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Effect of Different Surface Modified Nanoparticles On Viscosity of Nanofluids

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Special Issue Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2018, Vol. 10(2) 1–8
 The Author(s) 2018
Effect of different surface modified DOI: 10.1177/1687814018762011
nanoparticles on viscosity of nanofluids

Shenghan Zhang and Xiaoxue Han

Resistance to fluid flow creates various problems, and fluid viscosity reduction can effectively control these problems.
Hydrophilic TiO2-water and hydrophilic-lipophilic TiO2-water nanofluids were prepared by stirring and ultrasonic mix-
ing; the rotational viscometer was used to measure the viscosity of nanofluids that formed by different surface modifica-
tions of nano-titanium dioxide and deionized water. The results show that the viscosity of TiO2-water nanofluid
increases with the decrease in the temperature and increase in the mass fraction of nanoparticles, the hydrophilic TiO2-
water nanofluids has a slightly larger viscosity than the hydrophilic-lipophilic TiO2-water nanofluids, and the higher the
mass fraction of the nanoparticles is, the greater the difference is.

Nano-titanium dioxide, nanofluids, viscosity, hydrophilicity, lipophilicity

Date received: 13 December 2017; accepted: 6 February 2018

Handling Editor: Ito Kazuhisa

Introduction In addition, the study on the viscosity of nanofluids in

model3,5–9,20–22,40–46 and shear thinning10,11,23,45–49 is
As a physical and chemical property of fluid, viscosity relatively comprehensive, but the data on the influence
is a physical quantity to measure the fluid viscosity, as of different hydrophilicity of nanoparticles on the visc-
well as a presentation of the internal friction caused by osity of nanofluids are still not enough. So, this
the mobilization force from the fluid itself. Fluid with article adopts nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2) with
viscosity will generate resistance when it deforms. different hydrophilicity and deionized water (DIW) to
Nanofluids are typically categorized as suspensions of create different nanofluids, and rotational viscometer is
1–100 nm particles in fluids. As a new type of heat
used to measure the viscosity, thus to research the
transferring medium,1 nanofluids have a higher heat
influence of hydrophilicity of nanoparticles on the visc-
conductivity coefficient than pure water and a lower
osity of nanofluids. The viscosity of the nanofluids can
condensate depression. As a very important physical
be controlled by modifying the hydrophilicity of
parameter of nanofluids, the property of viscosity plays
a very important role in fluid flowing and heat transfer
process. The reduction of viscosity can effectively
reduce the resistance of the fluid flow, reducing the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, North China
energy consumption of the fluid transport, reducing Electric Power University, Baoding, P.R. China
equipment wear and tear.
The viscosity of nanofluids is relative to tempera- Corresponding author:
Xiaoxue Han, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
ture,2–14 particle concentration,2–11,15–29 particle shape North China Electric Power University, No. 689, Huadian Road, Baoding
and size,2–4,12,13,15,16,30–36 particle density37 and physical 071000, Hebei, P.R. China.
properties of the base fluid,3,14,17–19,37,38,39 and so on. Email: hanxiaoxue_hxx@163.com

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

nanoparticles, thereby reducing the energy consump-

tion of fluid delivery.

Experiment methods
Experiment materials
The nano-TiO2 used in the experiment has gone
through different surface modifications, which are
hydrophilic nano-TiO2 (Aladdin, T104949-500g, Lot#
H1603025; average particle size of 10 nm) and
hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2 (Aladdin, T104940-
100g, Lot#J1614006; average particle size of 7.5 nm).
The hydrophilic type was modified by silica, and the
hydrophilic-lipophilic type was modified by silane cou-
pling agent (KH550). Figure 1. Schematic diagram for the viscosity measurement setup.

system forms by loading the samples into specially

Preparation of nanofluids
designed water jacket used for measuring low viscosity.
Mix certain quality of nano-TiO2, which should be Place the whole No. 0 rotor system within glass insula-
accurately weighed with an analytical balance with tion sleeves, whose temperature is controlled by the circu-
accuracy of 0.1 mg, in a beaker with corresponding latory system of DC-2006 low-temperature thermostatic
amount of DIW, then the mixture was stirred for 2 h. bath produced by Ningbo Xinzhi Biotechnology Co.,
After that, ultrasonically mixed for 1 h, thus to make Ltd, with the temperature control range being 20C–
TiO2-DIW nanofluids with different mass fractions 100C, and the temperature fluctuations being 6 0.05C.
(0.10, 0.50, 0.99, 1.96, and 3.85 wt%), which are 0.03, Under these conditions, the viscosity of the nanofluids
0.13, 0.26, 0.51, and 1.02 vol% in volume fraction. with different mass fractions of hydrophilic-lipophilic
Equation (1) is the conversion formula of mass fraction and hydrophilic nano-TiO2 and DIW was measured at
and volume fraction 283.15, 293.15 and 303.15 K, respectively.
um r f The figure of the experimental device is shown as
u= ð1Þ Figure 1.
um rf + ð1  um Þrp

where u is the volume percentage of nano-TiO2 in the

nanofluids, um is the weight percentage of nano-TiO2 in Experimental result
the nanofluids, rf is the density of base fluid, 1.0 g/cm3, All viscosity results reported in this article are average
and rp is the density of nanoparticles, 3.9 g/cm3. values from at least five measurements.

Viscosity measurement of nanofluids

Effect of temperature on the viscosity of TiO2-DIW
This experiment uses the NDJ-5S-type rotational visc-
ometer produced by Shanghai Changji Geological
Instrument Co., Ltd. The rotor of the viscometer is dri- Figure 2 shows the effects of temperature on the viscos-
ven by the motor through the electron speed variation ity of TiO2-DIW nanofluids. Figure 2(a) is hydrophilic-
to make constant speed rotation. When the rotor lipophilic nano-TiO2, and Figure 2(b) is hydrophilic
rotates in some kind of liquid, there will be a viscous nano-TiO2.
torque produced to act on the rotor. The more the visc- It can be seen from Figure 2 that the viscosity of
osity is, the greater the viscous torque will be; and the nanofluids decreases with the increase in the tempera-
less the viscosity, the weaker the viscous torque. This ture, which is identical to the results from many
viscous torque acting on the rotor is detected by sen- researchers. Meantime, Figure 2 also shows that with
sors, and after computer processing, the viscosity of the the same concentration, the decreasing speed of the
liquid can be obtained. viscosity is getting slower when the temperature gets
Considering that the viscosity of the liquid to be higher. Take hydrophilic-lipophilic TiO2-DIW nano-
tested is relatively low, adaptive No. 0 rotor with a low fluids as an example, with the mass fraction being
viscosity is adopted, with the speed of the rotor being 3.85 wt%, when the temperature increases from 283.15
60 r/min and the range of the measuring viscometer to 293.15 K, the viscosity of the nanofluids will reduce
being 10 mPa s. During the measurement, No. 0 rotor by 25%, and when the temperature increases from
Zhang and Han 3


280 285 290 295 300 305 280 285 290 295 3002.0 305
Temperature/K Temperature/K
(a) (b)

The Mass Fraction of Nano-TiO2-0.00% (wt.%)

The Mass Fraction of Nano-TiO2-0.10% (wt.%)
The Mass Fraction of Nano-TiO2-0.50% (wt.%)
The Mass Fraction of Nano-TiO2-0.99% (wt.%)
The Mass Fraction of Nano-TiO2-1.96% (wt.%)
The Mass Fraction of Nano-TiO2-3.85% (wt.%)

Figure 2. Viscosity of TiO2-DIW nanofluids as a function of the temperature: (a) hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2 and (b)
hydrophilic nano-TiO2. j represents the mass fraction of nano-TiO2-0.00% (wt%),  represents the mass fraction of nano-TiO2-
0.10% (wt%), N represents the mass fraction of nano-TiO2-0.50% (wt%), H represents the mass fraction of nano-TiO2-0.99% (wt%),
¤ represents the mass fraction of nano-TiO2-1.96% (wt%), J represents the mass fraction of nano-TiO2-3.85% (wt%).

Table 1. Fitted value of the parameters in equation (2) for the viscosity of nanofluids.

Nanoparticles type and 0.00 0.03 0.13 0.26 0.51 1.02

volume percentage

Hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2 A 8.05 3 1014 6.24 3 1014 2.57 3 1014 9.13 3 1013 7.75 3 1012 5.65 3 108
B 0.12739 0.12627 0.12286 0.11907 0.11023 0.07566
Hydrophilic nano-TiO2 A 8.05 3 1014 2.86 3 1014 2.27 3 1014 6.80 3 1012 2.77 3 109 719.5462
B 0.12739 0.12342 0.12215 0.10966 0.08147 0.02536

293.15 to 303.15 K, the viscosity of the nanofluids will volume percentage of nanoparticles. Equations (3) and
reduce by 13%. (4) represent the relation expression of the changing
After fitting the experimental data, it can be found rule of parameters A and B of the nanofluids; equation
out that the change rules of the viscosity of the nano- (3) is the nanofluid of DIW and hydrophilic-lipophilic
fluids conform to equation (2) put forward by nano-TiO2, and equation (4) is the nanofluid of DIW
Namburu et al.50 and others, and the correlation coeffi- and hydrophilic nano-TiO2
cient R2 of the fitting equation is above 0.9. The fitted
value of the parameters A and B in the equation is A = 1 3 107 ðuÞ2  5 3 106 ðuÞ + 208902
shown in Table 1
R2 = 0:9865
Logðmnf Þ = AeBT ð2Þ B =  0:308ðuÞ2  0:0184ðuÞ + 0:1267
R2 = 0:9985
where mnf is the viscosity of the nanofluids, mPa S; T is
temperature in Kelvin, K; A, B is function of u, the
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Viscosity of TiO2-DIW nanofluids as a function of the mass fraction of nano-TiO2 at 283.15, 293.15, 303.15 K,
respectively: (a) hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2 and (b) hydrophilic nano-TiO2.

A = 1240ðuÞ2  598:59ðuÞ + 31:823 hydrophilicity of nanoparticles in equation (2) has

R = 0:9863 influence on both of parameters A and B.
B =  0:0294ðuÞ2  0:0717ðuÞ + 0:1282
R2 = 0:9956 Effect of mass concentration on the viscosity of TiO2-
DIW nanofluids
where u is the volume percentage of nano-TiO2 in the
Figure 3 shows the effect of nano-TiO2 mass fraction
on viscosity of the TiO2-DIW nanofluids at 283.15,
It can be seen from equations (3) and (4) that the
values of A and B are definite values when the concen- 293.15, and 303.15 K, respectively.
tration of the nanofluids is certain. Under the concen- It can be seen from Figure 3 that the viscosity of the
tration of the nanofluids in this article, since the nanofluids increased with the increasing mass fraction
maximum value of the volume percentage u is 0.0102 of nanoparticles, and the increasing speed of the viscos-
(1.02%), the maximum value of its squared value u2 is ity increased with the increasing mass fraction. With
10–4. So, the sign symbols of A in equations (3) and (4) regard to the relationship between viscosity and nano-
depend on the sign symbol of the constant term, which particles concentration, Einstein51 first proposed equa-
means the values of A in equations (3) and (4) are both tion (6). After that, constant amendments were made
above 0. Similarly, the sign symbols of B in equations by Batchelor,52 Lundgren,53 Bicerano et al.,54 and Pak
(3) and (4) also depend on the sign symbol of the con- and Cho55 on basis of equation (6), that’s when equa-
stant term, both being above 0. tions (7)–(10) were obtained. When our experimental
By deriving equation (2), the derivative mnf of the data are fitted with these equations, it can be found out
viscosity m0nf can be obtained (equation (5)). From that the experiment result conforms to equation (9),
equation (5), it can be seen that for nanofluids with cer- and the correlation coefficient R2 of the fitting equation
tain concentration, the values of A and B are constant is above 0.9. The fitting values of parameters h and kH
and with the same sign symbol. The derivative of visc- are shown in Table 2
osity to temperature is under zero, and the viscosity mnf
decreases with the increase in the temperature = 1 + 2:5u ð6Þ
m0nf = 10Ae
3 AeBT 3 ln10 3 ðBÞ ð5Þ 
mnf = mf 1 + 2:5u + 6:5u2 ð7Þ
It can be seen from Table 1 that the values of A and  
25 2 3

B of hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2 are far bigger mnf = mf 1 + 2:5u + u + f u ð8Þ
than that of the hydrophilic nano-TiO2, and the differ-

ence of these two is getting bigger when the concentra- mnf = mf 1 + hu + kH u2 ð9Þ
tion gets larger. So, it can be concluded that the
Zhang and Han 5

Table 2. Fitted values of parameters in equation (9) for lipophilic TiO2-DIW nanofluids, and this trend is
viscosity of nanofluids. increasing with the increase in the mass fraction.
Temperature (K) 283.15 293.15 303.15
Hydrophilic-lipophilic h 0.24525 0.16047 0.00246
nano-TiO2 kH 0.00893 0.04141 0.19454 Influence of temperature on the viscosity of TiO2-
R2 0.94283 0.98785 0.99296 DIW nanofluids
Hydrophilic h 0.38503 0.21078 0.10491
nano-TiO2 kH 0.87131 1.01885 1.08818 With the increase in the temperature, the Brownian
R2 0.96437 0.97191 0.97119 movement of nanofluids gets stronger; the Brown velo-
city increases; the average speed of each single molecule
increases; the contact time of the particles in the nano-
 fluids decreases; and the time of interaction reduces
mnf = mf 1 + 39:11u + 533:9u2 ð10Þ
too; meanwhile, as the Brownian movement intensifies,
where mnf is the viscosity of nanofluids, mPa s; mf is the the distance between molecules increases, resulting in
viscosity of base fluid, mPa s; h is the Virial coefficient; less attraction between molecules. However, the adhe-
kH is the Huggins coefficient; and u is the volume per- sive power between the particles and molecules and the
centage of nano-TiO2 in the nanofluids, vol%. interaction between nanoparticles-molecules and
The Huggins coefficient is the parameter to charac- molecules-molecules decrease with the increase in the
terize the interaction between the polymer and the sol- temperature, that’s why the viscosity of the nanofluids
vent; Virial coefficient means the internal interaction of decreases with the increase in the temperature. Besides,
the particles. They are related to the shear behavior and under relatively high temperature, the energy of the
used to describe the properties of the particles them- molecules gets more and the distance among molecules
selves. Both of Huggins coefficient and Virial coeffi- gets larger, resulting in a relatively smaller influence of
cient are functions of the temperature. molecules on each other. Thus, the changing velocity of
It can be found from Table 2 that under the same the viscosity is larger.
temperature, the values of h and kH of hydrophilic
nano-TiO2 are both larger than that of hydrophilic-
Influence of the concentration of the nanofluids on
lipophilic nano-TiO2, so the shear force among the
hydrophilic nano-TiO2 particles and its interaction with the viscosity of TiO2-DIW nanofluids
the DIW are both larger than that of the hydrophilic- Due to the attraction of van der Waals force existed
lipophilic nano-TiO2 particles. Therefore, it can be con- among the particles of nanofluids, the nanoparticles
sidered that the relative sliding among hydrophilic- are inclined to gather to form aggregate in nanofluids,
lipophilic nano-TiO2 particles is relatively weaker than and when the mass fraction of the nanoparticles in the
that of the hydrophilic nano-TiO2 particles. Besides, nanofluids increase, the quantity of the nanoparticles
compared with hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2, will increase too, thus the nanoparticles more easily
hydrophilic nano-TiO2 can more easily agglomerate, form bigger aggregate in the nanofluids; meantime,
and its dispersity in DIW is relatively weaker, which because of the increase in the quantity of the nanoparti-
might be greatly related to its larger Virial coefficient. cles, the average distance between particles is reduced
However, the interaction of hydrophilic nano-TiO2 with and the interaction between particles increases, which
DIW is larger than that of the hydrophilic-lipophilic not only increase the shear stress within the nanofluids
nano-TiO2, and the water accepting layer on the surface but also increase the resistance for flowing, thus more
of hydrophilic nano-TiO2 is thicker than that of the power and activation energy are needed to disperse it.
hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2. So, the viscosity of nanofluids increases with the
increase in the concentration of the nanoparticles.
Effect of the hydrophilicity of the nanoparticles on
the viscosity of TiO2-DIW nanofluids Influence of the hydrophilicity of the nanoparticles on
For comparison, the data in Figure 3 are re-prepared the viscosity of TiO2-DIW nanofluids
into Figure 4, in which it shows the comparison figure The absorbed water layer can be formed around the
of the viscosity of hydrophilic nano-TiO2 and nanoparticles in nanofluids, which increases the equiva-
hydrophilic-lipophilic nano-TiO2 under different lent radius of nanoparticles. Higher interfacial resis-
temperatures. tance will form for higher surface area, which will
From Figure 4, it can be seen that under the same hinder the mobility of the nanoparticles in base fluid,
temperature, the viscosity of hydrophilic TiO2-DIW causing the increase in the viscosity. Hydrophilic nano-
nanofluids is always larger than that of hydrophilic- TiO2 more easily form absorbed water layer with the
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

(a) (b)


Figure 4. Effect of surface modification of nano-TiO2 on the viscosity: (a) 303.15, (b) 313.15, and (c) 323.15 K.

surrounding mediums than hydrophilic-lipophilic nanofluids increases with the increasing mass frac-
nano-TiO2, with the layer being thicker, which results tion of nanoparticles.
in a higher viscosity of the hydrophilic TiO2-DIW Finally, the important one and the innovation of this
nanofluids compared with hydrophilic-lipophilic TiO2- article is the following. The thickness of the absorbed
DIW nanofluids. water layer formed around the nanoparticles with
different surface hydrophilicity is different. The
hydrophilic nanoparticles are easier to form the
Conclusion water-absorbing layer than the hydrophobic nano-
particles, and the water-absorbing layer is thicker.
In summary, we can conclude as follows: Therefore, the viscosity of nanofluids formed by the
hydrophilic nanoparticles is greater than that formed
First, the increasing temperature makes the by the hydrophobic nanoparticles.
Brownian motion of the nanofluid become more
intense, so the viscosity of the nanofluid decreases
with increasing temperature. Declaration of conflicting interests
Second, the van der Waals attractive force of the The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
nanofluid particles increases with the increasing mass respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
fraction of nanoparticles, so the viscosity of article.
Zhang and Han 7

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