Annex II - Integrated Safeguarding in CP Risk Assessment (TEMPLATE)
Annex II - Integrated Safeguarding in CP Risk Assessment (TEMPLATE)
Annex II - Integrated Safeguarding in CP Risk Assessment (TEMPLATE)
TIP: You can review the sector-by-sector safeguarding risk briefings for more information o
WASH Supply Chain
Health Cash
Nutrition Education
Safety & Security
Risk Assessment Template
ts of risks associated with Child Safeguarding, Adult Safeguarding, Safer Programming and Modern Slaver
ow that they are!) Critical Death and/or severe injuries
Severe Serious injuries
y the Internal Controller or the Team Leader Significant Non-life threatening injuries
ainst the mitigation plans each month, reporting back to the SMT Moderate Minor injuries/Possible stress
Negligible No injuries
ngs for more information on sector-specific risks Likelihood
Near certain 85% likelihood over response
Likely 51%-85% over response
Possible 31%-50% over response
Unlikely 11-30% over response
Rare Less than 10% over response
and Modern Slavery
Weekly occurance(s)
Monthly occurance(s)
Occurred in last 3-12 months
Occurred more than 1 year ago
Have not occurred before
Integrated Safeguarding Risk Assessment template (for overall response)
This assessment can be used to inform and shape the design, proposal, and budget of a project and award.
It informs but doesn't replace the RMP and ARA.
Risk Identified Controls/mitigation
(Try to be very precise)