A Practical Research
Presented to the Department of the
Senior High School
Prophet’s Pen Academy
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements in
Practical Research 1
Above all else, the researchers are grateful to the Almighty God for guiding and giving
them knowledge in doing the study.
The researchers would like to thank Sir Jersy Hanson O. Yabo for his patience towards
checking the paper of the researchers and lending his time to help and guide them in making this
research successful.
The researchers would also like to extend their gratefulness to Ms. Ruth Aput for her
willingness to help and giving her time regardless of her busy schedule.
The researchers are also grateful to the respondents for the cooperation and participating
during the conducting of survey for the data gathering as they have a big contribution for the study
to be possible.
And lastly, the researchers are grateful for the unconditional love and support their parents
gave right from the start until the success of the study.
The Researchers
Clarabal, Angelica B.
ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………………… v
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………………… vi
LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………………… vii
1.1 Background of the Study………………………………………………………………….......1
1.2 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………..2
1.3 Objective of the Study…………………………………………………………………………3
1.4 Hypothesis of the Study……………………………………………………………………….3
1.5 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………...3
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study……………………………………………………………4
1.7 Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………..4
4.1 Subject of the Study…………………………………………………………………………….12
4.2 Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………………. 12
4.3 Instruments Use in the Study…………………………………………………………………..13
6. CONCLUSION……………….……………………………………………………………………… 22
7. RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………………………………….....23
8. LITERATURE CITED………………………………………………………………………………..24
1 Conceptual Framework……….…………………………………………………………11
2 Map showing the location of Prophet’s Pen Academy, Matangad,
Gitagum, Misamis Oriental………………………………………………………………14
3 Percentage distribution of parents greatly influence their career choice……......... 15
4 Percentage distribution of choosing their career based on their interest in a
particular occupation……………………………………………………………………. 16
5 Percentage distribution of considering their religion background in
choosing their career choice…………………………………………………………….17
6 Percentage distribution of School’s quality of education and
popularity influence their career choice………………………………………………. 18
7 Percentage distribution of considering the scholarship offered in
choosing their career track………………………………………………………………19
8 Percentage distribution of considering the cost of the course or track……………. 20
9 Percentage distribution of factors that is significant in
influencing students’ career choice?....................................................................... 21
NICOLE A. MAGALLANES. Prophet’s Pen Academy. January 2021. “CAREER CHOICE
Career selection is an important stage in a student’s life so choosing a career track comes
with serious decisions and considerations. This research indicates to recognize what really are
the factors that can influence the decisions of the students in terms of choosing their career track.
Having a hard time to decide on what career to choose is one of the struggles that students face.
Even so, there are students who already knew what certain track they want to but still there’s a
hindrance or factors towards it. But what really are the factors that could affect their career choice?
There are a lot of students who struggle to deal with this kind of issue. This is written to seek for
answers that will possibly make a solution regarding to this problem. However, the results and
findings of this study will depend on the survey the researchers made.
Career selection is one of the main important choices in student’s plans especially among
the senior high school students. This decision-making is essential among the students for their
future. In every career choice a desire to always have an honest and stable occupation is utmost
important. According to Pablinas, Jr. et al (2015), “One of the most difficult decisions in life
especially to students who wish to pursue their education is the career choice”. Thus, choosing a
career simply means you are choosing a lifetime job. However, all careers have their subject’s
requirements, personality characteristics and personal abilities which are supposed to be fully
assessed before individuals can be deemed to be qualified to go into specific careers (Onayase,
2009). Parents influence their children’s choice of career in a number of ways which includes
direct inheritance, the provision of apprenticeship and role models (Gostein, 2000). Parents have
a crucial task of preparing the child for education. The family and parents shape the future
personality of the student as he/she grows up (James, et al, 2013). What the students see in the
environment may also affect their career choice. Environment has a momentous role in the career
choice students make and the position the student attains in various ways (Greenberger, 2002).
We say it is momentous because the environment for every generation changes. Sometimes
careers that are in demand right now may not be demanded 5 years or 10 years from now. And
lastly, the third factor that shaped the career choices of students is opportunity. No one wants to
feel that they lack power over their own lives (Weiler, 1997). For an opportunity is the best opening
to add value to people in ways that resonate best with who you are and motivates their spirit.
Know yourself first before you do something. You can’t seize an opportunity until you know what
you really want to do will do good for you. Moreover, embrace your own interests, not the desires
Student career success can best be achieved by a seminar or proper guidance. Tuche
(2002) is right in suggesting that students should have career guidance before making decisions
on what career they want to pursue. These factors include personal and family, environment, and
opportunity. Witko, Bernes, Magnusson and Bardick (2006) studies on senior high school
students' occupational aspirations, found out that interest, skill, personal meaning, challenges and
parental support are variables contributory to the occupational aspirations of senior high school
This study was conducted due to the fact of determining the factors that influence career
This study seeks to find the decisiveness in career choices among Grade 11 students. In
1. How are these factors affect the decisions on career choices among Grade 11 students?
b) environment
c) opportunity
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that shows what influences the choice
of career among the Grade 11 students and to promote a good career path in the future.
There are significant factors that affect the decisions of the students in choosing their
career. Career choice has been crucial to the part of every students especially to those who are
done in their studies. The factors that affect the students’ choice of career are personality,
This study will look into the extent and factors that influence students’ choice of career
that would eventually lead on their choice of occupation in the future. This research study benefits
the following:
Parents. This study is significant to the parents because the result of this study will provide
notions to parents on how they can best provide advices on their children’s choice of career.
Students. This study is significant to the students because they will be able to determine what
are the factors that can affect their choice of career. It will help the students in their decision-
Schools and Community. This study is beneficial to schools and community because
it will enable the authorities to enhance and/or provide programs for senior high school
The limitation of this study focuses on factors affecting the career choice of Grade 11
students of Prophet’s Pen Academy. Financial, time and other logistical constraints hindered the
depth and width of this research. Central to this study will be the information about what factors
affects the career choice of students. The researchers will be using survey questionnaires
regarding the topic of this study for the needed answer and results.
Career - refers to the broad opportunities that exist for lifelong vocations. It is a profession
Opportunity - refers to those choices in one’s life which are exposed either in a subtle or
obvious manner.
Career is the part of life that includes education, training, and work experience. The path
where you see yourself in the future through learning, work, and other aspects of life. Making
careful and well-thought decisions regarding your career can increase your chance of success.
Many people believe that success means having a high-earning, high-achievements, and a great
status in society. A lot of people, on the other hand, define a successful career in terms of a stable
work environment, good work-life balance, and low-stress levels. At this point, it is imperative to
discuss each factor. The first factor that affects the career choice of every senior high school
students is the Personal and Family factor. Personal wants and goals have been the most
prevailing factor among the three bases on the previous studies that we have encountered. “Often
a student who is better with language than art arrives at a career choice emphasizing this natural
talent for communication” as mentioned in the study by Dye (2016). These students often select
careers in which they felt they could excel in. Parents educational and occupation may also affect
students’ choice of career because some students consider continuing with their parent’s
occupation that may affect their career choice. “The family and parents shape the future
personality of the student as he grows up. Parents have a crucial task of preparing the child for
education. Students’ from rich backgrounds are more likely to gain a better education than those
Hin, Tin, Leaung, Elana, Vikis and Yoshida, (2007) argued that Personality is a
of qualities or traits that are somewhat stable across situation (Hewitt, 2010). An example is that
if you are outgoing and assertive with your friends at school, you will probably be outgoing and
assertive with your colleagues at work. Your personality to some extent can also be influenced
by your environment. According to Sears and Gordon (2002), for instance, if one is outgoing and
assertive and works in an environment where you are not permitted to express your personality,
you may have to tone down your life and consequently be unhappy at work because you are not
able to be yourself. Although personality is important, it is good to note that most occupation
The family background is one of assisting prominent in career decision making according
to Sear and Gordon (2000). This research found out that parents are the most influential career
role models for students. Mothers in precise to exert greater guidance during their high school
years and fathers seem influential in college aged children’s decision making. Bergen (2000)
study illustrates how family in directly influences career-decisions. Bergen utilized ideas from self-
understanding how families influence young adult career development and aspirations. Rather
than directly influencing career decisions the family was perceived to influence processes within
individuals that directly perceived to influence processes within individuals that directly influence
Whiston and Keller (2004) in their review on the influences of the family on career
development conclude that, across the lifespan both family structure variables such as parents’
occupations and educational level and family process variables such as warmth, support,
attachment and autonomy from parents were found to influence a large number of career
constructs. Family functioning is a boarder concept that encompasses parenting style along with
factors such as parental support and guidance, positive or negative environmental influences and
family member’s interaction styles. Most parents believe that they should remain neutral in regard
to their child's career development. However, studies show that parents have a greater influence
Aside from the personal and family factors, sometimes what the students see in the
environment may also affect their career choice. One of this is a misfit of career. “The reasons
could be either that the produced course of graduates misfit the demand of the present economy,
or the graduates do not possess the characteristics required by the industries in need” according
to the study by Pascual (2014). Due to this, students tend to choose career that is demanded in
the industry. Students then choose a career which they have no knowledge in just to supply the
Career Theorist Krumboltz (2010) argued that environmental factors affect the career
decision making. Environment may influence a student’s choice. For example, students who have
lived on a province may choose a career dealing with farm, or they may choose to leave the
province behind, never to have anything to do with farm again. Someone in the student’s life may
make a significant impact or impression, leading to a definite career choice. Parents’ educational
background may influence a student’s views on whether or not to continue their education.
Someone they saw on television may have an influence on the student, or parents may demand
According to Olatunji, (2003), we have three types of environment: Natural, Biological, and
Social Environment. The most common type of environment in this study is the social
environment. The social environment refers to the effects of man’s interaction within the society.
It includes all the patterns of social relationships and groupings as well as the educational and
economic opportunities created by man in the environment for the people. The elaborate research
conducted by Olatunji (2003) indicates that the social environment has functionality since it looks
into social concepts such as the family, religion, education, peer group and even political group.
The last factor that can affect the career choices of students is the opportunities.
Opportunity may influence how students have look forward their future in terms of good career
path in a particular career field. The issue of poverty has played an important role in the decision-
making of the students because not all opportunities are available to all. It gives significance to
the socio-economic status of an individual to pursue their goals with the opportunities they attain.
Several studies shows that parental social class, aspiration and education levels were predictive
of student’s aspiration as well as their educational and occupational attachment. Kibera (2012)
noted that secondary school student with parents in middle and high socio-economic status (SES)
had higher educational and occupational aspirations and expectations than students whose
parents were in the low SES class. The mothers’ occupational level seemed to influence the
children's career and educational aspirations more strongly than that of their fathers.
Rosewski and Kim (2003) reported Socio-economic status had a considerable influence
on determining both occupational aspiration and individual’s status after high school. (Crokett and
Bingham, 2000, Maw and Bikos 2000) suggests that both parent education and income influence
career aspirations has an impact in influencing career choice. Students from high SES households
preferred to enter professional jobs while those from low SES households were comfortable with
clerical jobs. Additionally, the income level of a senior high school student’s family may determine
what career a student chooses during a specific time in the student’s life, choices that will
determine a large part of that student’s future. Opportunities in career choice includes
scholarships, job replacements, and vocational guidance. For opportunities are created and
Another factor of career choice to strengthen your career well-being is a career or major
that fits your personality in choosing a career on education program that fits is vital stop toward
career well-being and success-job satisfaction, good grades and graduating on time (Holland’s
Theory). In compared to the more established career development frameworks such as Holland’s
(1981, 1996, 2002, and 2005) assumed that career choice is a process requiring a high level of
Cognitive growth and development are instrumental to the development of a cognitive map of
occupation and conceptions of self that are used to evaluate the appropriateness of various
occupational alternatives.
This research anchored to the following theories; Bandura’s theory (1977,1997) is regarded
for his Social Cognitive theory. It is learning theory based on ideas that people learn by watching
what others do, and that human thought processes are central to understanding personality. This
theory that the environment such as parents, peers are salient in choosing career of the students.
Theories and researchers provide in depth information on how counselors collaborate with
significant are to assist students chose the careers of their life. For instances, Kromboltz (1996)
develop the Learning Theory of Career Choice and Counseling (LTCC) to provide a guide to
practicing career counselors who wants to know what they can do to help people trouble with a
This study is to determine the factors affecting their course preference of students. There are
different factors that affect student’s choice of career. One of this is environment factors.
Environment is a factor on the choice of career of the students that tends to look up at the
environment of the society and school. Like where the students live and what the school offers.
Aside from the environment factor, opportunity factor are choices in one’s life which are exposed
either in a subtle or obvious manner. These choices or paths give the individual a selection
between two or more outcomes. Another factor that affects their career choice is a personal and
family factor. Personal and family is one of considering factor of the career choice of the student
for whatever the student may choose it would affect their personally and family. Family is the
reason why you would be able to take the course for they are the one paying your expenses. As
assign of respect the student’s want to do well for the sake of the family. For practically reasons,
it is also reported that the parents usually encourage careers that will not cost much money, but
at the same time are stable sources of income. The family decides in what course students should
The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 students of Prophet’s Pen Academy. The
researchers only have 15 respondents. This study was conducted through online where the
researchers private messaged each one of them. The researchers used them as the respondents
in order to find the results of the study problem regarding the factors that affect the career choice
The respondents of this study are the Grade 11 students of Prophet’s Pen Academy with
a total population of 31 students. There are only 15 sample respondents used for this study. The
researchers administered the survey questionnaire to the respondents through private message
via messenger for the needed answer and results. Every item in the questionnaire was explained
to the students to elicit honest and accurate responses. Each student was asked to fill in all the
items completely. After the survey, the researchers gathered all the data from the respondents
and recorded the results in order to get the answer to the issues discussed in the study.
4.3 Instruments Used in the Study
The researchers used survey questionnaires in order to collect data from the respondents.
Each respondent is required to answer the given questions: whether they strongly agree, strongly
disagree, agree, or disagree with the statement. The responses were encoded and used as the
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Figure no. 3 Percentage Distribution of Parents greatly influence their career choice.
Figure no. 3 shows the graph percentage of parent’s great influence to their career choice.
The data shows that only 7% (1) respondent strongly agreed and 73% (11) respondents agreed
that their parents greatly influence their career choice. While there are 20% (3) respondents who
disagreed that their parents didn’t influence them in choosing their career. According to Keller
(2004), “Parents serve as a major influence in their children’s career development and career
decision- making”.
5.2 Choosing their career based on their interest in a particular occupation.
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Figure no. 4 Percentage Distribution of Choosing their career based on their interest in a
particular occupation.
Figure no. 4 shows the graph percentage of students who choose their career based on
their interest in a particular occupation. The data shows that 27% (4) respondents strongly agreed
and 67% (10) respondents agreed that they choose their career based on their interest in a
particular occupation, while only 7% (1) respondent who disagreed. According to Dickson
Onoyase and Anna Onoyase (2009), that great number of students indicated their interest for
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Figure no. 5 shows the graph percentage of students who consider their religion
background in choosing their career choice. The data shows that 20% (3) respondents strongly
agreed and 40% (6) respondents agreed that they consider their religion background in choosing
their career. While there are 40% (6) respondents who disagreed that they didn’t consider their
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Figure no. 6 shows the graph percentage of students whose school’s quality of education
and popularity influence their career choice. The data shows that only 7% (1) respondents
strongly agreed and 60% (9) respondents agreed that school’s quality of education and popularity
influence their career choice. While there are 33% (5) respondents who disagreed that school’s
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Figure no. 7 Percentage Distribution of Consider the scholarship offered in choosing their
career track.
Figure no. 7 shows the graph percentage of students who consider the scholarship offered
in choosing their career track. The data shows that only 13% (2) respondents strongly agreed and
67% (10) respondents agreed that they consider the scholarship offered in choosing their career
track. While there are 20% (3) respondents who disagreed that they don’t consider the scholarship
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Figure no. 8 Percentage Distribution of Consider the cost of the course or track.
Figure no. 8 shows the graph percentage of students who consider the cost of the course
or track in their career choice. The data shows that 27% (4) respondents strongly agreed and
67% (10) respondents agreed that they consider the cost of the course or track in their career
choice. While there are only 6% (1) respondent who disagreed that don’t consider the cost of the
Personal & Family Environment Opportunity
career choice.
Figure no. 9 shows graph percentage of factors that is significant in influencing students’
career choice. The first data shows the factor that gained the highest significant is the PERSONAL
AND FAMILY which has 60% (9) respondents. Personality is a fundamental element of career
choice making (Hin,et al, 2007). On the second data, it shows the percentage of students who
answered ENVIRONMENT which has 10% (2) respondents. Career theorist Krumboltz (2010)
argued that "environmental factors affects career decision making". While on the third data, only
30% (4) respondents answered OPPORTUNITY. Rosewski and Kim (2003) reported that
Senior high school is a level in a student’s life where they should start thinking of what
they really wanted to do on their life. They should be thinking of their future and choose their
career. It serves as a milestone towards a human’s life, this is because upon reaching this
milestone you need to choose your track which could lead to your career. Upon choosing a track
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the top factors that affect the student’s
choice of career is the Personal and Family factor, followed by the Opportunity and lastly, the
Environment. It made clear to us that students choose their track/career based on their interest
of a particular occupation they wanted to have in a future. But the problem that would arise upon
having this thought in mind is that in the future it could affect their career. It could lead to some
serious career misfits, if a student chooses their track based on what the industry has to offer
now, it may affect their career greatly. This is because an available occupation on this year may
not also be the available occupation in the next few years. From what we have read from DOLE,
the top paying job for this year would not be the same by the next year. Thus, a choice of track
takes a lot of thinking and time for this would affect how a person’s life would be in the future.
The researchers would like to recommend to the future researchers for a further study
their strands. It should be done as early as possible for it will take a long period of time to finish.
It is better to conduct this study with more schools for more respondents to survey by which it
needs more attention to focus on. The researchers would also like to recommend to gather a lot
of accurate references in order to support the study with stronger evidence. For the future
researchers related to this study, it is best to conduct this research to the participants that are
already graduated and professionals in order to get exact and specific answers regarding to your
Baines, J. (April, 2009), What Are the Factors That Shape the Career Decisions of LSE Student
Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V., &Pastorelli, C. (2001). Self-efficacy beliefs as
shapers of children's aspirations and career trajectories. Child Development,
Dustman, C. (2004), Parental background, Secondary school track choice, and wages
Juan, A. (2016), Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices of Grade 9 Students in the
Division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines. Retrieved from http://www.ijsrp.org/research-
Rev. Fr Jude J. Obiunu*, Oghenebrorhie Ruth Ebunu (2010). Factors affecting career
development of senior secondary school students in Ethiope east local government area,
Delta state, Nigeria.
Michael Borchert (2002) Career Choice factors of High School Students. Retrieved from
Dr. Nancy T. PAscual (2014). Factors Affecting High School Students’ Career Preference: A
Basis for Career Planning Program. Retrieved from http://www.urs.edu.ph
Omotere, T. (May, 2011), The Influence of Environmental Factors on Choice of Career among
Secondary School Students in Nigeria
Name: ______________________________
This survey is conducted regarding the “Career Choice Factors of Grade 11 Students of
Prophet’s Pen Academy”. Your answer is needed to obtain the results. Just put a CHECK if you
answer at the given questions.
3) I consider my religion
background in choosing my
career choice.
The pictures above shows the researchers survey to the respondents through online via
Appendix 3: Raw Data of the Study
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1
5 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 1
7 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1
9 1 1 1 1
10 1 1 1 1
11 1 1 1 1
12 1 1 1 1
13 1 1 1 1
14 1 1 1 1
15 1 1 1 1
T 1 11 0 3 4 10 0 1 3 6 0 6 1 9 0 5
Q5 Q6 Q7
T Personal Environment Opportunity
S A B C D A B C D & Family
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 1
7 1 1 1
8 1 1 1
9 1 1 1
10 1 1 1
11 1 1 1
12 1 1 1
13 1 1 1
14 1 1 1
15 1 1 1
T 2 10 0 3 4 10 0 1 9 2 4