Board Square Names: Chess Rules
Board Square Names: Chess Rules
Board Square Names: Chess Rules
name. The name is determined by finding the file/column letter (a-h) and
the rank/row number Chess is a two-player game. It has 32 pieces and a board of 64 squares.
(1-8) of the square. The board layout is an 8x8 grid of alternating black and white squares.
The white rooks start Proper board orientation has a white square on each player’s lower
on squares a1 and h1. right corner (white on right). The 32 Chess pieces are split into two
armies of 16 ‘black’ and 16 ‘white’ pieces. Each player gets one army.
The black knights
Name Initial Value Symbol Per Army *King is infinite value
start on b8 and g8.
King K ∞/4* ♔♚ 1 as the game ends if
The white queen Queen Q 9 ♕♛ 1 checkmated. Worth
starts on d1 and black Rook R 5 ♖♜ 2 from battle strength: 4
queen on d8. Bishop B 3 ♗♝ 2
** N for Knight
Note: The square Knight N** 3 ♘♞ 2 because K is already
names use lower case Pawn P 1 ♙♟ 8 used.
Movement & Capture: One piece per square. You cannot capture
your own pieces. When capturing, your piece takes the place of the
Chess Notation: The method used is: (Who) (Does What) (Where). For opponent’s piece, and the opponent’s piece is removed from the board.
example: P→f4 means pawn moves to the f4 square. Advanced players King – Moves one step (or square) in any direction (Up, down, left, right,
leave off the P for pawn and the →/⇀ for move. (Called ‘short notation’). & diagonally). Captures the same. Cannot stay in or move into ‘check’.
Example game: White moves Black moves Queen – Can move any distance in a straight line in any direction (Up,
1. P→e4 e5 down, left, right, & diagonally) and captures the same. Cannot move
Black won. Score
2. P→f4 b6 through pieces. Moves and captures like a rook and bishop combined.
recorded as: 0-1.
3. B→b5 Bb7
(If a Draw/Tie: ½ - ½) 4. N→e2 Na6 Rook – Can move any distance in a straight line only up, down, left, &
5. Nb1→c3 Qg5 right (orthogonal) and captures the same. Cannot move through pieces.
When needed for
6. Pfxe5 (x for capture) 0-0-0 (Q side castle)
clarity, include the Bishop – Can move any distance only along the diagonals and captures
7. 0-0 (K side castle) d5
pieces starting file or the same. Cannot move through pieces. (Stays on the color it starts on)
8. Pexd6 ep(en passant) Nb4
rank (or both). 9. P→d7+ (+ for Check) Kb8(=) (Draw offer) Knight – Moves in a patten of two steps (or squares) up, down, left, or
Note: ‘long notation’ 10 P→e5 Bc5+ right, and then one step to the left or right from the direction just
always includes the 11 R→f2 Rc8 traveled. Captures the same. Moves through (jumps over) all pieces.
pieces starting 12 P =Q d8 (promotion) Qg2# (Checkmate!)
square. Pawn – Moves only one step forward. Captures only one step diagonally
Source: FIDE LAWS of CHESS to their front (towards the enemy side). Can only move OR capture.
Special Moves: Ending the game without checkmate:
Sprint – Pawn may move 2 steps forward but only on its first move. Resigning – Either player may ‘retreat’ or ‘surrender’ at any time by
Cannot move through pieces. Cannot move and capture in the same turn. simply saying, “I resign” and offering a handshake to end the game with
their defeat. (Optional: laying the king on its side)
En passant “in passing” (Sprint Intercept) – If an opposing pawn sprints,
but one of your pawns could have captured it if it had not sprinted, then Time Loss – Also known as ‘Flag Fall’. Chess clocks can be used in
you may have your pawn capture the opposing pawn as if it hadn’t tournaments as well as casual games and have a variety of settings for
sprinted, but only on the turn immediately after the opponent’s ‘sprint’. time controls. When a player runs out of time, they lose.
Promotion – Pawns promote to Queen (or, if desired, to a Rook, Bishop, Draw (Tie)– When the end of the game only has the two opposing kings
or Knight) as soon as they reach the back rank(row) of the enemy’s side. and no other pieces, or it is otherwise impossible for either player to
checkmate their opponent, the game is ‘drawn’. Can also happen from a
Castle – The King takes two steps towards the Rook (either the ‘King side’
3-time position repetition or from 50 moves with no game progress.
or ‘Queen side’ rook) and the Rook ‘hops’ to the opposite side of the King.
Can only occur if the King and Rook have not yet moved, the squares Offered Draw (Tie)– Either player can propose a draw to their adversary
between them are clear, and the move is not: out of, through, or into, by offering their hand and asking: “Draw?”. The draw offer can be
check. The Rook may move through or out of an attacked square. accepted, and the game ends in a tie, or refused, and the game continues.
Stalemate (Tie)– This occurs when the player to move is not in check and
Set up and Play: Each turn you move only one of your pieces (unless has no other possible/legal moves (moving into check is not allowed).
castling). A square is ‘attacked’ if a piece is able to capture on that square.
White moves first and then turns alternate. Beginning board setup:
Player etiquette and conduct: Following these rules in competitions
Check: When an opposing and most friendly games will build your reputation as an honest player
piece threatens capture of the who is trustworthy and practices good sportsmanship.
king, the king is ‘under attack’
or ‘In Check’. You must get the Shake hands at the beginning and at the end of the game. (Shows respect)
king out of check by moving it, Touch-Move Rule: Once you touch a piece you must move or capture that
blocking, or capturing. (Kings piece; unless you say “Adjusting” and are just straightening it. (Politeness)
cannot stay/move into check)
One-hand move: Use only one hand to make your move and the same
Checkmate: Occurs When hand to stop your time on the chess clock. (Demonstrates fair play)
there is no move available to
get the king out of check. Be Civil and do not taunt, bother, or irritate your competitor. When the
game is over do not gloat, pout, or have a tantrum. (Exhibits self-control)
Winning: (Victory!) When one
player ‘Checkmates’ their foe. Limit distractions such as side conversations and eating. (Good manners)
Do not actually capture the king. (Optional: Saying “Check”/“Checkmate”) Remember: Every game is an opportunity to learn!