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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
nImportant Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess
the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

Sub Answer Marking

Q. Scheme
1.A Attempt any THREE
Diesel Cycle on P-V and T-S diagram : Fig. 3
1 for

a) Processes :

1-2 : Isentropic compression

2-3 : Heat addition at constant pressure

3-3 Isentropic expansion

4-1 Heat rejection at constant volume

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Valve timing diagram of four stroke diesel engine


Classification of Air compressors: 1 mark

1. According to principle:

a) Reciprocating air compressors

b) Rotary air compressors

2. According to the capacity

a. Low capacity air compressors

b. Medium capacity air compressors

c. High capacity air compressors

3. According to pressure limits

a. Low pressure air compressors

b. Medium pressure air compressors

c. High pressure air compressors

4. According to method of connection

a. Direct drive air compressors

b. Belt drive air compressors

c. Chain drive air compressors

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Classification of gas turbine on the basis of

a. Cycle of operation

1. Open cycle

2. Closed cycle

b. Thermodynamic cycle

1. Brayton or Joules cycle

2. Atkinson cycle

3. Erricsson cycle

c. Application

1. For supercharging of IC engine

2. For locomotive propulsion

3. For ship propulsion

4. Industrial application

5. Air craft engines

6. Electric power generation

d. Combustion process

1. Continuous combustion

2. Explosion combustion

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
1.B Attempt any ONE
Fuel injection pump : Fuel injection pump is used widely for the supply of fuel
under high pressure in diesel engines.


Regenerative method to improve thermal efficiency in gas turbines :

The exhaust gases a lot of heat as their temperature is far above the ambient
temperature . The heat of exhaust gases can be used to heat the air coming
from the compressor thus reducing the mass of the fuel supplied in the
combustion chamber as shown in the figure. This method is called
regenerative method.


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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Attempt any TWO

8 marks


Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle Fig. 4

on 4


The P-H and T-S diagram for the simple vapor compression refrigeration cycle is
shown in the figure for vapour entering the compressor is in dry saturation

The dry and saturated vapour entering the compressor at point 1 that vapour
compresses isentropic ally from point 1 to 2 which increases the pressure from
evaporator pressure to condenser pressure

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
At point 2 the saturated vapour enters the condenser where heat is rejected at
constant pressure, due to rejection of heat decreases the temperature and change of
phase takes place i.e. latent heat is removed and reaches to liquid saturation
temperature at point 3 then this liquid refrigerant passed through expansion valve
where liquid refrigerant is throttle keeping the enthalpy constant and reducing the


FP = IP – BP= 18.45-16.2 = 2.25 KW.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

a) Attempt any FOUR MPFI : MPFI means Multipoint Injection System in which each
cylinder has number of injector to supply / spray the fuel in cylinders.
& 02

MPFI result in 1. Superior fuel consumption, 2.Better fuel management,

3.Better engine performance, 4. Reduce pollution.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Difference between Turbocharger and Supercharger ANY
S.no Turbocharging Supercharging DIFF.01
Turbocharger is a forced MARK
induction system that EACH
compresses the Super charger is also a forced induction
atmospheric gases and sends it system. It compresses the atmospheric
1. to the engine cylinder. air and sends it to the engine cylinder.
It uses exhaust gases for its It is connected to the crankshaft of the
2. energy. engine for its energy.
It is not directly connected to It is directly connected to the engine
3. the engine. through belt.
It has smog altering equipment
which helps in lowering the It doesn’t have waste gate, so the smog
4. carbon emission. emits from the supercharger.
It spins with a speed up to
5. 150000 rpm. It spins with a speed upto 50000 rpm.
It is much quieter than
6. supercharger. It is not so quieter.
7. It is less reliable. It is more reliable.
8. Maintenance is not easy. Maintenance is easy.
Turbocharger delivers their Supercharger can deliver their boost at
9. boost better at high rpm. lower rpm.
10. It is more efficient. It is less efficient.
The compressed air in
turbocharger has high The compressed air in supercharger has
11. temperature. less temperature.
It requires intercooler for the It may or may not require intercooler. But
compressed air to lower its in some types, it requires
12. temperature. intercooler.
13. It is more complex. It is less complex.
It has negligible lag problem because of
It has lag problem due to continuous supply of energy
14. discontinuous supply of energy. by crankshaft.
The compressor is rotated by The compressor is rotated by the engine
15. the turbine. crankshaft through a belt.

Additives (any four – 4 marks)

(1) Detergents – To keep engine parts, such as piston and piston rings, clean & free from
(2) Dispersants – To suspend & disperse material that could form varnishes, sludge etc
that clog the engine.

(3) Anti – wear – To give added strength & prevent wear of heavily loaded surfaces such
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
as crank shaft rods & main bearings.

(4) Corrosion inhibitors – To fight the rust wear caused by acids moisture. Protect vital
steel & iron parts from rust & corrosion.

(5) Foam inhibitors – control bubble growth, break them up quickly to prevent frothing &
allow the oil pump to circulate oil evenly.

(6)Viscosity index improver – added to adjust the viscosity of oil.

(7) Pour point depressant - improves an oil ability to flow at very low temperature.

Working principle of Turbojet: shows the schematic of turbojet engine. It

has a diffuser section at inlet for realizing some compression of air passing
through this section. Due to this air reaching compressor section has
pressure more than ambient pressure. This action of partly compressing air
by passing it through diffuser section is called “ramming action” or “ram
effect”. Subsequently compressor section compresses air which is fed to Working
– 2 marks
combustion chamber and fuel is added to it for causing combustion.
Combustion products available at high pressure and temperature are then
passed through turbine and expanded there. Thus, turbine yields positive Fig.- 2
work which is used for driving compressor. marks

Expanding gases leaving turbine are passed through exit nozzle

where it is further expanded and results in high velocity jet at exit. This
high velocity jet leaving nozzle is responsible for getting desired thrust for

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Advantages of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle gas turbine: Any four
1 mark
(i) It has higher thermal efficiency for the same minimum and each
maximum temperature limits and for the same pressure ratio.
(ii) Since the heating is external, any kind of fuel even solid fuel having
low calorific value may be used.
(iii) There is no corrosion due to circulation of combustion product.
(iv) As the system is a closed one there is no loss of the working fluid.
(v) The size of the turbine will be smaller compared to an open cycle
gas turbine of the same output.
(vi) The regulation is more simple.
(vii) The heat transmission coefficient in the exchanger is better due to
the increase in suction pressure.
(viii) Loss due to fluid friction is less due to higher Reynolds number.

4 A Attempt any THREE

(i) Indicated Power: The total power developed by combustion of fuel
in the combustion chamber is called indicated power.

(ii) Brake Power: The power developed by an engine at the output shaft is
called brake power.
(iii) Volumetric efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of
the charge admitted into the cylinder to the swept volume of the piston is
known as volumetric efficiency.

( iv) Brake specific fuel consumption: It is the mass of fuel consumed per
kw developed per hour, and is a criterion of economical
(i) Swept Volume (VS) w.r.t I.C.Engine: The volume swept through by the 2 marks
piston in moving between top dead centre and bottom dead centre is each
called swept volume or piston displacement. It is denoted by VS. It is
equal to the area of the piston multiplied by its stroke length.
Therefore, Swept Volume = π/4xD2xL

Where D = bore of the cylinder in m, and

L = stroke length in m.

(ii) Swept Volume (VS) w.r.t. Reciprocating air compressor: It is the actual
volume of air taken in during suction stroke. It is expressed in m3. Swept
volume when expressed in m3/min, it is known as piston displacement.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Block diagram of Vapour Compression cycle


Duel cycle:


(i) Cut off ratio w.r.t. Duel Cycle: ρ = V4/V3

(ii) Pressure ratio w.r.t. Duel Cycle: α = P3/P2

4 B Attempt any ONE

Catalytic converter:
2 Marks
4 Marks

Catalytic converter is a device which converts harmful pollutants to

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
harmless gases. Catalytic converter is used in exhaust emission in control system to
convert CO, NOx, HC and other harmful gases to harmless gases.

A Catalytic converter consists of a cylindrical unit of small size like a small

silencer and is installed into the exhaust system of a vehicle. It is placed between
the exhaust manifold and the silencer.

Inside the cylindrical tube i.e. converter there is a honey comb structure of a
‘ceramic or metal’ which is coated with ‘alumina base’ material and there after a
second coating of precious metals ‘platinum, palladium or rhodium’ or
combination of the same. This second coating serves as a catalyst. A catalyst is a
substance which causes a chemical reaction intro the gases. When the exhaust
gases pass over the converter substance, the toxic gases as CO, HC & NOx are
converted into harmless gases as CO2, H2 & N2.
Superimposed P-V Diagram of Otto, Diesel & Duel Cycle: CYCLE
03 marks
A comparison of the cycles (Otto, Diesel and Dual) on the p-v and T-s &
diagrams for the same compression ratio and heat supplied is shown in the Fig. Comparis
on 03
Since all the cycles reject their heat at the same specific volume, process Marks
line from state 4 to 1, the quantity of heat rejected from each cycle is represented
by the appropriate area under the line 4 to 1 on the T-s diagram. As is evident from
the cycle which has the least heat rejected will have the highest efficiency. Thus,
Otto cycle is the most efficient and Diesel cycle is the least efficient of the three


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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

5 Attempt any TWO

a) Following are the methods to improve efficiency of air compressor 4 Marks

1. Cooling cylinder by spraying water during compression stroke.

2. Circulation of water surrounding to cylinder by providing jackets
3. Installing inter cooler between two cylinders
4. Providing greater fins on cylinder
5. By selecting suitable material for cylinder
6. By providing suitable choice of cylinder proportions i.e. short stroke and
large bore in construction with sleeve valve
Two stage reciprocating air compressor :

Fig. 2
Two stage reciprocating compressor
2 Marks
Multistage compression refers to the compression process
completed in more than one stage i.e. a part of compression occurs in one
cylinder ( L.P. cylinder) and subsequently compressed air is sent to
subsequent cylinders ( H.P. cylinder) for further compression.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

Figure shows the schematic of two stage compressor with

intercooler between stages. The total work requirement for running this shall
be algebraic summation of work required for low pressure (LP) and high
pressure (HP) stages. The size of HP cylinder is smaller than LP cylinder as
HP cylinder handles high pressure air having smaller specific volume.

Intake temp of air at LP =intake temp of air at HP for perfect intercooling.

b) Applications of Reciprocating Compressor ( Any Four, each for 1 mark)

1. In spray painting shop.

2. In workshop for cleaning machines.
3. For operation of pneumatic tool like rock drill, vibrator etc.
4. In automobile service station to clean vehicle.
5. To drive air motors in coal mines.
6. Food and beverage industry

Applications of Centrifugal Compressor ( Any Four, each for 1 mark)

1. In gas turbines and auxiliary power units.

2. In automotive engine and diesel engine turbochargers and
3. In pipeline compressors of natural gas to move the gas from the
production site to the consumer.
4. In oil refineries, natural gas processing, petrochemical and
chemical plants.
5. Air-conditioning and refrigeration and HVAC: Centrifugal
compressors quite often supply the compression in water
chillers cycles.
6. In air separation plants to manufacture purified end product
7. In oil field re-injection of high pressure natural gas to improve
oil recovery.
c) The major air pollutants emitted by petrol & diesel engines are CO2, CO, HC, NOx,
SO2, smoke & lead vapour. Any four

Effect of CO: pollutants

 Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin forming carboy
Its effect

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
hemoglobin ,which reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood. 2 marks
 This leads to laziness, exhaustion of body & headache.

 Prolong exposure can even leads to death.

 It also affects cardiovascular system, thereby causing heart problem

Effect of CO2: Causes respiratory disorder & suffocation.

Effect of NOx:

It causes respiration irritation, headache, bronchitis, pulmonary

emphysema, impairment of lungs, and loss of appetite & corrosion of teeth
to human body.

Effect of HC:

• It has effect like reduced visibility, eye irritation, peculiar odour & damage
to vegetation & acceleration the cracking of rubber products.

• It induce cancer, affect DNA & cell growth are know a carcinogens.

Effect of SO2: It is toxic & corrosive gas, human respiratory track of animals,
plants & crops.

6 Attempt any FOUR

a) i) Daltons Law of partial pressure – It states that the total pressure of 2 Marks
mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures exerted by each each
gas when it occupies the mixture volume at the temperature of mixture.
Consider mixture of gas having constituents as gas a. gas b, gas c
Then, Total pressure Pt = Pa + Pb + Pc
ii) Relative humidity:- It is defined as the ratio of partial pressure of water
vapour in a given volume of mixture to the partial pressure of water vapour
when same volume of mixture is saturated at the same temperature.
 100
ϕ = PV sat

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
b) 1 Mark

c) Sketch of window air conditioner

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Name: PEN Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Following are the applications of compressed air ( Any Eight) 1/2 mark each

1) To drive air motors in coal mines.

2) To inject fuel in air injection diesel engines.

3) To operate pneumatic drills, hammers, hoists, sand blasters.

4) For cleaning purposes.

5) To cool large buildings.

6) In the processing of food and farm maintenance.

7) For spray painting in paint industry.

8) In automobile & railway braking systems.

9) To operate air tools like air guns.

10) To hold & index cutting tools on machines like milling.

e) Any 4
Following are the applications of gas turbine
1. It is used for electric power generation. 1 mark
2. It is used for locomotive propulsion.

3. It is used for ship propulsion.

4. Gas turbine is used in aircrafts.

5. It is used for supercharging for heavy duty Diesel engines.

6. Used in turbo jet and turbo-propeller engine.

7. It is used for various industrial purpose such as in steel industry, oil and
other chemical industry.

Page 17 of 17
3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is permissible.

1. A) Attempt any three : 12

a) Draw p-v and T-S diagram for Diesel cycle. Name the processes involved in it.
b) Draw actual valve timing diagram for 4-stroke petrol engine.
c) Classify air compressors.
d) Classify gas turbine on the basis of
a) Cycle of operation b) Thermodynamic cycle
c) Application d) Combustion process
B) Attempt any one : 6
a) Draw a neat labelled sketch of fuel injection pump. Give its function.
b) Explain regeneration method to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine with the help of
flow diagram and T-S diagram.

2. Attempt any two : 16

a) Reciprocating air compressor draws 6 kg of air per minute at 25°C. It compresses the air
polytropically and delivers it at 105°C. Find the work done by the compressor and air power.
Also find mechanical efficiency if shaft power is 14 kW. Assume R = 0.287 kJ/kg°K and n = 1.3.
b) Explain vapour compression refrigeration cycle on T-S and p-h charts (for superheated vapour
at the end of compression).
c) The following results were obtained during Morse test on 4-stroke petrol engine.
Brake power developed when all cylinders working = 16.2 kW
Brake power developed when 1st cylinder cutoff = 11.5 kW
Brake power developed when 2nd cylinder cutoff = 11.6 kW
Brake power developed when 3rd cylinder cutoff = 11.68 kW
Brake power developed when 4th cylinder cutoff = 11.57 kW
Calculate mechanical efficiency and friction power.

17529 *17529*
3. Attempt any four : 16
a) Explain MPFI with neat sketch.
b) Differentiate supercharging and turbocharging in I.C. engine.
c) State the advantages of lubricant additives (any four).
d) Explain the working principle of turbojet with neat sketch.
e) State the advantages of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle gas turbine (any four).

4. A) Attempt any three : 12

a) Define the following w.r.to. I.C. engine.
i) Indicated power ii) Brake power
iii) Volumetric efficiency iv) BSFC
b) Explain the term swept volume (Vs) w.r.to.
i) I.C. engine
ii) Reciprocating air compressor
c) Draw a neat block diagram of “vapour compression cycle”. Show the direction of flow of
d) Explain w.r.to. dual cycle
i) cutoff ratio ii) pressure ratio.
B) Attempt any one : 6
a) What is meant by catalytic converter ? Briefly explain with the help of neat sketch.
b) Draw superimposed p-v diagram of Otto cycle, Diesel cycle and Dual cycle to compare
their efficiencies for same compression ratio (Rc) and heat rejection (Qr).

5. Attempt any two : 16

a) State the methods to improve efficiency of air compressor. Explain two stage air compressor
with perfect intercooling with neat sketch.
b) State the applications of reciprocating compressor and rotary compressor (4 each).
c) List out different pollutants in exhaust gases of petrol and diesel engine ? Briefly explain their
effects on human beings and environments (atleast four).

6. Attempt any four : 16

a) Explain the following terms :
i) Daltons law of partial pressures ii) Relative humidity
b) Sketch a psychrometric chart and show the following properties of air on it.
i) DBT lines ii) WBT lines
iii) Specific volume lines iv) Relative humidity lines
c) Draw only a neat labelled sketch of window air-conditioner.
d) Enlist different uses of compressed air.
e) State the applications of gas turbine (any four).
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
A Attempt any three

a. Following are the applications of compressed air ( any four) One

1) To drive air motors in coal mines. each
2) To inject fuel in air injection diesel engines.
3) To operate pneumatic drills, hammers, hoists, sand blasters.
4) For cleaning purposes.
5) To cool large buildings.
6) In the processing of food and farm maintenance.
7) In vehicle to operate air brake.
8) For spray painting in paint industry.

b. advantages of Mulitstaging : ( any four)

1. The air can be cooled in between two cylinders

2. The power required is less Mark
3. Mechanical balance is good
4. Reduced leakage losses
5. More volumetric efficiency
6. High pressure range
7. Comparatively lighter in construction

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
c. 4 marks

d. 2 marks
i) Tonnage of Refrigeration – is defined as the amount of refrigeration effect produced by uniform each
melting of one ton (1000Kg) of ice from and at 00in 24 hours.

ii) Coefficient of performance- is the ratio of heat extracted in refrigerator to work done on the

COP = Q/W where Q= amount of heat extracted and W= amount of workdone


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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
2 a.


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Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529



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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
3 Attempt Any FOUR (Diagra
a. a) 2M,Na
me of
s -2M)

1-2 Isentropic compression (in a compressor) 2-3 Constant pressure heat addition

3-4 Isentropic expansion (in a turbine) 4-1 Constant pressure heat rejection
b)Given data:-Dc=60mm=0.06m;L= 100mm = 0.1m; m=0.0002kg

we know that swept volume of the piston is,

Vs= ………………………………..1M

Va= volume of charge admitted at NTP

Va= = = ……………………..1M

Volumetric efficiency= = 0.548 = 54.8%…………...2M

C) Catalytic Convertor: -.
A catalytic converter is cylindrical unit about the size of small silencer and is installed into exhaust
system of vehicle. It converts the harmful gases from the engine into harmless gases and escapes (Sketch
them into atmosphere. Inside converter there is honeycomb structure of ceramic or metal which is 2M ,
coated with alumina base material and therefore a second coating of precious metal platinum, Explana
palladium or rhodium or combination of same. tion
As a result of catalytic reaction, the exhaust gases pass over the converter substance, the toxic gases 2M)
such CO, HC and NOx are converted into harmless CO2, H2 and N2.
Two way catalytic converter: Through catalytic action a chemical changes converts carbon
monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (oxidation).

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Open Cycle Gas Turbine for each
1. The compressed air is heated in heating 1. The compressed air is heated in point
chamber. combustion chamber. 4x1=4M
2. As the gas is heated by an external source, 2. The products of combustion are get
hence the amount of gas remains same thought mixed up in the heated air hence same
the cycle gas doesn’t remain in cycle.

3. The gas after turbine is passed into the cooling 3. The gas after turbine is exhausted into
chamber. the atmosphere.

4. The working fluid is circulated continuously. 4.The working fluid is replaced


5. Any fluid with better thermodynamic 5. Only air is used as the working fluid.
properties can be used.

6. The turbine blades do not wear away earlier, as 6. The turbine blades wear away earlier,
the enclosed gas does not get contaminated while as the air from atmosphere get
flowing through heating chamber. contaminated while flowing through
combustion chamber.

7.The mass of installation per Kwatt is more 7.The mass of installation per Kwatt is

8. High maintenance cost 8. Maintenance cost is low

e. (1M
e)Effect of superheating: As shown in the figure a & b the effect of superheating is to increase the
refrigerating effect, but this increase in the refrigerating effect is at the cost of increase in amount of explanat
work spent to attain upper pressure limit. Since the increase in work is more as compared to ion,1M
increase in refrigerating effect, therefore overall effect of superheating is to give a low value of diagram
C.O.P. =2+2=4)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

ii) Effect of sub-cooling: sub-cooling is the process of cooling the liquid refrigerant below the
condensing temperature for a given pressure. In figure the process of sub-cooling is shown by 2’-3’.
As is evident from the figure the effect of sub-cooling is to increase the refrigerating effect. Thus
sub-cooling results in increase of C.O.P provided that no further energy has to be spent to obtain the
extra cold coolant required.

4. A
Attempt Any FOUR
a. (1M for
a) i) Stroke – Distance travelled by piston from one dead Centre to other dead Centre (Say TDC to Each
BDC). Definiti
ii) Bore:- The nominal Inner diameter of engine cylinder is called cylinder bore.
iii) Piston Speed- Distance traveled by piston in one minute.(= 2LN m/min.)

iv) The Mean Effective Pressure (MEP) :-It is a fictitious pressure that, if it operated on the piston
during the entire power stroke, would produce the same amount of net work as that produced during
the actual cycle. OR The average pressure acting on the piston which will produce the same output
as is done by the varying pressure during the cycle
b) A rotary-screw compressor is a type of gas compressor that uses a rotary-type positive- (Digram
displacement mechanism. They are commonly used to replace piston compressors where large 2M,
volumes of high-pressure air are needed, either for large industrial applications or to operate high- Explain
power air tools. ation2M
Rotary-screw compressors use two meshing helical screws, known as rotors, to compress the gas. In
a dry-running rotary-screw compressor, timing gears ensure that the male and female rotors
maintain precise alignment. In an oil-flooded rotary-screw compressor, lubricating oil bridges the
space between the rotors, both providing a hydraulic seal and transferring mechanical energy
between the driving and driven rotor. Gas enters at the suction side and moves through the threads

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
as the screws rotate. The meshing rotors force the gas through the compressor, and the gas exits at
the end of the screws.

c. c)

Basis 1 2 (1M for

Working Cycle Brayton(P=constant) Atkinsons(V=constant) point)

Application Aero-derivative gas turbines, Amateur gas turbines, Auxiliary Gas

turbines, Industrial Gas turbines.

Cycle of operation Open Cycle Closed Cycle

Fuels Coal, Producer gas, Blast Furnace gas, Diesel, paraffin, oil and
pulverized coal

d. d)
(1M for
each )
Water cooler R-600a(Isobutane)

Domestic Refrigerator Freon(R-12)

Ice plant NH3 primary, Brine secondary

Cold storage R717(NH3)

Attempt Any ONE 06

i) Heat Balance Sheet :-The complete record of heat supplied and heat rejected during a certain
4.B time(Say one minute)by an IC engine is entered in a tabulated form called as heat balance sheet.
i) Heat supplied by the fuel= Mf x C…………………………………….1M

where Mf= mass of fuel supplied in Kg/min

C = Lower calorific value of fuel kj/kg

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
ii) Heat absorbed in IP produced

we know that IP produced by IC engine is

IP = ………..kwatt

Heat absorbed in IP = ………kj/minute…………………………..1M

iii) Heat rejected to the cooling water

The mass of cooling water, circulating through the cylinder Jackets, as well as its inlet and outlet
temperatures are measured in order to determine heat rejected to cooling water.

Heat rejected to cooling water = ( )….kj/minute…………….1M

iv) Heat carried away by exhaust gases = ………….1M

v) Un accounted Heat= It is the difference of Heat supplied by the fuel and Heat absorbed in IP
produced, Heat rejected to cooling water , Heat carried away by exhaust


Sr No Particulars Heat In

Kj %

Total Heat Supplied ……. 100

1 Heat absorbed in IP produced

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Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
2 Heat rejected to cooling water

3 Heat carried away by exhaust gases

4 Un accounted Heat


Fig.Two stage reciprocating air compressor……………………………………..2M

Working:- Let P1, V1 be the pressure and volume of air entering the low pressure cylinder P2, V2
be the pressure and volume of air leaving the low pressure cylinder or pressure and volume of air
entering the intercooler P3, V3 be the pressure and volume of air entering the high pressure cylinder
P4, V4 be the pressure and volume of air leaving the stage and ‘n’ be the index of compression(As
suitable). ……………………………………………..2M


5 a FOUR STROKE PETROL ENGINE ( 04 Marks for Introduction & description of no. of 4+4
strokes & 04 Marks for Diagram with valve position)
The four stroke-cycles refers to its use in petrol engines, gas engines, light, oil engine and heavy oil
engines in which the mixture of air fuel are drawn in the engine cylinder. Since ignition in these
engines is due to a spark, therefore they are also called spark ignition engines.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
In four stroke cycle engine, cycle is completed in two revolutions of crank shaft or four strokes of
the piston.
Each stroke consists of 1800 of crankshaft rotation. Therefore, the cycle consists of 7200
of crankshaft rotation.
Cycle consists of following four strokes
1) Suction Stroke
2) Compression Stroke
3) Expansion or Power Stroke
4) Exhaust Stroke
In this Stroke the inlet valve opens and proportionate fuel-air mixture is sucked in the engine
cylinder. Thus the piston moves from top dead centre (T.D.C.) to bottom dead centre (B.D.C.). The
exhaust valve remains closed through out the stroke.
In this stroke both the inlet and exhaust valves remain closed during the stroke. The piston moves
towards (T.D.C.) and compresses then closed fuel-air mixture drawn. Just before the end of this
stroke the operating.
plug initiates a spark which ignites the mixture and combustion takes place at constant pressure.


In this stroke both the valves remain closed during the start of this stroke but when the piston just
reaches the B.D.C .the exhaust valve opens. When the mixture is ignited by the spark plug the hot
gases are produced which drive or throw the piston from T.D.C. to B.D.C. and thus the work is
obtained in this stroke.
This is the last stroke of the cycle. Here the gases from which the work has been collected become
useless after the completion of the expansion stroke and are made to escape through exhaust valve
to the atmosphere. This removal of gas is accomplished during this stroke. The piston moves from
B.D.C. to T.D.C. and the exhaust gases are driven out of the engine cylinder; this is also called

b Methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine Regeneration – This is done by preheating (List of
the compressed air before entering to the combustion chamber with the turbine exhaust in a heat methods
exchanger, thus saving fuel consumption. -2
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
ion of
any one
– 06

2) Improving turbine output: this can be done by

(a) Reheating : The whole expansion in the turbine is achieved in two or more stages &reheating is
done after each stage.

(b) Increasing the value of maximum cycle temp.

(c) Improving turbine efficiency by improving design.

3. Reducing compressor input: By

(a) Intercooling : Compressor work is reduced by intercooling the air between the compressor

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

(b)By lowering inlet temp to compressor

(c) By increasing compressor efficiency

(d) Water injection at inlet to compressor

5 c ( 02 Marks for representation of each process on psychrometric chart.

Psychometric chart representing various psychometric processes:

i) Sensible Heating

ii) Sensible Cooling with dehumidification

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529

iii) Humidification iv) Dehumidification

6 a i) Give Data : (02 Marks for find out IP of each cylinder & 02 Marks for Mechanical

Brake Power Engine (BP)engine = 16.2 kW

Brake Power developed when 1st Cylinder cut-off ( BP )2,3,4 = 11.5 kW

Brake Power developed when 2nd Cylinder cut-off ( BP )1,3,4 = 11.6 kW

Brake Power developed when 3rd Cylinder cut-off ( BP )1,2,4 = 11.68 kW

Brake Power developed when 4th Cylinder cut-off ( BP )1,2,3 = 11.5 kW

Indicated Power of 1st cylinder

IP1 = (BP)engine - ( BP )2,3,4

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
= 16.2 – 11.5

= 4.7 kW

IP2 = (BP)engine - ( BP )1,3,4

= 16.2 – 11.6

= 4.6 kW

IP3 = (BP)engine - ( BP )1,3,4

= 16.2 – 11.68

= 4.52 kW

IP4 = (BP)engine - ( BP )1,2,3

= 16.2 – 11.5

= 4.7 kW

Indicated Power of Engine

IP = IP1 + IP2 + IP3 + IP4

= 4.7 + 4.6 + 4.52 + 4.7

= 18.52 kW

Mechanical Efficiency of the Engine

ηm = ( BP / IP ) x 100

= ( 16.2 / 18.52 ) x 100

= 87.47 %

6 b Necessity: The air sucked by the compressor is not clean. It contains various types of solid, liquid (2
and gaseous contaminants such as dust, dirt, moisture etc. Marks)

The presence of contaminants may have high damaging effects such as corrosion, wear and tear on
the finely finished mating surfaces of pneumatic components. Air lines may get chocked or
damaged. Therefore, purification of air by removing oil, moisture and dust is done to protect the
pneumatic system from failure, so that the system should work efficiently.

1) Particulate Filters ( Dry Air Filters ) Particulate filters are used to remove dust and
particles out of the air. This will allow air to travel faster in the piping system and prevent
clogs. The main element in this filtration is the membrane. The membrane acts like a gate
which only lets air pass through while anything bigger gets blocked by the membrane
2) Coalescing Filters Coalescing filters are used to capture oil and tiny moisture droplets and

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
prevent condensate from developing in the system. This will prolong the life of the piping
system and other components by avoiding rust. The main component used is the flow of the
air. The filter may contain a membrane element in it as well but altering the flow of the air
in a tight space causes condensate or oil to gather at the bottom of the filter.

6 c Turbo Jet Engine (2

for neat

6 d i) WBT: Wet bulb Temperature twb : It is the temperature recorded by a thermometer when its ( 01
bulb is covered by a wet cloth exposed to the air. Mark
ii) DPT: Dew point temperature tdp :It is the temperature of air recorded by thermometer, when the
moisture (water vapour) present in its, begins to condensed.

iii) DBT: Dry Bulb Temperature tdb : It is the temperature of air recorded by ordinary thermometer
with a clean, dry sensing element .

iv) Degree of Saturation (μ):Degree of saturation is defined as ‘the ratio of mass of water vapour
associated with unit mass of dry air to mass of water vapour associated with saturated unit mass of
dry air at same temperature.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject: Power Engineering Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
6 e

Working of Simple Vapor absorption system:

A Simple Vapor absorption system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser,

expansion valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution
is used is aqua ammonia. Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can
and weak solution contains less ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced
by an absorber, generator, reducing valve and pump.

The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors coming
out of evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia is spread
in absorber. The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution. This
strong solution from absorber is pumped into generator.

The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak solution. The
released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a reducing valve. Thus,
the function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and reducing valve. The simple
vapor compressor system is used where there is scarcity of Electricity and it is very useful at partial
and full load.

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3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. A) Attempt any three : 12
a) Enlist uses of compressed air (any four).
b) What are the advantages of multistaging ?
c) Classify gas turbines (any four).
d) Define :
i) Tonnage of refrigeration ii) Coefficient of performance.
B) Attempt any one : 6
a) Give classification of IC engines (any six).
b) Explain Morse test.
2. Attempt any two : 16
a) In an Ideal ottocycle the air at the beginning of isentropic compression is at 1.01325 bar and
20°C. The compression ratio is 8. If the heat added during constant volume process is
250 kJ/kg. Determine :
a) Maximum temperature in the cycle b) Air standard efficiency
c) Work done per cycle d) Heat rejected.
b) The following data refers to a trial conducted on 4-stroke petrol engine
Air-fuel ratio (by mass) = 15.5 : 1
Heat value of fuel = 48000 kJ/kg
Mechanical efficiency = 82%
Air standard efficiency = 54%
Relative efficiency = 70%
Volumetric efficiency = 80%
Speed = 240 rpm
Brake power = 75 kW
Calculate :
i) Compression ratio
ii) Indicated thermal efficiency
iii) Brake specific fuel consumption.
c) Differentiate between reciprocating air compressor and rotary air compressor.
17529 [2] *17529*
3. Attempt any four : 16
a) Represent Brayton cycle on PV and TS diagram. Name the processes completing the cycle.
b) A petrol engine has a cylinder of diameter 60 mm and stroke 100 mm. If the mass of charge
admitted per cycle is 2×10 – 4 kg. Find volumetric efficiency of the engine.
c) Explain with neat sketch two way catalytic converter.
d) Differentiate between closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine.
e) Explain the effect of superheating and subcooling on the performance of vapour compression
4. A) Attempt any three : 12
a) Define :
i) Stroke ii) Bore
iii) Piston speed iv) MEP (Mean Effective Pressure).
b) Explain with sketch working of screw compressor.
c) Classify gas turbines on the following basis :
i) Working cycle ii) Application
iii) Cycle of operation iv) Fuels
d) Name the refrigerants used for :
i) Water cooler ii) Domestic refrigerator
iii) Ice plant iv) Cold storage.
B) Attempt any one : 6
i) Explain how the heat balance sheet for an IC engine is prepared ?
ii) Explain the working of two stage reciprocating compressor. Show work saved on
PV diagram.
5. Attempt any two : 16
a) Explain the working of 4-stroke petrol engine with neat sketch.
b) State the methods used to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine and explain any one.
c) Draw psychrometric chart with all the property lines and represent following psychrometric
processes :
i) Sensible heating ii) Sensible cooling with dehumidification
iii) Humidification iv) Dehumidification.
6. Attempt any four : 16
a) The following results were obtained during Morse test on 4 stroke petrol engine
Brake power developed when all cylinders are working = 16.2 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 1 cut off = 11.5 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 02 cutoff = 11.6 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 03 cutoff = 11.68 kw
Brake power developed with cylinder no. 04 cutoff = 11.5 kw
Calculate mechanical efficiency of the engine.
b) What is the necessity of purification of air ? How to remove oil, moisture and dust from air ?
c) Draw the schematic diagram of turbojet engine.
d) Define :
i) WBT ii) DPT
iii) DBT iv) Degree of saturation.
e) Explain the working of simple vapour absorption refrigeration system.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Answer Subject Code: 17529
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

Q. Su Answer Marking
No. b Scheme

1A a Assumption made in air standard cycle

Following assumption made in actual cycle to analysis as air standard cycle. 01 for
1. The working fluid is perfect gas.
2. There is no change in mass of the working medium.
3. All the process that constitutes the cycle is reversible.
4. Heat is assumed to be supplied from a constant high temperature source and not from
chemical reaction during the cycle.
5. There are no heat losses.
6. The working medium has constant specific heats throughout the cycle.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
02 for
1A b

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
c Difference between SI and CI engines 01 for
Sr. No Basis SI Engines CI Engines

1 Fuel used Diesel

Gasoline or petrol

2 Compression Ratio Low Average value High Average value is 15 to 18

is 7 to 9

3 Weight It is light in weight It is heavy in weight due to high

due to less pressure developed

4 Noise and vibration Level is less due to Level is high due to high
low compression compression ratio.

Lobe type air compressor: it is a rotary type of compressor consisting of two rotors which are
driven externally. One rotor is connected to drive and second is connected to gear. These
two rotors have two or three lobes having epicycloids, hypocycloid or involutes profiles.

In the figure two lobes compressor is shown with a inlet arrangement and receiver. A very
small clearance is maintained between surfaces so that wear is prevented. Air leakage through 02
this clearance decreases efficiency of this compressor.

During rotation a volume of air V at atmospheric pressure is trapped between left hand rotor
and casing . this air is positively displaced with change in volume until space is opened to high
pressure region. At this instant some high pressure air rushes back from the receiver and
mixed with the blower air until both pressure are equalized .

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)


1B a


(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
b Non dispersive infra red gas analyzer ( NDIR) : The working principle of infra red gas exhaust gas
analyzer is as shown in figure .

It works on the principle of hetero atomic gases absorbs infra red energy at distinct and separated
wavelength. The absorbed energy raises the temperature and pressure of confined gas. This enables 03
to measure contents of hydro carbon and carbon monoxide. This is a faster method of gas analysis.
The standard sample is filled in reference cell R . the sample of gas under testing is filled in cell S . The
detector cell D is filled with specific gas to be measured, say CO2 . the detector cell is divided into two
compartments by diaphragm. It is very sensitive. Initially infra red energy in both compartment is
same and indicator reading is zero. The sample is connected to exhaust gas. This lowers pressure on
sample side. It will absorb energy in proportion to concentration of CO2 in sample and detector gives
percentage of CO2 present in the samp0le.


Differences between Vapour Absorption and Vapour Compression refrigeration system

2 a 01 for
N Vapour Absorption system Vapour Compression System

1. Uses low grade energy like heat. Therefore, Using high-grade energy like mechanical
may be worked on exhaust systems from work.
I.C engines, etc.

2. Moving parts are only in the pump, which Moving parts are in the compressor.
is a small element of the system. Hence Therefore, more wear, tear and noise.
operation is smooth.

3. The system can work on lower evaporator The COP decreases considerably with
pressures also without affecting the COP. decrease in evaporator pressure.

4. No effect of reducing the load on Performance is adversely affected at partial

performance. loads.

5. Liquid traces of refrigerant present in Liquid traces in suction line may damage the
piping at the exit of evaporator compressor

6. Automatic operation for controlling the It is difficult.

capacity is easy.

7 Charging of refrigerant is simple Charging of refrigerant is difficult

8 Part load performance is low No effect of variation of load

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)

02 for

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)


(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)

3 a The major air pollutants emitted by petrol & diesel engines are CO2, CO, HC, NOx, SO2, smoke 01
& lead vapour.

Effect of CO:

 Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin forming carboy hemoglobin

,which reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

 This leads to laziness, exhaustion of body & headache.

 Prolong exposure can even leads to death.

 It also affects cardiovascular system, thereby causing heart problem 03

Effect of CO2: Causes respiratory disorder & suffocation.

Effect of NOx:

It causes respiration irritation, headache, bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema,

impairment of lungs, and loss of appetite & corrosion of teeth to human body.

Effect of HC:

• It has effect like reduced visibility, eye irritation, peculiar odour & damage to
vegetation & acceleration the cracking of rubber products.

• It induce cancer, affect DNA & cell growth are know a carcinogens.

Effect of SO2: It is toxic & corrosive gas, human respiratory track of animals, plants &
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
b Open cycle and closed cycle gas turbines Any four differences

Sr.n Factors Open cycle gas turbine Closed cycle gas turbine
01 for
1. Pressure Lesser pressure Higher pressure each

2. Size of the plant for Larger size Reduced size

given output

3. Output Lesser output Greater output

4. Corrosion of turbine Corrosion takes place due to No corrosion since there is

blades contaminated gases indirect heating.

5. Working medium Loss of working medium No loss of working


6. Filtration of incoming It may cause severe problem. No filtration of air is

air required.

7. Part load efficiency Less part load efficiency More part load efficiency

8. Thermal efficiency Less thermal efficiency More thermal efficiency

9. Requirement of cooling No Requirement of cooling Larger amount of cooling

water water water required

10. Weight of system for Less More

given power

11. Response to the Good response Poor response

changing load

12. Fluid friction More Fluid friction Less Fluid friction

c Specific humidity : It is defined as the ratio of mass of vapor to the mass of dry air in a given sample of
moist air . 04

It is denoted by ω

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
d Sensor used in IC engines ( Explanation of any one )

A sensor is an input device that provides variable information on an engine function. Examples
of sensors include the airflow sensor (AFS), crank angle sensor (CAS), throttle potentiometer sensor
(TPS) etc, and these provide data on load, rpm, temperature, throttle opening etc. This data is signaled 01
to the ECM, which then analyses the results and computes an output signal. The output signal is used
to actuate an n output device.

Crank angle sensor:

A permanent magnet inductive signal generator is mounted in close proximity to the flywheel, where it
radiates a magnetic field. As the flywheel spins and the pins are rotated in the magnetic field, an
alternating (AC) waveform is delivered to the ECM to indicate speed of rotation. If a pin is intentionally
omitted at two points on the flywheel, or by contrast a double pin is used, the signal will vary at these
points, and a reference to TDC will be returned to the ECM. The location of the positional signal is not
at TDC, but may be some other point fixed by the VM. When used, the CAS provides the primary signal
to initiate both ignition and fuelling. 03

Air Flow Sensor (AFS):

The AFS is normally located between the air filter and the throttle body. As air flows through the
sensor, it deflects a vane (flap) which wipes a potentiometer resistance track and so varies the
resistance of the track and generates a variable voltage signal.

Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor:

The MAP sensor measures the manifold vacuum or pressure, and uses a transducer to convert the
signal to an electrical signal which is returned to the ECM. The unit may be designed as an independent
sensor that is located in the engine compartment or integral with the ECM.

Coolant temperature sensor (CTS): The CTS is a two-wire thermistor that measures the coolant
temperature. The CTS is immersed in the engine coolant, and contains a variable resistor that usually
operates on the NTC principle.

Throttle Position Sensor (TPS): TPS is provided to inform the ECM of idle position, deceleration, rate of
acceleration and wide-open throttle (WOT) conditions. The TPS is a potentiometer which varies the
resistance and voltage of the signal returned to the ECM.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
From the voltage returned, the ECM is able to calculate idle position, full-load and also how
quickly the throttle is opened.

Oxygen sensor (OS): An oxygen sensor is a ceramic device 'placed in the exhaust manifold on the
engine side of the catalytic converter. The oxygen sensor returns a signal to the ECM, which can almost
instantaneously (within 50 ms) adjust the injection duration.

e Scavenging : 02

In two stroke engines , at the end of expansion stroke, combustion chamber is full of products
of combustion. This is due to elimination of exhaust stroke like in four stroke engine.
Scavenging is the process of clearing the cylinder after the expansion stroke. This is done
short duration of time available between end of expansion and start of charging process.

Types of scavenging :

1. Uniflow scavenging process

2. Cross scavenging process 02

3. Loop or reverse scavenging process

4A a Combustion in CI Engines :The combustion in CI engines is taking place in following stages as

shown in figure

1. Ignition delay period: During this period, some fuel has been admitted but not yet
ignited. The delay period is a sort of preparatory phase. It is counted from the start of
injection to the point where P-ɵ curve separates from air compression curve.

2. Rapid or uncontrolled combustion : In this stage , the pressure rises rapid because
during the delay period the fuel droplets have time to spray and have fresh air around
them. This period is counted from end of delay period to the max pressure on 02
indicator diagram.

3. Controlled combustion : uncontrolled combustion is followd by controlled combustion

stage. The period of this stage assumed to be at the end of max cycle temperature.

4. After burning : It is expected to end combustion process after third stage. Because of
poor distribution of fuel particles combustion still continues during remaining part of
expansion stroke. This is after burning .

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)


b Battery Ignition system : It consists of a battery of 6 or 12 volts, ignition switch, induction coil,
condenser, distributor and a circuit breaker. One terminal of battery is ground to the frame of
the engine and other is connected through the ignition switch to one primary terminal of the
ignition coil . The other terminal is connected to one end of contact points of the circuit

To start with the ignition switch is made on and the engine is cranked. The contacts touch, the 02
current flows from battery through the switch. A condenser connected across the terminals of
the contact breaker points prevent the sparking at these points. The rotating cam breaks
open the contacts immediately and breaking of this primary circuit brings about a change in
the magnetic fields and voltage changes from 12 to 12000 V. due to the high voltage. The
spark jumps across the gap in the spark plug and air fuel mixture is ignited in the cylinder


(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)

c Bharat stage III and IV norms :

Petrol Emission Norms (All figures in g/km)

Emission Norm CO HC NOx HC+NOx PM
BS-III 2.30 0.20 0.15 --- ---
BS-IV 1.00 0.10 0.08 --- ---
Diesel Emission Norms (All figures in g/km) 04
Emission Norm CO HC NOx HC+NOx PM
BS-III 0.64 --- 0.50 0.56 0.05
BS-IV 0.50 --- 0.25 0.30 0.025

CO emissions are Carbon Monoxide emissions are are more evident in Petrol engines. Long Term
exposure can prevent oxygen transfer and increase headaches/nausea.
HC emissions are Hydrocarbons which are again more prevalent in Petrol engines. Short term exposure
can cause headaches, vomiting and disorientation.
NOx emissions are Nitrogen Oxide emissions which are more prevalent in Diesel engines. Long Term
exposure can cause Nose and eye irritation and damage lung tissue.
PM is Particulate matter, again more prevalent in a Diesel engine. Long Term exposure can harm the
respiratory tract and reduce lung function.

d Methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine (List of methods -2 marks, explanation
of any one – 2 marks)

1) Regeneration – This is done by preheating the compressed air before entering to the combustion
chamber with the turbine exhaust in a heat exchanger, thus saving fuel consumption. 02+02

2) Improving turbine output: this can be done by

(a) Reheating : The whole expansion in the turbine is achieved in two or more stages &reheating
is done after each stage.

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)

(b) Increasing the value of maximum cycle temp.

(c) Improving turbine efficiency by improving design.

3. Reducing compressor input: By

(a) Intercooling : Compressor work is reduced by intercooling the air between the compressor

(b)By lowering inlet temp to compressor

(c) By increasing compressor efficiency

(d) Water injection at inlet to compressor

4B a i) Indicated Power (ip) is defined as the power developed by combustion of fuel in the 02
cylinder of engine. It is always more than brake power.

ii) Mechanical efficiency : ηm : It is a measure of mechanical perfection of the engine or its ability to
transmit power developed in the engine cylinder to the crank shaft . It is defined as the ratio of brake
power to indicated power of the engine

iii) B.S.F.C: It is the weight of fuel required to develop 1KW of the brake power for period of 1
hour. Unit of B.S.F.C is Kg/KW h.

It is defined as the amount of fuel consumed per unit of break power developed per hour.

B.S.F.C =

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
b Additives (any six )
(1) Detergents – To keep engine parts, such as piston and piston rings, clean & free from deposits.
01 for
(2) Dispersants – To suspend & disperse material that could form varnishes, sludge etc that clog the each

(3) Anti – wear – To give added strength & prevent wear of heavily loaded surfaces such as crank shaft
rods & main bearings.

(4) Corrosion inhibitors – To fight the rust wear caused by acids moisture. Protect vital steel & iron
parts from rust & corrosion.

(5) Foam inhibitors – control bubble growth, break them up quickly to prevent frothing & allow the oil
pump to circulate oil evenly.

(6)Viscosity index improver – added to adjust the viscosity of oil.

(7) Pour point depressant - improves an oil ability to flow at very low temperature.

5 a Working of Ice plant:

The main cycle used for ice plant is vapor compression cycle with ammonia as the refrigerant in primary
circuit and brine solution in secondary circuit. Brine solution takes heat from water in secondary circuit
and delivers the heat to ammonia in primary circuit. Thus, the indirect method of cooling is used in ice
plant. In secondary circuit brine is cooled in evaporator and then it is circulated around the can which
contains water. The heat is extracted from the water in the can and is given to the brine. The brine is
contentiously circulated around the can with the help of brine pump till entire water in the can is
converted into ice at -60 C. Ammonia vapor coming out of evaporator is compressed to high pressure
and then these vapors are condensed in the condenser. High pressure liquid ammonia is collected in the
receiver and it is passed through the expansion valve to reduce its pressure and temperature as per
requirement. The throttle liquid ammonia at low temperature & low pressure enters in evaporator, which
are the coils dipped in brine tank. The liquid ammonia absorbs heat from brine and gets converted into
vapors, which are drawn by suction line of compressor. -------------------------2 Marks


(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)

02 for

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
c Constant volume gas turbine

Working:- Air from surrounding atmosphere is drawn in compressor and is compressed to a pressure of 04
about 3 kN/m2. The compressed air is then admitted to the combustion chamber through the inlet valve.
When inlet valve is closed, the fuel oil is admitted by means of a separate fuel pump into combustion
chamber containing compressed air. The mixture (of air and fuel oil) is then ignited by an electric spark,
the pressure rising to about 12 kN/m2, whilst the volume remains constant. Thus combustion takes place
at constant volume.


6 a Necessity of purification of air in compressor : Air contains dust and dirt particles which are
dangerous to the compressor valves and operation . so purification of air is necessary. It is
the process of separating emulsified, suspended and separate oil as well as other 02
contaminations from water phase of compressed air. Air cleaners are used for purification
process of air . it reduces noise level also.

Following are different types of air cleaners

1. Oil bath type air cleaner

2. Dry type air cleaner

3. Oil wetted type air cleaner

4. Paper pleated type air cleaner

5. Centrifugal type air cleaner

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)


c i) DPT – Dew point temperature tDP

- It is the temperature at which air water vapour mixture starts to condense. 02
D.P.T. of mixture is defined as the temperature at which water vapours starts to
Ii) WBT - Wet bulb temperature - tWB
- It is the temperature recorded by thermometer when its bulb is covered with wet cloth
known as wick and is exposed to air. 02

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
d Ram jet – (Fig – 2 marks ; explanation –2 marks)

- Ram jet is also called as ‘Athodyd or flying stove pipe’.

- It is a steady combustion or continuous flow engine & has the simplest construction of any propulsion 02

- Consist of inlet diffuser, combustion chamber & exit nozzle.

- Air entering into ram jet with supersonic speed is slowed down to sonic speed in supersonic diffuser,
increasing air pressure.

- The air pressure is further increased in the subsonic diffuser.

- The fuel injected into the combustion chamber is burned with the help of flame stabilizers. The high
temp & high pressure gases are passed through the nozzle converting the pressure energy into kinetic

- It is not self operating at zero flight velocity. It requires launching rockets.


e Split Air-conditioner labeled Diagram 02 for figure 02 for labeling


(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)

3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is
(7) Use of Steam tables, logarithmic, Mollier’s chart is permitted.

1. A) Attempt any three. 12

a) State four assumptions made for air standard cycle.

b) A two stage air compressor with perfect intercooling takes in air at 1 bar pressure and 27 °C.
The law of compression in both the stages is Pv1.3 = constant. The compressed air is
delivered at 9 bar from the H.P. Cylinder to an air receiver. Calculate per kg. of air
i) The minimum work done.
ii) The heat rejected to the intercooler.

c) Compare SI and CI engine on the basis of

i) fuel used, ii) Compression ratio, iii) Weight, iv) Noise and vibration.

d) Explain with neat sketch working of lobe type air compressor.

B) Attempt any one. 6

a) A four cylinder engine running at 1200 rpm delivers 20 kW. The average torque when one
cylinder was cut is 110 N.m. Find the indicated thermal efficiency if the calorific value of the fuel
is 43 MJ/Kg and the engine uses 360 gm. of gasoline (fuel) per kW. hr.

b) Explain with neat sketch working of non dispersive infra red (NDIR) gas analyser.

17529 [2] *17529*

2. Attempt any two. 16

a) Differentiate vapour compression and vapour absorption refrigeration system.

(min. eight points of difference)

b) A single stage reciprocating air compressor has a swept volume of 2000 cm3 and runs at 800 rpm.
It operates on a pressure ratio of 8 with a clearance 5% of the swept volume. Assume NTP
room conditions at inlet (p = 101.3 kPa t = 15°C) and polytropic compression and expansion
with n = 1.25 calculate
i) Indicated power, ii) Volumetric efficiency, iii) Mass flow rate
iv) Isothermal efficiency.

c) A four stroke gas engine has a cylinder diameter of 25 cm and stroke 45 cm. The effective
diameter of brake is 1.6 m. The observations made in a test of the engine were as follows.

Duration of test = 40 min.

Total no. of revolutions = 8080

Total no. of explosions = 3230

Net load on brake = 90 kg

Mean effective pressure = 5.8 bar

Volume of gas used = 7.5 m3

Pressure of gas = 136 mm of water

Atm. temp. = 17°C

Calorific value of gas = 19 MJ/m3 at NTP

Rise in temp. of jacket cooling water = 45°C

Cooling water supplied = 180 kg

Draw heat balance sheet and estimate indicated thermal efficiency and brake thermal efficiency.
Assume atmospheric pr. as 760 mm of Hg.
*17529* [3] 17529

3. Attempt any four. 16

a) List any four pollutants in exhaust gases of I.C. engine with their effects.
b) Compare closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine.
c) Define i) Humidity ratio, ii) Specific humidity.
d) Name four sensors used in I.C. engine and explain working of any one.
e) What is scavenging in I.C. engine ? State its types.
4. A) Attempt any three. 12
a) Explain the process of combustion in diesel engine.
b) Explain battery ignition in S.I. engine.
c) State the norms of Bharat stage III and IV.
d) State different methods for improving thermal efficiency of gas turbine and explain any one.

B) Attempt any one. 6

a) Define – (i) Indicated power, (ii) Mechanical efficiency, (iii) BSFC.
b) List the additives of lubricant used in S.I engine and state their advantages.

5. Attempt any two. 16

a) Explain with neat sketch construction and working of ice plant.
b) A single cylinder reciprocating compressor has a bore of 120 mm and a stroke of 150 mm. and
is driven at a speed of 1200 rpm. It is compressing CO2 gas from a pressure of 120 Kpa and
temp. of 20°C to a temp. of 215°C.Assuming polytropic compression with n = 1.3, no clearance
and volumetric efficiency of 100% calculate (i) pressure ratio, (ii) Indicated power, (iii) shaft
power with mech. efficiency 80%, (iv) mass flow rate.
c) Explain with neat sketch construction and working of constant volume gas turbine.

6. Attempt any four. 16

a) What is the necessity of purification of air in compressor and how it is done ?
b) A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 14 and cut-off takes place at 6% of stroke. Find the
air standard efficiency.
c) Define (i) Dew point temp.

(ii) Wet bulb temp.

d) Explain the principle of Ram jet with neat sketch.

e) Draw neat sketch of split air conditioner and name the parts.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the
model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try
to assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more
Importance (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the
figure. The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give
credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant
answer based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

Q.1 ( A )

Brayton Cycle : (02 marks for each figure )

Process 2-3 & 4-1: Both are constant pressure process (In T-S diagram)

(b) (02 marks for each definition)

i) FAD – It is the volume of air delivered under the intake conditions of temperature and pressure.
( 2 marks)

ii) Compression ratio – It is defined as the ratio of absolute discharge pressure to the absolute
inlet pressure. ( 2 marks)
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

(c ) Following are the applications of compressed air - ( Any Four ) 1/2 mark each

1) To drive air motors in coal mines.

2) To inject fuel in air injection diesel engines.
3) To operate pneumatic drills, hammers, hoists, sand blasters.
4) For cleaning purposes.
5) To cool large buildings.
6) In the processing of food and farm maintenance.
7) For spray painting in paint industry.
8) In automobile & railway braking systems.
9) To operate air tools like air guns.
10) To hold & index cutting tools on machines like milling.
d) (04 marks for figure )
Valve timing diagram of four stroke diesel engine

Q.1 ( B ) (06 marks for explanation )

(a) Procedure to conduct Morse test
First engine is allowed to run at constant speed and brake power of engine is measured when all four
cylinder working.
(IP1 + IP2 + IP3 + IP4) = (BP) 1234 + (FP) 1234 ……………………………………………(1)
Where, IP- indicated power.
BP – brake power develop.
FP – frictional power.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

I, 2, 3, 4 – cylinder number respectively.

Now the first cylinder is cut off by short circuiting spark plug in case of S.I engine and by cutting fuel
supply in case of C.I engine. Due to this, cylinder 1 will not develop IP 1 but continue to consume FP to
measure BP (234).reduce speed to bring to initial speed by reducing load.
(IP2 + IP3 + IP4) = (BP) 234 + FP (1234) …………………………………………………….. (2)
When cylinder 2 is cut off and speed of engine returned to initial speed and to measure BP (134)
(IP1 + IP3 + IP4) = (BP) 134 + FP (1234) …………………………………………………...… (3)
When cylinder 3 is cut off and speed of engine returned to initial speed and to measure BP (124)
(IP1 + IP2 + IP4) = (BP) 124 + FP (1234) ………………………………………………………. (4)
When cylinder 4 is cut off and speed of engine returned to initial speed and to measure BP (123)
(IP1 + IP2 + IP3) = (BP) 123 + FP (1234) ………………………………………………………. (5)
Each cylinder of IP will get by,
i) Subtracting equation 2 from equation 1,
IP1 = BP (1234) – BP (234)
ii) Subtracting equation 3 from equation 1,
IP2 = BP (1234) – BP (134)
iii) Subtracting equation 4 from equation 1,
IP3 = BP (1234) – BP (124)
iv) Subtracting equation 5 from equation 1,
IP4 = BP (1234) – BP (123)
Thus indicated power of engine
IP = IP1 + IP2 + IP3 + IP4

( b ) Three way catalytic convertor (sketch -3, explanation – 3 marks)

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

- Three way convertor uses thin coating of platinum, palladium and rhodium over a support metal
(generally alumina) & acts on all three major constituents of exhaust gas pollution i. e. hydrocarbons,
carbon monoxide & oxides of nitrogen, oxidizing these to water, carbon dioxide & free hydrogen &
nitrogen respectively.
- It operates in two stages, the first convertor stage uses rhodium to reduce the NO2 in the exhaust into
nitrogen & oxygen. In second stage convertor platinum or palladium acts as oxidation catalyst to change
HC & CO into harmless water & CO2.
- For supplying the oxygen required in the second stage air is fed into the exhaust after the first stage.
- Reactions within catalyst produce additional heat that reaches temperature of 900 oC, which is required
for the catalytic converter to operate at complete efficiency. To safeguard from this high temperature, the
catalytic converter is made of stainless steel &special heat shields are also used.

Q.2a (08 marks for full solution)

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Q.2 ( b) (02 marks for each )

i) Heating with humidification

ii) Sensible heating

iii) Sensible cooling

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

iv) Evaporative cooling

Q.2 ( C ) (08 marks for full solution) i) 4marks ii) 4marks

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Heat supplied kJ/ min % Heat expenditure kJ/min Percentage

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Heat supplied 6720 100 1) Heat equivalent of 1996 29.7%

by combustion brake power
of fuel

2) heat lost to jacket

cooling water
1658 24.7%

3)heat unaccounted 3066 45.6%

TOTAL 3684 100% TOTAL 3684 100%

Q.3 ( a ) (02 marks each for petrol and diesel )

Norms for Bharat stage III and IV :

In year 2010 – Bharat Stage III Emission Norms for 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers and 4-wheelers for
entire country whereas Bharat Stage – IV (Equivalent to Euro IV) for 13 major cities for only 4-
wheelers. Bharat Stage IV also has norms were implemented for 4-wheelers for 13 major cities for
only 4-wheelers. Currently, BS-IV petrol and diesel are being supplied in whole of Northern India
covering Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi and parts of
Rajasthan and western UP. The rest of the country has BS-III grade fuel.

Emission norms for Diesel Engine Vehicles, g/kWh

Year Standard CO HC NOx PM

2010 BS III 2.1 0.66 5.0 0.10

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

5.45 0.78 5.0 0.16

1.5 0.46 3.5 0.02

2010 BS IV

4.0 0.55 3.5 0.03

Emission norms for Petrol Vehicles, g/km

Year Standard CO HC HC+NOx NOx

2.3 0.20 0.15

2010 BS III 4.17 0.25 – 0.18
5.22 0.29 0.21

1.0 0.1 0.08

2010 BS IV 1.81 0.13 – 0.10
2.27 0.16 0.11

Q.3 ( b) (01 mark for each )

Classification of gas turbines :

Gas turbines are classified as :

1. On the basis of combustion process

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

a) Constant pressure type

b) Constant volume or explosion type

2. On the basis of path of working substance

a) Open cycle gas turbine

b) Closed cycle gas turbine

3. On the basis of action of expanding gases

a) Impulse gas turbine

b) Impulse reaction gas turbine

4. On the basis of direction of flow

a) Axial flow

b) Radial flow

Q.3 ( C ) ( 4 marks for explaination )

Sub cooling

The process of cooling refrigerant below condensing temperature for a given pressure is known as sub

-Due to sub cooling the refrigerating effect increases or for same refrigerating effect the circulation rate
refrigerant decreases and therefore COP of system increases. Thus sub cooling is desirable & is done to
increase refrigerating effect & COP of system.

Q.3 ( d ) (02 marks for explanation and 02 for list )

Scavenging: At the end of expansion stroke the combustion chambers of a two stroke engine is left full of
products of combustion. This is because unlike four stroke engines, there is no exhaust stroke available to
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

clear the cylinder of burnt gases in two stroke engine the process of clearing the cylinder after the
expansion stroke is called scavenging process.

The scavenging systems are as follows :

1. Uniform scavenging system

2. Cross scavenging system

3. Loop or reverse scavenging system

Q.3 ( e ) (04 marks for explanation )

Supercharging: The power output of an engine depends upon the amount of air inducted in cylinder per
unit time, the degree of utilization of this air and the thermal efficiency of the engine. The amount of air
inducted per unit time can be increased by increasing the engine speed or by increasing the density of air
at intake. As engine speed increases, the inertia load, engine friction, bearing load increases. The method
of increasing the inlet air density is called as supercharging. It is usually employed to increase the power
output of the engine. The increase of the amount of air inducted per unit time by supercharging is
obtained mainly to burn greater amount of fuel in a given engine.

Supercharging increases the power output for a given weight and bulk of engine, compensate for loss of
power due to altitude and obtain more power from the existing engine.

Q.4 ( A ) ( a ) (1/2 mark each (any eight ) )

Important Features of MPFI system

• Absence of Venturi – No Restriction in Air Flow/Higher Vol. Eff./Torque/Power

• Hot Spots for Preheating cold air eliminated / Denser air enters
• Manifold Branch Pipes not concerned with Mixture Preparation
• Better Acceleration Response
• Fuel Atomization Generally Improved.
• Use of Greater Valve Overlap
• Use of Sensors to Monitor Operating Parameters/Gives Accurate Matching of Air/fuel
Requirements: Improves Power, Reduces fuel consumption and Emissions
• Precise in Metering Fuel in Ports
• Precise Fuel Distribution Between Cylinders
• Fuel Transportation in Manifold not required so no Wall Wetting
• Fuel Surge During Fast Cornering or Heavy Braking Eliminated
• Adaptable and Suitable For Supercharging
• Increased power and torque.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Q 4 A b) ( 04 marks for full solution )

Q.4 ( A ) ( c )

Effects of detonation (any four- 4 marks ,1 mark each )

(1) Noise – As intensity of detonation increases, the sound intensity increases & it is harmful.
(2) Mechanical damage – shock waves are so violent that it may cause mechanical damage like breaking
of piston. It increases the rate of wear erosion of piston.
(3) Pre-ignition – Due to local overheating of spark plug & this pre-ignition increases detonation.
(4) Power output & efficiency decreases - Power output & thermal efficiency decreases due to abnormal
(5) Increase in heat transfer – Temperature of cylinder in detonating engine is higher than in non –
detonating engine, hence increases the heat transfer.
(6) Carbon deposits- Detonation results in increased carbon deposits.

Q.4 ( A ) ( d ) ( 02 marks each )

(i) Mean effective pressure – Defined as the average pressure acting on the piston which
will produce the same output as is done by the varying pressure during the cycle.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

( ii ) Cut off ratio – Fuel is injected into combustion chamber where only air compressed and
is at high temperature. Fuel is injected for a duration of time, say T. The piston would not have reached
the bottom dead centre in time T. The fuel is cut off when the volume is, say V2. The clearance volume is
V1. The ratio V2/V1 is cut off ratio.

Q.4 ( B ) ( a ) Additives (any four additives + advantage = 1+1/2 marks each )

(1) Detergents – To keep engine parts, such as piston and piston rings, clean & free from deposits.

(2) Dispersants – To suspend & disperse material that could form varnishes, sludge etc that clog the

(3) Anti – wear – To give added strength & prevent wear of heavily loaded surfaces such as crank shaft
rods & main bearings.

(4) Corrosion inhibitors – To fight the rust wear caused by acids moisture. Protect vital steel & iron
parts from rust & corrosion.

(5) Foam inhibitors – control bubble growth, break them up quickly to prevent frothing & allow the oil
pump to circulate oil evenly.

(6)Viscosity index improver – added to adjust the viscosity of oil.

(7) Pour point depressant - improves an oil ability to flow at very low temperature.

Q 4 B b) ( 06 marks for full solution )

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Q. 5 ( a) Working of Simple Vapor absorption system:

A Simple Vapor absorption system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser, expansion
valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution is used is aqua

Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can and weak solution contains less
ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced by an absorber, generator, reducing
valve and pump.

The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors coming out of
evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia is spread in absorber.
The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution. This strong solution from
absorber is pumped into generator.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak solution. The
released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a reducing valve. Thus, the
function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and reducing valve. The simple vapor
compressor system is used where there is scarcity of Electricity and it is very useful at partial and full
load. ------- 6 Marks

Figure -2 Marks

Q 5 b) (03 marks for each sketch and 02 for definition )

Intercooling : In perfect intercooling the temperature of air after passing out of intercooler is same as that
of the temperature of air before compression of LP cylinder.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Q. 5 ( C )

Working of Turbo-prop Engine:

The main components of turbo-prop engine are a propeller, gear reduction unit, a compressor, a
combustor, gas turbine and the nozzles. In this engine 80 to 90% of the total propulsive thrust is generated
by the gas turbine and the remainder is developed by the expansion of the gases in nozzles. Due to this the
power generated in the gas turbine is used for driving the compressor and the propeller, while in case of
turbojet engines the turbine power is only used to drive the compressor and the auxiliaries.

The gas turbine drives the propeller through the reduction gear unit and it draws a large amount of air. A
large part of this air drawn by the propeller is passed through the ducts around the engine and the
remainder is compressed in the diffuser by ram compression and further in the compressor. Fuel is burnt
in the combustor and the resultant high temperature gases are expanded in the turbine and finally in the
nozzles. The total thrust developed is the sum of thrust developed by the propeller and the nozzle. Unlike
the turbojet engines the turboprop engines are widely used for commercial and military air crafts, due to
their low specific fuel consumption and high flexibility of operation at reasonably high speed.
Explaination 5 Marks Figure -3 Marks
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Q. 6 ( a ) ( i ) Tons of refrigeration – It is the quantity of heat required to remove from one ton of ice
within 24 hours when initial condition of water is 00.

One ton of refrigeration is equivalent to 210 kJ/ min or 3.5 kW

(ii) C.O.P. – is the ratio of heat extracted from refrigerator to the work done on the

COP of refrigerator =

(2 marks each)

Q. 6 ( b) (01 mark each any four )

Multi-stage air compressors feature many benefits and so, they are mostly used in the market. Some
of those features are given below
1. Higher air pressures are achievable by multi-staging (about 175 PSI against 120 PSI in single
2. It requires less power for running
3. Light weight cylinders can are used
4. Leakages are less
5. Overall discharge temperatures are lower
6. Intercooler increases the efficiency of unit
7. It has a greater durability
8. Many multi-stage air compressors have the crankcase cast separate from the pump cylinders,
which makes it easier to repair.
9. Multi-stage compressors Air compressors can perform (are suitable) many different functions in
industrial applications
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

Q. 6 ( c ) ( 02 marks each )

Representation of Carnot Cycle on P – V and T - S diagram (2 marks each )

Process 1-2:- Isentropic or reversible adiabatic Compression process.

Process 2-3:- Reversible Isothermal heat addition process.
Process 3-4:- Isentropic or reversible adiabatic expansion process.
Process 4-1:- Reversible Isothermal heat rejection process.
Q. 6 ( d ) (01 mark each any four )

comparison of Split AC and Window AC

Sr No Split AC Window AC

1 It incorporates two units as indoor and It is a single unit that incorporates all necessary
outdoor (evaporator indoor and compressor components
condenser outdoor)

2 Noise level to occupants is very less Higher noise level

3 There is need of copper connector between No need of copper connector

indoor and outdoor units

4 Installation is easy as only a hole for It requires more space (window) to install this
connector is required AC

5 Technician / professional necessary for Not necessary


6 Because cooling unit is separate, it allow For a fixed space a specific window AC only
the designer to take up more powerful AC can be installed
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

7 Preferable for large cooling space Preferable for small rooms

Q. 6 ( e ) (04 marks any one method with sketch )

Methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine

1) Regeneration – This is done by preheating the compressed air before entering to the combustion
chamber with the turbine exhaust in a heat exchanger, thus saving fuel consumption.

2) Improving turbine output: this can be done by

(a) Reheating: The whole expansion in the turbine is achieved in two or more stages &reheating is
done after each stage.

(b) Increasing the value of maximum cycle temp.

(c) Improving turbine efficiency by improving design.

3. Reducing compressor input: By

(a) Intercooling: Compressor work is reduced by intercooling the air between the compressor stages.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 Model Answer

(b )By lowering inlet temp to compressor

(c) By increasing compressor efficiency

(d) Water injection at inlet to compressor

3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.
(7) Use of Steam tables, logarithmic, Mollier’s chart is permitted.

1. A) Attempt any three : (3×4=12)

a) Represent ‘Brayton Cycle’ on P-V and T-S diagram.
b) Define following terms w.r.t. air compressor.
i) FAD ii) Compression ratio.
c) Enlist different uses of compressed air.
d) Draw ‘Valve timing diagram for 4-stroke cycle diesel engine.
B) Attempt any one : (1×6=6)
a) Explain in brief, how ‘Morse test’ is carried out ?
b) Explain with neat sketch the constructional features of ‘Three Way Catalytic Converter’.

2. Attempt any two : (2×8=16)

a) It is desired to compress 15 m of air per minute from 1.0132 bar to 10 bar. Calculate minimum
power required to drive the compressor having two stages and compared it the power required
for single stage compression. Assume value of index for compression process to be 1.3 for
both cases also assume the condition for maximum efficiency.
b) Represent following processes on Psychrometric chart.
i) Heating with humidification ii) Sensible heating.
iii) Sensible cooling iv) Evaporative cooling.
c) Following observations were made during a trial on 4-stroke, single cylinder engine running at
240 rpm having brake wheel diameter 1.5 meter.
Duration of trial 30 min.
Fuel consumption 6 liter
C.V. of fuel 42000 kJ/kg
Sp. gravity 0.8
IMEP 550 kPa
Brake load 150 kg
Spring balance reading 15 kg
17529 *17529*
Cylinder diameter 30 cm
Stroke length 45 cm
Jacket cooling water 11 kg/min
Temp. rise in jacket water 36°C
Determine :
i) I.P. and B.P. ii) Heat balance sheet on percentage basis.

3. Attempt any four : (4×4=16)

a) State the norms of Bharat stage III and IV.
b) Classify gas turbine on the basis of
i) working cycle ii) application
iii) cycle of operation iv) fuel used.
c) Enlist the four effects of subcooling on the performance of V.C.C. refrigeration cycle.
d) What is ‘Scavenging’ ? List any two types of ‘scavenging’.
e) Explain in brief the importance of ‘Super Charging’.

4. A) Attempt any three : (3×4=12)

a) Explain in brief the constructional features of MPFI engine.
b) An engine has piston diameter 15 cm, length of stroke 40 cm and mean effective pressure
5 bar. Engine makes 120 power strokes per minute. Find mechanical efficiency if brake
power is 5 kW.
c) State any four effect of detonation.
d) Explain the term w.r.t. I.C. engine.
i) Mean Effective Pressure (MEP) ii) Cut off ratio.
B) Attempt any one : (1×6=6)
a) Name any four additives used in lubricants ? State their advantages.
b) A petrol engine working on constant volume cycle has compression ratio of 8 and consume
1 kg of air per minute, if minimum and maximum temp. during cycle is 300 °K and 2000 °K
respectively. Find power developed by engine. Assume γ = 1.4 and Cv = 0.71 kJ/kg °K.

5. Attempt any two : (2×8=16)

a) Explain with neat block diagram the working of ‘VapourAbsorbtion Cycle’.
b) What do you mean by ‘Perfect Intercolling’ ? Explain with the help of P.V. diagram.
c) Explain the working of ‘Turbo-Prop’ engine with neat sketch.

6. Attempt any four : (4×4=16)

a) State the following term :
i) Tonnes of refrigeration ii) COP.
b) Why majority of air compressors available in the market are multi staged ? Explain.
c) Represent Carnot cycle on P-V and T-S diagram.
d) Compare between window air conditioner and split air conditioner (any four).
e) Explain any one method to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine with the help of block

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
WINTER – 15 EXAMINATION Subject Code: 17529 Model Answer

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the
model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try
to assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more
Importance (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the
figure. The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

Q1 A a)

Q.1 ( A ) ( b ) Following are the Industrial uses of compressed air - ( Any Eight ) 1/2 mark each

1) To drive air motors in coal mines.

2) To inject fuel in air injection diesel engines.
3) To operate pneumatic drills, hammers, hoists, sand blasters.

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4) For cleaning purposes.

5) To cool large buildings.
6) In the processing of food and farm maintenance.
7) For spray painting in paint industry.
8) In automobile & railway braking systems.
9) To operate air tools like air guns.
10) To hold & index cutting tools on machines like milling / cnc machines.

Q.1 ( A ) ( c ) ( 1 mark each)

i] Compressor capacity:-

 It is the volume of air delivered by the compressor in m3 per minute

 It is express in m3/min

ii) FAD:-

 It is the volume of air delivered by compressor under the intake conditions of temperature
and pressure.

 Capacity of compressor is generally given in terms of free air delivery.

 Unit = m3/cycle

iii) Volumetric Efficiency:

It is the ratio of actual volume of air delivered at standard atmospheric condition discharge
in one delivery stroke to the swept volume by the piston during the stroke.

iv) Mechanical Efficiency: It is the ratio of Indicated power to shaft (brake) power.

Q.1 ( A ) ( d )

In S.I. engine, the spark is timed to occur at a definite point just before the end of the
compression stroke. If the ignition starts, due to any other reason, when the piston is still doing its
compression stroke, it is known as pre – ignition. ( 2 marks )

Following factors are responsible for Pre – ignition

1) High compression ratio

2) Overheated spark plug

3) Incandescent carbon deposit in cylinder wall

4) Overheated exhaust valve

5) It may occur due to faulty timing of spark production ( Any two – 2 marks)

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Q.1 ( B ) ( a )

Q.1 ( B ) ( b ) Effect of pollutants on environment (any three - 6 marks.)

The major air pollutants emitted by petrol & diesel engines are CO2, CO, HC, NOx, SO2,
smoke & lead vapour.

Effect of CO:
 Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin forming carboy hemoglobin ,which
reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
 This leads to laziness, exhaustion of body & headache.
 Prolong exposure can even leads to death.
 It also affects cardiovascular system, thereby causing heart problem

Effect of CO2: Causes respiratory disorder & suffocation.

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Effect of NOx:

It causes respiration irritation, headache, bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, impairment of

lungs, and loss of appetite & corrosion of teeth to human body.

Effect of HC:

• It has effect like reduced visibility, eye irritation, peculiar odour & damage to vegetation &
acceleration the cracking of rubber products.

• It induce cancer, affect DNA & cell growth are know a carcinogens.

Effect of SO2: It is toxic & corrosive gas, human respiratory track of animals, plants & crops.

Q.2 a) Differentiate (any eight) each for 1 mark

Reciprocating compressor Rotary compressor

1. Compression of air takes place with help of 1. Compression of air takes place due to
piston and cylinder arrangement with rotary motion of blades.
reciprocating motion of piston.
2. Delivery of air intermittent. 2. Delivery of air is continuous.
3. Delivery pressure is high i.e. pressure ratio 3. Delivery pressure is low, i.e. pressure ratio
is high. is low.
4. Flow rate of air is low. 4. Flow rate of air is high.
5. Speed of compressor is low because of 5. Speed of compressor is high because of
unbalanced forces. perfect balancing.
6. Reciprocating air compressor has more 6. Rotary air compressor has less number of
number of moving parts. moving part.
7. It needs proper lubrication and more 7. It required less lubrication and
maintenance. maintenance.
8. Due to low speed of ration it can’t be 8. Rotary air compressor can be directly
directly coupled to prime mover but it coupled to prime mover.
requires reduction of speed.
9. It is used when small quantity of air at high 9. It is used where large quantity of air at
pressure is required. lower pressure is required.

Q2 b) Heating with Dehumidification process : By this process, specific humidity of air decreases
and its dry bulb temperature increases. This type of process is suitable for industrial air conditioning
where low relative humidity is required. This process is achieved by passing a stream of air over
chemicals which have an affinity for water. The process is shown in figure.

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Cooling with Dehumidification process : This process is used when atmospheric condition is hot
and humid. To decrease the humidity of air it is passed over a cooling coil whose temperature is less
than dew point temperature of air. As the air passes over the cooling coil, the moisture in air
condenses and its temperature is also decreased

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Q 3. (a) Catalytic converter: 2 Marks

Catalytic converter is a device which converts harmful pollutants to harmless gases. Catalytic
converter is used in exhaust emission in control system to convert CO, NO x, HC and other harmful
gases to harmless gases.

A Catalytic converter consists of a cylindrical unit of small size like a small silencer and is
installed into the exhaust system of a vehicle. It is placed between the exhaust manifold and the

Inside the cylindrical tube i.e. converter there is a honey comb structure of a ‘ceramic or
metal’ which is coated with ‘alumina base’ material and there after a second coating of precious
metals ‘platinum, palladium or rhodium’ or combination of the same. This second coating serves as
a catalyst. A catalyst is a substance which causes a chemical reaction intro the gases. When the
exhaust gases pass over the converter substance, the toxic gases as CO, HC & NOx are converted
into harmless gases as CO2, H2 & N2. ----- 2 Marks

Q. 3 ( b) Constant pressure closed cycle gas turbine : (sketch 02, process : 01,efficiency 01 )

Process 1-2 : Isentropic compression

Process 2-3: Heat addition at constant pressure

Process 3-4 : : Isentropic expansion

Process 4-1: Heat rejection at constant pressure

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Q. 3 ( c) Simple Vapor absorption system:

A Simple Vapor absorption system consists of evaporator, absorber, generator, condenser,

expansion valve, pump & reducing valve. In this system ammonia is used as refrigerant and solution
is used is aqua ammonia.

Strong solution of aqua ammonia contains as much as ammonia as it can and weak solution
contains less ammonia. The compressor of vapor compressor system is replaced by an absorber,
generator, reducing valve and pump.

The heat flow in the system at generator, and work is supplied to pump. Ammonia vapors
coming out of evaporator are drawn in absorber. The weak solution containing very little ammonia
is spread in absorber. The weak solution absorbs ammonia and gets converted into strong solution.
This strong solution from absorber is pumped into generator.

The addition of heat liberates ammonia vapor and solution gets converted into weak
solution. The released vapor is passed to condenser and weak solution to absorber through a
reducing valve. Thus, the function of a compressor is done by absorber, a generator, pump and
reducing valve. The simple vapor compressor system is used where there is scarcity of electricity
and it is very useful at partial and full load. ------- 2 Marks

For figure 02 marks

Q. 3 ( d) Following sensors are used in ECU: (Any 4 sensors…04 marks)

Crank angle sensor:

A permanent magnet inductive signal generator is mounted in close proximity to the flywheel, where it
radiates a magnetic field. As the flywheel spins and the pins are rotated in the magnetic field, an alternating
(AC) waveform is delivered to the ECM to indicate speed of rotation.

Air Flow Sensor (AFS):

The AFS is normally located between the air filter and the throttle body. As air flows through the sensor, it
deflects a vane (flap) which wipes a potentiometer resistance track and so varies the resistance of the track
and generates a variable voltage signal.

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Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor:

The MAP sensor measures the manifold vacuum or pressure, and uses a transducer to convert the signal
to an electrical signal which is returned to the ECM. The unit may be designed as an independent sensor that
is located in the engine compartment or integral with the ECM.

Coolant temperature sensor (CTS): The CTS is a two-wire thermistor that measures the coolant
temperature. The CTS is immersed in the engine coolant, and contains a variable resistor that usually
operates on the NTC principle.

Throttle Position Sensor (TPS): TPS is provided to inform the ECM of idle position, deceleration, rate of
acceleration and wide-open throttle (WOT) conditions. The TPS is a potentiometer which varies the
resistance and voltage of the signal returned to the ECM.

Oxygen sensor (OS): An oxygen sensor is a ceramic device 'placed in the exhaust manifold on the engine side
of the catalytic converter. The oxygen sensor returns a signal to the ECM, which can almost instantaneously
(within 50 ms) adjust the injection duration.

Q. 3 (e) Combustion in CI Engines: Explanation 03 marks …figure 01 mark There are four
1) Ignition delay period : During this fuel has already admitted but has not yer
ignited. This is counted from start of injection to the point where P-O curve separates from
pure air compression curve.
2) Rapid or uncontrolled combustion : In this stage pressure rise because of
during the delay period the fuel droplet have time to spread over a wide area and fresh air
around them.
3) Controlled combustion : The temperature and pressure rise in the second
state is quite high, hence droplet of fuel injected in stage burn faster with reduced ignition
delay as soon as they find necessary oxygen and further pressure rise is controlled by
injection rate.
4) After burning : This sage may not be present in all cases. Because of poor
distribution of fuel particles, combustion continues during part of the remainder of the
expansion stroke.

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Q. 4 (A) a) Explanation 03 marks …figure 01 mark

Q.4.(A) b) 01 mark each

i) Indicated Power (ip) is defined as the power developed by combustion of fuel in the cylinder of
engine. It is always more than brake power.

ii Brake Power:-

 The useful power which is available at the crank shaft is called as brake power.

 It is denoted by “B.P.”

 It has unit kW

iii) B.S.F.C: It is the weight of fuel required to develop 1KW of the brake power for period of 1
hour. Unit of B.S.F.C is Kg/KWh.

It is defined as the amount of fuel consumed per unit of break power developed per hour.

B.S.F.C =

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iv) Relative efficiency is defined as the ratio of indicated / brake thermal efficiency to the air
standard efficiency.

Q4 A c) Battery Ignition system : I t consists of six or twelve volt battery, ignition

switch,induction coil, circuit breaker condenser and distributor. All the circuit parts are
shown in figure.
One terminal of battery is ground to engine frame and other is connected through the ignition
switch to one primary terminal of induction coil. The other primary connection is connected
to one end of contact point of circuit breaker and through closed points to ground.
The ignition switchis made on and engine is crancked. When the contacts touch, the current
flows the battery to the switch. Due to this primary winding of induction coil to circuit
breaker points and circuit is completed. A condenser prevents sparking of this point. The
rotating cam breaks open the contacts immediately and breaking of this primary circuit brings
about change of magnetic field causing very high volt about 8000 to 12000 volts. Due to this
high voltage the spark jumps across the gap in the spark plug and thereby it ignites mixture of
air and fuel.

Q 4 A d) Method to measure Indicated power :

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Q. 4) B) a) Role of following lubricant additives (one mark each)

1. Zinc ditinophosphate: - Zinc ditinophosphate serves as an anti – oxidant and
anticorrosive additive.
2. Fatty acids: - This type of additives prevents rusting of ferrous engine parts during and
form acidic moisture accumulation during cold engine operation.
3. Organic Acids: - This type of additives improves the detergent action of lubricating oil.
4. Ester: - To lower the pour point of lubricating oil.
5. Silicon polymers: - This additive serves as Antifoam Agent.
6. Butylene polymers: - This type of additives added in lubricating oil to increase their viscosity
7. Zinc ditinophosphate: - Zinc ditinophosphate serves as an anti – oxidant and
anticorrosive additive.
8. Fatty acids: - This type of additives prevents rusting of ferrous engine parts during and
form acidic moisture accumulation during cold engine operation.
9. Organic Acids: - This type of additives improves the detergent action of lubricating oil.
10. Ester: - To lower the pour point of lubricating oil.
11. Silicon polymers: - This additive serves as Antifoam Agent.
12. Butylene polymers: - This type of additives added in lubricating oil to increase their
viscosity index.
Q4 B b) ( Two marks for figure and two for explanation )

Working of Four stroke petrol engine:

1. Suction stroke: Suction stroke starts when piston is at top dead center and about to
move downwards. During suction stroke inlet valve is open and exhaust valve is closed. Due
to low pressure created by the motion of the piston towards bottom dead center, the charge
consisting of fresh air mixed with the fuel is drawn into cylinder. At the end of suction stroke
the inlet valve closes.

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2. Compression stroke: During compression stroke, the compression of charge takes place
by return stroke of piston, i.e. when piston moves from BDC to TDC. During this stroke both,
inlet and exhaust valve remain closed. Charge which is occupied by the whole cylinder
volume is compressed up to the clearance volume. Just before completion of compression
stroke, a spark is produced by the spark plug and fuel is ignited. Combustion takes place
when the piston is almost at TDC.
3. Expansion or power stroke: Piston gets downward thrust by explosion of charge. Due to
high pressure of burnt gases, piston moves downwards to the BDC. During expansion stroke
both inlet and exhaust valves remains closed. Thus power is obtained by expansion of
products of combustion. Therefore it is also called as ‘power stroke’. Both pressure as well as
temperature decreases during expansion stroke.

4. Exhaust stroke: At the end of expansion stroke the exhaust valve opens, the inlet valve
remains closed and the piston moves from BDC to TDC. During exhaust stroke the burnt gases
inside the cylinder are expelled out. The exhaust valve closes at the end of the exhaust stroke
but still some residual gases remains in cylinder.

Q. 5 (a) Working of Ice plant: ( Explanation 05 marks ….fig 03 marks)

The main cycle used for ice plant is vapor compression cycle with ammonia as the refrigerant in
primary circuit and brine solution in secondary circuit. Brine solution takes heat from water in secondary
circuit and delivers the heat to ammonia in primary circuit. Thus, the indirect method of cooling is used in ice
plant. In secondary circuit brine is cooled in evaporator and then it is circulated around the can which
contains water.

The heat is extracted from the water in the can and is given to the brine. The brine is contentiously
circulated around the can with the help of brine pump till entire water in the can is converted into ice at -60
C. Ammonia vapor coming out of evaporator is compressed to high pressure and then these vapors are
condensed in the condenser.

High pressure liquid ammonia is collected in the receiver and it is passed through the expansion
valve to reduce its pressure and temperature as per requirement. The throttle liquid ammonia at low
temperature & low pressure enters in evaporator, which are the coils dipped in brine tank. The liquid
ammonia absorbs heat from brine and gets converted into vapors, which are drawn by suction line of

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Q5 b)

Q5 c) Turbojet Engine ( Explanation 05 marks ….fig 03 marks)

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Q6 a) Superheating (sketch & explanation – 2 marks)

Due to superheating suction temperature of compressor increases , increasing compressor

power but it also increases the refrigerating effect therefore COP of system remains more or less
constant. The superheating is not done to increase the refrigerating effect or COP but it is done to
increase the life of compressor.

Sub-cooling (sketch & explanation – 2 marks)

The process of cooling refrigerant below condensing temperature for a given pressure is known as
sub-cooling. Due to sub-cooling the refrigerating effect increases or for same refrigerating effect
the circulation rate refrigerant decreases and therefore COP of system increases. Thus sub-cooling
is desirable & is done to increase refrigerating effect & COP of system.

Q6 b) (01 mark each for figure & explanation)

Perfect cooling: In this process the temperature of air after passing out of intercooler is same as
that of temperature of air before compression in LP cylinder. The respective figure is shown.

Imperfect cooling: In this process the temperature of air after passing out of intercooler is between
the temperature of air before & after compression in LP cylinder. The respective figure is shown.

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Q6 c) Dual cycle:

(02 marks for figure & 02 marks for processes)

Process 1-2 : Isentropic compression

Process 2-3: Partial Heat addition at constant volume

Process 3-4 : Partial Heat addition at constant pressure

Process 4-5 : Isentropic expansion

Process 5-1: Heat rejection at constant volume

Q6 d) Air conditioning systems are classified as

1) Classification as to major function-

i) Comfort air-conditioning - air conditioning in hotels, homes, offices etc.
ii) Commercial air-conditioning- air conditioning for malls, super market etc
ii) Industrial air-conditioning – air conditioning for processing, laboratories etc
2) Classification as to season of the year-
i) Summer air-conditioning - These system control all the four atmospheric conditions for
summer comfort.
ii) Winter air-conditioning – This system is designed for comfort in winter.
iii) Year round air-conditioning – These system consists of heating and cooling equipments
with automatic control to produce comfortable condition throughout the year
3) Classification as to Equipment Arrangement-
i) Unitary system ii) Central system

Q . 6 (e) Any four points………………………..…...(1x4=4)

Sr.no Factors Open cycle gas turbine Closed cycle gas turbine
1. Pressure Lesser pressure Higher pressure
2. Size of the plant for given Larger size Reduced size
3. Output
output Lesser output Greater output
4. Corrosion of turbine Corrosion takes place due to No corrosion since there is
5. Working
blades medium Loss of workinggases
contaminated medium No loss of
indirect working medium.

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6. Filtration of incoming air It may cause severe problem. No filtration of air is required.
7. Part load efficiency Less part load efficiency More part load efficiency
8. Thermal efficiency Less thermal efficiency More thermal efficiency
9. Requirement of cooling No Requirement of cooling water Larger amount of cooling
10. Weight
water of system for Less More
water required
11. given power to the changing Good response Poor response
12. Fluid
load friction More Fluid friction Less Fluid friction
Q6 f) Methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine

(List of methods -2 marks, explanation of any one – 2 marks)

1) Regeneration – This is done by preheating the compressed air before entering to the
combustion chamber with the turbine exhaust in a heat exchanger, thus saving fuel consumption.

(a) Reheating : The whole expansion in the turbine is achieved in two or more stages
&reheating is done after each stage.

(a) Intercooling

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3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.

1. A) Attempt any three : 12

a) An engine of diameter 250 mm and 375 mm stroke works on otto cycle. The clearance
volume is 0.00263 m3, find the air standard efficiency of cycle also sketch the cycle on
P-V plane.
b) State any four industrial uses of compressed air.
c) Define the following terms related to compressor.
i) Compressor capacity
ii) Free air delivered
iii) Volumetric efficiency
iv) Mechanical efficiency.
d) What is pre-ignition ? State any two factors responsible for pre-ignition.

B) Attempt any one : 6

a) A petrol engine working on otto cycle has compression ratio 8 and consumes 1 kg of air
per minute. If maximum temperature during the cycle is 2001 k and minimum temperature
is 299 k. Find power developed by engine.
b) Write any three pollutants in exhaust gasses of petrol and diesel engine with their effects on

2. Attempt any two : 16

a) Compare Reciprocating air compressor and Rotary air compressor mentioning the basis of
comparison (any 8 points)
b) Explain sensible heating and cooling with dehumidification by sketching it on outline diagram of
psychrometric chart.
17529 [2] *17529*
c) The following observations were made during the test on an oil engine BP of engine = 31.5 kW,
fuel used = 10.5 kg/hr, C.V. of fuel = 43,000 kJ/kg, jacket circulating water = 540 kg/hr, rise
in temperature of cooling water = 56°C, water circulated through exhaust gas
calorimeter = 545 kg/hr, rise in temperature of water passing through exhaust gas
calorimeter = 36°C, temperature of exhaust gas leaving the exhaust gas calorimeter = 82°C,
A : F ratio = 19:1, ambient temperature = 17°C, Cp for exhaust gases = 1 kJ/kg°k. Draw up
the heat balance sheet on minute basis.
3. Attempt any Four : 16
a) What is catalytic convertor ? Explain two way catalytic convertor with neat sketch.
b) Draw constant pressure closed cycle gas turbine on P.V and T-S planes. Name the various
processes involved and give its efficiency equation with meaning of each term.
c) Draw and explain simple vapour absorption refrigeration system.
d) Name the different sensors used in ECU of modern automobile with their application. (minimum 4)
e) Explain different stages of combustion in C.I. engine with sketch.
4. A) Attempt any three : 12
a) Explain MPFI system with sketch.
b) Define the following related I.C. engine.
i) Indicated power
ii) Brake power
iii) Brake specific fuel consumption
iv) Relative efficiency.
c) Draw and explain Battery ignition system.
d) Describe the method to measure indicated power of I.C. engine.
B) Attempt any one : 6
a) List the additives of Lubricant used in S.I. engine and state their advantages.
b) Explain working of 4 stroke S.I. engine with neat sketch.
5. Attempt any two : 16
a) Explain construction and working of ice plant with neat sketch.
b) A pneumatic rock drill requires 10 kg/min of air at 6 bar pressure. Find the power required to
drive the single acting single stage reciprocating compressor receiving air at 1 bar and 27°C.
Assume mechanical efficiency as 80% and value of index, n as 1.25. Take Cp = 1.005 kJ/kgk
and Cv = 0.718 kJ/kgk for air. Also estimate isothermal efficiency of compression.
c) Explain construction and working of turbojet with neat labelled sketch.
6. Attempt any four : 16
a) Represent subcooling and superheating on P-h and T-S diagram in refrigeration also give its
effect on C.O.P. of refrigeration.
b) Define perfect and imperfect inter-cooling in air compressor and show it by graph also.
c) Draw P-V and T-S diagram for dual cycle. Name the processes involved in it.
d) Give classification of air conditioning system.
e) Compare, closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine (any four point).
f) State the different methods used to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine. Explain any one
in brief.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the
model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try
to assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more
Importance (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the
figure. The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept

Q.1 A) Attempt any Three

a) Air standard efficiency – Otto cycle

ASC efficiency

ηOtto = 1/ 1 – ( rc)γ -1

Where Rc= Compression Ratio

Air standard efficiency – Diesel Cycle

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Air standard efficiency

Where – Rc- Comp. ratio =

b) i) Compression Ratio Rc – It’s a ratio of total cylinder volume to the clearance volume.

ii) Swept Volume VS – It is the volume swept by piston when travelled from one dead centre
to the other.

Vs = A x L A – Piston area cm2, L – Length of stroke cm

iii) Cut off Ratio – It is the ratio of volume at the end of combustion to the clearance volume
ratio ρ = v3/v2

iv) Clearance Volume VC = The nominal volume of the space on the combustion side of the
piston of TDC

c) Uses of compressed air:- ( Any 8 uses each for ½ mark)

1. Cleaning automobiles

2. Pneumatic tools

3. Supercharging in I.C. engines

4. Cooling of large building

5. Construction of bridges, roads etc.

6. Spraying points
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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
7. Spraying fuel in high speed diesel engine

8. Starting of I.C. engines

d) Sketch of vane compressor

Q.1 B Attempt any one

a) Necessity of I.C. engine testing

i) To get information, that is not possible to be determine by calculations.

ii) To confirm the validity of data used while designing the engine.

iii) To satisfy the customer as to rated power with guarantied fuel consumption.

iv) To reduce the cost and to improve the power output and reliability of an engine.

v) To know & improve the performance of an engine.

Test carried out on I.C. Engine – 1) Commercial Tests 2) Thermodynamic Tests

1) Commercial Tests – These tests are carried out in order to check following
a) Rated power out-put with guarantied fuel consumption in kg/kw hr
b) Quantity of lubricating oil per kw-hr
c) Quantity of cooling water per kw-hr
d) Steadiness of engine under varied load conditions
e) Overload carrying capacity of the engine
2) Thermodynamic Tests – These tests are carried out for the purpose of comparing actual results with
theoretical results by measuring following parameters and then drawing heat balance sheet.
i) Indicated power
ii) Brake power
iii) Frictional power
iv) Rate of fuel consumption
v) Rate of flow of cooling water and its temperature rise
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vi) Heat carried by exhaust gas

b) Morse Test – This test carried out for multi cylinder I.C. engine. In this test, first engine is allowed to run
(4-cylinder I.C. engine) at constant speed and brake power of engine is measured when all four cylinders are
working and developing indicated power.

I2+I3+I4 = (BP)engine +(F1+F2+F3+F4)

Where I1, I2, I3 and I4 – Indicated power of four cylinders

(BP)engine – Brake power of engine when all cylinders are working

F1, F2, F3, F4 – Frictional power of all four cylinders

The first cylinder is cut off by short circuiting in case S.I. engine or cutting fuel supply in case C.I. engine.
This causes the speed to drop due to non working of first cylinder and consumption of frictional power. This
speed is once again maintained to its original value by reducing load on the engine

I2+I2+I3+I4 = (BP)2,3,4 +(F1+F2+F3+F4)

Where (BP)2,3,4 – Brake power of 2,3 & 4 cylinders only.

Repeat the above procedure for remaining cylinders and calculate I.P. of the engine.

 Cylinder 2 is cut off – I1+I3+I4 = (BP)1,3,4 +(F1+F2+F3+F4)

 Cylinder 3 is cut off – I1+I2+I4 = (BP)1,2,4 +(F1+F2+F3+F4)
 Cylinder 4 is cut off – I1+I2+I3 = (BP)1,2,3 +(F1+F2+F3+F4)

I.P. of cylinder 1 is calculated as Eq. 1 – Eq.2

I1 = (BP)engine – (BP)2,3,4

Similarly I2,I3 and I4 is calculated as follows

I2 = (BP)engine – (BP)1,3,4

I3 = (BP)engine – (BP)1,2,4

I4 = (BP)engine – (BP)1,2,3

Indicated power of engine = I.P.

IP = I1+I2+I3+I4

Frictional power of engine

FP = IP – (BP)engine

and mechanical efficiency

Thus Morse test is used to calculate IP, FP and by assuming FP of each cylinder remains constant.

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
2. Attempt any Two

a) Mass flow rate of fuel = m = 6 kg/hr

C.V. of fuel = 44,000 kJ/kg

Mass flow rate of cooling water = mw

mw = 11.5 Kg/min

Mass flow rate of exhaust gases = mg

mg = 4.2 Kg/min

Sp. Heat of exhaust gas – 1 kJ/kg0k

Heat supplied by fuel = mf x C.V. of fuel

= 0.1 x 44,000

= 4,400 kJ/min

Heat equivalent of BP = 18 x 60 = 1080 kJ/min

Heat carried by cooling water

= mw x Cpw x

= 11.5 x 4.187 x 25

= 1203.76 kJ/min

Heat carried by exhaust gas = mg x Cpg x

= 4.2 x 1 x 220

= 924 kJ/min

Unaccounted heat =

Heat supplied – (Heat equivalent of BP + Heat carried by cooling water + Heat carried by exhaust. gas)

= 4400 – (1080 + 1203.76 + 924)

= 1192.24 kJ/min

Heat balance sheet

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Heat supplied kJ/min % Heat expenditure kJ/min %

Heat supplied by fuel 4400 100 Heat equivalent BP 1080 24.54

heat in C.W. 1203.76 27.36

Heat in exh. gas 924 21.00

uncounted heat 1192.24 27.10

4400 100 4400 100

b) Necessity of multistage compression

i) As index of compression ‘n’ increases it increases compression work.

ii) Increase in pressure ratio (P2/P1) it increases work as well as size of cylinder.

iii) Increment in pressure ratio (P2/P1) beyond certain limit, volumetric efficiency decreases
while it increases leakage loss on either sides the piston and valves.

Due to above pointes and for higher pressure ratio compressor needs multistaging.

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
Fig. shows arrangement of two stage reciprocating air compressor with inter cooler and its
working shown on P.V. diagram plane.

Processes occurred in the cycle

 - 1 – 2 – suction process by LP cylinder to draw atmospheric pressure

 - 2 – 3 – compression process by LP cylinder up to pressure P2
 - 3 – 4 – delivery of compressed air into the air cooler
 - 4 – 5 – during this process air rejects the heat to the cold water and at the same time suction
process by HP cylinder to draw air from air cooler.
 - 5 – 6 – compression pressure by HP cylinder up to required pressure P3
 - 6 – 7 – delivery of compressed air at required pressure to the point of use.

This completes the process and system has shown saving in work shown by shaded portion.

Q.2. c) Vapour compression refrigeration on P-H and T-S diagram plane.

Processes in VCR cycle

1) The point 1 represents condition of refrigerant at entry of compressor which is wet.

Process 1 – 2 – Isentropic compression of refrigerant vapour till it becomes dry and saturated.

Process 2 – 3 – Condensation of vapour refrigerant up to saturated liquid condition at constant pressure.

Process 3 – 4 – Expansion of liquid refrigerant by expansion device. This reduces pressure as well as
temperature of liquid refrigerant.

Process 4 – 1 – Evaporation of liquid refrigerant in the evaporator thus establishing required refrigerating

Thus it completes one cycle of refrigeration.

Refrigerating effect = RE = m (h1 – h4)

Compressor power = m (h2 – h1)

Where m = mass flow rate of refrigerant in kg/sec.

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer

Q.3 Attempt any four.

(a) Valve timing diagram for 4 stroke petrol engine (4-marks)

(b) Turbocharging: (sketch -2, explaination – 2 marks)

-Turbocharger is a gas turbine driven by exhaust gas of engine.

- About 30% of heat input goes with exhaust gases. This exhaust gas can be used to run a gas turbine.

- The gas turbine develops the sufficient power to drive centrifugal compressor, which is used to supply the air
to engine. This results in increased power output & better thermal efficiency of engine. Thus, supercharging
done by driving compressor with the help of engine turbine utilizing exhaust of engine is called as

- In order to supply sufficient energy to the turbo charger, the exhaust valve is opened much before the BDC
as compared to naturally aspirated engine, to allow the exhaust gas to escape at higher pressure & temp giving
the turbocharger enough energy to drive the compressor.

- Fig. below shows turbocharger.

(c) Three way catalytic convertor (sketch -2, explaination – 2 marks)

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer

- Three way convertor uses thin coating of platinum , palladium and rhodium over a support metal (generally
alumina) & acts on all three major constituents of exhaust gas pollution i. e. hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide &
oxides of nitrogen, oxidizing these to water , carbon dioxide & free hydrogen & nitrogen respectively.

- It operates in two stages, the first convertor stage uses rhodium to reduce the NO2 in the exhaust into nitrogen
& oxygen. In second stage convertor platinum or palladium acts as oxidation catalyst to change HC & CO into
harmless water & CO2.

- For supplying the oxygen required in the second stage air is fed into the exhaust after the first stage.

- Reactions within catalyst produce additional heat that reaches temperature of 900oC, which is required for the
catalytic converter to operate at complete efficiency. To safeguard from this high temperature, the catalytic
converter is made of stainless steel &special heat shields are also used.

(d) Turbopropellar : (sketch -2, explaination – 2 marks)

-In turboprop engine propeller is present.

- The turbine is designed so that it develops shaft power for driving a propeller to provide most of the
propulsive thrust, and only a small amount thrust is provided by jet.

- In this case, nearly 80 to 90% of the power propulsion is generated by turbine & is transmitted to the
propeller through reduction gear. The remaining 10 to 20% of the thrust is developed by expanding the turbine
exhaust in a nozzle of suitable design.

- The turboprop combines in it the merits of turbojet engine and propeller i. e. Low specific weight, small
frontal area, simplicity, lower vibrations, high power for the take off and high propulsive efficiency at high

(e) Superheating

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer

-Due to superheating suction temperature of compressor increases , increasing compressor power but it also
increases the refrigerating effect therefore COP of system remains more or less constant. The superheating is
not done to increase the refrigerating effect or COP but it is done to increase the life of compressor.


The process of cooling refrigerant below condensing temperature for a given pressure is known as subcooling.

-Due to subcooling the refrigerating effect increases or for same refrigerating effect the circulation rate
refrigerant decreases and therefore COP of system increases. Thus subcooling is desirable & is done to
increase refrigerating effect & COP of system.

(sketch -2, explaination – 2 marks)

OR – combined fig of superheating & subcooling

Q.4 (A) Attempt any three.

(a) Detonation ( any four causes – 4 marks)

The loud pulsating noise heard within the engine cylinder is known as detonation.

The following are the certain factors which causes detonation.

(1) The shape of the combustion chamber.

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
(2) The relative position of the sparking plugs in case of petrol engines.
(3) The chemical nature of the fuel.
(4) The initial temp & pressure of fuel
(5) The rate of combustion of that portion of fuel which is the first to ignite. This portion of fuel in heating
up , compresses the remaining unburnt fuel, thus producing the condition for auto ignition to occur.

(b) Effect of pollutants on environment (any four – 4 marks.)

The major air pollutants emitted by petrol & diesel engines are CO2, CO, HC, NOx, SO2, smoke & lead vapour.

Effect of CO:
(1) Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin forming carboy hemoglobin ,which reduces oxygen
carrying capacity of blood.
(2) This leads to laziness, exhaustion of body & headache.
(3) Prolong exposure can even leads to death.
(4) It also affects cardiovascular system, thereby causing heart problem

Effect of CO2: Causes respiratory disorder & suffocation.

Effect of NOx:

• It causes respiration irritation, headache, bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, impairment of lung, loss
of appetite , & corrosion of teeth to human body.

Effect of HC:

• It has effect like reduced visibility, eye irritation , peculiar odour & damage to vegetation &
acceleration the cracking of rubber products.

• It induce cancer, affect DNA & cell growth are know a carcinogens.

Effect of SO2: It is toxic & corrosive gas, human respiratory track of animals, plants & crops.

(c) Methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine (List of methods -2 marks, explanation of
any one – 2 marks)

1) Regeneration – This is done by preheating the compressed air before entering to the combustion
chamber with the turbine exhaust in a heat exchanger, thus saving fuel consumption.

2) Improving turbine output: this can be done by

(a) Reheating : The whole expansion in the turbine is achieved in two or more stages &reheating is done
after each stage.
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(b) Increasing the value of maximum cycle temp.

(c) Improving turbine efficiency by improving design.

3. Reducing compressor input: By

(a) Intercooling : Compressor work is reduced by intercooling the air between the compressor stages.

(b)By lowering inlet temp to compressor

(c) By increasing compressor efficiency

(d) Water injection at inlet to compressor

(d) Jet Propulsion: This is done by expanding the gas which is at high temperature & pressure through the
nozzle so that the gas with very high velocity leaves the nozzle giving thrust in opposite direction.

- Principle is based on Newton’s Second & third law of motion.

Jet propulsion – Classification

(1) Atmospheric jet engines (breathing engine)

-Turbojet engine
- Turbo prop engines
- Ram jet
(2) Rocket engine (Non - breathing engine)

( Jet propulsion -2 marks, classification -2 marks)

Q.4. (B) Attempt any one.

(a) Turning moment diagram of four stroke engine: (sketch -2, explaination – 2 marks)

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer

During suction stroke, negative loop is formed as pressure inside engine cylinder is less than atmospheric

During compression stroke, work is done on gases therefore higher negative loop is formed.

During expansion or power stroke, fuel burn & gases expand therefore large positive loop is formed & during
this stroke we get work output.

During exhaust stroke, work is done on the gas to expel it out of cylinder , hence negative loop is formed.

(b) Given,

(B.P.)engine = 16.2 kW ,(B.P.)2,3,4 = 11.55 kW, (B.P.)1,3,4 = 11.63 kW, (B.P.)1,2,4 = 11.68 kW

(B.P.)1,2,3 = 11.51 kW

I.P. of 1st cylinder = I1 = (B.P.)engine - ,(B.P.)2,3,4 = 16.2 – 11.55 = 4.65 kW


I2 = (B.P.)engine - (B.P.)1,3,4 = 16.2 – 11.63 = 4.57 kW

I3 = (B.P.)engine - (B.P.)1,2,4 = 16.2 – 11.68 = 4.52 kW

I4 = (B.P.)engine - (B.P.)1,2,3 = 16.2 – 11.51 = 4.69 kW

Indicated power of engine

I.P. = I1 + I2+ I3+ I4 = 4.65+ 4.57 + 4.52 + 4.69 = 18.43 kW

Mechanical efficiency = 87.9 % ----------------------Ans

Q.5 a) Differentiate (any eight) each 1 marks

Reciprocating compressor Rotary compressor

1. Compressor of air take place with help of 1. Compression of air take place due to rotary
piston and cylinder arrangement with motion of blades.
reciprocating motion of piston.
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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
2. Delivery of air intermittent. 2. Delivery of air is continuous.
3. Delivery pressure is high i.e. pressure ratio 3. Delivery pressure is low, i.e. pressure ratio
is high. is low.
4. Flow rate of air is low. 4. Flow rate of air is high.
5. Speed of compressor is low because of 5. Speed of compressor is high because of
unbalanced forces. perfect balancing.
6. Reciprocating air compressor has more 6. Rotary air compressor has less number of
number of moving parts. moving part.
7. It needs proper lubrication and more 7. It required less lubrication and
maintenance. maintenance.
8. Due to low speed of ration it can’t be 8. Rotary air compressor can be directly
directly coupled to prime mover but it coupled to prime mover.
requires reduction of speed.
9. It is used when small quantity of air at high 9. It is used where large quantity of air at
pressure is required. lower pressure is required.

Q.5 b) i) Gas turbine with inter cooling.

LPC – LOW pressure cylinder

HPC – high pressure cylinder

CC – combustion chamber

T – Turbine

( 2+ 2 marks)

The net work of gas turbine cycle may be increased by saving some compression work. This is done
by using several stages of compression with inter cooling of air between stages. The air from first stage of
compression is cooled in inter cooler approximately to its initial temperature before entering to second stage of
compressor. The effect of inter cooling is to decrease the network and increase the efficiency as compared to
the simple ideal cycle without inter cooling. The ideal open gas turbine with inter cooling can be shown as 1 –

In first stage compressor atmospheric air is compressed from P1 to P2, it is them cooled from temperature T2 to
T3 = T1 in the inter cooler at constant inter mediate pressure Px and finally compressed from Px to P2 in second
stage or compressor.

ii) Gas turbine with reheating ( 2+ 2 marks)

CC – Combustion Chamber

C – Compressor

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
T – Turbine

By reheating or adding heat to exhaust gases after have passed through a part of the rows of turbine
balding (or stages), a further increase in work done obtained. In reheating, the gas temperature which has
dropped due to expansion is brought back to approximately the initial temperature for expansion in next stage.
Since the working fluid contains about 85% of air, additional fuel can be burnt by injecting it into the gases
without any additional air supply. The reheat cycle can be shown as 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6. The combustion
gases from combustion chamber CC1 at temperature T 3 is partially expanded in the HP turbine from P2 to
intermediate pressure Px. After this, it is them passed through combustion chamber CC2 where it is reheated at
constant pressure Px so that the temperature of gas is raised from T 4 to T5. After this gas is expanded in second
stage of turbine reheating is shown by shaded area.

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
Q.5 c) ( 4+ 4 marks)

Vapour compression refrigeration cycle

Vapour compression refrigeration cycle consist of four different processes 1) Compression 2)

Condensation 3) Expansion 4) Evaporation

Components and its functions

1) Compressor – The low pressure & temperature refrigerant from evaporator is drawn into compressor.
It is compressed to a high pressure & high temp. vapour refrigerant is discharged into condenser.
2) Condenser – High pressure & temperature vapour refrigerant is cooled and condensed by using air or
water & form liquid vapour refrigerant. Heat is rejected
3) Expansion valve – to control flow of refrigerant and reducing it pressure and temperature
4) Evaporator – liquid vapour refrigerant at low pressure and low temperature is evaporated by absorbing
heat from system or substance and change into vapour refrigerant.

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
Q.6 a) The MPFI means multi point injection system. In this system each cylinder has number of injector to
supply/ spray fuel in cylinder as compared to one injector located centrally to supply and spray fuel in case of
single point injection system. ( 1+ any one method 3 marks)

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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
b) Define i) Free air delivered (FAD) – It is volume of air delivered under the condition of temperature and
pressure existing at compressor intake, i.e. volume of air delivered at surrounding air temperature & pressure.
In absence of any given free air conditions these are generally taken as 1.101325 bar and 150c.

ii) Compressor capacity – It is quantity of free air actually delivered by compressor in m3/min.

iii) Swept volume – It is the volume of air taken during sanction stroke. It is expressed in m3.

iv) Pressure ratio – It is defined as delivery pressure to suction pressure.

One mark each

c) Working principle of jet propulsion ( 2+ 2 marks)

- Jet propulsion is based on Newton’s second law and third law’s of motion.

- Means producing forward axial thrust by means of reaction of jet of gases which are discharged
rearward with a high velocity (aircraft, missile & submarine)

- As applied to vehicle operating in fluid, a momentum is imparted to a mass of fluid in a such a

manner that the reaction of imparted momentum furnishes a propulsive force. The magnitude of this propulsive
force is termed as thrust.

- For efficient production of large power, fuel is burnt in an atmospheric of compressed air combustion
chamber, the product of combustion expanding first in gas turbine which drive the air compressor and second
in nozzle from which thrust is desired for turbojet engine.

Turbojet consist of 1) Diffuser 2) Compressor 3) Combustion chamber 4) Turbine 5) Jet-nozzle.

Function – Diffuser is to convert the K.E. or air into state pressure rise, air is compressed in compressor air is
entered into combustion chamber where fuel is supplied and combustion take places at const. It expanded in
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Subject Code : 17529 SUMMER – 15 EXAMINATION Model Answer
turbine where drops or pressure & increased in velocity. After gases leaves the turbine, they further expanded
in nozzle & its leaves with high velocity to produce forward thrust…?

d) Differentiate each point 1 mark

Heat pump Refrigerator

1. It is a device to maintain temperature of system 1. It is a device to maintain temperature of the

above the atmospheric temp. system below the atmospheric temperature.
2. Heat pump is to transfer heat energy from low 2. Refractor is to transfer heat energy from LTR to
thermal reservoir to high thermal reservoir with HTR by supplying external work.
some external work supplied
3. 3.

4. 4.

e) Working of window air conditioner ( 2+ 2 marks)

The low pressure and low temperature refrigerant vapour from evaporator is sucked by compressor. The
compressor compresses the vapour to high pressure and high temperature and discharges to the condenser. On
the condenser the refrigerant vapour condenses by dissipating heat to the cooling medium (air) the liquid
refrigerant coming out of condenser passes through filter, dryer into capillary tube where it is again throated
back to the evaporated pressure. The low pressure low temp liquid refrigerant then flows to evaporator which it
boil off by extracting heat from air to be circuited to the conditioned space.

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*17529* 17529

3 Hours/100 Marks
Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator
is permissible.

1. A) Attempt any three : 12
a) Write the equations for air standard efficiency of otto cycle and diesel
cycle and state various terms involved in it.
b) Define :
i) Compression ratio (Rc) ii) Swept volume (vs)
iii) Cut off ratio iv) Clearance volume (vc)
c) Write uses of compressed air.
d) Draw a neat sketch of vane compressor and label the different parts.
B) Attempt any one : 6
a) What is the necessity of I.C. Engine Testing ? What are the different test
carried out on I.C. Engines ?
b) Explain the procedure for conducting Morse test.
2. Attempt any two : 16
a) An I.C. Engine uses 6 kg of fuel having calorific value 44000 kJ/kg in one
hour. The IP developed is 18 kW. The temperature of 11.5 kg of cooling
water was found to rise through 25°C per minute. The temperature of 42 kg of
exhaust gas with specific heat 1 kJ/kg°k was found to rise through 220°C.
Draw the heat balance sheet for the engine.
b) What is the necessity of multistage compression ? Explain the working of
two stage reciprocating air compressor with intercooler, with the help of p-v
c) Explain vapour compression refrigeration (for dry saturated state of refrigerant)
cycle with the help of P-h and T-s charts.

17529 *17529*
3. Attempt any four : 16
a) Draw actual valve timing diagram for 4-stroke petrol engine.
b) Explain turb charging with a neat sketch.
c) Explain three way catalytic convertor.
d) Explain with a neat sketch turbo propeller w.r.to Jet propulsion.
e) Explain the concept of super heating and sub cooling with the help of P-h and
T-s charts.
4. A) Attempt any three : 12
a) What are the causes of detonation in I.C. engine ?
b) What are the effects of pollutants on environment ?
c) What are the methods to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine ?
Explain any one method.
d) What is jet propulsion ? Give the classification of jet propulsion system.
B) Attempt any one : 6
a) Explain with neat sketch turning moment diagram for a four-stroke engine.
b) The following results were obtained during Morse test on 4-stroke petrol
B.P. developed when all cylinders are working = 16.2 kW.
B.P. developed when cylinder No. 1 cutt off = 11.55 kW.
B.P. developed when cylinder No. 2 cut off = 11.63 kW
B.P. developed when cylinder No. 3 cut off = 11.68 kW
B.P. developed when cylinder No. 4 cut off = 11.51 kW
Calculate mechanical efficiency of engine.
5. Attempt any two : 16
a) Differentiate between reciprocating and rotary compressors.
b) Explain intercooling and reheating in gas turbine with the help of T-S diagram.
c) Draw a neat sketch of vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Describe its
6. Attempt any four : 16
a) What is MPFI ? Explain any one MPFI system with neat sketch.
b) Define :
i) Free air delivered ii) Compressor capacity
iii) Swept volume iv) Pressure ratio, w.r.to compressor.
c) Explain the working principle of jet propulsion with a neat sketch.
d) Differentiate between heat pump and refrigerator.
e) Explain the working of window air conditioner with neat sketch.

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