Lab 10
Lab 10
Lab 10
5V Power supply unit (RIMS)
IC 74LS42/74LS04 and 74LS08
Connecting wires, Hardwires.
Before making any connection to the circuit makes sure that, the power supply is off.
Take care of the equipments they can be damaged by misuse.
Before switch on the supply, get it checked by your teacher.
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Decoder is a logic circuit that accepts a set of inputs that represents a binary number and
activates only the output that corresponds to that input number. In other words, a decoder
circuit looks at its inputs, determine which binary number is present there, and activates the
one output that corresponds to that number; all other outputs remain inactive. Before the
design of decoder, we must decide that whether we want an active-high level output or an
active-low level output to indicate the value selected. For an active-high indication the
required output is high and all other outputs are low; while in case of active-low, the
required output is low and all other outputs are high. Fig: 10 .1(a & b) shows the logic
symbol and logic diagram for 1 of 4 decoders. This circuit has two inputs and four outputs
so it is also called as 2 line to 4 line decoder. It uses all AND gates, so the outputs are
active-high. For a given input code, the only output that is active (high) is the one
corresponding to the decimal equivalent of the binary input code.
(a) (b)
Fig: 10.1 (a) Logic symbol; (b) Logic diagram of 1-of-4 decoder
The TTL74LS42 accepts four lines of input data and it has ten active-low outputs. The
inputs must be supplied by a code type BCD, which causes the activation of the output line
corresponding to the applied number. Each output goes low only when its corresponding
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BCD input is applied, while all other outputs remain high. Fig: 10.2 shows the pin-out of
74LS42 IC.
Inputs Outputs
B A Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
1. Take digital Electronics RIMS and apply 5V power supply from power supply unit
4. Set all combination of observation table with help of switches and fill the table.
8. Set all combinations of inputs with the help of switches and observe the decoding
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