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Assignment 2 - ICT1202 Intro To Computer Networks

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Introduction to computer network: ICT-1202 – Sem1 2024-2025

Name: Mohamed Saleh Al Seiari

ID No: M00009189

Assignment 2 Date: 22/9/2024

Assignment 2 – OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models

Question 1
Conduct research on the internet about the OSI reference model and explain briefly about each
Minimum 250 words

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model describes network interactions using
seven distinct layers. There are several layers, and each layer serves a specific purpose. There is
interaction between each layer and the layers above and below it. Here is an explanation of
each layer:

Physical Layer: The physical layer is the lowest layer of the network model, focusing on the
physical connection between devices. It defines hardware elements such as cables and
connectors, managing the transmission of raw binary data as a series of 0s and 1s. Through this
layer, data is transmitted electrically, mechanically, and in time, ensuring reliable
communication through various interfaces and specifying how bits are sent.

Data Link Layer: The data link layer connects devices on a network segment and ensures error-
free data transmission over the physical layer. It organizes raw bits into frames, manages
medium access, and handles error detection and correction.

Network Layer: The network layer receives frames from the data link layer, and delivers them
according to their addresses. A layer can also locate the destination using logical addresses,
such as IP (internet protocol). In this layer, routers are crucial components that allow
information to be routed between networks.

Transport Layer: The transport layer handles end-to-end communication between hosts,
ensuring either reliable or faster, less reliable data delivery based on the protocol (such as TCP
for reliability and UDP for speed). It breaks data into segments, manages flow control and error
recovery, and reassembles the data at the destination. This layer is also responsible for starting,
maintaining, and closing connections while managing data transfer rates.
Introduction to computer network: ICT-1202 – Sem1 2024-2025
Name: Mohamed Saleh Al Seiari
ID No: M00009189

Assignment 2 Date: 22/9/2024

Session Layer: This layer handles setting up, maintaining, and closing communication sessions
between devices. It ensures smooth data transfer, adds checkpoints for error recovery, and
manages synchronization and recovery if a session gets interrupted.

Presentation Layer: The presentation layer prepares data for the application layer by managing
how two devices should encode, encrypt, and compress it to ensure correct reception. It
processes any data from the application layer and prepares it for the session layer's

Application Layer: The application layer provides network services directly to end-user
applications like web browsers and email clients. It enables communication between software
and the network, using protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP to facilitate tasks like web
browsing, file transfers, and email exchanges. By interacting with the user interface, it ensures
data is transmitted and received between applications and the network.
Introduction to computer network: ICT-1202 – Sem1 2024-2025
Name: Mohamed Saleh Al Seiari
ID No: M00009189

Assignment 2 Date: 22/9/2024

Question 2.
Conduct research on the internet about the TCP/IP reference model and explain briefly about
each layer.
Minimum 250 words

The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model defines how devices
should transmit data between them and enables communication over networks and large
distances. This model represents how data is exchanged and organized over networks,
consisting of four layers, each responsible for specific tasks in facilitating communication
between devices. Here is an explanation of each layer:

Link Layer: The lowest layer of the TCP/IP model, known as the Link Layer, merges the physical
and data link layers of the OSI model and is responsible for the physical transmission of data
packets across local networks. It organizes data into frames, appends headers and trailers, and
sends them through mediums like Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Additionally, this layer addresses error
detection, flow control, and media access control (MAC) to manage network access, with
protocols including Ethernet, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), and PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) commonly

Internet Layer: The Internet Layer, also known as Network Layer, is tasked with routing data
packets across various networks. Its primary protocol is the Internet Protocol (IP), which
provides logical addressing through IP addresses and ensures that packets reach their
destination by navigating multiple hops. In this layer, packets are managed and headers with
source and destination IP addresses are added, which allows routers to forward packets
correctly. It also includes protocols like ICMP and IGMP, which enhance communication and
assist with error reporting and multicast management.

Transport Layer: This layer is responsible for end-to-end communication between hosts, similar
to the OSI transport layer. There are two main protocols, TCP and UDP. TCP provides reliable,
connection-oriented communication and UDP provides faster, connectionless communication.
It handles segmentation, flow control, and error detection.
Introduction to computer network: ICT-1202 – Sem1 2024-2025
Name: Mohamed Saleh Al Seiari
ID No: M00009189

Assignment 2 Date: 22/9/2024

Application Layer: The Application Layer, at the top of the TCP/IP model, includes the
application, presentation, and session layers from the OSI model. It delivers network services
directly to user applications like web browsers and email clients, enabling them to
communicate over the network. Protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and DNS function at this
layer, setting the standards for data exchange between applications.

Overall, while the OSI model provides a more detailed breakdown of network functions, the
TCP/IP model offers a practical and widely adopted approach to networking in the real world.


Threat, I. (2023, December 21). What is OSI Model | 7 Layers Explained | Imperva. Learning
Center. https://www.imperva.com/learn/application-security/osi-model/

Froehlich, A., Rosencrance, L., & Gattine, K. (2021, February 26). OSI model (Open Systems
Interconnection). Networking. https://www.techtarget.com/searchnetworking/definition/OSI

What is TCP/IP in Networking? | Fortinet. (n.d.).

Fortinet. https://www.fortinet.com/resources/cyberglossary/tcp-ip

Yasar, K., Shacklett, M. E., & Novotny, A. (2024b, April 4). TCP/IP.
Networking. https://www.techtarget.com/searchnetworking/definition/TCP-IP
Introduction to computer network: ICT-1202 – Sem1 2024-2025
Name: Mohamed Saleh Al Seiari
ID No: M00009189

Assignment 2 Date: 22/9/2024

Assessment: St_Name: --------------------------------------- ID:------------

You must explain in your own words.
A plagiarism checker will be enabled. Duplicates will be penalized with 0 marks.
Only one submission will be allowed. Resubmission is not allowed.

Max. Marks Awarded Marks

Question 1 15
Question 2 15
Total 30

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