EDU 101 Short Notes
EDU 101 Short Notes
EDU 101 Short Notes
Topic: 01 – Introduction:
Ideology is the common understanding and believes that people in a group have accepted by
which to live their lives. Here Islamic ideology will be discussed in this course below because
we are Pakistani and many people living here are Muslims.
Islamic Perspective:
“A continuous process that nurtures the natural potentials of human beings from the
intellectual, behavioural, spiritual and physical aspects in an integrated and balanced manner
so as to produce righteous human beings who will bring goodness to this world and
Islamic Philosophers in this perspective:
According to the scholar ‘Abd Halim Hj. Mat Diah’, 1989:
“Islamic education is a process for all under the purposeful guidance of educators who will
shape Muslims based on the teachings of Islam.”
According to the scholar ‘Abdul Halim El-Muhammady, 1993’:
“The purpose of education is to produce the righteous individuals who are willing to take on
the responsibility of the caliphs (successors of Prophet Muhammad) entrusted by Allah to
lead us to happiness in this world and in the next.”
2. Physical Education: We would like to have healthy and active people who are
constructive contributors to the society. People who are slow, unhealthy and not well are
not good contributors to the society. So, if we want individuals to live a healthy life, they
must be physically fit. This encompasses sports, games, athletics and any other physical
activity that people are involved in. What this all teaches them is sharing and cooperation
because many sports are played in teams. Some sports are played as individuals events
but most of them are not and so there is a lot of good learning that happens here.
3. Mental Education: It is the development of the mind and is the basis of education. How
does an individual develop his capacity to think and use his brain? It happens when in
education we make the individual be embedded in creative, natural and analytical
thinking and thinking outside the box through activities that enable the individuals to
solve problems, come to decisions, give their opinions and recommendations, share their
ideas etc. only when we force students to think for themselves then this mental education
proves to be meaningful and fruitful.
4. Life Education: Education is not a morning to afternoon activity, it happens outside the
school and classroom also. It happens both formally and informally. Learning through
other informal experiences such as gatherings and markets is also essential for young
people. If you only limit education to what happens in a classroom, people will never
learn as much because a classroom in its true sense is an artificial setting.
5. Social Education: We cannot live on our own alone. We will not be able to survive
because we will not be able to do all everything for us, we need other people to help us in
our life and so that social interaction is important. Social education teaches us
cooperation, sharing, tolerance, listening, not only thinking about you but others as well.
With the virtual world becoming more and more of a reality today and the world
shrinking to a global village scenario, it is more important for the individuals today to be
socially adapt at how to interact with individuals in your own cultural setting and other
cultural settings.
6. Sex Education: This education is not in the sense of love and romance, this is the
education of how you will deal with the individual of opposite gender. When you are with
friends who are all girls and all boys, you behave differently. But when you are in mixed
gathering, you behave differently. Sex education teaches you how to behave in such
gatherings with the individual of opposite gender.
2. Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)
Produced more than 400 literary works in Theology (Study of Religion),
Philosophy, Science and Sufism (a mystic tradition within Islam)
His great works:
Ihya al-Ulum al-Din: a broad field of Islamic Science, Jurisprudence, Logic,
Epistemological Concept
Since Islamic values are dependent on orders from God, so values have been devised by
Almighty God, the creator of the universe.
These are, therefore, permanent, eternal and heavenly.
Whatever are the ways of passing or living our lives, these are accountable and good will
be rewarded and vice will be punished.
There are four areas of philosophical inquiry:
Metaphysics: concerned with questions about the nature of reality. In other words,
metaphysics deals with the real. What is real? Everything that we see, touch, feel, hear, taste
are all real. Everything in this universe is real. So, according to metaphysics, if everything
was real then man should be involved in finding out about everything and that basically is
Epistemology: concerned with the nature of knowledge. Now we can’t study, learn or
explore possibly everything therefore, what is the truth, what needs to be finding out from
what exists? This differentiation is made in epistemology. It is humanly impossible to study
everything. What I think is true is what I am going to teach. According to this area of
philosophical inquiry, no two teachers even if they teach the same grade level and same
subject matter will teach the same way. Because their beliefs and philosophies differ.
Axiology: concerned with the nature of values (The moral learning). We want our children to
develop their mind, body, spiritually but we also want them to develop morally. So, what
moral basis exists? What values should we teach to our young people today? Values are
universal. They ran across subject matters and discipline. Every teacher should be teaching
values and morals, no matter what subject or grade level she is teaching to. For example,
when a student cheats, a student is late or student is not in class with his/her homework, it is
an opportunity for teacher to teach some values and teachers across disciplines could do that.
Instead of simply relying that the Islamiyah teacher will teach all the values and morals.
Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as
well as the basic categories of being and their relations.
Aims of Education
The aim education is to seek the will of God and to have the fear of Day of Judgment.
An individual should be made God-fearing so that he may become and prove a pious
person for the society.
Islam stresses material development provided it is according to the dictates of God.
Islam stresses the welfare of human society.
Islam holds the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as model for all human beings.
Topic: 08 - Curriculum
- Islam does not confine itself to a particular method of teaching rather it encourages
any method through which the students are able to understand the subject matter.
- According to Islamic philosophy any method may be adopted according to the need of
a topical lesson.
- For example, problem solving, debate, research, experimental, demonstrative, lecture,
practical, group or an individual method may be used according to the need of the
- A student should think his/her teacher is a spiritual father/mother and show respect to
- A student has the right to get the advice.
- Student should be an active participant in the classroom.
- It is the duty of every man and woman to get education.
Topic: 13 - Administration/Management
Topic: 16 - Introduction
The Meaning of Philosophical Inquiry
“Whenever people choose to embrace, if their choices are made in a logical, rational manner,
they are engaged in the process of doing philosophy”.
Four specific areas of philosophical inquiry:
- Axiology is the study of values; it asks the question of “What is good?” From
axiology we arrive at an understanding of “What is good?”
- We get the ethics from the study of axiology.
- Logic has to do with thinking, reasoning and problem solving.
- Leeds to decision making.
- Thinking can be:
Inductive or Deductive
Topic: 20 - Idealism
Ideas are the only true reality, the only thing worth knowing. Ideas are generated in the hand
and these need to be translated as these are only thoughts. So, as people develop ideas, old
ideas lead to newer ideas, lots of ideas and information is created and that brings us to know
how many of these new ideas do we need.
Focus: Mind
Topic: 22 - Role of Teacher
Dealing with abstract notions through dialectic method and connecting analysis with
Active, posing questions, selecting materials and establishing an environment to
ensure the desired outcomes.
A role model to be imitated by students.
Topic: 24 - Curriculum
Examining the roots of contemporary problems in the past (great literature/classics etc)
Education at any level should teach students to think.
Subject- matter curriculum
Back-to-basics approach in education
“Perennialism” Related Educational Philosophy to Idealism
Topic: 25 - Perennialism
Focus: Teach ideas that are everlasting. Seek enduring realities which are constant, through
great literature, art, philosophy, religion.
Key Proponents
Robert Hutchins
Jacque Maritain
Mortimer Adler
Allan Bloom
Topic: 26 - Realism
Reality exists independent of the human mind. World of physical object is ultimate reality.
They say that reality is something that exists. The ultimate reality is the physical objects so
everything that you can see, touch and feel is real.
Focus: Body
Originator: Aristotle
Topic: 28 - Role of Teacher
Topic: 30 - Curriculum
Curriculum consists of the basics- math, science, reading etc.
Attention is given to didactic and object studies in education (use of pictures, TV,
videos in educational process)
Use of objects in education (Montessori)
Emphasis is on subject matter (highly organized and systematic in approach)
Empirical facts always subject to change
Topic: 31 - Essentialism
Related Educational Philosophy to Realism
Focus: Teach the common core, “the basics” of information and skills (cultural heritage)
neede for citizenship. (Curriculum can change slowly)
Key Proponents
William Bagley
Arthur Bestor
E.D. Hirsch
Chester Finn
Diane Ravitch
Theodore Sizer
Topic: 32 - Pragmatism
Universe is dynamic and evolving. Purpose of thought is action. Truth is relative. The key
term here is evolving which means that when you evolve you change. So, when you change,
nothing can be permanent. Things change, nothing is permanent is the pragmatism approach.
Focus: Experience
Topic: 37 - Progressivism
Related Educational Philosophy to Pragmatism
Focus: ideas should be tested by active experimentation. Learning rooted in questions of
learners in interaction with others. Experience3 and student cantered.
Key Proponents
John Dewey
William Kilpatrick
Topic: 42 - Curriculum:
- Stressing arts and literature, little emphasis is given on math and science.
- The humanities are considered because they deal with the essential aspects of human
existence, such as the relations between people, the tragic side of human life as well
as the happy, the absurdities as well as the meaning.
- Through humanities, try to awaken modern individuals to the dangers of being
swallowed up by the megalopolis and runway technology (wide awaken)
- Do not have definite rules about what the curriculum should compromise. Believe that
the Student-In-Situation making a choice should be the deciding factor. (Curriculum
from the standpoint of the learner rather than as a collection of discrete subjects).
Topic: 43 - Existentialism:
- Reality is subjective, within the individual. Individual rather than external standards.
Key Proponents:
- Sartre
- Kierkegaard
Topic: 44 - Eclecticism:
- There is a way of dealing with all the various models.
- Eclecticism is not a philosophical system or model, but rather is the synthesizing and
personal interpretation of various models to draw out the best components for you.
- Thus, you pull the best from various models in an effort to build your own statement
of personal philosophy.
Topic: 50 - A Comparison:
Education School
Broad Specific
Take place anywhere anytime, anyplace Particular location; limited definition
Behaviour change processes Place for education collective body of pupils
Lack of formalization Formalized
No assessment processes Assessment
Non-official Official
Lack of system Systemic
No need for certified person Certified person
No specific time limit for learning Compulsory period for attendance
Topic: 51 - Idealism/Perennialism:
- Values, ethics, and athletics.
- Changeless
- Determined by the very nature of reality
How we think? Inductive and deductive.
- Rationality, especially deductive thought is developed by studying classics and
through the Socratic dialectic
Topic: 58 - Axiology:
- Values, ethics and athletics.
- Determined by each individual in interaction with his/her culture, based on the shared
values of the community or culture.
- How we think? Deductive and Inductive
- Emphasis is on inductive thinking and problem solving
Topic: 61 - Axiology:
- Values, ethics and athletics
- Determined by the individual
- How we think? Deductive and Inductive
- Emphasis is primarily on inductive thought, because learning starts with experiences
and moves to hypothesis.
Topic: 63 - Modernism:
- God, reason and progress
- Progress is based upon knowledge, and man is capable of discerning objective
absolute truths in science and the arts.
- Modernism is linked to capitalism-progressive economic administration of world
- Modernization of 3rd world countries (Imposition of Modern Western values)
Language and truth:
- People are the same everywhere.
- There are universal laws and truths
- Knowledge is objective, independent of culture, gender etc.
- Language is a man-made tool that refers to real things/truths
- I have a discernible self
- The self is the center of existence
The major theories of learning have been classified into three groups:
2. Cognitive Theories:
The major theories of learning have been classified into three groups:
- Focuses on the whole child, their social, psychological and cognitive development
Key players:
- Thorndike – Connectionism (what students learn today must be connected with what they
have learnt previously)
- Pavlov & Watson – Classical conditioning (individuals learn automatic responses. These
are basic emotional or physiological responses that people show)
Topic 87: