Talking With Children Unit - Elementary-2
Talking With Children Unit - Elementary-2
Talking With Children Unit - Elementary-2
A. Warmer
Discuss the question in small groups. Use the mind map below to
help you brainstorm ideas.
can help
B. Vocabulary
Write the correct words from the wordpool to match the definitions
below. Then, find and highlight them in the article to read them in
half hurtful negative proud twice
C. Language Skills
1. After the basketball game, the parents told their children how
_____________ they were.
2. It is a very serious issue when people ____________ children.
3. Can you please cut the sandwich in ____________?
4. The cost of eggs has gone up again. It's ____________ what it
5. Alcohol and ____________ can hurt people's health.
6. Saying ___________ things to children can affect them their
whole lives.
Listening Activity | Home Assignment on Moodle
Shouting at Children
3. One study included 20,556 people living in the UK. People who
experienced verbal abuse were almost twice as likely (19.9 per cent)
to use cannabis as people who did not experience verbal abuse
(10.8 per cent). They had almost double the chance of going to jail
(4.4 per cent). One recent UK survey of 1,000 11- to 17-year-olds
found 41 per cent said that adults often used hurtful words. 51 per
cent said this happened weekly, and one in 10 said daily. Children
said the most hurtful words were, “you’re useless,” “you’re stupid,”
and “you can’t do anything right.” The most positive things were “I
am proud of you,” “you can do it,” and “I believe in you.”
4. Professor Peter Fonagy said that children believe what adults say.
So, if we use words to abuse instead of teaching, this can hurt
children’s health and keep them from being full members of their
community. He added that verbal abuse seriously affects children. It
can cause problems with their bodies and minds. They are also
more likely to have abuse later in their lives or repeat the abuse
with others, even with their own children. It is a vicious cycle.
experienced sexual abuse and the 22 per cent who experienced
physical abuse. A study in the US found that 55 per cent of older
school students were abused verbally at home. Dube said that
childhood verbal abuse is hard to stop ___________ few adults
understand that it is a common problem and that parents need to
start speaking more positively to their children because their words
b. 51% said it happened monthly.
c. 10% said it happened daily.
9. The word they in ¶4 refers to __________.
10. According to Professor Peter Fonagy, parents can easily
convince their children because:
a. Parents believe their children.
b. Children believe the community.
c. Children believe their parents.
d. Parents convince their children.
11. What is a vicious cycle?
12. Which connector best fits the blank in ¶5?
a. Although
b. Such as
c. Because
d. For example
13. Circle the correct words according to the information in
paragraph 4.
More / Less than half of older school students are abused verbally
at home.
Key Language
Read the word pairs. Choose whether they are synonyms ( מילים
)נרדפותor antonyms ()מילים הפוכות
Choose five of the words above and write sentences using them.
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
What can you do to change negative behavior?
According to experts …
One example is …
A way to do / show this is …
Another idea is …
I think (that) …
I want to understand why …
From my experience / perspective, …
I agree / disagree with …