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Revision Dojo Calc QP

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11/12/24, 9:48 AM Collections | RevisionDojo

[12 Nov] Mathematics Analysis

and Approaches (AA) Mock


Printed with revisiondojo.com

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Question 1
This question asks you to explore properties of a family of curves of the type
y 2 = x3 + cx + d for various values of c and d, where c, d ∈ N.

On the same set of axes, sketch the following curves for −2 ≤ x ≤ 2 and
−2 ≤ y ≤ 2, clearly indicating any points of intersection with the coordinate

Now, consider curves of the form y 2 = x3 + d, for x ≥ − d, where d ∈ Z+


Next, consider the curve y 2 = x3 + x, for x ≥ 0.

The curve y 2 = x3 + x has two points of inflection. Due to the symmetry of

the curve these points have the same x-coordinate.

P (x, y) is defined to be a rational point on a curve if x and y are rational

numbers. The tangent to the curve y 2 = x3 + cx + d at a rational point P
intersects the curve at another rational point Q. Let C be the curve y 2 =
x3 + 2, for x ≥ − 3 2. The rational point P (−1, −1) lies on C .

1. y 2 = x3 , x ≥ 0 [2]

2. y 2 = x3 + 1, x ≥ −1 [2]

3. Write down the coordinates of the two points of inflexion on the curve y 2 = [1]
x3 + 1

4. By considering each curve from part (a), identify two key features that would [1]
distinguish one curve from the other.

5. By varying the value of d, suggest two key features common to these curves. [2]

6. Show that dx ​ = ± 23xx3+1
, for x > 0.


7. Hence deduce that the curve y 2 = x3 + x has no local minimum or maximum [1]

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8. Find the value of this x-coordinate, giving your answer in the form x = [7]
p 3+q
, where p, q , and r are integers.

​ ​

9. Find the equation of the tangent to C at P . [2]

10. Hence, find the coordinates of the rational point Q where this tangent [2]
intersects C , expressing each coordinate as a fraction.

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Question 2
This question will explore connections between complex numbers and regular
polygons. The diagram below shows a sector of a circle of radius 1, with the
angle subtended at the centre C being β , 0 < β < π2 . A perpendicular is ​

drawn from point A to intersect the x-axis at B . The tangent to the circle at A
intersects the x-axis at D .

1. Show that the length of the line segmentQ0 Q1 is 2 sin πn . ​ ​ ​


2. Let w n = 1, w ∈ C, n ∈ N, n ⩾ 5. Working in modulus/argument form find [8]

the n solutions to this equation.

3. By considering the area of two triangles and the area of the sector show that [5]

sin β
cos β sin β < β < cos β

4. Find the total area of this n sided polygon. [3]

5. Hence show that limβ→0 sinβ β ​ ​ = 1. [2]

6. Using part (b) find the limit of this perimeter as n → ∞. [2]

7. Hence, write down the total length of the perimeter of the regular n-sided [1]
polygon Q0 Q1 Q2 … Qn−1 Q0 .
​ ​ ​ ​ ​

8. Represent these n solutions on an Argand diagram. Let their positions be [1]

denoted by Q0 , Q1 , Q2 , … Qn−1 placed in order in an anticlockwise
​ ​ ​

direction round the circle, starting on the positive x-axis. Show the positions of
Q0 , Q1 , Q2 , and Qn−1 .
​ ​ ​

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Question 3
This question will investigate power series, as an extension to the Binomial
Theorem for negative and fractional indices. A power series in y is defined as a
function of the form g(y) = b0 + b1 y + b2 y 2 + b3 y 3 + ... where the bi ∈ R
​ ​ ​ ​ ​

. It can be considered as an infinite polynomial.

This is an example of a power series, but is only a finite power series, since only
a finite number of the bi are non-zero.

We will now attempt to generalise further. Suppose (1 + y)r , r ∈ Q can be

written as the power series b0 ​ + b1 y + b2 y 2 + b3 y 3 + ....
​ ​ ​

1. Repeat this procedure to find b2 and b3 .

​ ​

2. Consider the power series [4]

1 − y + y2 − y3 + y4 − …

By considering the ratio of consecutive terms, explain why this series is equal to

(1 + y)−1

and state the values of y for which this equality is true.

3. By substituting y = 0, find the value of b0 . ​


4. Write down the power series for 1+y [2]
2. ​

5. By differentiating both sides of the expression and then substituting y = 0, [2]

find the value of b1 .

6. Expand (1 + y)5 using the Binomial Theorem. [2]

7. Repeat this process to find the first four terms in a power series for (1 + y)−3 . [2]

8. Hence, write down the first four terms in what is called the Extended Binomial [1]
Theorem for (1 + y)r , where r ∈ Q.

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9. Hence, by recognising the pattern, deduce the first four terms in a power series [3]
for (1 + y)−m , m ∈ Z+ .

10. Differentiate the equation obtained part (b) and hence, find the first four terms [2]
in a power series for (1 + y ) .

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Question 4
This question asks you to investigate some properties of the sequence of
functions of the form gn (x)
​ = cos (n arccos x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 and n ∈ Z+ .

Important: When sketching graphs in this question, you are not required to
find the coordinates of any axes intercepts or the coordinates of any stationary
points unless requested.

For odd values of n > 2, use your graphic display calculator to systematically
vary the value of n. Hence suggest an expression for odd values of n
describing, in terms of n, the number of

For even values of n > 2, use your graphic display calculator to systematically
vary the value of n. Hence suggest an expression for even values of n
describing, in terms of n, the number of

The sequence of functions, gn (x), defined above can be expressed as a

sequence of polynomials of degree n.

Consider gn+1 (x)

​ = cos ((n + 1) arccos x).

1. Local maximum points [3]

2. Local minimum points [1]

3. Use an appropriate trigonometric identity to show that [2]

g2 (x) = 2x2 − 1

4. Use an appropriate trigonometric identity to show that gn+1 (x)

= ​
cos (n arccos x) cos (arccos x) − sin (n arccos x) sin (arccos x).

5. Hence show that gn+1 (x) + gn−1 (x)

​ ​ = 2xgn (x), n ∈ Z+ .


6. On a new set of axes, sketch the graphs of y = g2 (x) and y = g4 (x) for
​ ​
−1 ≤ x ≤ 1.

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7. Solve the equation gn′ (x)

​= 0 and hence show that the stationary points on [4]
the graph of y = gn (x) occur at x = cos kπ

where k ∈ Z+ and 0 < k < n.

8. On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of y = g1 (x) and y = g3 (x) for
​ ​
−1 ≤ x ≤ 1.

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Question 5
This question asks you to explore the behaviour and some key features of
the function gm (y)
​ = y m (b − y)m , where b ∈ R+ and m ∈ Z+ . In parts (a)
and (b), only consider the case where b = 2. Consider g1 (y) = y(2 − y). ​

Consider gm (y)
​ = y m (2 − y)m , where m ∈ Z+ , m > 1.

Now consider gm (y) ​ = y m (b − y)m where b ∈ R+ and m ∈ Z+ , m > 1.

By using the result from part (f) and considering the sign of gm (−1), show ​

that the point (0, 0) on the graph of z = gm (y) is

1. Show that gm ′ (y) = my m−1 (b − 2y)(b−y) . [5]

2. Sketch the graph of z = g1 (y), stating the values of any axes intercepts and

the coordinates of any local maximum or minimum points.

3. Hence, or otherwise, show that gm ′ ( 4b ) ​ ​ > 0, for m ∈ Z+ . [2]

4. Show that the point 2b , gm ( 2b ) on the graph of z

​ ​ ​ = gm (y) is always above

the horizontal axis.

5. a local minimum point for even values of m, where m > 1 and b ∈ R+ . [3]

′ [2]
6. State the three solutions to the equation gm (y) ​ = 0.

7. Use your graphic display calculator to explore the graph of z = gm (y) for


the odd values m = 3 and m = 5;

the even values m = 2 and m = 4.

Hence, copy and complete the following table.

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8. a point of inflexion with zero gradient for odd values of m, where m > 1 and [2]
b ∈ R+ .

9. Consider the graph of z = y m (b − y)m − k , where m ∈ Z+, b ∈ R+ , and [5]

k ∈ R.

State the conditions on m and k such that the equation y m (b − y)m = k has
four solutions for y .

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