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Government of The People's Republic of Bangladesh Sample Question Bank For Certificate of Proficiency (COP) MCQ Exam

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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Department of Shipping
Sample Question Bank for Certificate of Proficiency (COP)
MCQ Exam

Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

(Version: 01)

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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

1. What is Flash Point? iv. It is described as the temperature

i. Is the lowest temp. at which a above which the petroleum
liquid will ignite. Product will flow.
ii. Is the lowest temperature of a
liquid at which that liquid will 4. Where will you find the specific
evolve sufficient vapor to form a information about all types of chemical
flammable mixture with air handling guideline carried in bulk?
iii. Is the highest temp. at which a i. MARPOL ANNEX-II
liquid will ignite. ii. IBC Code
iv. Is the lowest temperature at iii. OCIMF
which a liquid will give off iv. Cargo record Book
sufficient vapor & ignite
5. Load-on-Top means?
2. How will you know the physical & i. Loading cargo on top of same
chemical properties for different cargo in a slack tank.
chemical substances? ii. Loading fresh cargo on top of the
i. ORB remaining oil in a slop tank.
ii. Ship’s Log Book iii. Loading cargo residues / sludge
iii. MSDS in a slop tank.
iv. STS iv. Loading fresh cargo on bottom of
the remaining oil in a slop tank.
3. What does Pour Point means?
i. It is described as the 6. Which statement is correct for high
temperature below which the melting point cargoes such as Phenol,
crude oil will not pour. Palm fatty acid?
ii. It is described as the temperature i. danger of frozen valves
below which the petroleum ii. pressure/vacuum in the tanks
Product will flow. iii. danger of cargo pump inoperable
iii. It is the property of liquid which iv. Above all
will tend to prevent one layer
moving over another.
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

7. Topping off means? ii. Inert gas is required for all

i. Loading cargo up to the final types of vessel which carries
ullage of tank. cargo in bulk above 20000
ii. Loading one cargo on top of tonnes.
another. iii. Inert gas is produced from
iii. Filling up ullage space with the atmospheric air by N2 gas
I.G. on completion of loading. separating plant.
iv. Loading cargo residues / sludge iv. Inert gas produced from boiler
in a slop tank flue gas.

8. Which hazard is incorrect for 11. The Hydrocarbon vapor by volume

chemical cargos? in the flammable range may be taken to
i. Carcinogen & toxic be approximately {In case of Lower limit
ii. Corrosive & reactive (LFL)}?
iii. Fatality i. 1%.
iv. Flammable ii. 5%
iii. 11%
9. Which statement is incorrect for Inert iv. 16%
i. Inert gas is an asphyxiant.. 12. Which one is the incorrect risk factor
ii. Inert gas is produced from for lack of O2 in an atmosphere?
exhaust gas. i. Asphyxia
iii. The presence of O2 is above ii. Vomiting
11~12% in inert gas. iii. Loss of mental alertness
iv. Inert gas contains mostly N2 gas iv. Distortion of judgment

10. Which statement is incorrect for Inert 13. Which is the false statement for
Gas in tanker vessel? Static electricity idea?
i. An inert gas system is a crucial i. Steam should never be injected
system for safety against into a tank that may contain a
explosion onboard.
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

flammable atmosphere produced effluent as recorded by the equipment is

by static accumulator cargo. not more than ?
ii. Piping system should be i. 50 ppm
electrically bonded together ii. 20 ppm
iii. Tank washing by fresh water iii. 15 ppm.
with any throughput or iv. 25 ppm
pressure is not any issue on
this sense. 17. Which statement is false?
iv. Human body also generates i. Very high concentration of
static electricity. hydrocarbon in a enclose
space causes big fire.
14. Which is not the most common ii. Only the vapor from a flammable
cause of fire aboard ships? material will combine with oxygen
i. Leakage in high pressure pipes to produce fire.
ii. Electrical failure or overload iii. An explosive mixture may be
iii. Incorrect procedure followed with produced when chemical cargo
the source of fire by ship vapors are mixed with air.
personnel. iv. A mixture of vapor and air will
iv. Bomb blast by terrorist only ignite and burn if its
composition is within the
15. The Hydrocarbon vapor by volume "flammable range"
in the flammable range may be taken to
be approximately {In case of Upper limit 18. Which is not the cause of
(UFL)}? electrostatic charge generation?
i. 5% i. flow of liquids through pipes or
ii. 10%. filters
iii. 25% ii. ejection of particles or droplets
iv. 18% from a nozzle
iii. Cutting a nut with chisel &
16. When clean ballast is discharged hammer
through an ODME, the oil content of the
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

iv. splashing or agitation of a liquid ii. Quantity of oil loaded /

against a solid surface discharged only.
iii. All ports of Loading and
19. During Crude Oil Washing (COW) Discharging.
the tanks are to be? iv. Quantity of cargo ballast only.
i. Inerted by I.G. to keep the
Tanks outside flammable 22. What is volatile cargo?
range. i. The cargo with flashpoint below
ii. Kept open to the atmosphere. 45ºC
iii. Isolated from cargo. ii. The cargo with flashpoint
iv. Kept close to the atmosphere. below 60ºC
iii. The cargo with flashpoint above
20. During cargo operations how many 60ºC
Fire wires (Towing wires) required to be iv. The cargo with flashpoint below
kept ready on board tanker ship? 65ºC
i. 4 nos.
ii. At least 1 no. Forward & 1 no. 23. What is correct answer in terms of
Aft. toxic cargo?
iii. 3 nos. i. Toxic cargo can harm humans
iv. 2 nos. or animals as poison.
ii. The flashpoint of toxic cargoes
21. Every oil tanker of 150 GRT must be are below 60ºC
provided with an oil record book, PART- iii. The toxic cargoes are always
2, (other than the oil record book PART- flammable types.
1, which deals with machinery space) iv. Inert gas is required for handling
for keeping records of? toxic cargo.
i. Loading or discharging of Oil
or Wastes, Handling Ballast 24. During discharging operation the
water or transfer of Cargo Oil inert gas is replacing the discharged
within the vessel. cargo. What is the requirement to the
inert gas plant’s capacity?
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i. At least 125% of the maximum iv. 60 minutes - strong alkalis such

discharge rate. as sodium, potassium or calcium
ii. At least 95% of the maximum hydroxide
discharge rate.
iii. None. 27. What is the main purpose of
iv. At least 100% of the maximum expansion coupling?
discharge rate. i. Make the pipe capable to move
back & forth inside of the
25. What is correct answer in terms of coupling.
explosive atmosphere? ii. Make the pipe capable to move
i. Low concentration of port & stbd inside of the coupling.
hydrocarbon gas can contribute iii. None.
fire. iv. Make the pipe capable to move
ii. Very high concentration of port inside of the coupling.
combustible gas can only
contribute fire with source of 28. How many types of pollutions are
ignition. identified?
iii. Fire support only if the gas i. 6 types
concentration remains within ii. 7 types
the flammable range. iii. 10 types
iv. a & b both are correct iv. 12 types

26. Which is not the recommended flush 29. Which is not the Air Pollutant from
time for corrosive cargo in body Ships?
contact? i. Sulphur oxides
i. 1 minute - non- to mild irritants ii. Nitrogen Oxides
ii. 15 minutes - moderate to severe iii. VOCS & ODS
irritants and chemicals that cause iv. Argon gas
acute toxicity
iii. 30 minutes - most corrosives

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30. What is Gas Free? 33. What is Inert gas?

i. A tank, compartment or i. A gas or a mixture of CO2
container is gas free when ii. A gas or a mixture of gases,
sufficient fresh air has been such as flue gas, containing
introduced into it to lower the insufficient oxygen to support
level of any flammable, toxic, the combustion of
or inert gas to that required for hydrocarbons
a specific purpose, e.g. hot iii. A gas or a mixture of gases
work, entry, etc. iv. None
ii. Tank filled with hydrocarbon
iii. Tank filled with CO2 34. In inert conditions what is
iv. None percentage of Oxygen content by
31. What is the maximum content of i. the oxygen content throughout
sulphur in fuel oil in outside of ECA are? the atmosphere of a tank has
i. Not more than 0.1% been reduced to 8 per cent or
ii. Not more than 1.0% less by volume by the addition
iii. Not more than 3.5% of inert gas
iv. Not more than 0.5% ii. the oxygen content throughout
the atmosphere of a tank has
32. What is Hydrocarbon gas? been reduced to 11 per cent or
i. A gas composed entirely of less by volume by the addition of
hydrocarbons. inert gas
ii. A gas composed entirely of CH4. iii. the oxygen content throughout
iii. A gas composed entirely of the atmosphere of a tank has
Oxygen. been increased to 8 per cent or
iv. None more by volume by the addition
of inert gas
iv. None

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35. Types of Environmental Hazards are iii. Ballast pump room

not included? iv. Fresh water tank
i. Physical hazards
ii. Chemical hazards 38. What is Static electricity?
iii. Biological hazards i. The electricity produced by
iv. Noise hazards similar materials through physical
contact and separation.
36. What is TWA? ii. The electricity produced by
i. Time Weighted Average (TWA)— dissimilar materials through
the airborne concentrations of a physical contact and
toxic substance averaged over an separation
3 hour period, usually expressed iii. The electricity produced by
in parts per million (ppm). combined materials through
ii. Time Weighted Average physical contact and separation
(TWA)— the airborne iv. None
concentrations of a toxic
substance averaged over an 8 39. From pollution aspect how many
hour period, usually expressed types of cargoes?
in parts per million (ppm). i. 3 types
iii. Time Weighted Average (TWA)— ii. 6 types
the airborne concentrations of a iii. Many types as per IBC code
toxic substance averaged over an iv. 7 types
5 hour period, usually expressed
in parts per million (ppm). 40. Notification of Spillage into the Sea;
iv. None which is correct?
i. Vessel is in deep sea, minor
37. Which space does not require to fill spillage is not a matter.
up enclose space permit? ii. Any incidental discharge of
i. Ballast tank Noxious Liquids into the sea,
ii. Cofferdam whether in harbour or at sea,

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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

must be reported to the proper i. chemical self-reaction

authorities. ii. Chemical reaction of two different
iii. Spray the neutralizing chemicals cargos.
on spill content. iii. Poly bag production process
iv. Collect by absorbent pad. iv. Above all

41. Which is not applicable for reactivity 44. What is putrefaction process of
of liquefied gas cargo? liquid chemicals?
i. A liquefied gas cargo may react i. chemical self-reaction
with water to form hydrates ii. Chemical reaction with air.
ii. A liquefied gas cargo may react iii. Chemical reaction with water
with itself/ with air. iv. Most animal and vegetable oils
iii. A liquefied gas cargo may undergo decomposition over
react with inert gas. time, a natural process.
iv. A liquefied gas cargo may react
with another cargo or with other 45. Why Cargo sampling is required?
materials i. A part of cargo handling
procedure specified by IBC code.
42. What is stripping? ii. Cargo samples are evidence of
i. The first stage operation in the condition of the product
pumping bulk liquid from a tank during the various phases of
or pipeline. transport.
ii. The initial operation in pumping iii. Sample can be tested if any
bulk liquid from a tank or pipeline. cargo quality dispute arises
iii. The final operation in pumping during voyage.
bulk liquid from a tank or iv. Above all
iv. The middle operation in pumping 46. What is Topping Off?
bulk liquid from a tank or pipeline. i. The operation of completing the
discharging of a tank to a
43. What is polymerization of cargoes? required ullage.
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ii. The operation of completing the iv. More than 50 nautical miles from
stripping of a tank to a required the nearest land
iii. The operation of completing 50. What flash point is considered to be
the loading of a tank to a flammable?
required ullage. i. less than 70°C
iv. Above all ii. less than 60°C
iii. less than 50°C
47. What is the meaning of STS? iv. less than 60°C
i. Ship to shore transfer operation
ii. Shore to ship transfer operation 51. What is the flash point temp of Non-
iii. Ship to ship transfer operation Volatile?
iv. Shore to shore transfer operation i. Flashpoint of 60ºC or above, as
determined by the closed cup
48. What is the IMO model Course for method of testing.
advance chemical course? ii. Flashpoint of 70ºC or above, as
i. IMO Model course:1.05 determined by the closed cup
ii. IMO Model course:1.04 method of testing.
iii. IMO Model course:1.03 iii. Flashpoint of 80ºC or above, as
iv. IMO Model course:1.02 (STCW determined by the closed cup
Code, Section A-V/1) method of testing.
iv. Flashpoint of 90ºC or above, as
49. During discharging of oily bilge determined by the closed cup
water via OWS, vessel should more method of testing.
than how many NM from the base line?
i. More than 12 nautical miles 52. Annex IX defines for?
from the nearest land i. Prevention of pollution by
ii. More than 15 nautical miles from noise from ship.
the nearest land ii. Prevention of pollution by
iii. More than 20 nautical miles from antifouling paints from ship
the nearest land
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iii. Prevention of pollution by iii. Flashpoint below 90ºC, as

vibration of the ship. determined by the closed cup
iv. Prevention of pollution by ships method of testing
ballast water iv. Flashpoint below 100ºC, as
determined by the closed cup
53. Which checklist is followed while method of testing
alongside a terminal?
i. Ship safety officer safety 56. What are the three basic stages
checklist. leading up to a potential static hazard?
ii. Port facility safety checklist i. Charge separation; Charge
iii. Ship shore safety checklist accumulation; and
iv. Cargo operation safety checklist Electrostatic discharge
ii. Electrostatic discharge, charge
54. Examples of common corrosives separation
include? iii. Electrostatic discharge, charge
i. Acids - hydrochloric acid, nitric discharge
acid, sulphuric acid. iv. Electrostatic discharge, charge
ii. Bases - potassium hydroxide, accumulation
sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
iii. Halogens - chlorine, bromine 57. Annex X defines for (Proposed)?
iv. Above all i. Prevention of pollution by
antifouling paints from ship
55. What is the flash point temp of ii. Prevention of pollution by noise
Volatile? from ship.
i. Flashpoint below 60ºC, as iii. Prevention of pollution by ships
determined by the closed cup ballast water
method of testing iv. Prevention of pollution by
ii. Flashpoint below 70ºC, as vibration of the ship.
determined by the closed cup
method of testing.

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58. What is %LEL to be considered safe iv. Sludge operations

for tank entry?
i. not more than 1% LFL 62. What is Inert gas?
ii. not more than 2% LFL i. A gas or a mixture of gases,
iii. not more than 3% LFL such as flue gas, containing
iv. not more than 0.5% LFL insufficient oxygen to support
the combustion of
59. What is chemical symbol of hydrocarbons
Benzene? ii. A gas or a mixture of oxygen
i. C6H6 iii. A gas or a mixture of H2S
ii. C6H5-OH iv. All above
iii. C3H3
iv. C2H3-OH 63. What is Sour Crude oil?
i. A crude oil containing
60. What is the length of air line appreciable amounts of hydrogen
breathing apparatus? sulphide
i. the air hose does not exceed ii. A crude oil containing
90 metres in length appreciable amounts of
ii. the air hose does not exceed 60 mercaptans
metres in length iii. A crude oil containing
iii. the air hose does not exceed 70 appreciable amounts of
metres in length hydrogen sulphide and/or
iv. the air hose does not exceed 80 mercaptans
metres in length iv. None of above

61. What is the content of Oil Record 64. What is the flue gas composition?
Book, Part II? N2 = 77~83%,CO2= 12~13%,O2 =
i. Cargo/ballast operations (Oil 4~4.5%,SO2 = 0.2%,
Tankers) Reminder: H2O, VAPOUR, SOLIDS,
ii. Oily bilge operations i. N2 = 67~73%,CO2= 12~13%,O2
iii. Slop operation = 7~4.5%,SO2 = 0.2%,
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ii. Reminder: H2O, VAPOUR, 67. What is the maximum temperature

SOLIDS, limit of the heated cargo which must be
iii. N2 = 57~63%,CO2= 12~13%,O2 below the boiling point of the unheated
= 8~4.5%,SO2 = 0.2%, cargo?
iv. Reminder: H2O, VAPOUR, i. 05°C
SOLIDS, ii. 10°C
v. All above iii. 15°C
iv. 20°C
65. In case of eye contact with flue or
inert gas, what is your action on board? 68. How many section contains in
i. Flush the eyes with fresh water MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)?
for at least 15 minutes i. 10
occasionally, lifting the upper and ii. 15
lower eyelids. If necessary, seek iii. 16
medical attention. iv. 12
ii. Inform duty officer & medical
officer (2off) 69. If chemicals contact with eyes what
iii. Seek for medical first aid is your action?
iv. All above i. Stop Cargo operation
ii. Inform duty officer
66. Whether accidental or intentional, iii. Report to master stations
concerning the discharge of Noxious iv. Flush the eye with clean
Liquids into the sea, what is your running water for at least 10
action? minutes. Obtain medical
i. Inform class examination of the affected
ii. Stop engine eye.
iii. Inform Chief Engineer
iv. Must be reported to the proper 70. As per MARPOL 73/78 Annex II
authorities, a list of which can there are how many Categories?
be found in the SMPEP i. 2
manual. ii. 3
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iii. 5 ii. 3 codes

iv. 4 iii. 4 codes
iv. Only MARPOL 73/78
71. What is the hazard of Benzene
Cargo? 74. Which is not the part of Inert Gas
i. Benzene cargo not hazards for system?
health. i. Deck Water Seal
ii. Benzene is known as a weak ii. Non - return valve
carcinogen iii. EGCS
iii. Benzene is not toxic cargo iv. Scrubber
iv. Benzene is known as a strong
carcinogen and known to 75. During stowage plan which is
cause leukemia. When necessary to consider?
handling cargoes with more i. Trim & list
than Benzene concentration of ii. Stress
0.5%, the Master is to ensure iii. Bending Moment
that all personnel involved are iv. Above all
aware of the long term
hazards. 76. How frequently Cargo pump safety
devices and emergency stops are to be
72. From which year all types of single tested?
hull tanker are phased out? i. At least once per loaded voyage,
i. 2010 ii. Just prior to the first load and
ii. 2012 discharge port
iii. 2015 iii. Before commencement of
iv. 2016 discharge
iv. Above all
73. In addition to MARPOL 73/78 how
many IMO Codes applicable to chemical 77. Maximum electrical continuity for
tankers? tank cleaning hoses should be?
i. 2 codes
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i. In a dry condition no case should i. Phenol cargo is not toxic,

the resistance exceed 6.0 Mega ii. Phenol are low value and require
ohms per meter length. sophisticated handling for safety
ii. In a dry condition no case iii. Phenol cargo not hazards for
should the resistance exceed health,
6.0 ohms per meter length. iv. Phenol is high value and
iii. In a dry condition no case should requires sophisticated
the resistance exceed 60.0 ohms handling for safety, health and
per meter length. loss prevention reasons. They
iv. It is not necessary to test need careful consideration
continuity for tank cleaning hose. prior loading, tank coating
compatibility, cross
78. How frequently Cargo pumping compatibility with other
system Pressure gauges to be cargoes carried, environmental
calibrated? controls if required (inerting).
i. At least once per loaded voyage,
ii. Just prior to the first load and 81. Which type of chemical tanker
discharge port carries very serious environmental
iii. Before commencement of hazardous type chemical?
discharge i. Type 1.
iv. Annually ii. Type 2.
iii. Type 3.
79. Cargo tank high level alarm for iv. Special type ship only.
individual tank is set at?
i. 90% of the tank capacity. 82. Which type firefighting medium is
ii. 93% of the tank capacity. suitable for bulk chemical fire?
iii. 95% of the tank capacity. i. High Expansion foam
iv. 98% of the tank capacity. ii. Low Expansion foam
iii. CO2
80. What is the safety precaution for iv. Dry powder
Phenol cargo handling?
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83. Cargo tank overfill alarm for ii. Before and after every
individual tank is set at? discharging
i. 90% of the tank capacity. iii. Before and after every tank
ii. 93% of the tank capacity. cleaning
iii. 95% of the tank capacity. iv. above all
iv. 98% of the tank capacity.
87. In case of cargo pump failure, what
84. What type of cargo pump is normally is the alternative option?
used in chemical tanker? i. Use cargo pump from shore
i. Submersed type powered facility
hydraulically or electrically ii. One portable emergency
ii. Common suction pump located in submersed cargo pump is
pump room. available onboard all chemical
iii. Submersed pump installed in tanker.
each tank. iii. Remove a pump from a empty
iv. a & c tank & lower from the tank
85. Which is false for submersed pumps iv. Use educting system
cofferdam purging?
i. For checking the cargo seal 88. What is used for ballast stripping
condition. purposes?
ii. For checking the mechanical seal i. Two ballast pump with less
condition. pressure.
iii. For checking if cofferdam pipe ii. Eductor system driven by sea
leaking or not. water
iv. For collecting cargo sample iii. Wilden pump
iv. None of the above
86. When submersed pumps
cofferdams need to purge? 89. Annex VII defines for?
i. Before and after every loading i. Prevention of pollution by
antifouling paints from ship
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ii. Prevention of pollution by noise 92. Pump room/Bow thruster room; what
from ship. is the correct answer in sense of
iii. Prevention of pollution by enclose space?
ships ballast water. i. The space always remain open,
iv. Prevention of pollution by so atmosphere always
vibration of the ship. comfortable.
ii. A mechanical ventilation fan fixed
90. What is auto Ignition Temperature? in the compartment.
i. The temp at which substance iii. A movement record is sufficient
gives off flammable vapor. instead of enclose space permit.
ii. The temp at which substance iv. b & c
start self combustion
iii. The temp at which substance 93. Annex VIII defines for?
start igniting on application of i. Prevention of pollution by noise
spark. from ship.
iv. The temp at which substance ii. Prevention of pollution by
start boiling. antifouling paints from ship.
iii. Prevention of pollution by
91. Why positive pressure is important vibration of the ship.
in accommodation in chemical tanker? iv. Prevention of pollution by ships
i. Harmful cargo vapours can ballast water
ingress in accommodation if
pressure is negative. 94. Which meter is not required to enter
ii. Ship personnel feel comfortable if in enclose space?
accommodation pressure is i. O2 meter
positive. ii. Combustible gas detector.
iii. Cooling will not be effective in iii. Personal gas meter
accommodation. iv. Tachometer
iv. Above all.
95. Annex VI defines for?

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i. Prevention of pollution by harmful ii. Prevention of pollution by oil.

substances iii. Prevention of pollution by sewage
ii. Prevention of pollution by sewage iv. Prevention of pollution by
iii. Prevention of air pollution from garbage.
iv. Prevention of pollution by oil. 100. A self-contained breathing
apparatus is used to?
96. An inert gas system should be used i. Made under water repair of
to? barges.
i. Prevent fire in pump room. ii. Enter areas that may contain
ii. To blow through the cargo lines. dangerous fumes or lack O2.
iii. To keep the tank free space iii. Determine if the air in tank is safe
inerted. for men.
iv. To prevent fire on deck. iv. Resuscitate an unconscious
97. What should cargo sample lockers
be constructed of? 101. Each inert gas system, Gas Main
i. Stainless steel. must have an automatic shut down
ii. Wood. valve at the outlet of the gas production
iii. Neoprene. plant, for?
iv. Fully resistance material. i. Blower failure.
ii. Cargo pumps failure.
98. What is the other name of paraffin? iii. Deck seal tank low level.
i. Naphthalene. iv. Inert gas temperature high.
ii. Cycloparaffin .
iii. Alkane. 102. From where you will know about
iv. Propane. physical and chemical properties of
99. Annex V defines for? i. ORB
i. Prevention of pollution by harmful ii. Deck Log Book
substances iii. MSDS
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iv. Engine log book. 107. Annex I defines for?

i. Prevention of pollution by harmful
103. Piping system in oil tanker is substances
mainly? ii. Prevention of pollution by oil.
i. 3 Types iii. Prevention of pollution by
ii. 4 Types garbage.
iii. 5 Types iv. Prevention of pollution by noxious
iv. 6 Types liquid.

104. Combination carrier is? 108. What is the full form of ISGOTT?
i. 2 Types i. International security guide for oil
ii. 4 Types tanker and terminal
iii. 6 Types ii. International safety guide for oil
iv. 5 Types tanker.
iii. International safety guide for
105. Annex II defines for? oil tanker and terminal.
i. Prevention of pollution by iv. International ships guide for oil
garbage. tanker and terminal
ii. Prevention of pollution by
noxious liquid substances in 109. COW System is mandatory for all
bulk. tanker of?
iii. Prevention of pollution by harmful i. 20000 DWT & above
substances ii. 21000 DWT & above
iv. Prevention of pollution by oil. iii. 22000 DWT & above
iv. 10000 DWT & above.
106. When a tank is inerted oxygen
content of the tank should be? 110. The most effective agent to
i. Less than 8% extinguish an oil fire is?
ii. Less than 11% i. CO2
iii. Less than 21% ii. Foam
iv. Less than 9% iii. Water
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iv. Dry powder. 115. In inert gas distribution system,

Deck water seal is used for?
111. Master Valve is fitted on the? i. Prevent back flow of inert gas
i. Fore and Aft pipe line ii. Prevent entry of cargo vapour in
ii. Athwart ship pipe line accommodation
iii. Vertical pipe line iii. Both a & b
iv. Midship on pipe line. iv. Washing of the gas.

112. Annex IV defines for? 116. In inert gas plant the scrubber has?
i. Prevention of pollution by i. Three fold purpose
sewage, ii. Two fold purpose
ii. Prevention of pollution by iii. Both a & b
garbage. iv. None of a & b
iii. Prevention of pollution by oil.
iv. Prevention of pollution by harmful 117. What is the full form of COW?
substances i. Chemical & oil washing.
ii. Crude oil washing.
113. What is the full form of SOPEP? iii. Crude and oily water.
i. Shipboard oil pollution equity iv. None of above.
ii. Shipboard oil pollution 118. What is the full form of SMPEP?
emergency plan. i. Ships marine pollution equity
iii. Shipboard oil pollution effective plan.
plan. ii. Shipboard marine pollution
iv. None of above. emergency plan.
iii. Ship and shore marine pollution
114. Tanker venting systems are? emergency plan.
i. 3 Types iv. None of the above.
ii. 4 Types
iii. 6 Types 119. What are the hazards in a Tanker?
iv. 2 Types i. Fire
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

ii. Explosion i. The gas that doesn’t support

iii. Oil spillage fire.
iv. All of above. ii. The gas that support fire.
iii. The gas which is black and heavy
120. Annex III defines for? iv. The gas which is clean and light.
i. Prevention of pollution by
sewage. 124. SOPEP require for tanker of?
ii. Prevention of pollution by i. 300 GT and above
harmful substances Carried by ii. 400 GT and above
Sea in Packaged Form.
iii. Prevention of pollution by iii. 150 GT and above.
garbage. iv. 200 GT and above
iv. Prevention of pollution by oil.
125. SOPEP require for all ships except
121. What is Ullage? tanker?
i. Distance between liquid i. 200 GT and above
surface and tank top ii. 150 GT and above
ii. Distance between tank bottom iii. 400 GT and above
surface and tank top. iv. 300 GT and above
iii. Both
iv. None of the above. 126. How many annexes came into
force till now?
122. What is the first aid if chemical i. annex I to VI
liquid enter in eye? ii. annex I to V
i. Freshwater iii. annex I to VII
ii. Sea water iv. annex I to IV
iii. Distilled water
iv. Fountain water. 127. How many new proposed annexes
in MARPOL now?
123. What is inert gas and purpose of i. annex IV to X
inert gas? ii. annex VI to X
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

iii. annex VII to X i. Sawdust

iv. annex V to X ii. Rags
iii. Absorbent pads
128. Is it possible to run OWS in special iv. Fire hydrant
i. Yes its possible if has OWS on 132. What is the high inert gas
board. temperature limit leads to alarm and
ii. Yes its possible if has shutdown of blower?
approved type OWS and has i. approx. 30 deg C
automatic stopping device if oil ii. approx. 4deg C
content in the effluent is more iii. approx. 50 deg C
than 15 ppm. iv. approx. 70 deg C
iii. Can’t run, strictly prohibited.
iv. Can run at night. 133. What is the IG low pressure limit in
line after blower leads to alarm and
129. How much should be ships bunker shutdown of blower?
Sulphur percentage worldwide? i. approx. 150 mmwg
i. <1.5% ii. approx. 160 mmwg
ii. <0.5% iii. approx. 170 mmwg
iii. <3.5% iv. approx. 250 mmwg
iv. <0.1%
134. What is the Oxygen content high
130. In ECA area how much should be leads to alarm and shutdown of gas
ships bunker Sulphur percentage? delivery to deck?
i. <0.1% i. 8%
ii. <0.5% ii. 9%
iii. <0.01% iii. 10%
iv. <1.0% iv. 11%

131. Which below items not

SOPEP/SMPEP equipments?
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

135. What is the IG low pressure sea ii. The ship to security (STS)
water supply to scrubber tower leads to transfer of cargoes carried on
alarm and shutdown of blower? chemical tankers
i. approx. 0.5 bar iii. The ship to spill (STS) transfer of
ii. approx. 0.6 bar cargoes carried on chemical
iii. approx. 0.7 bar tankers
iv. approx. 0.8 bar iv. The ship to ship (STS) transfer
of cargoes carried on chemical
136. What is the low pressure sea water tankers
supply to deck seal leads to alarm and
shutdown of blower? 139. Which pump normally used in
i. approx. 1.1 bar chemical tankers?
ii. approx. 1.2 bar i. Centrifugal pump
iii. approx. 1.4 bar ii. Gear pump
iv. approx. 1.5 bar iii. Axial flow pump
iv. Framo pump
137. What is Annex II?
i. Regulations for the Control of 140. In chemical tanker Framo system,
Pollution by Noxious Liquid what will be system pressure?
Substances in Bulk i. 20 to 30 bar
ii. Regulations for the Control of ii. 25 to 35 bar
Pollution by oil iii. 120 to 130 bar
iii. Regulations for the Control of iv. 180 to 220 bar
Pollution by sewage
iv. Regulations for the Control of 141. What is IG low oxygen content
Pollution by garbage alarm?
i. 1%
138. What is STS operation? ii. 2%
i. The ship to shore (STS) transfer iii. 3%
of cargoes carried on chemical iv. 4%
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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

142. What is the IG low pressure alarm? 146. What is the function of IG scrubber
i. 100 mm WG tower?
ii. 140 mm WG i. Supply IG to deck seal
iii. 160 mm WG ii. Reduce oxygen level
iv. 180 mm WG iii. Pressurized flue gas
iv. To cool & clean flue gas
143. What is the IG low-low pressure
alarm? 147. What is the function of IG deck
i. 20 mm WG seal?
ii. 30 mm WG i. To prevent back flow of IG gas,
iii. 40 mm WG when IG system stopped
iv. 50 mm WG ii. Reduce oxygen level
iii. Pressurized flue gas
144. During stripping of Framo system, iv. To cool & clean flue gas
what will be reduced Framo pump
pressure? 148. What is CDI?
i. 220 bar i. Coal distribution Institute
ii. 200 bar ii. Cargo distribution Institute
iii. 210 bar iii. Crude distribution Institute
iv. 100 bar iv. Chemical Distribution Institute
registered in Netherlands
145. Jockey pump/feed pump available
below which system? 149. During cargo operation, if cargo
i. Scrubber tower spill on deck, what is your action?
ii. Deck Seal i. Use first aid
iii. IG ii. Use emergency shower
iv. FRAMO System iii. Shout & run from manifold
iv. In from duty officer/CCR, stop
cargo pump, raise alarm-
muster station, prepare

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Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation (ACT)

SOPEP, inform Master &


150. Which audit carried out at tanker

management office?
i. Meeting
ii. SIRE
iii. BP
iv. TMSA

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