab. drafting of one-way slab
6 2,3 2.Prepare a report as per codal provisions.
on the design of
economic section
3 Design of one-way slab. by optimization of

1: Detailing and drafting

of two-way slab as per
1 Design concept of RCC two-way Slab codal provisions-
1.Prepare Bar
Corners are not held
bending schedule
2, down
7 2,3 for two-way slab
(iii) Design of Two-way slab: 2: Detailing and drafting
a) Corners are not held down: All of two-way slab as per
2 codal provisions-
the Four edges discontinuous case
only. Corners are held down


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

(iii) Design of Two-way slab:
3 b) Corners are held down: All the
Four edges discontinuous case only.

Design Concept of One-way 1.Prepare Bar 1. Detailing and

continuous slab (Two span only) bending schedule Drafting of one-way
1 for one-way
using moment coefficient as per IS: Continuous slab, as per
456. continuous slab codal provisions
8 2,3
,4 2.Prepare Bar 2. Detailing and
2 bending schedule
Design of Two-way continuous slab: Drafting of two-way
All the Four edges continuous case for two-way Continuous slab as per
only. continuous slab codal provisions

Columns: Concept of long and short

Detailing and Drafting
columns, Specifications for main and
of Axially loaded short
lateral reinforcement, interaction
1 columns (square and
diagram in column design,
rectangular as per IS
Behaviour of RCC column under 1.Prepare Bar specifications),
axial load. bending schedule
for column
9 2,3 (Square and
Analysis and Design of Axially
2 loaded column Detailing and drafting
of column subjected to
Design of column subjected to uniaxial bending
uniaxial bending for reinforcement (square and rectangular
3 distributed equally on TWO sides as per IS specifications)
only using SP-16 chart (Square and

Design of Column Footings:

Concept of column footing, Design 1.Prepare Bar
1 Detailing and drafting
criteria for square, rectangular bending schedule
of isolated column
isolated column footings, for isolated
footing (square and
2, column footing
10 2,3 rectangular) as per IS
3,4 Design of square, rectangular (Square and
2 specification
isolated column footings, rectangular)

3 Continuation

Design of Stairs: 1.Prepare Bar

2, 1.Detailing and Drafting
11 2,3 1 Introduction to stairs, Design of dog- bending schedule
3,4 of dog legged stair (with
legged stairs as per codal provisions. for Stairs.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

waist slab) as per codal

2 Single flight stairs-Waist slab 2.Detailing and

Drafting of
Folded/chain stair as
3 Design of Folded/Chain link stairs. per codal provisions.

Design of Lintel with chejja:

Introduction to lintel with chejja

2 Design of lintel with chejja 1.Prepare Bar

bending schedule
Detailing and drafting
2, for lintel with
12 2,3 of lintel with chejja as
3,4 chejja
per codal provisions
3 Continuation

Field Practice on bar fabrication for Beam, slab, column, column footing, lintel with
13 5 4 2
chejja and field/site visit

Total in hours 39 13 52

NOTE 1: The course content shall be delivered through lectures, PowerPoint presentations, video
demonstrations and field visits
NOTE 2: The TUTORIAL (Activity criteria) shall be conducted / executed by the student (Minimum ONE
suggested activity from each week) and to be submitted in portfolio evaluation of activities through rubrics
to the faculty.
NOTE 3: The PRACTICE (Performance criteria) shall be conducted by the student and observations and report
to be submitted at the end of each session to the faculty

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Design and Detailing RC Structures Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20CE44P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome




Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions in each
section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students

No. Score
2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

7. Reference:

Sl. No. Description

Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures by S Ramamrutham& R Narayan

Reinforced Concrete Structures by B C Punmia

SP-16 Design aid for IS 456-2000, SP-23 Handbook on concrete mixes

4 BIS, IS 456 – 2000 Code of Practice for Plain & Reinforced Concrete

8. a. CIE Skill Test 1- Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

report) 10

2 Simply supported/Cantilever -Singly/Doubly reinforced beam /One way slab. 80

a. Design of given structural element as per codal provision-30 marks

b. Detailing and drafting of designed structural Element-30 Marks
c. Bar bending Schedule for given structural element using spreadsheet- 20

3 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. b. CIE Skill Test 2 - Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Portfolio evaluation for practice sessions -Performance criteria (Observations and

report) 10


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

2 Two-way slab/Column with Footing/Staircase 80

a. Design of given structural element as per codal provision -30 marks

b. Detailing and drafting of designed structural Element-30 Marks
c. Bar bending Schedule for given structural element using spreadsheet - 20

3 Viva-Voce 10

Total Marks 100

8. c. SEE- Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension Marks

1 Simply supported/Cantilever -Singly/Doubly reinforced beam /One way 80

slab/Two-way slab/Column with Footing/Staircase/Lintel with Chejja

a. Detailing and drafting of structural Element as per the given design data
and codal provision-30 Marks
b. Bar bending Schedule for given structural element using spreadsheet - 20
c. Fabrication of steel as per Detailing- 30 Marks

2 Viva-Voce 20

Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity

1 Computer with AutoCAD software 8 GB RAM, 512GB HARD 1/ student

DRIVE, i5 and above 2.5

2 Bar Bending tools 1 set / batch


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Programme Audit Course Semester IV

Course Code 20CE45T Type of Course Audit

2 hours/week
Course Name Indian Constitution Contact Hours
26 hours/semester

Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 2:0:0 Credits 2

CIE Marks 50 SEE Marks Nil

1. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:

CO-01 CO1 Understand Preamble, salient features and importance of Indian Constitution.

CO-02 CO2 Understand Fundamental rights, duties and Directive principles of state policy.
Understand Parliamentary system of governance, Structure, Functions, Power of
CO3 Central, state governments (Legislative, Executive) and Judiciary.
CO4 Understand Panchayat Raj Institutions and Local self-governments, UPSC, KPSC,
NHRC, Status of women, RTE etc.

2. Course Content
Week CO Detailed Course Content
Introduction to constitution of India-Formation and Composition of the
1 1 Constituent Assembly-Salient features of the Constitution-Preamble to the 2
Indian Constitution
Fundamental Rights- Definition, The right to equality, The right to freedom,
2 1,2 2
The right against exploitation, The right to freedom of religion.
Cultural and educational rights and The right to constitutional remedies.
3 1,2 2
Fundamental Duties, Directive principles of state policy.
Parliamentary system of governance- Structure of Parliament- Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha.
4 1,3 2
Functions of parliament- Legislative, Executive, Financial Function
Powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Procedure followed in parliament in making law, Annual financial statement
(Budget) – procedure in parliament with respect to estimates, Appropriation
5 1,3 2
bill, Supplementary, additional grants, Vote on account, votes on credit and
exception grant, special provisions, rules of procedure.
Structure of union executive, Power and position of President.
6 1,3 2
Vice President, Prime minister and council of ministers.


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Structure of the judiciary: Jurisdiction and functions of Supreme Court, high
7 1,3 2
court, and subordinate courts.
Federalism in the Indian constitution- Division of Powers: Union list, State list
8 1,3 and concurrent list. 2
Structure of state legislation, Legislative assembly and Legislative council.
Functions of state legislature, Structure of state executive-Powers and
9 1,3 positions of Governor, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chief Minister and council of 2
Local self-government- meaning-Three tier system, Village Panchayat-Taluk
10 4 panchayat Zilla panchayat, Local bodies-Municipalities and Corporations, 2
Bruhath Mahanagara Palike, Functions of Election commission, UPSC, KPSC.
Amendment of the constitution, Human Rights-Definition-constitutional
provisions-right to life and liberty-Human Rights of Women-Discrimination
11 4 against women 2
steps that are to be taken to eliminate discrimination against women in
Education, employment, health care, Economic and social life,
Status of Women in India - Women in rural areas, Constitutional Safeguards -
Dowry Prohibition act 1961- Domestic violence act 2005- Sexual harassment
12 4 at work place bill 2006. 2
Human Rights of Children- Who is a child- list the Rights of the Child- Right to
education, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO)-2012-
National Human Rights Commission Constitution- Powers and function of the
Commission-Employee rights- Provisions made, Contractual-Non contractual
employee rights-Whistle blowing-definition-Aspects-Intellectual Property
13 1,4 2
Rights (IPR)–Meaning-Need for protection- Briefly description of concept of
patents, Copy right, Trademark

Total in Hours 26 Hrs


1. Introduction to the Constitution of India- Dr. Durga Das Basu

2. Empowerment of rural women in India-Hemalatha H.M and Rameshwari Varma, Hema Prakashana.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max

Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 MCQ 6 60 20 Average of two CIE
5 CIE-5 Open Book Test 12 60 20 = 20
Total CIE Marks 50
Semester End Examination (Practice) - - -
Total Marks 50


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka


Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

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