Series 8000
Series 8000
Series 8000
0-10 m H2O to 0-7000 m H2O
0-30 psia to 0-10,000 psia
0-10 m H2O to 0-140 m H2O
0-15 psig to 0-200 psig
0.01% Accuracy
1 x 10 –8 Resolution
Unique Anti-Fouling Port
Low Power Consumption
High Stability and Reliability
Fully Calibrated and Characterized
ISO 9001 Quality System – NIST Traceable
Frequency Outputs or Dual RS-232 and RS-485 Interfaces
Tsunami Detection
Digiquartz® Depth Sensors provide the ultimate Wave and Tide Gauges
precision in water level measurements. Typical Offshore Platform Leveling
application accuracy of 0.01% is achieved even under Dam and Reservoir Level Sensing
difficult environmental conditions. Desirable Underwater Pipe Laying and Surveying
characteristics include excellent long-term stability, Remotely Operated and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
1 x 10–8 resolution, low power consumption, and high
The remarkable performance of these depth sensors is Dual RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces allow complete remote
achieved through the use of a precision quartz crystal configuration and control of all operating parameters,
resonator whose frequency of oscillation varies with including resolution, sample rate, and choice of engineering
pressure-induced stress. A quartz crystal temperature units, integration time, and sampling requests. Commands
signal is provided to thermally compensate the calculated include: Single sample and send, synchronized sample
pressure and achieve high accuracy over a broad range and hold, continuous sample and send, and special burst
of temperatures. The depth sensors include waterproof sampling modes.
housings with integral shock protection.
New and enhanced features include support for both serial
High accuracy, resolution, and stability make Digiquartz® loop and multi-drop networking, selectable baud rates up to
Depth Sensors ideal for applications such as Tsunami 115,200 baud, synchronization of measurements with time-
detection, wave and tide gauges, platform leveling, based integration, 2 or 4 wire RS-485 transmission
underwater pipe laying, and as depth sensors in ROVs distances greater than 1 kilometer, improved high-speed
and AUVs. continuous pressure measurements, a power management
“sleep” mode, data formatting features, and unit
All Depth Sensor ranges are available with either identification commands.
frequency outputs or integral intelligent electronics with
bi-directional digital communications. All Digiquartz® transducers come with a limited five-year
warranty with the first two years covered at 100%.
Digiquartz® Pressure Instrumentation
Depth Sensors - Frequency Output Series 8000
Pressure Performance Accuracy typically better than 0.01%
Full Scale (See SCD)
2 4
Connector Pin-Out
1 Temperature Signal
Connector Pin-Out
1 RS-232 to Computer
2 RS-232 from Computer
3 Power/Signal Ground
4 Power
5 RS-485 RX+
Series 8CB (0 to 7,000 meters)
6 RS-485 RX-
7 RS-485 TX+
8 RS-485 TX-
Meters Model Part Number Dimensions inch (cm) Model Part Number Dimensions inch (cm)
of H2O Dia. Length Dia. Length
Series 8DP Absolute Depth Sensors* Series 8CDP Intelligent Depth Sensors
Paroscientific, Inc.
4500 148th Ave. N.E.
Redmond, WA 98052
Tel: (425) 883-8700
Fax: (425) 867-5407
Product defined by Specification Control Drawing. Specifications Subject to change without prior notice.
Manufactured under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 4,454,770 - 4,455,874 - 4,592,663 - 4,724,351 - 4,751,849 - 4,757,228 - 4,764,244 - 4,831,252 - 4,872,343 - 4,912,990 Other patents pending.