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1)Explain Software development process models.
2)Write a short note on Waterfall model.
3)Explain the importance of software specification of requirements. 4)Write a short note on Context Model. 5)Describe various prototyping techniques and discuss on object oriented analysis and modeling. Briefly explain about the following: Sequence diagram Use case diagram.
6) What are the design principles of a good software design? Explain.
7) What is testing? How is it different from debugging? 8) Explain various structural testing techniques with suitable examples. List and explain the various software quality factors. 9) Describe the role of software reviews in achieving good quality software 10) Explain about evolution of software engineering methodologies 11) What are the challenges of Software Engineering? 12) What is software maintenance? How to control maintenance cost. 13) Define software. List and explain about the elements of a software process 14) What is a change? How it can be incorporated in the software. 15) What is the difference between verification and validation? Explain with an example. 16) How system modeling is achieved using UML? Explain with a suitable example. 17) How we perform design evaluation? Explain it with suitable example. 18) Discuss briefly about Pro-active and Re-active Risk strategies in detail. 19) Explain about Software risks in detail. 20) What is black box testing? Is it necessary to perform this? Explain various test activities. 21) What is the goal of requirements analysis phase? Give reasons why the requirements analysis phase is a difficult one. 22) Identify and briefly describe four types of requirement that may be defined for a computer based.Explain the following: a) Statistical SQA b) Developing a risk table 23) Explain the following: a) Software Quality Concepts b) Risk Identification
24) What is integration testing? Explain in detail.
25) Discuss about metrics for testing in detail. 26) Distinguish between verification and validation. Explain about organizing for software testing. 27) Explain about the metrics for design model. 28) Define software. Explain in detail about software myths. 29) Discuss in detail about water fall process model. 30) What is a process model? Explain about prototyping model in detail. 31) What is CMMI? Explain about CMMI levels. 32) Explain about requirements management phases of requirement engineering process. 33) Explain about state machine models with examples. 34) Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw a data-flow diagram modelling the data processing involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine. 35) Discuss about architectural design in brief. 36) What are building blocks of the UML? Explain. 37) Explain about refining the architecture into components. 38) Distinguish between sequence and collaboration diagrams. 39) Briefly explain about the design model. 40) Explain in detail about evolutionary process model. 41) What are the advantages of layered technology? 42) Describe the structure of Software Requirements document. 43) Briefly explain about Context models. 44) Explain the differences between functional requirements and non-functional requirements. 45) Briefly explain about structured methods. 46) Briefly explain about interface analysis and interface design steps. 47) Write a short note on class diagrams. 48) Write a short note on component diagrams. 49) Explain the process of creating models and the factors that should be considered when building models. 50) What are the metrics for Analysis Model? Explain. 51) Write a short note on system testing. 52) Describe about formal technical reviews. 53) Explain the methods for Risk Identification. 54) Explain CMMI model with a neat sketch. 55) Give an overview of unified process model. 56) Discuss in brief about the waterfall model. 57) Explain process patterns and process assessment. 58) Describe five desirable characteristics of a good software requirement specification document. 59) Give an overview of various system models. 60) Discuss about principal requirements engineering activities and their relationships. 61) Explain how a software requirements document is structured. 62) Write a short notes on data design. 63) Describe architectural styles and patterns.
64) Explain the following diagrams:
a) Class diagrams and sequence diagrams
b) Collaboration diagrams and use case diagrams.
65) Describe strategic approach to software testing.
66) Explain Software quality and metrics for analysis model.
67) Illustrate various Metrics for Process and Products.