Educ 125
Educ 125
Educ 125
We dont live in a vacuum. We live in a society. We are part of society. Our society influences us to the extent that we allow ourselves to be influenced by it . Our thoughts, values, and actions are somehow shaped by events and by people with whom we come in contact. We, in turn, help shape society its event, its people and its destiny.
1. Essentialism
this philosophy contents that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and values. - Essentialist teacher emphasize mastery of subject matter.
3. Perennialism
we are all rational animals. School should therefore develop the students rational and moral power. According to Aristotle, if we neglect the students reasoning skills, we deprive them of the ability to use their higher faculties to control their passoins and appetite.
2. Progressivism
Teacher teach to develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens of a democratic society. This group of teachers teach learners so they may live life fully now not prepare them for adult life.
4. Existentialism
the main concern of the exestintialists is to help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions. To help students define their own essence by exposing them to various path they take in life.
5. Behaviorism
Concerned with the modification and shaping of the students behavior by providing for a favorable environment since they believe that they are a product of their environment.
philosophy is vital only when questions are mine as is the strughle towards answers. - W. Luijpen
Your philosophy of education is your window to the world and compass in life. Hence, it may be good to put that philosophy of education in writing. You surely have one just as everybody has only that sometimes it is not well articulated.
Your philosophy of education is uplected in your dealings with students, colleagues, parents and administrators.
Your philosophy of education, you may find yourself more consistent in your dealings with other people in your actions and decisions.
What does philosophy of education contains or include? it includes your concept about: 1. the human person, the learners in particular one the educated person 2. What is true and good and therefore must be taught 3. How a learner must be taught in order to come close to the truth.
26% parents 24% non-government organizations 23%principals and assistant principals 21% representatives from the business and industry sectors 6% school superintendents
Community Perception on the role of the teacher in the Community Teacher are perceive to be: 1. Very important in the community 2. Respected in a community 3. Help in the community to some extent.
The community respondent with 12 beliefs and attitudes as follows: 1. The most intelligent child should be encourage to enter the teaching profession 2. Teacher sets moral standard of the community 3. Teacher make good parents
5. should be encourage to enter the teaching profession 6. Teachers should be paragons of virtue 7. Children obey and respect their teachers 8. Teachers play an active role in disciplining children 9. Praising boosts as child's self-confidence 10.A teacher is a childs model 11.Child's interest in studies depends upon his/her teacher 12.Parents entrust children welfare to teachers
a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and say, yes, this is how I ought to feel.
Some once wrote of teacher Even on your worst day on the job, you are still some childrens best hope indeed society expects much from you, the teacher. Henry Brooks Adams said it succinctly A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
What is Morality
As defined by one textbook author, morality refers to the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil. Your human action is right when it conforms which the norm, rule or law of morality, otherwise it is said to be wrong.
4. Being a morality mature person you have reached a level of development emotionally, socially, mentally, spiritually appropriate to your developmental stage.
Transcendent Value
beyond changing times, beyond space and people Idealist group
There are unchanging and universal values -relativists group - claim that there are no universal and unchanging values.
2. You have to be open to and attentive in your value lessons. 3. Take active part in value sessions.
Value formation is a training of the intellect and will the intellect proposes and the will disposes St. Thomas Aquinas three functions to develop intellect 1. formation of ideas 2. judgment 3. reasoning
virtue involves a habits, a constant effort to do things well in spite of obstacles and difficulties.
Max Schelters hierarchy of values1. Pleasure values the pleasant against the unpleasant - the agreeable against the disagreeable - sensual feelings - experiences of pleasure or pain
2. Vital values values pertaining to the well being either of the individual or the community. - health - vitality - values of vital feeling - capability - excellence
3. Spiritual values values independent of the whole sphere of the body and of the environment; - gasped in spiritual acts of preferring, loving and hating - aesthetic values; beauty against ugliness - values of right and wrong - values of pure knowledge
4. Values of the Holy appear only in regard to objects intentionally given as absolute objects - belief - adoration - bliss
Teaching as your profession - require long and ardors years of preparation and a striving for excellence