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A Ilha Das Temepstades - Ganchos de Missões

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An adventure hook leading to... D20 An adventure hook leading to...

There are over twenty official adventures in D&D, 1 ... an adventuring corporation! 2
each exploring a different setting or theme — this 2 ... heck! 2
one’s underwater, that one’s in halloween land; 3 ... a grand library! 2
you get the idea. When you’re deciding where to 4 ... the ocean depths! 3
take your party after running the latest beginner 5 ... spooky town! 3
6 ... a dragon’s frozen mountaintop! 4
adventure on the Isle of Storms, use this document
7 ... a war against dragons! 4
as your guide. But please keep in mind:
8 ... an alchemical pirate mystery! 4
✪ I’m not endorsing any of these modules above 9 ... the frozen tundra! 4
any others, so pick whichever sparks joy; 10 ... a multiverse citadel! 5
✪ You should ideally include only one of these 11 ... a secret society of burglars! 5
quest hooks in your campaign; and 12 ... a mine of lost treasures! 5
✪ You should have a good grasp of the adventure 13 ... space! 5
you want to foreshadow before placing your 14 ... a disorderly kingdom of giants! 5
hook on the Isle of Storms. 15 ... a fortress swallowed by earth! 6
Each of these adventure hooks has two instructions: 16 ... a land of fairies! 6
one for you to act on during the current adventure, 17 ... the jungle! 7
and another to do either in the epilogue or in a 18 ... the mother of dragons! 7
19 ... an infinite mega-dungeon! 7
session after the campaign has finished. These are
20 ... the heist of the century! 7
custom-made for the Isle of Storms adventure, but
could be retrofitted for other campaigns.
... heck!
... an adventuring corporation! Do this during the Isle of Storms. When the party
Do this during the Isle of Storms. In the isolated encounters a group of zombies, one in particular is
study in the evil dragon’s lair on the Isle of Storms, dressed in noble clothes. When looting the body, the
the party finds a dusty skeleton holding two sheets party finds refugee papers for Lord Badaxion Roger
of paper, one in each hand. The first is a job posting Maxamillian Duke Junior the Ninth, as well as his
for a franchised adventuring corporation looking entourage of servant-folk, giving them permission
for interns, based in a major waterfront city. The to enter a large coastal city facing a refugee crisis.
other is an overly embellished resume. Do this after the Isle of Storms. When the party
Do this after the Isle of Storms. Soon after travels on the sea via ship, the captain or a customs
the party completes their business on the Isle officer sees the party’s salvaged refugee papers,
of Storms, after arriving on the mainland, the and inquires whether they intend to address the
continent is rocked by an earthquake. Rumors say refugee crisis in the large coastal city. If the party is
it was worst in that same major waterfront city, and interested, they can use these papers to gain access
the job postings for the adventuring corporation to the city.
appear with an increased frequency and more
desperate verbiage. ... a grand library!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. While exploring
a shipwreck on the Isle of Storms, the party comes
across an old weathered tome underwater. The book
is impossibly undamaged by the water and once the
PCs have it out of the water, it is dry, but suddenly:
the book springs open and takes a long gasp of air!
This is a talking book, and it immediately complains
about being overdue and demands to be returned to
the greatest library in the land.
Do this after the adventure. If the party has
forgotten about or neglected to understand the
book further, the book becomes more demanding.
If the party abandons the book, a group of Warrior
Monk Librarians attempt to arrest them and take
them to the great library.

2 MatthewPerkins.net
... the ocean depths!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. During the
adventure, one player character experiences a pair
of visions during their long rests.
The first vision:
In a dark chamber, with specks of dust flitting
through the air, you see a crystal pedestal.
This object seems to exist in a separate planar
space than the chamber it rests in, because it is
illuminated as if pierced by bright sunlight, but
that illumination does not extend to the rest
of the room. When you try to move closer, you
wake up with a choked drowning sensation.
The second vision:
Returning to the chamber, instead of moving
closer to the crystal pedestal, you sidle around
to look behind the object. You see a spectral
figure dressed in leather armor and a tattered
red cape, radiating amber light. He’s trying
to speak to you, but you can’t make out his
words. When you don’t respond, he shouts his
message. You startle yourself out of sleep with
the sound of your own waking voice yelling,
“Please help me. I am imprisoned.”
Do this after the Isle of Storms. When the
party travel on the sea, their voyage runs through
extreme weather, forcing the ship to take port at an
amalgamation of coastal villages. Here, the party
may take part in a special festival to prove their
merit and discover their cryptic visions are more
important than they may have thought.

... spooky town!

Do this during the Isle of Storms. While heading
to the final dungeon of their quest on the Isle of
Storms, the party notices an immense wall of fog
consuming the horizon of the sea in the distance.
Do this after the Isle of Storms. After leaving the
Isle of Storms on a ship, they eventually run into
that same fog, causing the ship’s captain to change
course for fear of getting lost. The fog gets closer
and closer, and even causes havoc with the ship’s
compasses. Eventually, the captain decides to dock
and drop anchor just off the shore of a sparse beach
they come across. They build a camp, waiting for the
fog to pass over, but it doesn’t and instead consumes
them and the party. Panic sets out and screams can
be heard in the distance. When the party heads in
the direction of the screams to help, or perhaps run
the opposite way, eventually losing their direction
and unknowingly entering the lands of spooky town.

Quest Hooks: The Isle of Storms 3

... a dragon’s frozen mountaintop! ... an alchemical pirate mystery!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. When speaking Do this during the Isle of Storms. When exploring
with the Elder of Dragon Abbey, she tells the a cavern of crystals, the party discovers a corpse
party dragon slayers had once flocked to the Isle covered in a prismatic moss and fungi. Bones
of Storms, but none have arrived recently due remain underneath the plant-life, as well as an
to a particular crisis with a white dragon on the ash-covered bag containing documents detailing
mainland. alchemical experiments. All pertain to one school
Do this after the Isle of Storms. After defeating of study: transmuting common materials into gold.
the evil dragon on the Isle of Storms, the Elder From the stamps on these notes, the documents
of Dragon Abbey makes the party wait while she appear to be incomplete—perhaps stolen?—from a
rummages through old missives she’s received in man living in a marsh known to house pirates and
recent months and retrieves a crumpled job poster smugglers… but there is no name.
from the bottom of a trunk. It’s a bounty on the Do this after the Isle of Storms. After completing
head of a white dragon terrorizing a remote town. the adventure, the party can have a ship carry them
She solemnly hands the flier to the party. directly to the marsh. If the players are hesitant to
pursue the alchemist’s lab, treasure seekers may
“If dragon slayers have their way, this
notice the notes and decide to steal them.
situation will only end in violence. But with
what you’ve seen of our philosophy here, I’m “Don’t you know what you’ve got here? That’s a
hoping you will at least attempt to find a license to print money if you can find the rest!”
peaceful resolution first.”
... the frozen tundra!
... a war against dragons! Do this during the Isle of Storms. When exploring
Do this during the Isle of Storms. During their a shipwreck, the party rescue an imprisoned dwarf.
stay at Dragon Abbey, the party will have many She is battle-hardened and scarred, known as the
opportunities to learn the lore behind the evil bane of ice trolls. Although wounded, she assists
the blue dragon’s plans on the Isle of Storms. At them in the fight and shows her prowess in combat,
this point, they also discover his strange choice to then retreats to Dragon Abbey afterwards to rest.
worship a deity other than the conventional hydra- Do this after the Isle of Storms. When leaving
headed dragon queen. the isle, this warrior joins them on the journey and
Do this after the Isle of Storms. After defeating offers them a job that will pay very well: hunting
evil blue dragon and plundering his hoard of down a serial killer in the snowy tundra.
treasure on the Isle of Storms, the party finds a
“What happened with that damnable harpy
strategic missive of this alternate dragon queen’s
made me realize I’m getting too old for this
plans. Mercenaries under her influence are
line of work. If you can help me with one last
planning to betray a nearby town during a mock-
job, the bounty should set you up for your
reenactment of a famous battle! It’s up to the
adventuring career, and me for my retirement.”
players to get there in time to avert disaster.

4 MatthewPerkins.net
... a multiverse citadel! ... a mine of lost treasures!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. At Dragon Abbey, Do this during the Isle of Storms. Before the
the players meet an overly-chatty kobold who offers adventure on the Isle of Storms begins, the party
a gift to the players. When it becomes apparent the meets a dwarven friend. This friend has a deep
players mean to help the residents of Dragon Abbey connection to each of the players and leverages
with their various plights, this kobold offers to help this relationship to send them on a quest: retrieve a
the party by giving them its favorite rock, one that mysterious puzzle box from a dragon’s hoard.
fell from the sky. When questioned, the kobold insists Do this after the Isle of Storms. When the party
it saw the stone tumble from a massive sapphire finishes their business on the Isle of Storms, their
shard streaking across the sky. It appears mundane instructions are to return the puzzle box to their
and inert, but after some inspection, the rock is dwarven patron. However, when they arrive at the
indestructible and exudes a vague magical aura. meeting place, they find their friend has already
Do this after the Isle of Storms. Once the party embarked on a journey to a town on the frontier
leaves the Isle of Storms, when they’re all together with a knight companion, leaving word for the party
during a long rest, the rock quivers with supersonic to meet him there. The message says, “I’m on the
energy and bursts in a massive arc, spraying a fine verge of a big discovery; we’re all going to be rich!”
white pigment on everybody present. When the
players wash the white dust off, a swirling mark ... space!
remains on the back of their hands that cannot be Do this during the Isle of Storms. Where the party
seen by anyone else they meet. Sometime later, a would normally encounter a red crystal lodged in
building-sized jewel materializes in the sky and lands, a natural vent, they instead encounter a blockage
and a cosmic station-master descends to the ground caused by a strange, magical chair - some kind of
to address the players, saying, “Tickets please!” space-faring throne. This piece of cosmic furniture
mysteriously tumbled from the heavens, crashing
... a secret society of burglars! through the ceiling and lodging itself in place.
Do this during the Isle of Storms. When the party Do this after the Isle of Storms. When leaving the
clears the harpy’s nest aboard a shipwreck on the Isle of Storms, the party’s ship is boarded by pirates
Isle of Storms, among her treasures, the party finds wearing outlandish clothes, speaking of unknowable
a curious little music box with a keyhole sealing it things. These are space pirates! These outworld
shut. Back at Dragon Abbey, the kobolds are curious scalawags are looking for their lost magical throne,
at what treasures the party has found. which they use to make their seemingly mundane
Do this after the Isle of Storms. Once the party vessel blast off into space towards the beginning of a
has proven themselves to be good of heart by space-faring adventure.
completing the adventure of the Isle of Storms, they
are approached by the ex-poisoner turned healer ... a disorderly kingdom of giants!
in Dragon Abbey. This man gifts them with a large, Do this during the Isle of Storms. When at Dragon
ornate key for the music box, promising that it leads Abbey, in the library or when meeting the Elder,
to a lucrative and noble lifestyle. the party learns of the turbulent history between
primordial dragons and giants. Later, after the
party’s victory over the evil dragon villain, the party
has a conversation with the bronze guardian of
Dragon Abbey. He informs the party that although
his ancient enemy, the giants, are running amok on
the mainland, he understands his place is Dragon
Abbey and his duty is to stay and protect it, not to
seek out conflict or violence elsewhere.
Do this after the Isle of Storms. Whichever town
or city the party lands in after completing their
adventure on the Isle of Storms, it gets attacked by
rampaging giants. All the NPCs, lore and locations
needed to run the giant adventure can be applied
to the location like a template. When running this
attack, follow the guide in this YouTube video:

Quest Hooks: The Isle of Storms 5

... a fortress swallowed by earth! ... a land of fairies!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. While exploring Do this during the Isle of Storms. During their
a shipwreck on the Isle of Storms, the party travels on the Isle of Storms, the party encounters
finds a stranger in tattered clothes, played with a strange caravan owned by a weird, bird-like lady
and tortured by the harpy. The human male of wearing motley garb and attended by a monkey
middle age, thanks them and introduces himself. jester. She asks if the party’s seen her lost owlbear.
Afterwards, he heads to Dragon Abbey. Unknown Regardless, she invites the party to play her game to
to the party, this man is an agent under the thrall win a minor prize, and afterwards gives them a flier
of a powerful goblin shaman currently residing in advertising a carnival in the land of fairies.
a fortress swallowed by earth, and has sent many Do this after the adventure. After the party has
adventurers to their doom in the search of wondrous completed their quest, they’ll be able to catch a ship
treasure. elsewhere. Aboard the same ship that picks the party
Do this after the Isle of Storms. When the party up is a snobbish noble family with an insufferable
leaves the Isle of Storms, Kerbal joins them on the spoiled brat headed to the fairy carnival rumored to
ship, repeats his thanks, and states that while he have materialized outside a minor city.
doesn’t have anything of value in terms of money,
“I don’t see why the captain stopped off to pick
he can reward them with information regarding
up riff-raff like you and risked making us
treasures and magical artifacts, directing them to
late! We’re in a rush to visit the fairy carnival
the fortress swallowed by earth.
before it vanishes for our precious little prince!”

6 MatthewPerkins.net
... the jungle! ... the heist of the century!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. When the party Do this during the Isle of Storms. Either in the
leaves Dragon Abbey, a kobold with seemingly library of Dragon Abbey or among the scrolls and
limitless energy and a need for channeling it, is treasures of the evil dragon’s hoard, the party finds
inspired by the party’s bravery. At some point in a peculiar tome. With a stand-in cover and lorem
the adventure, either Dragon Abbey is attacked or ipsum copy on the spine and back, this early draft of
this kobold joins the party in combat, an event that a certain famous wizard’s guide to monsters is very
results in this kobold’s death. After the encounter, rare, containing some embarrassing mistakes.
the Elder of Dragon Abbey finds them just in the Do this after the Isle of Storms. After the party
nick of time and revives the kobold, scolding him has defeated the evil dragon on the Isle of Storms,
for being foolhardy. the librarian of Dragon Abbey takes an interest in
Do this after the Isle of Storms. After the party the strange book.
completes their quest on the Isle of Storms, they
“You know, this book is probably worth a bit
discover the Elder of Dragon Abbey is concerned for
of gold to the author; it would besmirch their
revived kobold. The kobold seems to be withering
reputation to have this error-riddled copy out
away due to some sort of necromantic magic. The
in the world. I mean, who spells goblin with a
resurrection spell is failing and she pleads the party
J? It says here they’re based in a pretty major
to help investigate why.
coastal city, too.”
... the mother of dragons!
Do this during the Isle of Storms. One of the
kobolds carries a dagger which it thinks is magical, Credits
something that it was told in a dream would be
Writers: Danyal Fryer (@DanyalFryer),
the bane of evil dragons. But when he meets the
Matthew Perkins (@heyitsMattyP)
players, the kobold says it hasn’t done anything
special yet. After the players defeat the evil dragon Gold Patrons: Anthony O’Brien, Antonio IP, Beth
at the end of the adventure, the kobold gives the Goff, Bill Henderson, bob bobby, Brian Smith, Caj
dagger to the player character who landed the van der Gun, Chaotic Vito, Christopher LeFever,
killing blow on the dragon. This dagger, made from Craig Savage, Dane Legare, Darien Barnes, Erin
one of Lord Aidron’s baby teeth, counts as a +2 Bonich, Evan Bryers, GentlemanJimGM, Guillaume
magical dagger when used against evil dragons by Mariais, harmen van lith, Humberto Hoffmann,
a character who has killed an evil dragon - a true Jace Northe, Jacob Meyer, Jason Ward, JauntyJay,
dragon slayer. Jean-Sebastien Levesque, Jeremy Carroll, Jessica
Do this after the Isle of Storms. After leaving H, Justin Rossman, Karlo Melendez Pena, Kay
the Isle of Storms, the party encounters a wealthy Niekut, Kevin Donville, Koli_Deveras, Kurt Mueller,
merchant who recognises the dragon tooth dagger Kyle Somers, Luke Hermann, Mario Zetina, Mark
as the mark of a dragon slayer. He offers the party Rennie, Marsha Alexander, NDG90, Patrick Walzer,
a job to escort him and his wares as bodyguards to a Paul S, Ricardo Valadares Gontijo Lanna Valle, S
region which recently had a dragon sighting. Super, Sergio Collins, SonOfSofaman, The 2nd most
Epic Wizard from Mt. Skullzfyre, Venatio, xFreshyJx,
... an infinite mega-dungeon! Zachary Shapiro
Do this during the Isle of Storms. While sailing to Everything Else: Matthew Perkins (@ heyitsMattyP)
the Isle of Storms, the party meet a woman named
This work includes material taken from the System
Jacky. She brags about there being an infinite
Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of
amount of treasure beneath a waterfront city on the
the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.
mainland, and that she and her mates were going
com/resources/systems-reference-document. The SRD
to be the first to obtain it all because they have a
5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
magical map.
4.0 International License available at https://
Do this after the Isle of Storms. As the party head
to the shore to leave the Isle of Storms, they notice
a scroll that has washed up the shore and is sticking Originally published 31/10/2023
out of the sand. It’s Jacky’s map!
Latest version 31/10/2023

Quest Hooks: The Isle of Storms 7

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