L3 - Assembly & ISA - (Ch2) - II
L3 - Assembly & ISA - (Ch2) - II
L3 - Assembly & ISA - (Ch2) - II
The Hardware/Software Interface
Chapter 2 - L2
Instructions: Language
of the Computer
MIPS R-format Instructions
op rs rt rd shamt funct
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits
◼ Instruction fields
◼ op: operation code (opcode)
◼ rs: first source register number
◼ rt: second source register number
◼ rd: destination register number
◼ shamt: shift amount (00000 for now)
◼ funct: function code (extends opcode)
0 17 18 8 0 32
000000100011001001000000001000002 = 0232402016
◼ Result in $v0
◼ Result in $v0