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Science8 Q1 W8 D3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga Division


Section and Time: Grade 8 – Molave / 10:15 – 11:15 Date: 10/05/22

Learning Differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular level. (S8FE- Level 8
Competency 1g-29)
Quarter 1st
Learning Knowledge: Explain the difference between heat and temperature Week 8
Objectives Skills: Make a journal on the concepts introduced in the video No.
Attitudes: Appreciate the value of understanding the concept of heat and
Day 3

Topic Performance Task – Difference between heat and temperature Duration

60 minutes
Resources Needed Science 8: Learner’s Manual; pages 37 – 52
Science 8 – Teacher’s Guide; pages 27 – 34
Laptop, video clip and construction papers

Element of
Suggested Activities
the Plan
Awareness 1. Prayer
2. Checking of the attendance
3. Checking/Passing of the assignment
4. Teacher swabs rubbing alcohol on the students’ back of hand.
a. What do you observe about the alcohol?
b. Is the alcohol colder than the air? How can we test that?
c. Why do you think that the alcohol feels cool? If the class has already studied
vaporization, the teacher might continue the discussion comparing water and alcohol.

Activity Students will watch video about Heat and Temperature.

Video: Temperature VS Heat Explained

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPesZfF20hA

Analysis The teacher will ask the following questions to the students;
1. What is heat?
2. How is heat different from temperature?

Abstraction Heat is the total energy of molecular motion in a substance while temperature is a
measure of the average energy of molecular motion in a substance. Heat energy depends on
the speed of the particles, the number of particles (the size or mass), and the type of particles
in an object. Temperature does not depend on the size or type of object. For example, the
temperature of a small cup of water might be the same as the temperature of a large tub of
water, but the tub of water has more heat because it has more water and thus more total
thermal energy.
It is heat that will increase or decrease the temperature. If we add heat, the temperature
will become higher. If we remove heat the temperature will become lower. Higher
temperatures mean that the molecules are moving, vibrating and rotating with more energy.
If we take two objects which have the same temperature and bring them into contact,
there will be no overall transfer of energy between them because the average energies of the
particles in each object are the same. But if the temperature of one object is higher than that
of the other object, there will be a transfer of energy from the hotter to the colder object until
both objects reach the same temperature.
Temperature is not energy, but a measure of it. Heat is energy.
Application Students will answer the question;
Why it is important to know the concept of Heat and Temperature?

Assessment Students will make a journal on the concepts introduced in the video about Heat and
Temperature. They will write their journal in a colorful and with the design construction
(See attachment for the rubrics.)

Assignment Prepare for a Summative Test: Module 3 – Heat and Temperature

Reference: Science 8 Module; pages 37 - 51


Harvested by: Checked by:

Teacher School Head
Rubric for Assessing a Journal Making
Grading Criteria Excellent Acceptable Minimal Unacceptable
(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)

Content Response to Response Response Response consists

assigned topic thoughtful and adequately of unsupported
thorough and well fairly well written; addresses opinions only
written, with varied most opinions some aspects of the marginally related
sentence structure supported with assigned topic; to the topic.
and vocabulary; facts. opinions sometimes
opinions always based on incorrect
supported with fact. information.

Idea Excellent use of Good reliance Incomplete Ideas not clearly

Development examples and upon examples and development stated or developed.
details to explore details to illustrate of ideas; details and
and develop ideas and develop ideas examples not
and opinions. and opinions. always evident.

Organization Very logically Contains Topics and ideas Entry is

organized; contains introduction, discussed unstructured.
introduction; some development somewhat
development of ideas, and randomly;
of main idea conclusion. entry may lack
(or ideas), clearly defined
and conclusion. introduction or

Mechanics Flawless Few or no Several spelling and Many

spelling and spelling errors; punctuation errors. instances of
punctuation. some minor incorrect
punctuation spelling and
mistakes. punctuation.

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