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Reviewing GMRC

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Lesson 2 - Guiding Principles in the which lead students to responsible and

Teaching of GMRC/VE mature adulthood. Effective value

education must promote the
development of virtue.
Good Manners and Right Conduct Virtues are developed through
(GMRC) and Values Education (VE) are learning and through practice.
core subjects in the K to 12 Basic
Education Program as mandated by Virtues are habits. That is, once they
Republic Act No. 11476, also known as are acquired, they become
the GMRC and Values Education Act. characteristics of a person. Moreover, a
person who has developed virtues will
be naturally disposed to act in ways that
1. Values are both taught and caught. is consistent with moral principles. The
Teacher must teach the cognitive virtuous is the ethical person
aspects of virtue intentionally and must 5. Values education is concerned
live by it to set the example. with relationship
Albert Bandura's (1977), social learning Personhood is rooted in relationship
theory, states that behavior is learned
from the environment through the We develop our personhood in
process of observational learning. relationship with others. One's
development is inseparably related to
2. Values cannot be separated from others. No one attains his/her
cognitive understanding although personhood without others
values and attitudes relate to the
effective dimensions. 6. An effective values education
takes place in an atmosphere of
Students must understand the cognitive respect, tolerance and genuine
bases of virtuous practice. understanding.
3. Child may not yet be capable of The GMRCIVE teachers shares and
understanding his/her true offers his/her value system with the
personhood but can be taught to lead students and students also share their
a virtuous life that early for him to value system in class without imposing
develop good character. them on others.
Train up a child in the way he should go,
even when he is old, he will not depart
from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

4. Values education is about developing

virtues, good habits and dispositions
Lesson 3-HOW I VIEW MYSELF? Example: My favorite teacher would
usually say "I would be very happy to do
it, but my schedule has been filled up
Acceptance and appreciation of your since last week. I hope it's not urgent,
self-discoveries will lead you and but I can't be available.
bring you closer to your goal. C. STRETCHING
According to Leo Buscagia, "We have It is risking beyond our comfort
the right to be ourselves and all we can zones to try new and more satisfying
do is claim that right". ways of doing things. Caution must
You may have limitations but the also be made that stretching should be
famous Helen Keller once said: "I done in a gradual manner. If it's about
learned that it is possible for us to create refusing somebody who is not yet very
light and sound and order within us no close to you. Then do it with friends until
matter what calamity may befall us in you get the art of doing it graciously.
the outer world." The risk of doing it abruptly is you might
get overwhelmed, or experience
rejection resulting in a strained
relationship. Think of a situation that
The Vision Therapy of John Powell
applies best to you and try this


It is a statement of truth we tell It is reflecting or meditating as to how

ourselves to replace the error in our God is communicating with you in a
false thinking and distorted attitudes. particular event of your life.

Example: Distorted statement about the Example: instead of becoming defensive

self: "I have to be available to everyone about negative feedback, you can pray
who asks for my help otherwise I am for the gift of openness and humility to
unfair. Countering statement: I am very accept, learn, and grow from it.
willing to help, but just don't have the


It is imitating a person who acts the

way we want to act. We think, identify
with, and act like that person. I
remember how my teacher refused a
request in a nice way.


VALUES they are street signs that No human being is exempted; very
would lead you to the right path that human being is called to uphold and
would bring you closer to your live by them during his lifetime.
Examples: love, respect for the dignity
 According to psychologist: of man, love of truth, justice, peace
respect for property, family, solidarity,
-it is that which makes something respect for life, freedom, work.
desirable, attractive, worthy of
approval, admiration; 2.CULTURAL BEHAVIORAL VALUES

- that which inspires feelings, Behavioural values are the inner

judgements or attitudes of personal responses or incentives
esteem, commendation which prompt a person to act in a
certain way.
- that which is useful in view of
certain ends (Esteban, 1990) Cultural values are the modes of
conduct of a group of society.
- it motivates, inspire or lead
you to choose and reach your 3. VALUES OF A TEACHER
goals in life.
Teaching is the most important job in
 According to sociologist: our society, as educators play a
crucial role in helping to influence
- a goal of personal behaviour learners and shape their lives. As
during social interactions. such, teacher who commit themselves
MORAL VALUES to teach often hold specific values that
motivate and drive them to dedicate
- are universal truths which man holds their lives to others. Teachers have a
to be good and important they are the special responsibility to foster
ethical principles which he struggles to values.
attain and implement in his daily life.
they are the ideals which transcends all
time and space. which are valid for all THE CORE FILIPINO VALUES
men regardless of race or religion the
one which unite strangers, families, 1. MAKA-DIYOS
nations and all humanity.
Expresses one's spiritual beliefs
while respecting the spiritual
beliefs of others.
2. MAKA-TAO Is being sensitive to
individual, social and cultural

3. MAKA-KALIKASAN Caring for the

environment and utilizing resources
wisely, judiciously and economically.

4. MAKA-BANSA Demonstrate pride in

being a Filipino; exercise the rights and
responsibilities of a Filipino citizen.

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