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Model Examination Geography For Grade 12 Sene 2012

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DIRECTIONS: Each of the following questions is followed by four possible alternative answers. Read each
question carefully and blacken the letter of your best choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

1. Identifying and analyzing previously researched works and documents that is related to the identified
problem are directly coincide with one of the following components of research.

A. Research methodology C. Review of literature

B. Sampling design D. Formulating hypothesis

2. All of the following indicates economic growth of a country EXCEPT

A. Longer average life expectancy C. Increase industrial output

B. Increase agricultural output D. Abundant and untapped natural resources

3. Which one of the following geospheres of the earth is the main domain of cultural landscape?

A. Troposphere B. Lithosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Antroposphere.

4. What is the advantage of map over globe? A map is:

A. More appropriate representation of the earth

B. Convenient to show the locations and distributions of large areas in detail

C. Expensive to produce and update

D. less frequently used in fieldwork and classroom

5. Which one of the following is not the main emphasis of geographical research project?

A. The spatial variation and distribution of natural phenomena over the earth’s surface

B. The forces that is responsible for the formation of patterns and process

C. The interaction between physical and human phenomena

D. The natural reproduction of fauna and flora in an ecosystem

6. Which one of the following historical events was not a significant role for the development of map

A. The Renaissance period of ancient Greeko-Roman civilization

B. The age of exploration, discoveries and invention of printing press

C. The emergence of various population theories

D. The introduction of GIS and remote sensing technology

7. In which one of the following alternatives of settlement hierarchies’ does population size, social
service deliveries and complexity eventually increased?

A. Hamlets-- –Cities----Metropolis---Conurbation----Megalopolis

B. Cities-Hamlets---Metropolis –---Megalopolis----conurbation

C. Hamlets---Cities---- conurbation ---Megalopolis----Metropolis

D. Hamlets----Metropolis----Cities----Conurbation ----Megalopolis

8. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about topographic map?

A. Shows multiple natural and anthropogenic features

B. Emphasized on the spatial distribution of specific physical elements

C. Uses conventional sign and symbols

D. Drawn with large scale to show highly detail information

9. Which of the following geographical approaches is most appropriate for the study of the interaction
between biophysical and socio-economic phenomena in your school compound?

A. Topical approach B. Systematic Approach

C. Regional approach D. Thematic approach

10. In which categories of settlement pattern do you categorize the towns that are found along the
main highway from Addis Ababa to Gondar?

A. Dispersed settlement C. Compacted settlement

B. Nucleated settlement D. Linear settlement

11. Azimuthal map projection is more appropriate to preserve one of the following conditions.

A. Direction B. Area C. Size D. Shape

12. One of the following is NOT among the advantages of the large size of Ethiopia.

A. The fact that the country is home to diverse ethnic groups

B. The fact that the country possesses a large amount of arable land
C. The fact that the country possesses diverse agro ecological zones

D. The fact that the country has a large army to protect its sovereignty

13. Which one of the following is a hand held surveying instrument used for measuring the elevation of

A. Interpolation B. Altimeter C. Clinometer D. Stereoscope

14. Which of the following service sub sectors show remarkable growth performance for Ethiopia

A. Hotel and restaurant C. Education and public administration

B. Banking and insurance D. Transport and communication

15. All of the following statements are not describe action research EXCEPT

A. It helps to formulate theories and hypothesis aim at developing new knowledge

B. It is conducted aim at providing immediate remedies to the identified problem under study

C. It enables the researcher to put ideas into action and made rational decision

D. It is conducted during instructional process based on reality to visualize further improvements

16. Which one of the following research approach commonly employs primary data sources in
geographical study?

A. Quantitative B. Qualitative C. Inferential D. Simulation

17. Closed contour with elongated shape and the value increasing towards the center without specific
tips represents:

A. Plateau B. Depression C. Mountain range D. Re- intrant

18. Which of the following major global winds are more responsible for the occurrence of winter (Bega)
season in most part of Ethiopia?

A. Equatorial westerlies winds C. South east trade winds

B. Polar easterlies winds D. North east trade winds

19. One of the following is NOT barrier for Ethiopia socio economic development?

A. Environmental deterioration B. Developing intensive mechanized farming

C. Poor forward and backward linkage between various economic sectors

D. Land fragmentation and rapid decline of range land

20. Which of the following statement corresponds with the idea of anti-natalist population policy of

A. Designed to encourage population growth rate aimed to increase the labor force

B. Usually undertaken after period of census to estimate population size

C. Primarily designed to discourage population growth rate

D. Designed to raise population growth for military power to protect the sovereignty of the state

21. The current government of Ethiopia adopted a new development strategy so called Agricultural
Development Led Industrialization(ADLI) CANNOT aim to ensure:

A. Rapid population growth rate C. Improve living standard of people

B. Effective educational services D. Expanding primary health care facilities

22. Which of the following is NOT correct about contour lines?

A. Contour lines are used to show the specific height of a place

B. All points on a given contour lines of the same elevation

C. Closely spaced contour lines represent steep slope

D. Contour lines are generated from spot heights

23. Which one of the following countries are the main sources of import goods for Ethiopia since

A. China and Saudi Arabia C. USA and Britain

B. India and Djibouti D. Eritrea and Yemen

24. Which one of the following statement is WRONG concerning Ethiopian rift valley trench?

A. It is geologically the most unstable region

B. Its central subdivision is the largest and widest part of the rift valley system

C. Its southern subdivision is dominated by woodland savanna

D. It is rich in ancient fossil sediments and active volcanoes

25. Which one of the following is the oldest sedimentary rock in Ethiopia?

A. Upper sandstone C. Hintalo limestone

B. Basement complex crystalline D. Adigrat sandstone

26. One of the following DOESN’T explain the formation of a river capture?

A. Softer rock on the sides of the pirate river

B. The pirate river has a steeper course and erodes its course as a result

C. The intensive erosion of the pirate river due to its steep courses

D. Heavy erosion occurring on the pirate river’s side of the watershed

27. One of the following is NOT the main function of drawing cross-section on contour map?

A. To understand the nature and type of slope shown on map

B. To acquire skill in reading contour map

C. To understand the land scape whether places are intervisible or dead ground

D. To identify the type and pattern of human settlements

28. Which one of the following is Ethiopia’s guiding economic development strategy that covers period
from 2010-2015?

A. Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Programme (SDPRP)

B. Growth and Transformation Programme (GTP) C. Agricultural Development Led Industrialization

(ADLI) D. Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP)

29. Two places are said to be interivisible

A. If there is a concave slope between the two points

B. If they are separated by an overhanging cliff

C. If there is high altitude between the two points

D. If they located at the opposite side of a high ground

30. Which one of the following measure is best to alleviate the severity of drought in Ethiopia?

A. Initiating rain fed agricultural crops

C. Practicing over cultivation methods

B. Developing irrigation scheme

D. Increasing livestock population

31. Which one of the following physiographic region is serve as a watershed for Awash river and
western drainage system in Ethiopia?

A. The north central massifs C. The South eastern high lands

B. The Harerge plateaus D. The Shewa plateaus

32. The equatorial types of climate in Africa is characterized by:

A. Low mean monthly rainfall C. Low angels of the sun

B. High annual range of temperature D. Low daily range of temperature

33. Which one of the following natural vegetation of Ethiopia WRONGLY paired with their geographical

A. Gibera and Asta------Semein and Bale Mountain

C. Gallery forest------ Awash and Genalle Rivers

B. Woodland savanna-----Main rift valley

D. Padocarpus forest------South eastern lowlands

34. All of the following are the major factors that determine the pattern and type of settlements in
Ethiopia, EXCEPT

A. Terrain structure C. Diversity of ethnic groups

B. Level of infrastructural development D. Type of land ownership

35. Which of the following is NOT the cause of high rate of maternal mortality in Ethiopia?

A. Low access of woman to reproductive health service

B. High status of women on education

C. High frequency of births per women

D. Early marriage and short child bearing interval

36. Which one of the following combination is WRONGLY paired in terms of their delivery to perform
certain useful functions?

A. Addis Ababa and New York--------Holiday resorts, hill and health resorts

B. Diredawa and Hawasa----------Industrial town

C. Jerusalem and Meca-------- Ecclesiastical town

D. Oxford and Cambridge universities-------Cultural and educational town

37. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is directly useful tool for all the following EXCEPT

A. Regulating and monitoring traffic flows

C. For the development of master plane

B. Modifying harsh climate

D. Mapping, analyzing and managing weather condition

38. Which one of the following statements is NOT correctly describes the horn of Africa?

A. It has tropical character and lies with in GMT + 3 time zone

B. It is the home of ancient ancestors of primates and hominids

C. It is astronomically bounded by the Greenwich meridian

D. It has more geographical proximity to Middle East

39. One of the following is the largest climatic region in Africa south of the equator

A. The equatorial climate

C. Tropical Maritime (monsoon) climate

B. The tropical desert or semi- desert climate

D. Tropical continental (savanna) climate

40. Which of the following factors is largely responsible for the extremely high temperature that
records in the continental interior of North Africa?

A. Ocean current B. Distance from the sea C. Altitude D. Latitude

41. Which one of the following drainage System in Africa is the smallest in terms of catchment area,
annual discharge and drainage density?

A. Mediterranean sea drainage system C. Atlantic ocean drainage system

B. Inland drainage system D. Indian ocean drainage system

42. Which of the following geological era of the earth is more responsible for the present terrain
structure of the horn of Africa?

A. Cenozoic era B. Paleozoic era C. Mesozoic era D. Precambrian era

43. Which one of the following economic sectors ranked third in its contribution to Ethiopia’s GDP
growth performance since 2005-2009/10?

A. Distributive sector C. Industrial sector B. Agricultural sector D. Service sector

44. Which one of the following quantitative distribution maps is important to portray areas of densely
and sparsely population distribution in Ethiopia?

A. Dot map B. Chorochromatic map C. Isopleth map D. Choropletic map

45. Many African rivers travel across different physiographic region that ranges from cool to extremely
hot climate condition. This situation is best described by one of the following.

A. Deltaic mouths and mangrove swamps C. Seasonal fluctuation

B. Steep long profile D. Exotic nature of the rivers

46. Which one of the following is correctly describe the Mozambique Ocean current?

A. It has a cooling effect on the border areas of North western Africa.

B. It has a warming effect on the South-western parts of Africa

C. It has a warming effect on the peripheral parts of South Eastern Africa.

D. It doesn’t have any impact on the climate of Africa

47. Which of the following rivers of Ethiopia largely drained along the Chew Bahir rift valley structure?
A. Awash B. Omo-Ghibe C. Baro-Akobo D. Ghenalle

48. The Malthusian population theory was mainly focused in one of the following perspectives EXCEPT

A. Food supply increases in Arithmetic progression

B. Population growth increases in geometric progression

C. Over population has positive effect on agricultural transformation

D. Prevented checks are essential for the people to reduce high population growth

49. Which one of the following soil types of Ethiopia is more appropriate for Enset, coffee and cereal
crops growing?

A. Vertisols B. Yermosols C. Cambisols D. Nitosols

50. Which of the following statement regarding to the plateau of Africa is WRONG?

A. Plateaus consists more than 70% of the land mass of Africa

B. The low plateau of Africa are largely found to the north of the equator

C. 300m altitude is the dividing lines between high and low plateaus in Africa

D. The high plateaus are found in southern and eastern Africa.

51. Which one of the following is a non-biological determinants of population change

A. Fertility B. Migration C. Mortality D. Fecundity

52. Which one of the following demographic conditions is NOT improved by population policy of a

A. Average life expectancy C. Low or high fertility and mortality rate

B. Early marriage and population density D. High or low sex ratio

53. Which type of map projection is more suited to produce region of the world between tropic of
cancer and Capricorn?

A. Conical B. Azimuthal C. Cylindrical D. Planar

54. Which region of Ethiopia has abundant supply of geothermal energy resource potential?

A. Shewa plateaus B. Rift valley structure

C. Western low lands D. Harerge plateaus

55. As Tekeze river is to the Mediterranean drainage system and Ghenalle river is belongs to:

A. Western drainage system C. Rift valley drainage system

B. South eastern drainage system D. Mediterranean drainage system

56. What is the principal reason behind the relatively lower mean daily temperatures over much of the
high lands of Ethiopia during July and August?

A. The continuous presence of more or less thick cloud cover B. The effect of global rain bearing winds

C. The existence of abundant natural vegetation due to conducive climate and soil moisture

D. The apparent movement of the overhead sun between tropics

57. Which of the following areas of Ethiopia usually receive rainfall during autumn and spring? A. The
North western high lands C. The south western lowlands B. The south eastern low lands D. The central
high lands

58. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about Africa? A. It has fragmented and indented coast line
C. It has smooth coast line B. Nearly ¾ of its area lies with in the tropics D. It has compact Shape
59. What do you understand by the term “developed economy”?

A. An economy that has abundant natural resources for exploitation

B. An economy that show highest amount of exportable primary goods

C. An economy that has high per capital income

D. An economy that reflects highest proportion of human labor force

60. There is high childhood mortality rate in rural part of Ethiopia than urban region in the country. This
is mainly because of:

A. Improved personal and environmental hygiene

B. Very low delivery with traditional birth attendance

C. High malnutrition for children

D. Low frequency rate of child bearing

61. Which one of following is the most densely populated area in Ethiopia?

A. Borena B. Dollo C. Elkere D. Kembata

62. One of the following is NOT the adverse consequence of urban expansion in Ethiopia?

A. Development of squatter settlement and shabby areas B. Absence of employment opportunity

C. Dominance of secondary and primary exportable goods and services

D. Wide spread expansion of social evils and crimes

63. Which one of the following is the most commonly used isoplethic distributive maps important to
show a defined geographical area having an equal value of rainfall distribution over the earth’s surface?
A. Isohyet maps B. Isotherm maps C. Isobar maps D. Isodapane maps

64. One of the following climate region of Africa extends roughly between Durban in South Africa and
Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania?

A. Warm temperate continental C. Tropical maritime

B. Mediterranean D. Highland (mountain)

65. Despite of the location of Ethiopia within the tropical region, there is a significant variation in
temperature and rain fall distribution as someone travel from the heart land to the peripheral part of
the country. What is the main factor of this difference?

A. Unevenness atmospheric pressure distribution C. The position of overhead sun

B. Land configuration D. Distance from the sea

66. Which of the following major geological events and processes that took place in Ethiopia and the
horn is WRONGLY paired with its era or period of existence?

A. volcanic lava series and Rift valley formation-------Tertiary period

B. Adigrat sandstone and Hintalo limestone------Mesozoic Era

C. Denudation and peneplanation--------Cenozoic Era

D. Heavy pluvial rain fall ----------Quaternary period

67. In which part of a river course is the presence of waterfalls, rapids and cataracts?

A. River delta B. Middle course C. Upper course D. Lower course

68. One of the following is NOT belongs to North western high land of Ethiopian physiographic region?
A. Mount Chillallo B. Mount Ambalage C. Mount Guna D. Mount Kolo

69. One of the following is NOT the main factor responsible for the spatial variation of population
density in Ethiopia?

A. Climate and soil condition C. Development of infrastructure

B. Age and sex composition D. Type of land form

70. All of the following are possible solution to speed up Ethiopia’s socio economic development EXCEPT
A. Promotion of better links between markets and producers

B. Slow down the existing rapid population growth rate

C. Exhaustively utilizing the existing resource potential

D. Diversifying and specializing agricultural products for export

71. One of the following is a soil conservation measure

A. Overgrazing B. Afforestation C. Over cultivation D. Slash and burn

72. The total number of live birth in a year per thousands of women in their reproduction age group
between 15 to 49 year refers to:

A. Total fertility rate C. Age specific fertility rate

B. General fertility rate D. Crude birth rate

73. In which one of the following African countries the rift valley structure DOES NOT make the national
geographic territory?
A. Ruwanda B. Sudan C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia

74. Which one of the following wild animal conservation areas where legal hunting is NOT strictly

A. Sankele B. Babile C. Yabello D. Maggo

75. Which one of the following drainage pattern formed when stream flow from dome shaped volcanic
mountain towards the surrounding low lying area?

A. Trellis B. Radial C. Dendritic D. Centripetal

76. The age structure of Ethiopian population implies that:

A. Very high middle age group of population B. Very high proportion of elderly population

C. There is high proportion of young age group D. High urban population density

77. Of the following which one is NOT the characteristic of the equatorial rainforest of Africa?

A. They contain broad leaved evergreen trees C. They have low species diversity

B. They have three canopies D. Most of the trees are hard woods

78. Which of the following is the major problem of wild animals in Africa?

A. The development of zoo C. Afforestation

B. Illegal hunting D. Shrinking of desert land

79. Assume that you want to go nearby bus station, hospital or bank office, which type of sketch map is
more preferable?

A. Rout map B. Location map C. Thematic map D. Landscape map

80. All of the followings are the main cause responsible for the spatiotemporal climate variation in
Ethiopia and the horn EXCEPT

A. The apparent movement of overhead sun C. Inter Tropical Convergent Zone

B. Global wind system and atmospheric pressures D. The warm and cold ocean currents

81. One of the following areas is NOT belongs to all year round rainfall region of Ethiopia?

A. Yabello B. Gore C. Illubabor D. Metu

82. Why the Congo river doesn’t shows seasonal fluctuation in volume of water? This is due to its:

A. Physiographic structures C. Global wind system

B. Tributaries running from the equatorial rainforest. D. Large catchment area in the continent

83. One of the following is NOT push factor leading to migration of people in Africa?

A. Social upheaval C. Job prospect B. Unemployment D. Harsh climate

84. Which one of the following statement is NOT CORRECT about the outlook and philosophy of
environmental determinism?

A. Its supporters argued that human beings are passive agent in capable of modifying the natural

B. Supporters believed on the fact that natural environment is the master in controlling human
economic activity and other life of organisms.

C. Its founding ideas were postulated by Greek and Roman philosophers

D. Its proponents belied that the effect of environment up on people can be regulated by using
knowledge and latest technology.

85. Ethiopia is considered as the “Roof of Africa” mainly because of its:

A. Physiographic features C. Geographical proximity to Middle East

B. Abundant water resources D. Tropical location

86. Which of the following best explain why most urban centers of Ethiopia are confined on the high
land areas?

A. The high lands have less suffered from greater environmental deterioration than lowlands

B. The lowlands have more peripheral location than the high lands

C. The high lands have more hospitable climate than the peripheral low lands

D. The low lands have exposed for greater risk of soil erosion and flooding

87. Which one of the following major soil type of Ethiopia is confined long the bank of major river

A. Luvisols B. Lithosols C. Fluvisols D. Nithosols

88. One of the following is NOT characterized the economy of Africa?

A. Lack of foreign currency and local capital investments

B. Poor level of intra-regional and continental trade

C. Low level development of secondary and tertiary economic sector

D. Dominance of exportable manufacturing goods and services

89. One of the following is NOT regional or continental organization of Africa?


90. The huge irrigation potentials of rivers and lakes of Africa are NOT yet fully exploited EXCEPT

A. Widely spread corruption C. Poor drainage basins and systems of rivers

B. Lack of good governance D. Lack of technology and skilled man power

91. Which of the following is CORRECT about the population of Africa?

A. East Africa has the continents high density of population

B. West Africa has the continent’s highest population density

C. Southern Africa has the lowest population density in the continent

D. Population doubling time in Africa is longest in the world

92. Which one of the following is WRONGLY paired between endemic wild life of Ethiopia and their
geographical location?

A. Minlik’s Dikula----------------Shewa plateaus

B. Swayne’s Hartebeest----------Bale national park

C. Yedur Ahiya--------------------Afar and south east lowlands

D. Semein fox----------------------Bale and Semen Mountains

93. Which one of the following statements is WRONG about rainfall in Ethiopia?

A. In general rainfall is more dependable over the heartlands than peripheral low lands

B. Rainfall received by any two places located on the same latitude is more or less the same

C. Rainfall variability eventually decline from south western high lands to north east escarpment

D. The annual amount of rainfall is greatly regulated by global weather system

94. All of the following are the negative implication of rapid population growth rate in Ethiopia EXCEPT

A. Environmental deterioration C. Fragmentation of farm lands

B. Air and water pollution D. Declining rate of unemployment

95. Which one of the following means of transportation very much more affected by relief due to its low
hill climbing capacity?

A. Train B. Four wheel drive cars C. Bicycle D. Ordinary cars


(NOT VISUALLY IMPAIRED) CANDIDATES ONLY. 96. The general flow direction of the major river is
towards the A. South west B. North east C. South east D. East 97. In which one of the following slopes of
land intervisibility of place is impossible? A. Point R and P C. Point P and D B. Point C and R D. Point C
and D 98. How much is the vertical interval of the map? A. 600 meter B. 100 meter C. 400 meter D. 200
meter 99. What kind of relief feature represented at point F shown on the map? A. Cliff B. Ridge C.
Saddle D. Valley 100. What kind of drainage pattern largely shown on map? A. Trellis B. Rectangular C.
Dendraitic D. Centripetal

Items 101-105 should be attempted by visually impaired candidates only

101. The quantitative revolution has led to:

A. Increased use of descriptive methodologies in geographical studies

B. More emphasis on theory building in geographical studies

C. The use of maps in geographical studies

D. The application of statistical and mathematical techniques in geographical studies

102. Which one of the following non rift valley lakes of Ethiopia?

A. Shalla B. Tana C. Zeway D. Langano

103. Why is the savanna region in Africa often referred to as the zone of transition?

A. It is located between the high and low plateau of Africa

B. It is located between the northern and southern extremes of the continent

C. It is located between the wettest and driest climatic zones of the continent

D. It is located between the tropical desert and semi desert climatic zones

104. Of the following which one refers to an area that separates adjacent drainage basins?

A. Drainage system B. Tributaries C. Confluence D. Water divide

105. Which one of the following is non-physical factor for the uneven population distribution of
A. Slope of land C. Soil fertility B. Level of infrastructures D. Types of climate Geography

Model Exam Answers for Grade 12 1.C 31.D 61.D 91.A 2.A 32.D 62.C 92.B 3.D 33.D 63.A 93.B 4.B 34.C
64.C 94.D 5.D 35.B 65.B 95.A 6.C 36.A 66.C 96.A 7.A 37.B 67.C 97.D 8.B 38.C 68.A 98.D 9.C 39.D 69.B 99.A
10.D 40.B 70.C 100.C 11.A 41.A 71.B 101.D 12.D 42.A 72.B 102.B 13.B 43.C 73.B 103.C 14.A 44.D 74.D
104.D 15.A 45.D 75.B 105.D 16.B 46.C 76.C 17.C 47.B 77.C 18.D 48.C 78.B 19.B 49.D 79.A 20.C 50.C 80.D
21.A 51.B 81.A 22.A 52.D 82.B 23.A 53.C 83.C 24.B 54.B 84.D 25.D 55.B 85.A 26.A 56.A 86.C 27.D 57.B
E.C Approved by:--------------------------------- Date:------------------------------ Signature:------------------------------
Unit placement Knowle dge compre hension Applica tion. Analysi s. Synthes is. Evaluat ion. No. of period
taught No. of items Percent Type of question items Total T/ F Matchi ng Choice Comple tion Unit1:
Grade 11 & 12 4 4 1 1 30 10 9.5 10 10 Unit 2 Grade 11 & 12 8 7 8 5 71 28 26.7 28 28 Unit 3 Grade 11& 12
10 10 9 7 104 36 34.3 36 36 Unit 4 Grade 11 & 12 8 7 3 3 1 57 22 20.9 22 22 Unit 5 Grade 12 2 3 1 2 1 10
9 8.6 9 9 Total no. Questions & period 32 31 8 14 18 2 272 105 100% 105 105

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