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Skill's Book

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H. M.


Unit 1 Creative crafts page 2

Unit 2 Communication page 14

Unit 3 Fitness fun! page 26

Unit 4 Survival! page 38

Unit 5 The world of work page 50

Word play page 62

Membership Card


1 Creative crafts
1 Write questions and answers.
Look at these pictures of arts and crafts from different countries. Write
questions and answers about each one. Use the words in the frieze to help you.




3. is this

4 4.

5 5.



1 Read and complete.
In your group, look at the IKC membership cards. They show you
information about the IKC children you met in Grade 5. They also
give you information about some of the new members.
Complete the chart below using the information from the IKC
membership cards.
Name Age Country

What’s What’s
his name? her name?

How old How old

is he? is she?

Where’s Where’s
he from? she from?

2 Think and write.

Who do you think sent these pictures to Ahmed? Write their names
1 under the pictures.
3 4 5

3 Think and match. 4 Do a role play.

Draw a line from the question to the Imagine that you
correct answer. are the children on
the IKC membership
1. What’s your name? a. I’m from Oman. cards. Ask and
answer questions
2. How old are you? b. My name’s Maha. about each other.

3. Where are you from? c. I’m 12.

1 Read and answer.
Look at these pictures and answer these questions. Use the information on
pages 4 and 5 of your Classbook to help you.

4. What are they?

1. What is it?

2. Where’s it from? 5. Where are they from?

3. What’s it made of? 6. What are they made of?

2 Play a game.

It’s from Iran and

it’s made of wool.
They’re from Russia.
They’re made of wood.
It’s a rug.

Yes. Matroyshka dolls.


1 Read and think.
The verb to be is a main verb or sometimes the verb ‘to be’
a helping verb.
As a main verb we use it to do many things. AG
Here are some of the things we use it for: L

1. To identify ourselves Hello, I’m Robby.

2. To say where we come from Maha is from Oman.

3. To say how old we are Ahmed is 12.

4. To describe a state or condition Rugs are made of wool.

2 Think and write.

Draw your face in box 1 and draw yourself and a friend in box 5.
Now write sentences about where the people and objects are from.

3 Read and match. 4 Write the rules.

Look at the verb to be in the 2 boxes
below. Match a verb in the first column We use am with .
to a verb in the second column.
I’m he is
We use is with ,
he’s we are
and .
she’s I am
it’s they are
we’re she is We use are with

they’re it is and .

1 Listen and tick.
Sometimes it is easy to confuse the sound of the ‘p’ sound
letter ‘p’ with the sound of the letter ‘b’. Listen to
these 2 words on the tape. Tick the words you hear.

Ben pen Paul ball

Now listen and repeat the words.

2 Do an experiment.
Hold a balloon or a piece of paper in front of your mouth. Say the word Paul.
What happens?
Now say the word ball. Does the same thing happen?

Paul ball

Now try and say this tongue twister.

Penny’s got a pink pencil, a purple pen and
a piece of paper in her patterned pocket.

3 Say the tongue twister.

Try and say this tongue twister getting faster and faster. This is a traditional
English tongue twister that English people have fun trying to get their tongues

Peter Piper picked a piece of pickled pepper.

A piece of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.

1 Make tangram pictures.
You can arrange the 7 pieces of the tangram square
into lots of different shapes and make pictures of
animals, people and objects. See how many
different pictures you can make with the shapes.
Use the tangram square on cut-out page B on page
73 at the back of your Classbook to make pictures.

Show your tangram picture to a friend and see if they

can guess what it is.

Is it a Yes, it is.

When you have made a picture you like, stick it on a piece of paper and write a
sentence underneath the tangram picture saying what it is. Then put it in your

2 Read and match.

Look at these descriptions of patterns. Read each description and match it to the
correct adjective.

1. circles of colour
2. squares of different colours
3. parallel lines of colour
4. flower shapes
5. a pattern that looks like a line
of the letter ‘w’ joined together

3 Think and label.

Look at the patterns in the pictures below. Use the adjectives in activity 2 to
label the pictures.
2 3

4 5

1 Read and think.
Punctuation helps to make our writing make sense. Punctuation
Without punctuation, what we write would just be
a collection of words that made no sense.
Read this text. YOU NG
The fox ran around the farm chasing hens it
was brown and the hens were white yesterday
the fox stole the dates from the basket

It is very difficult to read and doesn't make much sense.

Now read the text again, with the punctuation.

The fox ran around the farm, chasing hens. It

was brown and the hens were white. Yesterday,
the fox stole the dates from the basket.

It makes more sense with punctuation.

2 Read, think and draw.

Read the question and answer below. Look at the punctuation.

What’s in Maha’s pencil case? A pen, a pencil, a ruler and a book.

Draw a rectangle around the question mark.

Draw a triangle around the capital letters.
Draw a circle around the commas.
Draw a square around the full stop.

3 Read, think and correct. 4 Write the rules.

Read the questions and We use a when we
answers below. Add the write a new sentence or when we write
punctuation. the name of a person, place or thing.
what is it
We use a to show
it’s a matroyshka doll
the end of a sentence.
where’s it from
russia We use a to show
a question.

We use a to take a
what’s in maha’s little rest in a sentence.
jewellery box
We use a to separate
a necklace a bracelet a pair
all the things in a list.
of earrings and an anklet
We do not usually put a
before the word and.
1 Read and order.
Ben has sent Ahmed instructions about how to make a sand painting.
Unfortunately his instructions have got mixed up. Can you put them in the correct
order? You can find the instructions on cut-out page 81 at the back of this book.
Put the instructions in the correct order and then stick them on this page.

Stick Instruction 1 here.

Stick Instruction 2 here.

Stick Instruction 3 here.

Stick Instruction 4 here.

Stick Instruction 5 here.

Now you have sequenced the instructions correctly, why don't you try
and make a sand painting?
You can use this to decorate the front of your portfolio.

1 Read and think.
Can you remember the difference between ives
Nouns, verbs and a
different kinds of words in English? Do you
have the same kinds of words in your language?
Nouns are naming words. This is Ahmed. WO
They tell us the names of people, Where’s the necklace?
places, animals and things.
Underline the nouns in these

Verbs are doing or being words. Cut the paper.

I am 12 years old.
Underline the verbs in these sentences.

Adjectives are describing words. I’ve got five small dolls.

They tell us more about the There are three big blue and white
noun in a sentence. flowery rugs.
Underline the adjectives in these sentences.

2 Look and sort.

Look at all these words from Unit 1. Sort them into nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Nouns Verbs ves


3 Think and complete the rules.

A is a word that names someone or something.

A is a doing or being word.

An is a word that describes the noun in a sentence.

1 Look and match.
How do you remember words in English? Have you got a special word book?
Do you put them in your portfolio?
Here are some ideas to help you organise how you store words in English.
Look at each idea and find a picture that shows you what it looks like.

1. You can have pages

for words beginning with b
the same letter. ver
noun cut
book fold n
pen list
2. You can have pages penc
for different topics.

3. You can have pages for
grammar – for example,
nouns, verbs, adjectives.

It’s a good idea to put pictures in your word store too.

2 Read and sort.

Your word store does not have to be like your friends’. We all learn and
remember in different ways, so it is important that you choose the best
ways for you.
Look at these English words.

Take cut-out page 79 from the back of this

book and sort the words in the rug into
these different groups.

1. Alphabetical

2. Topics

3. Grammar

Today is:
My learning record

1 How well can you do these things?

1 2 3 4 5

very, very well very well OK not sure not very well
understand and talk about personal information about
yourself and others

understand and talk about crafts from around the world

read and understand factual information about crafts from

around the world

write factual information about an Omani craft

write a reply to an e-mail

understand and use the verb ‘to be’

2 What new words can you spell?

3 What did you learn in this unit?

These are some things I’ve learned about this topic:

These are some things I would like to learn about this topic:

4 What activities did you like in this unit?

I liked:

I didn’t like:

5 How well did you work with others?

My work with my friends was:

excellent very good good OK not very good

6 How well did you work?

My work in this unit was:

excellent very good good OK not very good


2 Communication
1 Look and talk.
Look at these symbols. What do these symbols tell us? Discuss your ideas with
a friend.
1 2

4 6

2 Listen and match.

Listen to these children talking about these symbols. Which symbols are they
talking about? Listen and write the numbers on the road.

a b c d e

3 Read and match. 4 Ask and answer.

Read these statements and match
each one to a symbol in activity 1. What does
a. You can’t use your GSM. number 6 mean?

I think it means –
b. Look out! Children crossing!
Look out! Wadi
crossing here!
c. Stop!

d. Look out! Wadi crossing here!

e. You can’t go in here.

f. Look out! Danger!

1 Look and write.
Look at these symbols. What do they mean? Write a message for
each one.

2 Read and draw.

Read these messages and draw a symbol to show each message.

Look out! Goats crossing!

Have a picnic here!

3 Do a mini-project.
Look for symbols around you. Find out what they mean and draw a
picture of each one. Collect as many as you can and keep them in
your portfolio. Later, you will use them for a class display.

1 Read, listen and write.
The way we use our voice helps us to show the Intonation
meaning of some words. We call this intonation.
Read the words below, listen to the voices on the
tape and write an adjective next to each picture. ND

a. d.

b. e.

c. f.


2 Listen and write.

Listen to Robby and his friend Rosy. 1.
Write how Rosy feels each time.
Where are
you going? 3.
I’m going to
the cinema. 4.



Robby Rosy

3 Do a role play.

Where are I’m going to

you going? the park.

Are you tired?

Yes, I am.

1 Look and match.

If you’re happy and you know it

1 If you’re happy and you know it, laugh out loud,
If you’re happy and you know it, laugh out loud,
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, laugh out loud.

2 If you’re tired and you know it, clap your hands. a

3 If you’re sad and you know it, scream out loud. b

4 If you’re excited and you know it, cry out loud. c

5 If you’re bored and you know it, stamp your feet. d

6 If you’re angry and you know it, go to sleep. e

7 If you’re scared and you know it, yawn out loud. f

1 Read and think.
Look at these adjectives. Some describe size, number,
colour and pattern. Others describe how we feel. Adjectives

thin pink bored striped

exci WO
ted yellow fat
scare ed
short three d spott

Circle the words that describe how we feel.

2 Read and underline.

Look at these sentences. Which ones tell us how a person feels?
Underline the adjectives in the sentences that help us decide how a person feels.

1. I feel really happy today. 5. He’s angry with me.

2. He’s very tall. 6. It’s a checked scarf.

3. She’s got brown hair. 7. I’m eleven years old.

4. I feel very tired. 8. She’s very sad.

3 Think and sort.

Look at the adjectives in activity 1 and the adjectives in the sentences in activity 2.
Sort all the adjectives into the groups below and write them in the correct spaces.

Size Colour


Pattern Number

1 Read and think.
Look at these questions and answers.
Underline the verb in each answer. Expressing fee

How do How do
I feel very E
you feel? AG
you feel? NGU
I’m bored. tired. LA

We can use the verb or the verb

to talk about our feelings.

2 Read and think.

How do How do
I’m scared. you feel? I feel sad.
you feel?

The adjective which describes our feelings comes the verb.

3 Think and write.

Write 3 sentences with the verb to be and 3 sentences with the verb to feel.

to be to feel

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

4 Write.
Now write two sentences about yourself describing how you feel today.
Then talk to two of your friends and write about how they feel today.
Put your sentences in your portfolio.
1 Read, find and write.
Read the information about Morse code and answer the questions.

Morse code
D The Morse code was invented in 1838 by an American artist
and inventor called Samuel Morse. It was used to send
E messages to people by radio telegraph. The first message in
Morse code was sent in 1844. The code was called the
F International Morse code.

I The International Morse code is a system of dots (. . . ) and
dashes (– – – ) that represent each letter of the alphabet. To
J send a message, people tap out the code for each letter using
their fingers and a special machine that sends the message
K to other people electronically. One dash takes the same time
as three dots. To read the message, people listen to the
sounds and copy the dots and dashes onto paper. Then, they
M use the code to write the letters of the alphabet so that they
can read the message.

P Morse code can also be sent using light. Some people use
this at sea to send messages to other boats. They use a
short f lash of light to show a dot and a long f lash of light
R to show a dash. People use Morse code to signal when they
are in danger. The most famous message in Morse code is
S . . . – – – . . . . This message means that the person needs

1. Which part tells us how to read Morse code?

2. Which part tells us about sending Morse code
X using light?

Z 3. Which part tells us about the inventor?

2 Read and answer.
Read the text about Morse code again and answer the questions below.

Part a
1. When was the Morse code invented?

2. Who invented the Morse code?

3. Where was the inventor from?

Part b
4. What represents each letter of the
alphabet in Morse code?

5. Which takes more time – a dot or

a dash?

Part c
6. What does the message
. . . – – – . . . mean?

7. What does it spell?

3 Read, write and listen. 4 Read and write.

Read these letters and write Read the message from Rosy.
them in Morse code. Now listen. What is it?

Now read these words and write

the letters. Then listen and tick the
word you hear.

1. Now write your own word in

Morse code.



1 Read and answer.
Look at pages 18 and 19 of your Classbook. Read the story about Helen Keller’s
life again and answer these questions.

1. Which part of the story tells us about Helen writing books?

2. Which part of the story tells us about when Helen became deaf
and blind?

3. Which part of the story tells us about Helen going to college?

4. Which part of the story tells us about how her parents were given
help by a doctor?

5. Which part of the story tells us about Helen understanding that

the words she learned to spell named objects?

6. Which part of the story tells us about when Annie Sullivan

started to teach Helen?

7. Which part of the story tells us about when Helen died?

8. Which part of the story tells us about how quick Helen was to
learn and remember?

1 Read and think.
Look at the story of Helen Keller’s life again. Paragraphs

How many parts are there in the story?


We call each of these parts a

paragraph. If you look at the story
carefully, you can see that each
paragraph tells us about a different

The first paragraph tells us about

how Helen became deaf and blind.

The next paragraph tells us about

Helen’s parents finding help from a

What does the last paragraph tell us about?

2 Read and complete.

New paragraphs are usually about new ideas.
Each paragraph usually has its own topic.
If writing is not broken into paragraphs,
it is very difficult to read and understand.

Now complete the rule:

When we write long pieces of writing,
we organise it into different parts to
make it easier to read.

These different parts are


Today is:
My learning record

1 How well can you do these things?

1 2 3 4 5

very, very well very well OK not sure not very well

understand and talk about different ways of communicating

ask and answer questions about how people feel

use adjectives to describe feelings

read and understand factual texts about codes

understand about paragraphs

read and understand a biography

2 What new words can you spell?

3 What did you learn in this unit?

These are some things I’ve learned about this topic:

These are some things I would like to learn about this topic:

4 What activities did you like in this unit?

I liked:

I didn’t like:

5 How well did you work with others?

My work with my friends was:

excellent very good good OK not very good

6 How well did you work?

My work in this unit was:

excellent very good good OK not very good


3 Fitness fun!
1 Look and label.
Look at the picture of the body. Label the body using the words
in the box.

2 17



7 13




The Body

1 Read and complete.
The numbers have fallen off this tape measure. Can you write the
numbers next to the words?

one two three four five

six seven eight nine ten

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

thirty thirty five forty forty three

fifty fifty nine sixty sixty two

seventy seventy eight eighty ninety four

one hundred one hundred and eleven

one hundred and twenty

2 Read, listen and think.

Look at this
information about
pulse rates. Some of Normal pulse rates for healthy people are:
the numbers are
missing on the babies 120–140 beats a minute
chart. Listen to the
information about
pulse rates on the
3–7 year olds beats a minute
tape and complete
the missing 7–14 year olds beats a minute

14–20 year olds beats a minute

adults beats a minute

1 Measure your pulse.
Follow the instructions your teacher gives you to measure your pulse at rest, after
2 minutes’ exercise and after 5 minutes’ exercise. Record the information here.

1. Pulse at rest
Count for 20 seconds

Pulse at rest – for 1 minute

2. Pulse after 2 minutes’ exercise

Count for 20 seconds
Pulse after 2 minutes’
exercise – for 1 minute

3. Pulse after 5 minutes’ exercise

Count for 20 seconds
Pulse after 5 minutes’
exercise – for 1 minute

These are the numbers you should write on your chart on cut-out page 77 at the
back of your Skills Book. Leave this page in the book until the end of the unit.

2 Do a project.
To be fit and healthy, you should try and do some exercise every day.

Remove cut-out page F from page 65 at the back of the Classbook.

Keep a record of all the exercise you do every day.

Day Activity Time

Sunday cycling 20 mins

Monday playing basketball 45 mins

Monday exercises 15 mins

1 Read, listen and think.
Some words have the same letter patterns but ‘ow’ sounds
have different sounds.
Look at these words and listen to how they are pronounced.

yellow brown

Now listen and repeat the words.

2 Write, listen and check.

Write the words that match these descriptions. Use the words in the pencil case.

1. Where people live. 6. A bird that has

very big eyes.

2. A part of your arm. 7. A container for food.

3. A funny person. 8. Not fast.

4. Very cold rain.

5. An animal that
gives milk.

3 Sort and write.

Look at the words in the pencil case in activity 2.
Write the words that sound like the ‘ow’ in clown inside the clown.
Write the words that sound like the ‘ow’ in snowman inside the snowman.

1 Read and complete the instructions.
Look at these exercises. Complete the instructions for each one.
1 2 3

4 5

2 Think and write.

Look at these positive and negative instructions. Think carefully and write the
missing letters, words or sentences.

1. 1.

2. 2. ’t

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

3 Give and follow instructions.

Write 5 positive and 5 negative instructions on a piece of paper for your group.

Put your hands together. Don’t touch your toes.

Work in your group. Take it in turns to give an instruction and make sure your
friends follow it correctly.

Put your instructions in your portfolio.

1 Read, think and order.
When you see a new word, you can try and guess
its meaning from the other words around it. Finding the meaning of
You can also use a dictionary.
A dictionary can help you to check the
meaning and the spelling of words. WO

Dictionaries are organised in alphabetical

order so that you can find words easily.
Look at the words below. Write them in the
order you would find them in a dictionary.

2 Read and think.

Dictionaries tell us what words mean, how to spell a word and what kind of
word a word is.
Look at the definition of these words.

hand [n] the part of the body at

touch [v] to put your hand or
the end of a person's arm that
finger on something
includes the fingers and the thumb

tired [adj] the feeling that you

want to sleep or rest

What do you think the letters n, v and adj mean?

If you need help, look back at page 10 of your Skills Book.
Look back at page 29 of your Classbook. Which of the words in the goalposts are
nouns and which are verbs? Write n or v in the check box after each word.

3 Read and match.

Look at these words from page 27 of your Classbook.
Match each word to a definition.
word definition
feet [n] 1 to lift, move or push upwards

bend [v] 2 the middle part of your leg where it bends

raise [v] 3 to move a part of your body so it is no longer straight

knee [n] 4 the two parts of your body at the end of your legs that
you stand on
1 Read and complete.
Read the instructions for the exercises on page Instructions
27 of your Classbook.
Find these instructions and complete them.
1. down. 2. with your feet apart.

3. backwards. 4. your right arm.

2 Think and complete.

Complete this rule using one of the words in the football.

We usually begin a positive instruction in

English with a .

3 Read and write.

Find the negative of these instructions on page 29 of your Classbook.
Write them here.

positive negative

1. Bend to the side. 1.

2. Bend your knees. 2.

3. Bend backwards. 3.

4 Think and complete.

We make an instruction negative

in English by adding
before the verb.

1 Read and find.
Look at these instructions from the radio programme Fitness Fun! Read each
instruction and match it to one of the photographs on page 30 of your Classbook.
Write the letter of the photograph next to the matching instruction.
Underline the words in the text that help you match the instructions to the

Slowly stretch up again and then gently bend to the right and
A slide your right hand down your right leg. Keep your head,
shoulders, and hips facing forwards. Hold this position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Lower your arms to the sides again. Gently bend to the left and
B slide your left hand down your left leg. Keep your head, shoulders,
and hips facing forwards. Hold this position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Slowly stretch up again and then shake your arms

C and your legs and jump up and down. You should
feel full of energy and ready to have a great day.

Stand with your feet about 50 cm apart. Keep your head and
D shoulders up and your arms by your sides. Hold this position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

E Stretch your arms out to the sides and hold them there 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Slowly raise your arms straight above your head. Hold your
F hands together and stretch as high as you can. Keep your
head and shoulders relaxed. Hold this position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Slowly lower your arms to your sides. Put your hands on

G your hips and gently lower your head backwards. Keep your
head and shoulders relaxed. Hold this position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Slowly lower your arms and bend forwards until your hands
H touch the floor. Keep your head and shoulders relaxed. Bend
your knees a little and hold this position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now
stand up again.

2 Order and do.

Put the instructions in the correct order. Look at page 30 of your Classbook to
help you.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Now read the instructions in the correct order and do the exercises.

1 Read and think.
This mark ’ is called an apostrophe. Apostrophes
It is used for two purposes.
1. To show who or what something belongs to. YO ING
This is Salim’s cap.
This cap belongs to Salim.

2. To show that a letter or letters are missing in words.

Sometimes when we speak, or when we write, there are
some words in English that we naturally make shorter
and leave letters out. These words are called contractions.
We use an apostrophe to show where letters are missing.

I’m from Oman. It’s from Russia.

I am from Oman. It is from Russia.
Don’t turn left.
Do not turn left.

2 Read, match and write.

Match each contraction with its longer form.
Write the contraction next to the matching words.

1. he is 5. has not got

2. they are 6. have not got

3. I have 7. is not

4. she has got 8. let us

3 Think and write.

Write in the missing apostrophes in the words below.

1 dont 2 theyre 3 its 4 Im 5 hes

shes theyve 8 havent 9 lets 10 hasnt

6 7

4 Think and complete.

We use an apostrophe to show who or what something to.

We use an apostrophe to show that a letter or letters are

in words.
1 Read and think. Planning your writing
1. When we write instructions, we are describing how something is done. We are
usually describing actions. Look at these instructions.
Open your bo Cut along the line.
Touch your toes

2. Usually, we write instructions in a sequence – one action comes before

another action. Put these instructions in the correct order.

Put your pencil case back in your school bag.

Take a pen out of your pencil case.

Open your pencil case.

Put your pen back in your pencil case.

Write your name.

1 Take your pencil case out of your school bag.

Close your pencil case.

2 Look and answer.

Look back at some of the instructions in this unit on Classbook pages 27 and 29
and Skills Book page 33.
What kind of words do the instructions begin with?

3 Look, think and write.

Look at this chart. Choose words from the chart to make 4 instructions. Write
them on a piece paper and put them in your portfolio. Be careful – you don’t need
to use words from every column.

4 Think and write.

Work with a friend and use instructions like these to write a short exercise
routine for the rest of your group. Check each other’s writing and then take it in
turns to give and follow the instructions.
Put your exercise instructions in your portfolio.

Today is:
My learning record

1 How well can you do these things?

1 2 3 4 5

very, very well very well OK not sure not very well

understand and talk about fitness and exercise

understand spoken instructions

understand written instructions

write instructions for an exercise routine

measure your fitness level

keep an exercise diary

2 What new words can you spell?

3 What did you learn in this unit?

These are some things I’ve learned about this topic:

These are some things I would like to learn about this topic:

4 What activities did you like in this unit?

I liked:

I didn’t like:

5 How well did you work with others?

My work with my friends was:

excellent very good good OK not very good

6 How well did you work?

My work in this unit was:

excellent very good good OK not very good


4 Survival!
1 Read and order.
Read David's e-mail on page 32 of your Classbook again. Put these sentences
about his holiday in Oman in order.

a. He visited Jibreen Fort. 1 d. He went on a boat trip.

b. He arrived home. e. He went to the desert.

c. He went to Jebel Akhdhar. f. He bought some postcards.

2 Read and match.

Match the questions and answers about David's holiday.

a. I stayed with my friend Ahmed.

1. Where did you go?
b. Yes, it was fantastic.
2. Who did you stay with?
c. I went to Oman.
3. What did you do there?
d. I visited a fort, went on a boat trip
4. Did you have a good time?
and went into the desert.

Now listen and check.

3 Do a role play.
Work with a friend. Take a role card and take it in turns to ask each other
about your holidays.
Who did you
stay with?
Where did you go?

I went I stayed with my

to Dubai. aunt and uncle.

1 Read and complete.
Look at these questions about the story on pages 33–35 of your
Classbook. Read the story again and complete the questions and
answers using the correct verbs from the sleeping bag.
1. What did Ali his father?

He him a map. 2. Where did they an accident?

They an accident in the desert.

3. What did they ?

They water. 4. What did Ali in the plastic


He plants in the plastic bags.

5. What did Ali from the plastic


He water from the plastic bags.

6. When did the plane over them?

It over them at night.

7. How many oryx did they ?

They one oryx.

2 Ask and answer.

Look at the questions below. Work with a friend and take it in turns
to ask and answer the questions.

Where did you go What did you watch

last Thursday? on television last night?

How did you travel

What did you have
to school yesterday?
for lunch yesterday?

3 Write.
Write your answers to the questions above.
Put them in your portfolio.
1 Read and answer.
Look at these questions about the story. Read the story again to find the
answers. Write short answers in the speech bubbles.

Did Ali give his father a map? Did they go and look for help?

1 Y , . 5

Did the pilot of the

Did they have a lot of water? aeroplane see them?

2 ,
No, n . 6

Did they have some food? Did they see an oryx?

3 7

Did the pilot of the

Did they have a tent? helicopter see them?

4 8

2 Think and write.

Look at these sentences about the story. Complete them using the verbs at the
end of each sentence to help you.
1. They a lot of water. (not have)

2. They some food. (have)

3. They the car. (not leave)

4. They a tent. (have)

5. Ali some little green plants. (collect)

6. An aeroplane over the desert. (fly)

7. The pilot of the aeroplane them. (not see)

8. They lots of oryx. (not see)

1 Read and complete.
Answer the questions about what you did yesterday. Write true answers using
Yes, I did or No, I didn't.
Did you go skiing yesterday?
Did you pray yesterday?

No, I didn’t.
Yes, I did.

Did you use the Did you speak

computer yesterday? English yesterday?

1 4

Did you do any Did you go swimming

exercise yesterday? yesterday?

2 5

Did you see a Did you see an

helicopter yesterday? oryx yesterday?

3 6

2 Ask and answer.

Work with a friend.
Take it in turns to ask
and answer the
questions about what 3 Write.
you did yesterday.
Write sentences like these
about what you did and didn't
do yesterday. Put them in
4 Imagine and write. your portfolio.

Imagine that yesterday was a perfect I prayed. I didn't go to the park.

day. Look at cut-out page G on page
63 at the back of your Classbook. I used the computer.
Write 5 sentences about the things
you did on your perfect day and 5 I spoke English. I didn't see a helicopter.
sentences about the things you
didn't do.

1 Read and think.
We use the past simple to talk ive
Talking negat
about finished actions or about the past: positive and

situations in the past.


What did Ahmed do last summer? What did you do yesterday?

He went to Australia. I went to school.

2 Write and check.

Write the negative of these sentences.



Now look at pages 33–35 of your Classbook to check your answers.

To make negative statements in the past, we use didn't and

we don't add –d or –ed to the main verb.

3 Think and answer.

Write true answers for these questions.
1. Did you pray yesterday? 2. Did you fly in an aeroplane yesterday?

When we give short answers about

the past, what verb do we repeat?

4 Think and complete.

We use the to talk about a finished action

or situation in the past.

We use to make the negative and we don't add or

to the main verb.

We repeat the verb in short answers.

1 Read and think.
Sto r i e s
All stories have a beginning, a middle and an end.

1. Story beginnings
If a story has a very exciting beginning, we will want to read more. If it is boring,
we won't want to read the rest of the story. Look at these story beginnings.
Which one do you think is more interesting? Why?

It was late. Rashid walked up the path to his house.

a He heard a noise from behind the tree.

Screech! Rashid heard a loud noise in the quiet of the

b night. He found a torch, and slowly walked towards
the tree. Suddenly, he saw something move in the dark.
2. Story endings
The way a story ends is also very important. Look at these story endings.
Which one do you think is more interesting? Why?

Rashid's dad looked behind the tree and suddenly started to

laugh. He slowly bent down to pick something up. When he
turned around, he had a tiny cat in his hands. The little cat
a had made the screeching noise as it scared away a mouse.
Rashid smiled. He felt a little bit silly. He had been very
scared and it was only a tiny cat.
The noise was not a wolf.
b It was a cat.
3. The middle of a story
The middle of a story gives us more information about the characters and
gives us more details about where and when the action takes place.

2 Read and order.

You are now going to read a story about a man who survived an amazing
experience. It is one of the most famous stories in English fiction. It is called
Robinson Crusoe. Do you know this story?
Your teacher will give you the story on a set of reading cards for your group.
Work in your group to read the story and put the parts of the story in the
correct order.
Start by choosing the text that tells the beginning of the story.
Next choose the text that tells the middle of the story.
Now find the text that tells the end of the story.
Write the letters of the different parts of the story in the spaces below.

beginning middle end

1 2 4
of the words to help you label the boat.

Look at this boat. Use the definitions
Label the boat.

galley [n] the kitchen on a ship engine room [n] the room where
the ship’s engines are
cabin [n] the room on a ship where bridge [n] the room where the
you sleep captain controls the sailing of the ship
deck [n] the floor of a ship head [n] the bathroom on a ship
1 Read and think.
Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o and u.
‘a’ and ‘an’
A consonant is any letter of the alphabet
that is not a vowel.
Write 2 words that begin with a vowel ITI
and 2 words that begin with a consonant.

2 Read and think.

Look at these two groups of words. What is the difference between the words
in the two groups?

a pen an oryx
a goat an axe
a car an island
a tent an umbrella
a compass an egg

In English we always use an instead of a before a word beginning with a vowel.

Do you do the same in your language?

3 Read and label.

Look at these pictures. Label them using a or an correctly.

1 4 7
umbrella oryx candle

2 torch 5 ice-cream 8 egg

3 boat
6 aeroplane

4 Think and complete.

When you check your writing, remember to check your use of a and an.
Remember the rule.

We use before a word beginning with a vowel and before

a word beginning with a consonant.
1 Listen and think.
Look at this picture of the Earth. ard ‘th’
Now listen to the sentence about it. soft ‘th’ and h
Are all the th sounds the same?
This is the Earth. SOU

What positions are

missing on the Earth?
Write them on the East West

Now listen and check.

2 Read and complete.

Look at the pictures below. Complete the words next to the pictures.
tee in

2 1000 ousand 4

Listen and repeat the words.

3 Think and sort.

Look at these words containing the letters th. Sort them into two groups –
words that have a soft ‘th’ sound as in ‘thin’
and words that have a hard ‘th’ sound as in ‘that’.

soft th sounds hard th sounds

4 Say the tongue twister.

Three thousand thin thumbs!

1 Read and think.
Adverbs are words that describe verbs.
Many adverbs end with the letters –ly.

The oryx quickly ran away. RDS

The word ‘quickly’ is the adverb.
It describes the verb ‘ran’
– it tells us how it was done.

Ali talked quietly to David.

The word ‘quietly’ is the adverb.
It describes the verb ‘talked’
– it tells us how it was done.

2 Read and find.

Which words are the verbs and adverbs in these sentences? Draw a circle around
the adverb and underline the verb.

a. The gecko jumped quickly. c. The camel walked slowly.

b. The baby cried loudly. d. He opened the window carefully.

3 Read, think and complete.

Read the sentences about the story carefully. Complete the sentences using
the adverbs in the water container. Look at the story on pages 33–35 of your
Classbook for help.
1. Ali opened the plastic bags .

2. David took out his torch.

3. He picked up his camera.

4. , they heard a noise.

5. The helicopter turned in a big circle.

6. They jumped up and down .

4 Think and complete.

We use an to tell us more about a .

Many adverbs end with the letters .

Today is:
My learning record

1 How well can you do these things?

1 2 3 4 5

very, very well very well OK not sure not very well

understand and talk about survival

understand and use did and didn’t to talk about the past

make and respond to suggestions about survival

write sentences about what you did and didn’t do in the past

read and understand longer stories

2 What new words can you spell?

3 What did you learn in this unit?

These are some things I’ve learned about this topic:

These are some things I would like to learn about this topic:

4 What activities did you like in this unit?

I liked:

I didn’t like:

5 How well did you work with others?

My work with my friends was:

excellent very good good OK not very good

6 How well did you work?

My work in this unit was:

excellent very good good OK not very good


5 The world of work

1 Read, think and label.
Look at the two pictures below. Now look at the two descriptions of jobs. Label
each picture with the correct job title. b

1. A vet is a person who looks after sick animals.

2. A tailor is a person who makes clothes.

2 Read and complete.

Read these descriptions of jobs and use the words in the frieze to help you
complete the sentences.

1. An is a person who flies in space.

2. A is a person who stays at home and

looks after the family.

3. A is a person who helps people learn

new things.

4. A is a person who drives cars or lorries.

5. A is a person who catches fish.

6. A is a person who flies aeroplanes or


1 Read and complete the chant.
Read and complete the chant using the words in the box below.

What do you want to be?

What do you want to be when you’re 21?

I want to be a film star and have lots of !

What do you want to be when you’re 22?

I want to be a baker and make a cake for .

What do you want to be when you’re 23?

I want to be a sailor and sail upon the .

What do you want to be when you’re 24?

I want to be a carpenter and use a .

What do you want to be when you’re 25?

I want to be a farmer with a big .

What do you want to be when you’re 26?

I want to be a magician and learn lots of .

What do you want to be when you’re 27?

I haven't decided. I'm only !

2 Listen and match.

Look at the 4 jobs on page 43 of your Classbook. Listen and
decide which job each person is talking about. Write the letter of
the picture showing the job in the boxes below.

1 3
2 4

1 Read and label.
Read these descriptions of jobs. Use the information in the text to decide which
job is being described. Underline the words in the text that help you match the
job to the description. Label each text with the title of the job.


a b

I start work at 7 o’clock in the morning and

I take care of people who are ill. I usually finish at 2.30. I look after a school
sometimes give people medicine to with 24 teachers and more than 600
make them well again. I usually work children. Every day, I talk to teachers and
in the hospital from 7.45 in the morning parents about the children in the school.
until 4.15 in the afternoon. Sometimes I Sometimes I arrange special days at the
have to go back to the hospital at nights school so that parents can come and see
to see my patients. I like my job very their children’s work and talk to their
much because I like helping people. teachers. I love my job because I like
working with children, teachers and parents.

c d

I usually work in the centre of town, but

I work on an oil rig in the desert. I start
sometimes I work on the highways outside
work at 6.30 in the morning and finish
town. I usually work from 2.30 in the
at 2.30 in the afternoon. I take care of
afternoon until 10.30 at night, but
the big machines that we use to drill for
sometimes I work from 10.30 at night until
oil. I calculate how much oil we will
6.30 in the morning. I try to make sure
get. Sometimes I change the position of
that everyone drives safely. Sometimes I
the machines so that we can get more
have to help if there is an accident. I like
oil. I like my job because I like working
my job because I like helping people and I
with machines.
really like riding my motor bike!

1 Read and think.
When we say some words, we can break them Syllables
down into smaller parts called syllables.
Some words are easier to read S
and say if you break them down SOU
into syllables.
fish er man

2 Think and write.

Look at these job words. Some of the syllables are missing.
Write the missing syllable in the space and then write the whole word.

1. po man
4. as naut
2. doc
5. gi neer
3. ar tect

3 Think and sort.

Look at all the job words under the charts. Sort them into words with 2, 3 or 4
syllables and write them in the correct space on the charts.

3 syllables
2 syllables

4 syllables

1 Look and think.
Can you remember how to say the time in English? s
Time expression

12 1
What is the 11 RDS
time now? 10 2 WO
a a

quarter 9 3 quarter

to past
8 4
7 6 5

half past

2 Look, listen and think.

Look at these times and listen to the tape.

It’s two o’clock. It’s a quarter It’s half past two. It’s a quarter
past two. to three.
Now think and complete these rules about saying the time in English.

We use for complete hours.

We use for 15 minutes and for 30 minutes.

We use before the hour and after the hour.

3 Think and complete.

Look at these different types of clocks. Complete the missing times.

4.05 3.40

five past four twenty past four five to four twenty to four

4.10 4.25 3.50

ten past four twenty five past four ten to four twenty five to four

1 Read and write.
Look at the chart on page 46 of your Classbook. Now read these sentences.
Ben likes drawing pictures and doing sports and exercise.
He doesn’t like working with numbers.

Now look at the information about Maria. Write a sentence about the things
she likes doing and a sentence about the things she doesn’t like doing.

2 Do a survey.
Look at the chart. Complete the chart for yourself. Put a tick for the things you
like doing and a cross for the things you don’t like doing.
Now ask a friend about the activities they like doing. Record the information on
the chart.
You Your friend
Do you like Yes No Yes No Do you like
drawing pictures drawing
working with numbers
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
doing sports and
working with tools
and machines
playing music

meeting new people

3 Write about your friend.

Now look at the information about your friend. Write a sentence about the
things they like doing and a sentence about the things they don’t like doing.

4 Write about yourself.

Now write sentences about the things you like doing and the things you don’t like
doing. Show your sentences to a friend.
Put your sentences in your portfolio.

1 Read and think.
We use the present simple to talk about ?
Present simple

? daily activities and things that are true.

Read this true information.
Paula doesn’t work in an office. GU
Paula works in a gym. LAN

They like maths.

Does Paula work in a gym?

They don’t like sport.

Do they like sport?

No, they don’t.
? Yes, she does.
Read the information again and then complete the rules.
We use and to make questions in the present simple.

We use and to make the negative in the present simple.

2 Read, write and think.

When we want to ask questions about daily activities and things that are true,
we use the auxiliary verb do and does to help the main verb.

Yes, I do.
Do you like No, I don’t.
working with

I don’t mind.

Look at page 46 of your Classbook and page 55 of your Skills Book. Find one
question beginning with Do and one question beginning with Does. Write the
questions and answers here.

Read the questions and answers again and then complete the rule.

You can answer Do/Does questions with ,

or a short answer.

3 Read and write.
Some question words begin with the letters ‘Wh–’.
These are called ‘Wh’ questions.

? Where … time … ?
What … ? What

Look through Unit 5 of your Classbook and Skills Book. Find an example of a
‘What …’ question, a ‘Where …’ question and a ‘What time …’ question.
Write them here.

Find the answers to the questions and write them under the questions.

We cannot answer questions with Yes or No,

we must give more information.

1 Read, think and label. Planning your writing
It is important before you start writing to organise your ideas.
Look at Maha's mind map below.


paragraph paragraph

There needs to be a clear order for writing your ideas. Look at Maha's
mind map again. Now look at her writing on page 50 of the Classbook.
Write the number of each paragraph on Maha's mind map.

2 Read and think.

When we write about factual information we often
organise our writing in the same way Maha has.
We start with a general introduction.
Then, we write more detailed information.
Finally, we write a conclusion.
Look at cut-out page 73 at the back of your Skills Book.
Use this mind map to help you plan and draft your writing.

3 Think and write.

When we write about facts or true information and daily routines we use
the present simple. Look at Maha's writing on page 50 of your Classbook
and underline all the verbs in the present simple.
Use all the information on this page to help you write your report.

1 Read and find.
Look at Ben’s first draft of his project about r writ
Correcting you
his brother’s job. There are 6 mistakes in his
draft. Can you help Ben find and correct them?
b. Underline the mistakes and
What's his jo write the corrections here.
e r to m is a n animal docte
My broth l works. ,
e in a b ig a nimal hospita W j ?
H 6
m 9 o'clock to
He works fro
o'clock every
re of animals
Tom takes ca s,
e il l. H e s e e s lots of dog
they ar y.
b b it s a n d b irds every da
cats, r a to
ti m e s T o m has to go out
Some looks
s to v is it il l animals. He
farm ws,
nimals like co
after farm a
horses and s
job. He's vet.
Tom liking his

2 Read and match.

Look at these different kinds of mistakes. Write the number of each kind of
mistake next to the mistakes Ben made in his writing.

1. Capital letters 4. Word order

3 Correct: Hamad 3 Correct: I like playing football.
7 Incorrect: hamad 7 Incorrect: I like football playing.

2. Punctuation 5. Missing words

3 Correct: What do you do? 3 Correct: What do you do?
7 Incorrect: What do you do. 7 Incorrect: What you do?

3. Spelling 6. Grammar
3 Correct: teacher 3 Correct: He works in an office.
7 Incorrect: teachor 7 Incorrect: He work in an office.

3 Think and check.

Do you have problems with these types of mistakes when you write in English?
Remember to check for these different kinds of mistakes when you correct
your own or your friends’ writing.
Today is:
My learning record

1 How well can you do these things?

1 2 3 4 5

very, very well very well OK not sure not very well

understand and talk about jobs and their activities

read and understand factual information about different


ask and answer questions in the present tense

understand and talk about time

ask and answer questions about activities you and your

friends like doing

write a short report about someone’s job

2 What new words can you spell?

3 What did you learn in this unit?

These are some things I’ve learned about this topic:

These are some things I would like to learn about this topic:

4 What activities did you like in this unit?

I liked:

I didn’t like:

5 How well did you work with others?

My work with my friends was:

excellent very good good OK not very good

6 How well did you work?

My work in this unit was:

excellent very good good OK not very good


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