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1) What is the prime objective of software engineering?
2) Define software engineering paradigm.
3) What do you mean by spiral model? 4) Write a brief note on waterfall model. 5) Distinguish between process and methods. 6) Give the importance of software engineering. 7) Define software process. State the important features of a process. 8) Write any two characteristics of software as a product. 9) List the process maturity levels in SEI' s CMM. 10) Distinguish clearly between verification & validation. 11) What are the functions of data architecture? 12) Define System Modeling. 13) State the System Engineering Hierarchy. 14) Mention some of the factors to be considered during System Modeling. 15) What are the different architectures developed during BPE? 16) Define Verification &Validation. 17) Mention any two non-functional requirements on software to be developed 18) What is known as SRS review? How is it conducted? 19) Distinguish between expected requirements and excited requirements 20) What is meant by software prototyping? 21) What are the non-functional requirements of software? 22) Write the distinct steps in requirements engineering process? 23) Compare evolutionary and throw away prototyping? 24) What is the role of data dictionary? 25) Write a brief note on data modeling activity? 26) What is meant by Information flow Continuity? 27) Define Behavioral Modeling. 28) What is meant by Throw away Prototyping? 29) What do you mean by horizontal and vertical partitioning? 30) How do you evaluate user interface? 31) Why software architecture is important in a software process? Distinguish between horizontal and vertical partitioning? 32) How reliability is related to quality assurance? 33) Distinguish between horizontal and vertical partitioning? 34) What is the software architecture? 35) Compare data flow oriented design and data structured oriented design 36) What is the role of verification during a software exercise? 37) Distinguish between hard and soft real time systems. 38) Distinguish between product and process metrics. 39) What do you mean by reuse of design and update of a design as per technology changes and customer psychology? 40) What is the work product of software design process and who does this? 41) Enumerate different data flow architectures 42) How do you describe software interface? 43) How the requirements are collected for user interface of software? 44) What is transaction mapping? How it is used in software design? 45) What are the various models produce by the software design process? 46) What is the quality parameters considered for effective modular design? 47) What is stress testing? 48) State the objectives and guidelines for debugging. 49) Distinguish between verification and validation: 50) What are the roles of testing tools? 51) What do you mean by test case management? 52) Distinguish between alpha and beta testing? 53) What are the approaches of debugging? 54) What are the roles of cyclomatic complexity value in software resting? 55) What is the need for cyclomatic complexity? 56) Distinguish between black and white box testing: 57) What is white box testing and what is the difficulty while exercising it? 58) Why testing is important with respect to software? 59) Define black box testing strategy? 60) What is static and dynamic testing? 61) How regression and stress tests are performed? 62) Write short notes on equivalence partitioning? 63) Write the types of system tests? 64) List out the importance of cost estimation in software development. 65) Mention the advantages of CASE tools. 66) How do you estimate time required for a software development project? 67) Draw the structure of CASE REPOSITORY and explain. 68) What is meant by software change? 69) Write short notes on empirical estimation models. 70) Why the software needs maintenance? 71) Define software re-engineering. 72) List any 4 categories of CASE tools. 73) What is Delphi cost estimation technique? 74) What is CASE? 75) What are software engineering layers? 76) Write about process assessment. 77) Define procedural interfaces. 78) Discuss about requirements validation in brief. 79) What is UML? Write the principles of modeling. 80) Give an example of a class diagram. 81) Define white-box testing and black –box testing. 82) How debugging differs from testing? 83) What is software risk? 84)