001 Reservoir Plan
001 Reservoir Plan
001 Reservoir Plan
Mass Curve
I .h. 1
ing m a n s a orderly consideration of a reservoir project from the original n pose through the evaluation of alternatives to the final decision on a course e basis for the decision makers to take up or abandon the project. This unit rstanding the various components of a reservoir and the various factors
this unit, you should be able to : describe Lhe purpose of reservoirs, classify reservoirs,
usc a mass curve,
i>.us~~ I ~ L W I i n a:ii v
Rcsurvoirs are artificial lakes created by the constructio~l dams across rivers They arc of also called storages. These are dcvcloped to retan excess water during periods of high Plow fot use during periods of drought or deniand.
Reservoirs inainly servc thc purposes of water conservation and flood control.
A coliservatlon storage reservoir is meant to save excess water carricd down by a river during the wet season when the demand is less and release it (luring the dry season when the river flow is less than the demand. The storage may serve any of Uie following requirements:
Doir~estic water supply, Industrial water supply., Municipal water supply, Irrigation,
Hydroelectric power,
A fltx~d control reservoir holds some of the flood waters when the iiver discharge is sucli as to cause damage to the cities and inhabitants in the vallcy downstream if it is allowed to flow down and release them at a slow rate when the flrmd recedes.
What are the various uses of a rcservoir'?
b) Single purpose flood conlrol reservoir, such as, i) Retarding reservoir, ii) Detention basin, arid c) Multipurpose reservoir. l'hese may brletly be described as follows:
wnscrealn. This rnay he seen from Figure 1.I. which is a definition sketch of g. By h~owing hydrograph of the worst flood and tl~e Ihe allowable peak flood, ceded to moderate the tlood can be worked out by trial and error. The capacity rposi: flood control reservoir, thus depends on the maximum flood hydrograph otxl conveying capacity of the river downstream. Flotd control reservoirs are i ) Retarding reservoir, and ii) Detention basins.
s provided with a spillway and outlets Ulat are not controlled by gates simpler than a detention ba.sin. The discharging capacity of the pt lower than the safe carrying capacity of the river downstream for tarding reservoirs are cheaper in initial cost and eliminate all le errors or negligence in their operation. However, the advantages of flood control ,irs get reduced if they are constructed on a number of tributaries of the same river nay cause ;dl (he flood crests of the wibularies to coincide with that ngle retartling reservoir is hest locilted lust above the cily required to contlucnce to protect the arca just rs on tributaries just above thei~.
or control reservoir having spillwa)~ oullets controlled by gates. lriore costly on account 01' gal.es, lifting equipnienl. and staff for , it provides greater flexibility m'd allows release of a dcsired ximum discharge carrying capacity of the river below. This the reservoir by permitting tlie reservoir to be emptied quickly )ugh the larger outlets thal are provided, and rn&ing available Ule rcservoir for absorbing xsihle subsequent flood after a short period of time. If many detention basins are taries of a main river the release of water may he regulated from individual basins to keep the peak rateof discharge in the latter at a lower stagc than Id have been attained with uncontrolled retarding reservoirs. However, there arc chances lunkarl error and negligerlce in its operation. Detention basins are provided where the ea to be protected is large.
la) reserve a certain ininimum storage at all times for flood control, Ib) supply a constant discharge during summer irrigation period. c) supply a larger constant discharge during winter 1rrigation.period. and d ) obtain maximum firm power. Planning the rcservoir operation is carried out by preparing a number ot "Reservoir working tables", by adopting many tentahve schedules for a number of years with observed discharge data and depending upon the hydrological data and frequency cycle of high floods
4 multipurpose reservoir is provided for two or more uses, say flood control, irrigation, lydropower generation, etc. For instance, a reservoir constructed on a lributary of a major iver may be designed to protect downstream areas against flood damage, increase flow uring low-water season for purposes of irrigalion, and to create sufficient hcad at the dam ite to generate hydropower. The reservoir may be operated with a view to :
in the basin. The schedule giving the largest total bcnefits from the various intended with the lower or upper limits of storage is adopted for purposes without interfer~ng purposes of estimattng. Baseti on the actual experience these tables can be modified.
. .
Reservoir I'lanniny
the permeable reservciir harks when the reservoir fills, and this water level in the reservoir is lowered. The hank storage apaciiy of the reservoir over a i d rtbove that indicated by the 'he volume of hank storage depends on the geologic conditions cf !
tween a line p;rr:=~iel the stream bed arid the actual water ;o
l;lt 110
t :
you understa~iuby normal pool level, minlrnum pool level, dead storage, ston ; L ~ cand valley storage'' .
Figure 1.3 :Use of M a s Curve to Determine the Iteservuir Cnpacity Required to Prtduce a Specified Yield (Example 1.1)
demand and are straight lines parallel whose slope represents demand rate. Demand lines drawn tangential to h e high poinls of the mass curve (P,Q) represent rates of withdrawal of water from the reservoir. Supposing that the reservoir is full wherever a dzin;u~d line intersects the mass curve: therefore the maximum deviation hetween the demand line ant1 the mass curve indicates the reservoir capacity needed to satisfy the demand. The ordinate between successive tangents represents water spilled over the spillway. If the demand is varying, the dem'multl line becomes a curve but the principles underlying the analysis remain the same. But, it is necessary that the demand line for varying demand coincides chronologically with (he mass curve. i.e., March demand coincides with March inflow. etc.
Example 1.1 For the inflow shown in Figure 1.3, what should be the rcservoir capaclly lo assure a yield of 75,000 ha-n1 per year? Solution
Tangents to the mass curve at A 'and B have slopes equal to the demand of 75,000 ha-ndyex. The nlaximurn ordinate occurs at C which represenls a volumnc of 56.000 ha-m. This is the required reservoir capacity. Such a reservoir woulcl be full at A, depleted to 34,000 ha-~nof slorage at D. and would be full again at E. Betweell E and B the reservoir would remain full, and all the inflow greater than the de~nantl would be wasted downstream. At C, the reservoir would be empty, and at F ~twould be full again. 11 may be noted that in this case the slorage must carry over 2 years.
Figure 1.4 : Use of Mass Curve to Determine the Possible Yield f m n ~ a Reservoir of Specific Capacity (Example 1.2)
If a reservoir of 30,000 ha-m capacity is provided at the site for which the mass curve of Figure 1.4 applies, what will be the yield'?
tar~gents the mass curve of Figure 1.4 are drawn such that maximum to iation from the mass curve is 30,000 ha-m. The tangent at B, has minimum e of 60.000 ha-mlyear, and this is the minimum yield. The tangent at A shows ssible yield of 95,000 ha-mlyear in that year, but tl~is demand could not be lled between points B and C without storage in excess of 30,000 ha-m.
ective of reservoirs is to provide storage. The filling capacity of a reservoir can be determined with formldds for the volumes of solids. Topographic o find the capacity of reservoirs built at natural sites. An area-elevation by pl'mimetering the area enclosed within each contour that close at the re 1.5). The integral of the area-elevation curve is the elevation-storage, r the reservoir. The volume between two elevations is usually lying the average of the areas at the two elevations by the difference in tion of the increments below any elevation is the storage capacity ograpl~ic maps ;Ire not available, cross-sections of the reservoir are d the capacity calculated from the vertical cross-sections by using
1 7
I. -J 16-- 18
VOLUME - 100.000 ha - rn
' , \?I:' i
i;f' :I rc:ui;rvr:ir
eventually to get filled with sediments over a period of time. Figure 1.6 ent accumulation in a typical reservoir. If the sediment inflow is large
compared with the reservoir caplicity, lhe useful life of the reservoir gets rcduccrl. Reservoir planning rnust cor~siiler probable rale of sedimentation to determine whcthcr the uscful the life of the proposed reservoir will be suft'icient to justify its c3nstructioli. Thc useful life ol the reservoir may be calculated by determining the total time needed to fill the storage volunle by the sediments. If the averngr sediment load of a stream is &own the11 the life of the reservoir can be computed. Various reli~tions, this regard. as applied to Indiaii rivers in are given as uncler :
A. N. Khosla's Formula
The annual silting rate = 0.036 Inillion In' per 100 sq km of catchment .area. D. V. Joglekar's Enveloping Curve
-Hie annual silting ratc = Y = 0.597 A-".24
? '
...(1. I)
...( 1 .2)
where, Y is ihc sediment yield in million rn3 per 100 sq km,and A is the catchment area at the dam site in sq km. and R. S.Varshney and M. d;. Haichur's Formula
Their relali~ns havc been clevclopecl for rivers north and south of the Virldliyas sinc:: the two systznls of rivcrs show their own distinct char;acteristics. For North Indian Rivers a) For mountainous rivers with catch~nents upto 3 30 sq km, b) For rivcr in plains
y 0 395 A - ~ , ~ ~ ~ with catchment areas upto 173 sq km
Y = 1.534
For South Indian Rivers
a) For rivcrs with calcliments upto 130 sq k ~ n , Y 0.46 Ab! For cntch~nent areas over 130 sq km,
Y = 0.277~-'."~
...( 1.7)
What arc (he elripirical rclations for estimating sedimentation rates of Indian rivcrs?
nt i i C the iztflowi~lg sediment that is retained in the reservoir is a funclion of the st:rvoir capacity 16 total inflow aici is known as tlle trap efficiency of the This trap effiaency gets reduced with age as the reservoir capacily decreases by eposilion. Complete t'illing of a reservoir takes a very long period, however, the )C the reservoir 1s lernllnalecl when the capacity occ~rpied tlie sedinlcnt by reservoir from serving the desired purpose.
xr poject by studying alternative plans of dams and reservoirs. nt consists of all the external factors and conditions that affect the lives of living s. The environmental requirerncnts of different living beings are interrelated, and effects iue each crealure is dependent on and affect the othcr creature. Enviro~lmental to monetary evaluation, dilferent people evaluate the degree of i~iiport;ulce of )n~ilcntal co~ldition a different manner, llence Lle evaluation is purely in ivc. People living in Hie plairls would like the dam and reservoir to be IOcated in the iect them from the ravages of floods whereas Uie hill folks feel the location of a eir area would deprive the111of land which is the very source of their livelihood. ii!jc)r collcenl are the environmental conditions that directly affect the population. Tlie on~nenlal eSfec(s that bencfit mankind are irrigation; tlood protection, improved land and water supplies for domestic ang i~~dustrial needs, power generation, water quality, culture, recreational and health improve~nents.However, there are various adverse onnlental effects caused by the conshction and operation of dams and reservoirs as ntcd o u l e;irlier. While some are unavoidahle olhers call be reduced to some cxtenl. le 1.1 presents Ihe adverse effects of reservoirs on the environment.
A) Land use for
Adverse Effect
Chailge of species
New species may be less desirable than original species probably not possible Full r~utigat~on Is of inlportance only if mineral deposits exist
Important only ill extremely rriountainous areas Varies with each indiviual site
5) Inundation of
historical or archaeological sites
6) Inundation of
downstream flows
1) Reduction of fish and aquatic habitat Maintain regulated flows Full mitigation possible, but ti.erluently not acceptable because of Ia-ge sacrifice of project accomplishments Mitigation method not proven to be worthwhile. Degree of environmental effect depends upon specific stream situation Somewhat limited experience with selective level outlcts iilclicates good prospects of full mitigation
Fish hatcheries
Usually capable of full nlitigation Importance depends upon the specific site
2) Blocking animal
migration routes
Project expenditure rerluled to landscape sites Minor areas may be developed for beaches Construction clean up
Satisfactory mitigatio~i usually pilssible without excessive expenditure Degree of impact depends upon the specific reservoir Full mitigation possible; important only if not done Adverse effects can be reduccd but not entirely eliminated within reasonable cost Temporary effect; usually nlinclr, but not entirely avoidable
Mainly by careful drainage scheme Controlled burning; marketing maximum amounts of wood products
roject due care must be given to aspects like sedimentation, and acity of ;I reservoir and the yield from a ieservoir are curve at tlie site. The classificatioii of reservoirs and the ture defining the various levels of the reservoir are features the planner should be The purpose ol' a reservoir deternlines how thc reservoir should he operated. The should he such as not lo damage the environlnent of the dain slructure. This unit
Reservoir Planning
servation Pro.ject
A project in whicli the llow in the river is conserved to meet the requirements of irrigation. power generation or dornestic or industrial needs of a town or a region.
It is the level below which the reservoir cannot be depleted any further. A reservoir for the purpose of tlood control and provided with a spillway or outlcts is a detention reservoir. Aquatic and wild life reyuire a source of water for their suslenruice. Any water resources project planned should aim at conserving the water body for their needs. A reservoir that is meant to reduce the damages due to uncontrolled flood in a river by storing the water during the tlood season and releasing it slowly after the Hood recedes. This is the storage available tbr meeting the requirements of the project.
od Control Reservoir
It is the lowest level below which the reservoir cannot be lowcrcd under normal working conditions. A reservoir that serves to meet more than one purpose is economical as the same water can be utilised for dcriving more benefits. It is the level in a reservoir at which the water surface would be maintained in normal conditions. The volunle of water that call be held in the space behind the dam upto the full reservoir level is its capacity, A reservoir with a spillway and oullets not regulated by gates or valves is a retarding reservoir. A reservoir that meets any one of the requirements of domestic households or industrial needs of an area covered by irrigation. A reservoir with the only purpose of controlling the flood from damaging the downstream reaches. The ratio of sediment retained in a reservoir to the total inflowing sediment into the reservoir expressed as a percentage is the trap efficicncy. The quantity of water held in n natural stream channel and which flows into the reservoir. '
ervation Keservoir
lley Storage
Domestic water supply, industrial water supply, n~unicipal water supply, irrigation, hydroelectric power, navigation, recreation, fish mil wild life conservation.
A conservation storage project saves excess water carried down by a river during the wet season when the denland is less, and releases it iluring the dry season when the river tlow is less than the demand. A flood control reservoir the retains tht: tlood waters wlie~l river discharge is such as to cause damage to the cities and inhabitants in the valley downstream if it is allowed to tlow down, and releases them at a slow rate when the tlood recedes.
Single purpose conservation reservoir: Single purpose flood control reservoir; basins; Multipurpose reservoir. Retarding reservoir: Delent~on
Norinal pool level is the ~llaxinluln elev;ltion to which the reservoir surtilce will rise during nor~nal operating conditions. This corresponds to the elevation of Ihe spillway crest or the top of the spillway gates.
Milli~nutn pool level is the lowest level t which the rese~voir to be lowered o is ullder normal conditions. This level m y be fixed by the elevation ot the lowest outlet in the dam or by conditions ot operating efficiency of turbines ~n hydroelectric reservoirs. Dead srorage is the water held below thc nlinimum pool level, xid 1s illso ternled as the dead storage level. Live or useful storage is the volume of storage between the minimum and normal reservoirs the useful storage may be subdivided into pool levels. I11 n~ultipurpose conservation storage and tlootl-nutlgation storage depending on the adopted plan of oper;ltion. Valley storage is the volume of water occupied in a natural-stream channel.
Reservoir capacity and yield l'roln a Inass curve. SAQ 5 Refer Section 1.7.
~'efttr Section 1.8. SAQ 7 The percent o f the intlowing sediment that is retained in the reservoir is a function of the ratio of reservoir capacity to total inflow and is known as the trap efficiency. SAQ 8 Refer Section 1 .10.