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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 1 of 32
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 4 of 32
against corrosion.
1.b Answer any two 8
1.b-i Dispersion method: 4 marks
i) Mechanical dispersion for any
ii) Electrical dispersion one
iii) Peptization
Electrical dispersion (Bredig’s arc method)
This methods is used to prepare hydrosols of metals such as silver, gold &
platinum. This method uses two electrodes that are made of the metal of which sol
is to be prepared. These electrodes are immersed in deionized water containing a
trace of alkali contained in a container. Water is cooled by immersing the container
in an ice or water bath.
An arc is struck between the two electrodes held close together. The large amount
of heat generated by the spark across the electrodes vaporizes some of the metal &
the vapors condense immediately in water to yield colloidal solution. The small
amount of alkali added to the water helps to stabilize the sol. This method is used
for preparing silver & gold sols.
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Initially a thin layer of oxide film is formed and it gradually grows with time. The
nature of metal oxide film/layer formed decides the prevention or continuation of
corrosion. The oxide film produced based on its nature can be classified as:
(i)stable oxide film : it acts as a barrier between metal and oxygen and thus
prevents further corrosion. it may be porous or non-porous in nature
(ii) unstable oxide film : when the oxide film is umstable , it decomposes back to
the metal and oxygen. Hence oxidation corrosion is not possible in case of nobel
metals such as Ag , Au as they are protected by this manner.
(ii)volatile oxide film : when oxide film formed is volatile, it volatalises as soon as
it is formed and metal surface is exposed to further corrosion. Hence it leads to
continuous and excessive corrosion.
Corrosion by other gases
1.b-iii i)Rubber Lining:
Rubber Lining is an application method used to protect multiple types of systems
by lining corrosion and abrasion-resistant rubber upon the surface or inside of pipes
and tanks.
Lining is done by hand by our experienced staff for a durable finished product, so 1
having application accuracy by qualified liners and crews are a must.
The equipments to be lined, working conditions and environment are different for
each customer. Therefore, selecting the most suitable material is a crucial
procedure that we provide to cater to their specification
Steeland non ferrous industry
Organic chemical industry
Fertilizer industry
Pollution control equipment
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ii)Glass Lining:
Glass resistance is excellent resistance to all acids .it is subjected to alkali attack.
Glass is also damage by thermal shock. Methods foe glass lining are:
Wet spray process: The metal surface of a vessel on which glass lining is to be 1
done is cleaned. A suspension called slip consisting of enamel powder and
emulsifying agent I sprayed like a paint on metal surface, then the coat is drayed
and then the vessel is transfer to a furnace and fired at temp that result in fusion of
Hot dust method:
It is generally applicable to cast iron components’ he process is similar to wet
spray only after coating dry powder cover coat enamels is dusted.
Acid storage tank
iii)Lead Lining:
Lead lining is the process of applying lead to sheet metal, plastics or castings.
Vulcan GMS uses a variety of contact cements and epoxies based on the
application. 1
Lead can be saw cut, router cut or die cut to produce the lead blank needed for the
application. We can use other processes like spinning or forming to generate the
needed profiles.
Vulcan can apply the sheets or shapes with pressure if needed to ensure a solid
bond or expansion. We can also use a variety of techniques to ensure that there are
no joints (overlap joints, stop joints, lead burned joints or corner extrusions) which
could cause radiation leaks.
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We also can lead line nearly any application for products such as X-Ray tube
housing, X-Ray tunnels, X-Ray tanks and collimators, which are all typically used
in the medical X-ray and security markets.
iv)Plastic Lining
Lined tanks are widely used in the finishing industry—especially for corrosives.
The lining protects the tank from corrosion and the tank contents from
contamination, and the substrate provides structural integrity. In electroplating, the 1
lining also provides electrical insulation.
2 Attempt any four 16
2-a Expression for Work done in Reversible Isothermal Expansion of gas 4
Consider a gas enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a weightless & frictionless piston,
undergoing a reversible expansion process. The cylinder is in thermal equilibrium
with the surroundings so that the temperature of the gas remains constants while its
The total work done by the gas in the expansion process as the piston moves from
position 1to position 2 during which volume is changing from V1 to V2(and its
pressure is reduced from P1 to P2) is given by
2 v2
W = W 1-2 = ∫ PdV = ∫ PdV
1 v1
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PV = nRT
P = nRT/V (2)
Substituting for P from eq (2) eq (1 becomes )
V2 v2
W= ∫ ( nRT/V )dV = nRT ∫ dV/V
V1 v1
Integrating gives
W = nRTlnV2 /V1 (3)
We have P1 V1 = nRT1 and P2 V2 = nRT2
But T1=T2----------------------- For Isothermal Process
P1V1 = P2 V2
V2/ V1 = P1/P2
With this, equation (3) becomes
W = nRTlnP1 /P2
W = nRTlnV2 /V1 = nRTlnP1 /P2
A galvanic cell consists of two half-cells, such that the electrode of one half-cell is
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 10 of 32
composed of metal A, and the electrode of the other half-cell is composed of metal
B; the redox reactions for the two separate half-cells. The solutions are connected
by a salt bridge or a porous plate in order to conduct the ions (both the metal-A
cations from one solution, and the anions from the other solution), which balances
the charges of the solutions and thereby allows the reaction between metal A and
metal B to continue without opposition.Copper readily oxidizes zinc; for the the
anode is zinc and the cathode is copper, and the anions in the solutions
are sulfates of the respective metals. When an electrically conducting device
connects the electrodes, the electrochemical reaction is:. The zinc electrode is
dissolved and copper is deposited on the copper electrode.Galvanic cells are
typically used as a source of electrical power. By their nature, they produce direct
2-c Phase diagram for water system: 4
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The heat of adsorption are low i.e. The heat of adsorption are high i.e.
about 20 – 40 kJ mol-1 about 40 – 400 kJmol-1
This type of adsorption decreases with This type of adsorption first increases
increase of temperature. with increase of temperature. The
effect is called activated adsorption.
It is not specific in nature i.e. all gases It is specific in nature and occurs only
are adsorbed on all solids to some when there is some possibility of
extent. compound formation between the gas
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 13 of 32
Galvanic corrosion:
Selective leaching, also called dealloying, demetalification, parting and selective
corrosion, is a corrosion type in some solid solutionalloys, when in suitable
conditions a component of the alloys is preferentially leached from the material.
The less noble metal is removed from the alloy by microscopic-scale galvanic
corrosion mechanism. The most susceptible alloys are the ones containing metals
with high distance between each other in the galvanic series, e.g. copper and zinc in
brass. The elements most typically undergoing selective removal are zinc,
aluminium, iron,cobalt, chromium and others
3 Attempt any four 16
3-a Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm: Freundlich gave an empirical expression
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Where x is the mass of the gas adsorbed on mass m of the adsorbent at pressure p 3
and k, n are constants whose values depend upon adsorbent and gas at particular
Explanation of Freundlich Adsorption equation
At low pressure, extent of adsorption is directly proportional to pressure (raised to
power one).
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 16 of 32
The most commonly used lining materials are polymers, refractories, cement and
bricks. Which materials are used for lining depends on the materials and
surroundings upon which lining is to be applied.
In an isothermal reversible expansion, the heat q absorbed by the system from the
surroundings is
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 17 of 32
Since the heat absorbed by the system is the amount lost by the surroundings,
qsys=−qsurr.Therefore, for a truly reversible process, the entropy change is
If we put the two equations for ΔSunivtogether for both types of processes, we are
left with the second law of thermodynamics,
where ΔSuniv equals zero for a truly reversible process and is greater than zero for
an irreversible process. In reality, however, truly reversible processes never happen
(or will take an infinitely long time to happen), so it is safe to say all
thermodynamic processes we encounter everyday are irreversible in the direction
they occur.
3-d Homogeneous System:
A homogeneous thermodynamic system is defined as the one whose chemical
composition and physical properties are the same in all parts of the system, or 2
change continuously from one point to another.
A homogeneous system can be exemplified by imagining a column of atmospheric
air, which is a mixture of a number of gases, mainly nitrogen and oxygen. In a
system of this kind, acted upon by the force of gravity, both the composition of the
system and its physical properties will continuously change from one point to
A homogeneous system and each phase of a heterogeneous system may consist of
one or several pure substances.
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Hetrogeneous System:
A heterogeneous system is denned as one consisting of two or more homogeneous
An example of a heterogeneous system is water with ice floating in it. This 2
system has two homogeneous bodies, water and ice. The chemical composition of
the two phases is the same, but their physical properties differ drastically.
Another example of a heterogeneous system is the content of a sealed steel tube
containing liquid mercury, liquid ethyl alcohol, and a mixture of saturated vapors
of the alcohol and mercury. This heterogeneous system comprises three phases.
The first phase is the liquid mercury, the second is the liquid ethyl alcohol, and the
third phase is represented by the mixture of saturated vapors. Here the chemical
compositions and the physical properties of all phases are different.
3-e 4
Phase diagram of Sulphur system:
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Properties(any 3) 2
High ductility,
excellent drawing,
forming, and
spinning properties.
4 Attempt any four 16
4-a Derivation of phase rule 4
Lets assume that we have a heterogeneous system in equilibrium consisting of C
components distributed in P phases .
The composition of each phase containing C component is determined by
specifying C -1 mole fraction since the some of mole fraction of components
present in any phase is equal to 1.If we specify mole fractions of components ,say
2,3,4 …..,then mole fraction of component 1 is obtained as
X1 = 1-(X1+X2+X3+….).Thus as regarding composition, each phase possess C-1
variables. Since there are P phases, it follows that the whole system possesses P(C-
1) composition variables.
State of the system will depend upon temperature and pressure, these 02 variables
are also to be specified .Thus our system of C components and P phases possesses
P(C-1) + 2 intensive variables.
In order to define the state of system completely ,it is necessary to have as many
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 20 of 32
equations as there are variables .Since the number of equations is equal to the
number of variables ,the number of unknown variables that must be arbitrarily
fixed or specified to define the system completely or the number of degree of
freedom (F) or variance of the system will be
F = Number of variables – Number of Equations
= P(C-1) + 2 - C(p-1)
= PC – P + 2 – PC + C
F = C-P + 2
4-b Applications of Teflon: 1 mark
1. Cookware: The nonstick property of Teflon has been used in the each for
manufacture of cookware ever since the discovery of this material. Its any 2
extremely low frictional properties and high heat resistance have made
Teflon cookware very popular.
2. Machine parts: The extremely low friction of Teflon makes it ideal for
making machine parts, such as gears, bearings, pipe linings, joints, slide
plates, bushings, O-rings, and saw blades. There is a lot of sliding action
in the working of such machine parts. The low friction and self-
lubricating property of Teflon decreases wear and tear and increases the
life of machinery.
3. Fabric and carpet industry: The nonstick property of Teflon is also used
in fabrics and carpets for improving their stain-resistant qualities.
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Applications of Polypropylene:
PVC comes in two basic forms: rigid (sometimes abbreviated as RPVC) and
flexible. The rigid form of PVC is used in construction for pipe and in profile 1
applications such as doors and windows. It is also used for bottles, other non-
food packaging, and cards (such as bank or membership cards). It can be made
softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizers, the most widely used
being phthalates. In this form, it is also used in plumbing, electrical cable
insulation, imitation leather, signage, phonograph records,inflatable products,
and many applications where it replaces rubber.
4-c i)Enthalpy:
A thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat content of a system. It is 1
equal to the internal energy of the system plus the product of pressure and volume.
ii) Entropy:
In thermodynamics, entropy (usual symbol S) is a measure of the number of 1
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 23 of 32
Stability Lyophilic sols are Lyophobic sols are
relatively stable as less stable as weak
strong forces of forces of interaction
interaction exist exist between
between colloidal colloidal particles and
particles and liquid. liquid
4-e 4
Electroplating is the process of plating one metal onto another by hydrolysis, most
commonly for decorative purposes or to prevent corrosion of a metal. There are
also specific types of electroplating such as copper plating, silver plating, and
chromium plating. Electroplating allows manufacturers to use inexpensive metals
such as steel or zinc for the majority of the product and then apply different metals
on the outside to account for appearance, protection, and other properties desired
for the product. The surface can be a metal or even plastic.
Sometimes finishes are solely decorative such as the products we use indoors or in
a dry environment where they are unlikely to suffer from corrosion. These types of
products normally have a thin layer of gold, or silver applied so that it has an
attractive appeal to the consumer. Electroplating is widely used in industries such
as automobile, airplanes, electronics, jewelry, and toys. The overall process of
electroplating uses an electrolytic cell, which consists of putting a negative charge
on the metal and dipping it into a solution that contains metal salt (electrolytes)
which contain positively charged metal ions. Then, due to the negative and positive
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1. Appearance
2. Protection
3. Special surface properties
4. Engineering or mechanical properties
The cathode would be the piece to be plated and the anode would be either a
sacrificial anode or an inert anode, normally either platinum or carbon (graphite
form). Sometimes plating occurs on racks or barrels for efficiency when plating
many products. Please refer to electrolysis for more information. In the figure
below, the Ag+ ions are being drawn to the surface of the spoon and it eventually
becomes plated. The process is undergone using silver as the anode, and a screw as
the cathode. The electrons are transferred from the anode to the cathode and is
underwent in a solution containing silver.
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silica gel and cooled with a liquid air. The activated charcoal adsorbs the traces of
air resulting in the production of very high vacuum in the container.
b) In gas masks: gas masks are personal protective devices containing activated
charcoal. The activated charcoal removes poisonous, toxic gases from air by
adsorption and thus purifies the air for breathing.
c) In heterogeneous catalysis : solid catalyzed gas phase reactions proceed through
the adsorption of gaseous reactants on the surface of a solid catalyst.
d) In removing colouring matter from solutions: animal charcoal removes colours
5-b The different methods to prevent corrosion: 2
1) Use of high purity metal. 2) Use of alloy addition.
1) Use of high purity metal: The impurities present in a metal cause heterogeneity
and form tiny electrochemical cells with rest of the metal. due to this, metal surface
undergoes corrosion at the region where the impurities are present .the corrosion
resistance of any metal can be improved by increasing the purity of the metal.
2) Use of alloy addition: Corrosion resistance as well as strength of metals can be
improved by alloying .ex. stainless steel containing chromium produce a coherent
oxide film which protects the steel from further attack.
1.proper designing and fabrication of componenets 2
2. use of inhibitors.
3.cathodic protections
4.use of protective surface coatings.
5.special heat treatment.
5-c Open system: In which exchange of energy or matter takes place across the 2
boundary with its surroundings
Closed system: In which exchange of energy but not matter takes place across the 2
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θ= KP/( 1+KP)
Langmuir Adsorption Equation
This is known as Langmuir Adsorption Equation.
6 Answer any 4 16
6-a Caustic Embrittlement: Caustic embrittlement is a phenomenon that occurs in 4
boilers where caustic substances accumulate in boiler materials. It also can be
described as the cracking of riveted mild steel boiler plates. This occurs at
temperatures of 200°-250°C as a result of local deposition of concentrated
hydroxide. Caustic embrittlement focuses on the stressed parts of the boiler,
including cracks, bends, rivets and joints. Residual sodium carbonate, which is used
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for the softening process, undergoes hydrolysis, forming sodium hydroxide at high
pressures and temperatures. Caustic embrittlement is also known as stress corrosion
cracking. There are many causes of caustic embrittlement, including the combined
action of the following three components: A susceptible material A given
chemical species Tensile stress Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) prevents scaling
when added to the boiler water. The presence of alkali in the crevices, found around
the rivet heads and other hot spots, combined with fabrication stress around rivet
holes, causes cracks in the steel boiler shells and tube plates. The alkaline water
enters the minute holes and cracks by capillarity action on the interior of the boiler.
The water then diffuses out of the cracks, leaving behind hydroxide salts that
accumulate when more water evaporates. The hydroxide then attacks the
surrounding material of the boiler and dissolves iron as sodium ferrite. This
corrosion at high pH levels produces hydrogen, which attacks the crystal structure
of iron, making it hard and brittle. This is highly dangerous because the tube can
then fail at the boiler's normal operating temperature. Caustic embrittlement can be
prevented through several methods, including: Controlling the temperature and
potential Controlling the stress levels and hardness Use of materials that do not
crack when used in given environments Avoiding alkali where necessary
Replacing sodium carbonates with sodium sulphates as softening reagents Adding
lignin, tannin or sodium sulphate that blocks hairline cracks as well as preventing
infiltration of sodium hydroxide into the areas
6-b Impressed current method for cathodic protection: Generally underground 4
tanks and pipeline are protected by impressed current method. In this method a
rectifier is used to convert AC to DC and this current is applied through an insulted
wire through the anode buried in the soil and connected to the corroding
tank/pipeline, which is to be protected. The current then flows through the soil to
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Subject title: Physical Chemistry & Material of Construction Subject code 17423 Page 30 of 32
the tank and returns to the rectifier through and an insulated wire attached to the
tank. The tank is protected because the current going to it over comes the corrosion
causing current normally flowing away from it.
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and semi-metals.
e) The rate of corrosion is determined by the electrolyte and the difference in
6-e Oxide film: It is the corrosion due to chemical attack of oxygen in a dry 4
environment at low or high temperature. it results in the formation of metal oxide
layer on the metal surface.
The nature of oxide film formed decides the prevention or continuation of
corrosion. The oxide film produced based on its nature can be classified as:
Stable oxide film, unstable and volatile film.
Stable oxide film: it acts as barrier between metal and oxygen and thus prevents
further corrosion. Stable oxide film may be porous or non porous in nature .in
case of porous oxide film permits free access of of oxygen to the metal surface. in
the case of non porous film their are no pores or cracks in the oxide film for further
Unstable oxide film: the film formed decomposes back to the metal and oxygen.
Hence oxidation corrosion is not possible in case of noble metals.
Volatile oxide film: in this case the film formed vaporizes / volatiles as soon as it
is formed and the metal surface is exposed to further corrosion. it leads to continues
and excessive corrosion.
6-f System: The specified portion of the universe containing a definite quantity/amount 1
of a specific substance or group of substances under thermodynamic study is called
a system.
Surrounding: The part of the universe other than the system which is separated 2
from the system by a boundary is called the surroundings. Everything external to
the system is called surroundings.
Boundary: A boundary is a closed surface surrounding a system through which 1
energy and mass may enter or leave the system
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