Năm 4 cô hải
Năm 4 cô hải
Năm 4 cô hải
Left Coat was one of the ancient states of America. It has a diverse
landscape, from coastal beaches, redwood forests and mountains to
desert and farmland. This is what the large state is commonly called
Callifornia, Oregon and Washington. The climate along the left coast
varies depending on the specific region and elevation. In general,
the coastal areas have a Mediterranean climate, with mild, wet
winters and warm, dry summers. Inland regions tend to have a semi-
arid or continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The
history of the Left Coast region is diverse and rich, with significant
events and developments taking place in various aspects of society,
culture, and politics. Before the arrival of Europeans, the Left Coast
was home to numerous Native American tribes who had developed
unique cultures and ways of life, often centered around fishing,
hunting, and gathering. The Spanish and Mexican rule in California
ended with the Mexican-American War in 1848, and the Oregon
Treaty in 1846 established the border between the United States
and British Canada. Moreover, the discovery of gold in California in
1848 led to a massive influx of people, known as the California Gold
Rush. This rapid population growth transformed the region and
contributed to the eventual statehood of California in 1850. The Left
Coast has been a hub for counterculture movements and social
change throughout the 20th century. San Francisco's Summer of
Love in 1967 and the emergence of the hippie movement are prime
examples. Additionally, the region has been at the forefront of civil
rights activism, environmentalism, and the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.
This essay will present the history of the formation of California in
the past and the current population development of the United
are largely undefined, and Spanish territorial claims in the area
included most of what is now the western United States. The
colonization and evangelization of Alta California can be considered
one of the last attempts by the Spanish Crown to expand its empire
in North America. After contact with Spanish explorers, many Native
Americans died from foreign diseases and genocidal campaigns.
War. Chinese immigrants were increasingly attacked by nativists;
they were forced to left industry and agriculture for Chinatowns in
larger cities. After the Gold Rush, California underwent one of the
most astonishing transformations in modern history. Combined with
expansion and development in agriculture and transportation,
especially railroads, the state went from a scattered and
insignificant territory to a powerhouse in the United States.
California today is one of the largest, wealthiest, most populous, and
most advanced states in the entire United States. If it became
independent, its economy would be so vast that it would be the
world's fifth largest.
California is the most populous state in the United States and the
third largest by area. With a population of more than 39 million, the
California Department of Treasury currently predicts the state's
population will reach 40.2 million in 2044 and then decline to 39.6
million in 2060. Since 2000, California has experienced through the
slowest growth rate ever recorded. From 2010 to 2020, California's
population increased by 5.8% (or 2.4 million people), according to
decennial census data. This was slower than the growth rate in the
rest of the country (6.8%), resulting in the first loss of seats in the
US House of Representatives in the state of California. These recent
rates are significantly lower than growth throughout the 20th
century. From 1900 to 1950, California's population increased from
less than 2 million to 10 million. It more than tripled in the second
half of the century, reaching 34 million in 2000, and its growth rate
was much higher than in the rest of the United States.
No race or ethnic group makes up a majority of California's
population: 40% of Californians are Latino, 35% are white, 15% are
Asian American or Pacific Islander, 5% are Black, 4% are multiracial
and less than 1% are Indigenous. American or Alaska Native,
according to the 2022 American Community Survey. Only five other
states (Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada and Maryland) have
similarly diverse populations. More than half of young Californians
(52% of those 24 and under) are Latino. In contrast, more than half
of people 65 and older are white (53%).
According to the 2022 American Community Survey, 27% of
Californians were born abroad — more than double the rate of the
rest of the country (12%). Some other states have relatively high
proportions: New Jersey (24%), New York (23%) and Florida (22%).
More than half (54%) of foreign-born Californians are naturalized
U.S. citizens, compared with 39% in 2000. Most other immigrants
are legal permanent residents.
In fact, California was a bit more youthful than the nation's median
age, at 36.2 years and 37.8 years respectively (2016 numbers.)
Also, 63% of all the people in the state in 2016 were in the 18–64
age range. That percentage is expected to decline modestly by
2060. California population projections from the California
Department of Finance reflect the slow growth estimates. The
agency predicted the state would hit the 40 million mark in 2018, 45
million in 2035, and 50 million in 2055. But slower than expected
growth pushed that number back, and the state still had not reached
40 million residents by May 2019, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Even lower birthrates than expected were blamed, mostly because
of decreased immigration from Latin America and higher
immigration from Asia, where educational levels were higher and
parenthood was put off for career.
1, Francisco Perpuli, BA History, (2022). A Brief History of California,
Dating Back to Native Americans. The Collector.
6, https://history-maps.com/vi/story/History-of-California