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Building Drainage PPT 2

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Drainage System
• The W.C, Bathrooms, Sinks, Wash basins, etc. are
important components of a building.
• The Waste water from W.C, bathrooms, sinks and
wash basins is to be properly disposed in to the
municipal sewers. It is therefore necessary to
construct a system of conveyance of wastewater
from W.C, bathrooms, kitchens and washbasins
and dispose it to the municipal sewer. This system is
known as drainage system.
House Drainage System
Definition of Terms
• Before studying the principles for
design and construction of house
drainage system it is necessary to first
understand the basic terms used in
subsequent description of topics in this
chapter. Important terms are defined as
• Wastewater: Water when used for
different purpose like domestic
commercial, industrial etc., receives
impurities and become wastewater.
Thus wastewater is used water and it
has physical, chemical, and biological
Impurities in it, wastewater is a general
• Sewage: The waste water coming from
W.C. and containing human excreta is
known as sewage.
• Sullage: The Wastewater coming from bathrooms and
kitchens which does not contain fecal matter is known
as sullage.
• Plumbing System: It is entire system of pipe line for
providing water supply to the building or it is a system
of pipes for disposal of wastewater from the building.
• Sewer: A pipe carrying sewage/ wastewater is called
• Soil Pipe: It is pipe carrying sewage from W.C.
• Waste Pipe: It is a pipe carrying sulluge from
bathrooms, kitchens, sinks, wash basins, etc.
• Sewerage System: A system of sewers of different
types and sizes in a town collecting wastewater from
the town and carrying it to the wastewater treatment
Plumbing systems
• To dispose of liquid waste as early as possible

• To prevent foul air entering the building from the sewer

•To dispose off storm water

•To facilitate quick removal of foul matter i.e. human excreta

•To collect and dispose the water matter systematically

•To provide healthy conditions in a building

•The layout of building drainage must be simple

•The layout of building drainage must allow quick removal of foul waste


•Levels of building, sewer, outlets must be determined accurately

•The drains must be laid in straight lines as far as possible

•The drains should provide self cleaning velocity

•The drains should not pass under buildings as far as possible

•The diameter of the drain must be sufficient for carrying domestic

sewage and sullage

•The drain pipes must be of non-absorbent materials

•To prevent the entry of foul gases from the sewer into the buildings ,

intercepting trap should be provided in house drain

•The branch drains should be short as far as possible

•All the pipes should be laid with water tight joints

•The drainage system must be ventilated properly

•There should be proper means of access for inspection of drainage


•Proper arrangement must be ensured for quick disposal or rain water

from buildings. Rain water should not be allowed to flow through

house sewers
Components of Drainage System

Following are the main components of

drainage system
• Traps
• Pipes
• Sanitary Fittings
•.Trap is a bend or depression in a sanitary fitting
which is always full of water called seal
•It does not allow air connection between the fitting and outside
drain or sewer pipe
•Foul gases thereby cannot enter the building to cause nuisance
•Efficiency of the trap depends on depth of water seal

•Seal in traps The vertical distance between inside lowest

point and inside highest points is known as water seal or seal in
trap. Greater the depth of the seal, more effective is the trap.
Depth of the water seal represents strength of a trap and it varies
from 25 mm to 75mm
Requirements of good trap:
1. It should be capable of being easily cleaned.
2. It should be easily fixed with the drain.
3. It should be of simple construction.
4. It should possess self-cleansing property.
5. It should posses adequate water seal to fulfill the purpose of

6. It should be free from any inside projection which are likely to

obstruct the passage of flow of sewage.
7. The internal and external surfaces should be of smooth
8. It should be made of non- adsorbent material.
• If partial vacuum is created in the sewer fittings, it will
suck up the seal water
•It may break due to any crack in the bottom of trap
•It may be due to faulty joint
•If due to blockage there is increase in the pressure of
sewer gases, it will pass through the seal water
•Water of seal may evaporate when the seal is not in use for
a long time
•To avoid breakage of water seal due to creation of
partial vacuum , the portion between the trap and
the soil-pipe must be connected to the vent pipe
•An anti-siphonage pipe is used in the buildings to
prevent breakage of trap seal.
Classification of Traps
Depending upon the shapes the traps are
classified as:
• P-Trap
• Q-Trap
• S-Trap
P, Q and S Traps
P, Q and S Traps

P Trap Q Trap S Trap

Based on the Use the Traps are
classified as:

• Floor Traps (Nahni Trap)

• Gully Traps
• Intercepting Traps
Floor Trap (Nahni Trap)
• Floor Trap ( Nahni Trap):
• Used to admit sullage from the floors of
rooms, bathrooms, kitchen etc. in to the sullage
• This is provided with cast iron or stainless
steel or galvanised gratings (Jallis) at its top so
that the entry of larger matter is prevented
therby chances of blockage are reduced.
Nahni Trap
Gully Trap
•The traps which are used to receive waste water from
wash basins, sinks, bath etc are called gully traps

•These traps are provided at different places in the drain


•Sullage from baths, sinks, basin etc enters in through back

inlet and rain or surface water from house tops etc enters
from top

•A coarse screen grating is provided at the top to prevent

entry of solid matters in the trap
Gully Trap
Intercepting Traps
• Intercepting Traps: Intercepting traps are provided at
junction of a house sewer and municipal sewer for
preventing entry of foul gases of municipal sewer in
to the house drainage system.
•It is also called the disconnecting trap.
•It disconnects the house drain from the street sewer.
•The trap has an opening at the top called the Cleaning Eye
and has a tight fitting plug. This enables the trap to be
cleaned of any obstruction present inside.
Intercepting Traps
Advantages of Intercepting Traps
• Helps in quick removal of foul matter received
from building drains into the sewer
• Helps in preventing entry of foul gases from
sewer into the building
• Helps in preventing entry of harmful bacterias
from sewer into the building
Disadvantages of intercepting traps
• Difficult to clean trap through inspection arm
• When the discharge from the building drain is
less, then solid matter retained in the trap will
start decomposing
• The trap obstructs the normal flow of sewage
• Affects the ventilation of sewage
• Provision of trap increases the cost of building
Simple grease trap
 The sewage from industries, hotels,
restaurants, kitchens etc. contain oils
and grease.
 These must be removed before they
enter the sewer, otherwise these will
stick to the interior surfaces of the
conduit and will become hard causing
obstruction in the movement of the
 To check them, grease traps are
provided in the pipe connecting the
kitchen with sewer line.
 Oil and grease being lighter float at
the top and are carried in the effluent,
the outlet drawing water from about
the bottom.
Combined sand, oil and grease trap
Entry is through grating and it has two chambers.
Sand settles down at the bottom and grease floats at the top.
Sand is not carried to the next chamber.
This is because baffle walls divide the chamber.
The outlet is provide at the second chamber where sand and
grease separate out similarly.
Grease Trap
In drainage system pipes may be designated
depending upon the function as shown
• Soil Pipe: A pipe carrying human excreta.
• Waste Pipe: A pipe carrying sullage
• Vent Pipe: It is a pipe installed to provide
flow of air to or from the drainage system or
to provide circulation of air in the drainage
• Rain water Pipe: A pipe carrying only rain
water is called rain water pipe.
• Antisiponage Pipe: It is the pipe which is installed
to preserve the water seal in the trap through proper
Sizes of Various Pipes

Type Size
Soil Pipe 100
Waste Pipe (horizontal) 30 To 50
Waste Pipe (Vertical) 75
Vent Pipe 50
Rain water pipe 75
Following sanitary fittings are used
in the house drainage system.

• Wash Basin
• Sinks
• Bath tubs
• Water Closets
• Urinals
• Flushing Cisterns
Wash Basins

• These are plumbing fixtures mainly used for

hand washing.
• These are normally made of glazed
earthenware or vitreous china. Sometimes
they are also made from iron stainless steel
or plastic, specially for the places where
users are more.
• Wash basins may be either flat back pattern
or angle back pattern. The previous is fixed
on walls and latter is used for fixing at
corners of walls.
• The flat back pattern has standard
sizes as follows:
630 mm x 450 mm
550mm x 400 mm
450 mm x 300 mm
• Where as the angle back pattern has
standard sizes as shown below:
600 mm x 480 mm
400 mm x 400 mm
Types of Wash Basins
• Sinks are the plumbing fixtures provided in kitchens
for cleaning utensils. Sinks are also provided in
laboratories for cleaning laboratory glassware etc.
Sizes of sinks are indicated below:
• For Kitchen
600 x 400 x 150 mm
600 x 450 x 250 mm
750 x 450 x 250 mm
• For laboratories
400 x 250 x 150 mm
450 x 300 x 150 mm
600 x 400 x 200 mm
500 x 350 x 150 mm

• Bath Tub is the plumbing fixtures provided in the

bathroom for taking bath. This is made of glazed
earthenware or vitreous china, cement concrete finished
with terrazzo or glazed porcelain tiles or marbles and
enamelled iron.
• A circular waste hole at the bottom of bath tub is
provided for drainage purpose. The hole is provided
with a metallic waste fitting also called waste coupling
having a strainer and clean opening of about 40 mm to
50 mm dia. A waste pipe is fixed to the waste fitting.
• The bath tub is provided with tap or shower and
overflow pipe of 40 mm located at 40 to 50 mm below
the top edge of the tub.
Water Closets ( W/C)

• A water closets is a pan like water flushed

plumbing fixture designed to remove human
excreta directly and dispose the same in to the soil
pipe through trap.
• It is made of vitreous china or porcelain and is
connected to soil pipe through the trap. The inside
surface of water closet and trap are glazed so that
the flushing is smooth and efficient.
• The water closets are of three types:
Indian Type
European Type
Anglo Indian Type
Indian Type WC
• Indian Type WC: Indian standard IS 2556
Part III- 1990 provides detailed specification
for the vitreous china Indian type water
• Following fig shows the Indian type Water
• It is simple in construction and working bat used in
squatting position.
• Usually it is made from porcelain.
• The pan and trap are available in two different pieces.
The trap has an opening for anti siphonage pipe.
• The WC is fixed in squatting position just at floor level.
• Indian type WC requires around 10 litre of water for
• The flushing cistern is fitted at 2 m height from the
water closet.
European Type Water Closet

• Fig shows European type water closet.

• It is usually made of porcelain.

• It is provided with seat and cover. The pan has
flushing rim to spread the flush water.
• The closet is fitted with P-trap or S Trap.
Anglo Indian Type W/C

• In the European W/C the user can not

rest on thin rim conveniently and in
Indian W/C chances of fouling of
excreta are more. The above
disadvantages of European and Indian
water closets are removed in Anglo
Indian water closet.
• The closet is fixed 40 cm above from
the floor level and upper rim of the
pan is enlarged sufficiently so that
user can conveniently sit .
• (Indian Standard IS 2556 part 6
1992 describes the detailed
specification for the vitreous
• Urinals mostly in use are of two
Bowl Type
Stall Type
Flushing Cistern
• Indian Standards IS 774-1990 provides
detailed specification from flushing
cisterns for water closets and urinals.
Other than plastic cisterns.
• The flushing cistern is installed to flush
the water closet and urinal. It is made of
cast Iron, glazed earthenware or vitreous
china or plastic. For Indian WC the
flushing cisterns are made from cast
Iron and fixed at a height of about
1.75 m above the top of closet pan.
They are known as high level flushing
• For European and Anglo Indian type
• Flushing cisterns are classified as
• Siphonic without valve
• Siphonic with valve
Bell Type Flushing

• Bell type flushing cistern consists

of following parts.
• Bell
• Float
• Lever with chain
• Inlet outlet and overflow pipes
• Cast Iron casing
• The function of the cistern is based on principle of
siphonic action. When the float is at bottom the inlet
valve is open and water enters the cistern when water
level rises the float also rises and at a certain water
level the inlet valve is closed.
• When the chain is pulled the bell connected it through
lever, is lifted up and water splashes inside the bell
through the bottom of the bell which carries some air
with it and as a result of that partial vacuum is created
in the bell which generates the siphonic effect and
water continuously flow in the flush pipe through its
bottom and siphonic action stops. As the cistern is
emptied float comes down and inlet valve is opened
allowing water to flow in the cistern.
• Drainage should be preferably laid by the side of the building to facilitate easy repair
and better maintenance.
• Sewer joints should be leak proof because leakage if any shall create an odour
• The sewage or sullage should flow under the force of gravity.
• The sewer should always be straight.
• The entire system should be well ventilated from start to the end.
• The sewer should be connected to the manhole such that the invert level is sufficiently
higher to avoid back flow of sewage in house sewer.
• Rain water from roofs or open courtyards should not be allowed to flow through the
house sewers.
• Where ever there is change in direction of sewer line in the premises, provide inspection
chamber at the junction.
System of Plumbing for House
• There are four plumbing systems for house
• One pipe system
• Single Stack System
• Single stack partially ventilated system
• Two Pipe system
In the system all soil
and waste water
discharge into one
common pipe and all
branch ventilating
pipes into one main
ventilating pipe. This
system largely
replaces the two pipe
system and lent itself
very well to use in multi
storey developments. It
is far more economical
than the two pipe
One Pipe System
• The waste connections from sinks, baths and
wash basins and the soil pipe branches from
water closets are all collected into one main
pipe which is directly connected to the
drainage system

• Ventilation is provided to sullage pipe and soil

pipe too.

• Arrangement of pipe work is difficult.


 Largely replaced two pipe system in most developed

 Fast becoming preferred system in other parts of the world.
 High quality pipes, fittings and installation techniques
available these days.
 Constant flow of water ensures reduction in blockage
 Eliminated gully traps. Thus precludes the need to clean
 Require lesser shaft/duct space.
 Highly economical in terms of cost.
 Quick to construct and commission.

 Danger of back flow of sewage in waste fittings.
Single Stack System
• One pipe system without trap ventilation pipe
• This is poorly ventilated system
• It is simple system and easy to construct.
• Risk of water seal breaking in the trap is high
because of induced siphonage.
• Waste or air of the waste pipe may be forced
up due to back pressure.
Single Stack Partially Ventilated
• A via media between the one pipe system and the single
stack system
• Following are the features of this system.
• One soil pipe into which all water closets, baths and
sinks discharge
• Only water closet traps are ventilated.
• Traps of baths, washbasins and kitchen are not joined
with vent pipe.
• This is economical system
• It is required to maintain water seal of 75 mm or more.
• It has simple arrangement of pipe.
Two Pipe System
A system in which soil and waste pipes are distinct
and separate
Following are the features of this system.
• Water closets, bath traps, kitchen traps and wash
basin traps all are connected to vent pipes.
• Two vent pipes are provided.
• There are four stacks in this system
• It is efficient system but costlier than other

• Ensure segregation of foul sewage from waste water.

•  No danger of backflow of sewage in waste fittings incase of blockage
 of soil pipe.
• Enables use of waste water directly for
 irrigation/gardening.
• Separate waste water stack permits arrest of solids from kitchen in the
 gully trap thus preventing them from entering sewer. Gully traps needs to
be cleaned periodically.
• Difficult to install in high rise buildings where stacks terminate in service
floor or in the ceiling of the basement.
•  Long horizontal runs to reach external walls /external sewers.
•  Provision of gully trap difficult to implement in above situation.
• Require more shaft/duct space.
•  Congested shaft results in difficult to maintain system.
•  Used in India as matter of convention and conservative approach
 rather than as a pragmatic approach.


 TWO-PIPE SYSTEM - independent stacks for soil

and waste water with anti siphonage pipe.

 ONE-PIPE SYSTEM- combined stack for soil

and waste water with anti siphonage pipe
 .
 SINGLE STACK SYSTEM- combined stack for
soil and waste water with out anti siphonage pipe.


SYSTEM- via media between one pipe and single
stack. only soil traps are ventilated.

• Gradient depends on the

following factors
• Natural ground slope
• Diameter of the sewer
• Allowable max. and min. velocities
• Quantity of sewage to be
• No pipe sewer should be laid at a
gradient steeper than 1 in 20
• Slope of 1 in 40 to 1 in 80 is
provided to the house sewer which
is connected to the public sewer
Values of Gradients for different sizes
of sewers
Shapes of Sewers
Typical Layout of House Drainage
Plan of Water Supply Arrangement

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