Introduction To Computer Networks
Introduction To Computer Networks
Introduction To Computer Networks
Layer Function
7 Application layer User applications run here and generate requests for data
transmission or open received information
6 Presentation layer Formats data for transmission e.g ASCII, tif etc; encrypts or
decrypts data
5 Session layer Sets up transmission sessions between communicating devices
for synchronized data exchange.
4 Transport layer Manages data transfer over the network to ensure reliability.
01 7 8 31
10 0 2 15 16 31
03 23 24 31
Network Number Host Number
Note: these first three classes are called the primary classes and are the ones in
commercial use all over. The class D has its first bits set at 1110 and is reserved for IP
multicasting. Class E has the first 5 bits set at 1111 and is reserved for research
Interpreting IP numbers
• The lowest possible IP number is :
Binary notation: 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
Decimal notation: 0 . 0 . 0 . 0